#brothers ignis and noctis you will always be dear to me
bestboyignis · 2 months
"A king must never stand still. He must keep moving forward, whatever the cost. However, even a king can feel worried and lost. When that time comes, I want you to be by Noctis' side, as his friend—and as his older brother."
I first played FFXV in English, and so missed this very subtle detail when I was an early fan. I'm not kidding when I say that the first time I played in Japanese and heard this speech, my eyes went 👀 because suddenly everything that Ignis did in Episode Ignis made so much more sense.
The difference is this: In the EN version, Regis asks Ignis to stay by Noctis' side, "as his friend—and as his brother." In the JP version, Regis asks Ignis to be Noctis' 兄 / "ani" / "older brother".
For me, this is a big difference. A "brother" is an equal, a companion, someone you can trust and share good times and bad times with. An older brother is many of these things, too, except an older brother is not an equal.
FFXV is still culturally a Japanese/Asian game. Many Asian languages have a specific name for an older—especially the eldest—sibling. To be the eldest is to be responsible for the younger ones. It's not uncommon for the eldest to shoulder more of the chores, be responsible for the actions of the younger siblings (yes, to the point of getting in trouble for them as well), to be expected to discipline them, and generally be accountable for whatever happens to one's younger siblings. This does usually provide the eldest sibling more authority, but it also comes with expectations of sacrifice. The eldest is expected to be more patient, to give things away they want for themselves, and generally make sure the younger siblings are provided for before considering one's self.
For me, who culturally also has this concept albeit not being Japanese, that Ignis was tasked to be Noct's "ani" makes their relationship make so much more sense. Ignis' strictness with Noct, the exasperation, the perseverance, the nagging, and conversely Noct's cheekiness, stubbornness, whining and complaining, laziness (no I swear this is typical youngest son behaviour!) and just the general banter that goes on between them is very much older brother/younger brother dynamic. I don't know why I didn't make this connection in the EN version, but that's language for you. 🥲
Ignis' actions in Episode Ignis were not extreme. I have known eldest children who give up more of themselves and for longer. This is not to belittle Ignis' sacrifice, only to say that his actions made sense given his role in Noctis' life.
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archonssun · 4 years
Lies Pt 2
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WC: 1384
“Papa!” you giggled, wrapping short arms around your father’s legs. His golden eyes turned to you, a smile on his lips as he ruffled your (h/c) hair.
“Hello, little sun,” he grinned. “How was your day?”
“Better now that you’re home.”
“Why, such a charmer you have turned out to be, little sun,” Ardyn chuckled, crouching down and picking you up. “Your mother must have passed on her charisma to you, (Y/n).”
Memories of you and your father were all that accompanied you in your time on Angelgard. Having been exiled to this demented prison by your uncle, Somnus, what felt like eons ago, boredom was quick to set in. You hadn’t been chained up like your father had been, but that was only because you had no special powers to aid you in escape.
You knew your father was being held here with you, but no matter how hard you tried, you could never find him. You just wanted to say good-bye, at least one more time before you die.
A loud, droning sound woke you, and you turned (e/c) eyes to the sky to see a … was that a ship? Whatever it was, it landed on the beach of Angelgard, soldiers spilling out like ants. From where you stood hidden behind an outcropping of rocks, one man caught your eyes. He was shorter than the soldiers, with platinum hair and an air of importance surrounding him. You couldn't hear what he was saying, but as he drew closer to your hiding spot the hairs on your arms stood on end. He passed you by then stopped, icy blue eyes scanning the area around him until they landed on you.
“What’s this?” he mused, motioning to one of the soldiers, who rushed and grabbed you, pulling you from your spot.
“Let me go!” you cried, tears already sliding down your face. The soldier threw you to the man’s feet, a foot placed on your lower back to keep you from escaping.
“What is a woman doing here?” the platinum-haired man scowled. “Only Adagium should be here.”
You whimpered, the soldier’s foot digging into your back. Hand curling into fists, you tried to drag yourself from beneath him -- tried and failed.
“Please, let me go,” you begged, too tired to do anything yourself. Tears were running faster now, and the threat of death had never been closer. “Please, I just want to find my papa. Please--”
“Your papa?” the man frowned. His blue eyes flicked towards the soldier holding you down and the pressure on your back was relieved somewhat. The blue-eyed man crouched before your, taking your shin in his slender fingers. The look he gave you was enough to make your blood freeze, and a sliver of fear planted itself in your mind. “Adagium has no children.” His fingers withdrew from your face mere seconds before something connected with your cheek.
You tasted copper in your mouth, felt the undeniable sensation of blood dribbling from your mouth, the warm sticky substance dripping onto the ground beneath you. You felt dizzy -- how hard had they hit you? Satisfied that you wouldn’t be going anywhere, the man and his soldiers left you lying in the dirt.
“Over here!”
The voice broke through the fog surrounding your mind, (e/c) eyes fluttering open to see someone clad in black. They had a mask covering the lower half of their face, and a hood pulled over their head. Mustering up enough strength, you reached towards them, fingers trembling.
“Please, help Papa,” you whispered, vision already slipping into black. “Please.” You felt yourself being lifted into sturdy arms, and your head thumped against the person’s chest. Your whine sounded far away to your ears, and the person’s arms tightened around you as they were pulled into a warp. It was a feeling you hadn’t felt in so long, warping, and it made your stomach churn and your heart ache.
You had just wanted to find your papa.
Soft hands caressed your forehead, dragging you from slumber. As (e/c) eyes fluttered open, they were met with a blinding light, and you were forced to shut them again.
“It’s alright, take your time,” a woman’s voice said. Her words were soft -- as soft as her hands -- when she spoke, and you groaned, opening your eyes again. You were met with an endearing smile, kind eyes, and arguably the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. Her smile grew wider, her eyes crinkling at the corners, and you were immediately reminded of your mother. “There you are. How are you feeling?”
“Where am I?” you questioned. As much as you wanted to flinch away from the woman’s touch, you didn’t want to seem rude so you sat still.
“You are in Insomnia, dear,” she answered, and her smile never wavered. Your mouth opened to form another question, but she beat you to it. “You are in the Citadel, in the Crown City. Here, the Lucian kings watch over citizens of Insomnia and the surrounding territories.”
“Why am I here?”
“Because you were never meant to stay exiled on Angelgard, (Y/n),” a new voice joined in, and your head whipped around to see a man approaching. He stood next to the woman, a hand clasped to her shoulder as they exchanged smiles. His green eyes turned to you, and against your will you shrunk back. “Somnus never meant to harm you, his niece. In fact, he had always meant to raise you as his own should anything ever befall his brother.Even as you were a child, he knew that you held the qualities of a leader, and he had intended on naming you his heir before you disappeared.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” you muttered.
“You’re here because I would like to give you the chance you never had,” the man sighed. “I would like to name you my heir, should you let me.”
You cooed at little Noctis, your smile splitting your face as the baby gurgled at you.
“He’s grown attached, it seems,” Regis laughed from the doorway, watching you care for the young prince. (E/c) eyes lifted to lock with the king’s before going back to Noctis.
“He wouldn’t be the only one,” you whispered, giving the baby an eskimo kiss and making him laugh. “I never had a younger sibling before, and I was nervous when you and Lady Aulea had told me about Noctis. But now I can see how everyone is so enamored with the little one. He is quite the charmer, even at this age.”
When Noctis was named the Chosen King, you had felt your heart shatter. You knew what it entitled, being the Chosen King, and you never wanted that for him. He was your little brother.
When Noctis and his friends had taken off on their journey, Regis had confided in you before sending you off to join his son. And when Insomnia fell, you had become a shell. Your entire family was now in the Beyond, and you had no way to join them -- you were immortal, so how could you?
When you had rejoined Noctis and the others, you had cried yourself to sleep, clinging to the Chosen King and swearing you would always protect him. That you would always be at his side for him to use.
When the sun disappeared and your identity as Ardyn’s daughter had been revealed, you found solace in Noctis’s best friend, more often than not falling asleep in Prompto’s arms. He never pushed you away for what you were, for where you came from.
When Noctis returned, you were forced to watch as he sacrificed himself for Eos. You hadn’t been able to do anything to help him, after all -- you could only watch.
When a year had passed since Noctis’s death, you had tried to join him and your father, wanting nothing more than to be reunited with them. But Prompto and Ignis had managed to find you before it had been too late, the two men talking you out of the dark place your mind had taken you.
When Ignis passed on, there was no one left to keep you tethered to the physical plane, and you finally joined them once again.
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Tag List: @katerleegrand​, @blossattic​, @kenkopanda​, @kirahhhh​, @naisitaable​, @orgawnas​, @gladiosamicitias​, @sakesays​
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Book Three: Pestilence (Ignis x Reader) Chapter Fifteen
A/n: I leave a small inkling as to who War was in her past life at the end of this chapter. Her whole backstory will be revealed in the next book. Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
"Hand over the orb, Ignis," (Y/n) ordered, her form looming over the advisor's as she remained on the stone railing. "I would abhor in reclaiming it by force."
Ignis shook his head, rejecting her strict command. "Enough of this!" He shouted angrily, shocking the Horseman. He lunged forward, grabbed her wrist, and yanked her off the railing. She tumbled from the force, but she was able to keep from falling. Before she could break free and push him away, he released his hold on her wrist and both of his gloved hands grabbed her face.
Shocked to the core, Pestilence took a few steps back and her lower back came in contact with the railing. His hands remained on her cheeks as he followed her movement. Feeling his gentle touch and seeing the turmoil in his jade eyes made all plans of escaping annul. She placed her hands on the railing behind her to keep from tipping over it. The only things she could hear were her thunderous heart and the heavy rain. She bit her bottom lip, rolling it between her teeth before releasing it and finally shattering the suffocating silence. "Why're you so stubborn?"
"You are the obdurate one," Ignis responded.
Without another word, their lips were connected. The kiss felt like it last for hours, but it only lasted a few seconds. (Y/n) was the one to break the exchange, pulling away from Ignis. "A kiss will not mend my past or change my mind. It would be for your good as well as the others to go our separate ways." She placed her hands on his chest and gently pushed him away from her.
"Your unforeseen arrival allowed us to accomplish strenuous feats we would have failed on our lonesome," Ignis stated matter-of-factly, refusing to let go of her in fear of her vanishing out of his life for good. "The annihilation of Silas and his men was necessary and unavoidable. You simply performed the burdensome task of eliminating a threat to us and innocent civilians."
(Y/n) closed her eyes once Ignis' hands fell from her cheeks. She slumped forward, her head resting against his chest. "Answer me truthfully, Ignis. My hands are tainted with the blood of men and will continue to keep killing. Am I a monster?"
"Far from one," Ignis answers without even having to think. "Edric was a hellion. Raiden's blood is on his hands, not yours."
(Y/n) seemed relieved at hearing his answer. She didn't doubt his response and felt the catalyst of her sorrows be quelled. She knew this was her second breakdown and felt ashamed of her behavior. But once again, Ignis was the one who picked the pieces up and put them back together. She was thankful for his patience with her and was overjoyed to know a person like him loves her.
They were startled when the Regalia's horn blared. The couple stepped away from each other and glanced toward the vehicle. Knowing from the horn, they knew the others were growing restless and were desperately wanting to return to Cape Caem.
Without wasting another minute, Ignis and (Y/n) headed to the car. The Horseman ended up sitting in the front seat, both her and the tactician soaked to the bone. The boys in the backseat were grinning as they eyed the two. None of them said a word as they departed from Taelpar Crag.
Arriving at Cape Caem, the rain had ceased, but the stormy clouds above remained. While Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio checked in with Cid and Cindy, Ignis and (Y/n) headed to the house to dry off and warm up.
Pestilence's outfit wasn't difficult to dry. It only took a few minutes thanks to her magic to dry her clothes. Afterward, she decided to wander to the room next to hers, which is currently being occupied by Ignis. She, without announcing her presence, pushed the door open and stepped into the room. His back was turned to her as he was now adorned in a striped dress shirt with his hair in the normal spiky style. Her bare feet padded against the hardwood floor gently, the small sound being enough for the strategist to detect.
Ignis turned around at hearing the faint sound. "(Y/n), what are-?" His eyes widen as she suddenly pushed him down onto the bed. He stared up at the ceiling, bewildered and paralyzed at her action. His body began tensing up as he felt her mount the bed and straddle his waist.
Looming above Ignis, (Y/n) placed her hands on his chest as she leant down slightly to stare into his emerald eyes. She searched them for any indication if he wanted her to move, but she found nothing but confusion and shock. She wondered if he was going to say something, but he didn't even mutter a word. Seeing this, she bent her elbows and lowered herself more. When their faces were only a few inches apart, she stopped. "Of all the people you could possibly have, you chose a reanimated corpse. Why would you choose a woman who's past is tainted by the blood of others?"
Ignis reached up, placing a hand against her cheek. "You've displayed no ill intent toward myself or the others. Must I also remind you of when you saved my life?"
(Y/n) leaned into his touch, smiling down at him. "Is that when your infatuation began? You'd only known me for nearly a day."
"No," he confesses. "But I am truly grateful and indebted to you for your brazen action. Our early morning chats were truly the origin of my fixation for you."
The Horseman huffed out a small giggle. "You truly are an honest man, Ignis. I must confess-I'm bewildered no woman has won your heart except for me." She leant down to steal a kiss but froze when she heard the door opening. Looking to her right, she saw Gladio standing in the doorway with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Am I interrupting somethin'?" He asked, eyeing the couple.
"We were just talking," (Y/n) responds casually, still straddling Ignis' waist.
"In that position?" The shield asked with an arched brow.
The ivory-haired girl tossed a grin in Gladio's direction. "Yes," she replies before changing the subject. "Was there something you needed, Gladio?"
He chuckled at her smooth transition. "We're ready to depart for Altissia. The only people missing are you two."
(Y/n) removed herself from Ignis' body and climbed off the bed. "You four were recently captured by a madman. I suggest you postpone the trip to Altissia for a day in order to get some proper rest. The boat will still be there in the morning."
"I must also insist our departure be delayed," Ignis said.
Gladio has no qualms, feeling the exhaustion overtake his body. "Alright. I'll tell the kids," he teased before closing the door and leaving the couple to themselves.
The next morning, the boys went on ahead down the elevator while (Y/n) checked on Erra. Once she saw he wasn't in need of anything, she headed to the docking bay below the lighthouse. Before she could step foot onto the lift, she heard a familiar voice from behind her. "You seem to be cozying up next to that fellow with the glasses."
Pestilence spun on her heels and faced War with a stoic expression. "Well, a "hello" to you, too, dear sister."
"What do you plan on doing the moment you defeat the draugr? You have to return to the Inner Sanctum. Death, Famine, and I can't keep all the monsters in line," War stated. "What if those damned things break the seal again? If you're here on Eos, then we won't be able to repair the seal."
"I know where my duties lie, War," the white-haired Horseman sighed. "The draugr is all that remains. Hopefully by the time I slay the creature, my resolve to return to the Inner Sanctum won't be shaken."
"The closer you get to him, the harder it will be to leave," War scoffed, crossing her arms. "Y'know, I expected this from Famine, but not you. Break your ties with him and the others before it's too late."
(Y/n) looked down at the ground between the crimson-haired girl's feet. "You speak as if I know not of the consequences of my ties to these men. All of us deserve a slither of joy even if it is fleeting. When have you ever been truly happy since your resurrection as the Horseman of crusade?"
War fell silent. She already knew the answer to the question, but she didn't want to admit there was truth in her sister's words. In the end, she feigned annoyance and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest. "Do as you wish. I'm not gonna try and stop you. I know you know what you're doing, but be careful, Pestilence." With that, she vanished into a puff of scarlet smoke.
With a heavy sigh, (Y/n) stared at the spot her sister once stood for a few seconds before heading to the lift. As she stepped off the elevator once it reaches the docking bay, she heard an unfamiliar voice. "Something I gotta get off my chest."
"What's that?" She heard Noctis question.
"I'm sorry," the unfamiliar voice replied. "Sorry I wasn't there for your father. I swore an oath to protect the king, but I wasn't strong enough to uphold it."
"Ain't nothin' nobody could've done to stop what happened," another unrecognizable person said.
"Yeah, I realize that," the ravenette responded.
(Y/n) silenced her bare feet, feeling the cold metal as she walked down the stairs. No one noticed her quiet approach, glancing toward the older gentleman as he spoke up with a southern drawl. "But you need to realize just what you mean to the boys by your side."
Noctis was silent for a few seconds before nodding. "I do."
"Even if they can't solve your problems, you can't hide what's goin' on from 'em. It hurts like hell. Remember-those ain't your bodyguards, they're your brothers. Trust in 'em. Always."
The Horseman clasped her hands together with a smile as she was reminded of her sisters. They may not have been blood-related, but they were her family and she wouldn't trade them for anyone else on Eos.
The younger man of the two strangers turned around and spotted her smiling at them. He bowed his head politely, knowing exactly who she is. "It's an honor to meet you, Pestilence."
"Wait," Noctis spoke up after the marshal's formal greeting. "You know (Y/n)?"
"His late Majesty held the Four Horsemen in high regards," the man responded as he lifted his head. "I never expected you four to be traveling with one of the Horsemen, but I must confess it is an excellent decision. Our king will be needing all the protection he can get."
"They would be perfectly fine without me shadowing them," (Y/n) stated.
"No," the man denied. "I feel even more at ease knowing you are standing beside His Majesty. Who knows what the empire has planned next."
The snowy-haired girl was eased when hearing the man's approval. She peered at him as she thought back to all the times Death had visited Insomnia and mentioned only a few people by name. "Are you Cor, perchance?"
The marshal nodded. "Yes. It seems Death has mentioned me once or twice."
"As her role as liaison between Insomnia and the Inner Sanctum, she has mentioned you on occasion. A pleasure to finally put a face to the name, Marshal."
Cor couldn't help but smirk at her formality. "You truly are the prim and proper one out of the bunch."
"Someone has to be," she grinned in amusement.
After her chat with Cor, (Y/n) headed over to the boat while the boys chatted with the older man, which she learned his name was Cid. Her thoughts wandered to her conversation with War, knowing she would have to severe her bond with the boys sooner or later. She detested the thought of breaking Ignis' heart and cutting loose the others since they were her friends. Her hand slowly moved up, coming to rest over her heart as it ached.
"Waitin' for an invitation? Get your asses on board!" Cid proclaimed, shocking the Horseman out of her thoughts.
She blinked a few times at his sudden proclamation and didn't realize the others were aboard the ship, waiting for her.
"Hey, (Y/n), you comin'?" Noctis asked the Horseman as he peered over the side of the ship and down at her.
The young girl looked up at him with a forced smile. "Oh, my apologies, Noctis. I was lost in thought."
Gladio pokes his head over the side of the boat, smirking down at her. "You better get on before we leave you behind."
She climbed aboard just as Cid started the boat's engine. She walked over to the side, placing her hands on the metal railing that aligned the sides of the vessel. She stared down at the water as the boat slowly pulls away from the dock.
"Hey! Your Majesty!" The boys and girl heard Talcott shout. They glanced toward the small boy as he stood beside Iris.
"What's up?" Noctis asked as the boat began to pick up speed.
"Please come back soon! We need our king!"
Noctis smiled with a nod. "Yeah. Count on it."
Talcott and Iris wave goodbye. Noctis waves back as (Y/n) smiles at the two, standing beside the azure-eyed boy.
"You truly are loved by your kingdom, Noctis," Pestilence comments in a hushed whisper, reminiscing in the time War shared her past with her. The redhead and raven-haired boy were complete opposites, but their positions were nearly the same. She couldn't even imagine supporting an entire nation on her shoulders like her sister once did.
What (Y/n) didn't know was Noctis had heard her. Before he could say a word, she was headed toward the others. Deciding to ignore her seemingly sad words, he followed after her.
The Horseman sat on the plush, leather seat beside Ignis as the boat sped across the surface of the gleaming ocean. She stared out in the direction of Altissia, wondering how much the city has changed since her time on Eos. She placed a hand over her heart. "I pray not too much..."
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secret-engima · 5 years
How would it go if certain people (who is up to you) found out that Ardyn and Nox are from a future that went so completely to shit that there are no words to describe it, that Nox is actually Noctis, who's so happy and bubbly that they can't quite imagine what happened to make him like that. A few of Nox's traits and quirks would definitely make more sense though, as would some of Ardyn's.
Hmmmm hmmm ohhhhh this is- hmmmmm. Okay heads up NONE of this is considered canon atm for Nox but if anyone found out it would be Cid, Weskham, and like- Prompto (this may change, depending on how much I feel like making Nox suffer, but for now these are non-canon).
-For Cid- he’d find out that Nox was from the future when he accidentally walked in on Nox sharpening his Ultima Blade. Now- Cid might not be THE most observant person, but he knows his own handiwork like its a part of his soul and THAT SWORD, that sword that looks like its been dragged through the depths of the abyss and back, that sword that Nox cradles like its his child as he polishes and sharpens the blade-
-That is his handiwork. His blade. His tweaks and mods and balances and bits of flare to the point he could already tell you every step he went through to make it.
-He’s never seen that sword before in his life.
-Or ... not this life.
-Nox looks up at him with too-old eyes and a weary, frightened face, “I ... I can explain.”
-Cid stares, stares at the face of Reggie’s eldest and can hear the unspoken I really, really don’t want to and knows that what he is going to hear is going to break him even more than losing Mid and Melba.
-He’s right.
-Nox doesn’t tell him much, tries so HARD to keep the final pieces from clicking, but Cid is no fool and he can hear the gaps.
-The gaps that Nox is NOCTIS. Reggie’s little bright eyed boy. That Nox was the Chosen King and that everything went to the pyre when he was just a newly turned adult. That whatever happened between him and the Accursed (the way Nox uses the title only and no names makes Cid think of Ardyn’s own bitter declaration of past abuse toward his nephew and feel cold) ... broke him.
-Then Nox tells him, honest and quiet, that he died. Nox, this boy, this child Cid has helped raise and helped put back together (yet not a child at all, if what Nox is saying is true, and it is) went and died so that the world would be saved, even though there was so little left TO save at that point and then ... woke up. Younger and different and here.
-And he doesn’t want to believe it, except despite the inherent insanity of the story it MAKES SENSE. All of Nox’s odd “similarities” with Noctis, the secrets and the way Nox stares at Reggie like Reggie is a ghost come back to life.
-The blade that started this entire confrontation.
-Cid has no words to explain what he feels in that moment, looking at the fragile, sharp-edged remains of what could have been (hopefully will never again be) Noctis’s future. He just pulls the boy close and doesn’t let go for a long time.
-For Weskham, he puts the pieces together because he is both smart, openminded and ... something of an outside observer. He meets Noctis and Nox at the same time, with fewer preconceptions, and notices the oddities. The similarities that go deeper than “oh just like their father” or “what a coincidence” and instead go screaming off the edge into creepy.
-They like the same foods and hate the same foods, though Nox is better at being mature and eating it anyway. They have many of the same tells in the way they blink, or look away, or rub the backs of their necks. He hears of the marilith attack and through various accidental circumstances happens to see their scars.
-Nox and Noctis have identical scars on their backs, though Noctis’s far more faded and small, and Weskham has this- moment where he thinks of the identical scars and the story of how Nox heard “rumors” and rushed headlong to defend family he supposedly didn’t even know, from an attack that “just happened” to be identical to one he had suffered around Noctis’s age and something inside him goes OH.
-He watches for a long time and tells no one, and while he can’t fathom why he’s indulging the theory it ... makes sense. The tells, the similarities, the face shapes. He imagines Nox with short hair and almost creeps himself out with how identical Noctis and Nox would look if the elder did not have his long hair and earrings and was a few years younger.
-He already knows magic can do many impossible things. Both good and bad. So he keeps the impossible theory to himself, nursing it and compiling more and more little bits of evidence in his head, never intending to SAY anything until he stumbles across Nox during a Quiet Day, watching the world with too-old eyes and blurts, “How did it end?”
-Nox looks at him slowly, like Weskham’s only a dream, “What?”
-Weskham doesn’t like the dead look in Nox’s eyes, not when he mentally compares it to little, cheerful, bright-eyed Noctis and wonders what could have possibly destroyed him and remade him into Nox in just a few short years, “Whatever sent you back. How did it end?”
-Nox stares at him with knowledge old and terrible, then laughs, rusty and slightly unhinged, “Father died. Clarus died. Luna -the Oracle- died. Insomnia burned and the world soon followed. The night devoured the day and the daemons roamed unchecked, people died in droves while I SLEPT in Crystal and when I woke up all I could do was say goodbye to my brothers one last time and then let the Old Kings kill me so that whoever was left would at least have a dawn by which to rebuild the civilization of the world. And then I woke up.” Nox faltered, swallowed hard, “I woke up, and I’ve been wondering why ever since.”
