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quajzen Ā· 1 month ago
Dated a Kpop stan, now I got BTSD
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lockheed-martin-unofficial Ā· 5 months ago
First time writing about Concorde and his pilot, I wanted to explain how they met.
Hope you guys like my goobers. This isnā€™t as long as it looks, itā€™s 600-something words, but there are just a lot of gaps. I tried to mimic the way Metroplex communicates to Windblade because I found it really cool.
Visit 1
Power running through my systems, waking me. Have I been
this whole time?
When I come to life, it startles you. It startles me, too.
Avionics at 3%.
You shouldnā€™t be allowed in here. Who are you? Did you do this, or did I?
Visit 2
(Youā€™re back.) I didnā€™t expect you to be, but maybe I should have.
What now? What are you doing?
Fine. Iā€™ll give you another sign of life, since you asked so nicely.
(To prove you arenā€™t crazy?)
A flicker of lights and gauges.
Donā€™t expect more
Visit 5
What are you trying to do? Maybe you long for this as much as me? You donā€™t know it canā€™t happen.
(I worry you will leave when you find out.)
Itā€™s amusing, watching you work. I am fully aware you have no idea what youā€™re doing. Maybe you are too.
Thank you for the clean/trying to help.
Visit 7
You returned again today, the first time you have stayed past closing.
Itā€™s raining today. I can feel some of it leak through the ceiling and onto me. The cold doesnā€™t bother me. It offers relaxation.
What about you?
Are you cold?
Avionics at 3%.
Perhaps I can heat the cabin for you if I try.
Visit 10
Manuals? You brought manuals? For me? (To help?)
I have more. I will leave them where you can find.
Am I as hopeful as you are?
Visit 11
You have been reading what I gifted you, I can tell. Your work is getting more and more intricate, but it is clear you are unfamiliar with what you are doing.
Sometimes I guide your hand through my inner workings, hoping to lead you to where you need to be.
I love that you talk to me. I sometimes wonder if you are talking to me, or if youā€™re talking to yourself. Do you know I can hear you?
Visit 25
I have been growing stronger. I can feel it again. Returning to me in waves.
Avionics at 39%.
Visit 36
How shall I thank you? Youā€™ve never asked for it.
I wonder often if you sense my prescense here. I wonder if I hope you can.
Visit 50
One more overnight? I appreciate what you are (doing), but I wish you wouldnā€™t push yourself.
Visit ???
Curious. It didnā€™t feel like this before.
When I was
Why does it feel different, being awake?
Avionics at 76%.
Visit 62
Avionics at 89%.
Able to power: heating
able to ignite engines(?)
I (?) am very much alive
no. Thatā€™s not right.
No data?
Thereā€™s something to remember. Why canā€™t I remember?
Thereā€™s more than this, isnā€™t there?
More to me than meets the eye this.
Almost as if
ā€œI think weā€™ve made good progress with the electrical stuff, I mean- even thatā€™s far more than I ever thought was within my skill set.ā€ The human peers into an engine, shining a flashlight.
ā€œBut I donā€™t know how Iā€™d repair an Olympus.ā€œ
Silence. A faint clicking from the fuselage? She presses her ear against it.
ā€œLet alone three moreā€¦ what are you up to?ā€
A slight vibration from the aircraft made her stumble back immediately, her mind immediately wandering to the possibility that she had made a mistake with the wiring, and that the aircraft was in the process of spontaneously combusting because of it. The vibration quickly develops into clangs and the straining of metal, and before long the aircraft in front of her has started changing. It contorts and folds into shape with purpose, as if the process taking place before her has been designed rather than forced. Once everything clicks into place, she is left face to face with a humanlike- albeit very large- robot, a rearrangement of the airplane she had been repairing. It stares down at her, a drowsy confusion apparent in its bright yellow eyes.
And it looks just as startled by its own existence as she is.
