#brown fur dining chair
sentaco · 1 year
Dining Room Enclosed
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Idea for an enclosed dining room with a mid-sized rustic slate floor and a gray floor, beige walls, and no fireplace
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jeonginluvrr · 2 years
soonie, doongie, dori | lee minho
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synopsis - y/n meets her boyfriend’s family for the first time, including three cats.
pairing - lee minho/lee know x fem!reader 
genre - fluff 
“are you sure about this, minho?” you asked your boyfriend nervously, your fingers anxiously gripping his as the two of you stood in front of his family’s apartment door, shoes taken off and carelessly tossed to the side of the welcome mat. 
“it can’t be that bad,” minho let out a small sigh, turning to look at you. “i’m sure my parents will love you.” 
you nodded, grabbing your boyfriend’s arm as he turned the knob of the smart door, pushing the entrance to the apartment open, with cheerful greetings from his mother and father echoing within the interior of the home. 
“minho, you’re finally home,” his mother made a beeline to the door, pulling her son into a tight embrace, separating you from him. “and i see you’ve brought your girlfriend.”
“hello,” you bowed politely to the elder woman, trying to hide your anxiousness.
minho’s mother smiled at you, returning a greeting before gesturing to the dining table, where minho’s father was waiting. “please, join us for dinner.” 
minho locked his fingers with yours once more, and led you to the dining table, pulling out a chair for you to sit in before he sat down himself. unbeknownst to you and minho, his parents threw each other sly smirks at their son’s antics.
the dinner went more smoothly than you expected, and minho’s parents were delighted that he was dating you, and welcomed you into their family quite quickly. although his father had the same cold exterior minho had when you first met him, he quickly warmed up to you. 
“thank you for the dinner.” you smiled at the two.
“of course! don’t forget to see soonie, doongie and dori on your way out!” she exclaimed as she picked up the dirty dishes from the dining table. 
“soonie, doongie, and dori?” you turned to look at minho, questioning what his mother had just told you. 
“ah,” minho smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his nape. “i have three cats. let me introduce them to you.” 
he gently led you to a room neighboring his parents’ and slowly opened the door to reveal three cats crowding the entrance to the room, looking up at minho and meowing in delight once they saw their owner. 
“this is soonie,” minho gestured at a ginger cat. “this is doongie,” minho pointed at a ginger cat with more white fur covering him. “and this is dori.” finally, dori was revealed as the brown cat with dark markings.
while soonie and doongie were busy crowding minho, dori approached you and sniffed you curiously. you let dori sniff your index finger first, so that he would become more accustomed to your scent. he paused and sniffed it carefully, before headbutting your knuckles. 
“seems like dori likes you,” minho chuckled as he pet soonie and doongie. “the maknae’s always been a curious baby.” 
you chuckled and watched as dori gently smacked his head against the back of your hand until you pet him, and a low purr rose from his throat as you scratched the back of his ears. 
after bothering minho, the other two cats approached you, with soonie playfully hitting dori on the head with his paw. the two cats tackled each other and scrambled on the floor, play fighting as doongie blinked his round green eyes, watching them fight, his tail wrapped around his paws. 
“we should probably get going soon,” minho rose from the ground, turning to look at you. 
“do we have to? i don’t want to leave them behind,” you chuckled, becoming suddenly attached to minho’s cats. 
“don’t worry love, you’ll see them more often in the future,” he helped you rise from the floor, pressing a small peck on your forehead. “i’ll make sure of it.” 
you chuckled, giving minho a kiss on the lips. “you really seem to care about them, hmm?” 
“of course. they’re my home,” minho smiled sadly as he watched soonie, doongie and dori play as he shut the door behind you two. 
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Nightlife 7
Warnings: touching, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you doing this? Well, you wanted bouncer Lee and I did too. Also, short!reader, not sorry.
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Lee's building is nice enough. You've never been to this part of the city. You don't go far from campus really.
You walk ahead of him as he herd you inside. Up the elevator and down a hallway to the very end. He squeezes by to unlock the door and slides back the latch with a harsh schlock.
He pushes the door open and points you in ahead of him. You enter and peek around hopefully. You can't wait to meet the kitten.
His belly touches your back as he enters behind you. You quickly move out of the way and bend to untie your shoes and leave them on the mat. He takes his time hanging his leather jacket as you cling to your bag aimlessly.
"Let me get this, darlin'," he takes your knapsack, "tables over here."
He leads you across the front room. There's an upholstered couch with a blanket draped over the back and leather recliner. You trail him past the large television and into the small space that makes up the dining area. He places your bag on the square table and faces you.
"Go on and sit. You want a cushion. Chair's are a hit hard."
"No, sir, that's okay," you can't help but peek around but reel in your eagerness.
You slip past him, brushing close and you sit in one of the wooden chairs. You pull your bag towards you and undo the zipper. You focus on the task, wanting to ask about the kitten but too afraid to overstep. Your father said it was always polite to wait for the host to offer, you never demand.
Lee disappears and you slide out your books and laptop. You open the lid and flip the cover of your notebook. You can hear rustling and some shuffling. You keep your attention on the wallpaper. 
"Ah, now, I know you didn't forget," Lee reemerges, a plastic cat carrier in his hand, audible scratching at the interior.
You can't help but smile as he puts the carrier on the table and you snap shut your laptop. He groans as he sits and pushes his shoulders back, rubbing his thighs. He slowly, as if taunting you, reaches over to unhook the door.
You see the bright yellow eyes before he swings open the crisscrossed door. The small brown kitten leaps out and crashes into the stack of your textbooks. You giggle and catch it before it scrambles over the edge.
"Aw, he's so cute," you preen as you pet it's soft fur and wriggles against your chest.
"Isn't he?" Lee says, "little thing kept me up. Mewing. I think he needs a friend but he’s too afraid of me."
"Oh?" Your eyebrows rise, "well, I can be his friend. Awwww," your distracted by the cat as he stretches to smell your chin.
"Two of ya," Lee throws his hand up, "too damn cute."
You laugh and cradle the cat in your arm as he tries to crawl up your chest. You stroke his back and nestle your chin against his head. 
"How about Hickory?" You ask.
"For his name. Think it suits him."
"Ah, yea, I'd say so too," Lee muses as he watches with a slanted smirk, "so you don't mind stayin' with him tonight? I can't keep him locked up that long and I'm worried he might have an accident."
"Of course, I'll take care of him," you make a face at Hickory as he touches your nose with his.
"Got everything in the car. Had to do some shoppin' before I found ya. Food, milk, litter… I guess I'll go grab it, huh."
"I can't believe you found a kitten," you chime without really hearing him, "if only I was so lucky." You hug the kitten, "but we can't have pets in the dorms."
"That's too bad," Lee taps his fingers on the table as he stands, "but you're always welcome here, darlin'. You know?"
You’re a bit nervous at first. You realise only too late you’ll have to sleep in your jeans but Lee offers you a shirt for the night. Wait until he leaves to change into it.
An eerie feeling takes over you once you’re alone. Even with Hickory around, you feel out of place. Like you shouldn’t be there. Maybe you shouldn’t but there’s nothing terribly wrong with it. He ordered dinner and he only really got ready for work as you sat and read and played with the kitten. Well, he did want a kiss before he left.
You take the blanket off the back of the couch along with the fluffy pillow he brought you. He offered you to sleep in his bed but that just doesn’t feel right. Does any of it?
It takes you some time to doze off. Hickory sleeps by your head as you toss and turn well past the early hours of the morning. You can’t help but empathise with Lee and his night shifts. The last time you check your phone, it’s after two. 
Your dreams are a smear of colours and sensations. Nothing tangible. You’re so wrought with exhaustion, your mind can’t summon more than obscurity.
You wake only at the odd sensation along your neck. You moan and try to brush it away. You think it’s Hickory at first until the thick hand catches your own. You gasp and roll onto your back to look up at Lee.
“Sorry, darlin’, just making sure you’re alright,” he bends to kiss your cheek, “that couch ain’t too comfy. Why don’t you come in the bedroom?”
“Hmm?” Your eyes round, “what time is it?”
“Five,” he keeps his voice low, “still early.”
His eyes wander from your face and you follow his gaze down your body. Your leg is hooked around the blanket, your thigh exposed and cold. You shake your head and rub your eyes with a yawn.
“I’m okay right here,” you assure him. “With Hickory.”
You look around for the kitten. Lee clucks as he watches you.
“Scamp’s back in the carrier for now. He shredded up some toilet paper,” Lee says, “don’t be stubborn, sweet thing, you come lay down and get some proper sleep. Think I’ll rest better havin’ ya close.”
“Really, I’m–”
There’s not time to react as he bends and scoops you up. The blanket falls away from you as he backs away from the couch and you latch onto his shoulder. You squeak and kick your legs in surprise.
“Now, darlin’, I worked a long night. I don’t wanna be fussin’ with ya,” he turns and carries you across the room, “shouldn’t be sleeping on that stiff couch. No good for ya.”
You cling to him, afraid he’ll drop you though his strength is unshakeable. He hardly puts any effort into carrying you. He enters the bedroom and you hide your face against his shoulder. It’s so weird. He sets you down on the bed and pets your forehead as you lay back against the pillows.
“Whatsa matter with ya?” He puffs, “bed’s not too bad. Only got it last year.”
You plant your elbows and push your head up, “I’m sorry, I just never been in… anyone’s bed before.”
“Hmm?” A stitch weaves between his brows as he unbuttons his dark shirt.
“Lee, I never even slept over with a boy,” you say, only realising how pathetic you sound as the words float between you. “I mean–” you gulp as you catch his eyes stray again, trailing down your naked legs.
“I'm no boy,” he scoffs.
He shrugs his shirt off, revealing his torso shamelessly. You avert your eyes but the sight of him stains your vision. His stomach bulges out beneath his chest, poking over his belt. You pull your legs up and push down the blanket, hiding under it so you don’t have to see him.
You can hear him moving around and you shiver as his footsteps near the bed. He climbs onto the other side and tugs the blankets over him. You wince as the mattress bounces under him and he presses himself to your back, snaking his arm around you. He wiggles his hips and you feel a prodding along your butt. You squeak as he chuckles against your hair.
“See what you do to me, sweet thing?” he purrs, “you’re lucky I’m all tuckered out.”
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Late Night Hunt - Yandere Wolf Diana Cavendish x Akko Kagari [Part 2 of 2]
Summary: Diana makes dinner for Atsuko while the two of them catch up after all that time apart. After dinner, Akko tries to leave the manor but Diana makes it clear that Atsuko isn't going anywhere and a hunt ensues.
Broken: Hey, @blee-bleep, I hope you like this part too, please let me know what you think!
[Cavendish Manor's Dining Hall]
Atsuko Kagari wasn't expecting this when she decided to take a look into the most haunted place known in the Hunter Community - she expected some ghosts or spirits, maybe even a vampire; what she got was a Tall Butch Werewolf House Head who happened to be her 'Fiancee' from her childhood. Akko was now sitting in a rather plush and lush chair, looking around at the paintings in the dining hall now that the lights were on - there were images of the manor's previous heads but Akko didn't see one of Diana, she must not have gotten a portrait made for herself yet. Speaking of Diana...
"Sorry it took so long, Atsuko, It's rather difficult to hold knives with hands like mine." Diana said as she walked out of the kitchen with two plates of food in her hands with delicious steaks drizzled in a brown sauce. Diana walked over to the table and placed the food before Akko before placing a wine glass on the right side of the girl's plate and setting her own food down and pulling the wine bottle from under her arm, using her claw on her thumb to open the cork and poured the wine into Akko's glass before doing the same to her own glass. She placed the wine bottle down before sitting in her chair and smiled at Akko with her wolfish teeth on display.
"Um... Thank you, Diana." Akko said as she picked up her knife and knife, cutting the meat and stabbing it with her fork before picking it up, putting it into her mouth, and chewing. Her eyes widened at the flavor, "This is delicious, Diana! I didn't know you could cook that good."
"I'm glad you like it, Atsuko; it's been a while since I've been able to cook for anyone. I'm glad you're here with me now." Diana said as her tail waved around in excitement - Akko looked at the woman's tail before looking at her.
"Um... Diana, what happened to you after you left the school? I hadn't heard from you in a long time." Akko asked causing Diana to look to the ground before she looked at Akko with emotion in her blue eyes.
"A spell went wrong - my appearance was changed and I was sealed away in my own home, unable to go outside and see you anymore. When my aunt and my cousins disappeared, I became the Head of the Cavendish Name and when I hired a detective to look for you, they came up empty and all I had was this manor and the wealth of a Cavendish...but no one to share it with." Diana reached over and grasped Akko's hand in her own - her fur was rather soft, "I'm glad that you are here with me, Atsuko, now we can keep our promise to each other."
"Our Promise?" Akko asked. Diana pointed to the ring around her neck.
"We're getting married, remember? Now, that you have returned to e, we shall get married and procreate the Cavendish Family back to its former glory. I wonder if we will have a son or a daughter first." Diana asked herself as she scratched her chin with a thoughtful look on her face but Akko's face was red like a fire in a fireplace.
"Kids? Diana, we are both females, we can't have kids!" Akko said but Diana just chuckled to her.
"During my time here, I have experimented with potions - I found a potion that allows me to get you pregnant, Atsuko. Maybe we can try it out tonight..." Diana purred as she licked her lips at Akko, who jumped from her seat and shook her head.
"Diana, I...I can't have your children. I'm not ready for something like that." Akko said as she looked back at the door, "I think I should go, Diana; I really need to think about this whole marriage thing."