-Weskham breathes past the knife-sharp feeling in his throat, the horrible memories of WAR he can see reflected in Nox’s eyes.
-He manages to walk away without stumbling by sheer dint of will. Collapses in his suite to shake in a chair and wish he had never noticed, never asked. Never known.
-For Prompto, the biggest clue was their first meeting. When he was crying over his camera and Nox was desperate to cheer him and babbled and called him “Prom” as warm and loving and familiar as if they were family and not a little crying boy and a nice stranger on the street.
-He never forgot that meeting. Never really believed Nox’s excuse of memorizing who Noctis’s classmates where.
-Nox is weird. Nox is ... really weird. Always has been. But that’s okay, because he’s Nox, he’s Noctis’s big brother and kinda Prompto’s big brother after Cor adopted him so ... so it’s okay.
-Except for the time it isn’t.
-Except for the time Prompto makes the mistake of binging way too many sci-fi shows in one sitting and then spots Nox and Noctis together and notices how similar their voices were now that Noctis wasn’t a little kid, how they wrinkle their nose in the same way when they’re baffled and- and-
-It’s a really dumb idea okay? He gets that, he KNOWS that. Except ... it makes a lot of sense too. The more he thinks about it, the harder he shoves the preconception of “of COURSE they’re two different people” in a little box, the more he realizes it MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE.
-Nox’s habits, his ticks, the way he KNOWS Noctis and Ignis and Gladio and Prompto. The way he looks at them sometimes like they’re fragile glass pictures that are going to shatter. The way Axis has said once that he wasn’t Nox’s FIRST Shield, but that Nox’s original Shield was gone-.
-Prompto maybe spends the next week hyperventilating in his room when no one is looking and trying very hard to NOT blurt out the question “are you a time traveller” whenever he sees Nox.
-Eventually he can’t resist, eventually he tests. Runs up and slaps Nox on the shoulder with a friendly, “Yo, Noctis!” when they’re both alone in a hallway of the Citadel and something in his stomach drops out when Nox doesn’t go “huh?” but instead just chuckles and goes, “Hi Prom,” before Nox FREEZES.
-Its the freeze that really sells it in Prompto’s mind, the look of confusion and devastation on Nox (NOCTIS’S) face that makes him instantly regret trying anything. Prompto babbles something about tongue slip and meaning Nox, OBVIOUSLY, because OBVIOUSLY they were two different people, being brothers and all and seven years apart and-
-And there is something so very sad in Nox’s eyes as he murmurs, “You always were a bad liar, Prom.”
-Oh. Oh dear. Prompto swallows and hunches in on himself without thinking, “So ... I was right then.”
-Nox nods slowly and the silence is ... awkward. Tense. Filled with something Prompto can’t name or describe and suddenly he’s apologizing. He’s apologizing and almost in tears and when Nox, baffled and alarmed, asks why-
-“I don’t remember you. You look at us and you remember, and we’re your brothers and we PROMISED ‘ever at your side’ but I don’t REMEMBER you and Iggy and Gladio don’t even know-.” He stops, he sniffles and another horrible thought comes to him and since today is the day for turning off his brain to mouth filter apparently he whispers, “Did we die? Is- is that why we didn’t come with you to the past?”
-Nox takes a shaky breath and runs it through his hair, “No-, no you all- you all lived. As far as I know. Up until the point I ... came back, you were all alive and ... well. Just a little banged up, but okay.” Nox (Noctis, a broken Noctis, a Noctis from a future that had to have been horrible because Prompto’s SEEN some of the scars and he doesn’t want to think about that-) blinks wet eyes and suddenly blurts, “Don’t tell anyone. Please? Especially not- especially not the others.”
-Prompto nods, because of course, he’s not an idiot and he doesn’t think they’d believe him anyway. Nox coughs awkwardly in his throat and starts to walk away with hunched shoulders and Prompto will never know why he opened his big mouth again or why, of all things, he chooses to say, “Yo, Nox?”
-Nox (not Noctis, because they ARE two different people now and Prompto prays it stays that way) blinks over his shoulder and Prompto musters up his biggest grin as he blurts, “Thanks, you know? For ... everything. You’ve really Walked Tall.” He doesn’t know what those words mean, or why he chose “walked tall” of all things but he knows in a second his words MEAN something more than he can ever comprehend because Nox’s eyes go wide-
-And suddenly Nox is hugging Prompto. Clinging to him like he’s an anchor in a storm and all Prompto can do is hug back as fiercely as he can while tears drip onto his shirt, and Nox shakes like he’s about to fall apart and somewhere in the harsh breathing of the time-traveler-brother-friend in his arms, Prompto could swear he hears Nox whisper, “I miss you so much, Prom- I can’t-,” but then Nox goes silent, and astrals Prompto’s crying too, because he always was a crybaby and something inside him hurts in a way that makes it hard to breathe (is this what Nox was feeling? Is this what he felt those days he looked at them with too-old eyes? No wonder he always left the room, Prompto wants to scream already and Nox has felt this for years-).
-Nox pulls away, rests his forehead on Prompto’s for just a second and it feels like a thank you.
-It feels like a goodbye. But not to him. It’s a goodbye to the weight falling off Prompto’s shoulders, like hands letting go as a shadow fades away.
-Nox retreats, disappears around the corner without a word and with a too-bright-too-old look that means Prompto’s set off a Quiet Day and Prompto-
-Prompto goes back to his room and hugs his old chocobo plush tight. He’s not in the mood to go play video games with the others right now.
-Days later Nox finds him again and wordlessly, gently, passes him a leather-bound book. A memento, Nox calls it sadly, I’ll want it back when you’re done, he murmurs before slinking away.
-Prompto hides it where even Cor wouldn’t think to look because he doesn’t dare put it in armiger (the armiger Noctis gave him, the armiger Noctis might find it in accidentally). He hides himself under his covers like he’s a little kid again, holds his flashlight tight in one hand and his chocobo plush under his other arm as he flips it open and sees-
-Photos. His photos. His style, with all of them (Ignis, Noctis, Gladio, himself) in them. He doesn’t know the context for them but- it’s a journey. It’s a roadtrip in film and Prompto spends hours carefully flipping through each page, staring at snapshots of battles not fought and fishing holes not visited and silly moments not laughed at anymore. It’s Nox’s life in a nutshell, Prompto thinks as he looks through photos taken in dark dungeons and sunlit deserts. Injuries and health, insomnia and energetic smiles. The last photo is of them, on a campground he recognizes. It’s the one just outside Insomnia, where you can see the bridge leading to the island and the lighting is usually amazing. This one is at night, and they all look older, thirty or more whereas in the others they are only twenty or so. Noctis- Nox, is in the center, smiling with the soft, sad eyes that Prompto remembers from that first meeting, Gladio looming behind him and Ignis at his side with a visor that doesn’t hide the scars on his face. In the middle, one arm slung over Ignis’s shoulders and the other over Nox’s like he can KEEP them there, forever safe and happy if he just holds on tight enough, is himself.
-There are no other photos.
-Prompto doesn’t need to be told why.
-He returns the book to Nox the next day, and refuses to acknowledge Noctis’s puzzled look when he hugs Nox tight and doesn’t mind when Nox hugs him back. Then Prompto smiles, because that’s his job in the group, to be the one who smiles when things are dark, and he drags Nox over to play Kings Knight with the four of them. And maybe things aren’t perfect, because now Prompto KNOWS and he can never un-know, but things are better. Because Nox is here, and Nox fixed things, and Nox is never going to let Noctis become him, so Prompto doesn’t have to worry about that and can instead focus on keeping both of his kings smiling and laughing and happy.
-He can hold on, and this time, no blood or road trip or daemon-infested future will be able to make him let go.
(hgfdhg congrats I just made myself cry. Everyone suffer with me. @wolfsrainrules @hamelin-born @ean-sovukau @rayearthdudette @sparklecryptid COME SUFFER WITH ME.)
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a-world-in-grey · 4 years
Take My Breath au - Roadtrip (Duscae)
Some bad, some good, some cute - and some of Sola terrifying the shit out of Ravus. @secret-engima because hey, we get to see Ardyn and Sola exchange words!
-Sola has to admit that helping Uncle Cor take out the Norduscaen blockade was cathartic (though the exasperated why me look he gave her after she walked in the front gate with the rest of the Retinue, glaive across her shoulders and she cheerfully announced that being the distraction was fun was completely unnecessary) and she’s in a much better mood as they wander through Duscae looking for more royal tombs.
-They pick up a couple hunts - including a damn behemoth so Prompto can ride Chocobos, but in the face of Prompto’s delighted expression no one can begrudge the blonde - and Sola heals a few people from what looks like poison. Black crawling through their veins that feels like a smothering, choking fog as Sola pulls it into herself. She frowns as her magic fights off the poison, but sluggishly, taking hours, even days where normally she’d be fine in a manner of minutes.
-It’s odd, but her magic beats it off as it does everything else, so Sola simply keeps her gloves on and jacket sleeves down to hide the black creeping up her hands and wrists. The others would only worry, and she’s fine.
-Until she’s not.
-Until the poison in her veins are creeping up her forearms, up her arms, and she’s vomiting up black goo almost every night. Fortunately, she has her own tent - as big as Gladio’s is, there’s no way to cram four people inside when three of them are six feet tall, and Gladio is... Gladio - and a decade of having hanahaki has taught her how to hide the fact that she’s getting sicker every day.
-In Lestallum, Sola crashes hard when they reach the Leville. She sleeps in later than Noctis even, and wakes up after Noctis has left with Iris to tour Lestallum. Ignis returns first, and it turns out that Pelna and Axis are in Lestallum and Sola takes the chance for an update.
-She even waves off the Chocobros when they go to find the next Tomb, instead going out to get takeout and finding a discreet place to have lunch and talk about glaive operations.
-Then lunch gets interrupted by that same silky tone Sola is coming to hate. She’s not the only one to react violently, weapons whirling through the air. Ardyn casually sidesteps them all. His casual remark that Sola’s finally found herself a Shield is met with a snarl from Axis, but Sola waves both Pelna and Axis down. They cannot afford to start a fight here - too many civilians, too many refugees that cannot afford Imperial attention turning to the city - no matter how much Ardyn deserves a knife to the kidney.
-Then Ardyn grabs Sola’s hand, pushing her sleeve up and revealing the black poison stark against pale skin before Sola can wrench her arm away. But Ardyn knows what this is, mentions that it is the Scourge her little brother is fated to defeat, even if at this rate Ardyn doubts Sola will live to see it. Pelna and Axis still dangerously, and Adryn leaves with a vague comment of wondering how Sola will go.
-Sola, Pelna, and Axis return to the Leville, where Sola pulls Jared aside and asks him to look into the Starscourge - and what happens to those who are infected with it. It means revealing her infection to Jared and making the man promise not to tell the others, because Sola can feel it now. She’s dying, and unless they miraculously find a cure, Sola won’t survive.
-Pelna and Axis are not happy. They argue with Sola when Sola refuses to divert Kingsglaive forces to researching the Scourge. She tells them that they don’t know if there is a cure, and it’s more important that they continue to fight the Empire. Pelna is named Second, and if when Sola dies, he will be Chief.
-Unfortunately, Iris overhears enough and bursts into the room to confront Sola about it. Sola sighs and lets Iris look at her arms with trembling fingers. She has Iris promise not to tell the others, because they need to focus on protecting Noctis, not her. Iris nods, and Sola kneels down to wipe away Iris’ tears. Especially because Iris sniffles that she’s going to leave her Shield all alone. The glaives blink down at Iris, and Iris sniffs again, this time in part offense and says that she’s not blind. Axis is Sola’s Shield, and... Iris hesitates before she quietly adds that he’s family too, isn’t he?
-Axis is still as a statue, and Iris babbles that he looks a bit like her grandmother, and he acts a lot like Gladdy and her father around Noctis and the king. Iris shuffles when Axis still doesn’t react, and she asks why he never said anything. Axis, faced with a crying kid, immediately switches over into dad mode, and he gently tells Iris that he’s a bastard. It would’ve brought too much scandal for both Lord Amicitia and Axis’ family if Axis came forward. Iris pouts, but she grew up in Insomnia and while she wasn’t involved in court, she was still trained, and so she doesn’t try to argue against what she knows is true. 
-But Iris is also whip smart for being only 15, and Iris asks if they were worried about the Council forcing Axis to be Sola’s Shield. Axis blinks, but Sola smiles at Iris and confirms it. It’s why Sola helps Axis hide his ties to the Amicitia, because both Axis and Sola wanted it to be their choice. Iris nods, hugs Axis tight, before scampering off to help Jared and Talcott with their new research project. Because she doesn’t want either of her older brothers to lose their King/Queen.
-Sola is out with Pelna and Axis, finishing up reports and orders and plans (and telling them to send some of the Ornata over to Galdin Quay to find one Dino Ghiranze) when she gets a text from Ignis that they’ve returned from the tomb and are going to check out the Disk of Cauthess. Sola texts back and tells them to be careful of the Imperial presence in the area. Sola doesn’t worry when they aren’t back by nightfall - Ignis texted her to tell her that they’d rented a caravan for the night.
-Axis and Pelna, being absolute shits, stick Talcott on Sola babysitting duty before they leave. A duty little Talcott takes to with enthusiasm. Sola sighs, flips her two glaives the middle finger where Talcott can’t see, and proceeds to bow to Talcott’s every whim. Because she’s always been a sucker for kids. (Iris, the traitor, hides giggles behind her hands and cheerfully waves as Talcott drags Sola to wander around Lestallum. Sola won’t admit it, but the sunshine hurts on her skin, hurts her eyes and she makes sure to buy sunglasses. Sola refuses to give up sunlight, even if it hurts.)
-Sola abruptly worries a lot more about her little brother when Titan wakes up and throws a fit. Lestallum isn’t too damaged in the resulting earthquake, but the sight of the giant Astral is... an eye catching sight to be sure.
-Then the Chocobros return to Lestallum by Imperial airship, and Sola learns that they’ve been interacting with Ardyn. Sola snarls, because herself is one thing, but he is not allowed to meddle with her little brother!
-Without the Regalia, the group is forced to rent Chocobos to get around. Fortunately, the birds can cover more terrain than the car, and it allows them to avoid the sudden Imperial blockades that have cropped up. Sola splits off from the group in order to organize and lead glaive operations in blowing up the blockades and bases.
-And, well, Sola’s seen the way Ignis keeps glancing at her, and she’s worried that he’s starting to suspect that she isn’t as well as she pretends.
-Sola gets a call from Cindy pointing her towards Archeole base, where the Regalia has been impounded and waiting for shipment to Niflheim. Sola leaves Pelna in charge of wider operations, and takes Axis and two other glaives with her to meet up with the Chocobros just outside the base.
-Sola does not step into the Haven. She tried that a couple days back and it was not fun, Sola does not recommend. It means she’s now running mostly night shifts so she can sleep during the day, but she’s managing.
-Instead, Sola leaves the two glaives to coordinate with Ignis and the others while she and Axis sneak around to scout out the base.
-Night falls, and Sola and Noctis’ group infiltrate at separate points. They proceed to sneak around and murder their way through the base. Sola’s group focuses on taking out as many MTs and imperial forces as possible, while Noctis’ group heads for the main generator and the Regalia.
-At several points, Sola calls forth bursts of sunlight to disorient the mech sensors. It sears through her veins like nothing has before, but it’s the best option she has so Sola forces herself to continue through the pain.
-Frankly, Sola thinks Noctis calling down Ramuh to smite the generator is overkill, but the glaives are an Awe.
-Ravus has just pushed Gladio back against the Regalia when about two dozen weapons materialize around him. And Sola slinks out of the shadows, all predatory grace and lethal smile. “Hello, darling.”
-Ravus doesn’t dare move. Not with the blades pressed against his throat, against eight different spots that will kill him instantly if Sola wills it. With the two blades pointed at his eyes and the gun against the back of his head.
-He’s seen the power of a Lucis Caelum armiger. It’s not something he ever anticipated being on the other end of it.
-Sola’s almost a foot shorter than him. That doesn’t stop her from using the tip of her wickedly sharp blade to lift his chin. “Tell me, darling,” And Ravus has never heard an endearment sound so threatening, “why I shouldn’t cut you down where you stand?”
-He says nothing. There is nothing to say, no convincing reason he can give for Sola to spare his life. And Sola knows it. Her smile widens until it’s less a smile and more a snarl of bared teeth.
-“I’m afraid I will have to protest, dear Princess.” Sola twitches as Ardyn materializes behind them, but her glaive doesn’t move as she turns to glare at the High Chancellor. Thank the Six, that blade is uncomfortably close to his throat. “Lady Lunafreya will be most put out if her brother dies.”
-Out of the corner of his eye, Ravus sees Noctis wince. Sola however, is unmoved. “This is war.” Sola drawls, “Lady Lunafreya will understand.”
-“Let him go, and all of you will be allowed to walk free with your Regalia.” Ardyn promises.
-“Please, I’m not that stupid.” Sola scoffs. “I let him go, you’ll kill all of us.”
-“You have my word, you will not be harmed.” The Lucians give Ardyn dubious looks, and Ravus honestly agrees with them. After Insomnia, what Lucian would trust anyone from the Empire?
-“Your word means nothing.” Sola counters with a vicious smile, “Try again.”
-Ardyn tilts his head thoughtfully. “Oh? It almost seems like you want a reason to spare him, dear Princess.”
-Sola laughs. It’s the most chilling thing Ravus has ever heard.
-“Hardly.” Sola says. “But your attempts amuse me.”
-“Sola,” Noctis intervenes, voice quiet but firm. “Withdraw. We’re leaving.”
-A breathless moment where Sola is utterly still, before her weapons shatter into shards of golden magic. Her hand forms a shape, and Ravus suddenly spots the three figures waiting in the shadows when they move, forming a formation and waiting for Sola to join them.
-“As my king commands.” Sola intones. She fades back into the shadows with inhuman ease, sparing a moment to send Ravus a smile that sends shivers down his spine. “Until next time, darling.”
-Those words are going to haunt his nightmares. And Ravus prays to the Six that there won’t be a next time. He’s not certain he’ll survive it.
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izzyphantomgamer · 5 years
Episode Ignis.
A consideration of Ignis Scientia and his Episode.
I apologize if this is not my usual ridiculous post, but I wanted to talk about Ignis, a small rant of how I felt through all of this. If you want to read a sad post then please do, listen to the OST ‘Solidarity’ if possible.
"I'm afraid I must ask for your forgiveness"
Those words opened the Episode. It takes no genius to know how tragic his story is, perhaps all of us cried but the more I repeated the playthrough, the more I realized how unaware I was the first time I saw it.
 "I'm more worried about Noct. I'll find a way to the altar, but I need you to keep the enemy distracted."
"Be safe."
Being thrown into the water from a falling building that collided with an airship was never the easiest thing, but he had no time to wonder if the others, nor if he, himself, was alright. The moment he opened his eyes from the collision, he only had one thing in his mind: Noctis.
 Ignis "I need your help: I fear Noct is in danger."
Camelia "As in the entire city of Altissia. In case you haven't taken a look around. He and his 'girlfriend' are probably long gone."
Ignis "No, I made a promise to keep him safe - a promise I intend to keep!"
Camelia "How noble. I'll see what my men can do - but I won't promise anything."
This was the start of it – the change in his personality that we never expected. The side of Ignis that we never saw before, but nothing could prepare us for what was about to come.
 Ignis "Wait, I need to go to the altar. I need a boat."
Commander "Have you lost your marbles?"
Ignis "No - but we'll lose the King if we don't act."
Noctis is the future King of Lucis and it was his job to protect him and guide him, he was his royal retinue. ‘We’ll lose the King if we don’t act’ I believe that behind those words, lies something deeper. Ignis was not there to save Noctis, the One True King; he was there to save Noctis, his brother. He was not there to save him because it was his duty, he was there to save him because losing Noctis was unthinkable for him.
 Prompto "... Do you copy?"
Ignis "..."  
Gladiolus "Ain't a hard question, Iggy. Do you copy - yes or no?"
Ignis "Yes, I copy."
Gladiolus "Then speak up next time. Look: I'm just as worried as you are, but we can't go losing our heads. If we wanna save Noct, we've gotta keep it together."
Ignis "Yes, I suppose you're right."
Prompto "We'll keep moving. Hang in there, Iggy."
Ignis "I will... Thanks."
He was in a panic, his mind was racing. The once calm and sensible man that achieved all of his objectives through a clear and efficient manner, it was all disappearing. All he had in mind was to save Noctis and the fact that he was unsure how or if he made it in time made him apprehensive to the point that all he knew was to fight through the crowd of soldiers that prevented him from reaching the altar.
 "Hang on, Noct... I'm on my way."
He ran through the streets, he fought through hundreds of enemies, all alone at first, he tried to find a solution while aware that he had no time to lose. He continued to move, no concern of how much his body was in pain or how exhausted he felt. He would never let anything stop him.
 Ignis "Noct, didn't choose to become King, his ascension was ordained by the Crystal, it wasn't mere happenstance."
Ravus "It must have been a mistake, one that must be corrected."
Ignis "You of all people must understand how Noct feels: bereft of both parents and forced to carry on despite losing those you love. You both feel that pain!"
Despite all he went through that day, it was far from the end. He fought Ravus to save Noctis, he did all he was able to, he tackled him to the ground as he felt his body no longer able to do much because of the fatigue, but even so Ignis nevertheless continued to fight until he was no longer able to stand, while he still had all of Noctis’ pain in his mind, all the suffering he went through. It was evident at that point, about how much Ignis deeply cared for him.
 "I swore an oath to stand with Noctis and keep him safe. Whatever it takes, I will protect him!"
"This world means nothing to me. Do with it as you wish."
"But I refuse to let Noctis sacrifice his life to save ours. I won't let you take him away!"
"Even if it costs my own life to save him... I will pay that price!"
This is the point where we all realized how reckless he was when Noctis was in danger, how he was ready to sacrifice his life, not for the King of Lucis, but for his brother Noctis that he wanted to save. All that talk about the One True King that needed to be saved for the sake of the world, but to damn with that. He acted not out of the sense of obligation as a Crownsguard officer to sacrifice his life just for the sake of his title, but out of his own selfishness to permit Noctis to see and live another day.
But that was not all – the moment before Ardyn was able to hurt Noctis, the panic and fear on the face of Ignis was too visible to be missed, how helpless he felt to see the one dear to him get hurt while he was pinned on the hard ground. It was too much for him to take, it came to the point that he was almost reduced to tears, but to his relief Ravus managed to save him in time.
 "Please... forgive me..."
The Ring of Lucii, we know the price to pay for the power it gave for those who are not of royal blood and he certainly paid, how much pain he felt, how much of a torture the sensation was, how his consciousness almost left him but he swung his daggers still, he carried on and neglected the pain to make sure that Ardyn never got too close to Noctis. He was supposed to give up his life in exchange for the power he obtained, but his desire to protect Noctis surpassed all else and he it allowed him to live, but not without a cost – his sight. To live in the dark, to fail to see how Noctis got older and how he changed. He was never able to see that. But what use did he have for his sight if Noctis got killed? He told himself that, I honestly do believe it.
 "Where's Noct? Is he... alright?"
The first question once he was able to speak through his ragged breath. Again, all that was important for him was his safety. He fought a whole army of soldiers, their magitek armor, bestiary, Caligula, Ravus and Adyn but all he wanted was to know how he was, that was all he asked. If Noctis was alright then somehow he’d managed.
 Ignis "Perhaps it might be best if we brought our journey to a close."
Noctis "Why?"
Ignis "It's just that... uhm... we've already lost so much... too much"
Noctis "That's exactly why I have to keep going - because if I give up now, their sacrifices would have been for nothing! And you... you, of all people... You should know that better than anyone."
Ignis "The decision is yours to make and yours alone. But do remember we will stand with you always and help you bear your burdens. Don't be afraid to let us share the load. I'll be back."
How naïve I was, to think that he wanted end the journey because of all the pain he went through and because of his lack of sight when the reason was far greater. He saw a vision, the future that awaited Noctis – the future where he was to sacrifice himself to defeat Ardyn. He did not want to see that, he did not want to live a day where he was no more. He wanted Noctis to be away from that danger. He wanted to be selfish and convince him to end their journey. Although, who was he to force Noctis to be quiet while Eos was in danger. He was aware and it pained him to accept the reality he was confronted with.
It makes me think how much he cared for Noctis since the day he met him, through simple tasks like cleaning after him, making sure he had a proper meal and attending meetings in his stead. As his mother died and his father was busy as the King, he took it upon himself to make sure that he became a proper person despite sometimes being at a loss of how to do it. It makes me think even more how much he sacrificed for Noctis, how much he cares for him and how hard he worked to overcome his blindness for the day of his return. Sometimes, what gets me is at some point in the game, Gladio said that Ignis wanted his world to be crystal clear, but now all he saw was the dark.
