#btw I tried to watch a playthrough of the game and it is. hard to watch
transalangrant · 7 days
did anyone know isla nublar was actually the ancestral home of the Tun-Si people (which, from what I gather, are a fictional splinter group of the very real Bribri people) and that ingen forced them out with either false promises of safe relocation or just straight up sending mercenaries to their homes to eject them at gunpoint-- resulting in more than one death in the indigenous population. colin trevorrow, iirc, said that the telltale jurassic park game is soft canon last I checked (so it probably happened, but not necessarily in the way it was shown in the game itself, I think?) and I'm pretty sure that masrani global's website explicitly acknowledges the presence of the Tun-Si on the island-- before it was leased to ingen for the creation of jurassic park.
okay, so basically from what I've read today, it's canon that literally the entire foundation of jurassic park and, later, jurassic world was built on the stolen land of an indigenous people which were also harassed, tricked, and brutalized by employees of ingen... and all I can see of official in-universe documentation associated with either park that even acknowledges this fact is a brief land acknowledgment statement on the masrani global website. I have to rewatch jurassic world, to be fair, but I do recall that the events of the original 1993 jurassic park film are referenced throughout, often with an air of tragedy. but... I see nothing anywhere in the actual movies that even begins to discuss who lived there for generations before jurassic park was even built?? like, did they forget to mention this or do they just not care...?
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ravel-puzzlewell · 9 months
btw i'm playing slay the princess and while i think its fun and i enjoy it mostly, but that one post about how its rancid to turn any support of someone into a simping accusation, as in you're only support them bc you want to fuck them, is literally about damsel path of this game asdfghjk
this was the first path i got and it was so jarring to me, bc like. i exhausted all dialogue options, i tried to learn as much as possible about her, and in the end i decided that like. ethical choice is to NOT murder her just bc voice in my head said so. like yeah, she was obv an unhuman abomination, but i already saw protag's arm, so i knew i'm playing abomination too. and then when narrator attacked, it became clear that she's well-intended, so like yeah, i tried to resist and NOT kill her bc i don't want to let some freak whose possessing me murder non-hostile person?? like there was nothing about liking her or smth, when freeing her, i even chose an option that said smth ok im gonna free you bc i don't trust ppl telling me to kill you even more, but i'm watching you. it was decidedly un-romantic.
so i was extremely confused when then in the following loop the game pivoted HARD into making fun of player for being in love with her smh, and like. weirdly passive aggressively implying my choices previously were erasing her actual personality and turning her into a waifu. like??? where that came from??? like guys i play no kill playthroughs in dishonored not because i'm simping for every single guard
idk i feel like tha route should have hard more defined prerequisites that could justify arguing that "anime waifu" was your perception of her. like idk, if you didn't talk to her at all and immediately freed her. or if you said some creepy shit about how you're gonna be together or you're savior or smth. bc rn i think it undermines general thesis of the game, like it took me way too long to realize that it was about your perceptions shaping her, bc damsel didn't map with my perceptions at all, so i thought ok she's just changing at random i guess for like most of first playhrough
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hows-my-handwriting · 11 months
Is This a Bad Dream? (spiderverse!LN au)
so..... i have this.... au... right........
lets be real i have too many aus
its Little Nightmares but Spiderverse characters.
BEFORE YOU VOTE: read below the cut i just want to make this intro part short lol. whats below the cut is very long btw so. you have been warned XD
SO. with the recent (not so recent anymore but at the time it was recent lol) announcement of ln3 i lost my mind and went back to watch playthroughs of ln2 and got my googily little gears turning.
im thinking about this very much like an actual little nightmares game if not a little longer than the average game. (eg. 10 chapters instead of the usual 5). the main playable character is miles, and your party is the rest of the kids, mainly gwen, but with pav and hobie to help with puzzles or specific skills.
Tumblr media
concept designs for the party + margo and peni. (might change miles and pavitr's designs cuz not sure i like them.
i have most of the bosses figured out and the general pace and timeline of the story but setting and the final two bosses are giving me problems.
anyway here's an excerpt:
It was always night time. 
Miles could sit in his window and watch the sky all day, but it would always stay dark. The lights outside were bright enough so he could see, but the sky was always gray. Or sometimes black. He leans against the glass sometimes just to try to see the sky clearer. 
Sometimes the sky would come down to him. The clouds would crawl out of the sky and walk on the streets with footsteps that sounded like the pitter patter of his own little feet. It would walk on the roof sometimes too. He could hear its feet stomping on the sharp shingles. He wondered if it hurt. 
The ceiling would cry if the sky stomped on it too much. Drops of water would run out of the holes in the white paint and into the buckets littered around his room. There were only two, one was empty right now, the other was full. They were lovely little things- well, they were actually quite big. Miles climbed inside them sometimes, perfectly sized to curl up on their rounded bottoms. 
He drank his house’s tears sometimes. He got thirsty a lot, even though he never really left the room. He would sometimes get a little tray from the lady in the wall. She came up every so often and gave him a tray with some food and a glass cup full of water. 
She was a nice lady. She didn’t talk though. So he didn’t either.
He never left his room. She had her own door, but every time he tried to follow, he couldn’t open the door. There was a bigger door. He remembered at one time, people had come out of it. They would use their large warm hands to lift him up onto the big bed in the corner. They would pat his head and tuck him in with the warm blanket and fluffy pillow. They would speak to him too, in words he didn’t understand. 
He remembered long brown hair and kind eyes. He remembered a stubbly beard and warm smile. He remembered feeling warm when they were looking at him, feeling like he could stay where he was forever. 
But that was a long time ago. He gave up on counting. He had started counted the times the sky went dark. The lines were scratched into the post at the foot of the bed. When those lines filled up all the space, he started counting the times the ceiling cried. But he lost track. 
He was lonely now.
He couldn’t reach the big door. No matter how hard he tried. He tried jumping for it. He tried to climb up the wardrobe leg. But he never got high enough. So he stayed. He stayed on the floor of this room, watching the water fill up the buckets again and again. 
The walls were covered in color. Miles drew all over them. He had crayons that the lady in the wall had brought him one time. It was a big box, filled with more colors than Miles could name. He drew on the dry wallpaper, filling all of the gray space with shapes and scribbles. He had filled up all of the space he could reach, wearing down so many of the crayons down to their paper wrappings. So he moved to the floor. He filled up the floor too, drawing himself adventures that took him far away from the crying house. He drew himself running up to the sky and giving it hugs whenever it cried. 
The floor was full of color too now. 
He sat on the window that was nailed shut, and listened to the footsteps of the sky. He was happy here. He was . . .
jazz hands.
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pichlive · 9 months
Your reaction to the Narrator and what he says is really funny. You’ve basically gone:
I don’t trust you!
Okay, I think you believe what you’re saying. However, I think you’re wrong so I’m going to ignore you.
Wait, where did everyone go… SHIT, was the Narrator right!? Did the world end!?
The Narrator, the Hero and the Smitten are all gone. Are they dead? Did the apocalypse happen!?
Oh, never mind, the Princess is here. The world might still have ended though…
Meh, sometime things need to end for new things to start AKA I don’t care that my choices may have led to the premature and possibly painful death of every man, woman, child, animal and possible the universe itself. The Princess is here and that’s all I care about. Plus, maybe something else with come after this.
Oh good. Things have reset… and the Narrator’s back warning me about the end of the world again yawn
Wait, maybe the Princess made him like this
God, I hate this guy and how he’s – checks notes – doing the thing that the Princess might be making him do. Anyway, I love the Princess and she can do no wrong!
Don’t get me wrong, your reactions are completely understandable. It’s hard to believe a random voice that goes ‘go murder this person or you’ll condemn everyone else to die.’ Anyone would find that sus. Not to mention, while you are being told the Princess will end the world, the only person you’ve actually seen is the Princess and she asks you not to kill her. I do wonder if you’d have been so blasé about the possible end of the world if you’d seen some of the people you may or may not have damned.
It’s just funny that you simultaneous believe the Princess might be the one making him like that and that she’s worth saving but he isn’t. If you’re right and the Princess made him like this, he’s very much a victim but you don’t care because you’ve choice her side.
You’ve said that you’re going to try to save everyone, with the possible exception of the Narrator who you think might be a lost cause. It sucks for the Narrator. You think he believes what he says, that he might even be right, that the Princess might have made him like this and he’s still the only person you aren’t bothered about saving.
oh boy-- outside of the game content! Looks like i've unlocked the voice of The Anon!
so this little dumpster fire of an ask has been waiting in my inbox for… quite some time.
my initial hesitation to answer, more than anything else, was because, sincerely-- the tone of this anon made me think they might pipebomb me with spoilers to prove whatever little weird point they're making here-- if, in hindsight, there even is one worth making.
and also not give you the immediate satisfaction either-- if you even are still here (hi i guess?)
but now that i've finished the game…
well okay for one all i'm going to say is i can tell you haven't even finished the game. maybe even barely watched the demo.
Or by this point, might have gotten beyond that-- given that one ask i also believe you also sent me (from the way you... apparently think my reactions are so '''funny'''), you'd probably have tried to spoil me even more... because i wasn't getting to the points you thought i should???? what is your fucking damage?
but the first reason i wanted to 'answer' this was to show off how completely fucking bonkers you are.
the fact that i KNOW on some level you had to have based all this JUST on my playthrough-- and opinions-- of the game.
my very… incomplete perspective and playthrough of the game at the time you sent this in, btw.
the very… condescending way you word… all of this. because i have a spine i find this more cute than anything, if very annoying and weird.
the fact you seem to make judgement calls… on my morality? from how i play a game? with very Not Real Characters? I mean yeah it wants to draw you in and my choices/opinions for the most part have been genuine but i think ya'll get what i mean here
also i can further tell you have Not Played The Game because of assumptions even I haven't made? or at the time hadn't made? or if you have, uh… well. um. hm. alright then.
but again like-- your assessment of me based on… what was at the time a very incomplete playthrough with what information i had-- and if anything now that i have completed the game, uh, yeah, i'm pretty firm on my perspective.
but also other than shaming me for… beyond siding with, sympathizing with a character… the game wants you to sympathize with and bond with and not getting along as much with a character who, at every corner… listen i don't think he's technically a liar but gaslighting and condescension isn't that great of a look either. but also shaming me for liking her so much when the game is stated outright TO BE A LOVE STORY. DO YOU ALSO GET WEIRD AT PEOPLE WHO PLAY FUCKING DATING SIMS AND LIKE THE CHARACTERS, ANONTHY?
also your weird judgement of my impressions in general. like. it's almost that's what a liveblog is?
'the only person you aren't bothered about saving' is. also interesting. all i'm gonna say is um. anon. genuinely. what the fuck am i supposed to do here to even SAVE the narrator?
but also the insistence i'm playing a game 'wrong' that…… outright says there ARE no wrong choices, just different perspectives (which, i suppose also technically applies to me here-- but my point here being this anon is kind of weirdly fucking judgmental).
hell, even the creators have stated they won't answer any lore questions outright BECAUSE they want it to be interpreted in a variety of ways!
which, speaking of the creators.
i don't know them obviously, but, uh. anon?
i don't… think they'd want you acting like this. like thank god this game is so popular.
i say this because…
let's imagine, for a moment:
i have a weaker spine, and this game is far less popular, and still by an indie studio (granted if it was less popular i might not be playing it but that's beside the point).
let's say i recieve this and decide, at 'best', to modify my playthrough… not according to what i want. but because of some random guy on the internet who's being weird.
suddenly it's incredibly ingenuine for a game that wants you to make YOUR own choices.
or, a step further: i just stop live blogging it. if people think i'm making the 'wrong' choices, why show that, after all?
maybe, at worst, i even stop playing.
anon, if this game HADN'T of gotten the reach it had… how do you think this kind of attitude would affect it? or, hell-- even as popular as it is… this is still… pretty fucking rude to do to other people, and by proxxy the creators to a point.
like, there is the 'don't be a fucking dick in the fandom' part, obviously. shaming other people for their perspective on a game that WANTS you to do so is, uh. pretty boggling.
but there's also the other point that doing this DOES hurt indie creations. not that oh you have to treat them like glass and never debate with each other no no-- but treating people like this when they're publically helping talk about an indie game… is kind of shit, actually!
and to clarify-- i'm not holding myself up as some like, single beacon of the slay the princess fandom, like, god no-- there's a lot more influential people here who have done that way better than me in terms of hyping up this game.
more so that-- well, this isn't for anon. i know i'm not gonna convince them, whoever they are. and, hopefully, since the ask you sent after this, that I can tell is you because you use that cute little condescending indicator of thinking ways i'm playing you don't like/think is 'right' is ''''funny''''-- i've finally been able to block your ass. good riddance to someone who bafflingly was apparently following someone's content they don't really like all that much and don't know how a fucking block button works on their end.
like. are you like this with any friends you have? do you look at them and also like, similarly act like god's rudest little asshole about however they play a game? interpret a media? if you're allowed to determine my apparent entire morality from a short view of my play session i think i'm allowed to determine from this short (unfortunate) window into you that you sound pretty fucking insufferable.
no, this is moreso me-- other than making fun of anon and gawking at them-- going don't fucking do this. not JUST because it's rude-- but it can actually be VERY detrimental to other indie projects, even this one to a point, that's SUPPOSED to have discussion and different interpretation.
don't be this weird asshole.
