#browns albemarle street
wellourgerdes · 1 year
Brown's Hotel London
Brown’s Hotel Albemarle Street London This historic luxury hotel in the upscale Mayfair neighbourhood dates back to 1837 and has welcomed notable visitors, such as Queen Victoria. The Royal Academy of Arts is 5 minutes by foot, Green Park tube station is 6 minutes, and Bond Street’s shops are all within 9 minutes of the hotel. A luxurious hotel with chic décor, a noteworthy collection of modern…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“TORONTO YOUTHS ADMIT GUILT IN CAR THEFT CASE,” Hamilton Spectator. March 25, 1931. Page 7. ---- Leniency Sought is Up To the Attorney-General --- Albert Bziriwa May Face Charge of Perjury --- Man Greeted His Brother-in-Law Strangely ---- Fred Woodward and Fred Holle, the two Toronto lads who were found in Montreal at the end of a trail of stolen cars, were brought before Magistrate Burbidge in police court to-day on three charges. The lads were charged with the theft of a car in Hamilton, the theft of one in Toronto and breaking and entering a gasoline station in Hamilton. The jurisdiction of the Toronto case was transferred here by arrangement between the local and Toronto police and the accused boys.
The lads pleaded guilty to all charges and Joseph Sweet made an eloquent plea on behalf of Hoile, his client. Hoile has no previous record and Sweet asked for leniency in his care. The magistrate said that the attorney-general was the only one able to grant suspended sentence in a car-theft charge, so the case was laid over for one week. In the meantime the attorney-general will be communicated with and the views of the Toronto police will be learned.
May Face Perjury Charge Albert Bziriva, 16 Albemarle street, who, it is alleged, tried to obstruct justice by telling a false tale of planting alcohol in the ex- cise charge heard against Mrs. Fredorak last week, was remanded to-day for one week. At present a charge of fabricating evidence is laid against Bziriva. but acting Crown Attorney Alex MxFarlane intimated that more serious charges might be laid as a result of his actions
Acted Disorderly James Olcott, 494 Burlington street east, went to the address where his wife lived and made a disturbance after the magistrate had ordered him to stay away. A disorderly conduct charge was read against Olcott, but he contended that Detective Reg Hagen had given him permission to go and get his clothes and that was how the row started. The case was laid over for one day to allow Detective Hagen to appear.
A Strange Salute Apparently the accepted way to greet a brother-in-law on Albemarie street is very quaint. Steve Tomljanovich, 41 Albemarie street. acknowledged a visit from his brother-in-law, Krusmir Jaricia, by hitting him over the head with milk bottle, Jaricia stated. Both men denied that there was any previous bad feeling between the two and Jaricia said he had only been in the house a matter of seconds when he was knocked unconscious by a lusty blow from behind. Neither could explain the sudden attack and a black eye sported by the accused man also proved to be an unsolvable mystery. Steve was placed on probation for two years and fined $60.
Cases Adjourned Frank Lotocki, 18 Wilson street, was granted an adjournment of one week on an L.C.A. count. 
Lawrence Ferguson, 83 Ferrie street west, and John Williams, no address, held on vagraney charges, were remanded until March 30 for investigation.
 A traffic charge against Morgan Howell, Detroit, was laid over un- til the traffic court this afternoon. 
A breach of the Hoisting Engineers' act, laid against A. Cope Sons was put off until Friday. 
Minor Cases Alex. Saedden. 1173 King street east, paid $10 for a breach of the Power act, and Annie Kusowski, 7 Leeds streets, donated a century note for having liquor illegally. 
Theft Charge Luke Madigan, 191 Hess street north, was convicted of the theft of lead cable from the Canadian National Telegraph company and remanded one day for sentence. Inspector Thomas Brown found the accused on Park street with two long lengths of cable over his shoulder and asked him where they came from. When Luke couldn't tell the inspector satisfactorily, the man was taken to the station. The accused asked the police official if he thought a man who had stolen. the cable would carry it over his shoulder through the streets. Inspector Brown said he had never been in the business, so be wasn't acquainted with the ethics of the transportation of stolen cable.
Another Raid Frank Burd, 51 Caroline street, south, was convicted of keeping a disorderly house at that address and remanded one week for sentence. A liquor charge against Burd was laid over for one week also. An intensive drive by Morality Officers Boecker and Preston in recent weeks has cleaned out eight immoral dives in the city since January 1. On the witness stand Charlie Boecker stated this place, was the filthiest and the worst joint he ever stepped into in his years as a member of the morality squad.
Marion Hannaford, 30 Inchbury street, was convicted of being an inmate and remanded one week for sentence. Mrs. Nora Briscoe, step-daughter of Burd, was convicted of being found in the place and remanded for sentence until Friday.