I’m just glad I was able to get this off my chest.
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tenshiscientia · 4 years
You’re Still Beautiful To Me…
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Holding him is so hard now....
I have to be so careful as he sleeps...
His face, it looks so painful...
When I saw him on the Alter, defending our prince...
Fighting desperately against Ardyn...
I wanted to help him,  wanted to run to his side...
However when his eyes locked with mine...
I froze, terrified, horrified, shocked...
That was not my Ignis behind that gaze...
There was no love within those bright violet depths. Strangely enough, I only saw rage.
I turned and ran...ran without looking back, for fear of inciting that rage against myself once Ardyn had faced it and lost.
The next thing I knew....
"Where is she? Where is Tenshi?!"
I can hear Ignis's voice on the other side of the door. My hand rests on the knob. I know I need to go in, I don't know why I hesitate. Am I afraid of seeing those same violet hues that stared at me earlier?
'No. That wasn't Ignis. You know it wasn't.' I tell myself.
I open the door and walk in with a smile on my face.
"I'm right here Iggy. It's alright." I say brightly.
His back straightens but he doesn't turn around.
"My love, are you uninjured?" he questions quickly.
I laugh gently.
"Of course I am, remember? You sent me on ahead with the others." I remind him.
"You came back, I saw you." he fires back at me.
I scratch the back of my head sheepishly, "O-oh...I didn't think you'd noticed. Well in the end everything turned out okay right?"
Silence settled over the room and I noticed that Ignis still had not turned to face me.
"Iggy...did something...happen?" I questioned slowly, softly taking steps over to the bed.
I had noticed that he had a bandage around his head, but I merely thought that he had been hit somewhere on his face and it required the bandage. Sliding up beside him, I gently slipped a hand onto his cheek and guided him to look at me then gasped as I figured out what he had been hiding.
"Ignis..." I whispered gently, my hands grazing over the sides of his face, "What happened?"
He tilted his head into my hands, his own hands coming up around my own.
"To save Noctis from Ardyn...I...I put on the ring of Lucii. The Kings of Yore allowed me to make a deal with them. In exchange for my sight they lent me their power long enough to drive off Ardyn..." he replied softly.
I huffed a soft breath with a laugh mixed into it.
"Don't take this the wrong way Iggy, but..." I leaned my forehead against his gently, "You really are one crazy mother fucker, you know that?"
Ignis gave a small chuckle.
"Such unbecoming words from a lady such as yourself."
A snort left my body.
"Yeah well, you know I love you for it." I leaned forward kissing him gently, noticing a new scar across his upper lip, "So how bad are the wounds?"
Ignis's silence told me a lot, but not very much at the same time.
"Will you let me look for myself...since I'm a healer and all?" I asked gently, "Maybe I can help the healing process and make the wounds look better in the long run."
Ignis pulled away and nodded letting me reach up and unravel the messy dressing the doctors of Altissia had put on him. When the last of the bandages had fallen away, I had to fight not to cry out in anger. The so called doctors in Altissia had barely done anything for Ignis. I reached up a hand to lightly trace the outer edge of a starburst mark around Ignis's left eye and before I even reached his cheek he jerked away harshly. My eyes watered as I watched him, that burn was all that it could be called, was brilliant silver for Astrals sake against his skin.
"Ignis, lay down on the bed. I...I'll be right back with something to help." I tried to smile at him, but my smile failed me.
I understood now, the kind of pain that he was going through. I would never experience it myself, nor would anyone else in our little group. He wouldn't let us. But he also wouldn't tell us that he was suffering through that pain as well.
"Please don't leave me..." I heard him whisper softly.
I took his hand in mine, admiring the strength of it which I rarely got to see due to his gloves.
"I'm not leaving you, Ignis. I'm coming back,  I just have to get something. Do you remember that simple little tune I taught Noct? Back when we were out in the middle of nowhere and he ended up with a fever?"
Ignis nodded his head.
"Hum that tune really loud until you hear me call your name, okay?"
Ignis nodded again and I let go of his hand darting out of the room and across the hall to my bag where I kept all my healing items. There was a salve in there that I was only supposed to use for myself...but right now Ignis was more important than me. If my family wanted to bitch at me about it later. Let them have a ball. Darting back in the room, Ignis was humming the tune I had taught Noct and I smiled.
"Iggy I'm here." I called to him.
Crawling up on the bed, I moved up next to his head.
"Sit up for a second so I can slide under you and you can lay your head in my lap."
Ignis moved quickly and efficiently as always even now and I was seated, cross-legged below his head in seconds.
"Now, I know you're going to want to pull away, but you can't. This will help the mark over your eye heal better. I don't have anything that can bring your sight back. Unfortunately I'm not that good. But please trust me." I whispered gently to him,  scooping up some of the blue gel onto a couple fingers of one hand.
I reached down and tapped Ignis's shoulder with my other.
"Here...gimmie." I pouted in a childish manner.
Understanding what I wanted, Ignis took my hand and squeezed it gently. Slowly, I started to spread the blue gel over his left eye. He hissed in a breath and his grip on my hand tightened considerably. Taking a bit more of the gel, I spread it a little further down the side of his face so it would cover the mark completely. As I worked, Ignis's grip on my hand lessened.
‘Good the salve is taking effect...’ I thought to myself.
"Has it stopped hurting?" I asked him gently to confirm my thoughts.
He nodded his head.
"Yes, it's entirely numb. What did you use?" he asked softly.
"It's a salve my family created for me in case I burned myself with a fire I've been trying to master for years now. But I thought your burns needed it more than mine..." I began.
"My dear, if this was made for you so you could hone your skills, I'd rather not have you..."
"Don't even say it, Ignis! I've not used that fire in years. I'm not even sure I can anymore. That salve has just been sitting in my bag gathering dust. I'd rather use it on you than let it go to waste." my voice came out sharper than I intended and I felt him flinch.
"I understand..." he murmured.
"Ignis..." his name softly escaped my lips, "I didn't mean it like...what I meant was...I would rather that...Ignis, please understand, you mean so much to me. And I know that you would rather be burdened with pain rather than let it befall me. But seeing you in pain Ignis...it pains me as well. It's not physical pain. But my heart aches when I see you injured.
You never want to admit it. You never want to show it. But I can see it. And it hurts me so badly it almost feels physical at times. I want to comfort you, to hold you tight, heal you, and tell you that everything will be okay in the end.
But I always know that you won't let me. Because you are Ignis Scientia, Hand of the King. Your supposed to be strong all the time and let no weaknesses show so you can be there for the King. But I wish...I just wish. For five minutes...you would be Ignis Scientia, the regular everyday man that I met in the gardens of the Citadel.
Before I knew you were the advisor to the prince. Before we got wrapped up in all of this...this shit that has destroyed all of our lives. All five of our lives. I just want to go back to what it was before we left. Before I-Insomnia fell..."
A harsh sob fell from my lips as tears started to fall from my eyes. Ignis sat up and turned, doing his best to find my shoulders before scooting close and pulling me against his chest.
"I wanna go back home. See w-what the inside of your house l-looks like. Have you c-cook dinner for me. Go out on a romantic date. All just t-to piss my brother off, c-cause he said t-that I was never allowed t-to fall in love.
But I have and I d-don't care what he says about you. I-I'll never leave your side no m-matter what happens." I sobbed, burying my face against his chest.
I felt his hand slide slowly up my back and ease itself into my hair. Gently, he used it to pull me away from his chest. He tried to look down at me but his gaze was off by a few inches.
"I also wish we could go back. That none of this had happened. But this is Noct's destiny as the King of Light and I have to see it through with him. You know you don't have to come with us, and I can't be selfish enough to ask you to come with us. But I know that you'll refuse to stay behind even if I tell you to.
I couldn't bring myself to ask you to leave my side. I pride myself on being a gentleman and there are few things I am selfish about. But with you, Tenshi I can't help but be selfish. I don't want the others to see you when we all wake in the mornings. I wish to be the only one with that honor.
I want no other to see your smile, to hear the laugh that accompanies it. I desire no other to feel the gentle touch of your hands upon their skin. To know the warmth of your body sleeping next to them at night. Even though it's painful, to know the feeling of your warm tears staining their shirt as you cry your fears and insecurities to them softly. I covet all these for myself alone due to how selfish I am when it comes to you.
But I know that I can't keep you to myself alone. I have no right to..." the low timber of his voice was seductive, contrasting to his words.
"Then be selfish with me Ignis." I whispered, cutting him off, "Ask for me to stay. Ask me to be yours."
Ignis fell silent and averted his gaze from mine fully. Hesitating in a manner very unlike himself, he turned back to me.
"Tenshi, will you allow me to be selfish...just this once? Allow me to be selfish and ask you to stay by my side until the end of my days?"
I smiled at him.
"You can be selfish with me until the day we both take our last breath, Ignis. I'm yours and I always have been."
I leaned forward and ghosted my lips over his.
"Until we both take our last breath then, my love."
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bgn846 · 4 years
Worthy Chapter 3: Connections FFXV A/B/O Promnis
<Previous Chapter 2
“My money’s on the dark haired one with the sharp nose,” Ardyn idly commented from his position standing next to Ignis.
 “I believe she tried last year. Do you think she’d be foolish enough to repeat her failure?”
 Ardyn snorted softly and raised an eyebrow.  “Of course she’ll try again. She wants the title of queen.”
 “I can tell you with certainty that Gladio won’t let her within ten feet of Noctis.  Lady Pravus is known to be quite clingy.”
 “We shall see,” Ardyn offered as they watched.
 Ignis had managed to take a small break before Noct’s speech and had found a quiet spot to rest near a large potted plant.  Ardyn had spotted him immediately and had gone over to fraternize. Ardyn usually never made an appearance at large social gatherings, but this was his one exception.  Each year he would make bets with Ignis regarding who would vie for the prince’s attention.
 It had turned into sport at this point.  Noct was very secretive about who he liked, which left the general public always on the hunt for details.  Without fail, every banquet featured throngs of suiters working to woo Noct. All attempts ended in failure, but some did get close enough to earn a dance or maybe even a peck on the cheek.  This is what Ardyn and he bet on: how close they could get to Noctis and what they would do.
  Ignis considered Ardyn to be eccentric.  He was supposed to be Regis’ older brother, though Ignis doubted the authenticity of that claim.  They looked nothing alike, and Ardyn had control over a more powerful magic than the king. He’d seen it in use once. The king’s magic was blue. Ardyn’s was red.
 Noct had told him once that Ardyn had been inside the crystal.   The advisor wasn’t sure he wanted to believe that tale. Eos had been at peace for over one hundred years.  The scourge that had plagued their realm had been banished by the oracle many decades ago. Whatever reason Arydn would have for even attempting to commune with the crystal was unknown.
 The man beside him seemed quite content to potter around the citadel and scare new crownsguard recruits. He lived his life like a never ending vacation, though when Noct was born, he rapidly turned into the doting uncle.  That was part of the reason Ignis was so comfortable around him.
 From the tender age of seven Ignis had been by Noct’s side, as he was slated to be his future advisor.  So he’d naturally been included in the many games of hide and seek and chess with Uncle Ardyn. Where others found him creepy, Ignis merely looked to him as a silly older brother.
 “She’s going in for the kill.” Ardyn interjected quietly.  “I say she gets stopped within five feet.”
 Ignis sighed; he knew Gladio would intercept her, but she was tricky, if he remembered anything from last year.  “She’ll get stopped but manage to touch his arm.”
 “Oh, you think she’ll manage a connection. This      will     be interesting.”      
 Ardyn and he watched as a polished-looking woman in an expensive gown approached the prince.  Lady Saeva Pravus was from Altissia and born into a well-to-do family. However, their money had begun to run out, and she was actively looking for a wealthy mate.   Most avoided her advances, but others were blinded by her beauty, unaware that she had a terrible temperament and a mean streak equal to a raging behemoth.  
 It was this vile creature that was making her way toward the crown prince of Lucis with a determined gait.   Sure enough Gladio, intercepted her, but a second later he had his eyes screwed shut in pain and had been side-stepped.
 Ignis made to leave his position to lend aid, but Ardyn stopped him.  “If she had done something truly deemed a threat, Gladio would have called out.  She’s most likely thwacked him with the back of her hand.”
 “In his nuts?!” Ignis hissed.  He was agitated by the very idea of someone behaving that way at a fancy dress party.
 “Do keep in mind that Gladio chose not to harm a drunk crown citizen years ago.  The man made an advance at Noct with a blade, no less, and he left him unharmed. Of course, she would use this information to her advantage.”
 Bless the shield for being in control of his emotions, because he certainly could have used force after being treated in such a manner.  Ignis scowled as he watched Lady Pravus continue on her way to Noct with Gladio stiffly following. Neither of them could hear the exchange of words, but the prince bore an angry glare.
 The conversation lasted only a minute, and then she reached out, preparing to touch Noct’s arm.  Ignis was both proud and slightly upset with the prince’s next action. He held up his hand and sneezed.  This, in turn, stopped Lady Pravus in her tracks, her hand hovering in midair. She waivered, clearly uncertain of whether to continue or not; it appeared she didn’t want to get near him.  Perhaps this woman, for all her gusto, was afraid of germs.
 Noct scrunched up his face to unload another sneeze.  Lady Pravus bowed quickly and stepped away, nearly tripping over Gladio as she fled.   “I was not expecting that,” Ignis admitted after a moment.
 “You owe me,” Ardyn trilled.
 “That I do, though I’m proud of his efforts to shoo her away despite my lost bet.  She is a terrible woman.”
 “Should we go see if the crown prince is coming down with a cold?”
 “Hmmm, yes, that sounds like a splendid idea,”  Ignis replied.
  Noct had readied himself for a third sneeze when he felt Gladio’s hand on his shoulder.
 “She’s gone,” he spit out. “You can stop sneezing.”  
 “What the hell did she do to you?  Step on your toe with her pointy shoe?” Noct asked with concern as he brought his hand down.   “Whatever it was, looked like it hurt.”
 “Talk to my manhood about it later,” he grumbled with a wince.
 “Ow.  She must use that move a lot to have caught you off guard.”
 “Yeah, it was practiced alright.  Good thing I’m trained well enough to not toss her rude ass across the room.”
 “I wouldn’t have minded that. She gives me the creeps.”
 The sound of brisk footsteps filling the air caused Gladio to turn quickly. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw who was approaching. “Did you see the snake?” the shield asked in a whisper.
 “I’m afraid I did.” Ignis offered as he nodded to them both.   “Noct, I will say you made me lose my wager, but I’m proud of your evasion efforts this year.  Very well done.”
 Smiling Noct took the praise from his advisor and held his head a little higher.  “Who do you think her next victim will be?”
 “Oh dear.” Ardyn hummed.  “It appears she has decided the king of Niflheim will suit her needs.”
 “King Alban isn’t exactly a nice guy, but I’m not sure he deserves her attention either,” Noct muttered. “I still don’t understand why he doesn’t bring his own guard when he visits.”
 “He and Captain Drautos are friends, Highness,” Ignis added dryly.  “Hence his reason for ‘forgetting’ to secure his security detail every year he visits.”
 “Well, it’s dumb. If Drautos likes him so much, why doesn’t he move to Niflheim?”
 “His chances at rising to a position of power are greater in Lucis,” Ardyn commented calmly.  “Some people are after simple things.”
 Noct frowned at the thought.  It wasn’t exactly comforting to think someone so close to the royal family would be so open in their aspirations.  That, however, was Drautos to a T. “Oh, she’s trying to talk to him – ew, she’s going for the arm grab.”
 “Touch is a normal way to show one’s emotions, Noct. I don’t see why it bothers you so much,” Ignis huffed.
 “Still gross and not my thing.”
 The four of them watched in silence as Lady Pravus firmly latched onto King Alban’s arm and led him around the party.  Unable to hear what was being said, they lost interest after a while. The conversation unfortunately started back again regarding his upcoming speech.  Noct hated to talk in front of others. He’d been trained well enough to hide his disdain, but it didn’t make it any easier.
 Soon the time approached, and he was ushered toward the stage.   Ignis gave him a pat on the back and nearly shoved him up the last few steps.  His advisor knew he didn’t want to talk, so it was a struggle each time.
 Thankfully, he survived his efforts, and within ten minutes he was back safely hiding behind his shield.   “Gladio, how much longer do I have to stay here. I want to go back and hang out with Prompto.”
 “Not up to me, buddy. We gotta ask Iggy,” he offered with an understanding smile.
 Ignis strolled up a second later and stared at him hard.  “You want to bail already, don’t you?” he asked.
 “Is it that obvious?”
 “Terribly,”  Ignis said wryly.  “Perhaps the migraine you will suddenly be afflicted with in the next minute will force you to return to your chambers and rest.”
 “Gladio.” Noct hissed. “He’s being nice to me because of Prompto isn’t he?”
 The shield shrugged and smiled.  “So, are you going to take advantage of it or not?”
 “Ow, my head, it aches.  Please, someone accompany me to my quarters. I must rest.”
 Ignis smiled and squeezed Noct’s arm as Gladio herded him towards the exit.  “Do take care and let me know if you need anything.”
 They made it out in the hallway easily, considering most people didn’t dare stop Gladio when he appeared set in his ways.   Once they were away from the people, Noct ducked under Gladio’s arm and leaned into his side. “That lady was so icky.”
 The shield hummed noncommittally and hugged him closer.  “Only a few more months, and you can make an official announcement.”
 “I know, but I still wish I could tell everyone now.”
 “And risk the wrath of Iggy? Oh no, I’m not dealing with that.   He wants you to wait until your twentieth birthday, and then you can tell whomever you like.”
 Noct whined again but dropped the subject.  He knew his advisor was always right when it came to matters like this.  “Do you want to stay and hang out a little?” the prince tried as they neared the suite.
 “Nah, I promised Sana I’d call her tonight. She wanted to hear about the party.”
 “Be sure to tell her how I got rid of icky pants. I know she’ll laugh at that.”
 Gladio snickered and shook his head.  “That will be the highlight, considering what she did to me to get to you!”
 Noct pushed the heavy door open to the suite and laughed when Gladio stood waiting for him to close the door.  The prince, for once, would have liked being able to wave goodbye as people left his suite, but not when that someone was his bodyguard.   Gladio would always wait for him to close the door, and then he’d leave. It felt wrong, but the shield didn’t seem to mind; he took it as part of the job description.
 A bubbly laugh caught Noct’s attention as he walked toward the living room.   He could barely hear, but it appeared Prompto was talking to someone. Nervous that there was another person in the suite, he snuck up to the door and peered in.  Prompto was alone and talking on the phone.
 “I’m really ok. Trust me, mum.  Prince Noctis is nice, and he likes the same things as me.” The blond paused for a minute.  “Yeah, I don’t think that plan will work anymore – no, he’s an alpha, mum.”
 Noct instantly became worried. What kind of plan had Prompto been trying to enact?
 His downtrodden voice came back a few seconds later.  “I didn’t even ask. They are really close, and I know he wouldn’t leave the prince.”  
 Leave?  Who the heck was Prompto talking about? He’d only met two alphas: Gladio and Ignis.  Noct wasn’t sure which one Prompto was referring too.
 “Muuum,” Prompto whined suddenly. “Seriously, I can’t ask. They are happy. He wouldn’t want to leave, trust me.  No matter how much money the position paid.”
 Noct was still terribly confused.  Prompto had neither an advisor nor a shield, so it was unclear which thing he desired more.
 “I was scared at first, but he’s been really nice.  Noct even thinks he’s being nicer than normal.”
 Ok, that clinched it. Prompto was talking about Ignis.  So that was the reason the omega prince had stowed away.  He wanted to offer Ignis a job as his advisor.
 “I don’t know why I didn’t realize he was the alpha. I feel kinda stupid that I didn’t know.  I mean, it might be better. I like hanging out with Prince Noctis. I don’t think I could handle it if he were an alpha.”
 The guilt of eavesdropping finally caught up to Noct’s brain, and he silently backed away.  Opting to slam a closet door and shout hello, he hoped Prompto would hear him coming.      
 “Hey Noct!” he shouted.  “I’m on the phone with my mum, hold on,” he added once Noct rounded the corner.
 “I gotta go, mum. I’ll be home tomorrow, kay?  I love you.” He finished as he waited for what Noct assumed was a similar message.
 “Sorry, she called to check on me, so I filled her in on my adventure so far.”    
 “No worries.  You’ll be home soon, so I’m sure that will make her feel better.”
 Prompto nodded in agreement.  “Hey, I thought you were going to be gone longer. What happened?”
 “I got bored and I finished my speech, so Iggy let me skip out early.”
 “I got your text message about that horrible lady. What did she look like?” Prompto asked with excitement.
 “Oh, I took a picture. Wait until you see this piece of work.   She’s an alpha and a total bitch.” Noct watched as Prompto visibly shuddered while he fished his phone out.
 “She’s really pretty,” Prompto announced, surprised.  “I thought she’d be ugly.”
 “Nope. Only on the inside, apparently, otherwise how would she trap all her potential mates?”
 “What’s her name again?”
 “Lady Saeva Pravus - or snake lady as Gladio likes to call her. Ya know, because she lies in wait until you least suspect it and then strikes!”  Noct yelled with a fake hiss.
 Prompto burst out in laughter.  “So she tried to hit on you too?”
 “I don’t know what it was. She just wants a title.  I sneezed on her, though, and she booked it after that.”
 The blond looked at Noct, bewildered. “You sneezed on her?!”
 “Well, yeah, I can’t tell her to go away, and I can’t make nasty faces, so sneezing made the most sense.  It’s not rude, and it doesn’t get me in trouble. Everyone sneezes.” Noct smiled. He’d truly enjoyed seeing her face when he tried the move.  She’d gone pale and couldn’t get away fast enough. “I do need to warn you, though, that she went straight after your step-brother once she’d abandoned me.”
 “Who, Alban? He’s terrible. I’m sure she’ll give up once she sees how awful he is,” Prompto mused.
 “I hope so. I wouldn’t want that lady to be part of your already crazy family.”
 Noct showed Prompto more photos and the remainder of the evening was spent talking and playing video games.
   Ignis couldn’t help but continually check the rear view mirror as they drove to the airfield. The omega had been busy texting nonstop once Ignis had collected him from Noct’s suite.   The advisor suspected he was chatting with Noct. They’d hit it off quite well during his short stay. The prince of Lucis had actually hugged the boy goodbye. Noct didn’t do that sort of thing unless he really liked someone.
 A small noise caught the advisors attention and he looked again to Prompto.  The blond took a deep breath and seemed to be working on speaking clearly. “Noct said I could ask you what the plan is for after we arrive.”
 “Certainly, Highness,” Ignis agreed.  “I’ve arranged a dropship to take you back home.  It will be piloted by a trusted crownsguard member.  Nyx will travel with you and escort you to a location of your choosing once you land.”  
 “Nyx will be with me the whole trip?” Prompto asked to double check.
 “Yes, unless you order him away.”
 Prompto shook his head violently and dropped his eyes.  “Um, if something unexpected happens what should I do? Can I call someone?”
 “I’ll give you my number, just in case, and that way you can alert me to your safe arrival.”  Ignis peered in the rear view mirror quickly and saw a blush forming on the prince’s pale face.  “Unless you’d rather solely communicate with Noctis.”
 “I want your number,” Prompto blurted out, and then he groaned and buried his face in his hands.
 Ignis tried not to smile, and he could tell that Nyx was working equally hard to not giggle.  The poor omega was not used to dealing with other people.
 “Excellent. That will ensure you have several avenues of contact should you need it,” Ignis added, hoping the prince would calm down.
 Soon afterward, Ignis turned into the airfield and began slowly driving on the access road towards the dropship.  They were nearly there when Prompto made a strangled noise and threw himself down on the floor of the back seat.
 The smell changed immediately, and Ignis could tell Prompto was terrified.  “Highness, what’s wrong? Is there a threat nearby?” he asked as the car slowed to a stop.
 “Those – those men,” he stuttered.  “Over by that building. They were here when I landed, and they were hunting for me. Please, they can’t find me. They’ll do bad things.”
 “You are safe with us, Highness. Please try to calm down,”  Ignis soothed in a low voice.
 Prompto whined and continued to cower in the back seat. “They’ll smell me again and try to take me away.  We have to leave.”
 It hurt Ignis to think that Prompto had to deal with this on a regular basis and that his only option was to run away and hide.  “We have business to conduct, Highness, and you have every right to be here as well. We will ensure you get home safely. Please try to trust us,” the advisor tried again.
