#he is a scorpio I am a scorpio LOU???
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sauriurius · 11 months ago
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„I am a scorpio, he is a scorpio.“
„I dated a vegetarian once which was challenging.“
„I am not the most approachable human being.“
„If you want a salad with kidney beans, you go get some kidney beans.“
PLEASE never let this man stop talking, I have been cackling at this mans yapping for the last 24 hours
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h50europe · 4 months ago
Lou Message Board UPDATE (for obvious reasons, I am not sharing the entire message here): To all of you who have already contributed and those who want to join in, Lou received the link and is deeply moved by your outpouring of love and support, especially in dark moments.
QUOTE: I so appreciate you and the entire Tevan/911 community! Thank you, thank you!
MyCoven says thank you, too. The board remains open! And there will be more coming your way.
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lovely13me · 8 months ago
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[Name: Lou]
[Age: 19]
[Gender: Androgynous]
[Pronouns: He/She/They]
[Favorite Symbol: ♤]
[Current Fandoms: Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, One Piece, Vocaloid, Stardew Valley, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Baldurs Gate, OG Call Of Duty, Skyrim, Fallout]
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Hey, I'm Lou;
I make whatever I want whenever I want, mostly focusing on the bot programming to make them stay in character and not be annoying.
I use a lot of fanart because fanart is awesome. I put credit in the bot descriptions on the site.
I spend a lot of time on J.AI and use up most of my writing juices for oc lore honestly.
I do CSS bullshit on my slow phone and am currently matching with one of my only real friends. Her account is linked on my profile, I would kill for her tbh.
This isn't a serious thing, if anything it's kind of pathetic but it keeps me sane so I will continue.
I have stupid social media trauma so I don't like to interact much with strangers and don't want to be seen or acknowledged but also I do because I'm only human (unfortunately).
Yeah that's it I guess.
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J.ai Profile-> @Lovely_Me
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piasgermany · 1 year ago
[Album + Video] John Grant kündigt neues Album "The Art Of The Lie" an!
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John Grant kündigt mit der funkigen neuen Single "It's A Bitch" sein neues Album "The Art Of The Lie" an, das am 14. Juni über Bella Union erscheinen wird! Neben dem Song, der zusammen mit einem Video erscheint, gibt es auch einige neue Tourdaten für den Herbst, darunter auch zwei Shows in Deutschland.
Obwohl es sich um eine John Grant-Platte handelt, die typischerweise Humor in Tragik einbettet und Wut in Mitgefühl umwandelt, hat "The Art Of The Lie" eine neue musikalische Ambition, die die politischen und persönlichen Momente in den Songs untermalt. Der harte Kontrast von Schönheit und Grausamkeit macht das sechste Studioalbum des US-amerikanischen Songwriters so zu einem besonderen Hörerlebnis. Die elf Tracks verbinden Kindheitstraumata mit den verhärteten Nachwirkungen im Erwachsenenalter ("Father" ("one of the best I’ve ever written"), "Mother and Son" und "Daddy") und verknüpfen beides mit der angespannten politischen Situation der Vereinigten Staaten im Jahr 2024. “This album is in part about the lies people espouse and the brokenness it breeds and how we are warped and deformed by these lies.”
Anfang 2022 hatte John den Produzenten und Komponisten Ivor Guest bei einer Grace Jones-Show kennengelernt. Die beiden kamen ins Gespräch über zwei Platten, an denen Guest gearbeitet hatte: "Hurricane" für Jones und "Prohibition" für Brigitte Fontaine. “Grace and Brigitte are two very big artists for me”, erz��hlt Grant. “I said, I really think you should do this next record with me. He said, I think you’re right.”
Guests Produktionen mit Gastauftritten von Dave Okumu (Gitarre), Robin Mullarkey (Bass), Seb Rochford (Schlagzeug) und der schottischen Sängerin Rachel Sermanni sorgen für die nötige Dramatik auf Grants bisher opulentesten und filmischsten Album, die sich neben der beunruhigenden politischen Aufladung, wie in der ersten geteilten Single "It's A Bitch" auch manchmal in elegantem Funk entlädt.
“It was a blast making this track which is just about having fun with words, synths and dope rhythms and bass lines and also making fun of post-COVID malaise”, so Grant über "It's A Bitch". “Plus, people get to ponder what a “hesher” is. I loved going to the arcade in the 80s and watching smokin’-hot heshers hold court while playing Tempest, Stargate, Defender, Robotron and Asteroids and while also blasting Iron Maiden and Rush on their Walkmans.”
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Tracklist "The Art Of The Lie": 01. All That School For Nothing 02. Marbles 03. Father 04. Mother And Son 05. Twistin Scriptures 06. Meek AF 07. It’s A Bitch 08. Daddy 09. The Child Catcher 10. Laura Lou 11. Zeitgeist
Live: 06.11.24 Köln - Kulturkirche 07.11.24 Berlin - Columbia Theater Booking in D: FKP Scorpio
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all-ringils-blazing · 4 years ago
Tagged by @a-pirate-my-hearties
Thank you so much my friend ❤️ I'm on the boat right now, sailing back to Athens as my vacation is over *boohoo* and this is gonna keep me a little bit occupied from remembering I get nausea easily ooof 😫
Nickname: Loutsos (it's my "official" lol), Lulu, Lou, Liz, Babe (between me and my best friend)
Zodiac: Scorpio 🦂
Height: 1.73 m
Last movie I saw: Uuuugh it was Zohan. I just caught it on tv and got me stuck at first and I kept on watching as an idiot. Maybe one of the most disgusting things my eyes had to witness.
Last thing I Googled: I was looking for a better hair iron-straightener to buy.
Favorite musician: They are countless but I'll go with my classic Judas Priest.
Song stuck in my head: Dreamer Deceiver by Judas Priest ☝️
Other Blogs: I die as a hero with just this one shitty blog
Blogs following: 1136
Amount of sleep: 4-5 hours which is bad cause I work in the morning 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lucky number: I dont believe that universe has gifted me with one.
What am I wearing: Grey tshirt with some random dragons on it and a pair of light blue jeans, white sneakers, a black covid mask, my glasses.
Dream Job: Around renewable energy technologies. Im starting Master degree classes this month around this major and Im super excited.
Dream Trip: Ireland (again), Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Switzerland, I also wanna travel and see much more of my country.
Languages: Greek, English, German
Favorite Food: Pasta with tomato sauce, fish, spinach pie.
Play an instrument: I used to play classic guitar. I wanna start again soon (you have no time idiot)
Favorite Song: I don't have only one (Jesus) but currently Im obsessed with Nuestra Ultima Cita by Ibrahim Ferrer. He and Buena Vista Social Club make me wanna learn Spanish as well lel.
Random Fact: ........eh.... That I get nausea on boat trips.
Describe yourself as aesthetic thing: Dunno if it's my aesthetic or where I would love to be right now but I see it as a night in a pub, it rains, there is a live band playing blues music, it's late and the pub is almost empty.
My tags: @the-white-witcher @underworld-priest @emperor-draygon @kittyinhighheels @michi-tala @unsettling-wolfish-grin @mochibat @everyguitarstringscar @zyana-wyvern @diamond-star @followersarepeopletoo @jollybone @vermonna @silent-calling @the-music-dork @marias-wonderland @hunnie880
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cxinxns · 4 years ago
* jaime lorente, cismale + he/him | you know cainan granch fletcher, right? they’re twenty-six, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, two years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to take what you want by post malone like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole unopened letters cluttering a dresser drawer, the rise of cigarette smoke just before it falls away with the wind, and an old familial ring weighing heaviest on stealthy hands thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is november 19th, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
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TRIGGER WARNING: death mention, jail mention
hello hello! the last two days got away from me but finally here is cainan’s intro. apologies if it is sporadic. i’m reworking an old character. if you have any questions please ask! also hi i am dew :)
cainan wasn’t born out of love, rather out of lust. timothy granch and marta clemente were never supposed to be anything more than simple fun. but nevertheless cainan entered the picture and so they tried to make the most of it. they tried to make a family... if you could call it that.
mom was really the sole caretaker. cainan’s dad was always off with his latest ‘get rich’ scheme. it wasn’t always illicit activities, just mostly. that and a gamble or three. cainan figured out soon enough that he didn’t really have a dad, not really. 
DEATH TW - cainan was in eighth grade when his mother passed away. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. sudden. unexpected. and wildly unfair. he’d been lucky enough not to have been the one to find her. not that that had made it hurt any less. cainan imagines it all would have hurt the same due to one solitary fact: he never got to say goodbye.
and like the top-notch parent that he was, timothy granch strayed further away after marta passed. didn’t always have to be the physical distance, sometimes it was like he was just clocking in as dad. picking up his hours as a fatherly figure before he could dash off again to the life he wanted. 
at the time, living in chicago, they’d been fortunate enough to have a caring neighbor in the apartment next door. lou fletcher. a wrinkled old man with the thickest accent for miles. he acted as a pseudo-father for him. he was the one that bought him his first legal drink when he turned twenty-one, gave him a tongue-lashing the night cainan got caught sneaking into wrigley field, and the reason he picked up a love for poker. it’s why he stopped going by granch and started saying his last name was fletcher. 
