#brooklyn shepard
This really happened I was there I officiated the wedding
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crow2222 · 8 months
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I mixed my two comfort media because I can !!!!!!!!
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Redraws of the cast as the gang :3!
I also have sketches of them but there's a pic limit so.
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scopophilic1997 · 4 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_996 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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mikotv · 7 months
Price: just leave the paper work on my desk when you’re done. Nice work.
M!reader: Good. Thanks Dad.
Price turned around to face M!reader, as well as the rest of the team
M!reader: ..why is everyone staring at me?
Ghost: You just called Captain Price “Dad”. You said “Thanks dad”.
M!reader: What, no I didn’t? I said “Thanks man.”
Price: so you see me as I father figure m!reader?
M!reader: No! If anything I see you as a bother figure cause you’re always bothering me.
Soap: Hey! Show your father some respect!
M!reader: I didn’t call him dad!
Price: oh no no no m!reader..I take it as a compliment.
Gaz: You just called Captain Price ‘Daddy.’
M!reader: hey Daddy is not on the table here.
Graves: but you did call him dad dude.
M!reader: you shut up, you’ve done nothing but lie since you got here.
Graves: alright alright I was lying about not helping Shepherd. But the dad thing? That happened.
M!reader: Aha! He admitted he was helping him. It was all a trap. All part of my..crazy and devious plan.
Price: I believe you.
M!reader: thank you.
Price: ..son. You wanna talk about it later over a..game of catch?
M!reader: ..I’d like that.
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sintrup · 2 years
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quick warmup before i try to draw anything else
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Inspired by that ME comic that I can't find rn (please tag the author if you find them) my brother and I brainstormed which ME characters would fit best in the Mole Cold Open from B99 so here you have it:
Shepard: That's crazy, no one here's a mole.
Anderson: How can you be so sure
Shepard: Because I know these guys, I know everything about them
Anderson: You're a poor Commander if you don't think people can surprise you
Shepard: Not these people. Here, watch this I know what everyone is gonna do tonight. It's thursday, so Kasumi is gonna leave early to rehearse with her dance group, Dancy Reagan, they're the first ladies of movemente. Liara's gonna be going over her weekly budget. And Thane will be attending a "Pyjak for one" cooking class.
Thane: Tonight's menu "Sauce-Alon-I"
Shepard: And if I run and leap at Garrus he will most certainly catch me in his arms. Coming in!
Garrus: No, I'm holding coffee!
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
im born and raised in brooklyn so i think i have a bit of weight when i say these things when it comes to dally coming from nyc
ik he comes from ny bc hes the only one out of all these characters i can actually see wearing timbs, the shepards r like a close second
he LOVED summers in brooklyn i can feel it
i think an arizona would calm him down
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toasterbunnicula · 2 years
Mass Effect Character Sexualities because I want to project
(Partly headcanon, bi-ased, personal opinion)
Ashley: straight, formerly homophobic until she realized that most of her Normandy crew mates were gay
Garrus: bi energy, its simply unfair to our gay guys for such an amazing and hot character to not go both ways. Ive also seen too much Garrus/Thane/Shepard fanart to see him any other way
Liara: obviously bi, I hc that she was confused when she first encountered homophobia because it simply doesn’t exist in asari culture (closest thing is the asarixasari stigma)
Wrex: for some reason I see him as bi? I have no idea where I got this but I want to see a tough, old warrior casually mentioning being into both men and women and not caring at all about it (even though I think krogan culture probably wouldn’t approve)
Tali: for my sake as a helpless bi simp, I see her as under the umbrella, but doesn’t realize it. Like me before I came out, Tali would say “yeah she’s really pretty and I want to hang out with her and hug her and stare at her but I’m not gay or anything.” You are. You are gay. I think it would be in character for her to completely miss the fact that she’s into girls as well as men
Joker: straight. The kind of straight to make jokes about his friends’ sexualities, but not mean anything by it. He goes to pride every June with his wife EDI (who I will get to)
Jacob: I honestly can’t believe that he was originally intended to be bi, I just can’t see him into men unless I squint. It’s hilarious that they tried to make his male romance more like Brokeback Mountain so it’d be accepted
Miranda: I’ve seen a headcanon on Pinterest about Miranda having internalized homophobia because it doesn’t line up with her view of genetic perfection, something she’s established to be insecure about. I think it would make perfect sense for her character. I think it’s easy to see her as a lesbian practicing het-comp, especially with how awkward her initial flirting with Shepard is, but there are more scenes in her romance that feel authentic than there are that feel performative, so I’m inclined to say she is bi/pan/omni/etc.