 Prompto seemed to be mulling over what Ignis had just told him, and he stayed silent.  Nyx spoke up next in an effort to help. “Kiddo, you’ve got two highly-trained crownsguard with you. Those nasty guys won’t stand a chance.”
 Surprisingly, Prompto lifted his head slightly with a confused look and questioned. “Two guards?  Is there another car with us?”  
 “No, Iggy is a trained fighter, just like me.” Nyx replied.
 Turning in his seat, Ignis looked straight into Prompto’s blue eyes and held his gaze.  “I can assure you no one will hurt you.”
 Prompto appeared to short circuit for a moment.   Ignis wasn’t aware of the time passing until Nyx cleared his throat.  “They are walking away. I think we can continue on.”
 “Hmmm? Oh, wonderful,” Ignis murmured. “Are you ready, Highness?”
 Prompto carefully peered up in between the front seats.  He was looking for the men who’d tormented him earlier. When he seemed satisfied that they’d gone, he nodded and took his seat again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to delay us.”
 “Nothing to be sorry about, Highness,” Ignis offered.
 “Yeah, alphas can be scary and just plain stinky sometimes,” Nyx added with a smirk.
 “Ulric!” Ignis hissed. “Don’t fill the poor boy’s head with nonsense.”
 “He knows I’m trying to make a joke, right Highness?” Nyx asked as he craned his neck to catch a glance of Prompto.
 The blond finally smiled and nodded slightly.
 “Astrals, you two will be the death of me,” Ignis lamented as he pulled up next to an older model dropship.  “I do expect a full report once you’ve landed in Niflheim, and do alert me to any oddities.”
 “Understood. I’ll go check and make sure we are ready to go, and then we’ll be off. Wait here,” Nyx announced as he exited the car.
 The second the door shut, Prompto’s voice squeaked out from the backseat.  “Uh – don’t forget to give me your number.”  
 Ignis recited his number and waited for Prompto to send him a text to ensure it had been copied correctly.  “Do remember to let me know if you need anything. I don’t care how trivial you may think it. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.”
 Prompto nodded his head vigorously and bit his lip.  “Thanks for helping me. I don’t know what I would have done.”
 Ignis offered the blond a smile.  “It was no trouble; please know you are welcome as a guest of the prince of Lucis anytime.” The advisor was trying mightily not to think of what would have happened if Prompto’s step brothers had discovered him.  The outcome would have been vastly different.
 He was about to add more when Nyx came back and lightly tapped on the window.  Prompto looked out at him and slowly reached for the door handle. “Thanks again. I hope I get to come back and visit soon.”  
 Ignis nodded his goodbye, and Prompto opened the door and left the vehicle.  The strange empty feeling was threatening to return as he watched the young man walk away.  What was it about this omega that he felt such a draw to? He waited for the dropship to close its doors and take off, unwilling to drive away until he couldn’t see it anymore in the distance.
 He sent a quick message to Nyx asking for updates.  Thankfully, the man didn’t question his desires and sent him a message back.   Prompto was fine - why wouldn’t he be? He was going home and he would live out his life. That was that.
>Next Chapter 4
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hey! Sorry I had some pre-midterm tests to deal with! :/ anyway, for the supportive characters and stuff for gladnis, could I see stuff with glaives, the other chocobros, and... up to you! (A little bit of little sister Iris would be heavenly though...)
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I don’t know if these two asks are the same person (are you? :o) BUT LOOK AT THAT. SAME WANTS, SAME NEEDS, SO I SHALL PLEASE THE THIRST. And I hope it’s ok to put these two asks together? They’re asking for nearly the same, so I thought it was ok, but if either of you have any troubles with it, you tell me, okie? :3
Anyways, these are gonna be shorter for each character as they’re plenty, but they’ll form one big post so I hope you like it! :3
How other characters (besides papa Regis) support Gladnis:
My boy is…slow.
He’s really smart, he’s just…very dense.
He’s known both Iggy and Gladio since he has memory, he’s just…very, very…v e r y dense in these matters. Very. Like. Very.
Ignis literally TOLD him about his crush on Gladio MULTIPLE TIMES.
Did Noctis catch it? OF COURSE NOT. He thought Ignis just over worried about his personal relationships, and never noticed he spoke about Gladio in ways he never spoke about others. And same the other way around, Gladio also spoke about Iggy with Noct AND THE IDIOT STILL. DIDN’T TIE ANYTHING TOGETHER.
Sixteen year old Gladio, blushing crimson red, messing with his uniform: “Do you…do you think…Ignis will think i look stupid? Or…maybe…or maybe if I do something to my hair…”
Noct just be like lmao why are you so stressed over a uniform you dummy thing what does ignis care anyway lol
He knew via Ignis. And of course he didn’t get it.
“Today was really nice. Gladio and I went to the park and just spent a nice while talking…I hope…maybe we can have a second date soon…”
Noctis is like yeah that’s nice
“And it’s official now! I don’t know why, but it just makes me more nervous, but in a good way. Is it normal? I’ve never…I’m just so happy, from among all people, Gladio chose me? AMONG ALL PEOPLE NOCT.”
yeah that’s nice specs :)
Noctis thinks Ignis is just talking about friendship, and when he uses romantic terms like date or boyfriend he THINKS IGNIS IS JOKING BECAUSE WHY WOULD HE BE TALKING SERIOUSLY
noctis pl…please
He finished processing it for real HAVING TO SEE THEM KISS. 
Noct was talking with Gladio, chatting chattering, then said bye. Gladio was going through a hallway, Ignis appeared, they said hello, then hugged, and proceeded to kiss. 
Noctis.exe Processing data.
Ignis and Gladio spent the while hugged snuggled and talking, and smooched again.
Noctis.exe Processing, please be patient.
Ignis and Gladio held hands and started going away together.
Noctis.exe has short-circuited
Noctis supports them, just acts like he doesn’t give a damn.
Noctis is The Teenage Brother; will go Ew at everything romantic they do in front of him.
Gladnis snuggle.
Gladnis smooch.
Iggy pokes Gladio’s nose and Gladio proceeds to pepper his face in smoochies.
*noctis gagging noises*
Gladio may shove Noctis in between them on purpose to annoy him. There were have them, Gladnis smooching with a much smaller Noctis trapped in between their chests, flailing, screeching, completely ignored and about to explode.
Noctis is the Worst wingman.
“Hey Noct, do you think Iggy will like me in this outfit?”
he’s busy with the face buried in a cushion while he rots in boredom, DON’T INTERRUPT HIM.
“Hey Noct. Do you think Gladio already has one of these? I want to get him one but not sure if he has one already.”
Yeah what? Noctis you’re not helping
Noctis does as Regis and will sometimes use his power to get these two to be together, but, unlike Regis, he won’t say shit about it and will even deny it.
The prince requires of his chamberlains in this room which is conveniently empty and there just casually happens to be a secret door for the roof on this particularly starry night.
Noctis is a gossipy little shit, but in a good way.
“Omg Iggy guess what today Gladio spoke about his cap ripping, see, I already told you what you can get him for Crystal Day, hm? HM? YOU’RE WELCOME.”
Also uses it to his favor.
“Ten gil and I tell you what Ignis wants to do for his birthday. He told me. Hm hm. For real. TEN GIL I SAID.”
There’s this magazine that put up some tabloid stupid article that distorted something Ignis said and made Gladio look bad.
Noctis is alone in his office, feet on the desk, swinging a little on the chair, phone to the ear, and FREAKING AN G R Y.
“Yes, that’s what I said; put the article down and make another one clearing it. No, I’m not your boss, but I still request it. I will request it only once more. No? Then how much do you want for the brand? I will buy it and do it myself. Yes, I will buy it. My name and occupation? Prince Noctis CXIV, why? Oh? Aah, so NOW you want to put it down? How nice of you, guess you only needed time to re-consider it, right? It’s ok, it happens to the best of us, how kind of you.”
Ignis is trying to help Noct walk out of some place without being asphyxiated by the media, so he gets the spotlight.
“Mister Scientia! There’s rumors you and the Shield of the prince are DATING?”
Ignis freezes a little.
Noctis proceeds to let out tHE BIGGEST BURP OF HIS LIFE.
Next day tabloids “Prince Noctis BURPS LIVE! OOPS!”
Socially Awkward Ultra Timid prince Noctis actually stood there POSING for the cameras for ten minutes to get them distracted from the relationship announcement.
“Prince Noctis will host Huge Extra Most Expensive Billionare Birthday Party OF HISTORY!! WOW!!”
((big birthday party was pizza time with the chocobros lmao))
If Gladnis ever have a misunderstanding or problem, Noct is the first they go with. Noct is there to comfort them individually, and, smart boy as he is, he also figures out the mistake and plays a big role at fixing it.
“What? Oh no, that’s not what he said. Or not as you think. He meant…”
“Oh? Oh no, that’s not what he was doing!! Ahahah you dork, no! Actually…”
Noctis keeps asking “When are you dorks getting married?” to embarrass them and make them go shy.
Joke is on him when they DO GET MARRIED.
Noctis keeps complaining that how dare they be boyfriends, how DARE they be boyfriends, MAKING HIM, THE ACTUAL PRINCE, THE THIRD WHEEL????? 
But whenever Gladnis have the slightest misunderstanding, Noctis is first to go SMACK SENSE BACK INTO THEM HOW DARE THEY GET UPSET WITH EACH OTHER
Noctis has also used his title to make reservations in restaurants that clear THE WHOLE RESTAURANT just for Gladnis lmao
Noct has always hated that when he makes a reservation, they clear THE WHOLE RESTAURANT like NO, why would he want to dine in an empty place!? Not like he goes out often, but he’s learned that his title has that accidental effect, so guess who’s using it for Gladnis anniversary dinners.
When they want to get fancy, or when Noct wants them to go fancy, at least. Normally they just go for noodles the DORKS
Noctis covered half their wedding without even being asked because HE LOVES THEM AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
((the other half was Regis and he was so upset he wasn’t allowed to cover it all, this dummy papa))
Noctis best supportive baby bro, please hug him.
You knew about fanboy #1, but where is fanboy #2?
In the bushes, stalking them, snapping surprise photos to show them later.
“Prompto, that’s creepy.”
Prompto that’s not the point, just…don’t.
How Prommy knew about Gladnis, hm?
It wasn’t that exciting, pretty modern way to know.
Noctis told him via text lmao
Nocto! >:|
Prommy’s reaction was sort of cute, though. He’s a bit sharper than Noct to notice these things, but he still didn’t expect it. He thought about the two as a couple because he liked the sassy interaction, but he wasn’t sharp enough to see it wasn’t sass, it was ACTUAL FLIRTING. He was so used to the two being good friends it just. Didn’t occur to him that it was a real thing and not just him seeing things.
Noctis tells him via text.
Prommy is gasping OUT LOUD.
He gasped so loudly and sharp he chocked onto his own saliva and fell off the bed.
He ended up repeatedly swinging the feet in the air and against the mattress and squeaking. Squeaking.
says the boy that didn’t know it
Prompto’s trying to talk about it all day with Noctis. 
Noctis talks about it for three minutes then goes “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh can we please nOT”
Noct is just Like That with everything that isn’t videogames or fishing, have mercy on him. 
“Dude, and who told who? Dude, have they kissed already? Does lord Clarus know, omg. Dude, DUDE, DOES LORD CLARUS KNOW OHMYGOD”
Prompto’s THIRSTY for gossip and news on his new favorite ship.
Prompto’s stalking them on social medias waiting for the first of them to drop the first hint of romantic something. Why? Just to squeak about it. There’s literally no other use for it.
Prompto’s now Asking and not stopping.
Arcade with Noct? “NOCT, WHO-”
Prompto’s always asking about their relationship to either of them when he gets the chance. He could talk about it ALL DAY and go on and on.
“Why are you so interested in our relationship, Prompto?”
“I DON’T KNOW, IT’S JUST SO WEIRD, I’M SO CURIOUS. It’s like…its. It’s you *takes a fry* and it’s him *takes another fry* and it’s…*puts fries together* and it’s you.”
…prompto, don’t.
Prompto is the Anti-Noctis. 
Gladnis snuggle. Noctis goes Eeeww
*Prommy puts a hand to his chest and aaw’s*
Gladnis smooch. Noctis goes EEEEEEEEWWWWWW
*Prommy clutches chest chest and whimpers*
Ignis proceeds to poke Gladio’s nose who then proceeds to pepper his face in smoochies. Noctis is gagging.
Prommy’s hiding his face in his hands and SQUEAKING into a pillow.
Prompto’s always doing shitty photoshop pictures of Gladnis that are ridiculous on purpose just to make them laugh. 
Prom is there to yell NO when Noctis makes a mean comment.
“Stinky dorks-”
“NO!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVEBIRDS!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!”
“EW go get a roo-!”
Prompto. He. He made Gladnis puppets.
Ignis is too busy, like absolutely fucking loaded of royal stuff and so he’s away and unable to reach? Aaw, don’t be sad big guy. *puppet Ignis proceeds to smooch him*
*Puppet Ignis proceeds to give Gladio a million cheesy compliments and pick up lines in an unnecessarily high pitched voice*
*Puppet Ignis is nuzzling at him and insisting on kissing*
It’s not Prompto, it’s Pocket Ignis, you rude ungrateful ass.
Gladio’s not annoyed, he’s actually pretty amused XD
Gets tired of Prompto not leaving him alone, though? Gladio’s going to be “Ok you conviced me, come here Iggy” and tries to make out with the puppet, hence making a hysterical Prompto screech and try to run away.
Same goes for Ignis. Gladio’s away on some Crownsguard or Shield training at the outskirts? Away and gone and missing?
There we have an Ignis quickly striding across the flat escaping while Prompto tries to catch up with him with his cheesy pick-up lines and pet names with the Puppet Gladio.
When Gladio asked Prompto if he wanted to be his bestman for the wedding, Prompto nearly freaking had an aneurysm the poor eager hyped thing. 
Best supportive buddy ok, pls hug.
He knew via Gladio.
Because guess who’s Gladio’s WINGMAN AYEEEEEEE
Cor, actually
BUT NOT THIS TIME. This time Nyx bby. Cor was Advice Man. Nyx was Accomplice Mate.
Gladio would tell Nyx his progress with his crush. Nyx would always listen because it was so stupidly adorable. 
It started because both would take longer in the training halls than the rest so they’d often meet at the shower/dressing room, and conversation started little by little. Conversation on Ignis first came up when a sixteen year old Gladio was being a bit clumsy, dropping his stuff and putting his shirt backwards and stuff, so of course an amused Nyx had to ask.
“I’m…we’re…some friends and I are going out tonight but…there’s…there’s this guy I like and I’m a bit nervous and…”
Nyx Romantic Aid Buddy senses tingled.
25 year old Nyx thinks IT’S SO CUTE OMG THE TEENAGE SHIELD HAS A CRUSH THAT’S SO AMUSING LMAO so he tried to help
Helped Gladio gather his stuff, dress nice, and calm down by talking smooth and cool with him, and inspired him to go ask that boy out or, if not, at least impress him.
From that day on, Nyx would ask just casually how things were going with the crush, and Gladio would inform. 
And it went on for YEARS lmao both as a crush and when they were already boyfriends and so on
Gladio first kept informing him of what he THOUGHT Ignis thought of him but no advances
“You know, Gladio, it’s been quite a while since you first told me of your crush and you still haven’t asked him out?”
Nyx kept encouraging him day after day after day, and it was perhaps partly the reason Gladio dared say anything. either because he was inspired or just annoyed lol
When they started talking about it, at first Nyx had no idea who the crush was and Gladio forgot to tell him alkajsd
One day when Nyx first started insisting Gladio ask him out, Gladio insisted he couldn’t do it and after a long while he just went “it’s just…it’s…it’s…Iggy? you know…the prince’s adviser?”
Nyx went  .u.  ohno that’s adorable best friend crush
Guess who now is not being very subtle on it (thankfully Iggy won’t notice lmao)
Ignis is ??? h…hello mr glaive that never before spoke to me until now out of nowhere and so excitedly and daily?? 
Also, whenever he gets the chance, he freaking. MISLEADS IGNIS ON PURPOSE TO MAKE HIM GO WITH GLADIO.
“Mr. Ulric, would you happen to know where lord Drautos is?”
Guess which Amicitia is holding guard in that room.
Nyx is accidentally bumping into either of them when they’re together trying to make them fall into each other into a romantic awkward hug that will turn into an adorable ask out for a date.
Nyx this isn’t a romantic tv show it doesn’t work like that you just made Gladio drop his candy
Nyx is giving Gladio A THOUSAND NOT SUBTLE SIGNS when he sees him with Ignis
Gladio is trying to have a casual, normal conversation with Ignis.
Gladio is unable to focus in what Ignis is telling him because Nyx is flexing like a gorilla while making strange faces.
Nyx throws Gladio into meeting with Ignis without preparing him.
Nyx and Gladio are standing at a hallway just talking and chatting casually and GASP IGNISISCOMINGGOGOGOGOGOGOOG *SHOVES HIM INTO THE OTHER HALLWAY MAKING HIM NEARLY FALL AGAINST IGNIS*
Nyx thinks Gladio is ignoring him when he’s making signs to him so he’s now literally MAKING SIGNS TO HIM, like. A cardboard piece with a message on it NYX WAS TRYING TO GIVE GLADIO DIALOGUES LMAO HOW IS HE SUCH A DORK
Nyx is switching the conversation to Ignis if Ignis is passing by.
Gladio and Nyx are talking about some food stall they both seem to know and AH YES IT’S SO NICE YOU THINK THAT OF IGNIS, GLADIO
Gladio’s constantly made a blushing, nervous mess in these situations when Ignis turn to look and Nyx just KEEPS GOING. 
When Gladio told Nyx he had finally asked Ignis out and he said yes, Nyx stood on the bench and literally roared out “Yes” to the roof with the arms open and down like a dinosaur screeching. 
Every time Gladio is talking with Ignis now, or hugging him or anything, when he looks up from behind Ignis, there’s Nyx alone or with his other two friends making thumbs up and nodding and JESUS LORD CAN YOU NOT STARE GUYS, STOP.
Best Romance Aid Buddy, please hug.
Libertus knew via Nyx.
Libertus wasn’t the slightly shaken. He had this blank face on as he kept drinking from his smoothie. Calmly put it down. 
“Weren’t those two brothers?”
Libertus is still a bit lost in the royal families’ relationships.
Nyx is sharing slight harmless gossip on the situation with Libertus. Libertus doesn’t really care much but he’s happy to hear Nyx. Not like he has lots of options anyway lmao
“He ALMOST asked him out this time but he shied away again, dammit.”
“I know.”
Libertus is busier in his own stuff and world to care about people he rarely interacts with, but Nyx’s excitement slowly catches his attention with time.
Even Libertus can’t be saved from some cute romantic story.
Eventually, it’s Libertus who approaches Nyx for the gossip.
“Yo. How is Shield boy doing?”
The curiosity, of course, leads him to start spying a bit as well.
There we have Ignis standing in a hallway reviewing some papers when he feels a stare, so he turns and there, in the distance, is some Glaive that’s never spoken to him, smiling at him, and waving.
what the hell
Now every time Nyx gets all hyped because he’s seeing Gladnis interact, Libertus gets dragged along so he just stands there and stares too. 
Nyx is the “IMPRESS HIM, HUG HIM, YOU’VE GOT HIM NOW KISS HIM” guy. Libertus is the kind to make *index fingers goes into the O formed by other hand’s thumb and index* signs at Gladio.
Libertus is going with Amicitia junior to get a laugh from how she talks about Gladnis. 
“And the other day Ignis went to our house and he helped papa prepare dinner, and it was very delicious and I had a wonderful time, Ignis is great and I always tell papa to adopt him and sell Gladdy at the market.”
Libertus finds little Iris’ sister talk funny. 
Libertus is shoving condoms into early-relationship-stages-Gladio’s pockets so they fall off while he’s talking with Ignis just to make them both embarrassed.
When they do start having sexual interaction, though, Gladio just gets free condoms now and joke is on Libertus.
Libertus just wants to have fun.
Crowe’s confused, but hell does she support that.
Why was Nyx the only one that wasn’t surprised, where are you two dorks getting all your info from omg
Crowe noticed before Nyx told her.
Crowe’s sharp on this one. She did think Iggy was ace, but she wasn’t 100% sure because she could see the signs.
Crowe’s like (ಠ‿ಠ) every time she sees them interact after the first time he caught a first glimpse of a sign.
Sort of like how Libertus started waving hello at Ignis from afar, except she’s much sneakier and hasn’t been caught and does the creepy (ಠ‿ಠ)
Crowe’s trying to set them up every time. Indirectly.
She’s asking Luche to smack Pelna without him knowing Drautos will be watching so Drautos is chiding Luche and Pelna for their kidly fight, getting Drautos busy and distracted a bit, Cor will be curious and will approach and ask what’s going on, Gladio will look for Cor because he’s late for his training, so he’s going to ask someone if they know where Cor is, and Crowe is SO MAKING ANOTHER OF THESE LARGE PLANS TO HAVE IGNIS BE THAT ONE PERSON AT QUESTION REACH.
Crowe this is unnecessarily intrincate stop
Crowe’s giving flirting advice to Gladio, too
Glaive Trio = Gladio’s Wingmen Squad
Nyx is the supportive cheering guy. Libertus is the sexual jokes dork. Crowe is the STYLE ADVISER.
“Sweetie, you don’t want to tell him that. Unbutton the collar, your hair a bit more like…this, chin up, and you give him a look like you don’t care about anything. You grab his shoulder. And now a smolder as we practiced. Voice deep. Tone smooth, but sound a little raspy. And you say. Hey.”
Crowe’s giving Gladio a Judging Look every time he says he wasn’t able to ask Ignis out. It’s enough to make Gladio feel embarrassed and little (in a good way that makes him go YEAH IT’S NOT THE BIG THING I CAN DO IT.)
“You’re such a nerd with your condom jokes, Libertus.”
Crowe is making condom jokes, too, the double faced nerd.
Crowe is telling Gladio she could lend him her bike to impress Ignis.
“Just a problem, Crowe.”
“…I don’t know how to ride this. And he does, so I don’t think he’s gonna be impressed.”
Crowe is trying to make Gladio grab that Sexy Attitude, BUT HE’S JUST. TOO MUCH OF A NERD, HOW DOES HE HAVE ANY REPAIR.
((it’s nice slap, no worry))
Crowe is the dangerous (harmless) threatening friend that will insist as in REALLY insist for asking the crush out.
Nyx tells her and Libertus for the tenth time that Gladio chickened out last minute again.
Crowe is going over to Gladio.
“It’s not that hard, boy. I swear to the Six, if you don’t do it, I’ll do it for you.”
“I…I can’t…”
“Ok, I’m going.”
Crowe actually. WENT WITH IGNIS. 
Gladio’s standing in the hallway internally screeching so hard his face is red and he’s about to have a heart attack while flailing all over the place, and Crowe’s getting to Iggy.
Gladio thinks she’s just kidding and will just walk past him.
Crowe’s tapping Ignis on the shoulder and now they’re talking.
Gladio’s on the floor spazzing.
He can’t live anymore bye.
Crowe’s just making casual talk with Ignis lmao just did it to make Gladio have that breakdown because AH YOU DIDN’T LIKE HOW IT FELT, DID YOU? DID YOU???? WELL NEXT TIME I’LL DO IT FOR REAL SO YOU ASK HIM OUT NOW, BOY.
Crowe’s stealing Iris when Gladnis want lonely time but don’t want Iris to like. Suspect anything kajsdka.
Crowe’s clearing the area for Gladnis when they’re all smoochie snuggly and some idiot like Luche is about to walk by.
Hey Luche. *throws a towel to his face*
Crowe is warping to Gladnis when they’re about to smooch just to startle them lmao
Crowe’s having more fun than Libertus
Sometimes, after or while making out with Ignis, Gladio looks up and Crowe’s on the other end of the hallway like (ಠ‿ಠ) *eyebrow wiggle*
Crowe no
Crowe’s always. ALWAYS. The one finding them the secret spots in the Citadel when they want a quicky.
Gets them the tools, too *eyebrow wiggle*
Good girl Crowe approves.
He knew about it through Regis because…fanboy #1 had to tell all his friends of course.
Cor is mid sandwich when Regis KICKS HIS DOOR OPEN
Cor still has his mouth half-opened for the bite he was about to take. Regis is welcoming himself in his office and grabbing a chair and sitting all while rambling near screeching
Regis was so excited he left without having had one word from Cor.
Cor sat there in silence with the sandwich in his hands while his brain processed what just happened.
When he understood he just smiled, lifted the eyebrows, thought “who would have thought”, and continued eating his sandwich.
Have mercy on him, he’s dry and cold and a stone.
Cor was always Gladio’s Advice Man. Nyx encourages, Cor guides.
