#buffon parrot
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na-bird-of-the-day · 1 year ago
BOTD: Great Green Macaw
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Photo: Eric Ellingson
"The Great Green Macaw is one of the largest macaws in the world (second only to the Hyacinth Macaw). It's also known as the Buffon's or Great Military Macaw and in fact was previously considered a subspecies of the smaller, closely-related Military Macaw. Numbers of this majestic macaw have dropped by more than 50 percent over the past 10 years due to extensive habitat loss throughout the species' Central and South American range. It was listed as an endangered species by the United States in 2015."
- American Bird Conservancy
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bobothemacaw · 5 years ago
wake me up when the pandemic is over 😴
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wordsonbirds · 8 years ago
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[Image: A Buffwing macaw is standing on the floor looking towards the cameraperson but not the camera and has one foot extended forward.] Little one fell off the cage door and needed rescuing from the scary floor.
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pro-exotics · 5 years ago
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Hyacinth macaw with Pacific parrotlet
I can’t find the source of the photo - I found it through pinterest - but I wanted to show it to show the great diversity of size in the parrot family.
Note that the Pacific parrotlet is nowhere near the smallest parrot - they are actually 3-6 cm longer and twice the weight of the smallest of all, the buff-faced pygmy parrot.
The Hyacinth macaw is the longest of all parrots (with the Buffon’s/Great green and green-winged macaws as close contenders), and with the largest and strongest beak, while the flightless kakapo is the heaviest (maxing out at 1.7 and 3.5 kg, respectively).
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larisastitch · 4 years ago
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Ara Cross Stitch Pattern | Macaw | Parrot | Ara | Blue-And-Yellow Macaw
★ Pattern specification for different types of fabric. • Fabric: 16 count White Aida. • Colors: 20. Palette: DMC. • Size: 130 × 130 stitches.
• Finished size will vary depending on the count fabric/canvas you choose. ✔ 14 count ⇒ Size: 9.29 × 9.29 inches | 23.6 × 23.6 cm ✔ 16 count ⇒ Size: 8.13 × 8.13 inches | 20.64 × 20.64 cm ✔ 18 count ⇒ Size: 7.22 × 7.22 inches | 18.34 × 18.34 cm
🔎 The Ara macaws are large striking parrots with long tails, long narrow wings and vividly coloured plumage. Males and females have similar plumage. 🔎 Ara is a Neotropical genus of macaws with eight extant species and at least two extinct species. The largest macaws are the hyacinth, Buffon's (great green) and green-winged macaws.
Source: Ara Cross Stitch Pattern.
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myconfidential-blog1 · 6 years ago
macaw parrots for sale
Established in 2013, https://macawparrotsfarm.com/ ,we have Steadily proven to be one of the most Reputable and Reliable Macaw Parrot Farms Nationwide. We are well know for having the best and healthiest Macaw Parrots for sale nationwide. Among our Macaw Parrots For Sale Includes; Harlequin macaw,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/shop-product-list/, Blue and Gold Macaw for sale, Blue-throated Macaw, Buffon’s Macaw, Glaucous Macaw, Green-winged Macaw for sale, Lear’s Macaw, Military Macaw,Scarlet Macaw, Spix’s Macaw, Blue-headed Macaw, Illiger’s Macaw, Red-bellied Macaw, Hahn’s Macaw, Yellow-collared Macaw ,  Glaucous Macaw and Hyacinth Macaw ,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/faqs/.
