#bts photo manipulation
kimtaegis · 1 year
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busanpng · 4 months
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BTS STEAMPUNK + ALICE IN WONDERLAND (2/7) — jimin as cheshire cat ، watch me edit.
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akomatter · 8 months
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lavloner · 11 months
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Silent Demons (Premade)
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parkzinn · 1 year
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A borboleta azul
Capa totalmente de minha autoria, não aceito adaptações e no momento não estou aceitando encomendas.  
A capa não foi nenhum pedido, eu que resolvi treinar e criar capas novas.
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Cover entirely by me, I do not accept adaptations and at the moment I am not accepting orders.
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jikookuntold · 8 months
A Word With Jikookers
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” Gustav Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
You might have known that most of my posts go under categories like analysis and reviews, and I usually don't address hates and haters in this blog except a few times that I had to respond to some anonymous asks, which is now turned off.
I'm aware that no Jikooker likes to be policed by other Jikookers, I hate that too. I hate woke Jikookers so much, and this is not about policing you guys or telling you what to post about. But, as someone who reads tweets on army Twitter on a daily basis and follows almost every drama between shippers, I'm aware that antis sound so bold and brave recently for no specific reason, and this is expectantly triggering most Jikookers to fight back.
Haters get hit tweets by "comparing" moments, shading members, bringing back their old and frequently debunked theories, and fabricating the dumbest stuff to give themselves some sense of winning against the loud and clear truth of Jikook. If there was any competition, they had lost it many times since 2017, but this breed is not going to admit their defeat, and you can never convince them no matter how strong your logic and evidence are. 
I did that a few times, yes. I convinced several hardcore Taekookers that their ship is not real, and if there is one duo in BTS that might be romantically involved, it's Jikook. They admitted that to me after facing the evidence and facts that were hidden from them, but it didn't last long. Just a few days of interacting with their Tkkr fellas was enough to get brainwashed by more appealing theories and call me a liar and manipulator lol. This chain will never break, looking at the community of shippers in 1D made me sure about that.
It's not that they are trying to convince you (us, Jikookers), they are trying to convince themselves, the newcomers who have no clue about what goes on, the Tkkrs with some brain cells left who start to lose faith, and any weak mind out there is their target. It's already a lost battle for them, and they know it well. All they want is fewer losses.
But it's not just that, besides their attempts to keep their community big and in the majority, they are doing their best not to let you feel satisfied or winning (in the competition they made inside their minds). You need to knw that this is a mental war against Jikookers, and it's not just done by Tkkrs, all the breeds of Jikook-antis are on it these days, that's why I'm addressing them as antis and not just Tkkrs. For example, the other day, a JJK akgae tweeted something like 'jikookers are mad because JK likes girls', but in the quotes and replies, she had admitted that she was annoyed by Jikookers celebrating Jikook's new military photos. 
It's clear who is mad here. They deliberately and blatantly lie and project to belittle you, trigger you, and reach some level of satisfaction by affecting you mentally. So, don't let that happen, don't give them what they want. I already said there's no battle or competition, but don't let them win this mental war against you.
Why So Serious?
Joost Meerloo, in his famous book 'The Rape of the Mind,' says: “Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot, it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal than logic and reason. While the people are still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault  with another.” Although we are not fighting a totalitarian regime lol, this is the exact reason that arguing with antis is pointless. They use 'theories' to debunk the 'moments', and call the real moments 'delusional and fake' while celebrating total lies.
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Debunking lies is necessary, and everyone should do that as long as they are armed with perfect and mouth-shutting evidence. Otherwise, you should avoid it because nothing is more damaging than doing a bad defense. And these debunkings and defendings don't have to turn into arguments.
Joost Meerloo, in the same book, talks about a solution: “We must learn to treat the demagogue and aspirant dictators in our midst with the weapon of ridicule. The demagogue himself is almost incapable of humor of any sort, and if we treat him with humor, he will begin to collapse.”
Yes, you can debunk, correct, educate, and even argue in an unserious manner. Shipping is not that serious, anyway. Good humor is not insulting, we don't want to drag down or set anyone up. Spreading facts and truth positively and debunking lies with humor and ridicule is all we need to do instead of endless fights and anxious clapbacks.
This post was supposed to be a word, but it turned out as a long and boring essay of information that I'm sure most of you already heard so many times. But it doesn't hurt if we get reminded sometimes to think more deeply and get a better view on what we are dealing with.
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scarlet2007 · 1 year
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Highschool sweethearts₊︶꒷꒦︶
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Pairing: Yandere! BTS Jimin x reader. [ Master list ]
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Summary: You caught the attention of the highschool sweetheart.
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Warnings: Yandere themes, Kidnapping, use of Chloroform, Possessive and manipulating behaviour, Peer pressure, controlling behaviour.
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Word count: 1.3k
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It was finally happening. It was the end of the school year, and Jimin was finally graduating. You were more happy about it than he was, as now you won't have to face him in school anymore.
He was in his senior year of high school while you were in your junior year. Everything was fine, until one day you caught the attention of the sweetest guy in high school. Or at least that's what everyone says he is.
You at first liked him, he was gentle, handsome and popular but never once did he act coldly towards anyone. He would even stand up to those who would get bullied. He was the embodiment of kindness and everyone loved him, even teachers and staff.
And that was what made you helpless.
You could never forget that day, and Jimin made sure that you never will.
Oh, how you wished you never participated in that damned dance competition that your high school organised.
It was the start of the year when the dance competition was announced. You were pretty thrilled to participate as dancing was one of the things you felt confident in. The teacher that was in charge of organizing loved your enthusiasm as you were one of the first people to participate from your year.
You got the second prize in the female category while Jimin got the first prize in male. And in the general category, you got the first prize, a tie between you and Jimin.
You walked up to the stage as you bowed down to the hosts and Jimin, as he was your senior, before taking your certificate and shared trophy. Your hand brushed against his as you both held the trophy, standing close to each other as the photographer took a photo of you both.
Walking off the stage, Jimin caught your hand in his, making you turn around.
"Oh, um, can I have your number? To discuss who should take this trophy, of course." He chuckled nervously, smiling at you as he blushed slightly.
You, of course, were smitten by him. With how cute he looked as he asked you, reminding you of an innocent child asking their parents for something sweetly.
Oh, how wrong you were.
OlYou nodded as you gave him your number without any second thoughts.
Oh, that was one of your many mistakes. Your fate was already sealed.
After that, you and Jimin decided to keep the trophy at your house.
You and Jimin started to chat everyday, to the point that you both were constantly texting each other and talking to each other in real life.
It was almost like a dream! A dream come true!
Oh, but nightmares are dreams too, sweetheart.
It started out small, but soon enough, you started to notice how Jimin was constantly trying to manipulate you. You, at first, thought that perhaps you were being paranoid as Jimin was too nice to do such a thing! And even your best friend agreed when you told her about it. But after a while, it became clear. Jimin was not only manipulative, but also possessive. And when you realised it, it was too late.
You blocked him after confronting him about it several times, and every time he denied such a thing until you had enough and blocked him, but it was hard because having to face him in school everyday was a pain in your ass. Him constantly making a big show of how sorry he was in front of everyone and you had to accept his apology under peer pressure. You had no one. Even your best friend didn't believe you.
And soon enough, you barely talked to anyone but Jimin. And when you weren't talking to Jimin, you were only allowed to talk to females, not that you mind, but the more you obeyed his rules, the more overbearing he started to act. He became too obsessed.
Oh, and didn't I mentioned that you both weren't even dating yet? Ah, yes, that's right, sweetie! You both were still friends! But that all changed that day.
It was the early August, the rain was pouring heavily, and you were walking out from detention. It was the first time you ever got detention and for what? Even you don't know. You walked up to your homeroom to get your books from your locker.
Petals fell over your head from the bucket over the door as you opened it, your eyes widened as your friends, classmates, seniors and even some teachers stood in front of you. The whole classroom was decorated and there was even a cake on a desk. But what made you more shocked was Jimin. He was in the middle, kneeling down as he held a bouquet of flowers in his hands before he asked you to be his girlfriend.
That was it, your fate was officially sealed yet again.
You should've said no, and you would've said no if it wasn't for the peer pressure, and Jimin knew it.
Almost everyone was chanting, "Say yes! Say yes!" While you stood there in shock and horror. Before muttering a small "Yes", while trying not to cry. Everyone thought that you were so touched that you got emotional, but only one person knew that your tears weren't of joy, they were of horror. And that person was Jimin.
He smiled sweetly at you as he wrapped his arms around you before kissing the top of your head while whispering, "You're mine." In your ears as you shivered in his arms.
A shiver ran down your shine as Jimin gently shook your shoulder, bringing you out of your thoughts. Jimin smiling face greeted you as he stood in front of you with a rose. He wanted to get the trophy back and you agreed, wanting to get rid of that damned thing as soon as possible as it kept reminding you of your cursed fate. But fews days after prom, he suddenly asked you to take it back, saying that he doesn't want it anymore. You tried to refuse, not wanting to keep that reminder with you anymore and not wanting to meet him either. But he kept insisting, to the point it almost sounded like he was begging you and you agreed to take it back, wanting him to stop calling and texting you every other minute just to beg pathetically.
Oh, you shouldn't have given in, sweetie.