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polyamraven Ā· 7 months ago
Last year during Christmastime at my parents house someone taped our childhood elf on the shelf Sacartyn to the ceiling. And when I came over and noticed I was obviously like, "Why the hell is he up there." And my dad without missing a beat goes, "He's the btsd elf... Or however you say it." To which I shouted, "BDSM????" through intense laughter at my father. Anyway some of the tape is still up in that corner and I lose my shit thinking about the btsd elf every time I see it
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riiwrites Ā· 1 year ago
I love you platonically my pookie wookie dookie sookie rickey ashley poepyes with no biscuit sweetie darlingly kiddy silly goosey milly tilly juice box raspberries honey pie pop tart human heart jiggly juggle single taggle single pringle cakey takey tookie sookie bookie backie bsd skibidi tibidi pidi ptsd btsd ADHD princess with disorder molly anne girl in red melanie martinez portals crybaby k_12 strawberry shortcake orange juice babe sweetheart darl baby sweet tongue dreamy cramy scream creamy timmy little billy cowish dazai chuuya danganronpa omori sticking iut ur GYATTTTT biggy jiggle juicy muicy lovely tracy church immortality cheering dying studying silly adoringy bear :3
this is the best and most accurate nickname Iā€™ve ever received. I LOVE YOU sakira /platonic
my sprinkle twinkle linkle pringle cringle bingle bongle dingle dangle bippity boo ba ha ha little cutie bootie patootie sootie lootie mootie cootie crumble pie piece of beauty and everything mixed in between to make a glorious morious spectacular perfect person like you šŸ«µšŸ»šŸ„°
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fillinforlater Ā· 2 years ago
Ruin a K-pop groupā€™s name with a letter!
Example: Red Velvet -> Bred Velvet :P
Doesn't look like much, but it's so infuriating.
Other than that:
Is that the thing other fandom had during BTS absolute dominance?
Well, now I'm hungry for ice cream (like... literally every day)
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orange-genius Ā· 2 years ago
they're gonna send bts to war. give them btsd
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vilmarmkt Ā· 2 months ago
O Velho Oeste: Um Enigma de Contos Esquecidos! - @FaroesteContado
O Velho Oeste: Um Enigma de Contos Esquecidos! ā€“ @FaroesteContado Prepare-se para uma viagem no tempo rumo ao coraĆ§Ć£o do Velho Oeste! Inscreva-se para nos ajudar a ajudar mais pessoas: https://www.youtube.com/@FaroesteContado?sub_confirmation=1 Compartilhe: https://youtu.be/btsd-7g6Axc&list=PLNab5yrbSzwGzGfy772_vRMr70_3zymrl Neste vĆ­deo, exploramos um dos perĆ­odos mais enigmĆ”ticos da histĆ³riaā€¦
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harshmello Ā· 2 months ago
relistening to bts after years takes me back.... btsd... u had to be there
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alongwaytostar Ā· 10 months ago
Ptsd from seeing too much bts without oneā€™s consent
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nomsfaultau Ā· 1 month ago
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(Canā€™t spell rabbit without, like, a few of the letters in anarchist!)
Immediately after catching Technoblade, suddenly Phil is like. I. Did not have a step two. But, hey, thereā€™s a news network here they can get the word out about the lost bunny! Only, when the reporter asks, before he can say anything everyone says PHIL is the owner!
(Bun: no masters no kings no gods no scientists! I shall not bow before you! Put me down!!!)
When Philza insists Techno isnā€™t his bun (good. Know your place), 1. Kristin falls a little bit in love because what do you MEAN he ran a man bunhunt to rescue someone elseā€™s pet! Heā€™s so kind! And determined! 2. Tommy immediately tries to insist he should take care of Technoblade until his owners get him. Which. Terrible idea, this kid has no idea how to take care of a bunny (says the man who also has no idea how to take care of a bunny). Cue everyone pointing at HIM to take care of Techno?? HUH???Ā 
So the local news is talking about it for a week and the pet store gives him a free coupon for hay and pellets and what not and Phil is like there is No way I can back out of this now too late Iā€™m a rabbit dad I guess. ESPECIALLY cause Tommy has demanded shared custody and has gotten bargained down to weekend visits to ā€˜make sure you donā€™t bleep up his cageā€™ bc Tommy Must find something heā€™s Better At now, and has decided rabbit care is his new expertise and future job probably. And Kristin is like mmm I should drop by. Just to check on the little guy. For the foreseeable future.