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omagazineparis · 2 years
L'état instable par Shani Rhys James
Il faisait beau à Londres ce début mai. Je sortais du travail en fin d’après midi et me dirigeais vers la galerie d’art contemporain Connaught Brown sur Albemarle street. Ce soir, on inaugurait l’ouverture de l’exposition “Inconstant state” de l’artiste Galloise, Shani Rhys James. J’entrais dans la galerie, seule, et me trouvais nez a nez avec les toiles aux sujets écorchés vifs, leur visages roses aux yeux bleus grands ouverts. Partout, peints en de grosses touches de couleurs, des bouquets de fleurs jaunes, bleus et rouges sur des fonds parfaitement noir. Je cherchais l’artiste des yeux; elle s’était déplacée pour l’inauguration. Je la trouvais. Nous discutions. Pour vous aujourd’hui, j’ai eu la chance d’interviewer une artiste que j’admire énormément. Une femme sensible et terriblement talentueuse qui tente de matérialiser le passage du temps dans sa dernière exposition personnelle “The Inconstant State”.Dite “une des plus importantes artistes du Pays-de-Galle”, la peintre anglo-australienne puise également son inspiration en Charente Maritime, dans la maison de campagne de sa mère.Un miroir dans une main, un pinceau dans l’autre, Shani peint son portrait comme un paysage, avec distance et émotion. The Inconstant State, ou L’état instable Si vous avez lu Marcel Schwob, alors peut être verrez vous aussi en ces visages austères au regard brillant le reflet de Monelle, personnage unique et universel. Parmi ses oeuvres, vous découvrirez les visages du doute, du questionnement, du choc. Vous y verrez le visage de Shani, vous regardant calmement derrière les vases bleus et blancs, les tables rouge vif et les coupes de fruits jaune.Dans cette exposition, Shani Rhys James nous présente sa vision du temps et de la fugacité de l’Etre, rien de moins. Interview le Shani Rhys James Les fleurs sont présentes un peu partout dans votre oeuvre. Lesquelles préférez-vous peindre? “J’adore toutes les fleurs. Les plantes aussi. Mais si je devais en choisir une, je pense que je choisirais une rose, un beau rosier grimpant.” La littérature vous inspire-t-elle dans votre travail? “Oh oui. énormément. Les pièces de Hendrick Ibsen, Anton Chekhov et Gustav Flaubert m’inspirent beaucoup. La thématique de la place de la femme dans la société, ses frustrations et ses peines. Son sentiment d’impuissance, d’asservissement face à la figure masculine et à la société toute entière. Son incapacité à entrer le monde de la politique, de la médecine; sa prédestination à rester confinée dans son rôle de femme et de mère, bloquée à la maison. Le diktat de l’apparence et de la beauté. C’est finalement très moderne comme sujet. J’apprécie egalement beaucoup Samuel Beckett qui a souvent écrit en français a propos de la condition humaine.Également, les pièces de Shakespeare (un classique) dont les sonnets expriment et présentent la faiblesse humaine, comme au travers de Hamlet, le procrastinateur, Othello, le jaloux, et le roi Lear, le vaniteux.” Voyez-vous une réelle différence entre vos oeuvres exécutées au Pays de Galle et celles faites en France? “Il y a, en effet, une réelle différence entre mes travaux réalisés au Pays de Galle et ceux faits en France. Ces deux pays sont si différents ! La lumière en France est incroyable. Les murs des maisons sont beiges/dorés, ce qui reflète considérablement bien la lumière. Les rosiers grimpant sur les pierres des vieilles bâtisses sont incroyables. Je ne m’en lasse jamais; quand je les vois, j’ai besoin de les peindre. En France, j’aime également peindre les intérieurs des vieilles maisons, très authentique. Au Pays-de-Galle, en revanche, mon travail est nettement plus sombre et psychologique.” Quel matériel utilisez vous pour travailler? “C’est vraiment compliqué de trouver une peinture de bonne qualité sans mastic. Même chose pour les pigments, ils sont souvent trop concentrés. Michael Harding est bien. Old Holland également. Pour ce qui est des outils, j’utilise des pinceaux, une petite palette, un couteau, un chiffon… et c’est tout !” Les toiles que vous peignez sont parfois très larges. Comment decidez vous de la taille que vous utiliserez pour votre prochaine oeuvre? “Cela dépend vraiment de ce que je visualise dans ma tête. Des fois je ressens l’urgence de peindre quelque chose d’énorme, des fois quelque chose de très petit. Également, une exposition publique en galerie est une bonne opportunité de présenter des peintures expressives très larges. La dernière que j’ai faite a New York a, par exemple, été pour moi l’occasion d’exposer mes toiles en lin de très grandes dimensions.” Une dernière question. Avez vous toujours une idée précise de ce à quoi ressemblera le résultat final lorsque vous commencez a peindre? “Absolument pas ! Je commence par une idée plus ou moins précise mais la peinture peut changer radicalement, suivant le cours de mes idées.” Je tiens à remercier Shani Rhys James pour son temps et sa patience et vous invite vivement à regarder son travail sur son site internet ou sur celui de la galerie Connaught Brown ou elle est exposée jusqu'à début juin.Prêtez attention à chaque détail, à chaque couleur. Laissez libre cours à votre interprétation. Mais attention, ne voyez aucune mélancolie dans les regards énigmatiques. Il n’en est rien. Ressentez plutôt le calme et l’application apportés à chaque toile. Chacune d’elles est lourde d’émotion et de sens. ‘La rose d'automne dure une saison ; chaque matin elle s'ouvre et tous les soirs elle se ferme. Sois semblable aux roses ; offre des feuilles à l'arrachement des voluptés, au piétinement des douleurs.’Monelle, Marcel Schwob. Read the full article
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
[KISS] Friday 4 May 1838
8 ½
12 ¼
Good kiss last night fine morning waited for the hairdresser A- and I and I long in dressing and not downstairs till 11 20 – breakfast – had Mr. Pearce – will embark the carriage and take all trouble – very civil – very nice clean (new) carriage and civil coachman and good horses from Pearce the coachmaker – out about 12 ½ - drove to 114 Park street Hutton tailor, and ordered grooms’ coat and waistcoat and pair of trousers (all Oxford mixed cloth) for George and left Button [?] with Hutton to be sent to [Strengitham] – then drove about seeking Miss Lloyd (recommended by Mrs. Lawton whose name we never mentioned) dressmaker upper Brook street Grosvenor – found her in Lower Brook street n°56 – A- took her a dress to make up – be at Mr. Dumergues (Dentist 2 Albemarle street) at 2 – took up Oddy and set down A- and her a few minutes past 2 – I drove off to Whitehall – Lady Stuart gone – then drove to 4 Carlton terrace – admitted – found Lady S. de R- and Louisa and Mr. Scarlett sitting with them surprised but very glad to see me – soon went in to luncheon, and helped twice to vermicelli soup Lady Eastnor and one of her younger daughters came in and then Mrs. [Dundy?] – sat 1/2 hour very comfortably – Lady S- at Eastcombe Lady Buckinghamshire’s to go to the Lodge on Monday – Lady S. de R- wanted me