Cor is petting Gladio on the head every time he’s pining or moping about being unable to ask Iggy out.
Cor is Practice Dummy for Gladio’s attempts at how to confess.
It didn’t work lol
“Wait you knew all along? Why didn’t you tell any of us!? It would have made it much easier, we’d have known it was mutual and we’d have confessed earlier.”
“…it wasn’t my secret to tell.”
COR >:|
Cor is the most supportive uncle you’ll ever find. From afar. Very quietly.
Cor is there to support Clarus too when Clarus becomes a Lost Papa on the matter. Doesn’t understand much as Cor doesn’t have a similiar experience, but a buddy can always listen.
Cor is there to support Ignis when he becomes a little insecure as to if it’s alright to be dating someone from the second most important family of all Lucis and maybe Eos.
Cor is there to support Gladio when he becomes a little insecure as to whether or not he’s being a good partner as he thinks Ignis deserves because it never feels like he’s doing enough.
Always having his mug of coffee with him, of course.
Ignis’ parents are forcing him into extra training time?
Ignis himself is overdosing on work and refuses to listen even to Gladio.
Ignis is nervous about dinner with the Amicitia.
Cor secretly made sure to put Clarus in a really good mood before work shift was over.
“I’m sad. I have watch on the main hall at five, so it won’t be over in a good couple hours, and Iggy finally had some free time today…”
Boys went out late at night and were home pretty late. Clarus was angry.
“They were at my place. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Cor :0
it fine they young let them live 
who would have thought that under that stoic face there was such a nice devil, Cor
Cor is always number one person they go to when they want to share some Gladnis thing in conversation. It’s just so easy to talk with him, he has no expressions and doesn’t answer, it’s like talking to a lamppost.
He does give advice or comfort if needed, though.
Cor always comes up with holidays plans or discounts for the two.
“Do you look up holidays for two on your spare time just to tell us?”
“…they pop up randomly in my computer.”
Cor you don’t use your computer.
Cor is a bit too honest. Doesn’t mean any harm, he’s jsut being honest.
“You don’t want to kiss Gladio today. He’s stinky.”
Cor dealing with Gladnis in the everyday
“Ok, we’re in for our sparring session today, we-”
“Cor can I go smooch Iggy? He’s over there at the window :3″
“No. Defeat me and you can”
“Ok, today’s session-”
“*Ignis’ sad puppy eyes*”
“-is cancelled, I heard Gladiolus is at the fifth floor, go look for him and say hello for me.”
he’s not giving preferences lmao he just has to train Gladio but couldn’t resist Ignis’ unintentional sad puppy eyes. WHO IN THIS WORLD CAN.
Cor is answering for them to the media.
“Mister Gladiolus, is it true you and Ignis Scientia are dating?”
“No, we’re not.”
“No, I was asking-”
“I’m not.”
“…I was-”
Cor sees the struggle they go through with the media and Noct jumping in to save them and thinks it’s very noble so let’s give the boy a break, and be the shield ourselves.
Cor is now bodyguard for the Gladnis in public.
“Mister Amicitia!”
“No, I mean Mister Amici”
“Y e s ?”
Media tries to go to Ignis
Cor’s popping out of nowhere with his dead face like
“Y E S?”
Cor’s using the Gladnis to encourage them to train harder.
“If you want to save him you have to defeat me.”
“And I’m not having mercy on you, hm”
Ignis is tied to the ceiling somehow
“Get through me and he’ll be safe”
They won only once. Because Ignis broke out of the cage. and maybe they had Nyx help. And maybe Cor was blindfolded.
He’s the Legend, you can’t just win against Cor like it’s nothing.
Uncle Cor picked Gladio’s wedding suit. 
Uncle Cor will be the most hysterical loving grand uncle but we’re not there yet akldsjf
Uncle Cor good boi he approves and likes yes yes
S I S T E R  I N  L A W   I R I S
Iris the Adorable and Equally Frightening. Iris the Badass. Iris the kiddo. AS HER ROLE IN GLADNIS.
Iris was like nine or ten when Gladnis became official.
Iris likes Ignis and has always done. She once asked Santa Crys that Clarus adopted Ignis because he’s just such a good Big Bro.
Iris did genuinely asked Clarus once to adopt Ignis and sell Gladio at the market. 
She loves Gladdy wholeheartedly, it’s just Sibling Stuff.
Ignis has always been good to Iris since even before he and Gladio were a thing, and it’s always been genuine, not just that “get the little sibling love to have easier access” thing. 
Ignis and Iris even spend time alone without Gladio.
Ignis has gone to pick Iris up from school.
Ignis has given Iris his jackets if it’s cold or raining.
Ignis has cooked for Iris a million times.
Ignis has been her confidant for YEARS for things she feels too shy to share with anyone else, even Gladio.
Why do I feel I’ve already written Ignis-Iris headcanons and these exact same? 
Ignis constantly lets Iris use him as model for make-up or nails or hair.
Iris constantly sews plushies for him. Ignis has a whole shelf full of little and big plushies he’s been gifted.
Iris will go to Ignis if she sees him and try to drag him home since she was like seven.
Ignis nearby? Yes, papa, we’re taking him home. What do you mean no? I will feed him and make a bed for him in the living room.
Iris, he’s not a pet aksjdf
Iris and Ignis have their own little bubble and Gladio’s not allowed in, I’m sorry
There they are the two dorks. They’re talking. They’re talking about SOMETHING. What is it? What is it? YOU WILL NEVER KNOW. WHY THEY ARE GIGGLING, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW.
Iris spoke so much and for so long about Clarus adopting Ignis that Gladio was a bit scared of how she would manage the news of them in a relationship because that would cut the option of adopting him.
Iris took it surprisingly well.
A bit too well.
Iris screeched.
Iris jumped out her window. 
Her room is on the second floor.
It’s fine, she’s trained since little because the little shit could never sit still and Cor had to do something to at LEAST teach her to land since age 5 because the gods know this child needs to know how to land.
Iris ran around the house for an hour before she got tired and collapsed in the grass, and even there she kept flailing and screeching.
Clarus arrived home to Gladio calmly watching TV eating ice-cream while a nine year old Iris was sprawled on a side of the house like her sould abandoned her.
Iris is a Prompto equivalent of The Asker.
Someone is knocking on Gladio’s door at two a.m.
“Gladio have you told him you love him.”
Gladio closed the door in her face.
Iris never stopped trying to drag Ignis home even when she was already 15.
There she is, calmly going, grabbing Ignis’ wrist, and saying nothing while heading to Clarus’ car.
Family dinner at the Amicitia, nothing is going on, nothing relevant has happened for months, everyone is quiet and
The happiest motherfucking day in Iris’ life was when Ignis called at her door, sat down on her floor, and said “Would you be so kind as to teach me to make a moogle plush toy myself? I’d love to make one for Gladio.”
Iris is fan #1 of Prompto’s Gladnis photos and is always asking him to show her.
Iris gets some of those photos framed. She’s not even gifting them to them, she’s just putting them at the livign room because LOOK AT THIS HAPPY FAMILY, THAT’S MY BROTHER IN LAW AND MY BROTHER AREN’T THEY THE MOST BADASS ADORABLE COUPLE IN THE WORLD AREN’THEYGODDAMMIT!!?!??!
Gladio is annoying Iris on purpose.
“Gladdy, I’m gonna have Iggy kick your ass.”
Ignis is very much ready to kick Gladio’s ass if Iris asks him for it.
Iris likes to cause little harmless misunderstandings between the two just for the sake of it.
“?? Ignis? I thought I’d bring the tools.”
“?? No, I was told I’d bring the tools? What are we cooking if no one brought the food?”
Iris is containing the laugh from the living room. 
“Hey, I thought I’d forgotten my scarf here?”
“No, you took it home with-”
Iris sometimes gets gifts to give to Gladio so HE can give them to Ignis
“Iris, I already give him a bunch”
Iris alongside with Prom is always trying to get them nice, romantic dates. Cheesy sometimes. Overly cheesy sometimes. 
There you see the whole scenery Prommy and Iris put up together in a garden, a tiny table and cushions for a comfy date, in a little silk-drapes tent decored with lights, candles, and a couple flowers.
“Iris we just wanted to watch dumb cartoons”
Not like Iggy and Gladio are complaining but omg the EFFORT
You know what sorta sister in law Iris is?
Gladio and Ignis are having a private conversation at the garden.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?”
Iris from somewhere in the universe
Honestly how badass is Iris here, you pick on her, she brings forth her TWO BIG GUARDIAN BROTHERS 
Iris be. Cutest most troublesome most supportive sister in law since she’s a kid, ok? SHE’S MORE INTO GLADNIS THAN GLADNIS THEMSELVES.
Aaaaaah man, this took quite longer than I expected, but was it worth it! I had lots of fun with it, and I hope you enjoyed it too? I REALLY HOPE SO BECAUSE THIS IS FOR YOU ALSKJDFDLGKJ
Also, I hope the midterm thing went okie!! Sending you lots of happy raccoonie thoughts for school to be gentle and go FANTASTIC! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Thanks for the ask and LOTSA MAGIC YAYS FOR YOU! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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thevirtualcanvas · 5 years
To Be Loved By Gladio
Being loved by Gladiolus Amicitia is a delicate and sweet process. Despite his stature, solid demeanour and title as Shield to the Future king. He loves you with unyielding devotion and endless platitudes and honey soaked touches. Gladio is man caught between two worlds. He's an symbol, an idol. His name and his role represent a strength like no other. The name Amicitia invokes honour, respect and if you're on the wrong side of it, fear. Gladiolus is yours, it sounds sweet and dear from you lips. An incantation dripping with reverence, no one calls to him quite like you. Gladio, Gladdy will garner you a wanting sigh and swift pockets of affection. In the grand halls of the Citadel he commands obedience and service from everyone. House Caelum is a proud one and he won't have anyone besmirching it. He wears his title and uniform with pride. But that won't stop him from cracking on occasion to grace you with a pining look, a soft kiss and a pat on the rear end to keep him going until home time. Being shield to the future king is hard work, being friends with him is harder at times. Though you remind him a shield can't choose, he is all encompassing, he protects all of the King with all of him. Noctis can be bratty and a little sour faced  when Gladio holds him back for being late but it's all about balance, it makes him privy to all of the things that bring the Prince joy. Including Gladio himself with his hearty laugh, wicked tongue and wry humour. He reminds you how much he loves you with a defeated growl and a engulfing hug, you balance him and keep him sane.
There are times when one world bleeds into the other. Regal Gladio with his blue blood and house cast in gold can overwhelm anyone. The meetings and talk of war, the encroachment of the Empire and loss of colonies and states. All the while keeping face and staying steadfast to the house and the throne. It makes you feared of the outside world and it's horrors. It makes Gladio frustrated and bitter of all the pointless talk. It's sullen silences as he comes home after a rough day. Ten kilometre runs in the dark to burn off energy. Boxing matches with an invisible enemy until he wears himself to sleep. It's being up for days at a time and shadowing his Father because he takes every responsibility serious and the King comes first and he always will, and that hurts. It's consoling Iris because he snapped at her again for coming to the Palace and playing nice with Noct on official time. It's loving her like she was your own because she's just a girl and she didn't mean to upset anyone, she just doesn't know how to convey her feelings and he should know better being her older brother. It's spending time with Clarus, making him tea and letting him vent for the day the best he can. Letting him laugh about you humouring a boring old man and his silly trifles. It's making sure he spends some time with his Daughter because she always feels like she's not good enough for her Dad, that her existence is an embarrassment too him. It's too many Glaives and Guards watching your every move, your consorting with House Amicitia and Clarus won't let anyone bother you. Even on your way to work. At least you get to know their names and who their families are. You find the Glaive's are more charming and friendly than the Guard.
While the world glittering in gold, and power and politics is very intrusive, for Gladio, you are his lighthouse to normality. Where he can truly let down his hair. He can talk literature and poetry and philosophy for days. Running his hands through his hair as the thoughts form in his mind and excitedly tells you about what he just finished reading. He can take you out for meals, looking ruggedly handsome and alarmingly polite, you sometimes forget his from a royal house and manners were drilled into him from a young age. Morning hikes to the top of the wall and you walk around side by side, skin fleeting with sizzling touches as you greet the guards at the top who've been guarding since last night and are highly amused to see the heir to Clarus playing house at this time of of day. Lounging in garden of his estate, sneaking kisses and not so subtle hints as his large hands graze the tops of your thighs. Parting quickly as Iris bounds across the lawn with flower crowns and a pitcher of lemonade. Evenings at Noctis' apartments because he promised Ignis he'd help babysit the Prince and his friend. Which you don't mind one iota, it's fun to see him so relaxed. Even their bickering is fun to listen too. You notice how much he can't refuse Ignis' pleas and you need to ask him how he does it. Taking Iris shopping and watching how soft his eyes get around her PLEASE Gladdy I NEED this purse, it's so cute! How he can't refuse her either and you need to ask her how she does it. Watching his eyes flit to yours across the table when his Father discusses how he courted Gladio and Iris' mother. A curl of smile on both their faces and you can see where Gladio gets his looks from. Laughing in horror and amazement when he picks you up from work in full biker leather, hair scrapped back from his head and he asks 'Hey Babe, would ya like a ride?' With a wink and a smirk. Your co-workers went weak at the knees for that one, especially your old boss who when home to tell her husband to dig out his biker leathers. He loves to flirt with you. Especially in front of others, which gets wolf whistles from Prompto and fake sick from Noctis. But when you're alone there is a tenderness to Gladiolus that you couldn't describe to anyone else. The way he holds you, sneaks supple kisses and runs his hands along you neck. The way amber eyes set in gold follow you when you talk animatedly about what Iris did earlier in the day and the fact his Dad sent you flowers to work as a thank you for babysitting her.
Marry me. He would say to you out of the blue. Usually when your curled up naked in his arms. You'd laugh nervously. He'd repeat it. He was serious. And he would ask you after every time you'd make love. You'd pass him off, telling him to take it easy but knowing you'll say yes. Each time he'd touch you, kiss you or take you in his arms and bury himself into you, you know you wouldn't be able to resist much longer. It was his way of admitting his love. A shield is about balance. You're the balance I need to protect everyone. Six forsake his way with words as he'd kiss them into your skin. He won't have your self hatred and lack of confidence. Gladio knows your worth. It's why he loves you and can't help himself fractionally around you. It's why when the light fades and the night blooms, your in his arms and in his heart. It's why when you visit him at the Citadel he forgets himself for a moment, shirks his title and is content by just being yours. It's why his heart chose you, and his family adores having you in their home and their lives. Iris idolises you and Clarus feels sad when you're not pottering around in the lounge on his way back from a long day with Regis.
Being loved by Gladiolus is being loved by a man who knows himself. He's confident, fierce and loyal to his country and his liege. His country has his body and his soul, but you have his heart and no one else on Eos can have that.
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vieroeclipse · 5 years
Ludus Regnorum
Pairing: Ardynoct
Genre: Angst/tragedy
Tags: Alternate Universe
A/N: horrible grammar and strange words (since english isnt my native language and I dont have any beta reader to correct it) Inspired by game of thrones.
"He isn't our king anymore, he is a monster."
Noctis tried to hold back his sobs. He knew how true that words was. His king is no longer here. His caring, loving man who always stand side by side with him is no longer the man he knew. Not anymore.
But his heart denied that truth.
“B-But he is our true king. I… vowed to protect him. Stand side by side with him. To always serve him…” he is my king.
“You’re the chosen one, Noctis. The true king of kings. Chosen by the crystal. Not him. Not anymore. And you know it.” Ignis glaring to him feels so painful.
“The moment Ardyn slaughtered those innocent people with the starscourge, he is no longer chosen by the crystal. Unworthy of the throne.”
“And… he will become the threat to the world.”
Noctis clenched his fist. His beloved king is already succumbed too far to the darkness. The moment he killed his own brother king Somnus and slaughtered so many innocent people for that goal alone, he is no longer the true king of kings. Those dark power making him blind. No longer the wise king he is.
“I tried to warn him before. To not slay those innocent people. But… he won’t listen...” Noctis gritted his teeth. Feeling pain in his heart when those amber eyes didn't look at him the same loving way anymore. There is insanity in those eyes. The madness that changed his king. His beloved lover and soon to be his husband.
Ardyn Lucis Caelum is no longer there.
And how shocked he was when Ardyn really kill all those people. The people who he vowed to save. To save from cruel way his brother Somnus had. Ardyn is too blinded with his revenge. He is no longer the healer of the people. The healer who save countless people from cruel kings and always protecting their lives.
He is a cruel tyrant now. No different from his brother Somnus.
“He will plague the world with eternal darkness. When the crystal throne finally rejected his ascension, he will succumb more to his darkness and all of hopes will lose, Noctis.”
Ignis grabs Noctis shoulder and staring hard with hint of sadness at the prince. “He will conjure the world and slaughtered those who opposed him. No matter how innocent that people is. No matter how desperate that people beg for his mercy. He will slaughter them all.”
“And… We can’t let that happen, Noct.”
Tears is forming from the prince’s blue eyes. He can’t let Ardyn become the monster. He still remember how kind hearted his lover was. His devotion to his people that make Noctis fall in love with him. Those kind smile that always warm his heart. And those amber eyes filled with so much love for Noctis.
He is no longer there.
When his brother Somnus killed so many of his people, Ardyn’s heart filled with rage and seek the power to destroy Somnus. He tried to gain that power from blessing by the Astral. Ifrit the Infernian blessed him with the starscourge. The most powerful dark power which can eliminate everything and turn human into daemon.
Those dark power that Ardyn posses begin to corrupt his mind as well and twisted his kind heart. He only want to get his revenge no matter how wrong his way is.
Noctis can no longer save his lover. Ardyn didn’t listen to him anymore and the prince can only watch in horror of those people who cried, scream in pain, beg for their life to be safe only unmercyful death that bestow upon them. With Ardyn twisted laughter at the sight of Somnus dead body.
After Ardyn’s victory of the war, he will become the true King of Kings who shall ascend to the crystal throne. Noctis must stop Ardyn before his lover get rejected by the crystal and becoming more insane than he is now.
The prince can only stare hard at the beautiful dagger in his side. A gift from Ardyn which always accompanied Noctis in all of his mission. He closes his eyes. Ignis watch in silence as the lucis prince cries with so much painful tears in both eyes.
“If you really love him, Free him. Don’t let him become the slave of darkness, Noctis.”
The king of Lucis walk toward the crystal throne. The throne which he always dreamed that he will sit in there and rule the whole world one day as the chosen of the crystal. Ardyn’s finger caressing the light of its throne. Sighed from his long journey.
“It's finally here… the place I belong to. The crystal awaits me.”
Noctis watched his beloved from afar as he walked slowly behind him. Ardyn then turned toward the prince. Smiling at the sight of his beautiful fiance.
“The time is drawing near, my love. The whole world will be ruled by one king. The king of kings. Chosen by the crystal. To give hopes for the people.”
“Hope?” Noctis whispered, his blue eyes looks with sadness. “You killed all those innocent people, Ardyn…”
“Their sacrifice is needed for the better future, dear Noctis.” those amber eyes gleamed with a small smile. “A great sacrifice comes with greater hopes.”
“They screamed beg for your mercy! You burn them all alive in the darkness, they have right to live. They don’t deserve to be killed like that…” Noctis’s body is shaking. He tried to hold back his raging emotion and his tears.
“I tried to make peace with Somnus.” Ardyn sighed and then standing in front of Noctis. “But it didn’t work. He killed my people too. He got what he deserved.”
“B-But… you’re a healer of the people, Ardyn.” whispered Noctis. “A King with mercy and kindness…”
“We can’t rule with just kindness and mercy, Noctis.” Ardyn’s tone sharped “They are toying with my heart and stab me in the back. They made fun of my kindness. I already have enough with their game.”
“This isn’t you, Ardyn…” Noctis gritted his teeth. His body is shaking painfully, try to be reasonable with his king.
“That dark power of yours. It’s corrupting your mind. Filling your heart with pure hatred and rage. Please, Ardyn. Release that power, unbind from it. Free your soul. You can rule as a king without that cursed power!”
Tears escaping from his blue eyes. Noctis cupped the king face, begged him. Hope that he can light his beloved cold heart with kindness and forgiveness. Before it’s too late.
“Please… don’t be slave to the darkness…”
“I can’t.”
Noctis shut his eyes with those answer. His heart aches for his lover. Tears is flowing down from those sorrowful blue eyes.
“This power is a blessing for me, Noctis. I can’t rule the whole world without this power.” Ardyn then cupped Noctis’s chin and gently wipe the tears from his prince eyes. He hold his lover body close to him.
“Be with me, my love. Rule together with me. Be the light of my darkness. We shall conjure the whole world.”
“This whole world is for you…”
Noctis sobbing uncontrollably when Ardyn slipped a ring into his finger. A reminder of promise that Ardyn will marry him. A reminder of who Noctis belonged to. His heart is aching that those beautiful future will not gonna happen. Not with the current condition of his beloved.
“You are my King, Ardyn Lucis Caelum. Now… and always…”
Their lips meets in desperate kiss. A kiss like their life depended on it. Noctis slowly increase the pressure to deepen the kiss, want to feel his beloved king one last time. Want to feel his love once more. His warmth. His kindness.
And then Ardyn amber eyes widen in shock. Blood pouring from his lips as a dagger stabbed right in his heart. A beautiful dagger that he gave to Noctis as a gift. A tears escaping from his amber eyes. Feeling betrayed by his love ones.
“I’m sorry… I… love you...” Noctis cries painfully as he embrace his lover body close to him. He buried his face in those red hair and sobbing violently. His heart crushed. He feel numb. He killed his love. He killed his purpose to life.
Those beautiful amber eyes is no more.
As the king of darkness lays dead, the daemons began rampaging the crystal throne. They burn the throne and those fire began to engulf Noctis and Ardyn.
The prince then lay his head on Ardyn chest and shut his eyes, still embraced his lover cold body. Small smile tugged on his lips before those fire burned them both.
‘I’m freeing you from the darkness, my love. Wait for me. I’ll join you… soon.’
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darkfromday · 6 years
green thumb
I, uh. Heard it was lunoct week.
hello @lunoctweek please accept this humble... late... thing...
day 04 prompt: sylleblossoms
In the end, everything happens because Gladio gets nicked really good across the face during training and has to drag them both to the mansion to stop the bleeding. They never would have been watching the news otherwise.
Noctis is hanging in the study with Iris, half-listening to her amusing TV-show recounting and half-imagining how Gladio will look with another scar, when out of nowhere the tune for Breaking News blares and the younger Amicitia gasps, “Oh, how awful.”
When he turns, the live broadcast on screen shows the fields of Tenebrae aflame.
At first he thinks it’s old footage, has to be. It’s such a perfect recreation of the fire and blood and fear of that day, the day Niflheim stole their peace and he and his father had to leave Luna and Ravus behind. But there are no bodies, and there were no news crews there as the flames roared; they only showed their faces after Tenebrae’s queen was long cold, and only then to spin Niflheim’s lies about the day.
Then Noct shakes off his paralysis and listens. The anchor is contemporary, a well-known Accordan. As she speaks of the fire’s unknown origin and how quickly it has spread and how desperately a few hunters are working to quell it, she’s not gesturing to the places people live, or even to the palace. The camera is covering the sylleblossom fields the country is famous for, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Eos.
And Luna’s sole oasis in the desert of enemy occupation.
“Make your statement, Princess,” Caligo Ulldor hisses. He shoves her forward toward the palace’s front doors and the heartsick, clamoring crowd beyond. “Why keep the people in suspense concerning their precious Oracle’s fate?”
Ravus starts forward from the corner, teeth bared, ready to doom himself and his sister both in the name of chivalry—but with a single hand, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret halts his words and his advance. She takes her time regaining her balance, and stares the Brigadier General down with eyes as steely as his own.
“Worry not. I will speak.”
“Then what are you waiting for?!” he snarls. He is in fine form today; flushed to his neck, with clenched fists, a voice hoarse from shouting, and capillaries already waiting to burst in his eyes. Lunafreya knows from experience that his fists are the greater concern.
She steps forward, deftly avoiding the handful of MTs waiting to pull the doors open for her. Ravus immediately moves to her side, and offers her his arm as he always does. This time, more cognizant than ever of Caligo’s eyes on their backs, she does not take it.
In this, she must be strong alone.
“Lunafreya,” her brother insists, but she steps through the palace doors and does not heed him.
The crowd gasps and cries anew the second they lay eyes on her, and though it is muted, Luna feels a joy similar to theirs—these are her people, the Tenebraens, those precious few who still revere and cherish the Nox Fleuret line. They have probably been camped out here all day, praying that the fire did not topple the palace or kill the blood of the Oracle.
If only it had.
Better that than what did happen.
