jorgeburgos8 · 2 years
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And as the representative of the electrical element comes the thunder lizard, the brontosaurus
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glimmerkey · 2 years
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Ajean Toy Mfg Dinosaur Plush
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awthredestim · 1 year
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Commission for FinalGamerJames.
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One's got the street smarts, the other one will pummel you into dust. Don't mess with these two. Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate every single one I receive.
You can check the Making Of post right here.
Thank you!
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catfindr · 2 years
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philoursmars · 9 months
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Marseille. Le Palais Longchamp abrite deux musées, ici le Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Les salles aux vitrines et aux peintures murales, agréablement vieillottes ! J'apprécie les dinosaures "à l'ancienne" !
Dans l'ordre, on voit un Brontosaure et un Stégosaure. Puis sur l'autre, un Stégocéphale (un Eryops ?), un Dimétrodon et un Tyrannosaure.
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bandpicfolder · 1 year
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The Cars on Fridays, January 8, 1982. Source: ABC Photo Archives. Credit the source if reposting.
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fishareglorious · 2 years
Watching some ark playthroughs as I draw and I find it kinda funny that the player always goes through the 7 stages of grief in the beginning of their playthrough.
By which I mean get absolutely bodied by every single carnivore they come across (plus the occasional meganeura dropping by to land a hit) and losing almost all of their tames to said carnivore. I watched this poor dude make a trek across the map to get their lystro back to their base but a raptor jumped in on them the last second and killed it lmao
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hidden-but · 1 year
i love how the two new things i’ve learnt this week in the Random People I  Follow On Youtube Because My Brain Runs On Endlessly Curious Squirrels That Think Everything’s Cool are
ct scan of an exceptionally preserved larynx of ankylosaurs suggest that they might have decently complex social structure
if you want to do a good string orchestration to go with a song, the song must actually have the space for it
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What native Gallifreyan species are there?
Gallifrey has a diverse range of fauna, both native and introduced. Despite claims of minimal ecological impact, the installation of the Eye of Harmony and millions of years of Time Lord civilisation have significantly altered Gallifrey's original biosphere.
🦋 Invertebrates
Beatitude Flies: Begin as maggots and pupate into golden-winged nocturnal insects. They use nectar to create helium in their bellies and are attracted to light and decay.
Butterflies: Various species flutter across Gallifrey.
Bees: Essential for pollination.
Gullet Grubs: Likely to live in digestive tracts of larger mammals, or similar environments.
Blossom Thieves: Possibly insects that steal nectar or pollen.
Scrubblers: Likely small, cleaning insects.
Neversuch Beetles, Sandbeetles, Waspbeetles: Various beetles.
Dustworms: Likely live in dry, dusty environments.
Scissors Bugs: Possibly predatory insects with sharp mandibles.
Flutterwings: Gigantic insects (3 meters by 25 meters) that never land. Five races include Wild Endeavor, Mandrigal, Silver-Band, Blue Crystal, and Perdition.
Water-Sligs: Likely aquatic or semi-aquatic molluscs.
Web-Spinning Insects: Including spiders about an inch long.
Other dangerous invertebrates: There are also nasty creatures that live beneath big stones.
🐟 Marine Life
Singing Yaddlefish: Notable for their song, and they can be eaten.
Kittensharks: Hatch from eggs and presumably grow into Catsharks.
Axolotl Salamanders: Amphibious creatures with regenerative abilities.
🐍 Elapids
Taipan: A venomous snake, 10 metres long.
Venal Snakes: Possibly nest-stealers or highly venomous.
Bat-Snakes: Presumably flying snakes.
Dinosauria: 20-meter-long reptiles resembling brontosaurs with thick chitinous scales and serrated teeth.
🦅 Avians
Owls: Symbol of Rassilon.
Flurry Birds: Likely small, fast-moving birds.
Trunkikes: Game birds whose eggs are often eaten.
Air Diamonds: Fly in the upper atmosphere, possibly crystalline or bioluminescent.
Song Birds: Various species.
Gargantosaurs: Dinosaur-like creatures, twice the size of a hab-bloc, with two legs, vestigial wings (with purple and white feathers), and four eyes.
🦣 Mammals
Plungbolls: Thumbnail-sized furry creatures living in mountains, attach en masse to warm objects.
Taffelshrews: Edible rodent-like mammals.
Fledershrews: Bat-like, mushroom eaters, nearly extinct.
Cobblemice: Mice that sprout wings.
Rovie Mice: Field-dwelling, long-lived if kept safe, sometimes pets. They have short memories.