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dipperdogrpg · 3 years
Cloud and Aerith theories/facts and not canon pairing essay
Ended up writing way more then intended lol and thought to share what’s  happening in the FF7 story between Cloud and Aerith. This is a response text I did on my youtube channel where I do commentary as a Cloti supporter. Instead I decided to move it here.
Wahh lol I got carried away! I enjoyed but also felt bad for Cloud having to dance at the Honey Bee thanks to Aerith and her plans. Gosh darn it though Cloud dancing was great and I squealed along with Aerith, but a tinge of guilt hits when I see his troubled face haha. The thing people confuses here is that Cloud pushes himself to do it for Tifa because he was ready to walk away. Instead of busting through the mansion he sucked it up to ensure Tifa’s safety and chose to sneak inside as a woman.
Yes, I’m also very curious how Sephiroth's schemes will develop and how Aerith will try to stop him in Remake. She's much more focused on Sephiroth and stopping him compared in OG. In the other game Aerith originally joined to understand her Cetra abilities, but it feels pretty evident she has new mysterious powers as a Cetra in Remake and her relationship with Sephiroth is more personal. Also, I think Sephiroth and Aerith’s ancestry will have a bigger role and focus on Jenova and the Cetra's relationship/History. I plan to do an Aerith Theory and a character analysis in the future because she is, as the developers describe her, mysterious. 
It's obvious Sephiroth is harassing Cloud mentally then later physically through his clones. He is scheming something big and I look forward how Aerith will try to counter it because she is probably the only one capable to do it as a Cetra. One of the big schemes was removing the Arbiters of fate, but I think they both wanted that. Both Sephiroth and Aerith want to change something that doesn’t fit with the planet’s “destined” agenda.
In Max's commentary he mentioned Sephiroth was intentional with stalling Cloud running into Aerith, which caused a butterfly effect to ruin the events the planet has planned. While it tries to fix itself, the party are becoming aware of the Arbiters of Fate existence and sees it as a problem. At the end the team removes it when Sephiroth had some control in manipulating it. Its been mentioned the three figures you fight are a representation of the three sephiroth remnants from AC, Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo. So maybe we are getting hints of Sephiroth's abilities with the clones and the lifestream which could lead to some complicated trouble. We also get evidence Aerith is already more powerful than her Og counterpart by creating the portal to fight the Arbitors. When the heck did she learn that? 
My theory about removing the arbitors of fate are so the creators can have wiggle room for slight variation in scenes they've considered fixing in the past to improve a more consistent story and of course a new way for Sephiroth to exercise his goal along with Aerith because definitely getting hints those two know more then they should. My theory, they are from the future and traveled to the past using the Life stream and I’m using the OTWTS Novel as evidence when Aerith and Sephiroth talk about their time in the Life Stream. In there they gained new powers. Evidence- Sephiroth talks about it at the temple of ancients and that he gained new knowledge from there, so why not Aerith too. Either way the party will stop him at the end with Aerith's help because her role in the story is to save the world while Tifa's role is to save Cloud. That is a canon statement by one of the developers btw. Aerith and Tifa have their roles to play in FF7 that lead to its success.
Fun fact, but Cloud is not himself with Aerith. The developers did say Cloud truly is himself with Tifa. Why? because love. Now, the cool thing in Remake we are witnessing is Cloud learning how to make friends. A poor social skill set that may have contributed with his insecurity when he was a child. Wanting to join tifa and her friends but instead stayed away. To make himself feel better he makes up a story that he chose not to play with the other kids because he is special. In FF7 we get to witness Cloud learning these relationship skills, which helps develop his character to grow up until we get to the Lifestream sequence. It's after that he can stop pretending to be what he think is the ideal cool grown up version of himself and instead work on his real self with the new bonds of friendship he made who stuck around Cloud regardless of him pretending to act as someone else during their adventure. Cloud is still Cloud. Even with the messed up memories he had. He is not Zack. He is like a little boy picking up traits he likes from other people and mimic them. Very confused why people think he is Zack. He’s not. He is Cloud trying to be cool and does it poorly. That’s a canon thing.
Soldier Cloud is a facade, an illusion of himself he truly believed in until he sorted out his memories and realized "oh I'm not being myself and just mimicking what would Zack do. A friend I look up to"  It's been pointed out Cloud isn't actually grown up mentally and is still a child with insecurity about himself along with 5 years of trauma thanks to Hojo. Poor BABY! This whole copy/mimic theme gets reflected with the kids in sector 8 that mimic Cloud in remake over time during the side quests. Cloud is doing the same thing with Zack. Even Biggs hints that Cloud and the kids have a lot in common. I'm not crazy about Sector 8 but it shows best what Biggs told Cloud before the plate falls. And one more thing I want to add lol. When Cloud gets his red drink from Tifa there's a pause of him looking up and down at the drink and Tifa, before he says beautiful. That moment of pause he thinks to himself what he should do here and then came up with what he believes a confident person/Zack would do. Zack doesn't hesitate when giving a compliment. Confident people don't normally hesitate when they talk. It's why we get moments of Cloud saying some awkward lines when he doesn't give himself time to think and its one of the best moments to watch lol cuz I think that's when real cloud slips out trying to act cool or is at a lost for words. It's canon by the developers that Cloud isn't cool but tries to act it.
Another Fun fact. Most party members and NPCs in Remake mention and hint in game they see past the facade Cloud puts up. Tifa, Barret, Wedge, Biggs, Marle, Jessie and Aerith are some of the characters that see past it and either go along with it, poke fun at his attempt or tell him to his face they know he's pretending to be someone he's not. Basically seeing past the character he pretends to be and can see he has a good heart over the course they spend time with him. Even though Cloud tries to convince others and himself he could care less about them and is only in it for the money.
Now OG is really awkward with the romance honestly from my playthroughs so far. (Follow me on Youtube Dipperdog15 if you want to catch my FF7 commentary when I go live playing OG and Intergrade.) But with Remake it's very clear they are building up Aerith's love story with Zack so we can cry hard later. All of Zack scenes so far is related to Aerith. In Remake and OG Aerith display some of Zack's mannerisms too because people copy/mimic what they do to feel closer to them when in love. She continues to wear the bow Zack gave her and the pink dress in memory of Zack. She's said "gotta move forward not back" in remake and/or that Zack probably moved on with another girl in Og but what if what she said is a lie. We have Cloud as the unreliable narrator so why can't it also happen with Aerith who is likely lying to convince herself to move on to protect her heart. In fact a lot of characters in FF7 lie to themselves and we get character development when they stop and face the truth. It's one of the many themes in FF7 which I think I’ll deep dive into on my podcast channel in the future.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Zack is risking it all to make it to Midgar to see Aerith while risking Cloud's life on this mission, because he promised her. Promise is a big important theme in FF7. Cloud and Tifa are the canon couple and Zack and Aerith are the canon couple in FF7 because these pairings promised each other. I won't disagree about Cloud not caring about Aerith, but he cares for all his friends as said in AC. Also why make it possible the idea to bring Zack back? To create a love square? No. It’s have us the players focus instead the reunion of Aerith and Zack. That’s more attention grabbing because we never got to see it before and I’ll cry when they cry finally getting to be together. If they don’t I’ll cry some more. The developers are pushing for Zerith and their development in Remake/Intergrade. 
Another thing to notice, there are a lot of similarities between Jessie and Aerith's relationship when they are around Cloud. This directive choice, I believe, isn't a coincidence in order to water down scenes that are suppose to be special. It is instead not a “one of kind’ scene. They both get carried bridal style. They both tell cloud My Hero. They both invited Cloud over for dinner. They both ask about who Tifa is. They both got a pikachu face from Cloud when jessie optionally kissed Cloud on the cheek and Aerith wearing the optional red dress. They both have strong personalities that overwhelms Cloud and that is a developer canon statement. They both worked hard to befriend Cloud so he can open up and be nicer to them. Cloud treats them both the same.
Aerith’s relationship with Cloud in Remake is directing us to friendship. In the novel it mentioned she loves Cloud, in what way we don’t know. But we can say for a fact Cloud was living a lie in OG and his real self loves Tifa. In fact his other self loved Tifa too, you just have to catch the moment. Example, Barret teasing Cloud if he is eager to see his baby when you first see Tifa in OG. It happens when you run to the bar, but only if you catch Tifa on the porch before she goes inside. That’s means in both remake and OG, Barret knew something was up with those two. Another moment is the interest Cloud has with what Tifa almost said in the gondola. It was obviously sounding like some kind of confession from Tifa at Gold Saucer. When you get this date the story is more fluid when you arrive at the northern crater and Cloud says “only your opinion matters” to Tifa. Huge RED FLAG Cloud considers Tifa important to him. Meanwhile Aerith and Cloud’s relationship was open for interpretation that it may have been love in OG, but the scenes that helped implied it were removed in Remake. The point system was just for fun because it was a popular thing in the 90s. Plus the points for Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Yuffie’s are their feelings for Cloud not Cloud’s feelings towards them. Then you get rewarded learning a little about the character, but that’s it. FF7 remake/intergrade is not an otome game. Cloud ends with Tifa no matter what. Even if Aerith was to stay alive the Life Stream sequence will always be Cloud and Tifa’s moment to learn about their feelings for each other. The developers have said it is one of their favorite scenes, so they won’t change it. ok now back to Remake. 
Aerith in her resolution tells him not to love her and it’s not real. A deliberate choice of words I think she picked to shoo away the thought they could be a thing for both their sakes and us the players lol. Doing that made it weird now because Cloud doesn’t want to ruin what ever progress he has with Tifa in Remake. Plus Cloud only known her for a few days and if his actions are making her think there’s this growing romance between them he’s not going to encourage it. Those lines raised his awareness to watch himself I bet, so Tifa doesn’t get the wrong idea and you can see the distance he put between himself and Aerith later in game. Meanwhile in Intermission we see Cloud continues to make quick glances at Tifa whenever he can. We get it Cloud. You can’t keep your eyes off her. Ok getting off track. So Cloud and Aerith are instead just friends. Doing this allows Tifa to pick up the role to be there for Aerith. Which will help develop their friendship to be stronger as the two girls encourage each other. because I didn’t pick up on the two being best friends in OG but in Remake it’s very clear. He already looked uncomfortable when Aerith grabbed his arm back at the ghost station in front of Tifa. To include Cloud with this idea of him falling in love with another woman in front of Tifa would leave a poor taste in our mouths after spending several hours watching him develop several intimate moments with Tifa. That freaking hug scene and train roll you guys screamed sexual tension and love. Cloud is not that kind of guy who easily falls in love. His whole hero’s journey is because of Tifa and he makes sure to be nice to her while trying to get her attention. With anyone else he is quite hostile with new people and slowly learns to tolerate them before liking them.  Cloud treats Tifa differently in a special way. He’s been pinning for Tifa since they were kids and even imagined scenarios of Tifa noticing him. That’s right, not all of Cloud’s visions may be accurate. We may see more scenes of kid Cloud imagining moments with Tifa to confuse our perspective they are childhood friends. Again, Cloud is the unreliable narrator thanks to Jenova and 5 years of trauma.  Now back to Aerith. Their relationship definitely felt different when Cloud, Tifa and Barret rescued Aerith. In fact Aerith’s relationship with everyone is different in a better way. The relationship between Tifa and Barret are better fleshed out compared to OG Aerith and I’m for it. Very happy they removed the jail scene. It was upsetting watching Aerith flirt with Cloud while Tifa was stuck in the cell forced to listen and Aerith owing Cloud a date. Which changed also in Remake. Taking Aerith home and spending time her was the date as mentioned in game by Aerith herself. 