"Atsuko, you can't leave me. I've waited so long to have you back in my grasp and now that I do, you expect me to let you go?!" Diana roared as she stood up to her full height, glaring down at the one who she's been looking for all this time, "You aren't going anywhere, Atsuko Kagari. You are mine!" Diana pounced at Akko, who turned and started running for her life, "ATSUKO KAGARI!! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!"
Akko ran down the hallway - her heart pounding - until she reached the foyer, she ran down the stairs and ran to the door before pulling on it but it wasn't opening.
"ATSUKO!" Diana called out from on top of the stairs before stomping down the stairs as Akko pulled on the door, soon the large werewolf grabbed Akko from behind and yanked her away from the door, and pulled her close to her chest before wrapping her arms around the struggling girl. "You aren't going anywhere, Atsuko. Fate has brought you back to me and I'm going to keep you. I'm going to love you and you are going to love me. And I am going to breed you when the time is right. No one is going to take you away from me anymore." Diana turned around and started walking back up the stairs with the struggling girl in her grasp. They were together again...that's all that matters.
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ajgrey9647 · 1 year
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Perfecting a Palace Pet: Beloved Red
Reclining in the plush, overstuffed chair in his private bedchambers, Lord Drakkon studied the smooth, glossy surface of the expensive chocolate before sliding it into his mouth. The rich treat melted into a thick sweet liquid, coating his tongue like velvet. Unconsciously, he moaned in enjoyment before plucking another from the jeweled box resting on his lap.
Young Tommy Oliver would have been aghast at the price of this decadent treat, never dreaming that one day he would be able to savor them whenever he wished. The lovely aroma wafted up from the small pile of chocolate balls and he took a long, deep breath before consuming the next one. Taking his time to fully appreciate the chocolate, Drakkon placed the heavy lid back onto the candy box.
Never too many, he reminded himself. Always mindful of the importance of his physical prowess, the tyrant restrained himself from overindulging and losing his muscular physique. At times, a strong hand was required when dealing with potential invaders or rebel Coinless instigators.
The silken robe caressed his flesh teasingly, like a lover as he moved, returning the container of sweets to its place in his bedside drawer. He sank onto the lush mattress of his four-poster bed, the emerald green blankets soft as a cloud. How he wished his younger self could see all that he had accomplished.
Yet something else tugged at his mind unbidden. It had buzzed about his brain ceaselessly the past two weeks, intruding at random times as he sat on his throne, dined at his elaborate dinners, or relaxed in his hot, soapy, aromatic baths. He couldn’t explain it, even to himself.
It was such a mundane, three letter word; nothing was special about it. But the concept swirled, captivating Drakkon’s imagination. He remembered the shock and horror as Jason spat his question from the floor where he cowered after giving his enemy the information he had been relentlessly seeking.
“You’re just going to keep me here like a pet?” he’d cried, dark eyes wide and flashing anger.
At the time, Drakkon had merely retorted that the Red Ranger was his trophy, of more importance than just a pet. However, that assignation wasn’t quite right, was it? A trophy was something to be proud of, to show off, to display prominently. That was something that Drakkon refused to do with Jason.
Most of the joy in possessing Jason was the secrecy with which he held him captive. His ‘death’ had a ripple effect across the Grid, demoralizing and striking fear into other Rangers. Seeing the shattered and bloody Tyranno helmet stunned many into quick submission. Drakkon grinned his sly feline smile, eyes clouding into inky blackness.
No, Jason was his own private plaything. The tyrant enjoyed their daily visits, the verbal and physical sparring, making the captive scream in pain, sobbing brokenly at Drakkon’s feet. He was not a trophy after all.
A pet, though?
As an abused and neglected child, Tommy had never owned a pet. The closest thing he had to an animal companion was the small brown stuffed dog; where it came from, he couldn’t remember. But he’d hugged it close and buried his tear-filled eyes in its soft fur as all around him chaos erupted.
The unwanted child clung to the warm, inanimate creature, feeling fear, loneliness, pain, and sorrow. Although it couldn’t reciprocate Tommy’s emotions, the boy still believed that somehow it understood. Over time, the little animal lost one of its shiny black eyes and the coat became threadbare with overuse.
To Drakkon’s dismay, he found tears gathering in the corners of his eyes at the memory; the burning ache made him snarl in agitation. Why should the great warlord be reduced to sobs when he now had everything he ever desired? What could he ever crave that he couldn’t make his?
There was something he coveted, however, a small traitorous voice whispered.
A loyal companion, someone who would always be at his side, who would gaze at him with love and adoration, their only goal in life to please him. Although he was surrounded by Sentries of various colors, Drakkon knew better than to believe they possessed a true loyalty to their master. Those mindless fucks would gladly trade one mantle for another if it suited them. They too desired power, wealth, and status; if a better offer came along, they would have no hesitation absconding with their coins.
Lip lifting in a feral hiss, his black eyes narrowed. He was no fool. During his younger years, he had also felt the siren song of jealousy watching those with means and privilege enjoying heaping plates of luxury and decadence in the face of those less fortunate. They would smugly smile down at the fawning underlings all jostling for position to glean the crumbs that managed to fall their way.
Little did those overfed, selfish sheep realize those black shiny eyes gazing up at them belonged to vultures. The measly scraps only fed their appetite for more until the day came when the golden plate ran dry and they would viciously rip apart the bleating sheep they pretended to adore. The only interest in sight was self-interest and the Sentries were no different.
Drakkon felt the familiar nudge of artistic, lovely fuckery taking hold in his mind. Perhaps he could create his own human pet? Tapping a finger to his chin, he could see the result so clearly: an obedient, submissive dark-haired pet kneeling at his side awaiting his master’s command. Delicious.
The tyrant would have to remember to thank the pitiful Red Ranger for sparking his creative muse.
Poor little darling.
Unable to sleep once the idea presented itself, Drakkon had eagerly spent the entire night studying the whole topic of human pets. There was quite a bit of information to digest and questions to be answered before he could begin. Jason would need to be broken down even further than he currently had been for the process to work.
Easy enough for Lord Drakkon, who’d spent his entire childhood and most of his teenage years in various shrinks’ offices and was well versed in a wide array of mental health disorders and medications. The Red Ranger would have to be reduced to a quivering, helpless shell in order to create his perfect pet.
Once he had his pet, what would be the rules and expectations?
Obviously, the name ‘Jason’ had to go. New identity, new name. The captive would eventually be seen by others however, the majority of Sentries wouldn’t know the Red Ranger by sight. The rest would most likely operate from the assumption that Jason Scott would NEVER allow himself to be Drakkon’s palace pet. Besides, he was dead, remember?
What else did he want from his new pet? What commands would Red be expected to know.
Grabbing a sheet of paper, Drakkon jotted ideas as they came to mind.
His pet was to always be submissive and know his place. A pet was not a human being and therefore had no rights, no protections, no expectations regarding fair and just treatment. No consent. His body was his master’s, not his own.
It would be forbidden to speak or gaze upon his master’s face without permission.
His place was kneeling beside the tyrant’s concrete throne on the right side.
Red would wear his collar and a special uniform assigned specifically to him.
That much he was sure of, but there would be more. He tapped the pen to his jaw as he reflected upon his day and how a pet could make itself useful.
Red would be responsible for drawing his baths and turning down his bed.
He would be required to help him bathe and dry himself with his large fluffy towels.
He would be required to bring his robe after the bath and assist him into the garment.
Foot massages would also be expected.
Red would ensure he awakened on time and assist him into his regalia.
He would accompany Drakkon throughout the palace always walking behind him on his right.
Although Drakkon was not a weakling nor any less deadly, Red would be his guard dog.
But to start he would learn the basics any proper canine should be well acquainted with: Sit, stand, lay down, kneel, come.
His eyes darkened as he moved to another area that his literature discussed regarding the use of a pet. Another set of commands that could prove useful caught his attention.
A list of directions to instruct a pet as a sexual plaything.
Drakkon felt an intense attraction to Jason, yes. The thought of having him in his bed servicing him physically made him erect. It would take some time to bridge his pet from one set of responsibilities to another, as that trust would have to be earned. He must be sure that Red was fully under his thrall.
Mmmm, so many delicious rules.
Waking him with a blow job.
Joining him in the bath, sitting on his lap, facing him as washed his upper body.
Asking what position his master desired: on his back, on all fours, bent over the furniture. Or any other number of exotic acrobatics.
Telling Red to spread himself to his inspection.
Keeping his pet on the brink of orgasm before deciding to give him permission to cum.
Drakkon could train his beloved pet in all the erotic acts he craved, teach where his hotspots were, what visuals he found most arousing.
Yes, he smiled. Such an appealing pet Jason would become.
The next day, Drakkon announced his intention to the imprisoned Ranger as he gave him a new name and banished his former one. Jason had responded as hot headedly as the tyrant expected, exploding in rage at the implied humiliation and degradation he would be subjected to. But knowing that Drakkon was extremely serious about his new future.
“I fucking hate you!” the furious captive screamed in vain.
Drakkon’s eyes flashed with the joy of fuckery in blossom.
“Hate me but you WILL. FUCKING. OBEY!” he bellowed back into the swollen, bloody face.
My fiery little beloved Red Ranger, you will become the perfect pet.
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stardust-swan · 1 year
My Dream Home
aka where I'd live if I was rich and had time to maintain all of this
Powder blue, with murals painted on the side
There will be roses, violets, lavender, petunias, marigolds, peonies, mayflowers, and a cherry blossom tree in the front garden
And tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, blueberries, onions, mint, courgettes, garlic, sage, thyme, basil, lettuce, peas, carrots, and cucumber in the back
Pretty birdbath
A wrought iron bench
Lanterns and string lights to light up the garden at night
A marble or bronze statue of Aphrodite
A calm fountain
Bonsai trees
Satin and silk bedsheets in ballet pink, lavender, baby blue, and duck egg green, and floral quilts and duvet covers
Beaded clothes hangers on the clothes rack
Fluffy fur rugs on the floor
An illuminated vanity with my favourite makeup, perfume, and Pandora charm bracelet on display
A nook for a shrine to Aphrodite
A clothesline of theatre programmes I've gone to on the wall
A large shelf for my collector barbies
A light up shoe rack big enough for my (vast) collection of shoes
Plushies on the bed
My closet and drawers will have sachets of potpourri and scented soaps in them so that my clothes will smell beautiful
A velvet headboard
Heavy drapes on the bed
Delicate floral ceramics in the kitchen
There will always be fresh-baked cookies and pastries for when guests drop in
A cupboard stocked full of herbal teas
Will always have a soup cooking on the stove and a pie cooling on the windowsill
The fridge will be stocked with vegetables and berries from my garden, fresh eggs, whole milk and good butter and cheese, cured meats, smoked salmon, macarons, homemade limoncello and cider, jam made from my own berries, and jugs of water with cucumber, lemon slices, and springs of homemade mint
Other foods will include: an array of spices and herbs, fresh bread, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, green and black olives, brown rice, veg that I canned and pickled myself, kimchi, almond milk, rice milk, mochi, marzipan, white chocolate with raspberries, dried fruits and nuts, honey, and fresh pastries
A six burner stove
Marble countertops
Elegant silverware
Living Room
Homemade throws on the chairs
A large bookshelf and more books on the windowsill
Will always smell delicious because of the candles I burn every evening
Will always be filled with the sound of classical music or jazz
Lots of cushions on the sofas
Sconces with frilled shades on the walls
A dining table with a beautiful centrepiece and elegant table settings
A comfy armchair for me to sit on while reading and crocheting
Jurlique rose handcream and fancy rose-pink soaps by the sink
Fluffy, thick, soft towels in white, pale pink, baby blue, lavender, and mint green
A vanity which has a mirror with soft pink lights, and enough storage space for my creams, body butter, exfoliater, face masks, toner, body mist, etc
Patterned toilet paper
Shower curtains made of silk or satin
Sea salt scented diffusers and a potted plant to make it feel fresh, and aromatherapy candles to make it feel calm
A bidet!
Mosaic tile walls and marble flooring and countertops
A clawfoot bathtub with elegant curves and gold accents
Plush rug next to the bath and a pretty toilet seat cover
Antique bathroom accessories, like a silver soap dish and crystal toothbrush holder
Maritime and botanical themed artwork on the walls
A built in sound system to play relaxing music while I bathe, like classical music, Native American flute music, or my Aphrodite playlist (on days where I'm having a long pampering session).
A large mirror with an ornate frame
A stained glass mirror so nobody can look in
Multiple Rooms/Other
Gilded framed pictures of my loved ones throughout the house
A potted houseplant on the side of each step of the staircase
Wide windows with velvet or satin curtains that let in lots of natural light
Prints by local artists on the walls
Vases of flowers taken from my garden in each room, even on the bathroom counter
Deep, plush carpets on the floor
Soft lighting from salt lamps and fairy lights
South-facing windows, so that the house will be full of light
The walls will be painted in pastel colours or will have a delicate wallpaper
Lots of pretty trinkets on the surfaces
Sapphic artworks that portrays lovers or the female form
Crystal handles on the cabinets and cupboards in the house
Lavender incense
Lace doilies on the side tables
Ribbons and bows everywhere
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
Morgott getting his whiskers pulled by one of the Morglings. Any one of 'em'll do!
I answered one similar to this looong ago: here
But here is a new little dabble with Barnabas and some of the grandmorglings!
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“What happened to thy face?” Morgott asked, pointing to a bare patch on Magnus’s cheek with concern.
“It was Barnabas!” The other exclaimed.
“Ah…but he is just a wee babe.” Morgott chuckled, “Hardly bigger then thy hand.”
“He pulled out my fur! Smiled while he did it too.”Magnus rubbed his cheek, “He’s a terror.”
“Thou art simply unpracticed with more challenging young.” Morgott waved him away, earning a smoldering look.
