#btw you can always feel free to message me
babyblueetbaemonster · 2 months
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I think it's cool Manni embroidered his message on a zombie and sent it to us. (yes I was attacked by it but it's still cool)
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snapbackslide · 1 month
🪽Here’s a little reminder that it’s perfectly fine to not have it all figured out. Life’s a mix of ups and downs, and sometimes, it’s the unexpected twists that lead to the best memories. Embrace the uncertainty—it might just surprise you!🪽
who keeps sending these 😄
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vamptastic · 5 months
I definitely agree about a lot of protests around the country feeling aimless/underplanned -- I think the reason the protests I've been involved in have felt more focused is that the college I go to has direct ties with defense contractors, so there's a specific and definable goal of ending recruitment partnerships instead of the kind of broad goal of just 'support palestine', which seems to be the (emotionally understandable but not particularly actionable) thrust of a lot of protests right now. I also get what you mean with regards to revolutionary 'aesthetics' taking precedence over practicality in a lot of discussions about what should be done, especially with regards to the goal of a ceasefire; I feel like rejecting practical short-term solutions in favor of a more revolutionary end goal that never comes is an unfortunately common phenomenon in leftist spaces in general.
I definitely misinterpreted what you meant in the original post, and the added explanation was very helpful -- thanks for taking the time to respond! I totally understand the assumption that my first ask was in bad faith due to the general state of discourse on this website + the fact that I didn't elaborate on what I was saying
first of all, sorry to make you wait on this response, and second, really glad we reached an understanding here and sorry again for jumping to conclusions about the intent of your first ask.
i would certainly like it if american universities severed their ties to the defense industry! on some level i do think if we were to convince x university that they should cut ties with the companies they feed students into, it would be better for that movement to be focused on the STEM students who actually end up taking those jobs though. on a practical level, a university is much more likely to stop accepting funding from say, lockheed martin if promising engineering students make it clear that they will refuse to enroll in schools that work with that company. perhaps the PR hit universities are taking right now will be enough but in my state at least i don't think most universities are concerned enough with maintaining their image as 'liberal institutions' as they are at making money, and imo there are more productive ways to cost a university money. i do think protesting against your school's military ties is a good idea and would like for it to succeed- i question if they will continue to uphold that longterm if cutting military connections is tied to a cause that is fundamentally temporary. (hopefully, in that hopefully the conflict will end soon and a longterm solution will begin to take shape). i guess best case scenario i would hope that this motivates people to look into the broader issue of the ties between universities (particularly engineering programs) and military contractors, and examine and start to solve that issue on a wider scale than the current conflict. i also just sort of think this may be something that can only end permanently if laws are passed to stop it because there will always be a motive for it (profit). in the short term, though, it seems straightforwardly obvious that weapons manufacturers receiving a financial blow could help to reduce the level of suffering in Gaza, so i do agree that it's a good thing to focus on for college protests.
i just wish that on a national level the antiZionist movement had its shit together a little more. like it makes sense that things are messy, there's a language barrier, many people have become justifiably passionate about Palestine without having a lot of background knowledge, leftists in general are horrible at working on achievable shortterm goals and longterm solutions at the same time and without viciously fighting about it. i'm far more annoyed with large organizations (cough JVP cough) behaving in unproductive ways than with individual people being a bit stupid about complicated political causes. genuinely glad that you seem to be working towards something both achievable and worthy. i really just hope everybody involved in antiZionist activism knows what they're actually working towards, why, and whether their methods are successful.
but overall it does seem like we agree on the important things. i think i'm also just more cynical about this because i grew up hearing a lot of batshit propaganda and misinformation about Israel and Gaza and am more on guard for it, and more familiar with antisemitic tropes and thus more likely to notice such rhetoric. idk if you're jewish or not but i kinda just think for better or for worse being jewish makes you more jaded about this by virtue of living your entire life aware of it and without seeing significant change. cause whether you're a zionist or antizionist i really don't think you're likely to feel there's been any significant victories in the past couple decades. certainly most of the older jews i talk to are not terribly optimistic about the current wave of attention going anywhere, and understandably tend to be concerned that this will increase hate crimes against us as literally any national news about us tends to do so.
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bewitchingnymph · 2 months
The beauty of 12th house
( btw i made my own research, if there's something wrong or i forgot to add something feel free to say something <3 )
☆ The 12th house is the house of hidden, secrets, realm, dreams, mystery, intuition, healing, psychic, self sacrifice and some say is the house of hidden enemies. The 12th house is looked down upon in the astrology community since everyone believes if you have one or two planets or a stellium in 12th house, you're doomed but that's not true.
☆ The 12th house is the house of pisces ♓ ( traditionally ruled by jupiter ♃ and in modern astrology ruled by neptune ♆ ) the sign of arts, the unconditionally love, the mystic beauty. For me it's brings the unknown into reality, can make someone very spiritual, open minded and also very sensitive. But they can be misunderstood like the fallen angels ( alot of people like to call this house the house of fallen angels ).
☆One thing about this house is that you can heal others, you may have abilities to guide other people ( not saying that's gonna be your career, you're just the type of person that will always have their shoulder for someone to cry on but they will not give their shoulder for you to cry on, it happens all the time ) but it can be quite overwhelming so they will isolate themselves, being in solitude helps them especially when it comes to stressful or difficult situations so they go to their special place ( home or they could travel to an isolated place ) it helps them charging their batteries. They will have something to help them deal with their problems, something that brings comfort like listening to music, doing arts ( they have an amazing talent for arts ) and if you have a pet i know that you will die for them, you see them as your angel that basically saved your life.
☆ You must likely been that child that was out of place, you could feel that your family or friends didn't quite understand the type of person you were so you most likely be the one kid that loved animals and the nature, if you lived in the farm or around nature you most likely spent the days hanging in the trees, talking with any type of animals especially bugs, collecting anything that catches your eyes etc. You have quite an imaginative mindset, most likely you had an imaginary friend, you saw stuff that weren't there, probably you had alot of paranormal encounter as a child and aswell as an adult. You probably saw UFOs, spirits, angels, demons, fairys ( i know that probably some people will say " they don't exist " but for the 12th house people, they do and they most likely saw it ).
☆ The thing about 12th house, it can make you have a hard time to open up like a normal person, it can make you uncomfortable so instead you use your talent to express your emotions like writing, singing, drawing etc. but if you dont do that you most likely to keep stuff to yourself
☆ Day dreaming is something that 12th house people do all the time, escaping the reality when things get tough quite like alice in wonderland, they will find comfort in doing this but gotta be careful because it can be a struggle to comeback to reality. They dream alot in their sleep and alot of their dreams come with meanings and also warnings so it's very important for you to remember your dreams and try to solve the message behind it, it can be messages from the other side, kinda like warning you about the person you met or about what's coming for you
☆ You most likely be very religious or spiritual. Praying, manifesting, connecting with the other side is something that you're very natural, you have a gift for it. Some say that you have a third eye.
☆ Solitude, isolation is something that 12th house people find comfort in, if they could they would 100% live in a isolated island. They don't have hard time in being alone, they can be quite introverted
☆ These people can be extremely empathic, can feel other people's emotions, you know that person that cries when someone cries, that's them. They have this compassion that isn't even fake, it's just they're naturally good people, the type of person that easily forgives, even if someone is bad for some reason they still see a good side in them. Probably that's what they're meant do to in this earth as their karmic lesson.
So i kinda wanted to show the beauty side of the 12th house, btw any house in astrology can have the pros and cons not just the 12th house ☆
( that's all, like i said if i forgot to add something, feel free to say )
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venusgirltarot · 1 year
What Would Your Person Think Of Your Fantasies (18+) — [♡]
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Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, envision the person you are thinking of and then choose the pile(s) you feel most drawn to.
This is an 18+ reading with sexual messages and mature themes. Please do not interact with this post if you are a minor or are uncomfortable with NSFW readings/messages!
If you would like a personal reading from me, you can get one here!
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Pile 1 ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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oooo okay so there’s a lot of very deep intense energy here. You all may have a lot of Scorpio placements (specifically Scorpio Venus 👀) you may want your partner to be dominant and possessive and you could also be into kinkier things like bondage, choking and possibly even spit. It’s less of the act itself for you and more the way you’re giving this person all of the control and trusting them with your body in a way you wouldn’t trust anyone else.
Are you all on booktok? This gives me such spicy booktok vibes. Some of you may not even have a person in mind, you just wanted to check out the reading. You may have standards that are “too high” (I wrote it like that because I don’t believe in too high of expectations. Go get the booktok partner of your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you) do you like tattoos? I keep seeing a person with a sleeve. Maybe you also have a hand/arm kink. Boobs are so prevalent here so maybe you have larger boobs or just really nice/pretty ones and you like when they are payed attention to or the other way around, maybe you really like boobs and pay a lot of attention to them during sex.
Ok, Pile 1
This person has a HIGH drive and they will love your kinks/fantasies. They may not be familiar with all of them but are more than happy to learn. I heard “you always have something new for me” 😭 ooo girl (I mean that in a gender neutral way) this energy is INTENSE. I heard “they wanna be all in your business” and “they LOVE you” they could be a single parent for some of you. They’re very responsible and take a leader role in all areas of life and do have a very… I’m gonna be honest, I have no clue what I was going on about there because I just got a very detailed image of their ARM which is such a nice arm btw and they’re behind you doing it from the back but they have you like bent over the edge of the bed and they have a handful of your hair and they are VOCAL like not just dirty talk but a lot of moans/grunting. This scenario would be reversed depending on what parts your equipped with or what you’re into because I do feel like there’s going to be a few male or male identifying people that pick this pile! Also I just remembered that before this, I was about to say that they have a very “daddy/mommy” sort of vibe. I hope that makes sense.
I think as long as they have control or get to be more dominant and take care of you, they’re down for any kink you have. Like I said before, they’re very dominant and possessive. They may say “you’re mine” or “that (body part) is mine” ya know. I also just heard “as long as I get all of you” and aftercare is very important to them. In and out do the bedroom, they care for you a lot and want to take care of you and your needs.
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Pile 2 ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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Okay so I think this could be a more diverse pile. For some of you I think you like for your partner to worship you. To sort of treat you like a god/goddess in bed and you want them to he desperate to please you. You really like receiving oral and I think you like giving as well but you like very desperate/needy sex. You may like incorporating food or maybe you like to eat after sex. For others I think you may like having a submissive partner. You may be the type to listen to whimper audios. A large portion of people picking this like could be apart of the LGBTQ+ community. Some of you could like feet (no judgement, one in ten people actually like feet so you’re definitely not alone) you may like oil. I just heard that Cardi B quote “suck my sick and feed me grapes” 😭
This pile is so different so it’s hard to put it into words but I’ll start with the first category of people and then next I’ll go into the second category.
So first category, I don’t think you’re really a “dominant” person but you like being in control. You like telling your person how to please/touch you and you like when your person is desperate/needy or vocal. You like when your person makes their main priority please you and you especially love them giving you oral. You may have taught them exactly how you like it so they give it to you perfectly every time and oral seems especially important in the morning. You may like soft/gentle sex that’s very deep and passionate and you’re not done having sex until you’ve came and that’s equally important for both you and your partner. Some of you might like whips/collars but this could also be me picking up on the second category of people that picked this pile.
Your person loves this dynamic and they love pleasuring you. They specifically love your moans and the way your body moves when they go down on you. They may enjoy giving you massages and possibly giving you baths or having a bath ready for you. They love being inside you or you being inside them and they love how connected it makes them feel to you. They love kissing your body and they love how you look covered in oil (although they may get frustrated when it gets slippery or difficult) if you have boobs, they love massaging them and they really like kissing between your thighs. They LOVE when you give them oral and they think you’re very good at it but they wish you would do it more often. More than anything, they love the intensity and passion between the two of you.
Second category
For the second category, you enjoy being more dominant. You like when your partner is obedient and you really like your partners whimpers and the way their body moves. You may enjoy licking their body or teasing/edging them until they can’t handle it anymore and their eyes are watering. You either love being inside of them and how the inside of them feels or the other way around and you love them inside of you and how the inside of you feels or both. You may also really like face sitting/tongue riding and I keep seeing fingering. Similar to the first category, you may enjoy food or oil being incorporated. You may also like or want to get a sex swing and you may enjoy sex in the water or shower sex. You really love and want to worship and take your time with your person’s body.
Your person really loves this. Maybe they haven’t been properly loved or cared for in the past so the way you love them is very healing for them. They feel safe with you and you may be the first person they’ve ever been able to cum with. You’re very good at after care, as well and if you are interested in getting a sex swing, I definitely think they’d be up for it. They feel safe and comfortable with you so they’d be open to trying it and I think you both would really like it. I also keep seeing more fingering so that could be something you’re both really into or maybe the two of you recently had a very good experience with it or tried something new with it for the first time.
