cable-salamder · 2 months
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Momentarily back at my redraw shenanigans because all of these screenshots are taking up my phone’s storage space
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thebucketpail · 1 year
A little blurb based on this thought that I had
When You Accidentally Kill a Clown pt. 1
Pt. 2 Ao3
This is not ideal. Danny thought deftly as he stared in shock at the absolutely massive problem he had just created for himself. He blinked slowly, trying to bring his brain back to speed. Definitely not Ideal.
Not even one week in Gotham, that was all it took to make such a big mess, thank you very much Fenton Luck. Danny had been accepted into Gotham U, having qualified for practically a full ride scholarship, and started next week. He had been in town to get settled for about three days when he was walking back to his apartment from a nearby Batburger.
Unfortunately a certain clown mistook him for a Wayne and well… yeah, he needed help with this.
“Hey Danny what’s up?” Sam’s voice rang as the call finally connected.
“Sam I think I have a problem,”
“What? Your roommate’s too Hot?΅ she joked
“No- no it's not my roommate-” he squeaked out. Shit how would he explain this? Logically Sam would be perfectly normal about it, probably even ecstatic, considering he did just-
“I killed the Joker” Danny blurted plowing past the sputtering noises coming from the other end of the line, “I didn’t mean to, i was just walking back to my apartment and he jumped out of an alley and tried to kidnap me, and you know I hate clowns and he caught me off guard, and well humans are a lot more squishy than ghosts and I think I used a bit too much force, but yeah.” he paused for a breath, “I killed the Joker, At least I think it's him. Ancients, Sam the bats are gonna kill me for this”
The tinny laughter he got in reply did nothing to calm Danny’s fraying nerves.
“Sam don’t laugh what am I meant to do?’’ He hissed
It took a few more moments for Sam to collect herself before she responded. “I’m sorry Danny, that's just so you of you to manage killing the Joker your first week in Gotham. Holdup, I'm gonna get Tuck real quick.”
As the sound of shuffling and footsteps filled the receiver, Danny tried calming down. Breathing deeply he walked over to examine the body. Yep, he thought, definitely the Joker, that pasty face and greasy green hair were hard to mistake, even for a non-Gothamite. Danny wrinkled his nose at the acrid stench rising from the smoking crater in the clown’s gut. You can never be too sure though, so Danny reached over to check for a pulse. Nothing.
The distant bickering died down as Tucker’s voice rang from Danny’s phone.
“Duuue, did you really?”
Danny took a shaky breath, raising the device back to his face, “Y-Yeah, he’s dead,” God please don’t let him come back to haunt me. ”Tuck what do I do?”
“Honestly man, I think you should just leave him, someone will find him eventually,” Tuck replied, the nonchalance oozing through his voice.
“I don’t know, I feel like we should tell someone or something-”
“Holy Shit!” Danny froze at the new voice coming from behind him. “Is that really him?” Red Hood asked incredulously. Ancients that's THE RED HOOD. Danny is so double dead.
“Tuck, I think someone found out,” he whispered into the mic, not taking his eyes off the imposing Figure that was the literal RED HOOD.
“It’s probably fine,” but Danny cut him off with a strangled yelp as Red Hood turned to face him Muscles tensing, shifting from shock to Ancients Danny hoped that rage wasn’t directed at him. That hope slowly dwindled as the vigilante stalked toward him, hand drifting toward the holster at his hip. Danny gulped.
“Did you do this?!” Hood seethed, and Yup Danny was going to die again today. What should he say? ‘Yes mr red hood sir I killed the Joker please don’t kill me’ no, no he should not say that. So he settled to let out a strangled squeak and a small nod.
Danny couldn’t breath as Hood crouched to assess the body. I didn’t breathe when Hood stared him down. No Danny didn’t even breathe when a distorted laugh rang through the air, or when Tucker and Sam anxiously screamed at Danny to respond.
“I Can’t believe the Fucker’s finally dead,” Hood breathed, kicking the dead clown for good measure. “What’s your Name Kid?”
Finally Danny let a relieved sigh escape his lips, he Probably wouldn’t die again tonight.
“Um, Danny?” he said tentatively, his voice rising toward the end making it sound more like a question. Hood just laughed more.
“Well Danny, do you like burgers? I've got to thank you somehow.” Dany was in shock. What. the actual. Hell. slowly he nodded because what else was he supposed to do when RED freaking HOOD offered him food for killing a literal terrorist on accident. “Good, I have to make a few quick calls but don’t go anywhere.” and he walked a few paces away, leaving Danny in Shock and confusion.
Slowly he raised the forgotten phone to his ear. “Uuuuh Guys…” he waited a moment for the yelling to die down before continuing, yeah, this might be interesting.
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elles-books · 5 months
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The aurora borealis above my house tonight ✨
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ravencromwell · 8 months
Headcanons for either or both of the Dane twins?
Going beneath a cut, because somehow this turned into 3k of Astrid stream-of-consciousness musings on ruling her city, bracketed with Holland's disgusted dead-pan snark.
The very worst thing, Holland thinks in the bleakest moments, is that the Danes aren't the worst rulers Makt has ever had.
Athos alone probably would be. He is the lord of infinite, fruitless defiance, and if the city wants to give him such gifts as rebellion, who is he to say no? He will simply fight them all as entertainment between bouts of indulging his insatiable curiosity about artifacts. Emerging victorious would soothe his terror that everyone lost the throne eventually even if it left the city in ruins and more corpses than living people.
But if Athos is lord of defiance, Astrid is lady of small mercies.
From the moment the old man was dead, Astrid knows she will show none of his faux love and camaraderie to her subjects. They might love her in return, and those who love a queen want to see it reflected back, need her words of praise for their devotion no matter how they prattle simple service will suffice.
Such displays are tedious, love reserved for Athos alone.
But gratitude? Gratitude has its uses.
She and her brother want to leave their mark on this world (and its people). If her brother's little stone is as strong as they believe, one day folk privileged to suffer beneath their blades may show their scars with pride and whisper what a gift they were given by Makt's saviors.
If they do not, well. More fool them.
But in the meantime, even an Antari cannot hold off a hundred angry citizens, if they decided to mob. And sometimes, the Danes satiation requires a few missing loved ones. And inevitably, discontented souls decide there must be new blood. In especially unfortunate moments, those close to traitors have chosen to mewl about her brother's punishments and must be put down in their turn.
Her beloved Athos never understood how the body forgets pain. Men and women drink. They promise themselves the blood they saw running in the gutter was not as red as all that. Besides, it will not happen to them. To live in this city is to become deaf to screams, even your own.
Look at her brother's pretty thing. How many times has Athos made him scream? (Enough it's added a permanent, graveled edge to his voice, Antari or no.) And still she and Athos catch those glimpses of defiant hatred that are almost better than the blood for her twin.
Profound appreciation, by contrast? Thankful obligation at holding a living, breathing child, where a month ago there was dying skin and bones? That will make a man hesitate before joining a revolution.
Appreciation may even bind the Antari better than the spell of which Athos is so proud.
'Obey and protect my sister' Athos always says when he won't be close to repeat an unheeded command.
Still, she has seen how he can resist myriad precautions binding every joint and muscle and bone ! Athos's will. Seen the foolish delays, misinterpretations. Seen him dare, if Athos' words are closer to suggestions ignore them outright, force her brother to the clearest possible command. She suspects he can withstand even better as Athos' proximity fades.
Wasted breaths are risk, when blood is in the balance. Fortunately, she is no fool, wrapping herself in enough amulets calling him to her aid is rarely necessary. He rides beside her to prove that even the Dane with slightly less black in her veins can easily control their demon.
But at almost every sign of threat, he moves unprompted. Not because he fears her brother's retribution, not because the seal compels. He comes too swiftly for either of those. Holland Vosijk comes because he knows if she died, he would never throw alms to the city that hates him. No subsidized wheat; Athos would love watching the men and women he trains to ride behind them—never beside, no one is given enough knowledge to stand as equal to they two—into Arnes—divide the city into wedges and make the people under their control scrabble and beg.
When she first saw the stacks and stacks of carefully labeled payments to spell-crafters and curse-makers, she'd thought none of Athos' experiments would be needed. The old man had found a way to open the doors, and now he was dead, and they could simply ride into Arnes and snatch the glory.
But a magical payment for each farmer to feed the city as a whole, rather than their chosen hoard, wasn't the worst idea. And Astrid would happily put the dead's ideas to fine use.
She graciously allows the pretty former knight over-see it, so long as he remembers the queen is always watching.
(Though when speaking of food and goods of all kinds, it is her brother who shines in trade. His tactic is so very simple. So very effective. A merchant enters the throne room. Athos informs them what they will bring to the city. Should they complain or protest, he does not even deign to blink. Merely says: "Unbutton your shirt." And while the merchant is gawping and spluttering, the Antari bears his Seal.
"Do you know what this is?" her brother asks, gently.
By the time he has demonstrated the Seal to his satisfaction—such a thorough tutor to the less accomplished, her twin— the question of whether the merchant's trade might improve under Athos' control does not need asking.
Once, Athos slipped a request for a woman's first-born into a contract revision and she signed without even looking, so desperate to flee from the throne before she had matching runes. She even dutifully paraded the child to the castle six months later. Athos had no interest now she behaved so well, but Astrid found gratitude at keeping her child made her a most excellent spy. within the city.)
And then there are the sick. Perhaps the Antari would be allowed his little preoccupation if her brother ruled alone, assuming the family were desperate enough to contribute a person to his servants' ranks. But even mindless, there's something in his guards that hungers to live, ducking blades and attacks on instincts most would swear puppets could not have. He rarely needs replacement.
On those occasions a petitioner dares bring the ill to their attention, Astrid takes whatever their pathetic tribute is. With gloves, of course, because assassins lurk everywhere. Takes the faded, wilted flowers and oddly shaped rocks with the tiniest bit of color lurking in stone veins from the children—so many are children, young and unscarred enough to believe facing the twins and their demon is a price gladly paid even as those they keep alive will likely betray them eventually.
