#btw i did 5/7 tasks
eldritchqueerture · 2 months
unmedicated adhd will have you scrolling through the same posts on your dash for the third time, asking yourself How Do I Leave the House, hoping the answer somehow appears in the posts
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 9 months
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(1) Passionate about Learning
If we look at Hermione or Rory , they had a burning passion for learning. They were full of curiosity. They didn't just study for good grades , they studied because they were passionate to learn. They read alot of books. Ngl Reading is therapeutic . Hermione always went into detail , she read alot of books about the topics she was studying. There is a reason behind her being a " know it all " .
(2) Rely on Understanding , not rote learning
I was one of those who would study at last moment and rely on rote learning, I would still get good grades . But gradually I realized , studying at last moment is wrong and it makes education unworthy. After the exam , I would forget everything. Sometimes rote learning won't help too. Rely on understanding the concepts. Ofc there will be some topics that are just meant for memorization. When you come back from school , you should revise everything. It will makes things much easier for you.
(3) Be Disciplined and Dedicated
The best form of self love is discipline. Don't procrastinate. Procrastination is the cost of life you could have lived. Be mindful and prioritize your tasks. Start taking responsibility. You owe yourself to be disciplined and dedicated.
(4) Prioritize Education
Education is the most powerful weapon. Being educated and Intelligent is HOT ! HARD WORK WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU. Books are your best friends. When I had my exams or when I was in 10th grade, we had board exams . I studied really hard. It was lockdown but exams were still offline ( lol ). I cut off toxic people or anything which drained me or made me feel bad. I prioritized myself and my education. I used social media for 30 minutes only and I would watch content which made me feel motivated or good about myself. I unfollowed everything which made me feel bad. Did I regret it ? NO ! I GOT 98%. I strongly believe in manifestation too ( that's why this account exists ) so I affirmed for good grades too.
(5)Less Social Media or N🚫 Social media at all.
Alot of my classmates who are also exceptional at studying . Some of them joined Social media very late and some of them still don't use Social media. I joined Social media in Grade 9 but these days I try to use it as less as possible. This can be different for everyone. Maybe you use Social media in a healthy way and get good grades. For me , Social media can be draining sometimes so I use it less whenever I need to focus on myself. I was thinking to deactivate my account or take a break 😅. Most of the posts you see are scheduled btw, including this one .
(6)Find your WHY
Why are you studying ? What is your reason ? Is it because you want to make your parents proud ? Is it because you love learning ? Is it because you want to prove others wrong ? It is very important to have a reason for studying. Maybe connect your goals to studying. Let's say you want to become a dentist , now you can't become a dentist without studying ,right ?
(7) Find a Role Model
If you can't find your WHY yet , it's okay. Try to find a role model. It can be any real life person or a fictional character. It can be ANYONE ! My role models are Hermione and Elle Woods. You can put your role model Keychain on your pouch , stick their posters etc so whenever you look at it , you gain motivation to give your best. Again , it's okay if you can't find a role model . Become your own role model If you can't find any role model 😉
(8) Don't let Past intervene
It's okay if you weren't a good student from start . According to manifestation, you can revise being one too ! You can still change yourself and become a good student . You can prove all those people wrong by becoming a good student. Once a wise man said , don't let your past blackmail your present to ruin a beautiful future.
(9) Believe in Yourself & Be confident
Harry potter once said " Working hard is important but there's something which matters even more ; Believing in yourself " . Even if you aren't a potterhead , you should listen to Harry Potter. Another example can be Elle Woods , she believed in herself when no one did. She showed us the power of self belief. Be confident in yourself.
(10) Be attentive and Regular
You must be attentive in class. Participate in class and don't hesitate . I can understand if you can't participate in class because you feel shy ( I used to be like that ) but the more you push yourself to participate, the less you will hesitate. Gradually , you will feel confident too. Like Thewizardliz said , sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. Be a good listener.Also , be regular in your classes. If you aren't able to be regular, study at home. Some of my friends weren't able to be regular in school because of personal reasons but they studied at home . They didn't waste their time in unproductive stuff. Sometimes I was also not able to be regular at school but I studied at home and took breaks in between.
(11) Study From Youtube
I don't know if it's just me but youtube teachers can make the most complicated topics so simple. They explain everything in detail. Youtube teachers can be more helpful than school teachers tbh 😀. Self Study is important.
(12) Take care of Your Mental health.
It can be very hard to study with bad mental health. I tend to take care of my mental health. Stress can be the biggest distraction sometimes. So take care of your physical and mental health. Journal. Meditate. Take a break from social media if you need to. Use affirmations.Dance. Exercise. Read.Paint . Sleep. Whatever makes you feel better. Poor mental health can also interfere with your attention span so please take care of your mental health. Don't take it for granted 😃.
Short and simple tips
- Value your time. Time is money
- Self study is very beneficial
- Be organized
- Avoid Drama
🎀📖These are some tips which helped me and I live by these tips. I hope these tips help you too. I apologize if the post wasn't helpful🎀📖
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expectopatronum18 · 4 months
I feel like Narcissa Malfoy is rather overhyped(when she isn't being forgotten completely) as a character. She is the perfect example of 'the aristocratic wife' until the real world hits her in the face (and even then it takes a while).
Coz in the books she doesn't do shit. We have no indication that she has any sort of job(not that she'd need one). You could say she raised Draco but I don't count that because she did such a bad job at it; Draco turned out to be a spoilt, entitled bully (tho ofc Lucius equally shares the blame for this). She was pretty, came from money and a respectable family, and had no real valuable contribution of her own (unlike bellatrix who had the first 2 things too but was voldemort's right hand DE). Lucius has a constant presence in the books, we see different ways in which he subtly exercises his power and influence (ranging from donations to cozy up to fudge to threatening the other board governors that he'll curse their families if the don't remove dumbledore from the position of headmaster), plus his whole arc from one of voldemort's most trusted DEs (he was entrusted with a horcrux) to the pathetic situation we see him in in DH. Narcissa, however, has nothing of this sort. She's briefly introduced during the Qudditch world cup, not mentioned at all in book 5, and is an absolute dumbass in book 6.
Ik tht last one is controversial, but i was with bellatrix the whole time, coming to snape was fucking stupid. I get tht she thought he was on their side, especially considering he was with the DEs during the first war too, but y tf would u trust a double agent? Him convincingly answering all of bellatrix's questions means nothing, its obvious that he'll hv similarly tailored answers for dumbledore. I get that she was terrified and desperate, but it always struck me as odd that she never volunteered to take her 16 y/o son's place to get the task done (or at least we don't get any mention of this, and at any rate i don't think voldy wud hv oblidged considering this was punishment for lucius's failures), or if she already knew that this wasn't a viable option, she doesn't even try to help him out herself. Instead she runs straight to snape and weeps on his floor. This is so unlike, say, lily, who stood in btw her baby boy and voldemort. Mind u, the whole thing worked out only because dumbledore put on the ring and was going to die in a yr, she got lucky( imo this is lyk remus getting lucky with keeping sirius being an animagus as a secret coz he didn't turn out to be a mass murderer after all). U couldn't even say she was using snape too because she's clearly too distraught in tht scene to be doing any kind of manipulation. It all falls on the shoulder of her 16 y/o son to keep his family safe from voldemort.
She doesn't do anything throughout book 7 until the very end, where she lies to voldemort just to know if her son's alive or not, which inadvertently leads to voldemort being defeated by harry. This is only thing of substance she does in the entire series(and likewise i ll give her the credit, it was ballsy asf). As much as i appreciate her for what she did in the end, i think the fact that it took her roughly 40 years to do something of value is heavily ignored.
