#bruce weitz
gospelofmarco · 11 months
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Hunting the Dinocroc (2004), dir. Kevin O'Neill
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docgold13 · 8 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Lyle Bolton was a military veteran who went on to become a corrections officer.  He was tasked as head of security abroad the USS Halsey when the decommissioned naval ship was used as a temporary prison during the construction of Blackgate Penitentiary.  Thereafter Bolton was hired as the chief security officer at Arkham Asylum.  
Arkham was renown for its lax security and the alarming pace at which inmates were able to escape.  Bolton was brought on board to address this matter. He issued severe, draconian measures to ensure the patients of Arkham stay in line.  Bolton’s authoritarian regime over the asylum caused great duress among its patients, so much so that many sought to escape just to get away from Bolton’s intolerable treatment.  
Batman took note of the terror The Scarecrow showed toward Bolton when returning the villain to Arkham.  To further investigate the matter, Bruce Wayne asked for a board review to assess Bolton’s efficacy as the asylum’s chief of security.  The review descended into chaos when the inmates began to complain about Bolton’s treatment and Bolton lost his temper. In a violent rant, Bolton expounding on how the inmates were mere animals and should be treated as such.  He was promptly fired.
Several months later, Bolton resurfaced as ‘Lock-Up’ a masked vigilante looking to bring about a more permanent type of justice.  He had decided that the root cause of crime in Gotham was the inept politicians, the liberal media and the permissive psychiatrists... all of whom neglected to see criminals as mad dogs needing to be put down.  As such, Lock-Up’s initial acts were to kidnap Mayor Hill, television journalist Summer Gleeson and Arkham’s chief physician, Dr. Bartholomew.  He kept his hostages on the now-abandoned USS Halsey.  The Dynamic Duo were able to track them down and Robin tended to releasing the hostages whilst Batman took on Lock-Up.  
Lock-Up was greatly disappointed Batman did not share his vision and attitudes toward criminals.  He thought they were of the same clothe, men fed up with the broken system and willing to take the law into their own hands.  Batman could catch the criminals and then Lock-Up could put them down.   For Batman, however, the sanctity of life and the belief in a person’s ability to change were essential components to his notion of justice. In some ways Lock-Up’s moral skepticism was exactly what Batman had dedicated himself to fight against.  
Batman ultimately triumphed over Lock-Up. In an ironic twist, Lyle Bolton ended up incarcerated in the very asylum he had once been hired to secure.   
Actor Bruce Weitz provided the voice for Lock-Up with the authoritarian villain appearing in the fourteenth episode of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Lock-Up.’  
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emmynominees · 19 days
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bruce weitz as detective mick belker in season one of hill street blues
primetime emmy award nominee for outstanding supporting actor in a drama series
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loveboatinsanity · 3 months
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roughridingrednecks · 10 months
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Bruce Weitz
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filmjunky-99 · 4 months
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d e e p i m p a c t, 1998 🎬 dir. mimi leder 'Hello, America. It is my unhappy duty to report to you that the "Messiah" has failed. This computer-enhanced radar image from Houston shows how the detonation succeeded, however, did not destroy the comet. There are now two pieces: one, three miles wide, the other, a mile and a half. Both are still on a path towards Earth.' - beck
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qupritsuvwix · 11 days
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rwpohl · 3 months
the mind of simon forster, the twilight zone 1989
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vodrae · 1 year
Batfamily members being fitness influencers
Bruce : 4 hours uncut podcast, can't go two sentences without quoting 12 studies.
Dick : Talking about discipline but most importantly being proud of ourself and having fun.
Barbs : Talking about the difficulties to stay active in a wheelchair without taboo, and how positive it can be to join a club to see we are not alone.
Jason : "Big weitz, big moocles !" *Get lifted by Artemis*
Cass : How to fight and practice swan Lake at the same time, part 1
Tim : Get roast by his family everytime he speaks about the importance of rest. Joke on them, nobody sleeps in this family. Also often filmed with his not at all obvious crush 6'3 best friend from Metropolis with muscles made of steel.
Steph : Get viral dancing when she spots a tripod in the gym. Is in the background watching cass like a pile of waffles.
