#bro has PTSD
icarusredwings · 9 days
Someone asked, but I accidently deleted it, so here. Thinking about what happens when Kidwade witnesses one of Logan's panic attacks.
Something had frightened him. They were doing construction outside, and he could hear every tiny sound, every shout, every beep, every large bang. His first instinct was to go out there and tell them to fuck off but he couldn't do that. City workers didn't care if you told them to shut up. The neighbor down the hall already did, and if anything, they just worked louder.
So here he was. Sat on the floor in the kitchen, knees pulled up and his hands over his head, heaving heavy breaths as he tried not to get too spooked to the point of hyperventilating. His pupils were dilated about as wide as they could get, the hair on his neck raised to attention, his mind flashing with certian memories that he once tried to drown in the bottom of a bottle but turns out they could swim.
What made things worse is that he had Wade right now. That kid was bugging Al right now but got only knew how long until he'd come looking for 'Kitty'. He didn't want to hurt him but he could feel himself slipping, he hadn't even noticed his claws out until just now.
A couple of tears ran down his face, but he couldn't. He was too tense, shaking in his arms and in his knees. He felt pathetic. He was The Fucking Wolverine and here he was cowering in a kitchen over a steam roller and a couple of big trucks?
Trying to cover his ears, he grits his teeth, trying his best to stay here. In the kitchen. He didn't want to go. He didn't need to wake up and find his loved ones dead. Thicker tears came.
This is why no one liked you, idiot. You can't help but be a killing monster, can you? At this point, you like slaughtering innocent children, don't you? It's in your blood. They made you an animal, and now you sit here and act like it. No one can ever love a wild feral animal like you. You're going to die alone because you've already killed everyone who ever cared about you.
These thoughts haunted him on the daily, but right now, they were even louder, screaming over the loud beeping outside that hurt his ears.
This is why he didn't like the city. Too much yelling. Too many smells. It hurt his head. This is part of the reason he started drinking in the first place. The sounds were much quieter when intoxicated. Whispers instead of wailing.
And there it was. The smell he hoped wouldn't come. Peaking an eye open, there was Wade, sitting a couple of feet away from him with Fluffy. His head was tilted, and he was saying something, but Logan couldn't hear him. Shaking his head, he growled at him. "Stay back! Get! Go away!"
His chest pounded and tightened from the intrusive and instinctive thoughts that were running through his head right now. How quickly he could slash him to bits, how easy it would be to hurt him. To make him go away.
Logan only shook his head. "Stop! T-thats not who I am anymore!!" Curling up more, He tried to put his face into the wall, trying to hide himself best he could, keeping his hands on his head. He was still shaking.. within a moment, everything was black. Blurry and gone.
This was it. He was sure that he had just killed Wade. Sliced Fluffy's head right off with it. There was a tight pain in his chest until he jumped awake, feeling warmth instead.
Opening his eyes, he tried to scramble away but forgot he was up against the wall. Panting, he quickly realized that Wades hand was on his chest, and the other one had intertwined one of his hands. "..Kitty?"
Blinking a bit, he put his head back, coming back to reality. He had no clue how or why, but Wade was the only idiot that saw a growling and rabid mess and says, 'Im gonna pet that' no matter how old he was.
And that's what he did. Petting his chest, rubbing it to keep between his collar bone and his tits warm, that certain way that made his hairs go flat and try to regualte his breathing.
Letting out a soft whimper, wade moved from holding his hand to caressing his cheek, very gently scratching at the side of his beard as he climbed into his lap.
Still letting out heavy breaths, Logan let his arms go limp, laying against the floor as his body too relaxed, his shoulders dropping and closed his eyes again, letting himself be caressed.
"Hi Kitty." He whispers, having also put headphones over his head. The ones that were wades, red with kitty ears on the top. But at the moment? He didn't care.
All he cared about was staring up at him with such fondness as he began to rub the back of his head too.
And so Logan laid here. The muffled beeps and shouts half as bad, his face being rubbed in a way that would usually make him pick him up and take him to the bedroom. "It's okay, kitty. I got you. I help you, kitty, alright?" He whispers, kissing his head the way Logan did to him when scared, pulling his head into his own chest, taking away the ears so the construction could be drowned out in his heartbeat.
Wade's hands were always all over him, most times like this. Gentle, loving rubs and scratches, caresses that made you forget all the troubles in the world.
Carefully, Logan wrapped his arms around him, syncing his breaths to his, letting himself melt into his touches completely.
"It's okay, Kitty. Just a scary dream." He'd whisper sweet nothings to him, Rubbing his back and playing with the tuffs of his hair.
A few minutes passed and here was Wade sitting sideways on his lap, rubbing his chest and holding around his neck while he wore the kitty earred headphones, making him giggle with each gravelly purr that came from his chest, up his throat and out as a small snarl.
"A happy kitty goes purr purr purr, purr purr purr, purr purr purr, A happy kitty goes, Purr purr purr, All day long" He giggled.
