strifentines · 2 months
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sometimes i remember social media canonically exists in ffxv and i have a laugh
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picmurasaki · 9 months
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Happy Anniversary to Episode Ignis!💜
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xiema · 10 months
Ignis Scientia and Ravus Nox Fleuret dancing at the festivat of souls
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This is from my fanfic "A New Light" I rewrite currently or at least try, since I draw more about it than write, but that counts for all my works so that's nothing new.
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carbodiusmaximus · 2 years
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fleurentia moments seared into my brain
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thisfairytalegonebad · 3 months
Strictly Diplomatic - Final Fantasy XV
Written for Zibe Time Vol. 4, Hot Mess Express. You can download it (and all previous zines) right here, completely for free. The zines are multifandom and anything goes (warnings are provided if applicable). There's a whole bunch of different fandoms in there, so do check it out, it once again turned out great <3
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationship: Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ignis Scientia Word count: 4.4k Summary:
“I have not… asked him yet,” Ravus admits. There are other things he would like to say, none of which being appropriate to say to the leader of a country with which one is maintaining diplomatic relationships. “He does not know I have an… interest in him.” “Oh,” Noctis says. He looks mere seconds away from laughing at him again. “Okay. Start with that, then. Tell Ignis first, and then you can figure everything else out together.” It sounds embarrassingly simple when put that way. It is anything but, of course, but when laid out like this, it does not seem like a task quite as daunting as Ravus has envisioned it to be. It sounds like Noctis believes there is a chance that Ignis will not outright reject him, which is more than he hoped for when the King started laughing.
Ravus has been sitting on his feelings for Ignis for ten years. He decides it's finally time to do something about them.
Read the first ~1.3k below the cut and the whole thing on AO3 here.
Ravus strides down the hallway towards the throne room with purpose. By now, he is familiar enough with the building that he no longer requires an escort. And besides, today, he is here not on a diplomatic mission but a personal one.
If Noctis is surprised to see him, it doesn’t show on his face, though his eyes glint with curiosity when Ravus comes to stand in front of him. Amicitia stands guard at his side, watching him with a similar sort of interest.
Their eyes on him do nothing to ease the tension in Ravus’ shoulders.
He’s loath to admit it, but he has been plagued by nerves all morning. Around the young king, he feels out of his depth, not yet freed from the guilt over all the grief he’s caused the man nor familiar enough with him to be at ease in his presence.
“Your Majesty,” he starts, and immediately corrects himself, choosing the more appropriate way of address for the matter at hand. “Noctis.”
The King’s eyebrows rise. “Ravus.”
Ravus straightens himself and looks Noctis in the eyes, determined to see this through the proper way.
“Noctis,” he repeats. “I stand before you today not as a Son of Tenebrae, not as a delegate of the Queen, but as a man who wishes to discuss a personal matter with you.”
Noctis nods. “Of course. Alone?”
Noctis signals to Amicitia, who nods in return and vanishes quietly. 
Ravus does not miss the way he looks at him as he passes. He has no doubts that his audience will later be discussed at length with the King’s most trusted.
Well, let them discuss. If he were ashamed, he would not be standing here right now.
“During the past ten years, I have had the fortune of forging a great many bonds with people from your kingdom, bonds I value greatly,” he starts. 
The words, rehearsed as they are, come to him easily and sincerely. They are, after all, nothing but the truth.
The next part is no less true, but it takes considerably more effort.
“However, there is no one I value quite as dearly as your advisor, Ignis Scientia. He has become a precious friend to me. One to lean on in times of need and one I will gladly do the same for, shall he require it.”
Noctis watches him with startling intensity, his face betraying nothing. 
The image of a quiet, round-cheeked child in a too-large wheelchair springs to Ravus’ mind. For years, that image has haunted his memory, convinced that his sister was dying for this small, powerless child and it would all be for naught. 
Looking at Noctis now, the thoughts he used to have fill him with shame and it takes everything to hold the King’s gaze.
