#bug-eyed joel..
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tubbytarchia · 1 year ago
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AND THE UNDERDOG YURI TAKES THE WIN WOOOOO ok but that was fun lol, all the ships are super neat and I really didn't expect GemPearl to win but good job guys!?
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pedge-page · 8 months ago
How do you think Joel would react to Sarah just randomly going up to him and hitting him out of the blue then runs away?
Joel Dealing With Sarah : Slap Around and Find Out
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Joel would be taking a half nap, laid out on the couch and keeping one eye open checking on Sarah.  She's sitting in her diaper on the carpet putting colorful blocks into shaped containers. Each time it makes a satisfactory ka-thunk, she puts her hands together and claps once (it's a big deal for her to make solid contact with flesh, ok?)
He grins and closes his eyes again, nesting his head against the worn armrest.
Sarah peers behind her at her "sleeping" daddy. With a mischievous grin, she forces herself to her knees, then crawls up hand by hand into a downward dog before balancing up to a stand.
As quietly as possible, she waddles over to the side of the couch.
Through very slitted eyes, Joel can still see her eying him curiously, but she can't tell he's still awake.
He remains motionless, curious what she's gonna do. Maybe just play with the fabric of his shirt. Or study the changing colors of his beard. Her little chunky arm stretches high in the air, way behind her. He's so tempted to say biiiiig streeeetch in that sing song voice you always do when sue put her arms up after unwrapping in her baby swaddle...
Like a loaded spring, he is caught blindsided when a fat tiny palm whips down with a loud SLAP on his cheek.
His eyes shoot open and he winces in pain.
Like a torpedo, Sarah runs out the room screaming and smiling, her fat footsteps pattering off the hardwood floors.
A sharp sting still reverberate in his face. Yhe whiplash has him in shock for a few moments, before he's barreling up and running after her.
She laughs manically, but even despite her head start, Joel gains on her in 4 long, heavy strides.
Her ankles are snatched from below, hoisted into the air. With deafening squeals, Sarah watches at the world of the living room and kitchen and dad's feet are passing as she dangles helplessly upside down.
Little bug is having the time of her life swinging upside down and giggling, all fun being caught by grumpy daddy.... until he's slamming down the giant metal pot on the stove with one hand and dipping Sarah into the dark basin with the other.
Her once laughable squeals quickly turn to screeching of terror.
It's always a toss of the coin when opening the door coming home after work.
Today, you can only faintly hear Joel whistling some of his favorite 80s rock under your baby's horrified screaming and crying coming from the kitchen.
You rush over, wondering why Joel is so deaf and can't hear Sarah who's probably got herself stuck somewhere crying for help. But when you tumble towards the kitchen, Sarah is sitting in a pot on the cold stove, fat tears and pleading eyes making contact with you. She errupts into a raucous of high pitched shrieks, her face puffy red and scrunched up. She can barely huff in a breath before screeching again. All the while your husband--your very very very nonchalant husband Joel just goes about his business as if prepping the thanksgiving turkey. Eerily calm, and uncharacteristically chipper. As if he's also simmering into madness ready to blow. Holding the pot lid with one hand, he whistles without a care, his other hand pretending to dap salt (his thumb conveniently covering the holes) over top Sarah's noggin.
She shrinks in under her shoulders as if being seasoned and squeals louder.
"We're having Sarah Stew tonight baby," he hums while smiling at you.
Sarah definitely does not like the sound of Sarah Stew, inhaling once with wide eyes and screaming at the top of her lungs she vigorously shakes her head nonononono. She's so red she might combust.
While Sarah deals with her end of life turmoil being turned into a baby stew, you notice the actual dinner of Mac and cheese with broccoli next to him, all wrapped up and just needing microwaved. Safe to assume he'd been cooking around her for the last 15 minutes and adding some "seasoning" here and there and pretending to turn turn knobs as if she's the main course. He even has her fake kiddie plastic toy vegetables sitting in there with her to really sell the whole thing.
You walk over and bend so Sarah's swollen eyes are level with you.
"Sarah... did you hit daddy again?"
She quickly shakes her head, sniffling and hiccuping through her tears.
Joel tsks and begins clanking his sheethed knife and it's sharpener behind you.
Sarah screams again, her whole body  trembling from thick cries.
You stomp Joel's foot and send a balled fist back at his crotch. He lets out a pained gasp and hunches away into the sink to catch his breath. You smile and soften at your poor traumatized baby sitting in her big pot, whos too teary eyed to see what happened to Daddy. "Ok well you sitting in the pot certainly LOOKs like you hit daddy."
She hiccups again, casting down sadly as her bitty fists wipe away at her swollen eyes.
You out reach and scoop her up from under her arms and out of the pot, cradling her close to your chest.
"Its ok baby, Daddy wasn't going to cook you," you coo, rubbing her baxk gently as she buries her face into your neck.
With your free hand, you slap the ever loving shit out of Joels arm, whisper shouting ans mouthing angrily: "SHE" -smack-"DOESNT" -smack- "KNOW" -smack- "BETTER," -smack- "SHES" -smack- "ONLY" -smack- "ONE!"smacksmacksmack
Joel equally, but morw softly, jabs a finger at your boob with each contact and whispers
"THIS" -poke- "IS" -poke- "WHERE" -poke- "SHE" -poke- "GETS" -poke- "IT" -poke- "FROM!"
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@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop @himboelover @callsignwidow
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joelswritingmistress · 11 months ago
Camp Crystal Lake: Chapter 1
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Requested by @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz
Joel Miller x f!reader (romance/horror)
Setting: Camp Crystal Lake
The reader is taking on the position of a camp counselor at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. While she begins to enjoy her summer, even crushing on the camp director Joel, a killer lurks in the woods unbeknownst to anyone. 
Every town in North America has a ghost story. Some are well kept secrets, and others are so notorious that the sins of those tales have spread far and wide, to every dark corner of the earth. Crystal Lake was a sterling example of such a place. It had a typical sounding name, really, for a fresh body of water in the middle of the New England woods. But the stories surrounding the area were anything but typical.
As a young child, I remember hearing his name being said on the playgrounds at school. Jason. It didn’t take me long to insert myself into conversations in an attempt to hear the details of whatever version of the story the older kids were spreading. Back then it didn’t matter if they were fact or fiction. I stayed up late, wide eyed staring at every dark corner of my bedroom after hearing tales of Jason Voorhees. Now, at 22 years old and about to enter the summer as a counselor at Camp Crystal Lake, those distant, childish memories made me grin; though when my rusty, Jeep Wrangler bounced down the uneven road past the wooden Camp Crystal Lake sign, the hairs rose just a bit on the back of my neck.
“I thought you outgrew superstition,” I said quietly to myself as a song ended on my playlist, leaving me in a few extra seconds of silence to take in the wooded surroundings.
Jason Voorhees. The name still creeped everyone out. Yes, there had been a tragedy that happened decades earlier. Jason Voorhees was real; but after several attacks on counselors and residents alike, a boy named Tommy Jarvis managed to put Jason to rest permanently.
I shuddered and reminded myself that that was decades ago. I wasn’t even alive when it all happened. And this new camp wasn’t anywhere near the original location of the attacks on that Friday the 13th back in the 80’s.
I saw a pale yellow VW Bug parked up ahead next to a blue Ford pickup truck. On the opposite side of the truck was a Bronco with about as much rust as my Jeep. I began to wonder what my coworkers would be like. Would they be my age? Younger? Older? Local? I was about to find out.
I parked in the clearing beside the VW and stared out at the lake a few hundred yards away. There was a small beach with a towering, white lifeguard stand in the center and a wooden raft floating too not far from the patch of sand. If nothing else, it would be a great summer gig with a view. The campers wouldn’t be here for several weeks and I knew getting the place ready would call for some physical labor. I never minded hands-on work, and I was sure it would give us all time to bond.
When I exited the vehicle, a breeze hit me from the water and I shuddered, despite the temperatures nearing eighty degrees on the late June afternoon. My eyes scanned the trees on all sides and I suddenly wondered where everyone was. I let farfetched ‘what-ifs’ filter through my mind for a second before smirking to myself.
Grow up, I scolded myself lightheartedly. The imaginative part of me still enjoyed the folklore, no matter how juvenile it felt.
I popped open the back of the Jeep and reached in to grab my suitcase, an oversized gym bag and a backpack that housed the majority of my clothes. I had a few stray boxes with makeup and hair products, among other toiletries, though I decided I’d come back for them later.
Again, I took in my surroundings. For some reason I half-expected to see a group of young people out-and-about in the immediate area upon arrival. The silence was beginning to hit my psyche harder than I’d like to admit, and so I stared up at an oversized cabin with wooden paneling and headed in that direction.
A hammock swung empty on a giant front porch that was littered with chairs and small tables in between. Above them hung metal lighting fixtures, some of which were swinging in the summer breeze.
And then I heard a sound I could only compare to clicking. It was like a clock, almost. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
I set my suitcase down near the bottom step and shrugged the gym bag off my shoulder so it rested beside it, leaving my backpack on. And then I followed the sound.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
What is that?
I swallowed hard as the noise grew louder. It stopped for a second and then there was a louder noise. A faint bang. And then a pause. Another bang.
What the hell is that?
I rounded the side of the two-story cabin and peeked my head around to see if I could get a glimpse of whatever, or whoever, was responsible for the sound. Visions of Jason Voorhees and his menacing hockey mask left my mind immediately when the truth revealed itself.
A muscular man in a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows swung an ax, connecting with a giant log of wood. It split into two, sending little shards flying into the air. He wiped his forehead with his arm and then reached for another.
I wasn’t sure if I should tiptoe back to the front porch or interrupt him, but my mind was made up by default when he slowly turned in my direction. When he smiled beneath a mustache, I blushed and glanced at the open area of his chest where a few buttons were undone.
“Hello.” He gave a wave and wiped sweat off his forehead again before removing a pair of work gloves.
I raised my hand and swallowed hard. “Hi.”
The man approached and extended an arm in my direction. I stared down at his hand for a second before joining mine to his in a handshake. Our eyes met and I felt my eyebrows raise unwillingly.
“I’m Joel Miller,” he introduced himself, slightly out of breath. “I did the phone interview with you back in March and a second one in April. (Y/N), right?”
“Yeah.” I nodded and cleared my throat with a smile.
“I’m the camp director,” he informed me with a nod.
“Nice to meet you.” My hand was still in his and finally they parted.
Joel nodded in agreement. “I’m just finishing up here. I think we have one more person to arrive today before the rest come in the middle of the week. You can get yourself settled in whatever room is still available and I’ll be in in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” I nodded, “Thank you.”
“Thank you.”
When he smiled again I might as well have turned to stone. Who knew my boss for the summer would be such a.. hunk.
Well shit. It’s thirty seconds into the summer and I’m already crushing on my boss. I added, what a lovely predicament.
@cattt777 @gissellec1
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cowgurrrl · 10 months ago
Okayyy bear with me, this for our OFTM! What about a celeb who meets actress!reader at some awards or something or they’ve worked together and the pictures turn out so gorgeous and he uploads it with some cheesy lovey dovey caption and it kinda sets Joel off with jealousy and a bigggg green eyed monster. It doesn’t help that Tommy, Ellie, and Sarah start pulling his leg in their fam group chat saying oh wow look at mom with him or something and y’know tommy would pull his leg more to get a reaction out of Joel. And Joel is just alternating between fighting for his life in the chat and fighting for his wife with actress!reader and just comedy and fluffiness????
(also I have one more inspo that I dreamt of sending you in the next one)
OOOOOHHHH LOVE THIS I haven’t played around with jealous joel in SUCH A LONG TIME also I know you weren’t necessary referring them but I immediately thought of Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac because I MEAN
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Wildflower & Barley
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: ✨multi-media✨, jealousy, life stuff, literally just them being the sweetest couple
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You sigh as you read the text. Joel is normally very comfortable in your relationship, unshaken by the various actors and actresses who’ve played your love interests and partners on screen. He shrugs off silly press comments, sits through love scenes remarkably well, and even goes as far as congratulating your costar on a job well done. “Not that it’s hard to pretend to be in love with her,” he said when asked about it in a red carpet interview a few years ago. But, once in a blue moon, he gets jealous and a little insecure. You figure Spencer’s post didn’t help with the little green monster sitting on his shoulder the past few months. 
With all your littles in school now, you’re extremely busy. You’re constantly running around from baseball practices, PTA meetings, recitals, doctor’s appointments, birthday parties, and more. Not to mention making time for all the Miller-Hernandez-Caradonna-Pierce grandkids, Isaac, Cecilia, and JJ. Joel’s working on a new album and getting his record label up and running while you’re not only directing and co-producing a smaller film while acting in a different one and getting ready to go on a (limited) press tour. You and Joel haven’t had the most time to catch up, and it feels like you’re passing ships. It’s temporary. You know it is, but it doesn’t feel good to see your costars more than you get to see your husband. You’re almost positive Joel’s jealousy stems from that. 
“Hey, you ready to get back to it?” Your co-producer, Ava, asks, jolting you out of your thoughts, and you nod. 
“Let’s do it.” You say as you tuck your phone into your back pocket. The day goes relatively smoothly with only one broken prop and an impromptu refresher session with one of your actors and the armorer. You make it a point to end the day early so you can get home and talk to Joel before one of you can fall asleep on the couch (a bad habit you’ve both developed recently), and thank god you did. 
The second you open the door, you can smell the delicious dinner Joel is making in the kitchen and hear the music he’s blasting through the Alexa. “Mom!” Sammy yells as he and the girls run over in a flurry of overlapping stories and demands for hugs and kisses. Even though Sam is nine now and on the cusp of thinking he’s too cool for his parents, he’s still your little love bug. 
“Mommy, will you come draw with me?” Violet asks and you smile as you tuck a curl behind her ear.
