#bts jiin
jkjmbtsarmy · 4 months
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✰ 05/23/2024 ✰
⟭⟬💜⟭Daily 🌙iko☀️k⟬💛⟭⟬
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⟭⟬💛⟭Daily 🌙🐥🤍⟬💛⟭⟬
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⟭⟬💜⟭Daily ☀️🐰🖤⟬💜⟭⟬
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———Daily member———
⟭⟬🩷⟭Thursday 🐹⟬🩷⟭⟬
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⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛 ⟭⟬
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btsx50states · 2 years
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Jin's comments on Weverse 20221025:
ARMY: thank you to the argentina army for being so enthusiastic to welcome seokjin
Jin: please recommend some good restaurants
ARMY: jin-ah! meat in argentina is really tasty! try it
Jin: meat in argentina is really tasty!
ARMY: I don’t know because I don’t live in Argentina I'm sorry but why haven’t you updated insta?
maybe u r [on the wootteo insta] now
so cute
Jin: insta should look nice so I only post when I get makeup done but that hasn’t happened recentlyㅠㅠ
will prob post on concert day
ARMY: I saw u brought wootteo to the airport, but did u bring your son RJ? or leave him home? did RJ say it’s ok to bring wootteo to argentina? I worry your son may get jealous, so please explain.
Jin: RJ made it big & has been super busy
wootteo is joining me for this album
(Deleted post)
Jiin's comment: my [biggest] wish after debuting [in BTS] used to be to film a commercial for JIN ramen..
Jin: oh handsome
Translation by @BTSTranslation7 on Twitter
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usatoday1970 · 2 years
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lixhive · 5 years
my guardian angel - pjm (1)
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♡ pairing: bts jimin x rich!reader (female) ♡ word count: 845 ♡ genre: bodyguard au, fluff, supernatural au, angst ❝..in which y/n finally gets to meet her guardian angel, jimin, after saving her from a speeding truck...❞   ♡ warnings: blood, abuse, kidnapping (in the later parts)
“If you’re going to the mall, you need to be with a bodyguard.” “I’m twenty years old. I don’t need a babysitter.” Y/n scoffed.
As a daughter, the only daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the world, y/n was under constant attention. From the day she was born, ‘til now. And she hated it. And what made it worse was the fact that her father was now running for president. So the security was bumped up to an all-time high. 
“I’m going and you can’t do anything to stop me.” You huffed. It was annoying. Even when you were tired of the bodyguards, the paparazzi came rushing to your side. Y/n got up from her seat in front of her father and left. She left. You left that pretty home of yours. 
Out into the world, without anyone holding you back.
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As you walked down the busy streets with this new sense of freedom, you were excited. Walking around through the city by yourself. You felt the power within every step you took. 
There was a place you visited many times. The only place that made you happy even when you were being babysat. You pushed open the doors and was welcomed with the warm scent of vanilla and baked goods. “Good morning Miss. How may I help you?” The man behind the counter smiled at you. His smile gave you a sense of familiarity but you couldn’t place it. You’ve definitely seen that welcoming smile before. Y/n also felt as if she heard the voice before. But, she’s never seen this man work here in all the times she’s come here. 
“Sorry, but does Min Yoongi still work here?” Y/n asked curiously. “Yes, he called in sick today though. I’m sorry to disappoint.” The man uttered. “No, I didn’t mean it like that. He’s a friend of mine.” Quickly trying to bring his spirits up. A small grin appears on his face and an ever so small chuckle comes out of him.
“Is it too late to order something?” Worry taking over your face. “What would you like?” The welcoming smile back on his smile from when you first walked in. “Umm... May I get a white mocha please?” “For Y/n” he muttered. 
“How’d you know my name?” “Yoongi-hyung talks about you a lot.” His cheeks slightly begin to turn a tint of rose pink. Of course, you’ve known him for the longest. If anything, you honestly looked up to him. 
Y/n took out her pocketbook, getting ready to pay for the beverage but the man with blonde hair prevents her. “It’s on the house.” Catching you by surprise. “Are you sure? I can pay,” you reassured. “On the house, “ he repeated. 
Y/n glanced at his name tag. “Thank you Jimin.” You beamed towards him. You turned around to take a seat by the window. Not many people were in the cafe. Y/n saw the few people that occupied the seats. Two of them being a couple. “Y/n!” You heard. Getting up from the seat, Y/n quickly made her way to the front and took her mocha. Thanking Jimin again for the free drink. 
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As your mind was currently being overwhelmed by thoughts, your phone disrupted your train of thought. Well, your trains of thought. You didn’t look at the contact name and simply picked up. “Y/n, get your ass back home now. Or else I’ll send every agent to seize you.” Your father threatened. “Go ahead, it’s not the first time you tried.” And before he could say anything, you hung up the phone. 
Y/n took another sip of her drink and got up from her seat. You thought, might as well get home. She made her way through the doors of the cafe and started to walk home. The light turns red and many begin to cross the street.
However, a speeding truck couldn’t stop fast enough. The large vehicle continued to go after the light. Only catching a few eyes of the crowd. “Watch out!” A passerby shouted.
Y/n was already in the middle of the street. By the time she stopped, she saw the truck barreling towards her. You couldn’t move. The shock had frozen you in your spot. At the speed of light, y/n’s mind was racing through the deadly thoughts of her survival. Seconds before the truck hit her, a figure ran towards her. 
Just in time before anyone got hurt, you were saved. Alive and well, but you were in the grasp of the man who saved you. Opening your eyes, you looked up and saw the man. “Are you okay?” He asked while helping you up. “Thank you.” Your voice was shaking. “Thank you for saving me, Jimin.” You thanked again.
Before Jimin can respond again, the crowd started clapping. Clicks and snaps from cameras while others were actively recording the scene. 
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Only Fools Fall for You Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Just Namjoon.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (In progress)
Finally he got a day off. He loved his life, his job, everything about being RM, but after months on tour, he really needed some time alone. All the members felt that way so they had parted ways right after breakfast. They had all tried to cook together, a rare treat of homeliness that as per usual ended up in chaos. The fact that they were cooking in someone else’s kitchen, since they were staying in an AirBnB, probably didn’t help either. Jin and Yoongi somehow managed to whip up something edible for all the guys, so they all left well-fed towards whatever they each had planned for their days.
Namjoon only wanted to discover yet another new town, so he spent the day wandering through the streets, occasionally popping into a shop for this and that.
This time, they had played a concert in Gothenburg, in Sweden, so the weather in Septembre was quite cold for his standards. Everybody in town was bundled up and covering their faces against the wind, so his features were easily hidden against the views of anyone who might recognize him.
After walking around town for a few hours, he decided to take a break at a record store that seemingly also had a little café and some seats where customers could listen to some of the albums for sale.
He found a table in a lonely corner and left his bag and jacket there “claiming” it for himself.
The shop was fairly empty, as to be expected on a monday in septembre. So he didn't worry about being recognized, and just went on to browse the endless shelves of records. With a low chuckle he discovered the “K-Pop” section. It was obvious that K-Pop had not quite reached this country yet, no matter how huge it already was in other parts of Europe. The “section” only consisted of one shelf which was 90% BTS and then some BlackPink. He quickly moved on to the more general selection, getting stuck, as always, on Rap.
“Hej, behöver du nån hjälp?”, he hears a voice behind him.
“Huh, sorry?”, he turns around, slightly startled by the store’s clerk, a girl around his age.
“Oh, sorry! I just asked if you need some help? Are you looking for anything in specific?” She smiles broadly, and as his surprise ebbes off, he notices more about her, the vintage jeans and red converse she’s wearing. Suppressing a laugh, he notes the sweater she’s wearing, which sports a print saying “Seduce and Destroy”.
“Haha it’s fine, I am just looking around a bit. You guys have a huge selection here so I’m just taking my time. Thank you, though.”
“Ok sure, just holla if you need something.” A short pause …..”Oh, by the way, I moved your stuff behind the counter …. a group of teens came in and you can never be too careful. So, yea, don’t worry it’s not stolen, just protected.”, she smiles at him again, his breath catching in his throat.
“ Ah, I didn’t think of that, thank you!”, trying to think of things to say to keep her in a conversation, he blurts out: “What’s your favourite artist? I have been looking through the collection here but still ended up with my old faves, I think I need some new jams. Any recommendations?”
She laughs, and looking around the store she heads straight for the pop section.
“Okay, now don’t be judgemental but this dude right here, Troye Sivan, he is incredible. I saw you with Kanye and Eminem albums so I reckon Troye is a bit different from what you usually listen to, but i recommend him 100%!” She holds up an album “Blue Neighbourhood” and another one “Bloom”.
