#bros been alive for over 100 years
ssiegfriedsystem · 8 months
「A hundred years had passed. So, so much has changed in the world, but not as much to Kazukiー
And the golden vestiges of someone still donning an all too familiar scar, smiling on the back of his mind.」
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melodyglow-blog · 2 months
Why i think Dabi / Touya is still alive after chapter 430
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#spoilers ahead
Ok first of all,this shit was so ass, i dont even wanna think about how the final chapter looks like it was set in a dark AU ending where nothing changes and rei looks older than ever, still pushing enjis wheelchair for the past 8 years🤮, shoto being a workaholic (and soon being num ONE). Shouldnt he be more focused on his friendships??
Plus, no mention of his siblings that his arc has been working on reconnecting him with. 🤮 So like...Enji won? Shoto will be number one after all wtff..
But id rather think about the fact that touya could still be alive after the timeskip. Here are a few reasons why..
No gravestone shown, no image of a shrine or a burial, hell..no mention of his death AT ALL unlike with toga or shigaraki, erasers friend and midnight...hell, deku even hallucinates shiggy. If touya was truly dead i feel like we wouldve seen a panel of his shrine or ANY indication if his death.
Society and tech have improved so much that quirkless deku can be a hero, so theres no way that touya, with a partial healing ice quirk isnt kept alive.
He was last shown to be 'slowly marching towards death' like BITCH thats literally what being alive is, we are all slowly marching towards death😭
This man is allergic to dying and i do believe that hori left his outcome ambiguous for a reason, if hori wanted to show touya dead he 100% would.
Shoto smiling..like bro would be smiling like that after his oldest brother passed away, like i said, intentionally hori is avoiding any mention of Touya, even natuso is not shown or mentioned, just that shoto has become a workaholic and on his way to being number one...
Plus the panel text is from Deku's pov. So its not todoroki's internal monolouge thats revealed, only his expression and hopefully thats an indicator that his siblings are ok.
Hori has 100% lost the plot lmao, the ending is so convoluted and out of character that theres simply no in universe reason why Touya would be straight up dead. Making shoto mention his father instead of his brothers or sister or MOTHER was certainly a choice🤮🤮🤮.
Old rei pushing enjis wheelchair is sickening and i dont wanna believe that shes still his maid if she has had to mourn touya a second time, its gross and literally a dark au cause wtf.
Since none of shotos siblings were mentioned, this empty space of detail lets us assume that shoto isnt stressing about them. If touya was dead we would see him visiting his shrine, in japanese culture, visiting gravestones and praying to shrines of the dead is symbollic.
I firmly believe that hori either got seriously sick (he said his ears were leaking fluid) or got pressured by his team (he said he cried when his management made him scrap an extra comic page he drew of dabi and sceptic on the past) , i believe that at this point, he didnt have a lot of creative control over his work and wasnt allowed to dedicate more panels to the LOV. HE HAD to prioritise enji and the characters at the top of the poll. When touya came 4th on the final poll, it was too late, his story became enji's story even though hori confessed that he had initially written enji to be killed off in the high end nomu fight.
The story is such a retconned mess, theres no way he wasnt planning shiggy and touya to be SAVED physically, literally touyas last panel is of him crying alone lmaoo.
IN BOTH of Horikoshi's previous serialized series the villains lived and got to reform and atone at the end..
But yeah, my end verdict is that hori intentionally didnt mention touya for the fans to theorise about him living💀
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BONUS ~ i saw a post mentioning this, There is also a throwaway panel of the Doctor "curing the uncurable" - which could refer to Touya
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brains4brawn · 1 year
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It was a small thing, tucked away in the corner of the thrift shop. Victor had pulled it out, but the book was locked and bound in gold and wouldn't open. His mind piqued, Victor bought the book and took it home. Over the next week He tried everything to undo the clasp but nothing worked. When he had just lost hope a tiny but audible Click could be heard, Victor rushed back to find the clasp undone and the bindings slightly ajar.
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Victor carefully opened the ancient tome only to find that the pages were stuck. it was like they had been glued! Only the last page remained free. Written towards the top if fancy handwriting
"Write it down so i can enact Be-warned Though, What is written I can not retract!"
Under neath that was 5 evenly spaced lines. and another message at the bottom,
"I only remain open for this 1 day Until 5 complete Earth circle's will I open again"
Looking at the the 3 blank lines, And thinking this must be a joke he wrote
I will graduate from college
My older brother will never pick on me again
Over the next 20 years I will gain 150lbs
As Victor finished the book slammed shut and relocked itself. Scared Victor threw the book into his closet and ran down stairs.
That night his family recieved word that Victor's older brother was in a bad car crash. He was alive but in the ICU and had lost his legs. Certainly the taller brother would never pick on the shorter Victor again.
The crash had been the fault of the manufacturer so the family received and huge settlement. This money paid for Victor's choice of college.
Two years later, when Victor was home from college for the summer and his mother commented that he was finally starting to get bigger.
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The 20 Year old checked the scale and sure enough he weighed 140, 15lbs heaver then when he was 18. Victor knew it had to be the book.
Victor: 22, 155lbs
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The College graduate was now 23 and moving all of his stuff from his half of the bedroom to his first apartment when he stumbled across the book. Looking at the date on the wall Victor realized it was exactly 5 years since he had last seen the cursed object. As if it had a mind of its own the book opened to the last page, now with three new empty lines waiting to be filled.
Victor hesitated, he had imagined for the last 5 years what he'd do if he had this chance again. He could fix everything!
My older brother James develops a prosthesis so he can walk and run again.
My younger sisters will grow into smart talented women who will want for nothing.
Looking at his tiny 15 year old brother Bastion asleep on the bed Victor writes:
Bastion will grow up to be the popular jock just like his older brother.
Satisfied, the book shuts itself and prepares to grant Victor's wish.
Victor 24, 170lbs
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For the most part the Wishes went like Victor planned. Well except for Bastion's. In the proceeding months after writing those words Victor found himself becoming more popular and Jock-like. Words like Bro or Bruh, dude, man, had taken over. He joined a gym and from there joined some local sports teams. When he wasn't busy at work or working out Victor could be found screwing every chick he could find. No girl was immune to his baby faced charms and his Gym sculpted body.
