#never letting go
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zivainparis · 2 years ago
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smokbeast · 1 year ago
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girlfailurisms · 1 year ago
doggystyle, sideways, frontwards, backwards, upside-down, 360 degrees, no condoms, skin on skin, on the living room, on the bedroom, on the fridge, on the closet, on the ceiling, on the walls, on the bathroom, on the couch, on the car and on the street
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thelesbianluthor · 9 months ago
Happy 10 years to the group that helped me get through one of the worst time and gave me the chance to meet some of my closest and dearest friends.
Happy 10th anniversary
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miss-celestia13 · 2 years ago
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“Hold on, you and I, even if this whole Earth goes dark, all my love is for you”
Had a Dream by machineheart.
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mirkachu · 1 year ago
hehehehe i might finish the resident enis 1 + 5 fic that i have been cooking up since last year extremely slowly. cause i genuinely wrote it SO GOOD SOMEHOW???? and the concept is not bad either the last 2 scenes sound fun to write. it's about my interpretation of how enis turning into a vampire went... and how he got used to it... except i ignore how old he is in canon. idk if i hallucinated it but i remember him being 400 years old or something. either the modern day is VERY LONG AGO in resident enis' plot here or this is an Intentional Reimagining suddenly hahah! :P
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tchouamenii · 1 year ago
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nacho is all of us
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poetrypage-for-anewage · 1 year ago
Keep my eyes on the prize 
But that's easy to do when 
The prize is in your eyes.
To stare at them all day, can we stay in?
You me and our favorite entertainment
Eachother covered in eachother
Smother like loves under covers
But this time no covers
Let us be real to ourselves and each other 
Let us share what we are and see what we discover
You never know what you may uncover about the other 
Both sides scarred if each other
Each side scared of the judgement of the other
What will they discover, nervous to be naked and in view with no cover. 
But both forget that it is the other, who love you like no other
No judgement just more to love, love boiling over.
Suddenly it's warm with no cover, it's warm in eachother. 
Nothing like what you saw from another.
This was much more then just more,  
It was abundantly more then any other.
Like the heavens lighting up a dark alley
No longer souls running to cover their shadows
But survivors who are deep individuals with flaws shining bright like gold to the other, 
Each went through the same as the other, but both were always to carefully hidden, carefully never to be discovered, that they never got a chance to see in eachother, the things they longed to discover. 
So from that day forward they did form a bond, and not one that lasted a single lifetime, but something that lasted far far greater and beyond.
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euesworld · 2 years ago
"Needless to say, I can't live without you.. my heart would have a hollow beat."
Don't go anywhere.. hang onto me - eUë
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thatbanditqueen · 2 years ago
If BDE kissed me during a show, I think I'd never let go of him lol!
yeah, he'd have a new appendage and that appendage would be me...
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danbisroom · 11 months ago
Ep. 16 - Did I Say That I Loathe You? Did I Say That I Want To Leave It All Behind?
Hello my beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I hope you had a nice week where you could spare some time to be with yourself, relax and get creative, or have a nice day with loved ones.
I know, today’s letter title is pretty long. It’s that I believe it to be very important to ask those questions - it might be to yourself, to someone else, to what you do, to what you wake up for…to your creations. No matter the object of the question, I’m sure that, alas, your answer must have been “yes”, more than once. Maybe even a million times. It’s because it’s what we’re taught, since infancy, to loathe and to leave it all behind. It takes courage to love and stay. Loads of bravery and strength. It is hard. It really is. It’s natural to crumble, it’s normal to wish for an easier path, it’s completely valid to desire to give up. Sometimes we do give up. Maybe forever or maybe for just a second. Admitting these things is hard, too, coming to terms with the depths of our despair is indescribably frightening. Perhaps we get back on our feet countless times, we rise up stronger, even if more and more exhausted. There, there is the breaking point. We can’t take it anymore, we’re scared and tired of crawling back to standing on our trembling knees. We just want to lay down, feel soil sustaining our abandoned body, the wind whispering love poems in our ears, fairies gently dancing on our stomach until we are covered in soft moss. Until we dissolve in a pond gazing at the stars. We can do that. We have to do that. Oh to be a water lily surrounded by a veil of thin mist, adorned by gems of morning dew. Why can’t we just do that? Why can’t we just dance under the Sun, bathe in the Spring rain and sing to the Gods?
Maybe we could. Actually, we can.
It can also be a sort of state of mind. We don’t have to live trampling on others, nor merely being maneuvered through things we don’t want. Deep awareness takes courage and effort, but, in return, it guarantees total freedom. A kind of freedom nothing else can give us. Rising up from the darkness requires strength and bravery, standing tall is exhausting but enlightening.
It’s where you comprehend that love is not just love.
So, to answer the initial questions, I will love you, and I will stay.
I’m sorry if this was so much shorter that usual, I had a rough weekend, but I’m glad because it ended beautifully!
Today’s song recommendation is The Blower’s Daughter by Damien Rice, for times when you can’t take your eyes off.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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leahm2000 · 1 year ago
I don’t get the over the top declarations of love. I don’t wake up to breakfast in bed or flowers just because. I don’t get cute social media posts about how much he loves me. I don’t get random surprise vacations or expensive presents
But…I get to park in the garage while his truck stays out in the elements in subzero temps. I get control of the remote 98% of the time.
I get a constantly stocked bowl of goldfish because he knows it’s my favorite snack. I get my favorite ice cream always in the fridge. I get my favorite tea laid out for me when I wake up because he thought of me as he rushed out the door at 4am. I get “lovey let’s go for a drive” as he takes me to all my favorite bookstores. The “just tell me when and where and I’ll be there” warms my heart. There’s always a hand on my lower back or arm when we are out in public.
I never have to worry about my car getting an oil change or a renewed inspection. I don’t have to worry that my jobs are too much because he understands. He lets me run through lesson plans with him while he cooks dinner. He doesn’t yell at me when I forget to turn off the preschool teacher persona and ask him something baby-ish like ‘did you remember to go potty before we left?’
I don’t get told he loves me, I get shown.
Sometimes people get so caught up in what they don’t get that they miss what they do get. Maybe you didn’t even know you prefer other ways. Personally, I’ll take this everyday over that.
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seraphdreams · 1 year ago
baji <333 baji baji baji baji !!!!!
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daily-gojo-posting · 1 year ago
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Daily gojo - day 22
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saylorisoverboard · 2 years ago
guys that give u trinkets are gifts from god. like yes, u are on that hunting shit!!! thank you for providing!!!
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