#budget highlights
stackumbrella1 · 1 year
Budget 2023 : आसान भाषा में समझिए पूरी जानकारी, मोदी ने थपथपाई वित्त मंत्री की पीठ
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Budget 2023: वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने आज (बुधवार), 1 फरवरी को बजट 2023-24, संसद में पेश किया, इसे अमृतकाल का पहला बजट बताया।
इस दौरान वित्त मंत्री ने कहा कि दुनिया ने भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था को चमकता हुआ सितारा माना है। भारत का कद दुनियाभर में बढ़ा है। भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था सही दिशा में जा रही है और सुनहरे भविष्य की ओर अग्रसर है।
आगे पड़े: https://stackumbrella.in/budget-is-welfare-for-every-class-cm-shivraj/
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stuckinapril · 5 months
i think i officially set my sights on a therapist and i'll be contacting her very soon?? therapy was legitimately not on my 2024 bingo card (or in the cards for me at all) but here we are????
#this blog always had a focus on social science and detangling feelings and experiences. like it's basically been serving as my diary#bc this blog has always been my main outlet for it. i hate talking feelings to anyone irl. it's a bad habit but i hate it#so it was a game changer and helped me grow up sooo much. esp supplemented w other people's experiences.#being raised by a stoic engineer mother who's very much warm but also not very good at feelings at times has caused me to suppress SO much#compounded w being the eldest daughter. like that is a damning sentence in and of itself#tumblr just gave me an outlet for stuff like this. and every social media is essentially a highlight reel of ppl's best moments.#tumblr is the opposite. i've always loved that too whether it was in the form of humor or more earnest posts#could i work through my own issues by myself? yes probably#and my blog will always have that facet even if i get a therapist#but a therapist's input. just a professional's input. will expedite a lot of improvement for me i think#this has been a critical time period for me anyway bc i'm budgeting my whole schedule for once vs being handheld by uni deadlines#and it's just gonna keep getting more and more intense from here bc i'm truly pushing my comfort zone more than ever before#it just feels like the right call even tho i'm lowkey nervous ab it bc i HATE talking feelings in person.#this therapist will not fall for my trying to deflect by asking her about her life. which. usually works on my friends <3#we will see. a therapy arc is coming very soon basically#p
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soydyke · 3 months
Tbh after seeing the dnp craft video I’m not surprised that they didn’t make an Easter baking one… I feel like if they don’t care about Easter (likely) they wouldn’t want to make a baking video but, they seemed really into this craft one.
This might be a controversial opinion, but I think dnp crafts slime might be one of their most authentic videos in a while. (Not saying the others aren’t authentic) For a few reasons, it just gives that 2011 we want to create our own thing inspired by stuff we like. Like “Dan and Phil get down” or old Phil videos. The idea in these means more than the actual execution. Not to say the execution of this craft video isn’t good, but it’s not trying to be extremely refined like a lot of what we see on YouTube now. It’s just having fun and making a horror video to share. It feels so old school YouTube!
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caimitos · 2 months
saw a post about projecting your ethnicity onto a character and started missing vespa ilkay. so so bad
#pov u grow up in a 3rd world country(/planet) where healthcare workers are exported by the thousands like cheap produce to richer countries#it's your ticket out of poverty as long as you can deal with the loneliness the separation from everyone you know the discrimination etc#ive never talked about my hc that vespas mother was one of them sending money every month visiting every couple of years until it just stop#like why return to the swamps when youre doing fine working on a richer planet w much better living conditions#cost of living rises every year. sending home a % of your salary used to be enough to support your husband and daughter and then it isnt#you know how it goes#vespa is also dead set on this path until ranga realizes that hemorrhaging healthcare workers leaves them with little to none of their own#students on scholarships or in community/state universities are bound by return service agreements and are forbidden to leave the country#until theyve rendered a few years of work on ranga to pay back their tuition + as a really shitty solution to the brain drain problem#this is real in my country btw but my professors say a lot of ppl do break their rsa's and fucked off to work in other countries LOL#our state unis can barely afford decent facilities they do nottt have the budget to chase down their own alumni in other countries!#but the mental image is a bit funny#vespa ilkays first crime: tinakasan ang rsa#i do also think it lines up with her having a network of med friends everywhere in the galaxy (heart of it all) you kind of go into pre/med#expecting most of your classmates to leave to work in other countries eventually. mine are aiming for the usa / uae / europe / japan etc#anyway whether vespa breaks her rsa or not she leaves ranga asap decides to switch careers and the rest is history#i also deeply love the fact that she's superstitious i'm very sad it wasn't highlighted more (i've only heard s1-3)#as someone who did grow up in a rural area and went to more albularyos/folk healers than doctors in my childhood. (they never failed me)#lots of folk illnesses (ex. balis; pasma) local medical superstitions (dont eat noodles in hospital; youll have a really toxic shift) etcc#theres also a lot of potential in tying her past as a rangian + med student + assassin to me idk how to word this properly#being raised on cautionary tales of not to touch/disturb anything in the swamps then being given free reign to poke & prod at things in her#lab classes (now with the proper ppe)....she was having so much fun with the curemother prime too lmao#years of walking hanging bridges docks boathouses in ranga etc gave her great balance & stealth#cracking open alien shellfish in the swamps to cutting open bodies for studying then for assassination....#I MISS HER SO MUCH BALIK KN SAKEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭#i get why most people + the canon focuses on her being an assassin bc people find that cooler i guess#but vespa being a swamp girl > 3rd world med student > assassin is so personal To Me. the whole pipeline. eugh.#skl.txt
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firemama · 4 months
If I had the power to become a Disney bitch that can just remake one of their classics because that's what Disney does these days, id remake Aladdin.