Moss-Rats: Possibly rodents that live in marshes with moss-like camouflage.
Vex: Burrowing animals.
Gallifreyan Womprats: 1-metre-long rats with fifteen legs.
Pig-Rats: Inhabit the Drylands, presumably combining porcine and rodent traits.
Flubbles: Small six-legged koalas.
Unnamed rounder rabbit-like creatures
Ounce-Apes: Might be tiny monkeys that are particularly agile.
Sealak: Perhaps a kind of seal, often eaten.
Bear-Ass: A donkey-like animal with bear-like qualities.
Horse-Cats: Probably a horse/cat hybrid-like species.
Sagittary: Horse-like creatures.
Pig-Bears: Can be trained as pets.
Wolf-like Creatures: With long snouts and black-and-white striped fur, almost as big as adult humanoids.
Broakir: Live in foothills, often hunted for food.
Baanjxx: Arboreal browsers that like to eat hallucinogenic cerub nuts. As a child, the Doctor was kicked by one in the head, apparently.
Gallifreyan Marlot: Purple and unique in all of time and space. Probably a bit cat-like.
House Cats: Revered as symbols of intelligence. Traditionally, Presidents kept them as pets.
🐱 Killer Cats (C.A.T.S)
Killer C.A.T.S: These sapient creatures possess instinctive precognitive powers and cat-like physiology. Known for their lethal gladiatorial contests, they despise Time Lord traditions and live in the Gin-Seng Sector of Southern Gallifrey. Their culture includes mercenaries and oracles; they are telepathic.
🏞️ Ecosystem Preservation
Though Gallifrey's outer ecology has suffered, the Time Lords have used technology to preserve many species. Extinct species have been collected, ensuring none become completely extinct. The more fearsome creatures are contained in the Death Zone, while xeno-zoos hold alien species from other worlds.
🏫 So ...
So there's your whistlestop tour of the species on Gallifrey. One day, I'll try to put these onto a species distribution map. Oh, by Rassilon's Beard, I just gave myself more work.
How is Gallifreyan geography different to Earth?: The landscape of Gallifrey.
Factoid: The Fruits of Gallifrey
What could be some biological traits of Gin-Seng cats?: Looking at who the Gin-Seng cats are, their biology, and their place on Gallifrey and in society.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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incorrectjokerout · 3 months
Bojan:Being six feet tall seems a little excessive.
Bojan:It seems as if the talls have overheard me whilst they rooting about the foliage with their brontosaurs necks.
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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Happy Fossil Day. Happy Fossil Day! Brontosaurus is a genus of herbivorous sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period some 156 to 146 million years ago. The first remains consisted of a fairly complete skeleton was recovered from Como Bluff Wyoming in 1879 by William Harlow Reed who named its Brontosaurus excelsus,  meaning "thunder lizard", from the Greek brontē meaning "thunder" and sauros meaning "lizard", and from the Latin excelsus, meaning "noble" or "high". Despite being one of the most complete sauropod skeletons known at the time, the brontosaurus type specimen along with another found in 1880 lacked skulls. In 1903 Elmer S. Riggs argued that Brontosaurus was so similar to Apatosaurus that it should become a synonym. However, when the first skeleton of Apatosaurus was mounted in the American Museum of Natural History in 1905, it bore the name Brontosaurus, in additional confusion because no skulls where known from these animals a faximilally was constructed based off of other sauropod skull remains now know to be Camarasaurus and brachiosaurs which gave the mount a truly bizarre head. This one mounted skeleton is the reason why so much controversy would exist for this dinosaur over the next hundred years. It was not until a 1975 study by John Stanton McIntosh and David Berman re-describing the skull and jaws of Apatosaurus and Diplodocus was published that things would really get moving for more accurate reconstructions. In 1995 the original Brontosaurus mount from 1905 finally got a skull revision to be like that of Apatosaurus, and was also now named as Apatosaurus excelsus. It took the best part of a century to reveal the true shape and form of Apatosaurus, and for most of this time the majority of paleontologists agreed with the opinion of Elmer S, Riggs from 1903 that Brontosaurus should be a synonym to Apatosaurus. One notable exception however was Robert T. Bakker, who in 1998 argued that Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus were distinct. Bakker would be proven right in 2015 when an extremely in-depth sauropod study conducted by Emanuel Tschopp, Octavio Mateus and Roger Benson found that the Brontosaurus type species B. excelsus was infact a valid genus. Reaching 62 to 72 (19 -22m) in length and 30,000 to 38,000 (13,600 -17,250kgs) in weight, brontosaurus was large, long-necked, and quadrupedal with a long tail terminating in a whip-like structure. The cervical vertebrae are notably extremely robust and heavily-built, in contrast to its lightly built relatives Diplodocus and Barosaurus. The forelimbs were short and stout whereas the hindlimbs were elongated and thick, all signs that brontosaurs was remarkably strong and muscular. Brontosaurus would have likely lived in loose herds  acting as a nonselective browser feeding upon ferns, cycads, ginkgos, and horsetails, as it coexisted with with a menagerie of other morrison taxa such as the Diplodocus, Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Dryosaurus, Camptosaurus, Allosaurus, Torvosaurus, and Ceratosaurus.