Harper : Krav Maga tutorial. Is probably responsible of 12 crooks going blind this week.
Duke : How to not touch the bar early even if we know the guy won't get this rep.
Damian : Lightsaber tutorials are less suspicious than katana's one.
Harley and Selina : How to integrate gymnastic moves in professional life.
Talia : Teaching to stepchildren how to dance. Every dance. In every situation. In every country.
Alfred : Unexpected strength compilation.
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Menaces of Metropolis
One would have to be rather foolish to be a criminal in Metropolis, a city protected by the Man of Steel himself.  Nevertheless, sometimes villains just got to villain and Superman has faced off with many a rogue.  And for every Lex Luthor and Brainiac there has been equal number of lesser caliber menaces who have made Superman an enemy.  Here are several of the more prominent lower tier cads who have made trouble for the Last Son of Krypton.   
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Bruno Mannheim
A ruthless gangster, Bruno Mannheim was the leader of the criminal organization known as Intergang, responsible for nearly all organized crime in Metropolis.  Following the arrival of Superman, however, Mannheim’s operations became severely diminished.  The Man of Steel foiled many of Intergang’s schemes and Mannheim became desperate for some means of gaining an upper hand.  As such, he eagerly accepted the aid offered by the mysterious agent of Apokalips known as Kanto.
Even with the aid of these advanced weapons, Superman managed to prevail.  A disappointed Kanto fled back to Apokalips and Mannheim made the fateful decision to go with him.  There the mobster was made to bow down to Darkseid as his new lord and master.  
When Darkseid planned his invasion of Earth, Mannheim was returned to Metropolis so that he could assist in the attack. Mannheim was ordered to set off a meltdown at an off-shore nuclear power plant.   The mobster did as he was told yet Darkseid left him behind to be caught in the explosion.  
Actor Bruce Weitz provided the voice for Bruno Mannheim with the gangster first appearing in the fourth episode of the first season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Fun and Games.’   
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A thief and mobster, Joey had the good sense to stop operating in Metropolis following the arrival of Superman.  Although Lex Luthor was able to coerce Joey to pull off a heist in that he had a secret weapon to neutralize the Man of Steel.        
Equipped with jet packs, Joey and two accomplices staged a daring rooftop robbery, stealing engraving plates from the federal treasury.  Superman arrived as expected and Joey led him to a construction site where Luthor had planted a piece of Kryptonite (having discovered the substance’s ability to greatly weaken Superman).  
Joey was ordered to simply do in Superman and be done with it, but his eagerness to show up the hero got the best of him.  Superman was able to draw Joey far enough away from the Kryptonite that his strength returned.  
Joey ended up apprehended and Luthor was ultimately unable to use the Kryptonite to be rid of his nemesis.  
Actor Thomas F. Wilson provided the voice for Joey, with the goon featuring in the fifth episode of the first season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘A Little Piece of Home.’   
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A young intern at the Daily Planet newspaper, Tina possessed a compulsive affinity for metal.  At some point she met the super villain known as Metallo.  A being composed of metal was overwhelmingly alluring to Tina and she became dedicated to him, willing to do whatever he asked.  
Using Tina, Metallo hatched a scheme to do in his arch foe Superman.  A news story had run identifying Jimmy Olsen and ‘Superman’s Best Pal.’  Tina accepted Jimmy’s invitation to go out on a date resulted in his being abducted by Metallo. With Jimmy as bait, Metallo was able to draw Superman out.  Fortunately, the villain had overestimated his ability to take on the Man of Steel and Superman prevailed, defeating the villain.  Afterward, Tina was arrested for her part in the scheme.
Actress Dina Sherman provided the voice for Tina was the young ne’er-do-wells featuring in the eighth episode of the third season of Superman: The Animated Series,’Superman’s Pal.’  
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Edward Lytener was a former LexCorp engineer and a gifted inventor. When LexCorp was under investigation, he became an instrumental whistleblower. Lytener’s intentions here were less than noble, as he was primarily interested in impressing Lois Lane whom he was greatly attracted to. 