“I will check out whatever you recommend, you’re the pro!”
“I’ll set up a listening booth for you with his albums and bring you back your stuff.”, she grins triumphantly. “As I said before, just holla if you want or need anything else.”
A few minutes later he is set up in a booth, just as she said. To top it off, he got some coffee.
Coincidentally, from his booth, he can see her workplace, the bar that is half register half café bar, so he (not-so-sneakily) watches her as she works, interacting with customers and shooting him the occasional smile or even wink.
As the music stops he realizes he didn’t even notice any lyrics or melodies, too entranced by the cute barista/clerk. “Ah shit…” he mutters to himself, trying to figure out how to restart the album as she comes walking over.
“What did you think? His voice is pretty amazing, huh?”
“Unfortunately I was a bit distracted, I didn’t manage to catch much of the music.”
“Oh sorry, that must be my fault, huh?” Another wink. It must be his lucky day.
“How ‘bout you join me at the bar. I can just show you some general recommendations and if you want you can show me some of your faves. Maybe something more interesting than Kanye and Eminem?”, she smiles at him again.
Is she flirting? No, it’s her job to be nice to customers, she is being cute for tips.
“Sure, show me all your favourites. I promise I will buy one album from your recommendations. I’ll finish my coffee and then I’ll join you.”, he smirks.
Whatever this is, a proper flirt or just a nice store clerk, he is having fun. And that’s what today is about. He already bought way too much stuff just by getting lost in all the different shops, he might as well spend his afternoon hanging out with a cute girl. Not RM, not the leader of BTS. Just some guy who likes music. Easy.
As he is sipping his coffee, he pulls out his phone to check what the others are up to.
Hobi: “Why the FUCK is it so cold here?”
Jin: “We are in Scandinavia, if u didnt notice. It’s cold here….”
Tae: “Stop being a pussy Hoseok” *image attached of the maknae line eating ice cream by the seashore*
Hobi: “….”
Namjoon can’t help but laugh, everything is as usual. Yoongi has sent him a rough mockup of a track for the next album and he plays it while checking the personal chats with the other members.
JK: “Hyung where r u”
JK: “We are somewhere at the seashore, Tae just kinda went off track somewhere….”
JK: “turns out we were just like 1 street away from a bus stop so, uh, no need to    worry… we found our way to some ice cream”
JK: “since i can see youre not even reading these i guess youre having a good time. Cya”
He rolls his eyes, of course the youngest ones almost got lost in another foreign country. He quickly types an answer.
Looking up from his phone, he catches Her staring at him. She winks at him and pats the bar in front of her. He shoots her a quick smile back and gets back to checking in on the guys.
Yoongi: “new track mayb w jin & hobi??? U decide”
Joon: “ sounds good, we can work on it together when we get back”
After checking that the members are having a good day, he quickly takes some selcas to post for ARMY later.
“Done sending selfies to your girlfriend?”, the girl smiles at him as he sets down his bag at the bar, taking a seat right in front of her.
“No girlfriend, just…. family. They always want to see that I am having fun no matter where I am.”
“How sweet! Well, if you promise that you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend I’ll introduce myself. I’m y/n. I am a student here but originally from y/h/c. Nice to meet you!”, her eyes sparkle as she smiles at him again, and he almost forgets to answer.
“I’m Namjoon, I’m visiting here from Korea for a few days.” He holds his hand out but exactly at that moment a customer comes to the register, so she turns away with an apologetic look.
She returns a few minutes later: “How ‘bout I put on my favourites on the store radio and you make me a little playlist of yours so I can check out what hot korean boys listen to. Show me some stuff I don’t know yet!” A small laugh and she bounces off again, fixing two coffees and soon he hears a synth riff playing on the speakers.
With a wide grin y/n comes twirling towards him, holding two iced coffees. Before he can think he is grinning at her and bouncing along to the music.
“This one’s on me, Namjoon. Don’t worry.”, she says as he holds out his card.
“I guess I am gonna have to buy you a drink later to make up for it.”, he laughs and takes the coffee.
Leaning on the bar, she watches him click away on his phone with a smile. His playlist slowly takes shape as he keeps stopping to properly listen to her music.
“Oh, wait! I just remembered, I actually know one korean artist, maybe you like his stuff. Let me just put it on for you.” A few seconds later he hears the notes he would recognize anywhere and almost bursts out laughing.
*we’re born in the moonlight… ain’t a fantasy*
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suckerforaestetics · 6 years
Me : i grew a flower that can't be bloomed in a dream that can't come true
Them : Is this poetry?
Me : This is BTS
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btsiconsw · 7 years
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like se salvar algum/ like if you save ♡
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peacheye · 2 years
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         u got me looking for attention.
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simplyeu4ria · 2 years
chapter 3:the werewolf heartthrob
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🐺 ❁
Pairing: Werewolf! Jungkook x Unknown identity! Reader 
~(severely unedited: started 02/05/2022 ended 01/06/2022)~
Genre: high school au, werewolf au, angst, uncomfortable moments but only on a couple of parts, lots and lots of fluff, family abuse (mentions only) but Namjoon saves the day
Rating: +17 au
Summary: You are y/n the simple orphan girl, who lives with your step-parents who don’t treat you right. The school make a laugh at you but when Jin and Jimin help you your life changed from the bad to the good. Jungkook the heartthrob is not what you think behind those cold stares that you get across the classroom. With him and his six other stepbrothers and a couple of girls they reveal they are more than just the popular…
Word count: longest story I have written so far 45004
(and coincidently 4 versions of this story, 5 weeks to make, and 4 years of loving BTS)
Warnings: some uncomfortable moments, mean talk, mention of degrading names, mild swearing
a/n: first request/story on this account; since this a popular type of oneshot for Jungkook I am sorry in advance if this like another oneshot, have fun reading
I have noted similarities in other ffs throughout, please notify me if you find another
I can say that this original and that its my own work, but since this is not subjected under copyright because its Tumblr please do not copy my work you will feel guilty in the end, trust me.
Happy indulging into an infp-t’s mind common things you will see;
Subtle reference to books that I have read
Very romantic moments
Things that don’t make sense but makes sense in my head
Maybe a spoiler to the next oneshot idea
Tuesday 22nd December 2020
In the morning, everybody decided to go out on a walk since, it snowed last night.
The snow looked to good not to be enjoyed making a large blanket covering the whole town of where you lived. So, you put on your clothes and grabbed some snowshoes one of the girls had lent you. The only problem was you didn’t have a jacket. Prior to your packing days the weather forecast had shown that it would not snow for the duration of the holidays, so you didn’t pack one. None of the girls had one to lend to you, for today.
But Jungkook took one look at you before running upstairs and grabbed his grey reflector jacket and handed it to you. You smiled and thanked him, before putting on the jacket and headed outside with him towards the rest of the group before heading down the nearby walk to the forest.
It was a quite but comfortable walk due to the silence of everyone and the nature around. Rose stayed behind to walk with you whilst the boys walked further up ahead in their own smaller groups. Rose then asked you ‘So did you manage to get his Secret Santa present?’
You nodded. Before explaining when you got it, before looking ahead and realised that you are far away from the group. So, you ran and caught up with them giggling with Rose as you ran up the path.
Eventually your path had led the group in the middle of a large clearing where you could you see forest as far as the eye can see. You sat down on top of a large rock with your legs tired from all that walking. Everyone else followed suite and sat down around you, either chatting amongst each other or looking at the surroundings.
Then Namjoon looked at you ‘Hey y/n?’ He asked. I looked at him I saw his worried eyes but oddly I saw that they were also filled with trust.
‘Yes?’ you questioned.
‘We all have something to tell you, something important, us boys and the girls have known for a long time. However, since you came into our friendship recently and now, we all completely trust you and we think it’s a right to tell you and be honest.’ You nodded curiously, looking at everyone, they all looked at you, with some urgency.
Then you turned to your best friend who looked back at you desperately. His brown orbs shined with so many emotions which are hard to decipher.
You looked back at Namjoon before nodding to continue.
‘You know those magical beasts/hybrids, of legend like vampires, werewolves, and fairies?’ Namjoon asked and you nodded.
‘Well, those are all real, as many more other magical beasts, but humans just can’t see those ones. We boys are all werewolves. We are a sub-pack in a larger pack called the Eclipse pack.’ Do you widen your eyes at their statement, then you thought about the boys themselves, they did function like a pack you thought Namjoon had the leadership role since all of them listened to him, but it was hard to decipher the others place in a pack, but you had never seen them, shift?