He was standing there with a creepy grin on his face. There is something off about him right now. 'Its probably because of the surrounding...' you thought. Jimin called you to the usual "secret" place that you both made as your "personal hang out place", it was night time now and you are in a forest, not deep but still far enough for no one to notice you both. Jimin first took you here when you were having troubles concentrating, the woods were peaceful, it helped a lot and you wanted to keep this place a secret because you don't want people to come here and make it noisy.
"Sweetheart, I have been waiting for this moment for such a long time..." You looked at him, confused as to why he was looking forward to return the trophy.
He chuckled as he stepped closer to you before pulling you into a hug. He caressed your cheeks gently, he had a handkerchief in his hand and for some reason, it was wet.
You leaned away in disgust as the wet handkerchief touched your face. It wasn't uncommon for Jimin to roam around with a handkerchief, he had a habit of carrying one with him almost everywhere.
"Jimin, the fuc-", you were cut off as he pushed the handkerchief against your mouth and nose, covering it completely. You looked at him alarmed as your hands tried to push him away. You scratched him, tried to push him away, held your breath as much as you could, kicked him, pushed your body against his. You tried it all.
All you could remember was Jimin whispering in your ear sweetly, "You're mine, now no one can take you away from me. No one, even you."
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Author notes: If you have any requests, feel free to send in an ask! If I like the idea / feel comfortable with it, I will accept it!
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tomorrowxtogether · 11 months
HUENINGKAI: “It’s thanks to the other members that I’m becoming more driven myself”
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TOMORROW X TOGETHER The Name Chapter: FREEFALL comeback interview
Perseverance. Persistence. Like we always have, like it’s always been. The words that make up TOMORROW X TOGETHER member HUENINGKAI have come together to usher in a wave of change. A profound and resounding wave crafted by a boy that once simply aspired to be a rock.
​When you were all done with the promotional activities of the last album, The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION, you went on Weverse Live and said, “I think we can release this promotion as a movie.” 
HUENINGKAI: I actually wasn’t feeling entirely sure about that last album when we were making our comeback. But now it’s like, Oh, it really turned out well. (laughs) Looking back now, it’s like that lack of confidence made me even more desperate. It really made me feel like, I have to make this work, no matter what! Once I could actually feel the huge amount of buzz around our comeback, I felt more assured and it helped me to work at it harder. MOA and the general public helped me to find that confidence, in that sense. Not that I go out much (laughs) but now there’s a lot more people who recognize me. A friend of mine said they liked “Sugar Rush Ride” and a lot of people liked “Farewell, Neverland,” surprisingly. I feel like I progressively got into the flow of things just from being up on stage and naturally learning from that.
Are there certain things you have to be on stage for to get into the flow properly?
HUENINGKAI: When we’re on a music show, we do the performance there and then review it. That helps me to figure out how it should be done to  some degree. I guess I’m good at that now. I honestly didn’t really get a proper feel for “Sugar Rush Ride” until we started performing it on TV, but I could feel myself getting better the more we went around performing. When I check the first take, I see the parts I need to fix and where I should change my facial expressions. The second take is always better. It’s kind of cringey to see photos of myself and my facial expressions. (laughs) So I don’t look myself up that much, but I need to review when we’re promoting so I can improve.
Your performances of “Invitation” at Weverse Con Festival and “TEMPTED + The Devil I Know” for MIX & MAX were impressive.
HUENINGKAI: Continuing on the theme of the previous album, we worked with songs that fit in with the theme of temptation. Everything about “Invitation” was new for me, including voguing, but we all have long, slender arms, so the dance looked pretty nice. I thought MOA would really love it. “Invitation” also inspired us to vogue in the choreography for our latest single. MIX & MAX portrayed an innocent boy giving into temptation and turning to the dark side. It was key to give the impression of the boy being manipulated to match up with the sounds of a marionette at the beginning, so the acting and gestures were important for that part. The idea was to have the hand painted black represent the devil and then it devours us.
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​Then there’s plenty of parts in the choreography for the single “Chasing That Feeling” where you convey the meaning of the lyrics more literally, like by making a fist or running. 
HUENINGKAI: Right. Choreography like that’s a lot more challenging. It’s way easier doing a song like “Good Boy Gone Bad” with a concrete theme in place, or “Back for More (TXT ver.)” where we just have to look cool. We’re very aware now what kind of facial expressions will make us look as cool as possible. I had to keep asking about the new single “Chasing That Feeling”: Is this the feeling we’re going for? Is it similar to the BTS song “RUN”? It was a continuous discussion. In the end, I figured out it’s similar to “0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori” but with a little more yearning. I have to show that yearning in the verse but then express agony in the chorus to line up with the idea of determination and pursuing my desires. And I’m still trying to find the sweet spot for conveying that. A frown gives away too much, so I have to do it subtly while still holding back a bit and not showing it completely, sort of. I might be aware of the nuances, but it’s hard to express it in such a way that people watching will feel that. I’m still working on getting the hang of it. (laughs)
I can really see that you’ve given so much thought into it. (laughs)
HUENINGKAI: TOMORROW X TOGETHER, the band that tries something new every time! (laughs) It’s hard—our group’s always working to defy conventional frames and try out different genres. But every song off the new album is in a different genre, so it’s fun to listen to as a whole. I like every single song, but “Skipping Stones” is my favorite. I think this is really the first time that I’ve loved every track off an album. To be perfectly honest, I never guessed we’d be doing a hard rock song (laughs) but I love how the first track’s metal fit perfectly with the title The Name Chapter: FREEFALL.
It’s crucial that you fully understand and engross yourself in the message of the music when you’re gearing up for a comeback, isn’t it?
HUENINGKAI: Yes. Somebody help me. Please. (laughs) It’s always a tough process, but I get to understand it bit by bit as we go along—getting to know the emotions while singing, then again while dancing. I’m able to perform live once the singing and the dancing are perfect—the facial expressions, too—and at that point, I can finally grasp everything entirely.
This album seems to be an important turning point as far as the storyline goes in the sense that the boys have finally come face to face with reality.
HUENINGKAI: That’s something new in itself, actually—the fact that TOMORROW X TOGETHER has entered the real world. We started out with horns on our heads (laughs) and had a lot of comebacks with various fantasy elements in them, but this time it’s all about the boys coming square up against reality. That’s why the title of the single is so straightforward: “Chasing That Feeling”! (laughs) I have no choice but to keep learning since the concepts change every time.
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As you say, you have to keep learning. I can tell that you’ve become an even better dancer lately just by looking at the “Back for More” challenge you did with the dance crew JAM REPUBLIC or when you did the challenge for “Smoke” (prod. Dynamicduo, Padi). 
HUENINGKAI: I guess I was trying to focus more on dancing this year. I think MIX & MAX was sort of the start of that. I danced with YEONJUN but he’s so good that I felt a bit of pressure about it. I talked to the instructor and took some private lessons and sort of tried to be able to dance as well as YEONJUN does. From that point on, the instructors even paid me compliments like, “You’re really getting a lot better.” And then I also had the opportunity to dance solo at our recent concerts. JAM REPUBLIC are … I mean, wow. They’re unbelievable. They really know exactly how to put their bodies to use. Now I know why people say they’re world class! (laughs) It was such an honor. I was eager to show off more of my dance ability and that’s why I said I wanted to do the “Smoke” challenge. I was actually a bit worried because of how challenging that choreography is, so I put in quite a lot of practice. I felt sorry for the performance directing team because I kept saying, “No, again, again, again, again.” We shot it 20, 25 times, but when I got back home and watched the video, I still wasn’t satisfied with it. So I said to them, “I’m really sorry, but can we shoot it tomorrow one more time?” I did it again and again the next day and we finally ended up with a good take that we could upload.
That makes me think of when you said on Weverse Live, “I always realize it whenever I practice dancing, but dance practices never betray me.”
HUENINGKAI: I think, more than anything else, the more I work at my dancing, the better it gets. I’d have to say dance is the easiest thing to get into, in a way. I think anyone can be good at dancing if they just have perseverance. Dancing isn’t just about the dancing itself—I feel like your own personal aura and your facial expressions are really important, too. Even the five members of our group all have their own unique vibe, and we’re all good at doing different facial expressions. When you dance, it’s important to understand what the music’s all about and to be able to take what you’re capable of up a notch and express yourself that way.
So what’s your personal aura like? (laugh)
HUENINGKAI: Mine? Haha—yeah, what kind of vibe do I give off? I’m not too sure myself. (laughs) Whether the single we’re doing is cheerful, or cute, or sexy, I always seem to come across as not bad … or that’s what people tell me, at least. (laughs)
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​Mastering the group performances, and the four years you’ve spent together, must have been a continuous process of learning what makes each of you different. 
HUENINGKAI: Ah, the five of us are completely different in every way. (laughs) We’re so different that, when we were trainees, we used to be coached into doing team-building exercises. But we’re completely used to each other now. Time’s the important thing. We naturally got to know each other after living together for so long, and now we’re just like family. I think the quality of our teamwork really shows during concerts. If one of us has to sit out because they’re not feeling well, for example, the rest of us are able to fill in for them. It’s weird, but suddenly we become really good at communicating in situations like that. Things just happen instantly when emergencies come up. (laughs)
In the TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER documentary, while most of you said that your concert at Lollapalooza in Chicago was the happiest moment for you since your debut, SOOBIN opened up about how he finds it difficult to enjoy himself fully when he needs to be spontaneous. What do you do to help out when every one of the members is dealing with their own challenges?
