#brought to you from the mind of adrien agreste
anna-scribbles · 9 months
when you see allusions to her in everything you do call that simpolism
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strawberryforks · 8 months
concussed // adrien agreste x reader
summary: falling in love with your best friend in and out of the suit goes a little like this…
warnings: head injury, akumas
word count: 1126
a/n: requests/asks are open & encouraged!
you’re not supposed to fall in love with you best friend—it’s a universal rule. sure, sometimes you hear about the success stories. childhood friends to lovers is a trope and a popular one. books are written, movies are made, and who doesn’t love them? the problem is: it’s fiction. it’s all just fiction. in reality—your reality at least—you fall in love with your best friend and you’re screwed. it becomes the world’s best kept secret because you’re not the only one crushing on your best friend, adrien agrest, model and son of the designer gabriel agreste and you’ll be damned if you ruin the friendship.
something you never expected was that your best friend felt the same. and because you didn’t expect it, you couldn’t accept it. anything remotely romantic adrien did, you rationalized.
his leg brushed up against yours? coincidence.
he brought you chocolates? he was your best friend, he knew you liked chocolate.
one night, he changed strategies. although it was unconsciously...
mid-akuma battle chat noir was injured. it was bad enough he couldn’t keep doing his job. he wasn’t helping ladybug, only endangering her further and he couldn’t bare it. with his heartbeat feeling like it was in his head; like a drum smashing against his skull loudly and painfully, he barely managed to perch (he would’ve said purrch had he not been so dizzy) on your windowsill. chat noir tapped on the window pane. it was late but you couldn’t sleep. dark, but you cradled your phone, watching for updates on the latest akuma attacks. when something knocked against your window you jumped up. you grabbed the baseball bat propped up against your closet door and hesitantly approached the window. when you opened it a body fell at your feet. you raised the bat above you head and then you saw a tail… “chat noir!?”
“hey… y/n. sorry for dropping in i think i used a few of my nine lives.”
“how do you know my—you know what, that doesn’t matter! are you okay? what happened?” you asked but before he could answer, you continued rambling. “well i saw the footage on the ladyblog but! just stay here, i’ll… i’ll go get the ice.”
the leather clad hero rolled over, gloved hand over his eyes as he groaned. “oh god, no. here,” you help him up onto your bed and gently push him back into the pile of pillows. “stay here. i’ll be right back.”
“sure thing purrincess,”
“i was hoping you were so concussed you’d forget the puns.” you say on your way out.
your mom asks you what’s going on, and you tug down your pant-leg, revealing a bruise on your knee from the day before yesterday when you fell up the stairs. “just grabbing some ice and then i’m heading to bed.”
“alright hun. sleep well.”
you go to leave and she stops you. “tomorrow you and adrien are meeting up for icecream and i’m assuming you’ll be coming back here to game for awhile. that’s fine, just remember to leave your door open.”
you smile, nod, and head back to your room. you’ve got a large ice pack that you pass to him and after opening your drawer, you pass him two ibuprofen. “i don’t know if those work for superheroes, but here’s hoping.”
“thank you.”
“you don’t have to thank me, chat. you’re the hero here. you owe the citizens of paris nothing and we owe you everything. i won’t lie, i’m pretty confused about how you know my name and well… where i live but… i won’t push.”
“lb’s always saying how important our identities are but you’re my friend and—“
you press your hand over his lips, mind working at a million miles a minute. you shush the feline hero and move some of the blonde hair out of his eyes. his green eyes. “get some rest, i’m going to use the bathroom!”
you all but sprint to the washroom. hands braces on the counter you breathe deeply and splash water into your face. you weren’t ready for this kind of relevation—that adrien, your adrien, was chat noir. the chat noir. part of paris's hero duo.
its fine. it’s okay. it’s perfect, actually. you’re freaking out a bit but he’s still the same person. your panic ceases when you realize this is a good thing. him being in danger constantly is terrifying but him having a way to avoid his father that doesn’t involve you being his one and only saving grace lifts a weight off of your shoulders.
with your composure back, you go out there. thank every ethereal force there is, because he’s fast asleep.
you debate taking the floor but it’s adrien. it’s adrien, and you two have shared a bed before, is what you remind yourself when you crawl in next to him and hike the comforter up to your neck.
when you wake up your alone in your bed and your window is open just a crack.
that night, chat stops by again. he brings you “thank you” flowers and some cookies ladybug—who’s a strangely awesome baker—made, to share with you.
“adrien! hey! i missed you.” you didn’t miss him that much, you’d seen him yesterday. you just missed being able to know him, talk about any and everything, and see all of his face. not the mask wasn’t flattering, you best believe it was, just you loved being able to see all of him. to adrien, knowing you knew all of him too? the pieces of him that made him chat noir too. it would be everything. you know how much it’d mean to him and knew that keeping tbis secret must’ve been killing him. you were a big ladybug fan, but a bigger chat noir fan (bigger your-best-friend fan) and if ladybug was the one who was making him keep this secret? well, it’s not like you could do much but unsubribe from the ladyblog. and if adrien was the one wanting to keep his identity secret? you don’t know what you’d do—whatever reveal you go with will suddenly suck.
“thank you natalie,” you say when she opens the gate and lets adrien out without forcing his bodyguard to tag along.
you get your icecream and when you’re given a cone thats black with green icecream and a paw print and he receives an icecream that matches you perfectly. adrien’s hand falls to the back of his neck “well this is awkward…”
you grin, “is it really?”
“what do you mean?”
“well—you uh, hit your head pretty hard, that’s all. and uhm, said some stuff. basicallyiknowyou’rechatnoirandit’sokaybecauseiloveyou.”
“you love me?” he echoes.
“i do, and have for awhile. i love all of you.”
“i love you too. but that doesn’t mean i’ll go easy on you when we play ultimate mecha strike 3!”
“wouldn’t dream of it!”
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sariahsue · 9 months
Wherefore Art Thou My(stery) Lady
When a failed attempt to let Chat Noir down easy ends with Ladybug learning his name, she does what any lovesick teenager would do: teases him mercilessly. (Season 2/3 era.)
Chapter One
It figures, Adrien thought, as Ladybug carried him to safety. It figured it would be a dog-themed akuma. And that it would find the only cat-themed superhero in the city, even though he wasn’t currently transformed. It figured he would have to be rescued, cradled bridal style, and that Ladybug would hug him so tightly that--
Nope. Akuma. Focus on the akuma that was currently tearing through the streets, barking at people until they literally froze in terror, digging holes a hundred feet deep, and probably chasing his own tail. Focus on the lurch in his stomach as they jumped from building to building, the honking of the cars stuck in traffic, the flash of the sun reflecting off skyscraper windows. Focus on anything except for how warm she was, how firmly she held him, how her lips--
Nope, nope, nope. The wind in his hair. Birds chirping in the distance. Anything.
Ladybug bounded gracefully over the Agreste mansion's protective outer wall and landed on the grass, held him for a few seconds longer than was necessary (he noticed with elation), and then carefully set him down. 
“Well,” she said, her smile wide and bright. “Stay safe! I wouldn't want anything to happen to you!” 
Adrien watched her until she was nothing more than a red speck, then raced out through the gate, so he could find somewhere to transform. Ladybug needed her partner.
The akuma was easy to defeat, after Ladybug called her Lucky Charm. It was a box of caramel chocolates. No, they didn't feed any to the dog. Caramels made a wonderful, sticky trap when they were all melted together. Who knew? His genius partner, naturally.
Chat Noir picked up the (sadly not heart-shaped, just plain old rectangular) empty box and brought it over to her. “Look at what I fetched for you.”
“Thanks, Dog Noir,” she said, reaching out a hand for it. 
He stuck out his tongue, preparing to toss the red and black box back to her, before realizing he could get one more pun out of it. He held it with both hands and gently placed it into her outstretched palm. He didn't let go until he'd caught her eye and said, in very serious tones, “For you, My Lady. And may I say, you look very fetching.” The box slid out of his hands, and Ladybug's expression morphed into a frown.
Within moments, the victim was back to normal, the holes had been removed from the street, and Ladybug was staring him down. 
“I've told you,” she said.
“You've told me lots of things, Bug. You're going to have to be more specific.” Though he was fairly certain he knew what she wanted to say. Another rejection. 
“You aren't going to win me over.” 
Being prepared didn’t soothe the disappointment. “Would you mind if I kept trying anyway?”
Ladybug's face softened, and her hand went to her earrings as they beeped a warning. Two more minutes. “Thank you for the compliment, but it's not going to work.” She didn't sound exasperated, just sad. “I have to go.”
“See you at patrol later?” he asked as she threw her yoyo. 
“Of course,” she said. “Keep in mind what I said, though.”
How could he not? Chat Noir sighed loudly once she was out of sight. 
He still had three and a half minutes before he transformed back. Enough time to get poor dog-man home before anyone noticed Adrien was missing. 
Patrol that night started out more formally than it usually did, and he knew it was due to his earlier declarations. Ladybug kept her distance from him physically and emotionally, only speaking when it was necessary and staying two or three rooftops ahead of him. He wasn’t getting the feeling that she was mad. Her tone was kind. And she always checked to make sure he was keeping up, even stopping to wait when she needed to. 
Maybe she just didn’t want to give him any false hope.
Over the course of the hour, he steadily creeped closer to her. By the time they had reached the Louvre, they were side by side like they normally were. So naturally, Chat Noir let his curiosity get the better of him and asked a question that had plagued him for months. “So what's my rival like?” he asked. “Is he as funny and as handsome as me?”
“How should I know?” she said. “I can hardly see your face.”
Surprised by her sudden teasing, he quickly offered, “I could change that.” Which of course, he realized as soon as the words were out of his mouth, was about the most unhelpful thing he could have said.
Ladybug scoffed and took off, leaving Chat Noir to figure out how to fix his latest mess-up. She didn't seem too averse to answering questions, so maybe all he had to do was try again? 
He stayed level with her, but gave her some space, choosing to run across the rooftops on the other side of the street. Headlights created a glow beneath them, a river of light that cast her in a warm haze. 
After a few minutes of silence, he tried again. “I'm very handsome,” he said, trying to play it off. “Would you believe me if I said I was a superhero by day and a supermodel by night?”
“Pfft. No.” She stopped on a wide balcony and smiled at him. 
He leaned over the edge of the roof to look down at her. “Maybe I just play one on TV then.” 
“Unlikely.” She threw her yoyo and zipped away.
“No, really, what's he look like?” he called after her. “You can tell me that much.” They usually ended their patrol near Collège Françoise Dupont, which was convenient for him. And ever since Alya had discovered the little tidbit about Ladybug's history textbook, he’d started to suspect that the ending location was more than just a convenience for her, too. She probably lived nearby. They landed on the school's roof at the same time, and he thought she would just take off after that question, but for the second time, she surprised him. She sat down and leaned back on the flat top of the building. To the civilians below, only her feet would be visible, dangling over the edge. Chat Noir stayed as close to her as he dared, sitting by her knees, close enough to touch her if he reached, and stared down at the school’s stairs beneath them.
Ladybug chewed her lip like she was thinking. Did that mean she was figuring out her answer? Or was she figuring out how to say no nicely? 
“He looks... a little bit like you,” she said, letting her feet kick against the side of the building. 
“What if he is me?” Chat Noir asked. He hesitated before scooting closer, not wanting to push her. If she ran off again, she'd probably just go home.
“But the chances of you being the same person are really slim.”
“So what does he look like then? White kid? Blonde?”
“Green eyes, too,” she said.
“So he’s probably me.”
“Will you stop?” She held both arms straight up above her and then let them fall wide to either side of her. “There’s thousands of people in Paris that fit that description. He’s not you.”
“You said it yourself. The chances are slim. But that implies there’s still a chance.”
Chat Noir was trying really hard to convince himself that he was just teasing her. There was no way he was lucky enough to really be the guy she liked, but his mind drifted back to earlier that afternoon. The way she had held him when he wasn’t transformed, smiled at him, made sure that he stayed safe. What if the boy she liked was Adrien Agreste? 
What would it be like to walk hand-in-hand with her at school? Or have plans together on the weekend?
It would hurt more to hope if he turned out to be wrong, but he couldn't help himself. She made him hope like nothing and no one else in his life could.
“Would it be bad if we were the same person?” he asked after it was clear she wasn’t going to answer his last comment.
“Not bad,” she said. “Just weird. You’re really different.” 
“I thought you said we were both devilishly handsome, amazing, with perfect comedic timing–” 
Ladybug laughed and shoved him. “Perfect comedic timing? You?”
“As evidenced by your laughter right now.” He gestured to her. She looked over at him from where she was lying down. 
Her smile was glowing, brighter than the cars passing them on the street. Brighter than the moon. “You’re both wonderful people, I’ll give you that. Sometimes dorky, but I’m happy to know both of you.” 
Chat Noir felt his face going hot at the unexpected praise.
“And sure, you look kind of similar. There. Are you satisfied?” 
“We go to the same school,” he blurted out. “What are my chances now?”
“Chat!” She bolted upright to face him, eyes wide. “You can't just give away information like that!”
“I didn't-”
“We go to the same school?” she shrieked.
“I don't know!”
“So what made you say that?”
“Well, I thought maybe–” There was no way out of the mess he’d just created. Ladybug was on her knees, both hands on the roof of his - probably their - school. “I... the textbook?” he finished timidly. Even if that had been a false lead, he’d effectively just told her which school he attended, and he wasn’t sure how she would take it.
“Alya!” Ladybug growled, rubbing the heel of her hand into her forehead. When she faced him again, there was a big red spot. 
“So... you really do go to my school?” he asked, patting a patch of roof next to him. 
“You... you've known this... Alya released that video ages ago. You knew we went to school together, and you haven't come looking for me?”
The fragility in her tone caught him off guard. “Of course not,'' he reassured. “What kind of privacy invader do you take me for? I ought to be offended!” (The irony of the statement wasn’t lost on him.)
Ladybug didn't laugh, just quietly said, “Thank you. We go to the same school. Huh.”
The crisis he’d unintentionally created seemed to have passed. Hope bubbled up again. Most kids their age had crushes on people from school. “My chances?” 
“Are slightly increased, but I'm fairly certain you're two different people. In fact, I'm not even sure we've met at school. I would have remembered meeting someone as loud and obnoxious as you.”
“Unlikely,” he muttered, but it was quiet enough that she hadn't heard him. “So this guy, that may or not be me...”
“He's not you.”
“What do you like about him?” He acted so differently at school. He didn’t think she would recognize him. Would he recognize her description of him? Maybe she would let it slip that the boy she was crushing on was a celebrity or famous or something. 
It was hard to ignore the niggling doubt that said raising his hopes would only hurt more later.
“You really want to do this to yourself?” she asked, echoing his thoughts.
At the very least, he’d learn more about his Lady. What had won her over so soundly? (Maybe he would have a better shot with her if he knew that.)  “Sure.” 
“He's kind,” she said immediately. “He's the type of person who would help someone out even if they hated him. When we first met he went out of his way to apologize to me for something that was my fault. And he has the most amazing amount of patience I've ever seen.” She smiled while Chat Noir frowned. That didn’t sound like him. 
“I mean,” she continued, “he has enough patience to deal with C-- this student that no one likes. And he's just so gentle and sweet and... yeah.” She sighed. “That's why I like him.”
She stared out over the lights of the city, but he was certain that she wasn't seeing a single building. Her face was peaceful and shining. It was a good look for her.
“Even if it turns out he's not me, he sounds like a nice guy.” He wasn't as great as Ladybug described, not nearly as kind or the well of unending patience, though that's what he tried to be like. 
Then again, how many blond, green-eyed, white boys were there in the school? His chances had to be pretty good, didn't they? 
“What makes you think he's not me? The personality difference?”
“I've seen you two in the same place at the same time.”
Chat Noir's heart sank. He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. He knew he shouldn't have. And yet he had anyway. His ears drooped, and he grabbed his tail and started weaving it through his fingers, just to have something to do. 
“Oh, Kitty.” Ladybug looked over at him. “I'm so sorry.”
“Maybe... maybe you just thought that you--”
“Please don't,” she said. “Please stop doing this.”
“But maybe you just thought--”
“Chat Noir!” 
He turned to face her, slowly, deliberately. “I'm not giving up. If he's not me, I'm going to keep trying to win you away from him until you ask me to stop.”
Ladybug shut her eyes in defeat. “I should.” 
But she didn’t, the hopeful piece of his heart whispered. He really wished it would shut up right now.
“Would it be easier for you if I did?”
“I–” What did he want? He felt at war with himself. Determination to keep going. But giving up might eventually make the pain of rejection stop. 
She was looking at him with so much compassion and caring. The constant declarations annoyed her sometimes. He knew that. But she didn’t hold it against him and still asked if he was okay. Despite everything, he loved her. That was that. “I’d rather be able to express myself. But only if it doesn’t bother you.” 
She shook her head, eyes down. “It’s fine.”
“Who is he?” he asked.
“I already told you, I can't tell you,” Ladybug said. “We can't know anything about each other. It's--”
“Then we can’t know for certain that he’s not me.” It was false hope at this point, but it was the only hope he had, so he clung to it. She'd seen them together. Maybe he had saved this guy’s life.
She stood. “I'm sorry, Chaton.” She zipped away without another word, up and over Marinette’s bakery and out of sight.
Chat Noir didn't feel much like being a superhero right now, but he didn't feel like going home so early either. He slowly climbed down the walls, detransformed, and trudged his way back to the mansion on foot, his hands in his pockets.