Logan wanted to roll his eyes, but he had to give him props for creativity. Even so, he was most grateful for him, reaching a sheathed hand up to hold the one that lazily stayed around his neck.
He was happy to sit here and hold him close all he wanted. Hell, by now, Puppins had joined too and now was sleeping on Wades lap, who was sat in Kitty's.
"...You're a good kid wade.."
"I know. And you good kitty."
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You seem to hold your composure really well for someone who has lost their creator
Please never say that again
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ahalliance · 11 months
how is ETOILES the most normal person out of the French currently HOW DID THAT HAPPEN
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kairithemang0 · 21 days
the shirts Curt and Owen deserve
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ambyandony · 4 months
every time I draw pannacotta fugo in sketches he’s always just holdin papers n shit 😭
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
i still cannot get over The Twins like.
you have another version of you out there arguably living a life just as difficult as yours, if not more, that you can talk to at literally Any Time! and they're You so you basically already have half a convo down anytime you decide to pop on over via a portal
1610 and 42 stepping out of their respective portals side-by-side just to stroll out of an alleyway like nothin happened just going:
42: rough day too huh?
1610, brushing debris off of his shoulder: yeeep. another run-in with the rhino. again.
42: you didn't lock his dumb ass up like, last month? how'd he get out?
1610: don't know, don't care. so done with this week, i just wanna... i dunno. hibernate til spring 😮‍💨
42: man, what a mood.
1610: what happened to you? you look like you had a rougher day than me!
42, covered in visible bruises and cuts along with his bandages: mannnn... rougher week more like. well... rougher life. but. anyways.
they both nod at each other in Understanding
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batfamfucker · 1 year
There are four main types of Batfam fans in regard to how people interpret Bruce Wayne as a dad (/Joking. This is mostly satire and should not be taken seriously):
Fans that think Bruce is emotionally constipated and isn't the best at being a parent but still tries (Differs per person). Don't necessarily think he's absuive but thinks he can be toxic or have unhealthy expectations for the Robins. Can smell the Oldest Daughter Syndrome coming from Dick and have Family Line (By Conan Gray) as their top song on their Dick inspired playlist and Daddy Issues (By The Neighbourhood) for Jason.
Fans that choose to believe Bruce goes to therapy in their own canon. Love B:WFA. Thinks the comic can be cheesy at times and so find a balance between B:WFA Bruce and Please Go To Therapy BruceTM as their middle ground. He struggles. They advocate that Bruce is not a bad parent, he just has bad writers that seem to forget Bruce wouldn't hurt kids, especially not his own. Love the humane moments and scenes he has in BTAS and the early JL cartoons. He may not be perfect but he's not literally abusive. Whores for Bruce being able to admit when he is wrong and for Jason and Bruce reconciling. I recommend Grow As We Go by Ben Platt for this one.
A mix between the first two. Was fine-ish when Dick was younger. Didn't help him in the healthiest way but eh. Still emotionally constipated but that happened more so after Dick left and Jason died. Started getting better when Tim came back but was still closed off. Should probably go to therapy with the kids so they can drag his ass about all the things he's done that have actually affected them negatively. Understands his mistakes and is also able to admit when he's wrong, eventually. It's not easy but he starts to do better and learns to be more emotionally available. Still has to get chewed out by Alfred sometimes but definitely better than he used to be and it shows. Reconciliation is slow and gradual but progress is made for everyone involved.
The one's I personally avoid for my own sanity and wellbeing:
Think Bruce is a complete bastard and abuser. Want him to choke. Hate any and all interpretations of him. Some of which will refuse to understand how anyone could have a different interpretation. Will point out comics where, in all fairness, he is a dick but forget that characterisation can significantly differ from one series to the next, as comic characters are constantly passed around to different writers and have been for decades. Not to mention movies, shows, etc.
#Bruce Wayne#Batman#Batfam#Batdad#I'm not tagging everyone in the Batfam I can't be assed#Sorry there's like 500#Bruce has a child for every mental disorder he has#Dick is his ADHD. Jason is his C-PTSD. Tim is his Anxiety. Cass is his OCD. Damian is his Autism.#Like bro the therapist is RIGHT there#You have the money just GO#I am a mix of 2 and 3 tbh but more so 2 because he is my comfort fictional father figure. I already have a shit dad irl#I'm not dealing with it in my favourite media too#Type 4 fans scare me I lowkey see so many people like that and I'm like. If the block button wasn't free. I'd be in debt by now#I get that you saw Tom Kings work. So did I. I hate that fuck. But I personally prefer the scene of him in JL with Ace on the swings#Or the one with him playing with shape block toys with a baby whilst Supes and WW handle the questioning#Or when he hugs literally any of his kids#Or the one of him and Jason watching a movie and eating popcorn when Jason's ill. And they have the picture of them posing#Or when he cried in Flashpoint over the letter his dad left him because the little boy in him needed that#Plus any time Bruce and Clark interact as Best Friends. The Golden Age comics where they were basically Dick's gay dads 💀#But yeah. I could make a poll from this tbh.#This is a generalisation on purpose genuinely do not take it seriously#If I see ANY disclosure. It's delete and block on sight#Bruh I'm still recovering from the notes of my Fallout 4 John Hancock in a Drag Race outfit crossover post#I know it sounds like I'm being paranoid but that's because I am. You have not seen the things I have seen in my notes#You do not know of the wars I have fought of over ghoul dicks and high heels#I have seen things I can never burn from my vision. Read things I will never have the mercy of forgetting#Over silly little shitposts. Lmao. Anyway. Here. Have some food.