All the Macaw Parrots listed above are currently available. You can equally buy adult or baby Hand raised Macaw Parrots. If you have any questions about our Grooming, Insurance, Pet Sitting, Veterinary services we have on offer,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/about-breed/, do not hesitate to contact us ,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/contact-us/,. We will always try to answer any queries you may have in the shortest Time frame.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years ago
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Bronx Zoo, New York City (No. 10)
The hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), or hyacinthine macaw, is a parrot native to central and eastern South America. With a length (from the top of its head to the tip of its long pointed tail) of about one meter (3.3 ft) it is longer than any other species of parrot. It is the largest macaw and the largest flying parrot species, though the flightless kakapo of New Zealand can outweigh it at up to 3.5 kg. While generally easily recognized, it could be confused with the smaller Lear's macaw. Habitat loss and the trapping of wild birds for the pet trade have taken a heavy toll on their population in the wild, so the species is classified as Vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List, and it is protected by its listing on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
The largest parrot by length in the world, the hyacinth macaw is 1 m (3.3 ft) long from the tip of its tail to the top of its head and weighs 1.2–1.7 kg (2.6–3.7 lb). Each wing is 38.8–42.5 cm (15.3–16.7 in) long.The tail is long and pointed. Its feathers are entirely blue, lighter above. However, the neck feathers can sometimes be slightly grey. The ring around the parrots eyes and area just underneath the beak are a strong, vibrant yellow. 
Source: Wikipedia
The toco toucan (Ramphastos toco), also known as the common toucan or giant toucan, is the largest and probably the best known species in the toucan family. It is found in semi-open habitats throughout a large part of central and eastern South America. It is a common attraction in zoos.
The toco toucan has a striking plumage with a mainly black body, a white throat, chest and uppertail-coverts, and red undertail-coverts. What appears to be a blue iris is actually thin blue skin around the eye. This blue skin is surrounded by another ring of bare, orange skin. The most noticeable feature, however, is its huge bill, which measures from 15.8 to 23 cm (6.2 to 9.1 in) in length, which is yellow-orange, tending to deeper reddish-orange on its lower sections and culmen, and with a black base and large spot on the tip. It looks heavy, but as in other toucans it is relatively light because the inside largely is hollow. The tongue is nearly as long as the bill and very flat. This species is the largest toucan and the largest representative of the order Piciformes. The total length of the species is 55–65 cm (21.5–25.5 in). Body weight in these birds can vary from 500 to 876 g (1.102 to 1.931 lb), with males averaging 723 g (1.594 lb) against the smaller female, which averages 576 g (1.270 lb). Among standard measurements, the wing chord is 22 to 26 cm (8.7 to 10.2 in), the tail is 14.1 to 17.9 cm (5.6 to 7.0 in) and the tarsus is 4.8 to 6.5 cm (1.9 to 2.6 in). 
Other than the size difference, there are no external differences between the sexes. Juveniles are duller and shorter-billed than adults. Its voice consists of a deep, coarse croaking, often repeated every few seconds. It also has a rattling call and will bill-clack.The bill is the largest relative to body size of all birds providing 30 to 50% of its body surface area, although another Neotropical species, the sword-billed hummingbird, has a longer bill relative to its body length. It was called by Buffon a “grossly monstrous” appendage. Diverse functions have been suggested. Charles Darwin suggested it was a sexual ornament: “toucans may owe the enormous size of their beaks to sexual selection, for the sake of displaying the diversified and vivid stripes of colour with which these organs are ornamented". Further suggestions have included aid in peeling fruit, intimidating other birds when robbing their nests, social selection related to defense of territory, and as a visual warning. Research has shown that one function is as a surface area for heat exchange. The bill has the ability to modify blood flow and so regulate heat distribution in the bird, allowing it to use its bill as a thermal radiator. In terms of surface area used for this function, the bill relative to the bird's size is amongst the largest of any animal and has a network of superficial blood vessels supporting the thin horny sheath on the bill made of keratin called the rhamphotheca.In its capacity to remove body heat the bill is comparable to that of elephant ears. The ability to radiate heat depends upon air speed: if this is low only 25% of the adult bird's resting heat production to as much as four times this heat production. In comparison, the bill of a duck and the ears of elephant can shed only 9 to 9.1% of resting heat production. The bill normally is responsible for 30 to 60% of heat loss. The practice of toco toucans of placing their bills under their wings may serve to insulate the bill and reduce heat loss during sleep. It has been observed that "complexities of the vasculature and controlling mechanisms needed to adjust the blood flow to the bill may not be completely developed until adulthood."