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Pile 3 ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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Okay pile 3, I think I’m getting both you and your person’s energy rn cause you’re very very in tune with each other and wanting the same thing in all aspects, not just sexual. This may be a new relationship or possibly a new beginning in your current relationship after a period of staleness or stagnancy. I keep getting shaky and nervous so maybe this is how you feel about this person.
You want someone who will take control and be more dominant but also that makes you feel safe and comfortable. You want someone that will make sure your wants and needs in the bedroom met. Maybe you’re not as experienced or are still figuring out your wants/needs so you want someone that will explore that with you and not make you feel bad about it. You may enjoy being spanked and you may like handcuffs. Maybe you’ve waited a long time for this or waited a long time for this person so you want this time spent with them to be worth the wait. I heard “everything I’ve wanted and more” you want deep and passionate sex, you want to feel like this persons is completely yours and vice versa. You want this person to explore and genuinely appreciate your body.
You may really want to give this person oral. You want to please them and hear what their moans sound like. You want to see them finish and know that you were the one that did that to them and you like knowing that you’re capable of doing that to them. You want to explore their body just as much as you want them to explore yours and you want to feel all of them. This feels somewhat sexual but also there’s so much this person wants with you. They want you to know that you’re the only person they ever think about, that nobody else compares.
They want to get to know every side of you and they want to get you alone really bad. Maybe you always see each other in public or in crowds of people so there’s no time to connect or get to know you on a deeper level but they want to so bad. They really like your sense of humor but wish they could see more of it. They want to see and appreciate your body. Even if they haven’t seen it, I heard “I know it looks beautiful” their idea of what you look like naked may actually be pretty accurate. They may masturbate to you often.
You may have very soft skin and they really like that. They think of running their hands all over your body. They think about giving you oral. I heard “I wonder how you’d take it” they may be very large down there or vice versa but they fantasize about how you’d take them or if you’d be able to take all of them. They want to be inside of you so bad (or vice versa, of course) more than anything, they want you.
They want you in a way they’ve never wanted anyone else and they want to know who you are at your core. They seem a little possessive on the sense that they want to know you in a way no one else gets to know you and understand every part of you in a way no one ever has. They may want to just cuddle naked or do something where they feel very bonded /connected to you. Possibly cock warming. Maybe that’s something you’re into that they’d be very happy to try. This is a very deep and passionate connection that I heard “will come into fruition” and “just give it time”
I also noticed that I said “so bad” so much during this reading so maybe that’s some sort of sign for someone!
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Hello, lovelies! Thank you all so much for reading this PAC! I apologize for any typos, I haven’t proof read it all just yet. I hope you enjoyed the reading! Feel free to check out my past readings, here
As always, I hope you all are having a good day or night! Sending you so much love and light! ♡
࿐ྂ mara
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ilys00ga · 10 months
life after his enlistment.
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pairing: yoongi x reader
synopsis: how life/the relationship was like after he enlisted.
genre: fluff, established relationship, yoongi enlisted, they are trying their best, idk if I should call it angst or hurt/comfort, but there's some kind of ✨️melancholy✨️ in this (predictable much), I effing miss him sm more now :(.
warnings: t.w: if u are just like me, prepare to be missing yoongi sickeningly after this. gosh, it feels like a hole in a chest rn. idk what to do w myself. oh btw some ideas mentioned here are purely my own opinions, so it doesn't have to be "facts" or "all true." if u have different opinions or if u disagree with any it u can reach out to me about them, I would like that, but that's that, enjoy!!!!!!!!!
A/N: this was a request made by @kimvante2013 I hope it meets ur expectations! this was so fun to write, I liked this a lot. feel free to send more reqs or anything u want :)
PS. English is not my first language, so you know the drill.
ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
the problem wasn't that you couldn't see him, no.
since his duty was different from that of an ordinary individual, you both were able to spend the nights in each other's arms.
when he comes back home after duty, sometimes he's met with an empty house where he'd wash up and start preparing something for you to enjoy munching on once you get back home at a later hour of the day. other times, he comes to a busy, warm house. you blasting your favorite drama on the TV while doing the laundry in the middle of the living room, or just chilling and waiting to welcome him with mellow hugs and kisses.
and when he's on duty, he can't always contact you, but he whispered kisses laced with promises into your lips before leaving on his first day, and he would never dare to break them. not that he wants to anyway.
sometimes you'd wake up to post-it notes sticked on random surfaces and items around the house, or good morning messages of love and kisses. sometimes he calls during lunch breaks to check up on you, reminding you to drink water and eat well because that's yoongi's most precious habit of showing that he always just cares.
"don't forget to layer your outfit today, I just saw that it's gonna be awfully cold."
"did you like the bouquet I sent? want more? cook me ___ tonight xx"
"hi, don't forget to drink a cup of water right this instance or you'll shrivel up and die."
"it snowed on my way here this morning, let's go out this weekend and have some fun :]"
when days are too hard to handle, weighing one of you—maybe even both of you at the same time, cause life is a bitch like that—down and burying you under the ground, you'd send long voice messages to the other. never expecting an immediate reply. just simply pressing record and spilling all the bottled negative energy that clogged your brains and chests.
so, the problem wasn't really that you couldn't see or talk to him..
the problem was that neither of you were used to any of that.
you weren't used to being away from each other for long hours throughout the day (even though he often went on tours and job events aboard), or not being able to talk and/or see him whenever you wanted to—atleast whenever your shift agreed to let you. you're stuck on this routine for months. you were so not used to that.
over the years, you and yoongi grew to become a pen and a paper: two different items that are meant to only function and be paired together. one can't be capable without the other.
yet you try to avail yourselves of the situation and take it all easy. slowly, like waking up and leaving a warm, comfy bed at 5 in the morning to gain some purpose somewhere out there.
so, while staying away from one another for several hours a day comes with heavy challenges and even melancholy at times, that doesn't mean it can't be fruitful for your relationship.
since for it to grow healthier, a couple, intentionally or not, sometimes needs to take some "time off" to preserve the connection and intimacy between them.
you always remind yoongi of how much you had missed him during the day, which is something that never failed to put a smile on his face and trigger a stream of butterflies in his stomach.
love and yearning are two inseparable powerful emotions that one can't defeat, and absence makes the heart grow fonder. that's the beauty of the challenge your relationship was subject to at this new stage.
"I am still me, you are still you. everything's gonna be alright." yoongi would say as he hugs your face into his chest.
he always reminds you that this new chapter the two of you have entered together, hand in hand and with shaking hearts, is one that he'd been dreading but looking forward to for a very long time.
a chapter that made him understand how much he needs your existence in his life. to be himself and to be the somebody you need and deserve.
and he makes sure to translate that into your skin as he traces it with his lips and fingertips when you finally fall into each other's embrace.
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can i request Remus x best friend!reader where they have a fight and it leads to them confessing their feelings? would love angst with either fluff or smut ending
i hope you like it!! thank you for requesting the boy and trope i was just in the mood for! (btw i don't do smut for anon requests, but happily post it as anon if you've messaged me so i know it's not for a minor)
pairing: Remus x reader
tags: best friends to lovers, angst, fluff, keeping up with my bookish! Remus and reader fixation, gn 
word count: 2.7k
“Hi,” you whisper into his neck as his arms squeeze around you.
“Hey.” He smiles as he pulls back from your greeting hug. “How are you?” he asks as you begin walking, leaving his arm around your shoulders. 
“Good. I had the craziest dream last night; I was pretty disappointed to wake up to be honest,” you begin enthusiastically. “Till you remembered you had plans with me, right?”
You playfully nudge Remus from within his embrace, and though rolling your eyes as you do, you say, “Obviously,” with a smirk. 
“Great,” he chuckles. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, you can tell me about the dream.” You laugh together as you delve into it on your walk to the bookshop.
You and Remus are browsing — reading the blurbs, looking at the cool covers and curated shelves and tables, laughing lightheartedly, chatting about the ones you’d each read already or wanted to read next. It’s nice, one of your preferred ways of spending an afternoon: one of your favourite places, with your favourite person. 
“Alright,” you tell him seriously. “Time for the painful bit.” You plop your stack of selections in front of him. He gives them an exaggeratedly serious stare.
“Hm. How many do we have to cut it down to?” 
“Three,” you say solemnly. “Maybe four…” after a pause and another longing look at the stack. He grins at you. “Been saving up,” you shrug.
Remus helps you choose, and with your final cut, you go over to the till. You swallow when you notice who’s working it: the rather attractive boy who’d been working the last few times you’d been at the shop. He had beautiful brown eyes, brown hair, a kind of gloomy look, and was always wearing cosy-looking jumpers. You’re a bit nervous when it’s your turn, and you place the books down in between you with only a quick glance and awkward grin his way. He says something to you, and for some reason, it throws you off a bit but makes you decidedly less nervous. 
“Thanks,” you respond, realizing he was complimenting your selection. He’d done that last time too. 
“You come here a lot, huh?” he asks, and it hits you: he sounds nothing like Remus. 
Why the hell does that matter? you think to yourself. 
“I remember you. From last time,” he goes on at your silence. 
You only like him because he reminds of you Remus, a little voice whispers in your head. Ugh, shut up, you push it down.
“Yeah,” you smile. “My best friend and I come here all the time,” you tell him, looking back toward Remus at “best friend.” You notice Remus glaring in your direction and find it odd but look back at the boy. He’s smiling more widely now, nodding as he rings up the books. 
He’s finished up, and you’re turning to go when he adds, “Wait!” He grabs one from the stack of free bookmarks with the shop name and number, and he writes another phone number on it. “One can never have too many bookmarks, right?” he smiles at you, offering it to you. “I like it seeing you around here,” he shrugs. “Maybe I can see you somewhere else sometime though?” 
You grin, surely blushing, take the bookmark, and say, “Yeah, maybe. Thanks.” You go over to the door to wait for Remus, who’s getting a book at the other till. You walk out together; he’s scowling. 
It feels weird to tell him about this; you’re not sure why… Because you’re in love with him… Again, Shut up! But you tell him everything, and besides, you’re actually quite excited. 
“You’re not going to believe what just happened.”
“Hm?” he offers with disinterest, not even looking at you. “Look.” You show him the bookmark. He looks interested now. 
“He gave you this?” he shoots. You nod, biting your lip in a giddy shyness. “Are you going to call him?” Remus asks with a sharp edge to his tone. 
“I don’t know… Maybe? He seems nice.” “You’ve hardly even spoken to him. You have no idea if he’s ‘nice.’” The last word comes out sardonic, and it makes you wince. You don’t notice him wincing too. You shrug and grab the bookmark back, and the two of you continue your walk in silence. 
You’re meeting your friends at the pub, and you’re grateful James and Sirius are already sitting at a nice outdoor table when you arrive, eager to escape the tense silence with Remus. “Hello, my favourite nerds. How was the bookshop?” Sirius teases, smiling at you both.
“Good,” you grin; Remus just shrugs. “What’s with you?” Sirius notices. “Nothing,” Remus grunts and goes inside to the bar. Immediately just turning to you, Sirius asks, “What’s with him?” “I don’t know.” You sound sad. “You always know. It’s creepy sometimes, the two of you; it’s like you read each other’s minds,” then, in a cheeky tone, “usually.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You’re snappier than you meant to be. 
“Nothing,” he cedes, but he gives you a knowing look that makes you nervous. You keep glaring at him, and he just chuckles and gives you a quick side hug.
Remus is silent and brooding for the duration of the evening, Sirius and James having given up after several failed attempts at conversation with him. Occasionally, you catch him looking at you, but — quite atypically — you can’t read his expression, and he always looks away when you notice. He doesn’t seem to be hiding his looks, just avoiding moments with you when you look back… and it’s really getting under your skin. 
“Anyone got a light?” Sirius asks, patting down his jacket, a cig already dangling from his lips. “I might,” you respond. You’re wearing your go-to jacket, so there’s a good chance you have the lighter you use for the occasional blunt. Feeling around in your pockets, you pull out the contents and absentmindedly put a couple things down in front of you. “What’s this then?” You can hear the smirk in Sirius’s voice before even looking at him. You’re mortified when he picks up the bookmark.  “Maybe your bookshop isn’t as boring as I thought. Aren’t you cheeky?” he chuckles at you, shaking it between you.
You snatch it from him and say, “It’s nothing.” “Oh, c’mon. There’s nothing wrong with that. Is he fit?” Before you can stop yourself, you look over at Remus. You look away quickly — not missing Remus’s glower — but Sirius notices anyway, looks at him too then back at you, his grin not leaving his face. “What d’you think, mate?” he asks Remus, and your eyes go wide in warning, but Sirius either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. Remus gives a “don’t care” frown and shrug. “What? No opinion on Y/N’s new boyfriend?” Sirius continues. Remus scoffs and gives a cynical laugh, and to your surprise, your hurt at his behaviour all afternoon interlaces with anger at this. 
