#bsd season 3 spoilers
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thepiratearcinhamlet · 2 years ago
Dazai: let's make a new strategy called "GOODBYE" where you shoot me several times in non lethal areas, and then pretend to shoot me in the head, but use your gravity powers to slow the speed of the bullet so it stops right when it touches my skull so I can dramatically pretend to die, but I'm not actually dead. :3
Chuuya: hell yeah
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maalidoesart · 2 years ago
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someone is having a bit too much fun in prison lol
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crashoutnarumi · 8 months ago
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I started watching Bungo Stray Dogs a few days ago and I’m obsessed with him 🤭
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t0tally-n0t-lou · 3 months ago
some older digital art. i made fyo look a little too feral. i don’t post my digital art enough. :3
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season three spoilers:
my face after i stabby stab a mafia boss then run away.
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venelona · 2 years ago
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I got super sick so decided to catch up with Bungo Stray Dogs and oh boi we're really in it now
also i still can't believe Odasakuman is a thing
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bsdwherearethedogs · 2 years ago
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it's him!!!!!!
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ahli-stuff · 4 months ago
if I had a nickel for every time my favorite character was a sopping wet chronically ill Russian megalomaniac idealist with a penchance for getting compared to Jesus, an obsession with ending suffering, a complicated relationship with humanity’s flaws, and a contradictory desire for “perfection”, id only have two nickels but it’s weird that it happened twice
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denkies · 2 years ago
Wanted to mention the lyrics to the BSD 5 opening and their significance to a specific scene
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A place that can only be seen by stopping [movement]
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There are places you can't go.
So when showing the rift between Atsushi and Akutagawa (life and death), the lyrics mention the afterlife. A place only Akutagawa can see, after death. Then, "there are places you can't go."
From Akutagawa's perspective, it would be "I am in a place only seen after death. You can't come to this place; you can't follow me."
From Atsushi's perspective, this would be "You are somewhere that I can't see, that I can't reach. You can't go there [you can't leave me]."
[Don't go where I can't follow]
Edit: more detailed analysis about it here
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irritablepoe · 1 year ago
ok, i know i've done this analysis before though it has been an addition to another post of mine and most people only see the first post - soooo i'm gonna list the main points on here again
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ok first i was like - this looks like fyodor, right? like the hair, the wound, the white clothes, and ofc the fact that he is nailed to a cross. fyodor sees himself as a kind of messiah, so it would make sense for him to think that he's dying for the sins of others. he also lies his actions and his life into god's hands as in "he's doing what god would want". come to think of it, fyodor's death might be fyodor's way of "cleansing the earth of sin" but i don't know if he sees it that way. anyways, i'm going to explain now why i think this is fyodor up there and why i think this scene already foretold fyodor's death.
now, there's so much to find in the light novel. we see fyodor at the end of the untold origins adaption and this might be a very obvious hint that fyodor's death is foretold in untold origins already. but the stage play reveals a lot, too.
first of all the stage play's summary is "an angel who murders", specifically an angel that kills their own kind.
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that sounds an awful lot like fyodor doesn't it? he wants to kill all ability users after all. Now, i see fyodor in the murderer here, but i also see him in the victim bc of the following quote.
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fyodor has been stabbed (not with a knife but yk), he fell with the helicopter, and he was poisoned. The heavy water could possibly count as strangulation but that might be me reaching. while most of this could also connect to dazai, he was shot by fyodor, not stabbed. it could potentially also relate to sigma, who fell with the elevator, was strangled by teruko and one could potentially say he was poisoned by fyodor's memories. also there is nothing unique about the ways they are murdered. fyodor sees sigma as an ordinary man. i'm kinda torn on this.
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"if it was an angel, they would use the devine blade in their hand" like come on...
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it's said in the stage play that there are 12 victims. someone in the other post mentioned that there were 12 apostles, though i don't know how this would make much sense in this context other than the connection to fyodor, that sees himself as jesus 2.0
ofc ofc there's also the judas x jesus dynamic between nikolai and fyodor here. nikolai being the one that wants to kill fyodor and "hires" dazai to do just that. though ofc nikolai regrets it immediately. also if we connect the 12 apostles that would be the 12 victims of the play or rather of fyodor, nikolai would've been beyond those victims, too. he was supposed to die.
also, i know this is about murakami BUT "the killer became the victim"!!!
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idk if i have a final point here other than "look! this is connected!", but thank you anyways for everyone that commented on the last post, i included a lot of your points as well (if you want to be tagged, i'll do that ofc :3)
thank you for reading!
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dazaistabletop · 2 years ago
Eyepatch dilf died so quick in the anime. Bsd manga readers at least had a month to theorize who he was or make a shrine or whatever we do, but in the anime he-
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amodernpersephone · 2 years ago
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“My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” — Psalm 22 (Matthew 27:46 / Mark 15:34) | The final words of Fyodor Dostoevsky.
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keykaedem · 2 years ago
Aya, my dear <//3
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 2 years ago
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"The detective agency, as an organisation, draws that strength out of us..."
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linklethehistorian · 2 years ago
BSD 109 spoilers
*casually sips my drink while I watch the sweet sweet irony of the SKK sub-fandom desperately clinging onto the hope of LN Fifteen’s “Dazai’s ability can work through objects” revelation to explain why Chuuya didn’t kill Dazai, while recalling how up until this point many of them were actively harassing me on a few other sites and taunting me and telling me to cope because one visual Easter egg apparently made the anime’s events canon to the manga instead of the LN’s*
Mmmm, I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
Oh, my poor dears, don’t forget…the LN isn’t real now, that was never really established, according to you, and not canon to the manga, so tell me…how about you cope this time, hm? 💖☺️
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cheffettuccinealbedo · 2 years ago
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haukea · 2 years ago
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