#btw he absolutely failed at that soup
gipitothefrog · 2 months
Word count: 521
Sirius was shaking when Remus woke up beside him.
“Are you alright, Pads?” he asked, feeling Sirius’ forehead. It was extremely hot to the touch.
“Oh Merlin, you’re burning up. Um, wait, I know what to do…”
He tried to recall what his mother did for him whenever he was sick.
“Oh! There’s this potion! My mom used to make it for me when I got sick and it- oh no.” Remus was absolute shite at making potions. He had been since he was in first year, in the first lesson, where he immediately blew it up somehow. It was like the cauldron had a vendetta against him.
“Remus,” Sirius croaked out. He was at his side in a second, listening attentively. “I’m fine. It’s just a cold.” He let out a violent cough. “Some water would be nice though.”
Remus conjured a glass of water and offered it to him. Sirius drank it quickly, wincing when he swallowed. It hurt Remus’ heart to see him sick.
“I’ll owl my mum for the potion straight away. Just… don’t move.”
“I think it hurts to move,” Sirius said as Remus rushed out of the room to get parchment and a quill.
Remus quickly sent an owl to his mother and grabbed some muggle medicine they kept just in case. He conjured up another glass of water and gave Sirius the proper amount of medication.
“Do you feel nauseous or anything?”
“I’m fine. But you should probably stay here, just in case. I don’t know if I’ll survive without you by my side…”
“I see you still manage to be insufferable when you’re sick.”
Sirius coughed again, and the most concerning part was, he was only being a little dramatic. “What do you mean? I’m always a delight to be around.”
“Oh, you love me.”
Remus sighed. “Yes, I do. Which is why I’m going to ask you to preserve your poor vocal chords and stop talking. You already sound like you got run over or something. I don’t want it to get worse.”
“I love you too.”
“I’m going to make you some soup.”
“Isn’t cooking similar to potion making? I don’t think that will go well.”
“It can’t be that hard. It’s just soup. Now, shhhhh.”
Sirius closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep. He awoke to Remus shaking him awake.
“What is it, Moons? I’m trying to sleep…”
“I have the potion, if you’d like it. Actually, I don’t know why I said it like that. Please drink the potion, Sirius.”
“Alright, alright, bossy.” Sirius drank the potion in one swift gulp.
“Ah, I already feel better, Remus!” He planted a quick little kiss on Remus’ forehead and began to get out of bed. “I think that I’ll just… I’ll just… I’ll…”
Remus sighed. “A side effect of the potion is that you’ll need to sleep for a few hours. You’ve already slept for so long though, but I guess it’s-” Sirius promptly fell asleep and didn’t hear what Remus had to say about that.
When he woke up, Remus was burning up beside him.
“Oh, not you now!”
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eyesteeth · 2 months
if they make a modern version of the truman show i think it would be fun if it wasn’t a remake (doomed to fail at capturing the very specific style of the original) but instead was treated like an in-universe reboot that’s been updated for the modern era. other fun stuff could happen such as
fandom commentary: conflating real people with the roles they play, parasociality, etc. there was tackling of that in the original with the people sneaking onto set, but i think it could be modernized for fun. a popular youtuber is allowed to film a vlog on the set and almost gives away the act. people form theories about the “truman” online and then other people go “okay but this is a real guy. you’re theorizing about a real guy’s life. what is wrong with you” and absolutely wild internet drama goes down.
queer characters as commentary. perhaps an in-show character is queer but barely present, and it forms a commentary on tokenism. or an actor character is queer playing a non-queer role and it’s a commentary on censorship. maybe even the “truman” of the show is queer and it causes the studio executives to flip because they can’t have america’s new darling be an icky queer!! no way!! (personally i think trans woman “truman” would fucking rule. such a rich soup of potential there) (there is no fucking way an american movie company would let this happen btw. but it would be cool)
media commentary in general. this would also trend close to og i think because of Hollywood still being suspicious as hell, but it’s still a fun space to play in. “Fifty Years Ago, A Man Was Born On Television. Today, They’re Doing It Again”. a whole media circus about whether or not it’s ethical. protests and boycotts but the showrunners are so overwhelmingly rich that the show stays on the air.
probably too niche but comparisons to “influencer families” could be made i think. putting a child in front of a camera since birth and all the issues that come with that. the surveillance state hell we all live in with a smaller media hell panopticon that’s less universal
it would likely have a bleaker ending though. technology has improved since the original truman show. he got out. he was never meant to get out. this new truman won’t get out. not as long as the show is running. honestly it would be funny if the ending was like. show got cancelled. and they let “truman” out into the world, completely unprepared. but they’d make their way, somehow. they have to.
granted if they do end up doing a truman show reboot it would probably be, fucking awful. but if it was handled by someone who actually gets that it’s a horror movie and not a comedy, i think it could be something special.
now let’s all hope i didn’t speak the most soul-sucking hollywood-missed-the-point movie of all time into being
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eds6ngel · 1 year
Hello love! Could you do a Steve x Munson!reader?? I want like protective big brother Eddie and love sick Steve and reader I think it’d be so cute! Btw you’re so talented and I absolutely adore you and your writing 💘💘💘
of course i can my love! and thank you ever so much for the compliments, it means a lot to me <3
warnings: fem!reader. munson!reader. no physical appearance mentions so r could be biological or adopted sibling. swearing. a lot of comedy. fluff. comfort. a love confession!! [1.5k].
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You started dating Steve at the beginning of ‘85. Your Uncle Wayne had taken a great liking to him, Steve being extra polite when you first invited him around to dinner with your family. When he called it a night and headed home, Wayne closed the door with the words: “He’s a very good kid, Y/N.”
But, there was one person who wasn’t fond of your boyfriend at all, and that would be your brother, Eddie.
Eddie was a prime victim of Steve’s ‘King’ era, recklessly getting bullied by Steve and his friends at the time. So, when you eventually broke the news that you were seeing Steve, it’s safe to say your brother did not take it lightly.
Eddie actually stopped speaking to you for a good day and a half, and then sulked around you for the remainder of the week.
He had eventually gotten used to it, Steve acting nice enough when you invited him over and Wayne wasn’t home. But, just because he was used to it didn’t mean he liked it. If anything, he despised it.
So, instead of leaving you two alone when he would come over, he would become extra annoying.
And boy did he enjoy it.
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“Hey, Wayne?” you ask, walking into the living room where he was lounging on the couch. “Is it alright if Steve comes over tomorrow night?”
“Course it is darlin’,” he replies, signalling over to your brother, “But, I am out for the night, I have a shift. So, you should really be asking Eddie.”
“Yeah, whatever…” he mumbles, not looking up from his Heavy Metal magazine, obviously listening in to the conversation between you and Wayne.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you say optimistically, “Thanks Eds!”
You skip back to your room, running to the phone so you could let your boyfriend know, unaware of the conversation that was happening in the living room.
“You gotta accept who they are son, you can’t be sittin’ here all grumpy any time she brings up the poor boy.”
Eddie sighs out frustratedly, “He’s an asshole Wayne. He bullied me for two years!”
Wayne looks up from his newspaper, “Has he bullied ya recently?”
Eddie pouts his lips, avoiding Wayne’s gaze, mumbling out a “No.”
“Exactly boy,” he replies, “He’s obviously changed, people can do that. Your sister wouldn’t date him for no reason.”
Eddie shakes his head, groaning out, until a little idea pops in his head. An idea that he could accomplish tomorrow.
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You and Steve were sat on the couch, snuggled up to one another, some cheesy horror flick on the TV which Steve had rented out from Family Video.
“How’s your week been, beautiful?” Steve asks with a smile, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
“Not bad, Mrs. Click only gave me a B- on that damn History homework, again! Like, I really don’t understand what this woman wants from me, honestly,” you softly laugh.
“Babe, I think you forget that I get a C in every class, so anything above that is incredible to me,” he tangles his hand in your hair and presses a kiss to your cheek, “I’m proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you too,” you whisper back, “Grades are technically just a reflection of the teacher’s working. If most of your kids are failing, technically that’s your fau—“
But, your sentence gets interrupted by the loud sound of clashing from behind you, Eddie shifting through the cupboards to grab something.
“Hey Eds,” he looks up at you, “What are you doing?”
“Oh, I just fancied a grilled cheese, so I thought I’d make one,” he smiles.
“You know Wayne left that soup in the fridge that Mrs. Johnson gave to us. You just need to heat it up,” you remind him, your patience wearing thin.
“Nah, I don’t feel like that,” he looks between the two of you, innocently saying, “Oh, I won’t interrupt you guys. You just keep being cutesy and all that shit.”
You sigh as you snuggle back into Steve’s side, trying to focus on the movie. But, you could’ve sworn Eddie was being extra loud on purpose, slamming the fridge door shut and throwing the frying pan on the stove.
It went all quiet for a while, the low sound of sizzling being the only distraction in the background, silent enough for you and Steve to focus back on the movie.
However, that was until Eddie called to you, “Hey Y/N!”
You roll your eyes as you turn around and look behind you, “Yes Eddie?” you ask with a sarcastic smile.
He signals you to come over with his arm, “Would you say this is cooked enough?”
You pinch your forehead with your fingers, “When it’s golden brown, it’s cooked Eddie.”
“Yeah, but what is ‘golden brown’? Just, get your ass over here.”
You groan out as you get up from your seat, stomping over to Eddie and looking down at his food sizzling away in the frying pan.
“Eddie, you haven’t even flipped it over yet,” you stare at him with a deadpan look.
“Oh yeah, so I haven’t,” he smiles back at you, a smile you wanted to wipe right off of his face, “See, this is why I need you sis. Where would I be without you?”
You walk back to the couch, mumbling under your breath, “Away from me, that’s for sure,” laying completely on top of Steve as he wraps his arms around your back, yours around his neck as your face squishes into his chest.
Although you can’t see, Eddie’s frustrations are growing. How did that make you two even closer? Eddie smirks to himself as he thinks of something that would definitely get you to move away from Steve.
You haven’t looked up from the screen in over five minutes. With the grilled cheese sizzling away behind you, you believe Eddie has everything under control for once. That’s until you smell the sense of burning behind you, followed by the loud blaring of the smoke alarm.
“What the fu— Eddie!” you yell, leaping off of the couch, Steve covering his ears with his hands at the loud noise as you turn the hob off and move the frying pan onto the worktop.
Eddie returns from the bathroom, you yelling at him, “What the hell were you doing?”
“I needed a piss!”
“Well, you can’t just leave food unattended!” you shout, smacking the smoke alarm with your fist, knowing from experience that the worn out item died down from doing that motion.
“Jesus,” he holds his hands up, “I’m sorry.”
You huff as you head back over to Steve, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek as you say, “I’m heading to the bathroom, okay?”
He nods as you exit the room, leaving just him and Eddie alone, Eddie assembling his burnt sandwich, although he didn’t mind, since it got you away from Steve.
But, maybe this was worse, because now he was stuck in a silent atmosphere with his former bully.
Steve speaks up, “I’m not going to hurt her, y’know?”
Eddie doesn’t look at Steve as he continues making his sandwich, “What?”