“In Tenebrae, it is tradition for a man to stand before the mother of the one whose hand he chooses and ask her permission. But given that Ignis has no family left, I stand before you instead, Noctis, who are as close as a brother to him.”
Once, during a starlit night in the safety of a haven, Ignis told him of the uncle who had raised him, dearly beloved and long gone. He did not mention his parents at all, and that told Ravus all he needed to know. It was then that he had resolved to wait however long it took Noctis to emerge from the Crystal, the person who came closest to being family to Ignis.
Noctis stands, slowly descending the stairs. His golden knee brace clicks softly with every step until he comes to stand in front of Ravus.
The sudden proximity, while well-intended – Ravus has made it clear that he’s here on personal business, and Noctis is respecting his wish by speaking to him at eye level – only serves to make him more anxious.
“So you’re… what, asking me for Ignis’ hand?” Noctis asks. The corner of his mouth twitches.
“Not in marriage!” Ravus hurries to clarify, then backtracks when the implication of his words registers – Ignis, a mere affair, not worthy of marriage – and adds, “Not yet, that is, perhaps never unless he wishes to– I simply– for the moment, I only wish to court him.”
A few agonising seconds tick by, and then Noctis says sternly, “Well, then you should ask Prompto and Gladio too. They’re as much his brothers as I am.”
Only years and years of practice prevent Ravus’ expression from crumbling. 
Of course – Amicitia and Argentum are as close to Ignis as anyone could be, yet it hasn’t even occurred to him that they, too should be asked.
Argentum, he imagines, would be easier. It is in no small part thanks to Argentum that Ravus wears a new, scourge-free prosthetic arm, and he gets along decently with the man. Certainly, he could be reasoned with.
Amicitia, however. 
He and Ravus have long since buried the hatchet and are on fairly amicable terms these days, but their interactions, with very few exceptions, have been strictly business. And Ravus has once visited Lestallum with particularly ill timing, arriving just in time to bear witness to Amicitia questioning an unsuspecting young woman on her intentions with his sister. That is, until said sister struck him up the head and told him in no uncertain terms to stay out of her love life.
His face must give something away despite his best efforts, for Noctis’ serious expression breaks and he – laughs.
Ravus searches for words but comes up empty. Perhaps he has not quite thought this through, but to laugh at him feels needlessly cruel – perhaps he has misjudged the King after all.
“Sorry, sorry,” Noctis wheezes, struggling to contain his laughter. When he speaks again, a playful smile remains on his lips. “That was a joke, sorry, that was mean. It’s just, you don’t need my permission to date Ignis, you know. That’s his decision and his alone. If he wants to be with you, he should.”
“I have not… asked him yet,” Ravus admits. There are other things he would like to say, none of which being appropriate to say to the leader of a country with which one is maintaining diplomatic relationships. “He does not know I have an… interest in him.”
“Oh,” Noctis says. He looks mere seconds away from laughing at him again. “Okay. Start with that, then. Tell Ignis first, and then you can figure everything else out together.”
It sounds embarrassingly simple when put that way. It is anything but, of course, but when laid out like this, it does not seem like a task quite as daunting as Ravus has envisioned it to be. It sounds like Noctis believes there is a chance that Ignis will not outright reject him, which is more than he hoped for when the King started laughing.  
Ravus nods and bows stiffly. “I will. Thank you for your time.”
He’s halfway to the door when Noctis calls his name. Caught by surprise, he turns to face the King once again.
“I didn’t mean to dismiss Tenebrae’s traditions like that or make fun of you. You don’t need my permission to date Ignis, or anyone else’s except his, but you do have my blessing. All I ever wanted for him was to be happy, and I think you two would be good for each other.”
Startled by the sudden sincerity in Noctis’ voice, Ravus’ words fail him once more. Noctis has seen right through him, has seen how much his approval means to Ravus, and has given it freely and without hesitation.
“Thank you, Noctis,” he answers finally. “Your blessing means more to me than I can say.”
Read the entire fic on AO3 here!
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ruiojousama · 5 months
A reminder that this was official art. I miss #fleurentia. Thank you for the feels, FFXV. You will always be one of my faves.