Victor 26 185lbs
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Victor 28 200lbs
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Victor practically lives in the Gym now. His gains speak for themselves his body is a temple and he loves for chicks to worship him. His younger sisters call him a man whore, while Bastion is turning out just like him.
His girlfriend of 6 months broke up with him cause she caught him in bed with her mother.
Looking in his closet he stumbles over the Book, open and waiting for him to write something down.
In his jealousy of those gay guys who can sleep with anyone he wrote:
I'm like 100% gay, no chicks only dicks.
I wont get any STD's from sex.
Sex with me will change anyone's life.
Again the book closes and gets to work.
Victor 30, 215lbs
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Vic the dick had been out for 2 years now, the book took the man whore and turned him into a man slut. Everyone wanted a piece of him and at least Vic was smart enough to charge them for his services. Every option on the table is open he'd do any guy and make them feel like his number1. Every guy he slept with changed, most upped their stamina but some hunked out into gay sluts just like Vic.
Hell even Bastion had come out and if the rumors are true he's slept with every guy at his college.
Vic 32 230lbs
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Vic was becoming something of a local celebrity in the gay community. His looks had caught the eye of a movie producer and now he was staring in low budget action movies as the gay savior. He had been so busy that he wasn't home for his 33rd birthday. Some how the book found him on location in the bottom of his travel bag.
Vic watched as it opened up to the last page with 3 empty spaces.
He took his time and pondered over what he should write.
I want to find true love
I want to be content
I want to be smart again
The book seemed to close with a sigh. None of these were worth the trouble of granting. But a deal is a deal.
Vic 34, 245lbs
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Vic, 38, 275lbs
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Finally after 20 years, Vic had stopped growing. Life had settled down for the Gay icon, nowadays, he owned a successful chain of LGBTQIA Gyms that catered towards the community needs. He organized Pride events and helped with protests when needed. He looked at the open book on his desk. It was tempting but Vic no longer wanted to change anything about his life. Even though he had never found a lifelong partner.
He decided he had held on to the magic for to long, so he summoned his newest intern Jack and gave the book to him then let him leave so he could explore this newest acquisition.
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*bright flash of Light*
The intercom beeps and Vic pushes the button.
"Sir your husband just arrived to collect you. He wants to remind you that you still have to pick up the kids and get changed for tonights ceremony"
Before he could even answer the door burst open and Vic's husband of 7 years strolled in. Vic was already out of his chair and giving Jack a pec on the cheek while grabbing his toned ass.
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On his way out Vic glanced at the family photo on his desk and gave a silent thanks to the book.
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ganondoodle · 11 months
didnt want to talk about it but i feel like im actually going insane
anti-queer laws are popping up everywhere, fascism is on the rise in every country around me, including my own which is famous for the atrocities of its past that happened not even 100 years ago and only got this far bc no one thought he'd get through with it
a pandemic that WASNT defeated and is STILL around and endangering everyone yet nigh everyone acts like its a thing of the past
the entire creativity of humanity being stolen and chewed up in a maschine so companies can make an endless shitty new schlock of media to pay even less to even less people and earn more or for some entitled tech bros thinking that all art is is the jpeg on screen deluding themselves into believing they now have a privilege denied to them by the talent-god even tho that god never existed and the only one who denies them the ability to make art is themselves
the climate visibly going haywire and few things are done against it, if at all even
and now i am watching a genocide happen while every piece of media joins into the propaganda of the oppressor, of course i dont think hamas is good, a terror organisation is a terror organisation no matter who they claim to fight for, and i am not defending them, hell no, but why are we being told to cheer on an entire country being wiped out for something a small group did, knowing that wiping palestine from existence has been the goal of israel all this time and this has now given them a good excuse and international support to finish it off?? the war russia started agaisnt ukraine is still ongoing, isnt there also a genocide happenign in armenia? and one against a minority in china as well?? probably even more i havent even heard about..
i didnt know about the details of whats happening to palestine until a few days ago either but now, on top of everything, i feel like im losing it, what even is happening, how am i supposed to just .. go on with my daily life while all of that is going on, not losing your faith into humanity has become a real challenge over these last few years even tho i know its vital to keep it alive bc the pit of thinking its all lost anyway is deep and only makes things worse for everyone
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steevbuckk · 1 year
some short fics that i love 🥰
Brooklyn by @toli-a
[Post Avengers, 8 749 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
"Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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Sexiest Man... Alive? by @otp-holic
[Post Endgame, 2 473 words, General Audiences]
Steve has been away from the public eye for three years, and he decides to come back to be named Sexiest Man Alive.
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Infinity by @andrea1717
[Post TWS, 1 258 words, General Audiences]
Bucky and Steve spend a very special new year's eve together.
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maybe bi guy by @yetanotherobsessivereader
[Wrong number AU, 3 338 words, Mature]
Steve: i saw that guy again. i think i’m not as straight as i thought i was
Unknown number: i hate to tell you this but you got the wrong number pal. but hey, i’m bi. i’ve been there. i can talk you through it if you want
Or Steve embarks on a journey of self-discovery assisted by a helpful stranger who likes to make really bad puns
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Cat Calls by @cable-knit-sweater
[Shrunkyclunks, 4 819 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
When veterinarian Bucky gives Steve his personal number, he’s pretty sure he’s obvious enough in what he wants him to use it for. But Steve doesn’t call to ask him out for a drink, or dinner. No, when he ends up calling Bucky late at night, it’s not even for a booty call. It’s because of his newly adopted cat. And he continues to call Bucky about his cat. Until eventually…
“Just uhm, doing my job,” he says, waving away the compliment. “So, do we have a name yet?”
“Yeah she sure fuckin is,” Bucky chuckles.
Steve smirks back at him. “No, her name, I named her Cat.”
Bucky stares at him in disbelief, looking for a sign that it’s a joke. It’s not. He named his cat Cat . He’s not sure if that makes him more or less attracted to Steve. Still, he won’t stand for it.
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#BeProud by @iamnelvenqueen
[Coming out, 9 021 words, Explicit]
To say that Steve had thought about it would have been a lie. It wasn’t an impulse decision either, but it had just occurred to him in the heat of the moment a couple of days before.
He looked back over his shoulder at the sleeping body in his bed, incapable of preventing himself from smiling as he took in his lover’s open mouth and soft snores.
