#brother conflicts
angelsdean · 4 months
Another thing I love abt Dean fixing up Baby (and trashing again) is that the episode establishes that Dean's pretty much fixed up what was, in Bobby's words, a completely totaled and barely salvageable better-off-as-parts wreck in just ONE WEEK. They burn John's body, presumably right after his death, and then it's suddenly ONE WEEK LATER and Dean's pretty much got the entire frame looking new and is working on the internal stuff (which HELLO METAPHOR. the exterior of the Impala is looking good = Dean putting on a good front of being okay, while the interior of the Impala still needs work = Dean still (quietly) working through his own internal emotions)
Anyways the amount of work done on the car itself in such a short span of time is incredible (also gotta think some of that time was spent driving from where john died to Bobby's). And all that time Dean's working on the car he's alone with his thoughts. He's processing. Sam accuses Dean in this opening scene of "not doing anything" and not "bringing up dad once" and not being "angry" enough and not wanting to look for "revenge." He says Dean just spends all day "buried underneath this damn car" and acting like "nothing happened" but he doesn't seem to understand that working on a car and getting as much as he got done in just a week is 1.) being incredibly productive, and 2.) a deeply meditative task. Like just because Dean is not going to Sam with his grief and not outwardly expressing his feelings or showing himself actively working through them doesn't mean he's Not processing and dealing with things the entire time he's working on that car. The wreckage itself is a constant reminder of everything that happened, the crash, the hospital, John's deal. Dean IS thinking about it all, the entire time. But he's not grieving in the way Sam expects and that bothers Sam, so Sam feels the need to push and needle Dean into talking about it, which isn't Dean's style of processing things. He needs time and space.
And then at the end of the episode, after Sam admits that yeah, Dean was right about him, Sam is feeling guilty and avoiding his own grief, but Dean's been putting up a front about it too, it's then that we see Dean break, again with the Impala metaphor. Dean's been trying to put on a brave face for Sam in some ways, while also wishing to quietly process his grief on his own, because in part he's still being the protector older brother. He's still thinking take care of Sammy first and foremost, especially in the aftermath of John's parting words to Dean. But in that last scene we finally see the facade break, we see the fixed up exterior of the Impala break. We see Dean take a crowbar to the "I'm okay" facade and say, look! I am grieving! I am hurting! Here's me making visible what's been going on inside! Just like the guts of the Impala are still a mess, the interior still in the process of being repaired, while the exterior looked brand new, well now the exterior once again matches the car's internal state, and Dean's internal state.
Him and Baby are not okay yet, but they're getting there, they're working on it. And just like healing is a non-linear process, Dean (and Baby) looked okay for a while, now they're not okay, but Dean'll fix 'em up again.
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zephyrchama · 24 days
MC gifting the Obey Me! cast the same button-up shirts and asking them to wear it when they go out to dinner.
Mammon is the first to show up. He doesn't like to be away from you for extended periods of time keep you waiting, and he wants to get some use out of that fancy new shirt you gave him.
Leviathan is the next to arrive, wanting to cement himself in a seat before more people show up. He doesn't notice at first, but Mammon certainly does. Mammon is not very happy.
The two start bickering over free breadsticks as the twins walk in. Beelzebub is too distracted by the scent of appetizers to really care, but the situation gets a chuckle out of Belphegor. "You both look stupid," he tells Mammon and Leviathan.
They quip back, "Like you're one to talk!" and "You're wearin' the same thing, moron!"
"Shh, shh. It's funny. Be quiet, I think someone else is coming." At your behest, the table settles down.
Solomon's usual smug self is knocked down a peg when he sees everybody in the same attire. "I don't think this is mere coincidence," he surmises while taking a seat. "Did you give these to everyone?"
You nod, and finally Solomon smiles. "This will be good."
Within seconds of arrival, Satan is able to quickly connect the dots. He's not happy to be matching with Lucifer, but knows the look on the eldest's face will be worth it when he walks in and falls for the prank. Satan readies his phone camera to capture the occasion.
Simeon gets a good laugh when he shows up. Him and Luke are used to matching from time to time, but dressing up like the brothers reminds him of their days in the Celestial Realm. "I like your shirts," he jokes to an audience of eye rolls.
Luke presents you with a thank-you gift, a shirt he specially picked out for you. He understands though that everyone needs to match for this dinner, and eagerly awaits everyone else's reactions. Being included on these kinds of pranks is so much fun.
Asmodeus is temporarily stunned that you've managed to get everyone in matching outfits. They only humor him with such a treat once every handful of centuries. This is genius. After putting his things down he immediately gets to work adjusting buttons, smoothing collars, and demanding selfies. In the scramble to get the first of many group photos, Satan's phone is knocked out of his hand just as Lucifer walks in.