Later that evening, Morgott was resting with the baby cuddled to his chest. The small scrap stirred, blinking open furrowed golden eyes. He rooted around a bit in Morgott’s robes, but when they proved to be not to his level of comfort he sat up.
Morgott’s breath rattled through his chest, slow and deep, not unlike a purr or a low growl. It was a sound all the children had long ago associated with comfort. Barnabas crawled past his chest and up to his father’s face. He sat down on his butt, fluff of a tail wagging. Noses almost touching, Morgott was blissfully unaware as Barnabas’s chubby little hands smoothed over the grooves of his face.
The little one paused at the softness of his whiskers, knotting his small hands into the hair. His face split in an impish smile before tugging sharply.
Magnus and Minka sat at the breakfast table, Maddox a ways off fighting with his rambunctious toddler. Magnus spooned brown sugar into bowls of porridge, butter already melting overtop. He handed the smaller to Minka, both tucking in and beginning to eat.
The door to the dining hall opened, Magnus glancing up to see his father step through.
With a sound Magnus almost dropped his spoon, porridge falling back into the bowl with a splat, eyes large.
“Nary a word.” Morgott smoldered, refusing to look as him as he passed. He made his own bowl before sitting down at the table. A heavy sigh left his lips as the sound of giggling from across the table thickened.
Magnus tried to cover his mouth with a large clawed hand, eyes almost stinging in his attempt to muffle the sound. “H-How was that ‘ch-challenging young’, Father?” He managed, laughing breaking through.
Morgott sat his spoon down, finally turning to fully look at him. His face was clean shaven. This occurrence wholly new to the family, it being something even Magnus failed to bring about in his toddlerhood.
Maddox had been getting his young daughter situated during the interaction, oblivious to everything besides the little spitfire. He moved away to sit, the child seeing Morgott for the first time that morning.
Nenet jumped to standing on her chair, announcing loudly, “Grandpa, your face is naked!?!”
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2fortred · 1 year
Baking at Dawn
Characters: Atreus (Pantheon) Fandom: League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra Warnings: None
Atreus squints at Iula’s country bread recipe with great apprehension, hands bracing against the granite countertop in front of him.
Whiteflame circles aimlessly around his legs in a figure eight, quietly nudging him for a pat or two. Atreus indulges his furred friend and runs a hand down her head, between her ears, finding great comfort in the softness of her dark fur. His attention remains on the recipe, which sits innocently on a piece of the squared graph paper that Iula was so fond of, with cutesy doodles drawn on the borders courtesy of little Tomis.
Her handwriting is intimidating in a way it had no right to be as a simple scrawling of pencil across the paper; perfectly legible, with precise instructions and highlighted recommendations, as well as a note telling him not to try and do anything crazy for his first time baking a loaf of bread. Like he wouldn’t treat this task with all the dedication it deserved, as he did with everything in his daily life. He’d already spread out the supplies he needed on his countertops, bought fresh yeast just yesterday, and retrieved Pylas’s massive, ancient baking bowl from its place in the lowest cabinet within his kitchen.
Perhaps he is taking this too seriously. Regardless, he takes a breath and begins.
First comes the warm water, which has him taking a half-step over to his sink. He can hear Iula scolding him for the small size of his kitchen in the back of his mind, expressing her disdain for his lack of counter space. She had massive counters and an island, a prerequisite for any house she had wanted to buy all those years ago. Pylas hadn't understood it much- honestly, neither had Atreus- claiming that anyone could make anything in a little kitchenette if they were determined enough.
Atreus recalls the earful his friend received from his wife that day with a warm fondness. Pylas had taken it in good nature, as always, and he'd picked the house with the most significant amount of counter space out of all their options, just for her.
He turns back around and adds the yeast and sugar, carefully measuring out the ingredients with deadly precision. He'd brought up "measuring with the heart" to Iula, who firmly told him that as a beginner baker, he didn't have a baking heart to measure with. Which was an entirely fair statement, though it'd left him a bit miffed. Still, the specific instructions would be better this time around.
He stirs the mixture with a fork, glancing away for just a moment to track Whiteflame's trail from the kitchen to the dining room table. To his great amusement, she settles between the chairs underneath, content in the bars of sunlight shining through the nearby window, casting a brown undertone on her normally-black fur. Colossus joins her a moment later and flops his great slobbering head across her back, but she doesn't so much as twitch at the weight, perfectly used to his antics.
Once the yeast has dissolved, he carefully sets the bowl aside, running his fingers along the faded, painted depictions of mountains and wheat fields that decorate the sides of Pylas's bowl. He'd loved this damn thing, despite Iula being the dedicated baker by trade out of the two of them. Supposedly, it was well over a century old, and with the reverence his dear friend had handled the bowl with, he fully believed it.
As he stares into the concoction of yeasty sugar water, Yuumi- the curious young cat he'd been watching over for a few years now on behalf of his elderly neighbor Norra, who had needed to move into a nursing home some time back- decides now is the best time to hop up onto the counter. Atreus eyes her warily with a knowing smile and gently nudges her away from the bowl, to her feline confusion. He sets a timer on his phone for ten minutes and scoops her up, clucking his tongue at her.
Yuumi simply meows in response, as she does, and wiggles her way out of his arms to drop to the floor. She brushes her little body against his ankle, then makes her way to the living room coffee table to take her place on the thickset book she had claimed as her preferred basking spot when he first took her in. She seemed to enjoy sitting and loafing on it more than the cat tower by one of the windows, so he never put it back on its shelf.
Atreus plops down on the sofa with little grace, sprawling his arms across the tops of the cushions as he lets his head fall backward. Ever the lazy investigators, Whiteflame and Colossus meander over and join him, taking their respective spots on either side of him against the armrests. Whiteflame curls into a large tricolored donut while Colossus lays his head on the entirety of Atreus's thigh, looking up at him with big brown eyes.
Is it strange, that a dog reminds him of a friend that is no longer here? Both are massive fools with big brown eyes, as friendly and enduring as anything. Comforting, in moments of rest. He sighs and pats the beast atop his head, smiling fondly at the black spots on his muzzle.
Before he knows it, Atreus dozes off for a brief few minutes. He's startled by the digital tones singing cheerily from his phone on the counter, signaling that the yeast should be done "activating", whatever that meant in the world of bread. One day Iula's ramblings of recipes would get through his skull. One day.
He gathered half of his prepared flour and a spoon and got to work on mixing. Yuumi had decided to vacate her book to once again hop up onto the counter to watch him slowly stir the mixture, tracking the spoon with dilated pupils. Atreus believed she was a smart cat behind all of her fumbles, but he wouldn't put it past her to jump into a big bowl of yeast water whilst trying to get at a kitchen spoon. So, he kept half an eye on her as he added the olive oil and salt. Iula hadn't written down how long it would take for the flour to absorb everything, but he couldn't imagine it taking too long if he kept stirring.
Atreus had watched Iula make plenty of different types of bread over the years, as it was one of her favorite things to bake. She always seemed to have a determined grace about her when she worked with practiced hands and eyes, a state Pylas nor Atreus could truly match when cooking themselves. Pylas had often found bread recipes to try, both in books and on the web, and Iula had always taken up the challenge, sometimes making many loaves at once. He can't think of a time when she ever messed up a recipe, at least in front of him.
He blinks, staring at the now-sticky-looking dough. Tentatively, he gently places his palm against it, and his brow furrows at the sensation. Sticky indeed. As per his friend's instructions, he removes the dough and places it on the board atop his counter, still grimacing a little at the texture. Mind-Iula tells him to suck it up, so he does.
He kneads the dough with unsure hands, idly wondering if there was any true technique to it. He kneads and kneads some more until the dough becomes vaguely stretchy, at a point where he can forge it into a sad-looking ball. With hopes and dreams, he can see the resemblance between his little dough creation and Iula's loaves. He squints at it and prods at the sides, unsatisfied with the semi-spherical shape.
Atreus sighs. Good enough, he supposes. It could definitely be worse. He shifts aside to oil another bowl- this one a handmade birthday gift from Iula herself, one of her first forays into making things with ceramic- and gently places the dough inside it without morphing it too much. Covered in cling wrap, it doesn't look particularly impressive. Yuumi trills her agreement, sniffing at the edges of the clear plastic with her little cat nose.
He wipes his hands on a towel and retrieves his phone, deciding to snap a picture of the dough. Despite its appearance, he thinks Iula is going to be proud of his attempt if nothing else. He almost sends it to her and her alone, but then he reconsiders and decides to send it to their veteran group chat. He says nothing, sending the photo on its own, but he still receives some delightful encouragement from Eshiyme, a wild string of near-indecipherable emojis from Tor, and a stiff 'nice.' from Rahvun. Iula simply reacts to the image with a thumbs up, which he figures is all he's going to get until he sends an update that evening.
With one last look at the bowl, he smiles, and heads to his room to get ready for the day proper, his furred friends following at his heels.
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What’s your aura color?
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brooches, anthologies, stained glass, leaves, dining chairs, long robes, curtains. your essence is garnet: you are a quiet flame that dwells beneath your soft surface. self-confidence armors you; many would call you stubborn, though protective of what has come to dwell in your heart. always just a whisper away is your temper, promising to make the world bend if it would make your loved ones smile. you are the guardian. you are the volcano. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of terracotta, tawny, crimson, and umber, who share your proactive nature. you are also drawn to the vibrant indigo and marigold, who will help you grow and teach you to name what's inside of you. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of teal and hickory who are too willing to be silent.
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book spines, suits, coffee, deep soil, violins, bear fur, staircases. your essence is umber: you are strong and silent, rarely ruffled. yet, you are unmoored; tender and drifting, you are unsure of your motivation save for to do good. many find you generous and stalwart -- but melancholy. you are the keeper. you are the ungrudging. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of brown, beige, hickory, and garnet, who share your profound determination. you are also drawn to the flamboyant magenta and gold, who will help you grow and show you how to follow your heart without guilt. however, you may struggle to get along with the self-focused personalities of royal and crimson who rarely compromise.
Tagged by: @bad-decision-central​
Tagging: Anyone who would like to do it
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lace, blown kisses, milk tea, paper fans, pillows, ballet slippers, fairy wings. your essence is rose: you are the young at heart, the gentle. you cherish existing without pretense; the future seems unsteady, so instead you reminiscence about the past and live in the present. it is hard for you to grow because you feel you have already bloomed. you are the youthful. you are the dove. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of pink, magenta, pearl, and lavender, who share your idealism. you are also drawn to the practical ivory and beige, who will help you grow and show you that you can accomplish by yourself. however, you may struggle to get along with the focused personalities of sage and cream who don't watch out for you.
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lattes, dry fields, footprints, easels, cat fur, pottery, fresh-baked cookies. your essence is beige: you are an even-tempered and comforting presence. you take refuge in your sanctuary and creature comforts; the warmth you exude flees from spontaneity or change. you are consistent and indulgent. you are the sleepy. you are the satiated. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of brown, umber, tawny, and ashen, who share your patient nature. you are also drawn to the expressive souls sky and cream, who will help you grow and teach you to explore new ideas. however, you may struggle to get along with the spontaneous personalities of blush and lilac who seem too frivolous.
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plums, nail polish, planners, theaters, pursed lips, mosaics, sewing thread. your essence is wine: you are ruled by determination to bring your grand vision to life. you are a pillar of your chosen family; reliable and moral, there is never a situation for which you are not prepared. you are an idealist and accept nothing less of yourself. you are the activist. you are the dutiful. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of amaranth, pearl, grey, and pink, who share your need to devote to a cause. you are also drawn to the expressive orchid and mauve, who will help you grow and learn it is okay to not live up to expectation. however, you may struggle to get along with the excessive personalities of jade and fire who do not know what they truly want.
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daisies, road signs, bumblebees, lemon merengue, bicycles, polaroids, awnings. your essence is yellow: you are precise yet shy, putting band-aids on your cuts alone. you demand much of yourself; your self-expression feels tempered by a mold you're intended to fill. you seek an anchor to hold and keep your doubt at bay. you are the dutiful. you are the one who rises after you fall. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of cream, gold, honey, and chartreuse, who share your loyalty and compassion. you are also drawn to the sturdy red and brown, who will help you grow and learn to not question your own judgment. however, you may struggle to get along with the overly-involved personalities of pink and green who are unconscious of their own feelings.
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lace, marble, china dishes, doves, paper, bones, vanilla shakes. your essence is ivory: you are a piece of history, sturdy and eternal. others believe you to be gentle; they don't see the pressure that is threatening to crack you. you seek control and organize your life into rows. you are the overseer. you are the porcelain. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of grey, noir, pearl, and ashen, who share the pressure you put on yourself. you are also drawn to the expressive rose and lilac, who will help you grow and learn that things will be okay even if they don't go right. however, you may struggle to get along with the indulgent personalities of sky and apricot who need too much stimulation and decadence.
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brooches, anthologies, stained glass, leaves, dining chairs, long robes, curtains. your essence is garnet: you are a quiet flame that dwells beneath your soft surface. self-confidence armors you; many would call you stubborn, though protective of what has come to dwell in your heart. always just a whisper away is your temper, promising to make the world bend if it would make your loved ones smile. you are the guardian. you are the volcano. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of terracotta, tawny, crimson, and umber, who share your proactive nature. you are also drawn to the vibrant indigo and marigold, who will help you grow and teach you to name what's inside of you. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of teal and hickory who are too willing to be silent.
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short poems, teacups, clear skies, diaries, dripping icicles, tears, tennis shoes. your essence is sky: you are a hard worker and do not relent on something once you have begun. you are giving to all but yourself and pour from an empty cup; you want to be simple, self-sufficient, easy. you overflow with creativity but throw away your sketches before they're even done. you are the dauntless. you are the venturer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of blue, navy, periwinkle, and seafoam, who likewise hold themselves to high standards. you are also drawn to the self-actualizing sage and apricot, who will help you grow and relax into your feelings. however, you may struggle to get along with the strict personalities of ivory and blush who seem overly critical.
tagged by: @torntruth​ tagging: anyone that wants to do this one! 