Steve turns around, looking at Eddie in the kitchen, “I said I’m not going to hurt her. I’m not like I used to be. King Steve died a long time ago.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t believe that,” Eddie mumbles back, throwing his grilled cheese on a plate and heading towards his room.
“Dude, wait!” Steve yells, getting up from his seat and jogging over to him, Eddie turning his back as he leans against the kitchen countertop, “Look, I know why you don’t believe me, hell, I wouldn’t either.”
He sighs, “The reason Nancy Wheeler broke up with me is because I didn’t care about her problems. When she needed me most, I wasn’t there. I don’t want to be that again for your sister, man,” Steve admits. “I love her, I can’t lose her. I’m not like I was before, I’m not friends with Tommy and Carol anymore, I couldn’t give two shits about popularity, all I care about is being a good boyfriend to your sister. And all I ask of you is to accept that because if you started dating my sister, I would accept it in a heartbeat.”
“You love me?” you whisper as you come out of the bathroom, looking at Steve with a loving gaze. You walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he cups your cheeks, “Yeah baby, I love you.”
You smile, your insides burning alive at the confession, “I love you too.”
Steve sighs happily as he slots his lips in between yours, the two of you sharing a soft kiss, expressing all of your love and admiration for each other.
Eddie slides past the two of you and heads to his room with his food. Did he 100% believe Steve had completely changed? No. He was still pretty convinced that the old him was buried away in there somewhere.
But, was he undoubtedly in love with you? Yes. And although he feels protective of you after everything the two of you had been through together, the one thing he could let you do is be happy with your boyfriend.
You deserved love, and he wasn’t going to take that away from you.
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i really hope you enjoyed this fic! i had a lot of fun writing it <33
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the-catbeast-lawfirm · 5 months
Jurassic park trending is what will finally talk about just finishing the book is what’ll finally put me over the edge and talk about it after finishing the book last week
I’ve never seen the movie so I got to go into it with no expectations which is fun. And I really liked it! I absolutely do plan on reading another work from Crichton again
I will say I was a bit shocked that it kinda starts up with some pretty noticeable racism and misogyny and it’s pretty clearly there to dismiss both women and brown people (like the beginning of Dracula daily how Johnatan dismisses the locals as superstitious) however there’s some cases where I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of putting some things in and no matter the purpose some just leave a weird taste these are mostly all contained at the beginning before our protagonists are established. (There’s fat phobia also but it’s got no purpose other than stereotyping)
The narrative tbh sometimes feels like one of the books that predicts the future if you swap out developing dinosaurs with Elon musk doing anything at all it’s very clearly a critique of rich people poking around with things they don’t know shit about bc they’re rich. It even starts with how the company behind Jurassic park declared bankruptcy quietly and no one really cared at all bc there’s a whole lot of other shit with these bio-experiment companies and it’s just not surprising they’re all failing.
The rich ass hole only brought his grand kids to show to his lawyer that it’s safe for children btw. It was something his lawyer did not agree with and tried making him send them back because clearly the unfinished dinosaur park that dinos are escaping out of is not a safe place at all.
The little girl (lex) feels poorly written and by that she and only she is constantly complaining (which is fair! She’s 7 but that complaining should’ve been shared among other characters. Her brother is 11 or12 why’s he never complaining???) however she’s the only one pointing out that these people should be hungry. The portrayal of hunger is unrealistic they go like a day and a half without food. Also idk how the dinosaurs see non moving trees or meat or cars but not non moving people that didn’t make sense. It’s the type of error I’m most afraid of making.
The book is pretty blunt on what it thinks, you’ve got to have bad reading comprehension to think that any part of this park was a good idea. This is mainly done through Malcom and Hammond
This book has a lot of graphs and sections of coding language even which I think was a trend at the time of writing but uncommon to see it made you feel the effort and research put into the book
Thanks for reading my word soup but I don’t really have a point. I’m bad at getting people into things because I bring up anything I didn’t like to properly warn people while I get vague on what I do like to not spoil it. I will say that from a convo with my husband the deaths are completely different from book to movie so if you enjoyed dinosaurs killing people and getting killed it’ll still be surprising in the book even if you’ve watched the movie.
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cutiecorner · 2 years
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Okay. Officially entering batman mode (as if I haven't been there for weeks). This would be a million miles long if I talked about both his cgs, so I'll make a separate post for his dynamic with Clark Kent. Also good a time as any to remind that all relationships i portray are exclusively platonic/familial, please don't be weird. Art is from the Wayne Family Adventures on webtoon, btw!
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As you can probably guess by the un-batman-ness of it all, Bruce's regression is largely stress/trauma related and involuntary
Given how much he has to deal with on a daily basis, it kind of takes a lot to get Bruce to regress. He doesn't do it often, at least at first. The one thing that makes him need to regress without fail is children being present at any altercation.
When that happens, he just kinda goes silent for the rest of the night. If he's working alongside someone they put the pieces together on their own that it triggered him in some way, so they don't bother him about it. Really he's just trying to get home before he breaks down.
Once he does get home, Alfred is there for him, and that's always what he needs. I'm very much of the headcanon (just canon honestly) that Alfred is straight up a parent to Bruce, and though they don't express it that much they very much see themselves as father and son.
Alfred knows when Bruce is regressed, its just a general look about him. He just drops every facade. The silence is also a big factor. Despite being stoic, Bruce usually rattles off all sorts of information when he gets home from a mission, so when he doesn't it makes a big difference.
Bruce doesn't really do regular regressor things. His version of regression is normals people's 'normal everyday relaxation time', if with a bit of nostalgia and a lot more tears.
Bruce's regression age is very nebulous and hard to define.
Demeanor wise, Bruce is very fragile when regressed. He's really jumpy, he gets scared at the smallest things and is very easily upset. He's also really apologetic about it, and as always has a hard time communicating his needs.
He follows Alfred around like a puppy, which Alf finds extremely endearing. Alfred needs to be in sight at all times or Bruce gets super worried and scared, so usually Bruce just clings to his arm if possible, or even his coat tails sometimes.
Obviously the tea flows freely, it's absolutely his favorite and very comforting for him. Though it hurts his very soul, Alfred waters it down a tiny bit with cold water so Bruce doesn't burn himself. Both of them have a very broad taste, and one of the few 'fun' things they do when Bruce is regressed is try new teas together. His favorite is Earl Grey, which Alfred tries very hard not to tease him about
Food wise, Bruce loves a good soup. For one, it's easy to eat without making a mess, and it's easy to be fed by someone else if it comes to that. Also it harkens back to sick days as a child, or even sick days as an adult. Though he tries to push them away for hero work, deep down Bruce loves being cared for on those days. Also come on it's soup!
He doesn't have a baby blanket, instead he straight up uses the comforter off his bed. He's always had the same one (as far as he knows) so it has the same effect for him. He's always draped in it, both because it makes him feel physically small and it kinda feels like a cool cape.
You'd think he'd try to avoid that stuff in his resting time, but he can't help it. Bruce always loved heroes, especially as a little kid. He loves old westerns, samurai, and detectives especially. Naturally, that kind of media is what he gravitates toward when he's regressed. They have an extensive archive of those things, movies, TV, and radio, so he usually takes his pick and tries to focus on that while he calms down. The Gray Ghost is his favorite, of course.
Applicably, pretty much the only time he talks while regressed is quoting the stories line for line as they happen. Usually just his favorite parts, but if he really needs to distract himself he could do the whole thing. Alfred feigns ignorance of the media so Bruce can feel like he's showing him something, but occasionally he'll quote a line and Bruce goes crazy /pos
A lot of his regression is just repeating things he did as a kid, mostly with Alfred, given he was kind of his only friend. If he's feeling up to it, they play chess, Alfred reads to him, or he does the puzzles (like crosswords/sudoku) in Alfred's morning newspaper - he loves that one because it makes him feel really smart.
He also likes to draw. Ironically, his adult skill at art doesn't go away when he's regressed, so the little doodles he makes are usually quite realistic sketches. For the most part he draws his family and friends. He likes to draw Clark and Diana and the rest of the justice league, sometimes as different types of heroes like cowboys or spacemen. Interestingly, he draws the heroes and their alter egos as different people - like his friend Diana is different than his friend Wonder Woman.
Though most of his comfort interests are straight from his childhood, there are a few things he enjoys from after that period. The most obvious examples would be Diana's taste in music (she's a likes hippie classic rock), Clark's favorite movies or shmultzy sitcoms like the partridge family, or his sons' favorite show, Star Trek (mostly Tim, but the others like it too).
They're not very physically affectionate usually, but sometimes Bruce likes to be held, especially when he's really upset. Usually they lay on the couch and he lays his head in Alfred's lap or on his shoulder.
Besides his comforter, he doesn't really have specific comfort items, like he doesn't have a teddy or paci initially. He does like to cuddle though, so he often carries pillows around with him.
Bruce and Alfred just aren't naturally affectionate, so they don't really have pet names. Bruce just sticks to Alfred or Al/Alf, maaaaybe Alfie if he's feeling incredibly small, but again he doesn't really talk anyway. Alfred just uses the normal terms of endearment, pretty much limited to "my dear boy", but if he's feeling soft he could go for "little one" or british-isms like "darling". Somewhere along the line after Clark encourages him to have a more happy regression experience, Bruce very rarely calls Alfred "pop". It's mostly because he would call Alfred "pops" in a 'you're old' type of way in his teen years, but it got mixed up in Bruce's baby brain as a genuine term. Alfred feels The Emotions Ever about it.
I might come back and add even more headcanons later or make a part two, but these are the base ones for now. I'm not even close to done lol, next up is baby Bruce with cg Clark!
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miastideclock · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction To Their S/O Being Shy About Their Singing-Talents
anon asked:
Can you do stray kids reaction to their s/o being a good rapper and singer but they get shy and have low confidence? - 🐻💙
Of course love! I hope you like it x So sorry for the wait! While we're here, I just wanna say I'm sorry for the length difference of the individual reactions! * y/n/n is what i use for your nickname btw
Word Count: 3.5k-ish
Bang Chan
Silence. At least for the most part. You clicking the keyboard of your computer, Chan humming slightly as he clicked around on his own, as well as twisting and turning the dials on his audio mixer, connected to said computer. The sounds had sort of blended into the silence though, so neither of you really noticed it at this point.
A click louder than all of the others soon came from Chan's computer, meaning he was going to connect his progress to the speakers of his studio, so he could fully take in the track he was working on. He had played it what seemed like a million times already, but you didn't mind. You were already so phased out that he could be announcing the break up of Stray Kids', and you honestly wouldn't even catch it.
The familiar beat of their upcoming title track boomed through the speakers, and as if on autopilot, you sang along. You had heard the beginning of that very song so many times now, the lyrics were as good as engraved into the inside of your eyelids.
Once the first verse and chorus were over, the song stopped, as did you. It was when the song didn't play again you finally snapped out of your computer-trance. You shifted your eyes from the screen over to your boyfriend who was sitting on the other side of the room.
You then realized you had been singing along, and probably not as quiet as you had thought. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to distract you. I'll keep quiet." You quickly apologized.