‘Does that mean you guys shift or something into large wolves like Twilight?’ you asked before looking at the boys. Jungkook chuckled, of course you did compare fantasy to a book. Namjoon sighed in relief. ‘Well, that was a better reaction than I thought.’
‘And to answer your question, no we are not like that dipshit. We do turn into wolves but not that big, we can change at will. Whenever we want, unless on the full moon then we change into wolves in the night, with human wolf hybrid in the day.’ Suga explained.
‘We also have ranks in the pack,’ Namjoon further explained. ‘I am the head Alpha, first leader, Jungkook and Suga are also Alphas but are like secondary leaders. Taehyung and Hoseok are betas, 1st in command. With Jin and Jimin being deltas, or 3rd in command.’
‘Are you guys’ normal humans then?’ you asked the girls curiously; they were currently staying quiet in this part of the conversation.
‘Well… we are werewolves. But we as girls, don’t turn at all. The boys turn at 5 to 6 years once they full get control of it. We don’t know our rank since we are not meant to have one. Since we are not pure bloods, we only found out the boys were werewolves last February.’ You nodded.
‘What are pure bloods then?’
‘Where both your parents are from the magical lineage. The half-blood gene is when one of your parents is magical. But girls can’t change into wolves regardless of their status, either it will be pure or half, beta, omega, or delta.
Since Alpha children are always male, it’s hard to know if the female Alpha can carry the shifting gene. Alpha females don’t usually pass the age of 10.
Because being female and an Alpha makes you an easy target, to rogues (werewolves without status), stupid Alphas who don’t know what mates are and other species.’ Jin explained. You nodded taking in that information.
‘Can I see one of your wolves?’ you asked the boys. Jimin volunteered and ventured deep into the woods, and a couple of minutes later you heard pit patting and you turned your head seeing a grey wolf, you presumed it was Jimin since all the boys nodded in greeting.
They were right though, they are big as normal wolves, but smaller than the ones showed in Twilight. You got up and walked over to him before reaching to pat his head once you did Jimin whined in response, and you realised this was Jimin’s wolf. You smiled before itching under his chin and then he rolled onto his side, and asked you to give him belly-rubs, you giggled when his legs moved in response of getting a good itch.
Then you heard a loud growl, and you turned your head to Jungkook. And you raised your eyebrow. Before patting Jimin’s head and he whined again before walking back to change into his clothes. You walked back to Jungkook and looked down at him while he looked away from me.
You chuckled before scratching his head, before whispering ‘Good boy.’ He then suddenly grabbed you and toppled you on the snow. You screamed out before laughing loudly whilst he laid on top of you whilst tickling your side before stopping and lifting himself off you. You sighed before rolling away from him to sit up, Jungkook back hugged you whilst you sat in front of him, and you were chatting with them like normal.
Soon it was time for you all to head back to the house, and you held Jungkook’s hand.
‘Hey y/n, I am really happy that you accepted us.’ He said.
‘Of course, I would. Not everyday you meet werewolves let alone be friends with them. And besides, I am already in too deep in your world so much so that I don’t think this will be gone so easily. I can’t leave you all, you mean too much to me. Just as much as I mean to you.’ You said whilst looking at the sky before looking at Jungkook, who was already smiling at you.
Thursday 24th December 2020
Christmas was tomorrow, you thought it was odd to say you weren’t excited, you were happy, so happy that you didn’t exactly think about…going on a walk, out into the snow, at 6:00am when everyone else was asleep so or you thought.
You were walking in a random direction, and you had gone for 20 minutes turns out you went in the direction of the clearing that you visited yesterday with the boys, you smiled at the clear white blanket that covered the ground for miles, with the bare trees and a couple of coniferous bunched together sprouting high above the ground.
You also saw a dark green ivy curtain covered in snow against a large hill that was covered in coniferous trees, you then saw the large archway of ivy and ferns you got curious at the sight. So, you walked closer to the archway, so you decided to take a picture with the polaroid you just so happen to take with you.
You then walked to the archway, moved the ferns, and found a long corridor, you didn’t think much before entering the archway. At the end of the stone corridor, you saw a large door. You then pressed the ancient doorway eventually a large rumble occurred, and the door moved open.
You then walked closer to the cracked door, and you peaked inside before seeing large amounts lilac dew-like flowers, you are gently the left the door so you could enter the further.
You walked through; you saw a large area covered in the purple flowers. You also saw a large willow tree which had pink leaves you glance at the tree in wonder before walking closer, you also saw a large clearing, with a lake just under the hanging pink leaves, they were just touching the ground.
You gasped when you saw a large statue of a women with beautiful features looking at her hands with your head you saw a flower, a lotus flower, it was closed but it seemed well even in this cold. You looked back at the lady she was wearing a crown, with moons and stars, and a gentle flowing dress, you saw her bare feet covered with many flowers, which were more lotuses, but they were all in bloom unlike the one in her hand, which was weird considering the weather outside.
You then realised how warm it was inside, so you took off your coat revealing your pyjama top, before sitting down at the side of the of the clearing facing away from the lady statue to look at the lake and the rest of the clearing.
-‘y/n!’- you heard Jungkook’s voice, worried.
You turned around and saw a wolf, not Jimin, but … Jungkook. ‘Jungkook?’ you said.
The wolf nodded before rushing forward towards you were about to pat him, but he started to sniff you and walked around you. You raised your eyebrows.
‘What wrong Jungkook?’ you said whilst looking at the worried Jungkook.
The wolf then turned into Jungkook, he looked at you worriedly,
‘I was worried about you, I didn’t see you next to me when I woke up and I got scared, then I got even more scared when you weren’t present in the house, your scent was faint. Then I saw your shoes were gone and I shifted and ran out after you. Namjoon was mad at me for the commotion but when he smelled my scent, he found out that my mat-you had left out in the cold without tell me. I am glad I found you her though’ He rambled.
He gently shivered, you widen your eyes before realising he was shirtless and that he was cold, so you quickly gave him my jacket wordlessly, looking away shyly at his nakedness.
Thanking you quietly Jungkook put on the jacket which turned out to be his one that he lent you earlier. Before he gently grabbed your hand to hold in his, you gently squeezed in response, and you looked back at him.
‘What do you mean by her?’ you asked Jungkook’s eyes then turned to look behind you. You then turned to find the statue, behind you. ‘Oh…her.’ You looked back at Jungkook. He returned your look before getting up and lead you to her whilst holding onto your hand tightly. You looked at the linked hands between you two, you wondered what it was like to hold his hand if you were in a relationship. You tried not to think to much about it and looked ahead at the statue again before looking at Jungkook. He met your eyes after looking at the statue with a smile.
‘She is the Moon Goddess, she is the deity for werewolves, and other night species, but she goes by different names depending on the species, but she means the same thing, our creator. When she had met the male Alpha King who was wolf, they fell in love and mated. She became the Queen Luna; then soon after the union, the children emerged as werewolves. For other species that part of the story is different but one thing in common is she fell in love and had children of them with the Alpha male King of the species.
‘Eventually over generations, werewolves and other night species population increased, but humans got scared of them and hunted them to extinction. Werewolves were then wiped from the human history, thanks to the Moon Goddess. She also made these safe havens for us to thrive, but soon werewolves modernise and do mingle with humans just not often, as we did when we attend school.’ He explained.
I looked at him shocked. ‘I know a lot to take in.’ he chuckled.
‘What is this place then?’ you asked whilst looking around.
‘This is a place for ceremonial uses, the official ceremonies take place outside in the large clearing that we were at yesterday, but the more personal parts of the ceremonies takes place here, so you have the blessing of the moon goddess.’
‘For example?’ I asked.
‘Mating unions(after the mates are officially united in front of the pack(s), they ask for blessing from the moon goddess), welcoming a new pack member (after they have been accepted by the Alpha), unions between two packs and funeral ceremonies (to help the werewolves to move onto the next life).’ Jungkook stated.
You nodded before realizing you are shivering because of the cold, Jungkook noticed and started to stand up.
‘Come on let’s go back home.’ Jungkook said, he took of his jacket off before handing it back to you, before changing back into his wolf.
‘Does it hurt when you change into a wolf?’ you asked when you started to zip up the jacket. Jungkook shook his head not before saying, 
-‘It hurts at the beginning when you change into your wolf for the first time, but you get used to it the more you change.’-
‘How are you talking to me then?’ you asked.
