dolleduprescue · 4 years
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Neck restoration in progress here at Dolled Up HQ!
Visit www.dolleduprescue.org to see how you can get involved :)
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forensicfield · 4 years
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Question- What is a Hangman’s Fracture?
Answer- Hangman’s fracture: A broken neck involving a fracture of an upper cervical vertebra similar to the injury suffered in death by hanging. The fracture affects the vertebra called the axis, the second cervical vertebra (C2), with or without subluxation (slippage) of C2 on the third cervical vertebra (C3).
It is often seen with people who try to hang themselves but also occurs in sports or traffic accidents or falls. The fracture is in most cases lethal. The fracture is caused by an extreme force on the upper vertebrae and especially on the dens of the axis. The fracture causes damage to the spinal cord which leads to paralysis of respiratory muscles and most often death.
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cayenneadventure · 5 years
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We found a new trail this evening!!! 💖🌻🤗 #lifeisamazing #lovemylife #hiking #happiness #joyfulheart #adventure #woods #trail #training #healing #brokenneck #traumaticbraininjury (at Cowles Bog) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxtDemAhGN_/?igshid=1v4mbuyjl3tgn
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i was going to be happy tat he made it but no he did the opposite
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theartoflorcan · 4 years
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Swans are killers. #art #drawing #illustration #sketch #doodle #ink #cartoon #creature #animal #bird #avian #swan #swans #killerswan #death #neck #brokenneck #breadcrumbs #weird #strange #macabre #sinister #beware #funny #random #randomdrawingisrandom #irishartist #irishart #dublinartist #lorcancassidy (at Glasnevin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5QbLsHBVf/?igshid=e32vfhvubp0x
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missbookay · 4 years
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Oops⁣ ⁣ #duck #deadduck #neck #brokenneck #damaged #ornament #mygarden #mondaymotivation #ff #instagood #picoftheday #photooftheday #nofilter https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7weAJjpIR/?igshid=yfanr9k4unol
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louisjones65 · 4 years
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Just trying my best to stay inside as much as I can. #socialdistancing • • • • • #sonynex7ii #brokenneck #teal #orange #orangeandteal #teapot #backyard #selfquarantine #quarantine #squats #cheesin (at Irvine, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-EK136A25v/?igshid=1hcnrem3ymg0s
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Finding a body.
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It had been five months since I broke my neck when I did this run. 
I have been working hard on having a positive outlook and I should have embraced this as a massive accomplishment. Then I look at the picture I took to commemorate the occasion of my first post-surgery 5km run and I realize just how much negativity is still living inside of me. 
Rather than take a picture of the beautiful scenery or snap a sweaty selfie, I take a picture of the goddamn beam I was too afraid to walk on. 
A few months ago, I used to run to this park and use this beam to practice my balance and do handstands. On this day, I didn’t even go near it. Even if I had walked up to it, I know I wouldn’t have been able to climb onto it let alone walk across it. 
In fact, as I sit here writing this, I am seething about no longer being able to enjoy this detour on my run. 
The fact is, I CAN climb onto this beam and I probably could walk across it. And if I fell, I would be able to just land on my feet and continue on my way. This injury has warped my brain into thinking I can’t do any of these things. 
The body I am in no longer feels like the body I used to have. I feel like I am operating a vehicle I have never been in before. Everything feels difficult and unfamiliar. Runs are a lot work and the recovery is worse. I hope this is all temporary and one day the fear will go away. 
Only then will I find the body I used to have.