You were hanging out with your boyfriend, yes- but he was still at work, and you'd hate to be the reason for him switching out of his creative-mode.
"No! No, no, don't worry. You're just so good? How come I have never heard you sing before?" Chan grinned as he turned his spinny-chair to face you and fell back into it, looking at you with admiration.
You had been sitting on the floor with your back against the seat of the couch, so the coffee table by the mentioned couch had your laptop at shoulder-height, meaning you had to close the screen of your computer to see your boyfriend. Once you had done so, you moved your hands up to your face, covering your cheeks.
"I don't like the attention. I hate it when people look at me like- exactly like you're doing now, stop!" You giggled when Chan leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He decided to mess around with you and started staring you down. You laughed and begged him to stop, but the more you did, the more intensely he stared at you- until he eventually cracked, sending you both into fits of laughter.
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Lee Know
"First things first rest in peace Uncle Phil."
The music blared from your headphones straight into your head, being the only thing keeping you motivated as you did some housework. Seeing as you were mopping when the J.Cole song started playing, you figured the handle would prove to be the perfect microphone.
"For real, you the only father that I ever knew." You continued, singing and rapping along while shaking your butt and cleaning the floor. Maybe not the world's most efficient cleaning strategy, but my-oh-my did it get the job done.
Due to the loud volume in your headphones, you didn't hear the front door open and shut, as your boyfriend came home for the day.
Minho didn't even get the chance to put down his bag before his attention was completely wrapped around you having a concert in your living-room. He quickly recognized the song and let his head bob along to the beat, even though he could only hear you rapping, and not the song itself. He kicked off his shoes and placed his things on the ground before he slowly made his way into the living-room, doing a little boogie as he did so.
It wasn't until you finally turned around almost a minute later you saw your boyfriend joking around, dancing to your rapping. You instantly dropped the mop and let out a little scream as he startled you, covering your face with your hands once you saw it was just him.
"Minho! What are you doing?" You cried out in embarrassement after removing your headphones. Minho couldn't help but chuckle at you before he came closer and gave you a kiss-hello.
"Y/n, I never knew you had such voice-control! You've never rapped in front of me before, why?" He asked when he pulled away, his arms still wrapped around your waist, but his face a few inches away from yours.
"Because you're an actual rapper in an actual band!! That's like showing Michelangelo your drawing!" You argued back, a massive smile on your face. Minho then continued to shower you in compliments, making you hide your blushing face from him by burying it into his chest.
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The kitchen had all kinds of different smells as you were stirring the pot of soup you had on the stove in front of you. The kitchen-window was open, letting in a fresh spring breeze, and the radio was playing a familiar song.
"Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast This is La Vie En Rose." You softly sang along, your body swaying back and forth to the tune. You continued to sing along as you used the wooden-spoon to stir around, making sure it didn't burn.
(bro, i think i fucked up my sOUP)
"Hey, Y/n/n." It suddenly came from the doorway to the kitchen, instantly causing you to stop singing and spin around. "Hi, Binnie." You gave him a smile and then turned back around, squeezing your eyes shut, only for a second- as if you were trying to erase the past ten seconds. You hoped the radio was louder than your voice, but that hope soon came crashing down.
"No, why'd you stop?" He asked as he placed a few sheets of paper on the table and continued over to you. You started smiling like an idiot for a second before you raised your hands to cover your face. Chanbin noticed and chuckled as he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. "Don't be shy!"
He then spun you around so you were facing him, but your hands still covered your face. This made Changbin just chuckle even more. He tried to jokingly pry your hands from your face, but you just shoved your head into his shoulder so he wouldn't be able to grab you properly. You either couldn't help but chuckle as you messed around, but quickly stopped once you remembered you were cooking.
You turned around to keep stirring your soup, Changbin never let go of you. "But tell me, why have I never heard you sing before when your voice is THAT good?" He asked, but you ignored him.
"For real?" He tried again, but you pretended he didn't say anything.
"Would you like some soup?" You asked him, turning slightly to look at him. He seemed amused, but he just nodded, accepting your choice of lunch.
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Hot water poured down your back, the whole shower smelling like your body wash. You had just gotten back from a run and decided to clean up a bit before Hyunjin came back from work. So after getting out of your leggings and hoodie, you had grabbed your speaker and headed for the washroom.
Knowing Hyunjin wasn't home, you qued the best of the best from your playlist, getting ready to absolutely shred the imaginary rap battles you were about to have. Banger after banger played as you sang into your microphone. Your mic being an empty shampoo bottle you had yet to throw out.
You were mid-shampoo when Streets by Doja Cat played, and you almost slipped and fell while hurriedly reaching for your microphone.
"Damn, papi, you a rare breed, no comparing." You borderline yelled, as if you had just gotten out of a failed relationship where you still loved your partner, when in fact that wasn't your case at all. You were very much in love with your boyfriend, and you were on great terms- but for the sake of your rap battle, you had to get into it.
"When other chickens tryna get in my coop 'Cause you're a one in a million There ain't no man like you!" Not to toot your own horn or anything, but you could confidently say you absolutely bodied that verse, and you were soon let know you weren't the only one who thought so.
(I don't actually think he is the one to cuss, but this is simply because I cannot think of another way to say it, so for the lack of a better word:) "Fuck it up, baby!" You heard Hyunjin hype you up on the other side of the bathroom door, making your stomach drop for a second.
"You're not supposed to be home yet." You answered him after turning off the speaker, and the shower. You stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around you, then went to open the door.
"Well, I had to hurry home when I heard the rap God themselves was having a concert in our bathroom." Hyunjin chuckled once you opened the door with almost a shameful face. "Should I talk to JYP about getting you a rap-audition, or..?" He dragged out the last word, kind of he was taunting you, but in the most loving way possible. Feeling your cheeks grow hot, you closed the door back up and locked him out.
"I'm never leaving this bathroom." You announced as you covered your face, even though Hyunjin could no longer see you.
"Y/n/n, I was kidding! You were great though, I might actually talk to JY-" He started again, but you cut him off by groaning, causing the both of you to break out laughing.
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Clicking of a pen. Gentle tapping of a foot. Frustrated hair ripping. You had seen these symptoms before- that's right, Jisung was in a slump.
You were at the studio with your boyfriend, and you were both seated in the sitting group, Jisung leaning his elbows on the table, head in his hands, tugging at his hair as if it would activate his creative juices. You had tagged along just to get out of the house, and maybe Jisung needed moral support, and wouldn't you have guessed- that was exactly what he needed.
"You good?" You asked him after he let out the umpteenth sigh in the past hour. He then finally confessed he just couldn't get the ending of the second verse down. "Why don't you sing it, so you can hear what's missing, rather than just reading it?"
He did as you suggested and sang through it. When he came to the part he was talking about, you also heard it. Something about it was just kinda.. off.
You tilted your head to the side as you were thinking of ways to better it, to try and help him. An idea popped into your head, and maybe it could work- after all you were no song writer. You tried your best to explain to Jisung what it was you were thinking, but about half-way through, you could see he was as lost as that one time Chan and Changbin had accidentally left the two of you behind at IKEA.
"I'm so sorry, babe. I don't fully understand what you mean." He confessed, and you nodded, knowing well that was him being sweet about the fact that you sucked at explaining things. So in the spirit of making it easier for him to understand, you just sang it. You sang through the song and added the part you had tried to explain.
"Did that make more sense?" You asked when you were done, looking from the sheet of paper up at your boyfriend, who was sat there, his lips slightly parted as his jaw hung lose. "Jisung? Babe?" You tried to snap him back to reality as it seemed he had zoned out, but only for a moment.
"Wait, that was so good? Since when were you that good?" Jisung suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree, smiling and almost bouncing in his seat. He continued to shower you in compliments, making you feel like a turtle trying to get back into its shell.
"Stop. If you ever mention me singing again, I will throw myself out the window." You said, both humor in your tone, and being dead serious at the same time.
"Okay, dramatic much?" Jisung joked back, making you shove his shoulder as you chuckled alongside him.
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A car zoomed past you as you walked on the pavement on the side of the road, admiring the spring at its full bloom. You were almost a bit disappointed when you reached your home as you wanted to continue to look at the flowers, but that thought soon fell right out of your head. As you walked up the staircase to your apartment, you heard a constant noise grow louder and louder. You were about to turn the key when you realized the noise was more rhythmic than you originally thought, and that the music was coming from inside your apartment.
Curiosity completely consumed your body when you finally opened the door, and was met with a wall of noise. You took a few steps in and shut the door behind you, protecting the outside world from the sight you had in front of you.
Felix was using a hairbrush as he jumped around both on the floor and in the couch, crying out the lyrics to a song you didn't quite recognize. You laughed at your boyfriend as you kicked off your shoes and hung your coat in the closet.
Felix finally spotted you and quickly pulled out his phone that was connected to the speakers, and changed the song. The familiar intro of your favorite song soon played, and it didn't take as much as a second before you were as hyped as Felix were. You began jumping around and dancing with him, matching his energy.
Felix screamed the lyrics into the hairbrush before he swiftly tossed you the brush, letting you pop off as well. You rapped the words perfectly into the brush, standing on the couch as your concert evolved.
The song eventually came to an end, causing the both of you to fall breathlessly to the ground, heaving for air- massive smiles on your faces. The ground was cool against your now sweaty backs. A few seconds passed before Felix spoke.
"I don't think I have ever heard you rap before." He admitted. You kept staring at the ceiling, ignoring the boy at your side for a few seconds before you decided to answer him.
"And you will never hear it again."
Both you and Felix could back the claim that he had never moved as fast as he did when you said that. He had jumped up so he was on his elbows, facing you with wide eyes.
"No!! Please! You were so good!" He cried out, making you laugh at him. You just gave him a wink before you got to your feet and went to get the groceries you had left in the hallway.
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"How about we go in there? Maybe I can find you a shirt?" You spoke after pointing to a store.
You were currently out shopping with your boyfriend, Seungmin. He had asked you to get him an outfit, not for any special occasion of anything, just for shits and giggles. It was your favorite type of dates, the ones where you don't really plan anything, you just end up doing fun and silly things.
Seungmin nodded and you soon dragged him into the store. The layout of the shop was like any other, so you soon made your way to the back where the mens clothing was.
As you were casually roaming the racks of clothes, the speakers soon started playing one of your favorite songs, making it impossible for you to not hum along. You kept looking at the different items of clothing on your left, Seungmin behind you, looking through the clothes on your right hand side.
Soon, the song picked up, you quietly jamming along, allowing yourself to softly sing along as there were no other customers near you.
Your hand suddenly slid over a material that caught your attention. It was a green oversized tee, with some colorful and funky letters on the front. You cut yourself off to turn around and show Seungmin the shirt, asking him what he thought about the item.
You held it up, but no reply. "Seungmin?" You tried again. It was odd seeing as he was looking at you with a slight smile, yet he was not replying to your question. You then lowered the shirt and waved your hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"You okay?" You asked him once he gently shook his head to re-focus his eyes. He nodded gleefully.
"Sorry, your voice was just so good that I completely forgot where we were." He admitted, giving you a look. You pursed your lips and spun on your heel, so he wouldn't see your burning cheeks.