–‘Mind-link ever since Namjoon accepted you are part of the pack by mind-link, but you can’t talk through it because you are not actually part of the pack…yet.’- you thought you heard that last bit incorrectly, but you shrugged you shoulders and climbed on Jungkook’s back before he ran back home.
Little to say you did enjoy riding on Jungkook’s back he was bigger than Jimin maybe because he’s an Alpha he can take care of the extra weight without a problem.
Later that afternoon…
You and everyone else were back at home decorating the house for Christmas, the boys cleared the outside whilst you and the girls did the inside. The boys had carried the Christmas tree inside (whilst you were out with Jungkook in the ceremonial place) and put it into place, so all you girls had to do was to decorate it. Irene and Seulgi decorated a half of the house. The downstairs and the terrace. Whilst you, Rose and Lisa took care of the other half (the hallway Namjoon’s study and the TV room).
The Jimin and Taehyung are clearing out Taehyung’s room for their parents, Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok the driveway and the terrace because of the snow. Yoongi and Jin are going on a shopping trip for food and some other things that they need.
Soon the whole house was decorated and there were Christmas stockings decorating the fireplace next to the TV in the main area, Two black, blue, green, purple, red and white. For the colours of the pieces of paper for our rooms, with our initials sewed on them. Containing the secret Santa presents from our secret Santa that we played during November.
Jin and Yoongi wordlessly handed everyone a bag to say to get changed for Christmas. ‘We need to be in a Christmas vibe, and they are all matching…to your roommate.’
Soon you were all wearing Jumpers and jeans to get into the Christmas vibe, you were wearing a beige jumper with a Christmas wonderland pattern. Jungkook was wearing the same but navy blue. Jimin was wearing a grey turtleneck, Taehyung was wearing green one. Lisa and Rose were wearing a pink Christmas Jumper with cute reindeers. Hoseok and Namjoon were wearing red and burgundy Jumpers. Yoongi and Jin were wearing white ones.
You then heard the door and Taehyung volunteered to get it before revealing a man and a woman possibly both in their 50s it was hard to decide because of their soft youthful faces. They smiled at the boys, and they all came rushing to give them a hug whilst shouting ‘Amma! Appa!’ You smiled at the cute interaction before standing up with the girls as you walked over to greet the newcomers.
‘Hello girls!’ the women said gently. ‘Oh, and who is this?’ she said looking at me curiously. Jungkook then whispered in her ear. ‘Ahh!’ She then I presumed by mind-link since her eyes turned silver told her husband. ‘Well, my dear one, I am the Luna and this the Alpha, and we are the parents of these groups of boys.’ she said. You bowed to her and smiled.
‘Well, we should get changed and head upstairs so we can have lunch with each other and then we can start talking.’ The Alpha said.
‘Thank you’ you whispered to Jungkook.
‘Anytime princess.’ You blushed at the nickname before helping Jin do the last of the cooking and the rest of the group helped clear the table and place the things needed for Lunch.
‘So I am guessing you are human then y/n?’ Mr Kim asked, and you nodded.
‘And you are from the same school as the boys then?’ he asked again and you also nodded.
They kept on asking you questions, but you kept on nodding or shaking your head, Jungkook then saw how uncomfortable you were and signalled to the guys to start talking about something else. But the Kim’s questions kept on coming.
‘I think we can get desert, then since everyone is finished.’ Jin said, whilst everyone nodded their head, so Jin was about to get up. ‘No Jin. Let y/n do it since she doesn’t talk to us, she can go beside if she doesn’t talk, she is not needed in the conversation.’ Ms Kim said. You nodded and was about to leave the table; Jungkook then said ‘Let me help you y/n.’ he said, you were about to tell him no its fine. But Ms Kim beat you too it and said ‘No Jungkook she can do it herself.’ She demanded.
Jungkook was clenching his fist on the table you knew what was going to happen, so you gently grabbed his hand, he looked at you with red eyes, to be honest it scared you.
‘Jungkook it’s all right you don’t need to defend me. I can get the desert myself since I am not useful in this conversation. And plus, its not rude to go against a Luna let alone an Alpha. I am just respecting your parents for the whole entire conversation; they haven’t told me to speak yet, so I have not spoken yet. Besides if they told me to speak, I wouldn’t have listened anyways, since I am uncomfortable with new people.’ I said before turning to the Kims
‘I am sorry I haven’t spoken to yet Alpha and Luna Kim. I am not yet comfortable with you so please be patient; don’t worry I am going to get the desert by myself.’ You stated before finally leaving to get the desert.
Soon after desert had finished in silence. Y/n had cleared up the rest of the plates without another word. Jungkook tried to help her even the rest of the others tried to, but y/n was persistent to do it herself and didn’t listen. The whole table was clean within 15 minutes, whilst everyone looked stunned. Y/n didn’t bother to say goodbye, other than a small smile to the others; but a lone tear went down her cheek when she looked at Jungkook. She wiped the tear quickly before heading upstairs, you could hear a loud bang and as the bedroom door closed.
Namjoon’s eyes then darted between the three people Jungkook was looking at his adopted parents angrily if looks could kill they would be dead by now. Namjoon’s parents didn’t dare to look at him in the eye, they knew they did something wrong to get Jungkook angry like that. It was well known in the family that Jungkook was cold since the beginning when he came into the family at the mere age of 9, and this wasn’t his usual angry self. It took time for everyone to let Jungkook warm up to them, But Hoseok was closest to Jungkook, Namjoon’s parents were the last. But with this development, Namjoon knew they had to work on their relationship better.
-‘Jungkook stop getting angry it won’t help.’-
-‘But they hurt my mate, who is just human she didn’t do anything wrong.’- he looked at Namjoon.
-‘Go to her Jungkook and comfort her. I’ll tell Jin to take care of the packing of the remaining food.’- Jungkook nodded at Namjoon’s orders.
Before standing up, he was the first in 5 minutes to everyone looked at him wearily, even as werewolves they could smell his angry pheromones. Mrs Kim was about to apologise to Jungkook, but the younger male was faster,
‘Don’t you dare to apologise to me, Mother. You both must apologise to her not me. Didn’t I not tell you that she was my mate, the one who is going to be with the rest of my life. Don’t you also know that she is now scared of you.
I thought that when you visited, you’d give her a sense of family I even reassured her. And you didn’t even give her a hug like you always do to other girls, who just want us for our status and money, she doesn’t care about those things.
Her parents don’t even care about her; they are never even at her home. But when they are, they make her do all the chores. This was the first Christmas without her parents was going to be free for once in her life. Just because she is human you don’t have to discriminate her. I thought you might love her for who she is, the person who I fell in love with. You instead just made her feel worse. You didn’t just hurt her; you hurt your son. Apologise to her first; then I’ll think about accepting your apologies.’ Jungkook said with authority and left to go upstairs to go and comfort you, his mate.
You closed the door of Jungkook’s room a little to loudly for your liking. Before you shuffle to go and sit on the ledge of the window pulling your legs close to you, as you looked at the snowy outside.
You had started to wonder why the boys’ parents hated you so much. They were only nice to the girls and the boys, but now you just saw them very differently to how they had been explained, the rest of your group. You wondered if Jungkook would accept your love, after what you did to his parents.
Before you know it, tears had flown down your cheeks, whilst being lost in your thoughts. You headed towards the bathroom to clean up your face. Once you exited the bathroom, you saw Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands in his hair, he looked stressed. You hurried over to him and crouched down to the ground and remove his hands from the top of his head, he looked into your eyes with worry.
He suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you off the ground from your squatting position, releasing a yelp from you. He pulled you up on his bed, with his back against the bed rest only to sit in front of him, in between his legs. He pulled you closer to his chest.
‘I am so sorry you had to see that y/n, I thought they’d treat you nicely since you are important to our group especially to me, I don’t know what has gotten into them.’ He whispered, you nodded indicating you were thinking about the same thing before you lifted your head up to look at the doe eyes above you.
He was already looking back at you smiled for the first time properly that day, since you were so nervous your usual smile wasn’t present. But now it was and Jungkook was happy. But then he heard a knock on the door, he knew it was Hoseok.
-‘What’s up Hobi-hyung?’-
-‘Just wanted to check if you both were ok, but I think you and y/n should leave the house for a bit. Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, are giving mom and dad a piece of medicine, in Namjoon’s study. But Jin and Taehyung are trying to calm them down before it goes wrong, but it currently not working. I don’t think y/n would want to see the family fight, because of her problem with our parents she would become more upset.