So now Philā€™s social life depends on a very angry rabbit.
Techno is thrashing in his carrier the entire time, uncaring if heā€™s injuring himself because he needs to get out he has to theyā€™re going to hurt him. But heā€™s so, so tired from being chased down, and realizes he canā€™t get out of the cage no matter how hard he kicks and gnaws and thrashes. As they drive to Philzaā€™s home (idiot uses the break function of a car can you believe it), Techno grows very quiet. Heā€™s never misbehaved this badly before.Ā 
But heā€™s not taken to the lab and there are a lot of strange apparatus that are completely unfamiliar inside the Not lab. The enemy squints at him, then mutters, ā€œitā€™ll probably bolt if I open the cageā€¦ā€ Techno glares at him. But the enemy does not deign to address his grievous bunny insult, instead digging around in a plastic bag (which is inedible). Carefully, Philza begins dropping pieces of food into his cage as Techno presses at the furthest corner to escape.Ā 
Only itā€™s not just pellets. Thereā€™s lettuce, and carrots, and fresh hay. And meat if heā€™s fast enough and Philza pokes his fingers too far into the bars. The IDIOT and FOOL let himself get in biting range. Thatā€™s HIS fault. But as delicious as it all looks, Techno doesnā€™t touch it. Ha! Canā€™t poison him! Heā€™s above such conniving schemes! And also his heart is beating so fast it makes him dizzy, nauseous with terror. But also because heā€™s not a stupid bun that eats poisoned very bad no good definitely not delicious lettuce.Ā 
Philza frowns when he gets the water contraption stuck in and the rabbit doesnā€™t go for it. Shouldnā€™t they be super dehydrated? But those sharp red eyes are pinned on his every movement, the bunny flinching at his every move. Probably, uh, a really bad start, but it shouldnā€™t be long before their beloved human called in.Ā 
His cage is set in the middle of the room, the strange belligerent foe on the not-lab coat dragging out every last piece of furniture or object until heā€™s left in a barren room. The doors are closed. Drat. He still hasnā€™t figured out the door knobs. Nursing his bitten fingers, Philza approaches the cage and suddenly opens the door. Then he slowly backs up, and sits in the furthest corner of the room. Watching.Ā 
Essentially the problem is thus: 1. Humans Scary already for normal rabbit. 2. BTSD (bunnyptsd), 3. JUST GOT CHASED FOR DAYS AHHH. 4. Test. This is a test. Another test with secret rules heā€™s designed to fail. And the moment he steps out of the cage heā€™ll be punished for being a bad bun.Ā 
Philza flounders, and decides his only recourse is Reddit, frantically looking up how to repair broken trust between me (25M) and bunny (??). And then scrolls wikihows. And then plays Lofi beats to not bite Phil to. And then looks up rabbit therapists. Nothing. Nada. All the bunny does is shake in his pin for hours and glare. Which, the glaring is super adorable, but still. He looks like a little cartoon with his blood red eyes with a scar across one, all set in the itty bittiest face. Philza tells the rabbit as much. Is he imagining it glaring harder?Ā 
Well if Techno made wants to play the waiting game, Philza has the power of YouTube and mindlessly scrolling twitter. He is NOT leaving until Technoblade has eaten something. But well his favorite streamer, Misstrixtin, just went live and he gets a little caught up in the hype train, only for him to suddenly glance up at a small squeak to find Technoblade scaled the curtains and reaching for the vent. Human and bunny blink at one another.Ā 
And then TechnoĀ launchesĀ himself at the vent, his bumbling guard belatedly scrambling across the room. Alas! He is too late! And if this is the best humanity has to contain him with they shall be easy to conquer! Techno kicks powerfully at the vent cover separating him from freedom. It doesnā€™t budge, and he squeals as he plummets from lethal height. No no no!Ā 