The next time he saw her was two nights later, their next patrol. She had arrived first, which was unusual, and was pacing at the top of Le Grand Paris, waiting for him. The sting of her rejection had been his companion for the past 48 hours, and it flared up a little when she turned her bright, blue eyes on him.
“Evening, My Lady,” he said, bowing elegantly. “I hope you've--”
“I have an idea.”
Chat Noir was still bent at the waist, and the grandeur of his gesture was broken by his sudden jerk upright. That sounded urgent. “What kind of idea?”
“Uh...” Ladybug didn't usually hesitate like that, and he realized that it probably hadn't been urgency in her voice, just anxiety. Ladybug kept going. “How I can prove you two aren't the same person without revealing anybody's name.”
“Oh.” Stellar way to start a patrol. 
“Here's my plan. So after I went home the other day, I felt bad that you felt bad and then I had to figure something out, so that you could be happy again, and I promise I won't go looking for you.” Her words tumbled and tripped over themselves. “And I thought that it would probably be best if you could just stop thinking the way you were thinking, but no one’s identity will be compromised, and this is kind of dangerous if I’m wrong, but I’m not wrong, so if you don't want to do this it's fine, and of course you couldn't be the same two people, and--”
“Ladybug.” He hadn’t heard her babble like that for at least three months. Whatever her plan was, she was obviously presenting it to him against her better judgment. Her arms curled around herself, like she was terrified. Her hands were tight balls.
“I went through all of last year's yearbook. Are you in there?”
He nodded slowly, uncomprehending. “Yes?”
“I checked everyone, well, all the boys who look like the two of you. There's a bunch of people who match your general description, and none of them have the same initials. And no one has the same first initial as him, so I thought-- you could tell me what your first name starts with, and...”
And she could crush his heart once and for all when it didn’t match. 
Or, his traitorous heart whispered. Or maybe…
“Don't worry about me,” he said, resigned. It was a silly hope. He would just go back to his original plan of winning her over.
Ladybug hugged herself tighter, fists clenched, staring at his shoulder. “Are you sure? Because we don't have to do this.”
He squared his shoulders to brace himself. “A.”
He nodded. 
“Your last name?”
“What do you need it for? You said no one else has the same first letter.” She didn't answer, and he couldn't tell if this was a good sign or a bad sign.
“Another A,” he said.
Aside from her fists loosening slightly, she gave no visible reaction, though he thought he heard her breathing pick up a little.
“Ladybug has to go home now,” she whispered.
He blinked. “What about patrol?”
Without so much as a backward glance, she slipped over the side of the hotel. He watched as she skittered away over the rooftops and toward the direction of the school. What was that reaction? It looked bad. Those were bad feelings she was having. Did she leave so she wouldn’t have to hurt him again? Or some other reason?
Chat Noir finished the patrol route on his own, not sure if he should feel hopeful or despairing.
Ch 2
Author's note: Hello! Welcome to my Big Bang contribution! This story has seven chapters and will update every Saturday! Thank you to @toadashi who did some great artwork for it! To @cardiac-agreste for beta reading. To @jennagrinsoverml, for being so interested in this half-formed story that I eventually finished it. And to @mlbigbang for hosting this event!
Here is the artwork for this fic! :https://www.instagram.com/p/C1l539rowbO/?igsh=cmloaWRyaWVkdThv
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artzee-bee · 2 years
Forever my love | Adrien Agreste x reader
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Requested by @oyasumimosura
Summary: friends to strangers to lovers with a no-so-happy ending
Genre: some fluff, angst
Warnings: canon typical violence (maybe tuned up a notch tho), death
A/N: my google doc for this piece is 10 pages long and it’s went through at least 4 alternate endings before getting here. I got this request months ago and have been working on it since, whenever I can. I hope this is alright because it’s been a journey...
There was no ‘first memory’ with you. Not one that would come to Adrien’s mind anyways. It felt like you had simply always been in his life. The only thing he remembered was you and your mother, entering the Agreste mansion as if it was your own, almost every Sunday. His mom would welcome both of you with wide arms and offer you tea, and biscuits, which you would snuck to Adrien’s room. Your favorite have always been the ones with strawberry jam filling.
And then you’d play for hours! Building fortresses out of chairs and pillows, racing toy cars around the room, saving plush animals from the imminent danger of Adrien’s rocketship and so on. Not a single moment spent with you felt boring! Your presence was addictive, the joy, the excitement you brought with yourself every time was something Adrien couldn’t understand at the time but now, as an adult looking back, he could easily recognise it as love.
But the world has its own way of never quite letting you be happy enough. The memory of your last playdate, as well as the day his parents told him you were moving away, were very hazy and unclear. For years he refused to revisit them, the sorrow too great for his young, immature self to know how to handle. Now, there was only one sentence he could remember you saying, clear as day. One promise that gave him more hope than he could put in words. “We’ll keep in touch”.
You exchanged letters the whole time you were away!! Of course, they could never be a substitute for the time spent together but Adrien learned to appreciate them deeply. He took his time responding to each of them and always nervously awaited your response. Years went on like that! Every summer you’d promise to visit and every time Adrien would have the displeasure of having to read, in your flawless and delicate handwriting, that your parents canceled the trip for whatever reason.
Eventually, he decided it was best to move on. In the time you had been gone many things changed: he grew up, got big in the fashion industry, started school, became the new black cat miraculous holder, made friends! His life became overwhelmingly busy and the precious memories you made together faded away without notice. He found joy in other things and in his new friends! Your letters no longer brought the excitement they once did and consequently, he always postponed replying until eventually, it all stopped.
Much to Adrien’s shock, almost exactly a year after losing contact, he saw you! He had been transformed at the time, having just finished defeating an akuma when he saw you exiting a coffee shop down the street. He couldn’t believe his eyes and had it not been for the alarming beeping of his miraculous, he probably would have stayed petrified on top of that roof much longer. Once detransformed, he tried to go looking for you but to no avail.
It wasn’t until a week later that he finally got to talk to you again. Natalie reached out to your family and arranged for you two to meet. That Friday afternoon, you had lunch at a pizza place that you didn’t recognise. He looked the same. Same innocent glimmer in his eyes and ecstatic voice. It almost weirded you out how much it seemed this boy never changed. But of course, you weren’t right. Many things have changed.
Adrien tried his best to be open and friendly. To him, it felt like no time had passed at all, but you were so quiet and shy. A subtle frown was visible on your face from the moment you arrived and you barely looked him in the eyes. The air around you felt thick with discomfort, which was extremely frustrating to Adrien. He wanted to ask what’s wrong but found it so difficult to speak his mind until, eventually, you opened up yourself.
“Why did you stop writing?” your voice didn’t betray any feeling of anger or sadness and yet, Adrien was instantly washed over with guilt
“I’m sorry. I wanted to but…”
“Was I not worth it?”
“What?” Adrien couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, but you were just as still and cold as before
“Because, you see, when we were kids you were one of the most important people in my life. You were my best friend and I honestly thought we would never ever be apart! No one could ever break us up! And I put everything I had into not losing that, convinced that you’d do the same for me! Because your friendship was worth more to me than any number of kilometers between us!” your words fell out quickly and stung him “Was I not worth fighting for, Adrien?”
He didn’t know what to say! He wanted to tell you he was just stupid and made a grave mistake. That you were more than worth it, but the words were stuck in his throat.
You didn’t speak after that. Adrien was heartbroken but figured you were already so mad at him, it would only make it worse if he kept pestering you on.
Eventually, one night, after patrol, he saw you! It was already way after dark and you were just strolling down the street all alone. A sense of anxiety overtook him and he knew he couldn’t go home just yet
“Good evening pretty lady!” he greeted you, full of glee. “The streets can get pretty nasty this late at night, y’know? Hope you don’t mind if this street cat walks alongside you for a while.”
“Hello Chat Noir!” your voice was so smooth and warm “ I’d really love that. I was actually quite uncomfortable walking alone.” “Well then, fear not!The bravest and strongest hero in all of Paris is right here at your service! Did I also mention the most charming?” you giggled to his silliness
Adrien was ecstatic to get to talk to you again, like old times. He finally felt like he got his friend back! He didn’t even realize how big of a hole your absence had left in his life. After that night, he would accompany you everyday on your evening walks and, soon enough, you began hanging out at your house. Oftentimes he would knock on your bedroom window shortly after you got home from school and more often than not, he would spend hours at your place. You did almost everything together from playing video games to watching movies, cooking, gossiping. He would tell you all the fun stories he had with Ladybug from their patrols and would blush a little when you began laughing uncontrollably. It was just too cute.
With all this joy, still there was an ounce of pain at the idea that you didn’t know who you were really talking to. Almost every time you called him Chat, his heart would sting a little. He liked being Chat Noir. He loved it even. With you however, it just felt like one big lie he could do nothing about. He wanted you to look at him and see the boy from all those years ago. To look at him and call him by his name. To rejoice in old memories, instead of him having to pretend he hears the story for the first time. Adrien couldn’t help but feel like he was betraying you by simply being here, knowing how mad you were with his civilian self. When those thoughts got to him, he felt more alone than ever, but you almost always picked up on it
“What’s wrong?” you would ask and the sweetness of your voice ran like ice down his body. You would not be this kind if you knew
“Absolutely nothing, I am doing wonderful” he’d say through gritted teeth
“Sit down and talk to me!”
“I can’t. It’s personal” which you knew really meant “It would put my identity in danger”
So you would shut up. You’d make tea or let him have the last cookie as a sign of solidarity. To let him know you still cared. Sometimes he would ask you for hugs, which you would indulge him in. You’d wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him tight to your chest, trying to convey all the love and care you had for him in that one gesture. Almost always, the hero would melt into your embrace as if he’d never been held before. His head would rest on your shoulder and his blonde locks tickled your neck and cheek.
Confessing to you was the biggest risk he ever took, which meant a lot considering his occupation. It happened after yet another game of cards lost by Chat. It had been what felt like his 15th loss of the night and in a futile attempt to protect his remaining dignity, he slipped
“You’re only winning cause I love you too much to let you lose!” the cocky attitude dropped instantly as he processed his choice of words. You were just looking at him, a little quizzingly, unsure if you heard him right.
“Do you mean that?”
“I do”
The brightest smile overtook your features instantly “Good. I love you too!”
It was difficult for a long time. The secret identity issue became even greater with the new level of intimacy that was expected with the start of a romantic relationship. On top of that, Adrien was pretty clueless. You were his first girlfriend, the first girl he ever fell in love with, the pressure was high. He wanted to be the best boyfriend there was! He brought you many gifts, big and small. He spent as much time with you as he could, he always told you just how much you actually meant to him. The blush on your cheeks and the witty comebacks made him melt through his seat every time and with every happy memory he made with you came the unmistakable pain of never really being completely honest with you. On one of your sleepovers, the feelings were overwhelming Chat more than he thought was possible
“What’s going on Chat?”
“Nothing darling. Just tired”
“Come on, you know you can’t fool me! You’ve been quiet all night, it’s really unlike you”
Adrien’s mind went empty when you sat on the floor in front of him, lightly running your fingers over his leather clad ones. The trust and love in your eyes was so mesmerizing. No one had ever looked at him like that and for a split second he imagined your reaction if you knew who he was. He wondered if you’d kick him out. Break up with him here and now and never want anything to do with him ever again. He imagined the anger in your voice, the betrayal. And then, he considered, briefly, a different option. A scenario in which you’d hug him tight and kiss the top of his head, and there’d be no more lies. No more secrets, no more of these impossible feelings that were tormenting him. That smile, that bliss, engulfed his mind and he felt powerless in the face of hope.
“I’m sorry” he said weakly
“For what?” and before he could think for another second, talk himself out or consider the consequences of his actions, he did the only thing he felt was logical
“Plagg, claws in”
When the green light vanished and Adrien found himself back in his normal clothes, he didn’t muster to look at your face
“Chat, what are you doing?” finally, he glanced up, only to find you curled up on the ground, with your hands over your eyes. You hadn’t seen him
“It’s ok.”
“You detransformed?”
“Chat you can’t do that.”
“I want you to see me” he tried to sound confident, but it came out almost as a plea.
“What about Ladybug?”
“I’ll deal with her later. It’s ok. I swear”
Adriean reached out to pull your hands away from your face, but your eyes were still closed
“Before I look, I want you to know that I love you regardless of who you are. If you’re doing this because you think I can’t love you fully without knowing your identity, if you’re doing this for me, please know that this won’t change anything. I want you to be comfortable with this, ok?” Adrien blushed, feeling tears well up in his eyes
“I want to do this” he kissed your knuckles “if that’s ok with you”
Slowly, you opened your eyes and Adrien felt his heart beating out of his chest. Your face went soft and your eyes welled up with tears and you looked at eachother. You couldn’t muster a word and neither could he. He took this as you being disappointed and let go of your hand, only for you to grab it once more, much harder than before. Finally, tears came rolling down your cheeks, as you whispered a simple “I love you”
That night, neither of you could stop crying. The liberation of all secrets and all lies felt divine and finally, Adrien felt like he was 100% safe for the first time in his life.
Many things changed after that. Adrien got a serious scolding from Ladybug, since he couldn’t lie to her about what he’s done. She wasn’t as mad as he expected her to be, so in the end it was all worth it when you began showing up to the Agreste mansion to hang out. It was hard for Adrien to find time to spend with her during the day but Natalie was always so understanding of their relationship and tried her best to squeeze in an hour or two here and there for you! Now, Adrien could hold your hand and take you to his photoshoots. You facetimed more often and it finally felt like you got the relationship you were always meant to have.
Paris looked beautiful from the top of the Eiffel tower. Chat took you here many times before. It felt so romantic being up there with your best friend, the boy of your dreams! You felt so powerful looking down at all the lights and cars passing by and at the same time so protected by his tight grip around your waist. Nothing could hurt you if he was there, with or without the costume! But the arms holding you now were much slimmer and much less concerned with your safety. You knew you shouldn’t look down from the edge you were standing on but it was so hard not to. Lila was manic next to you, laughing and shouting about her imminent victory, taunting the two superheroes that were struggling to catch up.The tiny robots Lila could control with her powers had kept Ladybug and Chat Noir busy for just enough time to allow the akumatized girl to take you with her, away from the scene and up here.
“Be careful with what you do next Ladybug, otherwise the girl gets it!” the taunting manner in which she spoke felt hardly like Lila. You never found her to be a particularly pleasant person to be around but the malice with which she spoke now was so unusual!
She kicked your shin, making one of your legs drop off the edge. Had it not been for her holding onto your forearm, you would have dropped. You could see Ladybug and Chat approaching but they were so far away and it felt like they were moving so slowly. A cry ripped through your chest as you hung there, your life in the hands of this girl you couldn’t even recognise anymore.You were trying to pull yourself back on the ledge with your other foot before she kicked that one too, swinging you in the air by your arm.
“Oh oh, but you’re so far away little Bug? Whatever are you gonna do if my hand …slips?” she let go with a chuckle.
Chat couldn’t see anything around him anymore, all he saw was your helpless body falling from the sky! He screamed your name but he was still so far! Ladybug threw her yoyo, trying to form a net below you, but the speed at which you were falling was much greater than anybody expected. You fell right through the net, breaking it to pieces and hit the ground with a hard thud. Chat screamed, Ladybug was speechless, all the while Lila was laughing on her way down!
“Chat, get her! I’ll handle Lila!”
That’s all it took. Chat was looking down at your unconscious form before he knew it. You were so bloody and so limp in his arms.
“Don’t!” you whispered when he tried to pick you up
“It’s not safe for you here, I need to hide you away!” he almost screamed, too relieved to see you alive to be able to control himself
“It’s over Chat!”
“Don’t talk like that! You will be ok! I will make you ok!”
“I’m tired…”
“No, don’t do it! Focus on me, focus on my voice! Can you see me?”
“You have to protect the people…”
“You are the only one I have to protect! I’m sorry I wasn’t there to catch you, I’m sorry! Please! Please let me protect you!” tears were streaming down his face and he found himself thinking that he would sell his soul to switch places with you
“Chat, I love you” you said through your own tears
“Don’t say goodbye!”
“I’m not”
“I love you Y/N! I love you so much, please don’t leave me alone! I can still save you!” he laid his head on your chest, not believing his own words
“I’ll always love you Adrian!” you whispered in his ear, kissing his temple with the last of your powers
“You need to hurry up, Adrian needs to be at a press conference across town in one hour and we’re already behind schedule because of you!”
“Nathalie, stop that! Everyone is doing their best here.”
“This photoshoot was supposed to be over already!”
“Maybe you should go have some water while you wait, yeah?” Adrien was trying to be nice but he felt really bad about the way Nathalie was speaking to the makeup artist. He knew they were very busy and Nath was under a great deal of stress but still, he felt it wasn’t fair to the girls working hard to get him ready.
“I’m sorry about that! She’s a lovely person, it’s just the last couple of days have been really hard for her”
“Oh, it’s alright, sir. Trust me I’ve seen much worse before” the young girl replied “Plus, I would imagine that making the switch to become a full time model would bring on a lot more responsibilities on her side.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Adrien chuckled. “If you would have told me last year, when I was still in school, that my schedule would be even more packed as a graduate, I would have probably given up modeling then and there. Now I just deal with it.”
Adrien observed himself in the mirror, thinking back to his high school days. He tried to remember what he looked like, although that was very difficult. He knew his hair was much longer now, reaching just below his chin. He thought his face was a bit slimmer and many people told him he put on a healthy amount of muscle in the last couple of months, but  he was still himself, just 20.