Source: Wikipedia
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bobothemacaw · 5 years ago
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Staying extra fluffy this quarantine 🤭
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pro-exotics · 4 years ago
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Nutrition of birds in the order Psittaciformes: A review
While the post above that I’m linking only includes a short list, I’m adding more species here, from the second link which is the study itself.
Blue and gold macaw - florivore - seeds, fruits nuts Military macaw - florivore - seeds, nuts, berries, fruits Blue-throated macaw - frugivore - palm fruit, nuts, milk Buffon’s macaw - frugivore - fruits, flowers Green-winged macaw - frugivore - fruits (Hymenaea), palm nuts, seeds Red-fronted macaw - frugivore/granivore - nuts, seeds, fruits (The species appears twice in the list) Scarlet macaw - frugivore/granivore - fruits, nuts, bark, leaves, shoots Hyacinth macaw - granivore - palm nuts (50% lipid content)
Scaly-headed/Maximilian pionus - florivore - seeds (70%), flowers (20%), grain(8%), fruit pulp (2%) Orange-winged amazon - frugivore - fruit (85% from palm fruit) Red-tailed amazon - omnivore - seed, fruits, flowers, leaves, nectar, insects
Sulphur-crested cockatoo - omnivore - seeds (1 sunflower), grubs, rhizomes Major Mitchell’s cockatoo - omnivore - larvae, fruits, seeds Cockatiel - granivore - seeds (prefers soft, young over mature, hard seeds)
Especially shocking/interesting to me was how they found that the Maximilian’s pionus eats 70% seeds in the wild.
Still think that a one size fits all, pellet diet is a good staple for dozens of various species of parrots?
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petmeshop · 5 years ago
Vẹt Macaw (phát âm tiếng Việt như là Vẹt Mắc-ca) hay còn gọi là Vẹt đuôi dài là tập hợp đa dạng các loài vẹt có đuôi dài, từ nhỏ đến lớn, thường sặc sỡ màu sắc và thuộc về phân họ Vẹt Tân thế giới Arinae phân bố đa số ở Nam Mỹ. Nhiều loài trong số chúng được chuộng để nuôi làm chim cảnh. Sinh thái học Trong Họ Vẹt (Psittacidae) hay (vẹt đích thực) sáu phân loại được phân loài như vẹt đuôi dài là các chi: Ara, Anodorhynchus, Cyanopsitta, Primolius, Orthopsittaca, và Diopsittaca. Trước đây, các thành viên của chi Primolius được xếp trong chi Propyrrhura, nhưng trước đây là xác thực theo quy định ICZN. Những con vẹt Macaw cội nguồn ở Mexico, Trung Mỹ, Nam Mỹ, và trước đây là vùng biển Caribbe. phần lớn các loài có can dự đến môi trường rừng rậm, đặc biệt là rừng nhiệt đới, nhưng những loài khác thích môi trường sống như rừng hoặc thảo nguyên. Những loài chim này thường to lớn, tối màu (thường là màu đen), đôi khi có các bản vá trên khuôn mặt nhỏ trong một số loài. Những con vẹt lớn nhất có chiều dài và sải cánh rộng là vẹt Macaw Xanh. Các con vẹt nặng nhất là vẹt Buffon, dù rằng thực tiễn các con vẹt nặng nhất là con vẹt Kakapo thì lại không thuộc nhóm vẹt này. Các con vẹt đuôi dài của các chi Cyanopsitta, Orthopsittaca và Primolius thì nhỏ hơn đáng kể so với các thành viên của chi Anodorhynchus và Ara. Thành viên nhỏ nhất trong họ này là vẹt Macaw đỏ, là không lớn hơn một số loài parakeet của chi Aratinga. Vẹt đuôi dài, giống như vẹt khác, chim tu-căng (toucans) và chim gõ kiến, có các ngón chân của nó trước nhất và thứ tư chỉ về phía sau.   