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oOoOoOoOoOo you should totally listen to BRSO music since he worked on The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe oOoOoOoOo you want to so badly oOoOoOo don’t be shy oOoOo
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Happy 70th Birthday, Sir Simon Rattle!
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Yay dose anyone like the Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra?
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every time i come across a blake playlist with saint bernard by lincoln on it i'm like. ok so we all want him collared? good to know
#whoa. who said that#an unhealthy obsession by BRSO is also very common. for obvious reasons#redacted audio#sweetheart.txt#blake
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(20:01) 弦:Polonek, Ito, Grosz, Bruno, Matthew 木管:Jacot, Kelly, Golob, Schweigert Hr:?, Willis, Lamotke, Schreckenberger 他:Guerrier(Tp), Ramsay(Trb), Vogel(Timp), Langlamet(Harp)
Hr 1stは、よく見るトラの人。
(20:10) 第2楽章は、Dohrが練習しているかのようなフレーズの後、ややポピュラーっぽい旋律。3rd Flのトラのお姉さんが頭を左右に動かしていたのが印象的。 (20:20) 第3楽章で、Wollenweberがカッコウの鳴き声のする木製楽器?を出したかと思ったら、Hrが口笛を吹いたり、DohrとHrが喋りながら音を出したり、学生がやるような演奏を交える。 (20:22) 「軽騎兵序曲」のフレーズがちょこちょこ出てくる。他にもいくつか、有名な旋律のオマージュが。 (20:24) 第3楽章が終わったところで拍手。何割かの聴衆は、曲が終わったと思ったはず。 (20:30) 第4楽章は打って変わって、静かにゆっくり聞かせる緩徐楽章。しかし、Dohrはやはり、すごいスタミナだな。 (20:32) 第5楽章。Clのベルを叩く奏法は初めて見たかも。 (20:37) 第6楽章。現代的な旋律が続く。 (20:41) 第7楽章。終曲。Hrが4人とも立ったと思ったらWeberの魔笛の有名なフレーズ。最後は、DohrがHrのパートの近くまで移動して、照明が消える演出。
(21:15) 第1楽章はかなり速めのテンポでスタート。ラトルらしい、あっさりした進行で進む。棒がラトルだからか、メジャー曲だからか、みんなあまり顔を上げずに弾いている。 (21:29) 第1楽章最後のTimp、ちょっと速くないか。あるいは、他が遅いのか、自分の耳が悪いのか。多分、自分の耳が悪いんだろう。 (21:30) 第2楽章。あっさり流している雰囲気なのは、今日の1曲目が面倒で、しかも長い現代曲だったからかな。後期ブルックナーとか、ヨーイドンだけ振ってやれば、後は要所を合わせるだけでいいはず。というか、明らかに全体のテンションが低い。 (21:37) 緩徐楽章だからか、Polonekが左を見る頻度が高い。1st Vnがかなり引っ張ろうとしている雰囲気を感じる。Schäferとか。 (21:46) 最後のところ、ItoがちらっとPolonekを見たのは、ラトルの棒にどう合わせるかを確認したのかな。 (21:47) 第3楽章。 (21:56) 第4楽章。かなり速めのテンポ。Vogelが叩き始めのところを棒を見ないでいるのは、テンポにズレがほとんどないからか。 (22:06) 最前列で、おばあちゃんが寝てる笑。 (22:09) Groszが右を見ていたが、視線の先は譜面じゃないような。 (22:10) あれ?次の楽章があったっけ?という雰囲気で終わり。2ndの後ろに座っていた���性が退場。花束でも持ってくるのか?と思ったら、やはり持ってきた。
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Galakonzert 75 Jahre BRSO - Simon Rattle "Gurre-Lieder"
Foto ©BR/Astrid Ackermann La Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks festeggia quest’ anno il settantacinquesimo anniversario della sua fondazione, Continue reading Galakonzert 75 Jahre BRSO – Simon Rattle “Gurre-Lieder”

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#chor des bayerischen rundfunks#critica#dorothea roschmann#gurre-lieder#isarphilharmonie#jamie barton#josef wagner#münchen#mdr rundfunkchor#novecento#peter hoare#schönberg#simon o&039;neill#simon rattle#sinfonica#strumentale#symphonieorchester des bayerischen rundfunks#thomas quasthoff
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バイエルン放送交響楽団(BRSO)が毎年行う、チャリティー・コンサート(SZ-Benefizkonzert)が公開されています。このチャリティーは、ミュンヘン周辺に住む困窮している人々を支援する南ドイツ新聞の慈善家活動に連携したものだそうです。 ◇ BRSO チャリティ・コンサー
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Been parsing my travel logs to try and identify my personal records. Here’s what I have found so far:
Smallest star: PSR J1856-3754 A (4.8 km radius, neutron star) Largest star: 53 Aquarii C (142.5 SR, carbon C class star)
Smallest planetary body: Pleione 3a (170.3 km radius, metal-rich body, landable) Largest planetary body: 2 Xi Tauri 3 a (77,781.6km radius, class III gas giant)
Hottest stellar body: PSR J1856-3754 (985,067,520K, neutron star) Hottest planetary body: HR 7129 1 (23,634K, HMC)
Coldest stellar body: Synuefe HO-H a23-0 (253K, Y-class brown dwarf) Coldest planetary body: WISE 0855-0714 6 (5K, class I gas giant)
Oldest star: Eravarenth A (13,046 my, K-class yellow-orange star) Youngest star: BrsO 14 & BrsO B (2 my, B-class blue-white stars)
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hoy desperte
Con ganas
De besarte...😘
Tengo una sed
De acariciarte ..🤗
Enredarme a Ti
Y no soltarre..🫂
Eres tan
Sin contar
El tiempo...⏱️
Dibujarte con
Mis puros
Recuerdos ..😁
En mi mente
Marcar tus labios 💋
Tus brsos..😘
Y estar aquí
Otro momento ..🙍😍
Gigolo Velázquez

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Animation test