Take her out to the town. You can get her happy make sure you stay there for the entire afternoon including tea. I’ll tell you when things calm down and we start making dinner, so you can come and join us, before we go and put the presents under the Christmas tree.’-
-‘Yeah I will do that, thanks hyung.’- Jungkook said.
-Anytime, Jungkook.’- Hoseok said before walking back downstairs and closing the door.
‘Who was that?’ you asked.
‘Hoseok-hyung, he was checking if we were both ok after what had happened downstairs, anyways instead on dwelling on those bad things lets go out on a walk-in town?’ Jungkook suggested.
You smiled and nodding at him before getting your shoes and Jacket whilst Jungkook got his and the both of you headed downstairs and quickly headed outside onto the driveway before heading towards the town.
Meanwhile in Namjoon’s study…
Hoseok entered the study after heading to Jungkook’s room to enlighten him of the situation.
Irene also told him about the clean kitchen after cleaning the dishes. The girls were going upstairs to Namjoon’s bedroom to watch some movie. He thought the girls were lucky to watch the movie without having to deal with loud shouting in the study. Once he opened the large oak door, loud shouting was immediately heard, and he quickly entered through without letting the sound to enter the hallway upstairs. Luckily, the door was soundproof.
Hoseok then took his place near Taehyung and Jin the only calm ones in the room, whilst the other 5 were shouting to each other. ‘So did you tell him the idea?’ Jin asked Hoseok, he nodded whilst looking around the large dark rectangular room. Namjoon was leaning against his desk at the back with his hands against his face. The 2ndoldest brother Yoongi was busy having a heated debate along with Jimin, who was leaning against the bookshelf, going up against their parents.
‘You need to start to learn how to respect people, not just you and your opinions. Good Alphas listen to everyone especially to their children and newcomers, since they have down to earth opinions about the pack, and they are always honest. You just scared the future of this pack away just because she is human.
If my mate were human or even a vampire, I would still accept her no matter what regardless on what you think, just like Jungkook did. Y/n did not even flinch after hearing that we were a totally different species, she still cares for us the same, yes, she asks us questions, but still respects our privacy, but now she’s Jungkook’s mate at least you could give her is some respect, since she is going to be the newest pack member.’ Yoongi said whilst looking at his parents angrily.
Jimin just rolled his eyes when his father tried to speak but he beat him to it. ‘Shut the hell up no one asked for your opinion, just like Yoongi said you really need to start earning respect from your family members.
To be honest I still can’t believe that y/n still decides to respect you even after what you did to her.’ He spat back at the oldest people in the room.
Soon the three quiet boys saw Namjoon, the wisest brother, stood up. He took one look at Yoongi and Jimin they went silent but stood behind him when he went to go a sit on the armchair facing his parents. One look from Namjoon and they also both went silent. The two betas and the Delta knew what was going to happen, so they just stood quietly watching from the side.
‘Why did you keep on asking questions to y/n?’ he asked.
‘Because…we wanted to make sure that she was going to be a good mate to Jungkook.’ Mr Kim spoke.
‘She already was. Didn’t I tell you to be nice to her? Because she is afraid of new people? Should I also remind you both that you are behaving like little school children, thinking that Jungkook would leave his mate for some gold digger/whore that you picked out for him?’ Namjoon further asked the two people who are in front of him. They both nodded, whilst looking at each other before looking at their hands.
‘Let me tell you something. Jungkook holds a better responsibility to the pack than I ever will, just because I am your favourite child doesn’t mean I will follow your rules. You will never be my pied piper, as I will never be your mouse. Jungkook and y/n are mean to be, regardless of what our grandparents told you. We are not into an arranged marriage like you two, we don’t reject our mates and just get married for the money and glory.
‘Jungkook knows to be a better leader, I am just the brains but Jungkook he’s the true Alpha of his pack and I will more than happy to respect him as my leader. Y/n on the other hand is the perfect Luna, I saw this immediately after meeting her for the first time and seeing how she interacted with everyone knowing when to speak and when to act. I saw how caring she is and how much she takes pride in helping others more than herself.
‘Just like you I was warry of her, when I didn’t meet her, just heard about her. After Jimin and Jin told me that she likes to draw wolves in her spare time, and that they looked just like us. I was curious did she know about us? Our identity? But then after meeting her properly for the first time on our dining table she is truly the nicest person. Whilst looking at the stars that night, doing my usual night readings, I realised this was fate, it was meant to happen.
‘I realised there was more about y/n than meets the eye, when Jungkook became conflicted of his feelings for her. I consulted him here in this room I was sat here, whilst he was sat there right in between you two. Then he told me everything from start to finish. How she always got his attention, whenever she walked by, he could smell her sweet scent. How she laughed at Jin’s jokes.
How she blushed at Jimin’s affection(not being used to any beforehand) And how Jungkook would stare at her angrily, getting jealous without really knowing why. And many other little things that made him fall in love with her. One thing was for sure she was always on his mind, and that it was annoying, to him. That’s why he gave her all those stares, then I told him ‘Now you can think.’.’
He said before leaning forward closer to his parents, elbows on his knees.
‘The next day we went to school and when he saw y/n for the first time, properly this time. He realised that she was his mate and that he loved her. He didn’t know when it happened, but his brain was doing it subconsciously, which is why he was staring at her without him or his wolf knowing. Since he was more cold to people, he didn’t care till now about mates until we had our conversation.
‘The day after that, Jungkook saves her from the mean girl of the school, and they became best of friends till now. Jungkook is going to confess to her soon on winter solstice ball. Just like Yoongi said she didn’t even flinch when we told her we were part of the supernatural and one of the dangerous night species. She still treated us the same, she was more fascinated because she reads supernatural books though, that the humans made up about us,’ he chuckled all the boys smiled remembering that day.
‘Speaking of supernatural books…’
Namjoon then shuffled back to lean against the armchair whilst looking at the ceiling for a moment going quiet for a few minutes before Yoongi cleared his throat. Namjoon snapped out of his trance, before getting up to one of the bookshelves.
He was muttering quietly shuffling along a series of book before grabbing the dark purple book. Letting out a small sound ‘Aha!’ once he found the book, the boys, presumed he was looking for. Flipping through the page whilst moving back to his original seat in front of his biological parents, he place a blue-ribbon mark on the page before placing it in front of him on the dark oak coffee table.
‘Y/n has been through some family abuse and even school bullying, yet she was still kind to you and everyone else who hurt her, sometimes I wonder what makes her put up with that stuff, you might have to ask her that.’ Namjoon said sipping through his coffee.
‘But let me tell you…I am, and I will give up my position as the future Alpha of this pack and give it to Jungkook, and then y/n will be the Luna. Jungkook deserves it more than me and Yoongi, he also agrees. As of the end of the holidays I am giving the role of the Alpha couple pack to Jungkook and y/n. End of story.’ Namjoon explained before sliding the book to his parents, he then pulled out sketchbook from his dark blue denim jacket.
‘I suggest you read the rest of the pages after the ribbon bookmark in that purple book till the next chapter and to look at that sketchbook fully. It will explain why y/n has more potential than you think.’ Namjoon said before leaving to go upstairs to his bedroom, the other boys followed suite.
His parents looked at the book in front of them. It read Legends of the midnight creatures: werewolf collection. Before opening the page marked by the ribbon. Raising their eyebrows at the title? The page was open to the beginning of a story tale of the called True Alpha couple… they knew the story though. They then put the book down keeping it in mind glancing at the thin black A5 sketchbook next to the mythology book. On the front page, was a large writing saying DREAMS. At centre bottom border, was small scribble in black calligraphy ink
property of l/n y/n.
The parents then opened the pages, beasts of all shapes and sizes scattered the page, demons, faes, vampires and many more. They were drawn to such detail, from every brushstroke to every pencil line.
The colours were seamlessly blended too, some were bright colours, of faes and magical beasts. Others were in grey scale, with the occasional colour to highlight the details. The darker pictures were covered in strokes of pain and desolation, with many containing many species attacking wolves. They looked like visions in real life more than imagination and dreams.
But when they looked at the incomplete 2nd half of the book. They found the many wolves painted in water colour with a forest background behind them, they were happy sensing of the colour scheme. Majority were a big group of werewolves with a white female and a Black male leading through. They were seen more often, playing a prominent role in y/n’s better stage of her dreams.
Some of the others like Namjoon had mentioned, looked like all the boys. Jungkook’s wolf was seen more frequently, the dark matte black coat with the shining grey eyes, with his occasional red pair in some drawings, when he challenged his Alpha.