“Of course, baby. Can I go say hi to Daddy first?” 
“Fine but hurry!” Violet whines, making you laugh. You hang up your purse by the front door and toe off your shoes, already feeling better with your heels off, and pad into the kitchen. Joel is wearing the apron you got him for Christmas last year that says “Caution: Hot Dad” and made the older girls groan in embarrassment. You laugh when you see it on him, and he quickly turns down the Bee Gees to hear you. 
“You’re home early.” He says as he leans down to peck your lips and wrap an arm around your waist. You chase his lips and kiss him again before pulling away to look at him.
“Wanted to catch you before bedtime,” you say, and he hums. “Plus, we’re making good time on production. We can afford to cut a little early.”
“Well, I‘m glad you did.” He says. You can hear the kids in the other room playing loudly and you know Violet is gonna burst in any moment and order you to draw with her so you savor the semi-private moment with him.
“Are we okay?” You ask quietly and he takes a deep breath. 
“We’re okay.” 
“It’s okay if we’re not.” 
“Baby,” he soothes, slipping a hand in your back pocket. “We’re okay, I promise. I just… had a moment.” 
“It’s fine to have a moment. I don’t want you to keep that from me just because we’re busy,” you say. “You don’t actually think I’d trade you in for someone else or whatever the fuck Tommy said, right?” He sighs and you raise your eyebrows at him.
“Just… please tell me this isn’t like a Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing.” He says. You would laugh if he didn’t seem as upset as he does just because of how bizarre the idea is. How could anyone ever compare to him? How could he even think that you’d leave him like that?
“This isn’t a Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing. Not even close to it. Spencer has been married to his wife longer than we’ve been married and they’re solid. I promise, he just posted that to get people excited about the movie.”
“You’re not wearing your ring in the picture.” He says. You pull the chain hiding under your collar out and show him.
“I was. You just couldn’t see it.” 
“How long have you had that?” 
“Since we got engaged. You’ve definitely seen it before.” You say, laughing a little at the surprised look on his face. 
“Yeah, but I didn’t know that’s why you wore it. I thought you got it as a wrap gift or somethin’.” He defends. It makes sense why he wouldn’t know. You only take the necklace off when it can’t be hidden under the costume, and even then, it’s normally tucked into your pocket or, at the very least, hidden safely in your trailer. It’s a part of your routine to put your ring back on at the end of a shooting day or between breaks to help you transition back into your real life, which means Joel only sees it after it’s returned to its rightful spot. Even the few times he’s been on set filming something with you, you’ve been so busy that he didn’t have time to notice it. 
“Good to know I can still surprise you all these years later,” you say. He only looks a little embarrassed when he reaches around you to turn off the stove. The kids are, thankfully, still occupied, and you take the opportunity before it can slip away. “Joel, I adore you. I am still as helplessly in love with you as I was when we were in New York for the first time. There isn’t anybody else for me, okay? It’s you. It’s always gonna be you. So you don’t need to worry about costars or living Brangelina or whatever because you are it for me.” He works at his jaw as he processes your words, and you wait. Joel’s mind has always been an elusive one, so you like watching his gears turn. 
“Okay,” he mumbles finally. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. You just have to tell me when you’re feeling this way,” you say, kissing his jaw. “Besides, if you’d said something earlier, I would’ve been able to tell you that you’re a much better kisser than Spencer.”
“I was just gettin’ over the post, and now I have to watch y’all kiss?!” He groans dramatically, and you laugh. 
“You’re the one who married an actor.” 
“And I’d do it again.” He says as he kisses you, crowding your space so you’re stuck between him and the counter. It’s broken between giggles and kitchen timers beeping but it isn’t until Violet tugs at your shirt do you fully break away from Joel.
“Mommy, you said you would come draw with me.” She pouts, and you immediately drop down to her level.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I did say that. Daddy just had a hard day so I was trying to cheer him up. I can come draw with you now.” You explain, and she gasps, looking between you and Joel.
“Daddy!” She exclaims, putting her hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you tell me you were having a bad day?” 
“Because it’s not your job to fix Daddy’s day.” 
“But I want to! Can I give you a kiss?”
“I wanna give Daddy a kiss!” Sophia runs in, launching herself into Joel’s arms. He scoops both girls up and kiss his cheeks simultaneously, making you both laugh. 
“Thank you, girls. You always make me feel better.” He says, and they giggle.
“What about Mom?” Sam asks. He’s too big and too tall for you to pick him up anymore, but he snuggles perfectly under your arm and squeezes you tight. 
“You’re so sweet, honey. Thank you.” You say, kissing his head. 
“Are you better now?”
“So much better.” 
“Daddy, are you better?” Violet asks. Joel meets your eyes over the heads of the kids and smiles. It’s sweet and just for you, and you can’t help but smile back. 
“I’m perfect.”
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joelalorian · 2 months ago
Wonder in Winterland - Part III
Hallmark!Joel x f!reader | wc: 4764 | masterlist
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Series Summary: You, a city girl on a cross-country road trip a week before Christmas, find yourself stranded in a whimsical Christmas town. You soon discover there is more to life than big city dreams. Based on the Hallmark movie Love You Like Christmas.
Warnings: None (although the rest of this blog is 18+ mdni). This is utter fluff and whimsy, with a occasional foul language and lots of banter in the AU style of a Hallmark Christmas movie. Matchmaker!Sarah. Limited descriptions of reader and no use of y/n. Enjoy it with a cuppa hot cocoa and a warm blankie. Will post on Sundays throughout December.
Series Masterlist
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Part III
True to his word, Joel and Sarah arrived at eight o’clock, sharp, with a truck bed full of firewood and a bag of breakfast sandwiches from Tess’s. Maria and Tommy had their hands full, the inn going from you as their only guest to every room being filled up by a large family. You were thrilled to see your newfound friends busy, happily catering to the guests, but part of you already missed the tranquility of the previously empty inn.
Within ten minutes, the firewood was unloaded, and a fresh pile was placed in each guest room and the main sitting room to keep the warm fires going for days. Maria promised to tend the fire in your room so that it would be cozily warm upon your return.
“Ready?” Joel asked, brushing his hands off on his well-worn jeans. “I left the truck running to keep the heat going.”
Zipping up your coat, you nodded. “I’m all set.” Sarah slid her hand into yours while Joel led the way out the door, each of you calling a soft farewell to Maria and Tommy as they served breakfast to the guests.
When you tried to open the front passenger door, Sarah shook her head and refused to let your hand go. “You’ll sit in the back with me,” the young girl insisted. Dropping her voice to a whisper, she added, “We have seat warmers back there! Isn’t that cool?”
Lips curling into an effortless smile at Sarah’s antics, you nodded. “That’s very cool. Are we making your dad be our chauffer?”
“What are you two conspiring about over there?” Joel called through rolled down the window to see what was taking you two so long.
“Oh, just a little girl talk,” you replied nonchalantly, smirking at Sarah, “nothing to concern yourself with”. Popping the rear door open, you helped Sarah climb into the big truck and quickly followed. Your playful gaze met Joel’s confused one in the rearview mirror as you strapped in.
“Is that what you two were talking about? Turning this into a spinoff of Driving Miss Daisy?” Joel asked, a teasing lilt to his deep voice. “I suppose you’ll want to eat your breakfast sandwiches while you’re back there, too. Get the full chauffer experience.”
You and Sarah shared a look before replying in unison, “Yes, please.”
“Uh huh, I see how it is.” With a chuckle, Joel pulled his sandwich from the brown paper bag before passing it back to you. “I got you these, too,” he added, handing over a Diet Coke and a small orange juice. The ride back to the farm was quiet as everyone ate their bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches.
With pleasantly full bellies, you arrived at the farm, Barkley trotting over to greet you all as you exited the truck. “Well, what would you like to do first?”
“We have to show her the tree farm first, Daddy!” Sarah demanded.
With a sigh, Joel looked at his daughter. “Sarah, what did I tell you about being bossy?”
“You told me not to be. And Tommy told me I’m not bossy, I just have leadership skills!” she asserted, hands on her hips as she stared her father down. “Maria said all successful women have leadership skills, Daddy.” Joel stood there for a moment, uncertain how to respond to that.
Unable to contain it, a bubble of laughter burst from your chest. “That they do, little bug.”
Joel’s shot you a wide-eyed look and shook his head. “Don’t encourage her,” he grumbled. “Ok, let’s go see the tree farm.”
Sarah and Barkley led the way through the snow-covered fields, kicking up flurries with every enthusiastic leap as they bounded ahead. Joel walked beside you, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his thick Carhartt jacket, the snow crunching rhythmically beneath his boots with each step.
“This used to be my grandpa’s farm,” Joel explained, his deep voice low and steady. “He started with a handful of horses and a dream to make a living off the land. Now we’ve got a tree farm, board horses, and sell firewood in the winter. In the warmer months we offer horseback riding and ranch experiences. Keeps us busy.”
“It’s beautiful,” you replied, taking in the expanse of white fields framed by a horizon of towering pines, mountains visible in the distance. “I can see why you stayed to take it over.”
Joel’s gaze drifted across the landscape before settling on you. “Yeah. It’s not for everyone, but for some reason, I’ve always enjoyed the peace and quiet of farm life.”
Before you could respond, Sarah called out, “Come on! You’ve gotta see the tree farm!”
Joel shook his head at his daughter’s antics. “Your tour guide is very bossy, I’m sorry.”
“Whatever, Mister! She’s a girl with leadership skills!” you teased, swooping down to scoop up some snow and form it into a ball. Tossing it against Joel’s chest, you darted away to catch up to Sarah, calling over your shoulder, “Come on, slow poke!”
“What’s the rush? The trees aren’t going anywhere!” he shouted back, eliciting giggles from you and Sarah, Barkley chiming in with a few well-timed barks.
In a forested patch behind the barn sat the tree farm, its rows of evergreens dusted with snow, glittering faintly in the soft morning sunlight, nature’s Christmas lights. Sarah darted between the trees, pointing out her favorites and sharing how long it took for them to grow so big.
“This one’s perfect for a Christmas tree!” she exclaimed, gesturing to a tall, symmetrical fir. “But Dad says we’re keeping it for next year.”
“She’s already picked our tree for next Christmas and the one after,” Joel said, his voice full of affection. “I guess it’s true about those leadership skills. She’s always planning and thinking two steps ahead.”
“I like a girl with a vision,” you teased, earning a triumphant grin from Sarah.
As you walked deeper into the grove, Sarah paused, her gaze catching on the ground beneath the trees. Freshly fallen pinecones sat on top of the fresh layer of snow. “Dad! Look at all the pinecones!” She crouched to pick one up, brushing the powdery snow from its bottom. “Can we collect some? Auntie Maria showed me how to make them into decorations and said she always needs more.” Turning to you, Sarah added, “She gives them away to the guests when they leave. I’m sure you’ll get one!”
Joel scratched the back of his neck, glancing at you with a small smile. “What do you think, darlin’? You up for some scavenging and then sticking around to help us make decorations?”
“I’d love to!” you replied, crouching down to pick up a pinecone of your own. Its woody surface was cold and textured under your gloves, a perfect little symbol of the season. “Maria’ll love these.”
With that, the three of you set about gathering the scattered cones. Barkley trotted happily between you, occasionally sniffing at your finds before bounding off to chase the next falling flurry or occasional squirrel. Joel kept an eye on Sarah, intermittently calling out an instruction with warmth. “That one’s perfect – grab it.”
At one point, Joel knelt in the snow to pick up a particularly large cone beneath the tallest tree on the property. As he stood, he held it out to you with a playful grin. “This one’s got ‘centerpiece’ written all over it.”
You took it, your gloved fingers brushing against his briefly, warmth spreading beneath the extra layer. “You’ve got a good eye for these,” you teased, earning a deep chuckle.
Sarah appeared between two smaller trees with her arms full, breath forming little cloud puffs in the cold. “We have so many! This is gonna look amazing at the inn. Auntie will be so happy!”
“She sure will,” Joel said, ruffling her red knit hat affectionately. “Now let’s head back before we freeze our fingers off.”
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Joel’s house was warm and inviting, the scent of woodsmoke and cinnamon greeting you as you stepped inside and shucked your boots and coat. It was a scent, just like pine, that you were beginning to associate with Joel. The living area was a picture of rustic charm – wood-paneled walls, cozy plaid throws draped over a baseball glove leather couch, and a roaring fire crackling in the hearth. Sarah set the basket of pinecones on the coffee table with a triumphant grin, shedding her hat and gloves in the process.
Joel led you to a large, old mahogany table with an easy smile before moving toward the kitchen to make hot cocoa. Sarah ran straight to a hutch next to the table, pulling out a box full of jars of glitter, ribbons, and sprigs of holly. You helped Sarah arrange the items how she wanted them and divided up the pile of pinecones so all three of you had some to work on.
Handing you a steaming mug, Joel’s fingers brushed yours, sending a warm jolt through you. Those jolts were beginning to happen more frequently, you noted, and heat rushed to your cheeks.
“Here you go, little bug,” he said as he placed a mug in front of his daughter.
Sarah’s wide eyes darted from her mug to yours, a small frown creasing her brow. “She has more marshmallows than me!”
“No, she doesn’t, my sweet, petulant child,” Joel sighed and you barely stifled a laugh. “I gave all of us ten mini marshmallows, so we all have the same amount.”
You reached for a pinecone from your pile, trying to hide the curve of your lips. For as great a kid as Sarah was, she was still a child prone to typical childish behavior. The young girl was quickly appeased when she counted everyone’s marshmallows and deemed her father correct and you all settled in to make decorations.