Adults, when they come, bring carefully knitted blankets and finely spun clothes. Once, there were even the most lovely hair combs, made of some creature's shell far from the south the woman called a tortoise. Why she would surrender them for a squalling brat who has years and years to die while she has nothing else to barter, Astrid cannot guess. But she passed the combs to Albiz, her brother's favorite among the spell-working salon, to check for curses and let Holland do his work.
There are not many such petitioners, but every one will go back into the city and whisper of the queen's mercy, how she always stood between them and the demon, and when it was done, their friend or child or lover was alive. Whispers that will still other's discontent.
She keeps almost all those talismans, unless something catches her brother's fancy. Carves spells into the stones, wraps herself in the blankets, wears the finely made trousers.
Though she has little use for wilted posies. "Keep them," she says gently, savoring Holland's second flickering of desperate relief at being handed a token not steeped in blood.
Funny, how he is even responsible for Astrid's proudest creation, though he disdains her falcons. The complement to her brother's court of favored scholars and magicians. Where her brother's is equally spread between men and women, barely any of her falcons are men. Men are so terribly squeamish about having their bodies borrowed. And all her falcons wear a possession charm, so she may see any part of the city through their eyes whenever she wishes.
She could simply force her will, toss a charm over any likely-looking neck. But she wants keen servants, who will willingly call her attention to matters of interest. Made hungry enough from being overlooked they have the grit to never utter a word of complaint when she enters them abruptly. To never fight when she raises their hands or opens their mouths. To fall upon her prey in whatever manner she requires and ask no questions.
The obedience Athos must bind, given freely.
In return, they shall never starve, never offer their measly tributes to free family from pain, never serve anyone's will but she and Athos.
Years later, the keenest ferocity of them all, her magicless, intrepid Gudrun, under the thumb of a father who craved a drudge incapable of disobedience until she went to the market and ran to rumors of Astrid's glove, nets her flower boy. Whispers the most ridiculous, delightful story about forbidden letters and a knight-turned hound's vices that sees Astrid smiling even days later as she prepares to fully possess a prince. Whispers it with the sweet conviction she must have displayed to her father before Astrid murmurred he could not touch her. To do all the things she must have dreamed. (He learned then a knife could make even a magicless woman a man's greatest terror and Gudrun snarled in delight.) Whispers until the Antari falls to her talons, while Astrid watches from half a city away.
What she wants is easy. What she will call them does not come to her until after Holland's third visit to Arnes, feeling her brother's hand squeeze hers in delight at the wonders of this red city. Both their fingers ache pleasantly from expressing such delight at the hours-long recitation, as they have each time her brother told the Antari to 'account for each moment in the Red City'.
The prey-vulnerable Red Royals must think they are predators, dawdling with their letters, letting 'Master Holland' wander the city while they mull their answers, thinking themselves so safe with their doors. She would mock them more, save their complacency makes for beautiful tales.
Later, he will learn to speak of Arnesian wonders in a monotone as though they were fool enough to believe the city left him any less awestruck than they. But in these early days, even he cannot help closing his eyes at the thought of the fat, juicy rabbits a hunting party carried with them. Or perhaps it is the juice running in rivulets across her brother's fingers and lips as he savors the last few bites of apple. So sweet, that juice, when he had pressed it to her lips for the first bite. She had laughed until her sides ached, spun him about the throne room. She would offer her brother a bite of her own pasty—what a marvelous idea, to tell his pretty thing he must fetch back two things he had enjoyed most for them—but even three trips in, she knew his tastes ran to sweet and savory, not the burn that accompanied her meat and vegetables.
"Did you like it because it burned, pretty thing? Because everything in their world should carry the burn of their betrayal?" she had asked, hours ago, and relished the hiss of breath when he forced the Seal to jerk his head in affirmation.
"Even as you could not help wanting the sweet," Athos had laughed, graciously smearing some of the juice in a lingering kiss at the corner of the Antari's mouth. She could see the red shine of it still. Will he clean it away the second he is alone, or be unable to resist the last taste of sweetness even as he hates himself for it? she wondered, and then the Antari's voice cracked, and Athos gestured that he might fill one of the glasses beside the water pitcher and she exhaled her disappointment.
"We will scry his room and see what he does another day," Athos whispered, and of course he too had wondered if his pretty thing could resist temptation.
"The leader had a bird on his arm," the Antari continued barely a moment later, setting the emptied glass on the table and before he was done explaining how such a fierce thing rested so easily for bits of meat, she was striding to Athos' scrying basin, pulling Holland behind. "Clever, pretty thing, seeing what I need. Falcons."
Such beautiful ferocities, and she tried to touch the feathers even as she knew she would only ripple the water. "As Tosal," her brother said softly, pressing against her back and she blinked.
"He will go back tonight and bring you one with As Tosal. It will make the bird still and silent, but not turn it to stone."
"Was it your favorite, when you made him demonstrate all his mysterious tricks to the salon?"
"You know me so well. We will send him jingling with compulsion coins and they will be none the wiser."
"It isn't a fruit I can have forgotten in a pocket if something goes wrong."
"Then you will not let it go awry, Holland. Do you think a week's silence on his return would make him more or less inclined to state the obvious. It is so very dull."
"More, to spite you. It is what comes of wanting a pet who bites. Athos, come here." She held her mad, foolhardy brother, who would weave a plan in an instant and risk all his great discoveries to bring her something marvelous without her even needing to ask, close to her chest. "The pretty thing is not wrong. Besides, I do not need a falcon, love, only their design. For my court. Can he-"
"Of course. Tell us the rest of the trip later. For now-"
"Holland-" This once, for bringing her such a gift, she will grant his name, since he has so little liking for her sobriquet, "Find the best silver smith in the city. A falcon, in flight. On a chain, small enough to slip beneath a shirt. Bring a finished one for approval by lunch tomorrow."
It was midnight, he would have to roust the Shal's leader from a warm bed to find a smith he would also disturb, he was tired. If the Antari thought any of these things, he did not say them, simply turned on his heel and left.
In the next seven years, Holland Vosijk can count, with fingers to spare, those Astrid Dane invites to her glove who flee the invitation. (Athos always let his magicians come grovelling, but Astrid's falcons were always keen-eared for new recruits) Perhaps it is his worst delusion, thinking they, too, see how much blood runs at the margins of a people who, if not content, are at least not especially restless.
There is fountains worth from the one hundred eighty-two killed by the Danes personally, and his sixty-four. The blood of fools who ran their mouths too freely to the innocuous-looking barmaid or shopkeeper or grandmother before a little silver charm emerged. Blood of crows know how many drunk by Athos' magicians for power.
When forced to collaborate or unearth magic, he can most easily hold his control near lady Albiz, who makes the job no crueler than necessary, heeds advice, and returns her dead to their people or buries them herself. And she still snuffed out two Maktahns the day she swanned into Athos' service. He will not forget that because she grants an ounce of respect.
Two lives she'd taken, that were merely one crime, on one day of two thousand five hundred fifty-five. Still full of all that blood, she'd strolled into morning court in a ragged tunic and skirt, pupils glassy from the sudden torrent of magic into a body that knew only a trickle.
Like Alox.
Fifteen and cocksure with it like him, too.
"I heard there was a place here for those who could take it. I'll be your best magician if you'll let me take enough. I'm tired of running dry."
There had always been people not even the king's knight could stop, no matter how it choked him to admit it. He could have wandered the streets, never sleeping, and still not stopped all the blood being shed. And sometimes. Sometimes, they had something Vor needed and he turned a blind eye and Holland fled to Arnes to be in a world where kings didn't have to allow atrocities for the greater good. Until the ache to smell ash and steel and the fear Vortalis was dead in his absence swamped the rage and tugged him home.
But Vortalis would never have leaned in and inhaled the blood clinging to her like a bouquet, licked the red from the corner of her mouth, mirth echoing off the walls until Holland's head throbbed when she moved like a desperate, striking snake to try for a kiss. As though he'd let it be stolen back from his tongue. Would never have said, for all to hear: "Defiant little thing, aren't you? You're the third most beautiful person I've seen all month."
How many lives might be saved, if Albiz and worse weren't infesting the city? How many slum magicians had killed some unwitting neighbor, watching them preen and knowing Athos and Astrid Dane would never care, so long as they were not challenged as the greatest sorcerers of the land?
Deluded or no, it is those few refusals Astrid grumbled over and insisted he keep an eye on ("If they dare not serve, they must have plans of their own. Look harder, pretty thing, and you'll find the rot they're tangled in.") he seeks when he returns for kingship. Hopes their refusal meant more than a disdain for fancy jewelry. Because Athos and Astrid Dane aren't the worst rulers Makt had, but he will be better by far.
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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SHOP: gettothecorner.com/welcome/themightywlcm
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torchickentacos · 7 months
why must every concert I'm even mildly interested in be indoors
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gae-ta · 2 years
also, words can’t express how disappointed i am that Girlboss Galadriel survived a pyroclastic flow by simply closing her eyes and then opening them again in the next episode
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fuzzyunicorn · 1 month
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The type of life I’m tryna have
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andragoras-in-vanity · 2 months
oh i forgot about this today, i know i usually get misgendered or at least viewed as more femme than i am so i dont like going out much, add being disabled onto it and it sucks even more.
but i had a good disabled experience today!! i went to pick blueberries with my mum (she was testing prices to see if it was cheaper to fill a bucket ourselves or just buy from the market; she no longer cares. enough overripened blueberries splattered in her hand shes willing to pay for them already picked) and i knew i was going to have a fatigue day so i had my cane with me. i dont really like using it much but i painted flowers on it and its super cute and i figured id be able to hook the bucket over the handle if i held it backwards since it was just something to lean on rather than walk with.
the girl running the stall had to have been teens or early 20s, and she was super nice, and found us in the field about ten minutes after we got started to ask if i wanted a belt to hang the bucket on instead of trying to carry it and my cane at the same time. like that was so nice??? so thoughtful???? and she clearly was trying to decide if it would be rude to offer cause she seemed super nervous but definitely not pitying???? like thank you blueberry girl, i see your anxiety and i appreciate that you asked cause i didnt need it but the next person might
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ralofofriverwoods · 5 months
I forgot my lunch :(
Contemplating just skipping till dinner bc then I'll like. Actually eat all of my dinner lol
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It was the best of times (I found a third of a bucket of chocolate ice cream), it was the worst of times (heavy storm outside so I can't go into town to check secondhand stores for records)
- Darles Chickens
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theyluvkarolina · 5 months
could you pls write a smau about a gymnast and lando
masterlist / rules / requests & talks with me!
