#bro was dead from the beginning T-T
percyjaczon · 6 months
thinking about how percy’s mother named him after perseus, one of the only greek heroes to have had a happy ending, in hopes that her son would avoid the tragedy that befell most heroes and instead have a long and fulfilling life. and how she told him that he would not only be a hero, but be the greatest hero of all. and how percy was ultimately declared to have risen above every hero in tlo and saw that he will live a long life and is implied that he will die peacefully.
thinking about how jason’s mother didn’t even want to name him jason and how he was only named after the greek hero in order to abate a goddess’s wrath. how that still wasn't enough, so she ended up giving his life up to the gods. and how the main purpose of jason’s entire life from that point was to be in service of them. how jason the hero lost the favor of his patron hera and died miserable and alone. and how jason lost his father’s favor when he dared to question him one time. and how jason spent his last months adrift from everything and everyone he once knew and loved, and ultimately died in service to the gods, and alone.
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orangeocelotmartyn · 2 months
Martyn raids Ren after revealing he’d accidentally not replied to him and Ren is Dramatic about it.
I cut out a lot of dead air (read: all of the moments of Ren waiting for his sounds to end) to trim this down, and the transcription is under the cut:
Martyn: We should go um, raid, uhm...actually, my boy Ren-Diggity-Dawg's on. Let's go raid Ren. Ren-Diggity-Dawg. Actually I got a message the other day from Ren that I still need to reply to, I just, I saw it before I went live...today, and I was like, ''oop, don't know how that one slipped past me." Is it RenDogTV? It is, right, sweet! Uh, right, enjoy Ren's stream--
Ren: Welcome to all the Marteens, that have arrived in the chat. Martyn, bro. You and--listen. You and me need to have words, Martyn. (three seconds of silence) You know what, cut the music. Cut the music, this is-this is getting serious business now. Zoom in a little bit for dramatic effect. (five seconds of silence)
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Ren: Martyn. Bro. (two seconds of silence) I-Why you do me dirty, bro? Eh? What's up? Why you do me dirty like this, bro? (deep inhale) Dear viewers, let me tell you a story. A few days ago. Approximately--you know what, give me one moment, Imma figure out exactly how many days ago. I'm gonna rub the salt in this wound. Mm-mm-mm.
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Ren: We're gonna-we're gonna cook this one. Let's see, the twentieth. That's four days ago. Approximately four days ago, I sent a message to Mister Marteen. An important message. A message from the heart. What do I get in return, from Mister Marteen? Crickets. Crickets.
Ren: Give me one second, I need to find a cricket noise. I-I'm not as professional as Martyn, you see. Martyn's got instant access to sound effects because he's a professional. And uh, broadcasting genius. I am uh, you know. A little bit more amateur. Give me one second, guys, I gotta log into Epidemic Sound and everything. It's gonna take a while. Can't remember my password. (keyboard clicking, deep inhale, laughs) Okay, here we go. (keyboard clicking)
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(soft cricket noises that sound almost like a fire alarm in the distance play for ten seconds, uninterrupted. In the actual video, this sound plays for twenty-one seconds)
Ren: This is quite a long sample guys, it's two minutes long. Sorry about that. (cricket noises for thirteen seconds. In the actual stream this clip was thirty-five seconds long, and he turned the sound of the crickets up to be louder)
Ren: It's only halfway, guys, you still-still got a while to go. (cricket noises for twelve seconds. In the actual stream this clip was twenty-three seconds long. He then pauses the crickets for four seconds, zooms in on his cubito)
Ren: Pause for dramatic effect. (he starts the crickets again for thirty-five seconds [the full time here and in-stream] before pausing it again)
Ren: That is all I have to say about this matter. Thanks for the raid, Martyn. W-welcome everybody. You joined us right at the start of a trial chamber run. (four seconds of silence, then a fond laugh) And as an update, t-to Marteen-gate. I have received a reply! Hold on, I gotta find another sound effect real quick, one second. One second guys, uh, (keyboard clicking, then the sound of scattered applause and indistinct voices for thirteen seconds)
Ren: I have received a reply from Marteen! (the clip is still going, just indistinct voices) This-this sample is not working for me. (a clip of a motorcycle revving begins to play instead) (flustered laughing) That's n-that sample is not working for me either. Wait, I've got a sample on the stream deck! (applause begins, including happy yelling) I received a reply! (the sample continues to play) (Ren singing) Joy to the world / Marteen has replied! / He has finally / Replied! (deeper voice) After four days. (laughter, normal voice) Thank you for the reply, Marteen. I am very excited. We shall, uh, continue our correspondence, digitally. Upon another platform (laughing under his breath)
Ren: --X-Fandom is here with a gifted sub to Marteen! Ya weren't even subbed?! (silence for four seconds, then decisive keyboard clicking. Then the sound of a cat yowling, which is swiftly replaced by a baby crying for seven seconds, uninterrupted. In the actual stream it is twenty seconds long.) It's quite a long sample, too. Sorry guys. (In the actual clip, the baby continues crying for ten seconds uninterrupted, before Ren laughs over the baby crying, and then pauses it, while this video has only one second pause between baby crying and Ren's laughter) Oh, goodness gracious, I'm having too much fun.
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onelittlespiral · 4 months
FML: Sealed
The plan was simple, if time consuming. Rent some apartments out, and wait. Of course, there were some preparation required. First, buy an old apartment building, something not too expensive and not too flashy. Make some small changes to the central air system and temperature control. Bring the whole thing up to code and install a beautiful, in building gym. Hire a team of savvy young women to help manage the apartments. Then, carefully and selectively rent out the one bed, one bath apartments to single, young men who showed promise. Some were just graduated 20-somethings, with a bright future ahead in STEM careers. Some were trust fund kids moving to the city for the first time, drawn to the quickly gentrifying downtown. Some were just personal pet projects that I wanted to see grow into their potential. Like this fellow:
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I wanted to see what would happen on a bit more of a bear-ish body type. We set him up in Unit 514. Or this bro:
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He was already pretty close to what we wanted our final results to look like. But I wanted to see how much we could push him. Unit 112, low and close to the gym. Good eye candy for some of the twinks we set up on the sixth floor. After about 3 months, every unit in the building had been filled, all eight floors. It was the first of June, around 4 a.m. when we had verified all residents were home. The overnight receptionist was sent home early for the day as upstairs, all door locks were remotely engaged, power was cut, and the new air conditioners kicked in. All subjects were sealed in their experiment chambers.
Slowly but surely, a thick fog billowed from each bedroom’s vents. It was a thick, sticky vapor, smelling like sandalwood and cool like peppermint. Subjects’ rooms were soon filled as they began breathing it in deeply. Some began to toss in their sleep, subconsciously fighting the mist, while others just huffed away and began the absorption process. One fellow on the second floor managed to toss himself awake, but was quickly sedated by an extra pump of vaporized melatonin added to his room.
As the men all settled down and opened up, the mist began absorbing into their bodies through any gap available: mouth, nose, pores, cocks, and asses. Within thirty minutes, the last of the gas has been administered, and all subjects were once more peacefully at rest. Bodies began twitching and pulsing as faint moans emitted from some of the smaller men’s mouths. The experiment had began.
The first to wake up in the morning was a subject in apartment 211. His transformation was among the more subtle. The lanky guy had put on a few pounds of muscle as his beard thickened and some hair grew in. He immediately began to sense something was off, as he felt his body and now bushy beard. He tried to check his phone. Dead. He gets up and tries to walk out into the apartment. Locked. A look of confusion sets in as he sits and tries to think of what to try next. That is when it catches him. With the power out and the sun rising, temperatures were rising. And as he began to sweat, he began to smell:
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The gasses that seeped in last night were slowly beginning to seep back out, causing more radical changes. But this second exposure is different. It is coming from inside him, and carries his unique pheromones with it. This gas is heroin to him, designed to addict his body to its presence and slowly bring out the best in him. And as the smell fills his nostrils for a second time, he is fighting the urge to give in. Give into himself and what he is becoming. He knows that the smell is rancid, musky and earthy with notes of spice that burn his nostrils. But it is a lost cause. As he huffs away at his own funk, he glides his free hand down his chest, feeling thick, matted hair and slick abs. He takes a moment to feel his muscles twitching and stretching as his skin becomes sensitive to the touch. He wraps his sweaty, calloused hand around his cock, and begins to pump.
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Once he begins to pleasure himself, there is very minimal risk of a reversal. The changes are rapid and extensive his body grows to match the smell that now saturates the air around him. Muscles swell, bones crack and reshape, feet stretch, and his eyes roll in the back of his head as he starts to drool. The fog settling into his brain leaves no room for inhibitions as he starts to self worships his pit, devouring his own sweat. Our scanners also begin to detect deterioration in brain activity. The pleasure center is growing, eating into non-essential regions like memory and comprehension. No part of the original subject is left unchanged as he continues to evolve into a sweaty, smelly, hairy beast of a man. And as he reaches climax, he lets out a deep roar as all inhibitions about his new form are shot out the swollen mushroom tip of his cock. He rolls his foreskin back up and shoves his filthy cock into a pair of sweatpants.
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He stares at his body, flexing and feeling up his muscles. Experiment 211 has been a success, able to turn a scrawny nerd into a horny, sweaty, smelly gym bro with an insatiable need to fuck. Now we just need to test how powerful his sperm and scent are. He hears a click as his chamber is unlocked. We pulse the lights in the room with a code his mind will understand. He now knows his mission is to go over to Apartment 212 and begin round two of testing…
It is a bit later in the morning now and subjects all around are beginning to wake up and face their new reality. Through our camera network we watch as their transformations are slowly taking place, as muscle, fat, and fur are packed on and a cloud of musk begins to cloud the room.
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And slowly as men finish their first rounds, their chambers are unsealed. They begin to wander and find their neighbors, mixing musks to help each other grow and change even more.
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The experiment will run sealed off from the general public, at least until new subjects are needed to collect additional data points. Interested parties are encouraged to apply now to our waitlist. Otherwise, we expect to host an open house next month, with all subjects free to leave the complex and continue experimenting as they see fit. I can already tell that our friend we started with in Unit 514 will be popular.
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Thank you for your time today. We expect to see you again very soon.
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screaminglygay · 6 months
Burning match
pairings: kate bishop x fem!reader
summary: shutting off your feeling is not the best idea, but talking about them hurts too much.
warnings: swearing, character gets badly hurt, mentions of injuries, men, reader being stubborn, some angst with happy ending:)
word count: 5.5k
an: this one is little longer, but i didnt feel like cutting it in halfway, hehe, hope you´ll like it!:)
part one | part two
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"Come on, try again." Natasha says as she hold the lap for you to hit it.
The past few weeks, you´ve been trying to keep yourself busy. Small missions. Paper work. Training with Natasha. Spending time with MJ and Peter in Queens. Everything to keep Kate away. Everyone realized that something is wrong, that´s the main reason, why Fury didn´t give you a long or a hard missions. He couldn´t risk you being reckless, but he also didn´t want to keep you out of the game.
"I´m trying!" You yell as you hit the boxing paw, but you didn´t cover your face, so Natasha hits you back.
"Your mind is somewhere else. I need you to be here with me." The redhead put her hand back up, for you to try again. "If we would be on the field, you´d be dead by now." She states, hoping it will motivate you, but it did the exact opossite.
"That would be great, actually." You try to hit her paw, but she put her hands down.
"(Y/N)…" Natasha looks at you and takes off the paws.
"What are you doing?" You are supposed to train for another fifty minutes.
"We´re having a break. Sit down." You sit down, taking off your gloves. "Are you gonna talk to me, or just pretend like everything is great?" Natasha sits down as well.
You shrug. "It's complicated, Nat. I don't even know where to start."
"Start at the beginning. I'm here to listen." She looks at you.
"It's about feelings. Complicated feelings," you admit, fidgeting with the edge of your gloves.
"Remember when I used to have a crush on Wanda? Well, it turns out those feelings are just exchanged with a different feelings.. with different someone…"
Natasha nods, her expression encouraging you to continue.
"It´s Kate," you continue, the weight of the unspoken emotions settling between you. "I never expected to feel this way again, but it's there. And I can't face her. I can't face anyone, really."
Natasha's eyes reflect empathy as she absorbs your words. "Feelings are messy, (Y/N), but running from them won't make them disappear. You've got to confront them, understand them, and then decide what to do next."
You look down at your hands, the moment feeling like a barrier between you and the vulnerability of your emotions. "I already decided, I don´t want to confront them at all. It´s just… overwhelming."
Natasha reaches over, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You don't have to figure it all out at once. Take it one step at a time. Talk to Kate. See where it goes. And remember, I'm here for you, no matter what. And like with Wanda it either will go away or you will figure it out."
You sigh. "It was different with Wanda. In many ways. I don´t think it will be the same. They are both totally different people." You say as you think about that time of your life.
"What was different? Having a bro code with Pietro?" Natasha asks, without missing a beat and that makes you smile and roll your eyes.
The door swings open, your gaze lifts, only to meet the eyes of the archer you've been succesfully avoiding. Instantly, your posture tenses, a reflexive response to the presence.
Kate walks in, but stops as she notices you´re with Natasha, "can I have a minute with (Y/N)?"
Natasha looks at you and you just nod. Which makes Natasha stand up and leave the room.
"So…" Kate starst, but she is actually not really sure how to start at all.
"So…" You look at her and she sits down next to you."You had a sparing session with Natasha?" Kate asks, looking at the gloves on the ground.
"Um- yeah, yeah, I had." You nod as well as Kate.
The room holds an unspoken tension. Kate breaks the silence with a question that cuts through the charged atmosphere.
"Am I too annoying?" Kate's gaze is probing, searching for confirmation in your eyes.
Your response is quick, "What? No! Of course not!"
Kate interrupts, her tone cutting, "You've been off. So what's your problem?"
"I don´t have a problem." You shrug.
"You don´t? Well even Mike thinks you´re kinda off…" Kate states.
A scoff escapes your lips involuntarily, and you mutter mockingly, "oh Mike thinks that.."
The archer looks at you and raise her eyebrow, "what´s that supposed to mean?"
"Forget it, nothing." You look away, already feeling like you gonna explode.
"Say it." You can feel that the atmosphere didn´t clear out at all.
"No, it´s nothing important." You look back at her.
"(Y/N), say it!" Kate is on the verge of exploding too, you can feel it and even see it.
"Okay, fine! Your boyfriend, he´s a dick." Okay, that slipped out. Shit, that shouldn´t have slipped out.
Oh god.
You succesfully shocked the archer, she is completly stunned. "What's your problem with Mike?" Kate's voice rises, defensive and confrontational.
"It's this something about him." you take a deep breath, the tension escalating. "You deserve better." There it is, you finally said it. Maybe a little differently then you wanted, but you did.
The declaration becomes a spark igniting an unexpected blaze. Kate's eyes narrow, a mixture of frustration and anger surfacing. "You don't know him like I do. You don't get to judge my choices. Who do you think you are to say these things?!"
The argument escalates, a collision of conflicting emotions, and before you know it, the room becomes a battleground once again. Before you could find your words, trying to save it, she speaks once again.
"I don't need this. I thought we could talk, but clearly, I was wrong."
And with that, Kate storms out, leaving you alone in the sparring room, the echoes of the confrontation lingering in the air like a haunting melody.
After the heated confrontation with Kate, the sparring room feels like a vacuum, the lingering echoes of the argument still resonating in the air. Hours pass, marked by the ticking clock and the persistent sound of rain against the windows. Eventually, you decide to venture back to the living room, a sense of emptiness accompanying each step.