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Date night! You and boyfriend Jeongin had just been at a local restaurant for a cute night out. Nothing overly fancy, just a chance to enjoy each others company, since you both had been busy lately.
After you had paid your bill, the two of you went for a walk to enjoy the warm, evening air. With nowhere in mind, you just casually wandered down the street, your hands intertwined as you swung them back and forth, pulling and pushing at each other in a joking manner.
"Woah, when did this get here?" Jeongin suddenly asked as you passed a building with a bright neon sign hanging out front. You looked to your side to see what it was he was talking about.
Karaoke, the neon sign read. You turned back to your boyfriend and gave him a smug smile, hoping he was thinking the same as you. He returned the smile and suddenly you were being shown to a private room by the hostess.
The first few songs were just the two of you messing around, screaming ABBA into your respective microphones. At one point while picking the next song, Jeongin saw a song he really wanted to do, but as you didn't know the lyrics, you decided to sit this one out.
He belted his heart out to the tune you found unfamiliar, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. Jeongin was after all a singer in a world-renowned band- boy had talent.
The song came to an end, resulting in you giving him a standing ovation as he playfully bowed repeatedly.
"I'm your biggest fan!" You raised your hands to your mouth and pretended to be yelling it at the 'stage', like he just held a concert for thousands. You both laughed at yourselves before Jeongin announced it would be his turn to sit one out. You took that as you cue to get up from the couch and pick a song.
You were no singer, never was- never will be, at least not in public. So when you had to pick a song, you didn't care if it didn't 'fit your range', or 'suit your voice'. You picked a song you liked and ran with it.
The melody started, and you raised your mic to your lips, singing the words that were showing on the large screen in front of you. You found it wasn't as fun to sing without your boyfriend, but got through the song anyways.
As most things do, the song came to and end. You placed the mic on the table and turned around to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Mid turn, you saw your boyfriend like you never had before. His eyes were wide and his jaw was lose.
"What?" You asked him, uncapping the water bottle and taking a swig.
"Where did that come from?" He asked, eyes still wide as dinner-plates. You raised your eyebrow in a questioning manner, as if you were asking him to elaborate. "You're an amazing singer! How have I never heard that before?"
You felt your cheeks grow hot, and your eyes instantly found the ground, suddenly too shy to look at Jeongin. He chuckled at your reaction, and leaned forward so he could reach your hand from where he was sitting. He then pulled you back so you fell to the couch, crossing your arms over your chest, your shoulders up to your ears by now.
"We have to do this more often so I can hear you sing more!" He stated as he poked your arm, trying to get you to be less shy- and somehow it worked.
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Hope you liked it! Feel free to request again!
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hamingo · 3 years
Last Time on Family Matters- Session 17
Nov. 19th, 2016 (daytime)
    Because two of our players couldn’t make it, we had a Fun Time With The Bitch Squad session. Which was fine, because in all of Akari’s infinite wisdom, she stayed at the hospital, even though her Boy was gonna be discharged the next day. You know, when the sun is up. Girlie had a real Dumb Bitch Moment with that one…
    So anyway, she does her best to stay awake past the sunrise so she’s around when Anthonio finally wakes up (keeping them hospital curtains FIRMLY shut) but she doesn’t quite make it. By the time she does wake up, it’s about 2pm, and Anthonio’s been up for a while. He jokes with her about how all the nurses have been calling her his wife, but he’s not mad about it, and thinks it’s funny. He does call her out on being stupid though, because it is currently midday and the hospital is trying to kick him out to free up the bed, and they have no way of getting Akari out of there without her burning up.
    Akari ends up harassing a nurse named Lorenzo and demands that they run tests on Anthonio to buy her more time. Lorenzo isn’t about it, he’s on the ass end of a 12 hour shift and doesn’t have time for this bitch rn, but Akari remembers Rosario telling her once that the Giovanni family have ties to this hospital.
    So she calls him.
    At 2pm.
    He picks up, but is VERY grumpy about being woken up. When Akari explains her situation though, he yells at Lorenzo in italian before hanging up, and Lorenzo goes to run those tests.
    Next, she calls Brandy, because she bought some time but still needs to ya know. Get out of there. So Brandy promises to round up The Posse and go save her ass.
    She starts by waking up Wolfgang, but Wolfgang hates her, so she fills up an ash tray with freezing water but then instead of dumping the water on him just fucking., Throws the whole ash tray at his head. Which he then throws back, but their rivalry is immediately forgotten when Brandy explains that Akari needs help because Wolfgang is such a little pussy ass bitch simp for her.
    Soup is fucking impossible to wake up, even though I maybe forgot his character sheet and just had him roll a dice pool of 5 for every roll that night (which btw is insanely generous, I know for a fact that Soup has mediocre dice pools at best, so the fact that I just offered up five dice for every roll and it still took him like four tries to wake up because he kept failing is literally insane. My success threshold was TWO. Four times rolling five dice and he couldn’t beat a TWO like I’m still baffled by this what the fuck, King)
    But anyways. They finally wake him up (FINALLY) and decide that they need some prudish clothes to cover up if they wanna make it to the hospital and not fry.
    So they go find Adelina, where she’s guarding Mercer’s room alone cause it’s the day shift and everybody’s supposed to be asleep rn. She agrees to let them use some of her heavier dresses and coats, because she also likes Akari for whatever reason. {Hot girl Solidarity -J}
    The Posse gets completely bundled up and heads out to the hospital looking absolutely insane, bringing along some extra heavy clothes for Akari. But not before Wolfgang decides that she should be punished for being this stupid, and sneaks into Paul Allen’s room, where he’s sleeping with a death grip on that giant feathered hat but Wolfgang successfully grabs it. He does get bit by Paul Allen though. Not in a blood-sucking way, just in a “yeah Paul Allen bit you” kinda way. But I’m sure that won’t have any consequences later on : )
    So anyways just when the Posse rolls up covered head to toe, Lorenzo returns, and James keeps getting mad at me for this one but like. You asked me to run pretend tests on Anthonio in my mind and then acted surprised when we pulled up a list of liver conditions to give him?? Anyways, Anthonio’s got cirrhosis lmao. 26 years of heavy alcohol and drug abuse will do that to you, though. It’s fine, he’s a ghoul. Uhhh walk it off, King.
    Also, Wolfgang flirts with the nurse Eloisa as she’s prepping Anthonio to be discharged, and scores a date with her when her shift ends that evening after learning she’s also a part of Star and Dillon’s discord polycule. (He also gets his hand checked out because it is um red and puffy and definitely infected. An emergency doctor gives him some antibiotics. Thanks, Paul.)
    Anyways I wanna write other stuff rn so ummm I’m having James write the rest of this lmao take it away, King.
    As they are prepping to leave the hospital, Wolfgang tells Akari to close her eyes and trust her, and as a woman Akari definitely does NOT trust like that, but this is also Wolfgang so she gives in. The posse and boytoy all stifle laughter as Akari opens her eyes and checks herself via her phone camera to see that this stupid himbo put Paul Allen’s horrendous hat on her head. She takes the L like a champ though, and after helping her boy get his shirt on over his cast they head out looking like the world’s most politically insensitive band since The Village People. 
The walk back to the manor goes by fine with nothing exciting, but by the time the squad is entering the threshold Anthonio is fucking toired, so obviously Akari sweeps that man off his feet again and carries him to their room like the bride she’s trying to make outta him. Akari gets him set up in the bed and goes downstairs to get him some orange juice, as is their love language now, and tucks him in like his absent father never did. 
These next few paragraphs are gonna seem like I’m only focusing on my girl, but everyone went back to sleep so this was MY hot girl character development episode. 
ANYWAYS, Akari decided now is as good a time as any to tell Anthonio that those tests she had Lorenzo do actually came up with something, and homeboy was not giving a single fuck. She started talking to him about the life expectancy and how he can get a liver transplant, and she will ABSOLUTELY get a liver by ANY means necessary for him. To his credit, he’s Going Through It rn so he doesn’t take this well and tells her he doesn’t care and doesn’t want any treatment, we see your suicidal ideation King. A bit put off, Akari tells him he should rest, and asks if he wants company or would like to be left alone. Anthonio gets kinda snappy and says he doesn’t care, (probably bc he doesn’t get to make his own choices) but ultimately tells her to leave him alone. Ouch. She pretends that his tone didn’t hurt her at all, and complies with his request. 
Feeling a bit defeated and confused by the fact that there’s something in her literally cold and dead heart, Akari seeks out advice from a manor full of totally emotionally available and healthy vampires:) For some reason she starts with SOUP, who in all his infinite wisdom asks “okay, do it be squirtin’?” King. What? Akari is just as confused as I felt in that moment and replied that yes? She does? He does? Why is this important? Akari isn’t a smart girl by any means, but she’s got just enough up there to realize this man is all cake no thoughts. Onwards and upwards, to Mercer, her stand in mom figure. 
Adelina is sitting on the floor in front of Merced’s cage playing Candy Crush when Akari walks up and decides that this woman she barely knows should have answers. So akari sits down and asks Adelina what her relationship to Martino is, bc she’s been picking up vibes between them. Turns out, they’re married and have been since they were humans, how cute. Except, no they didn’t get married for love?? Get real. Adelina explains that love came long after marriage and children for the two of them, and knew she was in love when she realized she didn’t completely hate the guy anymore. How sweet. Akari explains that she’s never been in love or even had romantic feelings, despite her 147 years ‘alive’, which is when they both learn that despite looking about 40, Adelina is younger than Akari. 
Unable to see Mercer at the end of all of this, Akari takes the new information she’s gathered and walks away, feeling only slightly better about this conversation than the one previous. Batting 0 for 2, Akari decides to try Brandy next, because she’s a hot girl who’s older than her and surely she understands what love is. Brandy opens the door at the first knock, happily letting in a fellow hot girl. Like the dramatic queen she is, Akari walks right in and FLOPS down on the bed with a heavy sigh. This time, she unfolds her tragic backstory to Brandy about how her parents were shitty, there was no love in the family, she’s never cared about another person before, the classic hits. Brandy is looking like she might need a strong drink after this vent session, but takes it in stride and tells Akari that Once Upon a Time a long time ago, she had indeed felt love, and that if akari is asking about what love feels like then it’s probably bc she’s starting to feel it. Naturally, Akari doesn’t like this revelation, as it means she will have to talk to Anthonio about her feelings, and she’s better at using her mouth for other things. 
Somehow, during this conversation, it comes up that Brandy and Mercer are scissor sisters and besties, and Akari is definitely gonna be saving that mental image for a lonely night. Brandy tells her that Mercer is by far the best sex of her life, and in that moment I saw Hanna fill with pride. Brandy asks how Anthonio is in bed, and Akari’s eyes roll back in ways that only he could make her do, and says it’s SO good. He’s not soup in the dick department, but -Boy- does he know how to use it. Again, Hanna was so proud of herself like she isn’t a virgin?? (Maybe i like it when my characters are perceived as good in bed, what the fuck about it???)