When I play through Chapter 8 and 9 I get this feeling Meta Aerith looks uncomfortable sticking to the OG lines of herself but does it anyways so the Arbiters of fate won’t come for her because she wants to hold on to her memories. Something she believes can help her friends I’m guessing. This is if my theory is right lol. What we have now is an Aerith that’s more mysterious than she was in OG. If this is OG Aerith making a return in Remake then I believe she was acting a lot, but then we see hiccups of her mentioning Cloud being a mercenary when he never mentioned it or acting like she knows Tifa for like forever before she actually met her in Remake. And then there was her knowing the plate would fall in sector 7. I’m betting the burden of knowing it was so hard to hide that Tifa picked up that she might be hiding something. 
We are near the end! 
Aerith’s resolution explored further. The resolution helps proves my theory this is OG Aerith that travel back to the past using the Lifestream to help her comrades in the fight against Sephiroth in Remake who also returned to the past. What’s also interesting about her resolution are the things she said are something you want to tell someone before you disappear. It was so sudden in OG that it sounds like Aerith wants to make up for it and also doesn’t want Cloud to suffer in guilt as he did in AC. Cherish the moment. Every one dies. 
Aerith knows the truth with Cloud and Tifa’s relationship hence her stopping herself interfering. Now maybe Aerith did fall in love with Cloud, and maybe while Cloud pretended to be someone else was loving the idea, which is a stretch cuz there are plenty debunking the idea which I can go over later. They both may have been using each other to fill the hurt in their heart not having their true loves instead. Zack and Tifa. In her resolution, Aerith has declared she will not pursue Cloud as she did in OG and we have evidence of that when they rescue her. there were so many opportunities for Cloud to be Aerith’s hero. Instead those moments were replaced with Tifa consoling her and rescuing her.
The Arbitors of Fate are gone, so I believe Aerith’s normal clips of her flirting with Cloud will get removed or changed as many have already. This allows the directors to remove lines that painted Aerith poorly some moments and better her relationship with the team too. Aerith will still have flaws like everyone does. No one is perfect and I’m perfectly fine with that.
Crap if I keep going this will turn into a podcast in writing I think lol. Anywho, yes the arbiters of fate were eliminated, who knows if it's permanent, but as the developers have repeated, FF7 story will remain the same at heart. Iconic moments will remain. If it is not then that's a risky move to say to fans. Aerith will die to protect her loved ones and the planet and will reunite at the church in spirit with Zack perhaps. She can’t escape her role as the last living Cetra. That is her truth which she denied when she was little as shown in a flashback with kid Aerith. The other theme in FF7 is trying to move forward after a loss. Which extends to Advent Children which some of the team members has to deal with survival guilt. Some fans are getting their hopes up that Aerith will live. The developers are using Biggs and Jessie’s possible surviving scenes to prove lives lost can live in Remake. I think they may die later though if that is their fate, but we never actually saw them die in OG either. It was just implied. This is a set up so Aerith’s death scene can be impactful again in Remake, so we can cry again.
This was a lot and little bit everywhere, but I hope you enjoyed it. You can follow me on youtube in the link below where I invite other FF7 fans to talk about the story and Cloud and Tifa’s relationship Or me doing my own Cloud and Tifa commentary and Remake talk while I play the game. Thanks for reading! Hope you check out my channel and sub to check out my videos when convenient for you. Thank you!
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leeffi · 3 years
How did you get to know MarikinOnline4 ? i knew the game thanks to you ( ^w^) thank you ~ . i wanted to play the game but sadly i do not know japanese ( ' ^v^ '') . i tried watching gameplay so i hope to know more about them since you drew them with so much characteristic :3c
I’m so happy you asked! I actually got to know about Marikin Online 4 through the fanart from one specific artist that I follow, who, at the time, was drawing a a lot of fanart for Bachikin and Sigkin. It got to the point where the more fanart I saw from her, the more I wanted to know about these two characters, and I also started taking notice of the fanart in the rest of the fandom. This kept up for a few months, until it came to a head on December 19th 2020, when I decided to go down the MO4 rabbit hole, and 3 hours later emerged a changed woman. Before the end of 2020 I basically fell in love with those two characters As for playing, I had the same problem you’re having because the game is only available in Japanese and fan-translated Russian, so for a while, I could only reference the wiki, and various untranslated playthroughs, and it was OK for a while but I REALLY wanted to try out the game myself, and yanno, get more context for characters/plot/lore/etc?? It’s hard to make fanart for something when you don’t have much to go by. My solution was to download the Russian version of the game, set up my phone to capture and broadcast it to my PC, while translating from Russian to English in real time. I could do this with the Japanese version but it doesn’t translate as coherently from Russian to English, and I wanted to understand what the heck is going on lol. Here’s my set-up btw, not the most intuitive but it gets the job done lmao
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So yea, I’ve been playing it this way and I’m still piecing things together but It’s going great so far, I think I’m almost half-way through?? The only downside to this is that the Russian version is of a much older build of the game and since then, there’s been many huge updates that include new animations, attacks, music, updated UI, voice acting, and even an addition to the ending. And the creator is still adding and improving stuff to this DAY, which imo is impressive as hell and worthy of my respect.
Anyways, thank you for enjoying my fanart, and you are most welcome, I’m glad that my work introduced you to this great game, and I hope that you can play it yourself sometime! And sorry for spam, but I can’t help but ramble whenever someone asks me about MO4, which doesn’t happen very often lol. I just really love this game so damn much <=‘)
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chanaqinn · 3 years
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Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars
or, the most underrated GTA game (or is it 1? or 2???? idk)
I’ve already completed the story many years ago, but I had such good memories that I wanted to do it again. And I rarely go through a game for the story twice (due to laziness... some games are super long ok). “Salt in the Wound” is the last mission, but I won’t spoil it. • The cutscenes are interesting imo. They’re drawings, kinda like visual novels I’d say? On the DS as least, the drawings are at the bottom, you can see what’s happening in the 3D world on the upper screen.
Huang is a dumbass, but he’s still a cool protagonist. I like him.. or his sarcasm lol (some characters are very clueless). Plus, it can hit close to home if you’re Asian and you’ve experienced racism, because there is racism in this game. ( ´_ノ` )
The ending is pretty unpredictable, I’d say? Like, the entire time, you’re looking for a dude to get rid of him because of what he did to Huang (killed his father and stole the shitty sword everyone wants), but you have no idea who he is. Then Huang has people telling him that if he works for them, they’ll tell him who it is, but most of them are just full of bs and use him, especially that dude that wanted a specific guy dead. (。+・`ω・´)
As for the gameplay, it’s unique for a GTA game because it originally came out on the DS (though remastered and ported to PSP, Android and iOS) so it uses the touch screen. There are mini games like scratching tickets, drawing tattoos, looking through trash for various things (some are useless junk), making molotov cocktails at the gas stations, attaching a bomb to a car, opening specific vehicles to steal their stuff, turning the engine on without activating the alarm when stealing parked cars (two different types), and throughout the story, during some missions. Also, I don’t know if it was ever featured in another GTA game (not mods), but it’s possible to buy and sell drugs; there’s a network dedicated to that in the game so you can see who wants what. Definitely not a game for addicts (money or whatever), since I find it hard to get big bucks without the whole drugs thing (unless you’re extra lucky with the scratch card, or you’re a cheater). It’s possible to buy other places to live/save/hide, but that’s featured in some other GTA games for sure (I’m thinking San Andreas). Perhaps winning an apartment/house with a scratch card is only available in GTA:CW. Ah, and let’s not forget the multiplayer parts of it! I’ve never tried them though. :/ But they’re there.
Anyway, yes, I like the game very much. :) if that wasn’t obvious lol +++ My favorite cheat in this game (and other GTA games but–) : rolling out of the car when about to pass a .... toll??? That thing where you have to pay to go through, otherwise the police chases you and takes your weapons... Getting out of the car while it’s still in motion makes it go through no problem, then you can just walk past it and go back inside the vehicle, without paying even though it’s just 5 bucks lol
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Total time to complete the story: defo more than 7 hours because it crashed... multiple times :c + that quality is utter trash haha
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The first time I was selling that stuff in this 2nd playthrough, pretty much at the beginning of the game........ I had 0 money issue afterwards LOL
Oh yeah, spoiler here: I remember how scared I was during the cutscene with the ambulance I couldn’t watch. :( I mean, I was a child back then. Hate Zhou Ming. It’s not that graphic btw, but if body horror scares you... then you better close your eyes. And the sword. Arg. I found one in the trash LOL. It’s pretty scary when you’re not the one holding one, because its particularity is: it only takes one hit to kill. The swinging animation is pretty fast too, it doesn’t leave enough time to react and run away.
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Survey #452
“what i’ve felt, what i’ve known, never shined doing what i’ve shown  /  never free, never me, so i dub thee unforgiven”
Are you a part of the LGBTQ+ community? I am. Do you have Tiktok? Are you addicted? I don't. Do you enjoy being outside? IF it's cool outside, yes. Do you like being around kids? No, not really. Have you ever gotten Covid-19? No. What's your ethnicity? Caucasian. If you were president, what's the first change you would make? I'd probably put in place free healthcare first. What is an animal that you'd like to have as a pet but it's not allowed? If an animal shouldn't be a pet, there's a reason. So none. What was your favorite meal as as kid? Has it changed now? It was spaghetti. I still love it, but it's not my favorite now. Which doctor is your least favorite? Primary, eye, dentist, gynecologist, etc. Potential TMI answer follows. So, the VERY easy answer is gynecologist. Like, I've never even BEEN to one because I'm too scared. Not because I think they'll find anything wrong, but because I'm just very self-conscious about stuff like that and I do fucking not want some random stranger laying a goddamn finger on me like that. My doctor is really pushing me to go by now though as a safety precaution, but I just really, really don't want to. Do you feel that you'd be any good at solving a murder? No. I'm so clueless. You own a dragon, but it doesn't breathe fire; what comes out instead? Water, I guess? That could be beneficial in a lot of ways. Have you ever been sprayed by a giant rain puddle when a car passed by? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? Yeah, IT with Girt. What color is your iPod? Hot pink. Do you think baby clothes are adorable? Ha ha yeah, I just tend to like miniature things in general, and babies are just... miniature humans lmao. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. If you could adopt 3 unique pets, what would you get? A plains hognose morph (probably a lavender, or snow?), a Brazilian black tarantula, andddd... an African fat-tailed gecko morph. What grade are you in, if you’re still in school? I'm not in school. Do you get a lot of tourists in the area where you live? Hell no, there's not shit here. Do you enjoy watching vlogs? Only occasionally by certain people I like. What was the last new video game you were excited about? It really sucks I don't have the appropriate console to play it myself, but I was SUPER stoked for Resident Evil 8: Village to be released and literally watched like four different playthroughs at the same time, ha ha. Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out? In a three-and-a-half years intimate relationship, it obviously came up before. He didn't care, because he wasn't 12. Have you ever been to small church/bible group/study? Forced to or wanted to? I was forced to go to Sunday school, as well as church. Have you ever been to an Asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you? I've never seen one here, even. How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos? That'd be a bonus to how physically attracted I was to them, probably, lol. I just love tattoos. Where was the last place on your body that you felt physical pain? My uterus is screaming. :') What are you listening to right now? I am fucking unhealthily obsessed with Violet Orlandi & Skar's cover of "The Unforgiven" by Metallica lkasdjkflawjerwr like I will not stop listening to it lol. Last person you texted? My mom. Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? Yes. Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? My mom. Have you ever used a chainsaw? Nooo, and I don't want to. Do you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa? crihmuh Ever been so stunned, no words came out? Oh yes. Ever written that you were going to end your life? I have. I was fucking stupid and made a suicide note on Facebook. I genuinely wanted everyone on there to know what they meant to me, so like it seriously wasn't for attention, which I still worry people think that. Ever put fake bugs around your house to scare someone? Not to scare people, no. I have two faux tarantulas in my room as decor, though. Is there a reason you have the name you do? Not particularly. My parents just liked it, ig. Choose: the best song by Green Day? Aw, that's way too hard! I love Green Day. I guess if I absolutely had to pick, maybe "21 Guns." It's just a truly beautiful song. Have you ever tried to “save”, or “fix” someone, before? No. I don't believe that works and only damages you. Were ethics discovered or invented? That's a good question. I really can't say I know. Do you put effort into getting tan during the summer? Nah. Are you a fairly self-motivated person? NO. I need external motivation pretty badly. Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? Or are they actually not worthy of your affections? I don't deserve him. List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently. 