“What?” you snap, and Remus immediately looks to you, some surprise in his eyes, no longer avoiding your gaze. “Is it laughable that someone would like me?” The mood has safely made its way into awkwardness, but you don’t care. “What’s so funny about someone wanting to be my boyfriend, Remus?” He doesn’t say anything. “You’ve been such a prick all afternoon,” you tell him, collecting your things. You turn to Sirius, saying, “Cover me, will you? I’ll pay you back tomorrow.” You’ve already started walking away by the time he nods. 
Your eyes are puffy from crying last night when you wake, the memory of last night’s events hitting you like an ice bath. You grunt and roll over, trying — but failing miserably — not to dwell on it. Until you remember something else.
“Fuck.” You had plans with Remus today. You’d agreed to meet at the park to start the books you’d bought yesterday. You’re not sure what to do. Do you show up like nothing happened? Do you not show up and escalate things? Or, scariest of all, do you show up and address what the hell happened?
After changing your mind several times, you opt to at least show up. What’ll happen after that, you leave to the moment. When the time comes, you get ready and head over. 
You’re surprised at how surprised you are to see Remus already there, sitting on the grass. Had you really expected him not to show? You hadn’t had the thought consciously — you would’ve almost certainly freaked out if you had — but your palpable relief informs you you’d been terrified at the possibility. It would’ve been so unlike him; you normally would never have even entertained the idea. But his behaviour last night confused you, and not being on the same page as him filled you with confusion and dread.
He notices you, gives you a strained smile; you return one in turn. 
“Hey.” “Hi.”
You linger awkwardly above him before sitting down next to him, a bit further than you usually would have. The silence seems to follow your cue, elongating itself in a way that never happened with Remus. 
He’s fiddling with the grass, not looking at you when he finally says, “About last night…” You take a deep breath, and it gets caught in your chest when his gaze meets yours. “I…” He clears his throat, looks down again, then back up at you. “I’m sorry.” You nod slowly, still just staring at him. 
Before you can think about whether it’s a good idea or not, you say, “Why were you being so weird?”
“You really don’t know?” He doesn’t sound as soft as he did during his apology. 
“Obviously not, or I wouldn’t be asking.” You’re harsher too. 
He groans and, no longer looking at you, whisper-yells, “Fuck, you’re difficult sometimes.” You scoff and cringe away from him. 
“‘Difficult?’ I’m difficult? You’re the one being a prick for seemingly no reason, Rem. And now you’re blaming me?” “I’m not blaming you. I’m just saying —”
“What?” you snap. “What are you saying? Because it seems to me that you’re never saying anything, Remus. Whenever anything tense happens, you never say anything.” 
“Neither do you! What do you want me to say?!” “Yes I do!” “No, you don’t.” 
You glare at each other in electric silence.
You grab your bag and stand up. 
“I don’t really feel like reading anymore,” you offer lamely, seething. He stands up too, following you. 
“You see?! I don’t say anything, but at least I don’t fucking run away every time.” You spin to face him, and it’s so quick, you end up really close to each other before he stops fast-walking toward you. You can hear his heavy breathing, see his nostrils flaring as he scowls. 
“Run away?”
“Yeah.” It’s mean but certain. “Run away,” he repeats.
“What’s that supposed to fucking mean? It’s not like you can’t stop me… Or at least give me a fucking call afterward.” You sound hurt at the end, and Remus winces knowingly. 
“I was going to. I was. I just didn’t know what to say.” 
“Typical. Fucking typical.” You turn to keep walking away. 
He groans loudly in exasperation and walks faster to stand in front of you, cutting you off. “Can you just fucking wait one second?” He runs his hand roughly over his face, harshly through his messy hair. You quirk an eyebrow at him expectantly. 
When he doesn’t say anything for a few moments, you say, “That was more than one second,” and start walking again. 
“Stop. For fuck’s sake, just stop.” He stands in front of you again. “Why? It’s not like you’re saying anything.” Then, more softly, “And I don’t like fighting with you, okay? Maybe that’s why I ‘run away.’” The last two words still manage to sound sarcastic, but you’re whispering by the end, and you look down sadly. “Why don’t you say anything? Why does it have to be me?” He takes a tentative step forward and puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. You look into his eyes, and tears well in yours. One falls, and his thumb comes up to wipe it off. You push his hand away but don’t let go of it. He lets you hold his hand, and you stare down at where you’re connected rather than look at him. 
“I don’t like fighting with you,” you repeat, whispering. He steps a bit closer to you. “I hate fighting with you,” he says firmly. “But you know what’s worse?” You look up at him and shake your head subtly. “The moment after you leave. Being without you. Especially if I know you’re upset or… angry with me.” He looks up at the sky, takes a deep breath, looks at you again. “All I want to do is comfort you. Apologize. Tell you the truth…,” he says desperately. “But I don’t.” This comes out harsh; the anger back in his voice but no longer directed at you. “Because I’m an idiot… But I’d choose fighting with you over being without you every time.” 
“Those can’t be the only two options.” Your voice is soft. He gives a quiet but honest chuckle. Then his face sets seriously, determination creeping into his features.
“Ask me again.” “Ask you what?”
“Why I was being such a prick last night.” “So you admit you were a prick?” “Y/N,” he whines. “For fuck’s sake.” “Okay, okay, sorry,” you say quickly. “Why were you being such a prick last night?”
“Because… I…,” he starts but gets stuck. “When you…” He shakes his head. “I…” He closes his eyes and whispers, “Fuck.” He opens them, looks back and forth between yours, takes a step closer to you. He brings his hand that’s not in yours up to your face, brings his forehead to rest on yours. He nudges your nose with his, caresses your cheek. “Y/N,” he whispers, all the frustration replaced by something much warmer. You shift the tiny bit necessary to connect your lips with his. His hands tighten, and his lips push softly but firmly back.
You take a deep breath in, like breathing him will fill you with life… and it does. You open your mouth, and you feel a groan in his chest where it’s flush with yours as he licks his tongue against yours. You let go of his hand to hold his face firmly in both of yours, pulling him into you. His arms wrap around your hips, pulling you into his lower half as his upper half chases your mouth. You kiss and kiss and kiss, soft but hungry, until you finally part, only your lips detaching from each other, the rest of your bodies still connected. Your thumbs rub his cheeks; his hands squeeze your hips; your noses bump into each other. 
“You still haven’t said anything…” you whisper. You expect him to retort that neither have you, to joke or complain or jokingly complain. 
Instead, after a gruff chuckle, he says, “I love you.” He turns his embrace into a full hug, his arms firmly around you, his head in the crook of your neck. You cling to him. 
“You’re my best friend, Y/N,” he goes on. “My best friend in the fucking world.” He leans back a bit to be able to look into your eyes as he goes on. “But you’re so much more than that too. You’re the fucking love of my life,” he says with a heartfelt chuckle. “And I am done not telling you that.” You bring his mouth to yours again, kissing him deeply.
“You’re mine too. I promise I won’t run away anymore. I’m sorry I —” 
“Don’t,” he cuts you off with a kiss, shaking his head. “I wish I’d told you sooner, but I’ve loved every minute with you. And now we have the rest of our lives to do this too.” With a cheeky smile, he kisses you again.
“I love you,” you tell him. He squeezes you tight and keeps kissing you. 
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iid-smile · 10 days
waterfall , tomioka giyuu
x gn!reader ! giyuu using his water breathing, he asks for permission to confess and impress you!
author's note: im having writers block with kny specifically (future sunny: thats a bad excuse btw... i just dont because idk what to write for majority of the characters) so literally everything these days is jjk. justice for kny!!!!
double author's note: hi... future sunny here. this message ^^ yeah, that was FOUR WEEKS AGO now its just laziness rather than writers block... thats why the dialogue has literally no description half the time and i really did not want to finish this
triple author's note: ahaha i bet you've never seen three in a row 😈 anyways i forgot to post this after i proofread it half asleep so here u go
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"do you like rivers?"
"what about lakes?"
"i like anything to do with water, tomioka. you don't need to worry so much about what i like."
"i'm not worried." giyuu's gaze turns away from you, like it always does, and he looks straight ahead. "there's just something i want to try."
though slightly wary of his intentions, you know that giyuu isn't the type of guy to put you in situations where he doesn't have your consent first. and quite clearly, it's something to do with water, because he's been awfully chatty about different bodies of water, fishes, and just nature in general. it's difficult to make a guess of what he's planning, because sometimes he can just be so unintentionally unpredictable. and weird. he's a weirdo.
you walk behind him so he's able to lead the way. now that he's gone all quiet again, you can't help but furrow your eyebrows a bit. something he wanted to try? what could he possibly want to try in the middle of the night? let alone in a forest...
finally, he comes to a halt. obviously, you're a bit... confused, being stopped in front of a large, and deep body of water surrounded by rocks.
"hold my hand."
as if he knew you were going to ask that, he turns to face you with not a single change in his expression, neatly holding out his hand to you. "i'm going to do something, and i don't want you to slip." something. there's that something again.
your eyes flicker from his hand to his face just a few times, then to the surroundings, looking out for anything odd. he wouldn't be the type to prank you, would he?
"do you not trust me?"
"i do. it's just this something that you mention..."
"don't worry. i won't do anything bad."
would it be bad to say that he immediately soothed your worries? he was already speaking more than he usually would, and you noticed his free hand was always on the handle of his sword, so he's vigilant. no worries at all. you take his hand. it's cold, and unexpectedly smooth. "what are you going to do?"
no answer. he takes a step closer to the edge, just one little tip toe away from the surface of the water. "by any chance.." giyuu remains quiet, head bowed to the water below before his eyes move back up to yours. "do you have a significant other?"
"then," for a beat, he looks off to the side, and then turns his head back to you. "can i ask for your permission for me to... attempt to court you?"
"ah, is this why you brought me all the way out here? you have feelings for me?"
"...you found me out."
"you just told me that?"
"i didn't mean to."
the back of your hand comes up to your lips, poorly silencing your giggles. "you're a bit silly sometimes."
no response. "come."
giyuu takes a step down from the rocks, and into the body of water. from above, it was difficult to tell how far down the bottom of the lake was. "my clothes—"
he cuts you off. "don't worry. they won't get wet."
maybe he's telling the truth, since his aren't either. one last time, you look down at your covered feet, a nervous twitch running through them as the chill breeze suddenly became so apparent.
immediately, you're met with dreamlike arches of water and splashes surrounding the two of you, frozen in time and unmoving. for the first time, it feels like you're genuinely seeing his breathing technique visually, the sight similar to a vivid lucid dream. except this... this is way better. right in the climax, streams shoot up into the air, curving and twisting to form a heart in the center, then dispersing just as quick, the drops of rain disappearing into nothing as it touches skin.
it was beautiful, but beautiful wasn't even a word good enough to describe it.
"tomioka—?" but as you turn around, giyuu is nowhere to be seen. "huh? tomioka?"
you look left, and you look right. nobody's around: not a single life in sight. the trees are quiet, only the splashing of the waterfall fills in for the lack of noise around. and when you look down at your feet, you only see your legs submerged in water, all the way up to your knees. your haori steadily soaked up the liquid, the material darkening and growing heavier on your shoulders. "my socks!"
yes, you did have to walk home with wet tabi socks and zori with an uncomfortably damp surface. and yes, you did walk home with a constant flutter in your heart, not even knowing when the next time you'll catch a glimpse of him will be.
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jusmango-shake · 5 months
(platonic) hug with donnie? like the two of you are good friends IDK thank you :)
🥭: I uh didn't know which Donnie you meant, so I js chose 2012 if that's alright? I hope you enjoy it though! Sorry for it being so short btw.
12!Donnie x Reader/p
Fictype: Normal
Mood: fluff (comfort?)
Warnings: nnone that I can think of. 👍
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Donnie walked out of the living room with a huff, the sound of his brother's laughter only fueling his frustration.
He angrily wiped at his eyes, feeling the familiar building up of tears. He didn't know why he didn't just go back to the lab or his room, it was like he was on autopilot at this point.
He beelined straight to your home, jumping from building to building and roof to roof. He climbed one of the pipes, grumbling about his brothers until he made it to your window.
Once he recognised the curtains in your favourite colour, he held the pipe right with one hand and knocked with his free one.
He relaxed as he heard the familiar shuffling of steps on the other side, watching as the curtains slid revealing you behind the window.
Donnie watched as you scrambled to open the locked window, it wasn't usual for him to come to your house unless it was an emergency. Especially in broad daylight.