Yes, he was sure of himself. Even if he hadn’t thought about it for more than a few hours at most, he wasn’t about to take back his decision.
In which Steve Rogers decides to casually come out on Twitter on a sunny Sunday morning.
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getting off (on a technicality) by MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)
[Modern AU, 4 510 words, Explicit]
Steve looks exactly like his dating profile had advertised, with one glaring exception—the sheer size of him.
Apparently mass doesn’t translate to the small screen, because instead of getting your average beach muscle gym-bro like Bucky had been expecting, he’d instead been met with what has to be 200lbs of build-you-a-house, carry-you-up-a-mountain, wrestle-a-bear-and-win whole ass man, and it’s short circuiting Bucky’s delicate brain.
And he’s not hiding it particularly well, if the way Steve’s smirking at him when Bucky pulls himself together enough to actually look at his face is anything to go by.
In which Bucky most resolutely, definitively, uncompromisingly does not fuck on the first date…
…until he meets Steve.
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Hi, yep, I'm alive (maybe.)
Here we have cute flower shop Lance and Keith who is very bad at peopleing.
Keith slams the door of the nearest shop open and dashes inside. He bends over and grips his knees, panting. His drenched clothes are making a large puddle at his feet.
"Um... Can I help you?"
Keith looks up and surveys his surroundings. There are various plants of all shapes and sizes on every available surface, and brightly colored flowers pierce Keith's vision. His eyes trail all the way to the far end of the room until they meet iridescent blue.
"Are you ok? You look like you've been running from a herd of angry purple alien cats armed with guns."
Keith has to snort at that. It sounds like the plot of a cartoon made for 7-year-olds. (Which is exactly the sort of thing he likes to watch, but can we just let him pretend to be cool?)
The guy has golden brown skin and a splash of freckles across his cheeks. He has a couple inches on Keith and broad shoulders. The corner of his mouth is quirked up into a little smile, and oh my goodness, Keith really hopes that this guy is at least a little bit gay. (That would definitely make his day go from 'horrible freaking disaster' to 'wonderful freaking disaster.)
This is Shiro's fault. It's that dumb, skunk-haired jerk's fault that Keith is standing sopping wet and making eye contact with an unbelievably cute guy in the middle of a flower shop.
Keith had been sleeping peacefully when Shiro called him at 3am (you read that right, Shiro is a monster) to remind him to take medication. Keith could appreciate this gesture when it wasn't the witching hour, but it was and then Keith was awake, and yeah he hid take the medicine, and because insomnia exists, Keith gave up on sleep and decided to go for a very early run.
Keith can't be blamed for forgetting to check the weather forecast, it was early and he couldn't think about anything but coffee.
And that's why Keith decided to walk the 5 miles from his shack in the middle of nowhere to the nearest town to find a Starbucks.
And that's also why he had to run the last 3 miles because the sky opened up and god decided to have a good cry all over Keith and his favorite sweatshirt.
Yep, completely, 100% Shiro's fault.
Wait. Keith has been staring at the flower boy for too long hasn't he? He can tell from the furrow in his perfectly shaped eyebrows that Keith is not following social conduct right now.
"Right. Sorry. Raining. Water. It's wet." Keith is forcing out words and desperately hoping something he says actually makes sense.
The cute guy laughs. (hallelujah!) "Yes, I can see that. Would you like a towel?" All Keith can do is nod stupidly, terrified of saying something else and having Shimmery-Eye-Dude realize that Keith is about to pass out from social anxiety.
He walks up to the cash register to accept the towel being held out to him. As soon as he does, Dreamy Man smirks and leans up against the counter so that his wonderful face is only inches away from Keith's.
Is it safe to assume that Mr. Ocean Eyes is into guys?
Is this a thing that platonic male companions do when greeting each other??
Is Keith being initiated as a 'bro???'
Why is Keith allowed to leave home on his own???? He should never be allowed into a public area without someone to supervise him!
"I-I- um... h-hi?" Oh look, Keith's stutter is here to say hello.
Tall-Mocha-and-Handsome barks out a laugh. (Wow, Keith would really love a cup of coffee right now.) "Hi there. You come here often?"
Wait. Wait! Keith knows this! Shiro explained this to him last week! Flirting! Keith might have a chance after all!
"I- I've never been here inside of this place and if you mean have I been in front of your face before, no I don't think so because your eyes are kind of sparkling very loudly right now and I don't think I would have forgotten that even though I'm face bland and who are you because you might be flirting with me right now and I really hope so because your face is pretty and hi I'm Keith I'm gay."
Keith has to gasp in a breath of air after the word mush that just erupted from his traitorous face hole. Flirty-Person stares at his face in shock as he tries to process the words that have been shoved at him.
After what feels like an eternity, Please-Marry-Keith's mouth returns to its position in a crooked half-smile and his brow furrows slightly. Keith can't tell if this face means confused pity/teasing or endearment.
"O...k then. You're blunt, aren't you?"
Keith has used up his capacity for language-speaking, so all he can do is flush bright red and try to hide his face in the hood of his sweatshirt.
"Welp, I can work with that. Keith, is it? I'm glad you're not homophobic, you we're staring at me so long that I was worried that you were about to start spouting some nonsense about crimes to humanity. I'm Lance, and are you from outer space? Because your body is out of this world!"
Stop. No. There is no way that Lance (yay, finally, a name! Keith was about to start calling him Sokka.) is a dork. Because Keith's weak heart will actually die. Oop, too late, he's already dead. Deceased. He has officially kicked. the. bucket.
He can't help but dissolve in to giggles. He so caught of guard by the pick-up line that he has to brace himself against the counter to keep from collapsing onto the ground. He rests his forehead on the smooth marble surface and desperately tries to stop choking on his laughter.
"Awww, what? That was my best line!" Keith looks up at Lance's face to see him smiling fondly at him. At least he hopes that's what it is. It there still a chance that Lance is fake smiling to hide the fact that he's calling the police?
Keith finds himself smiling back.
(Two days later they have their first date at the park, Lance prepares a giant picnic and Keith has never been more excited.)
(Shiro never lets Keith hear the end of this.)
I think that was an acceptable ending. Alright, now no one wake me up until I've had at least 10 hours of sleep or I might cry. (That means you @gavemebluethenpurplepinkskies, are you happy now?)