Luna steps up to the makeshift wooden podium her captors have prepared for her, and stares straight into the blinking red eye that represents the rest of the world.
“My dear friends,” she begins, and the people hush themselves to drink in her words. “People of my homeland. I thank you for your concern for our safety. Each of your prayers was a shawl around my shoulders, one that kept me safe from the flames just beyond. None of the staff of Fenestala nor our Niflheimr guests were harmed in any way.”
Cheers ring through the field. Cameras are adjusted hastily; news anchors paraphrase her words for audiences across Eos. Several reporters snap photos of Luna, of Ravus standing stiffly at her side, of the even-more-stilted MTs and of Caligo shadowing them all just behind the podium.
For them, their Oracle has been found safe though bruised and sound though angry. Nothing has been lost. They are so happy that it hurts.
Luna… cannot be happy.
She hesitates. Takes a deep breath. Unseen, Ravus squeezes her elbow. When Luna looks up at him for the first time, she can see her pain reflected in his own blue eyes.
“Unfortunately… we have received news that the fire has burned the last remaining sylleblossom fields of Tenebrae to ashes.”
The news is more of a blow to the people than she expected. Perhaps eight years of occupation has not yet completely crushed their spirits, their hopes, as it nearly has hers. Then again—the sylleblossoms were always special, a magic mortals could tend to but never replicate. Even in Niflheim’s chains, the flowers glowed day and night, as though representing the pride of their people and the princess who grew most of them from seedlings herself. Now, that magic is gone.
Luna closes her eyes for a moment. It doesn’t work; a tear still falls, but she doesn’t hear her audience’s murmurs of grief and sympathy. She is remembering: springtime as a small child, a crown princess instead of an Oracle. Her late mother, Sylva, teaching her how to plant sylleblossom seeds just so, and to be conservative with watering and spacing so they would one day stretch beyond the fields of Fenestala Manor.
“Someday this will be your task, Lunafreya. I hope it is one you take joy in.”
When the queen was cut down in the very fields she tended, and her blood looked ready to taint the ground forevermore, it was Luna who took seeds salvaged from her brother’s room and from scattered Tenebraen families and relocated the affected blooms, while bestowing even more care on the ones which could not be moved. Luna had removed the burned blooms and replaced them with new life, and prayed she would never have to watch her precious field burn again.
It was a prayer the gods did not heed.
Caligo’s shadow draws closer, so Luna lifts her head higher and opens her eyes, but does not raise one finger to wipe her face.
“Though no lives have been lost, the people of Tenebrae have lost an important piece of their heritage today. The sylleblossoms have long been a symbol of peace and hope and… and we will have to move forward without them. I ask for privacy and your understanding during this time as we work to heal the land from… this terrible accident, and move forward.”
That’s all she is willing to say. She turns, and Ravus sweeps a hand to cut the uptick in voices that usually precedes thoughtless questions. Rather than wait for him, or for any of her other guards, she puts one pale foot in front of the other until she is back inside her cage, with her mechanical caretakers shutting the doors once more.
Luna exhales heavily, and starts toward the stairs—
—and she doesn’t even get to take another breath before her arm is wrenched back and she’s nearly pulled into Caligo’s bulky armor. Years of practice allow her to bite down on the sound of pain which would surely draw the braver reporters and bystanders past Ravus and through the doors to aid her in her plight to their own peril.
His hot breath still stinks of Niff whiskey as he snarls in her ear: “Best watch your step, Princess. As always, you perform well for a crowd—but next time you cross me, you will not live to speak of it. After all—there’s not much of you to burn. You’re so thin you’d go up like a twig.”
Luna is thrown to the floor as he stalks off, chortling. Her eyes are pinned to the lighter he’s twirling mockingly in his other hand, unashamed as he is of his crime, and of all he has taken from her. Hatred and despair churn in her gut, along with the helplessness that is her second skin.
But she doesn’t get up for a long, long time.
Noctis is ready to stow away on a train to Tenebrae that night to get Luna the hell out of there.
“You cannot show up in Niflheim territory, Noct, no matter how much the Lady Lunafreya would doubtless appreciate your company,” Ignis says for probably the tenth time, or maybe the eleventh. Noct is not counting, he is seething.
His father, his council, and his retainers are all saying the same thing. And not that it’s bullshit—it’s valid advice, well-thought out as anything from both the king and Ignis is bound to be—but, no, yeah, it’s bullshit. Luna’s flowers are one of her few joys, just one of a limited number of hobbies keeping her sane. And she lost every single bloom to a fire in the middle of rainy season in Tenebrae, which has “Niflheim cover-up” written all over it. The bastards did this to hurt her. Noctis should be there for her.
“There was no reason for the Niffs to do that to her! She’s never once tried to escape since they killed her mother, Dad would know if she had. She—she goes on TV and says every single stupid lie they want her to say, she has for years, and then they go and do this? She could be in danger!”
“No doubt she’s in danger,” Gladio huffs. He’s still holding a gauze pad to his cheek with one hand, and holding his little sister’s hand with the other. Iris was especially shaken by the Oracle’s tears, and has been mostly quiet all day. “Doesn’t mean we can do much about it. We especially can’t have you marching into enemy territory to dry the Oracle’s tears right this second. You’ll have every tank in the nation pointed at you in no time.”
“Let them point the tanks then! I’m ready!” Noctis rages. His back flares up along with his temper, putting an unfortunate damper on his point; but still, he presses on. “How I’m feeling right now, I could wave my hand and take ‘em all out—”
Ignis shuts that train of thought down immediately. “Anger does not erase the fact that you are sixteen years old and your combat training is nowhere near complete!”
“And even if it was, you can’t just spit in the face of diplomacy,” Gladio adds. “There’s protocol for state visits. Red tape for visiting occupied nations. How would His Majesty feel if something happened to you because you ran off half-cocked to rescue two political prisoners?”
They’re making sense, as they’ve been trained to do, and it just makes Noctis angrier. Angrier… and more despondent. He pulls helplessly at his own bangs, pacing Gladio’s room like a rabid dog.
“I… I can’t just watch her cry, and do nothing. I can’t. I couldn’t live with myself if…”
He trails off. He sounds… nuts, ordering his retainers who are barely older than him to let him sneak off to another country to comfort his childhood friend. It’s just…
It’s Luna. Luna needs me, I know she does.
Ignis and Gladio both look down and away from him. Noct bites his lip hard, clenching his fists in the bargain. He wishes there was a Niff in front of him he could punch—someone he could take this helpless anger out on, someone he could protect Luna from.
Instead there’s just Prompto, who’s sat on the floor next to Iris and watched the news replay Luna’s speech over and over while contributing nothing to the ongoing argument. He’s still so new to rubbing shoulders with royalty that Noct doesn’t even blame him for his unusual quiet.
“I just… wish there was something I could do.”
Maybe something in Noct’s face gets to him, or maybe his words do. Prompto finally breaks his silence as he gestures to the screen.
“Maybe you can’t go see her, but you could still talk to her—right? You could call Umbra—send her something!”
The thought clears Noctis’ head a little—but then he’s stuck all over again. It’s all well and good if he sends a gift that’s as good as him being there, and yet. What could he give her that would be supportive and understanding? What could he find that would give her hope, when she looked to have lost every last scrap of it on the news?
“A letter might be enough,” Iris tentatively suggests. “Flowers are good for grief, but considering what she lost…”
Right. And then there’s that.
Noctis remembers how sweet the sylleblossoms of Tenebrae smelled to him, laid up as he was in bed for many days after the Marilith’s attack and their arrival. They had almost seemed to coax him to get well soon, so he could go outside and play among them. For him, the flowers were not only an extension of Luna; they were also a living symbol of the hope he clung to throughout his recovery, part of what got him back on his feet.
All gone, now.
“I can’t believe they’re really all gone.” Prompto sighs. “The people of Tenebrae donated their seeds to replant the sylleblossom fields after the queen died, right? And now there’s nothing left to give.”
Noctis nods, but—wait. That doesn’t seem right.
“I agree with Iris,” Ignis says, at length. “A message relaying your heartfelt sympathies will go a long way. And it is safer than showing up and imperiling the current ceasefire.”
“Hey, Noct—”
Noct is half-listening to everyone, but the urgency in Prompto’s voice gets his attention. When he looks up quickly, his newest friend is already looking back at him, with something like confused excitement dawning on his face.
“Didn’t you say once that Lady Lunafreya sent you a packet of sylleblossom seeds—?”
The words are a bolt of lightning to his brain.
It was over a year ago, but Noctis remembers the day that particular message came to him like it was yesterday.
Prompto had just started talking to him a few weeks prior. They were walking home from the arcade when a furry torpedo smashed into their legs.
“Umb-whaaa?” Prompto shrieked.
Noct was too busy unhooking the notebook from around the dog’s neck to explain. He’d cryptically told his newest friend he had a “pen pal”, and no other details beyond that. Considering how dramatically Umbra had announced his presence this time, that might be changing soon.
 Dear Noctis,
Thank you for showing me your mother’s beautiful garden. What a wonder to see such healthy plants and flowers in such a modern palace! I know well how painful it must have been to be in a space she treasured without her beside you, so I appreciate the photos more than I can say in words.
In thanks, I’ve enclosed something just as precious to me as your mother’s garden doubtless was to her. These sylleblossom seeds are from flowers that grew after the fire on the last day we played together. The flower is notoriously delicate, but hardy once planted—and, of course, beautiful to look at.
I hope that in giving you something important to me, a small part of me will be with you always.
“Prompto,” Noctis breathes. “You are a genius.”
“Wish my teachers would say that,” his friend quips. Then he does a double-take. “Wait, why am I a genius?”
But the prince is already up and out the door, ignoring Gladio and Ignis’ shouts of where are you going and wait up at least. He heads toward the Citadel like he’s been fired from a cannon.
A year ago, Noctis planted all but a few of those seeds in Queen Aulea’s old garden. It had taken some time, but the sylleblossoms did grow—to see them now, cheerfully poking out here and there among the other rougher plants, no one would ever guess they weren’t native.
Noct is resolute: the ten seeds that are left will be returned to their sender tonight. If he has to, he’ll pull the garden’s flowers from the dirt and send them too, by the fastest mail route possible.
Good thing the fastest route is probably asleep on my bed right now.
Knock, knock.
“Tell them to leave,” Luna instructs Ravus from her desk. It’s a muffled instruction, because her head has been pillowed in her arms all evening, and she has no intention of moving it. “I am not accepting visitors.”
The whole of the land still smells like ash.
From her bed, Ravus stands, redressing in their enemy’s full military regalia. “Turning your people away is not a luxury you can long afford.”
“We both know that whoever is at the door is not one of our people.”
Ravus’ silence is reproach and answer enough. Moonlight slides away from him as he strides across the room and opens her door in her stead.
“Ah, the Lady Lunafreya lives!”
A presence far darker than Caligo Ulldor’s sweeps past Ravus and into her quarters; her brother sputters protests, but to no avail. Luna doesn’t need to turn around to identify the Imperial Chancellor, which is fortunate: she needs these precious few seconds to fix her face into something unassuming, pleasant and non-threatening.
“Good evening, Chancellor. Is there some way I can help you…?”
“Come now, no need for that.” With a delicate twirl, Ardyn Izunia has procured the only other chair in the room and turned it to face her. When he slides into it, the brightness of his burnt gold eyes draws her gaze; once she’s looked up, she cannot look away. “I beg you, please call me Ardyn. Formality is so dull. And unnecessary, when I have brought you a gift!”
“A gift?” she echoes.
“Yes, found and retrieved by one of your preciously loyal dogs. Ah ah, worry not—” He chuckles and waves his hand as she darts up in alarm. “He was waylaid by a maid of House Fleuret who seems determined to fatten him up with sweetmeats. Lucky thing! I merely took the liberty of completing his delivery for him.”
Luna’s heart hammers—she knows Messengers don’t need to eat, and she knows that Ardyn (himself more than he seems) probably is aware of this. However, the Chancellor is such a laid-back entity when it comes to her dogs and her notebook that sometimes she forgets he ever happened upon them at all, years back.
Umbra probably really is begging for food he doesn’t need in the kitchen right now.
He wouldn’t hurt Umbra, she tells herself. He hasn’t yet. Nor Pryna, nor Ravus or even myself. He may keep his silence for a reason beyond my knowledge—but he has kept it.
“I… would be honored to accept.”
Ardyn glows. With Ravus looking on, he pulls Luna’s notebook from the folds of his cloak, with black ribbon noticeably tying a tiny package to it. He offers both items grandly; she takes them both eagerly. It takes no longer than a moment to stand and move out of reach of both men, unwrapping the notebook and turning to the newest page as though they are both absent.
Whatever they are, Noctis’ words are for her alone.
 I saw you on the news. There’s nothing more I can say, except I’m so sorry about the sylleblossoms. I know how important they were to you.
I hope my gift will help you feel at least a little better. I hadn’t yet planted some of the sylleblossom seeds you sent me last year. Now, I think their place is at home, with you.
Please stay safe.
 Luna chokes on her next breath.
Just as promised, the package contains ten delicately-wrapped sylleblossom seeds.
“Lunafreya?!” Ravus says behind her, with no small amount of concern.
She cannot speak. Her cheeks are flushed red, her eyes squeezed shut; tears leak from the corners against her will. She can barely swallow down a sob. It isn’t the first time Noctis has sent her some token, a piece of Insomnia or an item he is personally attached to—but it is the first time that the tender thoughtfulness behind one of his gifts has moved her to tears.
“Do you need a moment, my dear?” Ardyn inquires solicitously. Quicker than her ears can track, he is already sashaying back toward the entrance to her chambers. “Please, take your time. I know it has been a difficult few days for you!”
He must take Ravus with him, because once the door shuts, the room is unbelievably quiet. Luna cannot tell just yet because she’s busy: her arms are tight around the notebook, and her lips are pressed firmly to the bag of seeds.
Salvation from afar. A second chance.
“Oh, Noctis…” she murmurs.
Thank you.
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archonssun · 4 years
We Have Time
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We Have Time
WC: 1732
Okay, yeah, this is gonna take place in the alternate ending, seeing as the last Noct story I wrote was both a) kinda shitty and b) sad.
You will always remember the first time you met Noctis. He had been such a shy thing back then, back when he had visited Tenebrae. You were from a lesser known branch of the Nox Fleuret family, being cousins with Ravus and Lunafreya. But you were the last of the branch; your parents had died years earlier, along with your older brother and sister. Sometimes, you felt so undeniably alone, only for Luna and Ravus to find you and cheer you up.
Your first encounter with the prince of Lucis was interesting, at least to the adults around you both. Neither of you had known of the other's existence until you had been looking for Luna.
“Luna! Luna!” you called, tears threatening to spill. You and your cousin always hung out with one another at this time, but for the past few weeks, she had been avoiding you. And you were afraid -- afraid that you were losing her the same way you had lost your older siblings. Out of sheer desperation, you had run into the greenhouse, crying, “Luna!”
You had found your cousin, along with an unfamiliar face. It was a boy, around your age, and he was sitting in a wheelchair with a book perched on his knees. When you had cried out, both he and Luna had turned to you. “(Y/n), are you alright?” Luna asked, standing from where she sat next to the boy. Unbidden, your tears started falling.
“Is this why you’ve been avoiding me, Luna?” you asked, voice breaking. “Because you have a new friend? Do you not need me anymore…?”
“(Y/n), that’s not--” But she didn’t get to finish because you bolted, running through the halls of Fenestella Manor. But you didn’t see the man standing in front of you right outside the greenhouse, and ran straight into his legs.
“(Y/n), are you alright, dear?” Aunt Sylva said, coming to kneel at your side. You curled up in a ball, hugging your knees to your chest as the tears fell faster.
“Does Luna not need me anymore, Aunt Sylva? Is that why she’s been avoiding me? Do I serve no purpose here any longer?” At your rambling, your aunt hugged you to her, shushing you and rubbing your back.
“I can assure you that is not the case, my dear,” Sylva cooed, brushing strands of your hair from your face. “Luna will always need you.”
“I didn’t realize there was another child in the Manor, Queen Sylva,” the man standing next to your aunt said, making you freeze. You slowly looked up to him, feeling intimidated by the amount of black he wore. Yet, he looked kind -- and kind of like the kid Luna was currently with.
“Yes, she is my niece, King Regis,” Sylva offered, pulling you to your feet. “(Y/n), I would like you to meet King Regis Lucis Caelum, King of Lucis. Regis, this is my niece and Luna’s future advisor, (Y/n) Nox Fleuret.”
You were overcome by a sense of shyness that rarely showed itself as you hid behind your aunt, causing both her and the king to laugh.
“Dad!” a boy’s voice made you look to your right and see both Luna and the boy approaching the three of you. Taking a closer look at the man the boy had called ‘dad’, you realized that their resemblance now made perfect sense.
“(Y/n), I’m sorry,” was the first thing Luna uttered, and you were quick to hug her, almost sending the taller girl to the ground. Luna’s face was split with a sweet smile, and you glared at the boy.
It wasn’t until a month later that anyone had the decency to introduce you to the prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum.
When Tenebrae was occupied by the Empire, you had been taken by King Regis to live in Lucis, apparently at the behest of your aunt. Queen Sylva had an idea that the Empire was closing in on the country, and had asked Regis to take care of you, the last of your lineage. It took a while, but you got used to the hustle and bustle of Insomnia, and began going to school with Noctis as a close friend.
That time in your life was very difficult, having to juggle between schoolwork and learning how to be an advisor -- that was your job, after all. The branch family of the Nox Fleurets have always been advisors to the Oracle, and that hadn’t changed since that role had been passed down to you from your siblings. You had spent many a sleepless night going over protocol, only to fall asleep during school. Many times you had been reprimanded by those at the Citadel. The only ones that seemed to give you some room were Regis and Ignis, the boy training to become Noctis’s advisor.
“I can’t do this, Ignis,” you sobbed, rubbing furiously at your eyes in an attempt to stay the tears. “I can’t! I can’t help Luna!”
“Yes, you can,” the older boy chided, shaking your shoulders gently. You shook your head at his words.
“I can’t!” You had had enough at this point. You were seven years removed from your home, forced to start anew in a foreign land without your family. Hell, you hadn’t even been able to take with you the one picture you had with them. Your body is filled with hopelessness, making your limbs sink like lead to the floor. Yet you still mustered up enough strength to throw the Nox Fleuret crest across the room. “I should’ve been the one to die, not them! Sera should be here, or even Sole -- not me! They would know what to do…”
When you awoke, it was to King Regis and Noctis sitting next to your bed, and an unfamiliar blond standing awkwardly in the corner.
“(Y/n)!” Noctis called as soon as your eyes opened, crushing you in a hug. “I’m so glad you’re alright!”
“I can’t help her…” you whispered, daring not to meet his gaze. You stared at the ceiling, feeling the tears begin again. “It should’ve been me, Noctis. If it hadn’t been for me, Sera and Sole would still be alive… I’m useless to Lady Lunafreya… Why did it--”
“You’re not useless, (Y/n)” The heat in the prince’s voice caused all in the room to stare incredulously. The lazy prince had never so much as raised his voice since you two had met, and your tears stopped momentarily. You finally met his gaze, taking in a sharp breath at the look that met you. “You can help Luna, I know it. Wanna know how I know?” You furrowed your brows as you waited for him to continue. “Because you’re still the same girl who glared at me while hugging Luna.”
When you were eighteen, you and Noctis became inseparable, bonding over your shared love of video games. At first, you were hesitant when the man had convinced you to play a game at the arcade with him and Prompto -- the blond that you had seen three years prior in your room -- but soon found out that they were pretty good stress-relievers. Since then, you have been hooked, spending most of your time not spent training playing games.
It was also that same year that you realized what you felt for the heir: you loved him. But you knew how he felt -- about you, and about Luna. He loved the Oracle dearly, and while it pained you, you were happy for your cousin. And when the wedding was announced as part of the treaty?
You died a little on the inside, all while giving your prince the brightest smile you could.
You wanted so badly to be able to go with Noctis on his trip to Altissia, but fate had other plans for you. Regis had you stay in Insomnia, planning on sending you to Tenebrae -- to Luna --  soon after. But when she appeared in the Crown City, his plans were dashed. And when Insomnia fell, you were able to escape with her and Libertus, putting all those years of training to good use as both you and Nyx had to fight to keep the Oracle and the Ring safe from the Empire.
And you followed after your cousin for weeks as you two travelled all around Lucis, forging Covenants and helping the people. But for a reason you couldn’t remember, you and Luna were separated, and you were left behind once again. So, you stayed in Lestallum, where Gladilus’s sister Iris was. She was happy to see you well, and quickly told you that the boys were in Lestallum as well.
As soon as you saw Noctis, you were hurtling towards him, clinging to him desperately. After weeks of not knowing what had happened to the man and his entourage, seeing him in front of you, breathing, made everything come crashing down all at once. Sure, you were getting weird looks from passers-by, but you didn’t care. You were finally back with your best friend.
“Noctis,” your sobs echoed in the street as you clung to him. All the frustration of being left behind not once, but twice, came pouring out all at once. Your body shook with the intensity of the emotions that wracked your being, and at some point you had collapsed, taking Noctis with you.
“Hey, it’s okay, (N/n),” he whispered. One hand came to rest on your waist while the other stroked your hair. “I’m right here. I promise, I won’t leave you again. You’re stuck with me, for better or worse…”
Ten years. It’s been ten years, and Noctis stood before you with a lazy smirk on his face.
“Hey, (N/n),” he said. You barreled into him, sending him to the ground as you straddled his hips.
“You little fucker,” you scowled, keeping his back to the ground with your hands on his shoulders. “You promised, Noct. And you broke it. Do you have any idea how much it hurt to not see you come home after you left for Altissia? I needed you when Luna died, and where were you?”
“Well, I’m here now,” he interrupted, a hand coming to graze your cheek before cradling your face. He pulled your face down to his, lips landing lightly against yours. “We have time, my queen.”
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silvahscientiah · 6 years
What’s it worth? (Fleurentia, Niflheim!Ignis)
    Gotta Be a Reason by Alec Benjamin.
    He was on the front line, stranded on the beach,
    Crawling to his best friend, floating in the sea, but he didn’t make it.
    He still can’t believe how arbitrary fate is.
    (The changing of the seasons never changed my hurt, so what’s it worth, what’s it worth?)
    This is sad. Major Character Death.
    Niflheim/Tenebraen Alligence Ignis. Fleurentia.
    Ignis has always been a helpful comrade and a good man, and joined the army at Ravus’ side when Niflheim took Tenebrae by way of flame. Ignis works at his side as an advisor and tactician, and even Ardyn, (the bastard) seems impressed with him, and toys with Ignis surprisingly little. Perhaps he’s just invisible and Ravus is insane. (Sister, please. it’s a metaphor.)
    Ignis is left to tend to Lunafreya in Altissia, due to his Tenebraen upbringing and loyalty to the Oracle bloodline more so than Niflheim. Lunafreya smiles politely at him, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Ignis is fine with that, as he guides her to the altar.
    She looks around worriedly at the people, but keeps her head down as much as possible.
    The Imperial ships meet them there while the Hydrean rises, and Ignis attempts to keep Lunafreya standing, before falling to his knees himself from a wound on his shoulder that stings with the saltwater.
    Ardyn saunters up to the shattered land they’re using to stay away from the water rapidly rising.
    He approaches Lunafreya, and raises a blade. Ignis uses the lightning Ravus gifted him with and warps with a crack of light and the blade sinks into his stomach instead, and he gasps with the strange coldness, placing his free hand at the wound. Lunafreya jolts behind him, and raises the trident, her body shaking with the toil of the covenant. Ardyn grabs Ignis by the hair, and wrenches the blade free with a violent twist, causing him to cry out, and  cutting Ignis’ fingertips where they move to cover the wound, the wound rips open grotesquely with the violent twist, causing blood to spill from between his teeth and past his lips where his organs turn to mincemeat. Ignis quickly shifts his grip on his own dagger and uses both hands to push it upward and to where Ardyn’s heart should be. His body then fully gives way to weakness, pitching to the side, and Lunafreya grabs for him, her own coughs rattling in her chest as she presses her frail looking hands to his wound, her eyes wide with confusion.
    Ardyn tumbles back slightly, before removing the blade from his heart, and dropping it to the stones of the altar. It promptly gets washed away by a flood of water. Ignis breathes heavily through his nose in short gasps, and Ardyn drops to his knees as he tries to rise, the fatal poison on Ignis’ blade kicking in.
    Ignis wetly coughs, his body burning with the cold of the sea and the fever of his wound. Ignis pushes Lunafreya’s hands away from his stomach, soaked with blood, and presses his own shaking hands to the wound, “Save your strength for the journey ahead.”