Art Used in this video belongs to the following creators
Brontosaurus excelsus: Paleoguy https://www.deviantart.com/paleoguy/art/Brontosaurus-excelsus-526754288 https://www.deviantart.com/paleoguy/art/Brontosaurus-780543420 https://www.deviantart.com/paleoguy/art/Brontosaurus-Allosaurus-570575957
Brontosaurus is Back: tuomaskoivurinne https://www.deviantart.com/tuomaskoivurinne/art/Brontosaurus-is-back-526656913
Brontosaurus through the ages: Nix Draws Stuff https://nixillustration.com/tag/brontosaurus/
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33max · 5 months
for @f1-obsessed333 who in response to this post said how would maxy react if this was a kangaroo stealing his stuffie?
It is as he’s sprinting full pelt after a kangaroo that Daniel realises he would do absolutely anything for Max.
The dust from the dry Australian ground kicks up in small clouds as his feet hit the floor, one after the other, leaving a dust trail behind him. It probably looks like he is running much faster than he actually is, but Daniel only does endurance running in his fitness plan, not short sprints. Nobody could have anticipated he would have to chase a kangaroo across his farm.
He had turned his back on Max for less than a minute while he tried to barbecue them some lunch, and as he threw a couple of juicy burgers onto the grill Max started wailing from where he was sat on the deck. Really wailing, as if something awful had happened. A high-pitched screaming wail.
Daniel had rushed over, thinking the worst, that Max was hurt. But Max didn’t look hurt. He just continued wailing and pointing off to his right at the large expanse of grassland.
“He’s got Thoup!” Max choked out. Thoup is Max’s dinosaur, its actual name is Soup, but that isn’t something that Max can pronounce when he’s this little.
When Daniel looks in the direction that Max is pointing he realises that he is a short grey kangaroo. And he has stolen and hopped off at pace with one of Max’s favourite plushies.
So that’s how Daniel ends up here, running as fast as he can to retrieve Max’s plushie, Soup the Brontosaurs.
“Come back here you bouncing fucker!”
It’s not a conscious decision to tackle the kangaroo, more of a panicked last-ditch attempt to retrieve Soup for Max before the kangaroo outpaced him. But before Daniel knows it he’s jumping, wrapping his arms around the roo, and knocking it to the floor.
The roo, probably not too happy with being tackled, drops the dinosaur plushie and begins kicking its legs and tail at Daniel to get away.
That’s fair, Daniel thinks as he dodges the limbs.
“Okay,” Daniel says, tucking Soup under one arm and then holding both hands up to the kangaroo in surrender. “That’s it, that’s all I wanted, we’re good now.”
Daniel doesn’t turn his back on the kangaroo, he’s not a complete idiot – he waits for the kangaroo to bounce off to a safe distance before he turns to run back to Max.
The look on Max’s face is one Daniel has never seen before. Pure shock. Enthralment. Admiration.
“Here you go, baby,” Daniel says, handing the slightly dusty plushie back to Max.
Max just gapes at him. Mouth wide open. His binkie is long gone, it must have dropped to the floor in the chaos.
“Daddy,” Max says, very slowly. “You got Soup back.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to let a kangaroo have him!”
That’s what does it. That’s what dissolves Maxy into giggles.
“Oh fuck, my burgers!” Daniel shouts, remembering what he was doing before the interruption, they’re probably burnt now.
That just makes Maxy giggle harder. Burying his face into Soup’s fat tummy.
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m3lonpire · 2 months
A/N: Here, have a Jurassic Park oneshot that's been in my drafts for forever that I only just now finished! :D
Terror. That's all you felt.
A man named John Hammond had invited you to his park on Isla Nublar, Jurassic Park. It was a park featuring real dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurs, brontosaurs, compys, triceratops, everything.