“If you don’t mind sir, we need the first couple of buttons of your shirt undone for the next set. I will add a little contour to the collarbones and then we’re done”
Said and done, with the first few buttons open he looked even more manly than before.
“Um, I think we should take the necklace off if you don’t mind…”
Eyes shot down to his chest, where a tiny silver ring on a chain hung, barely glistening in the lights around.
“Yes, that’s alright” he said, although he never liked taking it off. There was always a worry in the back of his hand about misplacing it or something and the thought was simply unbearable, but he understood.
“That’s a very beautiful piece of jewelry”
“Thank you!” he looked down at the ring twirling it between his fingers. It was so simple, he wasn’t used to receiving compliments on it, even from the select few that got to see it. A simple golden band with a round diamond in the middle. It was so small for him, he could never get it more than halfway down his ring finger. “It belonged to somebody I cared a lot about.” He remembered how hard he worked to get your ring size, all those years ago. It was difficult to do it behind your back, since you had always been so good at reading his body language, you always knew when he was up to something. He remembered all those nights spent on the internet, looking for the perfect ring for you! He knew it needed to be simple but sometimes it was so hard to talk himself out of buying one of the big and glamorous ones. He just wanted to spoil you rotten and if he didn’t take the chance to do that when he was buying your engagement ring, then when would he? Finally, after weeks, he finally found this one and fell in love. It was perfect for you and you were gonna love it. The day it arrived was one of the most exciting times he experienced in the last decade, he could still feel his heart pumping now, at the memory.
“They can’t wear it anymore so I just keep it!” in fact, you had never even gotten the chance to try it on, but those details don’t need to be shared. Still, thinking about the incident, taking place only 2 weeks after he got the ring, hurts him to no end. He was planning the perfect engagement, a grand romantic gesture to make all your dreams come true but now he felt sorrow and regret, wishing he would have simply ran to your door the same day that package was delivered to ask you. At least then you would have known, you would have had the chance to say yes.
“I’m sure they were an incredible person” Adrien only nodded to that “Well, you’re all done, you can head to the set now”
“Thank you, I’ll just drop this off to Nathalie and go”
The pain of not having you around would never go away, Adian had accepted that as a fact! You would always be there for any anniversary or birthday, achievement or simply on lazy days when his mind would wonder. Nothing made the sting of not being able to hold your hand go away but at least the ring, your ring, would comfort him in those moments.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Sabotage in love - Hesperia/Betterfly x fem!reader
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warning : fluff, tiny hurt/comfort, teen angst from adrien, use of Y/n, female reader
Summary : Time has passed after the death of Emelie, and although his wife is still there in Gabriel's mind, he has found a new love. But his son is anything but pleased when he meets her...the only thing to do as an emo is to ruin the dates.
Info : So this One-Shot came from a comment by @iamallthingsasian and her idea of Adrien try to sabotage the dates of his father with his new girlfriend. Have fun reading :)
Since his father Gabriele had fallen into mourning after the death of his wife, some time had passed. The fashion designer had cried at the funeral, in the evening and the days, weeks and months after. But after almost two years he had finished with it.
He had accepted that his once beloved Emelíe had died and knew that holding on to it was not good. He knew that as much as it joked him, his son had to let go. It counted that he remembered the good things and not the last moments.
Gabriel had initially tried to be there for him and they had become closer. But since his father had applied himself in Adrien's eyes to look for new love, the blond clung to the grief.
A process that Gabriel could not oppose, especially since he had to concentrate on the villains of the city Shadybug and Clawnoir and did not want to lose hope himself. Until the day came when his father brought home a woman and it was not a new secretary. ,,Adrien, I'd like you to meet Y/n...my girlfriend," his father said after a moment's pause, reaching for her hand.
The younger woman next to him, perhaps a few years older than Emelie, smiled kindly at his son. Before she broke away from Gabriel and held out her hand to Adrien, ,,Hello Adrien nice to meet you" the blond teenager looked like he had been punched.
The eyeliner that was carefully drawn began to smear as he gave his father a hateful look and tears welled up in his eyes and he wiped them away. ,,Traitor! You and your-your money-grubbing bitch!" he hissed, slapping her hand away before running up the stairs to his room, the slam of the door echoing throughout the house.
She felt two hands on her shoulders and he hugged her from behind, ,,I'm sorry he was like that, I hope he didn't hurt you...he hangs on to his mother" the older one said and closed his eyes for a moment before she turned to him.
She carefully took his hand in hers and kissed it, a gesture that brought a smile to his face. ,,It's okay...not just a teenager he lost his mother I can't imagine how hard that must be" she said understandingly knowing it wouldn't be easy.
But she also knew that she would try everything to make him understand that she would not replace his mother and here was for Gabriel not for Adrien.
A relationship that the two continued anyway and even Nathalie was pleased that Gabrile had found a partner and the two women understood each other much to the chagrin of Adrien who liked her less and less each day.
But instead of reaching for his power and just wiping her out because he knew that even this was too conspicuous. Instead, the emo thought of other things to get his father away from her.
After a few weeks and months she moved in with the Agrestes and slept in bed with Gabriel. She had her own room where she she stayed from time to time, but most of the time she helped Nathalie and Gabriele either as a secretary or in designing clothes.
Gabriel always fell into a love frenzy and recited her the most beautiful poem while he used her as a model. Gestures and words that Adrien tried to block out with My Chemical Romance what was coming from his room.
Not only was the side of the bed she was sleeping on suddenly cut and torn, but the side of his mother's bed where Gabriel was sleeping was completely intact. But this only led to the couple sleeping together on the couch or simply in one of the other beds and this closer and sweeter than ever before.
The morning came over Paris and Y/n decided to make breakfast for their loved ones. It was to be pancakes with syrup nothing particularly exciting but sweet.
While she went to the kitchen and slept out of the room before she gave Gabriel a light kiss on the head and checked that Nathalie was still asleep she went to work in the kitchen. Humming lightly, she got to work on the dough before she went in search of snow. A time that the blonde took advantage of and poured the white spice into the dough.
Giggling, he hurried out of the kitchen and ran into Y/n, who held him so he wouldn't fall. ,,Are you alright?" she asked and was about to offer him a cup of cocoa or something else in the hope that he would say yes.
But he hurried out of her grasp and ran to his room. The surprise was yet to come as everyone gathered for breakfast. ,,Good morning, everyone!" she said cheerfully and put out their favorite drinks.
Gabriel his lavender tea, Nathalie her coffee and Adrien she had even bought his favorite energy. ,,Thanks" he mumbled and the three adults looked at each other in confusion before they hurriedly continued before they all had a pancake on their plate.
,,I hope you like them" Y/n said and took a bite of the pancake like the others and Adrien seemed to almost break the cutlery. ,,Oh...this is just...so good" Gabriele murmured and Nathalie agreed while pleasurable noises came from the three of them and Y/n hastily waved it off but was happy that it tasted good.
,,What!" he shouted way too loud and took a bite of his pancake but it was true it was sweet instead of salty. He had mixed up the salt with the sugar and poured sugar into it.
A fact that made the blond run back to his room before he took his energy and ran away again. ,,What's wrong with him?" asked Nathalie and her father said, ,,Maybe he doesn't like sweets?" before the three of them continued to eat and spend the day. With the condition that they Gabriele and Nathalie had to write down the recipe and the three ate together for a while.
But this was only one of the many pranks that Adrien tried to bring his father apart. Whether it was the trip to the park in which the two made an excursion. Hand in hand the way along went and it always smiled when Gabriele butterflies observed and her about the kind something told while she made photos of it.
The two complemented each other in this matter and she even got a necklace in the shape of a butterfly from Gabriele. While they were walking she felt him stroking her fingers when suddenly a teenager with a hood on his face came towards them.
Before it happened he took out a water bomb and hurled it at the woman. With a splash it burst and the woman was completely wet while the teenager ran away. But the force almost knocked her over. Adrien had used his strength and only a fraction of it.
Gabriel caught her before she stumbled and held her close, afraid something might happen. ,,Are you all right? Are you hurt?" Gabriele asked immediately ignoring the young man and taking off his coat, the dark purple coat wrapped around her form as she began to shiver from the icy water. ,,Y-Yes, thank you, it's just water...even if it was weird" she replied and gave him a grateful smile as he rubbed his hands over her arms.
Tried to give her warmth before he realized that this wasn't completely effective. ,,Close your eyes, we'll be home soon," he murmured, stroking her hair before turning and picking her up in his arms.
Transformed, he jumped from roof to roof back to his house where he set her down and transformed back. Before Nathalie made her friend a tea and Gabriel disappeared with his friend in the bathroom.
There he ran her a warm bath and sat down next to the tub while Nathalie brought the tea and seemed to be having a conversation with Adrien when the music stopped. ,,Don't you think your care is a little too much?" she asked, taking a sip of the tea as the foam sank into the lilac lavender water.
But the white-haired man just shook his head with a smirk as his fingers slid through the water. ,,No, I mean you are the most important thing in my life next to Adrien and Nathalie. You're my family...but you I'm afraid of losing...my heart couldn't take it" he confessed and looked at his shot confessing his inner self and touching her heart with his words.
Putting the tea aside she sat up slightly and reached for his hand while placing her other on his cheek. ,,Gabriel I had no idea...thank you my love" she said softly and pulled him into a loving kiss before she felt him come closer to her and return the kiss.
After the conversation with Nathalie, Adrien didn't seem to accept his father's girlfriend as his mother, but he respected her somehow and seemed inwardly happy that she was somehow doing his father good.
Even if the attacks on the dates suddenly stopped, the occasional hissing from Adrien and the evil glances were still there. But Gabriel and his love stayed together they had found their future and their true love.
@irenea666 , @vavandeveresfan , @a-reading-dreamer, @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
Don't hide that smile!
□ Request: Hi! I have a request for obey me but I'd like to remain anonymous, how about a mc who hides their teeth and wears a face mask to hide them? It's alright if you cant do all, just at least leviathan if you can, thank you :)
□ Characters: Leviathan, Simeon, Satan x gn!reader
□ Genre: fluff, comfort?
□ A/N: I wanted to do four characters but my brain legit couldn't come up with shit, also I kinda bullshitted on Satan's part sorry but here you go anon, I hope you like it <3
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At first, Levi really just thought that you might have an allergy and simply let it be. But as your relantionship progressed and you spend more and more time with each other he began to question it.
He won't say anything at first, afraid to make you uncomfortable in any way but when one day you two were playing a game together and you had grinned as the "you win" flashed on the screen.
Levi just sort of blurted it out when you brought a hand up to cover your smile. And when you looked at him in confusion? Oh how he wished the ground would just swallow him up whole.
When you tell him that you are kinda insecure of your teeth, this demon is confusion. Why would you not like your teeth? They look perfectly fine to him. In fact, he loves when you smile, not that he would ever admit to that.
But from then, Levi tries to get you to smile more, even if it comes at the price of embarassing himself. Oh and if any idiot tries to make a negative remark about your smile or teeth? Levi has the power of god and anime on his side and he will defend you to the end.
Similar to Levi, Satan didn't question it but from all his observing, he did have a theory in his mind that you didn't quite like your smile. As you relationship blossoms into something more, he starts observing more and more.
How you hid your smile or covered your mouth with your hand when you laughed. And Satan, not surprisingly, directly asked you about it. His mind was itching to figure out this habit of yours.
When you tell him that its 'cause you don't like your teeth very much, he has hundreds of questions on the tip of his tongue. Questions, which he chooses not to ask you all at once in case it overwhelms you.
Satan will specifically ask the question "did someone tell you something to make you feel that way?", 'cause if the answer is yes then Adrien Agreste here is ready to commit homicide.
But aside from that, he'll help you overcome this little by little, with always being by your side through it all.
Ever so observing towards the tiniest little things, Simeon quickly picks up on the habit of yours. Of course, he understands that everybody has their insecurities but it doesn't change the fact that he is severely confused why you don't like that smile of yours.
To him, it brighten ups the room and his heart when he sees you smile or laugh. Simeon doesn't exactly outright talk to you about it for a long time, instead opting to drive your insecurities away subtly.
Like when you don't cover up your laugh or smile 'cause you're just too distracted, Simeon will give you the most lovesick expression and in the softest voice, tell you how beautiful your smile is which in turn makes your cheeks heat up.
When he finally talks to you about it, its when you once again go to cover your smile with your hand and Simeon's own hand, without thinking, reaches up to take your hand and hold it gently in his.
To him, there is nothing more serene than seeing the love of his life,his angel be happy and smiling. And though no matter how much time it takes for you to come to terms with it, Simeon will be there to say it a thousand times over and over if he needs to.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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mireyaaaaaaaaa · 10 months
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𝕌𝕟𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖
"As long as he's happy, I am too..."
Pairing/ nonidol!niki × reader
Synopsis/ reader likes niki but...
Genre/ mostly fluff, little bit of angst in some chapters
Warnings/ none
♡𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝕟𝕠 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥...?
"I brought popcorn!" said Hanni as she barged into my apartment
"Uhhh... So who's not here yet?" I asked
Eunchae told that Riki and Harja hadn't arrived yet. Of course. Just as I was about to call them, the doorbell rang. "Decent human beings." Yuna murmured, not directed at Hanni, definitely.
I went to open the door and let the two boys in. Ni-ki was wearing the black hoodie i had gifted him on his birthday! He looked pretty attractive in it.
"hey you okay?" he asked
"h-huh? Oh uhm y-yeah" WHY DID I STUTTER? I realized i was staring at him. The girls were giggling from behind. "the hoodie looks good on you" "i know right!! And the hoodie you gave is pretty cool in itself"
I smiled at him.
"OKAY OKAY LOVEBIRDS COME INSIDE NOW" Eunchae told us. I couldn't help but smile... WHYY
"Eunchae you know you're the only one i see in the name of lovee" riki replied (NOT SHIPPING THEM, THIS IS JUST A FIC) "riki stop being so cheesy. You know i dont like you as more than a brother right?" she replied. "BROTHER?" "YES." "But-"
"JUST START THE SHOWWW" hanni interptted their quarel. "Yeah yeah. Now stop screaming, we aren't deaf yet, by some miracle." harua sarcastically commented. Hanni threw her pillow at him. "HEY!" he exclaimed. "no spoilers for me and hanni please." yuna requested. "uhhhhh...." the rest of us glanced at eachother. "Okay sit down now. We're starting. I'm sitting next to y/n!" said Eunchae. "Me too!!" Riki followed. Even Riki... Wait... Why am i smiling? It's nlt a big deal... I guess?! He likes Eunchae, not me, not like that matters, we're just friends...
I heard Adrien Agreste say that in my mind for some reason!
There's no way right...? I'm not developing feelings for Riki... No... Right...? Uh oh.
ᴀ/ɴ > ʷʰʸ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ⁱᵗ ʰᵘʳᵗ ˢᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵉˢᵗ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ʷʰᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᶜʳᵘˢʰ ᵒⁿ ˡⁱᵏᵉˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵇᵉˢᵗ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ...? ᵐᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵈᵉⁿⁱᵃˡ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵃᵐᵉ ʷᵃʸ ʸ/ⁿ ʷᵃⁿᵗˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵈᵉⁿⁱᵃˡ ˡᵐᵒᵃ.
 ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ ) 
ᵃᵈʳⁱᵉⁿ ᵃᵍʳᵉˢᵗᵉ ⁱˢ ᵖʳᵉᵗᵗʸ. ᶜʰᵃᵗ ⁿᵒⁱʳ ⁱˢ ᵖʳᵉᵗᵗʸ.
ᴛʏ ғᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 3! ᴘᴀʀᴛ 4 ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ sᴏᴏɴ
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celestiall0tus · 6 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 30 - Gigantitan
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix looked out at the Louvre from her bedroom window. A large portion of it was closed off by the request of Gabriel Agreste for a photo shoot for a new, upcoming line. She watched as a few people went in and out until Adrien arrived with Kagami beside him. She waited until there was a knock at her door. She turned as Alim stepped inside.
            “You’re all set. I’ve had the section Tikki showed me sectioned off separate from where the photoshoot is happening.”     
            Alix smiled and hugged Alim. “Thanks, Dad. Did you let people know too?”
            “Yup. You won’t have to worry about anyone bothering you.”
            Alix grinned, threw on her hoodie, and ran out to the Louvre. She ran through the museum to the statue of Joan of Arc Listening to Her Voices. She inspected the base of the statue when she found an odd symbol. She pressed her kwatagama against it. The room darkened and she was surrounded by red portraits of past ladybug holders. She marveled at all of them until she saw one that was distorted with no clear display.
            “That one,” Tikki said, pointing to the distorted portrait.
            Alix reached out and touched the anomaly. The other portraits vanished as a red silhouette of an adult woman materialized. She watched in awe as the light faded to reveal an older version of her suited up in a ladybug-themed roller derby outfit. The older Alix’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled.
            “Hello, Mini Me.”
            “No way. You… you’re… you’re me!”
            “Almost. I’m from a timeline that no longer exists.”
            “What? How is that possible?”
            The older Alix let out a breath and took a seat. “It’s quite a tale. Come, sit, and I’ll share the events that brought you here.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “See, this timeline, you as the ladybug holder, it’s because of me.”
            “Come and I’ll tell you everything.”
            Adrien took a seat as a breather. He looked around at the empty corridors with each end guarded by Kagami and Gorilla. He sighed and took a breath. A creeping sensation crawled up him the entire time he had been out. He had tried to shake it, but it never let up.
            “Adrien, why don’t you take ten and stretch your legs while we set up?” Vincent offered.