Brandy takes this the wrong way and exclaims that is there anyone here who HASNT fucked soup?? Akari is confused and says she’s just seen it, who fucked soup tho? That’s when Brandy tells her that Wolfgang AND Rosario, at the same time no less. Akari hates that mental image, but she loves good gossip. Soon after this, Brandy reminds Akari to talk to her man for fucksake, and she’s gonna go to sleep now. 
There’s only one person who Akari knows will be able to actually help her, so she does what any rich entitled girl (or Draco Malfoy?) would do. She calls her Dad. But because she’s so brilliant, she quietly goes back into Rosario’s old room where her boy is sleeping. She checks that he is indeed sleeping, but then decides that she wants to stay close to him and sits at the desk to FaceTime Lance. 
Lance is not used to Akari calling, as she only calls in emergencies, so he picks up before the first ring is even finished. She then catches him up to speed on Anthonio and tells him that she’s feeling weird and wants to know how he realized he loves her older brother. Hearing Akari ask about love and not act repulsed by him talking about it as usual sends Lance over the MOON, and he’s so proud of his little girl, telling her what love feels like to him and how she really should talk to Anthonio because she clearly is Feeling Things. She admits that yes, she likes him, and while she doesn’t love him yet (thank god, she’s already moving quick) she can tell that she could very easily fall in love with him, and she’s scared. Lance, the absolute lad, jokes that she’d better not run away from her feelings and hurt Anthonio, which totally ISNT what her brother Hiro does to him over and over again. 
Akari promises to talk to Anthonio but tells Lance she’s terrified to, and begs him not to tell Hiro about all of this because their family SUCKS with emotions. Then it happens. Akari turns around and look who’s awake and looking a bit shook. Anthonio. Brilliant foresight, girlie. She asks how long he’s been awake, and he cautiously replies he’s been up for a bit, and heard some things… Nervously, Akari asks what he thinks of what she said, and like an absolute Chad, Anthonio says it depends on if she’s going to actually tell him to his face or not. King moment, we love this for you!! 
Taking a deep breath, Akari's life flashes before her eyes as she tells this man how she feels. Fucking Finally. Again, she asks what he thinks, and the guy laughs. He assures her that obviously he likes her, hasnt he made that clear enough by now? Akari is too emotional to even have a witty retort to this, and looks like she might just sob. Anthonio slowly gets up and crosses the room, giving her a kiss on the forehead, and tells her that he is still tired as shit and needs to actually sleep now As he just had surgery. Finally successful in her quest, Akari tucks him back in and leaves the room to let him rest, sitting down on the floor outside of the door and begins to pass out. It’s not like she’s in a giant manor full of rooms with beds or couches at least. But she wants to be close to him, and isn’t sure if his earlier statement about wanting to be alone held up, and also what if she rolls onto his injured arm in her sleep? As she drifts off, she feels someone drape a heavy coat over her, and is able to open her eyes just enough to see Adelina walking away. 
With a new point in humanity, a new and very fragile touchstone and a light heart, my girl has went THROUGH it this episode. 
Later on, Wolfgang’s 6pm alarm goes off, and he gets up to prepare for his date with the nurse, walking down to the hospital to meet her at the end of her shift. As a gentleman, he asks what she would like to do, and she says she’s very hungry but also CANNOT let him see her this messy, so she decides to take him back to her apartment so she can shower. Before getting in the shower, she gives Wolfgang her phone and tells him to order some food for them while she cleans up, so he picks some veggie stir fry for the girl. Let’s just say that when she gets out of the shower, she doesn’t even bother getting a towel or clothes on, and good for you Wolfgang. He gets the feeling that she’s into him beyond that of a one night stand, and he’s Just A Little Guy so he’s very happy to feel that, and did either of them even remember their food? We know Wolfgang ate, but she must still be hungry. 
(Thank you james, that was very good :) )
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shipuu · 4 years
So i find tratie adorable so this how i think they got together
We are gonna make this realistic not that “fell in love when we were 16 and somehow managed to stay together through everything”. Nothing wrong with that trope. But like i said ~~realistic
Katherine gardner - originally from washington dc. She went to gerogetown uni.
She has always been passionate about the plants and first decided to major in Agricultural Studies, but then she didnt really like it.
So she switched to environmental studies. Not exactly about plants per se. But still related to the environment.
She sees the way humans are destroying the world and genuinely wants to help
Shes got good friends in college, sleeps around a little bit. Has a good relationship with her father.
Extremely hard working. Work ethic 1000000. Graduated with honors. Got a job at an enviromental consultancy firm in new york.
Travis off to college. I believe he went to a college in ny to be close to CHB and connor. Probably a community college seeing as he couldnt afford other unis
Nothing wrong with that. His relationship with his mom is rocky. So she wouldn’t be able to help out.
Majored in business administration. He takes it lightly his first year, seeing as how he isn’t used to the education system because he lived at CHB his whole life.
He genuinely wants to be successful. To have a life for himself and connor. So after first year kicks his butt, he works hard and raised his GPA the following years.
Extremely good at math and numbers. He steal messes around, playing pranks on people but nothing harmful. Also sleeps around a lot. (Nothing wrong with that)
Malcolm pace made an offhanded comment about how travis should start a new club at uni called “how to steal” and he considers it before shoving the idea away.
During the summer, he helps chiron with any business related things (tax forms, buying shirts, selling strawberries). Connor and him still play a lottttt of pranks
Graduated with honors. Lives in brooklyn With connor who is currently attending college. They still visit CHB from time to time.
So this one time, he steals something but then gets caught. Nothing expensive. A petty offence really. He calls chiron up to save his ass but chirons like NOPE.
So he gets charged. And the court gives him community service since it really was a petty offence.
He has to work with those “plant a tree” volunteer services during the weekend.
Katie is also volunteering there for fun and mostly because during the weekend, she has time to spare.
Travis goes there and is genuinely surprised to see her since he hasnt seen her in 4 years. ( she doesnt visit CHB as often. And even when she does she doesnt see the stolls)
Katie is genuinely surprised too.
First day, they dont talk the whole morning- just planting trees. Katie is still curious as to why he is here. So by the afternoon she asks him.
Shes isnt one bit surprised about the stealing thing. She also forgave them about the Easter Bunny cabin incident as it was 8 years ago??¿¿
Hes kinda nervous and blushing when he tells her the truth. Tbh he had a tiny crush on her back when they were teens. But it sorta went away, as they didnt interact much.
They catch up and its mostly just small talk. The next day, they talk more and katie realises travis has changed. He isn’t as annoying anymore. Travis also realises that katie has changed as she doesnt lecture and scold people anymore. Shes become more chill
The volunteering thing is over so they exchange numbers, promising to keep in touch. However over text, their convo is dry seeing as they arent THAT close and with their busy adult lifes. They slowly drift apart.
Fast forward another year. Katie works at her environmental firm and they start a new project. The firms brings in business consultants because the project has to be a success. One of the consultants is obvio TRAVISSSSSS.
Again both of them are surprised to see each other. Like always they dont really talk in the beginning. Mostly small talk. But then they get paired together for a part of the project.
So then it begins, late nights, coffee runs, laughter at 11pm in the office. Trying to work on numbers and investors and getting the most out reach on this project.
They get to know each other on a much higher level. They start to like each other but wont say anything.
Travis admits katie is gorgeous. And katie admits travis is handsome (not to each other. They just think about it)
2 months later, katie invites travis over to work on the project, trying to come up with an action plan. He brings over beer. And they settle in. Its 2 am. And they both are tipsy.
The project is long forgotten, and start talking about weird things like is cereal soup? Is gucci even worth it?
Its 2 am. Katies apartment is dim because of the lighting. They are both drunk. Sitting on the floor, extremely close to each other. Travis find hers absolutely gorgeous. Her cheeks are flushed coz of the alcohol. And shes wheezing so hard coz of what he said.
Katie thinks he looks hot as hell. And with his knowledge on business she finds him 1000 times more attractive.
Travis kisses her first, he pulls back about to apologise, before katie grabs him by the shirt and kisses him back. They have drunk sex on the carpet.
When travis wakes up the next morning, he realises he fucked up. Sleeping with a coworker. What was he thinking? You dont mix business and pleasure.
So he leaves her apartment. And when katie wakes up to see him not there she is kinda hurt.
They see each other in the office next day. And travis cant make eye contact with her. Katie is super confused because she thought he had a good time.
When everyone goes to lunch. She grabs travis and pushed him into a broom closet. And practically interrogates him.
Travis admits he likes her and she says the same. They’re super close to each other(coz of the tiny closet). The electricity in the air is charged. And they kiss again.
Travis doesnt wanna have sex in a closet so he picks her up, slams her on a table in the closet, bunches her tight skirt around her hips, and goes down her.
And katies just trying not to moan loudly. But failing miserably. Travis stoll knows how to eat pussy.
The rest of the day is filled with luscious glances, slight touches, her putting her hand on his thigh under the table and slowly inching upwards.
They meet up that evening at her apartment. And they agree to start dating. They keep it lowkey not yet telling connor.
After 1 month, they tell connor who btw called it from day one. He’s extremely happy for them.
Travis gets a bit jealous when guys flirt with katie and vice versa. But the two them only have eyes for each other.
Katie gets paired with another guy from the office for some work. Travis also notices that the guy checks katie out a lot, even though she is oblivious.
because of their conflicting work schedules, and how they never get to see each other. Katie working on the project with “that guy”travis is busy with his work, and helping connor out in his senior year. Late nights where they miss each other so much
And thats when their first real fight happens. Hes yelling. Shes yelling. Travis gets insecure that katie doesnt want him anymore. Katies positive they are gonna break up.
In a last ditch effort, she goes to his place. And have a painfully truthful conversation on how they both messed up. They promise to do better and communicate more
That night they make ~~love~~ to each other. Not sex, LOVEEEEE.
After that its smooth sailing. They have fights now and then, but nothing they cant handle.
Their first “I love you’s” is a week after they made love to each other. She was making dinner ( shes a fucking amazing cook) and travis is standing behind her arms around her waist, chin on her shoulders.
And they’re talking and he says “well thats one of things i love about u” and after a second he realises what he said and practically freezes. Katie stops stirring the pasta and turns to look at him.
They both just kinda stare at each other and travis is so fucking nervous and then katie breaks out into the most breathtaking smile he has ever seen. she tells him i love u back.
Their kissing turns to making out and he picks her up, slams her on the kitchen counter and they have sex. (They also turned off the stove dw)
2 orgasms later. They finally eat dinner. And things between them are fucking amazing
After dinner they retreat back to the bedroom where katie is screaming his name and travis’ grunting heavily.
And it’s complete bliss.....
Also side note. Hermes and demeter 100% approve
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karasuno-writings · 5 years
66 prompt with oikawa plzzzz and female reader btw ^-^
Sure thing nonie! Thank you so much for the request!! This is a more wintery one!! I hope this is good and that you enjoy it!! Thank you for the request! I just noticed you asked for a female reader OH NO sorry let me fix this real quick.
“you’re sick and I feel bad because I’m pretty sure i gave it to you, so I bring you some of my great grandmother’s soup and watch movies with you”
It was a beautiful winter day; the air was chilly and snow threatened to fall, granting the atmosphere a surreal grey aura that made everyone feel like it was the perfect day for taking a stroll fully covered in warm clothes, in which whenever you took a deep breath you could feel the holidays and general festivities come in closer with the joy that people brought in on the air. Too bad Y/N could not breath. 