to put off my journey for a fortnight or longer and go with Lady S- to the Lodge – said I really could not do this – very sorry – too unwell to go to agreeableize – had thought of getting well, and then trying to agreeable – the S. de R-s have some thought of letting their house for the coronation to Marshal Soult in which case they will all go to the Lodge and there will be no room for me – said I would drive over to Eastcombe tomorrow – from Lady S. de R-s’ drove to Lady Gordons’ 34 Hertford street – found her and Georgiana and Cosmo – and saw Alicia a fine girl aetatis 16 not to be introduced of one year or more – said I would by and by order a butt of sherry for Cosmo - £80 per butt for the best – any colour I liked – Cosmo always liked to know this – he prefers medium colour, neither very brown nor very pale – about 600 bottles (did he say?) in a butt – duty about £30 – and then there would be fright – sent a great deal to Hull – some gentleman said he found the sherry (the best) stand [him] to 4/8 per bottle – more said I then I now pay – yes! said Cosmo, if you have it from a wine merchant - £3 per dozen = 5/. per bottle – sat about ½ hour with Lady G- till Lady Charlotte Luscombe? came in which sent me off – Lady G- begged to see me on my return – she was laid up with cold and rheumatism or something in her knees – I joked her about having refused me – she said as if offhand enough to be at unawares – yes! and I have never repented it but once – that is, always – of this I took no notice but by saying with a smile, I daresay we should have done very well together – Returned home direct from Herford street and took up A- about 4 and drove into the city – called en passant at Pearces’ Longacre 103 –to the Heralds’ college – Mr. Harrison not there – at the Earl marshal’s office 30 Great George street Westminster  - all busy about the coronation – the porter would let him know to call on us at 11am tomorrow and then to Fenchurch street 123 about the passage by the Princess Victoria packet to Antwerp – took our places (births) and got order for embarking the carriage – ourselves £2.2.0 each – carriage £5. total including two servants = £12.14.0 of which paid £6 – bought biscuits at Lemanns’ Threadneedle street, and thermometer at Bates’, and A- left her watch and I my McL- watch at Rundel and Bridges, and stopt a moment at Pearces’ and bought hat for George at Dudley’s 148 Regent street and home about 7 ¼ - dinner almost immediately – Potage à la julienne – part of [roast] loin of little mutton spinach and potatoes and a pudding – pint of Madeira for A- and bottle of Claret for myself of which we respectively drank ½ and both slept till 10 soon after when we went upstairs to bed – ate oranges – and dawdled over getting into bed – and had a pretty good kiss and then fell asleep
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thombrowneny · 3 years
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... welcome back ... 
the thom browne london women's store is now open. 
monday - saturday: 11AM-7PM 
sunday: 12PM-6PM 
37 albemarle street london W1S 4JF UK 
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timehasbeenbusy · 4 years
London - Canterbury
Thursday 12 June 1834
12 20/..
Quiet last night - Only so so this morning – breakfast about 12 – paid all – heavy shower about 12 –before and after finish – Fahrenheit 64º at 11am –After all, very fairly comfortable at Es Cordier’s y Pulteney Hotel No 13 Albemarle Street – the cooking very good and charge reasonable – 
Off for Dartford at 1 40/.. left a small box full of things with Mr Hawkins – then left at Warren’s my letter written last night to ‘Mrs Lawton, Warren’s Hotel, Regent Street’ then left at Hammersley’s, directed to ‘Miss Walker’ and also to myself and dated today, a brown paper parcel containing Miss Walker’s will, and off from Hammersley’s door at 1 55/.. 
At 2 50/.. just before passing the turnpike into Greenwich (Deptford and Greenwich join) a cart drove against us and knocked off the cap of the off hind wheel – luckily a coach makers shop close to the turnipike – delayed there ¼ hour putting the cap into the fire much bent, and setting it on again –  
At Rochester at 6¼ - got out for 5 minutes and took some sandwiches to eat in the carriage – alighted at The Fountain Canterbury at 10¼ pm
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Source  Dover-Kent.com
Rainy day – very rainy evening – Fahrenheit 62º, now at 10 40/.. – tea and reading the Times of today till 11½ -
WYAS Reference Number SH:/7/ML/E/17/0042
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growingwitchling · 4 years
A collection of epithets (because I can't remember them yet)
- Adamastos (ἀδάμαστος "the untamed one") - Adesius (his name in Latium; expressive of the grace) - Aidelos (ἀίδηλος "the invisible one") - Agelastu (from his melancholy countenance) - Agesander ("he who carries away all") - Agesilaus ("he who attracts all people to his empire") - Agetes/Hegetes (assigned to him by Pindar, "one who conducts") - Aidoneos (probably derived from Hades' having been sometimes confounded with a king of this name among the Molossi, whose daughter Persephone, Theseus and Pirithous attempted to carry off) - Ameilichos (ἀμείλιχος "the harsh one") - Apotropos (ἀπότροπος "the one who's turned away"/"the averted one") - Axiocersus ("the shorn god"; from the mysteries of the Cabiri where he was represented as without hair)
- Chthonius ("of the earth or underworld") - Clymenus ("notorious")
- Euboulos/Eubuleus ("good counsel"/"well-intentioned") - Euclius ("glorious" or "renowned")
- Hennichos (ἔννυχος "of the night"/"the night one") - Hesperos Theos ("god of death & darkness")
- Iao (his name at Clares, a town of Ionia) - Iphthimos (ἴφθιμος "celebrated/renowned for his power")
- Krateros (κρατερός "the powerful one") - Kyanochaites (κυανοχαίτης "the black-haired one"; the blackness mentioned is metallic, like raven feathers)
- Melas (μέλας "the black one") - Moiragetes (his name as guide of the Fates)
- Ophieus (his name as the blind god among the Messenians: it was derived from their dedicating certain Augurs to him, whom they deprived of sight at the moment of their birth)
- Pelorios (πελώριος "the dreadful one") - Phonios (φόνιος "the murderous one"/"the dreadful one") - Plouton (from Πλοῦτος; "the rich one") - Polydegmon ("who receives many")
- Stygeros (Stygis) (στυγερός "the Stygian", from Styx, the chthonian river; means "terrible" or "terrifying")
- Zeus Katachthonios ("subterranean Zeus")
There are more epithets of Hades, especially in Latin/Etruscan, but I personally won't be using those, so I did not look them up.