Then they saw a large landscape painting covering the final page of drawings. From the point of view looking into a lake. Instead of a familiar figure of y/n they saw a pure white-pearl wolf. The rarest colour type the only seen in females born of the Alpha bloodline of southern isles, they were hunted because of their shifting gene, being the last pure-blood alpha females on the planet. In the reflection of the lake, the wolf looked surprised but more confused at the unfamiliar form. Both parents looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.
On the walk…
Jungkook and you had walked all the way to town’s centre and headed inside the main shopping hall, to escape the cold outside. The shops were decorated for Christmas to attract customers for the festive season, many people were walking around with their families. As you walked ahead hand in hand all the way to the centre of the mall, they could see various vendors in the middle selling. Talking about their products, to the walking neighbours, with many foods or gifts decorating the countertops.
Y/n smiled at some of them, they smiled back and waved in response. Jungkook noticed and was about to ask the girl next to him, only to realise the girl wasn’t present and he looked around worriedly. Only to find her walking ahead fast to a waiting lady’s arms, he realised as Sejun Noona. Y/n was hugging her tightly, she knew her. Jungkook sighed in relief before heading closer to the stall which the lady owned.
‘Well, if it isn’t my favourite customer, what brings you here this Christmas I thought you were with some friends for the holidays.’ she asked the young girl who smiled brightly back at her, she turned around to look for Jungkook who was already walking towards her.
‘Unnie, this is Jungkook I am staying at his family house with his brothers and some girls for this Christmas.’ She said as she pulled Jungkook closer to lady. Jungkook politely bowed.
‘Hello, Sejun-Noona!’ he said happily. ‘I hope you are doing well.’
‘I am doing just fine thanks.’ y/n looked curiously between the two, ‘Jin’s friend, we ask for her take-outs all the time. She knows our secret.’ Jungkook explained. Y/n happily nodded, before her stomach rumbled very embarrassingly loudly.
‘Y/n didn’t you not eat properly?’ Jungkook asked worriedly. Y/n blushed before nodding.
‘How come?’ Sejun asked. concerned
‘My parents.’ Jungkook said clenched his fists, y/n quickly held his hand and he relaxed. Sejun nodded, she knew already have met them before when they came as a surprise visit.
‘Well let’s not dwell on that I’ll make some food, free of charge. Since the store is closing early today, just like many others, I need to get back to my parents. But I think they’d be fine for a little while longer. Sit down I’ll get you something to eat.’ The two nodded before sitting down on the side of the stall.
‘Hey, y/n how do you know so many people here?’ Jungkook finally asked.
Y/n looked around before saying ‘I know these people, since I buy the food for the house I go here often for the good, fresh, and cheap foods. My parents, usually go to the supermarkets, but I always come here. When my parents got mad at me for some reasons, they’d leave me outside my house without food and I’d walk all the way here and wander the stalls.
‘Eventually Sejun-unnie got curious about me and found out from secretly following me home and spying on me, she found about my bad relationship with my parents. When she saw me again, she allowed me to have free food on her stall for free. Everyone was confused about it at first, and started to spread rumours about the businessman’s daughter, but Sejun stopped the rumours.
‘Eventually that’s how Kira found out a way to offend me since she hates me, and she spreads the rumours. The guy that Jin and Jimin confronted on the first, when they first met me, likes Kira. He thought it was cool to make fun of me.’ you explained.
‘Now that I am are here, no one dares to spread rumours, after what happened to Kira. So, they shut up about it and everyone is nice now because all the bad people left, for being with on Kira’s side?’ Jungkook said. You nodded.
‘Chicken dumplings cooked in anchovy broth for y/n. And pork dumplings with chicken broth for Jungkook.’ Sejun said. You both thanked her and started to eat the dumplings.
‘I made you a small amount so you could have Kalgaksu later. Since I made extra dough. It might take a while, though because of the cold.’ Sejun said, and the both of you nodded since your mouths are full.
Soon the shops were starting to close around you since it was 1.30 pm in the afternoon. You had already finished the dumplings and already went on a wonder to the nearby open stalls, under the watchful eye of Jungkook.
Jungkook was busy eating his last dumpling whilst looking at y/n who was buying food. Then he heard ‘Jungkook?’ Jungkook teared away from the young girl, who was looking through her bag before turning towards the female voice. ‘Hmm?’ Jungkook looked at Sejun-Noona, curiously.
‘Do you really like y/n?’ he nodded before finishing of chewing his last dumpling before saying ‘I do, she is my mate. She means the world to me, she the only chance I have at love, I am glad it’s her though not that stupid Kira.’
‘I am glad, I can say she is the one for you. Don’t worry I am just looking out for my younger Dongsaeng.’ She said chuckling before heading back to make food. Soon y/n came back holding a blue plastic bag along with her shoulder bag. Before placing it on the ground next to her feet before taking off her shoulder bag. ‘What did you get?’ he asked. You explained that Jin messaged you to get some foods, which weren’t present in the house. When you had just started to wander around the stalls. Jungkook nodded before you both talked about some things
‘1 large vegetable Kalgaksu in Chicken broth.’ Sejun said. And you both started to eat the Kalgaksu together, halfway through the bowl, one long noodle you put into your mouth and Jungkook did the same, you were eating the noodle and it started to tug you.
You didn’t bother until you felt a warm wind of something against your lips, you turned your head only to open your eyes and found Jungkook’s lips against yours, he was also surprised. But you bit down on the noddle before something could have happened between the two of you.
You blushed and looked down at your hands. Jungkook smiled at your adorableness before he started to eat the rest of the Kalgaksu. And you started to eat as well.
Unbeknownst to the both of you Sejun was looking at the two of you before smirking at the cute interaction. ‘Mission Accomplished.’ She said before chuckling before she finished off closing the stall.
You thanked Sejun-Noona for the food before you started to walk again around the town. Eventually you both settled down in a café; with a hot tea and a mocha with a couple of chocolate chip cookies later, and a long chat it was time to go home.
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blogmarareactions · 7 years
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Note: Like always, doing this is 3 seperate posts. This is the BTS version
Jin (He also likes chubby girls as far as I know so this would probably be directly into his lane)
Rap Monster
Jimin (I don`t know but I think he`d be more into lean girl?)
43 notes · View notes
dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
A Part Of The Past ~ JJK, KSJ [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 3.1K
↬↬↬Genre: Ansgt, fluff, happy ending, flashbacks,
↬↬↬Pairing: Jin x Fem!Reader x Jungkook
↬↬↬A/N: I know I don’t normally name the kids in my stories but I had to for context so I hope this is okay for you!
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Taewoo was sitting on the swingset laughing loudly while you and Jungkook sat together on the porch, you had a mug of hot chocolate in your hands while you tried to focus on anything except for Jungkook speaking to you right now. He was only there because he was supposed to be taking Taewoo for the weekend and yet here he was talking to you about your past together,
"The past is the past Jungkook. It's supposed to stay there." You wished Jin was home right now, he would be able to stop this conversation from happening but he wasn't here he was at work. 
"No buts!" You yelled, you never wanted to yell in front of Taewoo he was only 5-years-old and didn't really understand why you and Jungkook were no longer together, he was far too young to know the real reasons. 
"Y/n please, it was a mistake." Jungkook pleaded with you but it just made you think back to that day, the day your whole world had come crumbling down around you and you were left to pick up all of the tiny pieces. 
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Cleaning the house was something you did regularly but you didn't normally go into Jungkook's home office to clean, mostly because he told you there was no need for it. There wasn't much to do around the house though and you wanted it to be a nice surprise for Jungkook to come home to, Taewoo was down for his nap since he was only 1-years-old so you just headed into the office. The place looked awful it was a wonder how Jungkook ever got anything done while he worked from home on the weekends. Dust covered everything except for his desk where he worked and then there were scraps of paper thrown about all over the floor along with empty cups all over the place. 
"No wonder my cupboards are empty," You grumbled starting your cleaning by taking all of the cups down to the dishwasher in the kitchen, it was times like these you were thankful you had one. You grabbed some cloths and polish to clean up his room and set to work right away, you couldn't believe Jungkook could work in such a messy place. You never could, if your office was ever untidy at work you'd freak out and start cleaning it up or you wouldn't be able to concentrate properly. 
"I love it when you call me señorita-" You cut yourself off when you saw the bottom drawer of JUngkook's desk open frowning you walked over to close it when you noticed a brown bag inside. Normally you wouldn't be the one to snoop on your husband but there was a nagging feeling in your stomach telling you to check the bag, 
"Condoms?" You whispered closing the bag up there was nothing off about it. Sure you were married and had a son but you still used condoms since you weren't ready for another child yet but there was something underneath the bag. A small navy blue velvet box, the kind that jewellery came in. Slipping it open you let out a gasp seeing a silver band inside of the box with the biggest diamond you'd seen - bigger than the one on your engagement right. Was he planning on giving it to you as a surprise?