Well, Hammond didn't just invite you. He also invited Dr. Ellie Sattler, a paleobotanist, Dr. Alan Grant, a paleontologist, and Dr. Ian Malcolm, a chaotician. So, what were you? Well, you were the secretary of Dr. Malcolm. He was certainly eccentric, and Hammond wasn't lying when he said Malcolm had a "deplorable excess of personality". He brought you coffee sometimes if he got to the office first. And if you were being completely honest, you kind of had a crush on him, and you were sure he was flirting with you. Plus, you two didn't just have professional relations; you had been friends for a long time.
But, as all these thoughts filled your head, your peace of mind was quickly snatched as you snapped back to reality, feeling that terror again. You were standing with Sattler, Hammond, Muldoon, and a few other people in the control room. Hammond and Muldoon were going back and forth about the storm heading over, and how the fences had been… turned off.
The dinosaurs could be anywhere.
"Have the cars returned to the garage?", Hammond asked. Muldoon's body tensed up slightly. "No. One of the cars is missing.". "MISSING?!", Hammond boomed, getting up from the desk. "The T-rex is out in the park, and you expect no damage to be done?", Sattler asked, sitting up in her chair. "I'm gonna go get everyone.", Muldoon said, putting on a raincoat. "I'll come with you!", Dr. Sattler said. Dashing to the two of them and putting on a raincoat of your own, you responded "Malcolm could be out there! I'm coming with you.".
"Make sure you can keep up.", said Muldoon, adjusting his coat.
As all of them slowly fled the room, Hammond hit the desk with his fist. "DAMN!".
It was a quiet and awkward drive to the T-rex section. You and Ellie Sattler sat bunched together in the car, with you as close to them as possible, sitting in the backseat. You looked around, the rain still falling on your body. "How much longer till' we're there?", you asked. Sattler shook her head, saying "Uh, I think three, four minutes?". Minutes passed and it took a while for your surroundings to sink in.
The road was a rutted, muddy mess. The bathroom clad in palm trees was collapsed into a pile of rubble, one of the Explorers was gone, and the other stood untouched, both doors hanging open. Heading towards the road, Ellie said "Oh, God… where's the other car?". "Alan!", she called out. Suddenly, you heard the thunderous roar of the T-rex. "I think it's ahead of us.", she said. "It could be anywhere," Muldoon said, tensing up slightly. "With the fences out, it can go in and out of any paddock it likes.".
Heading towards the collapsed bathroom, you heard a groan from under the rubble. "U-uh, guys!", you called out as they came closer. Sattler pushed the rubble off the person; it was Ian Malcolm! He lay on his back, semiconscious among the twisted wood and cement. "It's Malcolm!", Muldoon said. He shone his light along Malcolm's body, showing his blood-soaked, ripped shirt. As he moved the light down his body, he saw his right leg which was in worse shape by lightyears.
His ankle was bent outward at an awkward angle from his leg and said area of his trousers was flattened and soaked with blood. His belt, twisted around his thigh, was equally soaked.
"He put a tourniquet on… Ian?", Ellie asked. "Ian!", you cried, panic sinking in. Malcolm whimpered as you touched him, seemingly quite drained. "Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend.", he coughed. Suddenly, you all heard the T-rex roar again, making Ian stare ahead with wide eyes. "Should we risk moving him?", Sattler asked. As it roared again, the explosive sound coming back to you all, Malcolm sat up, saying "Please, risk it.".
You all propped up Malcolm, and he groaned as he shifted his weight onto his left leg. Muldoon laid Malcolm down as carefully as possible in the back of the jeep, and you sat next to him. "Where are the kids?", Ian asked groggily. "We're gonna go try to find them. You two stay here.", Muldoon said as he and Sattler sped off.
Panic surged through your veins as you shifted your gaze towards Malcolm. His name escaped your lips, but the reason behind it eluded you. Were you pleading for his help, somehow? Or were you desperately seeking conversation? The fear of the unknown gripped you tightly, leaving you in a state of utter confusion. You didn't know if you were asking him something if you were trying to get him to talk to you, or what.
"What?", Ian coughed. You held your breath, panting before you continued to speak. "I don't know. Are you… okay?". Malcolm looked down at his leg and looked back up at you. "I've been better.". Eventually, he leaned his head back, sighing and closing his eyes. You turned around, looking at your surroundings. There was a footprint in the mud. Big, and three-toed, with some rain flowing into it. Your breath hitched, and you unknowingly scooched closer to Ian.