            Adrien nodded and waved down Kagami. “Let’s go on a walk.”
            Kagami nodded and accompanied Adrien as they walked around the desolate museum. They encountered a few others in other areas. Adrien hoped that would help his unease, but it grew as they walked around.
            “Adrien, are you ok? You seem unwell.”
            “It’s… well, it’s something. I just feel… uneasy. Like something is coming.”
            “Noted. And, in the future, you’ll do well to let me know these things sooner.”
            Adrien nodded. They continued their walk around when a chill came over him. He turned and Kagami was gone. His eyes widened as he turned around in search of her when Marinette appeared beside him. Panic shocked him as he jumped back.
            “Marinette. You scared me.”
            “S-sorry. I… I hope you don’t mind, but I was hoping we could… you know… talk?”
            “I… I don’t know. I really should be getting back to the photoshoot. Besides, I should find Kagami and-.”
            Marinette paled as she took a step closer to Adrien. “Please, Adrien, give me a chance. I…!”
            “Get away from him!” Kagami roared.
            Adrien turned as Kagami charged in, tossing Alya into a wall. He moved closer to Kagami when Alya jumped up and tackled Kagami.
            “No! You stay away from him! You’re ruining this for Marinette!” Alya howled.
            “She has no right to be near him. Not when he belongs to me!” Kagami yelled.
            “What?” Adrien gasped.
            “You’re wrong! He belongs to Marinette!” Alya countered.
            Adrien’s jaw dropped as he stepped back.
            “Wait, Adrien! I promise it’s not what it sounds like!” Marinette pleaded.
            Adrien shook his head and ran. Plagg poked out from his jacket.
            “Plagg, I don’t know what to do. I can’t-!”
            “Do you know where the statue of Joan of Arc Listening to Her Voices is?” Plagg asked.
            “What? I mean, yes.”
            “Go there. Now.”
            Adrien nodded and headed for the statue.
            Alix let out a breath as she took in the story the older Alix told her. “That’s… I’m sorry that happened. But, with this wish, you made this timeline?”
            “Something like that. I wanted whatever led to the events of Chat Blanc to never occur. I thought so long as I was one of the holders, I could stop it. And here you are, as the ladybug. Though I do worry with my timeline being remembered if something will happen.”
            “Tikki said something would. That a condition would be unmet that would need to be fulfilled later. That it was worth the risk because she trusts me, and she wanted me to find a new guiding light in… you.”
            “Did she? She’s a sweetheart, isn’t she?”
            “And a bit of a nag. Almost like… like a mother.”
            The older Alix smiled. “It almost sounds like you need not look far for your guiding light.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Come on, what’s the fun if I tell you? Besides, I don’t think I can be much. We don’t seem too different. You and I. Us.”
            “Maybe not, but we’re also different. You survived an apocalypse while I’m bitching and moaning about my dying mother leaving me. Seems incredibly different circumstances, no?”
            The older Alix chuckled. “Alright, I’ll give you that. Maybe I can help then, though I’m not sure how.”
            “Well, how did you do it? How did you survive for so long given everything? You could have given up at any point, but you didn’t. How?”
            “Yes. You’re right in a lot of things. I had no reason to keep going. I lost everything. My home, my friends, my family, and my future. I lived just to survive, nothing more. By that reasoning, I should have given up, but I couldn’t. Not so long as there was hope. Hope and a single fool fighting for the impossible. After all, no cause is lost so long as there is still one fool willing to fight for it.”
            “What if all hope is gone? What then?”
            The older Alix chuckled. “Hope is never gone. You simply need to remind yourself what’s worth living for, but also what’s worth dying for.”
            “What about with me? I… I had hoped to see my mother again in death that I nearly left my friends and family. I… I also can’t deny a part of me still wants to find her, but… you know.”
            “And is our mom your only reason for living?”
            “No! I have my friends, family, and myself.”
            “Then why do you want to give up just to see one person when you have so many more worth living for?”
            “Because… because I miss her. I feel like she left me too soon. When I needed her most. I know people come in and out of our lives, that death is a natural thing, but it doesn’t ease the pain. I don’t even understand how you managed seeing Dad and Jalil’s deaths, including your own.”
            “Because I redirected that grief to help me drive forward. I could have laid down and died like you, but I couldn’t. I knew I could set everything right, but not just for the living, but the dead too. I carried their burdens with me, using them to remind myself what I could save. In your case, I would use it to remind myself why I still live. You say you feel like Mom abandoned you, yes?”
            “I do.”
            “Then redirect it. Use that feeling to push you forward to be there for those in your life. Your friends and family. Always be there for them when they need you, just as Mom was once in life. Let your strength come from your defiance, just as I did. Accept the outcome but defy fate the outcome it desires. Create the outcome you want through your defiance.”
            Alix knotted her brows in thought when she saw Adrien stumble into the room. He took several deep breaths when he spotted her. He broke down in tears as he tackled her.
            “Alix! Oh, thank goodness you’re here! I need your help. Please!”
            Alix furrowed her brows and opened her mouth when Marinette, Alya, and Kagami ran into the room after Adrien.
            “Great, you’re here,” Alya hissed.
            “What the hell is going on?” Alix demanded.
            “Nothing. Stand aside,” Kagami ordered.
            Alix sneered. She pushed past Adrien and stood against Kagami. “Never. You have no power over me, bitch.”
            The older Alix whooped and hollered. “Ata girl! You got it! Show them they can’t oppose such defiance. Protect the one you care about!”
            Alix’s eyes widened slightly before she smirked. “I would sooner like to know what the hell happened that Adrien is running from you.”
            “I was doing my job of protecting him. Nothing more,” Kagami reflected.
            “I don’t believe you. Adrien wouldn’t have ran unless something happened. So, I’ll ask again. What did you do?”
            “Yeah, cunt ass bitch! What the fuck did you do?” the older Alix yelled.
            Alix grimaced, aware that none of them could see the older her besides her and Tikki. Though she did admire her older self’s energy.
            “Fine. If you must know, I told them to stay away from Adrien because he is mine. Our parents have arranged our betrothals,” Kagami admitted.
            “What?” Adrien, Marinette, and Alya yelled.
            “Oh, that’s fucked. You aren’t going to let this stand, are you?” the older Alix asked.
            Alix shook her head. “No, I’m not. Neither of your parents have any right to arrange such things without your consent. And I know damn well Adrien had no idea.”
            “That doesn’t matter. We owe-.”
            “You owe nothing! Who fucking cares what your parents want or what they did. This is your life, not your parent’s. You should live it as you want, not how they dictate.”
            “My mother gave up everything to raise me. The least I can do is this,” Kagami countered.
            “I’m sorry, but how the fuck is your mother being the leader of cutting-edge technology and CEO of her own fucking company her giving up everything to raise you. Seems very far from giving up everything to me.”
            Kagami snarled. “I don’t expect from French, wanna-be punk girl to understand how things are with my family. I am from a family of samurai women. We follow orders because we choose to. And I’m choosing to bring face to my family by following my mother’s orders. What are you doing that remotely brings face to your muddled, watered down bloodline of a family?”
            Alix considered as she glanced back at Adrien and her older self. She felt doubt cross her, but it faded when she saw them. Adrien, who counted on her, and her older self, who was the embodiment of defiant will, but also her mother. Without even remembering their mother, they were so much alike. A pang of guilt and regret hit her heart, before a fire was lit.
            Alix turned and decked Kagami in the jaw. “That. That is what I’m doing to bring ‘face’ to my family. We don’t bow to fucking overlords who think they rule the world. We don’t bend our knees to corrupt shitheads that think they know better. We rise and fight against assholes like you. My mother used to when she was alive, and I will always do it. For her, for those I love, and myself!”
            Kagami glared daggers at Alix. “You’re going to regret this, crossing paths with me. All your talk of chaos and purposeless fighting with be for nothing. You will bow to my will, and that of my mother’s. Just you wait and see.”
            “You’re wrong. I know what I fight for… and what’s dying for. Do you?”
            Kagami opened her mouth, then shut it before she stormed off.
            Alix snorted and turned to Alya and Marinette. “As for you two, stay away from Adrien. Marinette, he’s already told you he’s not interested.”
            “No, he didn’t. He-!” Alya started.
            “No, I did. I very much told her and Lila that I’m not interested,” Adrien butted in.
            Alya furrowed her brows and turned to Marinette. “He did? Why didn’t you tell me?”
            “Uh. Well, because… because it wasn’t, uh, important?” Marinette attempted.
            Alya shook her head and grabbed Marinette’s wrist. “That’s it. We’re leaving.”
            Alya dragged Marinette away before she could get another word out. Alix sighed and turned back to Adrien and her older self. Adrien approached her and sang his praises, but her focus was on her older self.
            “You did good. I’m proud of us, you, me? Ah, forget it. I’m proud.”
            Alix smiled. “Thank you.”
            “Uh, for what?” Adrien asked.
            “Not you. The other me.”
            “Other you?”
            “Yeah. You can’t see her. Only I can. Tikki brought her back so we could meet, and I couldn’t be happier.”
            “Oh? What’s she doing?”
            “She’s showing me how to be the best version of myself.”
            “Nah. I’m showing you the person you always have been. You said it all yourself. Now let’s see you practice what you preach, bitch. Once you do, you’ll be where you need to be. After that little display, I can say you’re well on your way,” the older Alix reassured.
            Alix smiled, but it faded when screams tore through the air. She hid in the corner and transformed before she headed out to the source. She stopped dead when she saw a giant baby in a neon onesie.
            “What the hell is that?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “Seriously? Hawkmoth brought this back?” the older Alix asked.
            “He used this before?”
            “Yeah. I remember the thing just wanted a damn lollipop, and that my Ladybug-,” the older Alix started.
            Bloody Bug’s eyes widened as she used her Lucky Charm to create a massive lollipop. She held it up and gave it to the baby. It gleefully took it while she looked it over for the Akuma. She eyed the bracelet, broke it, and released the Akuma. She caught it, purified it, and let it go. The giant baby reverted to a normal sized one as she grabbed the lollipop. She threw it up and used her Miraculous power.
            “That was so much simpler than what my Ladybug did. Fuck this! How the hell was Marinette more worthy than us?” the older Alix complained.
            “Wait, what?”
            The older Alix opened her mouth as light particles flew up from her body. “I’m sorry. Time’s up. For now, I hope.”
            Bloody Bug nodded. “See you soon.”
            The older Alix bowed her head as she vanished.
            Bloody Bug sighed. She turned to the baby as its mother came back for it. She headed back to the room with the statue and de-transformed. She didn’t see Adrien, though she assumed he returned to his photoshoot.
            “So, what did you think?” Tikki asked.
            “That was… amazing. Did you see how cool she was? Or, well, me? And the fact that she went through all that and never gave up. Not like I did. But I’ll be better now. That I can promise.”
            “I’m glad she was able to help you. But now that you have, be prepared for the worst to come.”
            “I’m ready. I know what I must be, though it won’t be easy, but I’m not alone. Right?”
            Tikki giggled and nuzzled Alix. “We’ll be here at your side. Always.”
            Alix smiled and cradled Tikki. “Then let’s face the future together, always. Now, let’s go check on Adrien, and piss off that bitch ass puppet.”
            “I don’t know, Alix. Do you really want to make her angrier than she already is?”
            “I will, for Adrien because he’s worth fighting for to see him happy.”
            Tikki smiled. “Then let’s go.”
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette Decmeber 2022: 24-Joke (Meme)
Lila smiled as she sat on top of a red Chevrolet Corvette. It had been so easy to lie to Alya and tell her it was hers. It had been in the same place all week.
'This is going to show everyone I'm still relevant. Gabriel never should have let me go!'
Alya smiled as she quickly took pictures and then brought up her live feed to show how amazing her best frined was. There had been some haters on there criticizing her blog and saying mean things about her friend. She was about to prove them all wrong.
"Get off of my car, Lila!" a voice shouted.
Alya turned herself, with her phone, to see Marinette with her arms crossed and her hips cocked.
"Your car?" Alya shouted.
Lila laughed, "You would never be able to afford this car. You're just a baker's daughter."
Alya and Lila laughed. Marinette glared at the pair and pulled out her car keys. She waved the keys in the air, before pressing a button and showing who the true owner of the car was. Lila turned bright red, having her lie exposed by the same girl again.
"Get off my car, Liar, before I call the police on you." Marinette demanded.
Lila quickly got off the car.
"How can you afford something like this?" Alya asked.
"My husband got it for me for my birthday." Marinette smiled, "I doubt you'd be able to afford something like this."
"I'm a fashion model and designer for Gabriel!" Lila exclaimed, "I'm gonna be in the fashion show! He personally asked me to be his model in his collaboration with that new designer, Zara."
Mari laughed, "Oh yeah. You're definetly still a liar."
"I am not!" Lila cried.
Alya looked between the two and then down at her phone. She had forgotten she was live, but the comment section was flying! They were laughing.
"I told you that Lie-La girl was full of shit!"
"Have you looked up her other lies?"
"Did you hear her claim the car was hers?"
"Wasn't she fired from Gabriel?"
"Haven't seen her anywhere but on this blog."
"This isn't a live stream; It's a LIE stream!"
Alya glared at the comment section and quickly shut down the live stream.
"Marinette!" a familiar voice called.
"Adrien!" Marinette cried back, happily.
Adrien quickly hugged Marinette, "You think your husband would mind if you give me a ride to the fashion show?"
"Of course not." Mari smiled, "You're my model after all."
'Adrien's her model? What about Gabriel?'
Alya turned to Lila. She could see she was upset. Alya turned back to ask what was going on.
"Hands off my wife, Agreste!" another voice shouted.
Lila and Alya stared at the new man. He was tall, broad-chested, had olive skin, forest green eyes, and jet black hair. He was dressed in a black suit and tie.
'That's Marinette's husband?'
"Damian!" Marinette cried, quickly rushing over and kissing him, "Adrien needs a ride to the show. I can't leave my model behind."
Damain looked at Adrien, who was pleading. His eyes kept shifting to the other woman nearby.
"Fine." Damian stated.
"Yes!" Adrien shouted.
"Back seat!" the Wayne commanded.
Adrien smiled and saluted, "Yes, Sir!"
Marinette unlocked the car and Adrien was quick to jump into the back seat.
"Why don't you let me drive, Angel?" Damian asked, "I know your nerves."
Marinette handed the keys over. Both Waynes climbed into the front seat and drove off, without another word.
"Oh, no!" Lila quickly cried out, "I'm going to be late to the show! I have to be there early!" before running off.
Alya smiled, as she proudly showed off her media badge. She hated reporting fashion. She never had the passion for it, but Lila had helped her get the job. She couldn't wait to see her on the runway, but walk after walk, she saw didn't see her. She knew she had seen Natalie so that only confirmed that Gabriel and Adrien were backstage with Lila.
Alya smiled and quickly took pictures as Adrien walked out.
'There he is! Lila should be coming out next!'
Adrien stood at the end of the runway and picked up a mic.
"Let me introduce you to the one and only designer known as Zara!" he announced, "Marinette Wayne!"
Alya almost dropped her camera.
'No! No! That can't be! Lila wouldn't have lied to me! She told me she was working with Zara...but she also said that was her corvette. Lila....lied to me.'
"Thank you for all coming to the fashion event and we will see you all next year!" someone announced.
Alya quickly looked around. Marinette and Adrien had already left the runway. She looked around and saw that many people were getting out of their seats and heading next door to the after party. She had so many questions for them. Why had Lila not modeled? Why was Adrien working with Marinette and not his father? Lila had said that Adrien wasn't even speaking to Marinette; that he hated her, but that wasn't true from what she saw earlier.
Alya pulled out her phone and opened up her blog. Thousands of subscribers were gone. Her eyes teared up as she read the comment section.
"Thx @chuckleslamby for recommending me this blog!"
"OMG! Did you see that @FennicGod?"
"That was as funny as they said it would be! LOL!"
"If you need a good laugh, always the best place!"
"Comedy blog GOLD!"
"Fake ppl who act like they know everything. Almost as good as the ppl who get karma!"
Alya bit her lip to keep herself from sobbing. These weren't the loyal followers she had expected. These were people who loved to laugh and make fun of her and Lila. They knew everything had been a lie up to now and she had been so blind to it all. That was the moment she knew that was why she didn't have a real journalist job.
Alya watched from nearby as Adrien spoke to Marinette and her husband, like nothing had ever changed, since college. She didn't know Marinette had gotten married. Gabriel Agreste was even talking to her like she was a big deal.
"I'm so proud to see the wonderful designer you have blossomed into." Gabriel spoke.
"We loved having you both at the wedding." Marinette smiled, "Thank you for helping me, again, with my wedding dress. You both have done so much for me."
Adrien hugged Marinette again, "I'd do anything for you."
Damian quickly pulled Marinette into his arms, "What you can do for me, is stop grabbing my wife."
Marinette giggled, "Adrien's always been a bit touchy with me." earning her husband's famous glare thrown Adrien's way, "Don't worry, Habibi. Adrien knows I can hurt him if he touches somewhere he's not suppose to."
"And your husband would kill me if I did." Adrien winced.
"True." Damian smirked.
"Adrien only gets hugs and head pats." Mari declared, "Besides, I'm sure Adrien will have a new person to hug and cuddle since he'll be an uncle."
Damian and Adrien looked at her confused.
"Congradulations." replied Gabriel.
"Thank you, Gabriel." Marinette answered.
Damian kissed her head, "You are 100% correct?"
Mari nodded and leaned intot her husband more.
