#bt excerpt
burning-thistles-bt · 11 months
chapter 170 update!
it is roughly halfway completed!!! no guarantees how soon it'll be finished though ;P
here's a little excerpt:
The world around [him] began to twist and wave, his vision fading. His paws seemed to lose the ground, and he was falling. Still, he stared up at her with a smile, and whispered, “You’re always as pretty as I remember, every time.”
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ivynightshade · 1 year
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fatima aamer bilal, from all hunger is, is love.
[text id: oh, how i would pray to get sick so my mother would take care of me.]
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fatimaamerbilal · 1 year
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fatima aamer bilal, except from all hunger is, is love.
[text id: it was inevitable. // you could have marched towards me, parading your teeth like hands, tearing all the meaningless flesh apart, turning my ribs inside, and taking a bite out of my heart—// and i would have done nothing, not when i couldn’t look past your eyes. // so warm. even the sun yearns to bask in them. // sick. sick. sick. how i would have waited for you to take another bite. then another. another. devour me whole. all hunger is, is love.]
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bts-trans · 1 year
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230809 RM's Instagram Stories
(https://instagram.com/stories/rkive/3164924347457240437) (https://instagram.com/stories/rkive/3165038199265279568)
(T/N: The photos show excerpts from In Praise of Love by Alain Badiou.)
Picture Translations:
"As we all know, love must only be reinvented." -A Season In Hell: Ravings I, Arthur Rimbaud
If so, can the concepts of free will and liberalism related to love be coalesced into one?
Effectively, I think that both the concept of 'free will' and that of 'liberalism' reaches towards the idea that love is nothing more than a fruitless danger. On one hand, you have the married couple that has somewhat prepared to continue on in a relationship that is sweetened with consumption (conjugalité) and on the other hand, we can reasonably conclude that there are sexual relationships, whilst not consuming passion, are filled with pleasure and joy. In the world of today, love is ensnared within this net and under this oppression and it is precisely why I think that it is being threatened. Of course there are many other things that serve to do this, but primarily I think that it falls upon philosophy to protect it from this threat. As the poet Arthur Rimbaud pointed out, another condition for this is that love must be reinvented. This is also extremely different from simply adopting a defensive manner in order to preserve something. Truthfully, the world is full of new things; similarly, love must also be an object that innovates. Against safety and comfort, risks and adventures must invent themselves again too.
번뇌 치료제 (https://instagram.com/stories/rkive/3165410730341684456)
Soothes the suffering
Trans cr; Eisha & Aditi Typeset cr; XPXOXD @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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stephen-stilwell · 4 months
no one wants to admit they're lonely. or that their inbox is empty. no one wants to beg for affection. but we all crave a little more love.
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“We began like a fire. There was nothing slow or controlled about us. On Sunday, we didn’t know each other. Monday, we met and suddenly colors look different and I wear a ring on my finger that he gave me while down on one knee. Everything has been fast, a hurry to catch up and make up for all the time we’ve spent not knowing each other. We’re the fire that consumes.”
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iluffyouxo · 2 years
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hꪮᥒꫀᥡ ᥣꫀꪑꪮᥒ ᖯᥣᥲᥴk tꫀᥲ || jꫀꪮᥒ jᥙᥒgkꪮꪮk
방탄소년단 — jeon jungkook x black, female oc
It was a bright morning, almost nippy when the wind blew at a certain pace. The pavement glistened like a carpet of crushed diamonds in the early morning sunshine. Though, the few grey clouds that dotted the sky made a promise of rain later on in the day—and, if the weather report is reliable enough to go off of, that later would be sooner than noon.
However, despite those warnings, I decided to go on my Saturday morning walk to gain inspiration for my artwork.
I had been in a slump for months now and, if I’m being honest with myself, it’s mostly due to my poor life balance between school, work and my own sanity. So, maybe a long walk through campus will do me some good…hopefully.
“Kyoko? What’re you doing out here so early?”
A familiar voice and a pair of steps sounded from behind me. “Zenni and Chae Yeong? Hey!” I smiled as my two closest friends walked up to me in cropped hoodies and sweats. “I’m going on a walk, and you?” Zenni smiles back at me, “Same here.”
“It’s too pretty of a morning not to,” Chae Yeong finished, “How about we walk together?” I nod, “Yeah, that sounds fun.”
“So, have you seen him…?” Chae Yeong mumbles to us as if she’s telling the world’s darkest secret. I raise an eyebrow at her. “Seen who?” Zenni voices my thoughts.
“The new student? Jeon Jungkook?”