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SUMMARY౨ৎ y/n and lando hate each other. at least that’s what they want people to think. actually, they are in a relationship with each other
PAIRING ౨ৎ lando norris x gymnast!fem!reader
WARNINGS ౨ৎ none!
FACE CLAIM ౨ৎ Sunisa Lee
A/N ౨ৎ a lot of lando love on my account lately! might make that change 😊😊 also, ik sunisa is team usa but for the sake of the story pretend she is for britain 🥹
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by simonebiles, olympics, nike, and others
y/n_l/n So excited to represent Britain for Paris 2024! 🇬🇧 the new leo smacks 😵‍💫😵‍💫
username1 SHE’S BACK!!
username2 i keep forgetting she is british and not from the usa 😭
→ username3 SHE’S NOT?? → username4 nope! she goes to college in the usa for the gymnastics program but she is a british citizen :) → username5 my life has been a lie
landonorris ✔︎ it’s not your colour tbh 🫤 🫤
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ neither is orange but here we are 🤷‍♀️ → oscarpiastri ✔︎ oh god here we go → landonorris ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n it’s papaya actually → y/n_l/n ✔︎ “it’s papaya actually “ 🤓 ☝️ → landonorris ✔︎ your not funny → y/n_l/n ✔︎ *you’re → oscarpiastri @ mclaren media train this man. i'm at my limit. → username6 can anyone explain why they hate each other so much?? 😭 → username7 nvm that, someone send oscar help that hes screaming for
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by lilyzniemer, oscarpiastri, livvydunne, and others
y/n_l/n olympics are underway 👀
landonorris ✔︎ i hope you fall
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ what a supportive companion 😍 love you lan 😘 → landonorris ✔︎ i hate you too 😘 😘 → username8 these guys have no chill bro 😭
lilyzniemer the heart 🫶
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ for my best girl ❤️ → oscarpiastri ✔︎ excuse you? → y/n_l/n ✔︎ you are excused.
username10 seriously, does anyone know why lando and y/n don’t like each other?? they are from such polar opposite sports 😭
username11 i heard from somewhere that they were friends in school but had a falling out for some reason… might be due to their respective sports.
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by lando.jpeg, jadecarey, lindsayhoran, and others
y/n_l/n rest and relaxation 😴
username12 UHMMM…
username13 Miss Y/N L/N. Who the fuck is that man?
landonorris did you save croissant for me?
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ i did actually → landonorris then where is it 🤨 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ ready to be shoved up your fucking ass → mclaren ✔︎ i’m tired. → username14 HELP NOT THE MCLAREN ADMIN BEING OVER THEM. → landonorris ✔︎ :( → username15 THE SAD FACE 😭😭 → username16 anyone else find it strange lando isn’t commenting about the guy in the photos? i mean he teases her all the time and to just have nothing now is so strange → username17 stay delusional!!
username16 lando.jpeg like??? 🤨📸
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landonorris ✔︎
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liked by mclaren, carlosainz55, maxfewtrell, and others
landonorris J'adore Paris 🥐
username17 i think lando is loving something else other than paris…
→ landonorris ✔︎ no
username18 THE MUSEUM DATE?? 🙁🙁
username19 idk who that girl is but i wish i was her 😕
y/n_l/n ✔︎ the bucket hats need to be retired.
→ landonorris ✔︎ uhhhmm??? no?? some guy said i look handsome. → y/n_l/n ✔︎ was the man a figment of your imagination? → landonorris ✔︎ rude 😒
maxfewtrell ✔︎ upset i don’t get any picture credits. i was the third wheel for nothing.
username20 WHO IS THAT GIRL??
username21 i’m telling you guys it’s y/n and when they reveal it they will be laughing in our faces.
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by landonorris, lauriehernandez, alyraisman, and others
y/n_l/n better than gold 🩷🥇
tagged ; landonorris
username22 WHAT ON EARTH
→ username23 IS GOING ON → username24 IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS
oscarpiastri ✔︎ what in the world.
→ username25 HELPP → username26 i think oscar finally lost it 😭😭
carlosainz55 ✔︎ put a jumpscare warning next time 😢
→ landonorris ✔︎ sorry mate, if you’re on her account you’ll be seeing her quite a lot → carlosainz55 ✔︎ yeah! i totally meant Y/N! → landonorris ✔︎ 🤨 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ HAHA POINT AND LAUGH EVERYONE!
landonorris ✔︎
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liked by y/n_l/n, charles_leclerc, f1, and others
landonorris she’s a little weird and kind of mean to me but i love her 🙃
tagged ; y/n_l/n
username27 IT’S CONFIRMED GUYS!!
username28 more y/nlando content ??? it really is the best day ever.
y/n_l/n ✔︎ i’m not mean 🙁🙁
→ landonorris you literally made me choke on my spaghetti. → y/n_l/n ✔︎ because you were outstanded by my beauty 😍 → landonorris ✔︎ maybe i was 🫶 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ stop i’m blushing 🫣🩷 → osarpiastri ✔︎ i missed it when you two together was a secret. → landonorris ✔︎ someone is grumpy. @ y/n_l/n get lily to call him so he stops being a baby → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ didn’t you cry when she got the first place medal? → landonorris ✔︎ didn’t you retire from the australian gp? → username29 SHOTS FIRED 😭 → username30 sassy lando is back → y/n_l/n ✔︎ oh sweetheart, he sadly never left. → landonorris ✔︎ sadly??
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bluejeanstrash · 7 months
tags: boyfriend! seungcheol x reader, domestic scenes, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of marriage | wc: 744
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‘is he okay?’ 
‘mmm’ seungcheol nods, carefully closing the door behind him. ‘he’ll be fine. he fell asleep but i’ve kept the puke bucket next to the bed incase he needs it’ 
‘cheollie, we really need to throw that thing’ you make a face, thinking about how many times it had been used. 
‘yeah, but people keep throwing up in our house!’ 
‘that’s because you keep making them drink way too much!’ seungcheol’s “home bar” was 3 bottles short of a liquor store. he was extremely proud of his collection and very generous with it, offering offensively expensive drinks to any and every guest that entered your home.
tonight, passed out in the guest room was hoshi, who had been taken out midway through his fourth drink. he hadn’t even made it to the dinner part of the dinner party you both were hosting.
seungcheol pouts in response, picking up a dirty glass left on the bar ‘do you want me to do the dishes, my love?’ 
‘nope, i’ve got it. can you clean up and take out the trash instead?’ he gets on it right away, pausing for a second to rub your shoulders when bringing the glass over. a second turns into a minute, and the rub into a mini massage as his fingers move deftly, kneading all those little knots away.
‘thank you baby, i needed that’ you sigh, and the next thing you know his arms are wrapped around you, his chin resting on the slope of your shoulder ��you know what was really nice today?’ 
‘you know when joshua’s friend…mark? yeah, mark. when he thought we were married’
it was first time it had ever happened. ‘so, how did you and your husband meet?’ mark had asked.
‘oh, he’s my boyfriend’ you had corrected him and moved on, but seungcheol was stuck right there. boyfriend? no, that just wasn’t going to cut it for him anymore. why would he ever want to be called your boyfriend when he could be your husband instead? a demotion, really.
‘i liked it. a lot. husband-’ he presses a kiss to the warm skin of your neck ‘-and wife’, and another, before pulling you into him. he brings his arm forward to turn off the tap before turning you around to face him.
‘what do you say? should we do it? get married?’ each question asked in between little pecks.
‘if this is your idea of a proposal-’
he chuckles, circling back ‘get married. make you my wife. get you…pregnant’ seungcheol feels a little giddy honestly, giddy at his own words. he’s already made up his mind — he wants this future, and only with you.
‘you want to put a baby in me?’ you tease, starting to feel a little hot under your clothes.
‘oh, i want to put many, many babies in you’ he mutters, his lips parting yours, impatient hands coming around to untie the knot of your apron.
‘want to put one in you right now...’ he grabs your ass to lift you up, your legs wrapping around him instantly. you pull off your rubber gloves, tossing them aside and lock your arms around his neck. you kiss him, a little needily, tugging at his hair to let him know you need him right here, right now. he turns around to take you to the kitchen island, opening his eyes for a second to see hoshi — hoshi who’s discreetly trying to make his way out of the kitchen.
‘shit!’ seungcheol’s grip on you loosens abruptly before he catches you, carefully putting you down.
‘sorry! i’m so sorry!’ hoshi covers his eyes, stumbling back ‘i didn’t see anything. i just..i threw up..in that bucket thing and didn’t know what to do with it’
‘it’s fine, it’s fine. go to the room. i’m coming’ seungcheol takes a second to calm himself down, taking deep breaths to redirect his blood flow.
‘this is what it’s going to be like with a kid, you know’ you joke, bending to grab the fallen gloves which doesn’t help his raging boner at all ‘at least hoshi can clean up after himself up. who’s going to clean up our child’s projectile vomit?’
there’s a moment of silence.
‘not it’
‘not it!’
you both giggle — you turning back to do the dishes, and seungcheol going to check up on hoshi, both of you back in the moment, dreaming of the future to come.