Sources under the cut!
via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades: Homer Ilias 9, 158 Homer Ilias 9, 158 Homer Odyssee 10, 534; 11, 47 Homer Ilias 5, 395 Homer Ilias 13.415 Odyssee 11, 277 Homer Ilias 8, 368 Sophokles Aias 608 Sophokles König Ödipus 30 Homerischer Hymnus 2, 348 Sophokles Die Trachinierinnen 500 Sophokles Ödipus auf Kolonos 1688 Bailly, s.v. Πλούτων. http://go.galegroup.com/ Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, 806, note. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir (1922) in Loeb Classical Library, Volume 145. Schmitz, Leonhard (1867). "Agesander (1)". In Smith, William (ed.). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 1. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. p. 68. Liddell, Henry; Scott, Robert (1996). A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. s.v. ISBN 0-19-864226-1. Callimachus, Hymn. in Pallad. 130, with Friedrich Spanheim's note Hesychius of Alexandria s.v. Aeschyl. ap. Athen. iii. p. 99 Nicander, ap. Athen. xv. p. 684 http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0058%3Aalphabetic+letter%3D*z%3Aentry+group%3D1%3Aentry%3D*zeu%2Fs in: An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon by Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott.
Brown, Robert (1844). "The Religion of Zoroaster Considered In Connection With Archaic Monotheism". Archive.org. Retrieved 3 September 2017.
Murray, John (1833). A Classical Manual, being a Mythological, Historical and Geographical Commentary on Pope's Homer, and Dryden's Aeneid of Virgil with a Copious Index. Albemarle Street, London. pp. 5–6
via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chthonius: Pausanias, Description of Greece, 2. 2. 8 (in Corinth), 5. 14. 8 (in Olympia) Hesiod, Theogony, 767 Euripides, Alcestis, 237; Andromache, 544
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Thursday, 16 April 1840
8 10/’’
1 1/2
Breakfast not quite over before came Mr. Jirofski nephew of General Golovin, then his friend the Madame and Mademoiselle de Braiko who staid till 2 1/4 –The carriage (a good warm coach) came at 2 35/’’ and waited 25 minutes off at 3 – 
The Generals house in this square – Near – 6 gents[gentlemen] 3 Generals (our Braiko Military Governor – General ---- Civil Governor and General ……) a Colonel ….. the Chef des Douanes here, another gentleman in plain clothes, and Captain ….. Aide de Camp and son-in-law of General Braïko whose wife was of our party – Also an officer’s lady and a younger lady who sat next her Madame de B-[Braïko] and the pale daughter who called this morning – 
Very good dinner – The avant diner chese (de Gruyère) and little usual &c. the little fish &c. the dinner itself soup and patés – Marinade of fish and veal also A-[Ann] said with excellent and pretty savoury jelly – A plat of beef with pease from Moscow turnips and carrots in little shapes, and little browned potatoes as big as large marbles and epinards au jus – Then a large standing pâté of game and mince very good – Then rôti of game – Then a sort of macaroon gateau – Then jelly – And preserved plums and slices of orange or cucumber or citron or ginger or what? Madeira after the soup – Georgian wine red and white in bottles never in the outre – And Donskoi or Champagne lastly – Coffee immediately after dinner – 
Sat perhaps 1/4 hour, and home at 5 10/’’ – 1200 v.[versts] from here to Teheran as Mr. Jakofskoi (Mr. Golovin’s nephew) said this morning – And thence to Ispahan 600 or 700 v.[versts] – Not much information – Our Colonel advised our not going to Persia till September! No danger – Might go very well – Duhamel the Russian Ambassador has all power – 
An hour in changing and putting away our things – Took George and out at 5 50/’’ to 7 1/4 – Walked our usual route but to the bridge and crossed it and walked some distance along the road along the river, by which we arrived – Tea over soon after 8 – I ate nothing but the little Sultana raisins after my abundant dinner – 
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Tiflis seen from the river (c. 1855). (Image Source)
At 8 35/’’ our neighbour sent in the 1st vol.[volume] 4to.quarto of Sir John’s Malcom’s History of Persia – Murray Albemarle Street 1815, pp.[pages] 644 – Read a few pp.[pages] and had just written so far of today except the 2 first lines now at 10 p.m. – Sat reading the 1st 74 pp.[pages] that is the 1st chapter of Malcom and making little notes till 12 40/’’ tonight – 
Fine day – Beautiful moonlight night now at 12 3/4 –
[symbols in the margin of the page:]         ✓c       +
[in the margin of the page:]             Dinner chez Madame de Braïko
Page Reference: SH:7/ML/E/24/0086
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jewish-privilege · 6 years
Brenda Brown-Grooms: We are still working together to keep the American Dream alive
I was at the sunrise service at First Baptist Church on Main at 6 a.m. on August 12, with Cornell West, Tracy Blackmon, Osagyefo Sekou and various groups soon to be deployed to our respective stations (mine to First United Methodist Church, a designated safe space, prayer fortress, first aid station, food and water replenishing). We prayed, sang, read Scripture, counseled with those coming in for respite. We were tear gassed (it wafted up from the park across the sidewalk), were locked down more times than I can now remember, and watched Heather Heyer being killled and others injured in real time, via livestream, while hearing a helicopter hovering over our heads.