Once the window slid open, he carefully got inside.
You scanned his body for any possible injuries or reason he might be here. He would've looked completely normal if it wasn't for the somber look on his face.
“D? What brings you here?” you asked him worriedly, it unnerved you to see Donnie so.. dejected.
He chuckled nervously, Donnie didn't even know himself.
"Why? You don't want me here?"
“Very funny, Don. You don't usually come here unless you need help.” you looked at the seemingly guilty turtle mutant.
"m sorry if I bothered you, I just— wanted to get away from the lair for a bit." he fiddled with his fingers, embarrassed to tell you the real reason. "Is it so wrong to wanna hang out with my bestest buddy in the entire world..?"
“just tell me the real reason, D.”
You sighed, Donnie was good at a lot of things. Lying? Not one of em.
“If you wanted to hang out with me, you coulda just messaged me instead of coming all the way up here” You eyed him.
Donnie let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding, the ends of his lips slightly down turned into a frown.
“is this about your brothers?”
He perked up at that question, his head slightly tilted as he looked at you.
"..how do you know?"
“i've been to the lair enough times to know they don't take you very seriously sometimes.” you shrugged. “especially when you're rambling.”
He let his gaze drift over to the floor, his shoulders sagging slightly.
“c'mere DonTron, I prescribe you with a hug. we don't have to talk if you don't want to talk.” you walked over to the turtle, embracing him.
Donnie tensed up, though not for long as he reciprocated and hugged back. Sighing through his nose as he eased into the hug.
"Thanks [Name], you always know what to say."
You snorted “i actually guessed the reason why, but sure, I'll take the free compliment.”
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❗️this post involves NSFW, minors do not read past the part labeled NSFW❗️
I was not expecting that to go anywhere, when I woke up this morning and saw my notifications I was like 😦
ANYWHO here’s the part 2 to that poll where rengoku and sanemi tied, this is rengoku’s part !
feel free to request any scenarios, head canons, kink lists, fic ideas, thirsts, or whatever. I’ll answer what I can and get to writing for you all!! ok now let’s get this post on the roadddd
Kyojuro Rengoku
Literally such a sweet guy
Always holds the door, always pulls your chair out for you, carries all of your bags.
If you want something, it magically appears in your room the next day.
Constantly professes his love for you, very loudly.
If you whisper something in his ear, he’s going to overreact to the point where whispering was basically pointless
Compliments you daily, won’t allow you to think even one negative thought about yourself
“HELLO DEAR CAN I HOLD YOUR HAND?” Probably goes “WOOPPEEE!” After you accept
Introduces you to every single stranger the two of you come across. “I AM RENGOKU AND THIS IS MY LOVELY GIRLFRIEND!”
Has the cutest but cringiest nicknames for you, unironically calls you snookums or something
Bro is not private about your relationship unless you specifically ask him to be.
but he’s super considerate about your boundaries and comfort
Never lets you get anywhere near danger, protects you with all of his life
If you get along with his little brother, he’s going to marry you.
Hesitant about introducing you to his dad
Other than that his family welcomes you in with open arms!
He’s always making sure you feel safe. Personally brings you to bed when you fall asleep elsewhere, making sure to tuck you in all nice and snug.
Sweetheart In the streets, sweetheart in the sheets. Sometimes.
Overstimulation to no end, bro is obsessed with making you feel good.
Another local munch, always manages to get you on top of his face.
You could be just standing there and he’d lay on the bed and put his arms out like 🙆‍♂️
If you accept and take a seat, you are never getting up.
Does not tease whatsoever, gives you exactly what you want over and over again.
Was originally inexperienced, so you prolly had to show him where and what the clit was 😭
He was probably amazed like “This little thing can do that much??!! WELL OK!!”
Never forgot that lesson and never will.
After that y’all never had sex without him giving you head in some sort of way.
Once you manage to pry him off of your clit, he’s in game mode.
Like I said, he aims to please. Still managing to focus on your pleasure whilst he’s pounding his length into you.
Definitely made you go and show him where all the best spots to hit were, HE MEMORIZED THAT SHIT.
Takes note of every noise/reaction you make.
Eventually loses himself in the feeling of you, relentlessly thrusting his hips to meet yours.
His fingers gently circle your clit, like muscle memory.
B o d y W o r s h i p
He praises you until all you can think of is how utterly beautiful you are.
Kisses every inch of your body as the snap of his hips makes your back arch in overwhelming pleasure.
You’re probably barely awake by the time he realizes it’s been hours.
However, makes sure that you both have a safe word in case it gets too much.
btw everytime you cum he celebrates.
Cheers you on like he’s your coach or something 😭
Once the both of you are too tired to continue, he wills himself up so he can take care of your sore, tired body.
Cleans you with a warm washcloth, checks for any bruises or marks he could’ve caused.
Wraps you up into a comfy blanket burrito and curls up to you until you’re r both sound asleep.
all comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated! Also as I said before, my requests are now open! My rules entail some of the stuff I do and don’t write, those are pinned on my page!
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cheseely · 10 months
Hi, I'm sure you get this often but I really love your recent genshin artwork, do you think you could explain your painting process? I love the colouring effect in that piece especially. Thank you.
Thank you so much! I got a few messages like this from my previous piece (thank you guys for the staff pick & blaze btw, I really didn't expect all the support😭) so I thought I'd share a bit of my process below as thanks.
I always do my lineart first because it feels less daunting to me when applying colours. I will do some rough colours first so I can easily adjust it to my liking.
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Next, I make sure to separate each character into different layers when I clean it up. I like to work one character or object at a time, it's less overwhelming for me that way, and I can use clipping masks for ease of rendering.
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I'll usually apply some adjustment layers on top of the base layer for shadows and highlights. When I say base layer, I just mean a layer of the colour without any effects.
I like using 'hard light' for shadows, and 'screen' for highlights, but you can really use whatever clicks with you.
Rinse & repeat this process for every character in the illustration. Note that I make Furina the focus so everything behind her will be less rendered than the elements in front of them (Neuvillette is a lot less rendered compared to Furina, and the painting in the back barely has much shading).
Once I render out each asset in the illustration and add shadows & highlights to my liking, I then to merge foreground/ midground/ background elements so I can make the overall illustration clearer to read. I don't want it to feel messy or overcrowded, and I think it's easy to get tunnel-visioned in small details and lose the clarity of the entire illustration.
Make sure to zoom out constantly and make your illustration B&W to check the values to see if the drawing is clear.
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I created a simple S curve with the values for readability, and have the foreground elements have darker values & contrasts.
As for the BG, I wanted to add more textures into the drawing, particularly the painting in the back. Here's an image of it when I only added in the base colours.
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I use the smudge tool to create more texture once I fill in the base colours. Since I don't really 'paint' anything with the textures in, I just put in the base colours and take a textured brush to smudge it. However, over-smudging can lose the painterly texture I want, so I usually smudge vertically or horizontally in a single stroke to create a sense of movement.
Another thing to note is that I only textured the BG, I thought it would help it blend into the background a bit better. I usually wouldn't do this for the foreground because I want those elements to be clearer.
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At the very end, I tend to spend a fair bit of time just fiddling with more adjustment layers, various filters (such as blur, or noise), or liquify small details to really finalize the piece. Just vibes...basically this is me
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Anyway, I hope that was helpful & it made sense!! Feel free to message me if you have any other questions & I'll try my best to answer! I might've glazed over a lot since I didn't wanna make this too long.
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dumbkiri · 8 months
hi!! how are you? i hope you are having a lovely day and staying hydrated.
i just would like to request a tobio x fem!reader where reader is the younger sister of oikawa and because of the "bad blood" between the two, she gets tired and lectures them about how they should stop their petty fight and, at least, be civilized with each other. (though oikawa is mainly the petty one 😂)
it's a bit messy, so it's okay if you don't decide it or completely change the plot.
btw, i absolutely love your fics!!! and i definitely am a fan of yours!!!
𝐁𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬
ᴋᴀɢᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ ᴛᴏʙɪᴏ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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The Karasuno Boys volleyball team were excited to be invited to the Karasuno’s Girls volleyball tournament. The tournament was called ‘Spring Days’, it was showcasing the popular teams of Japan and they couldn't wait to see all the cute girls there.
Then they were all smacked in the face when Kageyama offhandedly said that he wouldn’t be there to support the Karasuno girls. 
“What do you mean you’re not going to support them! They always support us!” Hinata shouted at his grumpy teammate. The orange haired male was currently shaking the life out of Kageyama. 
Then Kageyama scowled and began wrestling Hinata as he said, “Because I would be betraying someone important to me. She plays for Shiratorizawa.” 
“Eh?” Hinata stopped shaking Kageyama and just stared at him blankly while being held in a chokehold by said male. Then he whispered so the rest of the boys practicing wouldn’t hear them, “Someone important? Like a girlfriend?” 
“Is that a problem?” Kageyama casually asked, pushing Hinata away. He picked up his drink and started gulping down the water in his plastic bottle. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and shrugged his shoulders, “It’s a good thing I get a free ride there, but don’t expect me to cheer for our school.” 
“We are there to support our team, Kageyama,” Sawamura crossed his arms over his chest and glared down at the young teen with his dad stare, “And if I don’t hear you cheer for them, you will not set for two games- no three games.” 
Kageyama deflated and looked off to the side in thought. You would understand the punishment he was getting and would want him to do what’s best for him. But your attitude was going to be different during the game. “Fine, but if our school faces Shiratorizawa, you’re gonna wish I cheered for her instead.” 
The boys watched as the volleyball nerd went over to the net getting ready to practice some sets. They had no idea what he meant by that and left to join him for practice. 
Saturday came quicker than the boys anticipated, nonetheless they sported the Karasuno jackets and walked into the large stadium with giant smiles on their faces. They all loved the feeling they got walking up to the court, so sometimes it was weird for them to be watching and being the supporting students. 
Kageyama was glued to his phone, messaging his girlfriend non-stop. Hinata would definitely peek over Kageyama’s shoulder, but he would always be pushed away with a hand in front of his face. The boys were seated in the first row and had an amazing view of the court. 
Kageyama was doing perfectly fine until he heard his rival speaking from afar. “Ah, the poor little trashy crows have to play against my amazing little sister. I can only imagine how giant the point difference is going to be.” 
Kageyama looked to his left to see two empty seats. That was until that annoying voice still praising his sister got closer. His dark blue eyes looked up to see brown ones glaring at him. Then another male popped up from behind the curly brown haired person.
 “Ah, Kageyama, you’re here to support [Name] as well?” Iwaizumi asked, walking in front of Oikawa and greeting the stumped black haired male. 
Kageyama bowed his head then said, “No, I’m not allowed to cheer for her or else I won’t be a setter for three games.” 
Iwaizumi sat down next to him and chuckled, “I get it and I’m sure she would as well. Did you tell her?” The older teen got comfortable and looked at his old teammate. 
“I’m afraid she’s going to give the Karasuno girls a hard time if I did,” Kageyama admitted with his eyes directed hard at the ground. 
A loud laugh caught their attention and Oikawa leaned back into his seat with a smug smile on his face. “[Name] is so going to crush your trashy team solo! If I were you, I would tell your other halves to forfeit now.” 
Iwaizumi elbowed Oikawa’s rib cage causing the male to lurch forward with a holler. Before Kageyama could agree with his rival, his loud teammates came into the picture with heated glares, “What makes your snotty sister so special, huh?” Tanaka shouted while Nishinoya stood behind him with a fist in the air, “Ten bucks, our team does the crushing instead!” 
“Deal!” Oikawa shouted back with one hand holding his side while Iwaizumi shook his head from the lack of awareness these idiots had. The usually grumpy male leaned over to Kageyama and whispered, “You do know that your team is going to make trashykawa super rich after this game?” 
Kageyama crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled back, “I tried to warn them.” 
“Welcome all to the Spring Days tournament where talented ladies from all over Japan showcase their volleyball skills.” 
The female announcer excitedly proclaimed in her microphone. The males couldn’t focus on what she was saying because a new group arrived behind them and this group wasn’t going to go unnoticed. 
“Oh my, is that Oikawa Tooru? The big brother of our baby eagle, [Name]?” 
Kageyama peeked a glance at his rival and saw the instant disgust on the male’s face which caused a bit of happiness to appear on his own face. Kageyama thought this was a perfect karma moment for the smug male. 
“You do well to address my little sister by her last name. Just because she trains with that guy, doesn’t mean you cannot show her or myself some respect!” Oikawa pointed at a very tall third year student. 
Ushijima looked down at Oikawa with his eyes and stated, “Your sister likes the nickname the team gave her and she has all our respect because of her skills. At least she took my advice to join the girls team at Shiratorizawa unlike you. She’s being nurtured if that’s what you care about.” 