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simpleekare · 5 years
A broken neck can be a simple break like any other bone in your body or it can be very severe and can cause paralysis. Seeking help at an early stage can save us from a lot of joint troubles. Consult if you observe any of the following, give a call on 0674 255 1015/ 9776 41 4444
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chrisdahlseattle · 5 years
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#neckscarsnow #surgery #brokenneck #heal #seattle #saturday #sunny (at Lake Union) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpIkC4HRQ-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r4653fnq87gq
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son-of-the-mourning · 5 years
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‘ don’t do that to your neck’ @infringemagazine @revsmag @kingkonggarcon #levivanveluw @christian_brach @stefanmilevtheencyclopedia @issaclam_ 🖤 . . . . . . . #revsmagazine #kingkonggarcon #infringemagazine #hair #fashion #fashiongram #beauty #fashionlove #artgram #fashionpost #instafashion #instapic #Instapost #adjustment #chiropractor #brokenneck #garcon #hairy #bones #post #collage #collageart #collageartist #artistsoninstagram #instaphoto #instaartist #instacollage (at franklin Ave. & Cheremoya) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOhFmeAg88/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fm005c0i8a25
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cayenneadventure · 5 years
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Today we learned how to cross country ski!! They are trying to get us to learn how to enjoy winter!! I am trying to prove to myself that my broken neck has not changed my quality of life in any way, shape, or form!! And...it hasn’t!! #brokenneck #hiking #crosscountryskiing #canada #lovemydaughter #adventure #springbreak2019 (at Lake Louise, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_4CnzBuvB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w1yxbh9kt7ah
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hangszerelem · 7 years
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* Ez egy Amada tanulógitár, amivel az volt a probléma, hogy a nyaktő kettétört, és a nyakszár behajlott a test felé, így játszhatatlan magasságba emelve a húrokat. Azt gondoltam, fecskefarkas csapolással van dolgom, de amikor szétszedtem a nyaktövet, szembesültem vele, hogy összesen négy darab tipli tartja a nyakat, nameg a ragasztó, ami nem volt a legjobb. Először megtisztítottam a törési felületet, majd faragasztóval egyberagasztottam a nyaktövet. Száradás után a nyakat műgyantával ragasztottam a helyére, ami elég erős kötést ad, hogy ne legyen vele probléma. * This is an Amada student guitar, with the neck separated from the neck heel, therefore the neck bended toward the body, and the string action got unplayably high. I thought that the neck has the standard dovetail tenon, but instead it was only kept in place with four small wooden stick and not really good glue. First I cleaned the gluing surfaces of the broken heel parts, then glued it together with wood glue. After drying, I glued the neck in place with epoxy, which is strong enough to endure the string´s tension, and likely much more. #Amada #klasszikusgitár #classicalguitar #tanulógitár #studentguitar #nyaktő #neckheel #töröttnyak #brokenneck #hangszerész #luthier #gitárjavítás #guitarrepair
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theartoflorcan · 4 years
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WIP - Is it that random an idea?! Those things can break bones! #art #drawing #illustration #sketch #roughsketch #lines #creature #animal #bird #avian #swan #swans #killerswan #death #neck #brokenneck #weird #strange #macabre #sinister #random #randomdrawingisrandom #irishartist #irishart #wip #workinprogress #unfinished #notfinished #lorcancassidy (at Glasnevin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB2wgQPH-HJ/?igshid=1tani8wvhuc7f
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lesbianaglaya · 3 years
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I Am In Eskew, Episode 28 // John 11:44 // Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut // If I Was Dead, Carol Ann Duffy // Mikhail Bakhtin // Hamlet, Act I Scene IV // The Bad Graft, Karen Russell 
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samgamble · 3 years
#Werewolf101 #CrescentEclipsePack
​Werewolves are demihumans who are granted superhuman abilities by their lycanthropy. Werewolves’ powers and abilities are enhanced and are at their peak during time under a full moon, but somewhat increase as they age. When angered, these abilities are temporarily enhanced. Even in human form they appear to possess all of these abilities, though not as powerful as other supernatural creatures. Some werewolves have shown the ability to sense illness and, in one case, the onset of an epileptic seizure. This seems to be due to a combination of their “Heightened Senses” working in concert on a subconscious level.