#animation#brso#the blake robinson synthetic orchestra#blake robinson synthetic orchestra#digital art#animation test#no commissions are NOT open#don’t bother asking
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joined the brso server *takes a sip of water and the hand holding the glass is violently shaking*
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Here is my 1st Drawing of Elijah Volkov, I haven't really got into irme for a while, I had other things (like Grace Church and BRSO) but ye ☂︎!
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#posters 2012#black and white#music#.de#BRSO#München#Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks#Bureau Mirko Borsche#Bureau Mirko Borsche
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#music#Munich#classical music#black and white#.de#Prinzregententheater#Jansons#Solisten#posters#Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks#BRSO#2016#Bureau Mirko Borsche#Mirko Borsche
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Date a girl who can name your mother, your father, and the first pet that you kept. Date a girl who knows your favorite place to dine at when your check comes in each week, who knows you do your wash on Sundays and you separate your whites, and that your car needs a new tire (because last week she laid those spikes). Date a girl who's got a million Polaroids with all the dates penned in red ink (and sneaks a walkie-talkie in your room to listen to you sleep).
#I tried putting this on the dateagirlwhosweird blog but it never got posted unfortunately#so here#an unhealthy obsession#the blake robinson synthetic orchestra#brso
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Cmdr H of the Woods’ logbook, May 3309
03 May 3309 Eta Sagittarii I’ve spent the past few days hopping around nearby systems, collecting plants and rocks with funny shapes. I have to say, exiting hyperspace right in front of a giant star always makes a bit of an impression. I landed on a very hot planet, AB2, and then went to take a look at the view from the dusty and rocky rings around planet AB5. The giant star was shining through the dust, which was a lovely sight. I realised that the tiny spot I could see in front of η Sagittarii A was actually... another star. A brown dwarf, which barely looked bigger than a planet. In fact, it’s only about 4 times bigger than the largest planet in this system. Picked up an occupied escape pod and a black box, which I found floating in space next to the 3rd star in this system, and dropped them at the nearest station.
Rukbat After a visit in Kaus Australis (also known as Epsilon Sagittarii), I found myself in Rukbat (Alpha Sagittarii), where a message flashed on my HUD, informing me that I was visiting a system with a neutron star for the first time. I might need to get some maintenance done on my systems, because I know I visited Jackson’s Lighthouse months ago with CMDR Curious Sparrow.
Zeta Coronae Austrinae After Delta Coronae Austrinae, another giant star, I am now in Zeta Coronae Austrinae, which marks a deviation from my exploration of the Sagittarius constellation, as I am now in the Corona Australis constellation. And I just realised, as I was looking at my galmap and wondering why there were no traces of human population, that I have accidentally.. left the Bubble. Well, only kind of, because civilisation is not far, but still. Oops.
04 May 3309 HIP 95726 There was fungoida on this planet and it was only growing on the dark side, at the bottom of a canyon. Everything was pitch black. I kept hearing weird sounds, and couldn’t tell if it was just the wind, or if maybe something was lurking in the dark, waiting for me to fall into a trap... Then my instruments started malfunctioning, the altitude readings were all wrong, and my suit HUD glitched out. I finished picking up my samples and left without any further considerations. I’m not sure what was there. I’m not sure I want to know, either.
05 May 3309 HIP 93520 After visiting a few systems that had not been previously mapped, I found myself here, in HIP 93520, where it seems more Commanders have been before me. I wonder if they were also awed when they found the ringed Earth-like planet under the blue light of the A-type star.