“Don’t word it like that, it makes you sound like a pervert! Also that’s because I don’t want to be your teammate! You’re the one that brainwashed my poor sister! I should have persuaded her to spend her time elsewhere!” 
“What, like Karasuno?” Tendou snidely said with a snicker. 
Kageyama could feel the tension from his captain and vice captain as Daichi spoke up with a fake smile on his face. The third year Karasuno male turned around and asked Tendou with that cheap smile, “Something wrong with Karasuno?”
Tendou hummed and shrugged his shoulders, “Ehh~ You don’t really see people with skill choose Karasuno unless they’re rejects,” He looked at the back of Kageyama’s head, “Or useless dreamers.” He stared at the rest owlishly. 
“That’s enough out of your mouth,” Semi joined in and told everyone to focus on the game which is about to start. Everyone had their feathers ruffled up in some way and it was because of their snide remarks to one another. 
“For our first game, we have Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa! Please welcome them to the court!” 
Kageyama pulled out his backpack from under his chair and everyone looked at him suspiciously. He didn’t pay attention to their questioning glares as his eyes were on a girl who looked around the arena for him. Of course, your knees were not covered by your usual white and purple knee pads. 
It only took another minute for you to find him and you ran over to the stands with a giant grin on your face.
 “Tobio, thank you so much for bringing them! I forgot I left them at your place!” You huffed out and sat down in front of his backpack digging in it without any permission. You found your knee pads and took them out with a sigh of relief. “You just saved me from running ten laps back home.” 
“It’s no problem at all,” Kageyama responded with a gentle smile on his face as he admired your look. The rest of his teammates were baffled by the look of his face and how pretty you were. You seemed kind, way kinder than your older brother. 
You slipped your knee pads over your shoes and comfortably on your knees. You looked up at Tobio and blushed at the soft look he was giving you, but you could tell he wanted to tell you something. “Is something wrong, Tobio?” 
“Yes!” Your brother shouted standing up from the bleachers, “He’s not going to cheer for you! But don’t worry, you have me!” 
“And us!” Tendou shouted from a row behind. You laughed and pushed yourself up from the floor. You weren’t going to tell them that you didn’t notice them because of your attention to your boyfriend. 
“Is there a reason why you’re not going to cheer for me, Tobio?” You asked with a pout on your face and he stood up immediately to comfort you. You loved this about him, he was pretty shy, but he made sure to keep you happy. 
He looked at his team then to you and explained, “They didn’t believe me when I said that my girlfriend plays for Shiratorizawa and said that if I didn’t cheer for the Karasuno girls then I wouldn’t set for three games.” 
You laughed and gave Kageyama a quick hug pushing him gently back onto his seat, “Eh, don’t worry Tobio. I was just teasing you. I know I will always have your support! Anyways, what’s the bet?” 
“You know about the bet?” Hinata questioned bewildered by your psychic abilities and you scoffed with a smirk on your face as you gestured over to your older brother, “Please, if my brother doesn’t force someone to bet on my skills then he’s not my Tooru.” 
“We bet ten dollars,” Oikawa said and leaned back while Iwaizumi shook his head in exaggeration. 
Then you rolled your eyes and fixed your knee pads a bit while saying, “I would have gone higher, older brother. But that’s okay, I hope to see you all in the finals.” You winked at Kageyama and shouted over your shoulder as you walked away, “I better not hear the both of you talking smack to one another. It throws me off my game!” 
Oikawa sat back in his spot and glared at Kageyama, “Why were her knee pads at your place?”
Kageyama shrugged his shoulders and zipped up his bag. The words from you not even seconds ago being forgotten because of a cruel idea in his head. He was tired of Oikawa and this was for sure going to get him riled up.
Kageyama turned his head and smirked at Oikawa, “Maybe because she spends most of her time on her knees.” 
“I dare you to say that again!” Oikawa shouted while being held back by Iwaizumi who had to hide his blush from his former teammate. He wasn't expecting Kageyama to be that bold!
“I meant what I said!” You shouted, giving a glare at your rambunctious brother.
Thank you for your support and I hope this was a fun read for you because I had fun writing it!!
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her-favorite · 1 year
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WARNINGS: SMUT - this is rushed and boring, but cam posted that pic (yesterday, when i made this) and it’s so hot so i needed to write something even though nothing correlates 😭 pwp!! also, obvi you need a condom or be on the pill but this is a fic so.. go with the flow!!
WC: 4212
A/N: i am SO excited for halloween, so it’s (sort of?) set up during October!! - the pic im talking about is the middle one btw!!
SUMMARY: A sweet movie night with Cameron ended in something more
The smell of cinnamon wafted through the small apartment.
The candle was brand new as the flame on top was slowly burning down farther. The scent was relaxing as it overtook the room inside your living space, adding a nice aura to the interior.
Plastic pumpkins were spaced out on different tables, fake spiders were hung up on the walls, and small lights were hung up on the table that supported the tv. Decorating for halloween was always fun since you could go any direction you wanted to. Staying up late and watching horror movies or buying candy and using the excuse that you had trick or treaters at the door.
Tonight, you and your friend Cameron were planning a movie night. Whenever he was free, you both would message back and forth, trying to figure out plans to see each other. Last week, you both came to the agreement to binge scary movies and stay inside. You had been the one to suggest the idea and Cameron immediately accepted, saying that it would be nice to relax because of his work situation.
The both of you had known each other for years. It started as a school friendship when you two were little, occasionally having playdates or hanging out on the playground. Once you both started middle school, you both would hangout at each other’s houses and would walk around the neighborhood to buy some ice cream. Eventually, as more time passed, the both of you grew even closer and kept in touch frequently. Even with his busy schedule for his acting, he managed to sort out his plans and always made sure he had time for you.
You always tried to tell yourself that it was true and it was just a thought in the back of your head that just wanted attention. But as you matured, you dreadfully came to the conclusion that you had feelings for your best friend. You were in denial for so long, that only recently you realized. It was hard to push those thoughts away when you were with him, but he never seemed to notice. At least that’s what you told yourself.
Your phone vibrated against the coffee table as you rushed over to grab it. A smile graces your lips as you see the notification laying on top. Speak of the devil…
Omw! It’s my turn to pick the movie this time Y/N! Don’t think you can persuade me again.. ;)
A laugh bubbles up from your throat as you reread his text. The last time you both had a movie night, it was his turn to pick a movie he liked. When he ended up picking one you weren’t particularly a fan of, you managed to make him switch his decision in promise of you making his favorite food. It was quite easy to make him bend to your will, but you always told yourself that it’s just what friends do for each other. You would’ve done the same thing for him.
As you turn on the tv, it sits on the main menu, waiting for instructions. Setting down the remote, you make your way over towards the candy you had bought earlier that day and poured it into a bowl; resting it on the coffee table so you both could share the snacks while the movie played.
As soon as you reached out to grab your phone, there were two knocks at your door before hearing it open. Your lips curled up automatically at the sound. A glimpse of ginger hair was seen before he walks away from the door, towards you.
“Hey, Y/N.” Cameron smiles wide as he walks to you. He quickly wraps his arms around your shoulders and brings you close to him. The close proximity makes your face feel hot, but you put your arms around his torso in response.
“Hey, Cam.” The smile on your face was heard through your words. You pull away and look up at him as you both take away your arms. His eyes scan around your apartment, taking in all of the decorations.
“Wow, you really went all out this year.” He chuckles, picking up a plastic pumpkin that sat on the small table in front of the couch. It looked almost miniature in his palm, his fingers engulfing the object.
“You know how much I love Halloween, Cam.” You smile and walk around him and towards the couch. Your hands wrapped around the small remote and you hold it out. “It’s your turn.” You hand it to him as you watch his pale digits put down the pumpkin and grab the remote from you.
He gives you a smirk before sitting down on the couch and spreading out his legs. He looked at your apartment like it was his. That was just one thing you liked about him; how comfortable he was with you. It made you feel fuzzy inside; a safe feeling.
Walking over towards the light switch you flick it down as the only light source is the tv and the small orange lights that hung on the small table that was supporting the electronic. Cameron was still scrolling through Netflix, listing off the pro’s and con’s of each one that he didn’t choose. An occasional laugh sounded from your mouth when he would say something bad about one every now and then.
You took a seat next to him on the cushion as your eyes swept across his face. His side profile was just as beautiful as the front; his perfectly shaped nose, his pink lips and his green eyes staring forward. Before he could catch you, your eyes averted away from him and towards the screen.
“This is why I never let you pick. You take forever, Cam.” You tease him, laughing softly. Your back rested on the pillow that was against the arm on the couch, facing the man that sat a couple feet from you. You nudge his thigh with your foot as you smile, holding back a laugh that wanted to leave your throat.
Suddenly, he grabs your foot and moves it away from him. “Watch where you’re putting that thing.” He teases with a smile. He sends you a wink before looking back at the screen, the bright light illuminating his features.
A light stubble graced his jaw and wrapped around his chin, trailing up above his top lip. His sharp jawline was still visible, even with the lights off. As your eyes trailed down his arm, they met with his hand that gripped the remote. Two rings held a finger each, the silver band grasping them tight.
The sound of a movie starting harshly ripped you out of your daydream. He leans forward and sets down the remote on the coffee table and then leans back on the couch, stretching his arm out on the back of it.
“What is this?” You says begrudgingly, but the smile on your face told otherwise. He looks over at you with a smirk.
“Scream, duh.” Before you could open your mouth, he puts a finger up. “C’mon, Y/N. It’s a classic. You can’t not watch Scream when it’s Halloween time.” Cameron teases and pokes your leg. He laughs when you swat at him, retreating his arm to rest on the back of the couch again. It didn’t take much convincing for you to agree, letting the title screen show.
Minutes into the movie, your position grows uncomfortable. Your side started to ache as you lie on it and your legs are started to cramp up as they’re pressed against you. Without your knowledge, Cameron notices your predicament. Startling you, a hand pats your leg gently. “You can stretch out your legs, Y/N.” He assures you, giving you that perfect smile of his. You swore that smile alone could make you melt.
You quickly accept his offer and move onto your back, leaning against the pillow. You straighten out your legs fully, before moving them back into the spot they were before. You were close with Cameron, but you didn’t want to push anything. Especially with the thought in the back of your mind that kept reminding you about your undeniable crush on him.
You hear a quiet sigh before hands grab your legs and stretch them across his lap. It catches you off guard at first, looking away from the tv to see what your friend was doing. You were leaning back on the pillow that rested against the arm of the couch as your body was facing Cameron, your legs now straight and laying on his lap. You couldn’t say you were upset about it.
He doesn’t say anything as he stares forward, watching Stu, Billy, Sydney and Tatum have a conversation. You try and swallow down a smile, looking away from him and back to the screen. A warm hand rested on your shin, a hot feeling running through your body.
Seconds to minutes pass by, his finger slowly starting to move back and forth, rubbing against the fabric of your pants. Maybe it was a subconscious thing, maybe not, but either way, it made you feel giddy. Other movie nights consisted of hugs, talking, sharing food, some times cuddling, but tonight felt different. The mood wasn’t the same, and the intentions didn’t feel familiar.
His other hand came down and rested on the same leg, starting to get higher. It sat on your knee, drawing small circles into the soft fabric with his thumb. Cameron still hasn’t taken one look away from the movie, whether that was on purpose, to add to the teasing, or just because he was too afraid to see your reaction.
The room started to feel warmer as the cinnamon smell of the candle still traveled through the tense air. As Ghostface talked to Sydney on the phone, the sounds of the movie started to get quieter. It felt like everything was changing. You weren’t sure if you were making up this whole situation and Cameron was just making a sweet gesture towards you, but you made it out to be the opposite; that he had the same feelings for you and that he wanted to act on them. At least that’s what you were hoping for.
The warm sensation of his hand gradually moved up, now landing on your thigh. Your eyes never left his face as he finally looked away from the tv and met your gaze. His eyes were as soft as ever, showing no hostility or aggression. He was being sweet, just as you thought earlier.
“Can I?” It came out as a whisper, his pink lips barely moving. Over time, his body grew closer to yours. Responding to him without words, you moved up from your leaning position and became just inches away from his face. You nodded your head fast as your hand gently held his jaw.
“Can I?” You whisper back, staring down at his lips. He nods softly, quickly leaning forward and meeting your lips together. His were soft, a little chapped as you suspected that he was biting them earlier. The pressure of your top lip in between his sent chills down your spine as you maneuvered your body to straddle him. He groaned into the kiss at your new position, resting his hands on the outside of your thighs gently.