"I don't get it." Adrien frowned.
The fashion designer chuckled, "I'm pregnant."
Adrien pulled her back into his arms and shouted, "I'm an uncle!"
Gabriel smirked as Damian rolled his eyes, before pulling Marinette back to his side.
"I'll help!" Adrien exclaimed, "I'll move to Gotham and-"
"You can help spoil, but I think that's it, as far as 'Uncle Duties' go." Marinette giggled, "Damian will be doing everything else."
"Right." Adrien blushed.
Nothing was like Lila had told her. Marinette was happy with her life. She had a loving husband and a child on the way. Adrien still seemed to be a big part of her life as a brother figure. Alya walked out of the party and saw Lila sitting on the steps, looking miserable.
"I should be happy you look like shit." Alya commented.
Lila turned and glared at her, as she sat on the steps in her glittery black corset dress.
'She's never looked at me like that before. Why? Is it because I know she lied to me?'
"It's what I should say for you lying to me so much." she stated.
Lila rolled her eyes, "What do you want then? A prize? A trophy? The 'You Fucked Up' award?".
'This isn't the Lila I know. This girl is bitter. Did she lie because she knew Marinette was happy? Is Lila unhappy? Did I ever know the real Lila?'
Lila sighed, "Like I told that bitch in college, I only tell people what they want to hear. It was easy to fool you all to doing what I wanted you to do. I didn't expect it to come to an end, tonight."
'A fool. That's all I am to her? Not even her best friend?'
"Including yourself?" Alya growled out, rushing back inside.
Lila stood up and began to walk home. Lila ignored the tears pouring down her cheeks.
'Yeah. I lie to myself the most.'
Lila had tried her hardest to get backstage and into the event, but had been caught by Gabriel Agreste. She had begged him to let her be in his fashion line. She never expected him to tell her he had signed over Gabriel to Marinette and merged the company, years ago. The Gabriel brand no longer existed; it was a apart of Zara, now. He couldn't pull any strings for her as Marinette and Adrien had restraining orders on her, he reminded her. Marinette ran the business, completely. She was the brains and artist behin the brand. He would submit deisgns every now and then, but other then that, he had been vacationing the last couple years.
Lila slumped against the door as she made her way into her apartment and sighed.
'So much for my grand re-entrance.'
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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aalissy · 3 months
Anddd here's day 22 :). A lil bit of Ladrien hurt/comfort bc they're my babiessss. I hope y'all like it <3
Adrien Agreste sat at his desk, staring at his math homework without truly seeing it. The numbers and symbols blurred together, a testament to his lack of focus. His mind was elsewhere, wrapped in the complexity of emotions he didn't quite know how to handle.
It had been a long week. Photoshoots, fencing practice, schoolwork, and the constant pressure of being the perfect son for his father. And, to top it all off, there had been an akuma attack every day this week. God, couldn’t Shadowmoth give them a little break? Seriously, it was like the man never slept. 
Three of the latest akuma attacks had woken him up in the middle of the night. Adrien had barely managed to stumble out of bed, let alone try and defeat an akuma. Seeing Ladybug’s grinning face had helped some, as it always had done before.
Either way, the juggling act had left him feeling stretched thin, fragile even. He tried to shake off the feeling, but it clung to him like a second skin. He tapped his pencil against his homework, trying desperately to focus. He was supposed to be good at this. Why was it suddenly making no sense? Adrien groaned with frustration, tearing a hand through his hair as he leaned back against his chair.
A gentle tap on his bedroom window drew his attention away from the frustrating equations though. Ladybug. The sight of her always brought a smile to his face, and tonight was no exception. He hurried over, opening the window to let her in.
"Ladybug?" he asked, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his voice. "What are you doing here?"
"Hi, Adrien," she replied, her voice soft and warm. She stepped inside, her eyes scanning his face with concern. "I just wanted to check up on you. You seemed kinda... off lately."
Adrien's heart skipped a beat. Ladybug, his hero... his biggest crush, was here, in his room, concerned about him. He tried to muster a reassuring smile but felt it falter. "I'm fine, really. Just a lot on my plate."
Her eyes softened as she reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "It's okay to admit when you're not fine, you know."
Adrien looked down, the weight of her words pressing against his chest. "I guess I just... feel a bit overwhelmed. Like I'm being pulled in too many directions at once."
Ladybug nodded, her expression understanding. "I understand, Adrien, you have so much to do. Being a student, a model, and everything else you do isn’t easy. It's alright to feel fragile sometimes."
That word echoed in his mind. It was the perfect description of how he felt, like a delicate piece of glass ready to shatter at any moment. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just wish I could find a balance."
Ladybug's grip on his arm tightened slightly, offering silent support. "You're stronger than you think, Adrien. And you don't have to do it all alone. It's okay to lean on your friends, to ask for help."
Adrien looked up, meeting her eyes. The kindness and determination in her gaze gave him a small spark of hope. "Thank you, Ladybug. That means a lot to me."
She smiled a genuine, warm smile that made his heart feel a little lighter. "Anytime. And remember, even supermodels need a break. Take care of yourself, okay?"
Adrien nodded, feeling a bit of the burden lift from his shoulders. "I will. And... thank you for being here. You have no idea how much this helps."
Ladybug gave his arm a reassuring squeeze before letting go. "I'm always here if you need me. Just call, and I'll be there."
As she turned to leave, he felt a surge of gratitude. "Ladybug?"
She paused, looking back at him with a curious expression. "Yes?"
"You're my hero," he said, his voice earnest and sincere. "In more ways than one."
A faint blush colored her cheeks, and she smiled once more. "And you're mine, Adrien."
With that, she climbed back out the window, disappearing into the night. Adrien watched her go, feeling a newfound strength. Maybe he was a little stressed at the moment, but with friends like Ladybug, he knew he could face whatever challenges came his way. No matter what.
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a fallout fic, for the season five finale
He wasn’t alone. Adrien perched at the edge of the couch, Marinette lounging beside him. She’d finally relaxed. Graceful fingers played across her controller. Her chest rose and fell smoothly, a bit of her shirt wrinkling with each easy breath. 
Victory sounded. 
“Ha!” Her lipgloss shone in the sunlight. “Were you even trying?” 
He wanted to kiss her, but she’d been shy since their first. “Alas, your beauty overwhelms me effortlessly!” Hand clasped to his heart, he flopped into the pillows. 
“You’re such a dork.” 
“Your dork.” 
She leaned in. The bars on his window cast a shadow over her face. He reached out like it was a stain he could clean. His fingers brushed her skin and he could feel her shaking. His hand fell away. 
“When did it get so late? Time passes so quickly around you, Adrien. I have somewhere to be.” 
A glance at the clock showed it was patrol. He did need her to leave, but not like this. He caught her wrist in the gentlest hold. “Come by tomorrow?” 
“Of course.” She smiled brightly. “I love you, Adrien. Isn’t it great how everything worked out like this?” Lips pressed to his cheek in a lukewarm kiss. “Bye!” 
The way she ran brought back the first weeks of their relationship, when his touch triggered her and she fled from him. 
At least he had to meet Ladybug. Transforming, he escaped through the bars and vaulted to their meeting point. He sat down to wait for her. 
His father’s statue cut the sky like Chloé’s had, but Miraculous Ladybug wouldn’t whisk this one away. An eternal memory of the night his father died defeating Monarch. He’d thought he’d grieve more. Instead, the summer sun chilled him and a weight stayed in his stomach. He’d sobbed in Marinette’s arms the first day, but since then he couldn’t feel the right pain. 
Gabriel Agreste was a good man. He’d been right to call Chat an uncontrolled child. In his mind, he’d dared think his father was abusive. What sort of son thought that? He’d been ready to cataclysm him. 
His father was the kind of person who stood with Ladybug against Monarch, while Adrien, the superhero, crumbled alone in a white cell. 
Feet tapped on the rooftop behind him. He rearranged his features and turned to see her. Ladybug’s expression was unreadable, her face raised to the statue. 
“Hey, Bug.” 
A flinch. “Mon chatounet.” She offered her hand and he took it. 
They stood side by side, looking up. Chat’s lip twisted. 
“We should patrol,” she said. 
“There isn’t much to do anymore. Not after he saved us from Monarch.” 
“Are you mad at him?” 
Why had there been so much venom in his voice? His fingers clenched. “Why would you think that?” 
She laughed. “Nobody’s mad anymore. The world’s been great since I defeated Monarch. We, I mean. Gabriel Agreste and I!” 
“He helped you.” 
Her arms crossed over her chest as she twisted away. “That happened.” 
Frustration built in his throat. 
“Everything’s good again,” she said, “since he was so trustworthy.” 
He spat out the words: “I don’t believe you.” 
Slowly, Ladybug’s head tipped up. His father smiled down on her. 
“I’m right.” 
Her head shook, frantic. 
Chat put a hand on her shoulder and he was thrown on his back. Ladybug was above him, palms pressed to her ears. “Sorry!” 
Her lies, her new fears, even the way she stood added up to one thing. “He took your Miraculous.” 
She swallowed. “He made the Wish.” 
“For Maman. Père is Monarch.” His lungs didn’t have enough air. “Then how did he die?” 
Her breath hitched. He followed her eyes to the Black Cat ring. 
His body moved on its own, legs carrying him to the edge. 
He hardly heard her. 
Dropping into the square, he stood at his father’s feet, craning his neck to try to see his face. It was too far. 
Rot ripped through the statue in moments. If only it could’ve killed the real thing so quickly. Magic ripped into the ground. It’d leave a scar. 
Ashes rained around Chat Noir, thick enough to blot out the sun. 
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milarqui · 2 months
Scarlet Lady: Gorizilla
Directory | The Mime
Plagg wasn't sure what to make of Adrien wearing sunglasses and a completely unusual set of clothing (not that he cared much about that), but he still felt curious about what he was doing.
“So, we're just sneaking out?” he asked.
Adrien gave him a side glance.
“Well, you saw what happeend when I tried asking directly.”
“Nathalie will let you know when I'm available to talk,” Gabriel had said, not even bothering to look away from his large computer.
“Wuh–?!” Adrien babbled, but to no avail.
“I'm busy right now.”
Adrien couldn't see it, but he would have certainly become quite worried if he had seen what his father's computer was showing: a photograph of his hand, wearing a ring... next to a photograph of Chat Noir's hand, wearing a ring.
“Yes... busy...” Gabriel mumbled as he looked between both images.
“Uh, père?” Adrien asked, trying to catch the man's attention.
“Why are you still here?”
Adrien just rolled his eyes and left.
“Here's the perfume you wanted, mon trésor!” André Bourgeois said, as Chloé happily opened the door.
“Adrien's new scent!” she proclaimed, and she immediately told Jean-Charles to carry the boxes to her bathroom.
“Ma chérie, a special screening of Daddy's movie is playing today,” André said, even though Chloé was clearly ignoring him. “Shall we go watch together –”
“Nope!” she replied, slamming the door on his face before rushing to the bathroom... to throw all the bottles into the bathtub and then jump in right behind them. “Radiant... carefree... dreamy... Adrien–”
“Single handedly financing the business, are you?” Tikki asked, not even surprised.
Her Queen was getting ready to have fun, but unfortunately there was something she had yet to realize.
“So this swimsuit is in case something happens to the first swimsuit in the wave pool,” she said, showing a striped swimsuit, “and this swimsuit is in case someone spills ice cream on themselves,” she continued, pulling one with spots, “and this swimsuit is in case someone is self-conscious of the swimsuit they brought and want to change...”
My Queen is so prepared and so going to be late, Pollen thought.
Adrien looked around the corner, hood and sunglasses in place, to check for any potential dangers, and saw none apparent as he stepped ahead.
“Coast is clear...”
“Aw, poop,” he mumbled, as he was suddenly manhandled.
“Remember me?! It's Wayhem! We met at the buddy competition! I can't believe we ran into each other, say cheese! Aaand POST!”
It all went so fast, he barely had a chance to react – but hearing that last word was enough to set off the alarms in his mind.
But it was too late.
And, of course, this guy's complete lack of volume control ruined his plan.
“Over there!”
“It's Adrien!”
“Adrien Agreste?!”
There were many things he wanted to say. Some of them enough to turn the air blue. But the shock was so large that none of it made it out.
“Oh no.”
Tikki didn't even bother saying anything. Why would she? It just led to further disappointment with the girl that had taken the Earrings.
Instead, she just watched her spritz that overrated perfume everywhere around the room.
“And this will smell like Adrien, and this, and this–”
“Hm?” Chloé said as her cellphone sounded out an alert, and she thankfully stopped her contamination to check her phone, and she gasped. “Adrien's outside! I must grace him with my presence!”
Tikki didn't even bother pointing out that Adrien didn't consider her a friend anymore. Why would she? Chloé had never cared for anything but her own little universe where everything revolved around her.
Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough to dodge the spritz of that kwami-awful liquid Chloé threw in her face.
“Ready to go!”
“Now that you smell like teenage boy and cheese?!”
Marinette did her best to run with her flip-flops on, while carrying her bags... and talking with her friend on the phone.
“I'm so sorry, Alya! I lost track of time!”
Alya just laughed, the traitor.
“Let me guess: you tried packing backup swimsuits 'just in case'?”
“HRK!” she grumbled. She wasn't about to admit that to Alya.
Unfortunately, that kept her from looking ahead... and she crashed into a rather tough obstacle.
What were the chances?
“ADRIEN?!” Alya shouted, as she heard her best friend and her boyfriend's best friend talk.
“Please, hide me!” she head Adrien beg, and she could almost figure how flustered Marinette would be.
That sounded very, very interesting to her reporter ears.
Fortunately, they had had enough of a headstart that Marinette had managed to pull him into a fountain that had been running dry for a few weeks, and it was deep enough that they could duck inside without being seen.
“He went that way!” they heard some of Adrien's persecutors shout, and both of them were suddenly acutely aware of how close they were to each other.
“Thanks for saving me,” Adrien managed to say. “People are going crazy because of the ad.”
Marinette had a bit of trouble knowing what that meant, but she realized soon.
“Oh right, your cologne,” she replied. “Is it okay to be out then?”
“I don't know, but I have something that I have to do today and today only,” he whispered back.
“Oh... well, whatever it is, I'll help you!”
Adrien rewarded her with a smile, as they held hands.
“Thanks, Marine–”
He was interrupted by a flash, and they both turned to see someone had managed to catch up to them...
“Adrien and his girlfriend in the fountain! Cute!”
… and they were publishing it on the social network!
“GIRLFRIEND?! I won't stand for this! Tikki, spots on!”
Tikki didn't bother to point out that Adrien couldn't be more obvious about how he liked Marinette.
Good grief.
“Does that say girlfriend?” Rose asked, surprised at the photo, while Kagami shot into Alix's back with her water gun (something that they had wondered but had chosen not to ask questions about) as Ondine looked with shock.
“I thought she was into Chat Noir?” Mylène pointed out.
“C'mon, you saw how she couldn't stop staring at him at your dad's show last night!” Alya said, cheering at the idea of her friends getting together.
“So cute!” Rose squeed.
“Sorry I dragged you into this, Marinette,” Adrien said as they laid hands and knees in the first metro station they managed to find after getting away from the crowd. “Now everyone thinks you're my girlfriend.”
(Yes, he was happy about it, but he wasn't going to tell her. Yet.)
“Ah–!” she exclaimed as she recovered her breath, and held onto her bag as she bashfully looked at her friend. “Uh, do you think you'll be alright with your father?”
He winked at her, and pulled out the one thing he carried everywhere with him (apart from his Ring).
“Nothing can happen to me thanks to your lucky charm!”
Marinette felt like an arrow hit her in her feelings, as she pulled out the one thing she carried everywhere with her (apart from her Comb).
“I–I have mine too!” she replied.
“Really?!” Adrien happily asked... and yet again he was interrupted.
At the other side of the rails, a large crowd had formed.
“It's Adrien from the ad!”
“He and his girlfriend have matching bracelets! Adorable!”
As they looked to the stairs out of the station, and a train entered from their right, they found, on one side...
Wayhem, the boy that had ruined Adrien's attempted subterfuge.
And, on the other side...
Adrien's mute bodyguard.
“We're surrounded!” Marinette exclaimed, as a train entered the station. “What do we do?!”
“HERE!” Adrien exclaimed, pulling Marinette through the closest door.
“AIYAH–!” she screamed, as the doors closed right behind them... and the lucky charms they so treasured on the other side.
“Aw, they're gone,” one of the stalkers Adrien's fans complained, but then they turned to look at the large man that had arrived.
“Adrien's bodyguard!”
“Yay! Get his phone!”
Before he knew what to do, Adrien's bodyguard was mobbed by the crowd, and trying to get away without hurting anyone...
“What the heck, Adrikins, stop hiding in poor places so I can rescue you already!” Scarlet Lady complained. “The public park?! The subway?! Didn't your daddy raise you better?!”
Had Tikki been there, she'd have said that (a) Adrien didn't need to be rescued, and (b) based on available evidence, Adrien's daddy didn't raise him at all. But, alas, she wasn't available for comments.
For Adrien's bodyguard, nicknamed 'The Gorilla' because of his body size and form (not that he minded it much – he wasn't ashamed of his looks), the day had suddenly started to go for bad when Mr. Agreste sent him to retrieve young Adrien from wherever he had gone to. He had been forced to run around in the car, following the hints left by careless people on the Internet. He had managed to track Adrien to the metro station (forcing him to park in a rather uncomfortable place) – but then Adrien had jumped into a train car with his friend, leaving him unable to retrieve him and to the mercies of Adrien's fans.