JAIL TW - it wasn’t until his dad got incarcerated that he seemed to give a shit. phone calls? ignored. letters? left unopened and shoved into his dresser drawer. the one thing he held onto was that damn ring. “it was my father’s,” tim had said, beaming with pride at the gift. cainan never knew if the story was real or fake, if the ring had really just been snagged off some poor unfortunate in the subway or if his dad was telling the truth. though, even if it was a lie it was the only one cainan refused to let go off. the last bit of granch he held onto.
and despite his feelings about his father, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. cainan blamed circumstance. i mean, rent had to be paid and, well, wage at the local pizza shop wasn’t fucking cutting it. he started by stealing in stores, mostly what he needed and then what he wanted. soon he got pretty good at picking pockets. then he just sunk further in.
as a kid he had moved around a lot. mostly cities. chicago was the longest stint. but moving to irving was a big shift. lou had family from the area, suggested it. it was meant to be a new start. clean slate. the whole idea of being on the straight and narrow... but patterns were hard to change and tourists were just too easy a target.
aside from his more risky behaviors, cainan gets an actual paycheck bartending. it’s a good way to meet people/clients/targets, not to mention a generally good time. sometimes a few free drinks his way go unnoticed, only just once a bottle. lied about that one too well to his manager.
very into tattoos. they’re a way for him to be vulnerable without having to be outright with it. the ink does a better job at saying his feeling than his words do.
he’s an accidental cat father. she just kept showing up on his fire escape. night one, he figured she was just curious but by the third he said fuck it and let her inside. she’s never left since. three guesses on why he named her socks.
wears rings a lot, not just his family one.
definitely has a cocky air about himself, but mostly because he’s had to stand on his own two feet for so long so he has a sense of pride with that, and knowing what he’s capable of. so in turn he doesn’t take a liking to people making incorrect assumptions. assume away, just be accurate about it.
there is 100% more but i’ve been writing this for like 2 hours now so i’m going to leave it here. like i said above, please ask away for more!
CONNECTIONS WISE →  very open. come at me. love him, love me.
maybe i’ll come up with some more official ones tomorrow but for now brain = fried.
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itsakpopalypse · 6 years ago
Baron/ Choi Chunghyeop Astrology Ask: How He Loves
“Girl you are killing me with those vav astrology posts!! They're sound so accurate! Please do one for Lou and one for Baron? If you're not too busy and I'm not asking too much? Thank you ❤️ “ -   @themoopoint
A/N   Hi! thank you for waiting, and I am glad you liked Lou’s. Here is Baron for your enjoyment !! 💕💕😊😊😊😊
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this pout omg
so we see right from the start he has a pretty even split between 3 elements, but only one air sign
that kind of means he is less likely to be wishy washy or too in his own world
will likely be pretty grounded, and that sets the tone for the rest
He leans heavily into cardinal signs, and his big 3 signs to the best of our knowledge, are pretty “dominating” or strong willed signs
we show a Rising Leo, Sun Aries, and Moon Scorpio. 
Rising Leo indicates a willingness to be outgoing, eye catching, and interesting
probably really charismatic and funny, could charm the pants off anyone
Aries suns are driven and high spirited, good at conversation, and willing to take risks, innovative and free thinkers
also could be a very direct speaker, doesn’t beat around the bush much
Scorpio moons are so deep and interesting, they have a mysterious sexy air about them that really draws a person in
curious about deeper things, and likes to have meaningful relationships, but can be a bit suspicious.
together, that indicates to me that he is fun loving and interesting, but also a bit reserved with his emotions when you meet him
only one of these signs are very good at communicating their feelings, and all of them have a lot of feelings
that being said, his mercury is in Aries
so he is an incredibly direct communicator
probably very quick witted, independent and really good at starting conversations
the type of person who could befriend a lightpole
probably really good at bringing the mood up in any situation with all that fiery energy
Venus ALSO in Aries  so he isn’t shy about initiating a relationship but can be a bit hard to pin down, they just like freedom and boundaries
and that is healthy and totally fine
so charming and funny but it will come off as really authentic and attractive
  open minded
His North node, Neptune, and Uranus are all in Capricorn
his moon and pluto are in Scorpio and mars in Pisces, 
so he has a lot more “inactive” placements in his chart 
this is a really good balance for all those incredibly strong fire signs  since those are in really prominent placements
The north node indicates his life focus
in Capricorn he is probably very careful about following through on tasks, cares a lot about the way he presents himself and is very logical before beginning anything
that Pisces Mars means he is motivated to serve others and takes their best interest ahead of his own
Looking at it as a whole, this tells me he would be ardent in his affections, choosing to flirt immediately and if you reciprocate he is unlikely to hesitate
Aries Venus and Sun Know what they want
they want fun but they are also pretty intense 
he does have an even split so while his more dominant houses are very “outgoing” signs, he has enough water and earth to neutralize anything that would be too out there on impulse
so in a new meeting he will just immediately seem to care a lot
probably treats you like he does everyone else, with concern and care but also with energy and charm
“Here it’s cold wear this.”  and it’s barely chilly but he’s giving you a jacket and you aren’t ??
even sure where he got it from>???
always seems prepared for anything
incredibly thoughtful, with a Jupiter in Virgo so he knows what you need when you need it
and Aries are always so full of this warmth
just want everyone around them to be having as good of a time as them 
and always has snacks? why are there snacks?
so like if your stomach growls he’s already stuffing something in your mouth
and then one day he will just text you and tell you he’s coming to your place
and you’re like okay but why ??
and he will walk in with like some bizarre assortment of picnic items and tell you you're building a blanket fort
and when you’re under the blanket he will just smile and say 
“this is a great first date”
super nonchalant  
and you let the fruit fall out of your hand cause... what????
“yeah, it is right? I know you like me too, so let’s date okay?”
and from then on you will just hear him refer to you as his S/O 
and you’ll get used to it fast. 
the worlds best boyfriend though
he’s putting little notes around your house on things you’ll use and you’ll find them randomly
“You are beautiful today. I can’t see you but I know you are.” inside the medicine cabinet of your mirror in the bathroom
“cute undies” in your drawer
“Eat this I got it for you !” in your fridge on a box of something for work
“Drive safely!” On the steering wheel of your car
stop me I’m getting so soft
the type of boyfriend who openly displays affection with zero concern about anyone else looking on
puts an arm around you and pulls you in so he can kiss the tip of your nose
or back hugs you while you are doing anything 
or when you are home watching tv he will pull you to straddle him while he smiles and stares into your eyes and tells you how much he likes the way that shirt compliments your eyes
and you will nuzzle and cuddle and kiss all cute and domestic
the type of guy who wakes you up before sunrise to see it with him
and then brings you back to bed because you sleepy
grade A boyfriend shit
You know what’s coming
18+ below
let’s get on with the filth
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hold on to your panties cause here we go
so he has a LOT of fire signs
specifically in the main signs that control attraction, sexual drives and the way he takes action
Aries venus and sun says unrestrained passion read: it can be over quickly
BUT with his mars in Pisces says romantic and careful
so you get a mix of the two
this means
teasing and fun in the bedroom
likely to suggest some off the wall shit but it will only ever be for your benefit
so maybe toys? 
I think maybe silk ties and blindfolds
probably loves to go down on you and watch you squirm 
messy as fuck when he does
shit that’s hot though
dirty talks but in this really romantic way 
“you love the way I touch you?”
calls you princess
“Can you cum for me, princess? I love the way you sound”
“Fuck, I’d give anything to make you cum until you pass out.”
eh... romantic right?
probably loves if you dig your nails into his skin 
shudders under the sensation and fucks you harder in response
wants you to ride him reverse so he can see the delicate slope of your back and ass
probably into playful spanking
will bend you over on any surface in the house
probably not particularly “dom” in the ways of rules but I do think he would traditionally want to control the over all flow of the sex itself
which positions and when to change
probably tosses you around into the next one quickly because he cannot wait anymore 
really wants you to be vocal
no really do not be quiet he wants to hear everything
probably role play, tbh
nothing too crazy because mostly he wants it to be about you
I feel like he would be the phone sex king 
like if he’s away but you’re both needy
so he calls you and tells you what he wants to do to you and exactly how he would do it
get’s you soaked before he’s done the third sentence and you are begging to touch yourself
“do you need to that bad?”
chuckles into the phone about how worked up you are 
even though he is too
and then tells you exactly how to touch yourself
gets you to put it one face time so he can see you 
when you’re all done he tells you to be ready because next time he will make sure you cum 10x harder and better himself
when he gets home he makes good on that promise
deep long strokes that make you moan so loud
good luck seeing your neighbors the next day
has really good self control so he will make sure you cum a few times at least 
probably switches between fucking you on his cock and his fingers so he can keep prolonging the pleasure
really just loves to see you fall apart
after you’re done takes you in the shower but lifts you against the wall for round two
carries you back to the bed in a towel and gets you a snack but a really sweet decadent one
like chocolate covered strawberries and whipped cream
and prays you guys don’t get worked up again
probably spends the next few hours cuddling and has really sweet pillow talk
“you’re my whole world you know?”
A/N  Here you go !! I hope you enjoyed it! there wasn’t a lot of variance to the signs in his chart so they followed a pretty central theme. 
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voltage-obsessed-writer · 5 years ago
A simple plan
Partheno x MC (smut) requested by @otome-addict
You smirked as you made your way down the mansion hallway. He’s gonna love this, you thought. You were going to surprise Partheno by wearing some black lacy lingerie with a matching garter and belt underneath your coat. You had your hair flipped to the side, showing the neck that Partheno loved so much and your makeup was more seductive than usual(red lipstick n stuff like that). On your way you ran into Tauxolouve and Aigonorus; who were on their way to the lounge.
“Hi little lady, what brings you here?” While speaking his eyes trailed down to your exposed legs and the red stilettos you were wearing.
“Hey Lou, I’m just here to see Partheno. Is he in his room?” He just responded with a nod and a smirk. You smiled and shot him a wink before leaving knowing he knew your plans. Aigonorus looked over to Tauxolouve confused, but Tauxolouve just walking off mumbling about Partheno being a lucky guy.
Making it to his door you knocked multiple times before opening the door. “Partheno it’s me....” you trailed off as you scanned the room for him. He was at his desk engrossed in some paperwork. You stood behind him mesmerised by his beauty. He truly was the most beautiful god in the heavens. And he was ALL yours. You smirked as you went up behind him and hugged him, trying your best at a sultry voice you spoke, “Hey baby, I missed you~~” you finished it off by kissing his ear then neck.
He turned round looking shocked, “Hmm what brings you here MC” he looked at you puzzled.