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Fictober "adaptable, i like that"
Fanfiction - journey to the west by Wu Cheng'en, monkie kid
Oc - Chuntao
Note - based on a chapter in my fic, The great beasts 
@fictober-eventPrompt - “adaptable, I like that” 
“Hey! Are you making food up in that tree?”
 Chuntao looked down from the bottom of the tree.
Her greenish brown eyes Making out a familiar golden furred demon monkey looking up at her all the way at the base of the tree with a curious yet confused look on his face
“Umh pretty much, your majesty” she called back down, taking care not to dump the bowl of fruits or let any of the monkeys that had followed her up there attempt to steal any of the fruit 
 “I got a bit hungry when i was exploring the mountain..so i just climbed up this peach tree and asked a couple of the of your monkeys to bring some supplies so i could make myself something a snack”
 ‘Adaptable’ wukong thought, a smile appearing on his face as leaped up into the tree to sit on the branch beside her ‘i like that’ 
   The great sun wukong was quite curious about the three half demons that had been living on his mountain and his kingdom while they had been away on a journey for a few months. 
   When He and his starwalt generals, lieur, ba, ma and beng, they all found that none of the other monkeys had come to welcome them on the shoreline.  
after being away for so long, they expected to meet the others on the shore. Smiles and cries of joy echoing through the mountain as they reunited. 
However, they were met by a lonely beach and no sign of the monkeys anywhere. 
At first they began to panic, believing that the monkeys were captured by demons or hunters in their absence
   However, his friend and one of his generals, Liu er mihou, heard the monkeys cheering and celebrating in the water curtain cave in the main dining hall. Which sent all four demons running up the mountain to greet them. 
   when they arrived at the waterfall the guards appointed at the bridge had been given completely new armor and weapons that all four monkey demons knew couldn’t be made on the mountain without specific supplies outside of their home.
so, they knew someone had been here or was still here on the mountain
Then, when they made their way inside, all four demons were shocked to see three female half demons sitting in their dining hall.
They were seated at the end of the long table in their chairs drinking wine and dining with all of the monkeys. 
The three women were Laughing, talking and dining with the monkeys as if they had known them for years.
One was dressed in fine lavender robes and armor, one was dressed in scholar's robes that depicted the ocean and one was dressed in robes of pinks, peaches and greens. 
 Of course, the ever impulsive sun wukong was the first one to confront them, however he was surprised that the three half demons did not wish to seek a fight with him over the right to his mountain.
They only defended themselves and wished to talk peacefully.
They eventually sat down and calmly explained to him and his generals that they had been protecting the monkeys and the mountain in their absence and that they meant no disrespect. 
  Sun wukong accepted this and thanked the sisters for their services, offering to give them something in exchange. 
   In exchange the women only asked him if they could continue living on the mountain.
he allowed it on the condition they would continue their services under him. They hesitantly agreed and after a few more negotiations, the three women had moved onto the mountain. 
   Despite an entire two weeks of living on flower fruit mountain and working around him constantly, Wukong hadn’t really gotten to know them. 
    He only knew their names, their abilities and their clan. but Their personalities and their complete honesty intrigued him. 
    So, he became naturally curious about them
especially Chuntao
  She was the first between her two sisters to match his energy. She was confident and bold yet nurturing and sweet. Despite the rumors of his mischief, powers, what insulting him would cause, she wasn’t afraid of him. 
she showed him no fear
  When he tried to annoy her by preventing her from leaving one early morning, She looked him dead in the eyes and swatted the staff out of her way as if it were nothing but a bug. 
Rolling her eyes and telling him that his ruyi Jingū bang did not frighten her and that if his majesty wanted his breakfast, his games would have to wait.  
 she then smiled and walked out of the door.
Leaving the monkey in the doorway of her room surprised, mildly agitated but mostly even more perplexed.
  So, the determined monkey king made it his mission to know everything about her. To discover why she did not fear him like other demons.
so, he spent the whole week observing her and asking her questions. about her family, her powers, why she stayed on the moutain after her and her sisters rescued the monkeys.
anything he could to get to know her
 Chuntao paused from chopping up the peaches when she felt someone's eyes on her, turning over to look at Wukong and trying to read his face to see what he wanted from her. 
“So” he said, grabbing a peach slice from the bowl “you like to cook?”
  Chuntao was a bit surprised at the question. Figuring that the demon would come up here to just dig in on the peaches and ask her the same questions
  which didn’t really bother her, but she was pleasantly surprised by his interest in getting to know her more. 
“Yeah” she replied, smiling as she handed him a small bowl of honey covered peaches. 
 “It is my passion. It's something that brings joy…it was also something my… father did a lot…according to my mother”
 Chuntaos' look seemed to shift. A mix of pain and longing on her face before it quickly shifted back to warm and cheerful
“Anyways! It's one of my favorite things to do, if you couldn’t already tell by my sleeves' ' she laughed awkwardly, bringing up the small splotches of color faded into the fabric of her flower-patterned sleeves. 
  Wukong just silently listened to her talk about her passions. Cooking, gardening, painting. He listened carefully to all of it.
With each sentence. The monkey king realized there was more to the half demon that met the eye. 
Yes she was confident and bold, but she too had fears of her own. Fears she had to force down in order to keep her other two sisters from worrying about her. 
Yes, she was sweet and nurturing, but even she could get furious and vengeful sometimes. Fury that she forced herself to repress because she didn't want to be seen as a monster. 
 A nurturing young woman with a mischievous spirit and brave soul
Which Sun wukong respected and liked about her. She was honest, kind, confident in her decisions, yet vulnerable.
 Slowly, as the conversation shifted to his own interests, Wukong saw her less as a stranger but as someone he could trust.
She didn’t get scared when he told her about his bloody battles. She didn’t judge him for his mischief, even wishing she could have witnessed some of his shenanigans. 
For hours they laughed and joked. And wukong really began to take a liking to her. 
She was Someone who listened. Someone who actually liked the same things he liked. 
For once, a stranger who didn’t really see him as someone to fear, but rather someone they could just relax and have fun with.
On the opposite end, Chuntao genuinely likes his personality. Impulsiveness and all. In all her travels she had never met another demon who understood the feelings she felt on a daily basis. 
  So she thanked every one of the gods and immortals above so she could make a friend that she could relate with 
“You know…your a pretty good guy sun wukong” chuntao replied, handing over her bowl of honey coated peaches to him with a warm smile “i think i’m gonna enjoy my time here”
 The golden furred monkey felt his face begin to heat up when he looked at her soft face. His tail slightly swaying behind him as he accepted the food.
“Thanks... bunny” he replied, a small chuckle leaving him as he dug into the bowl of peaches. 
Chuntao was a bit surprised at the nickname, but quickly accepted it. Grabbing a peach from the top of the branches 
“No problem… peaches” she laughed, smiling when she saw the face, he gave her at the nickname which was a mixture of Suprise, acceptance, and confusion.
  By the time the two came down from the tops of the branches. The monkeys realized their king had a special new friend. 
  A friend the monkeys suspect would mean much to their king by the way they looked at each other.
all they could do is watch and smile as the pairs hearty laughter echoed through the mountain. 
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everythingcanadian · 11 months
Acts of Love
Pairing: Thomas Barrow/Richard Ellis
Rating: T
Warnings: Weight Gain, Button Popping
For Xenodroid Thomas's button, that was already a bit weary, finally pops off. Richard is more than happy to re-stitch it. Day 25-1 of promptober: Stitch Soft domesticity. I love it.
AO3 Portal
Sewing the button back on wasn’t an issue for Richard. In fact he adored it. Made him feel useful in a way. It wasn’t for an employer. Or a child. Or another servant. It was for Thomas. The man who was currently kneading pastry dough on their kitchen counter. 
The offending button had finally gone sailing through the air that morning when Thomas leaned over in his dining chair to pet their newest addition to their household. Dinah, who had been named after a certain cat in Alice in Wonderland, had sat between his feet and mewed up at him. Her little blue eyes set in white fur begging ‘Papa’ for some scratches and hopefully a piece of breakfast sausage. As Thomas leaned over the button on his waistcoat that was trying to give up the ghost, finally did. The brown day-suit button pinged to the ground and rolled on the floor in a wide circle, enough for Dinah to chase.
“Oh dear.” Thomas’s cheeks blazed pink and he looked up at Richard. His husband in all but law. He watched as their little kitten pounced and jumped after the small brown circle.
Those apple round cheeks and soft mouth molded into a warm smile as he lowered the newspaper. His brown eyes twinkled with mirth. “It was bound to happen at one point, Dear. It needed to be restitched a long time ago. I’ll mend it for you later.”
They both noticed Thomas had gotten softer, warmer, heavier, but ultimately it made Thomas not as sharp in all ways but wit. Richard loved it. Wrapped his arms around Thomas whenever he could so he had the chance to squeeze and pet and touch. He had extra to grip during intimate times. He'd purposely leave bruises from his hands or mouth there so Thomas had something loving to look at if he ever looked in the mirror for too long. The soft praise he’d attach with it was also very nice. 
‘How’d I get so lucky to land a nice bloke like you. Charm and intelligence. Looks to swoon over- don’t deny it. You have the weight and height and that stare to use to your advantage. You can pin me with any of those things and I’m all yours.’ Richard hummed and was backed into the bedroom wall by his love. 
It was later, Richard happily dawned a thimble and deep brown thread to match the thread already used on Thomas’s waistcoat. It was a warm silence under an October afternoon. Neither of them needed to be at work. Neither of them were demanded by their new employers. 
Thomas finally broke away from being a servant and dove headfirst into being a clock and watch repairman in York. Tom had helped set it up when he knew Thomas was ready to actually leave. It was an awkward conversation. 
Richard was happy to be a tailor, a junior one currently, but one all the same. It just so happened that his royal experience held a lot of sway when he handed over his reference. The love for his work showed.
He tied off the thread and snipped it clean. He tugged the fabric around the button a few ways and smiled. He deemed it strong enough now and checked the other buttons. Nothing to worry about on any of them yet. He’d ask if he could take out the seams a little bit for Thomas. Winter was coming quickly and both of them would eat themselves sick with everything indulgent. 
As it stood, Thomas was making an apple tart with a few of their stewed and jarred apples they had fun picking last month. Richard bet they would polish the thing off in a couple days. But that just meant the winter weight was going to pack on nicely and earlier that Richard first thought. He couldn’t wait.
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haileynovablogs · 1 year
Crafting the Perfect Fall Decor for Your Home 🍂
As the crisp air begins to replace the warmth of summer and the leaves transform into vibrant hues of red, orange, and gold, there's an undeniable magic in the atmosphere – it's the enchanting season of fall. With its cozy ambiance and nostalgic charm, fall beckons us to update our living spaces with the perfect decor that captures the essence of the season. From warm color palettes to rustic accents, creating the ideal fall decor allows you to transform your home into a haven of comfort and beauty. In this blog post, we will explore the elements that make up the perfect fall decor and offer inspiring ideas to help you infuse your home with the spirit of autumn.
Color Palette: Nature's Warm Embrace
The cornerstone of any fall decor is the color palette. Autumn's natural hues evoke a sense of warmth and comfort, making it essential to choose a palette that mimics the changing leaves and cozy fireside moments. Rich tones like deep oranges, warm reds, golden yellows, and earthy browns should take center stage. Consider incorporating these shades through textiles, wall art, and decorative accessories. Additionally, don't shy away from incorporating deep greens and muted purples to add depth and contrast to your decor.
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Nature-Inspired Accents: Bringing the Outdoors In
One of the most captivating aspects of fall is the visual transformation of the outdoors. Incorporating natural elements into your decor will not only capture the spirit of the season but also create a harmonious connection with nature. Start by gathering fallen branches, pinecones, acorns, and dried leaves to create stunning centerpieces and mantel displays. Arrange them in decorative baskets, glass vases, or even as wreaths to infuse your home with a touch of the outdoors. Dried cornstalks and wheat bundles can also be used to add height and texture to your decor.
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Cozy Textiles: Embracing Comfort
Fall decor is all about embracing warmth and comfort, and textiles play a crucial role in achieving this ambiance. Swap out lightweight summer fabrics for cozy throws, plush cushions, and soft area rugs in textures like knits, flannels, and faux furs. Drape a warm throw over the back of your sofa and pile up cushions in varying sizes and patterns to create an inviting seating area. Consider layering rugs to add depth to your space while keeping your toes warm on chilly mornings.
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Candlelit Glow: Flickering Elegance
The soft, flickering glow of candlelight can instantly transform any space into a haven of tranquility. Incorporate candles of different sizes and shapes into your fall decor to create an inviting ambiance. Opt for scented candles that evoke the aromas of the season, such as pumpkin spice, cinnamon, or apple cider. Place candles in decorative holders or lanterns and arrange them on your dining table, coffee table, and mantel to cast a warm and enchanting glow throughout your home.
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Pumpkin Paradise: Whimsical Accents
No fall decor would be complete without the quintessential pumpkin. These versatile gourds come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them ideal for creating whimsical accents. Beyond traditional orange pumpkins, explore a range of colors like white, green, and even metallic shades to suit your decor theme. Arrange a variety of pumpkins on your doorstep, line them along your staircase, or create a captivating centerpiece by stacking different sizes on a decorative tray. For a creative twist, consider painting or embellishing pumpkins with intricate designs or typography that reflects the season.