HUENINGKAI: I sort of get that. The two of us have similar personalities, so I know how he feels. There’s times when I find performing hard too, and at times big crowds can make me scared. My MBTI tests show I’m a complete “I,” and I like being at home. SOOBIN always says he’s sorry because he worries he’s not enjoying himself properly. So nowadays, when we’re on stage, we just … we put our arms around each other’s shoulders and just jump around and have fun. I actually think that happened a number of times during our most recent concerts. When it’s soundcheck time or we want to get people hyped, we’re often glued together, putting our arms around each other and we boost each other up to pump up our energy. I’m actually not very good at empathizing or talking with people. Whenever I’m talking with someone, my first thoughts are about the best way to go about doing things and how to solve things. (laughs) I think it’s best that I quietly help them out by looking out for them and thinking about how I can be doing whatever I can for them.
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​TAEHYUN and YEONJUN were on SUCHWITA, and they talked about how you all found some middle ground between your ideas so the group and its members can achieve their unified goal. 
HUENINGKAI: That was a year ago, but I can still recall how I said, “If the four of you want to make it to the top, I’ll be there with you to the very end,” and, “I’ll always be there by your side.”
Do you consider yourself to be a goal-oriented person?
HUENINGKAI: I’m actually not much of a go-getter. I’m more about wanting things to go smoothly. I don’t like to overthink things. But it’s extremely important in this field to be really ambitious. You have to be driven if you’re going to make it to the top. I think it’s thanks to the determination of the other members that I’m progressively becoming more driven myself. I actually have clearer goals now than I did a year ago.
Do you think you’ll ever all be satisfied with the way things turn out?
HUENINGKAI: Umm … It’s possible that might never happen, of course. But I think it’s only right that we keep trying our best. I’ve changed a lot during this whole time. I guess what influenced me a lot was that I want to challenge the kind of image that boy groups have. Some people say boy groups aren’t popular with the wider public, but I wanted to let the world know who we are and prove ourselves. These days, no matter what happens, we’re grown enough to realize that it could always be worse, and we cheer each other on so we can keep working hard. Looking back now, I can see we’ve always worked hard to go further and beyond—like making a new album better than the last, then the next one even better, and on and on. That’s what TOMORROW X TOGETHER is all about, you know? We have to keep on keeping on. “Like we always have, like it’s always been.” (laughs)
The lyrics to “Skipping Stones” seem to sort of reflect the attitude you have as a member of the group.
HUENINGKAI: That’s why I could fully understand the emotions behind the song as soon as I first sang it. (laughs) I feel like you’re guaranteed to be at least a little happy if you just have persistence and persevere. You can get close to accomplishing some of your goals, even if you can’t do them all. If I just work hard, I’ll end up naturally contributing to the group. I should do as much as I can and show the world everything I’ve got. What I mean is, I’m going to go the distance, even if it breaks me.
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​Do you feel a sense of reward when you’re on stage? You said at your concert in Seoul that you felt like your whole life had been leading up to that moment. 
HUENINGKAI: That was the best way I could think to express myself at the time. I wanted to convey that feeling any way I could. I said things I wouldn’t normally say because I got all emotional. (laughs) Those three years working myself to the bone as a trainee and since we debuted were all leading up to that moment. (laughs) The tour kicked off in the summer, so we ended up making “Our Summer” the last song, and everyone singing along made me really emotional—because we’re all enjoying our summer now. Here’s what I want to tell MOA: This is our youth. Thank you for spending this time with us. Let’s stay together, forever and ever. I can’t just remove myself from the emotions I feel when I’m up on stage in front of a big, roaring crowd like that. It’s fine when I’m still up there, but once I get back and I’m alone in bed, I feel sort of empty. But then I go to sleep and get back up and I’m okay again, so I just want to keep performing on that stage.
It sounds like that’s what drives you to reach for the top.
HUENINGKAI: I feel like I can keep going for a long time thanks to being with the other members. And I feel really, really proud to be a member of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. I don’t think I could’ve done it if I weren’t a part of this group. I absolutely love our songs and our dances. I’m happy to be a part of the group. I want to be with them. Because I love the five of us.
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chelsiefan71 · 1 year
I really, really miss Downton Abbey. I miss the show itself. I miss the excitement surrounding it. I miss the spoilers, the BTS photos, the speculation about new episodes, and the microanalysis of the episodes that have already aired. I miss the fanfiction, the videos, the screencaps, the photo manipulations, the fanart, and all the fandom interaction. This is the time of year when a new season would start, and I find myself feeling very melancholy on Sundays lately.😔
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bestaez · 2 years
Strangers (Chapter Seven)
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Strangers from Hell AU
Series Masterlist
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
NEW!! warnings (will update as needed): murder, mature themes, obsessive/possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, stalking, bullying, violence, blood and injuries, non-consensual touching, attempted sexual assault (not by BTS), mc has some self-deprecating thoughts, mc is lowkey in denial. pls heed the warnings, this chapter gets a little intense!!
word count: 4.6k words
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As weeks go by, you find yourself getting more and more accustomed to this new life. Each day at work you spend your time getting more invested in your role, trying your best to make it seem like you’re actually supposed to be there and not just a nepotism case. You don’t know if you’re being paranoid or if your co-workers really are talking about you behind your back, what with the way Jiwan is always snickering and whispering somewhere in your peripheral vision.
But none of that matters, you try to remind yourself. Not when you know you’re supposed to be there, or at least that’s what you tell yourself. And looking at the small photo frame of your family that you keep at your desk and focusing on your mother’s smiling face, you know you have to do your absolute best to not let her down.
Besides, you have the best supporters waiting for you at home. Those seven men are always there to cheer you up when you have a hard day, somehow reading your mood without you even needing to say anything. They all have their own love language, whether it be cooking you meals or offering to give you a foot massage when you can barely stand on your feet. Even the quieter or stranger ones of the bunch are actually quite sweet deep down, you have found. In a way, you feel like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Each one has their own quirk but you find them all endearing.
You would almost feel bad getting so close to these men when you have a boyfriend but it’s not like he seems concerned these days. After that weekend where he blew you off for work, you decided not to chase him and just wait for him to reach out again - which, probably sounds like you’re giving up on the relationship but you just found the whole ordeal to be too stressful to worry about. Deep down, you knew Jihoon was just a workaholic and that it was okay to not hear from him sometimes.
He had texted you a few times throughout the week, checking in with you and updating you on how his work projects were going. You had spoken a few times over the phone, but he often claimed he was too tired and asked for a raincheck. You would be lying if you said it didn’t sting a little but you didn’t want to seem like a clingy girlfriend so you let it be. That dream you had where you both were excelling in your careers and moving in together somehow seemed much farther away now than it did before.
But, all in all, things were fine. That’s all you could really say about it, nothing had improved but nothing had worsened, either. Overall, you felt pretty neutral about everything. The journaling had been helping, you thought. Every night you dedicated some time to writing - whether it was about your day or just a short story you had thought of. You’re not sure if it was doing anything to help the stress, but it definitely felt therapeutic.
Sitting at your desk at work, you were mindlessly checking emails as there was nothing currently in your queue to work on. The work day was close to being over but it was still probably too early for you to clock out so the best thing to do was make it at least look like you were busy. You glance at your phone, fighting off the urge to text Nayeon out of boredom. She had been in work meetings all week, mostly out of office, and you missed seeing her around. 
A random thought popped in your head that it would be nice to cook some dinner for your roommates, after they had been taking care of you these past few weeks. Without thinking, you decided to browse on your computer for a good recipe. You had become so absorbed in your task that you failed to notice the presence over your shoulder. 
“Oh, that one looks good.” Barely concealing your gasp, you jumped back to see Jiwan standing there with raised eyebrows. You opened your mouth in shock, but nothing came out.
She smirked condescendingly, “Is that the best way to spend company time and resources?”
You couldn’t bear to look away from her, not wanting to see the stares from other co-workers that you could already feel burning into your skin. But you also didn’t know how to diffuse the situation and it seemed like Jiwan knew it.
“My queue was empty so I was just checking something really quick.” The words felt heavy leaving your mouth, causing you to nervously gulp.
“Oh? Then, why didn’t you come ask one of us if we needed help with anything?” At your silence, she continued. “I mean, that is why you’re here, right? You’re supposed to pick up the tasks we can’t finish.”
“Jiwan,” You hear someone’s voice say quietly behind you, but you don’t dare to look. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you just felt so small.
“No, she needs to hear this. I’m tired of her getting away with being incompetent.” Her venomous tone causes something in you to snap as you step out of your chair, finally meeting her eye to eye.
All of the sudden, you were in the cafeteria from your memories again. Everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to make your next move. That voice in your head was whispering for you to go in for the kill, but you shook it away. You couldn’t let that side win again.
Clearing your throat, you try to steady your voice, “Jiwan, I had no idea you felt that way. If you thought that my work was lacking, you could have just come to me one-on-one. You didn’t have to make a scene.”
She seems taken aback by your sudden strong front, not exactly sure how to respond so you beat her to the punch.
“Is there anything I can help you with right now?” Raising your eyebrows questioningly at her, she can only gawk at your quick change in attitude.
“In that case, I’ll head out now. Seeing as there’s nothing here for me to do,” She remains silent as you begin to gather up your things. No one says anything as they all watch it unfold, apparently shocked to see someone handle Jiwan in such a professional way. They probably weren’t expecting to see the newbie have a backbone. They clearly didn’t know you.