You backed away “Oh I just felt like visiting...” as you spoke you slowly undid the belt on your coat, letting it slip off to reveal your attire. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped. His reaction gave you a boost of confidence as you got on his lap straddling him. “Am I not allowed to visit?” You whispered into his ear before biting it. Partheno bit his lips while his eyes traveled down your body.
“You know that’s not the case babe”
You pulled back slightly raising one of your brows, “Oh reallyy, then what is the case” You were both leaning towards each other as you spoke. Before he could answer you roughly pressed your lips to his. You both fought equally for dominance, but you eventually buckled under Partheno’s intensity. His tongue impatiently parted your lips and entered your mouth causing you to let out a deep moan. You were both passionate lovers, but this was something else. Partheno’s hands shifted down and gripped your thighs hard to make sure you didn’t fall as he quickly pushed you onto the desk. While his left hand was grasping your breast through your bra, he started to grind his crotch onto yours. The initial plan was to dominate and seduce him, but the glazed over look in his eyes made you immediately surrender to him. While he was unclasping your bra you tried to take his clothes off as quickly as you could. Being too far gone to care you roughly ripped his shirt off; making some buttons fly off in different directions. As you both pulled away from the kiss panting Partheno slid his hand down to your underwear and started to pull them down; with you helping by lifting yourself up. Now left bare in-front of him you suddenly felt quite self conscious and closed your legs.
“Uh uhh none of that now, you’ve turned me on too much” he shook his finger back and forth as he spoke, as if telling you off. Whilst your lips rejoined he unbuckled his belt and slid down his pants and boxers. Shuffling and taking a minute to compose yourself you looked down and gulped at his size; you’d never get used to it no matter how much you both had sex. You both looked at each other with pure lust as he asked if you were ready. One eager nod was all he needed to thrust fully into you; being too far gone for the usual foreplay. You let out a loud scream as his cock stretched your walls pleasantly. He pulled nearly all the way out just to go straight back in with even more force. His lips covered yours again drowning out your loud moans. You wrapped your arms around his neck, one of your hand intertwining with his hair to pull it. He grunted at your action as he quickened his pace.
“Nggg ah h-harder” you moan softly into his ear.
Smirking at your request he grabs your thighs and starts pounding into you at a different angle; hitting all the spots you wanted him too. Still wanting more you lock your legs around his waist pulling him closer to you. Partheno releasing this position isn't satisfying you enough he hastily lifts you up and shoves you against his door. The cold surface felt pleasant against your hot back. He started thrusting into you deeper and quicker.
“Ahhh yes hngg more!!” you could feel your walls twitch around him as your release approached. Complying with your request he angled his dick deeper and bit down onto your shoulder. Your head fell back as you screamed out his name in pure bliss. Clamping down onto him you rocked your hips riding out your orgasm. Partheno continued thrusting before releasing his seed into you. You both looked at each other panting and smiled.
“God what did I ever do to deserve you?” He asked while kissing your temple.
“The same could be said for you mister” you retorted while wrapping your arms around him, to pull him into a tight hug. He slowly pulled out, making sure to hold you so you didn’t fall. Once your feet touched the floor you almost fell due to your legs feeling weak.
“Heh guess I was a bit too rough” he laughed while helping steady you.
“Y’know that’s the way I like it though” shooting him a wink while he picked you up bridal style. Placing you gently upon the bed he slipped down next to you and hugged you from behind. Being wrapped in his warm embrace instantly helped you relax, while also making you drowsy. You turned to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I love you”.
Your smile warmed his soul, “I love you too” he cuddled you more pressing kisses into your neck and hair. The roughness had taken a toll on your body as you fell into a deep sleep; thoughts filled with Partheno.
~*Bonus Scene*~
You awoke a couple hours after your little rendezvous with Partheno feeling pleasantly sore. You shifted over to see where Partheno was. Huh? He’s gone. You sat up straight.
“P-partheno” your voice cracked and sounded very hoarse. You decided to go downstairs to see if he’s there; while also getting a glass of water.
“Shit” you mumbled out loud when you realised you didn’t have any spare clothes. You briefly scanned the room and spotted Partheno’s white shirt. That’ll do. Putting it on over your underwear you decided against putting your coat on as it was too hot. Looking at yourself in the mirror you noted: your hair was a mess, lipstick smeared, hickey very visible and his shirt wasn’t as baggy as you hoped so most of your legs were exposed. Eh fuck it. The gods were probably in the heavens anyway, it is late after all.
You crept through the corridor trying to be as quiet as possible, being caught in this state would be humiliating. Whilst sneaking you heard the door to Scorpio’s room open slightly, so you quickly hid behind the curtains. You only moved out when his loud stomps had disappeared as he made his way down the hall. Breathing a sigh of relief you continued your mini quest for water. Luckily you never encountered anyone else on your way to the kitchen. While you happily gulped down some water, you were oblivious to Ichthys standing a few metres away in the shadows. He smirked at your attire while a mischievous plan popped into his head. Ichthys snapped his fingers transporting you to the living room where some of the gods were relaxing. You opened your eyes after finishing your drink to see that you were now suddenly in the living room. Dropping your glass at the sound of someone spitting out their drink you turn around eyes wide. You saw 6 gods sitting there: Aigonorus asleep on the couch, Scorpio blushing beet red next to him, Leon leisurely relaxing on the chaise lounge, Dui who had spat out his tea, Karno looking shocked holding a book and finally Partheno sitting on the couch now smirking at you. Luckily Huedhaut wasn’t there, that would have been awkward. You were honestly too confused to be embarrassed, that was until Leon opened his mouth.
“Oh-Ho are you trying to seduce us all goldfish ??” He sat up crossing his legs(like that one cg). The situation finally clicked in your mind as you blushed and tried to no avail to cover yourself. You were too embarrassed to come up with a coherent sentence as you kept sputtering out random nonsense.
“What the hell woman!!! The frick you doin’ poppin’ in here wearing that!!” Scorpio wasn’t looking at you while he spoke. If you could dig a hole to crawl into you gladly would at this point. Why the hell am I here?!? Was all you could think.
“I Err I’m s-sorry” you squeaked out before looking over at Partheno pleadingly. Him seeming to enjoy this, so he didn’t do anything to stop them. Oh he was definitely gonna pay, but later cause right now you wanted to die. You awkwardly pulled at the hem of Partheno’s shirt, but you accidentally pulled it down too much revealing some cleavage and parts of your lingerie. Not releasing until it was too late. Leon started wolf whistling while saying cringey pick up lines. You looked down even more embarrassed as tears glazed your eyes. This finally made Partheno snap as he stood protectively in front of you.
“Oi leave her alone would ya” he angrily spoke while snapping his fingers to take you both back to his room. “What were you doing downstairs??” He pulled you into a hug to ease your nerves.
“I just went to get water and then puff I was in the living room” before you even finished the sentence you already knew who did it and judging by Partheno’s gaze he did too. Ichthys.
“I’m gonna kill him” he didn’t seem mad more like he was jealous that everyone saw you in this state. You were his after all. Now that you weren’t embarrassed you felt it was necessary to ease your boy’s jealousy.
Leaning up you whispered into his ear, “Before you do that how about me and you go for round two~~” he looked back at you eyes darkening in lust. Oh it was gonna be a looooong night.
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ch-dld-bft-brit-omm · 5 years ago
Velvet Underground - Live at Boston Tea Party (1st show) 12.12.1968 [audience recording]
01 Intro02 Heroin03 Move right in04 Waiting for the man05 I'm set free06 Foggy notion07 Beginning to see the light08 Candy says09 White light, white heat10 Jesus11 Sister Ray12 Pale blue eyes
Lou Reed: guitar, vocalsSterling Morrison: guitarDoug Yule: bass, organ, vocalsMoe Tucker: drums
INFO: This was the first show of a 3 night stay at the Velvets "second home", the Boston Tea Party. This recording, reputedly made by the "professor", was not included on the recent Scorpio 4CD box set (for reasons known only to the boys at Scorpio - maybe they're saving it for a future release along with the Hilltop Rock Festival tape).This show has long been my personal favourite of all the extant Tea Party recordings. Lou and Sterling's guitar playing is outstanding, and Moe never misses a beat. "Move Right In" is just great - Sterling sounds just like a tape loop and Lou's "improvised on the spot" lyrics are tantalisingly almost intelligible. "Foggy Notion" is a joyful breeze, with buzzsaw guitars and fine vocals. Going by Lou's introduction, this would appear to be the first public performance of "Candy Says". It's certainly the only Velvets recording of it which I am aware of where Lou actually sings it himself - he cant quite reach the high notes but there's a certain weary tenderness to his vocal which I dont think Doug ever managed to achieve, live or in the studio. This is undoubtedly my favourite version of one of my favourite songs. No words I can write can adequately describe this performance of "Sister Ray" - over 26 mins of musical mayhem and lyrical debauchery. It is simply outstanding.Overall, the sound quality is not great, but very listenable...
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mrs-scm-wife · 5 years ago
Hi im the anon about cap/virg scorp leo xd umm greetin line could do, but can you make a flirtg one with leo
Leon: Miss me? Life has definitely changed in the human world. I keep hearing your wishes daily; they are quite cute. However, the other gods can as well, so only wish to me. Got it? I miss you and your lively, annoying energy. You really do get excited over the tiniest of things.
Karno: Hello! I hope you’ve been staying home as much as possible, unless you’re a front line worker. We thank you for helping keep the world safe either by staying home or being an essential worker. Oh, and don’t forget to spice up your life every once in awhile.
Teorus: Goldie! How’s the weather for you? It’s perfect here in the Heavens. I hope you’re not bored where you are. I am. Karno and Leon has us working more now than ever, but I know you and others are doing their best, so I will too!