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Tablescapes: Feasting in Style
Fall is a season of gatherings and feasts, and your dining table can serve as a canvas for your fall decor creativity. Start with a textured table runner or a rustic wooden table to set the foundation. Layer on elegant dinnerware in warm tones and complement them with gold or copper-toned flatware. Intertwine natural elements like mini pumpkins, pinecones, and dried leaves with fairy lights down the center of the table for an ethereal touch. Finish the look with personalized place cards and coordinating napkin rings for a truly inviting and elegant tablescape.
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Embracing the beauty of fall through decor is a delightful way to connect with the changing seasons and infuse your home with a sense of enchantment. By carefully curating a warm color palette, incorporating nature-inspired accents, embracing cozy textiles, illuminating spaces with candlelight, celebrating pumpkins, and crafting inviting tablescapes, you can create a perfect fall decor that invites you and your loved ones to revel in the magic of the season. So, gather your autumnal treasures and let your creativity flow as you transform your living space into a cozy haven that captures the essence of fall's enchantment.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
That evening, they all walk over to Martin Hunter's for dinner. 
His mate, Elena, greets them at the door. 
She looks like a supermodel, or a Hollywood star but she's not. 
She's an obstetrician and her generous salary is the reason Martin can stay home with his children and write crime novels. 
Not that raising kids isn't just as important as any career or that Martin isn't successful but even he doesn't claim he's written any bestsellers. 
Yet. Elena comes from a long line of Argentinian 'maned wolves' with long limbs and mixed red-brown fur. In human form, she's just as elegant, with her auburn hair streaked with black and done up in a flawless style and her clothes and makeup looking red-carpet ready. 
If he didn't believe in true love the way he does, he'd almost say she was out of Martin's league.’
"Dane. Monty," she exclaims, giving them each a quick, light embrace. 
"How good to see you. And Freya, of course."
Freya Hunter offers her a hesitant smile but makes no move to step close enough to be hugged. 
Sasha Hunter clears her throat and nods at Julian Hart, who so far remains unacknowledged but Elena glances past him and spies Kit Montaine where he stands at Montreal Hunter’s side.
"And who is this?"
Monty introduces Kit as his charge and Elena's eyes light with curiosity.
"A Wolf? From what Pack?"
"Oh, uh... no," Monty adds quickly, dodging the question. 
"Kit's not a Wolf. He's a fox-shifter. A kitsune."
Elena's smile becomes a bit fixed and her gaze flicks back towards Monty. 
"Well. All are welcome here."
She steps aside, gesturing for them to enter and Monty sees Dane's jaw set in a firm line. 
His mate and children remain un-acknowledged and this would count as a slight even if they weren't Wolves. 
Fortunately, Julian is occupied with Luca, who's managed to kick his shoes off again and doesn't notice. 
Dane lets it slide, this time. 
Of their whole extended family, Elena might be the least comfortable with Dane's choice of mate, though whether it's because Julian's not a Wolf, or not a woman, Monty doesn't know. 
He allows himself a small smile, remembering that she hasn't even met Doctor Ambrose Thorne yet. 
Girl didn't know what she was in for, joining the Hunter Pack. 
She leads them into the dining room and invites them all to sit where they like. 
Martin and Elena's house is a low, long, modern thing, with walls of flat gray stone, a flat roof and enormous windows of tempered sheet glass. 
Everything is stone or stainless steel or unadorned wood and Martin says it's supposed to 'blend with the natural landscape' but Monty doesn't see a soft thing in sight. 
Even the sofas look hard and angular. 
It's certainly got 'style' but Monty prefers the lived-in comfort of his sister, Sasha's place. 
As they take their seats, Martin emerges from the kitchen, clad in an apron with blue-and-white stripes and carrying a covered dish in oven-mitted hands. 
He smiles, his face flushed from the heat of the kitchen as he sets the dish on the table. 
"I wish it were under better circumstances but I'm glad to have you all here," Martin says. 
"Welcome to our home," he adds and with his hands now free, he loops an arm around Elena's slender waist and kisses the side of her face. 
"Where are the kids, sweetheart?"
Elena glances at where Julian and Dane are making the twins comfortable in their laps, given the lack of baby-chairs and Monty gets the sense that Elena wasn't expecting to entertain children.
"I'll call them, corazón," she says and disappears with a swish of cream-colored satin.
"Can I help with anything?" Monty asks, as Martin wipes sweat from his brow and turns back towards the kitchen.
"Hm? Oh... sure," he says, smiling gratefully. 
"It's all done, just needs serving."
Monty follows Martin to the kitchen, another expanse of granite and steel and sees an array of dishes lined up on the counter, ready to be carried to the table.
“Wow. You went all out, huh?"
Martin laughs. 
"Elena thought..." he starts, then stops and swallows,and his face twitches with conflicting emotions. 
"Well, she thinks we're entertaining the new Alpha, you know. Dane, that is."
Martin pulls off his mitts and pairs serving utensils with the various dishes. 
"Yeah. I mean, if mom and dad are... Then Dane is..."
Monty rubs the back of his neck. 
He'd thought of that, of course but not about how it would affect everyone, exactly. 
He'd just moved to Spring Lakes and he'd been enjoying the peace and relative solitude, the chance to settle down somewhere he felt he fit, for once. 
Now, everything might change.
"Anyway, I told her something simple would be fine but she..." Martin bites his lip. 
"Well, let's get this food on the table before it goes cold."
Martin reaches for a dish but Monty guess he forgot the reason he was wearing the mitts. 
He yelps and drops it and a whole mountain of mashed potatoes explodes across the floor, mixed with broken glass. 
He gasps and stares down at the mess and then, to my alarm, he shuts his eyes and falls against the smooth surface of his stainless-steel fridge, sliding to the floor with his hands over his eyes.
"Fuck," he hisses under his breath. 
"Fuck me and fuck my fucking life..."
Launching into instinctive action, Monty grabs a roll of paper towels and starts wiping up the mess.
"It's fine, Martin. Nobody will miss what they didn't know was coming. Accidents happen, as mom used to say."
As soon as the words leave his mouth, Monty winces. Not the time to quote one's missing mom.
"Anyway." Monty pats Martin's shoulder. 
"It'll be okay. Don't worry about this, I got it. You bring the rest of everything out and tell 'em I needed to use the restroom, or something."
Martin nods, his palms still pressed against his eyes, then takes a shuddering breath and climbs slowly to his feet.
"Thanks, Monty," he says. 
"I'm sorry. It's just... Things pile up, you know? And then one more thing, no matter how small..."
"The straw that broke the camel's back," Monty says, smiling. 
"That's an old saying for a reason, I guess."
Martin laughs under his breath, a little of the tension draining from his face. 
"You know, you're smarter than you give yourself credit for, Monty. You always have been. And no matter what, you're always kind. I... I admire you for that."
Too bad,  it looked delicious.  
                                                        ~ ☾ ~
Martin and Elena's children range in age from six to ten and there are four of them, Nico, Flora, Miguel and Rio. 
They enter the dining room, herded by their mother,and looking as if they've been stuffed into 'dinner' clothes with assembly line efficiency, their hair still wet from a quick slicking with a comb. 
One of the younger twins, Nico, hangs back with wide eyes and a pout, taking in the host of strangers seated at the table with mild hostility.
"Nico, come sit down," Martin calls, beckoning at an empty chair. 
The boy shakes his head and takes a step back and Elena barks at him in Spanish. 
"Nico. Obedece a tu papá. Ahora."
She claps her hands and the boy startles, gulping down a quick breath, then goes to Martin with stiff shoulders and bowed head. Martin smiles and ruffles his hair. 
"Hey, mijo. No worries, okay? You remember your uncles Dane and Monty, right? And Auntie Freya?"
Nico nods.
"And this is Julian," Martin points. 
"And Uncle Dane's babies, Luna and Luca and our new friend, Kit."
"They're mutts," Nico whispers, still looking at the ground. 
"Mama said..."
Kit gasps and drops his fork with a clatter and Monty quickly bends to pick it up and rests his other hand on his back, hoping to calm him.
"Nico." Elena snaps, looking scandalized. 
"That is not a word we use in this house. Apologize immediately."
Nico keeps his head down. 
"'Sorry," he mutters. Elena looks at Dane with an embarrassed smile. 
"I was telling him about the old Wolf lineages, like my parents and yours and how it used to be. I think he misunderstood."
"How it used to be?" Freya raises her brows, glancing at Kit. 
"It still is, in some places. And it's frickin' miserable."
"For some, no doubt," Elena concedes. 
Monty can almost see the hackles rise on Freya's back, even though she's not in wolf form. 
Dane shifts in his chair, a subtle exertion of his alpha dominance, effectively redirecting attention to himself.
"Nico and Rio must be starting first grade soon, is that right?" he asks, feeding Luna a little bite of biscuit dipped in gravy. 
Everyone relaxes and the talk turns to mundane things as we pass the dishes around and serve ourselves. 
When the gravy gets to him, Monty hesitates.
"Martin... is this, er... vegetarian gravy, by any chance?"
From his expression of dawning horror, Monty knows it's not.
"Oh, shit." 
He presses a hand to his brow and glances over the feast spread before us, biscuits, fresh corn, a pasta salad, roast beef, roast summer vegetables, a green salad and a big plate of chicken wings. 
"The... the salad's meat-free but the dressing has anchovies. I used lard in the biscuits. The vegetables... Shit, Monty, I..."
"Hey, hey, it's fine," Monty lifts his hands. 
"I didn't expect to be accommodated. These things happen when you're the only vegetarian in a pack of wolves."
Monty laughs but Martin groans, face in his hands.
"I should have remembered. Gods, how could I not remember?"
"Maybe 'cause you're stressed out your mind?" Freya suggests, not sharply. 
"Martin, we all are. Give yourself a break, 'kay?"
He nods and takes a breath and when he lifts his hands from his face, he gives us a grateful smile. 
Elena's gaze remains hard and angry, though and I get the feeling Martin will be hearing more about his failings before the night is done.
                                                       ~ ☾ ~
"How close are you with Elena?" Dane asks Sasha as we all walk back to her house after the meal. 
While she and Martin have been Mated for nearly twelve years now, Dane left the family Pack about the same time and Monty only saw her when he came home for holidays, or in the downtime between jobs.
"Probably about as close as you are," Sasha shrugs, laughing easily. 
"She works, like, eighty hours a week or something insane like that. Travels a lot for her job, too. Even when she's here, our interests don't exactly align. We're not besties or anything. Why'd you ask?"
Dane doesn't answer right away. 
He's carrying a sleeping Luca on his shoulder and rubs the baby's back with a gentle hand. 
"Just curious."
                                                        ~ ☾ ~
Later, Kit curls with his back pressed to Monty’s as they lie in the bed in Sasha's spare room. 
It's a queen-size, but Monty takes up more than most of it. 
Stretched out, his feet extend a good six-inches past the edge, so he lies on his side with my knees bent and Kit occupies the remaining space. 
He could easily fit on a pillow in fox form but he said he wanted to 'feel human' and Monty didn't blame him. 
He’s feeling in need of a little human comfort himself.
"Monty?" he whispers.
Monty feels Kit roll over to face his back, so he rolls over, too. 
This brings Kit’s face very close to his and Monty can see the tiny spark of the moon shining through the window, reflected in the dark pools of his eyes.
"Do you think you could ever... love someone like me? Someone who's not a Wolf, I mean?"
Without thinking Monty answers from the heart. 
"I could love you easy, Kit. Man, woman, Wolf or not, I don't care about things like that. I care about this." 
He sets his hand to the center of Kit’s chest. 
"What's inside, in the heart. And you've got a good one, I think."
Kit’s breath catches and Monty sees the glint of tears in the dark. 
Then the young man shifts a few inches closer. 
His lips touch Monty’s and a kaleidoscope of electric sensations bursts through his body, heart and soul. 
Monty gasps and leans away from Kit, caught by surprise. 
Kit gasps, too and pulls back.
"S-sorry!" he stammers, his eyes wide in the dark. 
"I'm sorry, Monty. I didn't mean..."
"Kit, it's okay," Monty says quickly.
"N-no, I..."
Desperate to reassure him, Monty leans forward and kisses him back. 
The same feeling explodes in his chest again, making his body tingle from head to toe. 
It's like his Wolf is howling inside with pure joy and his human heart can barely contain it. 
Monty pulls away and stares at the pretty face so close to his.
"See?" Monty whispers. 
"It's okay."
Kit sniffs and tucks himself against Monty, his slight form fitting perfectly to his, and he hold him as they fall asleep. 
That's all they do but it's more than enough, as the unfamiliar feeling gradually fades to a steady, comforting warmth. 
This is how he imagines it feels to do drugs, that first hit, like fireworks on the brain. 
They say love is a drug, don't they? 
Monty thinks, nearly asleep. 
And suddenly he’s wide awake again. 
He’s in love. 
This is gonna hurt.
                                                         ~ ☾ ~
The following morning, Dane, Freya, Kit and Monty meet up with Jake Nash on the edge of town. 
He leads the way to the mobile home park where the Outcasts live, driving ahead in his official white and green ranger truck. 
The park is off a dirt road, on a flat bit of land along a slow curve of the river. 
The ground is dry this time of year and Jake's vehicle kicks up a cloud of dust, forcing Dane to roll up his windows so the rest of us don't choke. 
The trailer park itself is more attractive than I'd expected. 
The homes are nicely spaced, with a little patch of lawn in front of each and they look well-cared-for. 
The tiny yards are neat and flowers grow in pots and makeshift planters here and there. 
Jake stops in a field where the resident's cars are parked in a neat line and Dane follows suit.
"How many Outcasts are there?" Dane asks, as Jake leads the way between the rows of mobile homes.
"Three," Jake says. 