You can feel everyone’s gaze on your back as you walk to the elevator, heart racing as you get inside and press the lobby button. When the doors finally close, your cool façade breaks and you lean against the metal wall with a small gasp. You can’t believe you just did that to your superior, in front of all those people. Panic starts to settle in by the time the elevator doors open as you wonder if you just lost your job. It seems you never truly learned to get your emotions in check.
The walk to your bus stop is a blur, your eyes staring unseeingly before you as you wring your hands nervously. Surely, that conversation alone wouldn’t get you fired, would it? You were respectful but firm. In fact, maybe it would impress some of the right people. But, what if Jiwan just used it as evidence that you were insubordinate? That sounds like something she would do.
You wondered what Nayeon would have done if she saw you. Would she be proud of you for finally standing your ground? Hopefully this didn’t embarrass her, not wanting to get her in trouble. If only she had been there, maybe then Jiwan wouldn’t have said anything.
A sudden buzzing feeling in your pocket interrupts your thoughts, slipping your phone out to see an incoming call from your mom. 
“YN? You there?” The sound of your mother’s slightly raised voice caused your heart to speed up anxiously.
“Yes, can you hear me?”
“Sorry, honey. It’s so loud here, hold on-” The loud background noise lessened after a few moments, a deep sigh coming over the line as it seemed your mother had found a quieter space to talk in. “That’s better.”
“Where are you?” You ask impatiently, anxiety creeping and settling into your bones.
“The hospital.” Your heart stops and before you can respond, she continues. “It’s Minjun. He had an episode.”
“What kind of episode?”
“He had a seizure in school, just out of nowhere. The doctors aren’t sure what caused it but they’re keeping him here for a couple days.”
“I’ll get a bus back as soon as possible,” Before you can even really think about it, your mind is already made up. There’s no way you can sit here idly while your baby brother is stuck in a hospital room probably scared and confused.
“No, no. I don’t want you to miss work. We’ll be okay, I’m here with him.”
“How is he doing? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine, he’s-” She stops herself short, and each passing second of silence feels even more threatening. “Actually, there’s something I wanted to ask you.”
“What is it?”
“They are recommending a certain treatment and it’s, well, it’s more expensive than I had imagined. I hate to do this to you but the restaurant is not getting enough business as it is and now I’m gonna have to take off work-”
“Oh- of course,” You stammer, wincing guiltily at the slight reluctance you feel about forking over the little cash you already have. You would do anything for your family, but your internship salary is pretty small and you’re not sure how much more beneficial you could be in this situation. “How much?”
The number your mom gives has you frozen in shock, forcing yourself to blink after a moment passes. You don’t know how you will afford to send her that and pay rent at the same time. “Uh, okay. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you so much, honey. I’ll pay you back.”
When you arrive home, your thoughts are a swarm of stress over your brother’s health, the medical bills, and now the possible chance of you losing your job. You hadn’t even thought of that when you readily agreed to send your family money - the fact that you may not even have an income soon. Before you could overwhelm yourself with that thought, you pushed it away. Nothing was certain yet. This was just your own paranoia.
You stare up at the residence sign, feeling like this was the first time you truly studied it. The worn out black letters looked so dingy up close. Eden, it read. Perhaps it was a little paradise here. The outside world felt like hell sometimes, one bad thing after another. But right here, you felt safe.
Despite that, after the day you had, you felt like you weren’t ready to go home quite yet. You knew that as soon as you got home, one of the boys would question you on how your day went. And right now, you didn’t feel like talking about it.
Your feet seemed to know where you wanted to go before your mind caught up to it as you found yourself standing before a bar. It was the same bar you met Jihoon at in your first week here. You don’t know why it felt like a long time ago. The memory of the comfort your boyfriend had brought that night gave a bittersweet aftertaste. It had been so nice to reunite with him then but now, it just felt like he was an old friend you were trying to get back into contact with. The truth was, you were needing more in this relationship and you weren’t sure if he really even cared to give it.
You entered the small dive bar in your business attire, not standing out too much from the other patrons. Most were dressed casually in jeans or slacks, but there were a few others who also looked like they had come from work. It was that group that gave you the same understanding look. Hopping up on one of the stools, you raised your hand to get the bartender’s attention.
Downing another shot, you winced at the bitter liquor sliding down your throat. You never understood how people said the taste got better after each drink. It all tasted horrible but you supposed no one was actually drinking for the flavor. Case in point, here you were getting shitfaced at a dingy bar near the residence to drown out your thoughts. You knew it was probably a bad idea to turn to alcohol at such a low point in your life, but right now you didn’t care. For one night, you just wanted it all to go away.
And it seemed to do the trick. It got to the point where you couldn’t even remember what bothered you and even then, you continued to drink in an effort to chase this feeling. You wanted to enjoy the peaceful feeling you got while buzzed. You probably looked crazy to anyone else watching, giggling to yourself as your hands cupped your warm cheeks.
But, of course, your happy little bubble eventually had to burst.
The sudden arrival of someone next to you came as a surprise and you looked up to see it was a man about your age, maybe a little older. He looked handsome enough, although you couldn’t be certain because of your unfocused vision. But his button up shirt made you think he was probably decent.
“Hey there,” his voice was deep but not like Taehyung’s. Wait, what? Why are you thinking about him? “Can I buy you something to drink, honey?”
At that, you immediately felt ready to go home. There wasn’t anything obviously wrong about this guy but you didn’t need to go down that rabbit hole right now. You weren’t looking for a one night stand or anything at all. You just wanted some time to yourself.
“No thanks,” You smiled at him politely, sliding off your stool and collecting your bag. “I think I’ve hit my limit tonight.”
You’re impressed with how steady you are as you walk to the exit, stepping out into the humid summer air. It’s a good thing that you decided to cut it off there because you’re not sure you would have made it home if you had drank any more with the way you’re stumbling every few steps. Still, you’re not that drunk and your place is only a few blocks away.
You’ve barely passed a few streets when you feel a hand cover your mouth from behind, muting your surprised shriek. Using your momentary shock against you, your attacker begins to tug you backwards into a nearby alleyway. It gets darker with each step you take further away from the street lights. 
Eventually, your stunned state passes as you snap into action. When squirming and trying to pull their arm off of you fails, you get desperate as you realize you’re running out of options. You don’t even hesitate to bite harshly into the hand pressing into your face. That does the trick as you hear a disgruntled shout and the tight hold on your figure releases. You don’t bother turning around to see who it is, instead taking off in a sprint back towards the street.
Your heart thunders in your chest as you hear heavy footsteps behind you. Just when you think you’re going to make it, a hand grabs your hair and yanks you back. The searing pain in your scalp causes you to scream before you’re thrown against the brick wall to your right.
“Shut the fuck up,” he pants in your ear, his hot breath fanning across your cheek. His hands grip the neckline of your tank top, ripping the fabric to reveal your chest. Keeping you stuck in his embrace, he roughly pulls your bra down and palms the exposed skin of your breasts. “You should have just said yes when I offered you that drink, honey.”
Not giving you the time to process what he said, you feel your pants being tugged down until they reach your lower thighs. His body presses tightly to your figure, causing the hard bulge in his pants to rut into your ass uncomfortably. You gasp in pain as your forehead scrapes the wall, panting at the feeling of him nipping harshly at your neck. This can’t be happening. The remnants of the alcohol buzzing in your blood lingers and creates the most terrifying numb feeling to take over your body. That with his heavy weight on your back makes you feel so helpless.
“Help! Plea-” The grip returns to your hair as he pulls back and rams your head into the wall again, stunning you yet again. Your head throbs in response as you feel blood trickle down your forehead.
“Make another sound and I’ll really knock you out,” He threatens, clearly fed up with your attempts to escape. You don’t know if you even want to be awake for this, contemplating screaming again just so he would put you under.
Before you can even make a decision, the presence behind you is suddenly ripped away. The feeling of another hand grabbing your shoulder to turn you around causes you to yelp, flinching away before you see it’s a familiar face.
“It’s just me, noona.” Jungkook holds his hands out carefully and you want to cry at the sight of him. You fall into his embrace with a sob, the events of the evening catching up to you as your adrenaline finally runs out. You barely even register the hands pulling your clothes back into place, not wanting to acknowledge the embarrassment you will inevitably feel at people seeing your exposed skin.
“It’s okay, YN. You’re safe now.” You turn over your shoulder to see Taehyung rubbing your back with a deep frown on his face. Behind him, you see Namjoon and Yoongi standing over the man from the bar as his wounded form lays crumpled on the ground. The two holding you turn you back around as they lead you towards the exit, not allowing you to see what causes the man to scream in pain in the next moment.
“We won’t let anything happen to you.”
You don’t remember much after your roommates came to rescue you from that alleyway, too drunk and exhausted to stay conscious. You probably looked a sight to any passerbyers in the street, sandwiched between Taehyung and Jungkook as they practically carried you up to the residence. Anyone outside of the situation probably just assumed you were just a messy drunk with good friends that cared enough to get you home. They wouldn’t be wrong. If you weren’t so pathetic, you wouldn’t have wound up in this mess.
All you know is you woke up some time later to Jimin’s face hovering over yours, studying you with a concerned look and pressing a damp cloth to your forehead. Blinking in confusion at the bright light overhead, you reach up to grasp his arm near your face.