As you tied a small red ribbon around the top of a pinecone, Sarah sprinkled glitter onto another, the sparkly dust catching the soft overhead light. Joel worked beside you; his large hands surprisingly nimble as he twisted small wire hangers onto some of the cones for placing on the tree at the inn. Barkley sat at your feet, thick fur warming your sock-covered toes, his tail occasionally thumping against the floor.
A comfortable silence, aside from the gentle melody of holiday music playing in the background, settled around the table as everyone worked on their creations until there were no pinecones left.
“Think Maria’ll like these?” Joel asked, holding up two of his creations. The gold ribbon on one was wildly crooked and the holly on the other was off-center, yet the imperfections made the ornaments even more charming.
“She’ll love them,” you said, smiling. “And if she doesn’t, I’ll take them, and it will be her loss.”
Joel’s laugh was low and warm, the kind that wrapped around you like a beloved blanket, and you knew at once that you would keep at least one of the ornaments they made.
Sarah held up one of her pinecones, the glitter thick and uneven, but shining with the same radiance as her proud smile. “What about mine?”
“It’s perfect,” Joel said, his voice rumbly and full of fatherly pride. “We’ll hang that one front and center at the inn.”
“She’ll like that one best, I think,” you added, watching the young girl’s smile light up impossibly brighter.
You leant back in your chair, watching father and daughter titter over each other’s creations, your heart full in a way you hadn’t expected when the day began – a way that you didn’t think it ever could be. Joel caught your eye across the table, and for a moment, it felt like the whole world had gone quiet, the flickering firelight casting soft shadows on his face.
“Thanks for helping out yesterday and today,” he said, voice low, ending the spell. “Maria and Tommy are lucky to have you around.”
The sincerity in his words warmed you more than the fire ever could. “I think I’m the lucky one,” you replied softly, the words carrying more truth than you intended.
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Snow was falling again when Joel drove you back to the inn, Sarah and Barkley keeping each other warm in the back seat as he maneuvered the truck through the small town. The three of you arrived just in time for dinner, the inn bustling with chatter and merriment as the guests sat around the large table. Joel led you and Sarah to the sitting room to eat dinner in front of the fire, letting the guests enjoy their space. The dining room too crowded for his liking, anyway. Once everyone finished their meals, you helped all four Millers clean up while the other guests left to see the town square lit up at night.
Afterwards, Sarah presented the pinecone ornaments to Maria, explaining in great detail how the three of you collected and decorated them together at the farm. Maria’s smile glowed at the young girl’s excitement, shooting you a knowing look. Tommy lounged on the couch, teasing Barkley with a rope toy while Joel watched from the corner of the room, arms crossed and a quietly amused expression on his handsome face.
A cozy peacefulness settled over the inn with just the five of you and Barkley enjoying the warmth of the fire. The jangle of the landline phone shattered the quiet scene, and Maria moved to answer it.
“Hello, Winterland Inn, this is Maria. How may I help you?”
Your lips quirked up at how quickly she switched to professional mode, watching as she listened to whoever was on the other end of the line.
“Oh, hi Jimmy,” Maria replied, her voice brightening, and you perked up knowing it had to be about your truck. After a short exchange, she hung up and turned to you with a grin. “Good news! Jimmy said the parts for you truck should be here within the next two days.”
“That’s great!” you said, though the words felt unexpectedly bittersweet. As much as you needed to get back on the road to make it to the wedding in time, the thought of leaving Winterland – and the Millers – already tugged uncomfortably at your heart.
Sarah froze in the middle of arranging the pinecones on the tree, her wide eyes snapping to you. “What? You’re leaving?”
Your eyes darted to meet Joel’s warm gaze, before turning back to Sarah. “Well, yeah, little bug,” you said gently. “Once the truck’s fixed, I’ve got to get back on the road.”
“No!” Sarah jumped up and stamped her foot, her young face etched with determination. “You can’t leave yet! You have to stay, at least until Christmas! It’s the best part of living in Winterland.”
Joel remained silent, standing stonily in the corner, but Tommy snorted from his spot on the couch. “The kid’s got a point. There’s something magical about Christmas in Winterland. What’s a few more days?”
Maria chimed in then, an all-too-innocent grin on her pretty face. “Oh, absolutely. You haven’t really experienced the charm of Winterland until you stay for Christmas… and if you’re going to stay for Christmas, then you might as well stay for New Year’s. There’s nothing like a small-town celebration to ring in the new year!”
They were ganging up on you, yet Joel remained still, his dark eyes boring into you without a word.
“You guys aren’t playing fair!” you laughed. Part of you ached to never leave, yet the other part of you knew you had responsibilities to tend to.
Suddenly realizing that her dad hadn’t chimed in yet, Sarah bounced over to his side, tugging one arm from where he had them crossed against his chest. “Come on, Dad! Tell her she has to stay! You know you want her to just as much as we do.”
Joel’s brow lifted, but his dark eyes flicked towards you, warm and steady. “No pressure, darlin’. But… it wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“No, it wouldn’t,” Maria confirmed quietly.
His words sent a small thrill through you, even as you shook your head with a laugh. “Okay, okay,” you said, holding up your hands in surrender. “I’ll think about it, but no promises.”
Sarah grinned triumphantly, already skipping toward the kitchen. “I’ll go get cookies and cocoa to celebrate!”
“I’ll help her,” Tommy called out, quickly chasing after the giggling young girl to make sure she didn’t create a mess in the recently cleaned kitchen.
Maria hung back and gave Joel a nudge. “Why don’t you take a moment and sit with her on the back porch? The view might help her make up her mind.”
Joel’s expression said he knew exactly what Maria was up to, but he turned back to you and tipped his head toward the door anyway. “Care for some fresh air?”
The night air greeted you with a crisp bite as you stepped out onto the wraparound porch. Snow blanketed the stretch of land beyond the inn, glimmering faintly under the soft light of the moon. The view was breathtakingly still, and you held your breath in reverence.
Joel leant against the wooden railing; his hands tucked into the pockets of his flannel-lined jacket. He gazed at the scenery, expression thoughtful. With light steps on the creaking wood planks, you joined him, shoulders brushing.
“This place has a way of getting under your skin, doesn’t it?” Joel said, his voice low.
“It really does,” you admitted, gaze sweeping over the snow-covered expanse. “It’s so different from what I’m used to. Peaceful and quiet. Slower paced.”
Joel nodded, his eyes on the mountain peaks in the distance. “There was a time I thought it was too quiet. Moved away for a bit, tried livin’ in the city – not New York City, mind. But the older I got, the more I missed this – being able to breathe, take things slow. Sarah’s happiest here, so I guess I am, too.”
“I can’t picture you in the city.” Your eyes softened as you took in his profile, backlit by the moonlight. He really was breathtakingly handsome in a rugged, working man kind of way that set your blood on fire.
“Needless to say, I stood out like a sore thumb,” he chuckled before falling silent again.
“Do you think I could ever fit in a place like this?” You don’t know what came over you, asking such a question, but you suddenly longed to belong in such a place, with such a family. This place. This family.
Joel turned to face you fully, his dark eyes searching yours. “You already do, darlin’.”
His words hung in the air, weighty and warm. You felt the urge to look away, to deflect with a joke, but something in Joel’s gaze kept you rooted. “I don’t know that I’ve ever let myself think about settling down, staying anywhere other than the city,” you admitted. “But this… It makes me want to try.”
His eyes sparkled, smile deepening, as he nodded. “Then maybe you should stick around. At least long enough to celebrate Christmas with us, maybe even New Year’s.”
The door creaked open before you could respond, and Sarah popped her head out with a triumphant grin. “It’s cookie time! You comin?”
Joel chuckled, shaking his head. “We’ll be right in, kiddo.” As Sarah ducked back inside, Joel’s gaze lingered on you, the spell unbroken. “Think about it, darlin’,” he said softly. “Winterland’s got a way of surprising people.”
You nodded, the weight of his words settling over you like the snow-covered stillness of night. “I will,” you promised, knowing in your heart that your answer leant more toward yes with every passing moment.
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The sun was just creeping over the mountaintops as you made your way down Main Street, the crisp morning air biting at your cheeks and nose. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted from Tess’s diner every time the door opened, and you noticed the new painted sign glinting under the pale sunlight as you approached.
Less than ten feet from the entrance, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Glancing at the screen, your stomach tightened at the familiar number. Of course, your boss would call you while technically on vacation. The man lacked boundaries.
“Hi,” you said, forcing a cheerful tone as you answered.
“Hey,” came the reply – brisk and businesslike as always. “How’s San Francisco?”
Glancing around at the picturesque snow-covered town that was not San Fran, you stumbled. “Funny story, actually. Had a little detour – car trouble, you know how it goes. Nothing I can’t handle.”
The sigh that came through the line had you rolling your eyes skyward. “Well, that’s… unfortunate. Are you going to make the wedding? You know how important—”
“Yes, I’m well aware. I’m doing my best with circumstances outside of my control.” Annoyed and frustrated, you didn’t back down. “Now, did you just call to bother me, or did you have a legitimate reason?”
Another sigh. Another eye roll. You weren’t the praying type, but right then you prayed to every holy being for patience.
“Listen, I know you’re technically on break, but…” your boss started. The sheer audacity of the man! “We need your help with something. One of our clients is asking for a last-minute campaign tweak, and you’re the only one I trust to handle it properly.”
Torn between a sense of pride in your work and the desire to launch the phone into the road and watch it be crushed beneath a snowplow; you counted to ten in your head. Deep down, you knew something like this was coming. It always did. He had a team full of very capable and intelligent people, but your boss insisted that you handle certain things.
“Sure,” you caved to the weight of obligation pressing down on you. “Send me what you have, and I’ll take a look. I’m not spending my whole trip working though. I’ll give you no more than a few hours today and that’s it.” You ended the call before he could reply, a gleeful smile alighting your face as you imagined the exasperation you knew marked his expression.
With a quick shake to clear your head, you pushed the door open, the little bell above it jingling cheerfully. Inside, the diner buzzed with a quiet energy. The changes you’d suggested on your first visit were everywhere – new chalkboard menus with fun, festive designs and creative names for the dishes, rearranged seating to maximize the cozy atmosphere, and small vases of fresh greenery on each table.
Stepping further inside, a grin spread wide across your face. “Tess! The place looks amazing!”
The woman of the hour bustled out from behind the counter, her face lighting up when she saw you. “Oh, there you are!” she said, throwing her hands out like she wanted to hug you but waited for consent before she went all in. You pulled her in, hugging her close and rocking side to side. “It’s all thanks to you, sweetheart! Your ideas really brought the place to life, and it really feels like mine now.”
“It was all you, Tess,” you insisted, laughing as Tess waved off your humility. “I just gave you a little nudge in the right direction.”
“You’re too modest for your own good,” Tess replied, grinning as she handed you a tall glass of diet cola. You winked at her remembering your preference. “And I hope you’ll stick around to see the results. We’re having a grand re-opening party on Christmas Eve – live music, good food, the works. You have to come!”
You hesitated, her words pulling at your heart. Your truck was supposed to be ready before then and you had the wedding to rush off to – you’d barely make it in time as it was. But then there were the Millers, each of them wanting you to stay.
Sensing your turmoil, Tess arched a brow. “You’re not planning on skipping town, are you? You’re practically one of us now. It’d break Joel’s heart if you left so soon.”
The thought of leaving Winterland crushed something inside you and your shoulders suddenly felt heavier. Plastering a smile onto your face, trying yet failing to make it reach your eyes. “I’ll see what I can do.” After a beat, you added, “You mind if I park myself in that corner booth and work for a bit?”
“Have at it!” Tess replied waving you off as she returned to work. “I’ll bring you something to eat in a bit.”
You spent the next hour scouring through the file your boss sent over, taking notes on areas to improve in between bites of a savory veggie omelet. Another hour was spent just redoing the entire thing, making it something you knew the client would approve. Finally, you sent off the finished product to your boss. Snapping your laptop shut with a sigh, you pinched the bridge of your nose.
Tess slid into the booth across from you, apron dusted with flour and a fresh glass of soda in her hand. “Here, have this. You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders,” she said, tilting her head as she studied you. “What’s going on?”
You opened your mouth but hesitated, unsure what to say. Slipping your hands around the glass of soda, you let the icy dampness ground you. Tess’s sharp gaze remained fixed on you, making it impossible to avoid the question.
“I just…” You sighed, letting your shoulders slump. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”
Leaning back against the vinyl seat, Tess raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
Twirling the straw in your drink, you watched the ice cubes bob in the dark liquid before finally speaking again. “This place… it’s amazing. The people, the town. It’s everything I didn’t know I needed. I mean…” You paused, trying to find the right words. “I never knew what I was missing, you know? I thought my life was perfect back in the city. I have a job that pays really well and I’m good at, a nice apartment, friends.”
Tess’s eyes softened as she listened, quietly urging you to continue with a softly spoken, “But?”
You glanced out the window at the snowy street. “This place has me second guessing everything. But how can I just give all that up on a whim, for a man I hardly know, no less.”
She let your words hang in the air for a few moments before responding in a gentle but firm voice. “No one’s asking you to give up your life. Believe me, Joel would never ask that of you. But it sounds to me like maybe that life isn’t all that you want anymore.”
Her words struck a chord, and you blinked owlishly. “I’ve worked so hard to build my career,” you said. “I didn’t let anything stand in my way. I sacrificed a lot – relationships, free time, sleep, you name it. Now I can’t help but wonder if I’ve ben chasing the wrong things.”
Tess reached across the table, her hand warm and steady on yours. “That’s not something you have to figure out overnight or even in a week. And it sure as hell isn’t something to base on one guy and his sweet little girl, no matter how charming they might be.”
A weak laugh slipped past your lips, the sound tinged with a hint of guilt. “They are pretty damn charming.”
Tess grinned in response. “They are both smitten with you – and I’d dare to say the feeling is mutual – but this isn’t about them. It’s about what makes you happy.”
