#logan howlett acting like a whole ass gaurd dog
icarusredwings · 18 days
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Thinking about Wade googling, "Is my boyfriend a werewolf?" When things start getting colder because;
Logan starts nesting, curling up under 5 duvets, stealing hoodies, and fluffy hello kitty pants to add to it.
He's is extra growly and practically nonverbal at times.
Wade has witnessed him ripping up a pillow with his bare teeth, shaking it the way dogs do with toys. He now fears for his stuffies' lives.
When Logan starts instinctively devouring their kitchen, packing in food for the winter. (Wade has already gotten his hand slices off for poking fun at his weight gain and trying to grope his hips)
When they're out in public and he's visibly shaking like a leaf but snarls if anyone touches him (even on accident)
Takes hot baths and does not share them, wanting all the heat to himself.
Pops out his claws a lot more, for little things that he already is aware of that aren't threats. Perking up from whatever spot he's at to go investigate. Esspecially if puppins barks, it gets him twice as riled up.
The other day, he stood in the window growling because someone he didn't know was helping the neighbor fix their car.
"Wade? He's doing it again."
"Doing what ma- Oh for fucks sake Peanut."
He's at the window like a dog, growling and death glaring the mechanic, puppins is on the back of the couch, wagging her tail and yapping at them too.
"What has gotten into you two? Go on, off. Off! Shoo. Get. And you, go to your room, mister."
A huff of protest, but Wade already shut the curtains and picked up puppins. "Go on. You aren't going to just sit at the window all day looking for a reason to be all broody. It's not good for you. Look are you hungry? Ill make you some eggs. Go take a nap or something you're scaring granny over here ya big bad wolf." He sighs and with a final grunt he goes to curl up in the bedroom.
He also gets jealous the more attention puppins gets but he doesn't, lingering around the corner with a pout.
"That makes me riding hood, doesn't it? Yeah, Huh? Oh yes, it does. But litsen perfect angel, I know you're trying to be like daddy, but shhh! Were not supposed to have any pets, girl. No dogs allowed. It's bad enough that we have mister murder mittens trying to attack our landlord, let alone I had to tell him you were one of those giant New york rats." He tells the dog, who just licks him and was happy to join along in one of her papa's protective beefs with a random person.
Wade has only seen it a couple of times, but sometimes, after popping them out too much, he regrets it and licks his knuckles.
At first Wade thought this was just Alternate timeline Logan stuff, only to quickly realize that it was probably just in the Howlett genes, having been told that Laura also ripped up pillows and stuffed animals, chewing on them like a puppy and Gabby also licked her knuckles when they hurt from growing pains.
Apprently, gabby was a big whiner, too, whimpering instead of grunting most times. It made Wade wonder if she would grow up and grunt too like Laura.
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