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AHHHH!!! Hello hi I’m back and I absolutely adore all of your Old guard x 00q crossover ideas!!! Thank you for indulging in my brainworms lol. Nicky calling Q bambino absolutely undoes me ahhhh 🥺🥺 and Q being the baby of the group is so funny!! When I was first thinking about it I headcannoned that Q was older than booker by a couple decades but honestly I think that just makes Q being solidly the kid of the group even funnier. Q, hasn’t been the newest member of the guard for 250+ years, dead eye staring as Booker (50 years younger than him) and Nile (literal 20-something-year-old), both skip mostly past baby treatment while Andy still calls him kiddo all the time.
Broooo and Bond seeing Q killed in front of him?? Maybe as a result of his actions??? Like. The guilt!! The angst!! The pain!! *chefs kiss* lovely absolutely lovely. And him being left alone to stew with the body?!?? Just him struggling to compartmentalize enough to do his job, kind of going into shock, wondering why the hell Q dying hurts as much as it does. Just Bond having his “oh” moment only after Q dies. Realizing he loved the snarky little bugger that kept him alive and guided him and helped him hide from medical and M. And then realizing that he can’t do anything about those feelings because Q is dead and it’s his fault. Only to have Q come back to life in front of his eyes.
I have this one scene in my head right now where MI6 has to work with the CIA for some reason and Copley is there as a favor for one of his former coworkers or smthn. And the entire time the man is completely unsubtle like. The opposite of subtlety, keeps glancing over at Q with wide eyes and Q’s dying inside. He’s developing an eye twitch and every time Copley looks at him M and R look at Q like “what’s going on rn” and Q’s like “I never should’ve okayed working with this man”. The two double O agents of your choice guarding the door are simultaneously staring a hole in the side of Q’s head and texting the double O groupchat about the situation.
Also you’re so right about Nile and Q bonding over art!! Ahhh I’m just imagining she takes a day trip to come visit him in London and they go to a bunch of museums and just chat. She calls him old man as a joke and he’s so used to being babied that he secretly loves it. And ik London is MI5 jurisdiction but I think it would be so funny if Nile, Q, and Bond get caught up in some kind of plot and have to save the day. Even better if this is Bond’s first time meeting any of the old guard members in person. Just Nile meeting Bond for the first time, giving him a once over and looking at Q and calling him a cradle robber. And Q is standing there having flashbacks to Bond saying that exact same thing while James is keeled over, laughing so hard he’s crying for the first time in decades. Nile just crosses her arms and is like “I said what I said”. NILE AND MONEYPENNY BONDING HDNDNDNDNDN. The two of them bonding 100 percent gives Q a headache.
And just. Q’s stuck in the UK because of his job, but he’s still part of the guard! Andy and him face timing to give updates, Joe and Nicky constantly texting him everyday, Nile calling him to tell him about whatever stupid shit is going on at the moment. When everything with Quynh gets sorted out I bet she and him constantly call too!! And him and Booker being tech bros!! And ofc they visit him pretty often, popping in and out of the country sometimes all together sometimes one at a time. Just being family y’know?
oop welcome back!
yesss it doesn't matter how old you headcanon Q as (personally i'm thinking after booker, think robert frobisher vibes), he is still baby. he used to scoff at it but he has to admit he misses it whenever he has to go back to london. eve's teasing makes up for it a little bit.
oh after bond finally finds out and they're Talking About It, he kind of feels relieved. at least he doesn't have to worry about Q dying anymore, right? but then bond learns about quynh, and then about merrick (Q deeply regrets not being able to fish them out of that one, he did clean up after them though), and about things worse than death
and then Q tells him oh so gently that no, he could still die. one day he will stop healing and it will be his time, and it's going to be okay, james, we all have to make peace with our mortality. and maybe the reminder of Q's mortality again is what finally kicks bond into Doing Something about this thing he has for Q
after the whole merrick debacle, Q not being in on the punishment to exclude booker offers him comfort and a place to stay. booker rejects the former but accepts the latter. Q always has a hand out and simply waits for booker to reach back.
Q maintaining a separate network of safehouses for his fam because he is still 50-50 on trusting copley. nile asks him if he has a stash similar to andy's cave. the next time they're in america, Q directs them to stay at his little townhouse in boston where she finds a couple of lost rembrandts and vermeers casually hanging in the bedrooms.
the second time bond witnesses Q die is when they're all drunk off their asses and joe dares him to jump into a pool from the third floor balcony. it's a large pool. Q misses. he revives laughing.
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the-crow-binary · 8 months
"Overbearing, he bends to no one's will"
So Dracula is a bratty bottom?
Deep inhale
Year 1094: Mathias Cronqvist loses his wife. In his rage and grief, he goes on to "betray God" by hurting everyone around him and achieve eternal life. He then asks, pretty much plead with Leon to understand and join him. Bratty Bottom behavior.
Somewhere before 1476: Mathias meets Lisa with who he falls in love, to the point it momentarily brings his humanity back. Bottom. Lisa dies and he gets angry, change his name into Dracula, and plot revenge against mankind this time, like he did against God so many years ago. Bratty.
Year 1476: His behavior leads Hector to betray him. He gets hurt and even more angry (even before being 100% sure it's a betrayal), sending Isaac after him, ordering him to bring him back if he is alive so he can basically torture him because he just can't bear being betrayed. Bratty but also Bottom because he seemed to care a big lot about Hector. Like. A big big lot. 🙂 Trevor and friends arrive and kick his ass, so he curse the land in return. Bratty.
Year 1479: He comes back to life and immediately goes "Hector! Why did you betray me ? ):< Humans suck and you should know it already. ):<". Then he gets defeated again and goes "I don't care my curse wille still destroy the stupid humans ):<". Then Hector goes "Nuh-huh! I can reverse it!", and he proceeds to die in a scream. Bratty Bottom.
Year 1576 to 1591: He comes back to life again wich is already very bratty of him. Fights Christopher a first time, makes him believe he died when not really, waits for the perfect moment to strike again, then years later, kidnaps his son. He then proceed to make father and son fight against each other. Bratty. And also Bottom because I bet he wanted to become Soleil's second dad.