A little more than a month before the July 2017 gathering of the KKK in Emancipation Park (in protest of the city's approved plan to remove the statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee) we all got word of this coming August gathering. Concerned citizens, rightly discerning this to be, above all, an issue of morality and not just policy, called on their faith leaders to lead Charlottesville's response. Indeed, they were crystal clear: if you don't lead, we won't follow.
We mounted prayer vigils, monitored KKK/alt-right social media, tried to work with various police departments in this area, and quickly discovered that they were not listening to us, which later bespoke their unpreparedness for the situation.
After the July protest, those of us in the faith community realized the enormity of the coming situation and sought to prepare ourselves and our congregations as best we could. Our biggest hindrance was the intransigence of the city government, university administrators, and Charlottesville's elite in convincing themselves that something like what did happen would never happen in beautiful, iconic, happy Charlottesville! THIS ISN'T WHO WE ARE!
However, beautiful Charlottesville has an ugly underbelly. If you have enough money, enough power, the right zip code, preferably no Jewish ancestry, and are not a person of color, you may well be able to position yourself, isolate yourself, so that none of what poor, powerless, native Charlottesvillians of color experience. I am an African American native of Charlottesville and a graduate of the University of Virginia. I remember and have always experienced the ugliness of this beautiful place.
To those who stubbornly thought it "couldn't happen here," I say: Are you insane? Of course this is Charlottesville. What planet do you live on? Yes, some Nazis and KKK and alt-righters came from out of town, but a lot more of them than you think live right here.
On August 11, I participated in a glorious worship service at St. Paul's, across the street from the Rotunda at UVA, where the tiki torch gathering happened and Nazis cried, "Jews will not replace us." I, along with about 500 people, was locked down in the church. I had a premonition that something would happen on Friday. They had to announce their presence some way.
Last summer crystallized for me, yet again, that America has yet to live out her creed (that all people are created equal, endowed by our Creator, with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). Everyone ever labeled a "minority" in this country knows America's failure, its original sin. And yet, each generation, we hope and work for the American Dream. The original sin that infects our republic, our religious practices and citizenship in the world is white supremacy. We must admit it. Rout it out. Begin again. We must talk about who benefits and who does not. We must admit that our institutions are shot through with unfairness, injustice and death. We must hear and include the stories that have been and are still being suppressed in order to perpetuate a false, an incomplete narrative--leaving out Native Americans, Asian Americans, South Americans, African Americans, Immigrants, Refugees and those left without homelands and others in any of the myriad ways we humans know to "other."
Since last year's open summer of hate, I have found brothers and sisters of all races, creeds, faith or no faith traditions, who have been willing to sit together, talk together, argue together, cry together, think together, plan together, walk together, to keep the American Dream alive, one more generation. We are working together to raise up another generation to follow us, who will do the same. Shalom.
Brenda Brown-Grooms is a pastor with the New Beginnings Christian Community and part of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective (CCC), a group of clergy and laypeople dedicated to dialogue about the challenge of race relations in Charlottesville and Albemarle County. She is also part of and Congregate Cville, an activist organization which grew out of CCC.
Rachel Schmelkin: I learned a lot that day about what it means to truly support and protect each other
On August 12, 2017, I took a few cautious steps out of First United Methodist Church, a designated "safe space" for anti-Nazi demonstrators, to survey the park where Nazis were screaming ugly white supremacist chants. "Jews will not replace us!," still rings in my ear as I recall that dreadful weekend. I'd never seen such hate up close, and for the first time I felt afraid to be a Jew in America.
A few days before the rally, I told my close friends, Reverends Phil and Robert that I was worried that I would be a target, but that it was important to be to be visible and present despite the risks. They promised me that they would watch out for me. They said "We will not let anybody get near you. In fact, we'll stay with you as long as you're out there. We will not leave you alone." I trusted them, and they held to their word.
That day, I continued further out of the door and did my best to project songs of love and peace that might drown out the hate. With my guitar in hand and my brother standing next to me, we sang out "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!"
I learned a lot that day about what it means to truly support and protect each other, and to have others support and protect me. A black friend confided in me that she's felt unsafe in her body her entire life. As a Jew, I felt that same visceral fear that August day in Charlottesville when neo-Nazis threatened to torch the Jews.
Anti-Semitism animates white supremacist ideology and is tightly integrated with its other racist and xenophobic views. Charlottesville's "summer of hate" taught me that alliances across faiths, across race, across all kinds of differences are the best way to combat racism, anti-Semitism, and all types of bigotry and hate.
Since August 12, courageous citizens of Charlottesville have consistently come together to make Charlottesville a miserable place to be a white supremacist; they're not welcome here.
Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin is with Congregation Beth Israel in Charlottesville.
See the full piece at CNN. 
TW: The top of page has a video that autoplays starting on a graphic image of car attack that killed Heather Heyer, Z’’L may her memory be a blessing, and also includes images and video from the white supremacists marching and chanting anti Black and antisemitic slogans.
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The Victorian Age: 2022
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The images would be laid out like this, in chronological order. Above each image would be the title, which is the date of each corresponding journal entry and a small description by me. Below is a paragraph of context which can be seen on my pinned post, alongside the translated journal entry. 
Here are the translations in order:
24th May 1838- Today is my 18th birthday! How old! and yet how far am I from being what I should be. I shall from this day take the firm resolution to study with renewed assiduity, I to keep my attention always well fixed on whatever I am about, and I to strive to become every day less trifling and more fit for what, if Heaven wills it, I'm some day to be! I had not long awoke when Mamma gave me her picture (a small full-length in water-colours) delightfully painted by A.E.Chalon and very like, with a nosegay.
