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ed4wo-study-abroad · 2 years ago
Study Forensic Science Abroad📚🌎
Forensic scientists study and analyse evidence from crime scenes and other locations to produce objective results that can aid in the investigation and prosecution of criminal criminals or clear an innocent person of suspicion.
The United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom are among the greatest places to study forensic science.
Do you need any assistance regarding Study Abroad journey, Career Guidance, Application Filing, or VISA processing ED4WO is here to hep you out !
Feel Free To Contact Us https://ed4wo.com/contact/
Via Phone: +91 8010-409-409
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flavjourneys · 25 days ago
Bones Speak: How Forensic Antropologists Decode Identity and Trauma
please follow [email protected]
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forensicfield · 8 months ago
The Intersection of Forensic Psychology and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Overview
Forensic Psychology is crucial in understanding criminal behavior and providing mental health care in the legal system. Authored by Prashansa Tripathi #forensicpsychology #forensicscience #mentalhealth #forensicstudy #forensicknowledge #crimescene
Continue reading The Intersection of Forensic Psychology and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Overview
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mrswittys · 5 years ago
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#forensics #forensicscience #forensicfiles #forensicpathology #forensicanthropology #forensicnurse #forensicscientist #forensicmedicine #forensicpathologist #forensicinvestigator #forensicstudent #forensiclab #forensicstudent #forensicstudy #forensicscienceacademy #csi #csimiami #csilasvegas #csilovers #etsy #etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyseller #etsyfinds #etsystore #etsyshopowner #etsyvintage https://www.instagram.com/p/B_bvWHihPnf/?igshid=1wp77zo8sn84m
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forensicfield · 8 months ago
Fire Investigation Determining the Cause and Origin of Fires
All forms of fire and explosion are subtypes of “combustion”. Authored By Prithwiraj Nandan ---- #forensicscience #fireinvestigation #forensicphysics #forensicfield #forensicstudy #forensicknowledge #firesceneinvestigation #arson #arsoninvestigation
Continue reading Fire Investigation Determining the Cause and Origin of Fires
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
Preparation of NET/JRF Forensic Science
We are going to Upload a series of Videos according to syllabus of NTA NET/JRF.
These Multiple Choice Questions will help in preparation of examination.
These videos will be prepared in following manner:
Syllabus has been divided into 10 Units and every unit has Pointed topics.
For example Unit - I consists
▪️Forensic Science,
▪️Physical Evidence,
▪️Crime Scene,
▪️Criminal Investigation,
▪️Organization of Forensic Science Laboratories of center and state, ▪️Fundamental rights,
▪️Criminal Profiling,
▪️Concept of quality control management in Forensic institutions.
So we will called it as a Topic 1, Topic 2 and so on.
In this Video we have covered Topic 1
Forensic Science: Definition, History & Development, Scope & Ethics in Forensic Science.
For More MCQs please Subscribe Our channel.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
Classification of Textile Fibre
Textile Fibers is the basic and principle raw materials to produce various types of textile finished products. A fiber that can be spun into yarn or processed into textile such as a woven fabric, knit fabric, lace, felt, non-woven etc by means of an appropriate interlacing method is called as Textile Fibers.
Generally Textile Fibers can be classified into main two types:
👉 Natural fiber And,
👉 Synthetic fiber/Manmade fiber/Artificial fiber.
Textile Fibers can also be classified in the following ways:
✍ Classification of textile fibers based on sources
✍ Classification of textile fibres based on polymer
Textile Fibers and Forensic Science
Textile fibers are a key form of trace evidence, and the ability to reliably associate or discriminate them is crucial for forensic scientists. While microscopic and instrumental analysis can be used to determine the composition of the fiber.
Additional specificity is gained by examining fiber color.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
Hello There,
I again want to share This video with those who want to ask if this field is good for them or not.
My team is getting approx 100 queries related to this only (We try to satisfy everyone with our answers but we heartly apologise if we couldn't).
I want to say that no field is good or bad, the choice, interest and time make it work.
Don't go for higher job opportunities, see if you can grab the only available job with your potential.
Is that field or subject suits your personality?
At This time when everyone is struggling with job crisis then no field is going to provide you one without dedication and knowledge and as you know forensic do not seek for knowledge only it also seek for reasoning, logic, sharpness.
So know yourself first so no one can reject you.
Don't forget to like and comment your opinion on this.. We want to make sure that everyone understand the good and bad..
Watch This video to know more...
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Footprint Analysis:-
Evaluation of two-dimensional footprint impressions for comparison purposes are carried out in the field of forensic identification by one or more of the following methods; overlay, Robbins, Gunn, Rossi and the Optical Centre Method.
Three methods for barefoot examination are commonly employed–
A.) Gunn Method: One such method devised by Gunn involves taking multiple linear measurements of the footprints that are being compared. Gunn's basic method involves drawing six lines, five of which come from the rear foot and extend to the apex of each digit. A sixth line is then drawn across the ball of the foot at the widest area.
B.) Optical Centre Method: A distinct point on the foot is identified and concentric circles are drawn in its most suitable location. This point is then isolated and then connected to other recognized regions of the footprint by means of lines.
C.) Overlay Method In the overlay method, the forensic practitioner places a sheet of clear acetate over the question print. The question print may be recovered from the crime scene and presented either in its true form (for example a bloody footprint on a piece of flooring, removed in its entirety), or as a latent print (for example on lifting film) but more often than not, as a life-sized evidence photograph. A fine-tipped marker pen is used to trace around the outline of the exemplar print and the acetate then transferred and placed over the question print.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Question- What is Computer Forensics? Answer- Computer forensics applies forensics procedures to digital evidence. This process involves systematically accumulating and analyzing digital information for use as evidence in civil, criminal, or administrative cases. Computer forensics differs from network forensics, data recovery, and disaster recovery in scope, technique, and objective.