It'd still be animated and the goal would be a consistent style trilogy (without the sudden and sharp drop in animation quality preferably please god).
Completely scrapping the 'return of Jafar' plot line, I'd make the second movie in the trilogy about exploring the ramifications of aladdin's wish. He did not wish to *look* like a prince, he wished to BE a prince. Somewhere out there aladdin is the prince of some country or city or something and I would love to explore that as a technicality to aladdin and jasmine trying to get married. Especially if perhaps that kingdom is NOT on good terms with agrabah. They're trying to get all the arrangements done and theres a big joke about paperwork and getting the prince-requirment law squared away and then bam, the "well actually-" comes from genie and the rest of the movie is about exploring this new territory of aladdin. Who is marrying into Royalty and Politics, actually having to deal with some of that.
And then at the end of the movie, when all of that is sorted out, genie drops the second "well actually-" that aladdin was always sort of a prince anyway. Just not the inherited of any kind of land. You see, al, buddy, your dad's a king of thieves.
Movie three is that the wedding is once, again, delayed. Because now we have to deal with the fuckin ramifications of "what the fuck do you mean I'm the son of a famous criminal?" And the revelation that genie actually knows aladdin's parents. Movie three includes returning to the Magic Treasure Hoard where aladdin initially gets the lamp- "only One May Enter Here" being that aladdins father (deceased) left the cave as a sort of will of his treasure trove, a bounty worthy of a King Of Thieves. Including the most valuable artifact of the trove, the Genie In The Lamp, the most valuable treasure that was responsible for aladdin's fathers success as the king of thieves in the first place. We see some stories of Genie and Aladdins father- from rags to riches via crime, maybe the love story of aladdin's parents, (maybe some hints to why genie says "i dont like doing it" as to being able to bring back the dead rather than outright "i cant do it") and plausibly that the genie and aladdins father made the same deal, I'll use my two wishes and then free you, but (possibly following that failed attempt to bring back the dead as in trying to bring back aladdin's dead mother shortly after aladdin is born?) In the grief of that failure aladdin's father decides to use his last wish (possibly to arrange the Cave of Wonders for his sons inheritance or something) and ultimately betrays genies trust.
We get a little heart to heart with aladdin and genie- "I don't think your dad was a bad guy, per se, but-" and the classic Disney "what matters is that you kept your promise, and that's why I've stuck with you even after freedom, it's the magic of friendship"
and then once we work out reparations of the cave of wonders - using all of that stolen fortune inheritance to better aladdin's accidentally aquisitioned kingdom, and provide agrabah a stable fucking childcare system for orphans, and a whole other musical mintage of do-gooding, they FINALLY get their royal wedding- a unity wedding between these two lands and isn't it glamorous.
The whole big damb deal where Aladdin and Jasmines partnership is weighted against the genies freedom is so stupid when you consider. Aladdin could have just fucking handed the lamp to Jasmine? 3 more wishes. They solve the whole thing in movie one. Jasmine gets the lamp, makes a wish that Jafar will never escape the cave of wonders, wishes that there were bo laws restricting her personal freedoms any more than anyone else (marry who she wants AND go to the market) and then a third wish that argrbah under her rule will know ages of peace and tranquility. Then she hands that damb lamp back to Aladdin, Aladdin wishes the genie free, big happy celebration fireworks scene. (They do the heart to heart thing where they say they'll miss eachother after genie cuts himself off from talking about seeing the world. Obviously. That still needs to happen. They're friends, you honor.)