“Oh, you’re up,” He gasps, backing up and helping you sit up after you come to. Upon sitting up, you notice Seokjin standing a few feet away with a somber look on his face.
“What happened?” You ask, licking your lips in an attempt to sooth the dryness in your mouth.
Jimin’s eyes followed the action and as if sensing what you needed, reached for a water bottle on the coffee table. You thank him and take a few gulps, feeling more awake as you do.
“You don’t remember?” Seokjin’s voice sounds almost apprehensive as his dark eyes watch you carefully.
“I- I do but not much after the guys got there. I must have passed out,” You explain, eyebrows furrowing in thought. “What happened to him?”
“You don’t need to worry about him. He won’t bother you ever again.” Jimin reaches to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear, causing you to freeze at the intimate act. He has never initiated contact like that before but you assume it’s just his way - always taking care of people.
“What does that mean?” Both men merely stare at you in response so after a pause, you continue, “Namjoon and Yoongi were there, I saw them-”
“He’s been apprehended. That’s all you need to know.” Seokjin answers with finality, lips pressed in a firm line. You watch him for a moment before deciding to drop the subject.
“Taehyung and Jungkook?”
“They’re with the others, should be back soon.” The blonde haired male responds, pulling out a white box and digging through the contents for a moment before pulling out some antiseptic products. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to clean this up for you.”
You nod, tilting your head to allow him easier access as he begins swiping across the wound with an alcohol wipe. He mutters a quiet apology after catching your wince at the stinging sensation. Your eyes widen when you suddenly feel a gust of air hitting your forehead, realizing he must have blown on the affected area in order to soothe the sting. Biting your lip awkwardly, you look around the room to avoid making eye contact with him being so close to your face. It’s at this moment that you finally realize where you are.
“They brought me to your room?” You can’t stop the question falling from your lips, looking back at the manager curiously.
“Yes. They knew you would probably need to get looked at,” he explains after applying some ointment and a bandage. “Plus, we didn’t think you would want to wake up alone after...”
Jimin doesn’t need to finish the sentence, you all know what he’s inferring to. You clear your throat and nod in appreciation, looking down and finally noticing the large dark shirt adorning your figure. You still had your work pants on but not the blouse you had on before. “Did you change my shirt?”
“That was Jungkook,” Jimin answers truthfully, leaning back on the coffee table. “Your shirt was ruined and well- we thought you’d be more comfortable this way.”
You don’t respond to that, instead gripping the fabric between your fingers tightly as you feel tears well up in your eyes. You blink quickly in an attempt to rid them away but they continue to fill up without your permission. Jimin must notice the quick wave of emotions passing through you as the silence fills the room, save for a few sniffles here and there.
“Do you want to talk about it?” When you don’t answer, he tries again, “Do you want to go to the hospital?”
“Jimin.” Seokjin's low murmur comes in a warning, but you’re already shaking your head at the mention of the word hospital. There were too many painful memories for you there and you knew you weren’t in the right headspace to go back. They would only ask you questions and questions until eventually, they deemed you weren’t safe to go back home. You couldn’t risk that now, not when you made it this far on your own.
You can tell he wants to press you for more information so you quickly wipe your tears before throwing him a watery smile. “I’m okay, Jimin. Thank you both for helping me. I think I just need to rest now.”
At that, you’re up and walking to the door. You hear footsteps follow you but don’t expect it when your arm is suddenly seized, causing you to turn and see Seokjin peering down at you. His eyes are searching yours for something but you don’t know what so you simply stare back at him.
“YN,” He begins in a quiet voice, but you know Jimin can hear from where he stands a few feet away. “I hope you now know that we would do anything for you. We already feel like you’re one of us.”
You don’t trust yourself to give a proper response, so you merely bow your head in a nod. It takes a little wriggling to pull your arm out of his hold but he allows it, gaze unwavering on your face. Glancing at Jimin over his shoulder, you give them a small smile before turning back to the door.
Your feet carry you up to the bathroom, desperate to rinse off the feeling of that man’s hands on your body. The hot water feels nice on your skin, not caring if you’re just numb to the burning feeling it leaves. You’re not even sure how long you’ve been standing there before you finally reach to turn the tap off. Reaching for a towel, you realize you forgot to bring a change of clothes but you can’t find it in you to care. So what if any of your roommates see you walking around in a towel? It can’t be much worse than the view they got of you tonight.
Catching your reflection in the mirror, you’re taken aback by what you see. Your forehead is already starting to bruise, a nasty cut to go along with it. Your eyes are swollen and blotchy-looking from crying. Your neck has a nasty red mark on it from where he bit you, the sight of it causing a shudder to run through you. You turn away and head back into the hallway, unable to look any more.
You thought returning to your room would be comforting but once the door shuts behind you, you can’t help but feel completely and utterly alone. The thought crosses your mind to go back to Jimin, but you don’t want to resort to that just yet.
Picking up your phone, you dial Nayeon’s number without thinking. After everything, you just needed to talk to another woman right now.
“YN?” Her hushed whisper reaches your ear as if she’s trying not to make too much noise.
“Hey Nay,” Your voice comes across wobbly, trying to keep your tears at bay. “Can you talk?”
“Um, I’m kinda in the middle of something.” At the sound of your sniffle, she pauses. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just.. Something happened tonight. I wanted to talk-”
“Was it the thing with Jiwan? Yeah, I heard.” She sighs, and you feel your breath catch as you remember the events that took place at work. God, what a day. “Listen, don’t sweat it, okay? I’m sure she wasn’t too upset about it.”
“O-oh, right...”
“Honestly, I’m kinda proud of you for going off on her. That bitch needed someone to put her in her place. I’m just sorry it had to be you.” The volume of her voice gets a little louder and you figure she must have moved to a more private space.
“Do you think I’m gonna get fired?” You can’t help the worry in your tone, fingers grasping the material of your t-shirt tightly. “I really can’t lose my job right now.”
“No, no. I don’t think so.” Nayeon responds casually. “If anything, she might just try to give it to you a bit harder out of spite. But don’t let it get to you.”
You hear her speak again but it’s clearly not directed to you as her voice sounds muffled and a little far away. It takes you a moment to work up the courage to announce why you really called but before you can get a word in, she breaks the silence.
“Hey, I’m sorry but I have to jump on another call really quick. Will you be okay?”
Just at that moment, you hear other voices from outside your bedroom. The boys must have just returned. 
“Yeah, I think so.”
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A/N: whew! things are heating up. after this chapter everything’s gonna get a little crazy so be prepared. we only have a few more chapters after this too i can’t believe it😅 let me know what yall think!!
taglist: @min-mingii @micheleinumaki @potaetopic @namjinieesope @mageprincess7 @minshookie29 @outro-kook @nikipedia07 @axniyx @kittykatfey @peaceout97 @kurodach @bex-tk1 @sa7kou @purpuravm @doublebunv @amylouisecullen @rossemayme @unsureofwhathappens @sleepy-time-dreamy @anushaackerman @shyloh-the-cornsnake  @toughbook @urbanbts @carpioassists @millenniumspec @maliyachan @lovely247 @croctears @uarmyhore @shadoweepingscream @inlovewiththehpcast
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iceprincessviviane · 1 year
Chapter 2 - The arrival.
Heritage series.
Paring: poly!BTS (demons) x Female!Shy!Skinny!Chosen!reader
Type: dark romance, horror au, soulmate au, poly relationship, slowburn, yandere.
Warnings: Horror themes, some religion themes (mostly demonic), gore, blood, manipulation, witchcraft, magic themes, death (side characters), mentionings of forced marriage, mentioning about past, loss, yandere, obsessive, possessive, swearing, low self-esteem,dealing with grief, sugestive content and silly jokes created by me. (If there is more to add let me know.)
Previous chapter. Next chapter.
Summary: Arriving in new, unknown place can be scary or anxious. Thanks God that welcoming is suprisingly warm and nice.
Author's note: please note that the whole place even if idea was based on Canadian town, is pure imagination. Also it's fiction so the same goes for all court and some procedures. Again if you are struggling to imagine a mansion, please search for Croft Manor from Tomb Raider games - Legend and Underworld mostly. A lot of its changed (we don't need this big pool and training area) but still I will try to describe and elaborate everything. English isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes. Taglist will be in the end of chapter.
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In the less than week Y/N was ready for a trip. Whole thing was discussed in details with officials. She'll arrive around 11 a.m local time and will be picked up by someone, then they'll drive to Grand Hillsam, this can be long drive around two or three hours. She searched the information about the town - it's not big, around 10.000 people is living there between mountains and forest, lake was nearby. In the area there are couple of really old wood cabins which were hunting/vacation houses for rich people from big city around one hour before - Welland where population was way more bigger, around 150.000 people and it had big car fabric and some high tech instances. Grand Hillsam was first a small village, but the rich people didn't want to live among common people or wanted to be closer to the nature so they started to build houses and mansions there. Y/N looked at the photos, yes the view was stunning, but leaving deep in the forest? Now it was easier with phones and Internet but then? Her distant family had to be crazy.
Her research told that indeed aunt Elizabeth, like she liked to say about late, last family member was part of old lineage, which was very powerful in that area their good luck ended unexpected around three hundred years ago and then they didn't come back to their greatness and before the IIWW family left the city. By the information given by the court, her aunt was living in London since the beginning and till the end of her days.