As you enter the living room, you open the fridge in hopes that you will find a fresh icy cold water bottle. Finally you have a little luck in your life and there it is. As you take few sips from it you speak out. "Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y., have you seen Kate around?" you inquire, your voice betraying a hint of sadness.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. responds with a measured tone, "Miss Bishop is currently on a mission with Mr. Rogers and Miss Belova. They left a forty minutes ago."
A pang of regret tightens your chest. The opportunity to apologize and mend things with Kate slips through your fingers, replaced by a sense of longing and missed chances.
"Alright, thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y.," you mutter, retreating to a corner of the living room. The rain outside matches the melancholy mood within, creating a backdrop for the emotional storm you find yourself caught in.
You find solace in the embrace of your bed, its comfort offering a temporary refuge from the emotional turmoil that swirls within. The room, dimly lit by the glow of the bedside lamp, becomes a sanctuary where you can confront the tangled web of feelings.
Wrapped in the warmth of blankets, you replay the events in your mind, analyzing each word and gesture. Regret sticks with you, and the longing to bridge the gap between you and Kate grows with each passing moment. The desire to apologize, to untangle the knots of misunderstanding, becomes a persistent ache that refuses to dissipate.
But was it a misunderstanding? Or just something you held in yourself for a really long time?
As the rain continues its rhythmic dance against the window, time seems to stretch, each moment weighed down by the emotional heaviness. The glow of the bedside clock ticks away, a constant reminder of the day slipping through your fingers.
Messages from MJ and Peter light up your phone, concerned inquiries that you choose to ignore for now. You will answer them later. Maybe.
The dim glow of the bedside clock casts a faint light in the room as your phone incessantly lights up with notifications. Ignoring it initially, you think it´s MJ or Peter again. However, the persistent buzzing becomes too insistent to ignore, pulling you back to the harsh reality beyond the cocoon of your thoughts.
A new notification pops up, catching your attention. It's from Yelena, and the message sends a shiver down your spine. "Kate got into an accident. We're at the hospital."
The words hang in the air, a chilling realization that transcends the emotional turmoil you've been grappling with. The cocoon of solitude suddenly feels fragile, the threads unraveling in the face of an unforeseen crisis.
Before you can fully process the gravity of the situation, your phone vibrates with an incoming call from Natasha. With a sense of foreboding, you answer, your voice catching in your throat.
"(Y/N), it's about Kate. There's been an accident," Natasha's voice is steady but laced with an underlying tension. "They're at the St.Nicholas. Steve said it's serious. You need to come, but please drive carefuly." Natasha´s voice cracks and that makes your stomach drops even lower.
Without a second thought, you spring into action, a surge of adrenaline propelling you out of the room and into the stormy night. The rain outside mirrors the tempest within as you navigate the path to the hospital, the glow of your phone lighting the way with messages that now hold a newfound urgency.
The rain-drenched streets blur as you rush towards the hospital, heart pounding in your chest. The vivid lights of the emergency room entrance greet you as you finally arrive, breathless and soaked. Your gaze scans the room, finding Natasha, Steve, and Yelena huddled together, their faces etched with worry.
Ignoring the pull of exhaustion, you hurry towards them, relief and anxiety warring within you. Natasha, noticing your arrival, steps forward, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and understanding.
"(Y/N), she's stable now," Natasha says softly, her hand resting reassuringly on yours as she stops you from coming into the room. "But they won't let us visit her just yet."
A mix of emotions floods over you – relief that Kate is stable, yet a lingering unease at the unknown extent of her injuries. The hospital's sterile ambiance amplifies the tension in the air as Steve steps forward, his usually stoic expression betraying a deep concern.
"There was a room filled with explosive material, and it detonated while she was near it," Steve explains, the weight of the situation evident in his voice. "She's lucky to be alive."
As Steve explains, you feel a knot tighten in your stomach. The image of Kate, caught in the blast, flashes in your mind. The once trivial disagreements now seem insignificant, overshadowed by the reality of Kate's perilous situation.
Yelena remains silent, her eyes revealing the worry she can't put into words. The waiting room becomes a space suspended in time, a limbo between the fear of the unknown and the hope for Kate's recovery.
For now, the only option is to wait – to wait for news, for permission to visit Kate, and, above all, for a sign that she will pull through.
Time seems to stretch as the group anxiously awaits news about Kate. The sterile waiting room is filled with hushed conversations and the rhythmic beeping of medical equipment. The air is thick with anticipation until finally, a doctor emerges, breaking the tense silence.
"Miss Bishop is stable. She's going to be okay," the doctor announces, a collective sigh of relief escaping from those gathered. "However, she needs time to recover. The explosion caused many injuries, and she's currently sleeping."
Steve, Yelena, and Natasha exchange grateful glances, and a sense of gratitude washes over them. The doctor continues, "You can visit her. We'll keep you updated on her progress."
As the trio heads toward Kate's room, you hesitate. The relief is palpable, but an overwhelming desire to be close to Kate prevails. Determined, you follow them into the room.
Kate lies peacefully on the hospital bed, surrounded by the sterile white walls. Machines softly hum, monitoring her vital signs. You can hear Yelena talk in russian, which you don´t understand at all.
Natasha places a gentle hand on Yelena´s shoulder, exchanging a few quiet words with her and Steve before leading them out, leaving you alone with your friend.
The room is dimly lit, the soft glow of monitors casting a gentle light on Kate's sleeping form. The exhaustion from the events of the day catches up with you, but an unwavering need to be there for Kate keeps you by her side.
You pull a chair close to the bed, taking Kate's hand in yours. The rhythmic beeping of the machines becomes a soothing backdrop as you sit there, unmoving, lost in the quiet vigil.
"I´m really sorry, Katie." You whisper, so much regret in those words. Hours pass, marked by the steady rise and fall of Kate's chest. Your mind is a tempest of emotions – relief, worry, gratitude. The ordeal has left you physically and emotionally drained. The chair feels uncomfortable, but you can't bring yourself to leave Kate's side.
As the night wears on, fatigue sets in. The hospital room becomes your bedroom now, interrupted only by the soft sounds of medical equipment. Unable to resist the heaviness of your eyelids, you lean against the chair and finally fall asleep too.
Morning light filters through the hospital room's window, casting a soft glow on the still figure of Kate. The rhythmic sounds of medical equipment persist, a constant reminder of the fragile balance between recovery and the unknown. You wake up, the stiffness in your muscles a testament to the night spent in the uncomfortable chair.
The door creaks open, and Natasha enters, holding a small tray with a cup of water and a plate of food. Her eyes, though tired, hold a reassuring warmth.
"Hey," Natasha says softly, offering a small smile. "I thought you might need this."
Tears well up in your eyes as you take in the caring gesture. "Thanks, Nat."
Natasha places the tray on the table and pulls a chair closer. "How are you holding up?"
You shrug and glance at Kate, her peaceful slumber giving you a momentary respite. "The last time we talked, we had a fight," you confess, your voice choked with emotion.
Natasha leans forward, a comforting presence. "(Y/N), these things happen, especially in our line of work. What's important now is that she's going to be okay."
"I was too blind to let her be happy," you admit, the weight of regret settling in. "I should have never said anything."
Natasha reaches out, squeezing your hand gently. "You care about her, and that's what matters. The rest can be worked out later." She encourages you to eat and drink, a gentle reminder of the need to take care of yourself. The food feels tasteless, but with Natasha's support, each bite becomes a small triumph.
"Kate is strong, and she's going to pull through. You being here for her matters more than you realize," Natasha reassures, offering a comforting presence in the quiet hospital room.
Her words are stuck in your head. You are here. You are. Where is Mike?
"He's still not here, hasn't even bothered to check in," you mutter to Natasha, a sense of frustration coloring your tone.
Natasha furrows her brow, sensing the underlying tension. "Mike? Maybe he's just dealing with things in his own way."
"So if you had the love of your life in a hospital you wouldn´t care to find them?" You are once again getting angry, even though you are strongly agaisnt the man, maybe you are overreacting. Or maybe you are right the whole time. Thoughts are running in and out of your head. Too much things at the moment.
"(Y/N), people react differently in situations like these. Give him some time."
But the silence from Mike speaks louder than any explanation Natasha could offer. The realization stirs a mix of emotions — frustration, disappointment, and a strange sense of feeling you couldn´t name yet.
Natasha leaves the hospital room, offering a reassuring smile as she heads to the cafeteria to check up on Steve and Yelena. The door closes behind her, leaving you alone with your thoughts and sleeping Kate.
After some time, Natasha returns with Yelena, her expression serious. "Steve's heading back to the compound to take care of some calls and paperwork. He'll be back soon," she informs you.
The hospital room feels both empty and crowded, a paradoxical mix of solitude and shared concern. Yelena, seated by the window, looks up as Natasha speaks. "We´ll stay here with you for a while," Nat offers.
Grateful for the company, you nod, and Natasha takes a seat in the corner, while Yelena sits by Kate's bedside. The atmosphere in the room becomes more subdued, the weight of the events settling in.
After a little bit you step out to get some fresh air, a knot of tension lingers. The hallway outside is quiet, and you take a moment to collect your thoughts. As you turn to the bathrooms, you notice someone standing a little way down the corridor — Mike, Kate's boyfriend.
His presence catches you off guard, and a mixture of emotions surges within. The frustration from the previous thoughts intensifies, and a sense of unease accompanies the realization that he's here, yet the silence persists.
Mike looks up from his phone, noticing you. His expression is a mix of surprise and discomfort. The air between you is thick with unspoken words and unresolved tensions. It's a moment frozen in time, the hospital hallway becoming a silent arena for a confrontation that has been brewing beneath the surface.
Yelena and Natasha remain inside the room, unaware of the encounter in the hallway. The decision of whether to address the situation or let it linger hangs in the air, and as you lock eyes with Mike. You know Kate would not want you to go up to him and start a fight, but you can´t help it.
The air in the hospital hallway thickens as you approach Mike, who seems taken aback by your presence. A mix of frustration and anger simmers beneath the surface, waiting to erupt.
"It took you a while to finally arrive," you say, the words laced with a mixture of scoff and irritation.
Mike doesn't respond with an apology or explanation. Instead, he meets your challenging gaze and, with a dismissive tone, retorts, "Why do you care?"
The confrontation escalates, each word becoming a verbal jab as the tension between you intensifies. Mike, rather than showing concern for Kate or acknowledging the gravity of the situation, responds with rudeness and indifference.
"Why do I care?!" There it is, the sharp exchange of words. "If she was my girlfriend, I would call, text—I would run into every hospital, until I would find her!" you shout, your frustration boiling over. But Mike remains unmoved, his calm demeanor only fueling the fire.
"But she's not," he speaks with an unsettling calmness.
The words hang in the air, a harsh reality that slaps you in the face. "What?" you stammer, caught off guard by the bluntness of his statement.
"You've said it yourself, if. She is not your girlfriend," Mike replies, his words cutting through the emotional turmoil like a knife.
The realization hits hard, the vulnerability beneath your anger exposed. The hurt, disappointment, and frustration converge into a surge of raw emotion.
Natasha, hearing the escalating confrontation, steps in, grabbing your hand to stop you from saying or doing anything impulsive. "You won't help her by this, (Y/N)," she says calmly, her grip a grounding force amid the tempest of emotions.
The hospital hallway becomes a silent witness to the tangled threads of relationships, the fractures laid bare in the harsh light of truth. As Natasha intervenes, you take a deep breath, grappling with the storm of emotions within. The focus shifts from the confrontation to the shared concern for Kate's well-being, a reminder that in the face of adversity, unity is more crucial than discord.
Natasha makes you take a few deep breaths, trying to diffuse the tension. Frustration still simmers within you, and you can't shake off the urge to do something impulsive. Your words to Natasha echo your volatile emotions.
"He's being an arrogant idiot," you mutter to Natasha, your anger palpable. "I swear, if I didn't care about Kate, I'd punch him."
Mike, unfazed, wears an arrogant smile as if reveling in the chaos he has incited. The atmosphere in the hospital corridor remains charged, the unspoken conflict simmering beneath the surface. With a frustrated scoff you finally manage to go to the bathroom, to freshen up a little bit, or at least calm the anger burning inside you.
In the midst of the tension, a weak voice cuts through the air. Kate stirs in her hospital bed, her gaze flickering around the room as she tries to make sense of her surroundings. Her eyes land on Yelena, who is engrossed in a magazine.
"What the hell was that?" Kate asks, her voice a mix of confusion and concern.
"Kate! You´re awake! Oh and that? (Y/N)." Yelena puts the magazine down.
"Is she okay?" Kate asks without a beat.
Yelena hesitates for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "She's… okay."
The ambiguity in Yelena's response doesn't escape Kate's notice. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Kate´s voice still very raspy from just waking up.
"Well curently she´s cursing at your boy for being a dick." The blonde chuckles, as she´s rooting for your win.
"She is?" Kate's eyes widen with a mix of surprise and concern.
"Yeah… I heard Natasha step in, too sad I wanted to see (Y/N) throw some fists, she could take him.." Yelena looks at Kate, "what? I´m just stating the facts."
Kate tries to sit up and leave the bed, but Yelena immedietly notices and tries to keep her in bed. "No, Kate, stay." But that doesn´t stop the injured archer.
Ignoring Yelena's attempts to keep her in bed, Kate go out the room, trying to piece together the events that led her here until her gaze finally lands on Natasha, a silent guardian in the midst of the unfolding drama. Mike´s back is facing Kate as she somehow walked out of her hospital room.
"You all are crazy, who do you think you guys are? Mighty heroes?" He laughs "At least Kate will realize how useless her bow and arrow is…"
"Mike…" Natasha tries as she meets Kate´s blue eyes. Her posture softens a little bit with relief as she notices that Kate is awake.
"If her dad was around maybe she would get some sences knocked into her, this is ridicilous. Pretending to be a hero." Kate barerly stands there, she hopes this is just a big hallucination from the pills they gave her. "And who is your inspiration, hm? A- a- hooker mixed with Lara Croft?"
Natasha steps forward with a slight smile on her face, "If I was you, I would choose your words more wisely."
"What did you just said?" Kate jumps in with a question, her voice cracking up a little bit.
Mike turns around, completly shifting his body language, "oh babe! You are awake!" He rushes to her side but Yelena is quick to walk out of the room and push him away.
"Возьми ее за руки, и я сломаю тебе все кости в твоем чертовом теле." Yelena is really ready to strike.
(translation: Get your fucking hands on her and I´ll break all of your bones in your god damn body.)
"Leave me alone, she is my girlfriend!" The guy states. "Mine, understand?!" He tries to fight off the Widow, but if anything it was more of a sad try on his side.
The dismissive tone and lack of accountability in Mike's words infuriate Kate. Her face contorts with anger as she delivers a stern message. "You need to leave, Mike. I don't want to see you."
"Babe-" Mike's another attempt at a protest is met with a stern gaze from Kate, cutting him off. "Go home, Mike. I need some space."
"It´s because of your freak friend, right? That poor (Y/N)…" He somehow gets Yelena´s hands off of him and adjust his jacket.
Kate's eyes narrow at the mention of your name, and a wave of frustration washes over her. "Go."
Before Mike can respond Natasha is leading him out of the sight, while Yelena helps Kate back to her bed.
Kate nods, a mix of gratitude and relief in her eyes. "Thanks, guys. Now, can someone fill me in on everything that happened?"
As Yelena explains everything from the mission to this moment, Natasha, with her keen sense of observation, follows the emotional trail to find you in the bathroom. The tension and frustration from the earlier confrontation still linger, and she approaches you with a steady but understanding gaze.
"Kate is awake," Natasha announces, her words breaking through the quiet reflection in the bathroom.