Year 1691 to 1698: Comes back to life, sees Simon wich would turn any man into a bottom, and not only does he cast a curse on the land AGAIN upon being defeated, but he curses Simon, SPECIFICALLY, as well. What a brat. Then Simon accidentally brought him back again and killed him again. Bottom.
Year 1748: Bro did not even actually resurrect and he still managed to be an ass a menace through his wraith. Bratty. He then talks about drinking Juste's blood to make himself "whole again", literally saying he needs to fill himself with a Belmont('s life) to live, like bro. Bottom. 😏
Year 1792: "Blablabla it's not MY fault I came back to life, it's the HUMANS' " How can you be brattier and bottomer than by having a whole philosophical conversation with your sworn ennemy about how you have no control over your resurrections it's just that people are asses. 🙄 (Dracula even has Richter dolls all around his castle for Marie to collect like bro just marry the clan already)
Year 1797: He starts as bratty as usual but then Alucard reminds him of the bottomness Lisa woke up in him, and he calms down. Less Bratty as he dies with regrets, but still very Bottom of him.
19th century: He comes back to life more corrupted than ever. Proceeds to flirt with Shanoa, then underestimate and kinda mock her, only for her to defeat him with his own power. The balance between Brattiness and Bottomness has been corrupted as well in favor of the Brattiness, but his inner Bottom is never too far.
Year 1897: Comes back to life. Gets killed by Quich Morris, but mortally wounds him as well. Bratty Bottom.
Year 1917: You have to be the biggest of Brats if it takes a whole world war to resurrect you. And yet, a big Bottom if it doesn't even prevent you from immediately getting killed again lol.
Year 1944: Came back to life not at full power. Fought alongside his eternal hubby, even fusing with him (so fighting with Death inside him 😏), and still lost to two kids. Got killed by the sun, after musing that he will regain his full power one day and that they'll see who will have the last laugh. Bratty Bottom.
Year 1999: Julius topped that man so hard he never recovered from it again. The end of the Bratty Bottom millenia-long terror.
It took Death using books about how much of a Bratty Bottom his dead husband has been to bring him back again in GoS. So, of course, he was still a Brat who wanted to play with his ennemies by fighting them, and a Bottom who let Death penetrate fuse with him to use his powers like they did back in 1944.
So, to answer your question... yes. Dracula is a Bratty Bottom. Always has been. I'd say that his whole job is to be a pain in the ass of everyone, but he's too much of a Bottom for that. 🤭
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barkovsasha · 4 months
What are your headcanons about the cats dmen?
ohhhh my goodness, okay let me see
ekblad is the princess, also lead dman, in my head, they have to ask him for everything because he is The dman on that team, he's been there his entire life, what he says goes
forsling part of pomo saying about how he takes care of the team the way he does his tiny child, when he's on the ice, they don't have to worry because he's gonna take care of the boys, i feel like that translate off ice too. no matter what, any of them can go to forsy and he'll listen and offer advice and just generally be the best boy imaginable (and i wholeheartedly believe this or else why did they sign him to 8 more years)
kulikov fucking menace like he doesn't care about who he hits on that ice, he'll lay a hit on anyone and just crack on and i personally want him to be best friends with barky specifically because of what opposites they are in that regard (and when i say anyone, who remembers that hit on bedard, i'm still laughing over it just because like. bro)
mahura short king and he isn't even that short, but he has short vibes, does that make sense?? like in my head he's actually like 5'1 and lives in my pocket
mikkola kind of a menace but also ride or die and i think it's very funny how he's 77 and kuli is 7 like they're just doing what they gotta do and fuck whoever gets in the way of that but i think ride or die 100% both on and off the ice, will die for those boys which is valid <3 also tallest man in the world <3
montour one word. cunty. this is the cuntiest man in the world not even talking about on the ice. if you haven't seen his insta, you're missing out, he and his wife are the hottest cuntiest people alive and i mean that so seriously. but also on the ice, cunty as hell, he scored in the first game back last year after his son was born, he cheered right in marchand's face this year, i mean... cuntiest man alive, done
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
What's zephs first few days with the new puppet like? Is she excited to be able to run for the first time?
oh goodness, she isn't gonna be running for a good while yet. the sheer amount of physical therapy she will have to go through alone to be able to stand and walk around right is gon take a While, not to mention she will need to get caught up with everything that happened since she crashed that could be anywhere from 50 years to well over 100
besides the original injuries she sported- broken puppet spine (so paralyzed waist down), half blind, constant headaches, possible puppet spasms, struggles with breathing (she never produced the destructive rains like her family, she only produced a little bit intense showers. she had basically ragged hyperventilating sort of breathing pattern), heavily limited brain function by Iterator standards- she also Collapsed and like 99% Died. she's not gonna shake that off so easily so quickly
bro i've been operated on quite the few times and i was Fucked Up afterwards for like three weeks n that was just the Eyes i don't even wanna imagine what Her recovery is gonna be like. she doesn't even know why the hell is she alive in the first place GJDSKLGJ last thing she remembers before going fully dark was the pain of crashing and getting her puppet destroyed despite her best efforts to control the collapse
SO! -claps hands- with that we can come to the safe conclusion that this woman is gonna Keep her ass laid on that bed for a Little bit until she gets some grip on her surroundings with the help of her family- keeping her company, talking to her, joking around and such- and then we carefully pick her up and help her figure out walking with a proper spine. she's gonna be trying to run after like maybe two or so months and that shit will give Boreas a heart attack
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writermuses · 7 months
Hello darlings!
I'm still alive/here. I know I owe all the things and I appreciate you all following my "queue that" rule because I haven't been on my computer to write let alone draft. In case you're wondering what I've been up to I'll give you a bulleted list of the teacher life near D.C. under the read more.
🩵 Natty
Here's some chaos:
My student pulled the fire alarm and rather than addressing that for the felony it is, kiddo is on a 1 month suspension (you get 45 days for fighting) Worth noting this student was previously expelled 2 years ago for a gun situation.