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norrisainz33 · 6 days
baller || LN4
summary: lando has a massive crush on one of the wnba’s newest stars and he isn’t afraid to show it
pairing: lando norris x wnba!reader
fc & warnings: nika muhl & suggestive, you are responsible for the content you consume
requested: nope! just trying to get myself back into writing and i love the wnba. will continue with requests soon 🫶🏻
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
ynuser has made a post
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liked by seattlestorm, sbird10, yourbff, yoursibling, landonorris, maxfewtrell, lewishamilton, and 127,284 others
ynuser: time to get to work
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user1: i’m in love
user2: the most gorgeous girl
jackhughes: looking good
user3: good luck tonight!!!
landonorris: work it girl 😍🤤
maxfewtrell: i knew you’d be here
user5: lando norizz has arrived right on time
user4: when will y/n put lando out of his misery
user6: this vroom vroom man won’t quit
sbird10: making seattle proud y/n!
yourbff: very demure, very mindful, very gorgeous
ynuser: very cutesy
user6: major buckets incoming
user7: fashion ICON
landonorris has posted to his story
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carlossainz55: since when do you follow basketball……
landonorris: since i met the most beautiful girl in the world at a party and learned she plays professional basketball
carlossainz55: ay dios mio cabron. what party????
landonorris: a party lewis encouraged me to attend in miami. he knows her through modeling or something
carlossainz55: ahh the one party i did not attend! well best of luck to you lando
maxfewtrell: mate i can’t keep defending you
landonorris: you don’t have to defend me 😭
maxfewtrell: do you even know how basketball works?!
landonorris: YES!!!! need i remind you im friends with jimmy butler?! he gave me a crash course
maxfewtrell: well thank god for that
user8: you’re obsessed
user9: i get it lan!! y/n is hot id be thirsting like a freak over her too if i was you
oscarpiastri: has she noticed you yet?
landonorris: besides following me on instagram she has not engaged
oscarpiastri: have you idk….. messaged her???
landonorris: ummm no that would be too much
oscarpiastri: and you hyping up her team on your story and commenting on all of her posts isn’t too much?
landonorris: nope not too much at all
oscarpiastri: 🫠 ok bud
lewishamilton: you’re really trying here huh?
landonorris: 😔 yes
lewishamilton: well it must be your lucky day because she just asked about you
lewishamilton: yes.. she asked if we were going to be spending any time in the US before austin
landonorris: i wasn’t planning on it but if she wants me to i will hop on the first flight
lewishamilton: i told her that i may be and that if she’s curious about you … that she should text you herself 😉
landonorris: i feel faint
user10: love that you’re supporting women’s sports king
user11: you really said i have a crush and it’s now everyone’s problem and i love you for it
landonorris has made a post
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liked by mclarenf1, ynuser, quadrant, oscapiastri, maxfewtrell, alex_albon, georgerussell63, and 536,234 others
landonorris: it’s all about the details 🎆
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user11: lando you never fail to make the best helmets
quadrant: quadrant on track 🎆
mclarenf1: an iconic helmet for an iconic driver
user12: oh this helmet is so hot
maxfewtrell: ready to cook
user14: is no one going to mention y/n in the likes
ynuser: nice helmet
landonorris: thanks y/n. i made it myself 😉
user15: someone check on lando stat
user16: best day of lando’s life fr
user17: guys we need to be normal about this and be wingmen for lando
user18: so true user17
user18: ynuser lando saves puppies in his free time and was kind enough to lend me his lambo
user19: ynuser lando helped my grandma cross the street!
user22: ynuser lando bought me a house!!
user33: ynuser lando saved a kitten from a burning building!!
maxfewtrell: these comments are killing me 😂
user13: you’re going to win this weekend i just know it
ynuser has posted to their story
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seattlestorm: gorgeous as always
user9: ugh i’m so obsessed with you
yourbff: how do you manage to make everything look hot
ynuser: you should know bby
landonorris: todays fit is a good fit
ynuser: why thank you lando
landonorris: omg
landonorris: i mean… anything for you y/n
ynuser: anything you say?
landonorris: just about!
ynuser: when are you coming to a game then?
landonorris: i didn’t know i had an invite
ynuser: of course you do!! seeing as that you’re such a big fan and all 😉
landonorris: consider me there
ynuser: you going to invite me to a race?
landonorris: i have a paddock pass with your name on it 😏
ynuser: consider me there
user11: can’t wait to see you cook in the playoffs!!
patriciooward: you gonna come see me or what 🤔
ynuser: i’ll be in the paddock if you will!
patriciooward: HA yes i’ll be there. looking forward to seeing you
user13: f1 and lando brought me here and i have to say im not mad about it
jackhughes: 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
user10: the wnba is lucky to have you!!
landonorris has made a post
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liked by seattlestorm, ynuser, mclarenf1, lewishamilton, maxfewtrell, oscarpiastri, wnba, maxverstappen1, and 765,204 others
landonorris: quick pit stop to catch the playoffs. the storm are finals bound lfg p1 here they come!
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seattlestorm: it was great to have you join us lando!!
landonorris: thanks for having me!
user14: oh my god it’s happening
maxfewtrell: mate stand up
landonorris: oh i’m up mate don’t even worry
user17: lando taking shooting his shot to the next level
ynuser: thanks for stopping by lanny
landonorris: of course y/n/n, no place i’d rather be
user7: i’m rooting for you guys
user46: you got this lando let’s goooo
user17: she called him lanny im ???
user22: he’s so pretty, she’s so pretty ,, they’re perfect for each other
mclarenf1: we love women’s sports in this house
ynuser: yes we do!!
user33: LETS GO STORM!!!
maxverstappen1: oh did someone get his chance?
landonorris: perhaps
user45: y/nlando truthers unite
landonorris has posted to his story
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user18: YESSSSSS
user22: i’ve never been so invested in an american sport before
user76: you posting her as if yall together!! you might just be as delusional as me king
oscarpiastri: how is the winning her over going
landonorris: you’d be surprised but i think it’s working!! we’ve gone on 3 dates and talk every day 😭
oscarpiastri: im so proud of you man
mclarenf1: woohooo let’s goooo!!!
maxfewtrell: i thought we agreed you’d post the team photo and not the one of just her
landonorris: she just looked so cute and happy tho
maxfewtrell: but this makes it look like you’re dating
landonorris: i wish we were 😭😭😭
maxfewtrell: i know i know
patriciooward: i put in a good word for you with y/n
landonorris: you are a real one pato
user87: you are a fan girl just like me
user34: the most supportive boyfriend but not boyfriend i’ve ever seen
user19: you’re nothing if not persistent
user77: you posting more about y/n than you do anyone else
f1gossip has made a post
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liked by user1, user2, user3, user4, user5, user6, and 12,846 others
f1gossip: following her first wnba title, y/n was spotted celebrating with friends at a popular nightclub. we received this anonymous intel: “i was in the bathroom and heard a girl loudly talking on her phone. when i realized it was y/n i tried to be chill and not bother her but couldn’t help but over hear her conversation. she said “i wish you were here lando” and “i can’t just fly to mexico to be with you” and “no no no you can’t just fly here right now from mexico” and “ok maybe i could fly to brazil but maybe you should just come here for an extended stay before vegas.” needless to say she was definitely talking to lando and it sounded like they were more than friends!”
view all 577 comments
user44: ok hittin us w the invasion of her privacy
user7: oh my god our boy did it - he bagged his baddie
user99: obsessed with him trying to solve her problems and immediately trying to fly to her
user67: hoping if i post really obnoxiously about my celebrity crush they’ll too have no choice but to want me
user1: i can’t believe after the last 5 months of pining he’s actually gotten the girl
user9: i’m not believing nothing until we see if from them
user12: y’all gotta stop speculating about these two
user13: amazing day for annoying people (me)!
ynuser has made a post
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liked by mclarenf1, maxverstappen1, landonorris, yourbff, seattlestorm, erlinghaaland, oscarpiastri and 347,892 others
ynuser: what happens in vegas stays in vegas
view all 667 comments
user12: cryptic 🤔
user7: she’s in the paddock 😭😭😭😭
user33: omg shes at the grand prix someone please check on our boy lando
oscarpiastri: was a pleasure meeting you y/n!
ynuser: likewise oscar!! had a great time getting to know you and lily
maxverstappen1: so nice to meet you!! looking forward to you wiping the floor with me when we play that game of padel you promised
ynuser: remember, you told me you’d play basketball with me in exchange!!
maxverstappen1: how could i forget?
user35: adore the fact that max will beg anyone and everyone to play padel with him
user47: i’d love to see max playing basketball 😂
user55: wnba x f1 crossover i never knew i needed
landonorris: hopefully things that happened in vegas can happen outside of vegas too 😉
ynuser: if you play your cards right mr norris 😏
user7: i feel like im interrupting something here
user47: ugh you are always serving so hard in your fits girl
landonorris has posted a story
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user18: shocked you didn’t tag her mate
maxfewtrell: so you can post a story but not reply to my texts asking how it went??
landonorris: sorry i was busy 😉
maxfewtrell: oh my god.. you sealed the deal?
landonorris: yes i did! say hello to the wnba’s newest wag
maxfewtrell: never doubted you for a second
landonorris: yes you did but it’s ok
ynuser: thank you for a lovely dinner 🤍
landonorris: of course gorgeous 🧡
landonorris: and thanks for giving me a chance 🥹
ynuser: i should be thanking you for your persistence. i’m so glad we met lando
landonorris: likewise y/n/n
user22: i’m screaming and crying and throwing up
carlossainz55: looks like the devotion to basketball is paying off?
landonorris: yes sir it is 😉
user55: queuing that should be me by justin bieber rn
user66: that’s our BOY
landonorris has made a post
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likes by maxverstappen1, mclarenf1, oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell, seattlestorm, ynuser, and 876,234 others
landonorris: never doubt me again
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user6: my bad king , i didn’t realize you had this much game
maxfewtrell: i’m not even allowed to touch your car let alone sit on it
landonorris: yeah well you don’t sit on my face so why would i let you sit on my car [comment has been deleted by user]
user88: lando you naughty boy omg
oscarpiastri: thank god
landonorris: thanks for sticking with me bestie
user43: couldn’t be happier to see this hard launch
ynuser: we are so hot
landnorris: the hottest
seattlestorm: safe to say that we are formula 1 fans now
user83: i’ve never rooted for a couple more than this one
user92: he got the girl, he got the win, he’s got it all. let’s go lando
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thanks for reading!! likes and reblogs appreciated 🫶🏻
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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highvern · 2 months
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Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x f!reader
Genre: smut
warnings:  dom/sub dynamics (switches back and forth), public fondling/exhibitionism, dry humping, fingering, breath play, oral sex (all the kinds), swallowing, spitting, degradation (reader calls herself a slut, hoshi has a moral dilemma about it), spanking, vaginal sex, anal sex, unprotected sex, double penetration, sex toys (butt plug, dildo)
Length: ~8.3k
Note: a new chapter for my horangdan queen @horanghater hope you enjoy pookie. and thank you to @c-oupsie for beta reading!! now i must go repent for forty years.
series m.list: Houdini [s], Green Light [s, f], YUCK [f], Talk [a, f, s], Casual [a, s, f], Mine [f, s]
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked.