"Baby I'm home! " The front door slammed shut and you frowned getting up from the floor, Jungkookw as never home this early on a Friday he normally stayed late,
"I forgot something from my office, I'm just going to grab it quickly." He yelled out thinking you were somewhere else in the house but when he came into his office and saw you on the floor his mouth fell open. 
"What are you doing in here baby? I thought I said it didn't need to be cleaned?!" His voice was coming out as a yell and you frowned at him, why was he so angry at you for doing something so nice for him. 
"I was just trying to help-"
"Don't!" That was when he spotted you holding the box and he snatched it from your grasp throwing it down into the drawer and slamming it shut. He panicked as he realised you'd already seen it, he could feel himself beginning to sweat as you raised yourself up from the floor. 
"Relax Kookie, I'll pretend I've never seen it before when you give it to me." You cooed trying to comfort him but he didn't want or need your comfort right now so he stepped away before you could reach out to touch him.
"Stop it, stop being so nice and calm!" Taewoo started crying from the other room so you went to leave when Jungkook took your wrist into his, 
"Jungkook relax, it's just a ring it's not like you don't buy me things-"
"It's not for you." Your world fell apart at those four words,
"Not for me? Is it your mums birthday?" You couldn't remember the exact date but she would have called you before now to arrange a cafe date like she always did but Jungkook rolled his eyes at you. 
"How can you be so clueless to all of this?! The late nights? The coming home with lipstick marks? Are you that dumb or just too blinded by my money that you would put up with me cheating on you?" Your heart had officially been ripped from your chest as the words flew from his mouth as if they were that easy for him to say all of them to you and he didn't care. There were more questions in your head then there were answers but the cry of your son took priority over everything right now, you backed out of the room and rushed into the nursery to calm your screaming son down. 
"Baby it's okay, mummy's right here." You bent down to pick him up out of the crib and began to bounce him around on your hip while Jungkook watched from the doorway, it hurt for him to look at you after what he'd just admitted.
"So what is it? You're bored of us now?" You questioned calmly as you son began to drift off back to sleep in your arms, Jungkook stared down at the floor with his hands buried deep in his pockets as if this didn't bother him. That his 3-year marriage, a 10-year relationship and your 1-year-old child meant nothing to him as if it was that easy to just throw away.
"There's someone else-"
"No shit Jungkook, you're planning to propose while we're still together? You know that's illegal, right? You can't marry her until we're divorced." Your son was finally asleep in your arms but you weren't about to put him down, if you put him down there was a chance you wouldn't be able to stay as calm as you were right now.
"I was going to tell you, I haven't felt right about us in a very long time Y/n-"
"So instead of talking about what was wrong, you went to someone else?" You scoffed at him for acting like a teenager instead of a grown adult,
"Fine...You want a divorce you can have one." You took your son over to the changing table that was in the nursery and laid him down while you packed up clothes for him into a bag, 
"What are you doing?" Jungkook teared up watching as you began packing clothes into a bag for Taewoo,
"Leaving. You can invite whoever it is around and you can have our home, our life that we made, you can be happy." You mumbled trying not to cry in front of him, crying in front of him would show him how truly upset about all of this you were and you didn't want to give that to him. 
"Y/n-" He called out your name softly as if he was trying to say sorry for everything he'd done,
"No Jungkook, don't say my name like that, you don't get to say my name like that anymore." You snapped grabbing the changing bag and throwing it over your shoulder before taking Taewoo towards your bedroom, Jungkook followed in silence to see if you were really going to do it but he frowned when he watched you pull out a suitcase and begin to pack clothes into it. 
"I'll come back for more when you're not here, assuming I'm allowed to keep my house key until we split?" He sighed watching you lay Taewoo on the bed, he went to take hold of him but you stood in front of your sleeping son. 
"Leave him." Jungkook went to defend himself but you'd already had enough out of him that day, you began to slide clothes into the suitcase, deciding you would sleep in a hotel that would provide toiletries so you wouldn't have to bother with trying to get your own. 
"You're just going to take him with you? You have nowhere to go, he'll be better off here-"
"No Jungkook, you don't get to do that. You don't get the house, the money, the cars and everything and our son! You can see him whenever you want but I'm taking him." Maybe it was salty but you didn't care, you zipped the case up and began rushing to get out of the house, taking Taewoo and praying you knew exactly where the keys to your car were. There was a hotel just down the road you could be staying it and you'd never have to look at Jungkook again for as long as you needed. 
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"Mum! Dad! Did you see that?!" You got up from the porch step leaving your mug abandoned there, the memories of that day were flooding into your head for the first time in four years and you didn't like it you'd only just gotten to a decent point in your life with Jungkook were you could stand to be in the same room as him you didn't want old memories to resurface like this. 
"What was it baby?" You bent down next to Taewoo who was pointing at a butterfly sitting on the swing next to him, it was on the chain that linked onto the frame, blue wings just there for everyone to see,
"He's beautiful baby," As Taewoo went out to touch the butterfly you stopped him, 
"You can't touch him if you do that he won't be able to fly anymore." Jin came through the backdoor to see you and Jungkook talking to Taewoo closely, 
"Well they have this dust on their wings-" Explaining this to a five-year-old was going to be pointless as he wouldn't understand, 
"Remember in Peter Pan he gave wendy the pixie dust? That's what it's like for this little guy if you touch him though it removes his dust and he can't fly." Your son and Jungkook began pouting to one another as Jungkook explained it in a way he would be able to understand, 
"Don't worry Mr Butterfly I won't touch you," You smiled weakly as your son got up from the swing and rushed over to Jin who was watching you, 
"DADDY!" Jungkook looked away, he hated the fact that your son called Jin dad but it was what Jin was. He'd adopted Taewoo when you got married but it wasn't like you told him to. He did it on his own. 
"Don't start Jungkook, he can call him dad if he wants to." You knew that look you knew what Jungkook thought about Jin but you didn't care, if you could be happy for him and his assistant he could at least pretend to be happy for you and Jin. 
"He doesn't call Micha mum," You rolled your eyes at him as he said that, 
"Because she doesn't act like a mum, name one time she's ever come to see him with you?" You weren't going to knock Jungkook he'd been the best father in the world despite what you and he had been through. 
"Come on, we'll go get you some juice," Jin said as he watched you struggling to keep your cool with Jungkook, he didn't know what it was that you were talking about but he trusted you enough to act like adults. Every time he looked at you it was like that first time he saw you all over again.
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It was almost 3:30 am and Jin was walking around a 24-hour supermarket trying to make sure he had enough snacks for his staff members the next day. He was throwing a small party in the office he owned to celebrate a birthday for one of the staff members,
"Mummy will be right back, I know baby but grandma can look after you." He frowned hearing someone else active in the store, normally it was pretty empty except for the occasional worker who was stacking the shelves up for customers in the morning. 
"I'll grab his favourite, thank you Mrs Jeon." You sounded pained as you spoke down the phone and Jin came around the corner to see you standing there in a pencil skirt and a white blouse, your hair was thrown back as you frowned looking through the freezers. He walked closer to you trying to build up the courage to talk to you but he bailed, walking past you. 
"Erm...Excuse me?" He froze turning around to face you, you had a shy look on your face as you looked up at him he was significantly taller than you, 
"M-me? Me? Excuse me?" You laughed softly as he stuttered over his words but he couldn't help it he'd been wanting to talk to you but chickened out yet here you were, 
"Can you get me the triple chocolate chip ice cream, with fudge bits?" He looked up to where you were pointed and nodded his head reaching up with ease to grab onto the carton of ice cream for you, 
"Thanks, my son would kill me if I didn't come home with this." You laughed at yourself as if your one and a half-year-old son could kill you.
"You have a son?" You nodded your head at him going into detail about why it was his favourite before covering your mouth with your own hand, 
"Sorry, I overshare. He's just adorable-"
"No, don't be sorry! He sounds adorable, I've always wanted kids it must be nice for you and your husband," He hated that he'd said that, the moment the word left his mouth you looked at the floor instead of into his eyes and he felt like an idiot. 
"We're separated but it's great, my son is great." He smiled at you and began talking to you some more about your son. 