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snail-drop · 2 years
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so earlier this year i drew out a snippet of @egelantier‘s post-game fleurentia fic, “want every tomorrow”. it was so easy for me to visualize this, i wanted to try my hand at doing some comic work! it’s just very very good words and i couldn’t help myself
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mooglecharm · 1 year
short ravnis/fleurentia PWP:
Ignis stirs awake to find Ravus sitting up in bed beside him, staring pensively at his left hand.
No, not his hand: his arm. He's holding out his left arm as if inspecting all of it. Flexing his fingers as if he was seeing them for the first time, wondering why they were part of him.
When Ignis asks, Ravus looks at him bemused, as if peering through the haze of a dream. His eyes look different. Ominous shadows played in the subtle gray.
"My love," Ravus tells him, "I dreamed we lost everything."
When Ignis asks what "everything" meant, Ravus says "Noctis. Lunafreya. Our cities. Everything that ever shaped us."
Ignis recalls that sometimes Ravus dreams about alternate realities - Eos that could be, but never was. Oracle blood does this.
And somewhere in the Lucian Citadel, lying beside her beloved Noctis, Queen Lunafreya must have similar dreams.
Ignis sits up and takes Ravus' left hand, holds the back of it to his chest. He assures his lover: it was just a dream. Noctis and Lunafreya are safe, ruling all of the cities Eos in peace - guided by their two advisors, who are right now in bed and deeply in love and in peace.
Ignis then makes the mistake of asking "In your dream, did we lose each other?"
Ravus says, the shadows in his eyes fading, "My love, we never found each other."
And before any question could be asked, he reaches out with his his right arm, pulls Ignis close to him. Ravus' left arm lies between them, cold, spectral.
Ignis finds himself almost wishing it wasn't there.
[ link to original tweetfic ]
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telluric-knight · 1 year
What We Savoured Most 🔞
Chapter One: The Tower  Rating: Explicit  🔞 Summary: Twenty-fours hours after finalizing his divorce, Ignis is left with the shattered pieces he must now pick up and figure out how to mend. A chance encounter with an old acquaintance stirs something in him, but can he move beyond six years of internalized negativity to finally find happiness? Or will the ghosts of his past try to keep dragging him down to hell? Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47723812 Author’s Notes: This is wholly a fic for me to externalize some of my own trauma. I’ve tagged it with the themes I’m going to write about, so I am emphatically encouraging you to read at your own discretion. The first chapter is just the set-up, it’ll evolve from there. 
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redfoxline · 2 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ignis Scientia Characters: Ravus Nox Fleuret, Ignis Scientia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Additional Tags: Getting Together, it's a slow burn guys, Ravus is a protective brother, World of Ruin | The Long Night (Final Fantasy XV), Angst with a Happy Ending, but mostly fluff really Summary:
To Ignis' surprise, Ravus snorted loudly. "Really? Didn't you spend a year on the road after Insomnia's fall?" “Well," Ignis admitted, feeling like the city boy he had been in front of the brazen wildness of Leide all those years ago," we were lucky to have a mechanic helping us.”
If Ignis had been asked to pinpoint the moment he had started to understand Ravus, it wouldn't have been when the man had reached Tent City for the first time, a wave of refugees in tow, nor when he had fought along Ignis' side for the first time.
It would have been the moment when they had stood together in front of that open trunk. If Ravus was to say when he had first started to fancy Ignis - although never aloud - he would have chosen that moment too.
Here is my fic for the @ffxvreversebang2022! This year was tons of fun too with so many different interesting ideas!
I was paired up with Panderoma who created a beautiful piece of Ravus and Ignis (please check it out here, it’s gorgeous) and, despite being bad at romance and having never written this paring before, I ended up spouting 18K words of Fleurentia...oups?
Thank you Mods for making it happen!
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stephicness · 1 year
3 headcanons for your favorite ffxv ship! (is it fleurentia?)