My eyes grow wide and I gasp, “No way. The Jeon Jungkook…? Nope…never heard of him.” I chuckle as Chae Yeong huffs and slaps my arm. “I’m being serious Kyoko!”
“Okay, so who’s this ‘Jeon Jungkook’ you speak of?” Zenni asks between amused snickers. Chae Yeong’s eyes sparkle as she begins to explain.
“I first met him in Professor Mae’s class. She was in the middle of explaining our social marketing project when he ran in panting and apologizing. And he sat down next to Bin Mi-Gyeong, lucky bitch. He has dark hair, a tattoo sleeve and wears all black. From what I gathered he’s a gamer on YouTube from Busan with over twelve million subscribers and eight million followers on Instagram. He curates at least one point two million likes between both platforms almost every day—Instagram, of course, gaining the most the fastest.”
Chae Yeong pulls out her phone and shoves it into our faces, my eyes forced to see a rather aesthetically pleasing Instagram page of an almost bunny looking, doe eyed boy.
“And he’s talented at everything he does. Just name it! Dance, singing, drawing, photography, boxing! He’s good at it all!”
I cross my arms. “And you just found out all of this…today?” The brunette only nods as she begins scrolling through the guy’s pictures—of which I’m sure she’s done a million times in the past hour.
“Come to think of it, I have heard of him,” Zenni starts, “Frankie Lennox was gossiping about him to her group of friends in class yesterday.”
“He just got here and he’s already making a fuss? I dunno if I’mma like this Jungkook guy,” I grumble. Chae Yeong just waves me off. “Oh, please, you say that now. But, wait until you see him. He missed most of his classes yesterday, but you share all of his morning courses.” Zenni laughs, “Be sure to say hi to him for me.” I roll my eyes, “Whatever.”
“Bak Yong, is that him? The one everyone’s been gawking over?” She sends me a dirty look but nods before returning back to her schoolwork.
Truthfully, I couldn’t help but to feel a bit curious. The boy had been the talk of the town lately. He and his friend, Bak Jimin, were rising in fame at the school rapidly. It was almost scary how far looks alone could get you. That’s definitely something I could never relate to. I sigh. “Someone like him would totally end up with someone like Zenni or Chae Yeong…maybe even Yoko.”
Yoko was my younger sister of two years. But, even so, I seemed like the youngest. She was more beautiful and more talented than I ever was. And it had always been that way. Though, I had never been jealous of her…I could only ever be proud of her accomplishments. Proud of the fact that she had never ended up like me.
In a weird way, I guess that makes me kind of pathetic.
Another day had passed and I found myself in my pajamas eating ramen with Zenni and Chae Yeong. “You saw him today, right?”
“For damn near five hours.”
“What was your reaction?” I sigh, “I only thought of how he would be a perfect match for Yoko.”
There was a long pause after that (the only sound cutting the silence was the slurping of my noodles).
“Yoko? Why do you think so highly of her?” Zenni questions, and I could hear the faint trace of frustration in her voice. I shrug. “I’m just proud of who she’s become. I am her older sister after all.” Chae Yeong growls, “You know she doesn’t think the same of you.” I only shrug again. “What does that matter? She’s better than me in every way…and that’s okay.”
“And do you really think that?” Zenni raises an eyebrow at me. I nod. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” I smile at her before looking down at the empty broth of my cup noodles.
It is okay, right?
“Now that I’ve explained your semi-finals project, I’ll be calling out the groups I chose. Since the class is uneven, there will be one team of three. Sītú Chan-juan and Kim Nabi, Ahn Min Jeong and Cha Ga Eul, Jeon Jungkook and Kangjeon Kyoko, Seok Nari and Asaki Luan—“
The world sat still for a moment. Everything went mute. And I could only focus on the fact that Professor Nam had just announced that Jeon Jungkook was my art project partner.
I could practically feel the hundreds of jealous eyes burning holes into every side of my head. I gulp.
I am so dead.
“Bak Yong, Bak Jimin and Seonghun Min. Please, go sit next to your partners. These will be your new assigned seats for the remainder of the year since you will have the same partners for the finals. Get started when you’re ready and remember to have fun, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am!”
The months of effort I put in to ignore him just so I could avoid a situation such as this one went down the drain as soon as Jungkook sat down in what was once Bak Yong’s seat. I groan, “What a disaster.”
“What’s a disaster?” He blinked at me with innocent eyes and a cheerful grin. “Hi, I’m Jungkook, nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” I mumble. “Kyoko.”