"A couple and their kid. Showed up last winter, scared out of their wits and with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Your parents didn't have the heart to send 'em on their way."
Dane Hunter grunts. 
"Wonder why I never heard about this."
"I imagine you were busy with your own affairs," Jake replies. 
"And it didn't seem like a big deal, at the time."
He pauses in front of the last home in the row. 
It's not quite as nice as the others, a little smaller and older and with no flowers outside.
"They've caused no trouble so far, that I'm aware of," Jake says. 
"But... Well, I'll let you make your own judgement."
Mounting the little steps before the door, he knocks and then stands back. 
A gruff male voice answers from within. 
"Who is it?"
"Jake Nash, Park Services."
For a moment, there's silence. 
Then the door opens, revealing a gaunt-looking man of about forty, with a black beard and bright blue eyes. 
He glances between us all and keeps one hand behind the door, where it's possible he's holding a weapon of some kind. 
Monty moves protectively in front of Kit.
"What you want?" he asks.
Dane steps forward. 
"We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. I'm Dane Hunter. My parents are Astrid and Joseph."
The man's demeanor shifts, losing its tense, hostile edge and he turns and calls over his shoulder. 
"Philly, it's okay. It's the Hunters."
A plump woman with blond curls appears at his back, holding a baby that looks to be just a few months old. 
She glances between us all, a slight smile on her face.
"Oh, hello."
Then her eyes land on Kit and go wide
"Oh, my goodness. Kitty?"
He startles and then, to Monty’s immense surprise, he gasps and starts towards her.
She laughs with tears in her eyes, hands the baby to the man and then dashes down the steps and into Kit's arms.
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toomanyrobins2 · 2 years
The Perfectly Awful Day
Summary: An orphan all her life, Y/N is simply too old to remain at The Bowery Home any longer. That is where an anonymous patron has swooped in to send her off to college and all he requires...a monthly letter of her academic progress.
Based off the book and musical "Daddy Long Legs"
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Notes: Welcome to the newest story! I have had a few asks about adding to my BatFam writings and this story has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for a while. So here it is!
BatFamily masterlist // next part
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Sunday…The Perfectly Awful Day. I hated the first Sunday of every month at The Bowery Home. Every floor had to be scrubbed spotless, every chair dustless, and every bed without a wrinkle. Ninety-seven squirming little orphans must be scrubbed and combed and buttoned into freshly starched ginghams; and all ninety-seven reminded of their manners, and told to say, 'Yes, sir,' 'No, sir,' whenever a trustee spoke. 
As the oldest orphan, Mother Waller often dumped all of the preparation work on me. After sending the children to the waiting room to avoid getting dirty, I ran to the kitchen to finish the sandwiches and my lemon squares. My hair started to curl around my face from the heat of the kitchen and I had no doubt that I looked like a right mess. Having kept an ear out for the arriving engines, I knew as soon as the trustees arrive and I quickly ran back upstairs to make sure the kids had stayed presentable. They were straightened up and I marched them in an orderly line to the dining room. 
As soon as the door closed behind the last child, I dropped down into the nearby window seat, letting the cool window soothe my throbbing temples. I had been on my feet since five this morning, doing everybody's bidding, scolded and hurried by a nervous matron. My hair could no longer be defined as a braid as half the hair had fallen out. As my eyes fluttered open, I saw one gentleman arriving later than most. It was hard to make him out through the snow, but even from a distance, I knew that this man was distinguished. 
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Success! The day was finally over and with minimal damage. The trustees and the visiting committee had made their rounds, and read their reports, and drank their tea, and now were hurrying home to their own cheerful firesides, to forget their bothersome little charges for another month. Again, I stared out the window and imagined what kind of life I would lead if I was in their position. I could see myself wrapped in a cloak with soft fur lining the neck, just like the one I think I remember my mother owning, and the dresses that fit her taller than average frame. I would gracefully slide into the back of the car and without a word, the chauffeur would take me back to my estate, where the maids would already have a warm bath ready by the fireplace and a library full of books ready for me to get lost in. I have a spectacular imagination. It is my one escape from the dreary orphanage I live in. While Mother Waller may not see the advantages of my imagination, I know someday that I will be renowned for it. It is my constant companion in the world of loneliness. 
In the kitchen, Dick Grayson interrupts all my plans with his dreadful singing: “Y/N! You’re the wanted in the office. The office! THE OFFICE!” I immediately know the deep line between my brows is back as worry descends on me. It is never a good sign when Mother Waller wants to see us after a trustee visit. What could have gone wrong, I wondered. Were the sandwiches not thin enough? Were there shells in the lemon cakes? Had a lady visitor seen the hole in Stephanie Brown’s stocking? Had—O horrors!—one of the cherubic little babes in my own Room F sassed a trustee? I bet it was Jason Todd. 
Unfortunately, the entryway had not yet been lit for nighttime, so I stopped in front of the first mirror I could see and tried to beat the flour out of my skirt and quickly redo my braid, swinging the rope over my shoulder. In the rush to make myself presentable, I had failed to notice the tall figure also in the entryway who had been watching me since I’d come flying around the corner. Only when a car finally pulled up, did he make himself known. I only caught another fleeting glance and again the impression consisted entirely of tallness. As the car approached, head on for an instant, the glaring headlights threw his shadow sharply against the wall inside. The shadow pictured grotesquely elongated legs and arms that ran along the floor and up the wall of the corridor. A gust of wind came through and his cloak went flying. It looked, for all the world, like a huge, wavering bat. The imagery cheered me for a moment before the worry set back in. 
I would consider myself to be a fairly optimistic sort and I intend to always snatch the tiniest excuse to be amused. If one could derive any sort of entertainment out of the oppressive fact of a trustee, it was something unexpected to the good. I knocked on the door to Mother Waller’s office and was shocked to find her waiting for me with a smiling face. Affable was never the word used to describe our leader. Gesturing for me to take a seat, she immediately began a speech that had been given some thought, “Did you notice the gentleman who has just gone?' 
“I saw his back.”
“He is one of our most affluent trustees, and has given large sums of money toward the home's support. I am not at liberty to mention his name; he expressly stipulated that he was to remain unknown.” I was not used to this kind of conversation. An invitation to the office to discuss the eccentricities of trustees with the matron was simply unheard of. “This gentleman has taken an interest in several of our boys. You remember Harvey Dent and Hal Jordan? They were both sent through college by Mr.—er—this trustee, and both have repaid with hard work and success the money that was so generously expended. Other payment the gentleman does not wish. Heretofore his philanthropies have been directed solely towards the boys; I have never been able to interest him in the slightest degree in any of the girls in the institution, no matter how deserving. He does not, I may tell you, care for girls.”
'No, ma'am,' it seemed some reply was expected at this point. “To-day at the regular meeting, the question of your future was brought up.' Mother Waller allowed a moment of silence to fall, “Usually, as you know, the children are not kept after they are sixteen, but an exception was made in your case. You had finished our school at fourteen, and having done so well in your studies it was determined to let you go on in the village high school.” I did not understand why the matron was retelling my own history to me, I had in fact been there and knew what happened. Some would even consider me the main character in that little tale. “Now you are finishing that, and of course, the asylum cannot be responsible any longer for your support. As it is, you have had two years more than most.'
I chose not to comment on the fact that some details were overlooked. I had worked hard for my board these extra years. My education was not a priority, instead, my responsibility to the home came first. Today was a perfect example. “As I say, the question of your future was brought up and your record was discussed—thoroughly discussed.” She looked down at me with accusatory eyes as though she was a prosecutor and I a prisoner in the dock. I quickly switched to a guilty facade as that seemed to be what was expected. “Of course, the usual disposition of one in your place would be to put you in a position where you could begin to work, but you have done well in school in certain branches; it seems that your work in English has even been brilliant. Miss Kyle, who is on our visiting committee, is also on the school board; she has been talking with your rhetoric teacher, and made a speech in your favor. She also read aloud an essay that you had written entitled, ‘Blue Sunday’.” Oh…this time I know why I look guilty. The essay in question had been about days such as this current one, where I was run from dawn to dusk. 
Mother Waller continued on her tangent. “It seemed to me that you showed little gratitude in holding up to ridicule the institution that has done so much for you. Had you not managed to be funny I doubt if you would have been forgiven. But fortunately for you, Mr.—, that is, the gentleman who has just gone—appears to have an immoderate sense of humor. On the strength of that impertinent paper, he has offered to send you to college.'
“To college?” I thought my heart was going to burst with excitement. I was going to leave!
The matron nodded. 'He waited to discuss the terms with me. They are unusual. The gentleman, I may say, is erratic. He believes that you have originality, and he is planning to educate you to become a writer.”
“A writer?” At this moment, I was numb and dumb. Doomed to only repeat words spoken at me.
“That is his wish. Whether anything will come of it, the future will show. He is giving you a very liberal allowance, almost, for a girl who has never had any experience in taking care of money, too liberal. But he planned the matter in detail, and I did not feel free to make any suggestions. You are to remain here through the summer, and Miss Kyle has kindly offered to superintend your outfit. Your board and tuition will be paid directly to the college, and you will receive in addition during the four years of education, $35 a month. The money will be sent to you by the gentleman's private secretary once a month, and in return, you will write a letter of acknowledgment once a month with a report of your studies.” She continued to talk, but I couldn’t pay attention. I was going to college! And I would be a writer! I only snapped out of my thought because the matron had stopped speaking. I nodded and like a little cloud, I floated out the door.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Nanny ~ Bang Chan [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy,fluff and fluff, Non Idol AU, Single dad Au,
PAIRING: Bang Chan x Nanny!Female!Reader
A/N: I hope that this is okay for you sweetie!!!
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"How do you know this guy still wants a nanny?" You questioned your best friend Felix as he pulled up outside a large home, he cut the engine off and shook his head at you. The whole drive over you'd been silent which he knew was a sign of you overthinking, he'd known you long enough to know all of the signs of it. He'd been your roommate for four years he knew you better than you knew yourself at this point.
"Because he's done nothing but complain to us at work about needing a nanny all week, what's the big deal? You're qualified for the job." It was true that you were extremely qualified to nanny for someone but you'd never been a live-in Nanny before which was the part that was scaring you the most. Felix had come to you one night claiming he had the perfect job for you, someone at his job was complaining about not having a Nanny for his 5-year-old daughter and needed one. The thought of living with people you barely knew terrified you but Felix assured you that the man you would be working for was great. He'd known him for the last three years at their job and the man was perfect, not to mention his daughter was one of the cutest little girls Felix had ever met in his life. A little 5-year-old bundle of joy.
"What if he's a creep at home? What if he hits on me? What if he's secretly a serial killer?!" You questioned as you got out of the car and Felix began heading up to the front door of the house he knew too well. Chan and Felix had been close since he started working there which was why Felix knew you and Chan would get along brilliantly together and have a good workflow.
Felix rolled his eyes as he listened to you come up with poor excuses not to get on with the interview and go back home, there was no way he was going to let you get out of this one since he knew how desperate you were for a new nanny gig. Looking after kids were something you'd dreamt of doing your whole life and for the last six years, you'd been looking after a 12-year-old boy until he turned 18 and the family no longer had a need for you. Not to mention Chan had lost his wife three years ago and hadn't dated or seemed interested in anyone since.
"It'll be good for you to get hit on, I don't remember the last time you even went on a date," Felix pulled a playful disgusted face and you rolled your eyes at him ignoring his attempts to make you feel better about all of this but it wasn't working. You were seriously nervous about meeting someone you didn't know anything about except for his name, Chan, that was all Felix told you about him. That and he was one of the producers that helped Felix write and produce songs at their entertainment company so the guy was constantly busy.
"This is serious Lix," You tried to tell him but he was already laughing softly.
"Trust me, Chan is not creepy and you'll love his daughter." Before you could even argue on it even more Felix rang the doorbell so you would shut up and then you were left alone with your thoughts. All of them creeping in about how you didn't know someone you were going to live with, you barely knew what his daughter was like and you knew you would be spending 90% of your time with them from now on if you got the job. Then the good thoughts crawled in, the pay was exceptionally great since you would be living inside their house, it was someone Felix knew which meant it would be easier and more relaxed to get to know the family.
"Hi!" You heard a male voice call out who you assumed was Chan call out through the closed door followed by some loud playful yelling and squealing out.
"Lix!? Open the door, Areum is currently running around covered in paint and I can't get her," Felix chuckled to himself as he pushed the large white front door open revealing the rest of the house to you. The door opened up into a small porch, directly in front of you were some carpeted stairs and to your right was an archway leading to the living room. The place seemed huge from where you were standing, nothing like you would have pictured it either. The floors were all laminated with brown wood, the walls were white, black leather sofas and a faux fur rug were on the floor.
"Hey you, come here!" A breathy chuckle came through the air and you saw a little girl screaming as she dripped paint onto the floor. She was darting towards the archway laughing wildly at her father, she had dark brown hair and the once black outfit she was wearing seemed to be mostly covered in white kiddy paint. The sight alone was enough to make you giggle a little as she rushed past you and Felix and around the sofa to avoid her father.
"Areum! We have guests!" Chan laughed as he almost caught up to her, you watched as a taller blonde male came into sight. He was wearing a black dress shirt with black jeans, probably not the best thing to be wearing whilst chasing a child with paint.
"Can you guys grab her? She's a slippery little girl today," You slid off your shoes and pushed your bag behind you on the floor as you began looking at Felix who went around one side of the sofa. It was a silent plan between the two of you on how to trap Areum and get her to give up the paint.
"I'm going to get your Areum!" Felix called out whilst wiggling his fingers as if he was going to tickle her making her jump up and squeal before running in the opposite direction towards you. You smiled as you saw her running in your direction, a smile filling her cheeks as she looked up at you. For a second you thought she would run over and hide behind your legs since you seemed to be the only other female presence in the room but she didn't.