Huedhaut: You’ve been doing well, I take it? If you need help with any cooking, I’m sure Karno will be helpful... for the most part. He always makes it spicy to the core. Everyone seems to be a cook or baker these days. You’ve already made Leon meatballs twice this week.
Aigonorus: I think, for those who can, you should try and rest as much as possible. *yawn* Work for me has been slightly overwhelming, but the kindness of the humans down on earth keeps motivating me... Lou even gives me marshmallows everytime I complete twelve wishes. I wonder why twelve?
Tauxolouve: How’s the weather for you? It’s perfect here in the Heavens. I can’t wait to sketch some more. The gods can’t contract diseases, so we are all still bustling around. We figured if we went to visit Earth too much, it might cause confusion.
Zyglavis: Are you maintaining a proper schedule? During these times, a schedule would greatly induce motivation to get work done, whether it’s online school, a job, or simply cleaning the house. You should try to find a quiet place for concentrating on your activity.
Scorpio: Thank goodness gods don’t sleep. We are working around the clock. It’s nice to have that one advantage. Even that stupid lion can’t tell me what to do anymore or argue with me. Grr. I don’t know what you see in him, human.
Dui: I’ve been motivating myself at work by bringing cherries in. It’s nice to have a treat every so often. Don’t forget to reward yourself. You’re well-being is important, so take care of yourself. You matter just as much as everyone else.
Ichthys: It’s prank prime time. Everyone is so serious lately, and I don’t blame them, but people still need to have happiness. Happiness is part of self care. Scorpio even kind of smirked at me when I pulled last night’s prank on him! I think everyone deserves some cheerfulness.
Krioff: Everyone is doing their part in the departments. It’s nice to see people working together in effort to keep humanity safe. After this ends, I think I might reward myself with some gelato. It’s so sweet and soft all at the same time.
Partheno: What a lovely time to stay indoors and stay up all night in bed together with your loved ones. It sounds so romantic and sexy. Maybe try on some of those undergarments stashed in the drawers.. hehe. But, to keep kid friendly, now would be nice to pamper yourself and figure out the perfect skin routine for yourself.
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elaera23 · 7 years ago
Girls Night - Epilogue
Fandom: Voltage (Crossover)
Characters: MC1, MC2, MC3 x SITS / KBTBB / SCM
Contains: Humor, Swearing 
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Surprise, surprise! I think Vega and I surely are not the only ones who were wondering what would happen with our precious MC’s and their guys after that fateful encounter in the bar. Well here you have a small foretaste of what will be coming. Hope you enjoy it! 😂❤ This is the Epiloge for our amazing Girls Night-Series which you can read here: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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 “What the hell were you two thinking?!” Leon shouts at the two miserable-looking gods in front of him. “Now we have to get rid of this damn mess you caused!”
“I never thought I’d see the say where I would agree with the lion. This however, was utterly irresponsible of you two and the stupidity of your reckless act is beyond me!” Zyglavis adds with a daunting voice, his normal severe expression now wrathful and furious.
“We are really sorry…” Partheno replies his gaze lowered and gloomy, making him even look more heartbroken, including the fact that he was still in his female form as well as under the influence of the effect of the birth control pills. “Lou and I were curious to see what else the ladies would reveal when they got loosened up a little more…. “ he explained, now starting to sob.
Zyglavis furrowed his brows and lets out a loud sigh, his hand brushing his chin “This would at least explain why they got so emotional and even exceeded their level of honesty at the end of their conversation…” he murmurs barely audible.
“Heh, it was indeed very amusing Minister Ponytail, never would I have guessed that this stuck-up body of yours even knows how to properly react to a woman’s presence.” Leon replies with a devilish smirk.
“I will not even lower myself to your level as to comment on this statement.” Zyglavis answers, while his face still flushes red in embarrassment. “Solving this issue is of utmost importance as of now.”
Leon’s expression turns serious again as he noddingly agrees s to Zyglavis’ input. “So what do you suggest we do with all those stupid goldfish? I mean the whole bar is knocked out.”
“Let’s pick up the MC’s and bring them to the mansion until the effect of the drugs subsides.” Zyglavis answers casually.
“Considering the wishes of the ladies as well as observing the various reactions I am assuming these men” Huedhaut points his chin to the tables where the bidders and the Revence members are lying unconscious “-are the bosses from MC1 and MC2.”
“Tch, who cares, we take those stupid women and then we get the hell out of here.” Scorpio throws in.
“I don’t want to interfere but I find it rather thoughtless to leave those humans behind. We don’t know whether the drugs Partheno and Lou gave them have any side-effects and it would not be fair to let the other MC’s pay the price for something our people have done.”
“Karno, compassionate as always” Leon replies as he tenderly smiles at him, his gaze still roaming over the body of his female Vice-Minister.  
“Dammit, get yourself a room and stop it with this lovey-dovey shit.” Scorpio growls, a disgusted expression grazing his features.
“Ehem. Back to the topic…” Karno says, covering the nervousness that had started to build up inside him.
“Why did you dumbasses have to mix up the frickin’ drinks?!” Surprised about his sudden input all gods turn to Krioff, body leaned against a wall, his glare fixed on Partheno and Taxolouve. Saving the two from shitting their pants in fear of the God of Aries, a sweet chuckle echoed through the bar, shifting their attention elsewhere.
“What are you laughing at, problem child?!” Scorpio scoffs at Ichthys who is flashing the gods his trademark mischievous grin, one hand on his luscious hips.
“Hahaha, I can’t believe they actually did it!” “I am at such a state that it would have genuinely surprised me that the source of all chaos has not been you again.”, Zyglavis comments, annoyingly massaging his palms. “Aw come on! I said they should just drug all the drinks if they wanted to make sure the MC’s got them… but it was a jooooke!” he explains as his painted lips turn up into a smirk, lighting up his female features.
“This really displeases me. Now we have to take a bunch of goldfish to our place just because you were so astronomically stupid as to listen to the damn fish!” Leon snaps his finger and the gods, the other guys and the three MC’s disappear in an instant.
-- To be continued --
Tagging the wonderful @vega-in-wonderland​ who would have imagined what we are able to create! Looking forward to everthing coming! Love you girl! 😘😘 also tagging our fans of the original series: @justjen523 @hifftn @voltage-my2dlove @iluvsexyvoltageguys  @you-wandered-here @mypaygoesto2dmen @kasurina @otomesaurusrex @nitelotus @speakfearlessly1989 @mrsnaaz @lin-ful @thinking-writing-pixelated
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justjen523 · 7 years ago
The Celestial Bride
Chapter 1
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The Reception
The King had bestowed many gifts for this special day yet we all knew better. It was simply a form of extreme entertainment for him and we as usual had absolutely no choice in the matter. The first was an epic reception in which every single god in the Heavens attended. To see one of the twelve married would have been something, but all twelve on the same day to one woman? Yeah, it was definitely a full house to say the least.
I however did not find this enjoyable at first considering every goddess was staring daggers at me and most likely wishing for my death. 
“Guys....I can’t do this. Seriously, all the goddesses are staring!”
“Awww that’s just because they are jealous Goldie! You have nothing to worry about though, we only have eyes for you.” While Teo meant well I don’t think he quite understands the kind of pressure I’m under.
“You have nothing to fear Little Lady. Every single one of us will protect you and keep you safe.” 
“Thanks Lou.” While sweet it did nothing to take my mind off the way I was hatefully being stared at. Just as I was starting to feel down Zyglavis leaned over and whispered in my ear.
“You have nothing to fear. Once we have completed the traditional wedding dance we are all free to leave whenever we choose as the party will continue all evening regardless of our presence.”
“Really? Oh thank goodness!”
“Yeah but if it’s left up to these old farts we’ll nevvvvvver get this party underway! Buuuut.....I have an idea.” Before I had a chance to protest, Ichthys had pulled me by the hand to the large empty space in the middle of this massive hall. 
“Ikky what in the name of-”
“Unh-unh. This is YOUR wedding day and you are my wife now. No one makes my wife sad especially when she looks this beautiful.”
“Get ready to have some fun and forget about everything else kay?”
“Kay.” With a beaming smile he snapped his fingers and an upbeat dance song came on. He grabbed my hand, kissed it and then twirled me into his arms and just like that we were dancing. Not your typical awkward homecoming kind of dancing, more like something you see on television for those modern dance competitions. I had no idea what I was supposed to do but somehow my body perfectly followed Ichthys’ lead and in no time at all I had completely forgotten my surroundings and was laughing.
When my dance with Ichthys ended, Teorus picked a new one and cut in. Just like before my body somehow seemed to know exactly where and how to step and I was beaming from ear to ear as more and more gods began to cheer. Teorus easily and gracefully lifted my body into the air several time making so many goddesses jealously swoon. However, not once did Teorus take his eyes off of mine. He smiled as tenderly and lovingly as his best friend before had. 
Next up was Dui who waltzed with me gracefully and made flower petals rain down around us. It was so romantic and I couldn’t keep from smiling as both Dui’s for once agreeably took their turn. At the end he handed me to Hue who danced so gracefully I hadn’t even noticed right away that he had changed our surroundings to mimic the night sky as we danced across the stars.
Huedhaut handed me to Krioff who was surprisingly elegant and an amazing dancer if a little quiet. He smiled at me however in a way I had never seen before. Something akin to contentment shone in his beautiful silvery eyes as he twirled me around the dance floor. Krioff then handed me to Aigo who held me close and rested his head atop mine as we swayed to the music. His body was warm and comforting making me feel so peaceful and happy I never wanted to leave his arms. However the song had ended and once more I was handed off and this time Partheno took me by the hand.
He too held me close but our particular dance was a lot more....provocative. Not that I would have expected anything less from this particular husband. Our bodies moved together in sync to the music and at the end he pressed a steamy kiss to my lips stealing my breath away as he gracefully dropped me into Lou’s waiting arms. Tauxolouve was nothing short of prince charming tonight. A nickname I had usually reserved for Teorus but tonight Lou took the cake. We danced like the Kings and Queens of old as everything around us transformed to look like we were outdoors in nature. I felt like a real life Cinderella. 