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months
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I have made up from last time that was about only one chapter, this time we have 5 in a row. We finished act one, fam!
previously, in harrowbean the ninth:
this happened
I want to also thank you for all your nice comments and replies, I read every single one, I promise ♥
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ch. 7 to 11 summarized terribly, here we go:
it's time to cross the river
difficult task to perform
as someone who lives literally surrounded by rivers, in every direction, I can relate
my rivers don't carry ghouls though, as far as I know
I mean, there are ghost and cryptid legends, but not ghouls that stick to the windshield of a spaceship like bugs
like these ones do
so harrow and yandere twin aren't doing fantastic
yandere twin loses it in like the first 2 seconds
harrow sees the ghosts of all the ninth kids who died for her to be alive
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there's water also, but that part sounds very relaxing, actually
getting covered by water but not needing to breath
I'd be there forever tbh
but we can't, because ghoulies
mercygirl is still doing sound effects like kronk
btw we're changing her name to mercygirl because it's what I've been calling her now
I have been told by a number of you that mercygirl is your camilla so I apologize for disrespecting your blorbina
I might do it again, if the situation arises, though
mercygirl is piloting the ship and emperor the fool is just chillin' until he realizes harrow is walking about and doing theorems, which they didn't think she'd be in a state to do, so they didn't tell her not to do it
these people half-assing plans, who would have thought
mercygirl calls the emperor john
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emperor johnnyboy tries telling harrow to come back from her state because she's in too deep and it's becoming dangerous
mercygirl stars talking about the death of cassiopeia (another name that's easy to remember)
says cassiopeia had a ceramics collection, which makes her worthy of all my respect
harrow was thinking "five", idk what it's about
next thing we know, we're back to our gideonless retelling of gideon
in this version, teacher explains things
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he says the house was inhabited previously by "ten normal human beings of the Resurrection, though half were blessed already with necromantic gifts"
I'm tired of MATH
he says they left blueprints, he tells them about the Sleeper, he tells them how not to awaken it, he tells them about the trap door, he tells them what's under the trap door, he asks them to work together...
you know what this is like
it's like reading gideon was entering a new game and skipping every tutorial they give you
and reading this is like clicking every NPC's info and reading all that they say
ANYWAY, here is where ortus 1...
wait, this is going to be confusing
I want to call ortus from the ninth "ortus 1" and the new guy "ortus 2"
because ninth ortus was the first to show up
but new ortus is actually older and also is ortus the first
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we're gonna go with ortus and lyctor!ortus, for now
so, as I was saying, this is were ortus starts becoming much more insistent in these "flashbacks" about him not being the right choice
which, he's not wrong
we know he's not wrong
and harrow is saying stuff like "unless you can summon matthias nonius" (matthias nonius is becoming a recurrent thing, let's remember harrow compared gideon to him at one point)
and ortus goes "I don't understand why you chose me" to which harrow says "there was nobody else" and ortus exasperatedly says "you never did posses an imagination"
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a skeleton turns around when they're walking and says "is this how it happens?"
we'll come back to that shortly
(I know you all remember it, you've read this already, just act like I'm dora the explorer and play along)
next chapter starts in not!dulcinea's funeral
I'm sad I used the oliver queen grave meme already, I can't use it again to express my feelings
I'm gonna use the steel magnolias scene where they laugh at the funeral instead
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so, we are introduced to the famous augustine who's name I will remember
there's some conversation about first and second generations and about not!dulcinea being chosen, and Emperor Johnny Bravo says "we were all there to meet her, all sixteen of us"
I guess she was the last one of these, but maybe we knew that already, I feel we knew that already
apparently, not!dulcinea was the most reluctant to slurp her cavalier, but that didn't stop any of them, not even her, so
Emperor Johnny Quest says "for god's sake" and harrow thinks "the god who became a man and yet still invoked himself, apparently"
when she's right, she's right
that's better commentary than I could make
I have to respect augustine a little bit because he asked "which one of the kiddies did her in?" and I thought that was hilarious
he is called the saint of patience, which makes my previous comment about them being named via sarcasm very correct
it's like captain planet or the power rangers but chosen as funnily as possible
they start summoning lyctor!ortus by saying that he's interested in "you-know-what", which is both suspicious and childish and the vibes of these lyctors are all over the place
augustine thinks something's wrong, which is an understatement at this point, but ok
lyctor!ortus comes in as if summoned by the gossip and harrow calls him "the next terrible part of your life" which is saying something
lyctor!ortus comes with news of the seventh beast or whatnot that's trailing them
harrow bleeds from her ears and smashes her head on the next available surface to pass out
the mood
who could blame her
this lyctor job is terrible
it's like the end of drop dead gorgeous and harrow is kristen dunst
I'm not explaining that, in case you haven't watched a classic
we are back to the "flashbacks" and we've got a special appearance from the fifth
*studio audience claps and cheers*
they say they prefer to look into books than going downstairs, which is something one would consider if one had known what the fuck was downstairs from the start
abigail also does sound effects like mercygirl, it's catching on
abigail finds a piece of a recipe note that mentions an M and a Nigella
still no G&P
we know nigella is the cav of cassiopeia, the ceramics collector
I remember nigella's name because of the cook, which makes it funnier that it's a recipe
M could be mercygirl
abigail also gives harrow a note
abigail says that she'd like to summon the ghost of a lyctor but she's not sure how that could work or where they go when they die
ortus, magnus and abigail, in this gideonless version, are a polycule
I am convinced of that
while they're talking, magnus says "is this really how it happens?"
abigail starts telling harrow that she's got the energy of a lot of dead kids in her and harrow storms out
harrow gets angry when ortus calmly agrees about things and she doesn't want to look into why
harrow looks at abby's note again and now there's text on it
it's a longer version of the note she found before
it's a rant
it mentions dead eggs, implantation, some guy being sent after the OP, said guy taking pity on OP
OP is mad about all of this and doesn't use punctuation
what ortus reads isn't what harrow reads, once again
"ortus, I need a cavalier with a backbone" "You always did and I am glad, I think, that I never became that cavalier"
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the gideon points keep adding up
harrow then goes to sleep and is like this
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final thing in act I, in chapter 11, is harrowbean stabbing not!dulcinea again, which
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always make sure, it's like resident evil in here
just in case, let's stab her a bunch of times
so, are these "flashbacks" happening in real time whenever harrow isn't conscious?
is it her trying to remember what actually happened?
or is it her trying to hide it?
was there actually a longer period of time between the defeat of not!dulcinea and the emperor Jon Arbuckle coming to pick them up?
a period of time in which harrow learned things that made her write those letters?
and in which something happened regarding gideon?
is the note of the implantation also related?
why was gideon born in space?
of course I'm not asking you, please don't spoil anything, I'm just asking the void of desperation and chaos right now
we'll see if any of this gets answered soon or if I just get more questions
also, guess who wasn't mentioned
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see you on the next one!! I'll try to get back to the awesome replies I've been getting soon ♥
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amenemisa · 6 months
Yo fukumori fans! I found something for you, I was tampering with my phone and i found a drawing for mafia!fukuzawa au. Then i decided to share those with you, cause i recognized that i will be on my kakashi era for a long time eheh... Gomen :') so let me explain and share them with you. Btw they're so messy gomen gomen again.
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Yeah you know after joining the mafia i don't think fukuzawa will be happy or cherished that much. He will be the silver wolf, the assassin that government always feared. And yeah he'll complete the tasks Mori gave him with bloodlust. He threw away his sword because he was afraid of the satisfying feeling of accomplishment after killing people, right? So yeah he might have been aged but he is still that person. And if you think about it, our canon Mori would be very happy with this situation Fukuzawa in. So yeah, he would use him like a puppet and won't feel guilty.
Yes yes i know this is a whole of dystopia but this was what in my mind from the beginning. So now, let me explain every picture and yeah... Ehm... If you would write this story -again- i would read it with a great pleasure.
(Tired of the whole night, he drags his blood-covered sword on the ground and goes to the main headquarters of the mafia.)
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He came after a mission, feeling the guilt of pleasure he had. He destroyed a whole organization due to Mori's orders. That organization had many hideouts and Fukuzawa gave a visit to all of them. They were thinking to absorb Mafia's sources, they were planning many things. And Mori wanted the information, so yeah. He sent Fukuzawa to there to investigate and kill. Fukuzawa did what Mori said, he went to the organizations hideouts one by one. And well he took the documents, notes or records. Mori was lucky to have someone like him in a situation like this, he loved to play the cards at his disposal effectively. It was 5 am, sun was almost rising.
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His mind was filled with guilt and the events of a few hours ago. He didn't recognize that he was in front of the mafia's great building. He never wanted to be in this building but just look at him. He was standing right across it. And well there were many mafioso's and their eyes were on him. Those eyes were filled with fear and disgust. Fukuzawa didn't recognize their gazes on him first, but when he did he understood why they were looking at him like that. He had blood all over his body, his sword was also full of blood and it was making a disturbing noise while scratching the ground. Fukuzawa sighed and he waved his sword in the air a little - nothing more than shaking off the already dried blood - then he sheathed his sword with a smooth movement. Still mafioso's eyes were on him but fukuzawa didn't care.