    “Mr. Scientia, I will not live long, you should not have-”
    “Make peace with him before you do.” Ignis murmurs, and she takes his hands and prays for his safe passage, “Surely the Oracle would not deny a dying man that one thing.” His accent is distinctly Tenebraen.
    She wants to ask who but he is losing breath and blood and time.
    The man’s white silk shirt is turning red from the blood.The tiny blue sylleblossom embroidered on his chest pocket slowly turning to a bloody shade of black.
    He fights to stay awake, but his pulse slows and picks up erratically.
    Noctis lands nearby, and she calls upon the Kings of Olde for assistance as she runs her hand just above the raw wound, trying to keep him alive with what magic she can muster this soon after a covenant without undoing the progress of the man who lies dying before her, soaking her dress in his lifeblood. The rain that pours down violently soaks them both to the bone, and spills his blood into the sea with each pitcher of water it drops on them. His hair is soaked with the water that’s pulling itself up onto the altar, and it casts waves on her as she tries to keep his head above the water, pulling him up to rest against her. The taste of salt and the smell of his blood probably won’t leave her before she dies.
    She pulls her braid down and yanks her ponytail free, and her headache eases ever so slightly, but the tears she feels coming force their way out of her in silent gasps anyways. She cries because she feels powerless to save this man- the one thing she’s supposed to be able to do. She’s furious.
    He’s got a ring on his right hand, a simple thing with a sylleblossom engraving. Tenebraen, then. She doesn’t recognize him.
    Noctis is lowered carefully onto the altar, and she desperately aches to go to him, but she cannot leave this man’s side just yet. Noctis is propped up on a rock, safe from the rising water.
    Her brother arrives, and his eyes lock immediately to the soldier in her arms, and he warps in a bolt of lightning, kneeling beside him, reaching out. He intertwines their hands, and shifts him so that he’s in his arms, and the man’s eyes flutter open, smiling fondly, “ah, Dear Heart.” he whispers, in a choked breath, raising a hand slick with blood to her brother’s face, “I was worried I’d die without you,” he whispers, voice breaking as he coughs.
    Their right hands both bear the same band when Ravus intertwines their fingers.
    “This is-” She looks down at him, and really sees him, the scars by his eyes, the cut on his lip and on his nose, the mist glassiness of his left eye, the ash blond hair, the necklace at his throat in the shape of a moon, and tries not to feel angry when she tends to Noctis, as Ravus and Ignis say their goodbyes behind her. Ravus never told her the surname of his fiance, and Ignis never told her his first name. This is why the rings are on their right hands.
    Ignis. She feels her breath catch in her chest, and cradles Noctis’ head in her lap.
    She aches for her brother in that moment, as he breaks down behind her, and she pretends not to hear.
    “Thank you,” Ravus manages, and Ignis shushes him, trying not to provoke a coughing fit.
    “Let me die in peace,” Ignis whispers, barely audible, and Ravus growls, “I’d rather you not die at all,”
    “It’s happening, Ravus, be kind. Just,” Ignis seems to be falling apart, “Just hold me, please.”
    Ravus laughs but it’s soaked with his pain and tears, “Is that an order?”
    Ignis hums, and Ravus wraps his arms around him.
    It goes so silent for a moment she fears he might be dead, and when she turns, Ignis is looking at her brother with the most love in his eyes she’s ever seen in any one person, and he’s smiling, “Thank you,” and Ravus, through his tears murmurs, “whatever for?” and Ignis manages to gasp out, “Loving me,” before his breath leaves him in a rush and his eyes fall closed. Ignis runs out of time, and his face tilts limply where it’s cradled on Ravus’ arm, his long legs sprawled out before him. Ravus clutches his body, and clenches his teeth, trying to make his tears silent.
I don’t know how to write Luna so I just wrote my ..self? idk. idk.
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ferairia · 6 years
Tune up
Day and Prompt(s): Day 6, Prompto & Loqi as brothers Rating: General Word count: 1580 Warnings: Nearly Stealth Kill Loqi by accident. Attempts at sibling fluff. 
AO3 link : Tune up
Summary : Cid called Noct to get to Hammerhead. When they reached there, they saw Magitek Armours at the garage. Don’t worry, it ends with two Bros getting yelled by Big Sis for playing around with Magitek Armour at night.
Whilst the Prince and his retinue were at Wiz’s Chocobo Post, Noctis received a phone call from Cid asking him to drop by as soon as he could. Never before he had heard the old grump being excited but this time even Prompto was surprised.
“Pops rarely gets excited for anything.” Prompto said on the way to the car. “I mean, he does but…” He drifted off thoughtfully. His adoptive father was a hard man to please.
“Being a master mechanic, I surmised it would be machine related.” Ignis said as he strapped himself into the car. “No doubt he would automatically enthused.”
“If it’s weapons, I’ll be ‘automatically enthused” too. He’s always talking about more firepower anyway.” Came Gladio thoughtful quip.
“Come on, guys. Just get there. I kinda want to see what’s up, too.” Noctis whined from the passenger’s seat.
“Very well, Highness.” Ignis responded, starting the car. “Seatbelts, everyone.” He reminded one last time as he started to move.
Hammerhead is considered a safe haven. Cid would never betray them and would probably die before he spilt the beans on them. Like Jared did in Lestallum. As matter of fact, he would probably raise hell before he died and leave a crater where Hammerhead was.
Now that there was several Magitek Armour in the vicinity of the garage area, the four were cautious. They drove by Hammerhead and parked somewhere further from it as they scout the area.
Needless to say, Prompto had paled at the thought of Cid and the rest of Hammerhead cooperating with the Niffs but he had to see this through as a Crownsguard, family or not.
The crowds of civilians haven’t change but the presence of the Magitek Armour and parts, some of them charred, didn’t allay their suspicions.
The was a MAX- Cuirass unit with an opened cockpit. Someone in a black coveralls were tinkering on the cockpit’s side. The garage next to them was busy with the noise of a tool cranking and the laser cutter turning off and on.
Grabbing everyone’s attention with a wave, Noctis gestured at the man. He was going to go for a stealth kill, signaling by materializing one of his swords.
Suddenly, there were footsteps and the sound of heels hitting the concrete floor.
“Hey Loqi!” Cindy voice came from a blindside, from somewhere in the garage.
“What is it, Cindy?” The person answered, facing their way, squinting under the sun. His eyes laid on them and he froze at the sight of them, curious.
“The Prince is coming. Paw-paw wants yer down ‘ere.” Cindy answered. When he didn’t answer back, Cindy went closer to the Magitek Armour.
“What’s got into ya?” She asked in concern before turning towards the equally frozen four. “Oh, you’re here!?” She exclaimed in surprise.
That had led into a meal and explanation at Takka’s place. Which was pretty simple. After getting the boat to function and gotten back from Altissia, Cid mentioned to Cor about getting more firepower for the customizable weapons Noct had brought in. Cor suggested salvaging material from Keycatrich.
“So, you guys found those?” Noctis asked, disbelief was apparent.
“Indeed, we did.” Loqi answered back. “I am also quite sure that some of them bear the marks of your work.”
Noctis looked as if he had swallowed something sour. “Ugh, I still can’t get use to your accent.” He said, more to himself than not.
Loqi simply rolled his eyes as Cindy giggled. “If you think this is bad, wait ‘til ya see him with a bunch of schematics.”
At this Prompto snorted his drink by mistake and was coughing, hiding under the table as he did. Loqi took a few napkins to pass to him under the table.
“Noct, you seem to be perfectly fine with myself when I speak.” Ignis commented drearily.
Noctis took a moment to contemplate on that as Gladio tried to hide his laugh with a cough.
Prompto returned. “You can blame boarding school for that.” He told them.
“I suppose.” Loqi answered back with a shrug.
“Anyways, paw-paw is still tinkering with the machine he found at Keycatrich’s Trench. Gonna need all the Sophiars if it’s gonna finish before tomorrow.” Cindy quickly intervened after seeing the time.
“Wait, wait. What’s the thing he’s all excited about? Is it that thing?” Noctis asked before they got up from their seat. The three siblings looked at each other before Cindy answered.
“Paw-paw thought he could finish her up before y’all came here.” Cindy told him. “Was gonna get Loqi here ta help but you guys appeared.”
“Ah, I see. Pardon us for holding him.” Ignis apologized as the other two nodded.
The Sophiar trio left.
“Phew, that was close.” Cindy said when they were far from hearing range.
“Ok, spill.” Prompto asked excitedly, watching the other two. He knew there was something else on the agenda. Most probably not Prince related.
Loqi cleared his throat loudly. “Dear brother of mine.” He began dramatically. “I recall a wish made a long, long time ago.”
Cindy was laughing before giving Loqi a light slap while Prompto was looking at him like he had stars in his eyes. “Stop teasing him.”
“Come on, man.” Prompto groaned pathetically.
“Oh, alright.” Loqi gave up. “There’s a few Magitek Armour ready to be piloted.” He said with a small smile.
Prompto let’s out a muffled scream of before he hugged the both of them. “This is like, the best present in my life!” He said happily.
“Oh talking about presents, paw-paw did have something for Prince. “Cindy said, as if she just remembered while struggling to handle Prompto’s weight. “Need to give ‘im a hand with it.” She added as Prompto freed them from his hug.
“Ok!” He said with thumbs up.
The weapon was cleaned up and upgraded accordingly. It was almost dark when they were finished. Cindy went to get the Regalia for a check up while Cid retired for the day with a satisfied smile on his chair outside.
“C’mon Loqi, we could still make a round of it.” Prompto tried to coax, looking at the large MAX Cuirass.
“No, that’s not ready yet. Still figuring out the system.” Loqi explained. “Follow me. The ones that ready is at the back.” Loqi said as he gestured towards the garage.
True enough, there was two smaller Magitek Armour.
“Testing, testing. One, two, three.” Loqi said through his mic.
“Whoa!” Prompto exclaimed through his loudly.
“Shhhhh!” Loqi hissed through his. “If Cindy finds out-“
“QUIT YOUR ARMOUR SYSTEMS AND GET OUT OF ‘EM NOW!” Cindy voice cut through, shrill and definitely pissed. “WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT PLAYING IN THE DARK.”
The two brothers ended up getting an earful from their worried sister. As someone that had witness people being killed by demons alive it was a valid worry.
Afterwards Loqi decided to continue to run diagnostics on the MAX Cuirass.
“Mind if I join ya?” Prompto asked as he heads towards the Armour.
“Be my guest.” He answered as he climbed up.
“Hey, Loqi?” Prompto asked as he settled in the cockpit. There were wires everywhere with a few free monitor panels.
Loqi had settled at the side of the Armour like before. “Yes?” He answered back with a raised eyebrow. The programmes were booting up.
“You remembered the promise?” He asked again, almost hopeful.
Loqi gave a small smile at that. “I do.” He answered. “To be honest, I didn’t remember about this until I saw it.” He confessed. “Those days in the refugee slums aren’t the best but…” Loqi trailed. “There were things worth remembering.”
Prompto sniffled before he coughed. “Yeah. Man, I feel old.” He added, voice had a slight crack in it.
Loqi chuckled at that as he gave Prompto a reassuring pat. “To think that Cor is now a Marshall.” He said with a shake of his head. “Can’t believe we tried to fight him when he came for patrol.”
“He was scary as heck!” Prompto said in defense. “Plus he looked like a gangster.”
“Now, now.” Loqi placated as the codes on the screen started to form into a line.”If it wasn’t for him, we would still be in the slums. And Cid would have never known us.”
Prompto whimpered. “You won’t be saying that if you went training under him.” He whined as he tapped the screen.
He laughed at that. “He is Cor the Immortal, after all.” He said. “Let’s just focus on the Armour, alright. This one is a bit tricky compared to the smaller ones. We need to disarm the weapons.”
“Yeah, ok.” Prompto said as he tapped the screen to input a few codes.
When midnight came, the two brothers gave up and went to sleep.
The next day, Noctis had a new machinery, the Bioblaster. Apparently, it was near the entrance to the trenches.
“That was an oversight.” Ignis commented.
“The fact that it was over the arch of the entrance, I would certainly say the same as well.” Loqi quipped.
“Well, guys.” The Prince began as he kept the weapon into the Armiger. “We gotta get to the next Tomb.” He said. “Thanks for the weapon.”
“Sure. If ya find something good, let me go tinker on it.” Cid said.
“Sure do.” He answered back as they all clambered into the Regalia.
Prompto waved at the the trio there as they left Hammerhead.
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Out Here on my Own
Part 2
Word count is 31359.
TW of abuse, mentions of non-consensual relations, and mentions of death. Very much an emotional rollercoaster. Please let me know if I missed anything this should be tagged as.
 It had been 2 years since you were last in the Citadel since you were pardon and started a new life. You stayed in touch with Lunafreya through letters, but it was difficult from time to time as you weren’t as well versed in literature as she was, but Ignis was teaching you better. Still walking into the building was as horrifying as it was the first time, no matter how much the others stated that it was fine that you were there, and actually welcomed you were still so nervous.
As you stepped into the building following Ignis, and practically having Gladiolus shove you in, you put on the brakes, seeing not just Lunafreya come to greet you like last time, but Gladiolus’s Father and the silent one, Cor, you recalled Prompto calling him. You immediately moved back, dropping back behind Gladiolus who went to greet his Father.
“Hello Y/N,” Lunafreya called stepping over to you. “Goodness you look amazing.”
You couldn’t help but feel excited about this, Lunafreya always gave off this wonderful calming scent, like most Betas but this was pure. Your tail wagged quickly as she cupped your face, stroking along your cheeks and neck.
It had been two years, and your fur had filled out completely and you put on a healthy amount of weight and muscle from hunting with Gladiolus and Ignis’s cooking along with the playful games of tag Prompto would pull you in a moments notice.
“I’m certain that you are tired, let’s get you into something nice.” Lunafreya smiled, a hand resting on your back, as she turned to her brothers. “I’m going to take your lovely bride to get dressed.”
This got you swarmed by your mates, getting licks and cuddles before you trotted off with Lunafreya.
As the four men made their way to the male dressing room, they were shocked to see the eldest of the Lucian pack, shifting out of his pure white form. Dual colored eyes turning to the group that so noisily entered.
“It seems you’ve finally arrived.”
“Ravus,” Noctis called, shifting next.
“We were under the impression that you were to have shown yesterday,” Ignis stated, shaking the man’s hand.
“Had some troubles in Tenebrae, our dear Uncle seems to have been deteriorating further than we believed.” Ravus replied as he got changed into his attire, “Yet we are here for our newest pack member correct? Noctis, you seem to keep attempting to make the pack larger.”
Noctis smirked, pulling on a shirt, “Someone’s got to since you’re too busy chasing your tail.”
Ravus chuckled, stepping toward his younger brother, showing his height, “Perhaps you should chase your tail as well, whether you like it or not dear brother, the throne of Lucis falls to you, as the throne to Tenebrae falls to me.”
Gladiolus quickly stepped between the two, rather not having to explain why the two were in another fight having only seen each other for less than five minutes, the two could hardly ever be in the same room. If only the two realized how alike they were while being stubborn than maybe they’d actually have actually gotten along after they both hit puberty.
Ravus scoffed turning away from them as he exited the room, “I shall see you in the throne room.”
The four quickly got dress worried about you being nervous left alone in the throne room, considering the last time you were there it was rather emotionally draining. Only to find you waiting outside with Lunafreya, looking so elegant in the blacks of Lucian royalty. A smile appearing on your face, as you noticed your mates approached also within the blacks of their home.
“Ready?” Lunafreya smiled, holding tightly to your hand.
You nodded softly, knowing now that if you were too frightened one of your mates would be at your side to protect you. Still, you were nervous, and you kept telling yourself not to fall into those nasty habits that you had broken, the last shackles from that horrid nightmare that you escaped from. Everyone here liked you, you hoped, well wanted to believe. Only to gasp as you noticed a man you had never seen before talking to the King and Queen.
“There you all are.” Sylva cooed, as she stepped over to your group entering the room. The woman using a speed that betrayed her age, as she actually moved beyond her sons. “There’s my sweet daughter.”
You released Lunafreya’s hand, moving aside, you were lead to believe that Lunafreya was the only one to stay close to home. Did she go on a trip and not mention it? You squeaked only to be swept you up in a hug, followed by pressing a kiss to your forehead and a quick nuzzle.
“Welcome home, Sweetheart.” Sylva cooed, wrapping her arm around your own, the both of your dresses moving against one another as she moved you further into the room. You were just along for the ride at this point. “You’ve never met Ravus have you?”
You turned confused eyes to the man, he smelt slightly different than the rest of the pack, which all smelled of nature, he had the “water” scent like Sylva and Lunafreya, but also something different like metal. That’s when you noticed his eyes, they were beautiful and two different colors.
“Y/N I presume, a pleasure,” Ravus stated bowing his head.
“Hello, Ravus.” You cooed out, only to notice the strange look he gave you before he smiled giving you another nod.
“I believe I have you to thank that my brothers have been getting their work done.” He inquired.
You smiled towards your mates before turning back to the other man, "I want to help them the best I can. You're in Tarabene correct? Your penmanship is absolutely beautiful. I love reading your reports."
Ravus couldn't stop the slightly falter at your blunt honesty, but this didn't stop him from glaring at his brothers who had a chuckle at their wife's innocent compliment. Only to turn back to you with soft eyes as you smiled up to him, "Thank you."
“Now, now Ravus.” Sylva softly scolds, as Regis moved over pressing a kiss to your forehead as well. “We didn’t come here to talk about politics, we’ve come to welcome Y/N home.”
You turned just in time to bend down and catch Iris, “You’ve gotten so big, Iris I didn’t recognize you.”
“Big sister!” Iris cooed hugging you tightly. “You’re going to stay longer this time right?”
“I believe we’re here for a few days.” You smiled, only for Iris to notice the flower pendant in your hair.
“You’re wearing it!”
“It is my favorite.” You giggled.
Iris turned huge eyes to her brothers than back to you, “I get to sit with you at dinner right?”
“Sure.” You smiled setting her down, taking her hand as you allowed Sylva to lead you to the dining area where you would all go over your party plans for the following day.
You were so nervous, so extremely nervous! Iris offered to take you around town to calm your nerves while they set up your actual party for this evening, but one Clarus Amicitia invited himself along, stating that he wants to check on the rounds, you knew that he was uncomfortable with you and Iris being alone.
You knew that Clarus was King Regis right hand, often going out into the city to view that the people were fine. He was also King Regis’s second in command, which was confusing since Noctis and Gladiolus had kind of the same dynamic but treated each other differently than their Fathers.
“Daddy doesn’t really go out with me a lot,” Iris replied holding tightly to your hand, as she moved you through the city streets Clarus following not far behind the two of you.
“I’m sure that it takes a lot of work making sure the Citadel runs smoothly.” You smiled back. “Ignis and Gladiolus ask me to help with some of the reports from time to time and I don’t get how they can do it all the time.”
“Do you get bored out there?”
You thought for a moment before giggling, “No, they all keep me pretty busy. Prompto and I are trying to grow cucumbers but a flock of wild Chocobo keeps eating them. But Gladdy says it was moogles.”
“You saw a moogle for real?” Iris beamed toward you.
“It was that or a white Tonberry.”
Iris gasped stopping both of you, “You’ve seen a Paleberry?”
You giggled softly, “Yeah, Prompto, Ignis and I were coming back from the market this winter and we saw a few.”
“That’s so cool!” Iris cheered, only for the both of you to jump as you heard a shrill siren, followed by a red truck rushing by quickly chased by two wolves wearing the cloaks of the Royal army.
Clarus quickly moved before the two of you, “Come along.” He called rushing after the truck.
The three of you arrived on the scene, finding a two-story house aflame, a woman screaming on the lawn, holding a young toddler.
Iris turned toward you, watching the look of horror on your face, wrapping a hand around the bottom of your dress she tugged to get your attention, “Big sister?”
You snapped from shock looking down to Iris, "I...I'm sorry..."
"Stay back!" Clarus barked, it seemed a few of the royal pack were on the scene, so Clarus would be needed for the moment. "Iris, Y/N stay back."
Iris nodded, taking your hand as she begun to tug you, you were still rather focused on the house in flames, "Big Sister, come on."
You allowed Iris to pull you towards the sidewalk where a crowd was starting to gather, only to quickly turn back to the house. You quickly knelt before Iris, scooping her up before handing her to the first Royal Gaurd member you found."Iris stay with him please."
"But what about you?" Iris cried.
"I'll be fine."
Iris went to reply, only to find you rushing back to the house.
The last time Noctis recalled racing down these hallways was when he was still living within the Citadel, Gladiolus chasing him down for practice, while Ignis was following afterward to make certain the larger Alpha didn’t accidentally crush the smaller Alpha when bounding around a corner. Again.
Still, as the four rushed down the hallway to the hall where Noctis’s old room was located, they were tripping over one another to get into the door. Only to push it open, seeing you sitting on a loveseat, speaking to Clarus and holding a sleeping Iris cradled in your lap as if you weren’t covered in bandages, turning to the door with large eyes at your four mates falling into the room. Once correcting themselves the four of them rushed around the chair that you were seated in, asking you in very extreme states of worry if you were okay and what happened.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” You smiled, trying to assure that you were indeed fine and there was nothing to worry about, despite the wounds that littered your body.
Ignis knowing better and that you never liked for them to see you unwell, turned to Gladiolus having an unsaid conversation.
“Dad, what happened?” Gladiolus asked, stroking your hand, on Iris's lap turning to his Father.
Clarus chuckled, “We followed some of the recruits to a fire, apparently there was an infant in the house. None of heard the crying, but before we knew it, Y/N had covered herself in water and ran into the house.”
“What?” Prompto cried, trying to stop himself from crawling in your lap only to find it full of a sleeping Iris, so he settled for resting his head against your knee tears in the corner of his eyes, which only fell as you reached out stroking his head, giving him a soft smile as your nails moved in just the spot he liked.
“She jumped out the window, the kid didn’t have a scratch on them. She suffered a few burns on her legs and a few cuts on her arm she used to shield herself and the baby, but other than that, she was given a clean bill of health.” Clarus chuckled. “She didn’t even think twice if she was closer I would have put her on the squad in a heartbeat.”
You flushed at the praise, shifting Iris in your lap, only to hand her over to Gladiolus as he reached for her so that he could properly lay her down on the couch behind you, “I just wish I didn’t scare Iris so much.” You called holding out the scarf you were using to keep Iris warm to Gladiolus. "Please tuck her in Gladdy.
Clarus chuckled, “Iris thinks you’re amazing.”
"I wasn't thinking before I realized it, I was outside on the lawn again."
Clarus stood stepping over to you as he rested a hand on your head, "My Daughter the Hero. Gladiolus and the others picked a fine wife."
Everyone turned to the doors, as both Regis and Sylva rushed in shoving beyond their sons and Clarus, followed by Lunafreya and a rather calm Ravus.
“Are you okay, Sweetheart?” Sylva cooed, cupping your face softly, the motion soothing you automatically, as you nodded softly. The woman sitting down beside you, before pulling you into a tight hug, “My brave girl.”
“If you want, Sweetheart we can have the physician look you over and postpone the party.” Regis offered stroking your head. “It was a pretty stupid idea to have your party this evening, everyone knows Saturdays are better. We'll just reschedule for next week.”
“I don’t want to cause any more trouble.” You called as Sylva checked you over herself.
“You could never, we want to make certain you enjoy yourself. It is your party.”  Lunafreya smiled, petting your hand as she knelt before you were Prompto once sat. “It also means you can stay a little longer, and I can finally take you shopping like I promised.”
“Is that okay?” You asked softly, only to have Regis and Sylva give you a confused look.
“Of course, Sweetheart.” Sylva smiled. “Why wouldn’t it?”
Regis smiled resting a hand on your own, “Our daughter is always welcomed home for as long as she wants, a few days, months, I'm sure Sylva wouldn't mind a few years.”
You didn’t even have time to catch the tears that fell from your eyes or notice them fall, only to hear Regis gasp in shock.
“Sweetheart, why are you crying?” Sylva asked getting a handkerchief from Ravus as she began to dry your face.
You smiled through your tears, “I’m…I’m sorry. I’m just so happy. I don’t mean to cry, but it won’t stop.”
“Oh Sweetheart, you can cry all you want.” Syliva cooed stroking your hair as she pulled you into another hug. “You’re a part of our family.”
“I just never had a family.” You whispered softly,
It felt nice.
"You do now, Sweetheart." Regis chuckled, petting your hand where your ring rested.
You glanced to everyone in the room, only to find your tears falling harder as you saw the caring faces surrounding you. Only to feel your own smile widen just the tiniest bit more. "Thank you."
