A friendship between a time traveler and an immortal. Wherever the time traveler ends up, the immortal is there to catch him up to speed.
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Mary Stuart in every Reign episode Season 1 Episode 12: “Royal Blood”
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I have a lot of feelings about royalty au Nessie that I need to share 👑
She definitely loved Keld, I feel like they originally stayed together for around a year, falling pretty hard pretty quickly and about ten/eleven months in it came out into the press. Quite quickly she got rather overwhelmed, she’s the sort of person who likes to go for quiet walks with herself and just time out which she really struggled with not being able to do. She let the press (and some negative comments) and everything overwhelm her so she told Keld she couldn’t do it, he deserved someone better and she broke up with him. Pretty sure it half killed her to do but she was determined.
She definitely bumped into him at a few upper class parties which was hard for them both. She probably went on a date or two but realised pretty quickly how much she missed Keld. She went away for a few weeks and pulled herself together, realising that actually there was nothing she wanted more than Keld. So she met up with him and asked to try again. I feel like they definitely took the 2nd attempt much slower and it worked out perfectly.
Please give me your thoughts thank you 😂❤️
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Nessie smiled when he kissed her on her cheek, she knew this was moving quickly but she couldn’t help it. She really cared about him.
“Well, I have class tomorrow but I’m free afterwards around seven? I could make you tea?”
She knew it was quick to be seeing him straight away the next day but she hated the idea of waiting any longer.
“make sure nobody sees you leave” (Nessie, royalty au)
He nodded in acknowledgment of what she had said, fully aware of the precautions he needed to take to sneak out unseen. As if it wasn’t always on his mind; who could see him, who was watching, who was judging. 
No room to make foolish mistakes and yet he felt she wasn’t a mistake at all, was so much more than a university fling. He hoped, almost against his better self, that she felt the same. Even knowing how much it was to ask, feelings for him, he hoped. 
“I’ll be careful, I always am” 
A smile and a quick peck on the cheek, then he stepped back, lettings his hands fall out of hers slowly.
“When will I see you next?”
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Hadley pulled her face at that last one, her heartbreak pretty quickly leaving her mind.
“God no I am not doing that again, however we could break into moms closet and try on her clothes? She just got a new dress the other day that looked amazing.”
“this has broken me down” (Hadley)
“C’mon Had... don’t say that. You’ll be back up in no time, you just gotta recover a bit, maybe we find something to distract you tonight?” 
A coffee pushed across the table like a life preserver or a peace offering. 
“People get rejected all the time, it just means you’ll get the next one, right?” 
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Nessie snorted and looked at Keld, “does that mean you’re haunted?”
“i think your house is haunted” (Nessie)
“Probably. Anything over 200 years old probably is.”
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Maeryn grinned and scooped her up, wow she thought when did her daughters get so big and so heavy “come on you, time to brush you teeth and I’ll read you a story.”
Hadley had gone out with Finn so it was just her and Naerys tonight, Maeryn made sure to spend some time with each of them seperate although she loved to be together she knew it was important they both get one on one time with each of them. For herself and for Naerys.
“You can pick the story.”
“love you to the moon and to saturn” (Maeryn to Naerys)
“I love you to pluto!”  The little girl giggled while bouncing on her bed, pointing towards the glowing planets decorating the ceiling. 
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Nes smiled a little back at him, “I know and it’s nice that they seem to like me but sometimes I just want to go buy toilet roll and it not be headline news.”
That was half true, she didn’t exactly want to go buy toilet roll but when she was stressed and overwhelmed she liked to walk outdoors on her own with soft music and the pretty country side to calm her down and clear her mind. Right now she was feeling overwhelmed more than ever before but she finding it increasingly difficult to walk outside without being followed and becoming more stressed.
“It a more that I just want somewhere peaceful I can go, where I can’t be found by anyone but you.” She whispered, hoping he would understand.
“it’s hard to be anywhere these days” (Nessie royalty au)
“I can imagine. The people are quite taken with you.” 
He smiled, trying to convey the sympathy he felt for her. Since news of their relationship had been made public, she had faced far more media attention than he had. And she had not grown up expecting it. He hoped it wasn’t scaring her too much, this pressure. The people really did seem to love her, and he hoped that made it a bit easier. 
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“You have to make some noise if you want to be heard.” (tierney)
Tier couldn’t help but grin widely at that, her eyes dancing with mischief.
“Yep and I sure do try.”
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Maeryn smiled softly and took in her daughter, sure Naerys was rather scatterbrained which quite amused her with her being potentially the most organised person in the world and Hadley taking after her and following not so far behind. But to Maeryn it was the such endearing thing that Naerys wasn’t quite so organised; she quite liked putting the milk away after her, she felt like Naerys was a little whirlwind and it always reminded her that Naerys was there and that she was okay.