Breaking away from the kiss, you both kept yourselves just inches away from each other. Your lips were hot with his breath as you stared into his eyes and vice versa. His pupils were dilated as he looked at you, never once taking his eyes off of yours. The eye contact wasn’t filled with lust, more so a hunger for each other. It was sweet and loving, something that you craved from him.
“Fuck, Y/N..” Cameron’s voice was deeper as he whispered, squeezing his hands on your skin. That was all you needed to pull him in for another kiss. It was heated and messy, tongues meeting and teeth clashing. Your hand traveled to the back of his head, clutching his bright orange hair into your hand. The groan that escaped his mouth could’ve made you cum on the spot.
His hands drifted up and rested on your hips and squeezed. The unexpected pressure made your hips roll forwards against his lap, moans escaping the both of your lips. Both of your hands cupped the sides of his face as you broke apart, keeping close to each other. Silent words were exchanged to the other, wondering what was happening. Neither of you tried to stop it.
“Can I take care of you?” Cameron’s voice was quiet, but you heard it perfectly. The room was quiet to you, the sound of the tv only becoming background noise. It was just the both of you, sitting together, kissing. It felt like a dream.
“Yes. Please.” Your words left your mouth immediately. Giving in to him was an automatic response, something that you would agreed to in an instant. It was like second nature to you.
A soft smile takes over his lips, leaning forward to press them against yours. The kiss was gentle this time, telling you how much he enjoyed this; that he wasn’t taking advantage of it. It was reassuring in a sense that you felt like you could trust him to do anything in that moment. You wouldn’t have to be on cloud nine for that though.
Feeling a hand wound up your back and applying enough pressure against you, he starts to lean forward and moves you onto your back. The kiss never breaks as your positioned back onto the couch with Cameron hovering over you now. Your hand moved up to cup his cheek as you deepen it, gently nipping at his bottom lip before sliding your tongue across it. Almost immediately, he accepts your offer. Your free hand traveled down his side and clutched his shirt tightly, signaling that you wanted it off.
You’ve seen Cameron without a shirt numerous times, whether it was going for a swim, on a show, coming out of the shower, but his perfect stature never failed to leave you staring.
He leaves your lips to bring his hands behind his back and throws his shirt off, absentmindedly tossing it somewhere neither of you cared for at the moment. Your hands raked down his toned torso, a small patch of ginger hair leading into his pants. His v-line was impressive, the sharp edges quickly catching your attention. His abs were flexed as he hovered over you, making sure not to put any of his weight on top of you.
His warm palms glided under your shirt, teetering at the edge of your pants. You lift up your arms, inviting him to take the fabric off of you. He follows through quickly as he takes it off and throws it in the same direction as his. He leans down and scatters kisses on your neck, traveling to your jawline and down. His lips kept getting lower, kissing down your collarbone and sucking on the skin. A soft moan was taken from your throat at the sudden pleasure, your hand returning to his hair and tugging gently. His lips vibrated against your skin, sending a new sensation through your body.
Moving down the valley between your breasts, he kissed over one before taking it in his mouth and sucking. A louder noise than before left your lips, your mouth agape. Your breathing got faster as seconds went by, silently hoping he couldn’t feel it. Though you were sure he could.
Giving the same treatment to your other breast, he eventually kissed down your body, reaching the top of your pants. With a look up at you, he accepted your nod of approval and slipped his fingers inside the waistband. Slowly dragging it down your legs, he tossed the fabric on the floor. His hands rested on your shins, patiently gliding up your legs until they landed on your thighs. He leaned back down and kissed above your panties. They weren’t anything special, normal underwear you’d get from the store for cheap.
“Cute.” He teases and hooks his finger in the top of them with a quiet laugh. Heat raises on your face as you smack his shoulder lightly, causing a chuckle to leave him. He was still your Cameron, the goofy boy you’ve known since pre-school. The realization that you were about to have sex with your best friend suddenly hit you as he squeezed your thighs once more. Your mind was telling you that this was everything you wanted and more, that he wanted this too. And you quickly followed that thought, living off of the thrill that your best friend, and crush, liked you the same way you liked him.
“Can I?” His soft voice cut you out of your thoughts. You looked down at him from his position between your legs as he asked for permission to take off your panties. You nodded in response. Hooking his fingers under the fabric, he pulls them down and throws them in the same pile as your pants. Without hesitation, he leans down and spreads your legs. One of his hands squeezes itself under your thigh and puts it on his shoulder. His free hand reaches forward and spreads you out before he leans in and licks a stripe up your slit. An involuntary moan leaves your mouth at the feeling, sensing his smirk against you.
“Y’taste so fucking good.” He groans before leaning down again and wrapping his lips around your clit. His freckle-covered hand stays put as his finger slides through your slit. You could practically feel your wetness slide down onto the couch. It was almost embarrassing how quickly you were aroused by the man, but he didn’t seem to care. And the large tent in his pants didn’t seem to mind either.
The hand that steadied your thigh dug his nails into your skin, leaving harsh crescent moon shapes in them. You were caught off guard, too focused on the feeling of his lips on you, when you felt his finger inside you. Your hand instinctively reached down to his hair and gripped it, trying to ground yourself. The groan he let out vibrated against you, stimulating your pleasure even more.
“Cam, I..” Your words were cut off as the knot inside you grew tighter. Another finger joins the one inside you, his pace getting faster as seconds pass. The cool sensation of his rings would tease you as they barely touched you. The sound of your wetness hitting his fingers filled the room as the tv grew quieter. His eyes never left your body as they altered between looking at where you and his fingers met to your eyes. He felt the strong grip you had on him as he leaned back down and took your clit back in his mouth.
“C’mon, baby. Cum for me, wanna taste you.” His voice was quiet as he doesn’t even think about moving away from you. That was all you needed as one final suck and the feeling of his long fingers curling inside you brought you to your edge. Your back arched and your fingers tugged his hair harshly. Your thighs shook as you came down from your high, soft moans of his name leaving your lips like a prayer. Your breathing was fast and heavy, trying to gain it back.
Looking back down at him, you’re met with sight of him pulling his pale digits out of you and bringing them up to his lips. All of the air you just gained back left you as your eyes followed the way his lips looked around his fingers, slowly pulling them out of his mouth.
“So fucking good.” He groaned before moving back over you and pressing his lips against yours passionately. You quickly followed his lead and kissed back with fervor. Your hand moved down his body and rested on his belt. As your hand got lower, you cupped the bulge in his pants, feeling the groan he let out into the kiss. Your hands fumbled with his belt quickly, wanting it gone. He broke away with a chuckle, noticing your urgency. He takes your hands in his to stop you and lets them go before undoing his belt and fly, throwing his pants somewhere across the room.
Catching him off guard this time, you push him back against the couch and move down on the floor. You were kneeling in front of him as your hands met with the soft waistband of his boxer briefs. Cameron’s hand reached forward and rested on the back of your head gently, letting you take your time. You leaned forward and scattered light kisses on the print through the fabric, teasing him when you kiss his tip. His jaw clenched at the feeling and his hand grew tighter in your hair.
As you reached forward to move your hands into his boxers, he lifted up his hips so you could take them off. Setting them off to the side, you took in his naked body before you. It was better than your dreams and imagination. You were convinced he was sculpted by a god.
Wrapping your hand around him, he inhaled sharply at the quick action. Stroking up and down slowly to tease him, you keep eye contact with him. A whisper of a smirk graces the corner of his lips when he realizes what you were doing. You lean forward suddenly and take the tip in your mouth, moving your tongue around him. A guttural moan escapes him, sending a certain kind of heat straight to your core.
You started to move your head up and down, taking as much of him as you could. The hand on the back of your head encouraged you as you took him deeper, stroking what you couldn’t handle. Quiet curses and stutters were said from under his breath, just barely catching your ears. The thought of you causing him this much pleasure was exhilarating, a sense of pride overtaking you.
As you feel his hand get tighter and his body starting to stiffen, it was obvious to you that he was getting close. He pushes you back as his chest heaves up and down. A light string of saliva attaches from your lips to his tip, reaching his thumb forward to wipe it away. It only seemed to spur him on more.
“When I cum, I wanna be inside you.” His words made you moan, a sound that was unwillingly taken from you. His smirk grew wider at the noise, extending his arms to bring you back up on the couch with him. Back in the position you were before with you lying down on the cushions and him hovering over you, he grasps your thigh and throws it over his waist. “You sure you want this, Y/N?” His voice was hot as he talked, keeping eye contact with you. You nodded.
“Yes.” That was all he needed as he thrusted forward, seating himself fully inside of you. A loud moan was ripped from both of your throats, filling the apartment. Giving you time to adjust, he catches your signal and starts to move backwards. As the tip just barely stays inside you, he teases you before thrusting forward again and moving completely inside. More sounds were filling the air as he started a rhythm, hitting you perfectly.
It wasn’t entirely lust driven, it felt intimate and nice to have him so close to you. It was a safe kind of feeling, something you hoped to feel more of.
The sound of skin slapping skin started to get louder as time passed, his short nails digging into the same spot they were earlier. Cameron leans down quickly, smashing your lips together in a desperate kiss. Tongues battle and teeth fight, the both of you chasing your release. Your body started to tighten, the knot inside of you beginning to snap.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight.” His words were mumbled, so caught up with the pleasure he was feeling. He could tell you were close at the feeling of your walls wrapping tightly around him. It drove him closer to the edge, getting enough energy to thrust harder inside you, hitting that perfect spot that made you cry out.
As soon as your body shook with pleasure and mouth opened, he joined you, his nails piercing your skin and your name leaving his lips like a song. Once the both of you relaxed, his body slumped down on yours, his muscles tense and his body tired. A soft laugh left you and your arms enveloped around his shoulders, one of your hands coming up to brush through his hair softly.
The both of you lied there as seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours until you both ended up falling asleep. You guess tomorrow will be the day you guys figure everything out, but you have a feeling that everything’s gonna be okay.
Your best friend, and your crush, was laying in your arms. And that was all you ever needed.
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froggyfics · 1 year
The Deadliest Poisons Are The Sweetest - 5
Your wedding day arrives.
Note: (09/15/23) PLEASE READ THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER. If you have read this series before this date, please note that I have combined chapters 1 and 2 together. This may seem confusing, but I have decided that as a creative approach, I would like the chapters to be longer. Therefore, the original chapter 4 is now chapter 3. Chapter 4 is new. This chapter and beyond are up to date.
Btw y'all it's gonna get saucy in the next chapter lmao
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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Word Count: 4,844
This is the closest you’ve been with him in weeks. The intimacy of the moment is warped however, with underlying feelings of inadequacy. 
This is your wedding day. Yet, you feel as though you are imposter. You can feel the red-hot glares of the jealous maidens in the crowd. After all, you are marrying the most eligible bachelor in the entire realm. If only they knew that you felt sick to your stomach, and you wished that they were in your place. 
You don’t even look him in the eyes. You stare at his mouth, as if you needed to do so in order to understand the vows.
“I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”
No, you won’t, you say to yourself. You led me to believe that we could be more, but you tricked me! 
He places a ring on your finger. Your hand suddenly feels like it’s weighed down by a ton of bricks. You nearly choke on your vows as they stumble out of you. When you arrived in Gotham a month ago, you were admittedly excited for this day. However, Damian’s icy demeanor as of late has left you bitter. How could it be possible to be so close with someone one day, and then completely cold the next. It befuddled you. Damianbefuddled you. 
Your vows were sealed with a chaste kiss. Cheers and whoops erupted from the crowd. Through the noise, you could distinctly hear your father’s booming claps and mother’s animated laughs. Of course they were happy! Their daughter was married off – to a prince no less. Your marriage ensured a lifetime of stability and wealth for them. Not bad for a baron and baroness. 
You wobble to the great hall for the wedding banquet with Damian’s hand clasped in your own. It wasn’t your choice to make physical contact – he was the one that initiated.
“Weddings are the end of their lives as they know it. The beginning of a prison sentence. The end of youth.”
This is an act. You must admit, if acting was a respectable career choice, Damian would be a top-notch performer. The vows meant nothing. The kiss was expected. The hand holding was necessary for the performance. 
You sat right next to your husband. Aristocrats, both strangers and now familiar faces, approach to wish glad tidings upon you and Damian. You accept their kind words as politely as you can. All the while, you twist your ring, round and round, underneath the table. 
You light up when Rachel approaches the table. A genuine smile finally crosses your face.
“Lady Rachel!” you call out excitedly. 
You jump when you feel Damian’s presence near your ear.
“How do you know of Lady Rachel?” he asks.
You gape at him while Rachel curtsies shyly. His question is not shocking – you chalk it up to mere curiosity. It’s the fact that he’s talking…to you! Willingly. And the conversation does not revolve around simple greetings or pleasantries. 