Question- What should you know to become a successful Computer Forensic Investigator? Answer- To be a successful computer forensics investigator, you must be familiar with more than one computing platform. To supplement your knowledge, develop and maintain contact with computer, network, and investigative professionals.
Question- What is Different Between Private Computer Investigation and Public Computer Investigation?
Answer- Public and private computer investigations differ, in that public investigations typically require a search warrant before seizing digital evidence. During public investigations, you search for evidence to support criminal allegations While During private investigations, you search for evidence to support allegations of abuse of assets and, in some cases, criminal complaints.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Question- What is Forensic Graphology? Answer- Forensic graphology is the study of handwriting. It is also known as graphoanalysis. Graphology is a process that is used by some to attempt to determine personality traits and details about a person based off of their handwriting. Forensic investigators use handwriting pattern/technology to determine personality traits of an individual.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Questions- What is difference between Poison, Toxin And Venom?
Answer- Poison, toxin, venom are terms for any substance that injures the health or destroys life when absorbed into the system. ☣ Poison: Poison, in biochemistry, a substance, natural or synthetic, that causes damage to living tissues and has an injurious or fatal effect on the body. ☣ Toxin: A toxin is a poison produced by an organism. ☣ Venom: Venom is especially used of the poisons secreted by certain animals, usually injected by bite or sting.
Question- What quantity of a poison would be necessary to produce a lethal out-come in a human victim?
Answer- There are several considerations to keep in mind for poisoning. Studies revealed that small doses of a substance might be harmless or beneficial, whereas larger doses could be toxic. This is now known as the dose-response relationship, a major concept in toxicology. A poison is any substance that can cause illness or death when ingested in small quantities. This definition excludes the multitude of substances that cause damage if ingested in large quantities. For example- A dose of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) that is harmless to an adult may be poisonous to an infant. Similarly, an elderly person’s tolerance of a substance may be much lower than that of a healthy young adult. Lethal Amount of poison is also depend on person, poison and many other factors, such as; Lethal dosage often varies depending on the method of administration; for instance, many substances are less toxic when administered orally than when intravenously administered.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Question- What are the 3 types of photographs that need to be taken at a crime scene?
Answer- all crime scene photography consists of three basic types of photographs: 1.) Overall Photography 2.) Mid-range photography 3.) and, Close-up Photography.
📷 Long Range/Overall Photography: It Provides an overview of the scene establishing the location of the crime, to include addresses, street signs, business names, landmarks, outside and surrounding areas. Indoors, this includes photographs of a room from all four corners to show the layout of the room and furnishings. 📸 Mid-Range Photography: It Provides a view of spatial relationships of items and evidence within the scene.
📷 Close-up Photography: It Provides detailed photographs of individual items of evidence. If possible, should be taken at a 90 degree angle to the subject.
📐Scaled/Comparison Photography: Close-up photographs that include a ruler provide scaled, detailed documentation of individual items of evidence. They are necessary in order to produce an accurate one-to-one photographic reproduction to use for examinations or comparisons. 📏 The scale may be marked with the photographer’s initials and employee number, the LIMS number or offense number, and the date in a way that does not interfere with the markings on the scale.
To know more about forensic Photography Click on the link:
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Question- What is Crime Scene Sketch?
Answer- A crime scene sketch is a permanent record of the size and distance relationship of the crime scene and the physical evidence within it. The sketch serves to clarify the special information present within the photo-graphs and video documentation, because the other methods do not allow the viewer to easily gauge distances and dimensions. A sketch is the most simplistic manner in which to present crime scene layout and measurements. Photographer /camera positions may be noted within a sketch also.
Question- Why is a sketch important to crime scene documentation?
Answer- ■ It accurately portrays the physical facts.
■ It relates to the sequence of events at the scene.
■ It establishes the precise location and relationship of objects and evidence at the scene.
■ It helps to create a mental picture of the scene for those not present.
■ It is a permanent record of the scene.
■ It usually is admissible in court.
■ It assists in interviewing and interrogating.
■ It assists in preparing the written investigative report.
■ It assists in presenting the case in court. Well-prepared sketches and drawings help judges, juries, witnesses, and others to visualize the crime scene.
Question-When should sketches be made?
Answer- Sketch all serious crimes and accident scenes after photographs have been taken and before anything is moved.
Sketch the entire scene, the objects, and the evidence.
Question- How many types of sketches are made of crime scene?
Answer- Two types of sketches are made with regards to crime scene documentation: 1.) Rough sketches, and 2.) Final/finished sketches.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Crime Scene Search Methods
The Crime Scene is search for the physical evidences (visible or invisible). There are various types of search methods employed by the investigating officers and the forensic scientists at the scene of crime. The searching methods mainly depends on:
👉 Type of Crime (Rape, murder, burglary, theft, etc.)
👉 Nature of Crime (Homicide, suicide, or accident)
👉 Size of the crime scene (macroscopic or microscopic)
👉 Location of the crime scene (indoor, outdoor, combination of indoor or outdoor, or any remote area like underwater, desert, etc.)
👉 Complexity of the crime scene
According to the type of crime scene, the investigator has to decide the appropriate method immediately, without delay, so as to collect the evidences in the intact form as soon as possible. Following are the basic search methods, commonly use at the crime scene:
1. Zonal Method
2. Strip Method
3. Line Search
4. Grid Method
5. Spiral Method (Outward Spiral & Inward Spiral)
6. Wheel Search Method
7. Random Search
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