The news propels you into action. Without a second thought, you practically sprint back to the hospital room where Kate is, your heart racing with a mix of anxienty and relief.
With Yelena and Natasha giving you some privacy, the atmosphere in the hospital room becomes more intimate. Kate looks at you with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity, and you can sense the unspoken questions lingering in the air.
"You really went to fight for me out there," Kate says, breaking the silence. Her voice is soft, filled with appreciation.
You give her a small smile. "Of course, Kate. He´s such an- anytime."
Kate chuckles at your words, "I appreciate it. More than you know." You find yourself sit next to her side once again. "I just couldn't stand by and let him hurt you. You mean a lot to me."
Kate's expression softens, and she reaches out to take your hand. "You mean a lot to me too. I didn't expect anyone to stand up for me like that."
"Well, get used to it," you say with a playful grin. "I've got your back. And now more than ever, miss walking into a room with explossives." You playfully tease her.
Kate just laughs, even though it hurts her a little bit.
"So, what did you do in the hallway, before Nat stepped in?"
You can't help but chuckle, the tension dissipating. "Oh nothing, just me telling off to your not-so-charming boyfriend."
Kate raises an eyebrow wanting to say something totally different then the thing she left out. "Hm, alright then."
"You should get some rest," you smile as you put the blanket over her. "I´m fine, actually I don´t feel much pain." Kate says as she visible fights off the sleepiness.
"That´s because you´re high, Bishop." You chuckle.
"Hm… interesting, I didn´t though about it." She opens her eyes. "You´re so high."
"Yup. Probably, I mean… this stuff is good. It got the kick." She smiles as she shifts a little bit in her bed and she finally drift off.
As the days pass, you continue to be by Kate's side, offering support and companionship during her recovery in the hospital. Your presence becomes a source of comfort, and together, you navigate the challenges of rehabilitation. Feeling like you two are even closer than before, feeling so good around her as she does. You feel complete again.
Not a signle thought about Mike in yours or Kate´s head.
Finally, the day arrives when Kate is well enough to leave the hospital. You assist her in the wheelchair, wheeling her out of the hospital room and through the corridors. As you approach the compound, the familiar faces of the Avengers greet both of you with smiles and cheers. They've organized a "Welcome Back" party for Kate, a celebration of her recovery and return.
With the wheelchair parked in the midst of the festive atmosphere, Kate insists, "I can handle the wheelchair on my own, you know." You respond with a playful grin, "I like to push you around."
The words carry a lighthearted warmth, an acknowledgment of the bond that has grown stronger during these trying times. Kate chuckles, appreciating the sentiment behind your words.
Throughout the party, you continue to take care of Kate, ensuring she's comfortable and included in the festivities. The Avengers express their relief and happiness at seeing Kate back on her feet, and the atmosphere is one of shared joy and camaraderie.
As the night progresses, the two of you find a quiet corner to sit and talk. The glow of the party surrounds you, but in that moment, it's the connection between you and Kate that shines the brightest.
"You've been a real friend through all of this," Kate says, sincerity in her eyes.
"I just wanted to be here for you," you reply, a soft smile on your face. After a little you look back at her. "I had this crazy idea. Do you trust me, Bishop?" you ask, a playful smile on your face.
Kate looks at you with a mix of curiosity and a hint of nervous anticipation. "Do I have a choice?" she replies, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.
"Not really," you admit, your eyes dancing with excitement. "Fine, fine. I trust you." Kate nods.
"Okay, then get ready, because we´re going for a ride!" You say as you help her get back on the wheelchair. "It took me a little bit to figure it out, but I watched some youtube tutorials and I think it should work." You ramble to Kate, who still have zero idea what you´re talking about.
"Close your eyes, please,"you instruct, and Kate, now used to your playful antics, complies with a smirk.
As she close her eyes shut, you push the wheelchair, outside. Little cold breeze hitting the both of you. You push her infront of the homemade ramp, you made couple nights ago, thanks to some random guy on YouTube.
"Alright, open your eyes," you announce, stepping back to reveal your creation.
Kate opens her eyes, and her gaze shifts from you to the makeshift ramp. A mixture of surprise and excitement lights up her face. "What's all this? You won´t push me off, right?" she asks, with a giggle.
"I thought we could use a change of scenery," you say with a grin.
"And since our favorite place is the rooftop, I figured, why not bring it to you?" You smile, being really pround of what you´ve build. Deep down still hoping it won´t break as soon as Kate´s wheelchair will go on it.
"You built this?" Kate's eyes widen with appreciation as she takes in the effort you've put into creating a way for her to join you on the rooftop. You just nod at her question.
"This is amazing," Kate says, her voice filled with gratitude. "To the roof and beyond!" If this wouldn´t be Kate, you would find this quote use very cheesy, but since it´s Kate, you had to let out a chuckle.
With careful precision, you guide Kate up the improvised ramp, ensuring her safety as she rides to the rooftop. Once you both reach the top, a breathtaking view of the city awaits, and the sounds of the party below are replaced by the serene hum of the night.
Seated together on the rooftop, surrounded by the city lights, you and Kate share a moment of quiet companionship. The homemade ramp, a symbol of your dedication and the uniqueness of your connection, becomes a testament to the lengths you're willing to go to make each other happy.
As you sit side by side, overlooking the cityscape, Kate breaks the silence with a sincere look in her eyes. "I'm sorry about not listening to you."
You meet her gaze, the connection between you deepening. "I'm sorry about being right about your boy," you say with a playful laugh. Kate chuckles. "Well, I think it's good to burst out the bubble. He's not my boy anymore."
"What?" The shock in your voice is palpable.
"Yeah. I broke up with him, and he replied with a thumbs up and a 'You weren't even worth it.' So…"
"Oh my god, Kate, I'm so sorry-" You instinctively reach for her hand.
"No, you're not," she interrupts with a reassuring smile.
"Not about him, but… you don't deserve that. Who does he think he is? Oh my god, I'll tell him-" Now it's Kate's turn to take your hand. "Okay, Rambo, calm down," Kate teases. "I'm fine, really. And he´s the one not worth it."
"So he wasn´t the chosen one?" You tease.
"Oh that´t a low blow, (Y/L/N)" She roll her eyes, but laugh along with you.
As the night unfolds, the atmosphere between you two is not just warm; it's a comforting embrace that you don´t want ever lose again, even if it means being just friends with the archer.
Thank you for reading!!!
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He's dead
"Hello, is this Sally Jackson?"
"Yeah, one of Percy's friends I'm guessing? I'll put him on the phone for you."
"Thank you."
"Hi.. it's Leo."
"Language Percy! I don't want Estelle picking that up."
"Sorry mom."
"I forgot you didn't know I was back, I need to tell you something."
"Is everything okay? Is there another prophecy? I swear to the gods if there's anoth-"
"Are Annabeth and Grover with you?"
"No, Leo what's happening? You sound scared." Percy heard sobbing through the phone, "Take a deep breath, what's going on?"
"J-Jason... he- he.. fvcking sh!t- Jason's dead."
"No. No he can't be- but how? Why?!" Percy let out a scream of pain, breaking down into tears. "W- when..?"
"Two weeks ago, I told Piper I would tell you but I haven't been able to do it until now."
"Is she with you?"
"No, I'm alone."
"Where are you?"
"On some street in the middle of somewhere with no money, where I've been for two weeks."
"Are you in New York?"
"Yeah, somewhere in Manhattan."
"Describe it, you're coming over."
"Just come, I don't think you should be alone right now." As he gave directions everything sunk in, Jason was dead. He would never fvcking see him again, never be able to laugh with him again, everything would never be the same again. He'd lost his bro, the one who'd always do dumb sh!t with him, the one he could talk to about anything but they'd always still be chill. He was gone.
Percy open the door with bloodshot eyes, tears still rolling down his face. Leo was a wreck, he looked as if he hadn't slept in a week, or eaten for that fact. He hugged him, they both half collapsed on each other, holding so tightly it was as if the other was about to disappear.
"Percy, is everything alright? Who's here? I heard crying what happ-" As the hug broke Sally caught sight of the small boy,
"Mom meet Leo, son of Hephaestus."
"Hello, you can stay here as long as you need I know demigod lives are hard. Go take a shower, I'll get you something to eat, if you want we can talk about what happened."
"Thank-k you." Leo whispered, unable to keep his voice from breaking.
"Percy, what's going on?"
"You remember how I told you about camp Jupiter... and..Jason?"
"Of course I do."
"He- he died.. I don't know what happened, I don't know why he even got involved but he's gone." Percy broke down, his mother's arms wrapped around him. "I don't know how I'm going to tell Annie."
"One step at a time, I know things are hard."
"I'm so sorry, you can't bring him back."
"But I could."
"The gods ask for so much but they can't bring back a single person who died fighting for them!?"
"You know they're cruel,"
"I can't do this anymore."
"Leo, you feeling okay? Physically."
"I'm fine."
"Do you want to talk about Jason? I know he was your best friend, he was one of mine."
"He- he was my boyfriend, surprise." He didn't give him any time to answer before continuing but he could see the sympathy is his eyes. "Percy you've lost so many people, how do you keep going on? How do you carry on every day knowing you'll never see them again?"
"It's not easy, especially at the beginning. Somedays it's hard to go through wit somedays your fine, somedays you wish you could join them. They say time heals, that's not exactly true, but people help you heal, if people want to help, let them, even if you don't think it will. I know you want to run away, I know everything seems pointless but right now the worst thing is to be alone."
"I've lost my mum, I've lost Jason, who's next? I have no family that wants me, and my whole life's being controlled by the gods who don't give a shit about us."
"I probably shouldn't be saying this but... do you want a smoke? That's what I've been doing for the past few days, I know it's unhealthy but it... helps."
"Yeah, thanks Perce."
"Can I... show you something?"
"Yeah, you alright?" A tear fell from his eye,
"Ever since Jason- I just couldn't take it anymore... I... I need... some h-help, please." Leo rolled up his sleeves, his arms covered in burns; his breath was unsteady almost scared. "S-sorry." Percy pulled him into a hug,
"You don't have to apologise, I know it seems pointless to go on, I have scars to." Percy turned his forearm revealing pale scars all over his arms.
"But-t you're... you're... THE Percy Jackson, you've been on so many quests and you're so strong an-"
"That's what people thought, I still haven't forgiven myself for Bianca's death, or Beckendorf's or Luke's. But at some point you have to keep going on, you can't spend the rest of eternity grieving. Instead live for them, live to show their sacrifice made a difference because at the end of the day... you can't bring them back."
"How do you find the courage to try."
"You don't just wake up one day and suddenly be okay, it takes time, maybe your life won't be the exact same, but you have to keep living. I can't pretend I've gotten over Jason's death, I've been high a lot in these past few weeks... but I know at some point I'll have to move on."
"Thank you for everything Percy."
I wrote this a while ago and I thought I would post it because I'm taking forever to post the next Helpless part xx
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2023himbotournament · 2 years
Coming to you all soon: The 2023 Grand Himbo Tournament!!
Inspired by the @nonbiney-swag-competition mainly, created and hosted by @makerofmadness
edit: guys it's already started pleas catch up I can't tell everyone who thinks it hasn't started yet dndndndndndn
Edit 2; The tournament has officially concluded! Thanks for your participation, I will still be using this blog for helping spread other tournaments, and also posting cringe
Welcome one and all, to the most ambitious tournament probably so far (that is to say, I chose way too many characters but in my defense I had found a blank template for a smash bros character roster thing and wanted to fill the whole thing up, even if I had to turn to the dark side to do so for one or two picks): The 2023 Himboff!
Round 1 Part 1 will begin on Friday, hopefully giving everyone enough time to prepare themselves for battle (I describe this as if it's a war and not a tumblr pollnament-).
EDIT: Yes I am being told that I may have included characters who may not fit the himbo criteria perfectly but in my defense i am not in every fandom and my research consisted of furious googling so if google lied to me then blame that
Now, without further ado, here is our roster!!
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The himbos, in order from top to bottom, left to right:
Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove)
Milk Cookie (Cookie Run)
Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy’s)
Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale)
John F Kennedy (Clone High)
Joseph Joestar (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Knuckles (Sonic Boom)
Chandlo Funkbun (Bugsnax)
Hercules (Hercules)
Milo (Pokémon)
Tom Dupain (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Jake English (Homestuck)
Launchpad McQuack (Ducktales)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Jonathan Joestar (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Lupin III (Lupin III)
Bolin (The Legend of Korra)
Big the Cat (Sonic)
Joey Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Maui (Moana)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Sun Wukong (RWBY)
Terra (Kingdom Hearts)
Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
Brock (Pokémon)
Emile (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
Galo Thymos (Promare)
Gladiolus Amicitia (Final Fantasy)
Groose (The Legend of Zelda)
Hector (Fire Emblem)
Gonta Gokuhara (Danganronpa)
Indus Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Tyko (Harmoknight)
Okuyasu Nijimura (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia)
Zeke von Genbu (Xenoblade)
Reyn (Xenoblade)
Koichi Zenigata (Lupin III)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Killer T Cell (Cells at Work!)
Jean Pierre Polnareff (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Muscle Cookie (Cookie Run)
Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Prince Naveen (The Princess and the Frog)
Captain Underpants (Captain Underpants)
Kofu (Pokémon)
Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Larry the Lobster (Spongebob SquarePants)
Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)
King Fergus (Brave)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer)
Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Troy Barnes (Community)
Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia) (sincere apologies)
Andy Dwyer (Parks and Recreation)
Thor (Marvel)
Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl)
Valhallen (Powerpuff Girls)
He-Man (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption)
Leon (Pokémon)
Sam (Stardew Valley)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100)
Clawd Wolf (Monster High)
Guillermo (Himbo Harem Homicide)
Galio (League of Legends)
Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
See you all on Friday for when the Himboff commences!
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soraviie · 2 years
you're oblivious.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ masterlist
━ about: fluff + crack  ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: lowkey inspired by a video of Hoseok being oblivious to BTS. Literary wise is not that complicated but it's humourous
━ previously posted on soraviii
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He’s struggling so bad bro it’s not even funny 
Fights the battle against your ignorance on two sides
By night, he’s your suave secret admirer, leaving behind finely crafted letters of adoration that would put the brightest of the Romantic Age into a second grave
By day, he’s fucking shitting himself
Knees weak, palms sweaty, mom’s spaghetti 
“This is made of silk,” he tugs at his own shirt during a short elevator ride
“Hmm,” comes your reply and from the gleam in your eye, he might just bear this suspicion you’re orbiting Mars right now
Alas he can’t stop
Because Holy SHIT! You’re here! Hi!
(truthfully, in the beginning, he was somehow much more put together, wowing you with sleazy smiles, breathy laughs and all the glory of that fuckboy gene that sleeps somewhere in his DNA but after that flew over your head and he listened to a podcast about the scarcity of sincere romantic gestures and the respect of polite admiration, the attempts to seduce you grow exponentially worse with time)
“It’s not velvet because it doesn’t feel velvety. Or tweed. Because obviously, it’s not…tweedy.”
“I see,” you conclude, dead to the world. “Have a nice day, Mr Kim.”
Watches you leave, bites on his fist, bites on his shirt, sulks the day away
plEASE just let him talk to you, I beg
Wants to hear your opinion, your insights, what you like and dislike, everything
Thus he tries to break the ice by initiating the dumbest subjects
“Grape?” he leans against the table, a total playboy. “Thoughts?”
“Of a singular grape?” you clarify
He sweats. “yEah.”