“So, you’re Yoko’s older sister, huh?”
At the mention of Yoko’s name I sit up straight in my seat and turn all the way to face him. “You know Yoko?” He nods. “Yeah, we’re close friends. She told me that you think the world of her so, mentioning her would get me on your good side. You’re really scary and cold, did you know that?”
I glare at him. “How do you know Yoko?”
“She’s a really popular singer on YouTube these days. We met playing Among Us during a livestream with some mutual friends.” I purse my lips, “Well, if you’re good enough to be Yoko’s friend then, I guess you’re okay.”
“She said you’d say that, too…but, she doesn’t speak very highly of you.” I shrug. “So? Anyways, let’s get working on the project.”
A week. An entire week has past since I became Jungkook’s desk mate and project partner.
An entire week of threats and bullying. An entire week of bloody fights and teacher conferences.
An entire week of no motherfucking peace.
And yet Jungkook sat in front of me with the most carefree smile and, truly, wholeheartedly, I wanted to deck him in his pretty face so damn bad. But, instead, I grind my teeth together and continue searching for a reference for the portrait we decided to work on.
“Kyoko…?” His voice is soft as he murmurs my name. I glance up at him. “Yeah?”
“Can I…use you as reference for the portrait?” He’s shy as he asks. It really made me want to punch him even more.
“Why? Just use Yoko,” I reply dismissively.
“But, I—“
I glare at him.
“I wanna draw you.”
I sigh and sip my coffee. What the hell for? Though, as I continue to stare at him, I couldn’t bring myself to voice my thoughts. “Alright, fine, but don’t be upset with me when the painting gets ruined.”
And in turn his infamous bunny smile is directed at me as a faint blush dusts his cheeks. “Thanks.”
At some point honey lemon black tea—that and iced coffee—became my favorite drink to sip on while perfecting my art skills. And I had shared my newly found obsession with Chae Yeong, Zenni, Yoko and Jungkook.
It wasn’t long before him and I began sharing one cup with two straws of the sourly sweet flavored tea as he sketched me in his notebook more times than I cared to remember and as I sketched out different backgrounds for the easel.
“Y’know…you’re really pretty, Kyoko.”
“Stop mumbling nonsense.”
Jungkook had also become a lot more bolder and a lot more frequent when it came to voicing his nonsensical thoughts. Which, more or less, were compliments directed at me.
“But, it’s not nonsense. I really think so,” he continued confidently.
I put down my pencil with a sigh. “You don’t have to lie to me to get on my good side, Jungkook, I already like you.”
The ravenette blinks harshly at me before his nose scrunches up disapprovingly, “You can’t even tell a compliment from an insult. Does everyone really think that lowly of you?” I only shrug. “When you have the most perfect and beautiful younger sister, you’re kinda always compared. And…I’m okay with that.”
It’s silent for a moment too long, and I think the conversation is over, when he lets out a frustrated groan.
“I know we’ve known each other for barely a month now but, I’ve known your sister for two years and I think that—“ He cuts himself off, his face flushing a potent bright red. I raise an eyebrow at him, a gesture that he continue his sentence.
“…I think you’re more worth it than she is.”
“Worth what?” I breathed.
“Everything that she has and more.”
I glance up at him for a while. Trying to grasp onto every word he’s stated. I’m worth that much to him? That thought alone caused me to smile at him. “Whatever,” I chuckle, “Just get back to work.”
I pick up my pencil again, ready to begin drawing, when his next words caused me to drop it on the floor and abruptly stand up from my chair, “I like you, Kyoko.”
My fists begin to quiver as I glare down at him. “Alright, dude, you can stop now. Do you really think I’m that gullible? I can’t believe you.”
I hastily grab my things and rush out of the main campus library. “What an idiot,” I huff.
I didn’t see him for the next few days after that. We occasionally sent pictures of our progress to the project and some times, every now and then, he’d send a voice memo of him singing American slow jams.
Other than that…the weekend was quite boring.
“It hasn’t even been a month since we started talking to each other, do you think he actually likes me?” I voice my thoughts to Zenni as she smacked on some cereal she had ordered from abroad. Chae Yeong was in her room cussing out some poor fella on her team in Apex.
“Kyoko…he’s liked you far longer than that,” Zenni speaks as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “What the hell makes you say that?”
“He came up to us not too long before your project began, asking us if you hated him and if there was a way to make sure you two became partners. He said that Yoko gave him a misinterpreted version of yourself and that you’re the exact opposite of who she said you were.”
