#bucky defense
eunuchorn · 18 days
Honestly, I can't believe I still see so many Tony supporters who think that Tony was entirely justified in trying to murder Bucky at the end of Civil War. That it was actually Steve's fault that Tony did that, as if Tony isn't a grown man with personal agency (unlike Bucky) who made the conscious choice to act on his anger and straight up attempt murder.
Steve is responsible for his choice to keep the truth from Tony - which he acknowledged was wrong and apologized for because he's a good person - but he is not responsible for Tony's choices. He hurt Tony, yes, but that doesn't absolve Tony of responsibility for the way he acted on that hurt.
If it's "human" and "understandable" that Tony got so angry that he tried to kill Bucky, why isn't it human and understandable that Steve would keep that secret from Tony is a misguided attempt to spare him more pain? Why should only Steve be blamed for what happened?
I'll never understand the point of view that attempted murder is justifiable but secret keeping isn't. Steve and Tony both made mistakes, but Bucky was always innocent.
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Probably in the minority here, but I’m positive there’s no way Steve could’ve known with absolute, concrete certainty that Bucky was the one who killed Tony’s parents, prior to Zemo’s reveal.
All he saw was a photo of the headline of Howard’s death included in Zola’s footage. So he knew HYDRA was responsible for the deaths, but I think he was being honest when he told Tony “I didn’t know it was him.” Then he caved and just said “yes” because Tony emphasized “did you know” as in “did you know it wasn’t just an ordinary car accident?”
Steve probably pieced together the likelihood that it was Bucky who did it, but wanted to believe it wasn’t true, that HYDRA had sent someone else to do it. Which explains why he didn’t tell Tony. He had no proof it was true. And he didn’t want it to be true anyway. Why should he say “I think my best friend might’ve killed your parents but it’s just a hunch?” Why would ANYONE want to say that to their friend?
Steve Rogers deserves no hate.
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denebolablack · 1 year
Tony: *To Bucky* You cannot shoot every single person I've dated that you don't like!
Bucky: *Raises an eyebrow*
Tony: Okay, you technically can, but you shouldn't. Come on, Steve! Help me out here!
Steve: *Amused* Idk babe, you always tell him to use his free will, and that's exactly what he is doing.
Tony: *Frustrated* I'm so done with both of you, absolutely done.
Bucky: Don't say that doll *Pushes the genius into his lap* I'll behave if you spend some quality time with us, ¿hm?
Tony: *Squints* I feel like I'm being blackmailed but I'll allow it just because you're hot.
Steve: *Hugs the pair of brunettes* Oh so you are with us just because we're hot?
Tony: Right now? Yes. Now shut up and kiss me cuz I'm still mad at you.
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aturnoftheearth · 6 months
this is really funny i’m getting some really different vibed posts and i think there’s gonna be vagues and brawls breaking out within the next few hours between destiel fans and the 911 couple fans . some will be kissing
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lord-cherry-bucket · 1 month
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Self-indulgent doodle ꒰ · ◡ · ꒱
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firstelevens · 4 months
pretty poses, rows of roses
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sam/bucky | rated g | 2/2 chapters | 11k words
"The only thing Sam’s worrying about right now is how he’s gonna hold onto his cool uncle status while telling people to—what did your mom say? Leave room for Jesus?” In the mirror, Cass’s eyes go wide in horror. “If either one of you says that to anybody I know, I’m gonna have to run away and change my name and join the circus. Is that what you want?” Bucky pretends to think about it. “Would you at least be able to get us free tickets?” On leave from Team Cap and the Thunderbolts respectively, Sam and Bucky face their most fraught mission yet: chaperoning prom.
( read on AO3 )
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sorry but i can’t take anyone who says tony was just as wrong in civil war seriously because if you just left your tony hate at the door and watched the movie you’d see that he tried to do everything right but team cap are the ones who escalated things. they refused to sign the accords even though they could have worked to make adjustments to them as time went on, caused havoc because of bucky, had wanda throw vision through several floors and initiated the fight at the airport. tony also was holding himself back in that fight because steve and bucky would’ve been dead in a heartbeat but that’s not the outcome he wanted and how was he repaid? by having a shield slammed in his chest and left to die. and you want me to believe what he did was just as bad? be fucking serious.
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i don’t care about this new mcu multiverse shit, i want a comedy series of whatever shit steve and his team were getting up to after civil war
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sibylsleaves · 5 months
i am furious. FURIOUS. that i forgot this video existed until just now and didn't post it for the 10th anniversary of the winter solider.
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six-demon-bag · 1 year
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oneday-23 · 6 months
IF: How would MCU John, with his comic Walker personality, deal with Barnes' provocations about "Just 'cause you carry that shield, it doesn't mean you're Captain America."
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
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denebolablack · 1 year
Me: I don't understand why I love Stuckony so much.
The type of Stuckony's fics I read:
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my biggest pet peeve is when people (both fans and the marvel crew) switch steve and tony; basically they tend to make tony look bad, like he’s the conservative, misogynistic, racist, pro-life asshole that doesn’t care about other people, while steve is the leftist LGBT icon that fights for human rights... like he isn’t the one who went back in time to be with a woman who already had a healthy, happy life, not to mention that steve stayed put while every single tragedy around him (bucky being tortured and turned into the winter soldier, tony’s parents dying etc.) happened.
people really make tony the ultimate bisexual dad the bad guy here. come on.
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th3d0nutl0rd · 8 months
Steve Rodgers has 2 hands and if marvel weren't pussies he would've made out with Peggy and Bucky on screen
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ffiamgoku · 3 months
Working on an X-Men and MCU crossover fic (blending X-Men elements from the live action films and comics/animated lore). And have been re-reading some 80s era issues that are Kitty Pryde-centric, and decided to use Bella Ramsey as Kitty's in-fic face claim. It's a thought I've had before, and one I couldn't pass up using for the fic.
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(also, not supposed to be an intentional TLOU-HBO connection XD But I also pictured Kaitlyn Dever as Rogue, and her role in 'Justified' was a strong reason why) And yes, Rogue has the borrowed/absorbed powers from Carol.
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The fic is set during the events of 'Captain America Civil War' and revolves around Logan and his gaggle of adopted kids/sidekicks, as well as other adjacent characters. And will lead into Logan and Bucky's past friendship during the war. It however is not friendly to Steve, or Wanda.
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