#buck answers
buckshuffler · 10 months
do you wear dresses
THURE DO! Take a look at thith COOL DREFTH I found the other day!
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Only Buck could find a dress with JPEG quality prints... At least he looks proud of himself.
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FNAF Michael refuses to be gaslit on “THE BITE OF 83”
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saryasy · 4 months
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And I'm sure you don't want to hear it. I do want to hear it. All right, you're living it, and I want, I want you to talk to me.
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warpedpuppeteer · 5 months
The Buckley-Diaz family Conundrum:
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theotherbuckley · 4 months
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incorrect tweets pt 17/?
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iphyslitterator · 3 months
Picture, if you will, Buck and Tommy's pre-teen daughter sitting Tommy down and asking how he knew he was gay. And he takes a deep breath, because the answer is complicated, and he walks her through an age-appropriate but frank version of his story: the toxic environment he grew up in, the first crush he couldn't ignore, the ways he tried to lie to everyone, to himself, the toll that took -- watching her carefully to see why she's asking, because he knows the world has changed a lot, but a part of him never stopped being paranoid, and he'll be damned if he's going to let anyone hurt his little girl or make her think for an instant that she's anything less than perfect.
Then she asks Buck how he knew he was bi, and he says, "Your father kissed me 😃👍🌈"
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 6 months
feeling depressed?? watch bucktommy kiss. feeling worthless?? watch bucktommy kiss. feeling aimless?? watch bucktommy kiss. feeling elated?? watch bucktommy kiss. feeling queer?? watch bucktommy kiss. feeling giddy?? watch bucktommy kiss. feeling nothing?? watch bucktommy kiss. feeling tired?? watch bucktommy kiss.
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If I had a nickel for every time Eddie breaks up with his girlfriend right after talking to Buck, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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sauriurius · 5 months
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„I am a scorpio, he is a scorpio.“
„I dated a vegetarian once which was challenging.“
„I am not the most approachable human being.“
„If you want a salad with kidney beans, you go get some kidney beans.“
PLEASE never let this man stop talking, I have been cackling at this mans yapping for the last 24 hours
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sansaorgana · 5 months
Please can you write a Buck x reader where he's really protective of her while she's pregnant? I think he'd be SO attentive and constantly making sure she's okay
hello! 🤰🏻🤰🏾 thank you for your request 💕 I think he'd be the best daddy and very involved in the pregnancy unlike most men back then 😊
I had to currently close the requests because I got so many so I'm working on them atm 🙏🏻
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You reached above your head to grab a box on the top shelf of the wardrobe. It was no easy task, especially now when you were six months pregnant and you felt much heavier and slower. However, you didn’t want to ask Buck for help because he was busy reading a book downstairs. You didn’t want to bother him with something so silly.
You managed to grab the edge of the box as your tongue stuck out a little out of effort. You pulled the box closer and lost the grasp of it. You could only watch it hit the ground as you quickly took a step aside to avoid being hit with it. A loud thumping sound echoed all over the bedroom as you sighed and watched all the photographs from the box scattered all over the floor.
The door opened rapidly, which startled you.
“Gee, Buck, I had no idea you could be that fast,” you chuckled, trying to crouch down to collect the photographs.
Your husband was a few shades paler as his eyes were widened. He approached you and grabbed you by your shoulders, making you straighten your back. You furrowed your brow at him.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Something fell down. I was scared it was you,” he admitted as his eyes scanned you up and down as if he didn’t believe your assuring words.
“I’m fine, Buck. It was the box. I tried to reach for it,” you told him.
“You should have called for me,” his tone was serious, nearly scolding. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“I didn’t want to bother you. But now, when you’re here… You can help me to pick them up,” you proposed and Buck nodded without a word. Always eager to help and making sure you don’t overwork yourself even if it was a task as easy as this one.
He handed you the empty box and sat you down on the edge of your bed before crouching down and picking up the photographs. He was handing you them one after another and you could watch with a gentle smile all the beautiful memories that were there.
“What did you even need that box for?” He asked.
“I felt a little sentimental,” you told him as your lips curled into a smile at the sight of your wedding picture.
“Next time you feel a little sentimental, you call for me to help you,” Buck muttered to himself. He wasn’t really angry but you could hear his nervousness, still scared for you even though nothing had happened.