Mordin: I’m pretty sure his asexuality is canon. I also think that he’s aromantic as well, but can objectively assess beauty/attractiveness well. For example, his film noir short story in the Citadel DLC involves a hookup with Aria. I personally believe that is him saying “yeah, she’s attractive, and if I were into women, I’d smash”
Zaeed: he gives off straight uncle who would punch a homophobe for you but otherwise doesn’t know how to interact with you after you’ve come out and tries a little too hard to acknowledge your sexuality but it’s definitely well-meaning (think the “anyone could be they!” scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Grunt: straight and supports his bi parents (Shepard and Garrus/Thane/Tali/Liara), wears rainbows at Pride for them, and regularly headbutts homophobes
Jack: I’m forever salty about them erasing her pansexuality. Also she and Miranda should’ve kissed
Kasumi: also gives off pan energy. She definitely feels like the type to not care about gender at all- as long as they’ve got muscles, that’s all that matters to her
Thane: pan energy
Samara: as established, Samara is bisexual
Legion: ace, non-binary (goes with people using he/him based on its masculine voice, pronouns are they/it)
Kelly: she said so herself, she doesn’t care about race/species or gender, all that matters is the person 💖💛💙
EDI: something about Sentient AI Who People Initially Don’t Trust Until She Gets A Humanoid Body That People Can Better Associate With Her reads to me as a trans allegory. Obviously, she’s not trans, but the vibes are there. Many times, people are suspicious of trans women until they transition and pass more as cis, which is similar to EDI’s story. She learns more about herself after her body changes, and others start to appreciate her more and have an easier time referring to her with she/her pronouns. As for her sexuality, she doesn’t seem to lean any particular way to me. She doesn’t seem like the type who’d use labels, even though it would make sense for her to “categorize” herself. I’d say she’s unlabelled- definitely into men, with her relationship with Joker
James: as much as I wish we could get gay gym bro representation, James is great as he is, being a masculine straight guy who’s best friends are openly gay (Cortez) and bi (Shepard)
Traynor: lesbian (canon), definitely into women who can crush her head under their heel but also has a dominant side herself
Cortez: gay (canon)
Diana: that annoying and popular bi girl you secretly had a crush on but didn’t want to because she was intimidating and popular
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margoteve · 2 months
The Normandy Album 3:
the Marshmallow contest
Summary: Normandy crew tries to guess what Javik's reaction to marshmallows would be.
Author's note: Rex is a varren you can adopt in ME2 with Normandy mod. You can also read this on AO3. Also, I love Brooklyn 99 references ;p
Enjoy. And leave some feedback :) or suggestion for next one.
"Ladies, Gentlemen and others," Joker stood in the middle of the mess hall, arms wide and walking very carefully. "We have gathered here to answer an age old question: who here can make the best impression of Javik." His announcement got everyone's eyes on him. Perfect. "Everyone will be judge by the voice, body language and overall lack of flaire. Everyone will perform the same scenario - Javik eating a marshmallow for the first time in his life." He pushed the bowl of marshmallows in the middle of the table and a collective snicker and giggle ran through the floor with some whistles. "Let the Javik-off begin!!"
The room exploded into an applause accompanied by a loud, excited barking of Rex and Urz - Shepard's varrens. The competitors lined up to try their best.