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Sweat beads at the small of your back under the high sun, the churning waves of the sea echoing in the distance. Your boyfriend is somewhere down in the shallows. He could only sit still on his towel for so long before wandering off to find shells. Last time you looked up from your chair he was chasing minnows across the tide pools.
“Excuse me,” a gruff voice breaks through the wind. 
Your eyes land on a man about your age. Maybe older. His gaze prickles down your body, leering at the stretches of exposed skin. In Soonyoung words, you can wear whatever you want, he knows how to fight. You wish he was here now, not down by the water. Not with how creepy this dude is. 
“Can I help you?” you ask, eyeing him over your sunglasses.
“I was wondering if you’re from around here?” 
“Nope,” you dismiss.
“So you don’t know any good places to grab a drink later?” 
“Not at all.” 
“Listen, I was just—“ 
“Can I help you?” Soonyoung interrupts. He’s less than intimidating with the lines of a cheap snorkel etched into his cheeks and a bucket full of shells. But his cheery demeanor is replaced by protectiveness you’ve only witnessed on rare occasions. 
“Hi, baby,” you coo. 
“Hi,” Soonyoung greets, dropping a kiss to your forehead and staking claim the end of your chair for himself. “And you are?” 
“Leaving,” you supply for the stranger before examining the contents of the bucket. “Ooo, this one’s pretty.”
Soonyoung watches the other man stalk away, refusing to look back at you until he’s long shrunk in the distance.
“No, I don’t know who he was.” You answer the question you know he’s dying to ask. 
“I don’t care about him,” he lies. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you assure. 
Soonyoung shows you all his goodies: plenty of shells, a sand dollar, some sea glass. The entire time his hand creeps up your thigh, the familiar feeling of skin on skin without the usual edge. He just likes touching you. Whenever you’re in arms reach he likes the comfort of making sure you’re real. An arm over your shoulder, his head in your lap, the one time you two argued and Soonyoung kept his foot touching yours because you insisted on sitting as far away from him as possible on the battered couch of your apartment.
“I think you’re getting a little crispy out there.” You trace the constellation of freckles dusting his shoulders from so much time in the sun, pink skin hot to the touch. “Hand me that sunscreen.”
You cover his upper body in a thick layer without much protest from Soonyoung. He happily continues presenting his haul, waiting for your oohs and ahhs before moving to the next piece as you tinkle your fingers across his collarbones.
“Can you help me too?”
He takes the tube without argument, covering his hands in white while you present your back. 
Soonyoung smooths the cream over your shoulders, down the length of your spine to the flair of your hips — methodically massaging into your skin and working any knots he encounters along the way. No one is around for a good fifty yards and the shade of the umbrella obscures how your ass arches into his palms. 
“Make sure you get it under my suit too, I heard you can burn through the fabric.” 
“Oh?” He chokes. His fingers dip under the hem of your bottoms. There isn’t much skin covered by the tiny red bikini. If you had it your way you’d be sunbathing naked with no one but your boyfriend to see. But public nudity isn’t welcomed on a beach no matter how deserted it appears. You’ll have to settle for doing so back at the house you two rented for the weekend.
Need screams through his touch, rough hands squeezing your ass, fingers spreading your cheeks apart not so subtly. He can’t see anything but his thumbs creep beneath the hem and that’s more than enough for a spiral. The inside of your thighs receive the same treatment, Soonyoung pushing and pulling suggestively while you hum content.
He straddles the back of your thighs. The thin strings of your top are no match for his dedication, pulling taunt as he reaches to work a fresh handful of sunscreen into your sides, fingertips ghosting the sides of your breasts. 
“Soonyoung,” you sigh. You arch your ass again, pleased to find the weight of his cock eagerly greeting you through his shorts.
“We can’t,” he gasps. 
You knew he’d say that. But no one is around. No one would see. If he pushed his shorts down and your bottoms to the side it wouldn’t look any different than what you’re doing now. You two could be quick and pretend it never happened except for the stickiness of his cum staining your bathing suit. 
But Soonyoung isn’t the exhibitionist. You are.
“Please,” you beg.
It won’t get you much but your boyfriend can’t resist the temptation when you’re pliant under his hands. Soonyoung pulls at your hips until your back meets the plastic of the chair. The pink of his chest has nothing to do with the sun over head and everything to do with the way your top has twisted around your breasts, barely covering what it’s meant to. Which isn’t much at all. Taut nipples peeking around the edge of the fabric teasing him to dip down and taste.
Under the guise of covering you in sunblock, he squirts some across your stomach. It resembles something far less appropriate for current circumstances, especially with how he kneels between your splayed legs, both of your chests heaving. The greasy glide of lotion carries his hands straight to your chest. Your top is pushed up and out of the way, fingertips cruelly teasing your breasts.
The umbrella is perfect cover, and even if it wasn’t the only other person you’d seen all afternoon deserved to see how shameless you are for Soonyoung. How eager he is for you. The way neither of you can think of anyone else outside this moment with the band of his swim trunks stretching under your wandering hands and his teeth bruised lips. 
Someone has to call chicken first. You won’t because you love the attention and your boyfriend won’t because he loves giving it to you. But you have to. Because Soonyoung would never live down the embarrassment of actually fucking you in the open if you were caught. You’d never stand a chance at talking him into doing it again, even if in a more secluded place where the chances of being seen really are zero. So you pull away first. Hands returning to your sides, propping yourself up to plant a kiss on his heart. 
“Go cool off,” you command. He pinches your nipples again for good measure; a rough tug you’d beg for in the privacy of his bed. But right now, you both need a breather. You swat his hands away, flopping back onto the chair and closing your eyes. “Go.” 
“I can’t.” 
“Why not?” 
“I’m pretty sure if I stand up I’ll pass out.” 
“Well if you stay here someone is gonna catch us with your dick in my mouth so pick.” You run a hand back down his front to punctuate the threat.
The heat of his body disappears, Soonyoung up and sprinting towards the water without a second glance.
You right your swimsuit, not that there’s much modesty to be protected, and doze into a fitful nap. The ache in your gut lingers, mind plagued by images of your boyfriend, some real and some pure fantasy, fucking you on the beach chair. Waking you up with rough thrusts of his cock, a hand over your mouth the only thing to keep everyone from turning to watch. And even that’s not enough. You dream of a crowd, faceless people circled around where you two go at it. Soonyoung fucking you face down like you’re nothing more than a hole for him to dump his load into. Or you riding his cock until he cries from coming so many times but refusing to begin for mercy.
As the heat of the day crescendos so does the raging boil of want in your veins. It’s well past noon and the few people that were at the beach have long left by the time you open your eyes. Soonyoung is still in the water, floating through the waves. Each step down towards the sea foam threatens your resolve. You won’t fuck him. Not in the nasty ocean. Not on the public beach. But there’s still fun to be had. 
Broad tanned shoulders and a mop of pale hair are the only things you can see above water. Hopefully something waits below to greet you. 
“You’re gonna turn into a prune if you stay out here any longer,” you call while wading closer. The gentle laps of water cool against your blushing skin.
“Okay mom,” he jests. Soonyoung pulls you the last ways into his chest, bringing your legs around his waist and locking his arms around your own. 
“I think we should head back soon. Maybe take a shower before dinner?” 
“Maybe we can order in and hang out at the house,” he suggests, nosing along your jaw. His motivation is obvious; prodding against your thigh despite his attempt to seem subtle. 
Your hand snakes beneath his shorts. This time you don’t care how conspicuous you are. There really is no one to see. Not this time. The water hides everything and Soonyoung’s back is to the beach. 
“Babe,” he warns. 
“Are you not feeling well, baby? Is that why you wanna stay at the house?” 
“No.” He rasps. His hips curl into your loose grip, fucking your hand like he’d fuck your cunt given the chance. With limited room you'll make the most of it, nipping at his earlobe while your other hand tugs his hair.
“Then what is it? Too tired?” 
“Tell me what you want,” you demand with a squeeze. 
You gasp in mockery, “me?” 
“Wanna fuck you. Wanna—shit—make you ride my cock.” He heaves through the request, images of you, head thrown back on that damn sun chair plaguing his brain.
“‘Make me’? You think you can make me do anything?”
 “I—” he chokes.
You rub him with a firm hand. If the water wasn’t a factor, he’d have dropped you on your ass by now. Soonyoung can barely keep himself upright when you tease him like this, let alone balance for two. Fingers sinking lower, you don’t stop until his balls sit heavy in your palm.
“I ride your cock because I want to. Because it makes me feel good. You like making me feel good don’t you?”
Soonyoung squeezes your ass, dragging your cunt over his crotch with enough force to bruise. “Yeah.”
“So let’s go home and I’ll let you make me feel really good.”
“Okay,” he grunts, another tug of your palm shooting bolts up his spine.
You let him go without argument, a wicked smile plastered on your face. The swim to shore takes much longer than it should. All due to your boyfriend’s wandering hands beneath the waves, tugging your suit loose and grabbing whatever comes in reach: thighs, ass, your hands. Soonyoung can’t stop pulling you back for more kisses, teeth cutting into your jaw when you indulge him too much. His mouth tastes like the ocean but his hands slipping beneath your bottoms to massage your ass are too distracting to care.
Only when you get to the shallows, water barely skimming your knees and providing no more cover, does he relent. 
But you don’t.
You turn around, pretending to invite him in for a hug with deceptive softness in your gaze.
“Hi,” you smile as he meets you halfway.
“Hi,” Soonyoung smiles back.
Gentle kisses lure him in, PG pecks across sunburned cheeks that’d make you sick to your stomach if it weren’t the kind of contact you’ve grown to enjoy. He’s sweet on you. Easily distracted by gooey eyes and bubbling giggles.
Which is why it’s too easy to push him back into the next wave.
The mop of drenched blonde hair pops up after a moment, gasping for breath as he stares up from the surf with disbelief. There’s no reason for him to be surprised. You did the exact same thing yesterday.