“It sounds as if Yoko is jealous of you,” Chae Yeong interjects. “She wanted to make sure Jungkook never liked you. Guess that backfired.”
Chae Yeong turns around from where she had been rummaging through the fridge. “So, are you gonna call him?” She takes a sip of her beer before heading back inside her room.
The phone rang once…twice…, “Hello? Kyoko?”
My breath hitches at the sound of his voice. This is the first time we’ve spoken on the phone. I clear my throat. “D’you wanna go to the gaming basement with me?”
I hear him take in a quick breath before humming. “Uh…yeah, sure. That sounds fun.”
“Yeah? Okay. Does around twelve sound good?”
He hums again. “Yeah, that’s fine. C’ya then.”
Somehow, in the middle of playing COD, his lips met mine after a well-deserved victory. “You didn’t push me away,” he breaths. I chuckle, “Don’t worry, I thought about.” I sit back in my seat and hum. “But, you’re a damn good kisser, Mr. Jeon.”
He blinks, shocked by my bluntly honest answer, “Really? Well—uh—thanks.”
I lean in close with a small grin, poking his nose, “Lemme kiss you again, okay?” Jungkook begins coughing with wide eyes and leans away. “Eh!? You can’t just say stuff like that Kyoko!” I laugh, “Why not? I liked it so, naturally, I’d wanna do it again.” I lay my head on the table and grab his hand.
“I kinda like you…I wanna kiss you more than once.” Being so honest was foreign to me, however, I didn’t mind it all that much.
After getting over his initial shock Jungkook laid his head down next to mine. “Then, do me a favor—“ he pecks my lips, “—become my girlfriend.” I hum. “Sure, why not? I’d be doing you a favor.” He chuckles and grips my hand back, “Yeah, you would be.”
“WHAT? He’s your boyfriend now!?” Chae Yeong yells in my face. She squeezes my shoulders. “The progress happened so quickly!”
“Yeah, it did,” I smile to myself.
It was a cloudy morning as Chae Yeong and I walked around campus. We were meeting up with Zenni and Jimin (who had began dating not too long ago) at our local coffee shop Honey Lemon. Kind of an ironic name. “Kyoko!”
I perk up at the voice that beckoned me. “Kookie.”
Chae Yeong waves happily at him as his steps sync with ours. “Heading to the cafe?” He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. I nod. “Yeah.”
“Then, let’s go together.”
I grin, “Mmmm. Yeah, let’s go.”
“You guys are such love birds,” Chae Yeong cackles, “But, I totally called it.”
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lizshaw · 2 years
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Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney in promo shots for 'Doctor Who and the Silurians' (November 1969)
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persunah · 3 months
When his eyes settled on Jimin’s petite form in the surging dark Hanbok, Jungkook believed. In Selene. In the Goddess who cursed. In divinity. In the very thing, he’d disregarded all his life – the existence of Gods and Goddesses, of higher beings, of fairies and angels, and all the beautiful mythical creatures. He realized they may as well exist, for the young boy in front of him embodied the type of beauty Jungkook had only read in legends.
To Tame an Inferno, To Fall for Divinity by Persana
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litwitt · 9 months
Hate You
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Now that fate has fated
And betrayal has revealed itself with breath bated.
I yearn to develop that hatred
For breach of a trust, so sacred.
My heart melts like the snow
After the things I've come to know.
The things that you did,
Bloody secrets that you hid.
You ask, "What you mean?"
Infidelity is a sin, I ween.
It's not the act that hurt
But the aftermath and dearth.
Is it something that I lack?
Or something that was slack?
Didn't I tie the knots too tight?
Was it too much to fend for my feelings after every fight?
If you were not the one to stay,
If it was so easy for a staunch lover to go astray,
Then why did you promise a faux prophecy
And dare to display that pomp hypocrisy?
Your words, that were once whispers of a nymph so sweet
Now, sound like blasphemy straight out of serpent, a cheat.
I watch you beg
I watch you plead
And yet again, I take that lead.
I know what's next to come
Same old promises
And words of affirmation, some.
Same old tears that you'll shed
Until we'll take this to bed.
After all, it's not the first blotch that our book beholds,
Unfortunately, your loyalty is the first thing that unfolds.
It's a ritual that I understand too well
But here, my thoughts profoundly dwell
Now that fate has fated
And betrayal has revealed itself with breath bated;
Why can't I hate you like the villain that you always were?
Loving you still is the only way it doesn't hurt.
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“I knew they wouldn’t stay away long. They’re like rats in that way- they never know when to stay away, and they bring their diseases with them...Very well. Let’s see what the rats have to say.”