“None,” you reply flatly
So think a teenage boy with a crush but more wholesome
If he’s ever seen talking to you and/or trying to subtly touch you (which is another thing on its own) know that the last twenty minutes were spent shitting, screaming, vomiting
Ah! The Touching!
Tries to be subtle and casual - a hand over your shoulder because of some vague reasons, plays with your clothes a lot while pointing out this looks pretty on you 
The excuse is he’s just guiding you where you need to be 
And where you need to be is in his arms
And his bed he's actually so horny for you damn checking out left and right and then feeling conflicted over it because as a man...!
All this circus is, of course, detrimental to everyone’s mental health 
It is deeply painful to watch
Yoongi probably goes around citing the long-term health damage this inflicts upon him 
In the end, Namjoon is ousted by someone in the group. Anonymously but still the e-mail “Go out with Namjoon, he’s the one writing the letters. You have 24 hours.” is accompanied by “sent from Jimin’s iPhone”
What have you done
You’ve created a monster!
When the saccharine first stage of catching feelings is gone with no results, honey boy, shyly twitching and squirming at every sentence, smiling softly at you in the distance, is no longer
This is Min Yoongi a.k.a. Agust D a.k.a. don’t wear converse a.k.a. the infamous Tokyo deliverer
Because, yes, Yoongi is not the stone-cold bastard everyone thinks he is, he’s actually a caring, considerate man interested in the simple life not the grand scheme of the universe
But you must remember - what Yoongi wants, Yoongi gets
You’ve ever seen shameless Min Yoongi?
He will not give a single shit
Will sit in your lap even with 1000 chairs available, invites you to dinner all the time with some handwavy excuse
Turns into his version of a whore (wears one layer instead of three)
(tight, white t-shirts displaying the Min Buffgi agenda, hello)
Points at a tattoo parlour and says you should get each other’s names engraved then he sort of laughs but does he??
Has  created a ship name for you and does bring it up at any moment he pleases to be fit which is coincidentally all the time
Definitely says “this is because I like you” in passing
But all in all, you can sEE it in HIS EYES!
They sparkle! 
Requests your presence like a tyrannical king if he’s feeling down
Gives you probably weirdly affectionate names like “heater” or “vitamin water” meaning you make him warm and energized
Sorry, he just can’t get anything like “honey” past his lips so “solar panel” it is
To keep you around him longer plays his favourite version of the game "two truths one lie" which is "all lie, pure shit"
Basically says the most blatantly untrue shit so you would sit and debate that coconuts in fact do not migrate due to birds
Sometimes he's still not up to talk and wants to just submerge himself in the music but even so, oftentimes he's okay with you chilling on the couch doing your own thing
Basically having a crush for him means wanting head pats and then doing the absolute most to receive them (while taking good care of you in turn)
He doesn't usually do that so that's how everyone knows something's up
Back hugs because it’s cold, back hugs because it’s warm, it’s raining in Madagascar, he doesn’t care
Paradoxically, says the most ego-inflated things whilst sweltering red like a forest fire
“Look at me, haven’t I passed even my normal rate of attractiveness? I’m definitely 12 today,” says he whilst pushing hair out of his forehead, thus showcasing the flaming ears
He will NOT! have anyone embarrass him during this crucial time!
If any one of these degenerates opens their foul fucking mouth to spill the practice conversation he had between himself and the mirror, he will kICK THEM INTO THE SUN!
Lame, couple puns
All the time
He has to rehash them after a while
Really wants to make you laugh :(
Wants your compliments so bad, he's fishing for them every second of the day
hehe fishing get it because he likes to fish
“Doesn’t this shirt match my hair?” he asks
“Hmm. You look like a grapefruit.”
Turns away in shame, palm over mouth
Definitely hands RJ so you could watch over him
It’s his child so he wants only the most elite care and seeing you play with the plush has him melting in heart-shaped goo
Ooo! Smooth Jin has entered the station! He’s boarding the train! Look at him go!
Whispers in your ear, establishes his dominance over the seat next to you, makes up the most random bullshit for you to touch him - can you adjust this, adjust that, could you help him brush his hair etc.
Oh, and if you don’t take proper care of yourself, he activates his strict care mode
You know those moments when Jin becomes The Eldest? Hot
“All life is precious,” says with a frown but one born out of worry standing in front of you, arms on hips as you sit there with your head hung low. “Your’s even more so don’t be careless with it.”
But after scolding he treats you either via food or by saying he's just worried for you
Definitely offers to do something for you and throws fake tantrums about it
"Ah, __________, I can't believe you're making me pay for this meal!"
"I'm not ??? I can pay for my own share if your rich ass is so stingy."
Pouts to the max -
"Yah, you don't think I can take care of you?! Yah, you're underestimating me. Oh, ____________ you won't be underestimating ever again!"
Doesn’t embarrass himself quite as much as the rest 
He’s actually kinda chill about it
Perhaps because he’s been the oblivious one in the past and he’s reserved himself
And he doesn’t want to overwhelm you or make you uncomfortable
One word that comes to mind - solid
(not that, you pervert)
Trustworthy you know
Offers a ride everywhere whenever he can especially from home to work and back
Do you need something? He’s got it. Do you want extra help? He’ll do it
You're sad?
He'll cheer you up in no time
So really becomes like your rock
Starts nonsensical conversations as well but unlike Namjoon he actually succeeds
“This one they had in pink last year, it was all over Instagram. How is it purple now?”
“Dunno,” you look at the flowers. “Maybe different species. Maybe they repainted them. Purple is trendy right now.”
“Haha, borahae.”
Then plucks one flower and tugs it behind your ear
“There. Pretty.”
Feeds you a lot, really attentive
Doesn’t really care what you see him as for now - a friend or a helpful guy - as long as you’re living good, he’s happy :’)
The only thing giving away his crush is the constant playing with his ears to alleviate nervousness
And the handmade jewellery, for sure has by now given you ten to twelve handmade bracelets which he nearly passed away when gifting
Whenever he sees them on your wrists gets ultra shy but happy cause this might actually happen in due time
Did I say save Namjoon? Save this guy
You don’t know what his deal is? He doesn’t either
Know of his duality? Prepared to be exposed to it on a rhythmic rotation from here on out
Was he just yesterday, playing with your earring, whispering in a sultry, whiny tone:
“Why don’t you like me, __________?”
“I do like you.”
“You could like me a bit more. I would really like it if you would.”
And is he now, on this fine fucking day, hiding behind Namjoon whispering into his ear to tell you you’re doing a great job?!
He’s feeling shy today :(
Lingering touches all the time
It’s a scientific fact published in the new issue of an international medical journal - if he’s going ten minutes without touching you, his kidneys, lungs, stomach and tendons experience abrupt and painful deterioration 
So you better get your ass here asap :)
He’s stretching? Somehow hugging you. You’re sitting? His hand is on your thigh
It's like an entirely new brand of love for him and there are many different flavours to this
Calming, comforting, jealous, they’re mine back off
Cutely annoys you for attention
Like standing in the doorway, asking you 1000 times if he’s cute or not, sing songs your name for no reason
Oh my god, mentions your name at random times of the day, sometimes while singing, sometimes improvising a tune, sometimes just underneath his breath
You're always on his mind, so naturally, it sits on his tongue all the time as well
A stream nay an ocean of compliments, not just to you but to everyone whose listening
Or is forced to listen
Like Taehyung whose ear he has yapped off already
Because to him, you are the best and everyone else should also think that
“Hey, isn’t ___________ so cool these days?” “You always look so bright!” “Thank you, _____________, you’re an angel! We can be a fairy angel duo!”
And then the other shoe drops
Shameless Jimin is a menace and a half
Biting his lips, laughing breathily, sorta being a dom
“Don’t pout, _________, brats don’t get awards” :)
“You should look only at me, got it” :)
Just really sweet, cute, menacing, really caring and attentive if you’re feeling down
Oh and lest we forget his special soft whiny voice! In full throttle when you’re around
“_________, we should be around each other for a very long time.”
Does this seem menacing? Because Taehyung is
Where does one even start with this little shit?
Says the most heinous, out-of-pocket shit. 
“__________, I want to see what our children would look like.”
And if you somehow manage to not see it, when Taehyung is as subtle as the asteroid that plunged Earth into the Ice age, that’s fine he’s just going to be even bolder :)
Treats it almost like a game
The more oblivious you are, the more he’ll hammer through the walls of blindness :) don’t worry :) he’ll succeed next time :)
Unlike Jimin who probably has a laugh of “how they’re so blind”, his laugh says “you’re so cute :) I’ll get you next time”
Gift giving!
Waffles, flowers, little jewellery brought with no excuse or explanation
Always ropes you into doing something together, even if it’s something silly
He’s confident but it is warm and yeah kind of cocky but with no malice behind it
It’s like he’s oozing a pink romantic light from within
Watches out for you, like proper gentleman stuff - walks on the side of the road in case of splashes, pulls out the chair, waits for you to finish work to accompany you home 
But no personal space you just have to live with it
If there’s music can and will dance with you ranging from a slow waltz to nuzzling you whilst swaying
Definitely does weird things like if you bump into something, he must “inspect the damage” which means sitting you down and lowkey and respectfully admiring you and softly touching you (in appropriate places, you pervs)
If he annoys you so much, you threaten to put him in a chokehold, he looks like a man in the gate of Heaven
Honey, darling, lovely is a must
Has his gallery full of pictures of you (taken consensually) though I always imagine them as being super blurry
He's a blurry sorta guy
Says he misses you a lot even if you haven't gone anywhere
Definitely has had a conversation about your past lives and that you must have met at some point
He’s persistent but not in a creepy way, only does this much because he sees you being oblivious but not weirded out by all these gestures
Definitely and 100% insists that his angel brought you to him 
If there wouldn’t be a child protection squad engaged at all times, he would have already snapped his neck trying to impress you
Giggles a lot!
Sort of jokes about it
Like if you somehow end up lying next to each other, he will say something like “oo the air changes, it’s becoming heavy”
Definitely adds your gestures to the infinite list to mimic
But genuinely does pick up your habits because he’s watching you a lot
Protective! To the max!
If you’re scared of anything, anything at all, be it a stranger or a moth, he’ll be there to avert the threat
Calls you his dog’s other parent for sure and instructs Bam especially to protect you
Very cuddly once he gets to know you
At first not really talkative mostly just reacts to you, laughing along your jokes, commenting on how good you’re doing something but then asks for your opinions, invites you to play games and such
If you’re mad at him - the literal impersonation of 🥺
Holds your hand while walking sometimes and then teases himself for it???
Who knows what goes on in that head
Gets jealous and definitely glares if someone is trying to make moves even if you’re not together
Afterwards, he pouts and whines
"They're not even that great. I can do all that and more"
Does and promises to do stupid things to impress you, like if you need to move a table, he’ll definitely bust through the wall and say all cool like “I can get it by myself, don’t worry” only to strain his muscles 
Shows off his tattoos and if you want to get one as well will be so enthusiastic, you’ll get the best parlour in the city, the most thorough care afterwards provided by him of course
At times when he’s talking and you turn to look at him, his brain stops and there’s audible error noise coming behind those eyes
Sometimes he stutters when speaking to you, especially if trying to be smooth but he’s doing his best
Actually, he's the hottest when he's not trying
Like he's driving you back home, music on the low playing all sexy and he's like clicking his tongue while leaning back into the seat
And that does something to your brain, breaks through the wall and surmises a point that this dude is actually kind of hot
And he's taking special care of you
He then turns and chuckles taking in your wide eyes
"Do I have something on my face?" he asks. "Or have you begun liking me, ____________?"
You blush and look out the window
"It's nothing"
He doesn't push further but secretly hopes to high heaven you do
Has told about you indirectly to his mom by asking questions about how people like to be wooed
But then definitely has that shy smile when she teases him about it
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
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This is not an attack on you at ALL I’m sorry for moving this to it’s own post I just have Opinions™️ and I need be weird about this book rq I’ll tag you anyway in case you’re interested like at all in my dumb little opinion @adrianfridge-main
I just woke up but DISAGREED Victor’s complaining was completely and utterly justified tbh (bro fucked up astronomically big time and as a result his entire family is dead, I think he’s earned the right to be in despair), Victor’s biggest flaw was the fact he stitched together a mass of corpses and brought it to life and then told nobody, Victor’s biggest flaw is avoidance – and part of that is understandable, it’s a common trauma response, but Victor should have been open about how he felt about Elizabeth, he should have worked through his feelings about his family and expressed them, he should have confronted what he did with the creature and told someone, told Clerval, Victor’s biggest flaw isn’t that he’s in despair, it’s that he rarely explains that despair to others – and it’s understandable why he doesn’t, but it’s still wrong, because that’s how he hurts people.
He keeps parts of himself hidden – as arguably represented by the creature himself. He begins to isolate himself for really the first time, he has a lot of space away from people he’s been around his entire life for really the first time, and it’s fairly safe to say that psychological things begin to build up, as he builds the creature, almost represented by him – whatever interpretation you have of these knew-found realisations can greatly vary depending on the reading of the book you have, but personally I think it’s mostly how he feels about himself and his family.
I don’t think Victor wanted to marry Elizabeth at all – and I’ll probably make a whole catch-all rant on that point soon enough, but I think once he actually begins to get some time in isolation to think about things, he starts thinking about his mother, he starts thinking about Elizabeth, he starts considering all these complicated feelings, that he genuinely does love his mother, but that she’s effectively forcing him into something he doesn’t want to do at all, surely she’d understand if he just explained – but she’s dead, he can’t explain, it’s too late for that. Would she have accepted his explanations in the first place, or would he have disappointed her? This was his mother’s only dying wish, the last thing she left to him, the last thing he had to remember her by – and I do believe Victor genuinely loved his mother, even if I’m also absolutely of the opinion that she was a terrible person. Instead of coming to a conclusion about this, Victor spirals, it builds up, he tells no-one – I don’t believe he would’ve told Henry – and this coincides with the creation of the creature. His dead mother’s final wish being the definitive thing haunting him, and the representation of his spiral and all of his emotions about that being a mass of sentient corpses – seems accurate.
Following this argument, Victor sees Clerval again after all those years, and he collapses from the weight of it all – he rants about it vaguely, but he hides it, and he continues to do so, ignoring it, and that’s when it slowly begins to become harmful, purposefully picking off the people he loves and hurting them.
It’s important to remember still, of course, that the monster isn’t metaphorical, he is real – it’s just that a lot of heights of Victor’s despair and tendency to spiral into his own thoughts coincide well with the “building” of the creature, or with him becoming more vocally demanding of Victor or harmful to his loved ones, so he tends to be a pretty good approximation for a physical representation of Frankenstein’s mental state and guilt. And effectively, Frankenstein desperately trying to hide the creature, fumbling with promises to make further mistakes to push him away only to come to the realisation that they’re wrong, but still having to deal with the consequences of them, instead of just from the start being open and honest, even if that honestly was “I need some time to think, and I don’t know how I feel right now.” – that’s his biggest flaw. And the people Victor hurts is really best represented through Elizabeth herself – I hold the very very strong opinion that Victor and Elizabeth are both victims of what was pretty basically just grooming, and again, avoidance is a very common trauma response, but Elizabeth tried to confront Victor on multiple occasions, sending that letter asking about how he feels about the marriage, saying it doesn’t need to happen if he doesn’t want it to – instead he misinterprets this as his poor dear cousin in despair second-guessing his affections for her, (very likely because of things his mother probably told him as a child), and decides to “put her mind at ease” by telling her that he will marry her, despite his actions saying completely otherwise and Elizabeth herself pretty openly not really wanting to marry him.
He’s gone through so much at this point, feels himself responsible for so many deaths, and decides the final thing he needs to do before he dies is not to be a disgrace to his parents as well, or any more of a disgrace than he already is, in his eyes.