Laughter chokes your gasping breaths; eyes watering at the incredulous expression twisting his features. You’re too distracted by your own glee that when Soonyoung jumps in pursuit, you barely manage two steps before ending up flung over his shoulder for revenge.
“Put me down!” you scream. Your fists beat against his backside to no avail.
“Awww baby,” he pouts. The surf sloshes around his legs as he carries you deeper.  “but I wanted to swim with you.”
You swat at his ass. “Soonyoung I swear to god!”
“Can’t hear you!”
“What was that?” he calls.
“Don’t do this,” you beg. He fakes like he’s tossing you into the next wave but you cling tighter. “Asshole!”
“Ask me nicely.”
“Soonyoung, will you please put me down.”
“Fine, but only because you’re pretty.”
You slide down the front of his body, chests pressed flat and trembling from laughter. The rest of the way to shore is on jelly legs. Soonyoung follows, unperturbed by the tent in his bottoms now that the beach is clear. 
Damn that bikini. He thinks. And damn the three others you’ve donned this week that show more skin than the last. It’s almost worse than if you decided to prance around naked the entire weekend. The tease of what little skin no one else is supposed to see. Not even the sun. But he gets to. He gets to peel off the itty bitty pieces of fabric and look as much as he wants – touch as much as he wants. 
You’re a tease through and through; bending over to riffle through your bag, bottoms riding up. It does nothing to help his straining cock. If anything it makes it worse. Spine arched, ass perfectly positioned for him to reach over and make free. He’s got all the permission in the world but he still hesitates even though you’re begging him to do it. You look back over your shoulder, bending deeper after catching his gaze, hips wiggling suggestively back and forth.
He wants to. God, does Soonyoung want to pull the shameful excuse for bikini bottoms aside and take up the offer. Sink as deep as he can and fuck you until you’re shaking. But you’re loud and he’s louder and once you two start it’ll take a miracle to stop.
So when he stands behind you, cock heavy between your cheeks, he responds to your grind backwards with a harsh grip around the back of your neck.
You inhale sharply, surprised by the sudden show of force. “Soonyoung?” 
He steps closer, free hand pulling at the fabric covering your ass until his cock slips beneath. His own bottoms cover him but one less layer is better. “Behave.” 
Breath hitching, your eyes slip shut. “If I don’t?” 
He doesn’t have a leg to stand on. You can’t keep your hands to yourself any better than he can. Two pathetic needy messes perfectly matched. His hand slips around the front of your throat. There’s no heavy grip, just the weight, the promise of something. The potential resting in his fingertips. 
“You don’t wanna find out.” He’s bluffing. He must be. But if he’s not, if the threat is real, you’re in no position to argue. You packed lube and nothing else in terms of sexcapades. Nothing here to get off with besides your own hands if Soonyoung taps out. And he’s strong enough to pin you to the bed until you forfeit.
His chest scorches against your back, hand still cupping your throat. His other presses against your stomach, holding you in place for the thick grind of his cock.
“Oh,” you pant. The movement pulls your bottoms tighter, just enough friction against your core to make you crave more. You moan with forbidden pleasure of a public rendezvous out in the open.
“Fuck,” Soonyoung grunts.
Rather than give you more, he lets you go. Leaving gravity to do its damage as your knees buckle. You catch on the beach chair, narrowly avoiding a face full of sand. “What the fuck?”
“Sorry! Sorry, I’m sorry.” He joins you on the chair, rushing for a towel to cover his lap. 
That’s when you spot what freaked him out: a pair of old timers up by the dunes. No shot they saw anything given their animated arguing, the crashing waves barely managing to muffle their shouts.
“Seriously?” you scoff. 
“I’m not trying to get arrested!” he argues. 
Sometimes you wonder if he knows how lucky he is that he’s cute.
“Whatever, c’mon.”
The beach has private showers. Little huts to rinse off sand and salt in privacy. You drag Soonyoung into one. He’s still paranoid someone might see but willing to ignore the consequences in favor of whatever inevitable torture awaits. Besides, couples shower together all the time; in the name of saving space and water. But when the door locks and no one is left but you and him, the outside world fades into nothing.
Your suit comes off first. Wet thuds against the floor leaving you naked for his gawking until his trunks join. Cock standing proud, Soonyoung joins you under the spray.
You tease him the same way he teased you on the sand. Lingering touches, obvious gropes; slithering your palm across his crotch and spitting on the leaking head staring up at you. The shower rinses away the evidence of the day as you work up a new mess. 
“Oh god, yeah.” He’s limp under your ministrations.
“Feels good?” you goad. “All of this for me?”
“Uh huh.” His voice cracks. 
You mouth at his neck, cocky from the way his hips cant into your fist. Crowding him into the wall is too easy when using his satisfaction as a distraction. A nipple comes in view and your latch on. Teeth and tongue and spit get him to the edge and you’re on your knees to catch it just in time.
More blushing that has nothing to do with the sun blooms on his front as he hisses, “Shit.”
His cock pulses between your lips and you take it all like a pro; nose to crotch with a wet choke Soonyoung will certainly think about later. 
When he stops twitching long enough to drag you off, you surprise him with a mouthful of cum trickling back down his cock and a tight fist at the base.
“Ha—oh fuck, you can’t just—”
“Can’t what?” you ask before swallowing his dick again.
He grips the back of your head desperately, unsure if he wants to drag you off or force you down to take another load. It’s not fair. He’s only a man and the fact you’re pliant and eager from sucking his cock like you get off on it all the same might just kill him.
“Please,” Soonyoung begs. For what, who knows, but you drop to mouth at his balls, using his own perversion against him,  and he’s coming in weak trickles down your knuckles.
“Good?” you smile, licking between your fingers.
He’s an absolute dream leant against the wall, cock soiled and chest heaving. “One day my dick is gonna fall off.”
“Drama queen,” you snort. “C’mon, let's go home.”
Drying off in comfortable silence, Soonyoung refuses to let you go long enough for a thorough job. He’s always cuddly after sex. Or before sex. And just in general. A long day in the hot sun and two orgasms make him cling like a second skin in the steamy bathroom.
He only lets you go to shimmy on your clothes for the drive home. But his usual gawking lingers with an edge as you adjust the straps on your shoulders.
“Why are you wearing that?”
“Wearing what?” you ask, tone full of faux innocence. The white sundress had kept you from leaving the house this morning, Soonyoung planting you on the counter and ducking beneath the skirt just to press his face into the crotch of your bottoms like some pervert. Now, you wear nothing underneath, nipples showing through the sheer linen fabric.
“Babe,” you mock.
“Let’s go home, you freak.”
“Yeah, you.”
The drive back is quiet. The roar of waves from the coast and a dull hum from the radio accompanying the comfortable silence. Soonyoung keeps his hand on your thigh, pushing your skirt high enough to tickle the skin of your knee beneath his fingers.
“Did you have fun today?”
“I always have fun with you,” you smile, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Wait, pull over.”
“What? Why?”
“Because. Take this exit.”
He takes the next turn, following your vague directions with ease. There’s nothing more than a decrepit gas station as far as you can see but the billboard advertising the shop implied it’d be a little further down the road.
“Where am I going?” Soonyoung asks.
“Over there!”
You point at a lone store in a strip mall full of empty storefronts. Only one seems to bear any sign of life, a neon ‘OPEN’ that flickers rhythmically. Bad Kittyz.
Soonyoung pulls into an empty spot, mouth open in a mix of horror and shock “What the fuck?”
“You’ve never been to a sex store,” you say. You pull out all the stops, puppy dogs eyes and pouted lips. He won’t say no. But just in case.
“And now is the time you want to pop my cherry?”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun.” You hop out of his Jeep, beelining for the door with Soonyoung close behind. “Besides, maybe we’ll find something to play with later.”
The chime over the door announces your entrance. An older woman, verging on grandmother territory, leans against the counter. She nods a greeting and goes back to reading her book leaving you two to browse in silence. 
“Holy fuck,” Soonyoung chokes. A massive four foot tall dildo is displayed at the end of the table, thick as one of his thighs. “Do people use that?”
Face twisting in horror, you move towards more manageable displays. “Maybe as a discussion piece.”
“Discussing what? Being ripped in half?”
“Stop staring at it.”
“I can’t,” he whispers.
The longer Soonyoung stands there looking at it the more you’re tempted to stare with him. This isn’t an art museum for you two to gawk at. God forbid the employee sees and asks if you have any questions about it. 
Snagging his wrist, you pull Soonyoung away. “Let's look over here.”
A wall of toys, feathery wands, handcuffs, nipple clamps and more greet you in the backroom; a colorful array of options with a few catching your eye.
You snag a fluffy tiger patterned pair. “These look familiar.”
“Haha,” he says flatly but the burn tips of his ears give him away.
You take turns pointing out toys, some much too adventurous but others that pique your curiosity. An electric shock wand more than your monthly salary, a penis pump Soonyoung can’t seem to make direct eye contact with, cock rings made of glittery silicone, a butt plug that supposedly glows in the dark.
“‘2-In-1 Stroker Realistic Vagina & Ass’,” you read off the package of a fleshlight.
Soonyoung eyes it over your shoulder. “How do they make plastic feel like a vagina?”
“I don’t know. Wanna test and see if it’s like the real thing?” you jest.
“It seems like a waste of money since I can only vouch for one.”
“Well, what about this then?”
Snagging one of the less garish packages, you present the plain silicon plug. It’s not deathly intimidating, none of the fancy bells and whistles promising vibrating or a light show. Just an old fashioned, run of the mill, classic plug.
Soonyoung whips his head around like someone might hear you. As if it’s the most insane item in the store and the monstrous penis from before no longer exists. “Are you serious?”
You examine the package in your hands. Not too big, girthy enough your spark to take a challenge is fed but not so afraid it might rip you in half. You’ve always been curious about it. Played with yourself a few times but never with the same promise of satisfaction the idea of someone else doing it brings.
“Might be fun. I’ve thought about it,” you shrug.
Soonyoung’s gut tightens at the idea; flashes of you with your ass stuffed full, begging for more. Never in his life (except for a brief time in college when porn piqued his curiosity) did Soonyoung think he’d be into anal. It wasn’t his thing; for him or his partner. 