#WolfForm - Once a werewolf genes has awakened, the human form will transform in to a wolf under a full moon, when being angered to the point that the temper will force them to shift or by their own will. The first transformation is quite slow and the person is subjected to at least five hours of intense pain before transforming. After the first transformation it will get faster and hurt less with every shift. During the transformation, the body of the person is twisted in an unnatural manner as bones reshape and shift to form a wolf skeleton, causing the person immense pain. After the first transformation the werewolf will experience muscle aches. Most werewolves have a trigger that makes them transform. For example, if a werewolf is in human form and it gets too hyper, it will transform. Other triggers are: getting too angry, getting hurt, getting too much adrenaline, or to protect something or someone. #SuperhumanStrength - The werewolf possesses superhuman strength. Their wolf form is more powerful and they are capable of lifting at 1 ton. Their strength also extends into the muscles of their legs, allowing them to leap, from a crouch, roughly 18 feet into the air. Their strength is somewhat weaker than that of a vampires. However, consuming vampire blood increases their strength to the point were they can prove a challenge to a 1,100 year old vampire. #SuperhumanSpeed - Werewolves can run and move faster than any non-supernatural creature and run at an extremely high speed, which causes them to become almost invisible to the naked eye to perceive their movements when they are sprinting or moving at full speed. Their speed is equivalent to that of a vampire. #SuperhumanStamina - The werewolf’s musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human, granting him superhuman levels of stamina. They can exert themselves at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair them. #SuperhumanAgility - A werewolf’s agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. They can move, jump, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. #SuperhumanDurability - A werewolf’s body is physically tougher and more resistant to injury than the body of a normal human. They cannot be harmed by conventional weapons, as ordinary firearms and blades seem to do little more than annoy the beast. Only a silver bullet/blade or weapons intoxicated by wolfsbane can harm or kill a werewolf. #HeightenedSenses - The werewolf has superhumanly the acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing similar to those of an actual wolf. They can see part of the infrared spectrum and thus detect the heat signatures of objects or people in total darkness. They can smell other living creatures within 100 feet (when upwind) and follow a scent over nearly any terrain. They can hear the sound of a heartbeat in a cave at a distance of 30 feet. #ClawsAndTeeth - The werewolf’s claws and teeth are extremely sharp and tough, enabling them to rend through a variety of substances including fabric, wood, cinder block, and even some metals. #InfectiousBite - Werewolves venomous bite is fatal to a vampire. The bite wound will begin to appear infected and will hurt when touched. The infection will spread throughout the body, producing unbearable pain. The vampire will have uncontrollable hunger, and will eventually develop delusions, hallucinations, rabid rage, and dementia before finally dying. #LieDetection - Werewolves are able to sense if you’re lying or not. #Empathy - Being that werewolves’ senses being so strong, they developed the ability to sense other’s emotions through touch. With time this power grows stronger, this is used to sense a person’s true intentions and if they are lying or not. At first this ability can be very annoying and hard to control, sensing everyone’s emotions without meaning to. This ability can also be developed enough to absorb pain from someone. #Telepathy - Alpha’s possess a more advanced form of this power which is known as telepathy the ability to read minds. They also manifest this through touch, they not only sense the emotions they can also hear their thoughts. Though in wolf form, all members of one pack can communicate through their minds with each other but not with pack members of a foreign pack. Only Alpha’s can communicate past the pack bounds. #Longevity - Once a werewolf reaches maturity, their aging stops and they enter a state of virtual immortality in which they are exempt from physical old age and have an infinite lifespan. #HealingFactor - Werewolves is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of their body with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage such as bullet wounds, slashes, punctures, blunt force trauma, and severe burns heal completely, without so much as a scar, in a short amount of time. Their ability to heal is at least 10 times that of a human. #Silver - Many modern werewolves are also supposedly immune to damage caused by ordinary weapons, being vulnerable only to silver objects (usually a bullet or blade). This negative reaction to silver is sometimes so strong that the mere touch of the metal on a werewolf’s skin will cause burns. #Aconite - Wolfsbane (a highly toxic member of the genus aconitum, also known as aconite or monkshood) was thought to have anti-evil properties against Werewolves, and shapeshifters for centuries, and is used in the same manner as garlic. A concoction derived from the roots of the plant was often used to wash bite wounds from wild or venomous animals, and so perhaps this is where wolfsbane derived its supposed ability to cure people of lycanthropy or other supernatural afflictions. #BrokenNeck - By breaking a werewolf’s neck, it results in instant death. #Magic - Witches are able to curse and inflict supernaturals aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of werewolves to explode. #HeartExtraction - If the heart of a werewolf is removed , it will cause instant death. #Decapitation - The act of dismembering or removing the head of a werewolf will result in death. #LunarCycle - A common belief throughout all folklore and myth is that all werewolves are forced to shift during the cycle of the full moon, to some this is a gift, others a curse. Though this is true, they can also change by will at any other day. #Mortality - Because werewolves are still human for most of the month, they share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, fire, drowning, extreme loss of blood, suffocation, etc.) Although, it is very difficult to kill a werewolf thanks to their accelerated healing and endurance. Also, werewolves seem to be resistant to most diseases.
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