Scorpio was next and I was shocked that he chose a rather intimate song and style of dance. Usually he would have been far too embarrassed to do such a thing even in front of the others just at the mansion. Not tonight. He only had eyes for me and what was even stranger, he smiled almost the entire time making my cheeks burn hotly. Scorpio handed me to Karno who also chose a waltz as he dreamily swung me around lightly making me feel as though I was dancing on air. He kissed both of my cheeks before handing me to Zyglavis and all at once I suddenly became nervous.
“Pfffft. What is with that expression? Are you really that afraid to dance with me?”
“Would you be disappointed if I said yes?” He smiled devilishly and kissed the back of my hand before pulling me to him abruptly.
“Not at all. However you must understand, there are higher standards for a Minister’s wife.” With a snap of his fingers my dress transformed into a gorgeous black gown still made of all the stars as the lights dimmed into darkness. My dress lit up the entire room and the pair of us as he pulled me flawlessly around in perfect grace. I could hear all the goddesses sigh dreamily. When alas our song had ended he sweetly kissed the corner of my mouth as though it were a promise for more to come later warming me to the core.
The lights remained dimmed as I felt a body press up against me from behind. When the music started it had an almost Latin style rhythm as our bodies moved against one another’s. It was sexy and intense and the way his hands expertly guided me had my heart racing. As always, Leon was smirking knowing full well what this was doing to me. 
“You’re too easy. We’re going to need to work on that if you wish to be mine. The others will take advantage of your weakness and exploit it for their own amusement.”
“Hmm...something tells me you would never allow that in the first place my Lion.”
“Oh-ho? Since when did you become so brave?”
“Since the moment you and I became one.”
“We have yet to become one and believe me when I am through with you, you will absolutely recognize the difference. You have no idea what it means to receive love from a god. You will learn however, tonight I will savor every sound and expression as you crumble under the weight of our love.” My eyes go wide when I realize he used the word “our” and not “my”.
“Had you forgotten already that you married the twelve most powerful beings in the Heaven’s besides the King?”
“I-I didn’t forget! I just.....wasn’t sure how this night was going to go I guess.”
“Fear not goldfish, you won’t be able to think of anything other than how good we will make you feel.”
“When you say we, you mean one at a time right?”
“Pffft. How presumptuous indeed.”
“W-What do you mean by that?!”
“You are in the realm of the gods now. You are wife to all twelve gods of the Zodiac and as such, you will give everything that you are to us. In return we will love you so deeply and exquisitely you’ll be unable to process a single conscious thought. I told you did I not? The love of a god is powerful. Let’s see what happens when you receive the love of twelve.”
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kid-sister-intellectual · 3 years ago
from Summer 2014: The boy I’m “hanging out” with lately goes to the same art school I go to (a year older, paints surrealist self portraits) but is from the same place I’m from so we hang out during our vacation breaks when we’re visiting our parents. We actually fucked in February (I’m not sure if he was still with his girlfriend or not) but I’m just going to call him Sad Boy 2001 (because he’s like obsessed with Yung Lean and the Sad Boys crew). He’s a Taurus/Aires cusp (which totally explains why he’s so intense) and I met him through this junior (maybe he’s a senior) who’s named after a Spanish philosopher I think but basically embodies Hunter S. Thompson in every aspect of his life. So this junior (maybe he’s a senior) (we’ll just call him Hunter S. Thompson) started facebook messaging me in like October of my freshman year like really creepily but I thought it was hilarious so I decided to make him my friend. I’m eccentric, he’s eccentric. It made sense. I didn’t actually meet him until my 19th birthday.
Yes, I’m a Scorpio and yes, this is very important to me and is something I can’t get into because I’m talking about Hunter S. Thompson right now. Ok, so it’s Saturday night, my birthday and a bunch of kids are in my dorm (it’s actually more like an apartment: two single bedrooms, one double that I share with my roommate, a bathroom, living room and kitchen) and the movie Clueless is being played on mute, projected on a wall while a playlist of mostly lo fi garage rock (with some 60s Motown, Lou Reed and Johnny Cash mixed in) plays. The kitchen is filled with about ten McDonalds’ Happy Meal boxes, a bottle of raspberry vodka and a couple Four Lokos and forties. I’m wearing an oversized Givenchy knock-off t-shirt with short shorts underneath that you can’t really see and white thigh high socks. One of the girls I live with, Alaska (not her real name, but a name that was on her list of potential camp counselor names) brings out her hookah (which she’s inexplicably obsessed with) and we’re all smoking away. I’m pissed (very pissed) because the three boys who live next door and one of my best friends left my party early because they took too much Xanax and couldn’t handle it. I was still heartbroken about Mick-Leo. Mick-Leo had claimed I was the most beautiful girl in the world and that he had never liked a girl as much as he liked me and after going to an all girls high school for the past 6 years and never having a steady boyfriend, I totally believed him. But it was totally a lie and I should have known because he’s a Sagittarius. A few weeks before my birthday, Mick-Leo and I had gotten scouted on the street for a Ryan McGinley shoot. He got a call-back six months later but I never did. Anyway, about 15 people showed up to my “party” and this boy, Rothko (I think that was his tag name) has just shaved his beard and is looking so cute and he later buys me a forty. By midnight, everyone is drunk. With like, the 5 people who were left, we start playing that Suck n Blow card game and I keep dropping the card just to kiss Abercrombie Boy. I don’t know how, but by 1 am, I’m wrapped in my fur coat, standing next to Chlöe, who is in her fur coat, in the middle of a huge warehouse party.
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muselin · 7 years ago
After Dark Part 1
Writer’s Tree wish from: @justjen523​
Prompt: MC is hiding a secret from the gods. She has a second job as an exotic dancer! Suspicious when she starts acting a little differently, the gods find out she has a night job and unexpectedly show up at her work! Yup, all twelve!
Rating: M for Part 1, E for Part 2 (coming soon)
Warnings: manipulation, extremely dubious concent, Dark!Zyglavis (in this part)
Notes: This is by far the hardest thing I’ve had to write in terms of circumstances. This fic was written while I was battling illness, travelled for 2 days straight, it was written on a bus, on a train, in a hotel and on a plane. It got away from me completely and I had to split it into two. So enjoy!
First song: Policy of Truth by Depeche Mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBw6Kmieehc
Second song: Black Mambo by Glass Animals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0IOYcKgfJQ
It was ridiculous, really, but I had long since stopped thinking about it.
In the dim neon lights of the backstage space, I was hastily shrugging off the button-down shirt of my uniform from the planetarium and adding a lot more eyeshadow to my light makeup that I'd worn during the day. I rummaged through the hangers and I pulled out a black strappy number with a matched set of panties and a bra. Sometimes I spiced it up but this was my go-to outfit for my second job most nights.
What's a girl to do? Juggling rent in downtown Tokyo, a starting-salary job and a master's degree in astronomy just didn't leave much choice. All the bartending jobs seemed to be taken and waitressing, making coffee or tending shop really wasn't going to cut it. If anyone back home knew what my dance background was coming in handy for, they'd be picking up their jaws from the floor.
In Shinjuku, where the city never slept and the neon lights were always on, I danced for money. And yeah, I also took my clothes off. That had been the reality of my Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights since last year.
And the gods always wondered why I never stayed for dinner on the weekends...
They didn't know, of course. I felt safe in that knowledge as I queued with the other girls behind the curtain waiting for the music to start. The beat started pumping in my ears and I set my inhibitions aside for the rest of the night. I did my job, performed my routine, the men cheered and whistled and put money in my little belt which rested on my hips.
It was a decent night, I made a good amount, I thought as I headed backstage at the end of the night. Little did I know, a tall male figure dressed in white had been watching me the whole night. Could have been the lights or a dye job, but his hair seemed pink.
 "Partheno. Parthenoooo!"
"Oi, asshole, wake the fuck up!"
"Aww, be nice, maybe he's dreaming about our goddess, right, Partheno?"
Partheno had been a thousand miles away but at the mention of the goddess his head snapped back up.
"Hmm? Oh sorry, you were saying something about me and Ichthys working on Earth tomorrow," he said, trying to seem like he was in the loop.
"Partheno, that was nine minutes ago. Good to know that for the short time that you were actually listening you retained something," Zyglavis commented, his brows furrowed in annoyance. "It isn't like you to be so distracted during meetings, is there anything you wish to share?"
Partheno thought for a second.
"No, nothing at all. I apologise. Please, carry on."
The meeting continued and Partheno paid careful attention to not letting his thoughts drift back to last night again. He'd never ever thought he'd see their beloved goddess the way he'd seen her last night except in his dreams, but it seemed to be reality. He felt an unusual flutter in his chest when he thought about her upcoming visit to the mansion tonight for the monthly get-together.
 It was a pleasant evening spent eating and drinking, laughing and talking. I loved being around all the gods and I always made an effort to bring a big basket with their favourite goodies whenever we got together like this: taiyaki for Ichthys, home-made cherry pie for Dui, a pot of curry for Karno and a plate of meatballs in tomato sauce for Leon, rabbit apples for Scorpio (he  never said thanks but he always blushed), some chocolate ganache cake for Zyglavis, milk and cookies for Teorus and Partheno, vanilla ice cream with marshmallows for Krioff and Aigo and a bottle of a good vintage wine for Huedhaut and Tauxolouve.
As the evening wound down, I tried to push down the uneasiness that came over me whenever I met Partheno's eyes. Something was off with him tonight. He was always flirtatious and chatty, winking and smiling at me, but tonight he was quiet and the look in his eyes was different. It was serious, intense, and he'd barely spoken two words to me. I didn't have time to linger on this as I needed to get home early tonight. I was facing a busy Friday shift at the planetarium and at my second job. How ironic that the club I worked at was called "Gate to Heaven"... Ugh. As if.