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This conversation with Jungkook was pointless and it was going nowhere, 
"I don't want to hear it Jungkook!" You finally snapped as he began tearing up looking at you. Jin stood in the kitchen window ready to go out and help if you needed it but he knew you could hold your own. You weren't some weak woman that needed a man to defend her when you were perfectly capable of doing it all on your own.
"I love you." The words flew out of Jungkook's mouth and you just shook your head at him, you'd done everything over the last five years to try and get into a good space now that you had that he was just going to take it away from you again, 
"No! You don't get to do this to me Jungkook! We're happy! I'm married to Jin and you're married to Micha." You moved away from him as he went to reach out of your hand pleading with you to stop shouting about this, Jin came out onto the porch again and you looked up at him before looking back at Jungkook and holding your stare with him. 
"Did you forget that you were the one who tore apart our marriage?" You questioned him throwing your hands up in defeat as you stared him down, he looked away from you not have the courage to look back at you. 
"Did you forget that you were the one to run off and fuck someone else? You ruined our relationship Jungkook so don't for one second think I'm going to let you ruin mine and Jins." You spat at him finally having enough of keeping it all inside, your voice cracked as tears rolled down your cheeks. 
"We're happily married and have a child on the way, I'm sorry if things between you and Micha are rough right now but you make it work or you break up with her. You don't come crawling to me and tell me you love me." He was stunned at you, you'd never spoken to him like this even throughout the divorce when he filed under separation instead of adultery.
"No Jungkook, I let you get away with everything but this- This is too much."
"I'm sorry!" You frowned hearing him yell that, he hadn't said sorry even on the day of his wedding and he begged you to bring Taewoo along which meant you had to sit there while he married the woman he threw your marriage away for. 
"I'm sorry for everything, I just- seeing you and Jin together all of the time and Taewoo it makes me want us back-"
"We can't always get what we want Jungkook." He nodded in agreement and sighed. 
"I'm sorry...Can we at least try to be friends?" You nodded your head, being friends would be a push but you could make it work for Taewoo. He needed his father in his life even if you didn't exactly want that right now. 
"Friends." You agreed, looking at him and shaking his hand so you would be on the same page about everything again. 
Jungkook left that evening feeling super guilty for everything he'd done to you but having you yell at him like that brought him back to his senses and made him see how right you were about it all. 
"You okay?" Jin asked later that night when Taewoo was asleep, you were sitting on the porch swing with the ultrasound in your hand just looking at the baby, 
"I'm perfect, how was work?" He sat down next to you on the swing and handed you the perfect hot chocolate, 
"It was slow and boring, is the scan tomorrow?" You smiled leaning your head on his shoulder as you thought about how perfect your life was now with the perfect guy by your side. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @lyoongx​ @fan-ati--c​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​ 
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melaninkpopimagines · 7 years
A lovers’ quarrel
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you and Hoseok had been in a constant fight for a few weeks. Just non-stop arguing about the smallest things. It started because for two weeks straight because you had to clean up after him and the other boys when they came over. He used to make them clean up after themselves; but he just let them make themselves at home now.
It wasn’t that you didn’t love when the boys come over, it was always so much fun; but They would trash the apartment and Hoseok would just let you clean up the mess.
 It was annoying and you wanted him to do better; it was all you asked him to do, was make sure the boys didn’t make a mess and he blew up
He was pissed and said you were being too controlling.
 It made you angrier so it ended up being an even bigger problem. Hoseok left in the middle of the argument. He was staying at seokjin house for two weeks. Every Time you’d call him or text him it would start another argument.  
 You couldn’t make up; because he was being so aggravating.  
 “Hoseok, are you coming home?” you’d ask him, every day and he either wouldn’t answer or he would start an argument,
 “Are you going to stop nagging me about every mess?” he would start and then it would go from there.
He got you so heated and then he would stop responding to your texts. You loved him to death; but you could choke his ass.
 When your birthday came around, Hoseok didn’t say a word to you.
It made you angrier
You went out to the club with your friends. Well actually they dragged you out.
 You were pouting in bed, watching forensic files, in your pajamas, and eating ice cream. They some how broke into your house, and dressed you and dragged you out to a club.
 You couldn’t help but think of hoseok. Part of you was pissed off and the other part of you was sad, because he was so mad he forgot your birthday.
 You downed 3 or 4 drinks; before you decided you wanted to go home. Since your friends were partying on the dance floor you slipped out of the club and took a cab home.
 When you managed to open your door, your feet were bombarded with balloons. You turned the light, and the entire hall was filled with them. You giggled softly, probably because of the alcohol, you figured your friends had done it. Because they knew how much you loved balloons.
  You picked one up and gently bounced it up and down in your hands as you slipped your shoes off. You let your jacket drop to the drop the ground and you softly hummed as you followed the trail of balloons. As you got to the entrance of the of the living room you smelled steak. You looked around and saw the entire room filled with balloons.
 It was dimly lit by candles and standing in the middle of the room was hoseok.
 it smelled like steak and your favorite scented candles
He was holding mic, with a big smile he started sweetly singing happy birthday. You pouted as he walked near you.
 he gently handed you a small ring box. “whats this?” you asked.
“your engagement ring.” he smiled.
you looked baffled.
“y/nnnnnnnnn!!! Did you honestly believe i forgot my baby’s birthday?” he asked.
You nodded quickly, jumping into his open arms.
 He fell back into the large pile of balloons that covered your couch.
  He rolled you over on your back and happily kissed you.
 You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
  “I thought you were that mad at me.” you pulled away from his kiss, looking into his eyes.
 He laughed and kissed your cheek. “Baby that was just a prank so that i could surprise you.”
 You looked shocked at him “I’ve been setting this up for months. That’s why the boys became really messy.”
 You smacked his shoulder, pouting. “I thought we were in a real in a fight.”
 “I even had your friends take you out so I can set up your balloons” he said.
It made him laugh more because he really fooled you.
  You hugged him tightly.
He gently kissed your neck, gently caressing your sides.
 “I'm sorry baby” he kissed your neck slowly, moving his hands down to your thighs, gently squeezing them.
 You ran your fingers through his hair slowly rolling your hips against him.
 “Happy birthday baby girl” he said against your skin. His hands squeezing your ass.
 It was sudden, and probably do to the alcohol you had a while before, but you wanted Hoseok so bad.
 You let him hike up the skirt of your dress. You went to pull down his shorts but he pinned your hands over your head. “Nu-uh baby. Just be still and let me take care of you.” You bit your lip as you watched as he lifted up off your body and took off his shirt, slowly unbuttoning each button to tease you. You lifted your hips and ground them against him to urge him to hurry but he didn't do so.
He took his time stripping off his shirt and shorts.
 Just as you were marveling at his body he flipped you onto your stomach and started unzipping your dress slowly, also clearing the balloons so you could rest your head on the arm of the couch.
 Two fingers slowly rubbed your clothes clit.
 You let out a soft moan, arching your back and grinding on his fingers for more pressure and he gave it to you.
 “Fuck I missed you. I almost gave up on my plan just to be close to you again” he said as he moved your panties aside.
 He slipped to digits into your entrance. I louder moan left your lips.
You shut your eyes tightly embracing the pleasure he was giving you.
 His fingers moved quickly, in and out of you.
 You gripped the arm of the couch tightly. You threw your head back in pleasure, as he pounded his fingers into you.
  Your eyes rolled back, he was sending you over the edge and it was just what you needed.
  You very suddenly came, with a loud moan of Hoseok's name.
 Just ask quickly as his fingers left you, he filled you up with his cock.
 He started moving his hips quickly, holding your tightly. Pulling your hips back as he pounded into you from behind.
 His fingers massaged your clit and pinched your nipples.
 It was like he was trying to drive you crazy.
 So many sources of pleasure, you couldn't handle it and you came again.
 Hoseok’s hips gradually slowed down. He gripped your ass as he slowly pumped in and out of you.
 You bit your lips softly in the pleasure as hoseok ground into you as he came.
You grabbed his hand  and held it tightly as he wrapped his arms around you and you each caught your breath.
 And as you slowly drifted off to sleep you heard him softly singing, “happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you” into your ear.
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bts-boys · 3 years
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191215 BTS Jin at 5th Magic Shop in Osaka Day 2 © in common do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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lixhive · 2 years
bts mlist
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[last updated 07.15.22] [skz mlist] [atz mlist] [mtx mlist] [old works]
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sweeter than suga [one] [two] [three]
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𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒌
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𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏
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terms & strawberries [coming soon]
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fypjm · 5 years
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suckerforaestetics · 6 years
He, whom he knows who he is
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