He had been fortunate that he was able to fend them off without losing his belongings as he retrieved what the two teenagers had dropped and then made his way out.
“This your car, sir?” a police officer asked, looking quite irritated.
He nodded. He wasn't about to lie, when it was clear it was the family car.
“Do you think you can park wherever you want?!”
Oh, that didn't sound good.
“Master, you really think Adrien is Chat Noir?” Nooroo asked, really hoping that he wasn't, or at least that he would be able to prove otherwise.
“I know he's hiding something from me,” Gabriel replied, his eyes closed.
“Hiding something...?” Nooroo muttered... while trying very hard not to point out that that was Gabriel's usual modus operandi.
“Now I have one thing to do to find out his secret,” he said, pulling out his cellphone and transforming so he could send an Akuma after the bodyguard.
“What are you doing?! Where's Adrien?! How do you lose a 14-year-old boy?! I expected too much from you?!”
He was angry. The man couldn't even bother to remember that he was unable to speak! He wasn't a babysitter! Why did he have to do three jobs at the same time?!
“Gorizilla, I am Hawkmoth...”
The time in the train car had been enough to garnish a pair of disguises out of the stuff she had in her bags (along with grabbing a perfectly serviceable motorcycle helmet someone had thrown away – what were the chances that it would happen twice in a few months?), good enough for them to sneak into Adrien's planned objective.
“This is the thing you needed to do?” she asked, somewhat stunned, as they sat at the middle row in a small cinema.
“Yeah, it's...” Adrien began, doubtful, before he finished. “A screening of 'Solitude'. My mère is the lead actress.”
Marinette turned to look at her friend, shocked.
“You... can't go to the movies? Not even your mother's movie?” she asked. She did remember how he was able to go with them back during Siren's attack, but...
“O–Oh, I can! With Nathalie or my bodyguard,” he said. “Père seems to have something against this specific movie. He even hid the DVD copy we had. And when I asked about it, he told me to go through Nathalie...”
Adrien stopped himself, as he realized Marinette seemed... tense.
“A–Are you okay?”
That did not sound okay.
Will Adrien mind if I put Gabriel Agreste two meters underground?
Such was Marinette thinking as she realized that Adrien's father was even worse than she had thought. Maybe she could plan something out with Nino to bring him down in a subtle–
The projection began, and as she saw the quite familiar scene on the screen, her plans laid temporarily forgotten as her lips involuntarily spread into a grin.
“Radiant... Carefree... Dreamy...”
“Adrien, the fragrance,” Marinette completed, struggling not to burst out laughing as Adrien groaned and lowered the helmet visor.
She wasn't going to tease him.
Fortunately for Adrien's dignity, it wasn't long before the movie finally started, as the screen finally began to show a woman holding an umbrella – a woman Adrien knew was his mother.
Unfortunately, that was the moment he heard a cellphone taking a photo to his left.
“Adrien's at the movies with a helmet!”
“Hey!” Why couldn't this people get that there was a reason for that?
“And his girlfriend who just got out of the shower!”
“Aw, c'mon!” Marinette complained.
And, right behind them, the biggest nightmare came.
“I found you, Mon Prince!”
“S-Scarlet Lady?!” Marinette let out, and Adrien agreed with her tone. He had enough of having to deal with her as a hero, why did she have to mess with his normal life?
“He's at the movies!”
“I watch movies!”
If it weren't for the fact that theones shouting were a large crowd that were clearly not interested in watching his mother's movie, he would have laughed a bit at seeing Scar getting run over.
It wasn't enough to put her down, though, because, as he struggled to hold off the crowd, she managed to slink through and walk up to Marinette.
“How dare you pretend to be my Prince's girlfriend?”
What did it take for her to get that she was as unattractive as a patch of mold?
“Is this what you do in your free time?” he heard Marinette reply, but everything else was drowned out by a large rumble – followed by a large hand crashing through the cinema roof.
Before he could jump away, the large hand had grabbed him and pulled him out of the cinema – which was when he saw that the hand belonged to a building-sized gorilla that didn't look happy at the sight. A gorilla that looked extremely familiar...
“Y–You're–! My bodyguard?!”
Maybe he could have been a bit smarter about this...
“He got Adrien! Someone do something!” she heard Scarlet Lady yell, as she waited for everyone else to evacuate the cinema theater, so she could transform. She rolled her eyes.
“Isn't that what you're here for?” someone else asked. She would have laughed if the situation wasn't serious.
Still, people were smart, and left for safer pastures... save for one person.
“Adrien, I'm coming to save yoooooou!”
Welp, couldn't be helped.
“Buzz on!”
“I'll save you Mon Prince!” Scarlet Lady shouted.
“I won't hold my breath,” Adrien replied from his place in the Akuma's closed fist.
(She ignored him)
“Just stay calm, Adrien!” Marigold said, arriving to the building roof and readying her weapon. “This'll be easy with my Ven–”
“I'm saving him Marimold!” Scarlet Lady yelled, slapping her top away... making it fall off the roof.
Marigold briefly considered the irony of wanting to throttle Scarlet with the rope she no longer had in hand, but soon they were met with other troubles – such as the Akuma reaching down and grabbing Scarlet Lady herself.
“Hey, let go!” she shouted, pounding her fists against the Akuma's large finger.
“Scarlet Lady!” Marigold shouted, grabbing the yo-yo that, fortunately, the 'heroine' had dropped when she got grabbed.
“Good job, idiot,” Adrien threw out, completely unsurprised by her regular demonstration of incompetence.
Seeing an opening, Marigold tossed the yo-yo – and tied the rope around the Akuma's right hand's thumb, pulling to force the hand open and free Adrien.
“JUMP!” she yelled, as Adrien realized he had a way out – although he was so high he definitely wouldn't enjoy reaching the ground. “You have to trust me!”
Adrien smiled. Of course he did.
“Always.” And he jumped. “Don't let me die, 'kay?”
“I'll do my best,” she replied, pulling the rope to free the yo-yo and get ready to jump after him – only for the empty hand to suddenly grab her. “Aw, FU–!”
As he began to fall, Plagg surreptitiously snuck out to have a conversation with his holder.
“Maybe you should transform before you become runny Camembert,” he suggested.
“Not in the open, Plagg. Besides, I believe in Marigold!”
Hawkmoth watched for a second, before sighing.
“Fine, fine, let Marigold go, he's not Chat Noir. Can't make ads with a pancake son.”
Yes, that 'Father of the Year' cup had been well earned.
When the Akuma's hand suddenly opened, Marigold didn't hesitate to jump after Adrien. Hooking the yo-yo around the nearest extended point, she quickly grabbed her friend in a hug, smiling at him as they slowly dropped down to the ground, hanging from the rope, and... well, he was quite close and looked quite nice...
“She did it!”
“Marigold saved Adrien!”
“Our hero forever!”
The people were quite enthusiastic as they finally touched ground. Marigold pulled from the rope to unhook it, and she slightly stepped away from Adrien, giving him space, but he didn't seem to have minded the closeness.
“I knew you'd save me, Hon– uh, Marigold!” he said, thankful. There was something there that really stood out, but...
“'Hon'?” she heard someone whisper.
Oh, right, the Akuma was still there.
“Marigold, your trompo!” the boy from earlier in the cinema yelled, tossing her weapon at her.
“Thanks!” she replied, dropping the yo-yo and quickly running towards the Akuma. “Venom!”
As the tip of her top touched the Akuma, he was paralyzed. Marigold sighed in relief, knowing that they now could deal with the Akuma without a problem.
“Thanks for the assist!” he told the boy, who blushed a bit.
“Anything to protect Adrien!”
“HEY! I'm stuck you idiots!” Scarlet Lady yelled – still held in the Akuma's left hand.
“Your arms are free, aren't they?” Adrien shouted at her, before he turned to the boy.
“Thanks for helping Marigold, Wayhem!” he told his fan-slash-stalker.
“It's the least I can do after posting your location... and your photo... and following you. What was I thinking?” Wayhem muttered, having realized (a tad too late) that maybe he could have gone about this all in a smarter way. But Adrien... felt a bit of pity for him. So he pulled out a pen and Wayhem's hand, where he began to write.
“That's–! Your email address?!” Wayhem exclaimed, shocked. “But why–?!”
“I liked meeting you at the contest too,” he replied. “And now, if you want to hang out, you don't have to chase me all over Paris.”
“Adrien...” Wayhem added, surprised.
That was when Adrien gave him a stern look.
“But it's only for you. I better not find it on Reddit or something.”
Wayhem nodded, slightly scared.
“Adrien!” Marinette said, coming from wherever she had been during the attack (or maybe...).
“Oh, it's your girlfriend, Adrien!” Wayhem said.
“Yeah...” Adrien followed, before he realized what Wayhem had just said and felt his face flushing. “W–Wait, no–!”
The Gorilla suddenly stepped in, halting Marinette's movement and incidentally keeping them from the rest of the crowd.
“Huh?” Marinette mumbled, as the Gorilla silently extended a hand...
“Oh, our lucky charms!” Adrien said, having forgotten about them in the chaos of the persecution and the Akuma attack. He quickly grabbed his and let Marinette grab hers.
“Thank you!” Marinette exclaimed, before looking at him with a smile, and turning to the Gorilla. “Can we have one more teensy little favor pleeeease?”
Adrien turned on the puppy dog eyes. They normally didn't work... but this time, they had to!
They did.
The theater was full of people, eager to watch 'Solitude'. Adrien happily explained to Marinette a few things about the movie that most people didn't know.
The Gorilla sobbed at the scenes. He may not have said much about it, but he did miss Mme. Agreste.
Everyone else simply enjoyed the movie...
“Adrien's mother!”
“We're at the movies with Adrien!”
… even if it wasn't for some actual reason related to the movie.
All but one, that is.
“Hey, I'm no where near Adrien!” Chloé yelled from the last row.
Nobody cared.
Gabriel finally acquiesced to release the family's copy of 'Solitude' from whatever dark recess of the mansion he had thrown it in, and, for once in his life, decided that maybe, perhaps, it could be a moment he could have with his son.
Adrien didn't count on this ever happening again, so he'd do the best he could with it.
“You just had to ask, Adrien,” Gabriel admonished him, but Adrien wasn't going to take it easily.
“I tried, you told me to make an appointment,” he shot back.
“You should have trusted me.”
“But you've never given me a reason to?” Adrien asked.
Perhaps Gabriel should have taken that as a warning sign.
Of course, to anyone that had met him and his son, it was obvious what was going to happen.
“If you start hiding things from me, I'll imagine all kinds of things,” he said, completely missing the point.
“No? What kind of things?” Adrien asked.
“Uh, nevermind,” Gabriel finished, deciding his breath was best spend watching the movie.
Marinette finally arrived to the water park after the longest afternoon in her life, and was slightly surprised to see everyone was still waiting for her.
“Girl!” Alya exclaimed, quickly standing up from her sun bed and catching everyone's attention. “We've been following your adventure online, give us the deets!”
Before Marinette could even react, all the girls were surrounding her, eager for answers she didn't know if she could actually provide.
“So, are you, like, Adrien's girlfriend now?” Alya continued, smirking.
“N–No!” she stumbled, embarrassed.
“But do you want to be?” Rose asked, eager.
That left Marinette in a quandary. Her heart belonged to Chat Noir... but Adrien was so nice... so cute... so... amazing... (and maybe...)
“... I don't know,” she replied, shyly.
“WRONG ANSWER!” Kagami yelled and--
535 pages, 213791 words, 1153636 characters. Oh my god, this keeps growing! Pity that I didn't manage to reach the end of the season before the Epilogue finished!
Fret not, I'll continue to write! (Just wish that @zoe-oneesama's amazing work hadn't just left us without knowing whether the heroes would recover the Peacock Miraculous, how long Gabriel Agreste would have to stay in prison, or how long before Emilie just exploded as she became unable to reconcile her Main Character Syndrome (TM) and her Control Freakiness. Maybe I could write extra epilogues about those matters...
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plumsaffron · 3 months
Cherry Crimson Brine Final (1-3)
Immortally Wounded
Jump back to the 3rd brine
To Every Part Link Here
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Days Later Rooster Bold: How is she? Cat Noir: The doctors said she should be okay and ready to go in a few days  (Strange thing is I haven't seen any of her caretakers at all)
Meanwhile Felix: Should we tell the people it's Lila? Marinette: I rather not. Kagami: Yeah don't. (Why am I holding onto this memory?) Marinette: I don't know. I had to convince even Aeon to not spill the beans.
After what I seen, I don't wish to do that. 
Rather keep the peace that we worked so hard to have and finally get
(Still, this is just an addon to my other secret).
Kagami: Well now we can help more forward with Mayor Bustier's plans. Kagami: I still…can't believe my friend…would do this. I feel so uneasy. Felix: Well at least the people in this city only think it was a dream 
or that Hawk Moth brainwashed us. (I don't even know how that's possible but it worked). Kagami: Hopefully none of us  have to do this again. 
I really hated this method. Marinette: Yeah I know. I'm sorry I dragged you all into this. 
(But she's not Adrien's dad. Why am I keeping this a secret from the world? She’s not Mr. Agreste.) Felix: I understand though. Kagami nods Kagami: (Why don't I feel angry at Lila though? Shouldn't I? She...)
Few Days Later Lila walking to one of her domains She waves but the npc gives a disgusted look and looks away Lila: (What was that about?) She tries to catch a bus When the bus sees her, the doors close and the bus drives away She's puzzled from what going on Lila: I should have brought my bike.
Some walkings later Lila: I'm home. As soon as she said that, she witnessed a triple wake up call Next Day Lila is just sitting where she usually would outside Thinking about Yesterday Few random Parisians approach her She notices Lila: Umm. Can I help you? I'm kind of busy pondering. NPC Boy: Get out of here. Eyesore Lila: Say what? NPC Girl: Begone now. Beat it! Or elsssse. Lila: What did I do? NPC Boy: You should knew, you scum. Do what I say, wretch! Lila leaves but is looking back cause she’s bothered by the 2 randoms’ threats As she’s walking, she gets yoinked and pinned against a wall NPC Band Member: You vermin. It’s because of you she’s gone. You’re why she’s gone, you insufferable freak. Band Member 2: What shall we do with this spawn? 
That idiot makes me itch. Band Member 3: Maybe we should bash this thing until we are bored. This liar person deserves it anyways for what she’s done. Band Member: Her very existence and lies disgust me. This roach is worse than Hawk Moth. Throws her and she falls on her arm Downed as she is, she’s witnesses their aggression beginning to overflow Lila gets up and jets away Band Member 3: Get Back Here! I’m not done with you yet! 
They sprint after her and try throwing their instruments at her
Meanwhile At Adrien’s Mansion
Nathalie: I’m sorry As she hugs Adrien and beginning to tear up I didn’t know. I thought she (I’ve spied on her for months and more)… And yet… I’m sorry I failed to keep you safe from toxic people like her! I failed your mother! I didn’t bother keep tabs on that evil entity.
After 10 seconds Adrien: Its… It’s okay. She didn’t do anything. Nathalie: But… The Agreste Brand.
I’m sorry she ruined it.
Adrien: None of us knew the truth. I don’t feel harmed or damaged. Let’s move on and do something to keep your mind from this.
(Despite this information. I don’t believe it. 
I just need more time to uncover the real truth.)
Kagami: This can’t be real. This isn’t real! IT’SNOTTRUE! Sulking My friend… But the evidence… Mother was right. If I just… Listen to her commands and rejected friendship for all. 
Despairingly I would not feel. BROKEN
(I would have no attachments)
Meanwhile somewhere else in Paris Andre Glacier: Ready! She hears his voice Andre Glacier: FIRE!
The Ice Cream Man and npcs catapulting or throwing ice cream at her She runs away with one eye open and with her body aching from the cold and rough objects hitting and latching on to her and melting
10 minutes later Lila: Urg rrgh. What’s wrong with this town?
It’s way worse than the incident that paperwork nightmare.
Pigeon Robots, Gamer City, Soundwave's disks and instrument town, and Clonika golden phone chips stuff everywhere. Suddenly someone blindside’s their arm were her neck is causing her to fall They proceed stomping on her
after 30 seconds of her beatdown session Jean Duparc: What shall we do with her.
She’s absolutely scary. Theo Barbot: Lets Burn The Witch Who's got a lighter? Some NPC girl: Look out. Throws something that engulfs Lila in flames
Screaming and burning alive Theo Barbot: Good riddance.
Hideous woman preying on the legacy of the savior.
the girl who engulfed her laughs at her Fire Truck Driver sees and stops Firefighter steps out and extinguishes her demise from being reached Jean Duparc: Hey what was that for?! She’s a witch.
If only there was a stake and more watched.
NPC Girl: Yeah don’t you remember she lied about everything. 
The hag probably tricked the 3 smooth brained woman in raising the eyesore itself. 
Theo: Just let this scheming creature die so I can celebrate.
Knowing that she breathes gives me a chill. Hessenpy: No, she doesn't deserve that.
Lila: At least someone has the decency to protect me. Hessenpy: Protect you? No As he walks closer You're worse than Hawk Moth or that evil entity that Mr. Agreste saved us and unfortunately you from You are going to live as everyone’s punching bag or destructible action figure until there is nothing left of you. NPC Girl: That's smart. Theo: Yeah. Lets drag this fake teen down as long as possible. Restrains Lila Lila: LET ME GO! Hessenpy: Let's cut her hair. Lila: NO!