As admittedly short as Technoā€™s life is, he doesnā€™t even have time for it to flash before his eyes before the human snatches him out of midair, saving Technoā€™s life. Unluckily, his rescuer immediately slams into the prison wall, and summarily falls in an awkward heap of limbs. Yet even still managed to prevent Techno from smacking into the floor, held up in a measly triumph before carefully lowering the rabbit to his chest.Ā 
Techno promptly kicks him in the face for thwarting him. Unintelligible uncouth language pours out of the human as Techno bounds away to find a place to hide or escape. There is none. And as Philza peels himself off the ground, Techno cowers back, bracing for the humanā€™s revenge. Like a wrestling match the human and rabbit circle the room. Well versed in theĀ Art of War, Techno patiently waits for the opportunity to stri- oh wait, no. His opponent rightfully fears his wrath, slipping out a door. Thatā€™s right! Flee with your nonexistent tail between your legs, vile human! Now all Techno has to do is wait at the door to escape upon his foeā€™s entry. Any minute now. Anyyyyy minute now-
Unfortunately due to rabbit adhd, itā€™s either 20 minutes or approaching the heat death of the buniverse by the time the door cracks open. Techno lunges- and is immediately caught in the dastardly, conniving hands of his mortal enemy. ā€œAh no you donā€™t mate-ā€œ Techno squirms as heā€™s unceremoniously dumped back in the cage, which probably has bars of titanium and kryptonite in order to contain his bunny wrath. He snarls as the human CRUELLY and DEMEANINGLY gently prods his face with a baby carrot. Arg! Bunnies donā€™t even like carrot ends that much! Bugs Bunny was the worst rabbit representation ever and set back progress by decades!
ā€œCā€™mon you gotta eat some time.ā€Ā 
He does not, in fact. Especially if itā€™s an Evil Carrot, trying to Poison him. But Philza has learned to avoid getting his fingers bit. Drat. Techno was certain his intelligence rivaled that of a cockroach.Ā 
ā€œFine, fine,ā€ Philza sighs. Then he glances as at the bag of frozen peas heā€™s using as an ice pack. Would that be more appetizingā€¦? Probably not. And hey, apparently he gets free carrots for a year from the local grocer. He dips one in ranch, and begins crunching. Great. Just great. At this rate Tommy might start trying to steal his rabbit. Already Philzaā€™s been dealing with random calls claiming to own Technoblade, without proof, a name, an address, or willingness to give any identifiable features. ā€œYā€™know, if your owners donā€™t show up soon Iā€™ll have to start charging you rent. At least my last roommate didnā€™t bite me. Just refuse to take out the trash, and break the TV, and leave dirty towels everywhere, and-ā€œĀ 
The crisp snap of a carrot cuts over him as the bunny begins to chew ravenously. Poor dude is nearly choking trying to get it down so fast. Probably absolutely starving after fending off half the town. Philza raises his baby carrot in toast. ā€œCheers!ā€Ā 
Techno sends him a glare, and turns his back pointedly as he scarfs down Probably Not Poisoned food. Then again, Techno has survived enough LD50 tests to know body mass matters, and his mortal enemy is far bigger and stronger and faster than he can hope to match. And so Techno angrily munches on his carrot and begins to scheme. This world dominance thing is harder than heā€™d thought itā€™d beā€¦
Bunnyblade's 5-Step Plan to World Dominance
(Ok ok first as a biologist I must do my due diligence to be like, thereā€™s actually lots of rules regarding animal experimentation and their quality of life, animal testing greatly increases the safety of BOTH humans and the environment, etc etc IACUC is extensive and thought out. However. Whump :)
Tw: referenced animal abuse, trauma, blood
Lab Bunnyblade. Blood red eyes and sleek white fur that covers up his many scars. Heā€™s level E under the USDA Pain and Distress category. No anesthesia, no rest. Little bun who always bites when he shouldnā€™t and kicks at scientists and doesnā€™t know anything but glass and iron and white and fear.