Your ‘Welcome home” party was everything you wished for, you were surrounded by your family, and despite how much fun you had there, you still were happy to return home. Your injuries heal rather quickly, as your mates refused to allow you to overdo it until the last bruise faded. This did give you a little more kisses and nuzzles but you didn’t mind as they kept it up afterward as well.
You glanced at the living room wall, where you nestled between Prompto and Ignis who were having a rather nice banter over Chocobos, smiling at the large picture of the Lucian Royal pack. There were actually quite a few pictures that were sent not long after you all returned home.
The picture of yourself and Lunafreya sharing a rather large piece of cake. Stating that if the two of you split it, it would only count as half. The picture of you dancing with each of your mates, it didn’t take long for you to learn the steps, but to be held so warmly in their arms, you looked like a lovesick pup in each one of them while you gazed at them.  Lunafreya even convinced Ravus to give you a dance, which was caught on film, which you realized that even though your new brother in law seemed to look stern he was actually really sweet. The picture of you resting against Clarus while having an exhausted Iris draped across your lap, using your shawl as a blanket. The adorable picture of you receiving a drink from Cor, and the toast in your honor from your parents.
In the center of all those pictures was the large family portrait where Sylva made absolutely certain that you were in the center. It reminded you and rooted you within your new role, of a Daughter, a sister, and mate to an amazing family.
The sun was so bright today, and a lot warmer than it had been the year previous when you had been wedded to your pack. A year of growth, there were a few challenges that came with every relationship, but nothing that you all couldn't beat together.
“I’ll go get Noctis and Prompto.” You cooed pressing a kiss to Ignis cheek then Gladiolus sitting at the kitchen table, as you stepped out the back door.
“Stay on the path, I marked for you,” Gladiolus called from the table dealing with the last issue in Citadel news.
“I will.” You cheered smiling brighter as you heard “That’s my girl”, you knew that if you left it up to Noctis he would be out fishing all day and Prompto would be taking those lovely pictures of nature, but dinner time was a special time for you pack, it was when everyone would be together and with the rule of no work at the table it meant everyone got to relax and forget the stresses of the Tenebrae treaty, which if you understood correctly meant the land would be a mid ground heaven point between the Lucian pack and others and actually would make crossing territories a much smoother process.
Politics still confused you, no matter how much Ignis attempted to explain, but you knew this meant that it would be less longer nights for your mates and elder brother working on the other end of things.
You hummed as you stepped through the forest, the sun warm in spots where it flickered through the leaves. It would have been faster in wolf form, but it was so nice today and thick fur often didn’t enjoy the late spring sun. Maybe you could make a fruit basket and take the boys down to fishing hole once you all got caught up on Citadel business. It had been a while since the four of you went out together to just relax. If you recalled correctly, the last time was when you all had to return to the Citadel to attend a meeting, that called for the entire part of the Prince's pack to make an appearance. 
You only had to mostly stand there and look the part of the new Princess, it was your first official public appearance after all. You were just happy to have made it out without embarrassing your mates.
You stopped, looking around expecting to see a Chocobo as it was still too early for Tonberry’s to be out. Plus it sounded much heavier than a Tonberry! You moved slower, hoping to get closer to Noctis and Prompto. If it was a wolf they would have sounded a howl to alert themselves unless it was a stray, but strays typically don’t cause issues, you, yourself were actually the first stray your mates had seen. Ever.
Still, you picked up your pace, worried that if you shifted it would draw whatever the creature’s attention was after you. Doing what Gladiolus had taught you, to stay within the treeline and keeping downwind.
Only to freeze in your tracks, standing before you were three Beta wolves, but unlike Ignis and Prompto, these didn’t give off a scent of calming. These wolves were breed through certain lines to make them warriors. You knew this immediately, from their red eyes and the sickly green tint to their fur. These wolves never took human form and only followed their Alpha’s command, and were known to kill upon sight.
You panicked darting into the tree line, you were at the halfway point to the house and the others. You’d be able to duck and dodge through the brush easier in human form, which you were lucky because you were too horrified to transform. You knew it was stupid to run away, but three of them against you triggered your instinct to flee.
You screamed as one leaped barely missing your leg, pushing yourself further as you realized that you were running home. Another scream left you as another nicked your shoulder throwing you forward but you managed to keep your footing. You kept running, refusing to look back, only to gasp as you slammed into something broad.
You looked up, now noticing what you had ran into was Gladiolus, but you were panicking, now noticing the tears streaming down your face and how much your lungs burned from running. Only to gasp as Gladiolus pulled you close, letting out a growl as he stared down the three wolves that chased you down.
“This is Lucian territory Nifs, you have not only cross Tenebrae but attack a Lucian. Explain yourself.” He barked as Ignis rushed to your side, the two men putting themselves between you and the wolves.
“If you do not explain yourselves we will be forced to take action,” Ignis growled.
You let out a scream as one of the wolves pounced at Gladiolus, who easily caught the other wolf throwing it into a tree. Only to gasp as another attacked right after going for your throat, only to be kicked away by Ignis.
“Iggy, they’re after her, take her home I’ll tell Noctis and  Prompto to get there too,” Gladiolus called removing his clothing to transform.
Ignis turned easily picking you up, as he raced back towards the house, stepping into the Master bedroom, and placing you down within the closet, surrounding you within the duvet before pulling you into his lap. Tucking your head underneath his chin, as he placed your ear to his heart, using the duvet to wipe your tears.
“I’m here Darling, you’re here, we’re here.”
You recalled this phrase, it was the same one that Ignis used quite a while ago when you woke up in a sweat and crying from a nightmare and couldn’t catch your breath. He described it as a panic attack. You closed your eyes tightly, burying your face within his shoulder, worried about Gladiolus no matter how much you tried to tell yourself that he would be fine a new image would appear telling you the opposite.
You didn’t hear Prompto or Noctis come in nor feel them curl around you tightly. Your tears had stopped coming and you were still trying to catch your breath. You were unsure of just how long you were in the closet, or in the arms of your mates, your body shaking trying to feel safe, but Gladiolus. Where was Gladiolus?
Prompto sniffed uncurling around from you, as he moved to the door, hearing three rhythmic taps. Reaching up as he unlocked the door from the inside, as Gladiolus stood on the other side. The large Alpha looking over the others, only to see you still buried within Ignis’s shoulder completely disassociated with the world. The man knelt before the closet, making himself appear as small as possible.
"Gladio." Ignis sighed in relief, as he uncurled an arm around you to stroke Gladiolus's cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, what about all of you?" He asked, pressing a kiss to Prompto's forehead and then Noctis.
"Fine...but Y/N." Noctis stated as he moved out the closet to allow Ignis easier access at getting out. Still holding you tight to his chest, as he stood before Gladiolus.
“Come here, Sweetheart.” Gladiolus called reaching out to take you from Ignis, pressing a kiss to Ignis forehead, he was happy to see the rest of his family safe.
You turned to look up only to stare at the man, “Gladdy? Gladiolus!” You cried as you reached up wrapping your arms around him a new wave of tears began to fall.
“Gladio you’re bleeding,” Prompto called, as Gladiolus adjusted you better.
“I’m fine, just a scratch. Come on, that’s my girl.” Gladiolus called as he moved the four of you into the living room. “Noct you mind grabbing my sweatshirt.”
As Gladiolus settled on the couch, you sat firmly on his lap, making certain that he was indeed there. The entire time you sat there you wondered just how Gladiolus had fought three of those wolves and only walked away with only just a few scratches. You had watched wolves exactly like those tear apart other wolves easily without any trouble. It wasn't that you didn't trust your mate to be strong, just you had known those wolves to not give up unless they were dead even when facing down an Alpha.
“Are you feeling better, Love?” Ignis asked taking the cup of tea he had given you to calm you down.
You looked up to the man from your where you sat on Gladiolus lap bundled in his sweatshirt, Noctis and Prompto had taken a seat as well, luckily Gladiolus's lap was big enough to hold all of you, “I…Ignis I…”
“It’s fine, you’re safe.” Noctis whispered against your shoulder.
“Yeah, those assholes didn’t know what hit them.” Gladiolus chuckled, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Do you know anything about them?”
You nodded weakly, fidgeting with the sleeves of the hoodies, “They’re from Niflheim.”
Ignis knelt before taking your hands within his own, “You know that we do not care as to where you came from, but we want to make certain that you are safe even if we’re not here. We will do whatever it takes to make sure that you are safe.”
You nodded again, “Thank you.”
“No need to thank us,” Noctis replied, nuzzling into your shoulder. “We love you.”
You smiled weakly, “I love you too.”
Throughout dinner you attempted to act as if nothing was wrong, the others didn’t seem to notice, and you figured that after a few days this would be nothing but a bad dream that you could shrug off and be fine with. Still, it did not stop you from the nightmare that clung to your vision as you were woken up by Noctis that evening.
Both Gladiolus and Ignis moved into the room as well, having finished up reports of the attack and rouge Nilfhielm wolves that Gladiolus had had to kill when they heard your horrid screams and both Noctis and Prompto frantic to wake you.
“Please tell us what’s wrong,” Prompto called, nuzzling into your side, both he and Noctis holding your hands since you were awakened.
You opened your mouth starting from the beginning, explaining how as a baby you were taken from your mother at a young age, so young you couldn't recall her face or scent. How as a child you were raised in an environment where no one was seen as a person and given basic knowledge, but to fit into one of three categories, warrior, worker or fodder for the Alpha. Everything was for the Alpha, a complete opposite of the life you were given now, which would explain why you weren't originally in touch with your animal side.
“…when, when you become 8 that’s when you normally are decided, most Omegas fill the lesser roles of servants to others, most maids or gifts for trades to other packs. Because of my mother, I was chosen as a Breeding Bitch.”
“What?” Gladiolus and Noctis growled at the term that was banned in Lucian territory, a term used for Omegas that would have no mated ties but an Alpha would breed her to produce heirs alone, almost always without the Omega’s consent, but it was an old barbaric term hardly ever heard of now.
Ignis gave them both a look before turning back towards you, “Please continue.”
You sighed softly fingers fidgeting with the blankets, “From then on, I was surrounded by children, to work on the motherly instinct to put forth heirs to the throne. I remember the first time I failed, I had offered a younger girl my food, and I…I was denied food and water for a week. There were so many times that I was forced into my wolf skin, forced to stay in it weeks at a time until you forget your human self and then suddenly given back. I was 8 the first time I got the barbell, 9 the first time I was muzzled, each time for longer periods, when you turn back after weeks like that you become insane.
“When, when I turned 13 I was moved into the Alpha’s inner circle. Most breeding bitches can start to produce around that time, I was not, I never had a heat nor blood moon. Because of this I was forced into a muzzle and had the barbell added constantly again and again because something was wrong with me. Still, the Alpha didn’t want to get rid of me, I don’t know why twisted or hatred of me specifically. He stated that he wished to breed me specifically I was a good...Breeding Bitch for him and even if I couldn't provide an heir I was a... 
“My Alp…the old Alpha there was something wrong with him, he was sick. Alpha sickness from one that had been around too long. He knew that I couldn’t bare him, children,, so he would have me follow him around, beg for scraps of food, lay on the cold floor if I was lucky enough not to be placed within the cage he kept for me at the foot of his bed, as if I was his pet. If I ever displeased him, which was often, from being just a few moments late with breakfast, to even if my stomach growled on nights he did not feed me, I was beaten. I was hardly ever lucky unless we had a guest. He would allow them to do pretty much anything they wished, aside from mating me. He would always state that was for him, and that my first child would be one of his and only his.
“I’ve had my hair ripped out, my fur set on fire,  knives thrown at me, beaten whenever he was in a bad mood or even a good one." You explained, motioning toward old mostly fade wounds now, on your arms, legs, and the few now hidden by your hair. "He loved to see how much punishment I could take before he could break me, but the moment I showed weakness I was harmed more, so much so that I’d pass out from pain or just hunger.” You took a deep breath ashamed to look to the others, you should have told them this a long time ago, but now that it was coming out, you couldn't really stop yourself from letting it all flow out.  
“I knew that with the older I got the more my novelty would wear off. So I did anything I could to prove that I deserved to live. The night I left, I got the worse beating. I had embarrassed him before some of his guests by still not producing an heir, he told me I was useless to him, that I was useless as a human or wolf and he should just kill me but that would give me what I want. All of this while there was a knife at my throat. 
“So I swallowed some mothballs and covered myself with peppermint oil. I figured that even if he had caught me then I would die from the poisoning before I made it back. But no one chased me, no one tried to follow me, I ran for so long until I eventually passed out in the sunflowers. I thought that I was going to die there, and I was happy for the first time in my life.
“I was a breeding bitch would had never been outside and I just ran. I had nowhere to go, but I figured anything was better.” You muttered, rubbing the tears from your eyes, still too ashamed to look up at the men before you. “I…I understand if you were to hate me, you all deserve this information years ago. I just…”
You were unable to finish as you were suddenly surrounded by the strong embrace of your pack. All of them shedding tears for you, for your story and the hardship you had gone through.
“Y/n.” Noctis cried on your shoulder. “I promise you on my life and honor that I will protect you. I love you so much.”
“We know this was hard for you, but know that we will do everything in our power to right the wrongs that have happened,” Ignis whispered into your hair. “I love you so.”
“You are so much stronger than you think you are, I will lay down my life to make certain that I protect you from anything like that again. I love you.” Gladiolus muttered against your temple.
“Pluh…please know that this doesn’t change anything,  I love you, all of you as you are.” Prompto wailed into your neck.
You cried as you realized that the four men around you would protect you from those dreams that haunted your memories. “I love you too.”
The night you all didn't get too much sleep, instead, you were held tightly in the arms of the men time and again. Not many words exchanged between you all, but none were needed just soft touches, guiding hands and soft smiles. It spoke more than anything.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay to make it? We can request a car.” Ignis stated standing beside you in the yard wearing his cloak.
It had been just over two years since you had joined your pack, and it was starting to become that time of year when the weather couldn’t make up its mind resulting in the pack passing around a cold. You being the last one to get it and unfortunately, it seemed to hit you the hardest, but you shook it off with a smile.
“I’ll be fine, I’m sure a run will do me good.” You smiled, removing Noctis’s cloak, getting a lick from him as a thank you.
“Let us know if you don’t feel good, we’ll stay slower. There’s no shame in having one of us carry you.” Gladiolus replied, stroking your head.
“I will.”
The 2-hour track did take a little longer this go around, as you had to stop a few times to catch your breath, eventually having Gladiolus take your bags and Ignis pushing you onto his back. Still, it felt nice, it was starting to get warm, and as you moved into the city, that spring wind was starting to disperse giving the warm sun you had been wanting.
“Hi, Y/N.” Lunafreya smiled engulfing you in a hug. “Prompto stated that you were still feeling a little under the weather, did you want to rest a little while?”
“No, no it’s fine, I want to see Mom and Dad.” You replied as she led you to the changing room, seeing that you were only in a cloak at this time.
Lunafreya reached forward, pressing a hand to your forehead, “You feel a little warm and do have a glow. Maybe a little rest will do some good after lunch.”
“I don’t want to be a burden.”
Lunafreya smiled as she moved you behind the changing screen before going to go grab you a dress, “My little sister would never be a burden.”
Within a quick change, you always had to hide your giggles as your attire at home was completely different than your attire at the Citadel. You mentioned it to your mates, but they stated they liked both, so you never were worried about it. As you entered the throne room, you were very excited to find that it was only your family for the next few evenings. The Eos pack summoning wouldn’t happen until Saturday, which meant you all got to catch up on family time before all the politics were to be held.
“Hi, Sweetheart, are you feeling okay?” Sylva cooed, pressing her welcome kiss to your cheek.
“We heard you were getting over a cold,” Regis replied, kissing your other cheek.
“I’m fine.” You giggled, as Clarus hugged you.
“That’s my girl, Amicitia’s know no pain, but let us know if you need to rest.” He stated which caused you to giggle as Gladiolus took the cold the worse and whined the entire time, despite getting over it in about 3 days.
“There’s no shame in resting,” Cor replied resting a hand on your head.
“I will.” You smiled, as your eyes turned Ravus, who you knew was rather exhausted, the Treaty of Tenebrae as it was officially dubbed had taken a lot out of him, and being the next Prince or maybe King was better, of Tenebrae made him see a little more aged. “Hello, Ravus.”
Ravus moved over giving you a quick embrace, with a soft smile. Everyone had stated that Ravus always had a soft spot for his sisters.
“Let’s get you all something to eat and relax for the evening.”
After the late lunch, you found yourself in the sitting room with Ravus, Lunafreya, and Sylva, only to find that you had dozed off, your head resting on the Queen’s lap who refused to move and demanded that no one would wake you or try to put you to bed out of fear of waking you. She also missed having one of her kids do this, so she was determined not to give it up.
For the next few days, you would find yourself dozing off or waking up from naps that you weren’t aware that you were taking to being with. Gladiolus joked that Noctis must have infected you, but Ignis had figured you were still getting over your cold. Still the night of the of the entire reason you were pulled together came, and despite the rest of your family constantly assuring you that you could rest, you wanted to show face. You would not be the first Princess to miss this ball, and considering you only had to stand beside one of your family members, or stand during speeches that you did not have to give since you married into the family you considered this both lucky and easy.
It was your first political party and you want to show that you were a supportive mate, even if you weren’t always certain of what was going on. You mingled with the crowd, and managed to find some way to stay within the sights of your family who would arrive should they find you were getting flustered or worried. Including when Sylva invited you to the thrones to rest yourself after noticing that you looked a little flush.
Halfway through the party, it all seemed to halt as the doors opened and another pack was introduced almost hesitantly. All night packs had been introduced time and time again, the party would stop for a few moments to greet them properly before conversations were started again. This time the one fell hush for too long.
“Introducing Ardyn of the Inuzina pack of Nilfhelm.”
“I was not expecting him to…Y/N Sweetheart are you fine?” Regis asked as he noticed the look of dread on your face.
You went to open your mouth, but you couldn't, you couldn't speak and it felt hard to breathe. This was worse than a panic attack, this was pure fear reaching up to grab you by the throat, stopping any words that wanted to come out.
“Clarus, please escort Y/N to the drawing room,”Sylva called, as she stroked your arms. “I’ll send the boys to you.”
“Come on,” Clarus stated, leading you out the room quickly, as you both got out of sight from the party, you quickly collapsed in on yourself. Your large dress trapping your legs as you seemed to shut down, it took every part of you to remember to breathe and even that was hard. Clarus knelt as he adjusted you better to make certain he had a hold of you, and the dress the man carry you out to a private waiting chamber. “You’re fine, it’s fine.” He tried to comfort you.
Yet each time you attempted to catch your breath you only found yourself panting harder It felt like everything was spinning and you were dunked underwater, you felt tears ruining your make up, and your body goes numb. You didn’t even realize that the others had joined you until you felt Gladiolus pull you into his lap, which resulted in you panicking and thrashing.
“Easy, easy Love,” Ignis called, sitting down on the other side of the larger man. “It’s just us.”
You stopped your trashing as you looked around, but then the panting returned and the numbness in your arms was still there.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” Noctis asked, sitting down beside Gladiolus as Prompto knelt before your dress, resting his head in your lap, holding tightly to your hands.
You managed to find your voice as you cried out, “It’s him! He’s here!”
“The…my old Alpha.”
The bought the room to the rather angry silence.
“Y/N, is that monster who hurt you, Ardyn?” Ignis inquired, as you nodded weakly. Ignis turned to Gladiolus, the man quickly pulling you from the large Alpha’s hold into his own lap covering your ears, as Gladiolus let out a rather loud and dangerous sounding growl that everyone was surprised managed to come from his human throat. “Gladio.”
“That bastard has the gall to show up here!” Gladiolus growled, jumping from the couch as he began pacing the room, his lip curled into a snarl.
“Gladiolus calm down, you’re scaring, Y/N.” Prompto hissed, stroking your back as you trembled in Ignis’s hold.
“Gladiolus wait, what’s going on?” Clarus called.
“Ardyn needs to leave, now!” Noctis stated, his own eyes dilated as he fought the urge to transform and go after the man a few doors down.
“Better yet, I’ll rip his throat out.” Gladiolus barked, going back towards the door, only to be stopped by Clarus.
“Stay here, I’m going to go get the others.”
You were immediately surrounded by your family, hands trembling as you gave them a more abridged version of your life before you joined them. You watched as shocked faces became angry and as tempers begun to flare.
“I’m so sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you.” You cried hands ball tightly into the black and silver fabric of your dress, only to see Ravus kneel before you.
“This is not your fault, that man is sick has been for a while,” Ravus stated, taking your hands in his own. “He will be escorted off the grounds, I will make certain of that.”
“We’ll stay here with Y/N, I want that monster out of my home.” Sylva hissed, sitting beside you allowing you to rest against her, while Lunafreya sat to your other side a comforting hand resting on your back.
You were left in the room, with your Mother and Sister, while Cor took post at the door, the fighters of the pack moving to get rid of the nightmare within your life.
That evening while you waited, head resting in your mother’s lap, holding the small little brown pup of Iris against your chest. Your family being the protection that allowed you to catch what little sleep you did manage to get.
For the next few weeks, you all stayed within the Citadel, while an outpost was built close to your home. Clarus and Cor put 5 of their best recruits on the outlook, worried about the repercussions of Ardyn. As the old Alpha seemed rather upset about being asked to leave from his grand nephew’s home.  Of course the familial ties were never known to you, as they cast out the main branch years ago, when he refused to step down from the throne, and Regis’s father, Mors, had to forcibly take his rightful place, and Ardyn’s rule was removed as he never was in line for the throne. It was then found that Ardyn had killed the Alpha of Nilfhelm and taken over not long after he was exiled from Insomnia.
It was explained to you that Ardyn did indeed suffer from an illness referenced as Alpha sickness. A disease that often leads to many wolves who lived too long to suffer hysteria if not until the correct care. Wolf shifters lived long lives, but some wolves did not when to give that up. Ardyn was, unfortunately, one of those wolves and had been alive from well over the typical lifetime of a wolf that would wander away to join the night sky or pass peacefully when a younger member took their place.
Ardyn refused to let that happen.
Even though you were escorted home, and had the pack less than 5 minutes away in the outpost, you had a sneaking suspicion about the man who had left rather easily. Sylva had offered to let you stay a little longer, but more than ever you wish to be home. Your home, Ardyn knew where to look for you at the Citadel and you worried that he would hurt them in order to get to you.
It happened quickly, the moment that you knew that summer would be a few days away, and you would have to convince Gladiolus to at least sleep on a blanket when he refused to come inside and want to sleep upon the stars.
You were being escorted back home from the market when Ardyn appeared with more of those brainwashed Betas.
“My my haven’t you made a name for yourself.”  He chuckled moving towards you.
You froze in spot, trying to hide behind the warriors here to protect you, they refused to allow Ardyn close, one quickly transformed tossing their head back howling.  Getting one in return from Ignis, but he sounded so far away. The soldier, you recalled being named Crowe, circled you. Within a quick moment, the other four men transformed leaping at Ardyn and his pack, while Crowe ducked her head between your legs sliding you to her back as she began to race you to the direction she heard Ignis howling.
Crowe released another howl, as you laid flat against her back, she was slower than your pack as she wasn’t use to your weight added to her own, but she ducked between the trees and moved through the large field where you'd normally find Chocobo, but the birds more than likely scattered at hearing the calls of wolves. Hearing a closer call of Gladiolus and Ignis, only for you to be thrown off her back as you both tumbled through the field from one of the Beta wolves slamming into her. You rolled over, gasping as you backed away from the wolf coming at you next, only to have it be knocked out the air by the broad form of your mate.
“Gladiolus.” You cheered, as he turned to you, nuzzling you warmly, inspecting the cut on your arm from sliding across the earth.
Ignis followed checking over Crowe before his haunches rose, his teeth bared letting out a loud growl, as both he and Crowe back towards you. Your eyes turned to where the two wolves were glaring, seeing the redhead man stepping from the woods.
“Is this your pack?” Ardyn chuckled, flanked by ten more wolves. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth, do you know that.”
Gladiolus barked angrily, as he stayed close to you.
“Is this one of your little friends, if you don’t recall you belong to me.”
“No.” You muttered as Ignis moved so your hand rested within his fur, Crowe taking your other side.
Ardyn chuckled a simple motion of his hand holding the sick Betas of his own pack at bay, "So you run from me, and become the Prince's little concubine." Ardyn sniffed as the wind shifted, only a smile that was all fangs to appear on his face, "Oh mates, you really have worked yourself up in the world now haven't you? This still doesn't change what you were born as, a Breeding Bitch. More specifically my Breeding Bitch."
Your hand dug deeper in Ignis's fur only to realize that your group had been surrounded. "No!"
Ardyn made a tsking noise in the back of this throat, before looking to the Betas awaiting an order, “Kill them.”
Part 3
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