“You know, I got used to doing everything on my own,” you carelessly commented as you placed the picture inside the box and reached your hand out for another one. But there was none, so you lowered your eyes to meet your husband’s gaze. He was staring at you with his beautiful blue eyes but they were suddenly filled with pain and guilt.
“I’m sorry I left you for such a long time. I never meant to,” he whispered.
“Oh, Gale, baby, I didn’t mean it this way…” You bit on your lower lip and held his hand to pull him closer. He sat up on the bed next to you, clumsily – which was unusual for him. He put his arm around you and hid his face in the crook of your neck. “I don’t blame you for that, love. I’m glad you came back to me, doesn’t matter how long it took,” you assured him as you caressed the back of his head. “What I’m saying is, I learnt how to be independent. And sometimes…” You hesitated, not sure if you should finish the sentence. “And sometimes I forget you’re back home,” you finally added and took a deep breath in. “I’m upstairs, doing something and a noise from the living room startles me… Only then I remember that my husband is back with me,” you turned your head to place a kiss upon his forehead.
Buck looked up and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of the tears welled in his eyes. You cupped his face to caress his scars gently and you gazed back at him, hoping he could see all the love in your own eyes, because words seemed to only make it worse.
He was home for nearly a year now but it took time to accept his presence once again. Just like it had been difficult to accept his absence after his departure.
“Here, can you feel it?” You quickly grabbed his hand and put it on your swollen bump as the baby inside you moved. You smiled at your husband through your tears and saw his face lighten up again. “I can’t wait for the nurse to hand you Baby Cleven. You’re going to be an amazing daddy,” you told him.
“Only time can tell,” Buck sighed.
“No, I just know it, baby,” you assured him. “Just like you’re an amazing husband,” you added. “Now, hand me the rest of the pictures and let’s just put that box away, hm?” You encouraged him and he nodded before leaning in to peck your lips and then moving back to the carpet to give you the rest of the scattered photographs.
Once you were done with it, you went downstairs with Buck and walked into the kitchen since it was time to prepare the supper.
“I’ll do it,” Gale insisted.
“I’m pregnant, not sick,” you chuckled. “I can handle making my husband a sandwich. I like taking care of you,” you shook your head and approached the counter to take the bread out but Buck followed you.
“Let me help at least,” he put his hands on his hips, completely lost at what to do.
“It is not complicated, Major Cleven. You just slice bread and put whatever you want on top,” you laughed. “Well, you can make tea if you really want to do something,” you nodded at him and he smiled.
As eager to help as a child wanting to assist their mother. You found it adorable in a way, or perhaps those were your hormones speaking.
“You know,” Buck started suddenly, “I’m reading that book about babies and I am really worried about some things.”
“You what?” You stopped slicing the bread for a moment as you froze and looked at him in disbelief. A slight blush on his cheeks was making your heart swell.
“I’m reading a book about babies. The one for fathers that was recommended by the doctor,” he explained.
“It was only a recommendation, baby. You’re probably the only man who actually bought it,” you laughed lovingly at him. All your friends who had been lucky to get pregnant before you, had been telling you many stories about their husbands not wanting to participate in anything baby-related. And here he was, your dear husband, Major Gale Cleven… Who had actually bought a book about babies recommended by a doctor. “You’re one in a million, baby. Just reminding me every day why I love you,” you quickly caressed his arm just in case you had embarrassed him accidentally with your reaction. “What were you worrying about?”
“There are just so many things that can go wrong. And it’s scaring me,” Buck admitted quietly, avoiding your gaze. “Things beyond my control. I can try my best and still not be able to prevent them from happening.”
“That’s what life is like, my dear. I thought you’d know it by now,” you hugged him and caressed his back. “But we’re together in this. We can do it. And the things that are beyond our control… Well, they’re beyond our control. We shouldn’t worry about them now. Why focus on the bad things?” You tried to cheer him up.
“What if I lose you?” He asked, his voice breaking.
“You won’t, I promise,” you took a step back to look into his eyes.
“You can’t promise me that,” Buck bit on his lower lip as his jaw clenched; all in effort to stop himself from crying again.
“You couldn’t promise me either. When you were going to Europe, you promised you would be back. But how could you know that? I remembered what one of my friends had told me. Them pilots die like flies, she said. But I refused to listen to her because you…” You put your hand on his chest. “You gave me a promise. And I know my man doesn’t break his word,” you looked up with a gentle smile.