28th June 1838.- Got up at 9. Not feeling well, I breakfasted upstairs after 10. Saw Dr.Clark. At about a . p. 11 came Lord Melbourne and stayed till nearly . p.12. Saw Lord Duncannon, Lord Albemarle, Lord Kill, and Mr.Spring Rice. At 2 I went town into the saloon with Lady Charlemont. Col: Cavendish was in waiting. The Duke of Argyle read the 2nd Address from the House of Lords, to which I read an answer. Then came the Sheriffs from the City to ask when I would receive the Address from the Town Council. I then went up. Wrote. Lay on the sofa; did various things. Saw Dr.Clark. Took my dinner upstairs. Wrote my journal. Mary and Mamma came up. Saw Dr.Clark. Stayed up till 10.
February 10 1839- The last time I slept alone. Got up at a 1⁄4 to 9,- well, and having slept well; and breakfasted at 1⁄2 p.9. Mama came before and brought me a Nosegay of orange flowers. My dearest kindest Lehzen gave me a dear little ring. Wrote my journal, and to Lord M. Had my hair dressed and the wreath of orange flowers put on. Saw my precious Albert for the last time alone, as my Bridegroom. Dressed. My wreath and veil were thus worn: [mss drawing] Saw Uncle, and Ernest who dearest Albert brought up. At 1⁄2 p.12 I set off; dearest Albert having gone before. I wore a white satin gown, with a very deep flounce of Honiton lace, imitation of old. I wore my Turkish diamond necklace and earrings, and my Angel's beautiful saphire broach. Mama and the Duchess of Sutherland went in the carriage with me; I subjoin an account of the whole, which is pretty correct, only that they put in that I cried, and I did not shed one tear the whole time, and some other foolish things about Albert which they have said. To return to my going to St.James's, I never saw such crowds of people as there were in the Park, and they cheered most enthusiastically. When I arrived at St.James's I went into the dressing-room where my 12 young Train-bearers were, dressed all in white with white roses, which had a beautiful effect. Here I waited a little till dearest Albert's Procession had moved into the Chapel.
December 14, 1862
Mr Brown & Dr Watson kept coming in frequently & Dr Watson said: "we have decidedly gained ground within the last 3 hours, — quieter, pulse improving, "breathing decidedly better;" — that the brandy did much good, the breathing being better each time it was taken. Sir H. Holland was also in the house. Dr Watson, as well as Mr Brown, were going to sit up & said there was no reason to anticipate anything worse.
No further entry for this year.
June 20 1897- A never to be forgotten day. No one ever I believe, has met with such an ovation as was given to me, passing through those 6 miles of streets, including Constitution Hill. The crowds were quite indescribable & their enthusiasm truly marvellous & deeply touching. The cheering was quite deafening, & every face seemed to be filled with real joy. I was much moved & gratified. — The night had been very hot & I was rather restless. There was such a noise going on the whole time, but it did not keep me from getting some sleep. Dull early, & close. — Breakfasted with Vicky, Lenchen & Beatrice in the Chinese luncheon room. The head of the Procession, including the Colonial Troops, had unfortunately already passed the Palace, before I got to breakfast, but there were still a great many, chiefly British, passing.
May 17 1899- Went up Constitution Hill, down Knightsbridge & Brompton Road to South Kensington, to the site of the new Victoria & Albert Museum. Immense & enthusiastic crowds everywhere, reminding me of the Jubilee. On arriving I entered a Pavilion, which was very handsome & full of people. Bertie & the rest of the family were on the Dais as well as Ministers, Ambassadors & many Notables. Two verses of "God save the Queen" were sung, as also an Ode, words by the Poet Laureate, & music by McKenzie. Before the latter, the Duke of Devonshire, as Ld President, read an address. I handed my answer & said "It gives me great pleasure to lay the foundation stone of this fine Museum which is to bear the name of my dear Husband & myself". I then laid the stone, Bertie helping me to spread the Mortar &c, & struck the stone 3 times with mallet, after which Bertie in loud voice said he was commanded by me to declare the stone well & truly laid. A bouquet was presented by one of the students of the Royal College of Music. The ceremony concluded with the Archbishop of Canterbury offering up a prayer & giving the blessing. I drove off amidst a flourish of trumpets, "God save the Queen" & loud cheers. Went straight to Paddington station where there were also immense crowds. Got back to Windsor shortly before 6. — Only the Ladies to dinner.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Driver charged with assault with a deadly weapon; two peaceful protesters hit in Elizabeth City ELIZABETH CITY, N.C. – A driver has been charged for hitting two protesters Monday night in Elizabeth City during a peaceful event calling for transparency after the death of Andrew Brown Jr. Elizabeth City Police said the incident happened at the intersection of Ehringhaus Street and Griffin Street around 6:45 p.m., during the demonstration. The two victims were taken to a local hospital, treated for non-life threatening injuries and released. 41-year-old Lisa Michelle O’Quinn was taken into custody and charged with two counts of Assault With a Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill by use of a motor vehicle, one count of Careless and Reckless and one count of Unsafe Movement, police said. In a press release, police added that they are investigating the matter and will present findings to include potential “aggravating factors fr criminal advancements for potential sentencing purposes of a hate crime involving this incident.” O’Quinn is being held at the Albemarle District Jail. The victims have been identified as 42-year-old Michelle Fleming Morris and 42-year-old Valerie Lindsey. On Monday night News 3 obtained a video taken by Andrea Rovenski Monday night. Rovenski told News 3 she marched along with others throughout Elizabeth City. “They started screaming at the protesters, and that’s when I got my phone out,” Rovenski said. “I started recording again, and that’s when the car hit a protester on a bike and just kind of started nudging them a little bit and then just waited for them to move.” Below is a timeline of events since Andrew Brown Jr.’s death: window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '2505829969453421', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.9' ); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; js.async = true; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link Orbem News #AmericainCrisis #andrewbrownjr.death #andrewbrownjr.protests #Assault #carhitsprotesters #charged #City #Deadly #driver #Elizabeth #elizabethcity #elizabethcityprotests #hit #northcarolinanews #Peaceful #peacefulprotests #protesters #weapon
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spotifypremiumapks · 3 years
Who is Lisa Michelle O’Quinn? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Arrested, Charges, Investigation
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Lisa Michelle O’Quinn Wiki - Lisa Michelle O’Quinn Biography
Lisa Michelle O’Quinn of Greenville was charged with two assaults with a lethal weapon with intent to kill, a reckless and reckless drive count and a dangerous movement count. The incident occurred at the intersection of Ehringhaus Street and Griffin Street around 6:45 a.m., Elizabeth City Police said. Two women, Michelle Morris and Valerie Lindsey, were hospitalized. Her injuries were not life threatening and she was expected to make a full recovery.