Y/N closed her notebook with little sigh, the plane was just about to land, so she put everything down, waiting for the end of a fly. Everything later went smooth, passengers were transported into airport from deck, than all the controls and taking bags. Someone was meant to wait for her, but honestly how they'll find each other. When she left the depart rooms, a lot of people were leaving with her and small crowd formed. There were persons holding signs with names and Y/N found herself looking at them in search of her's. Almost in the end of a crowd she found it, a tall man with black hair tie into manbun, leather black jacket and black jeans. A simple paper with Y/N written in the middle. He smiled, when she stopped and approached him carefuly.
"You have to be Y/N." He smiled and they shook hands gently.
"Yes it's me, nice to meet you." She smiled a little flustered.
"Welcome, I'm Jeon Jungkook."
"Y/N L/N."
He was tall and well built, but had cute face with sweet bunny smile. He screamed handsome and she felt little uncomfortable when a warm feeling spread in her chest, then on her cheeks.
"Let's go, the trip will take a little." He said and reached for her bags." And let me take those."
"Thank you."
Looking closer Y/N noticed the pierced lip and tattoos peaking out of sleeves. He walked confidently and her things didn't seem to be heavy for him.
"How was the flight?" Jungkook asked when they were leaving the airport and went into parking.
"Peaceful. I slept a little and read some documents send to me." She responded honestly.
"Actually my condolences." He smiled bitterly.
"Thank you, but I didn't know aunt Lizzie." Y/N shrugged a little.
The officials informed her that person which is going to pick her up will know why she is there to avoid any mistakes or being lost in foreign country. It was a good point. They reached a big, black pick up and he put her lungage in the back then opened door like a real gentelman. She thanked in small nod. Inside car strangely was smell of chocolate, when Jungkook got inside, he adjusted her seat and helped with belt.
"If you wish to sleep again it's okay." He showed his bunny smile. "But later road can get rough. I don't also mind a comfortable silence."
"We'll see." Y/N smiled plesantly shying away from his gaze.
Jungkook nodded and turned on engine which came back to life with a loud roar. He was driving smoothly and confidently, Y/N found herself glancing on hid hands and arm from time to time, but the view was getting prettier. When they left the airport town they drove into mixed forest.
"Sometimes during evenings or night it can be colder, especially with thick clouds and rain."
"Is it common here?"
"Well it can happen two or three days in a row. Sometimes there is a big storm and none is actually going outside, we had it last year."
"Thanks God I packed variety of clothes." Y/N giggled a little. "View is stunning."
"Wait till we reach the hills or mansion." He smiled cutely.
"You know where it is?"
"Yea... it's kinda hard to miss it, even that far and in that small town. I sometimes go for trips into wild and mansion is a little away from the main town. It's on the hill."
The drive went peacefuly, sometimes Y/N was asking questions about the town. It turned out Jungkook is local traveller and has known this place since birth. He's enjoyed all trips into forest and mountains.
"Would you like to stop by to eat something?" He asked glancing at her .
"Yes, it would be nice."
"We'll stop in Welland outskirts, I want to avoid car traffics and I know a good place here."
"Very well then."
As he promised they've stopped in bar which was near the road. Y/N ordered nuggies and some fries when Jungkook took whole ass two sets - burger with fries and chicken leg with fries. Well he was a big, built man probably he needed that much food. After eating he drove through back roads in Welland, as he said earlier to avoid car traffics. When they left town for good, she again started to admire the view. Road suddenly went up and seemed w bit challenging, but he was a skilled driver.
"Are there any wild animals?" She asked looking at thick, mixed forest.
"Shit I should warn you. Yea there are wolfes and bears along with deers and mooses. But don't worry I didn't see them that close to town. Your mansion is on the hill and surrounded by high wall with a gate. Nothing should come inside. If you would want to go deeper in the forest which is around manison - because actually it's the farest point in town, you can meet maybe something. Especially if you will go down to the lake." He said with a little frown.
"The town and area around must be very beautiful." Y/N said and smilled a little.
"It is." Jungkook replied glancing at her for a second.
Unwanted blush crept on her cheeks, so she turned head to again look at the forest. The drive was filled usually with silence, sometimes she was asking some casual questions, but didn't want to distract him, when road seemed a little difficult. Y/N played a little with a necklace, well the reason of the trip wasn't very plesant but she enjoyed it anyway. She didn't noticed how Jungkook's eyes traced the necklace and it's chain. He bit his lip and tried to focus on a road again.
Around the 4 p.m the have arrived in town, which was indeed was smaller and placed deep in the forest and mountains. It was stunning and Y/N could spent there a lot of time if circumstanced were different. He stopped on central square, which was surrounded with some shops, restaurants, big supermarket and town hall, in front of which Jungkook stopped.
"I believe mayor will have all the info you need. I'll wait here." He said putting on sunglasses, because the sun started to be a problem.
"Thank you." She flashed him beaming smile and got out of the car.
In her backpack were all the files she needed so, she entered the building. In reception she got to know, that mayor will be aviable in five minutes or so. She felt little anxious of her case, but after all assistant asked her to come in. Inside the room, behind the desk was older man maybe around his sixties, he got up and shook her hand firmly.
"Good morning miss L/N, how was the flight and drive? Mr Jeon didn't bother you too much?"
"No, he was very nice and helpful."
They both sat down and she took out the docs and her ID. He checked everything once again then lean on chair.
"So... the case is kinda important and complicated." Man sighed. "According to law, you'll inherit the mansion, but there is a lof of buts."
"Actually I didn't know that I had distant family." She sighed unsure.
"Mrs Elizabeth Balfour didn't know too. She only got to know, when she was working on her last will. Around year ago she got diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, she wanted to clear things before passing away. She meant to make an mansion a museum, actually she gave away most her things with historical records, rest went for charity." He said looking at his files.
"So why I have been called to court if she wanted mansion to become museum?"
"Well... it's about the general Balfour lineage will. Mansion is always passed to last family member, that will is above Mrs Elizabeth's will. It's going to become a museum only if it's proven that last family memebr can't afford to take care of mansion." He explained slowly.
"Well, it's kinda obvious. I don't know how rich the aunt was, but by the search and files I can tell that she was richer than me." Y/N smiled nervously.
"Yea, I understand that." Mayor nodded.
"So... now I need to give up on mansion officialy? It'll become museum and it's all?"
"I wish it would be that easy." He giggled. "Now the mansion need to be inspect and everything inside need to be write down and cataloged, unfortunately you have to be present during the whole process."
"Oh..." Y/N's eyes widened at the news.
"Don't worry, actualy Mrs Balfour cared about the mansion, it had general redo three years ago, the sweres, electricity and heating system was modernised. Also we have Internet here and good signal finally. The rooms aren't damaged or something. Mrs ordered to clear one of master bedrooms, when she decided to make it museum, so you can stay in the mansion not in motel." Mayor stated with encouraging smile.
"Sir are you sure? I won't destroy anything?"
"Well, it'll be difficult with those old, wooden furnitures. And you don't seem like some clumsy person." He joked a little.
"Well, I'm sometimes clumsy, but actually I love history and old staff like those." She admitted little nervously.
"Oh perfect, maybe staying in the mansion wouldn't be that bad? Actually I know it's kinda troubling, you are probably working but I can arrange some official files to prevent you being fired."
"It's all right I have already talked with my boss, I can do homeoffice. If Internet is good here, I can work."
"That's nice to hear actually. I hope we will make it work..." he sighed. "Another issue is that we need a specialist, which goverment must find and send here, only he or she can start cataloged things in the mansion."
"So now we have tied up hands?" Y/N asked with sigh.
"A little. We have old list of historical heritage, but the specialist need to describe their state and what it exactly is. We as common folks can only point that 'this' thing is in the mansion."
"How much is there?"
"A lot." Mayor frowned. "The list include all books, statues, paints, furnitures etc."
"Yes, there is a huge librrary."
"Oh my." Y/N huffed. "It looks like tough work, but I think, I can help."
"Thank you Miss L/N. I'll tell higher ups tomorrow about everything and I'll send you the list too. You need time to rest and accomodate yourself in the mansion."
"Thank you Sir." She smiled a little.
They both stood up and he lead her to exit, outside Jungkook was waiting in the hall, sitting in armchair. Mayor smiled at him.
"Can you take miss L/N to the mansion young man?"
"Yes, that's why I'm waiting." He also stood up.
"Great." Older man took off a two sets of keys from his pocket. There were more than fourty keys in total. "Those with red ribbon are keys for garden and cellars, blue is everything in mansion. A black key decorated with a rose is a main garden, silver key decorated with a crescent moon is the key for mansion and a golden key decorated with sunrays is for main gate."
Y/N took them looking at sets with little surprise, she touched the necklace. "What a coincidence..." she muttered.
"Let's go." Jungkook encouraged.
She nodded and they went outside, then into a car. He drove to the north, soon the view has been covered by trees once again. Road was still going up, after around fifteen minutes the mansion emerged from the corner, really the wall around was maybe six or eight meters high. There was some space in front of the gate but behind was a proper parking. They stopped and Y/N took the golden key and opened the gate slowly with Jungkook's help. It creaked just like in the movies, once they entered inside, green but a little neglect grass welcomed them. Right under the wall were parking places, on left side the stone road was leading to a mysterious garden with high hedge on right side was a nice space with big, spacious tree and old swing. The middle stone road was leading to mansion and probably once in time was decorated with flowers. A lonely nightingale was sitting on a tree, whole scenery was stunning, just like from an old tale.