Hello there, friendo! :D
Ah hah! So actually, my most favorite ship isn’t Fleurentia, but they're, like, top five amongst the overwhelming amount of ships a folk like me can enjoy. I love the super romantic tropes that you can have for the two of them – especially when they’re all sorts of fun in terms of dynamics: enemies to lovers, undying loyalties to the things they cherish, bromance, etc. The list can go on because the two can be so passionate but also so goofy, depending on the context. They're a really fun duo, and Episode Ignis made them even more lovely together too. 
But since you mentioned Fleurentia though, here are some headcanons and thoughts for them! A little bit more written out, but who doesn't like overthinking their thoughts? c:
Although Ignis acknowledges himself full and well as a servant to Noctis just as much as he is a friend, Ravus still is surprised that Ignis doesn't hail from a royal family. The way that he holds himself fascinates Ravus, as bloodlines, fate, and lineages was something engrained into him since the very beginning. Ignis, however, defies the very definition of it all -- which earns respect from Ravus. And respect is not often given by Ravus unless someone is truly worthy of it. And with respect comes a bond that will only grow stronger as time passes, and Ravus found himself always watching Ignis with a look of admiration and fascination by the retainer's efforts.
Ignis has been trained from the get-go to know how to take care of Noctis, as it is the duty of the prince's retainers to do so. But that means Ignis is very good at reading people -- even someone as stoic as the High Commander. Every subtly in Ravus's demeanor doesn't go unnoticed by Ignis, to where even the slightest twitch of Ravus's lips can be caught by Ignis's sharp eyes. I would always surprise Ravus when Ignis brings the commander's emotions to attention -- for even Ravus didn't comprehend his thoughts in the moment. Ignis is among one of the rare few able to see past Ravus's feigned apathy, and that's a skill that Ignis takes value in.
That is... Until you know, he CAN'T see anymore. When Ignis lost his eyesight during the events in Altissia, it was much harder for Ignis to read the commander, whom sometimes wouldn't say anything at all and be a lurking shadow in the blurred darkness. But even though Ignis's vision was lacking, Ravus make sure that Ignis and his keen observation skills had something else to focus on -- little touches and quiet sounds that only Ignis could pick-up on. The sound of heavy and paced steps that echo on tile as they approach. Metal brushing over the back of his hand, light and gentle as a feather. The soft exhale that Ravus releases reminds Ignis that even though he can't see the admiration in Ravus's eyes, he can hear it. And even though their voices aren't heard in each others' presences, Ignis and Ravus's bond can transcend that of words.
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strifentines · 2 months
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ffxv am i right
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gravesung · 8 days
❝ i’m also worried about me, but i somehow seem to be worried about you more. ❞ and ignis @ ravus :3c?
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❝ DON'T. ❞ THE REPLY comes sharply and without hesitation, mismatched eyes fixing on ignis' face — studying, silent for a moment. ❝ i have no need for your pity. nor for you to risk your life to protect me. if we are to fight, you cannot split your attention elsewhere. ❞ as is inevitable in a world of gods and kings, a war is brewing. the niflheim loyalists have taken tenebrae as their new stronghold. with noctis and lunafreya gone, unable to return home without capture from the army he formerly commanded, ravus found himself lost, following at ignis' heels as the world began to rebuild what was destroyed by the gods' mistakes.
they are both adrift. ignis has his remaining friends; ravus has ignis, the burn of grief and fury in his chest, and nothing else. so he has made a decision: tenebrae will be his again. if he cannot find a way, he will make one.
he steps forward, lifts his hand to cup the back of the blind man's neck. ❝ you've no need to join me, ignis. it is not your war. ❞
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tenebriism · 3 months
Ship Bias for Ignis!