The whole matter turned out poorly for Lytener.  He was fired from LexCorp and became something of a pariah in the scientific community. Furthermore he failed to  woo Lois, who went on to a win an award for journalistic excellence. In anger, Lytener attempted to assassinate Lois. 
Superman thwarted the effort to kill Lois and Lytener was apprehended.  While incarcerated, Lytener was recruited by Lex Luthor to enact a plan to kill Superman.  With the technologies provided by Luthor, Lytener broke free from prison and took on the super villain alias of ‘Luminus.’  He set forth a diabolical scheme to render Superman vulnerable by utilizing pirated satellites to filter the sunlight over Metropolis.  With the aid of Lois and Jimmy Olsen, Superman was again able to prevail and a defeated Lytener was sent back to prison.  Some time later, the villain took part in a mass break out yet was swiftly defeated and recaptured by the Justice League.  
Actors Robert Hays and Nicholas Guest each provided the voice for Luminus, with the villain first appearing in the seventh episode of the second season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Target.’
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Amy and Trouble
A pair of juvenile would-be gangsters, Amy and Trouble acted as agents of Intergang after the outfit was taken over by Granny Goodness.  Equipped with advanced weaponry, the two assisted Granny in a scheme that entailed using a gravity ray to cause a comet to strike earth (naturally Amy and Trouble were unaware the plan was to destroy the earth).  
Granny’s scheme was thwarted by Superman with the aid of Supergirl.  Granny fled back to Apokolips while Amy and Trouble were arrested.  
Actress Julia Kato provided the voice for Amy; with Scott Menville voicing trouble.  The two delinquents first appeared in the twenty-seventh episode of the second season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Little Girl Lost, Part I.’  
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Earl Garver 
A brilliant scientist who worked at S.T.A.R. Labs, Earl Garver's lack of scruples resulted in his being fired.  Desiring wealth and revenge, he stole a radiative isotope which he fashioned into a bomb that could have leveled a sizable portion of the city.  Carver then attempted to hold the city ransom, demanding an exorbitant fee.  
Superman’s initial effort to stop Garver resulted in the scientist sustaining a head injury that left him in a coma.  With Garver comatose, Superman and the authorities had no way of determining the location of his bomb. In a desperate gambit, Superman and Detective Sawyer recruited the aid of the Parasite who was able to absorb Garver’s memories through touch.  
Unfortunately, Garver’s ego was stronger than that of The Parasite and the scientist was able to take over the Parasite’s body making him an even more formidable threat.  Thankfully, the Man of Steel was able to persevere; Carver was defeated and the bomb was dealt with.  When the evil scientist finally woke from his coma, he found himself being transported to Riker’s Island Penitentiary, where he would spend the remainder of his days.  
The terrific Brian Cox provided the voice for Earl Garver with the villain featuring in the thirteenth episode of the first season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Two’s A Crowd.’  
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The LexCorp Police Battle-suit was invented by engineer, John Henry Irons, designed to assist police officers who were facing an increased number of criminals possessing metahuman powers and advanced technology.  The project was green-lit and funded by the Metropolis Police Department and the decorated police sergeant, Corey Mills, was selected to act as the prototype’s pilot.  
At first, Sergeant Mills excelled using the suit.  It’s functions were quite impressive and Mills and Superman even worked in concert with one another in tending to a building fire.  As time went on, however, use of the suit began to negatively effect Sergent Mills’ mind.  John Henry Irons was worried that this might happen and even tried to convince Luthor that the suit was not yet ready, yet Luthor disregarded the concern.  
Mills worsened and after he had savagely beat a group of criminals, he was placed on medical leave and forbidden from using the suit.  
Unhinged and in the throws of withdrawal, Mills stole the suit and went on a rampage.  This led to a tremendous battle with Superman.  The Man of Steel was nearly defeated by the battle suit yet prevailed after using a downed power cable to short circuit the prototype.  
Actor Xander Berkeley provided the voice for Sergeant Mills with the battle-suit appearing in the twenty-first episode of the second season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Prototype.’  
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Detective Bowman
Kurt Bowman was a corrupt police detective in Metropolis.  Greedy, lazy and completely lacking in morals, Bowman was assigned to investigate an attempted murder of Lois Lane and proceeded to do almost nothing to protect Lane (fortunately, Superman was able to help Lane bring down the responsible party).  