1.) wtf I feel about Girt and wtf to do about it; 2.) my weight; 3.) what job I'm going to search for once I make progress at the gym; 4.) whether or not to quit photography and focus my efforts elsewhere; and 5.), as always, Jason. What is better, history or science? Science is way more interesting. Do you flinch at the sight of blood? No. Do you enjoy swimming? Yeah. When you swear, is it usually in general or directed at someone? In general. I don't generally swear at people. Are any of your friends hoping to be famous one day? Yeah; I've got a couple of musician friends. Who would you kiss right now if you could kiss anyone? GO AWAY Ever slapped a guy in the face? No. I don't hit people. Do you think you’re a good friend? I sure try to be. Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger? When? I have on only one occasion when I Jason and I were texting and he pissed me off. I don't remember what we were even talking about now. My phone was fine btw, ha ha, I didn't like, chuck it. What color of hair do you find the sexiest on the opposite gender? Out of the natural hair colors, black. But I really like hair that's dyed exotic colors on like... anyone. Have you slept over at a member of the opposite sex’s house in their bed? Yeah. When you lost your virginity, were you sober? Yeah. Have you ever given your phone number to somebody you met online? Quite a few people, actually. Most of my friendships are online. On average, how much does gas cost where you live? When I was out today, it was $2.99. Why are you happy? Who said I was? I'm not happy. What is in your pocket? Nothing. What was the worst feeling you last felt? Severe indecision. Worthlessness. Yesterday had some grim periods. What would you name your future son? I always answer with the first name, "Damien," so let's see about a middle name... uhhhh... maybe Damien James? I'm not really sure about a middle name, but that sounds nice. What are you waiting for? Girt to message me back. He barely touches Facebook, so I can't blame him, but I wanna plan a day for him to visit and we can hang and I can decide what the fuck it is I feel towards him. What takes your breath away? Big waterfalls, to name a major one. What fact of life would you rather not know about? That the world doesn't give a fuck about you. It sounds super pessimistic, I know, but it doesn't. There is no sentience to it, no will to keep you safe and happy, it just... exists, and we're thrown onto it to figure it out. Unfair things happen. That's life. ... Damn, this answer was dark lol. What’re a few things that automatically make you go, “Awww?” Meerkat pups doing so much as blinking, guys being really cute with kids, seeing elderly couples holding hands and just generally being precious, proposals (especially gay ones just because of how hard that was fought for), seeing literally any picture in existence of Mark and Amy together, veterans coming home and their dogs freaking out... Man, a lot of things. This question brightened my mood to think about. :') Are you easily scared by horror movies? Nah. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Illinois to visit Sara. :') I really wanna hang. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? No, but a former best friend had her bday a day before mine. Are you wearing a ring? I always wear two. Do you hate to hug people? No, I love hugs. How many rooms does your house consist of? Seven. If you could be on any TV show, which would it be and why? Can I be a Pokemon trainer, pls???? What would you want to be famous for? Most ideally, a great wildlife photographer. The kind photography students would see and be inspired by. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, I sleep with a real animal, ha ha. What is your favorite brand of hairspray? I don’t have one. What is in your backyard? Not very much... I'm barely ever even out there, so I barely know. There's one shed, a small tree, and uh... idk. Who is/was your favorite teacher? I have a few. Mrs. Whitley, Mr. Proctor, Coach Collie, and Miss Tobey are some. What’s your favorite non-sexual thing to do with a girl/boy? Play video games together. Do you cheer for the bad guy? Ha, I have a tendency to do that... Would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? Career. I want one so very badly. Something on the human body that grossest you out the most: So even though I am sexually attracted to any gender, nevertheless, genitalia gross me the fuck out. Either kind. Penises especially though like what the fuck- Do you think it’s easier to raise a boy a girl? Why? From most parents, I've heard boys are much easier because girls (supposedly) tend to have more of an attitude. What is your favorite strawberry flavored food? Strawberry is generally my favorite flavor for like, everything, so this is just about impossible. Maybe uhhh slushies? What is the oldest video game system you’ve played? An Atari.
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dlamp-dictator · 5 years
Allen Rambles About Three Houses
So last week I finished up my Black Eagles playthrough of Fire Emblem Three Houses. It was... okay. It wasn’t great. I had a few issues with the pacing how quick the plot move to the final battles and the lack of build-up for the big climaxes in the last few chapters, but I had a good time overall. Still, I was left unsatisfied. Between Fates, Echoes, and even Warriors, I think I enjoyed this game the most, but also had the most uncertainty with. 
Fates was a fun game with fun mechanics and fun customization options if you were willing to grind for it, but also had the worst stories and narratives. Echoes had the best story out of the three, but had some game mechanics I really wasn’t a fan of like dungeon stamina and enemy AI nonsense. And Warriors was just fun fanservice as a fan of Dynasty Warriors, but was overall boring and repetitive after completing the story mode. 
Three Houses honestly succeeds in every category so far. It has an engaging story, fun gameplay mechanics with a lot of customization options, and a lot of fun interactions and cute moments in it. But even so, I still can’t help but have issues with it. 
So... I want to talk about that for a bit. I want to cover what I like and what I dislike about this game so far. Just talk a little bit with the fanbase to see where my feelings and thoughts are compared to everyone else’s.
But first, as always, a synopsis for those unfamiliar with Three Housed. 
Fire Emblem Three Houses is a strategy game for the Nintendo Switch and the 16th game in the franchise. This game in particular focuses on three heirs to three different nations on the continent of Fodlan. The proud and commanding Edelgard of the Adrestian Empire who has great ambitions for her nation and its people despite how radical and blasphemous her manifesto seems. The kind well-mannered Dimitri of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus who’s smile and inviting nature hides a dark and maleficent past that still haunts and eats away at him to this day. And the easy-going and playful Claude of the Leicester Alliance who always seems to be planning something more sinister and malicious than his devil may care attitude shows. These 3 heirs all go to the same military academy at the Garreg Mach Monastery, both a religious and military center where the church resides. Together they enjoy school life, interact with students and classmates, compete in friendly competition, and learn the ways of war together. However, as political events, social changes, and possible wars erupting, the three friends are tested and eventually break part, now pointing their blades at each other for their own beliefs and goals. And as violence is all but certain as the years tick by, all the three can do is wait until they’re forced to kill each other for their beliefs, their goals, and their countries.
You play as none of these characters.
Instead, you play as Byleth, a new professor at the academy and former mercenary. You choose one of the Three Houses to teach and become wrapped up in their machinations as the plot thickens. How you train your students and ready them for the real world for the trials to come is all in your hands.
So... with that all said and the plot laid out, I think I should start with my issues first in the say way I did my quick thoughts. Just so I can at least end this on a good note after all my nitpicks and issues. 
With that said, I’m going to start small and first cover...
Things That Only Annoy Allen
So last time I tried to write this I had to make my first “small” grievance into it’s own part. I’ll try and keep this short since I really want to keep this to the actual small stuff:
I don’t like Byleth’s female design. I’ll go into detail later but for now just know the lacy stockings are distracting for the wrong reasons.
There’s no female brawling class and it bugs me greatly due to Petra’s and Ingrid’s high speed growths. They could be some extremely high DPS infantry in the right hands with those things, but there’s no really class to take advantage of that aside from maybe Swordmaster.
More for story reasons than anything, I wish there was an in-game limit to how many students you could have join your class. About 3 students per House if I had to put a number on it for reasons I’ll explain later. This isn’t an issue, but it’s something I’d like.
Magic only being accessible for certain classes bugs me. I understand the in-game reason for this as a physical unit that could use some emergency (if very weak) magic after losing weapons or fighting armored units would honestly break the game even further than it can be now, but still.
Something I might mention later, but after watching a Blue Lions playthrough by one of my favorite Let’s Players I feel that the game should had limited which House we could join first, as my Black Eagles playthrough would had been more fulfilling learning of some things I’ve learned in that Blue Lions run.
Class mastery should be tied to levels instead of as a separate experience bar. I understand why that’s done, mostly keep people from really min-maxing classes and abilities, but it’s still annoying in terms of optimization.
Edelgard, the only female lord, is the only bisexual lord. Now I’m not in the LGBTQA+ community, but as a gamer and self-proclaimed degenerate I know that denying the yaoi fangirls a male gay option for a main character is... suspicious, given the lovable bisexual rouge of Niles in Fates, and it clear that Claude could had easily been a bisexual option as well given his personality. Again, not in the LGBTQA+ community or trying to play the social justice card, but it is making me raise eyebrows toward the games marketing and aimed demographics.
Byleth in general just... bugs me as a character, but I’ll get to that later.
And now it’s later, so let’s get to talking about the main thing that bugs me with Three Houses, and that’s...
I don’t like Byleth. I don’t like Byleth at all. I namely don’t like how they were executed, but the fact that we have another avatar character after how well Echoes worked as a story without a self-insert character, I’m just... baffled. I’ll try and break this down a little.
Byleth’s Design
I really don’t Byleth’s design, namely the female design. The male version looks fine, if a little too black for my tastes, but the female version is trying way too hard to look sexy. This only makes me mad because both Awakening and Fates had female avatars that didn’t look overly sexy or obviously pandering to the male gaze. They were just the female version of the male version’s outfit. Maybe there was some more boobs and hips because female, but it was mostly forgivable. 
And look, I’m not prude, far from it. Senran Kagura is one of my favorite video game series (cautiously hyped about Yumi being in Cross Tag BTW). Rumble Roses is a guilty pleasure I play every so often. One of my favorite anime is freaking Koihime, aka ‘Ikkitousen but better EVERYONE is a girl.’ I’m not saying you can’t have a sexy character or a bunch of sexy characters in a game or piece of media. However, that character should at least have a sexy personality to go with it. And with Byleth, who has the personality of cardboard has been with her mercenary father all her life fighting for her life, it doesn’t feel like she would actively be trying to look sexy since she doesn’t have the personality for it, or a personality at all. She looks less like a mercenary or teacher and more like Manuela forced her into some lacy stockings to make her branch out...
Huh, that would be a good paralogue/support conversation, but I’m not about to rewrite the game just for my satisfaction... yet.
 If you want my quick armchair redesign ideas in terms of design I’d just stick her in Male Byleth’s armor, maybe have a more pronounced/noticeable skirt instead of a long shirt, and dear God get rid of those lacy stockings. Byleth is suppose to be a mercenary that’s only known battle with her father, the Ashen Demon that rarely shows their emotions, not a sexy fashion model. The Enlightened One model is it’s own mess, but this section ate up enough of my time already so I’m moving on.
Byleth’s Personality
Again, Byleth having the personality of a damn rock really kills my attachment to the character. They don’t speak or emote beyond generic level up phrases and crit quotes. 
Which is a shame because Byleth has some really good crit quotes. 
However, from what Jeralt and other students say about Byleth I can gather that their someone that’s often quiet and standoffish. They don’t speak unless prompted to or needs to interject. They tend to observe more than act, even more so after they gain the ability to rewind time, but have a razor-sharp and deadly focus when in combat. And despite their distant nature, they do care about their students, friends, and family quite a lot, willing to break the emotionless Ashen Demon persona to crack a smile even now and then, even completely showing deadpan shock when something surprising or appalling is said, as rare as it happens. 
This is literally Yu Narukami’s personality in Persona 4 the Animation.
And that anime not only gave Yu Narukami more agency and personality than the self-insert the game made him out as, it also gave him a lot of a good back-and-forth with his friends and cast at large. 
Seriously, this could had been Byleth if they bothered to let them speak and actively interact more independently, and it would had been great.
But that aside, I’m moving on to something a little more important, which is...
Byleth’s Importance
[Spoilers for the Black Eagles Route Ahead] 
Again, I’ve only played the Black Eagle’s route, so maybe this changes in the other Houses, but Byleth seems way too important for his own good when we have 3 other “main” characters. He’s the crux of a lot of events and it doesn’t feel deserved or built up to well enough. In the Black Eagle’s path, you’re the one that convinces the class to work with Edelgard instead of Edelgard just explaining herself before the class of her goals. You’re the one leading the Black Eagle Strike Force instead of Edelgard or Hubert taking command and leading after years of not having the professor around and having to survive the war on their own. You’re the one that Rhea has a personal vengeance for instead of the woman that torn the church apart with both words of steel and blades of iron. And you just randomly find out that your the progenitor god from Edelgard and Hubert toward the very end. It feels really anti-climactic, but I also get the feeling that we were suppose to play Edelgard’s route last, something I’ll save for later. 