“And…” Buck cleared his throat. “And the little one?” He asked, nearly naively. You chuckled softly and placed his hand on your bump again. The baby moved as if they knew they had been addressed.
“The little one promises to be alright, too, daddy,” you assured your husband. “Now, let’s make these sandwiches, mummy’s hungry,” you bopped him on the nose.
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Buck was watching you sitting on the edge of the bed and putting a lotion on your legs, belly and arms. Pregnant or not, he loved to admire you as you were performing your little rituals. When you were done, you laid back on the pillows and sighed.
“Can you imagine that in three months we’ll have Baby Cleven with us?” You asked with a soft smile.
“No,” he admitted in a whisper. “Truth to be told, I can barely believe you’re my wife.”
“Don’t be daft,” you caressed his hair. “Come here, tell us a goodnight story?” You proposed and Buck nodded as he lowered himself to place a kiss on your bump and lay his head next to it. He put his arms around your waist and closed his eyes, savouring the sweet and intimate moment.
“Which story, love?” He asked, gently caressing your bump.
“The one about a princess waiting for her knight to come back from the war?” You asked. It was a story Buck had made up some time ago for your little baby, which was supposed to reflect the story of your child’s parents. But he was still working on the details, changing the plot here and there each time he was telling this story. You liked it not only because it was about the two of you but also because it was giving you a feeling of creating something together for the baby already. Even though Baby Cleven still needed three more months to grow under your heart, you already felt like a real family. There was not a day passing by when you were not grateful for your husband being so involved in the whole process.
“I thought you’d be sick of that story by now,” Buck chuckled.
“No, I will never be sick of it,” you assured him as your fingers brushed through his golden hair. “And I hope Baby Cleven will want to listen to it every day, too.”
“I highly doubt that,” Buck muttered with his face pressed to your bump, kissing it one more time.
“We’ll make up another story then. And then another. And another. I’m sure we’ll come up with dozens of amazing ones. We can make it a family tradition. What do you think?” You asked and he looked up at you. You couldn’t help but smile at how beautiful he was at that moment, with his eyes filled with love and admiration, letting himself be vulnerable and soft in your arms.
“I think it’s a beautiful idea,” he nodded.
“Wait, let me grab a notebook,” you reached out to the bedside table to get a notepad and a pen. “Let’s start writing them down.”
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buckshuffler · 1 year
do you
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Me too, anonymouth.
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ygamiraito · 3 months
"in fact to be perfectly candid i was a bit of a slut!" GOOD FUCKING BYEEEE
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wrmhles · 19 days
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He and Major Egan were the unquestioned leaders of our entire group.
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sibylsleaves · 6 months
i love seeing people try to figure out how old Tommy is supposed to be when we know full well that 911 does not give a singular fuck about timeline continuity. we don't even know what year it is, currently, on the show.
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evnnkinard · 4 months
Okay this idea just hit me out of nowhere, but what about Buck doing a full circle moment and proposing by taking them to that same coffee shop years later and asking Tommy if he’ll be his date at a wedding again. At first Tommy is a little confused because he can’t think of anyone they know who could be getting married, but still he just smiles and says “Of course. Whose wedding?” And Buck pulls out a ring like “well… I was hoping maybe ours.”
tommy's stunned. he's never known someone who can leave him speechless, knock the breath right out of him and pull the rug right from under his feet in such the right way like evan buckley can. has to take a moment. buck waits paitently, wants to reach out with his hand not holding the ring, hold tommy's where they're resting on the table. doesn't, not yet. let's tommy have all the time that he needs, even with the way his own heart is jack hammering more and more inside of his chest with each passing moment.
tommy opens his mouth, closes it. does it again. lets his eyes roam over buck's features, searching. and then his face falls into his, by now, well practiced 'evan' face, followed by the softest, most amazed "evan," slipping out of his lips.
buck takes that as his cue. leans forward slightly, catches tommy's shining eyes with his own and holds him, there, says, "i-i mean it, tommy. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. i don't know what i'd do without you. you're- you're my something and i- i love you. so much. marry me?"
tommy's never been so sure of an answer in his life, "i- yes. yes, evan."
buck reaches out, then. covers tommy's hand with his own, squeezes. can't stop the grin from stretching out across his lips as he confirms, breathless, "yeah?"
tommy turns his hand over under buck's, palm up. cages buck's fingers with his own, says, again, like a promise,"yes, of course."
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