Y/N blowed her nose once more, highlighting the ache that had begun to pester her after several box of tissues had been used and disposed off. She was covered in a bundle of blankets as she almost coughed a lung out. The day was perfect and now she was just miserable, specially since she was supposed to go out and meet her boyfriend, who indeed had a good share on the guilt on her current situation.Y/N grabbed her phone, she had to tell him that there had been a change of plans due to the sickness which now tormented her.
Y/N: We won’t be able to see each other today Toru 
Oikawa: Why love? Am I too much for you too handle?
Y/N: No silly, I actually can’t, I’m dead sick
Y/N: Also, you are pretty much at fault on this 
Oikawa: How dare you assume it’s my fault? 
Oikawa: Maybe I was just too irresistible with that cold 
Y/N: Oh yeah your runny red nose was far from gross
Oikawa: Are you feeling really bad?
Y/N: Yes, it sucks
Oikawa: Don’t worry, take a nap and I’ll be home soon Y/N-chan 
Oikawa: Take care while I come to the rescue my love
Oikawa pouted as a shiver ran down his spine. He had once more forgotten to take care of himself, and had stayed perfecting his technique up until late at night. This would usually not prove to be a problem, however winter had come harsh, and the cold air of the night proved to be enough to get him sick.
Y/N wrapped a blanket around him as she placed a kiss on the top of his head. She had already scold him enough for the reckless actions that had gotten him into this, now Y/N took on the task to take care of him while he was on this miserable state.   
He sneezed, and all seriousness came back to him as he leaned on her arm. He knew this was all his doing, and Y/N being there for him was more than he could ever asked for. Y/N rubbed his back tenderly with her hand hand as she handed him chamomile tea with the other, steam puffs rising from the hot liquid. Oikawa raised both hands to cup the mug, gently blowing to cool it down. He coughed once more and then turned to look at her as Y/N smiled gently and he smiled back, he stared at her beautiful eyes full of love and then at her lips crooked barely upwards, he could only think about how much he wanted to kiss her.
“Don’t even think about it Tooru” she said lovingly, reading through his intentions. Oikawa pouted once more and glared at her. Y/N shook her head as she planted a kiss on his temple and handed him more tissues so he could blow his runny nose. 
“Thanks my love…not even a little one?” His smile was bright and sincere, still he looked sick, and his red nose was reason enough for Y/N to scrunch her face up and scoot farther away. Oikawa however had other plans as he knew what her reaction was going to be. His hands cupped her cheeks and he planted soft kisses all over her face, on her cheeks, on her forehead and nose, being cautious to not kiss Y/N on the lips; as as much as he needed to shower her in love he did not want to get them sick after all she had done for him. 
As Y/N hugged him to get him to stay still he stopped, burying his head on her neck and wrapping his arms around her waist. He coughed lightly and grunted as he felt his head throb, being sick absolutely sucked, but having Y/N by his side made everything better. He turned around as he heard her turn the television on, ready to watch their favorite movies.
Oikawa knew this was indeed his fault, he would not hold back on his affection while sick, so now Y/N suffered the consequences. He stared at the now black screen of his phone, lost deep in thought, he wanted them to to feel better and take care of Y/N. Be there for her just like she had been for him. What would he do?
“Quit making that face Trashykawa, it makes you look silly” Iwaizumi scolded the setter as they sat outside the volleyball court. Oikawa turned to look at him, clearly surprised by the harsh comment, still he furrowed his brows once more but now staring at his friend. It got him thinking of how whenever Iwaizumi got sick when they were little, Oikawa’s mom always gave him a container full of his grandma’s soup to give his friend, it was a special recipe made only for the sick, guaranteed to make them feel better. 
“Oi! That’s even worse!” Iwaizumi complained as Oikawa kept staring at him without uttering a word. Oikawa didn’t reply and instead smirked and stood up from the steps, his mind was set on getting the recipe, and while his mother was out of town he was going to try to replicate it for Y/N. He left without saying a word, leaving Iwaizumi wildly confused, however with Oikawa one never knew exactly what to expect so he just shrugged it off and set on his way home.
He had called his mom to get the recipe, she was delighted to hear that his little boy was taking up on family traditions, and even more so when he told her it was to take care of the delightful Y/N. As soon as she handed him the information he needed it was time to work. Tooru had few to no experience with cooking, but if he followed the recipe step by step he was sure to get there. He abysmally failed the first time, a new fire of determination growing within him, he was not going to give up on the task he had put on himself, he was set to deliver to Y/N.
Hours passed on quickly and now Oikawa stood in the middle of the kitchen, he ran a hand over his forehead to wipe off the sweat that had begun building up due to the heat that plagued the room thanks to the cozy fire on the stovetop. He let out a pleased sigh at his creation, the smell was practically irresistible and while he had struggled a lot to get to this result he was sure Y/N would love the soup he made for her. After four different attempts, this was it.
Y/N sulked on her bedroom which was dark aside from the faint glow that the television granted. Tooru had probably got stuck on practice because he was not happy with his technique, polishing what to her was already perfect. She was supportive of her boyfriend, but it would have been nice to have him around keeping her company. Their lock-screen flashed as her phone announced the hour, a picture of the two of them reflected on Y/N’s eyes and with one sad glance she flipped it face-down.
Oikawa however stood outside Y/N’s house, holding his bag tightly to his coat so it wouldn’t get cold. He sure had not noticed how late it had gotten while he was cooking, but he hoped she were still awake, the night proved to be colder than expected and she was surely in need of warmth. He unlocked the door with the copy of the key Y/N had given him and walked over to her room, following the faint glow and the sound of whatever show she had decided to watch.
“Your rescue is here Y/N, and I have with me the best soup for my sick love!” He announced as he walked into her room. Y/N looked away from the TV sniffing due to the sickness that seemed to give her no break. As he turned the light on her eyes started glowing once more, she was not expecting him and his sudden appearance immediately seemed to make everything better. 
“I thought you forgot” Y/N said, sadness apparent on her tone of voice. Oikawa left the container on the nightstand and hugged her, planting a soft kiss on her head. “I would never…was actually making something for you…It did take longer than expected.” He moved the nightstand closer to them and sat cross-legged next to her.
“This is my nana’s recipe, guaranteed to make you feel better in no time, best part? I did it all by myself” He stated proudly as he grabbed a spoon from his backpack and handed it to her, just after he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Y/N’s shoulders. 
Y/N got teary eyed, she knew that Oikawa was no cook and now everything made so much sense; he had spent all this time working hard to make something just for her. She cuddled closer to her boyfriend, a small smile spreading on her lips, this proved to be the start of a lovely relaxing night as her boyfriend took care of them in a way he only knew how. She took a spoonful of the soup and was delighted by the taste, proving to warm their inside as much as Oikawa had warmed her heart. 
“Tooru…I love you, thanks”
“I love you more Y/N, I’d do anything for my love”
“It’s a good thing you now know how to cook”
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gurguliare · 6 years
Okay here we GO Twilight Mirage futura free part 4 THOUGHTS, COMPLETE,* OFFICIAL:
I am strangely proud of Janine for pulling off a sustained, often exhilarating character arc that seemed... so dislocated from the main cast’s web of relationships? That sounds backhanded but I don’t mean it that way at all, I vastly enjoyed all of the independent storytelling Janine did in the finale. I thought Signet was far and away the mvp of part 4 and the keystone of what did work about the resolution with Crystal Palace. Um, but I’m just commenting because it was interesting to listen to something so self-contained within the messy larger story. The rooftop chase was wonderful! It really encapsulated what was, for me, some of the initial magic of the ship game way back at the start of the season, which was this sense of The Utopia imagined in terms of this adventurous personal excellence, this absolute freedom to go above and beyond, and to do so in the service of further freedom---I mean, inasmuch that Signet is both inventing third options and doing so with the goal of securing meaningful escape for everyone, and also, she transforms even necessity by showing off and delighting in it. And it made me happy to have the logic of the original ship game reversed, so that the same ethos which was admirable but doomed when used passively, in defense of the fleet, here becomes an unbeatable ambush---as seen through the eyes of Keen Forester Gloaming. I can’t believe I’m now a propaganda machine for high heels action sequence. Whatever, it’s fine. I also was like, SO BRIEFLY EXCITED about the reframing of Crystal Palace as a problem not for its omniscience but for its being, you know, an annihilation-class object, the Oberstein of supercomputers, responsible for more destruction than any knowledge can justify.
But then it went away again for Arbit. How did I feel about Arbit? “Lol.” I mean, thankfully they elaborated on it so much that I started picturing it as a fucking... stone soup thing where the cult of Arbit generated so much ~chaotic complexity that the Crystal Palace was stymied anyway, but idk. I much preferred “everywhere, the Crystal Palace is singing!” to that second (and third and fourth etc) ending. Honestly I think if they wanted a remotely plausible “solution” to hard-determinist physical universe of the Twilight Mirage, which I know they did not, then the logical one is the Splice---surely if you want to talk about things that would outrun CP’s compute power, “people living out generations inside the matrix in the course of a year, then coming out again with all new memes” might have an impact. I suppose I could merge this with stone soup Arbit theory for “Grand continues to have really good timing, and no, he shouldn’t sleep at night.”
Uh... OUR PROFIT and TENDERNESS, twin queens of Cair Paravel: I lost my fucking shit. What a legend. I was a little disappointed Open Metal went with them rather than staying to assist/help transition out the Cadent Under Mirage, just because I feel like that’s a funnier followup to the holiday special? and also I feel like all the attempts to patch on more reasons why “and this unbelievably valuable unmoderated resource will never invite corruption” just sort of, uh, drew more attention to the fantasy impossibility, which I guess is why Austin filled all the way up and had to vent horrific bad-end steam in an unrelated playground.
(What was that btw. no seriously, what a hilariously violent clapback to poor Echo’s bid to save the DFS from itself, like, obviously we would hate to end up recreating Rapid Evening rhetoric but “these minor powers failing to initiate pointless war early on enabled them to unite and form a MUCH WORSE EMPIRE later” is... uh... Well, of course, it is not a justification for blind consequentialism.)
I liked Signet’s epilogue stuff the most also, though followed closely by Ali’s notes about how Anticipation adds fear verisimilitude to the online flamewar experience. I love Signet locked in mortality chicken with the Waking Cadent. I love Signet’s permanent open distrust of the Waking Cadent, who has probably completely mellowed out by year 50 of the new diaspora and just wants to hang out with her cold advisor and reminisce about hot axioms. I LOVE “Signet was very interested in the Rapid Evening.” I love Signet forcing Divines to sit down at the table and talk with their own mouths, which I presume to have been the major obstacle to Divine self-representation heretofore. Oh! Also! Before I forget, I was thrilled to actually get that last Belgard-Signet touchstone I was craving earlier, and it was exactly what I wanted---both the pretty-obvious-but-nice-to-have-confirmed thing about Signet abandoning Belgard on Belgard’s request, the larger point of Belgard hating her excerpts dying, the part where Belgard has to consent to Signet risking her life anyway, because that’s justice and that’s what marriage is about, justice---and finally Belgard safeguarding Signet’s humanity for the long cold space ages ahead. Which is also only fair, given that Belgard is Signet’s non-petty prime motive for turning into fucking Elrond. Ohhh I’m so fond.