Among other things, I just feel that the focus on Byleth stagnants Edelgard’s character a lot. I want to see Edelgard struggle with the fact that her ideals, while noble in concept, are dragging the world in the flames of war and that she’s seen more as a tyrant than a savior, but instead we focus on Byleth’s mysterious birth and power after being gone for five years. This game, at least on the Black Eagle route, was so damn close to telling a really good war drama, but backpedals due to Byleth’s existence and perceived importance.
[Spoilers for Mid-Game Ahead]
I wish she was more active in the story. Nothing too big, but if I had to deal with emotionless rock that is Byleth, I’d like to have seen Sothis sprinkling her commentary on everything they did. Just imagine Sothis sassing Byleth about how their always eat lunch with their students. Her commenting on the fish they catch. Her giving additional small hints about who owns certain lost items after failing so many times to give the right item to someone. Her sassing every student in their support with Byleth on C-rank. Her telling you to go to sleep when you run out of activity points. It’d add a lot to her character and it’d make the moment later in the game when you no longer have her voice around feel more impactful. Imagine catching a big fish after fusing with her and... hearing nothing about it how big a catch it was. Imagine trying to give Ingrid a lost sword for the fifth time, hoping to hear a hint from Sothis and... you hear nothing.
Again, just an armchair idea, but at least that way when Byleth is being a plank of wood we’ll have Sothis to add some literal flavor text to everything they do.
Ah, but that’s enough about Byleth, let’s move on to something a little more important. Like... 
The Gameplay
Thankfully, my issue with the gameplay are more nitpicks if anything, and I can actually have this in list form too.
As I mentioned in my quick thoughts, I feel like late-game/master classes are more of a pain to gain than most others. A lot of them need to have some heavy grinding in a stat you didn’t likely need to worry about before. Mortal Savant requires you to heavily grind either a physical class in magic or a magical class in swords, something that you likely didn’t do. Speaking of magic, it’s annoying that for all the customization in this game only certain classes can use magic. It makes raising a Mortal Savant or a more physical Holy/Dark Knight a nightmare. Again, I understand why this was done, but it’s annoying all the same.
Gender-restrictions, as I also said in my Quick Thoughts, are just dumb. Fates had removed this and it was great to have the freedom to give my male units the ability to become Falcon Knights, or my Female units to be... Okay, I only played Fates and Echoes, but the fact still remains that not being able to make a female Grappler/War Master or a male Falcon Knight really sucks and limits me quite a bit. Especially the inability to make Lysithea a Dark Mage. It’s practically wrong. 
A lot of these maps have the same issue that Echoes had. They’re big and have a lot of enemies, but not much creativity to them. Okay, they have some thought put into them, more than Echoes anyway, but a lot of them still just feel like big fields that need at least three flying units to be manageable. Again, I’ve only played the Black Eagle route so there might be some more interesting maps in the other routes, but from what I’ve played there was no real strategy to these maps outside of baiting enemies and maneuvering around traps. I think there were probably only two maps that weren’t giant mazes or an empty field with a lot of enemies in them.
To the point above, this made slow moving armored classes almost completely useless. What point is there in having a slow tank on maps that span to what feels like 60X60 tile maps? Plus the maze-like design? Yeah, I don’t know how these maps were meant to be interesting.
And that’s it for gameplay issues. Moving on to...
The Story
Again, something that can be put into list form due to the story having more nitpicks than actual issues:
[Spoilers for Black Eagles Route Ahead]
The split decision to join Edelgard or not is dumb, as is the requirement to have the option available. I think it’s foolish to think we wouldn’t agree with her after listening to her manifesto for so long, especially if you played a Blue Lions route and seeing how Sylvain and Ingrid were screwed over due to their Crests, or just... Lysithea’s  background in general. I can’t argue with her beliefs, only her execution.
The Flame Emperor reveal was... really anti-climatic. As if, again, they assumed we’d do Black Eagles last. Playing this route first just leads to a lot of anti-climatic reveals, especially on Edelgard’s route.
I just really wish Edelgard came clean with her classmates and commanders at some point in the story, to just tell them all that she was experimented on as a child and had two Crests as a result. That she wants to eliminate the nobility and Crests as a symbol of statu because of the harm it does to people both on top and on the bottom of the social food chain. It’d give a lot more weight to her cause.
Again, most of my issues with the story come from Byleth having too much screen time and importance compared to Edelgard as a whole. Especially when I did the route where I chose to go with her.
Alright, I think that’s it for all of my nitpicks, all the major ones anyway. I think I finally move to...
The Good Things
Again, this will be in list form since a lot of the nicer parts about this game don’t need as much breakdown as the bad parts.
But anyway...
As much as I don’t find the late game reward in terms of class advancement, the mid and early game are great for experimentation. I've had a bunch of fun on my second playthrough with some creative builds. I might suffer a little in the late game due to not optimizing everything, but that’s managable.
As I also stated in my quick thoughts, dismounting is hilariously broken. The amazing amount of utility you get from being about to dismount once you reach a destination and then mount at the start of the new turn for free while also being safe from arrows and horse-effective weapons is hysterical. I honestly think this was a bug that just didn’t patch and that dismounting meant you were stuck with the lower movement for the rest of the turn, but God am I going to use it until they eventually patch it out.
I’ve got... issues with the Black Eagle route, at least the route I went through, but I’ve been watching a playthrough of the Blue Lions route and it’s everything I could have wanted in a Fire Emblem game and more. If you want to play a good story I recommend the Blue Lions as your first route.
But to cut the Black Eagles route some credit, a lot of Edelgard and Hubert’s A-Supports were probably some of the best I’ve seen in the series... though I’ve only played Fates and Echoes, so...
Speaking of supports all of them were done very well. Like I said, Edelgard and Hubert had great supports, but Lysithea, Petra, Caspar, and Dorothea had great supports as well.
A lot of the supports and voice acting are great. It’s a key reason as to why I like the supports so much. The Lords are especially great to hear and were directed well.
And... yeah, that’s all the good things. Don’t let the short length fool you, folks. Like I said before, my issues are more nitpicks. The game as a whole is just fine.
That said...
In the Future
As much as I want to, even as a fun little project, I think it’s a little arrogant of me to be making any rewrites or “improvement” to the current story of Three Houses. I have various reasons for this that I might go into depth to in a later Rambling, but the short version is as someone that’s struggle to write their own story I feel like a hypocrite for trying to “correct” another’s. However, I think it’s far game to make requests and bring forth ideas for a future title, especially since this one is selling so well. And so, before concluding I’d like to present a few things I hope to be in the next Fire Emblem game:
No Avatar Character
Like I said, I feel Byleth’s entire presence can ruin scenes due to his lack of personality and engagement. And as easy as it would be to give him one that would also mean the play losing their use self-insert character. To this I say it’s probably best to just not have an avatar/self-insert character to begin with. You can easily make a character that has the stats of an above-average all-rounder as your main character/lord while still having a personality. I think Echoes did this well enough with Alm and Celica, especially Celica if we’re talking stats and utility as a healer/magic/swordsman hybrid.
No Gender-Locked Classes
This is more of a personal desire than something that needs to happen, but if the next Fire Emblem game is going to give us this much customization then I’d really like to have complete control and not be restricted by gender, especially when we’re talking stats. A War Master Hilda would be wild. As would a Hero Petra, a Gremory Linhardt, a Dark Mage Lythesia, and so on. To restrict us is not only screwing people who want to make quirky builds, but also those that want to make optimal builds. Either remove the gender lock, or have these characters with more straight-forward classes like in Fates.
One/Limited Routes
Again, I haven’t played Blue Lions or Golden Deer yet, but the Black Eagles route had a branching path that I honestly think shouldn’t have existed. Maybe this was for reasons I can only guess at, but the story of the Black Eagles Route I was on felt very rushed, or at least it assumed I had played either the other Houses or the “canon” Black Eagles route first. That left the actual story, while I personally found engaging, very rushed and underwhelming at the end. In the future I’m hoping for either one path, or for alternate paths to be locked until you complete the other “main” ones that give a fuller story, because a lot of what I’m seeing in the Blue Lions playthrough I’m watching would had been nice to learn in the Black Eagles route to see Edelgards view of things.
Smaller Maps
Like I said, the maps in Three Houses are a little too large, especially with slower armored/magic units in the early game with only 4 movement. In the next game I’m hoping for either smaller maps or at least maps that accommodate for that slow movement of early game and saving the bigger maps for when you’d naturally have some cavalry and infantry units with 5 movement. I think Fates’ Conquest and Revelations maps did this perfectly.
Brawling Weapons
No real critique here. I just really like the gauntlets and I hope they come back in the next game.
Overall, I think Three Houses is a good game, despite all my nitpicks. I hope the next game will be even better and hopefully have some of the things I want to see. I recommend this for anyone with a Switch wanting to play a decent strategy game.
Anyway, I got a draft to make on that story I’m writing, as well as draft up another Rambling. See you all later!
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diabolikotaku · 6 years
Vampire! Yui Komori Headcannons
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Sorry it took me like three million years to answer you!
Vampire Age: 17
Human Age: 117
Her father is Seiji Komori, the Vampire King
Goes by Christian name in demon realm: Solomon 
The youngest of four
Her eldest brother Yusuke, her older sister Yuna, her twin brother (who was born 2 hours earlier) Yuito, then Yui.
Yusuke and Yuna are fully Japanese while Yuito and Yui are half East-European
Yusuke and Yuna had a different mother than Yuito and Yui.
Yui has an orthodox name: Anastasia (Anya) Vasiliev
Yuito is Aleksandr (Alex) Vasiliev
Yusuke and Yuna go by catholic names: Jeremias and Juliette Lazarus
Her mother is Natsia Vasiliev
She was a low-class vampire who was filled with greed, so she decided to become a handmaiden at Seiji’s manor in order to seduce him, have his children, and demand money.
After all of her plans failed, she drugged Seiji and raped him
Once she was pregnant, she threaten Seiji to spread all over the demon realm that he committed adultery with a low class demon, unlike his current wife Hanako (Helena Lazarus) if he didn’t give her enough money so she could be comfortable
She didn’t even want to keep her children once she got the money, so she ditched them with Seiji.
Alas, Seiji still loved Yui and Yuito. So he and Hanako kept them nd treated them like family.
She was born with Yuito on June 21, 1901
The reason why she was made the ‘heiress to the Komori throne’ was because Yusuke fell in love with a werewolf (violation of vampire law) and was banished to the Miasma islands in the demon world (it’s just really hot and everything at some weird black miasma around it he’s immune to, he and his wife Yuri are living happily together), Yuna loathed absolutely everything about Seiji and swore to never associate with him or anything involving the vampire throne, and Yuito just calmly passed the responsibility down to Yui.
She couldn’t say no at that point
She has many nicknames in the demon realm, such as: Anya the Blood Heiress, the Trinity Cross, the Rose, etc.
Yui lives by herself in the Komori Manor, with the exception of a few servants.
For someone who’s loaded, you’d think she wouldn’t have to lift a finger.
Nope, she does all of the cooking, gardening, and sometimes cleaning herself
She needs something to do to pass the night time
That’s why she was so happy when Seiji told her that she was having guest staying with her from now on...Until he explained her situation.
Basically, six people with pure blood are sent to the Komori manor as ‘food banks’, one of them is the true blood Adam and will help make her the Eve of the demon realm
She had to pick wisely on who her Adam would be
Nevertheless, she was still happy about not being alone.
Yui has the complete opposite demeanor of what a vampire should act like/are perceived to act like.
Most vampires are sadistic, cruel, unforgiving, wouldn’t look twice at a human, usually arrogant, thinks everyone around them are weak, etc.
Nah, Yui’s all like: smiling, giving kindness to others, being helpful, friendly, caring, motherly, nurturing, equal to everyone, understanding, etc
So that’s why the Sakamaki brothers brushed her off when they first met her.
But now we get into her Sadistic side.
Yui has a completely different personality in her that sleeps, only wakes up to feed or pretty much take control when she feels like it. Sadistic is very much like the typical aristocrat vampire.
Normal Yui hates talking about or when Sadistic wakes up because it means she’ll lose control and Sadistic will destroy the trust she built with her humans.
When Sadistic wakes up, Yui’s eyes turn blood red.
Yui has to watch everything Sadistic does and she can’t take it.
That’s why she tries so hard to get along, have people’s trust, and make up for Sadistic’s words
Yui has some control over Sadistic, that’s why the boys don’t die after Sadistic feeds on them.
she tries to drain them like a juice box!
Yui is very innocent while Sadistic is very nasty and so not innocent if you catch my drift.