Lisa Michelle O’Quinn Age
Lisa Michelle O’Quinn is 41 years old.
Charges - Arrested
According to Flanigan, O'Quinn's vehicle struck two pedestrians "who were peacefully protesting and exercising their constitutional rights" at the intersection of Ehringhaus and Griffin streets at 6:45 p.m. Flanigan identified the pedestrians as Michelle Fleming Morris, 42, and Valerie Lindsey, 42, both of Elizabeth City. Both Morris and Lindsey were transported to Sentara Albemarle Medical Center where they were treated for non life-threatening injuries and released. A reporter who visited the intersection of Ehringhaus and Griffin streets moments after the incident observed a woman believed to be one of the pedestrians walking without assistance but with an apparent lower leg injury. A video posted on Twitter by the account of @PAWGsForBernie shows a white Nissan Sentra approaching and colliding with a person on a bicycle on Ehringhaus Street just moments after apparently striking a pedestrian. In the video, two women are seen in the vehicle. According to witnesses, the incident occurred after the vehicle turned right off Griffin Street onto Ehringhaus Street where a group of protesters was marching. The vehicle then appeared to be stopped by law enforcement. City Public Safety Director Eddie Buffaloe, speaking at City Council's meeting via Zoom Monday night, said the incident was being investigated. "I am not at liberty to say anything publicly because everyone has their due process as it relates to that. But interviews are being conducted as we speak," he said. O’Quinn was taken before a magistrate Monday night who set her secured bond at $40,000. She was then transported to Albemarle District Jail and confined. Her first court appearance is scheduled for Thursday. According to Flanigan, police are apparently contemplating other charges against O’Quinn, including a potential hate crime. Read Also: Who is Zahir Jadoon? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Arrested, Charges, Suspect, Investigation "The police department is currently investigating this matter and we will be presenting facts and findings ... to include potential aggravating factors for criminal enhancements for potential sentencing purposes of a hate crime involving this event," she said. Protesters have been conducting daily marches on the city's main thoroughfares nearly every day since Brown's fatal shooting by Pasquotank sheriff's deputies attempting to serve him with drug-related arrest and search warrants April 21. Organizers have said the protests are designed to call attention to protesters' demand for full release of the body and dash camera footage showing Brown's shooting death by law enforcement. Thus far, only portions of the footage have been shown to Brown's family and the public. Last week, District Attorney Andrew Womble disclosed portions of the footage during a press conference where he announced that the three deputies who shot and killed Brown would not face criminal charges. Womble said the deputies’ shooting of Brown was justified because Brown put the officers’ lives at risk by driving his car at them and making contact with one of them. Approximately 32 protest participants have been arrested since the protests of Brown's death began. The first group were charged with disorderly conduct for violating the city's since-lifted 8 p.m. curfew. Four others were charged with impeding traffic by sitting, standing or lying in roadways. Seven others were charged last week with failure to disperse. One other was charged with assault on a government official and damage to property. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Read the full article
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wikifoxnews · 3 years
Who is Lisa Michelle O'Quinn ( Woman beating protesters with her car ) Wiki, Bio, Crime, Incident details, Investigations and More Facts
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Lisa Michelle O'Quinn Biography                Lisa Michelle O'Quinn Wiki
A woman was arrested in Elizabeth City Monday night for allegedly beating protesters with her car.
Lisa Michelle O'Quinn of Greenville was charged with two assaults with a lethal weapon with intent to kill, a reckless and reckless drive count and a dangerous movement count. Lisa Michelle O’Quinn, 41, is charged with assault w/ a deadly weapon with the intent to kill by use of a motor vehicle. Police are investigating to determine if her actions constitute a hate crime. #13Daybreakers pic.twitter.com/fwgWl50dww — Dan Kennedy 13News Now (@13DanKennedy) May 25, 2021 The incident occurred at the intersection of Ehringhaus Street and Griffin Street around 6:45 a.m., Elizabeth City Police said. Two women, Michelle Morris and Valerie Lindsey, were hospitalized. Her injuries were not life threatening and she was expected to make a full recovery. In the past few weeks there have been constant protests in Elizabeth City against the release of a police video implying the death of Andrew Brown Jr. Brown was shot dead by Pasquotank County MPs on April 21 in a case that attracted national attention. A police report found that the women were "demonstrating peacefully and exercising their constitutional rights." The police are investigating whether the act should be considered a hate crime or not. O'Quinn was tried in Albemarle County Jail. He first appeared in court on May 27th. Read the full article
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 16 April 1840
8 10/..
