#brodoroki personal
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 2 days ago
“Oh, I know someone who likes that,” I say in conversation, knowing full well that the person I’m talking about is a mutual on here I’ve never directly spoken to
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 4 months ago
i kgnow like 98% of you do not care about my ask blogs (and that is fair PLEASE pre-emptively block this so it doesn't auto recommend to you) but... [jazz hands]
will be interesting trying to. play possessed apollo but i am here for it
And the twisted threads of fate diverge...
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"Apollo Justice... A man of many stories, both good and bad. And with the eversplitting timelines that diverge from reality, those stories only continue to grow in number..."
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[AU info] - [Normal Post-Dual Destinies Apollo Ask Blog]
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As I started to add more AUs regarding Apollo to my arsenal, I realized that putting them into my existing Apollo ask blog would make everything a bit messy... thus, this now exists.
Expect spoilers for aa456. I will tag the blatant ones but there's a lot that I'd consider common knowledge at this point (even if it might not be...)
If you're unsure about anything, just ask. Even just marking an ask as 'optional' is fine if you're unsure. My inbox is always open for questions anyways, even the silliest.
Silly asks are fine, but I might not give them as much attention as more serious ones.
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General Apollo Info (This applies to all AUs)
Uses he/him. Cis, biromantic and demisexual.
Living during the middle & late December of 2027 (unless a later timeline is specified)
No canonical ships exist for any au timeline. Will be considered ship-neutral. !!!Getting pushy regarding shipping will make me ignore you!!!
No matter the timeline, has been left unstable by the events occurring at the end of Dual Destinies. The degrees as to which he is unstable depends...
More specific AU information linked just above the 'read more' line at the start of this.
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Since these AUs deal with Apollo being possessed by Clay, you will need to specify whom you want your question to be going to, if that's important to you. If you want it to just go to both/either/you want me to choose, it's fine to not specify
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Mun Info
Hello again I am Brodoroki/Brody, I am 23 and use he/him or they if you want. I love love love Ace Attorney and especially Apollo (shocker).
If you have questions specifically for me feel free to send them!! I love to talk about the mechanics and lore and whatever of my aus and stuff.
My main account is @brodorokihousuke, you can bother me with non rp/ask related things there
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yandere-daydreams ¡ 7 years ago
Uhm, could you write a headcanon for (set in the Brodoroki theory is real thing) Dabi/Touya having a younger fiancee but when he switched to villany, he cut off all contact with her. A few years later he sees her on TV bc of the Sports Festival, and he finds out that she’s grown into a really beautiful, powerful girl and is no longer the timid little sweetheart who used to follow him around like a puppy. Maybe her engagement got switched to Shoto? Scenario or headcanons are fine!
Just so the timeline works out, the reader is in their third year, two grades ahead of Shoto.
~When Dabi left you behind, he didn’t do so willingly. Part of him wanted to drag you along, but taking his defenseless childhood friend -who could barely use their quirk- into the world of villains… yeah, it wouldn’t have ended well. You would drag him down, and he probably end up hurting you. This was what he thought of every time he considered contacting you. You were like a puppy. Cute, sweet, and nice to be around, but not something that should be dragged into a war zone.
~But, then the Sports Festival came around. Originally he came to see Shoto, but then you popped up. Sure, you were in a group and barely noticed him, but it was undoubtedly you. He trailed after you without thinking, abandoning any intentions of seeing his little brother. Not only were you wearing a U.A. uniform, you were different. You had an air of confidence, one of power. All he could think about was ripping it away from you. He would’ve attacked you right away, but you disappeared into a locker room and he lost his chance.
~You fought with a brutality that kept the referees on edge, and ended up somewhere in the top twenty. Seeing your formerly-harmless quirk weaponized was… invigorating? Intoxicating? Dabi didn’t know. He left confused, aroused, and with a thousand questions. He tried to forget about you again, but that proved impossible. Less than 24 hours later, he had memorized your medical history, personal information, and school records. It’s impressive, in a creepy sort of way. 
~The jealousy only reared its ugly head when he found out about the engagement. You were promised to Shoto when he left, since both families still wanted to go through with the arranged marriage. His partial hatred for your new-found power became an obsession with getting you back. Seeing your facade of confidence change into the nervous anxiety he knew so well, to have a partner who could deal some serious damage but was still reliant on him… Who wouldn’t want that?
~Dabi’s obsession isn’t only about dominance, although that might be a major part of it. You were someone he could talk to without judgment, and he wants that kind of companionship again. In addition to having someone he can control completely, he’ll get someone who understands him. You were manipulated by your family just as much as he was. You two sympathized with each other. That’s something neither of you can change.
~He took you without planning it. In a fit of rage, Dabi arrived on your doorstep, burnt the house down and stole you away while everyone was still panicking. Poor thing… you had too much smoke in your lungs to fight back properly. The next time you opened your eyes, you were tied up in a long-abandoned warehouse.