“I’m not even sure I know what that is anymore,” you admitted in a whisper.
Grip tightening on your hand, Tess kept her gaze steady. “Then maybe it’s time you find out. And if that means extending your unexpected stay here a little longer, figuring things out while you’re still here, then do it. The city isn’t going anywhere and you just proved you can do your job from anywhere. Plus, I think you’d regret it if you left now.”
Tess’s words stayed with you as you left the dinner a while later, but the knot in your chest wouldn’t undo itself, especially when Jimmy called from the garage to let you know the parts arrived and your truck would be ready in the morning.
Winterland and its people had a way of pulling at your heartstrings, but was it enough to change everything?
tag list (i included anyone who previously commented, requested, or I thought might like to be added, but please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed): @abirdsnest @brittmb115 @harrysrosetatto @carolineesnell @tuquoquebrute @inept-the-magnificent @lovely-vamp-princess @kyberblade @bluestar22x
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integra1127grimmreaper · 4 months ago
Put a Spell On Me (Joel Miller)
Joel Miller Masterlist
Warning: swearing, grumpy Joel, bit of fluff
Summary: Joel sees another side of you whilst the town prepare for Halloween. Inspired by - Nina Simone's - I Put a Spell On You.
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You hated Joel Miller, and he hated you, everyone around town knew it. Only thing was no one exactly knew when and how it started, only thing they knew was that glares, scowls and heated words would be exchanged whenever the two of you were in proximity to each other. So, when word went around that the two of you were heading out to the nearest mall together for supplies for the upcoming Halloween celebration, to say everyone was worried would be putting it lightly.
Breathing a huge sigh of relief only when finding out that Tommy would be going with, he always had to play referee whenever a disagreement broke out between Joel and you, and was the best candidate to ensure both of you returned home alive.
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"Not sure why she had to come with…", Joel grumbles out softly to Tommy as they rode side by side, his gaze narrowed on your back as you rode a short distance in front of the two.
Tommy's head drops with yet another heavy exhale at Joel's dislike of you. "Like I told ya, she knows this place… used to work there part-time as a teenager before the world went to shit. Whenever we need something from it, she goes with, makes it much easier than going in blind."
"Coulda drawn a map", was all Joel utters back in response.
"Would ya quit acting like a child", Tommy scolds him. "I know ya don't like her and believe me, the feeling's mutual. At least she's attemptin' to be civil."
"Civil, my ass…", Joel utters under his breathe, causing Tommy to shoot a side glare in warning. Letting out a disgusted scoff, silently raising his hands up in surrender as the rest of the trip moves on in total silence thereafter.
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"Seriously?", Joel snarls after you went directly to a specific store when entering the mall. "This is why we're here, Halloween decorations and costumes...?"
Not wanting to attract any unwanted guests by having yet another shouting match with Joel, you choose to ignore him. "This is the first big celebration we're havin'", Tommy does his best to defuse the situation before Joel pushes you too far, utter out with a wince then, "shoulda seen the sorry excuse for costumes the past Halloweens..."
"Hey!", your head pops out from a corner with defensive scowl. "We were too busy building the town to properly enjoy it." Pointing a finger in warning at him, "don't knock it-"
"Ok, ok...", Tommy chuckles at you, whilst Joel's only reaction was silent glare. "Ya done?", Tommy finally sobers up from his laughter.
"Yup", you nod, quickly retreating behind the corner only to reappear seconds later with large witch's hat on your head and the last bag of supplies.
Tommy instantly bursts out with a loud laugh, whilst Joel goes all bug-eyed; sarcastically drawling, "always knew ya were a witch... finally found ya long lost hat I see..."
Eyes narrowed; you point a finger at him in warning as you walk pass. "Careful Miller... before I cast a hex on ya."
"Alright, aright...", Tommy steps in when Joel bares his teeth at you. "We still got two more stores to hit then we're out."
Joel lets out a grunt in response, and you roll your eyes at him as you walk away.
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"Where ya been the whole day?", Joel enquires of Ellie when entering the house in the evening.
"Went to Y/N's after school", Ellie responds after dropping her bag at the front door and removing her shoes and coat.
Joel's brows shoot up in surprise, "the Wicked Witch of the West...?"
"Don't call her that!", Ellie scolds him.
"Ya right...", Joel nods, a grin pulling at his lips, "more like, the Wicked Witch of Jackson."
"Joel!", Ellie reprimands him with a scowl, "if you got to know her properly, you'd realize that she's a very nice person."
"I know enough about her to know that she's a pain in the ass...", Joel drawls out in response, throwing himself down on the couch with a heavy grown.
Frowning at his words, Ellie takes a seat beside him. "Look man, I know you hate and all... but she's been nothing but nice to me. Which she really didn't have to be", she reminds Joel. "Not with the way you've been treating her."
Joel silently stares into Ellie's eyes for a few seconds. "She was right. No matter how you and Joel bickered, you never once turned that negativity towards Ellie. He had warned her off from you in the beginning, but Ellie was stubborn, and the girl had naturally gravitated towards you as time went on. Ellie was right... you weren't such a bad person at all."
Head dropping down with shame and sighing in defeat, Joel finally admits, "I don't hate her... just don't like her, that's all."
"Oh, that's fine then...", Ellie snorts out in amusement, flashing him a toothy grin, "'cause she doesn't like ya either."
"I can live with that", Joel gives his own snorted response, sitting up straight then. "So, what ya two been up to?"
"She's helping me with my Halloween costume!", Ellie exclaims, excitedly catapulting up from the couch to get her backpack. Settling back on the couch and hastily opening her sketch book to show Joel the design.
"She's making this for you...?", Joel stares at the design in surprise.
"Yup", Ellie beams proudly at it, "got the idea from a few of my comics. It's going to be awesome!"
"Bet she's going to make it look like shit", Joel snorts under his breath, suddenly yelping out in pain when Ellie elbows him in the side.
"Fuckin' rude much?"
"Sorry...", Joel rubs at his side, sheepishly muttering, "ol' habit."
A lightbulb goes off for Ellie then as she knowingly smirks at him then. "The two remind me of something I read a while back about 'young crushes'..."
Joel's eyes go all bug-eyed at her words, "the fuck that supposed to mean?"
"You know...", Ellie flashes him a full-on grin then. "When the boy and girl like each other but are too shy to admit it, so they end up being mean to one another instead."
"Well, your deductions about us are completely wrong", Joel slaps his palms on his thighs matter-of-factly as he gets up from the couch. "She doesn't like me, and I don't like her and that's the end of it."
"We'll see, Old Man...", Ellie snorts her breath, "we'll see..."
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It was the early evening of the Halloween party and Joel was just minding his own business in the comfort of home, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Howdy...", Tommy greets upon the door opening, a cowboy atop his head and what looked to be a plastic sherif badge pinned to his shirt.
"What the hell ya wearing?", Joel frown at him.
"I'm the sherif the town, see...", Tommy beams, proudly pointing to the badge of his chest.
"Can see that...", Joel drawls in response, his gaze narrowing on the arm Tommy was hiding behind his back. "Whatcha got behind ya back...?"
With a toothy grin, Tommy presents another cowboy hat with a plastic badge inside from behind his back. "Ya just been deputized."
"Oh, hell no...!", Joel shakes his head in displeasure. "Ain't fuckin happening."
Tommy's shoulders sag in disappointment at hearing his response. "Aw, c'mon man... don't be a party pooper. She went out of her way to get these for us."
Joel scoffs, eyes narrowing when something hits. "Who...?"
Rolling his eyes, Tommy, shoots Joel an arched brow then. "You know exactly who."
"Why am I not surprised...", Joel throws heads back with a heavy groan, palming his face.
"It's not so bad...", Tommy chuckles at him. "Ya might even enjoy it. I know Ellie would love for ya to be there."
Bringing his back down, Joel peers through his spread fingers at Tommy for a second, finally lowering the hand and sighing, "she's been talking about it none stop, specially about her costume."
Tommy grins at his words, pausing to look around the house then. "Where's the kid, by the way?"
Exhaling heavily, Joel places his hand on his hips with a dramatic eyeroll. "Stormed outta here early morning to go over to 'her' place to do some final touches on the kid's costume."
"See...!", Tommy exclaims satisfactorily, shoving the hat into Joel's arms before bolting off, "now ya have to come. See ya later..."
"Wait!", a dumbstruck Joel attempts to call him back but was he was gone in an instant. Letting out a sigh of defeat, Joel's gazed drops to the hat and badge in his hand, "the hell I'm supposed to do with this?"
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An hour or so later, Ellie comes rushing in through the door like a gust of wind. "Joel! Come see my costume!"
"Hold ya horses...", Joel came lumbering down the stairs, stopping dead in his tracts when seeing Ellie in her costume. "Whoa."
"Fuckin' awesome, I know...", Ellie proudly smiles at his reaction, twirling around to show every detail of the costume. "She did a great job, didn't she...?"
"I- um...", Joel's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water for some time, finally clearing his throat and scratching the back of his head in embracement. "Yeah, she did."
"Told ya so...", Ellie flashes him a smug grin and he grunts in response. "So, ya comin' to the party?"
"Not sure", Joel shrugs, throwing himself onto the couch with a weary sigh.
A little sad at it, Ellie nods in understanding though. "If ya do. Please promise me you'll be nice to her."
"She's the one that needs to be nice", Joel snorts under his breath.
"Seriously, dude?!", Ellie scowls at him. "At least try... she went out of her way to make me this costume. Even though she was helping the other kids with their costumes, mine was the only one she made from scratch."
Joel's head violently snaps in Ellie's direction, "really...?"
Ellie confirms with a head nod, "and she didn't have to, yet she did anyway", she makes sure to stress the topic. "Just for tonight... please be nice."
Throwing a hand of his face, Joel learns backward with a defeat sigh, "I'll be nice."
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Joel silently stared at the hat in his hand, Ellie had left half an hour ago for the party and he was debating with himself about whether he should go or not. "It wouldn't hurt to show his face for an hour or so to show his support for Ellie. The kid was excited for her first ever Halloween party and he'd be asshole if he didn't go. Besides, he could take it as an opportunity to thank you for helping Ellie."
Releasing a tense breath, Joel anxiously straightens his cowboy hat when entering the Autumn theme decorated town hall. Children were excitedly running round in their costumes whilst adults were happily mingling amongst themselves. Silently studying the scene from the doorway, Joel's gaze finally lands on you; all dressed up and with the witch's hat on that you had found at the mall. Your back was toward him but instantly knew it was you.
"See ya dusted ya old uniform off to wear tonight", Joel tauntingly remarks from behind you.
Turning around with a hoity arched brow, you slowly scan him from head to toe and flashing him a syrupy smile then. "Fancy seeing you here, Officer..."
The smug smile on Joel's face instantly disappears, "don't start..."
Placing your hands on your hips, you glare at him, "ditto."
Realizing that this could potentially turn into another argument, Joel changes the topic. "About Ellie-"
"I know ya told me to stay away from ya kid...", you interrupt him midsentence. "She approached me though, and besides that, I was in charge of the kids' costumes, so I obviously couldn't turn her away."
You anxiously wait for a sarcastic remark or something in response as Joel silently frowned at your words, finally giving a head nod, moments later and just as he's about to open his mouth to say something, someone calls out for your help. "Excuse me", you comment, turning around and walking off. You don't make it far though, when Joel finally speaks up.
Halting in your tracks, you turn back towards him. "Your costume looks nice", Joel manages to awkwardly utter out, causing your eyes to widen in shock.
"I- Um...", your words stumble over each other. "Thank you...?", your response finally comes out as a question instead due to being caught off-guard by Joel's compliment. "I-I... have to go...", you awkwardly point over your shoulders, dumbstruck by the entire situation.
A faint smirk crosses Joel's lips as he nods. "Bye...", you manage to stammer out before hightailing it.
The smirk turns into a full-on grin as Joel watched you rush away. "Maybe you weren't as bad as he thought, you were actually quite adorable when shy. Maybe there was a good side to you that he just never really bothered to get to know. Maybe Ellie was right... maybe he should start being nicer to you. Or... maybe you really did put a hex on him...?"
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-n-duh-duh-uah You better stop the things you do
I ain't lying No, I ain't lying
You know I can't stand it You're running around You know better, daddy I can't stand it 'Cause you put me down Yeah, yeah
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
You're mine
Yeah, yeah Oh yeah
I put a spell on you
Because... you're mine...
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galaxyedging · 2 years ago
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No outbreak Joel Miller x inexperienced f!reader
Dave York x inexperienced f!reader
Summary: With the summer coming to an end, Joel teaches you one more lesson.
Warnings: Unprotected P in V sex. Protected P in V sex (explicit, to make up for all the unprotected sex. Use condoms!) Rough oral m!receiving. Swearing. Talk of adultery. Dave York.
Summer Schooled
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
It turns out Sarah was actually ill. Just a little tummy bug but it kept her home for a couple of days. When she was starting to recover on the second day you'd dropped in to visit her. 
"Hey!" She'd perked up as you entered the living room where she lay in a nest of blankets and pillows. 
"Hi. I wanted to come check on you. My mom made you some soup." You gestured over your shoulder to where you'd handed the container to Joel in a very awkward interaction. Joel hadn't so much as texted you in the last couple of days so when he opened the door neither of you were sure what to say. He'd made polite conversation, thanked you for the soup, then invited you in to talk to Sarah. 
"Thank you. You wanna stay and watch a movie? We're bingeing bad action movies."
Hesitantly, you looked at Joel. He gave you a half shrug and waved his hand as if he was pushing the ball into your court.
"Yeah. I'd love that. I've missed you this week." That was true, you had. 
When you leave you are going to miss Sarah and the York girls. They're all going to grow up into such amazing women. Funny, smart, strong. Each one has their own distinct little character. They never failed to make you laugh or to come out with something to make you think.