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cybernightart · 9 months
I have made yet another random observationwith genji new highlight intro!
Genji's arms are bigger then his head
And according to Google the average male head is roughly the circumference of 22 1/2 inches
So approximately would be around 23 to 24 inches in circumference (more likely less then but even just 20 inches flat is ALOT as you will see)
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Also I didn't go over his hair with the line because your face usually ends at the cheek bones, so going over the hair would mess up my already horrid math
So safe to say, genji is VERY STRONG, despite his shimada ankles! xD
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britcision · 5 months
So, the YuYu Hakusho live adaptation
We got a real good anime adaptation, which is rare enough
And they did a good job with the costumes, aesthetics, and they did hit a lot of the fight scenes as close to the original as they could
They just… very obviously understood absolutely none of the actual messaging or what made those scenes impactful
Spoilers below for the original anime/manga and the live action
I understand they only had 5 episodes to get through the first season but I just finished episode 3 and I literally do not understand how they plan to get from here to the Dark Tournament
Genkai was introduced, trained Yusuke for 20 fucking days, trained Kuwabara as well and blatantly favoured him for 19 of those days including telling Botan to tell Koenma Yusuke’s a write off
(Do not fucking ask about Koenma he’s a cool teenager with a pacifier the entire time it is literally not even commented on)
Then oh Yusuke does his finger handstand for one entire night, pops off a spirit gun that Toguro notices
(Elder Toguro promptly shits himself in glee)
Genkai can magically tell they’ve noticed, nearly cries, and hands over the fucking spirit orb. Immediately. It just pops straight in, no big deal, no question, Yusuke wanders off for ramen and Toguro kills her
Not one Genkai fight scene. A lil moment of her fucking around and throwing walnuts at Yusuke, but not even breaking a sweat
Tarukane and Yukina were introduced right off the bat and Hiei’s stolen spirit treasure is a piddly little knife he used to make a teeny weeny cut and give himself a jagan eye so he can look for her, no evil machinations or transformation for this bitch
Yusuke and Hiei don’t even fight before Kurama calls them both bitches and they’ve already picked up Kuwabara to get on the boat for The Fucking Tournament Island which is apparently just Sakyo’s house
Oh yeah, because Sakyo told Tarukane episode ONE that he’s digging a hole to the demon world, sold him Yukina (so who should Hiei really be stabbing?), and has now invited Tarukane back to his place to be protected by Sakyo’s demons, the Toguros
The Black Black Club are fucking all there. In person. Just chilling. At Sakyo’s house on the tournament island and the Demon Triad are there but none of the tournament folks are but they’re on Sakyo’s boat? Minus Genkai? Who died about 30 minutes tops after her first appearance?
Oh, and we saw the demon triad and Toguro popping a giant beastie and Hiei running around with his knife and then immediately after the cut Yusuke just fucked off to Genkai’s to be instantly accepted as her pupil for a 20+ day training montage so who knows what the fuck Hiei and Tarukane were up to in the meantime, Tarukane fully left the mainland and apparently Hiei spent 3 weeks sitting on his thumb about it
I just. The saddest part is that I really, truly think the people making the adaptation thought they were being faithful to the original
The characters look so good, the costumes are incredible, the special effects are fucking fantastic
But every single moment of build up, of dramatic tension, of getting to know the characters and seeing them care about something is gone
Yusuke’s dramatic revelation that it’s time to get serious with his training isn’t Toguro levelling a parking block; it’s watching Kuwabara hit a rock with a wooden sword until his spirit sword happens
His whole motivation to get stronger is “well I can’t let Kuwabara beat me”, which even Genkai calls piss weak one day and then the next it’s fine, he’s ready to finish his training
(One thing I do like is the characters themselves occasionally dropping a “well what the fuck did that mean” about particularly egregious logic leaps, like Elder Toguro shapeshifting to impersonate Hiei and kidnap Keiko
Do they not understand Hiei was a fan favourite just for being an evil little shithead in his first appearances who didn’t care about anybody except maybe Kurama?
Instead we have pre-reformed Hiei who only wants to save his sister uwu won’t even take a stab at properly fighting Yusuke before they’ve teamed up
Just let Hiei be a little shit
Just let him have a stupid grandiose plan that even je can later admit made no fucking sense
Let Yusuke shoot him in the ass and show some ingenuity under pressure)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m finishing out the season just to see where the fuck they’re going, but I thought I had a general idea for the first two episodes and now I just. I don’t know.