Chapter 168 Excerpt
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ivynightshade · 1 year
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fatima aamer bilal, from even flesh eaters don’t want me.
[text id: but darling, i destroy everything i love. / like my favourite cup that i held a little too tightly because i was afraid that it would fall and break into pieces. / it shattered in my hands.]
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fatimaamerbilal · 2 years
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fatima aamer bilal, from if only love could save us.
[text id: december cold, so lovingly, froze my blood and burned my skin shut. / (every wound can rest til the arrival of summer)]
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bts-trans · 1 year
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230818 RM's Instagram Story
I loved the edge The periphery of those edges is bruised
Do not use difficult times as an excuse to self-indulge, nor blame it on yourself There are sores on my tongue every time I see exultation with a serious face when both sides are dark
Seeds do not only grow to become a tree You cannot ruin your life because of a purpose
Poetry - the moment of ignition, or the moment of emergency But do not say that that is transcendence or liberation
Think about it, your sufferings cannot make one leaf greener
Being an artist is similar to being a beginner driver for the rest of your life It goes off track without any rest, but it comes back every time
The feelings of everyday life go from danger to stability But in art, it is the opposite
You cannot retrieve your own corpse And that could be the root of one's sadness
(T/N: An excerpt from Yi Seongbok’s 'Your Pain Won’t Make the Leaves Turn Green'.)
Trans cr; Annie, Eisha & Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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violetsiren90 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Here's a lil baby excerpt from a Norse mythology AU I have on like, the backburner's backburner:
Basic premise - rapline as the Three Norns; reader as a thwarter of fate (blurb warnings: feeling breathless, being held captive, brandishing of a sword)
Most of the excerpt will be under the cut. 😊
"I found her in the Forests of Memory," he sneered, tossing you forward so that your knees hit the cold stone. You looked up through defiant eyes to take in two figures occupying the rocky crags which had been carved into three thrones. One figure had leapt to its feet. 
"How are you touching her?!" he asked in a voice as bright and lusty as his features, staring down at you through splendid, glinting eyes. His body was clad in a warrior's garb, and his hand on the hilt of a massive sword.
"I don't know, Hoseok," the dark one answered, casting a withering glance over your prone form. The sword-bearer trotted quickly and nimbly down the stone steps and stood before you. He reached out his hand and you thought he might touch your face when his arm was suddenly batted away.
"Yoongi!" he protested in a laughing whine, as he drew the great sword from its sheath and levelled it at the dark one's throat. The sharp eyes under the cloak's hood registered as little fear as they did amusement, languidly blinking as they directed their gaze to the figure on the stony pedestal who had not moved. You followed his eyes to where they were trained on a large form, draped in enigmatic elegance, his face covered by a thin veil through which you could but glimpse his strong and gentle features.
"He is wise to deter you, Hoseok," his deep voice resonated, as certain and soft as the recollection of a dream, "We do not yet know what know what may come of this." He descended, coming to stand before you, awe-striking in his height, even as he genuflected to regard you.
"Namjoon," came the low, cold voice of your captor, "She has no thread." A large, beautiful hand drew back the veil to reveal piercing blue eyes, the color of ice. The eyes gazed intently and unmovingly into your own until they had seemed to draw the very breath from your lungs, and you dropped your head to sag between your shoulders as you panted for air. Your chest burned with a searing sensation that made you want to run toward something at full speed, though you had no concept of the direction. He stood, letting the veil fall back over his face.
"But her name is on the scroll," he posited, thoughtfully. Only then did you notice, in his left hand, an unopened scroll, with a blood-red seal and golden cornua protruding from each end.
The one called Hoseok scoffed.
"That's impossible. How could she be on the scroll if she has no thread? She is not, how could she then be? Were you born of a woman, mortal?" He boomed, suddenly shifting his sword in your direction, whether in indication or threat you were not sure.
"Yes," you replied sitting back on your knees and clutching your chest from where you had been gasping for breath, "of course I was." You cast a haughty gaze up at the sword-bearer, who looked with surprise at the other two. You would have been certain you caught a quirk of the lips from under the dark one's cloak, had you thought him capable of any sort of mirth. 
"Let us take her before the Tapestry," said Namjoon, still regarding you from his obscurity, "Perhaps she is the answer we have sought."
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I dedicate gorgeous to him because the first time we met I did mock how he spoke and I couldn’t pinpoint his accent but now ages later his voice is my favorite sound and when he’s holding our baby and singing to her I think I’ll fall in love all over again.
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