The movie was not even half way over when Sarah fell fast asleep. Her curled up form gently rose and fell with each even breath. Even you standing from the end of the sofa she'd given you was enough to wake her. Joel had tossed his head towards his office to get you to follow him.
"Hey." The same greeting as his daughter but a wildly different tone. He seemed shy almost. With the doors now closed behind him he walked towards you. "I wanted to talk to you before you leave. I kind of got caught up in all of this." His hand came up to rub the back of his neck. "It was Dave's idea to play into all your doe eyed flirting. I know you're not as innocent as you've been making out or I swear to God I would never have touched you, legal or not. I got lost on a power trip. On having you on my terms. I haven't had much luck with women over the last decade. They didn't want to come second to Sarah or third to my business. Which I get…" he caught your eyes looking at him patiently. "...anyway. I just wanted to apologise. I hope I haven't put you off men for life just because…" he trailed off.
Tentatively, you lay a hand on the arm the was now across his chest gripping his other arm. "Because…?"
"Because I was lonely and needed to be seen as more than a father or a contractor. I wanted to be wanted. Fuck, I still don't know if you wanted me or the little fantasy we built up."
"It was definitely you Joel. I liked you plenty before that, because you're a great dad, because you're a competent contractor. It's all very hot. You're very hot, and funny, and smart, and if I were a few years older…"
"Just a few…?" He huffed out a laugh.
"Just a few." You smiled. "I would love to date you."
"How do I know you're not just flattering an old man to get some dick?"
"Because I could go get some old man dick from down the street with a whole lot less work."
"Fair. Make sure you get him tested first though. I did. Twice. I wasn't letting him near you until I knew he was clean."
"I figured you both would. I trust you."
"Just don't go trusting everyone like that." His arm wrapped around you to bring you into a hug. Your hands rested on his chest feeling his heartbeat softly. 
After a moment of just being together in each others arms, you placed a kiss to his lips. "I mean it, Joel. I think you're great and any woman would be lucky to have you." 
Before he could answer Sarah called his name.
Dave's knuckles turned white as his hand gripped over yours on the headboard. If the bed wasn't as sturdy it would have been slapping against the wall from the force of Dave's thrusts. His knees were in between yours spreading them as he took you from behind. The hand that wasn't on yours was working you clit in tight circles. 
"Fuck." He snarled into your hair. "I'm going to miss this pussy. You get so fucking wet…so hot…got me pussy drunk. I just want to keep slamming my dick home. Oh, shit. Ohhh." His cock twitched inside you as felt the warmth of his cum spread. 
For a second you were a little disappointed that you hadn't come yet, then you realised he was still very much hard."Dave?!"
"Little blue pill. I haven't got his pussy for much longer. I'm not wasting it." He carried on his furious pace. There was something about him fucking his cum deeper inside you than made your toes curl and had you coming around him. "Oh, Dave!"
"Oh, that's it. God, the way your tight little cunt clamps down further on my cock…ugh." He dragged you flush against him. The hand from the headboard palmed one of your breasts. He rolled your nipple in between his fingers. His lips sucked at your neck. Twice you'd had to yank his hair to stop him leaving marks. He'd playfully nipped at your ear before moving his lips to kiss somewhere else. He pushed you over the edge twice more before finally beginning to lose his erection. 
When the two of you collapsed on the bed it was odd how your instinct was to find your own space. Even with the oxytocin coursing through your veins giving your vision a rosy tint, you didn't feel the need for any more physical contact. Unlike with Joel where you craved his gentle touch.
"Well I think that's all the lessons I have in me today." Dave slowed his breathing as he lay on his back, his cock soft against his thigh.
"Lessons? You don't seem to be teaching me much. You just rail me." You laughed through your panting.
"Just rail you? Some women would kill for me to just rail them."
"You know what I mean." You slapped his bare chest.
"Up. I gotta change these sheets before Carol gets back." He held out his hand to pull you to your feet before setting to work.
"Why do you cheat on her?" The question was out of your mouth before you thought about it. 
Surprisingly, Dave stopped and sat on the bed, the half bundled up sheets in his hands. He wrang them as he spoke. "I don't think of it as cheating. It's like we're in an open marriage, we just haven't agreed on it out loud. Carol's had her fair share of men."
"So why not talk to her?" You took a chance and sat next to him, just close enough to provide some comfort with your presence.
"I might not be in love with her but I love her. I'd miss her if she were gone. She's family. I'd miss the time we spend together with the girls, as a family. I can't risk that." He turned to look you in the eyes as he spoke. Those brown eyes were so full of sincerity you almost reached out to hug him. Almost.
Bringing yourself back from being lost in his eyes you asked. "Isn't fucking me in her bed risky?" 
"No, that's just sex. Talking about our relationship. That's the risk. That's where things can snowball. I won't do that to my girls."
Again you softened just a touch towards him. Enough to place the barest of kisses to his cheek. "You're a good father, Dave. You're not winning any awards for being a good person but you're a good father."
"Thank you." It was sincere. The two of you sat in the moment. A softness sitting between you that had never been there before. It was pleasant until Dave broke it. "Right. Up. I've got to wash your cum out of my wife's sheets." The playful smirk on his face showed you this was him slipping his mask back in place.
Friday night rolled around. This time on Sunday you'd be in your new home, ready to start your new life. It still didn't seem real. The last couple of years the itch to get out and see the world had been under your skin. Now you were close to finally scratching suddenly it was more of a subtle tingle that you could ignore. Being here with Joel, and Dave, seeing a new part of the world with them, that could be it for now. They could satisfy your wanderlust, as well as a few other lusts. College could wait a year. You could try to romanticise it all you wanted, the truth was cold feet were setting in bad. When Joel called you to look after Sarah you were relieved to have something to distract you.
The Miller's front door opened to reveal Joel. He was freshly showered, his damp hair was slicked back. He looked so good that you had to remind yourself that you were here for Sarah not him. Although you might have worn your short, button down tea dress hoping for even a quick moment with him.
"Hi, Mr Miller." You called Joel by his first name plenty of times in front of Sarah but putting up the pretence of respecting your elders helped to keep you from sliding into other habits with Joel. The last thing you wanted to do was slip up and touch him in front of Sarah.
The door closed behind you seconds before your back met it. Joel was crowding you up against it. His lips crushed to yours, his hand in your hair tugged sharply to open your mouth so he could fill it with his tongue. His other hand worked at pulling down your panties before two thick, calloused fingers skimmed your thigh before being pressed deep inside you. Joel's lips never left yours until the rhythmic pumping of his fingers and the brush of the heel of his palm had you calling his name. 
When he pulled away, leaving you a trembling mess with your panties around your knees being held up by the door, he flashed you that sinister grin. "Dave's got Sarah. He wanted to make up for basically being a piece of shit and stealing more time with you."
Excitement flushed your veins, your heart rate picked up, you felt you were in trouble. Part of you braced yourself when Joel stalked towards you. His chest was almost touching yours when he squatted down slowly, never breaking eye contact, to help you out of your panties. He licked one solidarity strip through your folds before standing up to kiss you. The tang of you on his tongue was electric.
"While he was bragging. He also said you said he doesn't teach you anything. Why don't you tell me what you want for a change? You can be in charge." This Joel was new to you. The predatory smirk was gone. His voice was soft. He wasn't Dom Joel. Or Mr Miller. Or the helpful handyman. This was Joel the equal. The fellow adult. Offering to fill a need.
Tears threatened to form in your eyes. "I'm moving back east, to a new place, I'll have a few friends I can meet up with but other than that I'm on my own in the big bad world. I'll be making my own choice then. Right now, I want you to make my choices for me. I want to be your good girl." 
This Joel gave you a small smile before it twisted and Dom Joel returned. "Oh, you are, Honey. Why don't you drop to your knees for me?" He didn't have to ask twice. His hand came up to cup your chin. His thumb brushed across your lips. "Such a pretty mouth. Why don't you put it to good use for me?" Your eyes flitted to the hard outline in his jeans. "Gone on. Help yourself."
Taking a deep breath to keep yourself together, you got to work on his belt and fly. Pushing his jeans out of the way, the back of your fingers grazed his length stretching his marled grey boxer briefs. The sigh that came from his lips was something you would keep with you for years to come. Literally. The world felt so out of your control at the minute, everything was out of your hands no matter how many lists or plans or vision boards you made. Right now though, as your hands slipped into Joel's underwear to pull out his heavy girth while his breath hitched in his chest, you felt pretty damn in control. 
Starting at his balls you licked a strip right the way up his entire length. He tasted a little musky but there was a cleanness there. His skin smelled faintly like his soap. The tip was salty and tangy due to the pre cum there. It was truly intoxicating. His body wanted you. It was getting ready to slip inside yours. You lapped at his slit for more. Joel's hands had been retrained at his sides, once you wrapped your lips around the head, all bets were off. Both of them buried in your hair. "Jesus. Such a good little whore."
The praise had you squirming at the leak between your legs. "You're treating me so well. Maybe I should do something for you. Remember when you nearly choked on Dave's dick?"
Your throat tightened at the memory, Joel felt it. "Ssshh. It's okay, Darlin'. We'll take it easy." One of his hands held the back of your neck while the other softly brushed your hair back. "Just breathe." Gripping the base of his cock he fed it forward. Each vein rippled over your stretched lips. The weight of his hard length on your tongue made you want to suck. Joel groaned and rolled his hips for a moment. "Naughty girl. Trying to distract me. Now you have to take it deeper. Give me your hand." He peeled your hand off his thigh and made a fist with it. "Now, squeeze it, and press your thumb here. Keep breathing through your nose. Nice and slow. There you go. Oh, shit."
The blunt head of his cock pushed at the back of your tongue kicking in your gag reflex. Concentrating on your fist and breathing slowly you were able to fight it off. Until Joel pushed just a little too far. That time you gagged and coughed around his cock. A line of spit connected your lips to the head when Joel pulled out. "Good girl. You did so well." He soothes as you still spluttered. "You're going to have to do better though." He pulled you up by your hair to push his cock past your lips. The roughness of him made you weak for him. In that moment you would have given him anything. It's freeing to feel like you can completely hand yourself over to him. It's the same with Dave. You trust both of them not to hurt you, even in an effort to keep up their illusion of complete control. He was able to thrust a few times, taking you to the edge of your comfort zone before you gagged again. Once you composed yourself, he held his mouth watering length in front of you. "Do you want more, Baby?" 
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you nodded up at him. "Oh, my good girl. You'll get more." 
With an ease born from his strength, Joel swept you up into his arms.  Laying you on the sofa he slowly undid the buttons of your dress and pushed it off you. His fingers slid under the lace of your bar to push it up.Once your breasts were exposed to him he set about licking, kissing, sucking, caressing every inch as if he was committing them to memory. Maybe he was, you brushed the thought away and gave yourself back over to his touch.
"You're so fucking beautiful. You know that? Truly beautiful. Never let anyone tell you any different." His tone told you the other Joel was back.
This Joel stripped naked before laying a blanket on the sofa and sitting down. "Here, Honey." He pulled you over to straddle his lap. "You can have all the cock you want but I want you to take it. I want you to ride me. Here." Reaching over to his jeans, strewn over the sofa arm, he fished something from the pocket.
"A condom?" For a moment your heart sank. Had he been with someone else?
"I want you to show me you know how to use one of these. Then I want you to show me you know how to take what you need. Well?"
You could do this. You'd practised on cucumbers and watched videos. Hold his cock at the bottom. Make sure the condom is the right way. Pinch the tip to keep the air out, put it on like a little hat then roll it down. Joel's cock wasn't anything like a cucumber. The cucumber didn't make you wet as you slid your hand down it. Fuck, who said putting condoms on ruins the mood.
"Was that the first time you've done that?" Joel raised an eyebrow.
"On a penis, yes. I have some practice with cucumbers." Both Joel's eyebrows shot up. "Not like that!" You giggled. "Just practising putting the condom on."
"Well it paid off. Now you can slip me inside." 
"How…?" God, you felt stupid for having to ask.
"Just guide it with your hand. Once the tip is lined up you can sink down onto it."
Taking him in your hand you got him in the general area then tried to sink down a little. It took a little manoeuvring to get him actually lined up thankfully your slick aided you in finding the right spot. He slid up along your body until he was notched at your entrance. Slowly you sank down on him until you were full.
"There we go. I'll never get tired of that. You fit me like a glove." His words stung your heart. He was talking as if you had a future. Like he would get the opportunity to see if he could get tired. "Time to move, Darlin'. Take what you want."
"Er..how. How do I…? I mean up and down or…?"
"Do what feels right for you. Just don't go too hard or high if you want to bounce on it. I don't want you to break nothin'. Try lifting up a little and just moving back and forth for now."
"Okay. Thank you." 
"You're welcome." The shy smiles you exchanged seemed completely out of place while he was buried inside you. 
Following Joel's advice you moved your hips back and forth. Each time his hard length tapped against the front wall of your pussy, just brushing shy of that perfect spot. For a while you just enjoyed the steady rhythm. Joel seems to too. He leaned back sighing, settling into the sofa at his back.
When your nerves get the better of you, you break the near silence. "Is that…? Does it feel good for you?" 
"So good, Sweetheart. You always do. Is it good for you?"
"It doesn't quite feel like when you do it." The tiny voice that leaves you doesn't say 'grown woman off to college'.
Joel smiles "I'll take that as a compliment. Try bouncing up and down a little or circling your hips."
Bouncing sounds like the closest to when they drive into you so you gave it a go. Rising up, you dropped back down on him. "Oh, Joel!" 
"There you go. Right there, huh?" 
You rose up to drop down on him again, and again. "Fuck. Joel!"