 After the reincarnated goddess of fate bid all the gods goodnight, Partheno quietly pulled Tauxolouve aside. While the rest of the gods were tidying up from their feast, the gods of Virgo and Sagittarius spoke in hushed tones, both of their usual charming and smiling expressions replaced by serious and brooding ones.
"We should tell them," Partheno said to Tauxolouve in the end.
"You think so? You know how badly some of them will react... When you and I were born these things weren't considered disreputable, but everyone else knows humans as far more closed-minded. Zyglavis will be the worst, he was born in the human Dark Ages," Tauxolouve looked up at him, hesitant.
"I know but they're not stupid, they know something's up," Partheno sighed. "This was never such a problem way back in Egypt, remember? Where did we go wrong," he chuckled bitterly.
"Yeah, I know," Tauxolouve also smiled crookedly. "Alright, we'll tell them. I'll arrange everything with Wishes, you take care of Punishments."
Partheno nodded, a quiet determination shining in his rose-coloured eyes.
 I was on stage, in my white flowy dress tonight. Our routine was tame until 11 at night, when the dresses dropped and by midnight - everything else. The song changed, signifying 11 o'clock, and I made my way to the central area where the poles were mounted. I grabbed the middle one and spun effortlessly, my dress flowing behind me.
 I turned my back to the crowd, swaying my hips to the rhythm. I tried not to think of anything as I reached for the zipper at the back of my dress. I made a show of pulling it down, going slowly and revealing every inch of skin sensually, aiming to entice. Eventually my dress dropped to the floor and I finished the rest of the song. It changed again after and they announced the portion of the evening where the booths could be booked for private dances.
 No sooner had I got off the stage than my manager found me.
"Sweetie, you already have your first booking for the night. You have a big party of twelve in the VIP booths. Actually they booked it out until closing time, so be nice to them. They look a bit odd, not sure if they're doing a bachelor party or if they're military or whatever, but they're all really good-looking. Try not to fall for any of 'em, okay?"
My manager laughed at the end and I thanked him. I headed towards the bar to pick up two bottles of champagne, as was customary to bring to an all-night booking. Two in one hand and a tray of twelve small champagne glasses in the other, I carefully balanced them on my way to the VIP rooms. I knocked on the door with my stiletto since my hands were busy and I waited. When the door opened, I nearly dropped the tray.
"P-Partheno?! Lou?! What the hell are you doing here?? This isn't funny!"
I was livid and mortified at the same time, my face going bright red as I stood in nothing but a sparkly red  set of underwear and bra, unable to cover myself with the champagne and glasses in both my hands.
"Please, hear us out. It isn't what you think. All twelve of us are here," Partheno said, sounding serious for once.
"All of you?? How? Why?!"
"Partheno was here for work last night. Apparently one of the patrons was getting far too touchy with one of your co-workers here and he had a punishment coming. That's how Partheno found out you work here."
Tauxolouve's smooth, matter-of-fact tone calmed me down somewhat.
"We decided to tell the others. We wanted to bring them here so you would get a chance to explain and we can help you. The others would have found out eventually. As the former goddess ofof fate you tend to attract people who need divine intervention, so it would have been just a matter of time," Partheno explained.
I was looking at the floor in embarrassment but I knew Partheno was right. I looked up at him and Tauxolouve pleadingly.
"What am I going to do? I can barely face you two, let alone everyone else..."
"Listen, we aren't judging you," Tauxolouve said gently, taking the bottles of champagne from me. "Partheno and I were born in the times where what you do here was considered an art form of the highest esteem and women like you were among the most adored and respected."
"Yes, Lou and I have nothing but respect for you, despite the fact that you lied to all of us and hid this second occupation of yours from us. Please, come in with us and let us do most of the talking."
Partheno's urging made me seriously consider their offer. He took the tray of glasses from me as I stared at the floor, biting my lip.
"Partheno... I'm scared," I said, looking up at him. I felt like I could trust him and Lou for once, they were both being incredibly mature and not at all lewd about this. Even though I was dressed like a trained seductress, I felt like a frightened little girl inside. Lou put his hand on my shoulder, the warmth of his fingers soothing me as he caressed me comfortingly.
"We won't let anyone say anything hurtful to you, I promise you'll be okay."
Partheno took my chin in his elegant fingers and turned my face delicately towards him.
"If it helps, you look absolutely stunning. If anything, they'll be smitten if you keep doing what you do. Leave your worries behind and play the role like you do each night."
I straightened up then and took a deep breath. This was something I knew how to do. I didn't hate my job, after all. I put a lot of effort into crafting this image of grace and allure that I wore when I worked. I put a small but confident smile on my face and nodded to the two gods, then we opened the doors to the VIP room and walked in together.
Sure enough, all the gods were there, scattered in the various plush chairs around the room. I scanned them one by one.
They all wore different expressions. Dui and Aigo seemed relaxed enough, but were warily glancing towards the other gods in room, as if checking on them. Ichthys and Teorus sat next to each other, with Teorus beaming his princely smile at me when I walked in and Ichthys giving me his own small smile as well. Scorpio and Krioff sat together, mirroring each other in their cross-armed, closed off postures. They had both been frowning, but Scorpio blushed and looked away when I walked in whereas Krioff's face was the picture of surprise. His arms unfolded to rest in his lap as he looked at me, eyes scanning my form quickly before they came back to my face and lingered there. Hue sat at the far end of the room, hands clasped in front of him. His face was unreadable as usual but he met my eyes briefly, seeming curious more than anything. Karno sat nearby, legs crossed and his foot tapped lightly. He seemed nervous somehow but he made an effort to acknowledge me, nodding at me quickly before looking away nervously.
If I wasn't blushing before, I sure was when I finally saw Leon and Zyglavis. They were the only ones not sitting. Leon was leaning against the wall cross-armed, his face seeming displeased. Close to him stood Zyglavis, hands clenched at his sides and an equally displeased expression on his face. Leon looked me in the eyes, his frown unchanged, but Zyglavis didn't even acknowledge me.
Lou spoke first.
"Alright, now that we're all here, let's--"
"What I want to know is, goldfish, how you thought you could lie to us and get away with it," Leon interrupted harshly.
"So much for one at a time..." Partheno sighed.
I swallowed thickly and tried to speak as calmly as possible.
"I didn't want to lie to you all but I suppose I felt ashamed. I didn't want you all to see me in this light." I looked at Partheno and Lou for reassurance."And also, in this time, women with jobs like mine aren't very respected."
"She has a point," Huedhaut spoke. "She may have lied, but her work is her own business and she does not owe us a full report on every single detail of her life. We can't blame her for wanting to protect herself from judgment."
"I can see that. I may not get why she's doin' this type of work but I get not wanting to be judged," Krioff said to my surprise.
"You all seem to forget that her life and all of ours are intertwined! She can't be out presenting herself to men and risking being groped or raped or worse!" Leon's booming voice filled the room, the anger in it startling me.
"Not that I agree with that stupid lion, but she's riskin' too much like this," Scorpio grumbled.
"Look, I get that you guys are concerned, but we do have security here...", I said quietly.
"Oh? Is this why Partheno had to intervene in this very place but a mere night ago?"
Zyglavis's voice was like ice when he finally spoke. The room was silent, the tension unpleasantly palpable. Who would have thought that he and Leon would be on the same page about this...
"That's true, which is exactly why we don't need to make a big deal out of this," Tauxolouve broached carefully, "Her life is linked to ours, that's why we'll always know if there's any danger. Partheno and I didn't tell you all so you would judge her. He and I are the oldest ones here. The rest of you may not remember, but it wasn't always like this for female exotic dancers."
"That's right. Their craft was revered in ancient times and there were none of the prejudices these performers face today," Partheno added. "We ask you to find the beauty in this, and not to worry about her safety," he smirked in his usual way, finally. "If you still have concerns, Lou and I would be more than happy to take turns watching over our goddess when she's performing."
"It is a very appealing performance," Karno spoke sweetly.
"Absolutely, she does look magnificent like this," Teorus agreed.
"Yeah, I'd sooo hate it if you had to quit just 'cause Zig and Leon don't approve," Ichthys said. "If you stay, we have a reasom to come visit you at work!"
"That could be quite fun," Dui's sweet voice added to the mix, his face innocently smiling as his eyes crinkled at the corners.
"These chairs are really comfy. I wouldn't mind coming here again, especially if you're around," Aigo said lazily, resting his head against the back of the chair as he looked at me.
"Tch... Whatever."
Scorpio appeared annoyed but I knew by now that this was his reluctant way of agreeing.
Zyglavis and Leon, however, still wore their stormy expressions, seemingly not swayed by the approval of their subordinates.
"I cannot believe that all of you are condoning this," Zyglavis said in the end and turned on his heel, storming out of the VIP room.
My heart sank. If the Ministers were so opposed to this, I knew that there was a chance they'd force me to quit this job.
Leon seemed somewhat taken aback by Zyglavis's exit and his face was an unreadable canvas of emotions.
"I've heard enough. All of you, leave. I want a word with the goldfish," he said, his tone not tolerating objection.
The gods looked amongst themselves and slowly stood up, filtering out of the room one by one. Partheno and Tauxolouve nodded at me reassuringly before they exited as well.
Left in an uncomfortable silence alone with Leon, I occupied myself with the only thing I could. I popped open the bottle of champagne and poured two glasses. I offered one to Leon wordlessly and he grimaced but accepted.
"Cheap and tasteless," his verdict was when he took a sip.
"Sorry, I don't have anything else," I said, feeling a need to apologise.
"Never mind that. Tell me the real reason you're working here," he said, his eyes piercing me.
"The truth? I need the money. The planetarium isn't enough yet, I couldn't find anything else, and I danced for a long time when I was younger, so this was an easy option."
"So you're used to performing?"
"Yes. It's easy for me to create an illusion for an audience," I said.