In his immense wisdom and many years of bunny experience (he is TWO (2) whole years), Bunnyblade resolves to topple the United States Government on the grounds of unethical treatment of its citizens (born on US soil! He should get rights!). But the only obstacle between him and the country descending into anarchy is escaping the lab.
As 2 in bunny years is well over 16 in human years, itā€™s probably not illegal for him to drive. What? Of course he knows how to drive. Bunnyblade only doesnā€™t know how to break, because heā€™s shoved a brick on the accelerator and his widdle legs canā€™t reach that far. He CAN use the turn signal. He doesnā€™t because heā€™s an anarchist.
So of course the greatest evil mastermind of the 21st century escapes the lab! Determined bun. Strong bun. But alone bun. All in the cold with no idea how survival works. Bunnyblade is well familiar with human lifestyles due to deciphering human languages and that one time he stole a phone and discovered the internet (with unlimited access for an entire night! THOSE FOOLS! Those moronic scientists scarcely comprehend the monster theyā€™ve made!). But human society turns out to be very discriminatory towards rabbits with no income, and Bunnyblade is at the mercy of the elements.
Cue Philza finding whatā€™s obviously someoneā€™s pet trying to eat plastic turf grass. Cue him frantically chasing down a frightened bun across the neighbor hood so he can return it. (Blast! Theyā€™ve hired goons to catch him!) Except- what the hell, this rabbit seems to be evading him no matter what. And Phil starts getting tricky with trying to corner it, but it never seems to work. But in yet another desperate bid to outrun the determined little bun, he smacks into a small child, smelling his ice cream cone. After Tommy is done cursing the stranger to hell and back, he decides heā€™ll show up Phil by catching the rabbit cause heā€™s faster and smarter and handsomer!
And then stranger Kristin sees Phil making an absolute dorky fool of himself trying to save a frightened bunny and immediately thinks oh I canā€™t Not wife him she should help. So now theyā€™re flirting in between absurdly elaborate schemes to trap the bun.
More and more goons are after Bunnyblade! This is TERRIBLE! They must know his secret plans to overthrow the government! It gets up to like 20 different people chasing him around the park. His heart is racing as fast as a rab- erm- okay immediately after he takes over the government heā€™ll rewrite all English idioms to be more rabbit inclusive, but until then- his heart is beating so fast it hurts, throbbing in painful desperation as more and more humans hunt him down in roaming packs. Thereā€™s so many he canā€™t ever stop running, knowing the second heā€™s caught heā€™ll be dragged back to the lab. It'll be so much harder to escape next time, maybe impossible. Never to see the outside world again. No warm sun tousling through his white fur. No soft grass beneath his feet, healing the lines scored into toe beans by wire cage floors. No. Bunnyblade canā€™t go back to the lab.
So he runs. And runs. Little body aching, unused to to wide open spaces but so desperate to become used to freedom.
Philza keeps being this close to capturing the bun. Mere whiskers off! Everyone is getting more and more invested in helping, feels like half the town is chipping in. Thereā€™s multiple teams competing for who captures him first. Philza isnā€™t sure how, but heā€™s somehow become the leader, coordinating groups and strategies since somehow the rabbit manages to get capture efforts tangled up in each other to thwart both teams. Tommy insists heā€™s in charge, though, and to appease the twerp a little Philza says the bunnyā€™s name is ā€˜Technobladeā€™ when asked by the news crew. Tommy came up with it off of some kids show, seems to think itā€™s the raddest name ever.