He's not alone though. The surprise was already foiled when Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer decided to come together. "I knew you were up to something," he sighs. Yet, he wore the shirt anyway. The three look like they've walked out of a commercial.
"What a wonderful surprise! This makes my new shirt even more special." Diavolo is clearly thrilled and more than happy to take selfies with Asmodeus while Barbatos asks the waiter for a round of drinks.
"That's cheating," Leviathan says. "You guys figured it out ahead of time."
"Unfair," Belphegor agreed. Satan just seethed quietly while waiting for his entree. He really thought Lucifer would be caught off guard this time.
"Good to know I pull it off best though." Mammon was confident in his looks and winked at his reflection in a spoon. Asmodeus scoffed, adding "in your dreams, maybe."
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casscainmainly · 1 month
Why Duke Thomas Should Be A Dick Grayson Hater
Dick and Duke is such an underrated and underexplored relationship. Here is my pitch for why Duke should be a Dick Grayson hater.
1. The Rooftop Thing
Reason number one and the start of Duke's grudge should be the rooftop incident in Robin War. Dick, as part of his plan or whatever, leads Duke to a roof and abandons him to the cops.
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LOOK AT DICK'S SMUG FACE. Tell me you wouldn't hold a grudge too if this was the FIRST major interaction you had with him?? Duke should use this against him at any possible opportunity.
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From We Are Robin #2. Once Duke finds out Dick used to be a cop, it's OVER for him.
3. Jason and Damian
Duke is quite close with Jason and Damian (in my head, particularly Damian - that's his LITTLE BROTHER). Anyway, these two are obsessed with Dick. You have Jason, with his miles-long brother issues that puts Dick on a pedestal, and you have Damian, who thinks Dick is the best person on Earth who can do no wrong. They would talk Duke's ears off about him. Duke would HATE IT.
4. Robin
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This panel from Night of the Monster Men sums up quite nicely the difference in the way Dick and Duke approach vigilantism. Duke is the 'idealised' Robin, whose Robin-ing isn't contingent on Batman; Dick is more or less too tied up in Bruce. I think, because the Robin identity means a lot to Duke, having the original Robin be like this would irk Duke a LOT.
5. Tom Taylor
SPOILERS FOR CURRENT NIGHTWING RUN: in Nightwing #116, Dick gets framed for murder and Babs tells him to reveal he's Nightwing to clear him of suspicion. She says Bruce suggested it, and recounts everyone who agreed:
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Hm. Is someone missing here? Oh yeah: DUKE. TT probably just forgot Duke, but where's the fun in that? Instead, if Duke is a Dick Grayson hater, you have the funniest scene imaginable. Everyone gathered in the Batcave, laying down their identities for Dick, and Duke is like 'I don't give a damn. He can rot in jail.' and peaces out.
BONUS points if he does this to get back at Dick for reason number 1.
6. Parallels
Duke's origin deliberately mirrors Bruce's, but that means it mirrors Dick's as well. Duke and Dick parallels go insane: they both had loving families, lost both parents at once, were in the foster system (varyingly for Dick but for the purposes of this post I'm gonna include it), were wards/not adopted by Bruce initially, have a huge reverence for family, have a thing about heights, view Robin as separate from Batman, forged their own identities, etc.
Tell me this page doesn't slap:
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Anyway Duke would HATE this too. He'd be so annoyed that the person he has the most in common with is Dick, and that would fuel his Dick Grayson haterism.
Dick, on the other hand, has no hard feelings towards Duke. Duke would be glowering at him from the corner of the room and Dick would meet his gaze and be like 'ah Duke is so cute' and smile back. This would make Duke 10000x angrier.
Anyway that's my ideal Dick and Duke dynamic, feel free to add or modify or disagree with anything!!
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temeyes · 5 months
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brotherly embrace
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mysterycitrus · 3 months
their relationship is complex and not entirely definable but if u look me in the eyes and tell me that dick grayson isn’t bruce waynes first kid im not gonna take u super seriously. sowwy
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humbuns · 1 year
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birds of the same feather?
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farshootergotme · 3 months
Game-night in the batfamily has got to be crazy. You're putting a bunch of geniuses against each other and that's asking for chaos to happen.
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senseearly · 5 months
For a moment, imagine yourself in Mithrun's brother shoes.
Your brother - stronger, prettier, more charismatic, but also distrustful and disdainful of everyone especially you - is to be sent to the Canaries. It is the rule, it is the duty of all noble houses. But you know what goes on there, Mithrun knows what happens there. Yet you see him off, bidding a temporary farewell as you do, because someone from the House has to go and it won't be definitely you. Mithrun knows this, you know this. And you wonder, very briefly, if Mithrun hates you now more than he does already.
Your brother - powerful, agile, a good soldier just as he is as an heir, if he could only be an heir - suddenly disappears. The unit he belonged to suddenly disappeared. And you're speechless because - how? why? No one wants to answer you; they will instead try to bring back a body, they promise to you. But that is not what you want. You grieve for your brother. but your own family doesn't grieve with you. Wasn't Mithrun family too?