"Hey!" You called out as she almost reached you but turned around at the last second to avoid you, you managed to grab her carefully and lift her into the air giggling as she laughed at you.
"Spin me!" She cried out as you laughed softly turning her around in small circles on the spot she started laughing again before whining that she was dizzy. You carefully set her down on the ground and took the paint from her hands as she wobbled over to stand by Felix greeting him with a hug.
"Lix can you take Areum for a bath?" Chan laughed as he came over to you to introduce himself properly to you, he held out his hand to shake yours when he noticed the paint on the both of you and stopped himself. He sighed nodding over to the kitchen door as he walked with you,
"Come to the kitchen, we can clean up and I'll do the interview there." He chuckled as he took you into the kitchen. It was larger than your kitchen back in your shared home with Felix, there were white marbled counters lining the room with a kitchen island in the middle of the room.
"I'm Y/n by the way," You told him as you reached the kitchen sink washing your hands under the hot water before dumping the empty tube of white paint into a nearby bin. He thanked you as he dried his own hands on a towel, giving it to you once he was done with it.
"Is Areum always like that?" You laughed out as you dried your hands on a towel listening to Felix who was currently singing loudly to Areum. Chan shook his head at you as he took you over to a small dining room just off from the kitchen. It had a round table inside with paperwork and folders all over it, you assumed it was paperwork for the job interview he was about to do with you.
"Not all of the time, she's just had a little too much sugar this morning and went wild. Saturday mornings are Weetabix days and...She got her hands on the sugar," He groaned out at himself as he thought back on the memory.
"I'd only turned away for two seconds," He laughed as he shook his head pulling out a chair across from him so you could sit down with him. As soon as you were settled he smiled up at you, there was something about him that seemed familiar. His dyed-blonde hair was throwing you off a little but you felt as though you knew him from somewhere,
"I should introduce myself properly right? That's how people do job interviews?" You relaxed as soon as you realised Chan was new at all of this as well and seemed a little more nervous about it than you did.
"I'm Christopher Bang, I go by Chan to everyone though as I just prefer it." He smiled at you flashing a dimple and that was when it hit you where you knew him from. The dimple and his full name hitting you as though someone had just flicked a switch inside of your head.
"C-Christopher Bang from Kinsella High School?" His eyes wandered up to your face as he nodded slowly wondering how you knew which school he had attended and you smiled as you realised it was him.
"Y/n! We went to the same school, I was in a couple of your classes!" You laughed softly as you finally placed where you knew him from. He and the main Cheerleader, Seo Nayeon were high school sweethearts back in school which made your heart sink as you remembered what Felix had told you. Chan had been a struggling single father since his wife died three years ago leaving him alone with Areum. The thought of Nayeon not being around anymore hurt, you'd been quite close in school but when you both went to different universities you drifted apart.
"Its good to see you again! I remember you from my English literature class and I think you were on the team with Nayeon right?" You nodded your head from side to side at him that was only partly true,
"Not officially on the team, I would just do all the girls hair and makeup for them." You laughed remember the good memories from your high school years. Not many people could claim they had a nice time in school but for what it was worth yours was pretty good.
"It's nice to see you again," He meant it this time, now he felt as though he didn't have to have too much of a rough time getting to know you. He didn't want the whole process to be slow and boring so it made it easier to know you had something in common together. You both smiled at one another before he continued on with the interviewing process.
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"I mean the last decision is down to Areum but I think you should have the job," Chan laughed as you walked through to the living room together. The interview was just the two of you catching up on what you had been doing since leaving high school, it didn't felt as though two hours had passed at all. Sitting on the sofa was the same girl who less than two hours ago was screaming the entire place down but now she was curled up on Felix's lap with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. She was like a completely different person from before, she was in a complete state of relaxation now.
"I decide on what daddy?" She questioned as she sat up to look over at you both watching you closely as though she was trying to eye you up.
"Would you like Y/n here to be your nanny?" Chan watched as Areum slid herself off the sofa and walked to stand in front of you both, looking you up and down as she did so.
"That depends on the next questions I have for you," You bent down so you could be eye to eye with her and she smiled, happy you were treating her as though her opinion mattered.
"Do you like Disney princesses?" You nodded your head at her as thinking back on all those nights you forced Felix into watching the movies with you, as well as dragging him to the cinema whenever there was a new release.
"I do, I have a Disney DVD collection that I make Felix watch with me." You told her proudly, she took your hand in her smaller one and walked you towards the front door and up the stairs to her bedroom without saying a word to you.
Opening the door she smiled as she proudly gave you the tour of her room. The whole room had pink walls, and there was a white loft bed with a pink curtain along the bottom,
"My secret palace," She whispered to you taking you into the room and pulling the curtain back, you could have died happily once you saw how many stuffed animals she had. All of them Disney related somehow it must have taken years to collect everything that she had under there.
"Whoa." You laughed as you glanced over everything that was there. Areum smiled proudly as she realised you were impressed and pulled you down to sit on a beanbag beside her.
"I also have this." She pointed up to top slabs of her bed, a small projector was hanging on them it looked as though Chan must have installed it for her and she switched it on. It began running a film on the white wall at the bottom of her bed,
"You could bring your DVD's with you when you move in," You smiled as she basically confirmed you having the job and then she went back to quizzing you on everything and anything that she could think of that would make you a good enough nanny for her.
Felix and Chan smirked at one another from outside the bedroom when they heard the two of you talking together.
"I told you she would be good for the job," Felix whispered to Chan who had been unsure about everything when Felix first came to him with your CV. He'd been worried about hiring a nanny for Areum but since Areum was getting older it was getting harder to hire a babysitter all of the time he needed one. After Nayeon died he thought he could do it alone but the older Areum got the more he began to realise it would be hard to raise a daughter when he worked 5 days a week with long shifts.
"She's single you know," Felix nudged Chan in the side playfully and Chan pretended not to hear what the younger male was saying while they walked down the stairs to the living room.
"She's a good roommate, she'll end up cleaning up everything even if she didn't make the mess...Chan, she's the best you won't regret hiring her," He told him as they sat down on the sofas together, Chan looked at Felix as he thought over everything again.
"I just don't want Areum to get the wrong idea-" Felix sighed as he shook his head knowing that Chan meant he didn't want Areum to think he was replacing her mother.
"She won't, Areum is a bright girl Chan. You know that and I know that. It'll be like she has a live-in best friend." Felix tried to reassure him as they spoke to one another but Chan was still a little unsure in his mind as they spoke about it more.
They stopped speaking when you and Areum came down the staircase together, Areum looked at her dad as she walked into the room trying to keep a straight face on as she looked at him.
"She's hired." You giggled as she rushed over to the sofa and jumped onto Felix staring up at her father again,
"On one condition," She stumbled over the word a little but looked at her dad with confidence,
"And what's the condition?" He raised his eyebrows looking between you and then Areum for answers,
"She gets to bring her DVD's and we force both you and Lix into Disney nights." Chan nodded since he'd already seen 90% of the Disney movies that were out there as well as already know the Frozen movies word for word. As well as how to play most of them on the piano since his daughter had insisted on him learning it for her,
"That's fine with me, Lix?" Felix stared at Areum who had her forehead pressed against his as a way of intimidating him into agreeing with her, not that she would need to do that. Felix would give her the world if she wanted it all she would have to do is ask nicely.
"It's practically perfect in every way." He said as he quoted the original Mary Poppins moving causing Areum to yell out in glee and rush over to you giving you a hug.
"You can start moving in today and you'll start Monday, is that okay?" Chan questioned as he looked at you and Areum together, already it was like Areum had a best friend and she was enjoying herself and Chan could tell she liked you.
"Sure, I'll have Lix help me bring my bags over." You smiled at him as you looked at Felix who knew he didn't have a choice in the matter, he was helping whether he liked it or not.
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The plan was to just take a couple of bags of clothes every couple of weeks instead of fully moving into the house, you didn't want to be in the way or make it seem like you were taking over but after three months of working with Areum and Chan, you'd moved in. The bedroom you had to yourself was on the top floor of the house on its own and had a small en-suite bathroom. It was nice having your own space to live in and after a while, it didn't even feel as though you were working for him, it just felt like you were living with a friend. Chan insisted on never letting you buy take out food unless you were buying it on your own at the weekends when they weren't eating with you, all of you shared the same food that was in the house it was basically like living with Felix only with a smaller best friend with him.
The first month of living in the house had been awkward, it took you a little time getting into the swing of their routines but once you got into it everything was great. Chan would go out for a jog every morning at 4 am, sometimes earlier if he didn't sleep that night you found out after the first week of being there his sleeping schedule was a little whacked out. You'd gone done one morning at 2 am to see him sitting in the living room watching an action movie so you joined him. Areum was at school three days out of the week so you would have to get her up and ready for 8 am while Chan went to work but over time you got to know them both a lot. Chan had changed a lot since high school and you ended up getting to know him on a deeper level finding out more about him than you did back then.
Tying your hair into a ponytail you headed down to the bottom floor to go out for a morning run, since moving in with them you'd started getting more active on the weekends. Chan didn't need you around since he didn't work them and you needed something to fill your time with while you had nothing to do. Running and swimming had been your main source of something to do other than hanging around Felix every weekend or trying to organise something with your friends who always seemed too busy.
"Morning," Chan chuckled as he walked into the porch to see you staring out of the small glass panelled windows. The rain was hammering down against the glass which was why he'd already made you a hot chocolate when he heard you moving around, he knew you wouldn't want to run out in that and made a drink for you. That and it was going to be his way of bribing you into helping him out today with Areum.
"Looks like it's going to rain all day, you're probably better off not running in that." He handed you a mug of hot chocolate and you smiled thanking him for him as you followed him into the living room he sat down on the sofa,
"Areum still sleeping?" You questioned as you sat down on the sofa beside him being careful not to spill the drink over.
"Yeah, I think she wants to bake today and I know Saturdays are your day off but..." He trailed off as he looked at you giving you the best puppy dog eyes he could manage and you giggled. After spending three months in the same house as Chan it had become very clear his cooking skills were less than great and when it came to baking you didn't want to put it to chance.
"The hot chocolate was a bribe huh?" You laughed at him before nodding as you thought it over,
"I mean if you're a bad baker you better admit it now." He challenged as he stared into your eyes, you scoffed at him as you sat up straight taking a playful offence to his remark.
"You'll be glad to know I'm an okay baker, better chef than I am a baker but I can help her," You laughed softly as he began thanking you repeatedly, he was just happy he didn't have to call someone else to come in for backup.
"I was scared I would have to call Felix or one of the boys over. I swear they're just as bad if not worse than me." He moaned out rolling his head over the back of the sofa thinking back to the times he'd invited Felix to bake a birthday cake for Areum.
"True. I've tasted Felix's attempts at homemade pizza and I barely lived to see today." You whined out playfully putting the mug of hot chocolate down on the sofa, Chan laughed along with you shaking his head as he turned to look at you.
"He told us you make his lunches for work! Is that true?" You nodded as you giggled thinking about it, all those times you used to wake up extra early to make breakfast and lunch for you in cute little lunch boxes.
"When I nannied for a different family I still lived at home so I would make his lunch when I made mine," Chan chuckled as he shook his head remembering the notes that Felix used to show him which you'd left in his lunch boxes.
"Seriously, if you'd tasted Felix's cooking you would be glad he never bought it to work, I swear it could melt eyelids off." You whimpered as you rolled your head back against the sofa and smiled at the ceiling just enjoying the peace and quiet you were having. Chan started telling you about one of the cake fails he and Felix had encountered before and you laughed it off together, shaking your head as he told you they'd ruined the entire thing by mixing Salt with sugar,
"You did not! That's awful!" You groaned thinking about the thought of eating a salt vanilla cake.
"Areum still ate it," He mumbled as he continued to laugh softly at it both of you staring at one another as you laughed together. Suddenly it was like you were the only ones in the room Chan moved a little closer to you on the sofa and you smiled nervously as you felt a shiver run up and down your back. There had been moments between you both throughout the last three months that made you feel like you had feelings for him but it would be wrong. He was your boss…But there was always something there. Just last week you were walking back up to your room after using the main bathroom shower since yours only had a bathtub and you both bumped into one another. Staring into each other’s eyes as you waited for the other to say or do something. Then there were the times you would accidentally cuddle one another while watching a movie or brush up against one another in the kitchen. Small things that made your heart race and your mind fuzz up just thinking back on them. Your eyes locked on Chan’s as you tried to say something, a small comeback for the salt cake but Areum’s footsteps came racing down the stairs and you moved away from him.
"CUPCAKE BAKING DAY!" Being screamed out by Areum who was dressed in an onesie and black apron tied around her waist, it looked a little big for her but she was still wearing it anyway.
"Ready for baking I see?" You giggled as you sat up straight and turned your body to face her eyes lit up as she saw you ready to bake with her,
"You're baking too?!" She seemed to go up in pitch as she got excited about you baking with her and her father,
"Yeah, we'll make some cupcakes after you've had breakfast and I've changed. Sound good?" She nodded at you sprinting over as she hugged your legs tightly,
"Sound fantastic!" You patted the top of her head before leaving and that was when she turned to her dad, smiling as she began listing off everything you were going to need to make today a baking success.
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"Are you both ready?!" Areum questioned as she walked in front of you and Chan, slapping a pink spoon against her hand as she marched around in front of you as though she was some kind of sergeant.
"Yes, Chef!" You both called out to her in unison as she smiled pointing at the aprons on the back of the kitchen door for you both to take,
"Daddy can have the pink one. I want to match with Y/n in our black ones." You smirked as you saw the disgusted look flash over Chan's face about wearing a bright pink apron, you knew how much he loved wearing black rather than brighter colours.  