"It's beautiful." Y/N whispered with shining eyes.
"Let me take the suitcase." Jungkook ofered with bunny smile and he went for that.
Mansion was big, probably had two floors except ground level and it went all the way back. The windows seemed to have all glass untouched and actually it didn't look as neglected as she thought it'll be. Jungkook came back with her bags. Actually she found it amusing how he was looking like total bad boy, but seemed to soft inside. The smile which mayor gave him in the office was genuine and he had to help in town a lot.
"Thank you." She said sincerely.
"Come on I'm lifting way more heavy things."
She lead the way inside and with silver key opened the mansion doors. Strangely the lock was very heavy to flip. Inside greeted them smell of old things and a lot of dust.
"I'll come if you want and oil all the locks in the mansion." He offered putting down the suitcases.
"If it won't be a problem. This on main door was a little challenge. I don't want to break the key."
"Do you have that much of strength little one?" Jungkook teased.
Y/N bit the lip and looked away. Currently they were in a little vestibule, on left were solid, heavy doors probably leading to cellars or working areas, on right decorated, wooden doors. In front of, separated by old, classic columns was a very big space, reaching the high of the main roof with fire place, coffee table and two couches. Some painting was above the fire. In the wall in front of them were two door on right and left side. In the middle on left wall were stairs, parting on left and right and those lead to first floor, which was also separated by railings and agains columns, but it had only four doors on both sides and next stairs leading to the second floor. So there was in count eight rooms on left on both floors and eight rooms on right. Through big window there was view on the garden, the closed part.
"That's a big space." Y/N turned around and looked at first floor.
"Yes I agree... that's bigger that I"ve ever imagined." Jungkook also looked around.
"One of the bedrooms should be usable." She went carefuly up by the stairs, which sometimes were creaking too.
Y/N opened the first door, he followed her but the bags were left down below. It come out that it was a nice little office with huge desk, big bookshelves and couch with coffee table, everything in old style and wooden pretty furnitures.
"Well it looks like place to work." Jungkook summed up.
"Yeah, I might end up using this."
They enetered the next room which came out as cleaned master bedroom. It also was giving the old mood. There was another desk, couch with coffee table, on left smaller room serving as old wardrobe, kingsize bed on little platform with canopy, on the right entrance to spacious bathroom, which was remade for sure not long ago.
"All right we found it." Jungkook smiled widely.
Y/N nodded looking around, she really liked how the mansion looked, the old vibe, a little mystery that it was kinda hidding.
"Well the rest of the mansion probably needs big vaccuming... I also need to figure out if everything is working and where are certain rooms." She said with little sigh." Not gonna lie, I am excited a little."
"Do you need any more help?" He asked honestly.
"Oh no, no please I took too much of your time."
"Well, for now I don't have too much to do, I might just help." Jungkook offered scratching his nape.
"I think, this oil will be fine." Y/N giggled nervously.
"Let me take the suitcases."
When he left the room, she looked closer at furnitures, well it could use some clearing. There was still some dust and wiping. He came back fast.
"Can I get your number if something would happen?" He asked a little awkwardly. "Also we don't usualy have a guests here, so I might be helpful with navigate through the city."
"It's good idea." They exchanged the numbers. "Also maybe you'll know then if I can rent a car?"
"Oh yes, I think I know someone who can rent a car."
"It'll be a difficulty to go to the town by feet..."
"Good, I'll talk to them, we'll see maybe tomorrow it'll be done." Jungkook nodded in excitment.
Y/N smiled at his energy and cute behaviour. He really was a good boy with bad boy looks for now.
"Won't you be scared to stay here alone?" He asked concerned.
"Now when you asked I might be." She looked around nervously. "I can lock the door here and when we saw the dust I can assume none was there in long time."
"Yea, I mean who would climb up the wall?"
"Yeah..." Y/N giggled nervously.
"See you tomorrow and remember to check the door and gate later." Jungkoom said and high fived her.
She walked him to the doors, he left waving to her. When door closed, silence started to ring in her ears. She decided to open all doors in sight and it came out that those on first level near the entrance - solid ones were leading to small storage probably once for servants and further to cellar. Decorated were leading into old fancy dining room with long table, big window and chandlier, also there was door to the kitchen, which was also modernised and working, after turning on fridge it started to get colder. Opposite doors in main hall were leading to big library - on left and ballroom on right. She decided to explore it later. It came out the rest of the rooms are bedrooms except the first one of the each floor - those were offices. Y/N came back to her room and started to unpack, the called her friends and boss. Signal was strong and net was working pretty fast.
When she ended the things in the room, her stomach get itself known and the night has fallen upon the city. The mansion was plesantly silent, it seemed like she got used to it pretty fast. Luckily Y/N packed some sandwiches and decided to eat them as supper, but deffinitely she was going to go on shopping tomorrow. She grabbed the small fleshlight in case and went to close the gate, in the main hall she kept smaller lighting on wall, but didn't use fake big chandlier on the roof and some fancy lightning on railings. The whole mansion didn't need to be lit up for now, so in some corners were dark spots and shadows. Y/N didn't seem to noticed when sometimes they would fade out when she was closer and darkened when she was far away. For sure she didn't noticed some shadows shifting. The gate closed with the same creak, she checked also all rooms, but they were closed and came back to master bedroom and started her night routine. Sleeping in such big building will be strange for sure and probably will include some small lamp being turned on the whole time, but nobody was going to know. When she entered the shower the shadow shifted outside the mansion, Jimin jumped out straight from it and landed quietly on stone path. He turned back looking at buliding, smirked and jumped again, turning into nightingale, then felw out into the dark night.
DOWN BELOW LIL SILLY PIC OF MANSION ROOMS PLACEMENT (you are allowed to laugh only three times at this so be carefuly with those.)
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@hadesnewpersephone @lalavione1309
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busanpng · 2 years
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📂 nevermind · pessoal
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akomatter · 9 months
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▪︎ Refazendo capas antigas 2/10.
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lavloner · 11 months
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We're Arranged (Claimed)
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ca-suffit · 5 months
Will never forget how when TCA photo shoots dropped and ppl were rightfully wanting to see more Jacob/Assad pairings for the promos, Virginia was getting asks saying that they were glad loumand shippers and those who wanted to see more jassad were “getting humbled” because they were getting “too cocky”, she was very much agreeing and adding on to these asks. It’s just really funny to me how she is always like “you should read the books and listen to the cast and crew, because then you’d know loumand is not the main couple this season!!” followed w that Sam gif she always hilariously misuses when like… the book and the show literally say the opposite… Reading the s2 reviews obviously confirms this lol but it reminded me of that moment and I had to laugh. So crazy, imagine seeing ppl excited for non-white queer rep and being glad they didn’t get what they wanted (and supposedly were never going to get it)… wanting to “humble” them… and saying you’re not racist…
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I remembered this and here's the actual post :)
I also found some interesting things I never knew about while looking for this post so let's share those too :) :)
This was happening when I first made this account, so I remember it rly well. I was replying directly to all these ppl as long as I could. They're always saying stuff happens on anon bts so I was making it clear from the start that they could "finally" respond in public. Isn't that what they wanted? lol ig not.
Here's the only direct contact I had with virginia.
I *just* saw she replied to it, but take a wild guess why I wasn't notified of it. cuz u know I'd have responded if I had been. These ppl only get loud when they know there's no real "threat" of an interaction.
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do u see how she didn't speak back to the things I was talking about in the post tho? she had to deflect again to "u hate lestat," "read the books," "ur speaking over jacob, A BLACK MAN" (their favorite shit to say like it's such a slam dunk?)
She also posted this
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she was on a mission then to "prove" the bullying was real because this is the time when nalyra got caught doing all of this and they needed a distraction from that. she reblogged that showmey0urfangs PSA from the previous november too and aimed the fandom at black fans again, saying this was all part of an ongoing bts bullying issue. if it is then why tf can't u all ever have better receipts? why are these PSAs literally untagged shit from ppl's personal accounts or in direct reblogs to u and yet ur claiming it's all happening on anon. which one is it and why aren't u posting those things then? jfc they think we're all stupid.......
what I think is crazy too is the PSA caps reminded me of the timeline of stuff more. there used to be louder white ppl in the fandom about racism (and I remember this even more because showmey0urfangs got so mad about that in this post, trying to defend white fandom by screaming "I'M BLACK AND U HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME" at white ppl who pointed out she was doing racist shit) and it's funny how nalyra and virginia and them didn't start to be more openly racist like this until *after* those ppl weren't here anymore? crazy how u suddenly grew extra racist courage when u felt u wouldn't have as much pushback now. I don't remember them ever going after any users who they *knew* were white and saying this stuff either. if they feel any hint like ur prbly not white *and* not a book reader then look how the big voice comes out. but this isn't motivated by racism right lol?
look at this too
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she answered so many asks back then to get sympathy and frame herself as a victim (to again distract from the nalyra shit), which is classic white woman / fandom manipulation.
idek how u write something like this tho and believe it makes sense? ppl speaking up about fandom racism is *always* going to be about fandom racism. u go in any fandom and it's there. it's never a cover up for something else. that's what white fandom *wants* u to think because they want to get as much support as possible. they know if they soothe white feelings about race and say "this isn't a real issue, it's about shipping / it's because I'm being unfairly targeted / it's because they're jealous" then most ppl *will* choose to believe that and defend them because it's the better feeling choice for them. talking about racism sucks. being on the side of loudly talking about racism sucks. you don't get to exist in fandom and "just have fun" when you do this. that's why most ppl stop doing it and either become white fandom themselves or leave public spaces for it.
look at this recent thing too
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this is a manipulation attempt. she's aware of fans being upset at amc catering to white ppl for this and this is her way to cover up more for white fandom and say "I'm not an ANGRY BITCH about it (unlike some ppl), come support me, I'm better and nicer and treat ppl fairly."
anyway, fuck this racist bitch and her weird fucking ego over gatekeeping garbage ass anne rice books.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
discussion #2 (only friends): topmew as each other's reflection (analysing their clothing choice + identical colours)
the only friends series hashtag on twitter has been continuously bombarded with new updates. photos upon photos of the drama's bts are popping everywhere, arousing excitement and speculations. everyone is excited to see where the story goes and just what on earth p'jojo and p'nine have in store for us.
in this post, i want to address a trend i've been observing between mew and top's clothing styles, as well as the colour choices. it's riveting to discuss the similarity between top and mew as we see more pictures of them together. i personally think the attire and colours are very pertinent to their relationship, character traits and dynamics.