First to take a stab at it was Garrus: "What is this glutenous monstrosity before me." He turned the marshmallow between his claws, frowning deeply without eating it. "It wasn't a thing in my cycle." He sniffed it and placed it down with a suspicious squint.
Next came Ashley. "The sugar in this is quite sweet," she stated, mouth full, with an angry grimace glaring at Joker. "Sweets are for primitives."
Next was Tali. She sat down and made a delighted giggle, humming over the marshmallow she couldn't eat.
"C'mon Tali, is that really the best you can come up with?" Joker shook his head.
"What! I can totally see him doing that!" she defended herself.
"Get outta here," Joker shooed her away.
Tali left the spot by the table among more crew laughing.
Next was Liara. She squinted at the candy between her fingers. "Looks like a sticky pillow... I never had pillows in my cycle."
The final one was Joker. "I don't care for it. In my cycle, we would throw these out the airlock." The crowd snickered, giving some hoots of approval.
"What's going on here?" Suddenly, Shepard entered the scene with Javik following behind her. "What are you doing?" she asked, suspiscious.
"Commander! And Javik! Glad you came here!" Joker glanced at the bowl in front of him and took it carefully. "We were, uh, just enjoying some marshmallows. Do you think that maybe you and our Prothean friend could try some?"
Shepard took one look at his face and just knew shennanigans were afoot. She raised an eyebrow and noticed the looks Joker, and everyone else on deck were throwing Javik. "Sure," she said slowly. "Javik, why won't you try one too."
Javik leered at Joker and his marshmallow bowl sceptically. "Commander, I don't-," he started.
"C'mon, Javik, she tried to encourage him. "One marshmallow won't kill you. I hope." She joked and took the bowl from Joker offering the last remaining marshmallow to him.
Javik glanced over the room, noticing the almost held breath of everyone gathered there. Then he looked at Shepard who seemed to be fine eating the white substance. Slowly, he reache into the bowl. Everyone seemed to suck a breath in. Javik bit into the marshmallow. He chewed. Suddenly - a small giggle escaped his lips. He quickly clasped a hand over his mouth, turning around.
"I KNEW IT!!" Tali yelled, jumping up in victory. The events betting pool was hers and hers alone! Take that you bosh'tets!!
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postwarlevi · 8 months
📚Eliza's 2024 reading list
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I've been reading a lot lately and thought it would be fun to keep track and share and maybe see what everyone else is reading!
I have a goal of 26 books this year including participating in this book challenge. I'll mark the books from the challenge with a 📖 and change colors with each new month from the start of a new book. Also 🚫 denotes a DNF (did not finish) and the plan is to add another book each time.
I'll update as I start a new book and note if any books are part of any other challenges.
Chat with me about books I read, that you read, or you think I'll like!