Malcolm opened his eyes, scooting away, closer to the wall. "Come here.", he said. You hummed curiously, as you noticed he made space for you to sit next to him. Smiling softly with a sigh, you moved into the spot as he put his arm around your shoulders. Ian groaned slightly, shifting so you both were comfortable. "Penny for your thoughts?", he asked. You shook your head, mumbling "I'm scared for you.".
Ian smiled softly, starting to speak, but stopped as he heard something, turning his gaze to something far away. "What? What- what is it?", you asked, your body tensing up slightly. Malcolm looked down at the print in the mud as the water within it shook. A sound filled your ears.
Boom, it went. Boom.
"You hear that?", Ian asked. "It's a, uhm… it's an impact tremor, is what it is. I'm fairly alarmed here…". He then turned forward, motioning to the others to get back into the car. "Hey, come on, we gotta go now! Now, now, right now! Get in, start the engine!", he said urgently. Muldoon and Sattler emerged from the trees just in time to get into the car before a T-rex appeared from behind them, with the familiar, thunderous sound of the roar.
"Get in! Start the engine!", Malcolm said. You all sped off, adrenaline pumping as the T-rex chased you all. Muldoon didn't go into fifth gear for some reason you all didn't understand. "Must go faster!", Ian said bluntly, turning back to Muldoon. The T-rex roared again and you and Malcolm backed up in the car. Ellie was screaming, and Malcolm said "Here it comes, fifth gear! Fifth gear!".
Muldoon appeared calm, simply looking in the mirror as the T-rex roared again, getting close enough to almost put the car in its' mouth. Ian, just as scared as anyone else would be, backed up as far as he could, accidently hitting the gear stick. "Get off the stick- bloody move!", Muldoon said, trying to push Malcolm off. "LOOK OUT!", Sattler screamed as Muldoon saw a large tree ahead. "Down!". The T-rex easily ran through the tree, catching up and headbutting the car and letting out that deafening roar again.
Ian stared ahead with wide eyes, while you and Ellie screamed. Still staring ahead, he barred his arms over you and Ellie. You didn't think much of it at the time. You were more focused on staying alive. Muldoon then finally shifted into fifth gear, speeding off while the T-rex just sat there, having lost the energy to keep up. "Think they'll have that on the tour?", Malcolm said between pants. You smiled softly at Ian, and he did the same.
Time passes. Minutes, hours, you didn't know. Eventually, you get to the control room. You hear Ellie sigh in relief before you see Muldoon pick up Malcolm like he was a bag of potatos. A funny sight if you weren't fighting for your life to get inside safely. And you still didn't know where Grant and the kids were. Getting inside, Ian groaned as Muldoon set him down on a table. Muldoon and Ellie ran over to the controls as you sat down next to Ian. "Are you okay?", you asked Malcolm. Ian bit his lip, looking off to the side. "I, uh… I guess. I'm not dead.". He chuckled dryly, trying to lighten the situation. "Yet.".
"Dammit, don't say that!", you blurted out before you even realized exactly what you said. All your brain heard was "yet", it didn't realize that it was a joke for that split second you said it. Ian tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrow. "Whu… you… you know I'm kidding, right?". You moved some of your hair out of your face, blushing slightly and stuttering as you tried to explain yourself. "I-I, uh… I k-know, I-I just-".
"You're really, really concerned for me… aren't you?".
"W-what?", you muttered. God, you thought. You probably looked like a blubbering fool, dried tears on your face, voice cracking from screaming. "I-I mean, yes, of course I am! You're my b-boss, and my best friend! You have been for a long time, and-". "Yes, but isn't there something more there?", Ian said, reading you like a book. Your eyes widened as you twirled your hair nervously. "Uh… m-maybe. But, we should really focus on getting out of here alive!". Ian nodded, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Got it.".
Time passed quickly, and you barely stayed awake. It seemed Ian noticed you seemed tired, so he let you lean your head up against the table he sat on, keeping you safe as you slept. The last thing you heard was Arnold fiddling with the park's controls, but the last thing you felt was Malcolm petting your head idly.
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shittysawtraps · 2 years
Welcome to jig saw cave. You steal rock from friend cave and throw it at brontosaur. Bad ugh. If want to leave jig saw cave, carve a funny animal out of this hard rock with the sharp rock while sitting on pile of sticks.
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Ruths fave dino would definitely be a brontosaurous
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would you two like to be the brontosaur and the triceratops to my iguanodon?
(i couldn't pick between two, so polyamory it is)
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