The head of his cock was hitting that spot just right. The both of you could feel your orgasm approaching. "That's it, Baby. You look gorgeous like this."
Joel's praise and your release within reach made you speed up only for Joel's length to slip out from you. "Shit. Sorry." 
"It's okay. It happens. Keep going." Slipping him back in was even easier this time. Your body drew him in deep. A few rounds of your hips and you got back into the rhythm. Soon Joel started to groan more. The vibration of it was under your palms as you pushed off his chest. His head rolled back on the sofa, exposing that beautiful neck. The warm low light from the lamp caused the sheen of sweat on his skin to glisten. He really was the most handsome man you'd ever seen. 
"Fuck, Beautiful. You're going to make me come. Would you like that? Me, filling this condom up because you ride me..ugh…so fucking well?" His voice was strained. He was so close and it was all down to you.
"Joel. I'm gonna…" A silent scream left you as your whole body lit up from where you were joined.
With your tight cunt milking him Joel couldn't hold out any longer. "Oh. Shit. Shit. Oh. Take it, Baby. Take it." He moaned through his release. 
Part of you missed him filling you, claiming you. One look at his face showed that you had claimed him this time. He looked at you, those big brown eyes filled with something you didn't want to think about. Years later you would accept it as love.
"Right." He cleared his throat. "You know how to deal with the condom when you get up?"
"I think so." Reaching down you held the condom in place as you lifted off his softening length.
"Good girl." He took over, pulling off the condom before tying it off and placing it in the discarded wrapper. "I'm going to put it in Dave's mailbox."
"You wouldn't." You laughed curling into his side.
"I have to admit. I am a little jealous." The look on his face made him look boyish.
"Don't be. He's not the one I'm thinking of staying for." Your nerve failed you and you turned away from him.
His finger was curled under your chin and bringing you back instantly. "Sweetheart, I…"
"I know. It's a stupid idea. I can't base my future on this. It's a nice fantasy though." You offered him a smile before kissing his palm.
"It is." A hand cupped the back of your head, curling you back into his side, holding you close. "You know, this doesn't have to end right here and now. You'll be back to visit your mom. If you haven't found anyone your age, I still think I have a few more lessons I can teach you."
A weight lifted from your chest. "I could be up for that."
Little did you both know that that would be the last time you would ever set foot in that house.
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creepling · 1 year ago
✒️ — “sharing a bed and you haven’t even bought me dinner first, isn’t that just scandalous?” + joel miller please and tysm, congrats on 1k!! <3
i was thinking on this concept all day bc this is my first time writing for joel n i wanted to do it justice. tysm for your request and congrats<33
tags: gn!reader. use of a gun (joel pointing it at you). enemies to crushing. bed sharing. swearing.
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“I am not sleeping on the floor,” You declare, staring daggers at the man pointing a gun at you, your hands bound behind your back. 
“Thieves don’t deserve luxury,” Joel remarked. He looked like a mean motherfucker, staring right through you. He didn’t like your attitude, but it made toying with him all the more fun.
Joel’s job was to deliver you back to the QZ after you stole supplies and ran for it. Hell knows why they wanted you back alive. Joel would have shot you on the spot, but he figured you’d have a more agonising punishment when he returned you. And the bounty was a pretty penny for a job so simple. He’d be stupid to turn it down.
“You call that luxury? Dude, we’re gonna get bed bugs either way,” You scoff, cocking your head towards the dusty bed.
“Fine, you sleep in the fucking bed. If I catch you off it, you’re dead,” This guy was so mean, so threatening. You laughed him off, hopping onto the bed and finding a comfy spot in your bounds.
“Why you gotta hate me so much?” You sighed, “If you knew why I stole them, I think you’d think twice about shooting me.”
Joel gritted his teeth, not appreciating you playing with his emotions. He sat up on the bed, finger hovering over the trigger. “It doesn’t matter. You know people are starving in there, and you went ahead and made it harder for everyone.”
“And you should also know the QZ denies resources to needy people. I’m not dumb, you work for those asshole guards. Don’t you notice them getting fatter – eating all the food? Gimmie a fucking break,” You bite back.
Joel looked at you, reading the genuine annoyance on your face. Maybe you were as noble as you sound. And perhaps you were talking sense, and Joel agreed with you. Or maybe you were a firefly or another vigilante on the rise. Complying with you meant he was putting his life at risk.
“So fucking honourable,” Joel mumbled, “I’d get some rest. We’ll arrive by noon, and they’ll want you all perked up before they have it with you.”
You ignored his words, eying his body next to yours, a smirk arriving on your sly face. “You’re not sleeping in the bed, too, are you?”
Joel pressed his gun firmer against your back. “I said get some rest.”
You couldn’t hold in your laughter. This guy was ridiculous. “Sharing a bed and you haven’t even bought me dinner first, isn’t that just scandalous?”
He fought the urge to beat the shit out of you. He turned away, holding the gun against his chest. He cursed himself from the blush creeping up his neck.
“I don’t have to worry, do I? You’re not like a perv or anything?” You said half-jokingly.
“No, I’m not,” Joel began to get irritated, wishing you’d drop it and sleep.
“I’ll take your word for it,” You sighed, closing your eyes. You were the first to wake up, your eyes greeted by the rising sun through the misty window. You feel an unidentified weight from over you, cringing at the impact. Instead of the big, intimidating man smothering you in your sleep, his arm was wrapped around you, cuddling you like a teddy bear. Before you woke him up to his embarrassment, you gaze at the warmth of his skin, his crow eyes, the peaceful expression on his face. Damn, he’s pretty handsome, you thought, beginning to smile.
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punkassfrance · 1 year ago
Mare Nostrum Mediterranean Grill - Chapter 4 - Joel/Tess/Reader
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This is explicit! Minors, DNI!
Contains drug and alcohol use, polyamory, swearing, sleazy flirting, age gap, and an HR nightmare brewing. This chapter does not have any specific content warnings. This chapter contains mild mommy kink, voyeurism/exhibitionism, and semi-public sex.
Your first job would have been stressful enough if you didn't have to deal with mind games from Joel and Tess. But god, you couldn't bring yourself to complain. - Joel and Tess are line cooks who really, really like flirting with the innocent newhires. Or maybe it's just you. The working relationship shifts ever so slightly. Previous Chapter - Entire Work
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You don’t remember how you got back to your dorm, that night. You don’t remember much of that evening at all- Tess slept as you drove her home, the radio humming something you tuned out.
If you remembered anything, it was the image of Tess, head tilted against the car window, hair draped over her face. She cradled her hand in her lap, bandaged and sterilized, still numb after stitches. At red lights, you eyed the red speckles across her neck, stiffening every time.
As she spoke of Joel, there he was- standing in the doorway, kitchen towel tossed over his shoulder. It’s dark, but you can see the outline of his arms from the light in the house. He looked tense.
When you pulled up to her home, she shifted, slowly lifting her head and rolling it around. “God, my neck…” After a moment, she looked over to you, eyes half-lidded. “...thanks for the ride.”
You nodded, focused on watching your knees through the steering wheel. “Yeah, anytime. You going to be okay?”
Looking over to the beaten pickup truck in the driveway, she nodded. “Joel’s home. He’ll make sure I’m alright.”
Right. They’re together.
“...I’ll see you Thursday, kid.”
The reminder made your stomach sink. They were partners, maybe even married, and you were too wrapped up in your swooning to respect that. It didn’t matter how Joel’s arms flexed when he carried something, or how Tess pulled her hair back. It didn’t matter how they both looked at you as you worked, muttering to each other. Tess’ half-hearted laugh when you joked with her. Joel’s hand lingering when it touched yours.
Doesn’t matter.
“Yep- see you then.”
She got out of the car and walked up to the door, free hand brushing her hair back. When she passed Joel, his hand grabbed her ass, squeezing a handful before she smacked him away.
The last thing you saw as the door closed was his eyes on you.
You didn’t get to interact much, the next time you worked with Tess. Two catering orders and a massive rush kept both of you moving, only terse words from the kitchen to the front. Even the close kept you both occupied to the end, Tess stuck on the dish pit as you count the registers.
You didn’t work with both of them again until Saturday. It’s surprisingly slow, and you were lucky enough to have a solid team.
As things died down, you leaned against the counter with a deep sigh.
“No, I don’t think so- hey, rookie, come here a sec.” Dina beckoned you over to the kitchen window.
Tess was pinching the bridge of her nose, leaning on the counter. “Dina, don’t bug ‘em, this isn’t worth-”
“No no, we need a tiebreaker.” She folded her hands together, turning to face you. “Next month is the fall employee party. Pizza or a taco bar?”
Tess scoffed, turning away from the window to wipe down one of her counters. “I spend forty hours a week assembling food, I’m not interested in doing it on what’s meant to be a day off.”
“Pizza’s so boring, though! Everyone has a pizza party!”
“Because it’s a classic. Don’t fuck with tradition.”
You cut in, leaning on the wall beside the kitchen window. “Employee party?”
Dina looked back to you. “Yep! Couple times a year, Tommy and Maria give us a paid day off! Board games, food, karaoke if we want it, just a fun little party.”
Tess shrugged, glancing at you over her shoulder. “It’s a good time. No booze allowed, but nobody will say anything if you show up sauced.” The last part is quiet, conspiratorial. Pulling away from the stove, she leaned into the kitchen window and met your eyes. “You gonna be there?”
“Oh- yeah, I can…probably make it. I can skip class if I gotta.”
She winked. “Good.”
After a dinner rush strong enough to knock you all off your feet, Joel and Tess walked out looking like zombies. They were sent out a little sooner after they finished their tasks, both dead on their feet as they waved you goodbye.
“Alright, rookie- you’re good to go. I’ll lock up.”
“Thanks, Dina. See you Monday.”
The air was cold as you stepped outside. The lights were off in the restaurant, sidewalks empty, the stores around you dim- and for once, you swore you could see some of the stars above you.
There were two cars in the parking lot. Yours sat under a streetlamp, a few yards away from an old black sedan. As you fumbled with your keys in the low light, something thumped in the distance behind you. Jerking back, you surveyed the parking lot, heart pounding in your ears.
Once the figures turned back into shadows, your eyes landed on the sedan a short walk away. The cabin light was burning on the ceiling, lighting up a broad expanse of pale, freckled skin. She was hunched over, head curled around a man’s neck as his tan hands came up to undo the clasp on her bra. As the fabric fell and was thrown into the backseat, his hand skirted across her side, mapping out her skin before taking her breast in his hand.
You heard a breathy moan and realized you should look away- your face was burning once again, simmering in the cold night air. This was ethically dodgy at best, fully illegal at worst- but god, there was no looking away now. No looking away from rough hands groping across this woman’s body, her back curved to the sky.
One of his hands ran through her graying brown hair, pulling it over her shoulder as she sat up. Even with the seat leaned back, you could see dark red marks across his neck, bitten tender and raw.
Pale, shapely breasts sloped into chewed-up skin, across a hard jawline…
There was no mistaking it, now. No denying what you were doing. Spying on your coworkers fucking. Fucking?
No denying that, either. There they sat, reclined in the dark parking lot, stripping down in the cabin light. Joel’s hand was squeezing her ass as she rose at the touch, bucking her hips forward. God, she’s practically writhing in his lap- if you didn’t know better, you’d think she was a professional.
You couldn’t bring yourself to move. A step back would offer plausible deniability; no, you just glanced over, you were just about to get in the car behind you and drive off. You were just startled, in shock, frantically backing away as your mind processed what you’d stumbled on. A step back was a way out.
But a step forward would give you a better look at Tess’ hands fumbling with Joel’s zipper.
When he ran his hands over her back, tanned biceps tensing, she pressed into the touch and you heard another stifled moan.
“Fuck, momma…”
The deep drawl carried out of the car- it felt infinite, rolling across the asphalt, loud enough for the world to hear.
Your heart stopped right as her head turned to look out the sedan window.
For five long seconds, her hips stilled as she met your eye. Your eyes wandered down to her hands at Joel’s zipper, his stiffening cock in her palm.
Five long seconds.
A coy grin took its place. Her hand pushed down to the base of Joel’s cock, hips rolling forward.
“So good for me.”
That was all you could take. Spinning around, your keys almost fell out of your hand twice as you unlocked the door and started the car. Eyes firmly on the asphalt, you pulled away, chest heaving.
Monday morning, exhausted and weary, you walked into work with coffee in hand.
Joel looked up from his kitchen window, grinning when he saw you.
“Mornin’, kid.”
Dark red splotches line the columns of his throat.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year ago
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"She's into superstitions: black cats and voodoo dolls... I feel a premonition- that girl's gonna make me fall..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 23 - “Cooldown (Pearl, Lizzie, Mumbo, Scott)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Pearl puts research into camera accounts and brings home books for her nonexistent roommate, EthoCam… Er, Rhetoric. Lizzie and Joel enjoy date night. Mumbo collapses in bed after an exhausting break-up. Scott puts on his ambassador hat, entertains the Fox Dragon, and reviews a fey contract with a peculiar white-eyed man.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
PearlescentMoon - Bat
Status: Reflective
Venue manager, event coordinator, and seasonal business owner
💙  🧡  💚
When Pearl lets herself through the door, the whole flat is quiet. From the pale smell, nothing's cooking in the furnace. But then, he can't, can he? Then he'd be burning my charcoal. She dropped by the library tonight and borrowed a book on soul twins who never became official camera accounts. That should subtly break down the Yes and Nos of what Rhetoric can do. All the librarian villagers were happy to help. She even ran into Gem, which was a surprise. Gem's eyes lit straight up.
"You're back! Hope you had a good time. And how's Impulse? Is he better than he was after last week?"
"He's all right, I think. Had a rough go of it mid-session, but he said he'd share the story on movie night."
"Oh, that's good. I've been worried more than I need to be; I want to smack him. Hey, I'm on snacks tomorrow, right? I'm thinking popcorn balls."