We've had 2 mob fights at my school and another at the next closest high school (they also had a stabbing and the response was "well at least it wasn't our school on the news this time")
I've had more meetings than there were days of the week and worked past 5 nearly every day (we love unpaid work... i'm talking like full time job hours of unpaid labor)
My school has gone through more than 12 principals in my 6 years here and the new one has given me 9 blocks of classes to have my students research, make posters, assemble 550 meal kits, complete a reflection, and present a summary (to whom? idk bro) All while never answering my emails... in case you're wondering it costs 20k to get the groceries for this task alone. As of right now I have 3 students that can build the 550 meal kits. We have 2 80 minute blocks to build them all or our low income families have nothing to eat over spring break 👍
Our bell schedule is changing so that we'll have 3 lunches with students required to be in the cafeteria, instead of 2 where they're in our classrooms. This will end all in school clubs (RIP Four Square Club 😢 ) and we need 350 more chairs in the cafeteria 😂 fyi I had to have 3 students standing per block for 4 weeks because we couldn't get desks and chairs for my classes of 33. When I got desks they gave me elementary cubby desks. (I teach HS. The average 'kid' is like 5'5 hahaha)
The students booed the new principal so loudly at the pep rally that I could hear it with earplugs in and she didn't send their bitch asses back to class. She said, "Hmm, I think I hear some boos? Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last."
Here's some cute shit:
My nearly non-verbal gem of a human told me a joke: Why did the sun go to class? To get a little brighter!
That same student: His current hyperfixation is roasting my lack of an immune system. He calls me his weakest superhero 😂
In a room full of extremely politically divergent teenagers, they almost unanimously agreed that a person facing criminal charges shouldn't be allowed to run for office and then had civil discourse about it.
The hype of my Afghani students getting to teach their class the Arabic alphabet when we started our new module. (Also their hype over the teachers showing up to their club's fundraiser)
A parent made shirts for the seniors on our 🏀 team (just 4 boys). They got to pick their favorite and most impactful teacher and she wanted each one to have a different teacher wearing theirs but 2 of them insisted it be me and wouldn't budge 😭 (also one of them interviewed to play ball overseas so 🤞 for him)
A parent made the staff valentines day cupcakes
A student in culinary arts gave me a banging cinnamon roll the size of my head
A quiet student from last year came by to tell me he bowled nearly 300 and made brownies- they were not pot brownies, I took the risk and it was worth it 😂
2 of my kids with over 100 absences showed up this week! They won't pass but 👍 nice to know they're like alive
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echoeternally · 1 year
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(And wow am I late with that...)
Eternally Never Yours has now reached 900 Kudos, and is nearly at 100 Bookmarks! That’s a pretty impressive milestone, don’t you think? And it even made it that far in less than a year!
While it’s no longer a significant number compared to Mario fanfics on the archive, it’s still the highest number from any of my fanfics, and I’m pretty proud that it managed to hit a decent total count in its lifetime.
Also, I’m glad to discover it’s still top of the Bowser/Mario relationship tag archive, and it’s nice to see that it hasn’t been dethroned from that slot like some others might have been.
(If you’re wondering and don’t know, the Bowser and Luigi pairing took the archive in a major sweep that can’t be touched. Good for fans of that pair! But, my heart remains with my Bowsario buddies.)
Thank you all very much for the support that helped this fanfic get this far! Your love and interest in the story has kept it alive much better than I’ve been able to on my own, and I can’t thank everyone enough for that.
It’s been almost a year since I’ve been able to update. I’ve tried a few times the past few months, but I haven’t had enough time to sit and write the next part. (I tried in October, February, March, and April, but to no avail. Lot of ups and downs for my life lately, very busy.) But, I will not let it hit the end of May without an update, so it’s coming soon! 
Can’t even believe that the Mario Bros. movie came and went. (Heck, it even got posted all over Twitter for loads and loads of people to see! This past week or weekend, no less.) Hopefully you all saw it by now! If you’re a Super Mario fan, then you’d love it.
Ah, but I’m rambling.
Once more, thank you all very much! It’s been so incredible to see this story last so many years and still remain a noteworthy story on the Mario archives. I hope you’ll continue to check back in with it as the story continues. And please, do take care of yourselves. Continue to live every day to the fullest, no matter what you do or where you go! However we can, let’s continue to do our best!
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Random Headcanons: Hesh
Secretly cried when he had to cut his hair for the military. (Put on a brave face when he showed Logan, who burst into literal tears immediately.)
Got his callsign "Hesh" because when his unit went to go practice throwing grenades he bounced his off the barrier and it rebounded it smacked him in the forehead. He was left with a large bruise, but didn't get exploded. (Hesh stands for "High Explosive Squash Head")
He has the mutton chops because he wants growth across the whole of his face but it just ain't working out for him.
Has a slight gap between his two front teeth.
One of those guys during the pacer test that lasted entirely too long. Probably also wore neon gym shorts.
Treats Riley like he's another little brother to take care of.
Was a bit of a playboy before ODIN but after his only concern was making sure Logan and him were okay, so he lost the skills and doesn't know how to navigate dating as an adult.
Loves marine biology with such an intense passion he almost got stuck with the nickname Aquaman until the grenade incident happened.
Due to the prior he and Keegan can talk sharks for hours on end. Both are very passionate about how Jaws wronged the entire species.
Lots of held back rage, and (Justifiably.) feels that him and his family have been wronged by the world.
Likes to doodle but doesn't feel he's very good at it.
Very stronk. Could probably win an arm wrestling contest against Merrick if he really wanted to.
So very disgruntled in the morning but coffee doesn't help because he's a fraction too ADHD for it to work.
Bullied Logan into helping him study for his Russian language class in high school, so they both speak it pretty well. Hesh also didn't need to study so hard but he did because he's Extra tm.
Didn't take theater or drama but he became a bit obsessed with Shakespeare plays because of his English Language Arts class in his freshman year. This confuses Keegan, who can spot a theater kid from a mile away. Hesh knows the stuff but lacks the vibe.
Really enjoys pop music. Like he's a bit obnoxious about it.
Video game nerd that looks like a sporty chad. Catches people off guard. His favorite genre is open world games.
Teams IT guy. He's very smart computer-wise, and for that reason doesn't trust tech. (Keeps a loaded shotgun to blow his printer away if it ever makes a weird noise.)
Loves Logan but like every good sibling he can and will take any opportunity he can to bully him relentlessly.
So very stubborn. After the beach, you know where he got shot TWICE and almost BLED TO DEATH before receiving help, he insisted on getting up like the day he woke up because he could "Still be useful." and immediately fell over and face planted on the floor. Keegan did try to catch him but he's like a tree: You move or you get crushed.