You can’t even answer him. Anger bubbles inside of you. He almost completely ignores you for four weeks and now suddenly acts like you should be receptive to his conversation. You have half a mind to ignore him in favor of speaking to Rachel. However, the ring sits heavy on your finger, and you suddenly remember your place. 
He is now your husband. He is the heir to the throne. If there is anyone you should hold your tongue towards, it’s him. 
“We met one week ago,” you reply. Rachel beams at you while you recount how you met her. 
“We’ve only become closer and closer, day by day.” You hold your hand towards her, and she takes it affectionately. 
“The princess is right,” Rachel adds. “It is almost like we have known each other our entire lives.”
Damian speaks only after he gulps his entire drink quickly. “Well, wife,” he emphasizes when he grabs your hand, “I am glad you have made a friend in Gotham.”
He smiles menacingly. You can tell by the way his lips unnaturally stretch over his teeth and the reddening of his face. 
Rachel glances at your conjoined hands and clears her throat. “Well, I just wanted to say that I wish for the two of you to be happy.” She raises her cup and you raise yours with your other hand in support.
“To the happy couple,” she concludes. The edge of the cup reaches her lips, but she does not drink. She instead curtsies once more and disappears among the crowd of people.
As soon as she leaves, Damian releases your hand, wiping his palm on his pants as if you were a leper. You clench your teeth so hard that they squeak in retaliation. You manage to take deep breaths to calm yourself – in and out, in and out, in and out. It’s truly an act for him. 
Everyone looks to be so happy. Not for you, of course not. They are happy for their own selfish reasons. Guests are fed the most delicious food and drink that the realm has to offer. Your parents rub elbows with highly ranked aristocrats. Your siblings dance merrily along the aisles. King R’as laughs heartedly a few seats away from Damian while speaking to his friends. Even Talia seems to be in a cheerful mood, scarfing down her food. 
Perhaps you can attempt to be happy, too. It is your wedding day after all. You inhale deeply to gather confidence.
Damian doesn’t acknowledge you.
You clear your throat and repeat yourself once more.
He doesn’t even look up from his plate.
“Damain!” you half-shout.
His head shoots up immediately. “Yes, wife?”
You want to punch him in the throat. His polite tone seems genuine, but it sounds fake to your ears. 
“Are you…” You scan the great hall. “Are you enjoying the festivities?”
He nods his head slowly like he has trouble understanding your question. “Quite.” He returns to his plate.
You growl, but say no more. After all, there is no point making a concerted effort at conversation now when you apparently have the rest of your life to do so. You might as well take what little enjoyment you have now and ignore the glaring loneliness that dwells within you. 
The wedding took place at noon, but the reception continues well past sunset. You did not even know that there existed so much food in the entire city. Drinks flowed like a river all night long. Some people fell asleep in their seats, despite the rambunctious behaviors of others. Some people danced and danced until you thought their feet would fall off. 
You remain glued to your seat nearly the entire reception. There were a few moments where you stretched your feet, such as when the guests stacked cakes on top one another, so that you and Damian could kiss over them. You managed to peck each other’s lips without the cakes collapsing to the ground, which made the audience break out into cheers. After all, if the cakes fell, it symbolized bad luck for your marriage. 
As if you needed any more of that already. 
The reception seemed like it would never end. Your posture slowly deteriorated over the hours, until you were slumped in your chair. Muscle aches began to surface for sitting for so long. You wanted the night to be over. 
“Damian!” R’as called.
Damian pushes the table to make room to get up. He travels just a few feet farther to his grandfather who whispers something in his ear. Whatever was said made Damian stiffen and glance at you.
You suddenly develop that prickly feeling when you feel like someone is talking about you. Damian’s glance made you certain that you were the subject of their conversation. The realization made you shift in your seat. You decide to study the wooden table to distract yourself from your insecurity. 
A tap on your shoulder breaks your concentration. You find Damian looking down at you with a stoic expression. As usual, you can never determine what he’s thinking.
“Follow me,” he bluntly says. 
He doesn’t move an inch and you don’t realize until a few moments later that he expects you to get up first. You push yourself from the table and slowly stand up. You’ve been sitting for so long that your knees crack upon straightening. 
Damian maneuvers you so that you remain in front of him. He’s mere inches behind you and his hands fix themselves to your waist. He pushes you forward, directing you towards the door. 
The once lively room suddenly quiets down, until cheers are erupted once more.
You peer behind you to see that nearly everyone is looking directly at you. Men are jeering, throwing their hands in the air. Your father kisses your mother’s forehead while she blows a kiss towards you. Women are clapping obnoxiously. You face forward once again in mortification when you realize that they are cheering for your consummation. Everyone knows that you are walking out the hall a virgin – only to become a true wife by tomorrow. 
You look back again, scanning the crowd for Rachel. She has been one of the few sources of support you’ve had as of late. You just want to look at her, to search for comfort in her eyes. You find her violet eyes eventually, only for your humiliation to turn into sadness. Her eyes do not necessarily brim with tears, but they are certainly glossy. 
You give her a comforting smile as the door to the hall opens. 
Don’t be sad for me, you want to say to her, but the door of the hall closes before your message can be relayed through your eyes. 
Damian continues pushing you from behind through the castle. You are eventually brought to an all-too familiar, yet unfamiliar room. 
It certainly has changed since you were in here last, all those years ago. Damian’s room still exudes extravagance, worthy of an heir. However, small details have changed.
There are several arms-related items laying around. A full armor suit sits at the corner of the room. Several weapons – swords, axes, morning stars – are hung on the walls. Papers are strewn across the room. They’re on his desk and dresser and end tables. Most importantly, the room feels larger than it did when you were a child. Well, that was probably due to the fact that you felt smaller now than you did then. 
The door behind you slams shut. You jump in surprise at the loud noise and see Damian leaning on the door.
You hate it. You hate that you feel so nervous. It’s all too much. This room brings back happy memories that you cannot – should not – dredge up in fear of living in the past. You stand in a room, alone, for the first with someone known as your husband. Someone who is actually a stranger to you still. You can’t help but look down. It may be due to submission or shyness; you’re not entirely sure. All you know is that your girlhood has officially ended, and adulthood is crashing upon you.
You see his shoes from your peripheral. He stands toe-to-toe with you. You can’t bear to look him in the face. No good could come from falling for those green eyes. 
He cautiously raises his hands to your waist. You grow numb as he removes your belt. Your dress puffs out into a shapeless blob. 
He grabs your shoulder and turns you around, your back facing him. You can feel your dress loosening as he undoes your corset, one string at a time. Your breathing quickens at the intimacy of the act. You’ve had maybe two decent conversations with this man, and now, he has full access to your body. The discomfort makes you twitch.
“Raise your arms,” he commands. And you listen. He reaches down to hem of your dress, and pulls upward. You become blind momentarily until your dress is fully removed, and all that remains is your paltry smock. You feel overexposed. Your shoulders, arms, and legs are bare. Bare! You instinctively cover yourself the best you can with your arms, but Damian, while still behind you, firmly grabs your forearms to place them at your side. You gasp when he places a quick kiss on the back of your head.
You remain stuck in place despite hearing the crumpling of clothes behind you and await for Damian to direct you. There’s a creak, and several more creaks, and the crinkling of sheets.
You turn around and are met with a shirtless Damian, already beneath the sheets. He pats the unoccupied space next to him, and you follow his orders. You slink underneath the sheets and lay flat on your back, burning holes into the ceiling. The only sounds that could be heard is your breathing and the crackle of the fireplace. 
You await for his orders once more. And wait. And wait. And wait some more, even as he slips completely underneath the sheets completely. From your peripheral vision, you can see that he turns his back towards you. You bite your lips nervously and you dare lift your arm up in an attempt to touch him.
“Good night.”
His words make your arm drop back down onto the mattress. The finality of his words make you close your eyes. There is nothing to do, nothing to expect. He is an actor, and you are at the whim of his play.
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The extinguished fire from the fireplace doesn’t wake you. Neither does the blearing sun peeking from behind the curtains. What does wake you are the stomps of your ladies-in-waiting. 
Your eyelids instantly open, the crust that developed during the night making it difficult at first. 
“Princess, it is time to wake,” Matilda says in a voice that it all too loud this early in the morning. She wretches the curtains open and sunlight streams in. You hiss at the light, still walking the line between unconsciousness and alertness.
Joan grabs your shoulders and heaves you into a sitting position. In a militaristic approach, Joan, Matilda, and Honora perform your morning routine. You’ve had a month to adjust to their “help”, but it has only become slightly easier to tolerate their grubby hands and rude shoves. You can only say – Ouch! – so many times until you realize they do not care if they cause you pain. You are a job for them. They may be your household staff, but they are certainly still Talia’s minions. 
The hubbub of the morning almost makes you forget where you are and what had happened the night before. You glance at the spot Damian was sleeping just a few hours prior. In his place is the outline of his body on the mattress.
“Where has my husband gone?” You wince when Joan tugs your hair particularly hard while brushing it. 
“You have been summoned by Lady Talia.”
It hangs in the air, but you don’t expect them to answer your original question. It’s the nature of your relationship with them. It only reminds you to formally add Rachel to your household staff. Perhaps an ally in the mornings would improve your days. 
You’re prodded and shoved and squeezed until you are dressed. A green and black gown once again. An emblem of the house that you married into. You are no longer a daughter of a baron – you are now a princess of the House Al Ghul.
You’re led to Talia’s room within the castle. A guard stands upright outside her door, and opens it for you and your brood. Within, you find your now mother-in-law with a table full of assorted small plates. Fruits, cheeses, bread. Your stomach grumbles in hunger, but you doubt you’ll be able to enjoy your meal. Not with Talia. 
“Lady Talia,” you politely greet. 
She waves you over without looking up. As you approach her, she finally glances at you, but now before grunting in disapproval.
She is now your mother-in-law. You must remain polite. You repeat the mantra to yourself several times as you become situated in the seat across from her. Your ladies-in-waiting stand off the side, along with Talia’s servants.
A moment passes. Then two. Then several. Talia says nothing and continues to eat. You recognize that she will not speak to you first, and that you must initiate the conversation. You desperately want to your roll your eyes, but you remember your mantra. 
“Ahem, Lady Talia,” you start. “I have heard that you summoned me. Might I ask why?”
She sharply glares at you. “Do I need a reason to call upon you? After all, you are now my daughter.”
“Of course not.” You smile as sweetly as you can while simultaneously wanting to burst. You stomach rumbles again to remind you that it is empty, so you swiftly gather some items to make your plate full. 
“Will Damian be joining us for this –”
“No,” Talia interjects. 
“Oh.” Silence befalls the room except for the occasional chewing of food. “Is it possible for my mother to come join us? She will be leaving –”
“No. Is my presence not satisfactory to you?”
“Of course it is, Lady Talia,” you grit. She feigns a smile at you, and her eyes sparkle.
She knows that she’s irking you. She loves it.
“Are you close with Lady Rachel of House Azarath?” you inquire. The best use of your time here with Talia is to at least introduce the idea of Rachel as an additional lady-in-waiting. 
Talia sips her tea generously before answering. “Yes, she used to be quite close to my son.”
“Well, her and I have only recently met, but we have become incredibly close. She honestly feels like a sister to me –”
“You’re talking about Lady Rachel?” 
You gulp and shakingly nod your head. “Yes, I am. Erm – like I was saying, she has become a true friend. Since my family will return to my birthplace soon, and I have left behind my childhood friends, I was thinking about having Lady Rachel join my household staff. As a lady-in-waiting.”
Talia stares blankly at you, her green eyes burrowing into your soul. Her façade soon begins to break as her lips twitch and her eyes crinkles. Soon, she releases out a howling cackle. She laughs and laughs, holding her stomach to support herself. 
Joan, Matilda, Honora, and the remaining servants in the room look to one another curiously before they begin to laugh as well. Their laughs start as awkward chuckles until they are bellowing to match their master.
You sit in utter disbelief at the situation unfurling in front of you. There’s a joke hidden in Talia’s laugh, but you remain oblivious to it.
“Oh, oh, my.” Talia wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. “Why, yes, of course! Lady Rachel is free to join your household staff.”
Your face is red with embarrassment as the laughs finally die down. You’re not sure what the joke was, and you so desperately want to know. 
The food no longer looks appetizing to you. The measly few bites you had appease your stomach for the time being. Desperate for the attention to be off of you, the course of the conversation is redirected.
“Erm – thank you, Lady Talia. Say, how did you enjoy the festivities yesterday?”
“Ahem, yes, it was fine.” Her joyful tone suddenly reverts to its malicious nature. “I presume you enjoyed your wedding night, especially. How very lucky you are to bed a prince when you are…” She points in your general direction. “Well, when you are…you.”