"Popcorn balls sound amazing, actually. I'll make sure I'm stocked up on butter."
"How d'you feel about two movies back to back? I found one I'm DYING to show you guys."
Now the soul-twin book rests in the bag at her waist, hidden by the black cloak that marks her uninterested in the courtship events of the night. Pearl moves through the flat's entryway, glancing left and right. All the lights are off. Can Rhetoric turn on lights?
I didn't even think about that when I went out. Oh, this is a toughie… She didn't bring back any treats on purpose, not wanting to offend him. She did pick up a random book on folk tales and another on hybrid biology. These, she leaves on the kitchen counter. As a museum curator, maybe Rhetoric considers himself a historian and potential expert on both these subjects.
Maybe he'll scoff. But according to the patient librarians, account-less soul-twins can hold books and turn their pages just fine. They just can't write in them because it would update the book, and they can't rip out the pages because it would create paper. If you're account-less, you can't update blocks.
That's the word, by the way. Soul-twins… She never actually knew that. She's always just called them "cameras." Did you know you can be account-less as the player, and it can be the camera twin who gets most of the creator bleed and activity levels?
It's not common, but apparently true. It happens on occasion if the same creator is juggling three or more accounts at a time and largely uses that third one for spectating right at the start in those early days. Traditionally, the first account to sync goes to the player soul. The second sync goes to their soul-twin, whether they're often on spectator mode or not. The third can be a coin-flip as a completely new pair of souls is spawned in, syncing up to an already established Minecraft player who may actually prefer spectating this time around.
Food for thought. I wonder if Moo's ever been bugged when I've called her a camera. Maybe I should ask if I can meet up with some of her friends. Maybe we can all do a Q&A night. You could write a paper on this stuff.
… or a book, evidently. Pearl checks the signed name again. Pixlriffs. Of course it is.
If this is insightful, I'll have to drop something off to thank him. But she'll wait until the full moon's faded out so he won't get the wrong idea.
Pearl leaves the books she got for Rhetoric at the end of the counter, next to the bar stool she drapes her Not Courting cloak over. She'll hang it properly some other time. For now, she wants to set the scene: I'm not trying to come on too strong. I just happened to leave a few books here, that are mine, and when I'm away, nothing's stopping you from taking a little looksie at them.
When she turns around, she catches her new roommate standing out on the balcony, one elbow on the rail. Did he open that door? Did she leave it open? He gazes into the courtyard below, swishing his tail back and forth against his heels. It stiffens when she creaks the door open. "Don't talk to me," he mutters, not turning around.
"Right, I won't- Not for no reason, now. Still, I have some housekeeping things we should go over."
Rhetoric's tail twitches again. "No. That can wait. Literally, don't talk to me. I was getting fresh air. As fresh as you can get under bedrock, anyway. Now that you've returned, I'll stay in my room and keep my head down, but it's a full moon tonight. I don't technically exist, but I'm still a hybrid. Give me space."
"Okay," Pearl concedes. There are seven fox ambiance defaults: burrowing, hunting, napping, courtship, marking territory, playing, and stealing. On top of that, the urge to flee from players is a legit part of their coding. Rhetoric's maybe or maybe not feeling courtship tugs, and neither of them wants to deal with that. If it's not courtship, that urge to find his own private space is probably gnawing at his spine. She's not giving up on him, but she'll wait until he's less prickly.
Pearl returns to the kitchen and starts prepping a mixing bowl. Rhetoric's ears snap up. He turns his head. He has gray eyes. They're dull from lack of color, but almost puzzled or wary when he studies her from across the room. He says, "You're an anivore, right?"
"Just a little bit- I'm a partial anivore. I need code to keep my energy up, but I actually can eat other foods without feeling sick. My diet's still restricted." He doesn't look away, so she doesn't stop talking. She barely looks at him, though. "I know fox hybrids can change color between white and ginger when they respawn. My friend Grian's a parrot and they're the same way- the soul spawner might spit them out with different feather colors than what they had before, based on RNG. We bats are like that. Right now, I'm a vampire bat. I used to be a fruit bat when I was first spawned. The type of food that actually refills my hunger meter shifts between respawns, but my stomach can digest all of them."
"So you're an omnivore."
"Well. Yeah, I guess so."
Rhetoric folds his ears flat against his night-black hair. "I don't have proper code. I'm not real."
"Nah, I don't nip much off other people. I barely need any, see; I nip my own code." Pearl lifts her arm, gesturing to the space between her sleeve hem and her hand for emphasis. "Tastes like macaroni and marshmallow right here at the edge." For the sake of it, she doesn't ask if he's ever tasted code before. Probably not. She pauses for breath anyway so he can have his chance to speak.
"That's… disgusting." Rhetoric waves his tail for a second, keeping it low, then almost rotates full around to talk to her. "I had a visitor today."
"Some phantom wearing green. Yellow hair. Black bandana. He didn't give his name, but I found him rather rude. I'm half tempted to report him for harassment."
Martyn. Pearl's instinct is to volunteer the name, though she catches herself and hesitates just before she can. "Oh. I'm sorry he bothered you. Was he hunting? Maybe he clocked you as not having slept… ever."
Rhetoric shrugs, dismissing her thin attempt at comfort. "He broke in. I'd talk to Scott about upgrading your security, if I were you."
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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toointojoelmiller · 2 years ago
play something new: a last of us one-shot
Sarah and Joel have a sweet domestic moment together in th backyard... just before his birthday :( gosh I love them.
1k words
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read on ao3 here
The screen door slams behind him, and he jumps - drops the bike chain, lubricant smearing up his forearm. He cranks his head around to see - Sarah in her hoodie and track pants, barefoot on the patio.
It isn’t every day that she wants him to play for her - so when he registers that she’s holding onto his guitar, he raises an eyebrow.
“Hey kiddo,” he says. He sets down what he’s holding and tries to wipe some of the grease off his hands and arms - smudging dark stains onto his nearly worn to death jeans.
She flops onto their bench swing, laying the guitar down next to her. “Hey. What are you doing?”
He walks over, stretching out his back. “Just - getting our bikes tuned up a bit - thought we might go out this weekend, if you’re up for it. As a birthday present for me?”
She laughs at him. “Dad - I’ll go for a bike ride with you - you don’t have to extort me.”
He flashes her a grin as he moves the guitar aside, leaning it against the wall, and sits down next to her - “Alright, good to know. I’ll cash it in for somethin’ else then.”
She rolls her eyes and rocks the swing back and forth a little bit with her toes - they sit in the quiet for a few moments, listening to the bugs humming.
“You want me to see if Uncle Tommy can come with us?” He asks eventually.
She nods - “Sure. Sounds fun. Then I won’t feel bad when I leave both of you in the dust - you can keep each other company.”
He snorts as he thinks about the last time the three of them went biking - the split chin Tommy had to get stitched up after a poorly thought out race home with Sarah and a way too enthusiastic attempt to jump a curb - “I’ll ask him."
“Speaking of -” she says, “Your birthday breakfast - we decided we’re gonna have pancakes. I don’t think we have any stuff though.”
“Alright, pancake mix - on it,” he says. “You two plottin’ anythin’ else about my birthday?” 
She shakes her head. “Nah - not yet anyway.” 
“Well, you got a couple days,” he says as he scratches his chin, looking at her. “You all done playin’ for the night?”
She shakes her head - “Just needed some air.” Chews her lip a bit, a furrow in her brow that makes Joel frown.
“Everything alright?”
“I can’t get it,” she groans in dismay, throwing her head back dramatically - he almost laughs, but knows she won’t appreciate it - “I’ve been trying for hours - and I just - it’s like my fingers won’t do what I want ‘em to. I’m no good at it.”
“You’ll get it, kiddo - just takes time. You’re plenty good. Ke -"
“Keep practicing, I know,” she grumbles, cutting him off. “Uuuugh. Practicing sucks.”
He can’t hold in a chuckle -
“And now you’re laughing at me, too,” she says, tossing a hand over her eyes. But her shoulders are shaking too as she laughs along.
“Nah - really, though, baby - I’m sorry. I know the feelin’ - it ain’t fun,” he says, putting an arm around her and giving her a squeeze. “Which one are you tryin’?”
“The - you know the one that’s like,” she mimics a little tune - “Duh-nuh nuh nuh nuh -" and he’s fighting not to laugh again - can’t help it, sometimes she’s just so damn cute.
“Right - “ he says, no clue at all what song she’s talking about - “Halican Drops?”
It’s a safe guess and it pays off as she nods.
“Well - you’ll get it baby. Maybe just need a break. Sometimes if you try for too long you can end up getting worked up about it and - just makes it harder. Maybe better to start fresh another time.”
“Yeah,” she mumbles. “I guess.” It’s quiet for another minute. He moves the hand around her shoulder up, playing with her hair a bit.
And then she looks at him, doe eyed. “Will you play something for me?”
A question he’s never said no to. He can’t help the grin that spreads cross his face, that she’ll still ask - growing so fast it makes him dizzy - a full-blooded teenager now, and still sitting out back with her dad, wanting to hear him play. Special, sweet - not a day goes by he isn’t floored by how lucky he is. 
“Of course,” he says, trying not to gloat over it - his heart swelling in his chest. “Any special requests?” He gets the strap slung over his head, takes a second to adjust the tuning -
Sarah shrugs, tucking her feet up on the bench, wrapping her arms around her knees. “Something new. What were you playing last night?”
He’s suddenly a bit sheepish - almost blushes. “Ah - you heard that? Thought I was bein’ quiet - sorry.”
She shakes her head at him -“No, I liked it - it sounded nice. The little bit I heard, anyway. What was it?”
He opens his mouth, but she gets a sly smile as she cuts him off to say - “Wait, wait - let me guess - more Pearl Jam?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he says with a scoff as she throws her head back and cackles.
“Oh my god, Dad - you seriously need to branch out.”
He’s laughing, too - can’t help it, she’s contagious - “You want me to play or you want to tease me about my taste in music some more?”
She wiggles a bit to get comfortable, tucks some of her hair behind her ears. “Play, play! Can you - do you mind doin’ the one from last night? It sounded cool. There was a part I really liked.”
“Anythin’ for you, kiddo,” he says seriously, and she beams that smile at him that makes everything in the world ok. “Fair warning, though - I don’t have it nearly figured out, yet. Just came out - only played it through a few times. Was gonna play it for you, eventually, just - don’t be surprised if you hear me fillin’ in a lot -”
She nods eagerly. He takes a minute to run his eyes over her face - hopes she never stops looking at him like this - before he clears his throat, strums the first few bars - breath in -
“If I ever were to lose you -”
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keeshya6 · 2 years ago
Last Chance
Chapter 2 - The Last Time You Gave Out Your Number
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Joel Miller x f!Reader
Chapter 1 Chaper 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Rating: M (Eventually will be E. 18+ only, minors dni!)
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Our story continues with Reader processing the shocking news that Tommy has given her, and Tommy helping to plan the next step.
Content Warnings and general info: Not much to warn of here. Flirting again and alcohol consumption. I think that's it.
This chapter's a little longer. And I know I'm zooming along a bit here, but please don't always expect quick chapters. I write as the creative bug hits. Sometimes it's faster and sometimes it's slow.
Thank you so much to all of you for reading! And thank you for the lovely, supportive comments. You make my day!
Also available on Ao3
Chapter 2 - The Last Time You Gave Out Your Number
You know you're staring, wide eyed, lips barely parted with your jaw dropping a little. Lines crease your forehead as your eyebrows lift and knit together, your breaths shallow.
The beer in its amber-colored bottle sloshes in your hands as they start trembling and you look down at the sound. Then, you nearly jump out of your skin when Tommy reaches out to take it from you and sets it on the bartop, his other hand coming to rest on your forearm, trying to sooth you. 
"Hey… hey, Eeps. It's alright. Take some deep breaths, okay?"
You clench your eyes closed, nodding and trying to do as he suggests. 
In through your nose. Count to four. Out through your mouth. Count to four. Repeat.
Repeat. Repeat. 
His words keep echoing, ricocheting around in your skull like the ball in a pinball machine. 
Joel's alive, Eeps. Joel's alive. Alive.
Your hammering heart is refusing to calm down and you finally decide to just let it continue its impromptu tap dance within your chest. Lifting your eyes back up to Tommy's concerned face, you swallow against the cotton that's taken up occupancy in your mouth before you manage to speak. 
"You're serious?"
The side of his mouth twists up slightly with a somewhat indignant expression. "You really think I'd tease you about something like that?"
It only takes you a brief moment of thought to shake your head 'no'.
Tommy's big hand pats your arm gently as he nods, and then he steps back to settle onto his stool again. Picking up his glass, he takes a swig of the whiskey before a wry smile touches his lips. "Honestly…he'll probably think I'm making some cruel joke, too, when I tell him."
Your teeth sink in hard on your lower lip, until the tender skin turns white and aches when you release it a moment later.  "He's here?" you whisper.
Tommy nods. "Yeah."  Then he pauses and cringes. "Well, actually, no. Not at the moment. He's out with a patrol group for a few days."
You're not sure if the breath that rushes out of your lungs is a sigh of disappointment or relief. Because you're not sure how you feel yet.
Everything in your head, everything you believed, just changed so suddenly.
You need time to process. 
Turning on your own stool to face the bar, your elbows rest on the bartop and your head drops into your hands, fingers buried in your hair. You close your eyes, trying once again to calm the staccato beat of your heart with a few more slow breaths. 
You can feel Tommy watching you for a few moments, before he starts talking again. Despite your near panic attack, you smile tightly. You remember that he used to do this when he got nervous about something: start yammering a bit, like the silence had to be filled.  
But his voice is nice –though not as nice as Joel's– so you try to use the sound of it to help ground you. 