And I also definitely have a queer reading of the novel – I genuinely do really hold to the interpretation of Frankenstein and Clerval’s relationship being romantic, and from there and concerning the creation of the bride, Henry really is effectively murdered as a punishment for Victor doubting the role given to him – almost like his doubts and guilt, as embodied by the creature, overwhelm him in that way. “Ah! my father, do not remain in this wretched country; take me where I may forget myself, my existence, and all the world.” He’s pushing away the memory of Clerval’s death, repressing it, avoiding it, and that is extremely important for how he shifts his tone with Elizabeth and puts up that fake demeanour of wanting to marry her, because he thinks it’ll make her happy even though both of them describe dreading the wedding, even given the context for Victor and even by Elizabeth, who doesn’t know what he dreads – in order to forget Clerval, he assigns himself to the role given to him as a child by marrying Elizabeth and gives up whatever he hope he had.
All possibly discouraged from Clerval being murdered as a response to Victor refusing to finish the Bride and subject her to the same fate as him and Elizabeth to the Creature, a pact made without her knowledge or consent, an arranged marriage. Where has spiting that tradition led him? Where has him standing up to the shroud of his mother’s dying wishes, hanging over him the entire novel thus far, led him, by refusing to force the Bride into an arranged marriage with the Creature, as he was with Elizabeth? To the death of the one man he truly loved. So, can at least “make his dear cousin happy” and not die spiting the one thing he was meant to do – make his mother proud from beyond the grave by marrying Elizabeth.
And even then, adding to my argument of the creature being a physical embodiment of Frankenstein‘s guilt and dread – that building tension approaching the wedding, Victor being convinced the creature is going to kill him, but he kills Elizabeth – that’s a metaphor if I’ve ever seen it.
Even on the subject of grieving Clerval, Victor won’t sort his feelings, he spirals and tries so desperately to avoid them. “We had resolved not to go to London, but to cross the country to Portsmouth, and thence to embark for Havre. I preferred this plan principally because I dreaded to see again those places in which I had enjoyed a few moments of tranquillity with my beloved Clerval. I thought with horror of seeing again those persons whom we had been accustomed to visit together, and who might make inquiries concerning an event.”
I wonder what would happen if he did go through London, if he did meet those people again. Would things have turned out differently? Would he finally have been given a sense of comfort and clarity through mutual grief, as nobody so far since Henry’s death and for the rest of the book, except the creature, ironically, has grieved for Clerval except for Frankenstein. If he met people who took as fondly to Clerval as he did, at least on meeting him briefly, who would have sympathy towards Victor – would he finally have that space to grieve for him in a healthy way, to be comforted by people who at least vaguely understand a fraction of his anguish?
But he doesn’t, and instead he avoids the subject – confining himself to his union with Elizabeth, and hurting her because of that.
And even to his grave, Frankenstein doesn’t stop to consider his feelings properly, and by that I mean he doesn’t sort them with anyone, he doesn’t admit the dread he feels surrounding his family and his late wife, he doesn’t stay with Ernest and talk through things with him, bonding to his last remaining family member in his grief – instead he spirals again, chasing the monster and telling no one, except for Walton. And even then, he doesn’t discuss, he monologues – he doesn’t talk through his emotions with a trusted friend, he “tells his story” to an eager man who is mostly overwhelmingly curious, rather than genuinely concerned.
Victor Frankenstein’s biggest flaw is not that he complains. It isn’t that he’s in despair – it’s that he won’t articulate that despair properly. It’s that he avoids it and keeps it hidden out of pain, but he shouldn’t. Because the subject of that despair actively effects the people around him, and by extension, his despair actively effects the people around him. Elizabeth is left hanging by a man who doesn’t truly love her and won’t talk to her, forcing her into a marriage she doesn’t really want out of duty. The creature is cast aside and abandoned, viewed mostly by Victor as a representation of his guilt and shame, of his worst mistakes, although he expresses feeling pity for it fairly often, he still hides and shuns it, fearing it. Clerval is murdered as a representation of that hope for a better future, the one man who ever truly loved him being snatched away, and instead of standing his ground, coming to the conclusion that he won’t abide by his mother’s wishes, that he was right in his destruction of the bride, grieving Clerval with those people in London and using his death as a catalyst to not let it happen again, perhaps then meeting Walton at a later date if he chose to stay in England or otherwise by chance under different circumstances, writing to Elizabeth telling her his true feelings and confronting the creature properly, pulling a Christine Daaé there except like. Parentally instead of romantically. and showing his creation sympathy and compassion rather than just feeling it, and being open about everything; instead of that, Victor spirals, and Victor hurts everyone left.
And it’s understandable why he does – it’s realistic. The hero doesn’t always know exactly what to do and magically save the day by making all the right decisions – people don’t know what do do or how to make all the right decisions. Victor isn’t just complaining “woe-is-me” style, Victor is in genuine severe psychological torment and distress, and his actions reflect that. He is, to an extent, a victim of circumstance – and his circumstances haven’t made things easy for him. In his grief over Clerval, he’s led back to Geneva by his father instead of through London, and follows easily. He’s forced into a situation where he has to marry his cousin by his mother, since young childhood. When he tries to be assertive in what he wants, he’s punished for it every time. In real life, people don’t fix their situation easily like a superhero and pull themselves on their feet like that. They don’t get over everything that’s ever happened to them easily. They need space – and Frankenstein did not have space. If he wanted to fix his life, he would have had to actively fight for it. And he didn’t have any fight left. He didn’t want to live. He didn’t have any idea of what to do next. He didn’t see a future. Any time he tried to fight against what was expected of him, he was punished for it, so now that his life was effectively over, all he wanted to do was assign himself to the roles he was “meant” to perform, and not disappoint his family.
But it’s still a flaw, and it still hurts people. Victor was still in the wrong for what he did. For avoiding everything, for building the creature to begin with, that was Victor’s fault. But it’s understandable why he does what he does, and he’s a very sympathetic character because of that.
Me waking up to immediately write an entire Frankenstein essay I shit you not I’m still in bed finishing this I literally just woke up and started typing half asleep until I finished it (haha funny Nosferatu reference):
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beevean · 9 months
Rewatching NFCV with @woodchipp and @the-crow-binary has been miserable so far.
Not because of them, of course: we all need each other to bear the Peak. but holy shit I forgot how mindnumbingly boring the show is. it's way worse at a second watch because now I know how much it falls apart! We're only at S2E3 as of this post!
S1 is the best season, and even that is largely forgettable, especially S1E3 which wastes 22 minutes of my life to say "here's the bishop. he's proof that CHURCH BAD". But S1E1 may be the best or second best episode of the whole show thanks to Dracula and his performance... and isn't that sad, that the show peaks at the very beginning? The rest of the show is just... Trevor doing his stuff (while the framing mostly makes fun of him), talking, some fighting, and CHURCH BAD. As positives, I still like Trevor's mini-arc in this season, and the vague effort to be faithful to CV3 (Sypha being petrified by a cyclops, falling down a chasm to find Alucard).
S2 is terrible. Yes we're still less than halfway through. I already hate everything.
I hate Alucard becoming a legend to the point that the Wallachians name his Alucard (as in, Dracula's opposite) after only a year - why couldn't he name himself Alucard? Why complicate matters so much? Isaac calling him Alucard, and Dracula recognizing the name, makes absolutely no sense: how do they know about it? Dracula lost contact with his son one year ago and I doubt Wallachian human legends have reached him. And Isaac was in the Sahara until sometime after Lisa died!
I hate Alucard himself. He's a cunt. He does nothing but insult Trevor and the Belmonts without provocation, and it's not funny banter, he's mean! He's genuinely cruel! He hears that Trevor lost his family at 12, and he can only say "lol and lmao I had more of a childhood than you. anyway they were mentally ill and child killers, they sacrificed chickens and hoarded dead cats". And this piece of shit is the most popular character of the show??? he's not even pretty what are y'all seeing 😭
(it's also weird how he's all angsting about killing his vampire father, but he hates the Belmont for being vampire hunters. bro. bro you're also about to hunt a vampire. why are you defending a race of monsters so staunchly. not even a hint of, I don't know, a Belmont hurting him when he was a child because he was confused for a full vampire? Remember that logically, a vampire child is a child turned into a vampire, we have no other indication that dhampirs are running all around the world. I know that in the games he seems fully on board with "vampires bad and me bad for being half vampire", but you have the chance of making it better and you squander it?)
Sypha is also ruder than I remembered. I think she suddenly became more cheerful in S3 and that's why I liked her, but also girl, you keep criticizing Trevor for being rude and not consoling you, but you look at him with a perpetual resting bitch face and insult the Morning Star calling it an "ugly thing"? Why does Trevor even bother with the likes of you? How is Trephacard the most popular ship in the franchise?
I hate Isaac. Oh, I gave him the benefit of the doubt back then, because I really wanted to understand why he became the fan favorite. But now? No, I'm sorry, he's overrated as fuck. He's so damn pretentious, his speech about how he wants a pure world without love is terrible from the lens of him being a Muslim who is devoted to the Devil, and his backstory is so tryhard and historically inaccurate that I almost prefer Hector's past being exposed through voiceover.
Oh, and Hector, I hate his scenes. Because he's actually treated with dignity. He's fine! I actually like the guy! I like the scene where he rebukes Godbrand (who as a character only exists to attract infodumps and to question Dracula) because "I have to work" - he sounds actually proud of his role, if not even competent, perish the thought. Also by reading the scripts online I forgot that he was the one who yelled "you do not question my loyalty!". Which I like a lot? I can hear the real Hector protesting like that out of pride, even if in private he would admit that he disagrees with the bloodshed. And the scene where he soothes the newborn Night Creature... yeah, this character used to be written with respect, and knowing how he gets tortured and disrespected and used for rape apologism by a sex pest hurts even more. Also, in retrospect, the scene where he stares at the fire while reminiscing about the day he set fire on his own childhood home doesn't go anywhere, even as the finale of S3 echoes it :^)
And Dracula, oh my poor man Dracula. He's already being presented as an ineffectual depressed old man spending his time staring at a fireplace, who can't even command his presence in the war room, who allows Carmilla to insult him and Lisa in front of everyone - it's so embarrassing how he gets the Red Eyes of Fury and then he simply... lets her go after he gets the flimsy explanation of "yeah I humiliated you because everyone is asking themselves the same question. I wanted to help <3" girl (Dracula), she's a mere regional ruler, as she herself said??? why do you need her so much that you allow her to do this shit??????? oh but then you posture to godbrand, he gets to be threatened because... he's not relevant to the plot i guess. fucking pathetic. what have they done to my man.
(and I hate Carmilla. but that has never changed. annoying smug ass #girlboss with the charisma of spoiled seafood. her way of manipulating Hector isn't even manipulation, it's just her telling him very plainly what she wants him to do. She and Lenore utterly suck at their job, and they only get their way because muh plot)
And then there's the infodumping. Oh my god these people won't shut the fuck up. Godbrand is like "why should we listen to two humans?" and Dracula dumps twice that he trusts Hector and Isaac for their human nature (which, again, it's a decent reasoning, but it goes on and on and even they should know, I get it). Alucard dumps about the apocalyptic scenario where Dracula wins and rules over a world without humans... but he only describes it as we look into his ugly face, instead of doing something more creative like actually showing what would happen. Hector gets this random flashback-through-sound, shoved there as if Ellis didn't know where to put it in the script; later on he explains to Carmilla the origin of Night Creatures, as if ever remotely matters. Isaac dumps about his jihadist philosophy about how by killing humans he and Dracula will create a pure world. Carmilla randomly reveals her Tragic Backstory after kicking Godbrand down the stairs, another scene I can't stand because it's all about what a #queen she is and how she's better than Dracula. At one point they seriously discuss about the myth of vampires unable to cross running water, which is a moot point anyway because Carmilla resorts to using a zombie bishop to bless the river!! No I will never let it go!!!
(also I love that in the one occasion where Alucard has the chance of describing his childhood, he retells the tale of Lisa meeting Dracula, something we've already seen and he was also obviously told about, not something he experienced himself. They couldn't even come up with another anedocte to actually tell us what kind of mother Lisa used to be. so lazy)
This show is half people sitting in a circle and talking, and half average fight scenes. Yeah at this point not even those impress me anymore. I'm serious when I say that Knuckles' fight scene in Divergence, also animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios, is of a better quality than what the show has offered.
And this is why I'm so reluctant to watch Nocturne. If the best seasons of this highly acclaimed show are so painful to sit through, how are we going to survive a sequel series that not even the fans liked it as much?
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asoiafcanonjonsnow · 1 year
Snow Bros: The Parallel Journeys of Simon and Jon Snow
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Simon Snowlock Art: Credit || Jon Snow Art: Credit
It’s not a secret that George R.R. Martin was inspired by the fantasy series “Memory, Sorrow & Thorn” when he was writing ASOIAF. Here is what he has said himself on the subject:
"Tad’s fantasy series, The Dragonbone Chair and the rest of his famous four-book trilogy was one of the things that inspired me to write my own seven-book trilogy."
The premise of “Memory, Sorrow & Thorn” is the political turmoil in a country after the King dies while in the far North, supernatural creatures are about to destroy mankind. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
We won’t list here all the similarities between those two series (which are a lot, mind you!) because the focus of this meta are the parallels between Simon Snowlock (MS&T's Main Character) and our Jon Snow.
Both start their series as fourteen year old boys who are unaware of their true royal lineage. Simon’s father was a descendant of Eahlstan Fiskerne King of the Hayholt. Rhaegar Targaryen was the son and heir to King Aerys II Targaryen and through his father, he is the descendant of all the Targaryens that ruled Westeros.
Simon’s father was already dead by the time he was born while his mother lived long enough to name him (his real name is Seoman, by the way!) before she died in her childbirth bed. Similarly, Rhaegar died at the Trident before Lyanna gave birth to Jon. Lyanna lived long enough to ask her brother to protect her son “Promise me, Ned” and perhaps to also to name him? There is a lot speculation within the fandom that Jon was given a different name by his mother. "He was no Aemon Targaryen." (wink, wink) Perhaps a Targaryen one, befitting a son of a Targaryen Prince?
Simon lived his whole life as a kitchen boy in the Hayholt’s castle, like Jon lived his as a bastard of Winterfell. People in Hayholt’s castle called him “Ghost Boy” and interestingly enough, that’s the name Jon choses to give to his beloved Direwolf, 'Ghost'.
At the beginning of the first book, both characters are forced to leave their childhood home and their story is heavily intertwined with the supernatural creatures of the North.
Both boys have powerful, magical dreams. Simon has his prophetic visions and Jon has his wolf dreams, and some prophetic visions (him seeing Benjen dying), the crypt dreams that haunt him.
During Simon’s fight with an ice dragon, he gets a scar to his left eye and also a lock of white hair and he is said to be “marked by the dragon”. Jon already has a similar scar but he doesn’t have a lock of white hair. Could he possibly acquire that post his resurrection as a hint for his true lineage? Simon also gains the nickname “Snowlock” because of his hair and well that sounds too similar to Jon’s surname.
At some point in the series, Simon falls into a coma state being between life and death. A little girl, Leleth, is showing him visions of the past, while princess Maegwin sacrifices herself transferring her energy to him so he can return to his body. For all we know, Jon is dead by end of ADWD but it’s obvious that Martin is far from over with his story. Could he possibly enter a state between life and death where someone (Bloodraven perhaps?) will reveal to him the truth of Robert’s Rebellion aka the secret of his birth? Also, Melisandre believes that she needs to sacrifice “two kings to wake the dragon” what if she does that believing that she will gain a stone dragon hidden within the Wall but instead she wakes the son of the dragon, aka Jon Snow?