Ship Bias - [ ACCEPTING ] ;;
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Ignis x Noctis ( First crush? First crush. )
Ignis x Gladio ( It won't let me put another #1, but I ship this EQUALLY with IgNoct. Gladio definitely awakened some things, and is the one who knows Ignis the most out of everyone, even Noctis. )
Ignis x Ravus ( and their ship name is beautiful. Fleurentia!? GORGEOUS! I refuse to believe Episode Ignis wasn't a love letter to this ship right alongside IgNoct. )
Ignis x Zack Fair ( ENTIRELY because of @the-nexus . It's the crossover ship of the century and I ADORE them. )
Sorta kinda Ignis x Prompto? It's definitely the ' opposites attract ' ship, but past writings of it kind of... exploded with past partners, and not in a good way, so it kind of soured my view of the ship. That's being mended now, though, with new partners whom I very much appreciate! <3
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carbodiusmaximus · 2 years
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just now realizing what the proper name for ignis/ravus is so enjoy prompto, also there
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for the ask game~ 12, 14, 18, 22, 23, 26, 33, 36, 40, 50. any, some, or all, whatever you feel up to! (fmfkdi it was gonna be just five but there's so many good questions)
Ohhh thank you!!
12. Have you ever written a fic and decided never to publish it? Why? A bunch honestly. Some are just not polished enough, some are too self-indulgent to share. The most notable example is the one time I did Nanowrimo, hit the 50k no problem but never managed to tie it all together into a coherent story. To this day, the fic sits as a bunch of connected scenes somewhere in my documents and at this point I doubt it'll ever see the light of day, lol.
14. What’s the biggest change in your taste between when you started in fandom and today? When I started out I was all about romantic shipping, now not so much. The rest has stayed much the same.
18. What’s your most underrated fic? Hmm I really can't complain about the vast majority of my fics so I'm gonna have to name the IDOLiSH7 fic I wrote on a whim last year because for some reason it sits at zero comments on AO3 (and one review on FFN from a lovely, loyal reader who doesn't even know the fandom) even though it has almost a thousand hits, a decent number of kudos, some bookmarks, so I could never really work out why it didn't have any comments at all, lol. I think it's a pretty good fic, too! (I don't have strong feelings about this tho since I don't usually write for or otherwise interact with that fandom, so it's all good).
22. Has there ever been anyone who’s made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed? Not in terms of popularity of someone because luckily the fandoms I was/am active in don't have "big name fans" and if they do, I'm not crossing paths with them. And even if that were the case, those are just normal fans of the same thing I'm a fan of, so I wouldn't be happier about interaction from them than from any other person.
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten? I've had sooo many lovely reviews and comments, I don't think it would be fair to pick a specific one for its content alone. However, I was in a multifandom zine a few times, and during the first run of that zine, someone who was also in it made it their mission to comment on every. single. one of the works featured in the zine. They left a beautiful, long comment on the Fleurentia fic I wrote for that zine and they didn't even have any knowledge of the fandom! So that one just has to win because of the circumstances surrounding it, lol..
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised? Every time someone tells me they like my characterization, I start fucking vibrating. That's one of the best things someone could tell me.
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up? Noct, I think. He's the one who gave me the most trouble of the four at first, but somehow I kept slipping into his pov way more often than intended. I feel more comfortable with him by now, but when I end up writing from his pov, that's still something that just kinda happened more often than not. As for quality, I think it holds up alright.
36. Have you ever sincerely written a ship you do not support into a fic? Not really, the most I've done is writing a ship I have no interest in. I wrote a Haru & Makoto soulmate AU for a Free! Iwatobi Swim Club gift exchange. My giftee asked for an aro/ace character, though, and so I got to write that sweet, sweet queerplatonic propaganda. Also, that pesky Promnis ship that keeps sneaking into my stuff in ways that could or could not be shippy – but again, definitely wouldn't say I don't support the ship. It's a very good ship!
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content? I don't think that's something you can (or should!) measure, but I can say that I'm happy with my output in recent years compared to when I had just started writing fics. Writing in general comes easier to me and it no longer feels like pulling teeth to come up with something to write. I would, however, like to write more often/more consistently.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive? I'd definitely say so, yeah. It gives me the opportunity to explore and learn things about myself through the lens of my beloved characters and I've certainly figured out some stuff I might not have figured out without that. So far, yeah that impact has been positive and I haven't had any negative experiences.
Thank you so much for sending these and letting me ramble! I don't know why every single one of these turned into a fucking novel – I have to agree, they're very good questions!
Link to the ask game
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