1 Midwinter Murder short stories by Agatha Christie.
2 Little Women by Lousia May Alcott 📖
3 Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey
4 Don't Look Now short stories by Daphne Du Maurier 🚫
5 Jane Fairfax by Joan Aiken 📖
6 Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Calonita
7 Radio Girls by Sarah-Jane Stratford
8 Nancy Drew ..Hidden Staircase by Carolyn Keene (March mystery)
9 Isle of the Lost by Melissa De La Cruz (middle grade March)
10 Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín 📖
11 The Guest List by Lucy Foley
12 The Pleasing Hour by Lily King 🚫
13 Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
14 Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen 📖
15 HP + Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling (reread)
16 Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine
17 Furbidden Fatality by Deborah Blake 📖
18 Return to the Isle by Melissa De La Cruz
19 Zoo by James Patterson 📖
20 Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
21 Nancy Drew ..Bungalow Mystery by Carolyn Keene
22 Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
23 Alex and Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz 📖
24 Shopaholic Abroad by Sophie Kinsella
25 Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
26 Secret History of Witches by Louisa Morgan 📖
Added due to unfinished books
27 Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
28 Harry Potter Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling (reread)
29 Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (Jane Austen July)
30 Midsummer Mysteries by Agatha Christie
31 Murder of Mr Wickham by Claudia Gray (JAJ)
32 Jane Austen shorts (Love and Friendship, etc) and bio
33 Crooked House by Agatha Christie
34 Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch 📖
35 Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
36 Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
37 Zombie Town by RL Stine (Summerween)
38 Long Island by Colm Toibin 📖
39 The Women by Kristin Hannah 📖
40 Beach House by RL Stine (Summerween)
41 Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling (reread)
42 Final Girls by Riley Sager
43 Wreck the Halls by Tessa Baily
44 Garlic and the Vampire graphic novel by Bree Paulsen
45 And Then They Were Doomed by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli
46 Pretty Little Liars book 1 by Sara Shepard 📖
47 Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa
48 Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly
49 Spy x Family manga book 1 and 2 by Tatsuya Endo
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therealteaofpfandom · 2 months
Pascalispunksuissefan and pascalispunkfanclub are the same account, they changed names. They change their name when people were done with their shit & call them out, they also private their account whenever they start getting called out. They change the account name about every 18 months, hoping people will think they’re just a different account instead the same one. They’ve spent so much money buying followers and likes because most of the followers don't follow any other Pedro fan accounts and more than half follow the same bot account.
They have lied and said they know Pedro personally. They lied and said they lived in the same apartment building as him at the same time in Red Hook Brooklyn. They steal pics from tourism websites and pretend they're on vacation, usually in places where Pedro is known to be. They’ve also told several people that the German Shepard in pics with Pedro is hers. It actually belongs to his friend and old trainer, Ash Scarrot.
Thanks for the update Anon.
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aceghosts · 2 years
OCs as Characters
I was tagged by @nightbloodraelle, @fourlittleseedlings, and @nightwingshero to do this quiz. Thanks!
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini, @marivenah, @direwombat, @detectivelokis, @voidika, @baldurrs, @purplehairsecretlair, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @commander-krios, @clicheantagonist, @captastra, @strangefable, @eclecticwildflowers, @confidentandgood, @indorilnerevarine, and anyone else who wants to do this!
Blue Murphy
Aladdin (Disney)
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Robin Hood
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
Commander Rooney Shepard
Ellen Ripley (Alien)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs)
Captain Marvel (MCU)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Hunter Delaney
Anakin Skywalker (SW)
April Ludgate (Parks and Rec)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
The Joker (The Dark Knight)
Janis Ian (Mean Girls)
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scopophilic1997 · 4 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_995 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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hiphopvibe1 · 5 months
Solange Knowles honored as trailblazer by The Brooklyn Academy of Music
Solange receives honors at Brooklyn Academy of Music A groundbreaking artist receives a special award for her multiple contribution to music. Recently, Solange Knowles was awarded with honors at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The New York institution highlights their programming every Spring with an Annual Spring Benefit. This year, Solange along with arts producer and advocate Mikki Shepard are…
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lyricfulloflight · 6 months
11, 13, 14 please!
11. What' your ideal date?
Sometime in September. Perfect fall weather.
Seriously, lately Mr. Lyric and I have been enjoying going to hockey games together. Also love dinner and bowling.
We've been married with kids for quite a while now. Any date is exciting at this point because we get to be kid free for a while.
13. What' your comfort food?
Comfort if I'm sick: soup. Anything with broth and noodles.
Comfort if its cold: Shepard's Pie
Comfort if its hot: Very fruity smoothies with tropical fruits like mango.
14. Favourite feel-good show?
911 has been my comfort show for the past year. Started watching it while in a negative mental health space. Still completely obsessed now even though I'm feeing better.
Historically the first 3 season of Gilmore Girls are comforting for me. Or sitcoms that always make me laugh, like Brooklyn 99 or Superstore. Or Taskmaster (I will be in fits watching clips of Taskmaster on Youtube)
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pumpkinsy0 · 17 days
rare mention of a “they all live in brooklyn w me now cause y not” au, but the shepards dad would b a street vendor
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