It is interesting to mention here that Simon ends up the series as King of the Realm despite the fact that he was never among the candidates who fought for the Dragonbone Chair. He is the unlikely King. Likewise, gaining a throne couldn’t be further from Jon’s current mindset. However Jon, thanks to his Targaryen lineage and King Robb’s will, could end up becoming King of Westeros or King in the North. We are not saying that alternative endgames don’t exist for him, but him ending up as a King isn’t a far fetched theory, either. In case he does end up King, he could either rule alone or be a co-ruler together with his wife. After all, Simon - the character Jon’s was inspired from- was aided in his ruling duties by his wife Queen Miriamele.
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porschesbabydaddy · 2 months
Y'all got me into Dead Friend Forever, I cannot believe it. I barely watch TV!
I completely approve of the ending, also I believe everyone is dead.
PheeJin as a pairing is so fascinating to me because why on Earth did these two get involved with each other? Surely they both knew that Non, their common point and someone they wronged fatally bad, would be the ghost that keeps hanging above them.
Unless... that's entirely the point. That they are together because of that Non connection. Because of their still existing feelings and memories and guilt. That they are together because that's the closest they can be to Non now that he is gone, because this is the perfect punishment to themselves to be kept reminded of how they got involved in the first place. Because it's so interesting that Jin is determined to run away from his past to the USA, but he is still hung up on his and Phee's situationship, constantly jealous and wanting answers. You would think he would be eager to leave it all behind.
Phee and Non starting as FWB then turning into a genuine romance, which ended up being their undoing ➡️ Phee and Jin being FWB then Phee keeping Jin distant because he doesn't want a repeat (because he is stuck. because he cannot move on because he knows he will fall into the same patterns. I think the fact his sexual scenes with Jin being very brutal, saying he will be gentle on the account of Jin's injury then being clearly NOT shows he is nowhere near moving on from Non— even when they start gentle, Phee immediately escalates the situation by being gropey and harsh in a way he never was with Non, who he was very tender with (until the end))
In PheeNon confession scene by the lake, Phee is wearing blue, and Non pink. Next we see PheeJin at the (same?) lake, Phee is the one wearing pink, and Jin is wearing yellow and white stripes. Phee 🔁 Non connection through colors, role switch? Blue ↔️ Yellow being the opposite colors of each other in the Display RGB color wheel (as opposed to Painter RYB because of the constant presence of digital technology in the story, cameras in specific), thus creating some sort of contrast between Phee and Jin?
Bonus: Non in his death wears a pale peachy pinkish orange t-shirt. Pink (Non) + Yellow + White = Pale Orange. Orange is the opposite of Blue (Phee), Orange is a combination of Red (blood? Keng? Non's bracelet?) and Yellow (Jin), add white (Jin again), and voila, you get Pale Orange. People whose betrayals hurt Non the worst. I have connected the dots, OP! (I didn't connect shit, this is a massive reach.)
Extra bonus: at the first episode, Jin is wearing a pink jacket, and Phee an orange shirt. More Non connection? Jin a replacement to Non? Phee still clearly not being over Non?
Phee's naivety and claim that he just wanted the truth and not death sometimes feels like a bit of a retcon. Or at least not as done well as it should have: I firmly believe he and New were on the same page from the start: that this was a revenge quest and everyone needed to die. His weird ass relationship with Jin plus getting to know the group beyond "assholes who are responsible (like me) in Non's death" kinda muddled the original plans. Although I still don't think Phee liked them THAT much, to the point I went '????' when he said they were his friends. Bro, HUH?? Plus I don't think New hid his true plans of everyone dying from Phee, so uh, I don't buy it, sir.
I liked that Non in a way symbolises the most common mistakes horror protagonists make: not asking for help, going to locations alone, splitting up from the group (Phee and Jin), trusting strangers, to count the most prominent ones. (Being the most famous of the bunch then dying immediately)
The forbidden apple and the Garden of Eden symbolisms!! The start of the end, if you will. Does this make Non "Eve", as the one who dooms the narrative? What is the forbidden apple here? Their relationship to begin with? A temptation Eve!Non takes that he thinks he is forbidden from because all his life, everyone took took and took from him but now he gets to choose and take?
Jin is very self-oriented that it made perfect sense for his nightmare to involve no Non and all Jin, even though it's his filming of Non's assault that was one of the final coffins in the nail. Plus the fact he runs away for his benefit (which is valid!) while simultaneously trying to cling onto things he wants to leave in the past like Phee (It doesn't work like that, Jin!)
On the other hand, I wonder if he puts himself in Non's position because he feels so guilty in his role that he wishes it happened to him and torments himself with the idea. It disgusts him, humiliates him, he cannot take it yet he also cannot stop himself from feeling like that. (I've connected the dots— *I am forcibly pulled off the stage*)
(The above is a reach but it's also something I do to myself when I think about stuff I feel guilty about, wondering "what if I did this or said that", then becoming scared of the imagined consequences, but also being unable to think anything else.)
With the shot of Phee seeing Non in the background while talking to Jin, I noticed that Jin is smiling but when the camera focuses on Non, his smile is very clearly gone, looking more like a scowl. I know shit about camera technicalities, but Jin's smile was pretty big and prominent, so I don't think being blurred due to off-focus would have erased it completely. To me, it shows 1) Jin will always be after Non in Phee's heart, the rebound, the replacement 2) Phee is aware of that, and so is Jin 3) Oh, they both fuckin' dead.
More color symbolism: Phee wearing orange to Non's pale peach pink, while Jin is in blue (and white), which is Phee's color. Further showing the strength of emotional connection between PheeNon and PheeJin?
(I thought too much about the coloring, if the colors turn out to be wrong due to my screen, I am gonna throw myself into a lake.)
Haven't had brainrot like this in a very long time, thank you for that.
Related: may I suggest Stella Jang's "Villain" song as a potential theme song for DFF? Please listen to it and tell me I am not being delulu.
Ooh these are all such interesting takes! Sorry it took so long to publish this unfortunately I cannot read 💕
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Reflections and a Movie Night Dare (Snow Owl AU)
If one can recall on this blog, I had recently posted a fic based on my Snow Owl AU (Mary Grayson Alive and a Crime Fighter) called ‘Memories, Held Back Feelings, and a Vow’; well, the following is a sort of alternate take on the same plot and premise presented there, only taken in a less dramatic fashion and tone. What happened was basically a friend and I looking over this story and deciding on taking a less fluffy and soft direction plant was written during a period I still grasping what was actually in character for Dick and Mary even under alternate circumstances so if it seems out of character for them, just a small heads up. So in a way, this is this story in a more unabridged version.
Anyways the following is dedicated to my good friends @confusedhummingbird @spider-jaysart @camo-wolf @theredheaded-stuff @lightdusk96 @nightglider124 @starlightbelle @adalineozie @sbd-laytall @bluegarners @celaenaeiln @pin-crusher2000 @acediscowlng @faesystem @mothnem @sillymanwithocs and many others
The following and characters and concepts are owned by DC Comics, part of DC Entertainment, a subsidiary of Warner Bros Discovery
And now, on with the show…..
As nighttime produced a clear and starry night that draped over the city of Bludhaven, its two protectors had just barely wrapped up with patrol and stopped any plots and schemes from the superstitious cowardly lot that created chaos in the streets. With the tight and combined efforts, the streets were safe, their job and their vow to protect innocents in pursuit of justice had prevailed, at least for the night. Thankfully, the upcoming morning was a lazy Saturday so they can sleep in after such a wonderfully exhilarating night.
Both protectors, Mother and Son, reach the staircase right outside the master bedroom's window, landing with the most graceful of ease without making any clanking noise on said stars. As Mother and Son reel in their grapple lines into their respective escrima sticks, the younger one of them, clad in a red vest, a green scaly pair of pants, black domino cape with a solid yellow cape, with a yellow utility belt and green pixies boots; he takes out the key in said belt to unlock the window and allow them both in. It was long yet another success for the Dynamic Duo of Bludhaven, Snow Owl and Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Finally, the window locks click with a turn from Robin's key, indicating that they are now ready to open. As they do so and both crime fighters lightly begin stepping into the master bedroom, both Snow Owl and Robin slip off their respective boots before taking steps onto the bed right next to the window. Rather than stepping onto the beige carpeting in this bedroom right away, the Boy Wonder proceeds to extend his arms and playfully flop back first on said bed and goofily stick his tongue to the side of his mouth. This display of silliness earns a giggle from his mother as she steps onto the bed and closes the windows, making sure the extra locks are secured in place as per post patrol tradition.
She looks to her son, still laying on the bed with his tongue still to the side of his mouth, his eyes peacefully shut, and panting happily after such a long night of crime fighting and swinging from one rooftop to the other. That patrol wiped Robin out since he was intentionally badly playing dead.
Even more confirmed by him breathing out with an exhausted yet cheerful tone, “Golly, I think I died right now, Snow Owl.”
His mother snickers sweetly at that bold claim as she proceeds to sit on the bed cross legged, and stretch her arms behind her back, popping a few sore joints.
“Well, last time I checked, dead bodies usually don’t say out loud they’re dead, unless they’re zombies of course”, Snow Owl lightheartedly snarks as she then climbs off the bed and makes her way to both her dresser. From there, she takes out a light blue t shirt and black sweatpants, meant to change into them once she showers off the dried up sweat and even grime, they both got throughout this night. As she returns to her bedroom, she can see Robin just lying there on her bed in the same position as she left him in.
Robin peeks one open seeing Snow Owl with a clean laundry set in her arms, knowing he best do the same. He happily yet tiredly swings his legs off the bed, standing up on the carpeted floor and starts taking steps on his way to first his own bedroom for his own clothes to change into before heading for the bathroom.
“Don’t forget to make sure to get every single part washed up”, Snow Owl reminded her son while slipping off her domino mask and gloves, “you never know where any dirt or other stuff might be left on you...”
“Oh relax, Mom, I got it”, Robin says with confidence and a firm understanding. “Oh, I'll make sure not to take too long. We gotta make sure the water bill doesn’t go up too high in how much we pay for it, right?”
Snow Owl nods. She remembers their last bill having an additional zero then their usual ones. She gives her son a thumbs up. “You got that right; I’ll make sure not to take too long as well. Good thinking.”
With a simple thumbs up to his mother, Robin also takes off his own mask and continues on his way. However, as he does so, there’s something about him, Snow Owl notices. For a briefest of seconds there, she thought she was looking at…someone else. Snow Owl cannot help herself from feeling a sort of…. feeling. Her love for her son allows her to see something in him. She cannot help but see…. her husband, the boy’s father in that smile, that confidence he exudes, just this sort of, spirit present within him that reminds her of the man whose unfortunate tragedy those years ago molded the both of them into the crime fighters they are today.
She closes her unmasked blue eyes as a sort of burning sensation starts slowly igniting in them. A sudden heaviness weighs upon her ability to stand up. That ability very lightly starts slipping away and her breathing picks up. Grief, sorrow and loss. In trying to remember the good times and happy life she had with her husband, those emotions accompany them.
It’s a part of her that’s getting better every day but even after all this passed time, it’s still not easy to completely let go off. What does matter though are as such; in her and her son’s hearts and memories, her husband lives on, they both have brought in the criminals responsible for that loss to justice and above all else, they have each other. It’s those facts that help Snow Owl overcome her grief numerous times before as it does now. She takes a deep breath in clearing her thoughts. Those thoughts might come back another day but she’ll be a tad bit more prepared in dealing with them when the time comes. In the meantime, gently holding her domino mask in her hand and regaining her composure, Snow Owl fixes up her bed after the landing both Robin and her made on it and makes her way to the living room.
Once there, she takes note of the pillows, notebooks and pencils littered on the carpeted floor right in front of the couches. No doubt, her son was in the middle of homework duties before immediately jumping at the chance to join her on patrol. She cannot help but have a chuckle as she picks up the notebook and pencils, placing them on a nightstand next to said couches and the pillows back to where they go. In spite of being one smart cookie, her son was never really the biggest fan of doing homework. But hey, at least he knows better than flunk it completely, lest he face her wrath. As she prepares to take her seat on the couch, finally giving her legs a break from their use throughout the entire day…. that feeling suddenly comes back to her. Next thing she knows, as her back lays down on the softness and smooth surface of the leather couch cushions, her mind has painted something else entirely for her eyes to see.
As she opens them, Snow Owl’s see…him. But wait is that…her son?
It can’t be right, his jawline looks a bit too firm, and the pupils in his eyes are a dark shade of green, almost emerald.
“Mary? Dear?”
That baritone in his voice and that nickname.
Suddenly the memory in her memory begins to play. She’s not in full control of her past self. She’s at that moment not Snow Owl, defender and hero for the downtrodden of the city of Bludhaven. She was Mary Elizabeth Lloyd-Grayson, wife of John ‘The Flying’ Grayson and mother of her son Richard, you can call him ‘Dick’ for short. At the moment she’s not in the well-kept, simple and modern apartment within the smaller urban neighborhoods next to the gym she calls her job sight, she looks within her memories, finding herself at the small, thin steel made trailer, a bit more cramped in spacing but with also similar beige wall to wall carpeting. This wasn’t just a dream; this was her life.
She finally answers her husband who calls for her attention. “Yes John?”
John flashed a content smile as he heard his wife’s reply, “You know that I love ya, don’t ya?”
She nods with a peaceful and all too real smile on face. She doesn't even have to say a single word to let him know. John then leans to press a small yet all too loving kiss on his wife’s cheek.
“Well, it’s always good just to double check,” John says as he lifts himself off his seat and offers a hand for his wife to help her off her own like the gentleman he can be. She takes it and right on cue, both of them hear a familiar small voice call out from the entrance to the front door.
“Hey, guys! C’mon, we’re gonna be late for practice!”
Both parents chuckle at their seven-year old’s impatience since he was so excited to show them his newest tricks on the ropes. She cannot but smile upon seeing her little boy bounce on his two legs right in front of the trailer door with a pouty look on his face. His father proceeds to lay a firm hand on his jet-black hair and slightly ruffle his fingers across it.
“All right, Little Man. We’ll be on the way”, John tells his boy with a firm smile. With her son excitedly leading the way and her husband by her side, she reaches for the handle of the door, turns it, and slowly opens the door, stepping out into the bright day ahead of them.
“Hey, Mom?”
A voice that belonged to her son but now very slightly older sounding snaps Snow Owl out of her memory. Her unmasked blue eyes open to see another smaller pair of blue eyes that belonged to her partner, her son. Instead of Robin the Boy Wonder, he was now Dick Grayson, clad in a blue cotton T shirt with an all too familiar red and yellow S shield that symbolizes Metropolis’ own resident hero, black sweatpants not dissimilar from his mother’s, his feet bare and digging into the carpeting and in his hands his Robin outfit as he was taking the red, green and yellow modified acrobat suit to the laundry machine.
Upon bringing her senses back to the present, Snow Owl stands back up, remembering about her own clothes back at her bedroom and gives her a small smile.
“Sorry about that”, she says as she makes her way to said bedroom, “just was...,” she had to stop herself since usually, whether it was good memories or bad ones, any reminder of the life she had with John before it got so cruelly taken away always was a bit of a sore spot for her soul. She couldn’t bear having her son see it if she could help it. He doesn’t need to see his mother in grief, he already has enough on his plate, especially his own reminders about the father he lost. Before even a sign of impending tears can make their way to her eyes, Snow Owl takes a deep yet quiet breath so that her curious son wouldn’t hopefully notice and collects herself before continuing on her way to her bedroom...