I think they’re gonna pansy out of giving me Jin
They’re not gonna do my goddamn flying demon uni-leprechaun
However if they do punch Sakyo and toss him into a pit at the end of this season I will not be mad, he’s gonna be Right There in punching range apparently because they’re not going to a tournament, they’re going to HIS FUCKING HOUSE
Oh and no Shizuru
No badass moments for Keiko (well I guess she did slap the face off Elder Toguro once that was great)
No Atsuko past the first episode
Botan is basically a semi-sadistic cheerleader
Genkai is dead
Because it’s not like anyone liked this show for actually having interesting and semi-independent female characters
Honestly I even had a couple moments of “maybe I’d like this better if they did a worse job”, because it’s so clearly made by people who really cared about the show, and worked to fit as much as they could into five episodes (fuck you Netflix)
But what they cared about was fight scenes
Not any of what actually made YYH interesting and compelling; no character growth, no relationships between rivals, between enemies to allies, between teacher and student
Not 30 seconds on the relationship between Toguro and Genkai, for all they lifted lines directly from the anime
He walks in and pops her, no big deal
Not even on screen
Puu does not exist
For a character who starts the show by fuckin dying, Yusuke really has not been pushed to his limits since
And to be fair, the things the show does well, it’s fucking nailing
Toguro’s muscle transformation? PERFECT. Understated, clear potential to become fucking ridiculous around 80%, classy as hell
Kurama’s rose whip? Incredible, 10/10, so fucking glad we’ve seen so much of it, super well done
Spirit gun and spirit sword? Fabulous, gorgeous, I am in love, only thing that would make it better would be shooting that asshole teacher in the head (not that Yusuke has been to school since the day he died except to sit on the roof)
It’s just… the edgelord version of the story. As truncated as possible, just event event event, without any patience or respect for character relationships or growth or that, y’know, you need to give your audience a reason to care
The good news is, at this point it’s pretty much no reason for them to do the fourth season just in general which would make Yoshihiro Tagashi very happy
Just in general, it’s… fine. It’s a little short action show with great special effects and some fantastic costuming and aesthetic
There’s something that sorta almost resembles a story
And as far as live adaptations go? We definitely for sure know it could be worse, especially with Netflix *stares in Death Note*
I just won’t be all that disappointed if they don’t get the second season they really really really needed
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Reversing color grading is fun. Can actually see him now
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pop-roxs · 1 year
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ok fuck wait. wait um um uh um
first one looks like its from the puppet arc? when they were running up the stairs of the tower?
second one is also s1 and also looks like its from the church arc. not exactly sure when during the church arc it is thoooo
third one is 100% from the s1 puppet arc. its during when they had to fight lizzie as a puppet
fifth one, after MUCH close inspeciton, looks to be from bota. maybe when lizzie tried to stab her, judging from her facial expression.
this was actually pretty hard. you almost got me. some of these may be wrong tho
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cheswirls · 8 months
hmmmmmmmm idk i didn't think the la atla teaser was very cinematic. the dialogue overlay wasn't very stand-out and they used a weird montage of clips side by side. hopefully the actual trailer has better direction and vision bc this wasn't it
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
ok i watched it and...hm. i get the idea the director was going with and at the beginning the building dread was nice but at some point the dread just kind of dies off for me personally. i think the movie would've benefitted from a little bit of a shorter run, and removal of those jump scares. feels very much like every analog video. but other than that, it's interesting and i might see what the director does next
also now that i'm seeing barry keoghan in that other movie you watched i want to check that one out too
i get that! i agree that it ran too long, i got a little bored at some points but the dread did stick for me….i really admire the dedication to the exploration the director had i dont think anyone can say, whether they liked it or not, that the film doesnt thoroughly explore the ideas and feelings it wanted to like the childhood nightmare. im excited to see what the director works on next i feel like fixing some pacing issues thru the experience of making this and a budget bump will do a lot
AND you should definitely watch american animals it was really fucking good its not a horror movie tho its a half documentary heist movie!
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laesas · 11 months
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Gif Colouring Process | Ramking Set
There are various steps needed to adjust the colours of a gif. Good colouring can match tones of different shots, make colours look more true to life or cohesive, adjust so lighting is kinder to skintones and make scenes generally prettier to look at.
Because gifs allow for fewer colours than videos, it also involves prioritising which colours are needed in a scene and adjusting accordingly.
It can also be used for effects: subtle ones (like in like in gif 4: fading colours to highlight the focal characters in a photograph), or much more dramatic or stylised effects.