But you challenged everything he thought before. Submitting to whatever your latest fantasy was, allowing the needy side of his psyche to flourish under your gentle command. He loved it. Loved everything you wrangled him into. Fucking you in someone else bed? Incredible. Taking your fingers in his ass while you gag in his cock? Nothing short of mind shattering. The time you made him cum so much he started shooting blanks? It’s enough to keep him up all night with nothing but your pictures and an aching wrist. 
So fucking you on the beach chair had been an all too tempting edition to that list. But as much as he enjoys groping his girlfriend as the next guy, public indecency isn’t his kink. However, dumping his load in your ass is. Or it is now that you’ve brought it up. Just the suggestion of it is enough for his cock to twitch in interest.
In the car ride home, you both pretend to ignore the bag full of goodies at your feet; favoring watching the sun setting along the horizon, humming to the radio while Soonyoung tangles your fingers together over the center console. 
You barely get the front door of the beach house open before Soonyoung is on you, crowding you against the wall with his mouth at your throat. The hem of your skirt edges up your legs until his hand strokes between your thighs.
It's a tiny place; barely ten steps to the bedroom from the entryway. But neither of you can manage that when the promise of something so filthy lingers in the air.
He kisses you with promise before falling to his knees. You wish he’d stayed, let you grind across his thigh while you suck the air from between his lips but this is better. A familiar chill slips down your spine as he eases the white fabric up and disappears beneath to search for the taste of your cunt. 
There’s no sound beyond your quiet pants and your boyfriend’s moans. Devilish licks to your clit paired with nimble fingers make you twitch. Soonyoung likes it sloppy; adores pulling back just to admire the soaking mess coating your thighs before diving in. But all he has on his brain right now is returning the favor from before even if that means he’ll have to pin you to the wall so you don’t melt to the floor.
“Oh god, Soonyoung,” you sing, raising your hips and riding his fingers. “There.”
You want to pull his hair, to suck on his fingers like they’re his cock, to touch him; anywhere. Use anything you can to shatter the monopoly his mouth has on your senses. But he’s lost under your dress and you lack concentration to pull him out.
It doesn’t matter how much praise you lavish him with, Soonyoung is lost in his own spiral. The grip of your walls on his fingers, three now and soon to be a fourth because he’s predictable. Or maybe you are.
Your knees begin to buckle under the next harsh suck of his lips and without missing a beat your leg goes over his shoulder and you’re pinned to the wall.
“Soonyoung—fuck—please.” Your hands cup your breasts, pushing the smocked neckline down until the AC greets your burning skin. Insides clenching at the thrill, you sink lower until he catches the hint and fucks his fingers hard enough you hiccup with each thrust.
It feels like you're underwater. That spot that makes you glow becomes his plaything until the ceiling comes crashing down and you with it. You grit through the first shake before your vision blinks into darkness.  “Baby, I’m—”
Soonyoung fucks you through it, unaffected by how tight you squeeze around the digits battering your insides. He pushes you back into the wall when you wobble on shaky legs and keeps going; suffocating himself with no concern.
You ride his face for a moment. The prolonged burn of a good orgasm hurting in the right ways as your clit goes raw and your walls swell. But if this continues you’ll be too tired for the main event.
Even with that knowledge you don’t protest as he rises to his feet, turns you around, and flips your dress back up to fuck you against the wall.
With eyes closed you feel, rather than see, Soonyoung peak over your shoulder; breath hot against your ear. He flattens his chest to your back, cock nudging at your entrance until the first inch sinks home without resistance.
“God,” you sigh. “More.” 
He gives you just that. Careful to keep from crushing you under his weight, Soonyoung bends you at the waist, cock buried as deep as possible. “Like that?”
 “Love it,” you warble.
His thumb is warm against your rim, a tease of what's to come. It’s nothing challenging but Soonyoung pinning your arms at the dip of your spine with his free hand makes it dirtier. 
“Want me to fuck you here?”
“Please,” you beg. 
“Give me your cock.” 
“You have it.” His voice roughens, betrayed by his own need to please you. “Still need more? That desperate?” 
“I swear to fucking god if you don’t—“ 
Your skin scorches in the shape of his hand. All you can do is choke on more noises of pleasure as he does it again.
“You’ll what?” Soonyoung bites. “Gonna fuck yourself?”
You can’t argue back, mouth stuff with his fingers as he starts fucking you deeply. It’s good. The embarrassed heat tinting your cheeks from his reprimands. Soonyoung likes to be rough but never like this. The shift in demeanor prickles along your spine.
“Gonna take my cum in your perfect little pussy.” He groans. “Gonna look so fucking hot dripping out of you. Fuck it into your ass.” 
You whimper around his digits, sucking them deeper into your mouth until the weight disappears to give another wet prod against your asshole. “You’re so tight baby I don’t know if you’ll be able to take it.” 
Head bobbing, you sigh at the stretch. “I can take it.” 
A finger slips into your ass, spit and arousal easing the intrusion. You arch your back for more. Everything feels full. His cock deep battering your insides, his fingers wedge in your hole, the blanket of his body crushing you into the wall so much you can barely breathe. 
He might be right. You might not be able to take anything remotely resembling the girth of his length. Not if you’re this strung out from some fingering and dirty words. “Wait.”
Soonyoung is off you like he’s burnt. “What's wrong? Did I hurt you?”
“No, baby,” you murmur, finding his face and kissing away the terrified frown. “I just thought it’d be more comfortable if we were in the bed.”
He slouches with relief. “Oh, okay. Yeah. Good idea.”  
Soonyoung doesn’t let you walk. You’re over his shoulder fireman style, one of his hands tickling the back of your knee until he almost drops you as you squirm. “Soonyoung I swear to god!”
“Wait, are you ticklish here?” he asks coyly. He knows you’re ticklish there, ended up kicked in the head the first time he decided to take advantage of the information. 
Squeals and laughter bounces off the walls as he races the short distance to the bedroom before tossing you on the mattress with a bounce. He drapes over you, sweet kisses on your cheeks and chins as he crowds you into the mattress.
“Go get a towel, I don’t think they’ll appreciate lube stains on the sheets.”
He disappears again – leaving a terrible coldness along your skin in the absence of his warmth. But his trip to the en suite gives you plenty of time to toss away your dress and to crawl to the head of the bed. Face down in the pillows, you arch your back for a view that might very well kill your boyfriend. Pussy soaked, entrance stretched and ready for use.
“Well, shit,” Soonyoung breathes. There's a thud and a few things skittering across the floor; not loud enough to be his head bouncing off the hardwood but whatever he was holding is forgotten in favor of ogling.
You sink deep enough it hurts. “Like what you see?”
“You know I do.”
“Then do something about it.”
He crawls up the bed, kneeling behind you and massaging your ass in his hands. The tickle in your gut flourishes as he spreads your ass apart. Two fingers curl into your cunt with ease while his mouth finds other use – sucking a bruise along the back of your thigh he’ll obsessively trace later. 
Muscles pliant, you liquify into the mattress under the gentle stretch of your core. His fingers return to their previous task; a feather weight you quickly become accustomed to before they slide in and you rut back into the motion. “That’s—that's good.”
You force a hand between your legs, mindlessly rubbing slow circles around your clit. Soonyoung bats it away and takes command; a little firmer, enough it makes things fade into haze.
“Wow, multitasking,” you praise, fisting the sheets.
“Trying to give my queen the full experience.” 
Even with both holes full of his fingers, you can’t help but snort. “You’re lame.” 
“You’re about to let me put my dick in your ass.” He presses deeper to emphasize the point. 
Familiar motions, a curl here, spreading the two apart enough you moan. “So?
“Can’t be that lame.” 
“It’s—ah—cute lameness. My little loser.”
“What did we say about being mean to me in bed?” he tuts.
“That I should only do it if I want you to come fast.”
“That’s right, so save it for later.”
His tongue joins his fingers, a firm heat spreading between your cheeks. Soonyoung is good at making it messy. You jump with stiff legs as his tongue breaches your hole; there and gone before he’s laving long strokes; a drooly mess left in wake of exploration. “What's it feel like?”
“You’d know.”
“Humor me a little.” Soonyoung leans back enough to spit where his fingers disappear – the smack of his lips leaving you flustered. He eats ass just as well as he eats pussy: devoted and eager.
You curl into the stimulation. “L-like I’ve got fingers in my ass.”
“Is that good or bad?” 
“It’s fine.” 
“Just fine?” 
“I don’t think I’ll come from it, but it's not bad.” Lies. If he keeps going you’ll definitely come. If Soonyoung hands you the vibrator sitting just out of reach it’ll happen faster than your ego would allow.
“Relax,” he commands. Soonyoung pushes until you’re flat to the mattress with nowhere to move besides back into filthy satisfaction.
“I am relaxed.”
“You’re not. I’m not doing this if it’s gonna hurt you.” He moves away, an uncharacteristic show of restraint triggering a tantrum of your own.
“Wait, don’t stop!”
The heady pressure multiples ten fold as he drags everything out; his mouth, his fingers, the tight grip on your cheeks to keep the spread for convenience. You crave the sting of his hand again but are left with the grit of his teeth against the shape of your thigh as a generous amount of lube joins the mix; cold and slippery. 
“Still good?”
“Great,” you breathe. A third finger joins and it might just be your demise. You might give Soonyoung a run for his money for the most needy; you, begging him to fuck your ass harder. Or him, rock solid and humping the bed for a drop of relief. “Where’s the plug?”
“Are you ready for it?” He strokes the dimple at the base of your spine in slow circles. Honestly, this could be enough. At least for Soonyoung. Since you started this entire endeavor he’s been a quick gust of wind away from blowing his load.
“Go slow.”
A new pressure, not as warm as before but equally intoxicating, rests against your hole. More lube, enough the towel between your legs gets soaked in its own right. You take it though. An easy stretch until the silicon disappears and a foreign fullness makes your tongue feel thick.
You squeeze around it instinctually. Soonyoung keeps your ass spread like a voyeur, both holes teasing him. Your fingers don’t stop on your clit. He could watch you get off with a full ass and an empty pussy and die happy.