Phân loại   Vẹt Macca xanh   Vẹt Macca đỏ Có 18 loài vẹt Macaw, bao gồm cả các loài đã tuyệt diệt và cực kỳ khẩn cấp. Ngoài ra, có một số loài đã tuyệt chủng giả thiết đã được đề xuất dựa trên chứng cứ rất ít. Anodorhynchus Vẹt lục lam Macaw, Anodorhynchus glaucus (cực kỳ khẩn hoặc đã tuyệt diệt) Vẹt lục bình Macaw, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Vẹt Indigo Macaw, Anodorhynchus leari Cyanopsitta Vẹt lam nhỏ Macaw, Cyanopsitta spixii (tuyệt diệt trong thiên nhiên) Ara Vẹt Macaw vàng xanh, Ara ararauna Vẹt họng xanh Macaw, Ara glaucogularis Ara militaris Vẹt xanh lớn Macaw, Ara ambiguus Aracanga, Ara macao Vẹt cánh xanh Macaw, Ara chloroptera Vẹt trán đỏ Macaw, Ara rubrogenys Ara severa † Vẹt đỏ Cuba Macaw, Ara tricolor (tuyệt chủng) † Ara autochthones (tuyệt diệt) Orthopsittaca Vẹt Macaw bụng đỏ, Orthopsittaca manilata Primolius Vẹt Macaw đầu xanh, Primolius couloni Primolius maracana Primolius auricollis Diopsittaca Vẹt vai đỏ Macaw Diopsittaca nobilis giả thiết loài đã tuyệt diệt Một số loài đã tuyệt diệt giả định của vẹt đuôi dài đã được thản nhiên xác nhận dựa trên những chứng cớ rất ít, và có thể đã được phân loài, hoặc vẹt quen thuộc đã được nhập khẩu vào một đảo và sau đó cho rằng chúng có một bản sắc biệt lập. Ara martinica, Rothschild 1905 Ara erythrura, Rothschild 1907 Ara guadeloupensis, Clarke, 1905 Ara erythrocephala, Rothschild 1905 Ara gossei, Rothschild 1905 Ara atwoodi, Clarke, 1905 Anodorhynchus purpurascens Tình trạng phần nhiều các loài vẹt đuôi dài đang nguy cấp trong thiên nhiên. Sáu loài đã tuyệt diệt, và loài Spix Macaw hiện được coi là đã tuyệt chủng trong thiên nhiên. Các con vẹt Macaw lục lam cũng có thể đã tuyệt chủng, chỉ với hai cá thể đáng tin tưởng của nhìn thấy trong thế kỷ 20. Những vấn đề lớn nhất đe dọa vẹt là tốc độ chóng vánh của nạn phá rừng và đánh bẫy trái phép. thương mại quốc tế đối với quờ quạng các loài vẹt được quy định bởi các Công ước về buôn bán quốc tế các loài động, thực vật hoang dại và động vật (CITES). Một số loài vẹt đuôi dài ví dụ, các Macaw Scarlet (Ara Macao) được liệt kê trong Phụ lục I và có thể không được giao du cho các mục đích thương mại. Các loài khác tỉ dụ, vẹt vai đỏ Macaw (Diopsittaca nobilis) được liệt kê trong Phụ lục II và có thể được hợp pháp giao thiệp thương mại Tập tính   Vẹt Macaw đang liếm đất sét tại Peru Chế độ ăn uống và liếm đất sét của chúng thì vẹt Macaws ăn nhiều loại thực phẩm bao gồm hoa quả, trái cây cọ, các loại hạt, mầm, lá, hoa, và thân cây. Loài hoang dã có làm thể đi tìm thức ăn thô xanh với hơn 100 km (62 dặm) cho một số loài lớn hơn như (vẹt màu xanh và màu vàng) Ara araurana và Ara ambigua (vẹt lớn màu xanh lá cây), để từng thức ăn theo mùa có sẵn. Một số loại thực phẩm loài vẹt đuôi dài ăn trong thiên nhiên có chứa chất độc hại mà chúng có thể tiêu hóa. Người ta cho rằng vẹt đuôi dài ở lưu vực sông Amazon ăn đất sét từ bờ sông, để trung hòa các chất độc này. Trong hàng trăm con vẹt đuôi dài và vẹt khác ở phía tây Amazon xuống đến bờ sông xúc tiếp với tiêu thụ đất sét hầu như hàng ngày ngoại trừ những ngày mưa Trong nuôi nhốt thì vẹt Macaw yêu cầu một chế độ dinh dưỡng cao do kích thước lớn của chúng nên điều quan yếu là phải luôn có thức ăn sẵn ở trong lồng của chúng, trong hoang dại chúng ăn các loại quả hạch, hạt giống và thực vật. Thức ăn chứa 17-20% chất