"Hey I mean, the princess on the front really makes your eyes stand out," You teased him and he glared at you playfully, pulling you close when Areum wasn't looking at you. His chest pressed against your back as he wrapped his arms around your waist,
"I'm going to ruin all your cupcakes." He whispered in your ear a seemingly innocent thing to do but your brain was freezing as all you could think about were his arms around you. From the moment he pulled you into his personal space your mind went into a brain fog and all you could think about was Chan kissing you. Your skin tingling as you felt his skin on your own, you had goosebumps up and down your body as you laughed it off trying to pretend like you had felt nothing but Chan had felt it too. He smiled at you as he stepped to the other side of Areum. She was standing on a stool in front of the Kitchen island as she waited for you both to start helping her,
"Coca powder!" She yelled out reading from a list of ingredients in front of her. Chan handed her the powder, continuing on like that while you both handed her everything she needed like a doctor in surgery when they would ask for a surgical instrument.
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Areum was decorating all of the cupcakes with chocolate fudge icing while you and Chan helped with your own icing bags trying to do your best to follow an image she had up on Chan’s tablet.
"Hey, Y/n...You have a little something," Chan mumbled as he glanced over at you making you look up at him, he pointed to his own cheek as to where the mark on you was and you reached up to wipe it away.
"Where?" You questioned feeling nothing on your face, he sighed as you touched the wrong space over and over again,
"Chan where?" You giggled out as he continued to sigh at you before he shook his head at you,
"Right here," Before you could even react he placed a large squirt of chocolate icing across your cheek making you scream out in surprise as you felt the chocolate run down your face and hit the floor. Areum looked down at the chocolate and then back up to her dad who seemed to be laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
"Right...Channie, You have something just here-" You picked up some flour from the bag and threw it in his direction making him spit some out onto the floor after getting some in his mouth. Areum started laughing as she watched you both starting a food fight in the middle of the kitchen, she took her small plate of cupcakes into the dining room where she could protect them from your warpath.
"Christopher!" You cried out when you felt an egg yolk run down the front of your shirt making you groan at how cold the egg was,
"Oh! Christopher and Channie? We bringing out my full name and nicknames?!" He laughed harder, he hadn't heard someone use 'Channie' for him in years, even Nayeon stopped after they'd left school but it was refreshing to hear from someone else and it even made his heart jump. The only person who ever called him Christopher was his mother and that was only when he was in trouble.
"Chris! Put down the eggs!" You called out as you backed away from him, Areum watched from the door frame as you and Chan continued to throw random food items at one another from across the room. It was the first time she'd seen her father this happy in the longest time and she'd missed seeing the huge smile on his face so much.
"Areum! Save me!" You cried out as you ran past the dining room door, grabbing her as you held her in front of your body, kneeling down so you could shield yourself away from Chan.
"Don't bring me into it!" She yelled out before darting away from you letting you get hit with an egg to the chest, you groaned out as you held your hands up.
"You win! White flag!" You yelled out as you looked up at Chan, panic-filled him as he realised you looked as though you were really hurt by something and he rushed down to your side to check you over.
"Did it hurt? You okay?!" His voice cracked which made you feel almost bad for what you were about to do but you reached up and cracked an egg on top of his head. He stared at you in silence while Areum rushed over to give you a high five and dump the rest of the bag of flour onto Chan's head both of you giggling to one another.
"I'm going to give you a five-second head start..." Your eyes widened and so did Areum's as you scrambled to your feet trying to get out of the kitchen as fast as possible. Chan began counting down loudly so you both made a run to the living room, the front door opening to reveal Felix standing there drenched in water.
"FELIX RUN!" You screamed out running past him to save Areum but Chan picked you up from behind spinning you around making you scream out,
"AREUM SAVE YOURSELF!" You yelled out as Felix assessed the situation laughing when he saw the state of you and Chan he shook his head. He knew that both of you would get along well enough.
"What happened?" He laughed once Chan finally put you back down on both your feet and let go of you, you brushed some of the flour off in Chan’s direction and he wiped some of the egg off him onto you.
"Baking disaster," You laughed looking up at Chan who was standing directly behind you, his chest once again pressed against your back.
"Can you go and held run Areum a bath? We'll clean up down here, I think it’s only fair I help clean since I helped make the mess." Chan told Felix as you looked back over at the kitchen which looked as though a food bomb had exploded inside. Felix smirked to himself at the thought of you and Chan getting closer to one another, for a second when he walked in he thought it was just a lovers embrace he'd caught but then he noticed the food and realised you were only playing together.
"Sure. I'll take a pizza has payment though." You rolled your eyes at him but promised to buy him his favourite type before he ran up the staircase to help Areum clean herself up and find her some clean clothes to change into for the rest of the day.
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Later that night Felix and Areum were asleep under her bed, they'd passed out watching Moana together so you and Chan left them there for the night. After the baking incident and pizza, all of you decided to have one of the famous Disney nights you’d been wanting to do which resulted in the biggest kids falling asleep before the fifth movie was even over. Covering them both in a blanket while smiling to yourselves about how cute they looked you snuck out of the room being careful not to wake them when you shut the door,
"Thank you," Chan said as you both got onto the landing of the middle floor, you frowned wondering what he meant and he smiled weakly,
"For coming into our lives, I-I mean Areum's life. I don't think I've seen her this happy for a while..W-We're both happy you're here I just meant..." He stopped when you giggled softly at how he was starting to stumble over his words but he continued talking. He truly meant every word though, it wasn’t just Areum that you’d been helping out with. You’d helped with Chan too without even noticing it.
"I just wanted to say I'm glad you decided to come with us, it's been great having you here." He smiled as you stared up at him, the longer you looked at him the more your heart began to pound. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip as he tried to think of something to say to you until he finally bent down a little, tilting his head to the side and closed his eyes. Without a second thought about it, you matched his actions, leaning forward to kiss him. Your lips brushed against one another and the same shock you'd felt earlier that night came rushing back to you making you smile against his lips. He relaxed a little wrapping his arms around your waist as he drew your body closer to his. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck pulling yourself closer as you run your tongue along his bottom lip he smirked parting them slowly for you as you made out in the hallway. Everything around you seemed to disappear as you kissed him, everything was starting to feel right in the world when the sound of a door opening made you break apart. Chan cleared his throat scratching the back of his neck and you shivered trying to think of something to say to get out of the situation with Felix.
"Going to shower." You mumbled as you walked towards the stairs ignoring Felix who was smirking at the both of you, having seen everything he needed to see already, the kiss was more than enough for him to confirm you both liked one another. He could tell by the blush on Chan’s cheeks he liked you a lot.
"G-Going to go and erm...Go water the plants." He was never a good liar as he began making his way down the stairs,
“Chan?” Felix called out as he looked around the corner at the blushing man,
“You don’t have plants.” Chan let out a noise Felix didn’t understand or think was human as he ran off from him but Felix only chased after him wanting more answers.
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The door to your room had a small knock on it and you frowned turning over to check the time, it wasn't even 2 am yet so you knew it wasn't going to be Areum. Unlike her father, she could sleep like the dead. You rolled over in the bed as you made your way to the door,
"Chan?" You frowned when you saw him standing there in a hoodie and some sweatpants, you yawned looking at him for some kind of explanation,
"Couldn't sleep...I brought snacks and a movie." He lifted up the small portable DVD play and a bag of marshmallows as his only bribe.
"Did I wake you up?!" He panicked looking at you he knew he had but he still wanted to make it seem like he was shocked you were asleep. Over the last couple of months whenever Chan couldn’t sleep you would find one another watching a movie together downstairs, it had almost become a sort of tradition between the two of you.
"No Chan, I've just come in from a scuba dive. Yes, you woke me up," You grumbled taking the bag of marshmallows from his hand and going over to your bed, you patted the spot beside you and he walked over to you. Somehow it didn't feel awkward between you despite the heated makeout session you were having five hours ago, you laid your head on his shoulder watching the action movie of his choice. Tonight was Mr and Mrs Smith which was a film you’d been wanting to see for a while.
"I thought you'd be awake...I'm sorry," You shook your head at him as you stuffed the marshmallows into your mouth,
"I'm okay, I like watching movies in the night." You mumbled tiredly as you continued to try and stay awake from the movie. You had no idea what was making you want to do this but the thought of Chan being alone when he couldn't sleep hurt you to think about, you wanted to be there for him whenever you could be.
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"About the kiss..." He whispered to you an hour later, you rested your chin on his shoulder to look at him and he turned his head to look at you, you didn't say anything as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
"I want it to happen again." He admitted to you as he licked his lips, your heart jumped as he told you exactly what you were thinking and you nodded along with him and he smiled glad to know you were on the same page about things.
"Will it ruin what we have going on with you as a nanny?" He questioned hoping for the answer to be no. His eyes flicking between your eyes and your lips as he fought the urge to kiss you again without hearing what you had to say first.
"Not if you don't want it to...W-We can hide it from Areum-"You tried to tell him but he cut you off,
"I don't know if we can hide it, I mean I faked not being tired just because I knew you would stay awake with me...I wanted to spend time with you." Your heart began to pound faster as you realised he wanted to be with you. That he wanted to spend as much time with you as you did with him. You shook your head at him shutting the small portable DVD player down being glad you didn't have to fight the urge to sleep any more. Your eyelids were getting too heavy to keep open anymore.
"You'll have to keep you cool around your daughter Mr Bang." Your lips brushed against his and he smirked as you teased him a little making him whine out,
"I can do that..." You smiled at his words before leaning forward to finally connect your lips to one another, a small and soft kiss to keep you good until the morning.
"Good. Now let me sleep." You whined out at him snuggling down into the sheets as he sat up waiting for another kiss from you. You knew he wasn’t going to move so you kept your eyes shut as you threatened him playfully,
"Either cuddle me to sleep or sleep downstairs on your own." You mumbled not wanting to stay awake longer than you had to know you knew it had just been a ploy to get closer to you. He chuckled shaking his head and sliding down behind you, spooning you as you held onto one another.
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After another a month of sneaking around behind Areum's back it was beginning to get harder and harder to hide things from her. It was harder to control yourself around one another when all you wanted to do was act like the couple you really were. Areum wasn't dumb for her age and she could tell there was something going on when her dad would sneak out of your room in the mornings or when she would catch you wearing one of his hoodies. It wasn't like you wanted to keep it from her but you wanted to make sure the feelings were strong enough before either of you decided to tell her what was happening between you.
"I think she knows," He mumbled to you one night as you laid in your bed together the movie of choice had just finished and you were trying to sleep in the dark. He had his arms wrapped around your waist as he kissed the back of your neck softly.
"Why do you think that?" You whispered to him, playing with his hands while you tried to get him and yourself to sleep, you knew if you traced patterns into his skin he would slowly start to drift off. It was one of the cute things you’d learnt about him over your nights like this together.
"She keeps asking if she'll need a new babysitter soon..." You laughed softly and rolled over to face him,
"Do you think she'll need a new babysitter soon? I-I don't want you to keep paying me if we're together..." It would be far too weird for him to pay you for being a nanny while your relationship keeps developing.
"What do you mean if we're together...I thought we were already together," You rolled your eyes at him as he took what you meant too literally even though he knew exactly what you meant by it,
"You know what I mean, I already feel weird taking money from you. I would have to find a new family to nanny for if we came out officially..." He shook his head at you, kissing your lips softly as he tried to get you to relax a little,
"I make more than enough money, you wouldn't need to find a new family to nanny...Y-You could just be a part of this one." He raised his eyebrows as he looked at you trying to see if you would be comfortable with that. He knew he had strong feelings for you but all he knew about your feelings were that you liked him a lot,
"Chan, you can't say things like that." You moved away from him biting down on your lip as you stared at him,
"Why not?" He sat up in the bed tilting his head to the side as he looked at you,
"Because I can already feel myself falling in love with you if you keep saying things like that i-it'll only make me fall harder." He smirked as he pulled you back to him finally happy to hear the words fall from your lips.  
"Then fall harder, I love you too." You whimpered as you kissed him passionately, whining out as he carefully laid you down in the bed running his hands down your body.
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The next morning when Areum couldn't find her dad in his bed she snuck up the stairs to your room knowing he would be with you, pushing the door open and smiling to herself as she saw you both laying there together. She didn't say anything as she walked into the room, sandwiching herself between the two of you and smiling as you both woke up to a kick in the ribs as she attempted to get herself comfortable.
"I think someone knows," You mumbled as you turned over to see Areum laying on her back with a giant smile on her face, happy that her dad and someone she viewed as a best friend were finally happy together. It was becoming increasingly obvious it was the case.
“What gave you that idea?” Chan grumbled as he was forced to wake up,
"Can we have pancakes for breakfast? Then can we watch Frozen 2?" Chan groaned as he pulled a pillow over his face wanting to hide from Areum as she quizzed on him the Disney movie you could all watch.
"What about the little mermaid? Chan can we watch the little mermaid?!" You asked as you sat up in the bed and looked at Chan who was pretending to sleep under the pillow as you decided to join in with the begging of Disney movie watching. It was getting to the point where he knew he would have to lock all of the DVD’s away at some point.
"Areum, tickle attack in 3...2...-" You tried to whisper but Chan moved the pillow to look at you both. Giving the pair of you a warning look as he began talking,
"If you both want to live I suggest you don't- TICKLE ME!" He screamed out the last bit as both you and Areum began to tickle him wildly making him laugh and wriggle around on the bed uncontrollably as he tried to threaten you about how there were no more Disney movie nights. This was the beginning of a bright and wonderful future together. 
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @channiewoo​ @minholuvs​ @lkwonmj​
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