Some time thereafter, Bowman murdered a wealthy woman and framed an innocent man for the crime.  The man he framed was sentenced to be executed and, having realized his innocence, Clark Kent worked desperately against the clock to exonerate him.  Kent succeeded and the innocent man was freed.  Detective Bowman’s guilt in the murder was made evident and he was subsequently charged, prosecuted and sentenced to the death penalty.
In the days leading to his execution, Bowman obsessed over how Clark Kent could have possibly figured it all out.  In the last moments of his life, the answer finally dawned on him.  The only possible explanation was that Clark Kent was actually Superman.  He had discovered Superman’s true identity yet it was too late to tell anybody.  The execution proceeded and the villain took his last breath.  
Actor Eddie Barth provided the voice for Kurt Bowman, with he corrupt detective first appearing in the seventh episode of the second season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Target.’  
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Lizzie and Big Susan
A pair of ambitious crooks, Lizzie and Big Susan attempted to abduct the celebrated fashion designer, Lana Lang in the hope of demanding a huge ransom. Grabbing Lana at a fashion show, the pair took her from a back room and tried to flee via an elevator.  The plot was foiled when Superman appeared.  Realizing they had no hope of defeating Superman, Susan ripped the jewelry off Lana's dress and kicked her out of the elevator.  The ploy did not stall Superman for long.  He easily caught Lana and then dislodged the elevator off its tracks and left the two criminals to the police.
Actress Lauri Fraser provided the voice for Lizzie while Valri Bromfield voiced Big Susan.  The two hoods featured in the eleventh episode of the first season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘My Girl.’  
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Agent Kurt
The mysterious Agent Kurt ran a secretive program for the United States military called ‘Project Firestorm.’  The program aimed toward cultivating individuals with metahuman powers to act as living weapons to be utilized in covert operations.  Kurt’s prized subject was Claire Selton whom Kurt had codenamed ‘Volcana.’ Kurt actually loathed metahumans and was quite abusive toward Claire.   
Project Firestorm was eventually shuttered and a released Volcana turned to crime to get by.  Kurt sought out Volcana and abducted her.  His plan was to sell her to a foreign military so they could dissect her in their own efforts to weaponize metahuman abilities.  Fortunately, Superman rescued Volcana.  In the ensuing fracas, she caused a fiery explosion that claimed Kurt’s life.  
Actor Peter Gallagher provided the voice for Agent Kurt, with the rogue operative featuring in the first episode of the third season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Where There’s Smoke…’.
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Reverend Howell
Amos Howell had been a traveling preacher who happened upon an alien spore that infected his mind.  He went on to become the herald of the extraterrestrial parasite known as Unity.  This parasite could infect organic beings through tentacle-like appendages and Reverend Howell traveled the Midwest on a mission to infect as many people as he could, adding each individual to Unity’s collective until the whole world was consumed.  
Reverend Howell presented Unity as a kind of religion that would bring peace and a lock of conflict to one and all.  After coming to Smallville, he infected Jonathan and Martha Kent.  Kara Kent could tell something was different about her aunt and uncle and she Superman investigated the matter.  It led to a tremendous battle between Unity, Superman and Supergirl.  The heroes managed to prevail and the Unity parasite was destroyed.  With his master dead, Reverend Howell was freed from the creature’s spell.
The always fun Stephen Root provided the voice for Howell/Unity with the menace featuring in the tenth episode of the third season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘Unity.’  
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A one time general in Darkseid’s army of Apokolips, Mantis was a fierce warrior with ambitions to rule.  Following Darkseid’s apparent death, Apokolips fell into civil war and Mantis left the planet for Earth, believing he could conquer this world. 
He arrived in Metropolis and quickly faced off against the Man of Steel with the aid of Captain Atom.  After a fierce battle, Superman activated Mantis' Mother Box and Captain Atom blasted him into the resulting boom tube. Superman destroyed his Mother Box, leaving Mantis with no means to return.