Sadistic is fond of punishments
Yui cries as she watches in horror what Sadistic does to the boys.
Has a fox and an owl familiar
The fox is named Xian and the owl is named Fester
Yui’s favorite colors are dusty rose, lilac velvet, pink ruby, and cream.
She’s quite up to date with what’s happening in the modern world.
switches between old-time clothes and modern clothes if not at school.
will sometime say old-time things by accident
still doesn’t own a phone (and Seiji didn’t put a land line in.)
When the Sakamaki brothers first discovered she was a vampire, Subaru was the one to pull out a trinity cross (gift from mother)
She dead ass pulled her rosary from under clothes and smiled, “You have one too? I figured you weren’t too deeply involve with religion by how you act!”
This confused the brothers and resulted in Ayato smacking Subaru up the head.
When she was little, she couldn’t bare to hurt a creature for blood, so she starved herself until her father make her drink blood via transfusions/cups of blood so she wouldn’t die on him.
She stopped doing that when she was around 13 in vampire years, but it always hurt her on the inside to hurt someone for blood.
She really does care for all of the Sakamaki boys, even if they brush her off because she seemed weak or she terrified them.
She helped Ayato find something around to Manor to do as a past time because there was no internet here...Or a phone line.
Gave Reiji the room with the largest study and always 
Showed Subaru where her personal little chapel was so he could pray.
(Even though he would always criticize her about not being right) She would bake sweets when she can for Kanato.
Introduced crossword puzzeles to Laito
Showed Shuu the music room
Yui actually used to play the piano when she was younger, but became rusty
Yuito and Yuna never learned how to play one
Yusuke was an excellent violinist and she always loved to listen to him play
That’s why Yui was happy to hear Shuu knew how to play the violin.
Yui is a hopeless romantic, when she just hit ‘puberty’, she spent all day in the library reading romance novels and dreaming of her ‘one true love’. When she gets the chance to, Yui buys romance novels in town and indulges in them.
Well, she sure gets a selection...
and they’re certainly no prince charming. 
For being this old, she’s bound to have at least one lover in the past, right? You’re correct! She used to spend her time with a human artist back in 1981.
His name was Takizawa Hayato
He taught her how to draw, or at least he tried too. 
Yui’s still pretty bad at drawing people, but she can draw landscapes pretty well.
It only lasted for a little bit when he found out she was a vampire (and he questioned why she stayed the same age as when she met him while he aged). 
Yusuke had to kill him.
Over the years, she learned how to crochet doilies out of pure boredom
And also learned how to sew a bit, you really have nothing to do after years of no internet.
Knows some Russian along with Yuito
Yusuke and Yuna know Italian.
Met Cordelia once
Yui didn’t really like her
Also that one time was when Seiji killed her because of some unknown reason.
If this were formatted like the actual games, then there would be a part in one of the boys’ route where she would lose a lot of her own blood and Seiji would give her a transfusion of Cordelia’s blood. Thus Cordelia becoming one with Yui.
Let’s get into some Otome Game shit :
(We’re going by Haunted Dark Bridal btw)
The best endings:
All: Marriage
maybe kids?
Becoming ‘Adam’
overcoming the shitty parts
Bad endings:
Ayato: Yui gets amnesia and doesn’t remember Ayato, making him crazy.
Kanato: Yui kills Kanato but keeps his corpse as a doll.
Laito: Sadistic becomes the controller of Yui’s body and abuses him for the rest of his days.
Shuu: Yui dies in a fire
Reiji: Yui is killed by Karlheinz
Subaru: Yui locks up Subaru and he is forced to become crazy like his mother.
Ayato: Since he is main bae in the original series, there’s gonna be lots of cute things, 
Kanato: i feel like there might be a lot of bonding in this route, of course it’s eventual, but when the time comes Kanato just clings onto Yui. This can help out a little bit with his complex about being the ignored child and help him move on. Possibly help him grow up a little? But then again, we love our man-child.
Laito: ear porn This route could go either ways, it either helps Laito rip away the playboy act and get over his problems about his mother (and him being sexually abused) or it helps him become more...Child-like again? Like before Cordelia fucked him over. 
For the triplets, there might be a discovery arc about why their mother was involved with a family of vampires for some reason.
Shuu: I feel like Shuu’s route would probably be a healing route for him, from being cold, emotionless, tired, and shut-in, to someone who can get over his past. Even though it still lingers, I think Yui helps him out with his ptsd and depression and he gets better throughout the playthrough.
Reiji: The route that holds most of the actual plot. But there is still memorable moments between Reiji and Yui that satisfy the soul and goes over some of Reiji’s issues.
Subaru: Maybe a mix between a healing and a discovery route. Like Subaru finds out his mother was involved with the Komoris somehow and he’s trying to get the answer some how from Yui, the more time they spend together they fall in love and they have to come over some epic plot I can’t think of while he tries to heal after the ptsd of watching his mother suffer her days in that locked cage his father called her room.
All of them will have the main plot of the story, though.
In each route, Yui’s struggles will be revealed.
Ayato: Her mother, definitely 
Kanato: Sadistic’s origins
Laito: Her mother / Struggling with controlling Sadistic
Shuu: Hayato / the depression of being practically immortal.
Watching all of her friends grow old and die while she doesn’t change
being unable to friend humans because of this
generally has been alone her whole childhood besides her family.
Reiji: being maltreated because of her mother’s intentions
the  other servants knew about this and some of them maltreated Yui harshly.
Subaru: Her self-worth / the fear of hurting those weaker than her
Maybe some other alternative bad endings would be either Yui or one of the boys becoming Yandere over the other person???
There has to be saucy stills because is diabolik lovers, you cannot expect less.
Maybe add a rival to the boys were he’s trying to obtain Yui in order for her to love him or just kill her, idk.
The Komori family is filled with pure-blooded vampires that go back for several generations (well, except Yui and Yuito)
Has a summer home and a winter home. The summer home when the bounty hunters get into town and the winter home for when the war was happening in the city the summer home was located at.
Sadistic formed in her when the servants were abusing her, when Yui had enough Sadistic came over and killed the servants and hid them before Yui ‘woke up’.
The only kind of makeup Yui knows how to do is Victorian-styled.
Makes her own perfumes and makeup from flowers and such
Before this whole ‘Adam and Eve’ stuff, Yui was supposed to get married to a high-class vampire family’s eldest son, but he was killed by Yuito
The son wanted to kill Yui and sell her organs and blood to the lower-class vampires and demons for a price.
sleeps in a regular bed
Locks herself in her room when blood moon arrives because she doesn’t want to hurt anyone during that period of time. 
Sadistic doesn’t come out, this is a whole new monster Yui doesn’t understand.
2nd year
Considered popular by the students, but not ridiculously popular.
Has her fair share of fans
when some girls were trying to intimidate Yui about staying away from the Sakamaki brothers, she just scoffed and told them she can’t avoid them since they live with her.
And she also told them that they wouldn’t be into girls like them, it shut them up real fast.
Helps Subaru and Ayato study (even though it’s a difficult process)
Favorite foods are: fruit tarts, parfaits, and pancakes
wants to have three children
She’s afraid of turning someone into a vampire after the incident with Yuna and a past lover.
Still can’t swim
Follows her father’s orders without a fail.
Including keeping in 6 human boys for food.
Will occasionally take the boys out to the town next to the school.
Feels bad for the boys since they can’t go out often, so she places in vases of flowers to liven up the dark manor.
Somehow, she has met all of the sakamaki mothers one what or another.
Karlheinz actually tried to kill her once, however he was mistaken by Yuito and got badly injured.
That’s all I got for now~
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enchantment1385 · 6 years
🐉 Age Questions
I was tagged by the very lovely, @nerdierholler to give up some of my darkest gaming secrets... Yaaay! Thank you, darling XD 
1. Favourite game of the series? Wow... Not pulling any punches, are we? Honestly, they all have things I adore and all have things I dislike. I’ve played DAO more than the others, but that’s because it’s the oldest of them all. I love the camp mechanic and just how in depth Origins is, but the combat is... dated? Da2 has Hawke, which for me is a winner in itself.  And DAI has so many wonderful characters.  
2. How did you discover 🐉 Age? I honestly can not even remember at this point! I remember playing DAO when it was quite ‘new’. I remember dying, aaannnnd then i didn’t play it again until someone showed me how amazing DAI looked. So, I bought it and then got back into them all in a big way, and destroyed my life in doing so! 
3. How many times have you’ve played the games?  Ahahahahaha... Umm... I don’t know..?  Let’s put it this way, on my laptop alone (as in ALL my console hours, which is a whole lot, not counted.) I have clocked up over 1200 hours on DAO, 720 on DA2, and 1250 on DAI... So, yes. Now you all know how very sad I am... 
4. Favourite race to play as? Dwarfs, they hands down have the BEST and funniest dialog options.
5. Favourite class? DAO; Dual wield rogue  DAI & DA2; Mage. Oh, so many mages...
6. Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? I kinda vary it, but not as much as I sometimes want to. I’ve never done a pure ‘asshole’ playthrough, even though sometimes I would like to see how it ends up. I blame Bioware for making the NPC’s likeable.
7. Go-to adventuring group? DAI: Alistair, Zevran, Shale. DA2: Varric, Fenris/Carver, Anders. DAI: Varric, Dorian, and random. My 3rd spot always changes so I can hear as much awesome dialog as possible. 
8. Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
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This poor sod...  Viridis - My DAO dalish elf is a close second, but she’s dead, so her struggle is over, and she went out a hero. Poor Faeron suffers every. single. day. And still finds some reason to try and smile. 
9. Favourite romance? Alistair. But that is helped hugely thanks to cute (and not so cute) mods.  This is actually hard because, Although I like to romance certain people more than others, that isn’t me saying that their romance is my favourite.  I mean, I freakin’ love Dorian, but out of all the romances I feel his was done really well, but... A little quick compared to others which had a nicer, spread over time, thing, going on. 
10. Have you read any of the comics/📚? I read one... But that was a long while ago now.  It was good! They’re just pretty pricey and very rarely on sale. 
11. If you read them, which was your favourite 📓? The one I read? 
12. Favourite DLCs? All are acceptable answers, bar trespasser. - I don’t care what you say, I know it was amazing. I know it was stunning. I know it answered a lot of questions and set up DA4 in a great way and such - BUT
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13. Things that annoy you? Invisible walls. Boundaries and made to be broken!  And doors in DAI. I am always getting stuck behind one instead of running through the doorway. Please tell me it’s not just me?! I miss the doors of DAO and DA2. I am willing to sacrifice immersion on that one small point, I just want to get through the doorway, please. 
14. Orlais or Ferelden? Who in the shit picks Orlais? For Ferelden!! 
15. Templar's or Mages? Mages. Especially as i’m playing one 95% of the time.
16. If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? Depends.  Jereth, Xander, Tobias, and Faeron & Nico, are all from the same timeline, and my ‘canon’ run if you like. Xander also has a sister (other than Bethany) who is from the same time, but also has her own separate parallel play-through.  I mix and match backgrounds. 
17. What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc.) Jereth called his mabari, Captain blightballs, because he is forever 12, and thinks it’s funny. Xander’s mabari was named Wrex, as in Wrex from Mass Effect.  Faeron’s Halla is named Ghilas, which is elven for ‘to go’.  Nico’s horse (yes a horse and NOT a halla) is called stormy, which is a RP in joke.
18. Have you installed any mods? Oh hell yes! Many, many mods. Gods bless you mod makers! You guys make everything so much better! And I say this as someone who has played all the games, many times, totally un-modded.  Lots of better textures for CC, gameplay changes, cheats. You name it! It’s not like I don’t know the base game at this point. 
19. Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?       Yes, and no.  Did Jereth want to get out of the circle, and possibly being made tranquil? Oh yes! Yes indeed. However, did he want to drink blood cocktails, watch his bromies die, and actually have to do stuff?  Not so much. 
20. Hawke’s personality? Purple. They always all end up as purple... Or at least, varying degrees. I can’t not.  Xander is 100% purple, bar maybe 4 occasions in the whole game. 
21. Did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition? Heh... I have TWINS. I had to try and remember who was wearing what, and which parts were dyed, and then make two sets... Utter nightmare. 