"They should be back in a few days. He's always a bit…temperamental after a longer patrol. So, it'll probably be best not to spring the news on him too suddenly." There's a pause and you can hear Tommy take another swallow of his drink, then he's speaking again, quickly. "Now, I'm not sayin' we don't tell him. Just that we probably shouldn't show up with you at the door, ya know? Like some ghost outta the past." He gives a little chuckle at that and then sounds serious again as he continues. "Let me go talk to him. Break the news, gentle. Give him time to adjust to the idea." 
You're nodding as you listen. Your heart has finally slowed down, but soon the sensation is replaced by a vice around your chest. You turn your head a little, to look over at Tommy out of the corner of your eye. 
"You know, he might not want to see me at all, Tommy."
He's still for a moment. Then his head gives a real slow turn and he's looking at you again… with an expression suggesting you've grown a second head. 
A shrug lifts your shoulders as your temple rests against your clasped hands.
"You do remember that I'm the one that left, right?"
Tommy makes a soft scoffing noise, setting his now empty glass down across the bartop to wait for a refill. "Only 'cause you both agreed it was best…and possibly temporary. Not like you could've known the whole fuckin' world was gonna end."
Your shrug is noncommittal. "Yeah… I guess. But still," you say, pausing to lick your dry lips, "twenty years is a long time."
Nodding, Tommy reaches over to give your shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I know, Eeps, but I still think he'll be glad to see you.  Hell, when you left it was me that he was mad at."
Your brows pinch together again in a confused scowl at him. 
He smiles at you, shrugging. "Kept telling me that I should have convinced him what a dumbass he was being, before he ever let ya get on that plane."
You snort at him with a scoff. "'Before he let me'?"
His smile doesn't falter. "Oh, you know what I mean."
A faint chuckle passes your lips and you smirk, giving a rueful shake of your head. Then you finally pick up your beer again to take a sip, just as the bartender comes over to refill Tommy's glass. 
You're both quiet for a little while then, each lost in thought and nursing your drinks. 
You tilt your head at him after a bit "What made him think you could have convinced him? You Miller boys aren't exactly known for a lack of stubbornness."
The exaggerated face he makes at you suggests that you've hurt his feelings, his hand pressing over his heart. You just laugh in return and roll your eyes. He grins before taking a swig of his drink. 
"Well, I did help convince his stubborn ass to finally ask you out in the first place, after all."
You smirk at that, conceding his point with a faint shrug and a nod. 
It had been nearly a month since the party celebrating the completion of the hotel, and you kept trying to forget about Joel Miller and his warm eyes.
That was turning out to be difficult. 
After all, you had spent most of that evening within arms reach of him. 
The two of you had been chatting for about twenty minutes when you were joined by his brother, and then the three other junior level architects, like yourself, from your firm. The party was proving to be a bit too boring and lofty for those of you under fifty and a certain tax bracket. So, after lingering a little while longer (as a show of support), all of you ducked out and found your way down the road a few blocks to a pool hall and bar.
What followed was hours of games of pool that made no logical sense within any standard rules. That, and a lot of alcohol, and absolutely shameless flirting by most of your group. Tommy even disappeared at one point with Colleen, one of your sweeter co-workers. 
The night had ended long after midnight, with you tucking a cocktail napkin with your number scrawled on it into Joel's shirt pocket as he leaned down to give a sweetly chaste kiss to your cheek. His thin mustache and patchy beard had tickled your skin and you had beamed up at him, even giving him a final, flirty wink once he closed the taxi door. His grin as the car pulled away showed off that adorable dimple, and you settled back in the seat for the ride, butterflies dancing in your belly.
Then more than three weeks had passed and you still hadn't heard from him. 
You were disappointed, to say the least. You really hadn't thought the chemistry between you had been one sided. Maybe you were wrong though. Maybe a more sober Joel had decided you weren't quite right for him. 
So, you tried to forget about the sexy and slightly awkward contractor. 
The latest design project at work helped with that as you settled in to assist a senior architect with a new contract. You were planning out house designs for a new residential area on the east end of the city that was going to be developed soon. The client, a well-known developer in southern Texas, wanted twenty house designs for their customers to choose from. The lead architect had given you the assignment of designing five of them.
It was your largest project to date and you dove into it with enthusiasm. House design was your passion, far beyond office buildings, warehouses, retail locations, and skyscrapers. Houses were more personal to you. They were where people made their homes and lived out their lives, building their families and facing the troubles of the world together along the way.
You loved being an indirect part of that.
By mid-May, a month after the hotel party, you were so engrossed in reading a report from the new project that you almost didn’t see Joel Miller as you walked right past where he was standing inside the lobby of your firm’s building. Your heels clicked over the tiled floor until you stopped short several steps past him. Looking up from the paper in your hand and scowling softly, you stared towards the exit for a moment.
Was that…?
You slowly turned on your toes to look back and your brows arched up sharply at finding him standing a few feet away, a sheepish smile tugging up one side of his mouth as he met your eyes.
He was just as frustratingly good-looking as you remembered. His dark, chestnut brown hair was a little longer now, just long enough to be wavy and have a carefree, tousled look. His beard was a little thinner, like he’d shaved more recently than he had on the night you’d met. Those dark eyes were as warm as you remembered though. Hell, maybe even more. 
And were his shoulders really that broad a month ago or was his simple rust-red, button-up shirt a size too small?
Different emotions danced around in your head and chest for a moment. Excitement. Confusion. Annoyance. Hope. Anger. Attraction. It took a few breaths for your body and mind to settle on two to focus on: confusion and a touch of annoyance.
Your brows peaked together and your mouth opened and closed a couple of times as you tried to decide on what to say. Finally, you heaved a sigh and dropped your hand down to your side from where it had been frozen, holding up the report you had been reading.
Well, duh…
He shrugged those stupidly broad shoulders and nodded, that sheepish look still plastered on his stupidly handsome face. “Yeah...”
For a breath you just stared at him and then you huffed a laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. “Um… Hi,” you said uncertainly, the end of the word lilting up like a question. “What are you doi-?” Your words caught in your throat as your brows lifted upward again. “You brought me…flowers?”
There’s a hint of redness that crawls up his neck and touches at his ears, and you can see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard. He lifts the small bouquet of white and pink lilies up in one hand as the other rubs at the back of his neck. “Yeah,” he said again, his brows knitting together. “Sarah…my kid…she said I owed you at least that, if I hoped for you to talk to me at all after so long; much less say ‘yes’ if I ask you out.”
You pursed your lips together at that, nostrils flaring as you took a deep breath against the butterflies that leapt into fluttering action in your stomach. Silence hovered in the air for a few seconds as you debated over how to respond.
Eventually, your shoulders relaxed a little and you sighed softly, focusing on the flowers for a moment. They really were pretty. Lilies were your favorite flower,  after all. You couldn’t remember if you had told him that or not. Maybe he had just made a lucky guess?
Regarding him with a softer, but still guarded, expression, a little smirk tugged up the corner of your mouth. “Smart kid.”
His hesitant smile widened slightly and he nodded. “She really is.” With a cautiously hopeful look, he held the bouquet out to you.  
This time you hesitated for a moment, breath stilling in your lungs. Then you gave a soft laugh and a resigned sigh, reaching out to accept the peace offering and jerking your head towards the exit.
Leading the way outside, heels clicking again, you brought the flowers up to your nose and inhaled their rich aroma for a moment with your eyes fluttering closed. Then, as you heard Joel’s heavy work boots fall into step next to you, you glanced over at him.
“I’m parked a block and a half away,” you said, pointing down the street.  “You have until I reach my car.”
Joel swallowed hard again as he stuffed his big hands into his jean pockets and nodded. “Okay. Um…’m sorry,” he started, and then gave an embarrassed shrug. “I wanted to call, but… I lost your number.”
Your head turns back to him sharply and you give him an incredulous look. 
He chuffed a little with another embarrassed shrug. “Hand to God. I forgot to take it outta my pocket before Sarah started a load of laundry a couple days later. It turned into… mush.” His lip and mustache curled upward a little on one side as he said the last word with distaste.
Your lips pressed into a line as you looked straight ahead again, trying not to giggle. Of any excuse that he could have given you, that was not one that had made your list of guesses.
Joel’s faint laugh was a low rumble beside you and it was gone before it really started. Still, it sent a spark of interest lacing up your spine from your belly and you swallowed thickly.
“And I’m sorry I was… too embarrassed and stubborn to try coming by your office sooner,” he continued. 
You stopped short, partially because you had reached the corner of the block and had to wait for the walk sign to light up, and partially because you wanted to look up at him again without tripping.
“So, what changed your mind?” you asked, arching a slender eyebrow.
Joel cleared his throat as he looked down at his boots for a moment and then back up at you. “Well, Sarah and Tommy," he admitted. "I was told… I guess I haven't been the best company since then. 'Grumpy old man,' I believe, were my daughter's exact words."
A snorted laugh escaped you and you quickly turned to cross the street as the walk sign lit up.
He trotted after you and then fell into step beside you again. "Yeah…" he said, somehow drawing the word out into multiple syllables and sounding a little amused, too. "So, I had to at least try to fix it."
You fell silent then, licking your lips in thought before you sniffed at the flowers again.
To his credit, Joel fell silent too and didn't try to push for an answer. 
Finally, you stopped at your car and, after tucking papers under your arm, you glanced at him before you focused on digging your keys out of your purse. "Well, I'm busy this weekend…"
Out of the corner of your eye you could see his spine straighten, even as his shoulders dropped a little in disappointment.  
You let that linger for a moment until you found your keys and opened the car door. Then, you paused and lifted your eyes up to his face, finding him watching you with a serious expression.
After a second, you let a smirk pull up at your mouth and you arched an eyebrow at him again. "...but if I give you my number one more time, and my address, will you pick me up next Friday night? Say eight o'clock?"
There's a moment of uncertainty, and then a smile appeared on his face. "I swear, I'll be there with bells on, Darlin'."
A snicker passed your lips as those butterflies started up again in your stomach. Then you gave him a playful glare, pointing a finger at his face over the door of your car. "Better make it good, Miller."
That smile turned into a full grin with a sharp nod. 
"Yes, ma'am."
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rejectory · 2 years ago
@ohsunshine: “how many times do i have to save your ass?”
been wondering that, kid.
whatever the fuck is wrong with him better get shook out before some sick motherfucker gets his hands on ellie and—and
joel’s drizzling into his mouth. he doesn’t give blood for free. the price here is a misty-eyed pressure that’ll crystallize into nothin’ pretty. his nose is gnarled off-center, and something’s awful wrong with it, he can tell. it ain’t taste like it used to.
the meatsack in the dirt comes to in twitches; goes nerve to nerve, starting with the three-fingered hand knuckling at downstream mulch or a fist, until the whole christmas tree’s lit back up. joel splashes over. one leg he can’t feel. he crawls heavy, dragged down, and saddles up on the backache low of his spine.
joel’s knees bug-pin, feeling ribs spike. a black clot on a string slings out of his mouth down to the squirmer— boy, sarah’s age now if she——-the back of his head where ellie hit him good.
joel strangles him face-down. the squeeze bulges, softens, splinters like a dry stem when his throat comes loose.
there are more comin’.
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wornoutspines · 7 months ago
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What if you had a second chance at a second chance?
Available now from author Avery Cockburn is a whimsical, era-hopping tale of a love that transcends time, space, and trillions of bug-eyed troubadours. CICADAS is a stand-alone novel of queer love and second chances, with the Happiest of Ever Afters.
→ https://getbook.at/cicadas
One day in 1987
Budding scientist Joel and cowboy-quarterback Danny meet amid the arrival of seventeen-year cicadas. Like the loud, lusty insects, the boys bond through song, reveling in the heat and hope of early summer—until fate tears them apart.
One night in 2004
During the next wave of cicadas, Joel and Dan find their connection stronger than ever. Boyhood fascination becomes an irresistible (and inconvenient!) passion, one that will unite and divide them for another seventeen years.
One love to last a lifetime
At the dawn of 2021, Joel and Daniel reach out, and in a heartbeat, the years and miles between them fall away. But to make their next reunion last forever, they must face their troubled pasts and embrace their boundless future.
Cicadas is a uniquely American, ridiculously romantic tale about memory, nostalgia, and the courage to dance into an untold tomorrow.
Connect → FB avery.cockburn.5 | IG/TT @averycockburn
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angelamontoo · 3 years ago
Why I came to the maltese falcon:
•Gifs and images of Cairo playing with his cane and other stuff that makes him look very pretty and cool
•"When you're slapped you take it and like it"
Why I stuck around:
•Cairo spending most of the film being very composed while he looks at Spade like he wants to bludgeon him to death
•Spade in turn, seeming rather amused by Cairo
•Wilmer being angry and sad and pathetic
•Cairo and o Shaughnessys whole dynamic
•O shaughnessys efforts with Spade just..not paying off at all
•Effie calling o Shaughnessy a knockout
•Cairos ragefit and more specifically, the way he ends it by calling Gutman a fathead, making a noise like a turkey in the throes of agony and crying. Ofc you'd probably know about Joels tantrum without having seen the film if you've seen enough videos with titles like "Film noir| a retrospective" or "10 things you didn't know about Ren and Stimpy", but a 2 second clip of him going "you eeedeeot!" without context Just doesn't do his fit justice
•That thing Spade does with the the bird when he says the " The stuff that dreams are made of" line
•Gutman being awful. Tbh I think Gutmans pretty underrated. I love how much I hate that fucker. He's so gross and effortlessly cold-blooded
•The fact that Cairo is never seen getting caught or killed and potentially got off Scott-free. Tbh I find it absolutely hilarious that Spade handed o shaughnessy straight to the police while Cairo got what was at the very least a head start.
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sheogayrath · 7 years ago
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