“Were you thinking about Dad”, Dick asks just as Snow Owl reaches the hallway. She turns around with a surprised look on her face to see Dick’s own, which had a mix of curiosity but also...shame and guilt.
Unable to withhold her answer, Snow Owl sighs and looks at her boy with her head a bit down as she tries maintaining her composure. “Y-yes, Dick. I was”, she finally answers. Then it was her turn to ask something, “but, how do you know?”
Dick’s face scrunched up a bit upon hearing that, which immediately got her mother’s worry since she might have a suspicion about just how long he knew about her own grief despite herself trying to be strong as he is for her. Finally, Dick sighs sadly and looks up to his mother with his eyes having a guilty look on them before he finally opens his mouth to say what he has been meaning to for quite a bit.
“I... I kinda knew ever since at least... when we first moved in here”, Dick says with his voice beginning a hint of crack before taking a deep breath to collect himself before continuing with his answer. “It’s just... I sometimes hear you cry some nights when you can’t sleep, usually after you had a dream about what happened to Dad and well.... the fact he’s.... not here anymore. Is that true?”
Snow Owl stood there almost at a loss for words on how much her son knew about it all. Unable to come up with any counter at that moment, only able to nod slightly at her son’s inquiry.
Dick once more sighed sadly in guilt as he put his Robin outfit on top of a seat on the couch while taking a seat. “I just wanted to say.... I’m sorry.”
This got Snow Owl’s attention like something else, she was kinda bit expecting it but nonetheless found herself surprised. “w-Why would you be sorry?”
“b-Because....”, Dick once more had to breathe out before stating his answer, “because...I-I know I know shouldn’t worry about it since it’s your business, your own thing and all. I shouldn’t spy on you like that and….” Before Dick can go on, an ungloved hand rests upon his shoulders. He looks up to see his mother with a sympathetic look on her face.
“Dick”, Snow Owl says with an equally understanding tone, “you miss your dad as well?”
Once her question reaches his ears, Dick silently buries his face into his hands. He nods a ‘yes’ while his breathing starts getting a bit more ragged. He was trying best not to lose control of any impending tears himself.
“Dick,” Snow Owl calls with a concerned and worried tone to him, “Just breathe. Nice and easy, okay?”
Dick once more silently nods as he struggles to keep his breathing under control. After some effort and time put into it, Dick is able to collect himself just enough to speak coherent words again. He puts those words to the forefront with taking his face in his hands and looking up at his worried mother, tears seemingly wanting to be free from eyes but through sheer will of his own, he’s able to keep them in.
“Yeah,” Dick croaks out as he looks up to his mother’s worried face, “I miss Dad too.”
Snow Owl nods in understanding and sympathy. She now has an understanding of what goes through her son’s head with only a few words. They are both in the same boat regarding how that loss impacted them to this day more so than she thought. She does wonder something though before taking a seat next to him. “Well,you can always be more open about that with me.”
Dick remained silent rather than immediately open up. Snow Owl knows for certain that when he is silent, her son can only be holding back something he wants to say yet something in him tells him not to. Maybe she can say something to help with that.
“I mean….it’s perfectly okay if you do miss him. It’s not like you don’t care about….”
At that, Dick’s head snapped forward before she finished, his tear filled eyes ablaze with shock and disbelief. “Don’t care?”, he growls while his breath picks up and his teeth grind, “Don’t….care?”
She takes a step back as Dick leaps out of his seat, planting his two feet on the carpeted floor with a vengeance, his breath shaky and his fists are clenched to his sides. “I…I do care….it’s why I didn’t want to say anything about it too much. You get it?”, by now, his voice was starting to rise, his anger was starting to creep in.
“ Of course, I miss him, I just do, I miss home, I miss my old friends, I miss Mr Haly, I….I just do…but…but I can’t just say it out loud all the time. Because it’ll just make it worse. I have to get used to being here, I have to make sure those bullies back at school don’t get to me when they keep…bringing….it…up all the dang time!” Dick looked up towards Snow Owl, still refusing to let those tears fall best he can but all those eyes had anyways was a blend of sadness and fury.
“Those cretins keep saying all sorts of total baloney and bull like ‘It’s what he deserved because he was cursed by marrying you, A...G word’ or ‘I was too stupid not to help him’ when you or me didn’t do anything or even know about it until it was too late! It was Zucco’s fault! Why can’t they just freaking understand that?! Even you can understand that better than they can! But I just….” Dick was starting to struggle finding the words by now.
What was racing through Snow Owl’s mind though wasn’t so much what he still has to say but rather what was said. She should’ve known it was bad, but not this bad. How? How did her little boy hold all this back for so long? Furthermore, why? Why hold this back for so long? She was deep down and rightfully afraid something like this would happen.
Dick was about to keep going, though she doesn’t know if he should. His body was trembling with so much and no doubt his eyes are at a boiling point with those tears who still refuse to fall, just out of sheer willpower alone from the looks of it. She couldn’t see him like this anymore. She kicked a hornet’s nest which was her son’s grief and anger, but she had to do something about that nest before the stings started coming in.
As Dick takes another breath now that he found something to say, Snow takes a step forward with a face that tries looking as stern as possible.
“Richard John Grayson, I’m sorry but that’s enough. You are going to hurt yourself like this.”
Just that alone was enough to snap Dick out of his thoughts. Within almost an instant, that firm and steel tone in his mother’s voice put a complete stop to whatever was racing through his mind. She was being serious, and the whole world slows down the instant she is serious. But there was something else within that firm time in her voice, something wrong, it sounded a bit cracked. Looking up to meet her face, Dick quickly found out why.
In Snow Owl’s own eyes, they were glistening with some wetness. Despite the firm stare she gives him, one single tear begins to roll down her cheek, probably one she doesn’t even notice. But he does. The moment he does, his heart accelerates once more, not from his grief and anger but guilt and horror. He thought to himself ‘What have I done?!’ Far as he was concerned, rightfully so.
Dick takes a major step forward with panic and worry in his eyes, much to his mother’s shock, making another tear fall from her eyes. “M….mom, p…please don’t cry! I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say all that! I…I….I just had so much in my mind and stuff, I just had to say it! I’m trying to be strong! I swear I’m trying but…but…I can’t! I just can’t! I’m sorry….I’m sorry….” By now, Dick had two tear streaks, one for each eye on his face. His speech was starting to break down a mumbling of both English and Romanes Chib. At that point, he collapses on his knees and buries his face in his left hand as he struggles to regain control, pounding the carpet floor with his right.
Snow Owl cannot help but stand there, one tear or two per eye and both eyes look down at the broken boy who was on his knees, trying to pull himself together. She had truly done it now. What kind of a mother was she? She hurt him, she made her 10 1/2 year old boy break down into tears and grief. She said the wrong thing twice by now. But the thing is….he’s her Little Robin. She can’t just leave him. She can’t let her own tears stop her from
Doing at least something…anything! She can’t afford to screw this one up this time.
After about half of a minute of trying to think of something, she might have a decent idea. Wiping away the tear streaks from her own eyes and taking a deep breath to collect herself, she crouches down to where her son and her can be face to face. She gently and very cautiously reaches out her right hand, ever so slowly and making sure Dick doesn’t immediately perk up and she doesn’t spook him off. After what seems like forever, her hand reaches his shaking and trembling shoulder and lays down upon it. Much to her internal relief, Dick doesn’t perk himself up in fear. Instead he merely utters, “It….it’s not your fault. None of this was your fault, Mom. It…it’s mine, I just thought I can handle losing Dad and what those bullies said about him better than I actually can….I didn’t mean to make you cry….I didn’t….”
Before he can continue Snow Owl gives her son a quiet and easy ‘Shush’ before her hand on his shaking shoulder tightens very nicely and easily. “It’s not your fault at all either, Little Robin.”
Dick takes a deep breath and clears his throat before looking back at his mother, hopefully for him, the tears in his eyes being all dried up. While the tears had certainly faded out, they left a sign via redness in Dick’s eyes. Nonetheless, he pushed himself onward with his answer. “It’s just that,” He briefly pauses to clear his throat before proceeding, “you go through enough. Some nights.... I....I can hear you cry yourself to sleep. Especially on Dad’s birthday...or yours.”
Snow Owl tries to reach a hand but her son then continues with what he needed to say.
“I mean...you have enough to worry about already. With your jobs, both at the gym and when you’re called up to protect Mrs. Drake, trying to keep our house clean,” Dick feels something in his voice start cracking very lightly before continuing, “me. It’s a lot, Mom and I can’t just make it worse and harder for you by bringing up Dad and how much I miss all the time. Because...well, you miss him too.” Dick finally finishes, taking a deep breath to collect himself now that he has said what he needed. Now it was just a matter of his mother’s reaction to it.
Snow Owl closed her eyes and pondered what her son had said. He certainly has a point; she has a lot on her plate especially as of late. All of it to make sure the two have livelihoods in this city, merely only a few years after having no other choice but to leave the brightly colored and lively tents and trailers they called home, for most of her entire life. She cannot help but feel a bit grateful that her boy puts a lot of consideration and care into her wellbeing like he did. He has a caring heart and she can see it in him.
But therein lies a problem, he can be too caring to the point it harms him. It’s not just in this case; every now and again during their cases and capers, her partner would be the first one to charge in on a gang of thugs and henchmen should she find herself surrounded despite even orders to hold back. Oftentimes this leads to the two of them clearing out said thugs and henchmen, the bad guy stopped and the day saved, which is what Snow Owl and Robin should be all about. Though this still can lead to her son putting himself at unnecessary risks even if it means her safety, something that’s been at the back of her mind probably ever since he aided her in arresting the men responsible for the accident that claimed her husband in the first place. But she can sense something else regarding this; he doesn’t need Robin taken away from him even if for a brief time, that’ll make things right now dour than they are. Her boy needs something else than that, he needs her to let him know.
Once more, Snow Owl reaches out a gentle hand and this time with a beat of easing in, lays it on his shoulder and the two are able to see eye to eye. “I understand”, she says with a sympathetic and motherly tone. Finally, she has something to say to maybe put them both at ease.
“But you know what?”
“What”, Dick asks in response.
Snow Owl finally is able to gently bring up a small smile, assured of her answer. “At least, we both know your dad isn’t gone entirely and not just nothing. Because he's here...with us. Not right in front, but in our memories, and... with you and me, together.”
Dick asks, “Like a, in spirit, type of way or something? Even after.... I couldn’t be able to”
Snow Owl nods accordingly, “Like that. We might not hear or see him right here and right now. But the fact we’re talking about him right now and we have those memories and good times with him should be a sign of that. I truly thank you for thinking about my feelings and what I go through, Little Robin. I’m sure even your dad would do the same for me.”
Dick looked at his mother curiously, “You think so? I mean, that’ll mean then that...”
Mary quickly realizes where this might go and clears her throat to help them stay on topic, “Point being; you have a good heart, Dick. You care and you show it with your actions. That’s more than enough, you don’t need to make yourself emotionally hurt by holding it back from me. Though in fairness”, she pauses, realizing it should be advice for herself as well, “I shouldn’t probably be entirely holding it all in as well.”
“Does this mean we both might need to see those.... couch doctor guys you talk to,” Dick asks while struggling to think up the right word for it. Snow Owl is aware and more than happy to answer it for him.
“Therapists, Dick”, Snow Owl nods, “therapists. If only need be and our habit of holding back what’s in our minds gets too much for even the both of us. But at least for now, it looks like it’s just the both of us we need to talk to about it. So,” Snow Owl stands up from her seat, taking her clean laundry back in her hands, “maybe once every one or two weeks, maybe we can talk it out. Like just you and me about what we’re going through.” She leans in gently and closely to her son, with a motherly smile to it, “You think we can try that?”
Dick is silent for a bit, pondering in his head about his mother’s suggestion. She has a point; it’s something they both need to do unless they want to end up with another awkward conversation like this all over again. She doesn’t need that and neither does he. It will be something that can help him as much as it does for her. With that in mind, he in turn asks something to her.
“Maybe we can try either tomorrow or even this upcoming Sunday?” He asks her with hopeful and determined eyes.
Snow Owl’s unmasked blue eyes beam with happiness and pride for her son. Giving him a quick side hug before standing upright. At that moment, Dick has a small smile grace his face. Her words and actions had reached him and he was starting to feel better. Her son then perked up all the sudden with a now wider smile on his face. It’s like he just remembered something that he would like to remember.
He then hops out of his seat on the couch and his feet pad across the carpet floor to the cabinet holding up the TV and opens the drawer containing the remotes.
Snow Owl then remembers as well much to her joy. It was Saturday, the beginning of the weekend meaning the next day, the two would have the apartment to themselves. Sure, Dick does have some homework to work on if he has too but it’s not due until next Monday. The two can sleep in for tomorrow morning but tonight is truly something else for them. Sure enough, Dick, being the acrobat he is, does a quick front flip that he lands safely on the couch with those remotes in hand. From there, he flips on both the TV and the streaming device, immediately scrolling his way to the comedies.... the PG 13 to R Rated comedies.
Dick looks up to his mother with the remotes in hand as they continue their scrolling for their film for tonight. They have a sort of mischief and fun to them that Snow Owl notices.
“So.... what do you have in mind for tonight, Dick?”
Now it was his turn to answer all too happily; “Well.... I was kinda thinking.... how about we watch those.... you know films that have that guy with the nerdy glasses, scruffy beard and that weird laugh? Maybe like three of them.”
Oh yes, that guy. The two always have a riot of pure unbridled laughter and just a great time every time his films are playing for their movie nights. But three for one night? Her son was up to something; he was making their movie night a Dare, a Dare they’ve played before. So why not play it for tonight after all?
With a sly and confident smirk, Snow Owl replies thusly, “The usual wager? For the one to burst out laughing with each film first has to make the winner a bowl of their favorite ice cream?”
Dick’s eyes beamed expectedly yet joyful. She basically read his mind. “Remember, my flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip, right?”
With a chuckle, Snow Owl beams as well. “Yep, and I hope you remember mine would be Cookies N Cream.”
Dick smirks with confidence and a tiny healthy bit of hubris. “I know, Mom. But yeah, I’m getting my ice cream first. I got this all handled.”
“You’re on, just as soon as I get out of my shower”, Snow Owl gives Dick a prideful thumbs up before finally, with her clean laundry in hand, makes her way to the bathroom for her clean up. Before going in, she does remember to keep it quick since they don’t want a big water bill by the end of the month.
Fifteen Minutes Later......
Emerging from the bathroom Snow Owl entered, out came Mary Grayson, clad in her light blue Tee and similarly black sweatpants, finishing drying her untied dark red hair with a towel and her bare feet taking steps in the carpet floor. Once able to dry as much of her hair as she could and placing the towel on the rack in the bathroom, Mary makes her way back to the living room. The TV is left on with one particular film, ‘The Meeting’, the one about those nerdy glasses wearing, scruffy bearded, weird laugh having guy and a friend of his have an interview with an infamous dictator. This ought to be good; now it was just a matter of making sure she can hold back the laughter she knows she’ll get watching this film long enough until Dick does so first.
Speaking of whom, Dick was barely finishing up pouring the heated-up popcorn into two big bowls, one for him and one for his mother, and was making his way back to the living room where Mary was taking a seat on the couch, her feet propped up on a cushion in front of said seat, leaning her back onto the cushion behind her, letting herself relax and waiting for her bowl. She didn’t wait too long before Dick arrives with her white plastic bowl being offered, to which she happily takes and puts on her laps.
With his own blue bowl, Dick takes his own seat, sitting cross legged and his hand on the remote.