22. If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? Jereth wouldn’t change anything, because he isn’t that wise. Plus, in his mind he ended up coming out ahead.  Xander would have tried to save Bethany and paid more attention to his mother. He’d just try and be more responsible, I guess, but probably end up failing and just being the same smartass as ever.  Faeron... My poor boy... Faeron would do it all differently if he could. I think, if he could change one thing, he’d have let Morrigan drink from the pool. Having yet MORE voices in his head was the last thing he needed, not to mention a constant reminder of who Mythal really is...  Nico wouldn’t let Dorian get close enough to Faeron for the relationship to start in the first place. It was was a big enough thing for her to accept it in the first place... But when he decided to leave, and said Faeron couldn’t go with him... Nico didn’t take kindly to it. 
23. Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?  Twins? Someone dating Varric? The fact that Hawke, Amell & Alistair are all alive?? Sorry Stroud. (not sorry) Yeah... I substitute that bit... You know all those pictures of Hawke or Alistair’s LI waiting on them? Well, I just can’t ever kill Alistair and leave poor Jereth holding some wilting daisies, pouting. I mean... Who would put up with him full time?? Leliana?? I think not! 
24. Are any of your character(s) based on someone? Yeah, me. All of them. Well, mostly. Tobias for example is nothing like me in any sense. But Jereth, Xander (& his sister Lola), Faeron and Nico are all some part of me. Some of my other wardens and Hawke’s too. 
25. Who did you leave in the Fade? Sorry again Stroud. (Still really not sorry...) 
26. Favourite mount? Faeron on his Halla is definitely most epic... But the Hart sound... It’s like having PTSD, I’m forever on edge and thinking ‘Don’t stop suddenly... DON’T stop suddenly...’  I did get this awesome Dracolisk mod which made them look like Maleficent’s dragon, which was so good for my qunari mage. 
Tagging: @heraldofwho @tessa1972 @keeperscompanionsdai @ielmoe @shannaraisles @dreadhobo @gugle1980 @inquisitorsmabari @sassylavellen @dickeybbqpit @dalish-ish @john-cousland @long-liv-prairies
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atopearth · 6 years
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Part 8 - Someday the Dream will End
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(Thought it’d be a great title since the above is my favourite soundtrack and this is my last post on FFX! XD)
Yay! I got Lulu’s Venus sigil! I was hesitant to start the dodging lightning thing since you have to dodge 200 in a row, but omg, after going on YouTube and knowing that there’s a ditch where you can easily gather the rhythm to do it 200 times, it only surprisingly took me like an hour and a half after getting distracted a few times and failing lmao. Gotta say though, much easier than the stupid Chocobo race for Tidus!🙄 Next thing you know, I try the butterfly catching game for the Saturn sigil and start to contemplate whether I really want to be a perfectionist lmao. I totally forgot that I hate the butterfly game the most, like THE MOST. It’s literally frustrating me more than the Chocobo and lightning combined, I don’t know why everyone on the internet says it’s the easiest of the mini games😣😣 Okay, fine, after another half an hour with trial and error, I finally got the Saturn sigil too, not that bad I guess….
Finally got all the celestial weapons too yeee~ I’ve never gotten everything before so I’m pretty happy right now hahaha! So Yu Yevon is the one that’s been constantly causing this all for a thousand years, hiding within Sin using him as an armour, and then when people defeat Sin with the powers Yunalesca tells them about, he merges with the Final Aeon to continue this cycle of life and death. I guess when everything works out, it’ll be good, but once they defeat Sin, the Fayth will stop dreaming and Tidus will disappear… It’s kinda funny how you used to be all concerned about Yuna dying and now near the end of the game, you instead have to be concerned over Tidus disappearing instead. Why can’t they just be happy together sigh..
Well! I legit spent a day farming sphere levels for Rikku and Tidus to finish off the sphere grid getting all the strength and agility nodes but omggg, can I just say that having triple AP instead of double AP is like the biggest difference ever? LOL. And omg overdrive -> AP is like the best thing ever. So easy to level lol. Funniest thing was when Don Tonberry did 83k damage on my Tidus though hahahaah, did I really kill that many monsters with him🤣 But yeah, it’s cool that I’m progressing with my sphere grid but I’m kinda sad that I’m one hit KOing everything lol. I mean, this is the first time I’ve ever gotten so far in FFX so I feel like I’m killing my experience haha! But I really want to fight nemesis and penance and all the dark aeons so oh well. Btw, it’s because I OHKO Seymour in Sin and didn’t get to see him do anything with his cool music hahaha. At least Yuna finally sent him to the farplane lol. Anyway, back to farming monsters, just need to finish Sin and Omega Ruins and I’m doneeee!
GG though, Omega Ruins took sooo long (I guess Sin did too) but dang was it annoying lol. So anyway, after much leveling with Don Tonberry again, and getting all the strength, defence, magic, magic defence, agility, luck and fortune spheres, I am legit done with the whole sphere grid! I’m honestly not dedicated enough to do 255 everything, so since 255 luck = 255 accuracy and evasion, I am not going to bother lolll. Agility maxes out at 170 as well so yayyy, don’t need to farm moreeee. I’ve legit been spending my week doing all this lmao, watching TVB and farming, that’s been my life hahaha. It’s kinda crazy seeing myself finish all this though. It was super time consuming but it’s nice to see my characters deal 99,999 damage haha. Coolest thing was defeating all the creations by the Monster Arena guy and then beating up Nemesis! Yesssss! It could have been easier if I set my overdrive mode to Comrade (charges overdrive when allies are hit) since he dealt so much damage lol, but silly me left it on Warrior (charges overdrive every time I attack), so yeaaaah, that took longer than I wanted hahaha. Btw, Nemesis is ugly but yay! I’ve completed another goal of mine! Oh yeah, I also beat Omega Weapon, of which, he was so underwhelming, especially with the random monsters you have to fight along the way, FFVIII was so much more annoying and challenging imo with the Ultima Weapon and other guys. I guess we’ll see how I feel once I defeat all the Dark Aeons and fight Penance hahaha.
The Dark Aeons were relatively easy! Especially if you have ribbon/stoneproof, not being petrified and shattered is like the most important thing imo lol. Dark Bahamut kept killing me and pissing me off because he kept petrifying my guys and killing them lol, I had to put stoneproof on my armour to survive, worked out well since I needed it for the Magus Sisters too haha. And yes, I was lazy to fight them altogether so I separated them and fought the sisters one by one to save myself from the agony lol. And what do you know? Dark Yojimbo was actually the one to bring the most trouble! It’s not even because he was hard, it was because I had to fight him 5 times to defeat him and initially, I didn’t know and just defeated him four times and was like wth, why isn’t Penance appearing?! So then, I googled and realised that I had kept missing the true third battle in the green room, so yeah, that frustrated the hell out of me because I legit defeated him 10+ times because I went to the wrong place, didn’t understand etc, yeaaah I was raging lol. I really wanted to finish the game and defeat Penance in the same day with the Dark Aeons so yeah, I was annoyed that I was not on schedule lolol. Oh well, more time to prepare for Penance I guess.
So…. I tried Penance and I died hahahah. Gotta revise my armour lolol. I think ribbon, auto-potion (with only x-potion), auto-haste and auto-protect might be the best combo. I’ll try that and see. Or not lolll! My biggest problem with Penance was not surviving his immolation attack that does a lot of HP damage and sucks all your MP too. Well, anyway, after much googling etc, I revised my armour again, luckily I had 6 million to spend bribing monsters for stuff lmao. I used auto-potion, auto-haste, auto-protect and defence +20%. This accompanied with Rikku’s Ultra NullAll mix (lasts the whole battle as long as you don’t die!) gave me enough defence to survive the whole battle (yay!). After that, it was really rinse and repeat of destroying the arms and then hitting the main body whenever I could. It probably legit took 20-30 minutes. Crazy for sure. Not sure whether it’s really worth it since I didn’t feel very accomplished LOL, I just felt like a robot constantly using quick hit (throwing a three stars so it doesn’t cost MP), dispelling after every immolation attack and thankfully, I had auto-potion because it would have killed me if I had to heal myself every turn. So yeah, after that, it was really just a waiting game where I just kept doing the same thing for 30 minutes, yeah it was pretty boring. I liked the optional bosses from previous games more.
And now I can finally fight Sin! Honestly, seeing Tidus finally open up to Jecht a bit more and be a bit more honest, I felt happy for Jecht. He’s always loved Tidus. Too bad it wasn’t meant to be for them to ever be able to hang out together like buddies. Since I maxed out my stats, last boss was so easy, I barely did anything. Kinda feel like I should have let him do something so I could see it lol, but I was too fast hahaha. Pretty devastating to see Yuna summoning every single summon for Yu Yevon to take over and then we kill it to stop Yu Yevon from having anything to take over anymore. It was heartbreaking to see all the Fayth go like that. But at least, as they said, they can now stop dreaming… Auron always has to be cool doesn’t he lolll, even when Yuna sends him to the Farplane. It hurt when he told Yuna that it was okay to send him. I really liked Auron. It was also saddening when Tidus was like, this is his last battle with them because he’s going to disappear, I guess at least he told them. Slack to Yuna when she wanted to hug him but he was disappearing. Especially when at the end, she kept whistling, waiting for him to come back.
Never even know the Eternal Calm video or whatever existed. Kinda feels weird though because it’s set two years later where all Yuna has been doing is being something like a counsellor to people until a sphere of someone who looks like Tidus (Shuyin~) is found by Kimahri, given to Rikku and then shown to Yuna and then she decides to go look for other spheres like it and soon becomes a sphere hunter. Considering that FFX-2 is set two years later which I assume is not long after this, her personality sure changed quite a bit after getting some freedom haha. I guess it’s true that Yuna has never truly lived for herself until now so it is nice that she can do that now, but how did she learn to use a gun so fast? Lol.
Overall, I enjoyed FFX, but honestly, it’s not one of my favourites haha. It’s one of the first I played as an adult probably but yeah, if I had to really choose, I prefer the previous much more. But I do like FFX because of how much more, simple it is? It’s simple, straightforward and emotional. Rikku and Yuna will always be my favourites. Wakka being silly is also a highlight. Cool Auron will always be the dream guy though hahaha. Happy that I can finally say I’ve finished it completely! Now on to getting 100% completion for FFX-2! I got like 98 or 99 on my first playthrough with the help of a guide every now and then but now I’m gonna use a guide for the whole thing and hope I get the 100% this time around hahaha, wish me luck~
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viir-tanadhal · 6 years
hey!! all this dragon age art is really cool!! do you have any recs for where to start in the series (i did get origins on sale a lil while back, couldn't really get into it)
Heads up right away, this is going to be a long ass post, sorry!
If you have any questions feel free to ask me btw or if you need something clarified, I know this is long and kind of all over the place!
First off, I had the same problem getting into Dragon Age. I tried playing Origins because I was interested in the gameplay of friending and romancing your companions, LGBTQ+ characters, being able to make choices that effect the world, and the fantasy setting. However, I got too bored and decided to skip ahead and play DA2.
DA2 is obviously lacking in terms of content, story, no different races for main character, and settings (reused dungeons galore!) but I also think it is very solid in delivering the information and lore of the world in interesting ways and the characters are all interesting and compelling. Plus, it is easy to finish the main game in 24 hours so it’s a nice, quick introduction. The combat is much sleeker and easier to use and the skill/spell trees make picking the different combat options for your character a lot easier and understandable. Now, there are certain parts of DA2 that correspond to you having knowledge of the events and lore tidbits of DAO, but that didn’t bother me as much when I first played it, and you can always search up any context!
However, while I think that DA2 can be a great introduction to people seeking to play the Dragon Age series, I would recommend not completely skipping Origins unless it just doesn’t interest you enough. The combat can be wonky and put people off–it did for me– but after a few playthroughs you do get used to the turn-style combat. Going into Origins with some aspects of the lore and questions I had from DA2 can help engage you in the story a lot more and be like “oh, so that’s why so and so thinks this!” or “Oh, that’s why this happened!” 
I also understand that there are parts that can seem uninteresting and too long and I’ll go into that:
The Fade and the Deep Roads are honestly super long and very drawn out with not much going on and can be frustrating! Thankfully some awesome people have created mods where you can skip these sections:
Skip the Fade: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/816
Shortcut thru the Deep Roads: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4560/
While I totally recommend Skip the Fade, I would recommend doing the entire Deep Roads for your first playthrough, because there are some interesting and truly horrifying parts in the quest. However, after your first playthrough, definitely get the mod.
You could start Inquisition as your first game, and I know some people have, and it is definitely a viable option with the improved combat, graphics, etc. However, going into Inquisition with knowledge of the last two games can really help you understand the small things in the game and lore aspects that come up. You can totally just not, but I think knowing a lot about the world makes some of the lore reveals and other themes in the game have a bigger impact (aka why the hype for DA4 is so strong rn with you know who).