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Luckily for Fukuzawa, Mori was standing in the reception area on the ground floor and talking to someone there. It was probably just a random conversation about involvement in the mafia or missions, but again Fukuzawa didn't care. After 7 months of living in the mafia, Fukuzawa had isolated himself a little more from life. Just the tasks assigned to him and the superficial conversations and sarcasm with Mori. He was on his edges already and he couldn't help it when he saw Mori. His heart bumped with ache; the tasks that he gave him, his ruthlessness, his rationalist mind. All of it turned into a growing emptiness and pain in Fukuzawa's heart. He take a step to get inside, with a thought of throwing himself into bed after completing the task and sleeping for a long time. The moment he stepped inside Mori slowly lifted his head and looked at him, oh yes that metallic smell of blood was all too familiar. He look at him with a flat face while waiting for him to come near. Fukuzawa never looked at him, he went to his side, he took the documents that he was holding in his sleeves and he gave them to him. He hadn't make any eye contact with him, he just wanted to go his bed. "Here's your information." he said with a flat and rough voice. Boy, that was hard for him, Mori took the documents and gave a quick look at them. Yeah, it was the information he was looking for, that organization could've not posed a threat by itself. They've had a backup.
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Meanwhile, Fukuzawa was preparing to get out from the building. He was on this mission for 8 hours maybe, he stopped counting after the 612th person he killed. He didn't even think about a shower, he wanted to sleep. But before he go Mori realized it and put the papers behind his hand. He took Fukuzawa's wrist with a sudden move and looked at him from the behind. "Where are you going?" His tone was nothing but authoritative. His hand was firm and eyes were piercing Fukuzawa's head. Fukuzawa didn't give him an answer, he just waited for him to let him go. But Mori didn't make this this time. He had an unimpressed expression on his face, he was not letting him go this time. Cause everytime he made this, it just caused more and more disquiet between them. The distance grew wider and wider. "You have blood all over you." Mori didn't let his wrist, he was not thinking let him go today anyway. Mori could see that it was not only the blood of others, he knew more than this. Fukuzawa was wounded, he was bleeding, this was so obvious and Mori was there to take care of his wounds. When Fukuzawa heard Mori's words he didn't make any voice, he just gave him a short glance with the corner of his eyes. And now what, was he playing the doctor game? He didn't need his care. "Fukuzawa Dono, -", he's cut with Fukuzawa's rough voice. " I'm alright." Mori looked at him with disbelief. "You're still bleeding and dirtying my floor." Against these words Fukuzawa was near of saying a word that he shouldn't say in front of the mafioso's but he didn't. He took himself, and Mori let his hand go. "Go to my room, i have a kit there." Fukuzawa turned his face to him to make clear that he needn't him but Mori's stern eyes didn't let him to say a thing. They wasted their time to give quick and stern looks to each other. At the same time mafioso was there, watching them, stretching with the tension in the air. God no one could look at their boss like he did, he could've been out of his mind. In the end Mori was the winner, Fukuzawa ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes with irritation. Then he made a quick move to turn around, to headed to the elevator that was going the top. Mori just watched him as he was walking to elevator, he didn't show any emotions on his face. But one silver haired man could see that Mori was in top of his rage. From the first hand Mori didn't make any plan to have a Fukuzawa like this. Yeah he wanted the silver wolf but this was out of his imaginary. He then took the documents in his hand again and walk behind Fukuzawa. They were heading the top, mafioso was watching them with strain.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
matilda ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
“you showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days.”
summary: sylvie ford wasn’t fond of the older men who stuck around in her life and those who didn’t even try to be there for her, but she couldn’t speak for him. one thing was clear, though: there’s a silent agreement that they’d take a different route from those who brought nothing but pain into their lives. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)
content warning: angst angst hurt/comfort, use of explicit language, mentions of emotional traumas, brief description of paternal relationship issues (character’s father and max’s dad), emotional breakdown/crying (max) and support (ofc), “you talk of the pain like it’s no big deal”, christian horner is funny- ofc just hates him but he's cool
note: posting this because i want a lil context for the post after this lmfaoooo. i am sharing my view on max’s relationship with jos based on what i experienced btw— i have problems with paternal figures so 🫡 cheers enjoy xx
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She never once liked any older men to exist in her life. All but one, but it was mainly because Toto Wolff truly cared for Tilly. Otherwise, older men were the shittiest people to exist and they can choke for all she cares. 
The distasteful feeling that she got from knowing Christian Horner had subsided as she continued to work with him and the team. She was outspoken and passionate about what she believed in for that moment. She told him upfront about how she respected him but preferred to keep her personal life separate from her work. She never shared anything about her family. Everyone around them only got the gist of her life, but never did she share to everyone who she was. And with her dislike for her employer, she preferred to keep it that way. 
Toto merely earned her respect as he treated their relationship as if there's no man’s land. At least that was what had happened at the beginning, when he and her sister became official.
The end of the term exam ended and coincided with the summer break of the 2015 season. She wondered who he was as a person and had asked her chauffeur to take her to the Mercedes factory. Toto had surprisingly picked her up from the lobby when the receptionist called him about a “college student who would like to get an interview with him” named Sylvie, asking her if she actually needed some help with her research. 
To which she replied, “It’s nice to know you’re a considerate man. No, I don’t. I don’t have any paper to write. My term just ended, in fact.” 
She then spent her days in the factory with him being stuck on his desk. Oftentimes, she followed him like a duckling and asked him questions left and right about how communications between drivers and the public worked. 
It started there and she continued to visit the factory, now gaining a special access ID just in case she wished to barge in to pester the Mercedes staff with questions. Well, not to harass them but rather ask questions or observe here and there should they allow her to sit in.
Now the frown that she etched in her face while she worked became a permanent part of her routine. Christian once joked that she was Toto’s clone, to which her frown deepened in annoyance before she continued to work on whatever task she had in hand. 
She wouldn’t admit to Christian that she found it hilarious few hours after because her pride was bigger than her fondness of him.
But she was proud of herself for reaching that phase of mentorship. Toto was the only older man she tolerated. Having to grow up with no father and with only sisters — while both your stepmother and mother coparented — would give you that feeling. 
There was just something about father figures that made her feel so little and stupid. Perhaps it was her father’s expectations to make her a prodigal F1 driver — to put the Hearth name back to the motorsports community after being absent from the tracks for thirty years.
Julius wasn’t subtle when he’d put Sylvie in a private schooling program just as she started karting at the age of 5. He’d long given up on Tilly and Stevie, but Sylvie was his star driver. How her mother never got full custody of them, she didn’t know, but she disliked the fact that she had to attend driving classes with her father during his week and somehow still had to take the classes despite not living with him. 
She could remember having her piles of books being stored away once after she ended up on the 7th place of their tournament. He said that she didn’t need all of that kind of intelligence and that her education was an easy thing to pursue— it wasn’t a big deal to him. Everything that she wanted, he’d refuse. He wanted her to focus on racing, because the next time she ended up in such a position he’d burn the books. She began to race and fight against other competitors to get a good shot at winning trophies. She became somebody that she didn’t want to be. 
Maybe it was his arrogance and greediness that made her think that all fathers were the same. That… or maybe because she’d seen how Max’s father acted towards him after landing on 5th in Monaco. She felt her heart breaking at the sight of a defeated Max. She had seen it all before, but to hear it up close this time— it was even worse. She could feel his heart pounding, his need to clear his head and possibly cry it out— she could feel it. Because she was in that position before, and it takes a traumatized child to know one. 
Sure, Sylvie had grown a backbone to tell her father about leaving the academy without his knowledge and had somehow loosened her grip on her own ambitious thoughts, but she didn’t think that she’d witness a version of herself in the form of her best friend. This was what she didn’t see after abandoning her friendship with him. But it wasn’t as if she did it just to spite him. 
She merely needed the courage. At some point, Max Verstappen managed to win against his own father — but there was something about the father figures they’ve had in life that were too determined to keep their children on a tight leash. 
She pretended as if she didn’t eavesdrop on Jos’ berating and merely gave him a curt nod and a stink eye before she approached Max’s drivers room. She could hear him throwing his bag in rage… then silence.
He was seething in disappointment. He wasn’t disappointed in anyone but himself. And the anger that he had told Sylvie that he needed to sit down for a moment. By himself. 
There was just something about their fathers that drove them mad. They’re always too greedy and arrogant, and they both damaged their bloodlines at a young age because of their vile desires and lack of empathy towards others and their own children.
Thankfully, his father had flown back to the Netherlands right after the race. Max, from what Christian had told her (with a sympathetic smile), had retired early to his room instead of partying. Good, she told herself, because he needs someone and some ice cream right now. 
Marinara was going to sleep in Stevie’s room tonight. Sylvie was very good at begging until others cave in to her pleading face, and it obviously worked on her older sister too. So after dropping her dog off, her fluffy sandal-cladded feet made their way into another floor and directly to his room. 