“Fuck,” he chokes, pulling the plug out just a fraction before you suck it back in greedily. “What now?”
“Now you fuck me.” 
You flop onto your back without much grace, too focused on the intoxicating promise of having your boyfriend’s cock to care about looking sexy. Soonyoung kneels between your thighs – swollen length sitting heavy in his lap, tempting you to lap away the mess if there weren’t better things to do.
He doesn’t waste time. Your clit takes the head of his cock full on, muscles twitching. You go limp and cross eyed – you could lay here all night letting him play with your body as he pleased. But you want him inside you. Need the overwhelming rush you know Soonyoung can give you.
But he tries to kiss you with a mouth covered in lube and you stop him short. “Ew, I’m not kissing you.” 
“Why?” he whines. His cock teases your entrance with a slow grind; just the tip.
“I don’t know, maybe the fact your tongue was in my ass less than five seconds ago? Go brush your teeth.” 
“Hop to it butt boy.” 
“You eat your girlfriend’s ass one time.” Soonyoung shakes his head but peels off you and jumps from the bed.
“I’ll return the favor, don’t worry!” you call.
The cover of running water from the sink disguises the sounds you digging through a suitcase. Tucked away is a tried and true favorite – a vibrating dildo from back home snuck along for the trip when the weather report forecasted rain the entire weekend and you were sure you’d need something to keep you both occupied while kept indoors. Nothing but clear skies for miles made it slip from your mind but now you say a quick ‘thank you’ to yourself for having the forethought even if it’s not exactly what you intended.
“Getting started without me?” Soonyoung calls from the foot of the bed. He doesn’t do a thing to stop the show – entranced by your clit swelling beneath the vibrating head.
You spread your legs wider, knees to your chest. He can see everything: the plug splitting your ass, arousal dripping from your entrance. “Come over here and make me stop.”
“I remember – a few hours ago actually – you saying I ‘don’t make’ you do anything.”
He climbs over you, arms caging you in but just out of reach. You meet his gaze – surprised by the fire burning there. You want to see what will happen if it’s fed.
“Maybe I want you to.”
“Oh? And what do you want me to make you do?” 
“Hmmmm, when we were on the couch I wanted you to call me a slut.” 
“Makes me feel dirty.” You spread across the bed, ass curving into the mattress and shifting the plug deeper in your ass.
He sucks at your jaw as he sinks inside. “You like being dirty?” 
“For you,” you gasp. “What about you? What do you want me to do to you?”
 “Dreamed of you choking me,” Soonyoung admits with a fresh rush of his hips.
“That’s so hot,” you whine.
“Calling me a good boy.” He goes for your nipple, a tender suck you keen into.
The tidal wave of pleasure floods your brain. All you can do is lay there and take it while murmuring praises. “You are a good boy.” 
“The best,” you tease.
Soonyoung rolls onto his back, you planted firmly in his lap as he goes for the plug. It’s difficult enough to sit still when you’re full of his cock, let alone the new addition. You sink deeper into it – knees bent and legs spread to take as much as possible. A stinging stretch in your insides that threatens to tear you in two. He twists the silicon and you collapse into his chest.
“Fuck, just like—nhhh.” 
He plants his feet and keeps fucking you from below. The vibrator is stuck between your stomachs but you pull back enough and it’s there, almost painfully forced against your clit. You curl into the painful throb. “I’m—”
His hand is at your cheek, forcing you to look at him with lidded eyes. Soonyoung is beautiful but when he’s like this – skin flushed and eyes wild, the complete picture of debauchery – it’s devastating. 
You kiss him. Tongue along his teeth and panting breath, a hand at his collar for balance as you focus on rutting back into the motion of his cock with a tight squeeze. Your throat raws with his name. “Soonyoung.”
Your chin is wet with drool, vision blurry as you collapse into his chest. Soonyoung slows but doesn’t stop, maintaining gentle strokes as condense back into reality; fingers tracing the notches of your spine.
“Holy shit.”
“You squirted,” he whispers awestruck.
You certainly did. Even through the slick of lube the mess is evident, soaking his own crotch and no doubt ruining the sheets.
“I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard,” you gasp.
Grabbing for his face, you kiss Soonyoung again with slow and lazy indulgence. The room warms or maybe it's just Soonyoung’s chest against yours but you crave more.
“You done?” Soonyoung grunts as you thumb one of his nipples.
You sit up, ass flat to his thighs and breasts pressed together between your arms. “Nope, still gotta take care of my man.”
“You don’t have to.” Soonyoung perks up with another lazy thrust. “I can do it like this.”
“You ate my ass. I’d feel like a hypocrite if I didn’t let you fuck it. Besides, I think I can come again.”
You roll off. There’s a pang in your gut at the sudden emptiness but it’s bearable with what will happen next.
Back on your knees, Soonyoung settles in tight behind you. He adds more lube while working out the plug. Gritting against the drag, you nearly rip the sheets under your nails. “Huh.”
Soonyoung fishes the vibrator from somewhere. “Okay?”
Your walls split around it while he plays with the plug, gently rocking back into the motions. You’ll definitely come again. 
Batting his hand away, you fuck yourself with the dildo with command. “Spank me.”
Heat blooms in the same place he branded you before; right at the seat of your ass. “Like that?”
Soonyoung isn’t goading. He’s unsure. Rarely is he composed enough to call the shots, so you sink deeper and preen for him. “Harder.”
Another slap, sharp enough you lurch into the sheets. You nod because there are no words capable of slipping past your teeth other than a weak mewl of his name. 
“Fuck, babe.” 
You reach back, spreading your ass so he can focus on the task at hand. The plug disappears. In its place is the potent weight of his cock.
Soonyoung sinks deep, weight focused behind his hips. It feels…different. Not bad, not necessarily good either. It feels dirty. Like you shouldn’t be doing it but you are anyway. Good girls don’t do this. But you are. You’re letting your boyfriend use your ass as his personal cum dump. And because that's not enough, you squeeze around the dildo still sheathed inside you.
“Big,” you pant.
“Want me to stop?”
“No!” you argue.
Soonyoung maintains a tight grip on your hips to prevent you from overwhelming him. “Oh—okay, fuck, okay.” 
“Does it feel good for you?”
“Yeah, tight.” He palms your ass, spreading you further to watch your walls open around him.
You focus on fucking yourself with the fake cock. Matching everyone of his timid thrusts with one of your own. “Tighter than my pussy?”
“I don’t know, maybe.” Soonyoung prattles without thought. He’s unraveling in the dangerous heat of your body. 
“Which would you rather fuck?”
“I don’t know, they’re both—god—they’re both good.”
“Wish you could fuck both of them at the same time. Do you think that makes me a whore?”
“No,” he sobs. But a twinge in his core betrays his thoughts.
You’re being downright cruel with the imaginary. “No? You don’t think your girlfriend wanting you to fill her ass and pussy at the same time makes her a slut?”
“I don’t think you’re a slut!” Soonyoung argues. But that edge is still there, he’s taking the bait.
“But I wanna be your slut, baby.”
“Fuck.” Another barely restrained thrust you take with sick glee.
“Say it,” you bark. “Call me your greedy little cum slut.”
“C’mon, baby. Watch your girlfriend take your cock like a whore.”
He shoves your face into the pillows – a tight fist in your hair that adds to the fog. A raspy ‘my slut’ slips down your spine as he drives into you with enough force you choke. 
His cock swells, the beginning of his end as he wrecks your insides with bruising force. You push forward for your own; abandoning the vibrator and swiping frantic circles around your clit. Soonyoung doesn’t say it again but its more than enough to fuel you and retaliate with more muffled groans to match his.
Soonyoung moves in deep waves; losing pace and rolling into the heat of your ass with choppy thrusts. You wish he was choking you. Maybe it’d be too much but next time you’ll ask him to do it. Or you’ll ride him with his cock seated deep and your hand serving as his new necklace.
“Gonna come. Gonna come for you—oh my god.” 
You nod eagerly with an eye roll as if he can see the wreckage of your face. A familiar warmth you’ve experienced countless times in your pussy floods your ass, thick and sticky.
“Oh my god.” Soonyoung drops his weight, a perfect blanket against the AC of the bedroom now that the heat of having your guts battered has faded. “Jesus.”
“I was close,” you pout. 
Squirming back in his grip, he’s still hard with a heavy throb. Soonyoung doesn’t disappoint. Weak thrusts maintain the fire stoked in your gut and a reach around to pinch at your clit keeps you right at the edge.
“Soonyoung, please.”
“Beg for it,” he pants.
“Please make me come,” 
“My pretty little slut wants to come?”
“Ah-h. Yes! Fuck, yes.”
His other hand circles your neck, enough force you press into your hands and break your back in half just for a peak of him. The second you're done he’ll pass out – his eyes are wet, chin covered in drool. Soonyoung will go all night for you, for this.
A thumb splits your lips open, you think it’s a ploy for power. Something the grip at your throat gives him plenty of but he leans over and he spits in your mouth. “Then come.”
“Ugh, fuck Soonyoung—fuck me harder.”
Your body jumps over the cliff with permission; seizing, claws of endorphins shredding through your veins as your boyfriend rises to the challenge. Every drop turns into a flood with hard pulses, Soonyoung choking behind you from sensitivity.
Twitching in his hold, he pulls out, careful with the vibrator as well. The second he’s done he flops face first next to you like a rag doll.
“I think I died.”
You respond with a kiss to his temple. “I guess we’re both ghosts.”
“Being a ghost wouldn’t be so bad with you. My ghost would have a crush on you.”
“I would hope so considering I’d still be your ghost girlfriend.”
“You’d date me as a ghost? Simp,” he snorts but curls you beneath his arm. A play straight from your own book.
How romantic.
After an hour of naked dozing across the bed, you two manage to shuffle to the bathroom and slip into the tub. Sitting between Soonyoung’s leg, you drift off as the water soothes the muscles already beginning to ache. Soonyoung doesn’t speak; preferring to drag his lips up and down the slope of your neck for comfort. Every time he stops you squeeze at his arm draped over your stomach until he smiles against your ear and starts again.
“So where are we sleeping tonight? Because I’ll be honest, the lube covered bed is not my top choice.”
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