Stan for Korean made horror. Sweet Home. Train to Busan. #Alive.
Also a Junji Ito fan. The Enigma of Amigara Fault is his favorite. (Projecting.)
Candle lover. Has too many.
Seems like the kinda guy to be so chill with spiders he could just go "Crickey, she's a beaut!" and pick up a tarantula.
Obsessed with swimming. Another a reason he almost got stuck with Aquaman for a callsign. Would have gone into the Navy if Elias didn’t propaganda his ass into the Marine Corp.
Everyone thinks he and Logan are dependent on each other, but Hesh is 100% the one dependent on Logan cus he has no clue who he is but Logan’s big bro.
Because of the prior he like… has to be a sibling authority of some kind to someone all the time (Or he’ll have an identity crisis.) so when Logan gets abducted he tries it with Keegan but epically fails because Keegan starts doing the older sibling authority thing to him instead. So he just starts big-brothering Neptune.
Survivors guilt after Logan is abducted whacks him like a stick in the hand of a slightly-too-drunk-uncle when confronted with a piñata at a child’s party. (He explodes.)
The prior is why Keegan started Big-Brothering Hesh. He was already worried for both of them after the Luxor, but when Hesh was… being normal after the beach it really set off some alarm bells in Keegan’s mind. It’s not a very Hesh like thing to do, not frothing at the mouth and screaming in rage whenever Rorke’s name is said.
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rhysomara · 2 years
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tanner buchanan, pansexual, male + he/him ― hey look, it’s rhys o'mara! they’re twenty-two years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for twenty years, and they’re currently working at fast times. i heard they’re pretty vexatious, but i think they’re so scrupulous at the same time. can they make it out alive? || chelsea, 25, she/her,
full name: rhys maguire o’mara
gender: cismale.
pronouns: he/him/his
age: twenty-two (22)
birthday: march 7th
zodiac sign: pisces
sexual orientation: pansexual
occupation: employee at fast times
rhys is one of eight children -- he falls in the middle of them. his parents (darby & keila) moved their family to shrike heights when rhys was about two years old. over time, rhys discovered that his parents were fairly unreliable. it seemed they never had enough time or money for the things their family needed. once rhys’ oldest brother (we’re gonna call him brennan) was eighteen, darby & keila went on a “vacation” that they still haven’t come back from. that was twelve years ago. this left brennan in seven younger siblings to take care of, ages ranging from 7 to 17.
as of this year all of the o’mara siblings are over the age of 18 and most of them have gone off to do their own things, leaving shrike heights behind. however, rhys still lives at home with his oldest brother and one of his sisters. 
rhys has always been very intelligent, excelling in school. he is currently enrolled in shrike college and is pursuing a degree in mathematics education, but if you ask him he will not admit it.
total skater kid and always doing something he probably shouldn’t be, but also very very awkward like 100% of the time.
always down to adventure no matter what it is. campout, hiking, rooftops, abandoned WHATEVER, he’s down.
honestly i struggle putting him into words bc he’s just more of a vibe for me??? so here’s a pinterest board.
oldest brother.
younger sister.
temporary foster parent(s)-- this would have been for probably less than a year until rhys’ older brother could get established to take care of his younger siblings and rhys probably would have turned 18 during this time. i would imagine that rhys is probably still pretty close to them and/or has good respect for them helping him out.
“we’ve always been partners in crime but now you’re hanging around someone else and i’m incredibly jealous”
“we were best friends but then you hurt me somehow and now i can’t stand you”
“we keep bumping into each other and now it’s getting weird are you sure you’re not stalking me”
“we planned out our hypothetical apocalypse survival plan together but now i hear you have one with someone else, did i mean nothing to you?”
“you’re dating my best friend but we have way more fun together”
“we’re each others wingmen/wingwomen but now i’m kind of into you and i’m confused”
“i’m always asking you go on adventures with me and we spend all kinds of nights staying up talking but i’m afraid to admit that i have feelings and make it weird” – like a will they won’t they
“best friends. bros. partners in crime. eat take out and fck shit up all the time buds.”
literally anything.
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adultalternative · 5 months
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Rodeo Star by Cowgirl Clue- One of the weirdest albums of the year. Electropop with country samples and lyrics that are a bunch of mantras together. Don’t take my lack of description as a lack of praise. My favorite songs are Rodeo Star, Picket Fence, and Gold Switchblade.
Ooh I Rap Ya by George Clanton- George Clanton was a name I sometimes saw but never gave a chance until last year. This album is a perfect homage to 90’s alternative dance. My favorite songs are the epic Justify Your Life, the Savage Garden-esque I Been Young, the nihilistic but anthemic FUML, and the dreamy For You I Will.
10,000 gecs by 100 gecs- Very loud, irreverent, and most importantly fun. People keep wondering how long hyperpop can last, but 100 gecs was able to shift seamlessly into an alternative rock sound. My favorite songs include Doritos and Fritos (which I was surprised to see on the Warner Bros rock channel on my Roku), The Most Wanted Person in the United States, Billy Knows Jamie, Frog on the Floor, and Dumbest Girl Alive.
Moments of Clarity by Narrowhead- I don’t know what it takes for me to give two looks to ‘regular’ alternative rock bands now that I have a more diverse taste, but Narrowhead stuck out to me immediately. Loud and cathartic, I’ve seen them compared a lot to Deftones. My favorite songs are Breakup Song and Sunday, as well as the alternative dance inspired Soft to Touch.
BB/Ang3l- After the very broad 333, Tinashe went for mega concise. I liked Talk to Me Nice, Treason, and Gravity. I am looking forward to the sequel project this year, which should be sooner rather than later given the delayed release this list has.
World Hassle by Alan Palomo- Alan Palomo’s music was no stranger to inspiring daydreams for me. After an 8 year hiatus, this still holds. Palomo’s solo album sounds more like sophistipop and jazz-funk than synthpop, but is still perfect for soundtracking dead mall videos, Sims Youtube speedbuilds, and city planning videos. My favorite songs are "Is There Nightlife After Death?”, Nobody’s Woman, as well as Stay at Home DJ.
guts by Olivia Rodrigo- I never know how to rate the pop girls of the next generation. Usually there are dozens of discussions about them for who is the most planty, who is the most naturally talented, who is the most wise beyond their years, and who is the most annoying (AKA a normal under 23 year old with a public social media platform), but I just opt out of them instead of having dozens of opinions (unfortunately, I can't always restrain my thoughts on pop stars this easily). This either means an album like Melodrama will have the highs affect me less than they do other people, or an album like Happier Than Ever I wrongly write off too early because I'm not that interested in the meta discussions of Billie’s sophomore slump. But guts had no problem reeling me in. Olivia shows how eclectic Pop rock can be with a rap rock song like Get Him Back, a One of the Boys esque song like Love is Embarrassing, as well as the bubblegrunge inspired Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl.