She patiently waited for him to open the door after knocking, her plaid pajamas hanging on her hips while she wore a blue jumper over her white cropped shirt. She could hear the faint footsteps gradually moving their way to the door. She was met with Max’s reddening eyes just as he swung the door open. 
Her hands held a tub of ice cream as she shuddered at the cold water the dripped down her hand, “It’s melting. And there’s less calories on it so you’re not gonna fully ruin your diet.” 
He stared at it for a moment, then looked back at her as he stepped aside to let her in.
The night they spent together consisted of watching Miss Congeniality and Easy A (again). While Sylvie laughed along at some jokes, she could hear how he took deep breaths before regaining his composure. It happened every other minute. 
She decided to put the ice cream on the table and turned to look at him. He, acting as if he wasn’t grounding himself ten seconds ago, asked her with a croak, “W-what?” 
She didn’t answer, observing all of him. His facial features. His surprisingly messy bed hair. His bloodshot eyes. His lips were more plump than usual. His cheeks were tinted pink. She could just tell that he wanted to let it out. But he grew up being told that, “his feelings wouldn’t be a big deal when he’s competing.” 
Sylvie pushed her sleeves back and wiped the tear away from his eyes, smiling faintly at him and breathing evenly. She was more grounded than he was, and her simple gestures helped him get back. Somehow. 
Then his deep breathing method didn’t work out, now quietly sobbing as Sylvie hugged him on his side, her hand circling his back gently. Sandra Bullock’s voice tampered his sound of defeat, but it wasn’t as if it mattered. He could cry for as long and as loud as he wanted. 
She hadn’t even realized how late it was until he fell asleep in her arms, head resting on her chest while she ran her fingers through his hair. She could barely see the digital clock and couldn’t figure out if it said eleven or one, having to squint and adjust a little to look closely. 
These days, she has been able to sleep before midnight. After that intimate moment she shared with her best friend, she had been able to close her eyes peacefully. He’ll have to figure out what helps him sleep better. It’ll be easier if he sought help from professionals— that’s what the team was for. He’ll give them success and in exchange, they make things easier for him. Nobody really knew what eased Max off, because he seemed more calmed and relaxed for the past few races. But that was because he knew that she was only a few footsteps away from him.
It was as if they had their little sanctuary that nobody could find. They couldn’t find themselves in the arms of other people, already used to each other’s affection and the solace that came with it. As if it was normal for friends to be this… considerate. 
Everyone who knew the two as a pairing would simply laugh when you tell them about the peculiarity of their “friendship.” You would think that they’d have intervened by now, but their relatives and friends merely shrugged it off. They returned to their old routine, except they’ve grown. It was normal for their families to see the two together, much to Max’s father’s dismay, knowing that whatever they may have planned was already thought of and agreed on. 
Their closest friends laughed at the thought of their relationship being platonic. What a fucking dream it would be if best friends can just casually buy a house together, or decide to adopt a puppy together (which happens more frequently than not). It would be a wild experience for anyone if their best friends would just platonically steal glances from their other half. 
And friends don’t create their own little family like that. Just the two of them, and their dog. They don’t play mum and dad while they’re just “friends.” No friends would silently agree with raising their kids the way their fathers hadn’t treated them before, just to avoid that pain all over again.
So no, if you were to ask anyone who knew them well — they’d say that Mustang and Cadillac being friends would be a load of rubbish. Even the two knew that the thought was ridiculous. 
Peering down at the Dutchman, she sighed softly while snores escaped his mouth quietly. His weight on top of her was comforting, immediately lulling her to a dreamless sleep. 
They really need to work on not bottling their feelings up.
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therulerofallpotatos · 10 months
Fic Tag Game
Tagged by: @wincestation, @realisticintentions, @realmermaid333, @cosmic-lullaby, @suchaladyy, @beri-allen
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
361,707 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wednesday currently. Teen Wolf for six years. Harry Potter, Hannibal, Thorki, Starker, Twilight (Bella/Carlisle and Bella/Aro), The Umbrella Academy (not that i got very far before getting obsessed with wyler), and Madrigalcest (Primarily Brumira)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fuck It (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,396)
When it Needs Fixing (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,339)
Hostile Takeover (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,781)
Absolution (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,691)
Wandering in the Dark (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,250)
In Wednesday?
Her Monster (Wyler, 708)
Hold Me Close (Wyler, 593)
Revelations (Wyler, 499)
Warning, She Bites (Wyler, 464)
Impressing Wednesday Addams (Wyler, 387)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I reply when I have something meaningful to add. Otherwise it'd get very repetitive and generic and that kind of soulless connection isn't really the point of this kind of thing. I adore my comments nonetheless and I read them a lot.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hold on. I gotta skim my list.
update: i do not remember some of these fics or what happened in them
Maybe Modi the Brave (MCU, Thorki). This was an angsty fanfic of a fanfic. There was a happy ending in the original fic, The Rescue by madwriter223
I'm not counting Absolution because it was immediately followed by a sequel. But technically, it did get me the most angry sobbing comments which i treasure to this day.
The Final Straw was angsty but it was also dumb and half-cocked and the closest thing to an embarrassment on this account. It was literally just a half-thought half-scene of my 18yo self's emotional state in 2018 that is very evident that I wrote this angrily in study hall. I wrote a lot of fic in that high school during classes. Like a lot. It was my school computer. I got plenty of use out of it. There was no structure or coherent plot. I didn't even hint at anything deeper to be explored in your own minds. I didn't want to look at it long enough or think about it long enough. I just wanted it out of my head. If I didn't have a strict no deleting my works policy, or hiding from my past art policy, I would probably have deleted it within the week of posting. I do not understand how it has the kudos, subscriptions, and bookmarks that it has. I guess it resonated. Good for y'all. I mean it.
Literally just the entirety of Tyler's Bad Year is meant to be about a very traumatic time in a young man's life and him surviving it. I'm not going to go through them and try to pick out "the worst" one. That's not really the point and it'd be largely subjective.
I'll Eat You Raw has an angsty ending but angstiest? I'm not sure.
I don't write a lot of bad endings. Open endings? sure. Complicated endings? Absolutely. But unhappy endings? No. I don't often have the desire.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Jesus fuck we want to be here all day? Ok lemme look through shit again.
Wandering in the Dark has a whole story behind it. There was actually two versions. Only one was posted to ao3 and is the "canon" version. I wrote this fic for a high school assignment my senior year. We were assigned to pick a chronic disease out of a literal hat, then write a story around it. We had complete creative control so I took that chance to write teen wolf steter fanfic in class and actually have it be on task for once (I got an A in that class btw). The reason my teacher got a dark ending version is because by the time he got back to me on the maximum word count, I'd already finished the canon version and it was way too long. I couldn't trim the fat, so I wrote a different ending to shorten the story. That version is one of the angstier stories I've written. The one posted and linked above, is the very happy by comparison. This fic is also designed to be read by someone who doesn't know shit about teen wolf.
Through Thick and Thin was also extremely happy. As is Her Monster. Benevolent Gods was meant to be very hopeful. The Hale Pack (Undying) was the end to a series that was my baby for a long time . Like long enough you can see my writing evolve as you go. Part one was one of the first things i ever wrote. Like ever. The last part was years later. Jasper was meant to be a very light-hearted, happy story as well. It's extremely sweet and fluffy. You was also very happy and the epilogue cemented that happiness. Warning: She Bites literally had a happy end that unknowingly prevented a main character committing suicide in the near future. Saving lives by being horny. Wednesday Evening, and every installment in that series, is excessively happy as well.
Alright I ran through my list of fics. These were the ones that stood out. There's too many to really commit to one answer tbh. Especially because the way they're happy varies.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Or. Well. I'm sure I do. I block antis on sight and I wholly reject purity culture, and I haven't really been the target of a major attack or anything. I don't get as many hateful comments as one might think, and I don't entertain the ones I do get. I've been accused of vile shit of course because of a fic I wrote. I don't remember what fic or even what ship it was for because I don't dwell on them really at all. Aside from that, I get more entitled but probably ignorant to how they come off as entitled comments that aren't really that big a deal. Just a bit of a peeve sometimes. I honestly think the majority of them truly believe it's a kind gesture when they say it.
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yeah. You could say that.
What kind? In a word? Intense. I could make a joke or a long elaboration on my niche in hyde sex and whatnot, but at the end of the day, intense. Even my most laid back, domestic, slice of life fics have a sense of intensity to them because otherwise I get bored and it feels soulless and it's just not my writing style.