As I got closer to the rings, I was surprised to find there was a miner there, someone in a Krait Mk2, just minding his own business until a pirate showed up. I wasn’t expecting that, considering we are over 100 light-years away from any human settlements. The pirate sent hatch breakers after the miner, who dropped all of his cargo... and a bunch of proximity mines. He opened fire and seemed to scare the pirate away. (Said pirate did come back to try and scan me before high-waking, disappointed.)
06 May 3309 Col 359 Sector KG-X D1-64, body 6F I think this moon may have once had an ocean, or some sort of liquid water, at least. The average temperature of 166K would no longer allow for that, but who knows, maybe it used to be warmer. I did find several plant samples at what seemed to be the bottom of a dried-up sea. No traces of specifically marine life, even in fossil form, however.
10 May 3309 R CrA Sector MI-S B4-6 The nebula I have chosen as my next destination is getting close, and it is easy to spot it with the naked eye now. I am quite excited, as I have never visited a nebula before! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This system was pretty interesting from an exobiological standpoint, I found several variants I had not encountered before, as well as a brand new (to me) genus, Clypeus. A small plant, with what seems to be a reflective, multi-coloured shell.
BrsO 14 I made it the the R CrA nebula! It is so pretty. I exited hyperspace facing a big blue star, then turned the ship around and found myself staring at a red sky. Absolutely mesmerising. Unfortunately, there was no planet for me to land on so I could admire the view from there, but I spent a good while just flying into the red cloud and observing it from all possible angles.
14 May 3309 PSR J1856-3754 I had seen there was a galactic curiosity a few jumps away, so I plotted a route to PSR J1856-3754, nicknamed "Coronet Pulsar". This one does not have one, but two neutron stars, separated by a mere 138 light-seconds. I will admit, I am still very nervous around those stars and I tend to keep my distances, but, maybe one day I will learn to dance with them.
15 May 3309 Col 359 Sector UM-T c4-6 Made a quick stop by the CB-1 Argon’s Reach megaship. It was a little strange seeing human faces again. There were a few other explorers there, we traded stories and routes. Some of them had been in the Black for such a long time and honestly... it showed. Being hundreds and hundreds of light-years away from civilisation does something to you, I’m sure. I did make sure to upload the data and pictures I had recorded to Universal Cartographics, the procedure took longer than I expected, but I also don’t think I had ever tried to upload that much data at once.
53 Nu Serpentis I am now officially back in human territory. I am not quite sure what led me here, but maybe it was just time.
17 May 3309 HIP 84913 Met a pilot named Ariel in a Type-9 Heavy, requesting some commodities. I’ll think about it and see if it’s anything I can find nearby. Which reminds me, I need to work on improving the Python’s FSD, there’s no way I’m going to be hauling any amount of goods in the Cobra’s 4-ton cargo hold. I love my Elmwing, but a trading ship she is not.
Laksak Took a shuttle to Laksak to retrieve the Python. My plan was to fly her back to HIP 84913, but... I am a butterfly with zero attention span... and I found myself doing exobiology sample collection in a Python. She managed alright, but I am very glad that most of the plants I found favoured flatter terrain, because I doubt I could have landed anywhere in the mountains.
18 May 3309 HIP 84913 (again) Finally made it to my destination. Ariel the trader had already left, so I loaded up on limpets and decided to go mining instead. This first mining trip went pretty well overall. Not going to make a fortune until I figure out what to focus on, but it’s nice learning how to fly another ship and doing something else.
Speaking of different ships. I am now also the owner of a little Eagle I’m going to outfit to go canyon running... For now, her name is Birchtwig.
25 May 3309 Deciat I’ve taken both the Python and the Eagle to Felicity so that she could upgrade some of the modules. Birchtwig is now much faster (I outfitted her with enhanced performance thrusters, which Felicity said should be a good choice), and Cedarcone can now jump much farther. This should help reach mining spots and marketplaces a little faster.
Bruth This system was torn by civil war... Several ships tried to interdict me while I was mostly flying from one debris field to another, trying to salvage components, and maybe rescue a person or two. I did salvage some commodities that sold for a decent price in a neighbouring system, so I jumped there, and then also accepted a few surface delivery missions. Nothing complicated. A pilot called Ashley had apparently forgotten his personal documents before going on vacation at a tourist resort called Prieto’s Muse, in Njemari. He seemed relieved when he saw that I had brought them.
26 May 3309 Vard Argon atmospheres can bring such pretty lights. I don’t often land on those bodies because they tend to be found in systems with dim stars, and if they are distant enough, the surface is almost completely dark and I can’t see anything. But this... this was beautiful.
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