This is a tiny tiny glimpse of what gifmakers do when we refer to "colouring". 🖤
#flashing gifs cw#flashing gif cw#gifmaking#gif making#gif colouring#bee.gif#obviously I thought it would be interesting but I also wanted to highlight just how much work goes into each gif#also as a Not White gifmaker that is (mostly) giffing Not White people it's really important to me that I get the skintones right#so that's a huge factor in what makes a good gif to me#and each layer isnt just 'hit the curves button' or 'hit the selective colour button'#each layer is adjusted to that one gif specifically#unless it's from exactly the same scene and exactly the same angle you cant really copy colouring across from one to the other#you're relying on a person and a gif maker as a kind of visual artist to learn what's needed and what actually looks good#and I hate hate hate to turn this negative but it's why it's so hearbreaking when gifs are stolen or reposted without permission#and to counterpoint why its so very lovely when people reblog gifs to share them - or ask the artists to share!#There are some really great tutorials out there on how to make gifs#also gifmaking is really a easy to get into and it takes such a short amount of time to train your eye and create really lovely results#I mean it does make you go hRRRRR I COULD FIX THIS when a show or film lights something badly and doesnt fix it in post lmao#if you're a marvel gifmaker you're stronger than god btw#I justify fixing the shitty lighting in these scenes because the budget of my engineer was about 43p and a button#multimillion dollar blockbusters with teams of professional colourists should not look like that.#i digress#do not talk to me about the third gif I dont want to fucking know I dont care I never want to look at it ever again dghjksghjkrs#my worstie my behated#I was fighting for my life#I had to use red text on it as well because it dropped all the magentas out of the colour slots and it their lips went grey#like also because each gif is shown thorugh lots of iterations of colouring there are fewer colour slots overall#so the change is even MORE dramatic than what's shown here#but I made these mostly as an illustration of how much thought went into the set :)#hopefully the vibe still comes across anyway lol
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ereh-emanresu-tresni · 11 months
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
moment of silence for whatever the hell happened to Dragon Prince
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Just finished Season 2 of Tiger&Bunny, and while I think I prefer the first season better, I did get some new skrunklies. So I can't complain TOO much...
I have, however, figured out my biggest gripe with season 2. And thats Kotetsu. Specifically, with how they drew him and the absolute lack of goofy Kotetsu Content.
A big part of the charm of Kotetsu is he's a Goofy destructive DILF who means well. And I'm all for him looking pretty as a treat but :((( Where is the goofy dad man :(((((
#Tiger&Bunny 2#I did enjoy Tiger&Bunny2. I have a few gripes but at the end of the day this is one of my favorite series and it holds a special place#Do I think this is how I hoped things would go? Nah. But I'm happy with some of the outcomes anyway#For one? Jhon & JhonJhon. Loved seeing content of them. FireSky is also great. I love them so much#And the skrunklies? *Holds Thomas and Subaru gentle* They're just so :DDDDDD#And can we talk about Karina & Ryan? I love them. They're so fun. And the fandom is also so fun with the Ryan and Karina content. <333#Origami and Bison was a fun duo of people to see#My favorite thing was just seeing everyone interact. That was my highlight.#And the art for some bits were so pretty and fluid and stuff!!! But it made me wish that other scenes had just half the effort put into it#The Yuri Episode happened and I joked to my mom that they spent the entire budget on Yuri being pretty[Which is fair]#But some scenes felt static. Particularly with Kotetsu? He's not as animated in this season and it really shows#He just feels off in those scenes when he looks off into the distance pretty and thoughtfully.#But it doesn't feel like I'm watching Kotetsu :(#Where is my goofy expressions :(((#His classic goofy and outlandish bodylanguage?#Where are the vibes? :((((#There were multiple times where I looked at Kotetsu hoping and thinking he would have more emotion in his face.#Multiple times I had pixtured the expressions myself#even if they were just slight#A crease of a brow#the slant of his eyes#Perhaps his mouth being pushing into a tense shape.#Something :(((#Okay some other tags now sorry for all that ^^'#I Rant About Stuff#(I guess?)#kotetsu t. kaburagi
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
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❝  Dunno  lady,  when  y'gonna  buy  'em  ?  ❞  Pretty  failing  with  a  first  impression  but  not  like  Ace  had  any  cash  on  him.  All  went  to  buy  food  that  was  already  long  gone.  ❝  Cuz'  I  ain't  much  on  money  but  if  y'offer  a  drink,  can't  say  no.  ❞
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@tenebrispxnea : "When are you free to get drinks?" Get in Ace, we are going to get dRINKS. Ily Azz < 3
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