10. Do you write cross-overs?
When I feel like it. When I have an idea.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a steter fic on a russian fic website that was translated years ago. I have no idea which it was or if it's still there. Wait! I might remember. Yeah no. I don't remember. It wasn't the one I thought of.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I've started to outline one before but it went nowhere and we both forgot about it.
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Harry Potter and the Night that Changed Everything.
I had a whole novel basically planned for it. Writing Bellatrix and a Harry who was raised by Bellatrix took a lot out of me emotionally, and I lost steam.
Also, a Bella Swan/Marcus Vulturi fic that i also had a novel length plot planned out, wrote three chapters for, and then lost steam when I left the fandom due to getting the life sucked out of me by a bunch of toxic people in the fandom killing my joy. Those chapters are just collecting dust in my files right now. I'd like to go back to it one day and finish it in some form or another. Maybe it's original enough I could actually just write an original novel out of the scraps I already have. Actually, to be honest, it is probably original enough that I could write it as an original story. There is not a lot of Twilight there that is necessary to the story and can easily be written out. Something to think about maybe. Ironically not the first prompt I thought up initially for Twilight that I then realized nothing about Twilight was necessary for the idea I had, and I just wrote it without Bella entirely. This is how my original zombie novel started and then immediately evolved into an entirely different thing that has nothing to do w Twilight. Like literally nothing. I had to work to put the Twilight into that one. Not the other way around.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
wyler (steter and tomarry honorary).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing. movement heavy scenes. Longer projects if only because I have less practice at them.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Yeah. If it fits, I'll write it. I won't pretend to be fluent, but I'll do my best. Probably won't do anything too complicated for the sake of realism of my abilities. Especially if it's not Spanish which I at least have spent time trying to learn.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Wolf
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
We've established how well I am at picking one end all number one.
Fuck ok. back to the list.
Water of the Womb was one I was planning to write for almost a year and it turned out pretty good I think. Actually no.
No. It's not a fic that's been posted yet.
I think the favorite fic I've ever written is I Bit Him So He's Mine. it's my "Wednesday is a Hyde season one rewrite au". It's my first novel that is more than just a future novel. It's hit 40k and I have to start Act 2 still. It's my first proper murder mystery where the mystery is the primary plot equal to the romance. I've had a lot of fun with it, I've put my heart and soul into it, and I really look forward to calling it ready to post. Once it's done, you guys are getting regular updates for a long time.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Out of the Fire haunts me. It was a lesson to learn. I had the desire to write a steter/hannigram crossover and zero plan of any kind outside that. It crashed and burned because I only had a first chapter in me. I recently met a local and successful author who recognized my ao3 username because of this fic and remembered me years later enough to compliment my writing (I cannot express how much that meant to me). Wait no that might have been Mark of an Angel which also haunts me, but I didn't have zero plan. I had almost no plan, and lost steam when I hit a creative block at a bad time. Normally, I'd have just sat down and workshopped a starter outline and wrote myself out of that block, but I lost steam so I never did. Different deal. Not as impactful in my creative journey. Out of the Fire, however, was very important to me because of why it failed, and remains very influential with every new project I start. Actually rewriting/finishing that project would be a defining moment for me as a writer, I think. At least to me personally.
Tagging: @duplicitywrites, @dispatchvampire, @dark-visitors, @fiktorsempra, @graciebirdie, @gardenoblues, @grim-reaper-barbie13, @gabelish, @killingdoll, @lavender-lotion, @lovepoison9, @wednesdayandherhyde, @udunie, @itshype, @insomniac1994, @onlyangelxo, @obsidianpen, @ourdramaqueen, @persephoneed, @pororoh, @badmoodbatflowers, @brascu
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greycappedjester · 11 months
I know it’s a lot of characters to sort but if you don’t mind sharing, where would you say the people in the DA fall in the spectrum of trust and fondness for Headmaster Ukai? On one side we have Oikawa who definitely does not trust or seemingly like him, and then we have Noya (I think?) who suggested the name Ukai’s army so he probably has some degree of trust/fondness for him. Where do most of the characters fall within that scale?
Oooh good question! I'd say it's currently*...
*in the 5th story for people who come across this post later. Since this list will certainly change
Least Trust:
1.) Oikawa-he doesn't trust practically anyone rn outside of his small group of friends and he especially doesn't trust people in authority and 2x especially anyone who was involved in the last war. Oikawa lives in rage and is definitely curently #1 to Stab an Authority Figure in their Sleep
2.) Daishou-this is definitely a lot less than Oikawa but I'd still say he'd be next in list sicne he is 1.) a Slytherin who aren't the most trusting bunch to begin with, 2.) raised around Uncle/Minister who never trusted Ukai and would likely let some of that slip, 3.) Knows how much of a fake his Uncle/Minister is and likely thinks Ukai as the other major war general hero is much the same
3.) Iwaizumi-oddly not because of that thing with the 2nd Task but that didn't help. Nah, Iwa-chan still definitely holds a grudge about that thing with Oikawa and the veritaserum from the begginning of 4th...even tho technically Oikawa took that by semi-choice
4.) Kuroo-similar to Daishou, he's way too familiar with politicians with fake public faces. Nothing really aganist Ukai in particular, just not big on public people who everyone seems to praise (which Ukai definitely was as a war general hero before this year with all the bad press aganist Hogwarts)
Ambivalent Range ie The I'm Just Not That Trustfull Bunch:
5.) Mika-matches up with Daishou in that she's not too trusting of anyone who technically has powr over her (by being her Headmaster)
6.) Yaku- Teenage Curmudgen(TM)
7.) Tsukishima- Teenage Misanthrope (TM)....ranks more trusting than Yaku since Tsuki's experience with Minister last year made his ostensible rival (the Headmaster) look better by comparison
8.) Makki & Matsu- Come On We're Still Slytherins Duo....really it's just that they have a bone deep rebellious streak and a long history of pranking
He's Alright, I Guess? Range:
9.) Kenma- Has genuinely never thought of the Headmaster much
10.) Ennoshita- Headmaster's way better than the Minister...2nd least trusting of the Crows so he sitll holds some resentment because of how the werewolf stuff was handled in 3rd story but likes that the Headmaster was able to keep it a secret from the press and student body
11.) Amani- Is a pretty friendly person in general
12.) Shimizu- Certified Teacher Friend (in a good, non-suck up way). I mean, come on, she's been a library assistant for forever. She was 100% the kid on the playground who would rather sit by the tachers and read quietly (this was me in elementary btw). She desn't really know the Headmaster but has genrally positive feelings towards the Hogwarts faculty
13. ) Yamaguchi- 3rd least trusting of Crows, too much time around Tsuki. Still has complicated feelings about 3rd story stuff. Pretty similar to Ennoshita, but Yamaguchi was raised more in the wizarding world so still has more of the Ukai-Great-War-General vibes
14.) Kageyama-Wait, what does this have to do about Quidditch?
Yes, I like Him Range:
15.) Yachi- "While there are some things I feel complicated about [insets paragraph] I also accept that human beigns are naturally flawed and that becasue he also did many good things like [inserts multiple paragraphs], I generally feel that our Headmaster is a good person though subject to human flaws as we all are" (Questioner has long since tuned out). Basically, Yachi's a good egg who recognizes flaws but aslo that everyone's a bit complicated
16.) Daichi-Genuinely appreciative of everything he's done for Asahi to let him attend and cover up aspects of what happened in 3rd.
The You Could Stab Me And I'd Say "Hey, You Dropped Your Knife" Crew....ie the just really trusting in genral bunch
17.) Bokuto- :)
18.) Hinata- :) (Oikawa voice in the background): He drugged you and left you in a forest! Hinata: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Headmaster is a Badass! Group/ Most Trusting and Genuinely Admire Him:
19.) Lev-Dude, Headmaster Ukai fought aganist the Giant! He's Awesome (But Scary)
20.) Tanaka- complicated family history which makes him greatly look up to a hero of the war who put a lot of Ghosts behind bars
21.) Asahi- Is very appreciative of Ukai for letting him attend Hogwarts and helping him with all the necessary paperwork
22.) Suga-Is so adamantly aganist his family's legacy that it fuels a bit of a blind side of viewing Headmaster's faults. He really does have some very secific blinders that come on when it comes to his family legacy. Overly trust figure of the oposite side is likely one of them.
23.) Noya- 2x admiration since Ukai also helped his uncle get in when he was a student and then helped Asahi and just in general has been just very cool about helping students of various creature legacies (like veelas, werewolves, dhampir, etc) into Hogwarts. Also Ukai's a war hero
Akaashi-who needs trust when I've got foresight?