As for the epilogue to the epilogue: I was first cynical about, then immediately charmed by, then cynical about “The Kingdom Come walkabout with higher production values.” I did laugh like a horse at “Fuck, I don’t know, emerald??” and also Signet earnestly commending Grandmagnificent for turning his life around, six months before she (but not anyone else, even Fourteen) burned him out of her moleskine address book forever. Wait, those were both still Janine things. GREAT WORK JANINE, I ENJOYED WORDS OTHER PEOPLE SAID TOO, PROBABLY
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 04.09.17 lb
lmao the gloriousssssss swelling music and shivaay’s smile as he looks at the chawl waala ghar. let’s see how long this lasts. 🙄🙄🙄
pfffft, overconfidence AND cheesy. bhaari padne waala hai beta. bohut bhaari padne waala hai. 😌😌😌
this house is neither of your’s; it belongs to my son sahil. 😶😶😶
yupppp aaand he’s failed right as he stepped into the house. told you, you were gonna suck at this billu. 😙😙😙
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standard complaint about lack of AC. 🙄🙄🙄
his hair is already beginning to lose its height in the humidity. 😆😆😆
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“kisko dhoond rahe hai? main idhar khadi hoon!” 
ugh she’s soooo cute! 😍😍😍
this filmy fucker and his titanic waala pose. 🤐🤐🤐
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isko toh bas bahaana chahiye chance maarne ke liye. so damn cheesy. 🙈🙈🙈
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my favt. bit about this is her ear to ear grin. she’s sooooo happy. and if anika’s happy, i’m happy. 😇😇😇
rudra saying he’s the only one who’s ever experienced poverty in this family. i know he’s going to say incredibly enraging and am already debating whether to fwd. 😒😒😒
yup. he’s talking about how his pocket money of 25k is “chillar”. lord help me, i want to fucking climb into the screen and slap him. 😑😑😑
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same, bhavya. fucking #same. 
yaaaas bhavya, challenge his privileged ass. 😠😠😠
“25,000 kya, 25 crore bolti” - in one week. sure, son. sure. what are you even qualified for again? oh that’s right, NOTHING. like, at least shivaay and om EARN their money based on skill and knowledge. 😒😒😒
pft, i want to see this little shit work his fingers to the bone to earn that 25k (maybe even fail.) like rudy boy i love you and all, but you a hella spoilt brat and could do with a serving of humble pie. 😡😡😡
meanwhile billu is faced with a challenge of just dal and chawal for the day. no fancy ass asparagus and cheeses and what not. 😊😊😊
lollllllllllll he’s asking for the cooking range. and microwave. 🙄🙄🙄
he just called the stove “antique”. lord above. 
“on karke toh dikhaaiye!” *snort* 
god, he’ll probably blow up the damn house. 😬😬😬
back to rikara interrogating shady naukar. 
why do they keep at it with this ridiculous candy trick when the fucking vfx are soooooooooooo badddddd???? 😣😣😣
CHUBBY’S BACK! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chubby! i missed you! 😄😄😄
lmaoooo chubby is serving up some realness about rudra’s absolute nithallapan in the way only BFFs can. 🤣🤣🤣
meanwhile, what has this mister managed to make with just dal and chawal? 😶😶😶
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he’s looking hella proud. hopefully this time it’s edible and not like the pav bhaji. please tell me he actually put haldi mirch etc and didn’t just avoid all that to make this “low sodium”. 😑😑😑
if the house has been bandh for this long, how has this ONE rose survived? is it the cursed rose from the beauty and the beast? 🙄🙄🙄
oh thank god. insaano waala khaana banaya hai. 😌😌😌
he can’t even the handle the mirchi in his own cooking. what a naazuk billu. 🙀🙀🙀
he’s laughinggggg about how she threw pocheee waala paani at himmmmm when he came here the first second time! my god, what a changed man! 😧😧😧
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haha, her cackling at how he tore his pants last janmashtami. what a cutieeeeeeeee. 😚😚😚
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paanika paani phenkne se paani pilaane tak graduate ho gayi hai. waah, kya growth hai. 😊😊😊
pooooor khanna. naukri bhi toh rakhni hai usse. uske naam pe kya kya jhelna pad raha hai. ek shivaay kam tha, ki yeh idiot bhi sar pe chadhne laga? 😒😒😒
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yo wtf, is that their murtiiiii that’s just chillin’ back there, as if not stolen? 😶😶😶
ok uncleji here has a lot of past waale issues with oberois. dadaji oberoi toh abhi duniya mein bhi nahi rahe, why are you even holding on to this grudge? 😕😕😕
oufffff i don’t even wanna watch rudra’s nonsense. 😣😣😣
bhavya looks hella cute today. i like her outfit (on her.) 
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oh boy, apni chiraiyya is all up in arms. girl chill. 🤐🤐🤐
omkara is like dude, dadaji oberoi ne toh apni ticket kab ki kataa li. you can sort out your issues with him when you meet him in the parlok. gimme my murti please, coz my poor horny brother can’t get married without it. 
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when bae won’t stop trash-talking and getting in the face of dudes literally 6 times her size 
“lekin TUMSE badhkar nahi.” 
why won’t people let my poor sweet pacifist-kara live?? 😭😭😭
omki must defeat sadde hue uncleji ka pottaaaa in kushti. please to make an appearance, balram! 
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LMAOOOOOOOOOO OM’S FACE. that’s a face screaming “oh shit oh shit oh shit. my sculptor waale guns are good enough for the chote-mote gunde of bareilly and mumbai. i can’t deal with actual pehelwan omg.” 
this balram looks related to apna khanna, no? 🤔🤔🤔
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i need to know what eyeliner shrenu uses, and how it stays in place and doesn’t smudge even a little! 😧😧😧
why’s the POTTAAA calling his grandfather “TAUJI”? 😕😕😕
oh goddddddddd omkiiiiiiiiii, whyyyyyyyyyy????? BABY YOU’RE A LOVER, NOT A FIGHTER. (esp. without the backup of your two brothers.) 😣😣😣
lmaooooooooooo dadiiiiii won’t believe that rudra repaired the tap. 😂😂😂
ek nalka kya theek kar diya aise itraa raha hai jaise nobel prize jeeta ho plumbing ke liye. 🙄🙄🙄
lmao “dekho dadi, baat aisi hai ki rishtedaari apni jagaah pe, professional cheez apni jagah. baat ghar ki hai toh chaliye, 10,000 dijiye.” 🤣🤣🤣
“dadi chalo aapas mein niptaa lete hai, bhavya ko beech mein mat lao.” “kyun na laaon? tuney toh loot machchaa rakhi hai, toh police ko beech mein laana hi padega.”
hahahaha loving dadi today 😆😆😆
can’t believe this idiot got more money for putting plumber’s tape on a leaky tap THAN BILLU GOT FOR THE WHOLE DAY. COME ON. AND THERE’S TWO OF THEM THERE. THE FUCK, DADI?!!? 😣😣😣
ok kinda sweet how he gave her his pehli kamaai. 😌😌😌
but omg i haaaaate their theme music and this weird zooming into their eyes nonsense so much. fuck this entire relationship. it gives me too much michmichiiiii. 🤢🤢🤢
lmaooo pooorrrrr tiny bulbul trying to push omkara, but he’s not even budging. it’s fucking adorable how tinyyyyyyy she issss. 😆😆😆
OUFF OMKI. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
oh great, these fuckers get this akad and tadi and sheer bullheadedness genetically from dadaji oberoi. 😒😒😒
shivaay trying to motivate himself to sleep. snort. 😆😆😆
ugh, anika’s tooo damn cute. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 #tooGood #tooPure
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“tumhe neeche sota hua dekh main upar kaise so sakta hoon?” 
you were fine with it for the past half hour or so, lol. 🙄🙄🙄
idgi tho, she used to have a nice big four poster bed that sahil and she used to share? where’d that go??? 🤔🤔🤔
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“aap bohut badal gaye hai.” 
*happy sigh* 😍😍😍😍😍
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lolllllllllll literal cold shower on billu as he gets his armaaan up. 😂😂😂
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“raining inside the house!”
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ugh such cute. her smile lights up my damn life. 😍😍😍😍
oh no. andheraaaaaaa. 😣😣😣
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ok the hug is awkward af. why does she have to bend to like, half his height and hug him like that?????? just hug normally???? 😟😟😟
he didn’t even do the standard candle adhering process of dripping the wax onto the surface and sticking the candle into it. pft. ameer ppl. used to having candle sticks and all. (vaddde log, vaddi vaddi baatein.) 😕😕😕
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how did he suddenly grow taller? 😕😕😕
oooooh finally, backstory to the andhera ka darr. 
oh my heart. she was regularly beaten in the dark when she was in the orphanage. i can’t. my baby. my precious girl. *holds her for all eternity* 😥😥😥😭😭😭😭😭
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“shivaay singh oberoi suraj hai. aur jinke paas suraj hota hai, unhe andheron se darrne ki koi zaroorat nahi. main tumhari zindagi mein itni roshni bhar doonga ki andhere ke liye jagah nahi bachegi.” 
i mean that’s nice and all, but you literally threw your relationship in the fire and burnt it all down after you promised her this the last time. so excuse me if i’m not awwwwwing over this heartfelt speech of yours. i have enough trust and abandonment issues for both anika and me to side eye you rn. 😑😑😑
omki’s taking out all his latent rage issues on that chor of a naukar. 
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the-scot-blog1 · 7 years
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Scrolling through Twitter one afternoon, I stumbled upon an amazing little feature by blogger Liam McNally – he had posted a text post with a number of different film titles from each year of his life. Bloody brilliant.
So I’ve decided to give it a go. I’ve been on this wonderful planet for almost 19 years now, and although I wasn’t alive for the release of Jurassic Park, there have been a fair few phenomenal films in my lifetime.
This is my longest post to date – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. (2730 words – bloody hell).
  1998: Pleasantville
Oh my God. I didn’t realise how difficult this post was until I searched ‘1998 films’ into Google. The Trueman Show, Saving Private Ryan and The Wedding Singer all in the one year? God, anyone alive and kicking back then must have been having the best year of their lives.
But despite the 10 minute long decision process, I’ve decided on Pleasantville. I watched it when I was very young and hadn’t ever worn a bra, much less watched anything like that bath scene. Despite my mortified eyes however, the film will always be one of my favourites. I remember seeing the main character for the first time and just constantly thinking god, this is a weird film for Spiderman and Elle Woods to be in.
  1999: 10 Things I Hate About You
Again, this year is bloody difficult. The Iron Giant, The Mummy and Toy Story 2 – they just don’t make films like them anymore. Although I wasn’t a fan of Star Wars Episode 1 – it has to be one of my least favourites. Anyway.