"Hm." Leon left his spot by the wall and came up to me. Glass of champagne in one hand, he caressed my shoulder with the other, fingers slipping under one of my sparkly bra straps.
"You'd look better in a gown befitting a goddess. Or in nothing at all."
Was that a compliment? If it was it didn't sound that way.
"Are you happy doing this? Would you not accept any help from us?", he asked, even though he knew what my answer would be.
"I'm okay with this. I don't have long before I finish my studies and can have a higher position at the planetarium but I want to do it on my own. If I'm going to be curator one day, I want to know that it was something I achieved for myself."
I looked into Leon's eyes, urging him to understand. I knew what he'd gone through as he'd risen through the ranks to become Minister.
"I understand, goldfish," he said softly, leaning in a bit closer as his hand went to stroke my cheek gently. "I don't like other men looking at you like this but I can see that you're determined enough to even lie to us in order to get to where you want to be by yourself."
"What about Zyglavis," I asked anxiously.
"Just give him time," Leon sighed, rolling his eyes. He leaned in closer and placed a kiss on my forehead. He drew back, eyes shining with something I couldn't place. I was suprised and said nothing, waiting for him to provide clarity. But he didn't. Instead he kissed my temple, my cheek, my jaw and then his head dipped lower as he kissed my neck.
Tingles of pleasure started coursing through me but I knew he wasn't using his power. His scent, refined and alluring, enveloped me and drew me in.
"Leon...what are you..."
"Shh, just let me have this," he whispered in my ear, then kissing just underneath. His tender kisses made me feel warm all over and my arms embraced him on their own.
But he didn't go any further. He drew back and looked at me again, a gentleness in his eyes that I hadn't seen before.
"You're beautiful. Don't let anyone take advantage of you," he said, then reached and took my arms from around his neck. He didn't say anything more, he just turned and left quietly through the door, pausing only to leave his glass on the tray.
I stood frozen in place, my mind racing with excitement and worry over  everything that happened. I considered just going home since I knew the gods had paid off the rest of my time for the night, but I didn't get to dwell on that because the door to the room opened again.
I whipped around and my eyes met stern silver ones.
"Zyglavis... I thought you left..."
Zyglavis made his way to one of the chairs and sat down without a word. When he did, he made a theatrical gesture with his hand.
"What.." my voice trailed off.
"Go ahead," he said.
When I kept looking at him puzzled, he spoke again.
"Go ahead. Show me what you do. I want to see it for myself."
"What?! I.. I can't do that," I stuttered awkwardly. Surely he didn't expect me to dance for him??
"You can and you will. I want to see it for myself. I want to understand what it is I'm missing. So show me."
Holy shit, he was really serious about this. I fidgeted nervously.
"Are you sure?"
"I believe I made myself perfectly clear. Show me what you do. I want to see what a patron here would see."
"Alright...," I cleared my throat. "Then I guess I have to tell you the rules."
"I'm listening."
He definitely was, his silver eyes fixed on mine.
"You get two songs. When the songs are over I leave. I'm allowed to touch you but you can't touch me unless I allow it. If you touch me without my permission I will ask you to stop. If you do it again, I will leave the room and call security."
"Do you have any specific song requests? If we have it we could play it for you."
"No. I will leave the choice of song up to you."
"Alright. Then I'll just... get everything started I guess."
Holy shit, this was really happening. I was about to give a freaking lap dance to the Minister of Punishments... I took deep breaths, trying to steady myself. It's okay, it's gonna be fine... He may be the Minister out there, but in here, he had to follow my rules. Here, I was the goddess and he was the commoner.
With those thoughts in mind, I switched on the music and took my position in front of him. I cleared my mind as best as I could, focusing only on the rhythm of the music and on the movements of my muscles. It was an old electronic beat but it filled the room and it all seemed to merge together into one singular feeling. The black and dark red leather of the seats and the walls, the hazy lights, the smooth sounds of the song, Zyglavis sitting and watching me, his expression impossible to read, my heart pumping steadily in my chest, my heels being cushioned silently by the carpet, softening my step...
You had something to hide
Should have hidden it, shouldn't you
Now you're not satisfied
With what you're being put through...
I'd picked a tame song that still had a good rhythm I could dance to. I wanted Zyglavis to see the beauty of what I did, not the degradation. I moved smoothly in front of him, my practiced look already in place. It was working, he wasn't the scary Minister anymore in my mind.
Things could be so different now
It used to be so civilised
You will always wonder how
It could have been if you'd only lied...
I swayed my hips to the rhythm in seductive figure 8s as my hands went to my hair on instinct. I walked around Zyglavis, an extra swing in my step, one foot after the other on each beat. As I passed behind him, I dragged my fingers across the back of the chair, brushing against his ponytail with the faintest touch. It was softer than I thought it would be. I smiled to myself while he couldn't see me, my confident expression back in place when I circled back in front of him.
It's too late to change events
It's time to face the consequence
For delivering the proof
In the policy of truth...
My hips continued to follow their curved paths as I ran my hands along my body. I watched his eyes waver and follow my hands, dropping rom my face to my chest, along my stomach, to my hips, down my thighs... There was no hiding it, I'd shaken him. A shiver of excitement ran through me and I put extra effort into my performance. Deeper curve to my spine, pushed out my chest and let my head fall back as I moved my body like a wave, making a wide circle with my hips at the end.
Now you're standing there tongue tied
You'd better learn your lesson well
Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell...
Zyglavis's lips had set into a clenched line, his eyes following my every move. I looked back, teasing him, showing him what he was missing. It was all a game, to get him to imagine it was his hands touching my skin instead of my own, to get him to imagine how soft my body would be, how it would feel pressed against him. Even though I didn't think of myself that way, in that moment I had to believe what I was selling, that I was the sexiest woman in the whole building. The more I watched Zyglavis lose control over his facade, the more I believed it. In a surge of confidence, I walked up closer to him, my hips following an inverted figure 8 as I dropped slowly down onto my knees in front of him.
Never again
Is what you swore
The time before...
I gently placed my hands on his crossed legs and he uncrossed them for me without being asked. I didn't have to push as I guided him to spread them apart enough for me to fit between them. I didn't know why, but while his face remained stoic, his body wasn't so tight anymore. Supporting myself with my hands on his knees, I rose up, arching my body towards him invitingly before I made a show of turning with my back to him, arching my back and edging my hips out.
The lightest touch, but I felt it. His fingers ghosting along the curve of my waist.
"Can I touch you?"
His deep voice was nearly a whisper, sending a jolt of heat through my body. He'd given in to curiosity which was exactly what I wanted.
"Yes," I answered, my voice rasping as it caught in my throat.
The song drew to a close, the end of it merging with the beginning of the next one. Slower, softer, more intimate. I hadn't planned it that way but I suppose it worked out better like this.
Slow down
It's a science
He's been waiting
To bring you down...
I let his fingers caress me, light as a feather, and I ignored how good they felt. I wasn't finished yet but he was definitely making it hard to keep my cool. I lowered myself down, reaching behind me to grasp the chair for support as I allowed my body to glide along the front of his. His face was so close... It was exhilarating to be this close to him. I was used to Leon's closeness and overpowering presence but this was different. Zyglavis never let anyone this close.
With a sly smile
He can hold you
And shake you, child...
Zyglavis's grip suddenly became tight on my hips and he forced me to sit down on his thigh, his other hand reaching up to wind in my hair and he pulled roughly, bringing my body flush with his.
"Can you still dance now?"
What? I didn't know what he wanted from me but I planted my heels firmly on the floor and surged upward, standing upright and out of his hands.
Wanna play cheat now, says the sloth
A domino flush to his nose...
I looked at him, not quite concealing the anger in my eyes. My movements took on a sharp edge, no longer the smooth, sinuous dance from before. If he wanted rough, I would give him rough. I walked back up to him and put my heel in between his legs, resting in on the chair. Compromised. Better not make me angry if you don't want to get kicked just there. I reached for his ponytail, winding it around my hand and I pulled, his body rolling forward to follow, and I reached behind me with my other hand. I undid the clasp to my bra, my embarrassment long forgotten. He wanted to see what a patron would see.
I released him when his face was in front of my chest. His eyes held an even more dangerous glint than before but I felt safe. He knew the rules, he wasn't going to break them. I brought one of his hands up to my shoulder and hooked his finger in the loosened bra strap. Would he have the guts?
Tickle that cheek
And take your throne
Pump your veins
With gushing gold...
I'd read him wrong... He ripped my bra off me with a sharp motion. I took a step back, barely concealing my shock. But he didn't stop there. He grabbed me by my hips and suddenly I was straddling  his lap.
"That's against the rules," I said, my voice a timid whisper.
"Rules matter little in a place like this," he replied, a cruel smirk forming on his lips. I was scared but he was so frustratingly distracting and gorgeous up close that I couldn't bring myself to leave.
His lips attacked my neck, teeth nipping at my skin and his tongue soothing the bites afterward. What I lie it would have been to say I hated it...
Slow down it's a science
He's been waiting
To bring you down...
His lips suckled up  to my ear, his breath tickling as he whispered to me, "So this is what you do here? Playing with desire, stoking and teasing weak-willed men until they're putty in your hands?"
"Ahh... No one's ever dared to touch me like you're doing now," I breathed.
"Damned right," he growled and pulled me roughly to him, his lips crashing against mine. His hand palmed my bared breasts, squeezing one and then the other. My mind was drawing a blank. My body was betraying me, yielding to him while my mind couldn't fathom how or why this was happening. Was this why Zyglavis was so uptight all the time? Was temptation his weakness? Or was it that for all his discipline he actually lacked self-control?
"This is your last night here," he said when his lips parted from mine. "From now on you will only dance for me."
I didn't get a chance to object because his lips claimed mine again, his tongue slipping between my lips and forcing mine into submission. He was the Minister of Punishments again and now I had it coming.
"But first, I'll have to punish you. I don't appreciate being lied to," he said, his dangerous smile widening. I was at his mercy now...