In other words, Akaashi's too weird on what "trust" as a concept even is to put him on this list. How do you view trust when you genrally know for a sorta-fact how people will behave?
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buckevantommy · 3 months
Rating these tropes from fave to least fave for bucktommy: omegaverse, modern magic, sentinel-guide, soulmates, alternate universe - different jobs, alt universe - different first meeting, super powers, werewolf, vampire, fairytale retelling.
1 - alt universe - different first meeting
my fave!! tommy never leaves the 118 OR they meet on a call before season 7 because tommy is flying the chopper - he's been around so much already - or one of them is injured or trapped/stranded. i just really love them both being firefighters but meeting at an earlier point in canon.
2 - alternate universe - different jobs
not a big fan of their jobs being completely different - like actors, doctors, athletes, ceos etc. (although i have seen a few tumblr ficlets that have me wanting to read 50k of a particular dynamic) but i do love when their jobs are different threads taken from canon (or related media) so: swat!tommy (thankyou swat!lou), mercenary!tommy (thankyou Outer Banks lou), 118!tommy, seal!buck, armypilot!tommy, mechanic!tommy, chef!buck, ranchhand!buck, bartender!buck..
BTW: going to add Royal AUs in here because holyshit i love the potential (and oliver being in Into The Badlands makes me wanna watch) whether set in medieval times or modern times gimme arranged marriage or forbidden love or anything i just need some royal boys or one royal boy and one civilian or soldier or something i need them all.
3 - vampire
i have envisioned a few vampire au ideas sparked by some of lou's photoshoots and an audition video he did for a vamp role? but i haven't found any vamp fics yet. i love the idea of older vampire!tommy with human buck. a simple yet delicious concept.
4 - super powers
maybe i'm a little swayed by the fact lou has played a superhero, and also there's a Percy Jackson AU going around that i was surprised by how much i enjoyed it, but yeah gimme superpowers: either one or both of them have powers, could be an X-Men type thing or The Boys or something. i'm very much into the whole antihero and vigilante thing so gimme some angst, maybe some Daredevil or Jessica Jones vibes. i'm also a fan of the clark/superman secret identity thing and the two-person love triangle thing.
5 - sentinel guide
this is the first i'm hearing of this trope but i googled it and i like the sound of it: it would have elements of a Fantasy or Superpowers AU but with the specific dynamic of buck having a power or purpose and either not feeling up to the task or going overboard or needing help and tommy being his guardian or guide, and for their relationship to shift into something romantic even though it's not supposed to, i love that.
6 - modern magic
i don't really like modern magic - i'm more into fantasy worlds and pre-modern magic. something about mixing magic with the digital technology era just doesn't spark joy in me. HOWEVER: i would be into witchy stuff set in the 90s or earlier (i've seen talk of a Practical Magic AU on the dash and i would be all over that even though i haven't watched the movie yet i know enough about it to want it).
7 - soulmates
being a Supernatural fan meant developing a loathing for soulmates and fate because in canon they're tied to a controlling asshole god, so i'm sort of conditioned to evil-eye soulmate tropes. HOWEVER: i absolutely adore the invisible string theory for buck and tommy, but i don't think there's much there to focus on fic-wise. it works as a satisfying narrative thing in the show, but idk.. i'm open to good fic recs for this trope if anyone has them?
8 - fairytale retelling
i confess i don't really understand this trope? i tried googling it and i kinda get it, but i think it would be a struggle to make it bucktommy without getting too ooc? idk. if anyone can give me an example with our boys that'd be great because right now i'm just confused and don't see it.
9 - werewolf
despite being an og Teen Wolf fan, i don't like werewolf AUs for other shows. outside of Teen Wolf i'm just not into it, which is odd i think.
10 - omegaverse
i'm not into a/b/o at all, so.
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snowandwolves · 10 months
lengthy ask anon: omg you actually answered all of those you are amazing wow ty!! i need to reread ch5 now but also just reread the whole thing bc wow what a way to end ❤️
if you'll indulge in more asks? and again feel free to pick and choose whichever you'd like!
was diego's amy named after amy pond? also does bea and d have lengthy doctor who discussions?
does bea not have to be at the lighthouse 24/7 when suzanne's there?
the way you had so much about both bea and ava was beautiful. was it a conscious choice to balance how much we got of each of them?
sixth to the ninth was alternating perspectives but this one was purely from ava's pov (absolutely loved how you write her voice btw!) did you have that planned from the start? what was most fun about writing purely from ava's point of view?
why Norway? ("why not?" is a fair answer lol)
on the flipside, is there a scene that you'd be curious to see from bea's perspective?
oohohoh any missing scenes/scenes you had to cut?
how are you celebrating (and grieving) the end of this magnificent fic?
hi lengthy ask anon, i love this sm so imma go ahead and start answering these 😂
1. I DIDN’T THINK OF THAT ACTUALLY??? BUT OMG THAT’S PERFECT 💀 and also yes, they could probably go hours just talking about it and ava would absolutely nap to the sound of them having debates about it
2. nope! she’s a relief lighthouse keeper, so she only ever works there when suzanne needs her to. which is,,, more times than suzanne cares to admit definitely
3. yep! a conscious choice and an outright struggle lmao but when i planned for this fic to be in ava’s pov, i also planned for both of their backstories plus the scenes that’d make it possible for them to share. i—tbh, i spent an unhinged amount of time just planning this LMAO
4. also yes! i don’t normally write in just one character’s pov, but it seemed fun so i was like whatever 😂 as for what i loved about writing from her perspective, it’s definitely her love for living and the world. that was a major thing in this fic, and it’s the primary reason why i chose to write this in her pov. honorable mentions: her rambly thoughts are so much fun to write, her humor too.
5. ok so i was researching lighthouses and turns out, there aren’t a lot of them that are still manned — most are automated now. but of the places i read about, norway seemed like the one that realistically would have more lighthouses than average. that, and i was going for end of the earth kind of vibe without going all the way to like,,, the north/south pole 😂
6. so many 😭 like so, so many. the storm for one. that walk for the final tasks before they kissed was another. then also her planning to leave with ava. i could go on and on about this 😂
7. also so many 💀 there’s one where ava transfers a piece of penne onto bea’s plate because bea joked “i’ll give you a penne for your thoughts”. the dancing in the epilogue was supposed to be a whole thing. i also have enough fragments for another smut scene. and these are all just,,, in my notes and i have no idea what to do with them LMAO
8. i’m going to periodically cry because i’m so relieved and also so sad that i finished it 😂 and then i’m gonna read all the fics i wasn’t able to read while writing this sakdhsj and then—well, you’ll see 😌
thank you so much for letting me talk about this fic, anon 🥹
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imaginarianisms · 3 months
like. just a reminder that misa was forced like this for. 3 days. then misa was strapped onto a board in a straitjacket with full body restraints restricting her movements & blindfolded, while forced to stand throughout her incarceration; under 24/7 surveillance (without even the uncertain dignity afforded by a female guard doing the watching), subject to verbal intimidation, forced to use the bathroom publicly, without any legal counsel nor formal charges levied against her for 50 consecutive days which is a whole month & likely more days & we see l tell watari to "do whatever he needs to just to make her talk". misa was tortured.
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she wasn't given water in those three days of her torture. like. i'm& not an expert but from what i've& read, an average human can go without water for 4 days at most & the limit is closer to 3 days without dying from dehydration. i've& also read that it’s something between 2-6 days, depending on the person & depending on the person's body needs in question, but literally no one can live more than 5-6 days without water. l canonically tortures misa & literally could've killed misa here.