Just before he presses ‘Play’, Mary turns to him, she has something small to say. “Just to let you know, Dick. I’m very proud of your work, both at school and out there when we crime fight no matter what. I’m also proud of you being responsible for this house with all you do. So, if there’s times where I.... well seem a bit distant.... not being as directly there all the time.... letting you do your thing.... I just wanted to let you know that I am available if you need me for whatever reason...... and that you always have me to back you up. So, anything that might seem is between us is just simply something we can and will work out and not something so....”
“Mom”, Dick interrupts with a cheerful and understanding tone, “I get it. I love you too.” He beams a soft smile in her direction. It lets her confirm what they both need to say.
Once Mary smiles back and gives her son a small yet livingly air kiss, much to his playful yet lighthearted chagrin, he presses ‘Play’.
Let the Grayson Family Movie Night shenanigans begin.
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blueberry-writer · 2 years
HELLOOO <3 I’d like to request (nikolai’s little sister btw :) with sigma,fyodor,nikolai comforting her when nikolai’s little sister is crying? After a nightmare or sum like that TYYY <33
Notes: Heyy anon!!💙 Oh my, that's such a cute request! Shall we begin?
TW/CONTENT: Nikolai,Fyodor and Sigma comforting nikolai's little sister!s/o after a nightmare, sfw, fluff, fem!s/o, platonic relationships, i guess this is the pt.3 of reader being nikolai's little sister
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Okay, so, you were probably at Sigma’s house he would never have put you to sleep on the couch of his casino office
He took the night off so you could babysit while Nikolai was on a mission
I’m getting the head canon that Fyodor and sigma are competing to babysit you but that's not the plot for now,sorry
You were sleeping nicely, so Sigma took a break going to cook cookies that he would use for breakfast for you and him the next morning
He had just put the cookie sheet in the oven when he heard a scream coming from the room where he left you to rest
Of course he ran straight to you without the slightest hesitation
"OH GOD- Y/N ARE YOU OK?" was the first sentence he shouted as soon as he opened the door
"I had a nightmare, y-you, my big bro and Fyodor… I saw your corpses- I-i didn’t know what to do-" A tear slid down your cheek
Sigma sat next to you and hugged you: "shh it'ok, I’m here, Dostoevsky and Nikolai are fine. Nothing to worry about"
Spend at least 15 minutes hugging you while reassuring you that nothing bad had happened
"You see? everything's fine" Sigma said, releasing you from his embrace.
"sigh.. t-thank you mr.Sigma.." You answered him smiling. "B-but.."
"Where does this burning smell come from?"
"....Damn it"
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Unlike sigma, you were actually sleeping on Fyodor’s office couch-
But don’t worry, you’ve got a pillow and Fyodor’s cape to cover you
Fyodor was working on the computer, taking a look at you once in a while, just enough to know you were having a nightmare.
"Oh my my.." he whispered as he approached you and tried to wake you gently
We can say that your awakening was not the best: You had tears in your eyes and you felt for a moment a feeling of bewilderment.
As soon as you see the familiar figure of Fyodor beside you, you threw yourself at him hugging him.
Let’s say it was unexpected for him
"malýshka, what was your nightmare about ?"He asked You, putting his hand behind your back,reciprocating in his own way the hug.
"You, mr.Sigma and my big bro… w-were dead"
Fyodor laughed a little: "But this is impossible, i'm right in front of you now..Plus, there’s no one who can outsmart me in the game of death"
Despite his affirmation, you hugged him harder making sure he was there with you and it wasn’t all a dream
this melted Fyodor's heart a bit
"So Nikolai’s not the only one who's not afraid of my touch.."Fyodor said between himself and losing himself in his thoughts.
"What?" You asked, Getting a little out of the hug to look at him.
"Oh it's nothing malýshka, it's really nothing"
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Nikolai opened his eyes slightly as soon as he heard someone trying to wake him "Kolia.."
He was a little surprised to see you near his bed with a half-sleepy, half-scared look.
He sighed to clear his throat: "What happened y/n?"
"Sorry if i disturb you but..I had a nightmare.."
Nikolai got up and sat on the bed: "Ow you’re never a nuisance, come on, tell me, what did you dream?"
You sighed: "I had a nightmare where you, Mr. Sigma and Fyodor died in front of me and I couldn’t do anything."
Nikolai laughed, you were embarrassed: "Ni-Nikolai this is not funny!"
"But, my naive little sister, do you really think your big brother and and his friends can die so easily?"His usual smile, that reassured you, had appeared on his face
You pouted,throwing the pillow over him: "And to think that i was even worried about you!"
He dodged the pillow without too much difficulty: "All right, all right, i'm sorry sis" he sighing happily.
"Hey, what about you sleep with me this night? If you're not sleepy, we can watch a film instead and then go to sleep!"
"I'm not a baby anymore Kolia! I don’t need to sleep with you!" You pouted, for the second time this night.
"Oh what!? My lil sis doesn't want me anymore??How can I continue to live with the knowledge that my little sister no longer wants to have a sleepover with her big brother!" His ' fake dramatic nature' made the moment exhilarating.
"I even bought the snacks you like so much today, what a shame."
"Just this once I’ll make an exception." You answered him, with a false serious tone
" Ah ha, sure thing" He smiled again
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That's it! i hope you like it! 💙
want more of reader being nikolai's little sister? got ya!
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙/𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙! 𝙊𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜&lt;3
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moncey-imagines · 1 year
Disneyland Trip Headcanons | Sans x GN!Reader
no warnings here hehe, this is part two of this fic.
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* Really? I mean, yeah! Of course papyrus can come!
* Ah- Were you standing there the whole time?
* Why?
* i told him to.
* But why?
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After Papyrus’ excited and frantic observations and questions the whole trip there, you were excited to have your skeleton boyfriend and his brother experience the park.
* Sleeping Beauty castle?
* Um…no, that would be dangerous to guests I think…
* bummer.
* what was that, bro? sorry, i took a quick nap.
The questions from Papyrus, as silly some of them could be, really tested your knowledge in a really fun way.
* That’s the Hatbox Ghost, he’s just standing there but there is a theory and a book supporting evidence that says that he’s scaring you out the window, where you fall to your death in the graveyard, and that’s why all the ghosts after are dancing and celebrating.
* Well, it’s nothing personal against specific guests, he just kind of…wants another ghost in the house, I guess?
* this is probably a personal attack against my bro. we gotta destroy him.
* Papyrus is right, we could even be arrested…
* shame. guys already dead, and we would get arrested for killin’ him again? Society.
* Society…
Despite his questions being fun, Papyrus easily wore you out. Thankfully, he, somehow, had a very weak bladder, leaving you and Sans alone waiting for him often. It was a nice change of pace, even for just a moment.
* Here’s our snacks…
* what’d ya get?
* Well, I got beignets and mint juleps, enough for all three of us.
* mmm, those smell good…
* They’re the same things Tiana made in the beginning of Princess and the Frog! Due to both the beignets and the proximity to Critter Country, they turned this place into Tiana’s restaurant from the movie.
* oh, yeah. the one at the end that looked like a big boat, right?
* Yeah…have you been watching Disney movies?
* yeah, paps really wanted to marathon them. I also watched a few extra just to keep up with your facts.
* Aw…Sans, that’s so sweet…
* it’s no skin off my nose.
* Hehehe…bonehead…
During particularly long lines, Sans chose to ride your back. He’s not very heavy at all, really just the weight of clothes and bones, so he wasn’t much of a hassle to hold.
* It’s okay, Papyrus, he’s really light…and it’s nice to be so close to him…
* romantic, huh? consider me a certified heart throb then.
* Already considered. You make my knees weak…
* you send shivers up my spine.
* You rush my blood to my cheeks…
After a while, you heard Papyrus crying, muttering about how beautiful your love was. You also realized he was handed a lollipop by some random kid and had begun eating it.
* Papyrus, where did you get that?
* Huh?
* That…child?
* aw, i wanted to eat those later.
* It’s okay, I have more.
* where?
* Secret…
* secret…
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* i think he’s passed out. Shame he didn’t get to see the fireworks.
* It’s okay, we’ll come back sometime.
* today was really nice.
* It was…
* oh, here, i bought this for you.
* Wow…is this…
* yeah, you said it was your favorite ride…i saw the plush and thought you should add it to your collection.
* When..?
* when we were walking, i saw it…i snuck away at some point to shortcut over and get it for you.
* Aw…thank you, Sans…I love you so much…
* i love you too.
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duckapus · 10 months
Dead, Inside and Out
"Grah! Stupid, useless-!"
Kamek walks up to the doctor, "I take it there's a problem?"
Eggman huffs and shows him his tablet, "It's this blasted Zone. All the spectral energy is interfering with the Seed Detector. I have no idea where the next seed is."
"Of course. I suppose we'll just have to do this the old fashioned way. Bomberto! Bring us down near the center!"
As the ship descends, everyone gets ready to begin the search.
"Okay guys, from what Kamek's told us this Zone's conversion trigger is depression. Now, I know things have been pretty rough so far and none of us are feeling too great, but I'm sure that as long as we all support each other and stay focused on the plan, we'll make it though without...any...losses," 4 sees that most of the group looking at something behind him and gets a deadpan expression, "Toad's already a ghost, isn't he?"
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Bob shrugs, "Well, at least it wasn't anyone important."
"What? We were all thinking it."
4 sighs, "Anyway, since the scanner isn't working, we're going to have to find the seed ourselves. If the other Zones are any indication, it should be with whoever triggered the Wonder Flower, and it's pretty obvious who it was here."
Cubot scratches his head, "It is?"
"Well, let's see," Root makes a show of contemplating, "who do we know who's dead, depressed, and literally sucks the color out of anything she touches?"
"Ohhh...I don't get it."
Ignoring him, Meggy chimes in "Okay, but how are we going to find her? Either she's drifting around and we'll have to scour the whole Zone or she's holed up in her house, and the only guy who can actually find that place is currently a Muppet."
"Well, Floyd's house usually shows up pretty close to mine and Luigi's, so we could start there."
"Sounds good to me. Alright guys, let's move out!"
It takes a few minutes to get from the landing site to the Mario Bros' house, and when they do they make a rather unusual discovery.
"How does it still have its color?"
Indeed, Somehow this one building was exempt from the Wonder Effect. The group approaches cautiously, not sure what to make of this. Mario slowly, carefully opens the front door, revealing that the inside looks pretty much the same as when they left, a startling reminder that this whole ordeal only started a few days ago. There's a bit of light and sound coming from the living room, and Mario leads the way as they sneak over to peek around the corner...
And find an oddly familiar young woman with an ornate dress and sharp, curling horns slumped unceremoniously in Luigi's favorite chair, staring blankly at the TV, which currently displays only static.
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(ignore the sword, that's not important 'till later)
"Floyd? Is that you?"
A disinterested hum is the only indication she even heard him.
Bob looks her over, "Well, somebody had a growth spurt. Isn't she supposed to be twelve?"
"I, ah, I think it made her the age she would've been if she was still alive."
"...Oh. Yikes."
Mario moves up in front of her, "Hey, Floyd, you hearing me kiddo?"
Her eyes, though still unfocused, shift over to him.
"Great. I'll let you get back to...whatever this is soon, but we really need your help right now." he pulls out a picture of a Wonder Seed, "have you seen something around here that looks like this?"
To most people it would just look like she's still staring, but anyone who really knows her can tell she's trying to remember, "...maybe? 's hard t' think."
"If it helps, they come in different colors, so it might not look just like this one."
"..." after a little while, she somehow slumps even more than she already had been, " 'm sorry. can't...remember."
He sighs and slumps a little himself, "that's alright. We can figure something else out."
As he turns to rejoin the rest of the group, he lingers at a hanging picture of him and Luigi, running his hand along the frame with a sad smile. Floyd...actually visibly reacts to this, sitting up and leaning forward a bit, her eyes just a little brighter.
"Luigi...he was with you guys, right? On that trip?"
"What happened?"
"...Kermit. I couldn't...he didn't jump in time."
"..." Her eyes turn sharp, returning to their usual resting glare, and she stands up and starts floating about an inch or so off the floor, "Follow me."
She leads them on a winding path through the forest, which looks particularly spooky when painted in shades of grey. Marcy, as usual, looks around suspiciously as they go.
"Give it a rest, sis. I'm pretty sure nothing around here cares enough to attack us."
"There's nothing wrong with staying vigilant. If nothing else it keeps me in practice. You could stand to be more cautious yourself, you know. I've heard about what you're like when you gamble."
"Hey, I'm getting better."
As the two of them are bickering, the group arrives at Floyd's house, which looks pretty much the same as it always does. She phases through the gate and opens it for everyone else, then brings them to the front door.
"Okay, I'm pretty sure I left the Seed in my bedroom. You guys wait in the parlor while I grab it."
She's gone for a few moments, then comes back with a red Wonder Seed in hand and tosses it to 4, "here ya go."
"Thanks." he turns to the group, "Alright, that's three down and four to go! And with only one loss so fa-"
She points at Bob, "You lost two."
"Oh, goddamnit!"
"Huh, I didn't even notice." he checks himself out in a nearby mirror, "Hey, sweet! I look like some kinda Grim Reaper!"
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"Yes, and it only cost you your legs and your freedom."
"Shut up Mar."
"Um," Tari raises her hand like this is school, "How are you still acting like yourself?"
"Eh, I've been living with bouts of depression for centuries. This artificial numbness isn't even the worst I've felt this decade."
(...Not sure how to end this so yeah, they head back to the ship and have to leave Bob behind, but he'll be fine and will probably be able to help Floyd with her brain fog issue. Next up is the mushroom forest Zone.)
(also older Floyd comes from this picrew, because she's one of those characters I've never been able to draw properly myself despite being my own goddamn oc)
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lyxvija · 3 months
"It would take Mammon so long to mentally digest that he started to dissociate a little."
"When he got up, turned around, and left with the words “Gimme a minute” you knew how bad it was. Nobody managed to turn the energetic Mammon speechless… him showing no emotions was scary."
bro he's just sitting there and he's like... "i fucked up..." and reader is like- "bro *i* fucked up" and their follow up discussion is just them crying and apologizing and explaining themselves /hj but honestly it'd be the sappiest shit ever, BUT THE REASSURING CUDDLING AFTER IS HEAVENLY MY LORDDDJSJSJSKD
i have my own headcanon: bro is a sucker for head scratches, would absolutely melt, especially after a long day, he comes home to rest, gaming between s/o thighs, their fingers softly scratching his scalp and massaging it.
he loves to give hugs from the back! capturing you and hosting you up you're helpless! put whatever you're doing down and pay attention to him instead.
enjoys spa days with s/o especially if they spoil him with face masks and such. he will NEVA admit it though.
WILL like you if you're not paying attention to him. as simple as that send tweet (but only after like- a looooong time in the relationship, y'all already so comfortable in, and he's in a silly mood)
Nooo. Quick homies! Get the necromancer! One simp is down!!😫
Hehe glad I could bring you joy. >:D and I agree to the hcs!
Hehe! I also hc purring mammon that likes scratches >:3 Especially under his chin and around his face cause the suit keeps rubbing there, so he is sensitive. Spooder is touch starved. Only his S.O. would be allowed to scratch and touch him... and they better scratch him for hours... WHY DID YOU STOP?? WHAT DO YA MEAN YOUR HANDS HURT??
[If you say he has to pet you too, he'd really do it... but when it's your turn again, he won't let you back out xD. It's like a bonding thing for him, too.
Also, if you're curious about other specific headcanons- hit me up. : D I love rambling about the big jester man!💚
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