1 ½
Breakfast not quite over before came Mr. Jirofski nephew of General Galovin, then his friend the Madame and Mademoiselle de Braiko who staid till 2 ¼ - the carriage (a good warm coach) came at 2 35/.. and waited 25 minutes off at 3 – the generals’ house in this square near – 6 gentlemen 3 generals (our Braiko military governor general ....... civil governor and general ............) a colonel .......... the chef des douanes here, another gentleman in plain clothes, and Captain ............ aide de camp and son-in-law of general Braïko whose wife was of our party – also an officers’ lady and a younger lady who sat next her Madame de B- and the pale daughter who called this morning – very good dinner – the [?] dinner cheese (de Gruyère) and little usual etc. the little fish etc. the dinner itself soup and patés – marinade of fish and veal also A- said with excellent and pretty savoury jelly – a plat of beef with pease from Moscow turnips and carrots in little shapes, and little browned potatoes as big as large marbles and epinards au jus – then a large standing pâté of game and mince very good – then rôti of game – then a sort of maccaroon [macaroon] gateau – then jelly – and preserved plums and slices of orange on cucumber  or citron or ginger or what? Madeira after the soup – Georgian wine red and white in bottles never in the outré – and Donskoi or champagne lastly – coffee immediately after dinner – sat perhaps ¼ hour, and home at 5 10/.. – 1200v. from here to Teheran as Mr. Jakofskoi (Mr. Galovins’ nephew) said this morning – and thence to Ispahan [Esfahan] 600 or 700v. – not much information – our colonel advised our not going to Persia till September! no danger – might go very well – Duhamel the Russian ambassador has all power – an hour in changing and putting away our things – took George and out at 5 50/.. to 7 ¼ - walked our usual route but to the bridge and crossed it and walked some distance along the road along the river, by which we arrived – tea over soon after 8 – I ate nothing but the little Sultana raisins after my abundant dinner at 8 35/.. our neighbour sent in the 1st vol. 4to. of Sir Johns’ Malcoms’ history of Persia – Murray Albemarle street 1815. pp. 664. – Read a few pages and had just written so far of today except the 2 first lines now at 10 p.m. – sat reading the 1st 74pp. that is the 1st chapter of Malcom and making little notes till 12 40/.. tonight – fine day – beautiful moonlight right now at 12 ¾ -
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thombrowneny · 3 years
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... welcome back ... 
the thom browne london men's store is now open. 
monday - saturday: 11AM-7PM sunday: 12PM-6PM 
3 albemarle street london W1S 4HE UK 
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wenickjones · 4 years
Industrial Salt Market Report 2021: By Key Players, Application, Type, Share, and Forecast to 2028
The Global Industrial Salt Market 2021-2028 Report provides an in-depth analysis on the studied market that helps to seem at the longer term requirement also as prediction. The industrial salt market Report evaluates the market by key market players, opportunities, value, trends, growth, market share, market competition landscape, recent developments and sales volume analysis. Additionally, it magnifies the chance for decision-making and helps create an efficient counter-strategy to realize a competitive advantage. The report provides up-to-date review of the present global market scenario, the newest developments and drivers, and therefore the overall market environment is given within the study.
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It provides the impact and recovery of Covid-19 pandemic on the industrial salt market. Relevant statistical data is additionally provided within the report back to recognize the challenges caused by the outbreak of Covid-19 and methods to cope up with the present scenario.
In addition to the present, the report also covers the section of competitive landscape of the worldwide market, which incorporates the market share & positioning of all the leading players within the industry. The competitive landscape analysis provides in-depth analysis of the company’s business and performance including company overview, recent investments by top players, financial information of market players, business strategy, revenue breakup by segment and by geography, SWOT Analysis, key product offering, marketing and distribution strategies, new development. a neighborhood of recent news & development has been added to the report which covers the newest information that are related with the market covering the acquisition, expansion, technology development, research & development activities, and other market activities.
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The Following are the Key Features of Global Industrial Salt Market Report:
Market Overview, Industry Development, Market Maturity, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Growth Drivers and Barriers, Market Trends & Market Opportunities
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis & Trade Analysis
Market Forecast Analysis for 2021-2028
Market Segments by Geographies and Countries
Market Segment Trend and Forecast
Market Analysis and Recommendations
Price Analysis
Key Market Driving Factors
Industrial Salt Market Company Analysis: Company Market Share & Market Positioning, Company Profiling, Recent Industry Developments etc.
Global Industrial Salt Market Segmentation Analysis:
By Source
- Rock Salt
- Natural Brine
By Grade
- Grade-I
- Grade-II
- Others
By Production Process
- Solar Evaporation
- Conventional Mining
- Vacuum Evaporation
By Application
- Caustic Soda
- Chemical Processing
- Power Industry
- Soda Ash
- Water Treatment Industry
- Others
Regional Insights:
The report analyses the market by geographies i.e. North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America & Middle East & Africa. Further, the regions are fragmented into the country and regional groupings:
- North America (U.S. & Canada)
- Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe)
- Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America)
- Middle East & Africa (GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman), North Africa, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Reasons to purchase the report:
Identify possible investment areas supported a comprehensive analysis of the worldwide industrial salt market over subsequent few years.
Gain in-depth knowledge of the underlying factors that drive demand for industrial salt market and recognize the opportunities provided by them.
Strengthen the business knowledge in terms of industry dynamics, demand drivers, and therefore the latest technological advances among others.
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Channelize funds by concentrating on the continued initiatives pursued by the various countries within the global industrial salt market.
Competitive Analysis:
The key players of the market are listed during this section of the study. It helps to know the tactics and alliances that players consider fighting market rivalry. An important microscopic check out the market is given within the detailed study. The major players operating in the Global industrial salt market are
American Elements
Amra Salt Co.
Cargill, Inc.
Atisale S.P.A.
Ciech S.A.
CK Life Sciences International Holdings Inc.
China National Salt Industry Corporation (CNSIC)
Dev Salt Pvt. Ltd.
Donald Brown Group
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