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(which, btw, even if l's the world's greatest detective in-universe he literally has no legal basis of doing this, he's a foreigner torturing a japanese civilian on japanese soil)
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i have. no idea what's in those bottles from watari but the implications are. Not Good
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she was quite literally bound and blindfolded for three days & she was begging rem the shinigami to kill her or she'll commit suicide.
the universal declaration of human rights & its counterparts found in the japanese constitution & other laws - exist to protect people, including people like misa & light (which, in this case, Does happen in real life japanese interrogation cells which i genuinely wouldnt be surprised if the writers were trying to subtly point this out) from the likes of l. there were no police officers around courageous enough to enforce international law. that's how most remain complicit in on-going human rights abuses in reality around the world - by their silence, looking the other way, keeping themselves ignorant & generally acting in denial of their own ability to intervene. those are likely to be the kind of excuses within the minds of the task force officers watching misa, then light, tortured in dn. while they do scream, shout, stamp around & shake their heads going, "no, this is wrong" (then finally half of them walk out), they don't actually DO anything about it. any one of these men present, including soichiro yagami, who btw is light's own father & he allowed this to happen to light, could have physically overpowered l in order to get him to stop with no problem. instead, they attempted to reason with him, then backed down. like he had the right to do what he did, even as a foreigner torturing japanese citizens on japanese ground & he didn't have that right, not by japanese law, he's not a police officer nor has he taken an oath of legal service under any japanese code of practice, nor under international law, no matter what light & misa did, they were born with certain rights, immutable & without exception, including the right not to be tortured. the reason why i'm& bringing this up is specifically Because of what happened to her, misa no longer trusts the government nor the justice system even more than she already hadn't with her own case of her parents' murderers & their murderer likely going to get away & not get a trial & it's Because of this treatment that misa works even harder as the second kira.
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strangesmallbard · 1 year
Yo what romance you reading? 👀 Also any recs welcome spread the good taste ✊😩
FJFKJF when i wrote that post i was definitely reading motherland: fort salem fanfiction 😅 i’ve been staying up too late reading fanfiction like some sort of 20 year old who can still do that without risking their health.
BUT i’ve been reading a lot of lesbian romance this year and i’m absolutely down to provide some recs! important disclaimer, however, i only read one (1) subgenre that’s best described as “ice queen lesbian milf office romance” ft an age gap between 21+ adults. understandably this is not everyone’s jam, but i am simply a 20something lesbian who thinks older women are really hot. what can i say
here are five recs in order of preference:
1. “truth and measure” by roslyn sinclair - the original adapted novel version of the same-titled legendary mirandy/devil wears prada fic. jules moretti is the long-suffering assistant of vivian carlisle, the CEO of a prestigious fashion magazine. then vivian gets pregnant mid divorce, with only jules by her side. and it only gets gayer from there.
listen. i genuinely could not stop reading truth and measure by roslyn sinclair. for three days, i woke up, vaguely did my adult tasks, and read for several hours in a state of what i can only call hysteria. the chemistry is insane. vivian is a hot mean loser with sad eyes and jules is insane for every choice she makes. btw i imagined the nanny!era lauren lane as vivian and current day alison scagliotti as jules. i had the time of my life. 10000/10
(also: i still highly recommend the published version to anyone who read the og fic - the story feels both brand new and wonderfully, nostalgically familiar.)
2. “the headmistress” by milena mckay - sam threadneedle, a closeted math teacher working at a conservative girls boarding school, hooks up with an insanely hot older woman at a conference in the city. three months later, that same hot older woman shows up at the school. woops, she’s the new principal and she’s there to cause problems! the prose is decent, the melodrama is fun to read, and the chemistry is zesty. solid 8/10
3. “the music and the mirror” by lola keeley - based on a supercat/supergirl fic of (i think) the same name. anna, the newest member of a prestigious ballet company, really wants to impress victoria, the former prima ballerina turned artistic director. well, she definitely does that! victoria decides that anna is going to be her company’s new star. this one has a lot of homoerotic partner dancing and really great side characters. still reads like a supercat fic, but honestly that’s another plus. 9/10
4. “the love factor” by quinn ivins - set in the 90’s, this book follows a closeted statistics professor and her TA, a very out lesbian political science phd candidate, as they expose a homophobic professor for falsifying data and fall in love. not as horny as others i’ve read, but still wildly tender and cathartic. i loved also how much empathy this book showed towards closeted lgbt folks. 7/10
5. “something to talk about” by meryl wilsner - also based on a mirandy fic, this book follows the misadventures of a hollywood showrunner and her assistant when they’re mistaken for a couple at a red carpet event. this book strained my suspension of disbelief the most—i simply don’t think everyone in emma’s life would be rooting for her to date her boss LMAO—but the chemistry is great and the pining is unreal. 7/10
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reverieblondie · 10 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
I was tagged by @feyhunter78 , Please read their works they are amazing and have helped me so much! (thank you again btw!) I am sure I have a pattern! I tend to be a creature of habit.
The Dare -
Hobie casually struts into view, wearing Peter's favorite pink robe. He has a smirk on his face. He obviously was successful in the dare.
2. Clumsy Kitty -
“You have gotta be kidding me…”
3. Inspiration -
Biting your nails you stare at your blank computer screen, the blinking cursor almost seems like it's mocking you. Meeting your three-day deadline seemed like an impossible task. Two new writing assignments needed to get done, and what were these writings supposed to be about? Spider-Man of course!
4. Meeting -
Another dull meeting at the spider society, Miguel O’Hara the boss man himself stands on the stage giving us our usual depriving. Don’t go on missions alone, report anomalies in your dimension, turn in all paperwork promptly, keep an eye on new recruits, blah blah blah…
5. Rehearsing -
“Tsk, why did she have to say that…” Miguel can't help but feverishly type at his holo screens, with each passing second his irritation spreads.
6. Costume Party -
“I can't believe how crowded this place is, it’s not even Halloween yet?” 
7. Scary Movie Night -
“Oh no please don’t kill me Mr. Ghostface I want to be in the sequel!” Halloween night, alone with no plans but to watch the horror movie marathon on TV, pass out candy to trick-or-treaters, and gorge yourself on candy and popcorn.
8. Criminal -
The room is dark, and the sounds of whirling machines fill the space. The office-like space is filled with gadgets and an arrangement of computers, new developments in tech and torn apart failures. Then a low groan seems to light the room's holo-screens adding an orange glow to the space.
9. Clumsy Kitty: Part 2 -
Eyes still shut you are leaning on the warmest thing you have ever felt. It's so silky soft you can’t help but nuzzle your face deeper. The smooth breathing and the sound of a steady heartbeat lolls you further into a relaxed state.
10. Neighbors -
“Hey on your left!” A man on a bike rushes past you while you are walking. Hands filled with overflowing grocery bags, you had not seen that you had wandered into the bike lane. Jumping out of the way you narrowly avoid getting mowed down by the angry cyclist. 
I seem to always start with dialogs or some kind of scene setting with descriptions. I don't know if this is a good thing or not? Honestly am still super new at the writing thing. But I feel like I am seeing Improvement!
People I am tagging are @spdrwdw , @oharaslover , @exhaslo , and @skullghoulz
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maochira · 1 year
Can we have some your oc headcannons? I find he very cool!
YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT MY OC??? OKAY OKAY. Let me explain EVERYTHING I have about him!! There's a lot, tho. So be prepared! He's a very well-developed character. I basically developed everything for him for first, second and third selecion, as well as the U-20 match! If you have more questions about him, I'd be happy to answer them!! For example his relationship with specific characters, etc.
This is what he looks like!
-Name: Takumi Tsuyosa
-Age: 17/18 (turns 18 in the beginning of first selection)
-Height: 160cm (5"3')
-Weapons: strong kick, high stamina, quick direction changes
-Jersey numbers: 7 (first selection), 28 (second selection), 15 (U-20 match), haven't decided for Neo Egoist League yet
-Second Selection clearing team: Enjin (my friend's OC), Gagamaru, Hiori, Kurona (Zantetsu was in their team on fourth stage but they lost to Barou's team, who chose Zantetsu)
-Neo Egoist League team: Ubers
Tsuyosa didn't start playing soccer for his own enjoyment, it's always been because his father wanted to be a professional player, but never made it, so he wanted his son to live his dream. Basically, this ended in Tsuyosa seeing soccer as a task to please his father instead of as an actual passion or hobby. His skill is great tho, so that's why he was invited to Blue Lock. He didn't want to go, but his father forced him.
In the beginning, Tsuyosa didn't care about winning or not. Actually, he himself wanted to lose so his father will lose his dream. But Tsuyosa is an extremely caring and sweet person, so he only put all his effort into playing in the first match to help his team win. Oh btw, he was in a team with Shidou for first selection!
He had his awakening in the second match of the first selection! Because Tsuyosa is so small, he gets underestimated a lot. For that second match, Tsuyosa played as a center forward in the beginning. When he got onto his position, the opposing team kept belittling him and said things like how easy it's going to be to win, how weak Tsuyosa must be, etc. That provoked Tsuyosa so much, all the frustration inside of him got out and his personality switched completely. Usually, he's very nice, sweet and caring, but suddenly he was an arrogant, egotistical monster and played like one. He helped his team win that match! Ever since that, this monster in him always awakens like this as soon as he starts playing. It's like a switch that turns when the match begins.