Link to the 2nd Part Of This Finale Pending
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jigglypuff1994 · 4 months
The Devil Wears Gabriel - Chapter 18
"Hello?" Adrien answered. 
Keep it together, Marinette. He's just another person.
Another Parisian supermodel who happens to be your boss's son. 
She's doomed. 
"H-Hey, Adrien. It's Marinette." She said, awkwardly. "You know, Dupain-Cheng." Wincing at her foolery, she brought her hand to her forehead, closing her eyes.  
She took a sharp breath in. Okay, this is it. Grovel on your knees and beg for forgiveness. She even came up with a half-planned idea of offering her first child up. Brilliant! Start with that.
Before she could utter a single word of her ultimate, badass 'I'm so sorry please don't hate me please please please please please' speech, he cut in.
"Hey, Marinette!" He said, cheerfully. "How are you doing?"
Okay, strange. He's so...chipper. He does know I'm the same girl who froze up when he was having a family... discussion, right?
She audibly heard him sigh into the phone. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you, but I wasn't sure how you were doing or if you ever wanted to speak to me again." He chuckled, nervously. "And I didn't want to seem pushy. Let me just come out and say I am so sorry about last night. I had no idea you were there when I burst out from my father's atelier. If I had known, I would have at least waited until you left, or maybe not said anything at all and left before I lost my composure." 
Marinette was stunned into silence, unable to form any words. 
He wanted to talk to me?
He wanted to know if I was okay?
He thought I would be mad at him?!
What is going on!?!
She wasn't sure where she was at the moment. The people on the sidewalk glided past her in a huff; somehow, her legs were carrying her despite the fact that her mind was dizzy. 
"I feel awful that you saw that." Adrien paused a beat and exhaled. His voice wavered between unsure and sheepish as he said, "I-I hope you can forgive me." 
How could he possibly think that any of this is his fault? 
Did the akuma last night bonk her right into an alternate universe?!
Is she still asleep?
Marinette halted her movements, pinching herself on the arm. Someone behind her bumped into her harshly. The to-go order had jumped out of her hand. Her eyes went wide, grabbing for the food, catching it mid-air as her phone slipped from her hand and fell onto the sidewalk. She reached down and picked up the phone, checking it for cracks. 
Nope, she's not dreaming. This is real. Adrien Agreste is apologizing to her. 
Lifting the phone back to her ear, and continuing her brisk run back to the office, she asked in a state of panic, "Wait, what?!" Exclaiming loudly into the phone, not caring that anyone else was around her. Gaping widely, she redirected him immediately. "No. Adrien! You don't need to apologize for anything. It was my fault entirely. I should have left as soon as the door opened. I shouldn't have just stood there!" She claimed. 
Adrien spoke ruefully, "Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but I must insist the blame is mine. I should have held better decorum. It's just that-" He paused, making Marinette frantically check her phone screen to ensure the call didn't accidentally drop. What a nightmare that would be! Hanging up on Adrien Agreste, talk about rude! 
He burst out, exclaiming, "My father makes me absolutely crazy sometimes! Actually, scratch that, all the time. He can be so..." Adrien trailed off, letting the unspoken word hang in the air. 
"Pushy? Infuriating? Non-negotiable? Rude? Stubborn?" Marinette proudly prattled off with mirth. Marinette didn't care if this got back to Gabriel. Let it. Adrien probably would have said these things anyways.
A large, enchanting laugh boomed from the other side of the phone. All the tension lost between them as his melodic laugh tickled her. Seriously, can this guy do anything wrong? Just a quick snort will do. Give her something to work with here! 
He exclaimed, happily agreeing, "Exactly! All of those!" He sighed. She imagined him dragging his hand through his luscious blonde hair on the other end of the phone. His joyful voice became sullen as he said, "He brings out the worst in me. I don't like the person I become when I'm around him." 
Marinette understood him. She couldn't imagine putting up with that all of the time, especially as a parent figure. It's amazing how Adrien turned out considering who his father is. She spoke confidently, "Yeah, I completely understand. I mean, I am one of his personal assistants." She giggled, half-heartedly. "Listen, I actually wanted to call to apologize for last night and-"
He interrupted with resound confidence, insisting, "There's nothing you need to apologize for. I promise." 
Feeling warm and fuzzy from his kind words, she smiled. "Thank you." However, another thought occurred, taking her back to square one. Does he possibly hate me? Wincing from the uncomfortable feeling of rejection swimming around in her stomach, she asked tentatively, "Does this mean you don't hate me?" 
"What? Marinette, no! Not at all." He said all too quicky. 
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tsuki-chibi · 1 year
Ladynoir July 2023 Day 2: Emergency Contact
Read all the entries on AO3
It was late by the time that Marinette finally left her house. A few workers had called in sick to the bakery, so she’d been roped into helping her mom out front. The hours had slipped away under the rush of customers, until Marinette had looked up and suddenly realized she was over half an hour late for her meeting with Chat.
She tucked a box of apology cookies under her arm as she left, telling her maman that she was late for a meeting with Alya instead. A few blocks from the bakery, she slipped into an alley and transformed before taking to the rooftops. Over forty minutes late, she finally arrived at the spot where she had agreed to meet Chat, half-expecting that he’d left already.
But there he still was, sitting on the edge of the roof, looking out over the city. The slump to his shoulders told her that he was having a bad night. Ladybug walked over to him.
“I’m sorry,” she blurted out. “I got caught up doing things at home and totally lost track of time.”
“It’s fine,” Chat said quietly, not looking at her.
It clearly wasn’t fine, and Ladybug sat down slowly while she thought about what to say next. Chat always brushed aside her apologies and excuses. He was always so kind when she was late or, worse yet, when she forgot entirely and didn’t show up. Determinedly, she thrust the box of cookies into his lap.
“Here. I stopped at Dupain-Cheng bakery and brought you these. I know you love them,” she said.
Chat blinked down at the box. “What – you didn’t need to do that.”
“Yeah, I did,” Ladybug said. “So… what’s up? You look like you’re having a hard night.” She studied his profile. “I thought you’d be happy now that Hawkmoth is taken care of. Is this about the fact that we didn’t get the Peacock miraculous back?”
They’d done their best, but Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur were both refusing to talk and there was no sign of the Peacock miraculous in the Agreste mansion. Adrien had granted Ladybug and Chat Noir his permission for them to search the mansion from top to bottom, but the Peacock miraculous simply wasn’t to be found. It unnerved Ladybug to know it was still out there somewhere, possibly in the wrong hands.
“No. Well, kind of. But not really,” Chat said, lightly kicking his heels against the wall. “Ladybug…”
Chat was quiet for a long moment before sighing. “Never mind.”
Ladybug bit her lip, frustrated. Chat had been different ever since they’d unmasked Hawkmoth and Mayura. She thought maybe he knew Gabriel Agreste or Nathalie Sancoeur in real life, but she wasn’t sure how and she obviously couldn’t ask how.
Really, between Chat and Adrien, she was worrying nonstop over blond boys right now.
“Hey, you can tell me,” she said, gently bumping their shoulders together.
“I really can’t,” Chat said with a bitter smile. “You wouldn’t want to know.”
“That’s – well, I’d say that’s not true, but… is it about your identity?” Ladybug asked uncertainly. Technically, with Hawkmoth taken care of, there was nothing stopping them. But they hadn’t had that conversation yet. Ladybug didn’t know if she was ready.
“Kind of,” Chat said. “It’s just – who is your emergency contact?”
The question gave Ladybug pause. She scrunched her nose and tried to figure out where this was going, but couldn’t. It seemed like such an obvious answer.
“It’s my parents,” she said slowly. “I mean... who else would it be?”
Chat’s shoulders hunched and he made a quiet sound, turning his face away.
That was obviously the wrong answer. But Ladybug couldn’t figure out why.
“Chat? What’s wrong?” she asked, worried, and reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. It shocked her when he pulled away before she could touch him, getting to his feet. Ladybug stared up at him in surprise.
She didn’t think Chat had ever pulled away from her before like that. His reaction hurt more than she’d expected. She got to her feet too, unsure if she should reach out to him again. The box of cookies sat on the ground, forgotten, and that too stung. Chat loved the cookies from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Normally he would’ve stuffed at least half a dozen into his mouth by now.
“You know what, I’m not feeling it tonight. Everything’s quiet, and it looks like it’s going to start raining any minute, so I’m just going to head home,” Chat said, still not looking at her.
Ladybug opened her mouth, but she was too late. Chat was already gone, using his baton to propel himself off the roof and in the opposite direction of the bakery. Within moments his black costume was swallowed up by the dark, growing clouds, and Ladybug couldn’t see him anymore.
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rosie-b · 1 year
True Blue
Chapter 5: The Brooch (5409 words)
A ball of light surged forth from the peacock pin, growing to the size of Marinette's hand before it suddenly resolved into a little blue bird hovering in midair.
Marinette stared at the hovering peacock for a moment. 
Then she screamed.
You can read the full chapter on AO3 using the link above or keep reading on Tumblr below!
The safe door was open. 
Marinette hadn't known they had a safe. 
She walked over to it, intending to close the door and walk away. But what she saw in the safe brought her mission to a halt. 
The safe looked like a miniature museum on the inside, with a motley collection of items: an old, red book that looked like the spine would crumble into dust at any second, a blue and teal brooch in the shape of a little peacock, a map of Tibet, a photo of Emilie Agreste, and some other, newer books. 
As she examined the outdated map of Tibet, Marinette wondered if she should shut the safe door or not. She'd only been sent into the atelier to pick up Mr. Agreste's sketchbook, after all! Maybe he had meant to leave this super-secret safe open for the day, with the enormous, gold-framed portrait of Emilie announcing its presence, so that everyone who walked by the room would see it. 
Well, that sounded ridiculous. 
Marinette grabbed the door of the safe, wondering how to move the painting back in place over it. Would it attach magnetically to the door, or was there a hidden latch somewhere? 
She could figure it out after she locked the safe door in place, Marinette decided, and turned her attention away from the wood-backed frame dangling above the floor. 
Inside the safe, the peacock brooch glinted as light reflected on it from the metal safe door, a tempting and forbidding wink. 
It's not mine, Marinette thought. The painting is of Mrs. Agreste; the brooch probably used to belong to her.  
Maybe it was an Agreste family heirloom. There were a few paper-thin cracks in the bird’s glossy feathers, but it could still be worth more than her parents' bakery, for all she knew. 
You’ll never be able to afford anything as nice as this brooch, Chloe’s voice whispered in Marinette’s mind. 
Marinette mouth fell into a frown.
The Agrestes are just using you, Nathaniel hissed, drawing a chain on her arm.  
Once you fetch my sketchbook, I have no further use for you, sniffed Gabriel Agreste’s voice in disdain. 
A spider landed on Nathaniel's chain. Chloe's laughter echoed in the room.
You’re just a servant, Dupain-Cheng, exactly as you should be. Have fun cleaning the Agrestes’ lampshades!
I’ve found my place, Marinette, Sabrina said dutifully, holding three cans of paint and a heavy golden frame for Chloe. 
I need to think positive, Marinette thought hysterically, her chest heaving up and down with her breaths. 
Marinette lifted her hands and started to close the safe door, but even though the chain was gone from her wrist, her hand still felt its weight. Marinette was trembling, and her jerky motions led her to knock the brooch off its shelf as she swung the door closed. Landing on the bottom shelf with a thunk, the brooch got caught by the door and blocked it from shutting the whole way. A slight crunching noise echoed through the atelier. 
Marinette winced and took a shaky breath as she prepared herself to see the new damage she’d inflicted on the peacock brooch. She opened the door, picked up the brooch, and turned it over. It was fractured, but not any worse than it had been before.  
Marinette let out a sigh of relief and clutched the brooch to her chest. 
At least I didn’t manage to mess this day up any worse than I already have, she thought gratefully.  
But had she really done anything wrong? 
She’d saved Adrien, kind of, stolen Nathaniel’s akuma and handed it off to Chat Grise, helped Adrien get to public school and given him a tour of François-Dupont. 
Aside from letting Chloe’s words get to her, Marinette had done nothing wrong at all. She’d taken risks, yes, but they were all paying off. 
Holding the brooch out, Marinette admired it one more time before she had to put it back in the safe. 
It really was a nice brooch.
Marinette wanted to try it on.  
It would just be for a little bit! Not even a minute! Wearing something so pretty might help to chase away the dark thoughts lingering in her mind, Marinette reasoned. And that was good, because she didn't want to get akumatized, especially not so soon after the last akuma was defeated! All things considered, this was a win-win situation.
Yes, Marinette decided, she should try the brooch on. What was the worst that could happen? 
Unclasping the back of the brooch, Marinette pinned it to her shirt, letting it fall comfortably below her collarbone. Looking down at the brooch, Marinette smiled fondly at it... until suddenly, it began to glow. 
A ball of light surged forth from the peacock pin, growing to the size of Marinette's hand before it suddenly resolved into a little blue bird hovering in midair.  
Marinette whipped her head up and down as she looked from the brooch on her shirt, which had changed colors and was now an ultramarine blue with gold tips, to the little bird, who was flying around and saving something in a high-pitched voice that Marinette was too shocked to understand. 
"—holder! I'm so excited!" the bird, which looked like a peacock, was saying when Marinette’s head finally cleared. 
She stared at the hovering peacock for a moment. 
Then she screamed. 
"What are you?" Marinette asked, her heart pounding against her ribs.  
If this brooch turned out to be cursed, then putting it on was a really bad mistake. One that she should have seen coming, honestly — this was Emilie’s brooch, after all. It was the brooch of the Emilie Agreste, who had disappeared last year and was presumed dead!
Was this little bird responsible for Emilie Agreste's disappearance? Had it killed her? Was Marinette going to die, too? 
Marinette took a deep breath and unlocked her knees. She'd heard that prevented people from fainting once, in elementary school choir. 
"My name is Duusu!" the little bird chirped, seemingly oblivious to Marinette’s distress. "I'm so happy to meet you!" 
"Duusu," Marinette repeated blankly. She stared at the energetic bird, who had pink eyes and a dot like a bindi in the middle of its forehead. 
"Yes!" Duusu warbled cheerily. "You're my new holder, aren't you? Or are you my old holder? I can't remember who has what Miraculous anymore!" 
Marinette's jaw dropped. "M- Miraculous? Like Chat Grise's ring, or Golden Bug's earrings? Hawk Moth's whatever-it-is?? That kind of Miraculous?" 
Duusu spun around in the air and grinned at Marinette. "I don't know who those holders are," they said, "But my brooch is very much like the other Miraculous — Plagg's ring, and Nooroo's brooch, and Tikki's— uh, I forget what Tikki’s Miraculous is," Duusu said, looking confused. "That's strange. Hey, where are you going?" 
Marinette was backing away slowly from the talking bird. She could think of a few different implications for finding an inactive Miraculous hidden in a safe inside the Agrestes’ mansion, but none of them were any good. 
Reaching down to the late Madame Agreste's brooch, Marinette tried to unclasp it from her shirt with shaking fingers. She was trying to hurry as fast as she could— take off the brooch, make the talking bird disappear, close the safe, pretend like nothing happened. 
She'd be fine. Perfectly fine! If she could just get this brooch off!! 
"Oh," Duusu said when they saw what Marinette was struggling to do. Their long, feathered tail drooped sadly. "Are you rejecting me already? I'm sorry if I said something wrong! We can try this again! I'll be the best kwami you ever had, Master!" 
"We're not trying anything remotely related to this brooch even once, Duusu! You're not my kwami," Marinette choked out. "And I am not your master! How do I get this off?"  
A heavy step echoed through the mansion, and Marinette gasped in horror. 
A pair of shoes clomped down the hallway leading to the atelier, getting closer and closer. The noise they made was too low to be Nathalie's high heels, and too loud for Adrien's quiet footsteps.  
Marinette felt a chill of dread race down her spine. "Disappear!" She whispered the desperate plea to Duusu. "Please disappear!" 
Marinette ran to hide behind the low seats of the atelier, hoping M. Agreste heard her clambering down the steps to hide. Now, at least, he couldn’t see her if he looked inside the room. Still fumbling with the clasp of the brooch, her fingers slipped off of it several times before she finally yanked the brooch off, clutching it tightly in her hands. 
Shoving it inside her front pocket, Marinette stood up and busied herself looking for the sketchbook while she readied her story. She could say that she got lost looking for the atelier, took a wrong turn somewhere in the simple layout of the first floor — no, Mr. Agreste would never believe that story!  
Oh good, there was the sketchbook. 
No, no, she had to focus! She could tell him that— 
"Did you know that this room is protected by security cameras?" Gabriel Agreste's accusing voice reached Marinette's ears as he pushed the doors open and walked into the room. He glanced once at her and stepped around to the open safe. 
Marinette reached out to pick up the sketchbook with trembling fingers. "It- it is?" she asked, her throat dry. 
"Yes. Which is how I know that you looked in my safe. And I know that you took something out. You have Emilie's brooch, don't you?" he asked, peering at the empty spot on the shelf where the peacock Miraculous had rested. 
I’m dead.   
Marinette took a stuttering breath, trying to draw air into her lungs. It was harder than she remembered. 
"I didn't mean to take it," she whispered. "I wasn't going to. I just thought, maybe, it would cheer me up if I looked at it — if I just put it on once, just for a little! I didn't want to be akumatized," she whimpered as Gabriel Agreste turned around and glared at her.
Marinette sobbed.
“I'm sorry!”  She had to force the barely-understandable words out of her throat.
"But you still took the brooch," M. Agreste said, his voice dripping with venom. "And you look more shaken than you would have been had you not put it on. You know what it is now, don't you?" 
