#buggy audio
fanaticsnail · 7 months
Fic Inspo: UntitledAI's Buggy Audio
Video source: TikTok UntitledAI link here
Buggy simps and stans: stop what you're doing and listen. If you've got TikTok accounts: click the link and give the original creator some love!!
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crow-person · 3 months
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2 of them want buggy dead the other wants to honk his stoopid red nose <3
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crystallizedtwilight · 2 months
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5thfiddlergirl · 5 months
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She would 100% do this
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dxc-95 · 3 months
Buggy: Oh my god, you're trans? Yaas king! You are so valid! Crocodile: ... I think I'd just rather you call me a slur. source (c) https://www.instagram.com/p/C1ZlmPIqpdF/
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running-out-of-fandom · 9 months
God, I'm cringe.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 days
"No Straight Roads X Rhythm Heaven - BOSS RUSH Custom remix pack | Heaven studio"
So, it looks like someone beat me to getting all the songs remade in Heaven Studio XP, but I still think it's cool to see someone else's take on it~ (The thumbnail art goes so hard~)
And with Heaven Studio sniped off the web, and thus probably putting a halt on updates for the foreseeable future, I probably won't be finishing my mixes anytime soon since they depended on games that weren't implemented yet.
So, if I ever want to finish my own project, I'm probably gonna have to suck it up and swap out more of the games.
*sigh* Vs. 1010 just isn't gonna be the same without Freeze Frame...
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buggysmain · 6 months
I’d write a fic to this if I knew how to write 😭
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sketchyspudley · 8 months
dunno what i want to draw so have a lipsync test instead
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grandmother-goblin · 2 months
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My memory might be a little shoddy, but I don't remember Wyll having the "it's a seller's market now" line before?
I can't tell if this is new dialogue, or if something happened earlier in this playthrough that changed the dialogue (I'm 99% sure Orakith passed that Intimidation check to free Wyll from the pact back when Mizora requested her rescue back at camp -- so I'm pretty sure Mizora already agreed to sever the pact prior to this?)
So either this is a bit of new dialogue, or this is just what happens when you don't pass that Insight check to negotiate Wyll out of his pact the fist time. I'm not sure.
Either way, I like this version better than the one I usually get because I like the Wyll takes more control of the situation!
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spacedustmantis · 2 months
the only reason i'd ever go on t is so that my voice can sound all deep and masculine. literally that's it
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meownotgood · 4 months
I was up until 5 am beating baldur's gate 3 I think my brain is running on slow mode
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galedekarios · 9 months
Yeah I personally got the same bug during the stargazing scene over the weekend and looked into it and a lot of people have got the same thing. I was at exceptional/non-romance so yeah made no sense so instantly reported. This patch is pretty buggy so def get reporting.
yeah, it really is. i submitted a bug report, too. i hope it gets fixed soon and they'll just leave the approval alone. like i said, i think there are far worse problem right now to focus on, but...
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simple-persica · 8 months
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I’m being possessed
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running-out-of-fandom · 9 months
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martyrbat · 11 months
so heartbroken that my phone updated and my accessibility features arent working as well as they used to despite being built in features. reduce motion/blur makes my phone crash entirely and the screen reader lags so much suddenly :((
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