Actor J.K. Simmons provided the voice for Mantis with the villain first appearing in the ninth episode of the second season of Justice League Unlimited, ‘Question Authority.’  
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The dreaded Karkull was a demonic Lord of the Inner Pit, a creature from another dimension who possessed vast powers and craved utter destruction.  The beast had escaped the Pit into the realm of mankind and was eventually vanquished by the magical hero known as Doctor Fate.  Fate trapped Karkull within the Tablet of Lorta where the creature remained for over a century.  
The beast was accidentally released by a thief who had come across the artifact and read its inscriptions out loud. Freed once again, Karkull ran amok throughout Metropolis and threatened to destroy the world.  A reluctant Dr. Fate aided Superman in battling Karkull and the creature was again defeated and once more trapped within the Tablet of Lorta.
Actor Ted Levine provided the voice for Karkull, with the villainous creature featuring in the twentieth episode of the second season of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘The Hand of Fate.’   
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In 1960, a team of Israeli secret agents is deployed to find Adolf Eichmann, the infamous Nazi architect of the Holocaust, supposedly hidden in Argentina, and get him to Israel to be judged. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Peter Malkin: Oscar Isaac Adolf Eichmann: Ben Kingsley Hanna Elian: Mélanie Laurent Lothar Hermann: Peter Strauss Rafi Eitan: Nick Kroll Isser Harel: Lior Raz Zvi Aharoni: Michael Aronov Ephraim Ilian: Ohad Knoller Yaakov Gat: Torben Liebrecht Klaus Eichmann: Joe Alwyn Sylvia Hermann: Haley Lu Richardson Carlos Fuldner: Pêpê Rapazote David Ben-Gurion: Simon Russell Beale Fruma: Rita Pauls Vera Eichmann: Greta Scacchi Moshe Tabor: Greg Hill Dani Shalom: Michael Benjamin Hernandez Graciela: Rocío Muñoz Annia: Ania Luzarth Annie Werner: Tatiana Rodríguez Herr Werner: Ezequiel Campa Antonio: Aitor Miguens Dvora: Antonia Desplat Film Crew: Director: Chris Weitz Writer: Matthew Orton Producer: Fred Berger Producer: Brian Kavanaugh-Jones Line Producer: Micaela Buye Production Design: David Brisbin Associate Producer: Tom Daley Executive Producer: Ron Schmidt Executive Producer: Matt Charman Costume Design: Connie Balduzzi Director of Photography: Javier Aguirresarobe Producer: Jason Spire Editor: Pamela Martin Producer: Oscar Isaac Set Decoration: Florencia Martin Hairstylist: Florencia Grosso ADR Recordist: Noah Dunbar Sound Effects Editor: Adam Kopald Lighting Artist: Chris Rodriguez Post Production Coordinator: Matthew E. Schneider Transportation Coordinator: Nicolas Pollastri Researcher: Peter Cummings CG Supervisor: Michael Wharton Best Boy Electric: Ramón Cácceres Still Photographer: Valeria Fiorini Music Supervisor: Steven Gizicki Orchestrator: Jean-Pascal Beintus Script Supervisor: Claudia Morgado Escanilla Key Makeup Artist: Karina Camporino ADR Mixer: Michael Miller Special Effects Supervisor: Eduardo Puga Rigging Gaffer: Sebastián Mendelberg First Assistant Director: Ricardo Méndez Matta Special Effects Coordinator: Federico Ransenberg Grip: Ezequiel Cardoni Costume Assistant: Lucia Marmorek Digital Intermediate Producer: Patrick M. Allen Production Coordinator: Flor Colombatti Art Direction: Kendelle Elliott Art Direction: Rick Willoughby Hair Department Head: Suzanne Stokes-Munton Sound Mixer: Javier Farina Digital Compositor: Junyoung Han Assistant Camera: Alejo Giles Electrician: Javier Caña Rigging Grip: José Cangelosi Orchestrator: Nicolas Charron Electrician: Daniel Ring Foley Mixer: Randy Singer Sound Effects Editor: Ando Johnson Supervising Dialogue Editor: Lauren Hadaway Camera Operator: Matías Mesa Assistant Costume Designer: Soledad Muñiz Key Costumer: Pilar Gonzalez Main Title Designer: Michael