Then you found out: MIthrun is alive.
Your brother - now weak, despondent, his eyes always looking for something that is not here nor there - is to be sent home where people can take care of him. It is not your first choice, you want him home. But he is - sick. Not quite there. He needs someone who can look after him and you look at yourself - your gait, your constitution - and you know it can't be you. So, you follow the advice of your family and pour out all your resources to find him the best of healers and caretakers. You ask yourself, almost daily, if Mithrun would ever return to who he once was.
Your brother - strong, pretty, uninterested of anything and anyone else aside from what he calls 'the demon' - is now better. He can walk on his own now, eats without throwing up on himself. The color on his skin is back and the scars of his injuries have faded into thick bumps and discolored skin. But he still isn't quite there; still needs help and probably will for the rest of his life. And you can live with that. You can provide that. Just as long as he comes home.
But doesn't. Your brother - now a husk of his former self, and you hate thinking of him that way, but you can't help yourself, the Mithrun you knew is gone - runs straight back to the Canaries. His mission is not over, he says. He doesn't care how long it takes, he says. And you see him off, again, because someone from the House has to go and it still can't be you. Mithrun knows this, you know this, and you can't help but wish, very briefly, if things would've been different if you went instead of him.
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pianokantzart · 4 months
Do you think Lu has any deeper fears like you headcanon that Mario does? More emotional ones; whereas lava and dogs and whatnot are more lighthearted?
This is me taking a little bit from the Mario & Luigi RPGs, but being deemed not worth the trouble and left behind, particularly by his brother.
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While Luigi doesn't care that much about what people generally think of him, a lot of his sense of self-worth hinges on how he can help his brother.
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Luckily, Mario thinks the world of Luigi and always will, but even so Luigi finds the idea of failing the one person who somewhat understands him to be more terrifying than any ghost.
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cubbyhole-for-flea-bee · 10 months
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what if NMJ just poofs into an owl when qi deviations loom tho
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Bonus from a later reblog:
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angelsdean · 3 days
dean: I think we should lay low for a bit and stay off the radar (because demons and hunters might want to kill or use you) (in fact, in this very episode a hunter will try to kill you)
sam: oh so you just want to lay low to wait and see if I’ll become an EVIL MONSTER so then you can KILL ME!?
dean: …… I literally did not say that.
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fallenclan · 2 days
Sorry if this has already been asked, but how would you say Littleleaf feels about Ravenstar and the whole publicly murdering Sandsnap infront of the clan?
i mean. he doesnt love it
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mewobrute · 7 months
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might make more stupid short comics in the future, but im not continuing this one,
what happens after is that cross tries to take the bowl back and they drop it breaking it, nightmare comes in all pissed at the noise, and gives them a spanking(he doesnt spank them he just tells them to stop being dumbasses).
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daisyachain · 2 months
I’ve made this post before but I can’t be bothered to find it. In what we commonly consider a ‘traditional’/patriarchal European society, the paths in life are: marriage with children (acceptable), bachelorhood (frowned upon, locked out of certain professions/roles), spinsterhood in servitude to parents (probably suffering), religious servitude. An unmarried person is a servant either of the local lord, the Lord, or the parents. The parental relationship has a built-in hierarchy of the senior parents and the underling child. All pressures push down and toward marriage as a form of (highly limited for women) freedom.
One of the few ways around this system is the sibling relationship. Sticking with a sibling can provide an avenue to independence from hierarchy via a peer relationship, a person who moves in with a married sibling is protected under the auspices of that marriage (though somewhat dependent on the sibling) and is not automatically subordinate as with aristocracy/religious orders/parents. I’m interested in the sibling relationship as a kind of lifeline or shield against the buffets of social expectation specially in a world where there is some kind of censure against unmarriage and in which marriage is seen as the final step in growing up. Siblings are the playmates of childhood, they are biological family, to remain part of s biological family unit is acceptable, to remain unmarried is not, the sibling is the last line of defense against a spouse without submitting to hierarchy and/or could be read as the last line of defense against growing up.
This isn’t coherent. I like the idea of two siblings choosing to remain close into adulthood not because they necessarily like each other that much, but because they understand the consequences of abandoning someone to social forces. Siblings as a kind of delayed maturation, a sign that something is wrong, a failed evolution, a vestigial relationship, you’re supposed to be close growing up and then split into different clans, but they have failed to do so and have closed the loop to return to childhood.
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i messed up my formatting but my point stands
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aroundmyself · 1 month
They should have gotten Diego say goodbye to the kids too in that Subway. Should have been the one who comforted Lila when she decided to stay to end their existence. All while Five watches, realizes and feels bad and tries to reconcile with his brother
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