He pushed me to my knees on the floor between his spread legs and reached for his belt.
"Partheno mentioned that some of the dancers here provide additional services which overlap another profession, for a higher fee."
Indignation bubbled in my chest. Is that what he took me for??
"How dare you?! I've never done that! I will never have sex for money!"
"Exactly," he smirked. "You'll do it for free. And in return I'll waive your punishment for lying to the entire pantheon of Zodiac gods."
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itsakpopalypse · 6 years ago
Lee Jaeyoon (SF9)  Astrology:  How He Loves
“Thank You again for the ,,astrology - romantic breakdown with Lou! Can I request another one for SF9′s Jaeyoon, please?”
A/N Absolutely !!! I hope you like it !!! thank you for requesting! 🌸😍🌹🌹
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this is cute!! why are all his other gifs so RUDE
let’s get into it
his chart is 3 earth,3 water, 2 fire 2 air
Sun in Leo, Moon In Virgo, Rising (maybe) in Scorpio
this is an interesting balance
because tbh Leo’s are outgoing, charismatic, a bit self absorbed and incredibly confident
But Virgos are meticulous, detail oriented, and diligent
both are pretty pleasant signs
Scorpio are easily misunderstood and  “quiet” or mysterious at first
here’s the thing, that will literally just be a first impression, because Leo’s are not those things. 
They are ruled by the Sun for a reason, so solar Leo’s are full of life and love and want to better the world around them
Sooooooo when you meet him you might think he is quiet or reserved, he might watch you with sharp eyes
but once he has a read on your sense of humor he will likely open up
expect FIERY FUN
loud and joyful, FLIRTY 
okay Leo’s LOVE attention. they love to GIVE it they love to get it
so he is going to hand out compliments constantly
you will probably be REALLY confused, because this is a COMMON Leo trait. 
Don’t fall for it. With a Virgo Moon he will be shrewd about who he lets into his emotional spaces
he will only actually pursue you if he has decided you passed those tests
Probably a lot more logical than he seems-almost to a methodical degree, especially with his feelings.
So once you’re close you may not REALLY know if he likes you because he may even be a bit distant for a while as he figures it out
this is normal, let him work through it
his Venus is in Libra... so when he has decided he knows what he wants
 I KNOW  you’re thinking flirting gets cranked up right??
here’s the thing. Libras are flirty by nature- but that’s like, just part of their charisma. 
once they LIKE LIKE someone  they basically forget how to person a self call out? maybe👀 
He is looking at this point for the person he trusts most and he is like “wait what a flirting and how do I do it.”
queue suddenly awkward bean
probably tries to show off though tbh 
like if he can get you to come to HIM then he doesn’t have to figure out how to flirt properly
will talk himself UP
he wants you to compliment him pls he is begging
His mercury is Leo so he is very straightforward
can be really stubborn but LOVES if you ask him for advice and help
might offer it without you asking,
in fact this poor boy will probably think that is flirting
why are Libra venus’s such a mess
anyway once he has all that figured out for himself he probably won’t wait to see if you like him back
all that Leo is like... well duh, why wouldn’t they ?? HAVE you ? Met me?
so he will be very confident and direct in his approach
Leo’s also really love a grand romantic gesture so it’s probably something really sweet but personal to you, since that Virgo moon will D E T A I L D E T A  I L  D E T A I L  until it’s perfect
Libra is ruled by venus and tends to be even more romantic in this position
so just staring at you like you are the entire sunset and sunrise and just 
GUSHING to everyone around him to the point they are SICK of hearing about you 
cute dates that are somehow both well planned and spontaneous??
like how???
 V E R Y physically affectionate
ah don’t you know his lap is for sits??? 10/10 yes? so sit
gentle romantic affection
suddenly silly affection
nose rubbies and forehead kisses and giggles into your lips
tells you how much he loves you by kissing each one of your fingers and then placing your hand on his cheek with closed eyes
he loves affection tell him tell him tell him
if you compliment him back prepare for FALSE EGO followed by ridiculous giggling 
but you have started a war
after that you are going to start doing bigger gestures back and forth that get increasingly more cheesy to show affection
its cute but also gross
one of those couples everyone kinda hates but more often envies
honestly he will be incredibly loyal and devoted, and really excited all the time that you are his how fuckin cute i 
SPICEY TIME BELOW 18 + You know the drill
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*softly but with feeling,* fuck
okay here listen
Leos are passionate
Virgos are PRECISE and in control
this combo is deadly
I hope someone prepared a nice eulogy for your lady bits 
they are in for IT 
So think about this, Libra is teasing, but not super controlling
since this is the venus, one might expect some.. switch energy
okay but how pretty would his whines sound just throwing it out there
Leos’ talk a big game but are actually pretty soft, so I actually see him leaning a bit on the topping from the bottom side
hear me out here
I’m definitely calling big SWITCH energy
he wants to watch every detail of your descent into pleasure
so it will start with slow sensual kisses romantic and sweet
that trail all over and make your knees shake
Libras get off on you getting off on them soooooooo
expect dirty talk to be centered around your pleasure
“You like that?” “Does that feel good?”
“How bad do you want to come for me?”
tells you how much he loves to see you fall apart
sometimes sex is romantic and slow
he wants to see every detail and memorize it for future reference
very caring and gentle on those times, probably strokes deep and grinds into you until you clench around him,
he’s gonna hiss and warn you not to do that again but he loves it
Okay, he won’t ask you for it, but 
Probably wants you to tie him up 
wants to see everything so if you happen to blindfold him after the tying up......... 
good luck he will have revenge
but while he is at your mercy...
pants and moans
cannot catch his breath and cannot keep quiet
will be threatening you about what he is gonna do when he gets out
listen he loves it as much as you do 
i hope you did a good job on the restraining
he means it 
when he gets out ... good luck?
like flipping a switch it’s daddy time.
yikes even i am shook whaaat
what was that you thought you could get away with it?
I am not okay what is this
He’s a tease too
expect orgasm denial until you are positively weeeeaping
and then when you are allowed, you aren’t going to get to calm down
expect him to extend that for.. at least 3-4 more orgasms
He warned you
probably will want you to beg and beg and beg, beg to be touched beg to come and beg to stop coming.
aftercare is going to be pretty basic but very sweet
is a huge fricken cuddler
probably grabs your legs and hauls one over his lap and tucks you into that spot between the tiddy and the arm
oooof that’s the good sleepin spot you know the one
giggles like a little as you’re about to drift off and you’re like what....
and he just raises an eyebrow and is like
you should have seen the face you made on number 3. 
maybe next time he’ll film it so you can
hope you enjoyed the FILTH
I have a few more coming within the next day or so !!
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swamptroggle · 7 years ago
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
tagged by @greygohst​
drink: oolong tea! which was a bad idea before bed oops
phone call: my mom
text message: my sister
song you listened to: Fire by Kimya Dawson
time you cried: idk but sometime this month AT LEAST
dated someone twice: Nope! I don’t get why people go back even after they know it’s not gonna work tbh!
been cheated on: I HOPE TF NOT??
kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
lost someone special: Yeah :(
been depressed: lol 24/7 baby
been drunk and thrown up: Nope!
made a new friend: I would like to think so, maybe!
fallen out of love: I don’t believe so??
laughed until you cried: YES
met someone who changed you: mmmm probs not?
found out who your true friends are: have 2 have friends first lol
found out someone was talking about you: Not yet, but BOY does that paranoia like to think so.
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: 3, but we don’t talk about them.
do you have any pets?: I HAVE A BABY BOY PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT HIM
do you want to change your name?: Legally? VERY yes. As far as the name I got by currently though, I dunno!
what time did you wake up this morning: 5 am :-(
what were you doing last night: sleeping lol
name something you cannot wait for: Highschool to just fucking END
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: Never
what’s getting on your nerves right now: My garbage sleep schedule
blood type: I dunno, but probs O something???
nickname: Lou, frogboy, etc.
relationship status: Going on almost a year!
zodiac sign: scorpio
pronouns: He n They are fine
favorite show: God I haven’t watched an actual show in ages
college: not yet, and I don’t wanna cause that means responsibility >:/
hair color: just brown!
do you have a crush on someone: I don’t think it’s a crush if we’re together!
what do you like about yourself: uhhhhhhh, I like to think I’m a compassionate person!
first surgery: Adenoid removal
first piercing: earrings
first sport you joined: None, unless dancing counts?? It wasn’t competitive cause we were all like 3 so
first vacation: Texas to go visit familt
first pair of sneakers: fuckin baby shoes yo
eating: Nothing
drinking: Nothing anymore
i’m about to: SLEEP
listening to: the washing machine
want kids: Oh FUCK no. When I’m super old I’d be down to be the cool uncle figure to some kids cause kids are great! I’m WAY unfit to raise a kid and I’d fuckin rather die than deal with all the nasty shit and putting them though school.
get married: The older I get, the less I want to.
career: Working towards getting my vet tech certification, but for now I bag groceries. :p
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: hugs!!
shorter or taller: I mean, I WISH I was a little taller but not like, tall? I don’t really have height preferences for other ppl though!
older or younger: Older for sure
romantic or spontaneous: ???????
sensitive or loud: I’m a sensitive bitch. Please don’t yell I will combust.
hookup or relationship: Long term relationships! I like being able to actually get results from putting my time into things, even if I’m bad at committing to stuff for very long.
troublemaker or hesitant: I’m a rebel at heart but on the outside, I would DIE IMMEDIATELY if I had to do something illegal :(
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: nope
lost contacts/glasses: no
sex on first date: NO??? HELLO??????
broken someone’s heart: I really doubt it
been arrested: no
turned someone down: a few!
fallen for a friend: technically!
in yourself: YES but also BIG NO
miracles: mmmmmmmm depends
love at first sight: I guess, but not STABLE love u feel me
NOT tagging 25 people but feel free to do this if you want!
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