Riley Boom Operator: Julián Catz Compositing Supervisor: Robert J. Bruce Visual Effects Supervisor: John P. Nugent Orchestrator: Sylvain Morizet Production Assistant: Adrian Fiszbejn Makeup Department Head: Jane Galli Foley Artist: Rick Owens Sound Assistant: Giorgia Garcia-Moreno Weapons Master: Franco Burattini Best Boy Grip: Enrique Vélez Key Grip: Ariel Vélez Post Production Coordinator: Vera Fabrykant Storyboard Artist: Poli Marichal Rigging Grip: Sergio Olmos Post Production Assistant: Max Pankow Art Department Coordinator: Laura Martinez Corfield Assistant Property Master: Mirella Hoijman Sound Assistant: Fernando Cornaglia Second Assistant Camera: Martin Dotta Music Editor: Terry Wilson Concept Artist: Pablo Olivera Digital Compositor: Saeed Faridzadeh Stunt Coordinator: Ariel Arredondo Lopez Dickson Costume Assistant: Juan David Troncoso Post Production Coordinator: Ezequiel Rossi Music Editor: Nevin Seus Picture Car Coordinator: Matias Di Capua Digital Compositor: Patrick O’Keeffe Visual Effects Producer: Edward P. Pedersen Assistant Camera: Karim Kachou Electrician: Julián Cantaro Costume Assistant: Delfina De La Cárcova Assistant Editor: Kevin Bailey Post Production Assistant: Eden Stelmach Transportation Captain: Diego Igartua Casting: Avy Kaufman Production Manager: Rodrigo Cala Matte Painter: Matthew Ribeiro Electrician: Walter Saavedra ADR Voice Casti...
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emmynominees · 2 months
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bruce weitz as sgt. ed adderly in season two of midnight caller
primetime emmy award nominee for outstanding guest actor in a drama series
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
Astrological Outlook and Character Analysis for Individuals with a May 27th Birthday
They are individuals with a solid feeling of trial and error. They might show a specific ability for reasoning or philosophy. They likewise have a really basic sense. They are described by sound judgment and the yearning for information. Then again, they show accuracy in their decisions and an impartial, exceptionally friendly and exquisite way. In any case, the last option is only a deception. Where it counts in their souls, they are cold and impassive individuals. They are glad and are not able to be repressed by others. Prepared for whatever with regards to your autonomy. They are exceptionally troubled when they are poor. At the point when they are individuals from a strict local area, they have an extremely restless outlook on their concerns. They are delicate and removed individuals, which makes it hard to get to know them and simple for them to be misconstrued. They like pets and are keen on the prosperity of their homes. They are caught by different encounters, changes and bits of destiny, of various sorts, except if they learn restraint and to control the conditions of their life. They might find actual success in their work, however they show propensities to peevishness and radicalism, something that develops further as they age. Notwithstanding, they can normally play out their obligations with fulfillment. They have a skill for exchanging. They will have a rich life and valuable chances to procure abundance and even acknowledgment. Astrological Outlook and Character Analysis for Individuals with a May 27th Birthday 