đạm để đảm bảo chúng có đủ sức khoẻ, không cho ăn ở đáy lồng nên để ở khay cao ngang mặt ngay tầm với của chúng. Rau quả được rửa sạch, không để thức ăn thừa quá lâu tránh tình trạng thiu thối. Để bổ sung chất béo cho chúng hàng ngày ho chúng ăn hạt hạnh nhân hoặc có thay thế bằng các loại hạt có độ béo tương đương. Ngoài ra các có thể băm nhỏ bông cải xanh, bí ngô, rau xanh các loại và trộn lẫn với Calci, vitamin, các chất khoáng, sinh tố A (là sinh tố quan trọng nhất cho chim về chức năng não, hệ thống miễn dịch và giúp cho mắt) rồi cho chúng ăn bổ sung. Để bổ sung vitamin A, có thể cho vẹt macaw ăn khoai tây luộc chín, song song có thể cho ăn phối hợp các loại hoa quả như táo, lê, nên cắt miếng nhỏ để tránh hoang phí và không cho ăn quá 2-3 lần/ tuần. Nếu con vẹt macaw dấu hiệu thiếu chất dinh dưỡng, cho ăn bổ sung hạt hướng dương vằn,hướng dương trắng, lạc, yến mạch nguyên vỏ, hạt ngô, hạnh nhân, kiều mạch, hạt gai dài. Tham khảo   Abramson, J., Speer, B. L., & Thomsen, J.B. 1999, "The Large Macaws, Their Care and Breeding", Raintree Publications:CA Fuller, Errol (1987). Extinct Birds. Penguin Books (England). pp. 148–9. ISBN 0-670-81787-2. Wetmore, A. (1937). "Ancient records of birds from the island of St. Croix with observations on extinct and living of Puerto Rico.". Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 21 (1): 5–16. Snyder, N.; McGowan, P.; Gilardi, J.; Grajal, A., eds. (2000). Parrots: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan 2000–2004. Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK: IUCN. ISBN 9782831705040. Gilardi, James D. (1996). Ecology of Parrots in the Peruvian Amazon: Habitat Use, Nutrition, and Geophagy (Ph.D.). Davis, California: University of California at Davis. Brightsmith, D. J. (2004). "Effects of Weather on Parrot Geophagy in Tambopata, Peru". The Wilson Bulletin 116 (2): 134–145. JSTOR 4164648. Brightsmith, Donald J.; Muñoz-Najar, Romina Aramburu (2004). "Avian Geophagy and Soil Characteristics in Southeastern Peru". Biotropica 36 (4): 534–543. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2004.tb00348.x. Powell, Luke L.; Powell, Thomas U.; Powell, George V. N.; Brightsmith, Donald J. (2009). "Parrots Take it with a Grain of Salt: Available Sodium Content May Drive Collpa(Clay Lick) Selection in Southeastern Peru". Biotropica 41 (3): 279–282. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2009.00514.x. Kaspari, M.; Yanoviak, S. P.; Dudley, R. (2008). "On the biogeography of salt limitation: A study of ant communities" (PDF). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (46): 17848. Bibcode:2008PNAS..10517848K. doi:10.1073/pnas.0804528105. Lee, Alan T. K.; Kumar, Sunil; Brightsmith, Donald J.; Marsden, Stuart J. (2009). "Parrot claylick distribution in South America: Do patterns of "where" help answer the question "why"?". Ecography: 503–513. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.05878.x. Lee, A.T.K. 2010. Parrot Claylicks: Distribution, Patterns Of Use And Ecological Correlates From A Parrot Assemblage In Southeastern Peru, PhD Dissertation, Manchester Metropolitan University Parrots and claylicks dissertation Brightsmith, D. J. 2006. The psittacine year: what drives annual cycles in Tambopata's parrots? Proceedings of the Loro Parque International Parrot Symposium, Tenerife, Spain.