This was also how Tsuyosa got the urge to become the world's best striker. Not to please his father or to prove anything to anyone else, but because he wanted to prove to himself how great he is. Tsuyosa is a very rational person, so he usually doesn't feel anger or frustration, since he rationalizes the actions of others. But ever since his awakening, he feels every bit of those feelings as a motivation to play soccer.
He uses his small height to his advantage! Quick stepping pattern, he can change direction very quickly, has good agility, better control over his limbs, and has a good view of the ball! (I actually did research for this on the advantages of being small in soccer.)
Oh also, Tsuyosa has heterochromia! His right eye is red and the left one light blue. He always covers his red eye, except when he plays soccer (after his awakening, as the monster.) Also, his teammates and friends love to randomly push his hair aside to see his red eye.
Tsuyosa doesn't perceive the monster as another personality or another part of him. He always says it's him, just a part that can only come out when he plays soccer. Ego thinks this is very interesting, btw!
After Tsuyosa's awakening, Shidou gets interested in Tsuyosa and they actually get close and start dating very quickly! They actually don't tell anyone about their relationship because Shidou thinks it's funnier if everyone finds out on their own.
For everyone around them, they seem as if they wouldn't fit as a couple, but they do! That's actually the main part of their connection: they equal each other out perfectly! Also, Tsuyosa is very good at sensing how Shidou feels. Which ends up in them being a great combination on the field! In the entirety of Blue Lock, Tsuyosa is the only one who can sense/understand Shidou's crazy playstyle. They help their entire team win the first selection! I might post about their relationship in a more detailed way at some point, there is A LOT more to them than this. I just wanna keep this short here.
In the second selection, Tsuyosa teams up with Enjin (my friend's OC) and Hiori. The first teammate they add is Zantetsu! Then they stay on the fourth stage for quite a while. They lose Zantetsu to Barou, Chigiri, Nagi and Kiyora. After that, they get Gagamaru and Kurona and clear the second selection!
Despite Shidou and Tsuyosa being a couple and loving each other very much, Tsuyosa refuses to be in the same second selection team as Shidou. That's why he teamed up with Enjin and Hiori instead of waiting for Shidou. It's because he wants to improve without Shidou and not make his skill dependent on his boyfriend.
Speaking of Hiori! Tsuyosa and Hiori become good friends because they bond over their backgrounds with living their parents' dreams.
In the third selection, he chooses Team C (Nagi and Yukimiya) and it's not easy to see for a normal observer, but Tsuyosa can still sense Shidou's playstyle and moves, which helps him stealing the ball and dribbling past him.
Originally, Ego intended to put Tsuyosa on the bench for the U-20 match. But when Shidou was chosen for the U-20 team, Ego decided to put Tsuyosa into the starter team as a midfielder (with Karasu) because he knows how Tsuyosa can understand and sense Shidou's way of playing.
Tsuyosa doesn't mind playing against his boyfriend in a match as serious as this, and neither does Shidou. It even motivates them more!
Shidou still says all these things towards Sae he says in the canon. And yes, Tsuyosa hears all of that. Shidou does it in a way to provoke Tsuyosa for fun.
And that makes Tsuyosa enter the flow during the U-20 match!
When they get to leave Blue Lock for a bit, Tsuyosa stays with Shidou in Tokyo. Tsuyosa is from Ehime, which is quite far away. And he also wants to avoid seeing his parents, especially his father.
In the Neo Egoist League, he chooses Ubers! Haven't developed anything past that point for him, tho.
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kravchikfreak · 2 years
I think your lunter art is very neat. Do you think you could share your art process sometime?
awww thank you kind (maybe) stranger!
about the question tho… i'm an impostor and i don't know wtf i'm doing actually, and i'm not sure what exactly you're expecting, so combine it all and you'll get: i'll answear as i understood the task and you just send another ask if it's not what you meant
so here we go. art process:
1 turn pc on and open sai
2 stare at the white sheet for half an our
3 play genshin impact for six hours
4 turn pc off
5 turn it on the next day
6 (optional) get inspired by lil' kids / braindead antis / just your regular hatefull dumbdumbs' comments under your previously posted art (for OMG ships)
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7 scroll through pinterest to find a pose that doesn't look too boring for you to try to draw
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good thing you're smart enough to save them for the future just to nevere actually ever draw any of them
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8 toss the picked pose into your beloved white sheet and idk maybe trace it? just to understand wtf is going on and how to mimic it
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9 move your trac… kheM KHEM construction tip to the side and while looking at it and at the ref try your best to copy the pose as believable as you can
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(make sure to do it on millioms or at least couple of layers just cause you're insecure indecisive baby who has no idea wtf he's doing and wants an option to make some changes without completely fucking up everything more than he already did by opening sai in the first place)
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10 clean the lines the best you can
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(bonus task - do it on duplicated layers of your sketch, cause, remember, you're scared baby)
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11 color it as lazy as you can, just so you can always excuse your not knowing wft you're doing by "oh yeah it was just a low effort confident fast shit and not me being as unskilled as it possible for human being haha"
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12 oh shit you almost forgot to draken your so called lineartm didn't you?? well at least you didn't forget to color luz's arm or hunter face this time. i call it a win! (also you didn't forget to color on at least 3 separate layer too just for safty, did you?)
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13 nice job! go post it before 2 minutes past you hate the shit out of your newborn masterpie… oh well, it's been 3 minutes already. go post this ugly shit anyway. at least you won't be the only one cursed to see it
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lasttree-garsennon · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 3,979 times in 2022
That's 3,630 more posts than 2021!
144 posts created (4%)
3,835 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 405 of my posts in 2022
#oldie answers - 64 posts
#me - 22 posts
#me and who? - 11 posts
#struggles of oldie - 9 posts
#protect psy - 7 posts
#same - 6 posts
#purple my beloved - 6 posts
#protect sana - 4 posts
#the machine uprising - 4 posts
#good - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#uh no you can't you can get one for a bike that doesn't have gears but not for a car unless they recently changed the rules
My Top Posts in 2022:
I want to get to know you too
26 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
@mujhe-rone-do what THE FUCK are you doing up
29 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
okay so like
first tehre was a lot of confusion abt which subjects we had
then somehow out of three two subjects students already got fixed and locked
so when the third subject teacher asked who wanted to do this one day before the festive vacation i raised my hand
and she picked everyone except for me and one other girl
she picked the girl sitting DIRECTLY NEXT TO ME and not me
nd im very good at SST btw i love social science and i get good grades in that out of 20 i got 19.5 last time so im validated too
i was like what no i am gonna do this
so i approached her and said "hi helo i wanna do this" and shes like "we have like 7 ppl already..." but i insisted so shes like "okay ill keep you as an extra" and drew a line under my name and put my name along with the other girl whom she had not picked lets call her s
she forgot (??) to put me in the gc in which they were discussing it
but she put s
and it was the vacaction and i dont have my own phone nor the teachers contact info
so i just. didnt know till after the holidays upon which i appraoched her and asked why i wasnt there and shes like oH oOPs or whatever and tells me i can help out if they need anything
so i went there but the kids just basically made me gvethem my statinary and then treated it like trash
and then disrespected me (whole diff incident) upon which i got mad and called a kid who had been dismissing me very much a problem and then i felt bad cuz i usually dont do shit like that like i just
dont say mean stuff back
but i did
anyway so
none of the kids, all of whom were in my class, reminded her i was supposed to be there too
idk if they forgot or what but s was literally next to me she knew she approached the teacher at the same time as me
so like. wow. after all my effort, after almost dying with the sleep deprivation and work load im just. forgettable. lmao
Do no harm but take no shit it's good you said some mean stuff to them and your teachers an idiot
Also you're not forgettable not to me
31 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
ahhghgdhgaha i very tired today but i lots of tasks to finish
ill just tell you what i have to do and then update you with how many i finished if thats okay; if it's not just ignore this ask
finish textbook russian revolution
friend 1's early christmas present readied
friend 2's ''
finish cover 1 of TMOD
finish chem homework
english entrepreneur assignment
of this i have done eactly one aka chem homework i got other tasks done which i didnt write down tho
It's okay if you only manage to finish Chen homework today I'm proud of you
63 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
HELO HELO how does one flirt with a cis boy
in theory i know how and usually i can but i have exactly 1.5 weeks to make this work and i need it to go well and hes a hyperactive adhd as FUCK bitch like me so we bOTH KEEP GETTING DISTRACTED AND LOW KEY AWKWAR CUZ WE DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO
Sorry kid you came to the wrong place
I know exactly nothing about flirting
Let alone het flirting
129 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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