“Naerys darling we know you’re not dumb or stupid, we also know that you forget things sometimes that’s why we sometimes nudge you in the right direction and remind you to do things. Why do you feel like we think you’re stupid?”
“I’m not entirely an idiot, you know?” (Naerys)
Maeryn frowned deeply and walked over to Naerys, taking her hands carefully in hers. “Hey hey hey, no one said that.”
She pulled her over towards the sofa and sat down, patting the spot next to her. She’d been on her way out to a meeting but that was forgotten now, they could cope without her and if they couldn’t then tough. This was definitely more important.
“Naerys, tell me what’s going on?”
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Maeryn smiled softly and took in her daughter, sure Naerys was rather scatterbrained which quite amused her with her being potentially the most organised person in the world and Hadley taking after her and following not so far behind. But to Maeryn it was the such endearing thing that Naerys wasn’t quite so organised; she quite liked putting the milk away after her, she felt like Naerys was a little whirlwind and it always reminded her that Naerys was there and that she was okay.
“Naerys darling we know you’re not dumb or stupid, we also know that you forget things sometimes that’s why we sometimes nudge you in the right direction and remind you to do things. Why do you feel like we think you’re stupid?”
“I’m not entirely an idiot, you know?” (Naerys)
Maeryn frowned deeply and walked over to Naerys, taking her hands carefully in hers. “Hey hey hey, no one said that.”
She pulled her over towards the sofa and sat down, patting the spot next to her. She’d been on her way out to a meeting but that was forgotten now, they could cope without her and if they couldn’t then tough. This was definitely more important.
“Naerys, tell me what’s going on?”
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Maeryn from Finn
He gets her a vacation lmao 
nah but actually he probably gets a bit of her favorite chocolate, and some books she’s interested in and probably a lovely piece of custom jewelry that is in a timeless and elegant style, no new fads for her even though she’s a designer. 
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Nessie slowly turned her head to look at him, gritting her teeth hard.
“Turn. Back. Now.” She said in the most menacing manner she could muster. “Or I will throw you off a cliff.”
She did not need this right now, she really couldn’t be bothered with Keld as a six year old although a small part, albiet a very small part, of herself was a tiny bit excited for him to be able to relive his childhood slightly. She knew how nice it was to be able to give up all responsibilities for a short time and act like a child again but only when it was herself and she didn’t have to be the adult; obviously.
♈ body swapped version of my muse with yours (Nessie and keld lol)
“Well fuck. I told you not to touch it while I was touching it. Now we have to wait a day for it to recharge.” She was mad but in a way she was kind of glad. It would be nice to not be herself for a change but god she hoped he couldn’t change his age like she could, a four year old Keld in her body was not something she needed right now.
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Maeryn felt a blush come to her cheeks at the end of his last sentence, the more she thought about it the more stupid she felt for saying it was a work reason.
“No, I-“ she swallowed and finally looked back up at him, “it’s a work thing because I was invited through my work but I’ve asked you to come because I like your company.” The end of her sentence getting quieter and quicker as she spoke because of her nerves. She can’t believe she’d just said that out loud.
“and i’ve been meaning to tell you” (Maeryn)
“Yeah? What is it?” 
Try as he might, Finn couldn’t prevent concern and tension from creeping into his voice at her words. What did she want to tell him? His mind brought up a thousand possibilities even as his face relaxed into a grin and he turned from undressing to focus fully on her, the shirt he had just been photographed in still over his forearms. He liked working with her; he hoped whatever it was she wanted to discuss wouldn’t mean he no longer got to see her. It would be just like her boss to make her the bearer of his firing or something similar. 
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Nessie and Keld in any and all AUs
Well it depends on the au what he gets. He’s usually a pretty sentimental gift giver though. Some examples: 
Normal Verse: Basically the oldest thing he can find that she would like. He likes getting stuff that’s an old inside joke or something  Together but otherwise normal: He usually does sentimental stuff, like gets old photos or paintings restored. And he plans some sort of vacation. But also lots of sweets and baked goods and candies more bc he has a sweet tooth than anything 
Royalty AU: Maybe goes a little overboard for the kids. Usually asks her what she wants and gets exactly that, plus a few sentimental/sweet things like freaking photo books or things that commemorate memories. 
High school au: it’s a bunch of small things that are fun and silly and fun to unwrap. And he makes sure to spend lots of time doing cute christmas things. Also always gets her brother a great gift 
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“When? When do you think because I’ve never seen it yet.” She muttered under her breath and crossed her arms, going into an absolute huff with him.
“I can’t fucking wait for this to be over.” She looked away from him, not comfortable looking back at her own face.
♈ body swapped version of my muse with yours (Nessie and keld lol)
“Well fuck. I told you not to touch it while I was touching it. Now we have to wait a day for it to recharge.” She was mad but in a way she was kind of glad. It would be nice to not be herself for a change but god she hoped he couldn’t change his age like she could, a four year old Keld in her body was not something she needed right now.
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