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myconfidential-blog1 · 6 years ago
Established in 2013, https://macawparrotsfarm.com/ ,we have Steadily proven to be one of the most Reputable and Reliable Macaw Parrot Farms Nationwide. We are well know for having the best and healthiest Macaw Parrots for sale nationwide. Among our Macaw Parrots For Sale Includes; Harlequin macaw,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/shop-product-list/, Blue and Gold Macaw for sale, Blue-throated Macaw, Buffon’s Macaw, Glaucous Macaw, Green-winged Macaw for sale, Lear’s Macaw, Military Macaw,Scarlet Macaw, Spix’s Macaw, Blue-headed Macaw, Illiger’s Macaw, Red-bellied Macaw, Hahn’s Macaw, Yellow-collared Macaw , Glaucous Macaw and Hyacinth Macaw ,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/faqs/.
All the Macaw Parrots listed above are currently available. You can equally buy adult or baby Hand raised Macaw Parrots. If you have any questions about our Grooming, Insurance, Pet Sitting, Veterinary services we have on offer,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/about-breed/, do not hesitate to contact us ,https://macawparrotsfarm.com/contact-us/,. We will always try to answer any queries you may have in the shortest Time frame.
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animalsforsale-blog · 7 years ago
New Ad has been published on Animals For Sale
New Ad has been published on http://www.animals-for-sale.com/ads/parrots-and-fertile-parrot-eggs-for-sale/
parrots and fertile parrot eggs for sale
parrots and fertile parrot eggs for sale (972) 843-1704 We are parrot breeders of high quality talkative breeds and have available the following parrot and eggs species african grey parrots, cockatoo parrots,blue and gold macaw ,citron cockatoo,jumbo brown coturnix quail and fertile fresh eggs,parakeets,MACAW,congo African Grey eggs,
Timneh Grey eggs, Umbrella Cockatoo eggs, Palm Cockatoo eggs, Goffin Cockatoo eggs, Gallah Cockatoo eggs, Blue and Gold Macaw eggs, Scarlet Macaw eggs, Greenwing Macaw eggs, Hyacinth Macaw eggs, Sollomons Island Eclectus eggs, Dyh Amazon eggs, Toco Toucan eggs, Cockatiel eggs, Senegal eggs, Conures eggs. Blue and Gold Macaws Catalina Macaws Scarlet Macaws Hyacinths Macaws Capri Macaws Harlequin Macaws Camelot macaws Buffon Macaws Hahn Macaws Flame macaws Calico Macaws Military macaws Green Wing macaws Harligold macaws
Contact us for more details via email :[email protected] Skype ID: parrot.king1 Call or text :(972) 843-1704
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windycityparrot · 7 years ago
What types of parrots can you legally own in the US?