~Dabi will have you ‘trained’ in no time. Any misbehavior or aggressive words will lead to an immediate and swift punishment. Once you’ve learned not to fight back, Dabi will almost be lax with you. He’ll let you interact with other villains, go on missions, burn down buildings… you know, normal couple stuff. Don’t think about running away, though. You’ll never be able to leave his side during these little ‘outings’. And if you try to ask another Villain for help, don’t expect much. They’re as enthusiastic about your capture as Dabi is.
~You used to be so weak and submissive, controlling you back then would’ve been too easy. Now you’re powerful, you’re a challenge. Stripping away your strength is just too tempting, what else did you expect him to do?
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babes-and-baddies ¡ 7 years ago
‘can i have some brodoroki headcanons? like how they got along growing up, how dabi feels about his brother now that they're enemies, etc.?’
hooooo my god i have FEELINGS about this (this is a repost but it didnt show up in the tags the 1st time so feel free 2 ignore this post in favour of the original lol)
A part of Dabi blames Shouto for his abuse. After all, it was Shouto who caused their mother to be sent away. It was Shouto who showed Endeavor the ‘perfect masterpiece’ that justified to Endeavor the neglect Dabi faced. Still, despite his feelings of blame, Dabi knows that none of it was Shouto’s fault. (That doesn’t stop the blame, and it doesn’t come close to stopping the pain).
Dabi loves his little brother, but he also hates him; his feelings are rather complicated, oftentimes even contradictory. ‘Shouto is cursed, dealing with constant abuse both physical and emotional,’ - ‘Shouto is blessed, a child given the promised path to a bright future.’ ‘Shouto lost everything good and gentle in his life,’ - ‘Shouto stole everything good from my life.’ ‘I forgive him,’ - ‘I hate him.’ ‘I need to protect my brother.’ ‘I need to destroy him.’ There’s no way to do both; somehow, he has to.
They used to ‘keep’ a stray cat when Shouto was a kid, a sweet and affectionate tabby who always nuzzled close for warmth, and Dabi always helped his little brother raise him. The communal cat was something they bonded over to distract from their father, and both of them loved her dearly; they had to keep her a secret, though, because not only was she a stray but Endeavour would never allow such a distraction. After a year of keeping her hidden, Endeavor found out: neither Dabi nor Shouto saw her again. Shouto was heartbroken, and Dabi knew better than to try again.
After Shouto started his training, he rarely saw the other siblings; just the occasional passing in the hall, a few minutes at breakfast. Normally it was Fuyumi who had the most interaction, since she was non-confrontational and harmless. Most of the time the only knowledge the brothers had of eachother was through her. But when the chance arose, Dabi would check in. He mostly just wanted to see if his brother was alright, since Endeavor was oppressive on the best of days; there was also a small, toxic part of him that was jealous of their father’s support and attention. Over time this feeling would only fester and grow, alongside his hatred for Endeavour. Still, the brotherly concern remained.
Sometimes all the older siblings would sneak out, knowing Endeavour couldn’t care less about their choices. When Fuyumi brings up taking Shouto with them, the rest know that can never happen; their father would never let his masterpiece out of his grasp long enough to do so. But every time they went after that, they each made sure to bring back a subtle souvenir, something he could hide or make practical use of so Endeavour wouldn’t notice. Even if Shouto couldn’t be there with them he could still be in their thoughts, and at the very least he deserved a reminder of their love. When the only support they can give is in spirit, they made sure to take every opportunity they could to do so.
Over time they became ghosts in eachothers lives, nothing more than fading memory and the occasional glance out of the corner of the eye. There’s no one to rely on but themselves. They’re alone (exactly how their father made them).
Going against his little brother is cathartic. Even though he knows it won’t make any difference, knowing that he can fight, can beat, the one his father put all his accumulated energy, effort, and knowledge to gives Dabi grim satisfaction. It’s nothing personal against Shouto, but fighting him feels like poetic justice; even tossed aside and neglected, he can be more than Enji’s pride and joy. It proves his father wrong, about him, about his brother, about everything. All of them are weak and fallible, and Dabi knows this only too well. But if it means he can take down his father, take down the broken world that supports him, then Dabi can happily take that fact in stride.
Dabi is fighting for Shouto, in a way. He fights for people like him, like both of them. For the little boys broken by their heroes, beaten and left aside to deal with their scars, deprived of softness and sympathy while society looks on and smiles.
Doing this means they have to fight eachother, but that’s no reason to stop. Isn’t it his job to put his little brother in his place, to look out for him by preventing what he knows will only do harm in the end? Dabi knows better, and his sheltered little brother has yet to truly learn anything of the real world. As long as Shouto continues to fight for the heroes, to support the system in place, Dabi has no choice to fight him.