Squeezing her eyes shut, Marinette shook her head. "I don't," she said pleadingly. "I don't know anything about it!" 
"Don't lie to me!" Gabriel Agreste roared. 
Then he fell silent, looking down at Marinette with an unreadable expression on his face. 
“You’ve started down an unforgiving path, Ms. Dupain-Cheng.” 
Marinette winced, preparing to be blacklisted from every fashion house in France and then drawn and quartered. 
“Didn’t you see the cracks in the brooch?” Gabriel continued. “You had to, of course, but I suppose that wasn’t enough warning for you. You’re more reckless than I would like my apprentice to be… but perhaps in the end, it will serve us well. Follow me.” 
Marinette gawked at M. Agreste as he shut the safe door and moved the painting to cover it. He seemed mad at her… but at the same time, he’d sounded almost proud of her ‘recklessness.’ 
She didn’t know how he’d come to have a Miraculous lying in his safe. She didn’t know if he was a secret ally of Golden Bug and Chat Grise, or a secret weapon of Hawk Moth’s. 
All Marinette knew was that she was in way over her head. 
M. Agreste walked out of the atelier, and from his last words, he was expecting her to be right behind him. 
Panicking, Marinette wiped under her eyes as she stumbled on her way to catch up with M. Agreste. 
“The thing about a broken Miraculous, Miss Marinette,” Gabriel continued as if this was a normal conversation, “Is that it will slowly break its holder, if they wear it for long enough. How long did you have the brooch on?” 
Marinette’s heart thumped. She squeezed her hands together as she tried to answer M. Agreste’s question without panicking more. 
“Um,” she said with a sniff, “Under a minute? Two minutes? Well, I put it on, and I was planning to take it right off, but Duusu scared me and then the brooch’s pin just wouldn’t unclasp, and—” 
“Not long enough,” Gabriel interrupted. “Not long enough for the magic to kill you. But perhaps you’re already suffering its effects. Do you feel at all dizzy, Miss Marinette? Does your throat itch? Can you walk in a straight line?” 
Marinette blinked. Was M. Agreste saying that she might have just poisoned herself? And that if she’d worn the brooch for much longer, she could have died?  
“I don’t feel poisoned,” she said. “I’m fine, as fine as usual.” Which means I certainly can’t walk in a straight line, for long, at least.
M. Agreste raised his eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Heled her up the stairs, and they passed under the large painting of M. Agreste and Adrien.
Marinette couldn’t help but feel like the eyes in the painting were watching her and she looked out over the mansion to avoid their threatening gaze.  
She stumbled over the next stair. 
Half-kneeling, she clutched the railing for support while her head throbbed in pain. The lights were too bright, and she... kind of had to cough. Her arms itched, too. 
Marinette held herself in check as alarm bells went off in her mind. 
No, I’m not sick, she told herself. It’s not the brooch, it’s just been a really long, hard day, and M. Agreste is not helping right now!  
Gabriel turned and looked at Marinette. Sighing, he stepped down and offered her a hand, pulling her up and checking her palm for scratches. 
“Try to be more aware of your surroundings, Miss Marinette. Are you feeling well?” 
Marinette didn’t know what to say. Her eyes were filling with tears again, and she had already reached her crying limit about half an hour ago. 
She just wanted to go home. 
“Since you can’t even speak, I’ll assume the answer is no. It’s good Nathalie and Adrien are out of the house right now, so that they can’t see you like this,” Gabriel sighed, and Marinette found herself agreeing. 
Imagine if Adrien had been witness to her mistake — that would be too much to bear!
M. Agreste led her the rest of the way up the stairs, his grip on her hand firm and cold.
“I have some medicine which might help you,” he said. “Emilie used it, before she— hm. I suppose that story can wait. For now, Miss Marinette, we will focus on getting you better.” 
“Thank you,” she murmured. She still clung to the hope that nothing was wrong with her, and M. Agreste was just overreacting. 
But was he, really? 
He said the brooch had been Emilie’s. He also said that the brooch would break its holders. 
He was going to give her some of Emilie’s old medicines. 
Marinette felt her knees begin to buckle. M. Agreste yanked her up before her knees could touch the ground. 
“This way,” he said, and opened the door to his room. 
Black, white, and purple stripes greeted Marinette’s vision, swarming around her while she stumbled yet again. 
Like before, M. Agreste caught her, this time guiding her into a tall-backed white chair. She fell into it gratefully, pressing her palms against the small table in front of her to keep from falling to one side or the other. 
The sound of a cabinet opening came from off to Marinette’s left, and M. Agreste pulled an orange bottle out and placed it on the table in front of her. 
Marinette squinted at the bottle, which had some unpronounceable name written on it above faded instructions written in black ink. 
“It’s good that I kept this, after all,” M. Agreste mused. “Stay here, Miss Marinette, I will be back with some water shortly.” 
Thank you, Marinette said in her brain, but her mouth wouldn’t move to speak the words. She flapped her hand in a useless gesture. M. Agreste pulled the door shut behind him, leaving without acknowledging her attempt at thanks. 
A blue bird flew around in the eye of Marinette’s mind, chased by a spider dragging a chain. The bird flew into a mirror and turned into a woman with blonde hair and green eyes. The spider threw the chain over her, and it turned into a gold frame around the woman, who smiled benignly as the spider settled over her left eye, cracking her face into a hundred pieces. 
The door opened again, and Marinette startled.  
“Here you go, a cup of water. Take one pill with as much of it as you need, but don’t worry about food. This is more like ampicillin than ibuprofen.” Gabriel opened the pill bottle for Marinette, took her hand, and dumped a pill into it when he saw that she was slow to follow his instructions. 
“Thank you,” Marinette murmured, and slid the pill through her lips. When M. Agreste looked at her expectantly, she grasped the cup of water and took a sip from it, swallowing the pill. It stuck in her throat halfway, so she took another sip of water to force it down, a larger one this time. 
In a few moments, Marinette’s mind began to clear. The cool water was helping to shake her out of her daze. 
As M. Agreste took a seat on a cushion by the window, Marinette tried to take stock of her situation. She had been sent to search for Gabriel’s sketchbook, found the open safe, took a brooch from it, put it on, gave herself mild magic poisoning, got found and scolded by her sort-of boss, tripped, and was given some medicine to help with the poison.  
Medicine that was originally for a woman who was presumed dead. 
“Monsieur Agreste?” she asked, and the man hummed in acknowledgment. “The medicine worked for Emilie, right? She got better before it happened?” 
“The medicine helped for a long time,” Gabriel said gruffly. “But in the end, it wasn’t enough. Are you feeling better now?” 
Marinette watched a water drop slip down the side of the glass onto her hand. 
“I think so,” she said. “My head doesn’t hurt, at least.” 
“Good. In that case, I have a rather long story to tell you, and we have just long enough for me to finish it before you go back home. I should warn you, it does not have a happy ending.” 
Marinette tightened her grip on the glass. 
“But I need to hear it?” 
Gabriel nodded his head, something Marinette could barely catch in her peripheral. “You do.”  
Standing up from the window seat, he moved to stand at the table beside Marinette, where he pulled out a second chair and took a seat.  
“It begins with a young couple in love,” he said. “Emilie and I were newlyweds then, full of the joy and naivety that newlyweds have. And that joy lasted beyond the first year. We traveled the world together, planning our future all the while, as I drew ideas for new fashion lines and Emilie talked of roles she wanted to have, in movies and in real life. She wanted to have a child, and while it had never been my personal dream, I wanted to make her happy.” 
A frown tugged at his lips, and he scowled at the ring on his left hand. 
“But having a child was more difficult than we had hoped it would be. In fact, it quickly became clear that it was impossible. And Emilie’s joy began to fade. She lost herself in stories, while Nathalie and I tried in vain to cheer her up, to bring the healthy sparkle we loved back to her eye. That’s when she learned of the brooch.” 
Taking it out of his pocket, M. Agreste placed the broken Miraculous on the table. Marinette eyed it warily as she listened to the rest of the story. 
“We went to Tibet seeking a fairy tale, a magical piece of jewelry that could grant its owner unfathomable power. The search took months, but we found that brooch, and another, and a book in an ancient and foreign language describing them both.” Gabriel paused. “It is the book of the Miraculous, the Grimoire. You probably passed it by in the safe when you took the brooch.” 
Marinette winced.  
“Don’t apologize again, it sounds grating after the first time,” Gabriel said before she could speak. “We couldn’t read the book to understand it, but Emilie found another way. She put the brooch on, and when a kwami came out, just as the stories she’d found predicted, she asked for its help. And slowly, she learned about the powers of the brooch.  
“You can use it to make anything you wish using emotion, and house its soul in an amok, giving you complete control over it. For example, if you were really tired, you could make a pillow that could wrap its arms around you and help you go to sleep. Or you could make a cunning bird to spy for you, or a house that walked on chicken legs, or even a mermaid to create a storm that would sink your enemies’ ships. But you can only make one at a time, or get rid of the being you’d created in the past if you want to create a new one.” 
Marinette didn’t see how that solved anything. Emilie had wanted the brooch to distract herself from being childless. But she’d eventually given birth to Adrien, so why keep the brooch? Especially if it was broken! 
“And since, at the time, the brooch was not broken—”  
Oh, Marinette thought. That explained some of it. 
“—I thought it would be fine for Emilie to use it. And she did, in a way that no one else ever had before. And that broke the Miraculous, and eventually, her. But for a while, we did not know the risks of using the brooch while it was broken, and while Emilie only needed to use it once, she shared its secrets with her closest friends, who used it too, though they wore it for less time than Emilie had.  
“But slowly, they, too, were affected by the power of the Miraculous. Two died, and the other went blind. She was lucky; she had only needed the brooch for a short time, and so she only suffered a little because of it.” 
Marinette gulped, feeling the phantom sensation of the brooch on her chest. “And Emilie?”  
Gabriel clenched his fists. “Her fate has not yet been decided. But unless the effects of the Miraculous are counteracted by a stronger, more ancient magic, she will undoubtedly die. As may you, though you will hopefully only suffer as much as Tsurugi-san did.” 
Marinette was feeling sick again. 
She opened her mouth to speak, but M. Agreste was already continuing his own speech. 
“For now, it is better that Emilie’s sickness, and its end, remain hidden from the public, and from Adrien, as well. Everything that I’ve told you must remain secret, do you understand me?” 
Marinette hesitated. He was just going to trust her? After she’d looked into the safe without his permission and put on the brooch? 
She nodded as Gabriel turned a skeptical eye to her. 
Satisfied, he gave her a grim smile. “Good. Now, this is where it gets messy. I’m afraid that the public has already skewed your perception about this matter, as have a few unfortunate encounters that you’ve had. What do you think is the most powerful Miraculous? The Peacock, the Ladybug, the Butterfly, or the Black Cat?” 
Marinette frowned. “The Ladybug? It always undoes all the damage from the Butterfly and the Black Cat,” she offered. 
“Half right, Mademoiselle. The ladybug and the black cat are evenly matched, and when combined together, they offer their holder a power more immense than any in the universe. Creation and destruction; the ability to tear apart the old world and build up a new one. The ability to... to heal my poor Emilie. To bring back the others. To make it as if that brooch was never broken. Do you see what I mean, Marinette? That is a power worth sacrificing anything for.” 
A pit grew in Marinette’s stomach, and she thought she might throw up. This was wrong; something about all this was rotten, and she knew it. 
“I mentioned that we found a second brooch. This one is not broken, and it is quite safe to touch.” M. Agreste pulled back the candy-striped ascot from his neck and unpinned a purple brooch from his white collar. “This is the butterfly Miraculous, which grants the power of transmission.” 
“Or akumatization,” Marinette breathed. “You’re Hawk Moth.” 
Goodbye, Maman! Goodbye, Papa! The worst had happened, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng was not long for this world. 
One side of Gabriel’s frown twitched. “I would hope that’s become apparent. I did not put on the mask lightly, however. As you can see, people’s lives are at stake. And more than that, even; I haven’t revealed the full tragedy of my story yet.” 
There was more?  
“As you heard, Emilie wanted a child. And she eventually had one, in Adrien. But his birth was rather... unconventional.” 
Ah yes, IVF. It had once been more taboo than it was now, but Marinette had no problems with it. 
“Emilie used the Miraculous to create a human child.” 
“We couldn’t be certain, but similar things had been done with Duusu’s power before, so we thought it would be safe. And maybe it would have been, but Emilie insisted on splitting Adrien’s amok, so that neither of us would have complete control over him. I agreed, so she struggled to divide the magic she wielded between two twin rings, heirlooms of her family. And Adrien was born, a perfect, beautiful baby held in his mother’s arms. His amok split, corrupting the Miraculous, which broke. For years, we thought the thin cracks in it were only proof of its ancient nature, the result of its finally being used in such a powerful way after centuries of remaining in stasis. Duusu’s confusion should have warned us, but the kwamis are strange creatures, and we thought nothing of it.” 
Marinette had to be dreaming. Maybe she’d fainted on the stairs, and all of this was just one big hallucination! 
But then the Miraculous would still have been real.  
“None of it was Adrien’s fault, of course, but you can see why we would keep the story from him. Imagine knowing that it was your birth which killed your mother. You would keep Adrien safe from this tragedy at any cost, wouldn’t you? So would I. That is why I became Hawk Moth. As you know, none of the damage my unruly akumas cause lasts, and none of it would have been necessary at all, had the Guardian of the Miraculous simply handed the Ladybug and Black Cat over to me!” 
Some of Marinette’s panic must have shown on her face, because Gabriel took one look at her and sighed. 
“I asked them to give me their Miraculous, and they refused. I’m afraid they won’t even agree to a truce, where we can meet and discuss the terms of an exchange! You see what a difficult position I have been put in, yes?” 
Marinette could, but she was also busy seeing a violet mask appear over Nathaniel’s eyes, Adrien falling, Ivan slumped in defeat on the news after his akumatization. 
She rubbed her wrist, where the Evillustrator’s rope had tied her to a ship sailing nowhere. 
“Isn’t there another way?” she asked in a small voice. 
“Mademoiselle, I have tried everything short of murder to get my wife back. And how else do you suggest we raise the dead? Necromancy is an illusion, a story told to make children afraid of the night. Tell me, Marinette, do you think there is any other way, one where Adrien does not lose his mother, where Felix has his father back, and Zoe hers, and Tsurugi-san can see again? Can you repair the damage already done to this world?” 
She couldn’t. “No,” Marinette whispered. 
Gabriel’s mouth thinned, and he hummed appraisingly. “No,” he repeated. “Neither you nor I can even heal the brooch, much less the people it has broken. But if I can get the ring of the Black Cat and the Ladybug’s earrings, I will be able to reset the world, remake it without any of this hardship. All it takes is one change; one small adjustment to the brooch as it forms in the cosmos. It only needs to be strengthened a little. With that, not only will Emilie and Tomoe be whole again and two more be brought back to life, but I will be able to rid four human children of their abhorrent ties to the brooch. You haven’t had much time to consider the significance of amoks; you’ve only just learned of them. But Adrien would be better off without even one ring to control his every move, don’t you think?” 
Marinette found herself tentatively nodding. 
“So, you see. And it is only with the Miraculous’ power that this can be accomplished. I must continue to be Hawk Moth for now. Do you understand?” 
It didn’t matter what Marinette said. It was clear that she only had one choice, anyway. 
“I understand,” she said in a low voice. “You’re acting with your family’s interest in mind.” 
“And my plan is not as bad as it sounds at first, so long as I win,” Gabriel agreed. “It is not fair for you to get caught up in it, though. As you see, the cost is too high. I cannot expect you to give up your life for near strangers. But I do ask that you remain silent about all this; if you need to talk to someone about it, talk to me, or Nathalie, if you must. She also knows, though she remains silent about our struggle. Like you, her options are limited.” 
Marinette remembered Nathalie’s impatience with her fear of akumas. Maybe she had counted on Gabriel not allowing the people he knew to be hurt.
M. Agreste stood up from the table. “It is nearly time for you to go, Marinette. The driver will be pulling into the driveway any moment now. You should get your things and prepare to leave. We can discuss this more tomorrow.”
Marinette twitched as Gabriel walked over to the door and held it open. Standing up, she cautiously stepped towards it, pausing to ask a question that was weighing on her mind. 
“M. Agreste? The akuma today, did you mean for it to hurt Adrien and me? Nathaniel seemed like he was really mad at all three of us.” 
Gabriel frowned. “Every akuma is a risk. I do not control them as fully as I would like, and if I need to detransform during the time that they are akumatized, they are left to their own devices, but the akuma does affect their emotions in unpredictable ways. It made Nathaniel angrier, more aggressive. It was lucky that you helped lead him away from Adrien. I am... grateful to you, for your actions today.” He inclined his head in a barely-there gesture of respect. 
Marinette felt a weight lift off of her chest.  
“You’re welcome,” she said in relief. He didn’t blame her for defeating the akuma. Good. 
“You probably have more questions, but as I said, we can address them tomorrow. I will say, however, though I wish I had a precise answer about your exposure to the broken Miraculous and the risk it bears, we will have to wait and see how severely you’ve damaged yourself. For now, just take one pill of the medicine a day— I will keep the bottle here and order a refill if necessary. You should be all right in the end, Miss Dupain-Cheng. Have a good evening.” 
He continued to hold the door open, and Marinette reluctantly walked through it, her stomach churning as she offered a small smile to M. Agreste as thanks. 
This had to be the worst day of her life. 
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