 Assuming your birthday is on May 27, your zodiac sign is Gemini May 27 - character and character character: astute, intense, amicable, tight, abhorrent, lighthearted; calling: humanist, sound specialist, writer; colors: beige, green, daffodil; stone: golden; creature: shrimp; plant: potato plant; fortunate numbers: 1,14,19,21,56,58 very fortunate number: 7 Occasions and observances - May 27 Peru: Local Language Day Spain: Public Celiac Day Bolivia: Mother's Day May 27 Superstar Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1907: Rachel Carson, American sea life scientist (d. 1964). 1909: Dolores Trust, American vocalist and giver (d. 2011). 1911: Hubert Humphrey, American legislator (d. 1978). 1911: Teddy Kollek, Hungarian legislator, city hall leader of Jerusalem for a considerable length of time (d. 2007). 1911: Vincent Cost, American entertainer (f. 1993). 1912: John Cheever, American author (d. 1982). 1913: Vicente Calderდ³n, Spanish games pioneer, leader of Atlდ©tico de Madrid (d. 1987). 1913: Josდ© Vela Zanetti, Spanish painter and scholastic (d. 1999). 1918: Yasuhiro Nakasone, Japanese government official, head of the state somewhere in the range of 1982 and 1987. 1922: Christopher Lee, English entertainer (d. 2015). 1923: Henry Kissinger, American government official, Nobel Harmony Prize champ in 1973. 1924: Jaime Lusinchi, Venezuelan president somewhere in the range of 1984 and 1989. (f. 2014). 1927: Gustavo Arias Murueta, American painter. 1930: John Barth, American essayist and teacher. 1930: Eino Tamberg, Estonian writer (d. 2010). 1934: Harlan Ellison, American essayist. 1934: Enzo Siciliano, Italian essayist (d. 2006). 1935: Mal Evans, English collaborator of the band The Beatles (d. 1976). 1935: Lee Meriwether, American entertainer. 1936: Louis Gossett, Jr., American entertainer. 1936: Jorge Hourton, Franco-Chilean priest (d. 2011). 1938: Christian Von Wernich, Argentine Catholic minister, condemned to jail for torment. 1940: Mariano Haro, Spanish competitor. 1943: Eduardo Teddy Bautista, Spanish artist. 1943: Cilla Dark, English artist and moderator (d. 2015). 1943: Bruce Weitz, American entertainer. 1944: Emilio Rodrდ­guez Zapico, Spanish Equation 1 driver (f. 1996). 1951: Ana Belდ©n, Spanish artist and entertainer. 1951: Reynaldo Vasco Uribe, Argentine writer (d. 2014). 1952: Rosa Dდ­ez, Spanish government official and MEP. 1955: Health food nut Lehnhoff, Guatemalan-German author. 1956: Giuseppe Tornatore, Italian producer (Film paradiso). 1957: Inaki Miramდ³n, Spanish entertainer. 1957: Siouxsie Sioux, English artist, musician and maker, of the groups Siouxsie and the Banshees, and The Animals. 1958: Neil Finn, New Zealand artist, of the band Swarmed House. 1961: Ana Blanco, Spanish columnist. 1965: Gustavo Poirrier, Chilean soccer player (f. 2003). 1966: Heston Blumenthal, English cook. 1966: Sean Kinney, American drummer, of the band Alice in Chains. 1966: Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Cuban jazz musician and arranger. 1967: Paul Gascoigne, English footballer. 1968: Jeff Bagwell, American baseball player. 1968: Forthright Thomas, American baseball player. 1970: Michele Bartoli, Italian cyclist. 1970: Joseph Fiennes, English entertainer. 1971: Paul Bettany, English entertainer. 1971: Angela Contreras, Chilean film and television entertainer. 1971: Left Eye (Lisa Lopes), American artist of rap, of the band attention (f. 2002). 1971: Glenn Ross, strongman and Northern Irish powerlifter. 1972: Ivete Sangalo, Brazilian artist. 1974: Skye Edwards, English artist and musician, of the band Morcheeba. 1975: Andrდ© 3000 (Andrდ© Benjamin), American artist, of the band OutKast. 1975: Jadakiss (Jason Phillips), American rapper. 1975: Jamie Oliver, English cook. 1976: Marcel Fდ¤ssler, Swiss motorsport driver. 1977: Usun Yoon, Korean entertainer, model and journalist. 1979: Mile Sterjovski, Australian footballer. 1981: Johan Elmander, Swedish footballer. 1981: Mariano Echeverrდ­a, Argentine soccer player. 1981: Miloy (Marcos Hermenegildo Joaquim), Angolan soccer player. 1982: Natalie Neidhart, Canadian expert grappler. 1982: Mariano Pavone, Argentine soccer player. 1983: Bobby Convey, American footballer. 1985: Gimena Accardi, Argentine entertainer. 1985: Roberto Soldado, Spanish footballer. 1988: Leandro Baquela, Argentine producer. 1990: Nadine Beiler, Austrian artist. 1990: Chris Colfer, American entertainer and artist. 1990: Israel Fonseca, Honduran soccer player. 1990: Nadine Beiler, Austrian artist. 1991: Paulina Holguდ­n, Mexican artist and host. 1992: Jeison Murillo, Colombian soccer player. 1993: Cristhian Venegas, Chilean soccer player. 1994: Aymeric Laporte, French footballer. 1999: Lily-Rose Depp, French-American entertainer and model.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 5.27
