#btw the show in marvelous
ohitslen · 3 months
Living together.
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The snail video if you are interested :)
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lovebeatriceplz · 2 months
It's probably me but why haven't I seen anyone mention the Henry Cavill cameo??😭. I'm not exaggerating when I say I physically moved closer to my screen and choked on my food, simultaneously
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twobraincells-art · 11 months
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What a fun couple we’ve got here, sure hope they’re not doomed by the narrative
Bonus sketch ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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snakesinsocks2005 · 10 days
Wolv-ing in 'er till she rines
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cissa-calls · 5 months
Countdown to Agatha: Day 800
Y/N: “Remember what we discussed? Let’s do a quick debrief in preparation”
Agatha: “Do not say the words: “Mother’s Day,” in front of Wanda”
Y/N: “And why’s that?”
Agatha: “Because we shouldn’t remind her of her metaphorical dead children that she’s happy with in every other universe”
Y/N: “Yes, perfect! If she wants to bring it up on her own, then let her. But we need to be considerate of her feelings”
Agatha: “Of course, when am I not considerate? But also, what if I-“
*Wanda walks in*
Y/N: “SHHHhh!”
Wanda: “I caught that. What if you what?”
Agatha: “What if I-” *receives deathly glare from Y/N* “-uhhh, what if I wanted to celebrate a day for Ex-mother’s- you know-“
Wanda: *forming tears*
Agatha: “-ONLY because I have an ex-mother I want to celebrate?”
Wanda: *Bursts into tears*
Y/N: “Why would you ASK that?”
Agatha: “Because I wanted to be considerate and celebrate!”
Y/N: “You call THAT considerate?!”
Wanda: *sobbing*
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darethshirl · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock & Co. (Podcast) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson Additional Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Autistic Sherlock Holmes, Canon Autistic Character, canon neurodivergent character, sensory issues, Bisexual John Watson, Past Sherlock Holmes/Victor Trevor (mentioned), Jealousy, Banter, Pining, Trust, Crushes, Developing Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Friends to Lovers, Kissing, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Hand Jobs, Praise Kink, Humor, Fluff Summary:
The thing was, John did have a sense of self-preservation buried somewhere deep inside. He had common sense, and he could recognise a catastrophically, stupendously bad idea when it was staring him right in the face. You didn’t get involved with your housemate who was also your coworker who was also the main and only source of your income, you just didn’t. John should just shove all inconvenient thoughts into a tiny box in a recess of his mind, lock it up, and throw away the key. That was what a smart, responsible person would do.
So, naturally, John was doing the exact opposite. Like a Pandora’s box opened by the confirmation of sexual compatibility, his horny thoughts spread out and infected the rest of his brain like evil little imps.
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bashfool · 10 months
i both really appreciate and dislike the fact that the loki season two finale had a moment where loki looked back at mobius and sylvie looking through that tiny glass window and going "i know who i have to be... for you"
it's up to US to decide... who was he talking to?? both of them? sylvie?? mobius??
someone else pointed out (i really don't remember who) that at the end, everybody moves on and finds their place in this new tva and the timelines without he who remains EXCEPT mobius. loki and mobius end up alone. loki stuck where he has to be now, to hold everything together. and mobius left without purpose, just staring at the guy he could have been, living the life he could have had...
this show istg
loki and mobius are meant to be together in my eyes. like who is mobius without his loki? and who is this loki without mobius?? who brought him to where he is at the end of the show? mobius who gave him a chance to change?? saved his life????
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months
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Marvel really said for 2024 Pride: "But what about the straights???"
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paper-star-ships · 8 months
Y’all ever had a crush on a character from a source you’ve never seen or is that just me
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
genuinely i dont think there needs to be a big extended sonic movie universe. i think 3 movies and a spinoff miniseries are enough. we do not need a bunch of sequels and spinoffs introducing all the characters and adapting every game . to be clear this wasnt prompted by any specific news i was just thinking about it
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lokiusly · 10 months
when will Loki and Mobius have their When Harry Met Sally moment?
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greasydumbfuck · 2 months
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love that tom cardy's business man perfectly sums up all i know about the plot of the punisher (2017)
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deathleathr · 4 months
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Miss him SOOOO BAD
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prncssguya · 1 year
marvel and gravik count your days
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mqonlighting · 9 months
new series got me thinking about how percabeth is so tasm!gwenpeter coded
like that one scene in tasm 2 where gwen fixes peter’s web shooters for him for his battle with electro and mid battle when they work he just goes “THANK YOU gwen stacy” or smt like that?? that’s SO percy when annabeth.
ALSO the part where they’re arguing and gwen is like “i’m coming with you, YOU NEED ME” ?? an idiot like percy really does need annabeth and he KNOWS it!!! she is the brains of the operation
(i just needed an excuse to bring up spiderman)
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aroacesigma · 9 months
Love having a secondary interest that none of your active mutuals really share. I could probably just say Emma Frost is transfem and half of you would believe me cause you probably don't even know who that is
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