10 Things I Hate About You was one of the first chick-flicks I ever watched. I knew Heath Ledger as ‘the strangely cute singing guy from that movie’ before I knew him as the Joker. I felt like I related to Kat – I wasn’t big on getting a boyfriend, and I was pretty much destined to be a wee bit strange since birth. Plus her name is so cool.
  2000: X-Men
At the time of watching, I was right into Harry Potter. I loved the idea of special schools dedicated to supernatural people – it made my own secondary school even more boring. I’d often just sit in class and daydream about being able to fly or have the ability to imitate people.
But in all honesty, the one person I was most envious of was Quicksilver. And not because I wanted to save the world or any of that pish. No. When I sat in my third year physics class, the smells from the cafeteria always decided to sneak up the vent and attack my nostrils. I would get so unbelievably hungry, and my stomach would always tell my classmates just that. So I used to daydream about running faster than time, sprinting down into the dining hall, grabbing a steaming hot spicy chicken panini (and maybe some soup, if I could manage) and munching it before heading back up to class. Yeah – I wanted superpowers so I could eat my lunch early.
  2001: The Princess Diaries
AH. I’ve got a feeling film directors are deliberately messing with me right now. Legit, I had a look at the films from 2001, and I was floored. What an amazing year. The first Harry Potter movie came out this year – the beginning of an absolute era. Shrek debuted as well – but I was always slightly offended when people heard my Scottish accent and compared me to a giant green ogre when I travelled abroad. The first Lord of the Rings film came out as well – see what I mean about them messing with me?
But despite all of my favourite film franchises beginning in this year, I gotta say, the Anne Hathaway/Julie Andrews combo that is The Princess Diaries absolutely stole my heart. I had never related to a character more – I had frizzy hair, buck teeth, oversized glasses and a tendency to prioritise spending time with my cat over hanging out with real-life friends. So when she went through her beautiful princess transformation, I was floored. I mean, I’m still waiting for that to officially happen, but I’m still holding out hope that I have a long lost relative that’s gonna tell me I’m a princess (no, not you mum).
  2002: The Pianist
Originally, I had written the first Spiderman as my favourite film of 2002. But that quickly changed.
The first time I watched The Pianist, I was 13 years old in a stuffy history classroom. I still hold the belief that this was definitely not the right time to watch this film. It felt as though my teacher didn’t have any material to convey how horrific the Holocaust really was, and so instead she stuck on one of the most distressing and hauntingly beautiful films of all time. I didn’t fully appreciate it back then – I cried when I watched the horrors that took place in the ghettos, and got even more upset when immature people around me started to laugh.
But I watched it for a second time a few years later. Although I cried again, I gained a much deeper understanding of the film. I still listen to the soundtrack when I want to write a particularly moving or sad chapter of a book. The film has such a disgusting beauty to it, it is astounding – it makes me question my morals when I say it is one of my favourite films.
  2003: Peter Pan
Again, there were so many amazing films this year – I can’t explain my guilt at not choosing Finding Nemo or the last instalment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
But I found my first love in the live-action remake of Peter Pan. Just a few years after it was released, I found myself watching it time and time again. I was young, and there was a boy with messy hair and a fairy to keep him company. Honestly, I was head over heels. I grew to absolutely despise Wendy Darling. How dare she take away my Peter, with her stupid bow and annoying accent. And the fact that Lucius Malfoy was Captain Hook just made it that little bit better.
  2004: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
You’re lying if you say that this isn’t one of your favourite films.
Again, it was tricky not choosing The Incredibles or Mean Girls – even The Notebook made it to my shortlist. But the way the Weasley twin’s hair sat and the introduction of the marauders just made my life complete. Except for Pettigrew. Fuck you, Pettigrew. I’d read the book before I saw the film, and while I was slightly disappointed with the previous two, I didn’t stop talking about PoA for months. In fact, I still talk about it. It’s great.
  2005: Sky High
This year was going to be beautifully simple – I absolutely love Star Wars Episode III. In fact, it was possibly the only film I was certain of when I started this post. But, never the less, I looked at the list of 2005 films anyway, and was reminded of the best thing I’ve ever watched. Ever.
Remember earlier in the post when I said that I frickin LOVE schools for supernatural people? WELL HERE WE GO AGAIN. I watched Sky High recently with my friend Ross, and even although the acting was abysmal and my cringe levels were off the chart, I couldn’t help but smile. As if the flying school bus wasn’t enough, the euphoria I felt when Will and Warren won Save the Citizen was something I don’t think I’ll ever feel again.
  2006: Pan’s Labyrinth
I feel like if I choose any film other than this, my Spanish teacher would kill me. Again, it’s another film that we watched at way too young an age in my opinion. Sure, it looks all mystical with fairies and creepy monsters with eyeball hands, but it has this underlying story-line of the horrors of war and escapism that you can’t fully understand until you’re a bit older.
I watched it again when I was 17 and studying Advanced Higher Spanish, and knew the film as ‘El Laberinto del Fauno’. I could go on for 20 minutes about this film and its director (which I did by the way, in the final exam).
  2007: Ratatouille
WHAT A FILM BTW. I’ve always loved Disney – my sister and I would spend nights staying up way past our 8pm bedtime watching Aladdin and Peter Pan, with a fair few stolen After Eight mints from my mum’s bedroom too. This film just completely blew me away – the animation was new and cool and it was set in PARIS.
Even now, ten years later (omg ten years wtf) I still think about the scene where Remy combines the cheese and grapes, and little fireworks and swirls form in his mind. I once ate a McDonald’s chip and then took a sip of my strawberry milkshake, and legit I’m pretty sure that’s what happened in my mind.
  2008: The Chronicles of Narnia – Prince Caspian
Enter stage left – my second love. At the age of nine, Prince Caspian had everything I could ever want in a guy (or so I thought). He had a sword, long hair, an accent I had never heard before and he fought Peter Pevensie (I seem to hate a whole lot of Peters).
I thought it was the coolest combination of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, and it was while watching this that I began to have a crisis about my true Hogwarts house. I had always thought myself a Gryffindor – I had the scarf, the pens and the egotistical ‘I’m-better-than-you’ attitude that all young Gryffs seem to adopt. But I found myself siding with Edmund Pevensie about a whole lot of things. I didn’t fully accept Slytherin as my true house till a good few years later.
  2009: Star Trek
I watched Star Trek before I even touched Star Wars, and I was absolutely hooked. It was what introduced me to science fiction, really. After Star Trek, I moved onto Doctor Who, and although I couldn’t really get into the Star Trek TV series, I found my love of sci-fi growing.
It was my love of Star Trek that caused me to accidentally find Star Wars. My brother would constantly go on about C3PO and lightsabers, and I decided very early on that it wasn’t for me. But after trying (and failing) to find Star Trek online, I accidentally found Star Wars instead, and thus began my love of the Skywalkers and giant wookies named Chewy.
  2010: How To Train Your Dragon
Other than Aladdin, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was one of my first (of many) cartoon crushes. I thought he was the most adorable lil guy ever – he was clumsy, dorky, and absolutely loved animals. He was perfect. I thought the animation was absolutely incredible, and the Scottish accents were just a bonus. I much preferred being compared to Gerard Butler than a green ogre, in all honesty.
And don’t even get me started on how he looked in How To Train Your Dragon 2 – oaft.
  2011: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two
HPDHP2 is right up there with the Prisoner of Azkaban. I remember heading to the midnight release of the last Harry Potter book – I was decked out in a Scream robe that we’d stitched a Gryffindor badge onto, with curly hair that reached my shoulders. And yes, I won the costume contest. But I remember staying up that night and reading the book until 7am, and having to head to school the next day without a wink of sleep. And yet I didn’t care – I had just finished the last book in a series that completely shaped my childhood.
So when the movie hit the cinema screens, I was praying that I wouldn’t be disappointed like I was with some of the others. And apparently, my prayers were answered. Even although the Deathly Hallows is split into two parts, I always consider them the one film. And it’s most certainly my favourite.
  2012: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
This film really got to me. I bundled up in warm clothes to see it in the cinema with my friend Ailish, and it was the first ever film I had cried at. I’d read the book before hand and cried my eyes out, but the severity and meaning of the story didn’t hit me until I watched the film. Logan Lerman and Emma Watson were two of my favourite stars at the time: I knew Emma from Harry Potter obviously, whilst Logan stole my heart as Percy Jackson.
But what struck me most was the way I related to these characters. I often found myself standing next to the wall in school dances, watching people having a good time but being physically incapable of joining in – it was as if my feet were constantly glued to the floor. It was comforting to know that I wasn’t alone in this, and it lead to me being able to open up to my guidance teacher about my struggles with anxiety.
I also wrote about the original book in my piece ’13 books to help get over a break up’ – check it out.
2013: The Hobbit – The Desolation of Smaug
When the making of the Hobbit was first announced, I was ecstatic. But my excitement somewhat wavered when I heard they were turning into three films. It was a small book – tiny in comparison to the three Lord of the Rings texts – how on earth would they stretch this wonderfully small work into three different films?
And yet somehow, they managed it, and subsequently made one of my favourite films of all time. Why, you ask? The barrel scene. 
2014: Guardians of the Galaxy
Not gonna lie, this one was a toss up between the hilarious Chris Pratt and the absolutely adorable Baymax. But, as much as I love Disney’s tale of superpowers and love therapy in Big Hero 6, it didn’t win this year for me. The best thing about the film is without a doubt the soundtrack – even four years later, I still listen to it when I wanna get psyched.
I wanted to cosplay as Gamora for last year’s MCM Comic Con in Glasgow so bad, but then I realised that I’d more than likely sweat off the green body paint and the leather would more than likely get quite uncomfortable.
2015: Star Wars – The Force Awakens
Up until 2015, I was losing interest in Star Wars. I’d watched the films countless times, but as much as I adored them, I couldn’t stop thinking about the shabby effects. So when Finn, Poe and Rey lit up my local cinema screen in December 2015, it was as if I was born again. I suddenly dived back into the world of lightsabers and gun-wielding Wookies, and I genuinely haven’t looked back since.
And although I cried my eyes out when that thing happened, I agreed with it – it was about time.
2016: Finding Dory
I actually travelled Australia for a month last year – I left school and just decided to get away from everything and everyone for a little while. So after I met my brother and we began to explore Sydney, we decided what better place to watch the latest instalment in Finding Nemo than the place where it’s set??
I was slightly disappointed to find out that Nemo and Dory did not, in fact, stay in Sydney for the duration of the film, but even so – it was just amazing.
I was going to write a segment for 2017 but then I realised – I legit haven’t watched any new releases yet. I’ve simply not had any time. And yes, that means that I haven’t even watched the new Beauty and the Beast. For shame.
But even although I haven’t watched anything yet, there are tonnes of films that I’m looking forward to – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Spiderman Homecoming, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi to name a few.
Hey, maybe I’ll revisit this post at the end of the year and add in my favourite film.
I’m tagging the fantastic Emily and Lucie in the ‘Film for every year of my life’ tag.
What are your most loved films from these years? Do we share any favourites? Or do you think my choices are just downright wrong? Let me know!
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18 films in 18 years: My favourite stories since I was born was originally published on Ellan
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