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lemonlimestar · 5 months
young justice was really having a major arc every other issue 😭 their asses should’ve been in the after school program!!!
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chainsawmascara · 8 months
You can tell who hasn't been through severe psychological and sexual abuse by whether or not they want to hug astarion after he kills cazador.
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esquetibin · 5 months
lapis obvious ptsd really didn't get through my head as a kid oh my god how come i never noticed
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quibbs126 · 5 months
Oh yeah so yesterday I was working on a Psychology project where we had to diagnose a movie or TV show character
And I think just out of context, my project being about a guy named Captain Sunshine dealing with PTSD just sounds funny
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icarusredwings · 20 days
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Thinking about Wade googling, "Is my boyfriend a werewolf?" When things start getting colder because;
Logan starts nesting, curling up under 5 duvets, stealing hoodies, and fluffy hello kitty pants to add to it.
He's is extra growly and practically nonverbal at times.
Wade has witnessed him ripping up a pillow with his bare teeth, shaking it the way dogs do with toys. He now fears for his stuffies' lives.
When Logan starts instinctively devouring their kitchen, packing in food for the winter. (Wade has already gotten his hand slices off for poking fun at his weight gain and trying to grope his hips)
When they're out in public and he's visibly shaking like a leaf but snarls if anyone touches him (even on accident)
Takes hot baths and does not share them, wanting all the heat to himself.
Pops out his claws a lot more, for little things that he already is aware of that aren't threats. Perking up from whatever spot he's at to go investigate. Esspecially if puppins barks, it gets him twice as riled up.
The other day, he stood in the window growling because someone he didn't know was helping the neighbor fix their car.
"Wade? He's doing it again."
"Doing what ma- Oh for fucks sake Peanut."
He's at the window like a dog, growling and death glaring the mechanic, puppins is on the back of the couch, wagging her tail and yapping at them too.
"What has gotten into you two? Go on, off. Off! Shoo. Get. And you, go to your room, mister."
A huff of protest, but Wade already shut the curtains and picked up puppins. "Go on. You aren't going to just sit at the window all day looking for a reason to be all broody. It's not good for you. Look are you hungry? Ill make you some eggs. Go take a nap or something you're scaring granny over here ya big bad wolf." He sighs and with a final grunt he goes to curl up in the bedroom.
He also gets jealous the more attention puppins gets but he doesn't, lingering around the corner with a pout.
"That makes me riding hood, doesn't it? Yeah, Huh? Oh yes, it does. But litsen perfect angel, I know you're trying to be like daddy, but shhh! Were not supposed to have any pets, girl. No dogs allowed. It's bad enough that we have mister murder mittens trying to attack our landlord, let alone I had to tell him you were one of those giant New york rats." He tells the dog, who just licks him and was happy to join along in one of her papa's protective beefs with a random person.
Wade has only seen it a couple of times, but sometimes, after popping them out too much, he regrets it and licks his knuckles.
At first Wade thought this was just Alternate timeline Logan stuff, only to quickly realize that it was probably just in the Howlett genes, having been told that Laura also ripped up pillows and stuffed animals, chewing on them like a puppy and Gabby also licked her knuckles when they hurt from growing pains.
Apprently, gabby was a big whiner, too, whimpering instead of grunting most times. It made Wade wonder if she would grow up and grunt too like Laura.
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Soo.. did the whole getting severed from the holy light thing kill you yet?
Let's not talk about that, please
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
people getting mad headcanons to me is like getting mad at someone for playing pretend incorrectly like what do you mean i'm pretending this character is autistic incorrectly?
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mintacle · 2 years
You can’t say  “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” for Jason, because the thing is his grave has already been made. Dig two graves? Ok, time for the second one.
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angeldarkrose · 30 days
I post all this happy shit about him bc we have good times but in reality I’m done. I’m so fucking done. He does nothing but drain me 24/7. I’m constantly the fucking problem. He never owns up to his faults, he’ll swear me out, blame me for everything and act like everything’s fine the next day. I try to find solutions and he ignores me. I need time away to think after a problem? He’s pissed. But when he needs time he gets it. I love him with my entire heart but I’m so drained.
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