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Start with the Endangered Species Act from 1973 Quaker parrots are illegal to own or sell in California Georgia Kansas Kentucky Hawaii New Jersey Pennsylvania Tennessee Wyoming If you live in Connecticut you can't sell or breed a Quaker parrot but you can own one. If you live in New York and Virginia you have to register your bird with the state. Endangered species map Our lawmakers feel as though they are protecting our crops and other native species of birds.   I know that crows can be big problems for farmers who may hire birds of prey to help move these invasive birds down the road.   I know a lot of falconers but I've never heard one say "I just got a call from a farmer who wants to move a bunch of Quaker parrots to the next farm."   If you're traveling with your quaker parrot across the country and you pass through states that prohibit Quakers they will give you a pass as long as the bird "leaves the state" within 48 hours.   Some states have outlawed quakers (aka monk parakeets) out right and must be totally avoided.   When in doubt.   Find a state veterinarian office, call 1-800-545-USDA and press option “2, or visit the U.S.D.A. website and click on the appropriate state.   It's important to check the ESA (Endangered Species Act) list that may totally outlaw your parrot including transportation through a particular state.   Blue Headed Macaw, Lears macaws, Spix macaws, and Blue Throated Macaws, are currently banned and we can expect in the near future for the list to include Hyacinth macaws, Buffons macaws, (a subspecies of Scarlet macaws, and Military Macaws. Expect more species in the future. Please visit the ESA for more info Per Wikipedia: The ESA is administered by two federal agencies, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (which includes the National Marine Fisheries Service, or NMFS). NOAA handles marine species, and the FWS has responsibility over freshwater fish and all other species. Species that occur in both habitats (e.g. sea turtles and Atlantic sturgeon) are jointly managed.   Virginia– not safe Illinois – not safe New Hampshire –not safe Indiana –not safe Kentucky – not safe Oregon- not safe (take) Hawaii – not safe (take) Ohio –not safe Maryland- not safe New Jersey- not safe NJ- The commissioner shall periodically review the State list of endangered species and may by regulation amend the list making such additions or deletions as are deemed appropriate. Oklahoma - not safe North Carolina-not safe Michigan- not safe Kansas- not safe South Carolina- not safe Massachusetts –not safe Delaware – not safe Pennsylvania – not safe New York – not safe New Mexico –not safe Connecticut (?) – not safe Louisiana - not safe Mississippi – not safe Missouri – not safe South Dakota –not safe Montana – not safe, any species on ESA may be proposed to be added Nebraska – not safe   Texas – safe Utah –Safe Alaska – safe California – safe Arizona - safe Alabama –safe North Dakota- safe Wyoming- safe West Virginia- safe Florida- safe Washington- safe Tennessee –safe Georgia- safe and weird Rhode Island – safe Maine – safe Nevada –safe Arkansas - safe Colorado - safe Wisconsin – safe since the federal laws says it is okay to own pets, I assume that the below also allows state residence to own pets. c) Possession, sale or transportation within this state of any endangered species on the U.S. list of endangered and threatened foreign species shall not require a state permit under par. (a). (a) The department shall issue a permit, under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe by rule, authorizing the taking, exportation, transportation or possession of any wild animal or wild plant on the list of endangered and threatened species for zoological, educational or scientific purposes, for propagation of such wild animals and wild plants in captivity for preservation purposes, unless such exportation, possession, transportation or taking is prohibited by any federal law or regulation, or any other law of this state. Minnesota – fuzzy, no endangered or threatened species no clear definition, very subjective. Iowa – fuzzy - safe if listed after Dec. 30 1991 Idaho – fuzzy, however appears to only include state endangered species. Vermont –fuzzy, and looks safe though some limitations are made https://youtu.be/MEIKdYArP3k Here is something interesting I found in two state laws. If Scarlet macaws go on the list, does this mean they can confiscate your Greenwing or hybrid and not apologize or provide restitution? The commission may, by rule, treat any species as an endangered species or threatened species even though it is not listed pursuant to section 481B.3 if it finds that the species so closely resembles in appearance a species which is listed pursuant to section 481B.3 and that enforcement personnel would have substantial difficulty in attempting to differentiate between the listed and unlisted species, and the effect of this substantial difficulty is an additional threat to an endangered or threatened species, or finds that the treatment of an unlisted species will substantially facilitate the enforcement and further the intent of this chapter.   Map of endangered species laws   curated by mitch rezman approved by catherine tobsing via GIPHY Read the full article
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ephemerauniversalis · 8 years ago
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Parrots original 1852 Buffon tropical birds print - Ara, victorian - 164 years old French antique hand colored engraving illustration (B862)
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bobothemacaw · 5 years ago
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It wasn't me! 🙈😈
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bobothemacaw · 5 years ago
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Spoiled chicken 🦜🤤
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