(warning: a very long [and messy] discussion ahead.)
let's look at mew and top's clothing styles as individuals beforehand.
their individuality
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so, this is the first picture of mew (from q4). from this introduction photo, he's wearing something particularly simple— bland. a white sweatshirt/knitted shirt, slacks, possibly a pair of sneakers and his glasses. the most prominent colours we see in this photo are white and black. very basic. resembles the fundamental understanding of the world, humans, the law, etc. white (the good) and black (the evil). mew is a mix of both. but as the white shirt is on top (no pun intended, hehe), it's safe to say mew is dominantly white than black, meaning he's good > evil.
side note: another thing i notice about mew's clothing style is he's always wearing two layers of clothing. an undershirt and a bright-coloured shirt. it signifies the complexity of his character, as well as his reservedness and timid personality that's very different from top. i think his initial styling choice is important because he'll revolve once everything falls apart.
yet, this picture also hides mew's evil side really well, and that's his glasses. mew isn't entirely smiling. he's smirking. behind those glasses, is the mew no one knows. perhaps, he's not as good as we think he is.
for now, what we see is an angelic side of mew that bewitched top into his knees. he's white and he's untainted. this is before top comes into his life.
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top is very interesting to me because this is also the first picture we see of him, and he's wearing a white sleeveless shirt. as i've mentioned, white often personifies kindness, purity and innocence. it's intriguing to see this colour on top when the trailer shows top is everything but kind (at least to the dictionary description of the word. i believe kindness can be very subjective and depends on the situation/environment too).
but later, we're seeing more of top and the colours he's often associated with, mostly dark colours like black or blue.
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this infers to top being more on the dark spectrum. i'm not saying he's entirely evil or innocent, but judging from the trailer, top is a fuck boy and he knows that. the colours he's assigned to portray his possible characteristics very well: cunning, manipulative, selfish, apathetic.
he's also wearing only a layer of clothing. nothing too fancy. a stylish shirt with slacks or jeans. very simplistic. illustrates his personality as someone who takes everything without much thought (i don't know if this can be proof but when he says to boston, "you introduced me to him. why are you mad? are you jealous?" it gives me an inkling that top never sees himself as the problem. it's always other people. not him. he guilt trips to his benefit. it's not impossible that he does this to mew too.)
side note: however, i do believe top has his own demons to fight, thus, resulting in him being a heartbreaker. it's either he's a (pathetic) narcissist, or he's very lonely. i'm inclined to he's a loner and a rich spoiled brat that gets everything he wants and never gets a no from anyone. also from the trailer, we see him consuming an alarming dose of medications/drugs. he's either suffering from a mental illness or dealing with substance abuse. that would be so intriguing and gives a clearer explanation of his actions, thought process and character traits.
different colours: top and mew (slowly) merging into one
so, one day, boston comes up with an idea that will change everyone's lives: he introduces top to mew. prior to this, we know mew and boston are (best?) friends while top and boston are fuck buddies.
in their first encounter, their clothing style and colours are very different. mew in his usual bright-coloured clothing while top in his darker/earthier colour.
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they are completely from two different worlds. they are on opposite sides of the universe. but as the famous saying goes, opposites attract, top is attracted to mew as mew is to top. and if this is like any other romantic story, it will be so cute and i'll be cheering for them. it's not the case for them, though.
many speculate that this scene;
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leads to this scene;
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because they're seen at the club in the same attire;
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they're wearing completely different colours and styles. but the kiss breaks that wall of individuality and we can see them slowly morphing into each other/becoming each other's reflection after that fateful encounter. it's more evident after this as they begin mirroring one another in terms of their style and colour choices.
matching colours signify unity and love
firstly, mew and top are both wearing shades of blue. as always, top wears a darker hue while mew wears something lighter. but there's harmony between them because they're tuning into each other— the same colour— blue. this is the result of their reciprocal love.
i want to believe at any point in their relationship, top does like mew too. as equally, as maddeningly, and as head over heels as mew is. and the colour of their clothes is proof (to mew). i speculated mew has a very traditional and conventional understanding of love/relationship. mew asking top, "can you wait? i think we can be more than a one-night stand," convinces me that mew doesn't want top to only be his bed friend. he wants something serious with top. something sturdy. an established relationship.
colours are one of the biggest forms of symbolism. every colour has its own meaning. choosing a colour for every character/situation/ambience is very significant because it speaks so much of the character and storyline. therefore, mew and top wearing identical colours signify their love for each other. they are equal at this point— their feelings are.
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the impact of their love: analogous clothing choice and colours
it's so mindboggling to me that top is so much like mew now.
i've said this before but top is (maybe) a simple-minded person. a self-centred guy. he wears one layer of clothing and that's it, while mew will always wear two sets of clothing.
but what has happened to top?
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he's wearing something very mew-coded here.
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he's becoming like mew in the sense that he's (without realising) being tugged and entrapped in mew's aura/power. there's a study that shows you'll slowly adapt your loved ones' likes/style/way of speaking, etc. it's happening to top. he might not realise the impact mew has on him (yet), but at some point, he will. sadly, when that time comes, i think it's already too late.
i'm unsure of its relevance, but for now, i stand by the fact top is adding more layers to him as his feelings for mew heightens. it also symbolises top's openness to embrace his truest self and face the demons within. mew changes top; mew's love and kindness and empathy have touched top's cold heart.
while many think top is in control of their relationship, i believe mew is the true mastermind.
from these photos, i see less of the cunning top, but more of the lonely and desperate-for-true-love top.
and they're wearing similar colours in these photos too.
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(top looks like he's in love and my heart is breaking.)
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this is very cute and i really want to believe this is forcebook and not topmew. but it's topmew. and how wonderful. they're wearing similar stripey shirts too.
the impact of their love: mew's transformation
mew went from wearing something like this;
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to this
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(taken from lookjun's ig story)
mew is wearing the opposite of top's first photo we saw; a black singlet and a necklace. fascinating.
mew will never wear this combo. he's never the fleshy type. never the one to show skin. but i think this is the start of mew's rebellion and possible revenge.
i don't know if i can call mew's intentions an act of revenge, but he must've been so broken to know top and boston's affair even after they dated. the narrative navigates us to believe mew will undergo some life-altering experience after the (possible) break-up. so, this photo is like mew rebelling against top. the way to take down top is to be top.
he may or may not wear something else (since this is just a random video taken bts, after all). but still it's cool to know mew's discarding one layer of himself; symbolising he has lost a part of his soul— top.
sidetrack: the current topboston, the never-colliding worlds
this photo in particular catches my interest because it's top and boston on the lift (probably to a hotel room). however, top's expression surprises me because he doesn't look happy at all. it must have something to do with mew or boston said something top hates or they're discussing their relationship (?) like in the mock trailer.
but what makes me ballsy is top is wearing something very bright— very mew— while he meets boston.
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i find it weird at first. but then i realised— this should be the moment we know top's feelings for mew are very strong and he won't let mew go.
it's very different from this picture of top and boston practically eye-fucking while mew is innocently wishing to be with top forever. (top, seriously, if you're a bastard we all think you are, i'm going to resent you.)
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there's still this lingering connection between top and boston. but i do notice their colours never really complement each other. it's meant to be that way because this is a very one-sided relationship— never a symbiotic connection— more like a prey-predator or parasitic affinity.
colours and clothing styles are important in understanding the depth of topmew's relationship. i see many writers associating specific colours with their characters because it adds a deeper 'flavour' to their craft (for example; p'aof's last twilight. the colours he uses in the trailer are insane).
essentially, when creating a character, making a character profile is the first (and the most important) step. hence, assigning the character to wear a certain colour or put on a certain style has so much to do with the story and the dynamic between the character and their surrounding.
i'm excited to keep an eye on topmew to see if my theory fits the intention/narrative the directors/scriptwriters have. they can't just ask these characters, not only topmew, to wear something without having any significance, yes?
(or i'm just over-analysing everything because my literature brain is forcing me to look deeper and deeper into this)
whatever it is, topmew will hurt me and make me smile and i'm scared to wait for that day to finally come.
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (i) | 4 (ii) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12]
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