If you decide that, finally, Origins is not for you, but you want to have decisions from that game impact DA2, DAI, and soon DA4, Bioware has a website called The Dragon Age Keep where you can select and input your choices for certain major decisions in the games. Some of these decisions do need context, but I’m sure there are posts or videos that explain some of these!
In terms of DLC, the more important ones for each game would be:
Origins: The Stone Prisoner, Dragon Age: Awakening, and Witch Hunt
DA2: Legacy
DAI: Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and especially Trespasser (although a DLC it is pretty much the true ending of Inquisition)—-> GOTY edition has all of these!
And, if you happen to find you are more interested in the lore than the gameplay, I highly recommend Ghil Dirthalen on YouTube! She makes great lore videos and has multiple videos that go into depth about certain themes or groups or ideas in the Dragon Age universe that can help you better understand certain parts or help develop your opinions! Also, on the channel Codex Added, she and another youtuber The Exalted March are doing a funny and crazily modded Inquisition playthrough. 
What is also great is that Ghil Dirthalen is doing a playthrough on Codex Added of her canon playthroughs for the three Dragon Age games and has currently been livestreaming her canon decisions for Origins! I totally recommend watching this if you can’t get into Origins and might want to watch someone play the game who knows what they are doing and there are some great people that join the streams!
And, finally, there are other types of Dragon Age content outside of the games. There are currently five books out that depict scenes outside of the main games: Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, Dragon Age: The Calling, Dragon Age: Asunder, Dragon Age: Last Flight, and Dragon Age: The Masked Empire. 
I have only read The Masked Empire and know for certain that it and Asunder take place right before Inquisition but otherwise I don’t know the chronology for the other books.
There are also comics as well if those might interest you more than the books!
Hopefully this was helpful in some ways, I totally get how Origins can make it hard to get into the series! 
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mhioislife · 7 years
Tsukikage or tsukihina?
Hi! Since you didn’t specify an AU, I’ll go with Chef/Critic AU and Youtuber AU! If you forgot to mention an AU and you wanted something different, feel free to send the ask again! :) Some of the headcanons are under the read more.
Send me an AU and a pairing and I’ll come up with a few headcanons! (no omageverse pls, and if you send more than one AU/pairing specify if you want me to combine them or do them separately, please)
- so Tsukki is food critic, very respected and kinda feared because his opinion means A LOT and he’s pretty hard to please. Besides he rarely smiles (or - rarely smiles an honest smile) and looks really mean and this, mixed with his brutal honesty, gives him an image of rather cold and almost heartless man
- Kageyama at the other hand is a chef - well known, with kinda messy past (he was very demanding, got angry quickly and one day all the cooks left him in the middle of the evening when a critic was supposed to come), but undeniably excelent in what he’s doing
- one day the restaurant Kags currently works at expects a critic visitation
- the staff is kinda stressed and thrilled
- the critic is infamous Tsukishima Kei
- the staff is very stressed and scared
- Kags isn’t really stressed tho, because he knows he’s good and Tsukishima or not - the critic will be pleased
- the evening of Tsukki’s visitation is very tense for the staff. the dish and then the dessert are made with so so much care…
- then Tsukki requests to see the cook who made the dishes
- all the staff is still very stressed and even Kags is a little tense now
- “Kageyama Tobio. Congratulations for not making anything dissapointing.”
- Tsukki is kinda surprised himself because he swears, almost anyone can’t make an edible dish in this goddamn prefecture and they’re calling themselves chefs???? This Kageyama guy on the contrary cooks really good. And bakes even better, this strawberry cake-
- Tsukki is even ready to compliment Kags, but Kags - now relieved - looks really smug, so Tsukki doesn’t say anything
- he often comes to the restaurant privately tho, because something deep inside him really wants to????
- it’s because of the strawberry cake, he tells himself
- (it’s not. well, not only)
- Kags tbh feels similar??? he feels… lighter??? when Tsukki comes to restaurant??????
- it’s the fact so demanding and known critic likes his dishes so much, he tells himself
- (again - it’s not. well, not only)
- they see each other quite often then, sometimes even talk a little, mostly about food tho, but they include some private info too. accidentaly, but still
- over time they discover they know A LOT of facts about each other
- at one point they decide to “hang out”. to “test some restaurants”. and then Kags invited Tsukki to his flat, because “he’s trying new recipe for the strawberry cake”
- when the evening ends and they both come home they realize that it was a date. more - the date they really enjoyed and clearly - the other enjoyed it too
- the next time they see each other they talk about the date and decide they’ll give it a try
- some people who know they’re dating say that the fact that the restaurant has so good opinions is caused by the fact, that one of the most important critics in Japan and the restaurant’s chef are dating but it’s not true. well, at least not in a way one can think
- Tsukki is still really honest and Kags is really competitive, so every time Tsukki says even one thing could be done better - Kags tries new ways to make sure the thing is perfect
- neither of them looks like he uses a pet names, but they do when in private. it’s hard to say if the names are food related because of their line of work or because it’s just their style. either way no one ever heard one of them calling the other “cupcake” or “pumpkin” and it will stay that way. so they hope.
- Tsukki’s channel is dedicated to movie, TV series and book reviews. he’s so salty and witty he has a lot of subscribers.
- Hinata at the other hand is a gamer (mainly because of his friend Kenma). his reactions and all the “gwaaah!” and “nyoooom!” when he plays granted him quite some subscribers too. he usually plays an adventure games or some horror games because people love his horror games playthroughs and his goal is to make his subscribers happy
- they know about each other because they’re both pretty popular, but they don’t know each other
- not until Tsukki’s fans asked him to review a mystery game. they said they know he doesn’t play, but it has very intriguing plot and maybe he can do a collab with crowthatcanfly????
- Tsukki says no at first, because as the fans noticed - he doesn’t really play any games. so he’s not an expert.
- (besides what kinda name is “crowthatcanfly”???? every crow can fly????? until it’s injured but it’s not “injuredcrowthatcanfly”. what an idiocy)
- but the fans ask him to do this under his every video and Hinata officialy says he wouldn’t mind even if it’s not really his game genre (because the fans ask him for this collab too) so????
- Tsukki finally agrees when his best friend, Yamaguchi, says it can be a nice change of pace. besides he should meet some new people and make some new friends. and he doesn’t want to hear any you-and-Yachi-are-enough’s
- “shut up Yamaguchi”, “sorry, Tsukki, but that’s the truth”
- Tsukki contacts Hinata and they talk about the details
- he knows it will be a nightmare. he watched some Hinata’s videos before he contacted him, and the guy’s so loud and hyperactive… and uses too much exclamation marks and kaomojis. ugh
- they meet up and make the video. they both play the game, Hinata comments on the plot and the mechanics and the graphic and Tsukki discovers the guy isn’t complete idiot??? he’s actually pretty smart if he wants to be?????? tho he still has to help him, because the game is pretty hard and Tsukki has seen and read a lot of detective shows and books, so he kinda knows what to expect.
- the first part of the video has twice as many views as any video of either of them, because it has Tsukki’s snarky remarks and Hinata’s cuteness in it at once??? and they have such a nice and funny dynamics
- (“what? ugh no. just- no.”, said Tsukki. “Tsukishima is kinda rude but he’s a cool guy, so working with him wasn’t bad!!!!!!”, said Hinata)
- they finish playing the game but it’s not over for them.
- the fans want more. Hinata wants more, because he loves making new friends. Yamaguchi wants more, because he knows Tsukki likes Hinata even if he pretends to not to.
- “ugh” - Tsukishima Kei at many points in his life.
- they make more collabs
- Tsukki discovers he actually likes Hinata’s companion
- maybe even more than he should
- because Hinata is kinda annoying because he’s loud, but he’s also really cheerful and positive in a non-annoying way and has his charm okay?
- they become friends pretty quickly even tho Tsukki won’t admit it out loud. maybe only to Yamaguchi
- (“Tsukki, I’m so proud of you, you actually have a friend besides me and Yachi, I’m so happy-” “shut up Yamaguchi” “sorry, Tsukki”. he’s not sorry)
- (yeah, it was a bad idea, he’ll go to Yachi next time)
- they talk a lot and over time Tsukki realizes he???? likes Hinata??????? more than a friend???????????
- (“omg, Tsukishima-kun, that’s amazing!!!! i’m so happy for you!!!!!!! i’ll help you plan the perfect date!!!! and look at this suit!!!! it will be perfect when you’ll want to propose-”)
- (yep, also bad idea)
- he decides to ignore his crush. it will go away eventually, right?
- it doesn’t. and it’s even worse now because Tsukki is hyper aware of every little thing Hinata does. like the cute way he scrunches up his nose when there’s a really hard part in a game- shut up, Kei.
- one day Hinata looks very nervous and Tsukki is kinda confused. why is Hinata nervous? there’s no way he knows about Tsukki’s crush and feels awkward and doesn’t know how to reject him, there’s no way he could see right through Tsukishima’s normal, annoyed face he keeps up even when he’s freaking inside over (almost) every little thing Hinata does. just. no way
- well, apparently yes way
- except Hinata doesn’t reject him?????? he says he feels the same???????? and that Yamaguchi-kun told him-
- (dammit Yamaguchi, you traitor)
- -and Yachi-san explained that-
- (Yachi, you too? ffs)
- they get together that evening
- (“Yamaguchi, how could you-” “you know how so shut up Tsukki” “sorry Yama- wait”)
- (“Yachi, why?” “how could i not when you two love each other??? you look so adorable together!!!!! and you both like mountains, so i know where to send you for your honeymoon-”)
- (why is he even friends with them?)
- Tsukki indeed had the suit Yachi found and they indeed went to the mountains on their honeymoon, btw
Thanks for the ask! :)
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pan0ramy · 7 years
I don't understand FE but here you go! Misfortunate, In extremis, Vendetta, Rally spectrum, Vow of friendship?
omggggggg thank you anon!! i’ll try and explain them as best i can for anyone who’s unfamiliar with FE, haha
just a heads up: these are mostly (if not all) going to be based off of my playthroughs of fire emblem awakening [FE 13] and fates [FE 14] (all 3 routes). i’ve only started playing fire emblem 7 recently, so i don’t feel too confident answering questions on that yet… i’ll try and keep it spoiler-free as well! :D
Misfortunate - Unluckiest moment in game?
prooooooobably when i was playing hidden truths: part 1, one of the DLC maps for FE fates.
in this map in particular, you’re completely surrounded by enemies, with only three playable units. it was coming towards the end of the chapter for me, and i felt like i had things relatively under my control. y'know, i had my strategy laid out and ready to go.
only problem was that strategy was thrown out the window when one of the three units (it was severa, btw) was killed by a critical hit. the enemy had sneaked around the side, found a gap that i glossed over and fricking killed her instantly.
my other two units died not too long after that and I had to start the whole thing over ;_;
In Extremis - Clutch moment for you in-game?
hoo boy i don’t know if i’ll EVER forget this one
on my first playthrough of awakening, i was having a freaking great time - up until i reached chapter 15. you’re in a harbour, surrounded by enemies and you have to rescue a girl who’s being chased the top of the map by defeating the enemies around her.
i ended up getting to a point where i was basically stuck in a loop - no matter how i tried to tackle the situation, my units would die no matter what. basically, it looked like i might have to start my entire playthrough over - from scratch.
…until i remembered that you could save in the middle of a chapter (which i’d done at the very beginning of chapter 15).
Vendetta - Is there a boss/chapter you hate to go through every time you play?
…chapter 20 of awakening. i love the map itself and how it’s laid out, but the bosses on this map…
they’re not particularly hard to fight on the lower difficulties, but I CANNOT STAND EITHER OF THEM.
Rally Spectrum - What is your most favourite/preferred stat?
deeeeefinitely magic. i always love magic classes in any RPG, but i adore the magic classes in fire emblem. seriously. in my playthrough of awakening, i ended up as a dark knight. in fates, i ended up as either a dark mage or a witch. I LOVE MAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC
(plus magic units can be actually pretty goddamn powerful when you use them right 👌)
Vow of Friendship - Do you reset if you lose units in battle?
i very, VERY rarely let a unit die permanently when playing on classic, unless i’ve disallowed it beforehand. i’ll only let the unit die if they are of noise to me whatsoever, if i hate (and i mean HATE) their character or, like i said, it’s a limitation of my current playthrough?
but if it’s a unit i care about?
(if anyone else wants to send me FE-related asks, fire away! they’re super fun to do :D)
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