Gag Order by Kesha- Usually, when people want a dark and personal album by a pop star, we imagine it to be a little confessional and a little experimental, but this album took me by surprise, from the album art to the songs themselves. Maybe it was just watching the visualizers for the videos, but you definitely get the alienation and stress Kesha was facing over the last decade with Something to Believe In and Eat the Acid. For a little more balance, listen to The Drama and Only Love Can Save Us.
Bully by Bully- Bully’s most immediate album since their debut, in my opinion. I like the anthemic Days Move Slow, the surprisingly moody A Love Profound, and the political All This Noise.
Leaving The Light by Genesis Owusu- Genesis Owusu came with an album with a little bit of everything. Post punk, drum and bass, and funk. I like Leaving The Light, The Roach, The Old Man, and That’s Life (A Swamp).
heaven knows by PinkPantheress- More of PinkPantheress’s trademark easily digestible and recognizable UK Garage and helium vocals. My favorite songs are Capable of Love and Internet Baby, as well as The Boy’s a Liar.
Good Luck by Debby Friday- Debby Friday came out of nowhere with this brash homage to industrial music. If you want to get adjusted to the soundscape with a moody bop, start with So Hard to Tell. If you are ready for the loudness, go to Pluto Baby.
Gizmo by Tanukichan- Going on the shoegaze subreddit is good for finding out how to classify ‘The Greats’ of shoegaze music for people whose names I always see but never actually commit to (Or in the case of Curve, are not on streaming), but not my favorite for finding new people. Seeing everything described as ‘Bad impressions of Loveless or just reverbed guitar music’ makes me turned off from giving people more chances. Tanukichan, however, has the right amount of vocals and right amount of guitars. My favorite songs are Don’t Give Up, Take Care, Thin Air, and Mr. Rain.
Chaos for the Fly by Grian Chatten- I’ve kept up with alternative rock enough to know that solo acoustic projects are usually optional for me. But calling Chaos for the Fly an acoustic folk solo album is not doing it any justice. This album has enough atmosphere to keep people who normally don’t like folk music interested, without taking away focus from the lyrics. This is a perfect album for rainy Sunday mornings. My favorite songs are Last Time Every Time Forever, Bob’s Casino, and Fairlilies. 
Rabbit Rabbit by Speedy Ortiz- Speedy Ortiz returned with a better focus than their 2018 project, in my opinion. The production gives a lot of different textures time to shine. I like the songs Kim Catrall and Who’s Afraid of the Bath?
wallsocket by underscores - An album that might cast itself out based on how weird it is until the hooks sneak up on you. Other people have talked about how it’s a concept album better than I have, so I won’t talk about that, but Locals (Girls Like Us) is very ahead of the times party-rap revival, Shoot to Kill, Kill Your Darlings, is probably one of the cleverest political songs of the year, and Cops and Robbers is a pure adrenaline rush. Special mention goes to You Don’t Even Know Who I Am, which is haunting with a very unique sample.
☆ Cosas de brujas ☆ by Maria Escarmiento- An exciting and fun hyperpop album where the language barrier doesn't matter. It reminds me of Number 1 Angel era Charli. Mejores que ayer and Demasiado Callado are euphoric, Creo que hoy no me apetece quererme morir is a crunchy futuristic song
Past/present/future by Meet Me @ the Altar- over the past few years, I've had revisionism for the 2000s pop rock girlies. Not just ‘Breakaway is good’ or ‘One of the Boys has Really solid album tracks that get overlooked for obvious reasons’, but more deep-cut esoteric ones that can definitely merit their own post. Meet Me @ the Altar captures the era with their power pop influenced pop punk. Say It (to My Face) is purposely well, immature and energetic like most pop punk, and is the most famous song, per the Roku rock video channel I use, but they have other sounds, too. A Few Tomorrows is a catchy singalong midtempo which could have been the last stray American Idol alumni breakout single (I mean it in the best way possible) and Need Me reminds me of the power pop on One of the Boys.
The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We by Mitski- After too much meta narrative about Mitski’s career clouded her last two albums, Mitski came with a folk album that might be more sparse, but not at all too simple. There is the dreamy My Love All Mine All Mine, the wanderlust of Buffalo Replaced, and I Don't Like my Mind.
Flower of Life Taleen Kali- An interesting shoegaze album that reminds me of the Dum Dum Girls. My favorite songs are Only Lovers Left Alive and Flower of Life. I am curious for where her sound will develop from here.
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13ag21k · 7 months
We don't have therapists here, otherwise I would go to get a proper diagnosis, I'm kinda scared, I think I have bpd, I'm not 100% sure though, I feel intense mood swings, I used to break down and cry if someone had said something mean to me when I was a young teen,my mood had been unstable even back then,I was always called too sensitive, I idolize people but also can discard them just as quickly if they do something I deem to be "evil" in my point of view. I get paranoid sometimes that the ones I love might abandon me or become unable to tolerate me anymore, I feel angered when I have to repeat myself over and over again and yet no one listens it just makes my brain glitch and I feel like yelling or breaking something. I got depressed so bad like everyone else in my teens, nothing special but I've been feeling dissociated from my feelings for 5 years now, the world doesn't feel real and I have internalized anxiety and yet I still love living💖 I love this universe so fucking much💖 I will fight tooth and nail to stay alive💖 wanted to post this because I feel kinda lonely, I don't even know if I truly have bpd until I get professional help in the future, *sighs* life is weird huh? I want to punch God and kiss him at the same time, like wtf bro? You've made golden sunsets, mountains, gentle breezes, this vast and mysterious universe and then he just mixed in some crime, brutality and mental health problems XD anyways I better go and do my house chores, ahhh nothing feels better than venting on tumblr💖
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