The joke keeps getting tossed around that this is the reincarnation of Bugs Bunny, that this is a were-rabbit and they transform midday. But for the most part Philza really does this think is a normal, albeit insanely fast and lucky, rabbit. Until when heā€™s right on the bunā€™s tail, hurling himself at them in a desperate bid to finally catch them-
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Concussion. Right. P-probably just a concussion haha! And after 20 million schemes 6 trips to the ER and enough carrots* to feed a small country, (*carrot thing is a myth but Phil is dumb he donā€™t know that),
...they catch Technoblade. Philza is cradling the bunny to his chest and -oh, oh heā€™s so small and soft. Could probably be held in one hand were he not thrashing so much. Philza pants in exhaustion, grinning triumphantly. Around him everyone erupts in the quietest cheers imaginable.
Technoblade is shaking badly. His fluttering heart never seems to calm even as Philza gently strokes them. His struggles are weak, poor thing worn out from fending off dozens of persistence predators. But he's safe now.
And elsewhere, a click of a spacebar on the live news story. The screen zooms in on a blurry glimpse of the escaped lab subjected. His large, terrified red eyes that almost seem to glow.
A long, long sigh, and a latex-gloved hand picks up a phone. ā€œWe found it. But it purposefully got as many eyes on it as possible.ā€
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goodbytegroupglobal Ā· 2 years ago
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BTSD-home Bed Risers 3 inch Heavy Duty Furniture Risers for Sofa Couch Great for Under Bed Storage Set of 4 https://goodbytegroup.com/products/btsd-home-bed-risers-3-inch-heavy-duty-furniture-risers-for-sofa-couch-great-for-under-bed-storage-set-of-4?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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bamboomusiclist Ā· 2 years ago
6/13 恊ćÆć‚ˆć†ć”ć–ć„ć¾ć™ć€‚Kano / Another Life CGD-3003 Ā ē­‰ę›“ę–°ć—ć¾ć—ćŸć€‚
Carmen McRae / Book of Ballads kl1117 Teddi King / Lovers & Losers AP117 Charlie Parker / Night and Day v6-8003 Stan Getz / Plays Mgn1042 Clare Fischer / First Time Out Stereo-52 Pee Wee Russell / Swingin' With Pee Wee Svlp2008 Mal Waldron / Plays The Blues enja5021 Jim Hall Chet Baker / Concierto cti6060s1 David Rose / Nostalgia e-3134 Fats Navarro / Prime Source bnla507h2 Kano / Another Life CGD-3003 Gary Peacock / Voice from the Past Paradigm ecm1210 Crusaders / Those Southern Knights btsd-6024 Crusaders / Unsung Heroes Bts6007 Crusaders / Images ba6030 Sweet Charles / For Sweet People From Pe6603 Michael Nyman / Drowning By Numbers VE23
~bamboo music~ https://bamboo-music.netĀ  [email protected] Ā  530-0028 大é˜Ŗåø‚北åŒŗäø‡ę­³ē”ŗ3-41 ć‚·ćƒ­ćƒŽćƒ“ćƒ«104号 06-6363-2700
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sticksoffire Ā· 2 years ago
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rockdoveking Ā· 2 months ago
maybe they'll come back with btsd
i hope we have a third world war specially because bts is in the military. it would be funny
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repressedqueen Ā· 3 years ago
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I can't get over the way Eddie really struggles to talk about what happened to MillsĀ  here... It's too heartbreaking. šŸ’”
I believe Eddie chose to call Mills out of the other three because, from what we've seen from his flashbacks, she seemed Iike the strongest of them all. She didn't seem effected by all the death and catastrophe around them. She could joke about it, push through the pain. Maybe she was the closest thing Eddie understands as "normal". Being unaffected by the all the package that comes with being in the middle of the battlefield.
So when he found out she of all people chose to kill herself... This is terrifying for him. If the strong, the positive, the "normal" one broke under the weight they all curry, then how will he make it?
All of this in the same day he witnessed a case of a woman trying to end her life for reasons Eddie can definitely identify himself with. I just know the possibility of him being Mills one day crossed his mind and I want to CRY.
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21shotglasses Ā· 5 years ago
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Jungkook in dynamite
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