Beer Birthdays
Peter DeFazio (1947)
Jim Koch (1949)
Craig Hartinger (1961)
Shaun Hill (1979)
Chris Lawrence (1980)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Paul Bettany; actor (1971)
Rachel Carson; writer, conservationist (1907)
Neil Finn; rock singer (1958)
Dashiell Hammett; writer (1894)
Richard Schiff; actor (1955)
Famous Birthdays
John Barth; writer (1930)
Francis Beaufort; hydrographer (1774)
Arnold Bennett; English writer (1867)
Cilla Black; singer (1943)
Amelia Bloomer; women's rights advocate (1818)
Todd Bridges; actor (1965)
Adam Carolla; comedian (1964)
John Cheever; writer (1912)
Bruce Cockburn; pop singer (1945)
Harlan Ellison; writer (1934)
Mal Evans; manager of the Beatles (1935)
Joseph Fiennes; actor (1970)
Louis Gossett Jr.; actor (1936)
Jay Gould; businessman (1836)
Wild Bill Hickok; frontier marshal (1837)
Tony Hillerman; writer (1925)
Julia Ward Howe; writer (1819)
Hubert H. Humphrey; politician (1911)
Henry Kissinger; politician, war criminal (1923)
Christopher Lee; actor (1922)
Ramsey Lewis; jazz pianist (1935)
Lee Meriwether; actor (1935)
Jamie Oliver; chef (1975)
Vincent Price; actor (1911)
Linnea Quigley; actor (1958)
Sumner Redstone; media mogul (1923)
Siouxsie Sioux; rock singer (1957)
Sam Snead; golfer (1912)
Cornelius Vanderbilt; businessman (1794)
Bruce Weitz; actor (1943)
Herman Wouk; writer (1915)
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icelovesfire · 2 years
𝗳𝗮𝘃 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 -
• july 21, 2011 - met 👸🏻 rebecca herbst (also 2012)
• march 19, 2023 - met shannen doherty
• march 19, 2023 - met jason priestley
• july 23, 2011 - met jason thompson
• march 19, 2023 - met ian ziering
𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔 -
• july 23, 2011 - saw steve burton (also 2012)
• march 19, 2023 - met jennie garth
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ᴍᴇᴛ - alicia minshew, alicia silverstone, blake gibbons, bobbie eakes, bradford anderson, brandon barash, brianna brown, bruce weitz, cameron mathison, chrishell stause, christina bennett lind, danica mckellar, eddie alderson, erin chambers, finn wittrock, haley pullos, jacob young, jill larson, john j. york, j.r. martinez, julie marie berman, kimberly mccullough, kirsten storms, kristen alderson, lee meriwether, lexi ainsworth, maurice benard, monica potter, natalie hall, sarah glendening, scott reeves, sean blakemore, stephanie gatschet, vanessa marcil, vincent irizarry
𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 - beth broderick, breckin meyer, cady mcclain, caroline rhea, chad duell, charisma carpenter, clare kramer, danny tamberelli, dominic zamprogna, dorian gregory, drew fuller, drew garrett, elisa donovan, elizabeth berkley, holly marie combs, james marsters, jamie luner, jason marsden, jen lilley, jenna leigh green, jonathan jackson, jordan villasuso, kel mitchell, kelly monaco, laura wright, levar burton, lindsay korman, lisa locicero, lori beth denberg, mario lopez, nancy lee grahn, nathin butler, olivia d’abo, rebecca gayheart, rose mcgowan, stacey dash, steve burns, susan lucci, tava smiley, thora birch, tori spelling
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 - brad paisley, bryan adams, darius rucker, gloriana, jess glynne, justin cole moore, kellie pickler, raven symoné, taylor swift … several obscure Christian artists
(𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘤𝘤𝘶𝘳)
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qupritsuvwix · 11 days
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