Defeating him is nothing more than an act of brotherly love; even when Dabi feels twisted pride and satisfaction at his brother’s desperation and pain it’s merely supplemental. The bitterness and hatred inside him is hardly Shouto’s fault, and Dabi knows this, but that doesn’t make the feelings any less true- rather, they go on to prove just how ‘heroes’ like their father influence the world.
At heart, it’s Dabi’s job to look out for Shouto. The fact that it feels so right only proves it, since it’s natural for brother’s to fight, right? This is what the world wanted, what their father created; a world where blood defies blood, for the sake of them both. Sometimes the only way to save someone is to destroy them.
Sometimes, when you care for someone, you want to destroy them. After all, that’s what family does, isn’t it? It shapes you, moulds you, holds you together without care for how broken or misshapen you’re left in the end. You might be shattered, yes, but at least you’re not falling apart. At least you still have eachother. At least you’re not alone. He won’t be the same, when Dabi is done, but he’ll still be whole. Dabi owes him that much.
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thedouchebrigadesympathizer ¡ 7 years ago
What would Dabi do if he found out a one night stand had his child?
Hiya Anon, no hc or scenario to be found here, so we’re gonna have a discussion instead I guess. Brodoroki Theory to be addressed, FYI.
I’m gonna be honest and say that I do not think Dabi would want much to do with a one night stands(To be referred as ONS) child. He would be torn though. His own father was a right piece of shit and was particularly absent from his life unless he was abusing him or his siblings. Maybe he could be the opposite for his own flesh and blood? 
Sigh. No.
Dabi isn’t exactly an openly caring person. To see that side of him that he tucks away, you have to have been his lover or very close friend for a long time. You would have to have meant everything to him, to see vulnerability. And sadly, despite baring is child, ONS is not that to him.
He might check in with the child from time to time without his ONS noticing. Peeking through windows and noticing that tuff of red hair will make him heart sick, possibly longing to reach out to the child. But that is it. A want, a fleeting thought. He is a villain, and if he succeeds in his plans to make Stain’s ideals a reality, then he will have no need to visit his child. They will be safe in the end, he thinks. He knows that if he reaches out now, his child, the future, might be muddled with his less-than-appropriate visage. He does not love the childs mother, and that will probably be an issue. On top of all this, Dabi is not dad material.
He just ain’t. He’s the fun dad, the friend dad. If his kid grew up around him, be would be a traditionally bad influence. His ONS’s child with NOT benefit from meeting him, and Dabi knows that.
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rangelssss ¡ 7 years ago
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Big Bro Touya
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 7 months ago
i think beating spirit of justice while dressed as the spirit of Justice is probably one of the most objectively funny things i've ever done
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 7 months ago
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character development
(I cannot believe it has been 8 years since spirit of justice released. I refuse it. Damn you, passage of time!)
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 6 months ago
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gee, I wonder who my favorite character is
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 26 days ago
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tape this to a demon’s head and it’ll instantly fuckin explode
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 6 months ago
Been using the AJAA artbook for reference a lot lately and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t keep doing this
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 7 days ago
Wanted to do a test run of hairstyling since I’m planning to cosplay at some point this year and. Yeah
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no I did Not put the sticker there just for this. It’s been there for like a year,
Realized his hair actually works a tad differently after doing this (still realistically attainable) but this was Fun to Do so that’s all that matters,
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 5 months ago
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method acting for my ask blog
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 5 months ago
Went to a lowkey Halloween event with both of my roommates, dressed in my Apollo cosplay (neither of roommates are wearing costumes) and no one here is in costume 💀 goodbye sorry I’m having unrestrained fall fun and you aren’t
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 3 months ago
i love ace attorney's stupid names but writing some serious moment re: Klavier before remembering that his name is literally just. piano is continuously giving me psychic damage
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brodorokihousuke ¡ 7 months ago
thinking about the fact that i made a horrible gross (23k word long??) ace attorney fanfic in high school that is bad and awful. I got a credit for it. I did not deserve that credit
some highlights of said fanfic are
Apollo runs into a door so hard he fucking obliterates it and breaks his wrist in the process. This is never relevant again
Clay does not know what GYAXA stands for despite working for them
Athena accuses Apollo of blowing up the courtroom and nearly killing her with all of the zeal of someone who just got their lunch stolen out of the office fridge
"A police stands up"
Apollo finds Thalassa murdered, after which I immediately jump cut to one year after apollo was fucking executed for her murder
I combined Apollo and Clay's spirits to make some weird mix of them, creatively named Aclay. He is inexplicably evil. He might be a demon? I hate this guy so much. I hate him so much that I still draw him sometimes out of spite it's literally so stupid
Halfway through the fanfiction I reveal that it had all just been a bad dream. Then I do it again. And again. and again. This happens at least seven times in quick succession.
"He kicks over a chair but sets it back up like a polite young man"
Trucy says "Wuzzup guys!"
Story ends with no moral and a vague implication that Clay was supposed to be an antagonist
i'm of the honest opinion that the thing is a cursed object and by continuing to look at it my sanity is slowly draining away
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