A forced chuckle exits your mouth. Never have you ever met someone as blatantly, yet simultaneously subtly, rude. It dawns on you that her status allows her to speak however she wants, and that social graces are only for those inferior to her. 
“I am eternally grateful that Prince Damian chose me to be his wife.”
She waves your pleasantry off. “Yes, yes. After all, he chose you out of…every maiden. I am certain you will do your duties as a wife to ensure his happiness. As long as you bear him heirs, I suppose that is all I can ask for.”
The conversation feels unpleasant to you. After all, shouldn’t your marital relations with Damian be kept between you and him? Admittedly, you’re not sure whether you should alert Talia to the fact that you did notbed Damian last night. Sure, you slept in the same bed, but you are certain that is not what she cares about.
The question that she was dancing around finally is brought to the forefront. “Last night was…successful, correct?”
Your hunger has not yet returned, but you abruptly feel the urge to stuff food into your mouth to avoid answering her. 
She leans in dangerously close. She remains across the table, but it seems like she will pounce on you if you dare utter one wrong word.
“Did you bed Damian?”
You breathe in deeply, having had enough of the intrusion. “Lady Talia, I feel as though my relations with your son –”
“This is a yes or no question, dear,” she seethes. “Did you or did not do your duty as the wife of Prince Damian?” She slowly stands as she asks you her question, her anger palpable. 
“Does it matter?” you counter. “Why is that any of your business?”
“So, you did not bed him.”
You eye twitches in annoyance. “Lady Talia, I did not say that.”
“You don’t have to.” She slams her hands on the table, shaking it. You jump in surprise and grab hold onto the arms of the seat. The other women in the room hold their breath in frightened anticipation. 
“What was the point then? What was it?” She places her hands on her waist and circles you. “There were so many others – richer, prettier, friendlier. Some of them he grew up with. Why you if he doesn’t even want to bed you?”
You remain glued to your seat. Talia looks down at you with rage in her eyes, while you look back with confusion. You don’t know how to answer her question, because ultimately, you’re unsure of the answers yourself. If she had asked you a month prior when you first arrived in Gotham, you probably could have answered that you and Damian shared a sweet encounter from many years past, and that encounter led to your marriage. However, with Damian’s aloofness, you also are uncertain as to why you were chosen to be his bride.
Talia groans in frustration at your muteness. She stomps towards the door, but not before a servant rushes over to open it for her. You watch as she disappears into the hallway, presumably to confront Damian. 
You let out a shaky breath that you didn’t know you were holding. 
“Take me back to my quarters,” you order your ladies-in-waiting. “And send for Lady Rachel.”
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You pace back and forth in your room, practically burning a hole into the floor. A loud knock disrupts your fervent strides, and in comes your rescuer, Rachel.
“Rachel,” you whimper as your nearly run into her open arms.
Her arms wrap around you tightly, like how a snake suffocates its victims, except her hug was full of love instead.
You’re shaken up by your encounter with Talia, but the culmination of the previous 24 hours bears down upon you. You sink to the floor, Rachel helplessly attempting to lift you back to your feet, but the energy is no longer within you.
“Everything is wrong.”
“What is?” Rachel finally sinks to the floor next to you, holding your head to her bosom, holding you like a mother would do to console her child. 
“Everything. This cursed family has brought me nothing but misery. I will be miserable until the end of my days, I fear.”
Rachel gently quiets you and strokes your hair. “No, that will not happen. I will not allow that to happen.”
“It will!” you exclaim. “Damian hates me!”
“He does not hate you.”
“Yes, he does!” Embarrassment sinks into your bones when Rachel asks you to explain.
“Last night was a disaster,” you murmur into her chest.
Rachel stops stroking your head momentarily. “Hmm? How so?” She starts once more playing with your hair.
“I am…still a virgin.”
She pulls your head backwards so that her eyes meet yours. “Do you mean…he has not bedded you yet?”
You cringe in embarrassment. Her shock has only solidified your insecurity – something must be wrong with you. That’s the only explanation! 
“No, no, darling,” Rachel clucks. “Do not hide your face from me. It is not your fault – hey – look at me. It. Is. Not. Your. Fault.”
“Then, what is wrong?” You swiftly get to your feet and resume your pacing. “If not me, then what? It’s silly to think that there is another issue at play here.”
Rachel grabs hold of your shoulders and firmly shakes you. “Listen to yourself! You sound mad.” She looks around the room as if it isn’t empty and leans in close to whisper. “Understand that there may be other factors at play. The emotions of man can certainly affect his…libido. Take it from me, I should know.” 
She releases her grip, but remains planted in front of your face. “I have had…prior relations.”
You nod at her wide-eyed. This is the first you’ve heard of Rachel speaking about her romantic life. 
“Certain emotions can make it hard for a man to perform his husbandly duties. I do not think it wise to push the issue, as to not cause any embarrassment for him.”
You nod your head emphatically, whole-heartedly internalizing her speech. “But – what if he doesn’t bed me tonight either? Lady Talia is already speaking about heirs.”
“Again, do not push the issue. You would rather not face Damian’s wrath.”
A singular, harsh knock interrupts your discussion. In stomps in the subject of the conversation, the man of the hour, your lifeline and your ruin – Damian.
Rachel immediately curtsies out of respect and lowers her head. He opens his mouth to speak, but is seemingly stunned by the presence of another human in your room. He looks back and forth between you and Rachel.
“Husband,” you greet.
The sound of your voice brings Damian back from his trance. He nods his head towards the door and several servants, including your ladies-in-waiting, pile into the room.
“Wife,” he starts. He strides over to you and plants a kiss on your forehead. His lips leave a burning sensation on you, as his sudden display of affection jars you. “Pack your essentials. We leave soon for my father’s.”
“Damian,” you whisper. His face reveals his agitation: his lips are stretched into a scowl and his forehead wrinkles deeply. “Is everything alright?”
His palm reaches to your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. You want to believe he does it lovingly, but your heart can’t take that risk. 
“You should have called upon me,” he murmurs. “As soon as my mother disrespected you, you should have come to me.”
You look down in shame. So, he’s heard of your interaction with Talia earlier that day. “I did not think that was an option. I did not even know where you were.”
He lifts your head up with his index finger on your chin. He bends as best as he could to meet you at eye-level. “Of course, that is an option. You are my wife.”
You swallow hard. The way he’s looking at you, and comforting you – it’s too much. It’s too sudden. You shimmy your way out of his grasp and look to Rachel for support, only to find her back facing towards you and Damian.
“Lady Rachel has been consoling me.”
Damian stiffens and his jaw tightens. “Thank you, Lady Rachel,” he starts. He looks over his shoulder her, and she does so too ever so slightly. Neither face each other completely, however. “You may now take your leave.”
Rachel nods her head and without turning to say goodbye to you, she starts heading towards the door.
“Wait, no!” you call out. You circle around Damian to reach Rachel’s arm. “Lady Rachel is to be my lady-in-waiting. She must remain by my side.”
Damian’s eyes bulge out of his head. “Your lady-in-waiting?” he repeats brashly. 
You huff in irritation. You’re not sure why everyone seems to be so astonished that you want Rachel to be a part of your household staff. “Yes,” you reply. 
Damian clicks his tongue in disapproval. The amorous façade he performed just moments prior is now gone. It’s been replaced with the real Damian – the stoic one. 
“Fine.” He pushes back you to reach the exit before stopping by the door. He doesn’t even turn around. “Remember, just the essentials. 
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
okay so, not entirely sure what the last anon was on about (and it very well could be a troll just trying to bait. they really should have at least brought up what they meant if they wanted to appear in good faith), but it may be in relation to "drink up" and how it attracted terf attention on twitter? (which I know you addressed btw, so I hope this doesn't come across as an attack or anything)
personally, I think the phrase "our only natural predator" might have appealed to terf rhetoric just a little (but that's my opinion - I very well could be 100% wrong). I have my own personal feelings on the use of "natural" in the phrase (men don't naturally prey on women like animal predators do their prey - if anything, it's unnatural, deliberately chosen behavior - and it reminds me of the excuse that "it's just naturally how men are," like "boys will be boys." HOWEVER, I see how that phrasing ties into the "lioness/women turning it around and preying on the predator" theme, so honestly it works well there), but aside from all that, I can also see why it might've attracted terfs: bc they very often view and frame trans women as male predators to cis women. I know that's definitely not how you intended it though!!
and this also isn't meant as a nitpick to your work, so my apologies if that's how it comes across. I really like your art and your writing (and "drink up" has a very cool theme)! it's just that I can see how terfs might've interpreted it a certain way. it's not your fault that they viewed it like that though, and you've made it very clear you're NOT down with trans exclusionary BS. so that's literally the only thing I could see anon complaining about tbh, assuming they're not just being a troll. also I'm sorry for the super long message (I have an issue w/ typing too much smh). I just thought I'd share my thoughts on it in case it's at all helpful, but also this might just be annoying to read instead, so honestly feel free to just discard it if you prefer!
It’s not annoying at all anon, and I appreciate you taking the time to send this in. The comic you’re talking about is one I think back on with a lot of regret. It was made in a furious haze after a big time female streamer revealed that she was being mentally abused for years by her husband, where he would waste her hard earned money, threaten her dogs and her livelihood and overall be a monster to the woman who was their primary breadwinner. The reaction online to this information by her largely male audience was so genuinely vile and violently misogynistic that I made the comic, without thinking broadly about the implications you’ve already pointed out. In reality, the comic was meant to talk about how all women (cis and trans) suffer under the patriarchy and how the label of womanhood can often be an open call for baseless derision, dehumanisation and entitlement at many levels.
TERFS quickly co-opted the comic, and I’ll always regret ever giving them an opportunity to feel empowered and validated by my art, but I’ve learned from the experience overall to do better by my trans siblings. Thank you for engaging in good faith - I hope my behaviour now and in the future can make up for past mis-steps.
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norlestappen · 5 months
The Williams Shitstorm - LS2
Summary: After Alex crashed in Australia, Logan was just ready to be sad with y/n, but y/n was having none of that. She was ready to fight everyone to make sure her boyfriend was happy again. Sad-boyfriend!Logan x confident gf!reader
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Time flew by, you cheering for your boyfriend, feeling so confident in his performance in the current season. You felt so happy knowing that Logan got his second chance and could finally prove that he was just as talented as the other drivers on the grid.
When you used to work in a boring office, you would always miss your boyfriend, seeing him on the television that was positioned on the other end of the room.
Dating a racing driver had its ups and downs, but you would never trade it for the world. You had a gentle, kind, and wholehearted man by your side, who never once doubted your abilities or you.
It seemed like the perfect opportunity when you were offered a job in Williams when Logan resigned for another year. You felt ecstatic being able to stay with your boyfriend, still being able to work and finally having that free time together that you guys always missed out on.
All of that gratefulness ended when you were in Melbourne, Alex had just crashed in FP2 and they had to find a solution on what to do. You were on edge a little bit, not liking the fact what the team was talking about. Getting Alex to race in Logans car? Impossible. Trying to repair his car? Unless they were magicians, that would be pretty impossible too. You were getting impatient, waiting in Logan’s drivers’ room, wanting an answer on this whole situation. You knew that Logan would agree to anything that James made him do, because he was just that person. Never arguing, in hopes to not raise any attention to himself.
So, when the door opened and he just laid down next to you on the tiny couch, you just knew something must have happened. He would always try to escape his mind by cuddling into you, like an infant. But you also knew that there was no way to get the information at that given moment. He needed to calm down, collect his thoughts and just relax before approaching the subject.
In the meantime, you were texting the wags group chat, trying to get more information on whatever drama was going on in the other teams. But most things weren’t new.
Kika and Flavy were complaining about Alpine being shit. Alexandra and Rebecca had their own conversation going on, while both Lilys, Luisa, and you were discussing what was going on with Logan. Barely a few minutes went on, when you got a message of Alex’s Lily:
Lily Albono: heyy girl, so I just talked to Alex, and I got horrible news. Alex is fine btw, but idk about Logan. Is he with you? Alex is worried. Apparently, Alex is driving Logans car tomorrow? Wish I had better news, but James said that Logan is sitting out this GP since Alex always has more points than him.
Your phone fell down, accidentally hitting Logan’s head as it fell down onto the floor. You couldn’t even process what happened as your whole body was suddenly fueled with anger and frustration.
Sitting up, you looked at your confused and sleepy boyfriend and you just hug him tightly. “Why didn’t you tell me, Lo? You do know that you can always tell me anything, right?” He looked up at you, nodding slightly, tears escaping his eyes already.
“You know about it, don’t you? That I can’t race anymore this week?” You nodded, not wanting to scare Logan because you knew that he was just the babygirl in this relationship.
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