watch-joey-collect · 6 months
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sereniphile-blog · 3 months
Titanic was a little bitch movie star who died tragically young in spectacular fashion. We know. Is nobody going to talk about her older sisters who both had incredibly successful careers? They fought in the war!
Britanic deserved a Medal of Honor, acting as a hospital vessel until a mine sank her in Greece. (Side note, sank in a tenth of the time Big T did, and 97% of the victims survived 🙄). She never got into the entertainment biz. She wanted to be a nurse, and she was a damn good one.
Olympic stepped on people and they liked it. She tore a U-boat in half (also a friendly boat but they had it coming), and served as troop transport until the war ended. They called her “Old Reliable”. Here that Unsinkable? They called her reliable. She was in service two years before the Titanic was born, and she was still serving two decades after the Titanic sank. The Olympic retired during the Great Depression, for which the Axis are eternally grateful.
And then the Nasties made The Titanic(1943) as anti-capitalist propaganda, But it ended up banned because of the uncomfortable parallels with a special kind of camping
Anyway, one of the titanic’s fuel depots was on fire for most of the trip, which resulted in the ship leaning slightly. Fortunately, the side with a hole in it was the opposite side, so it balanced back out for a while.
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pokemonjunge · 2 years
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RMS Olympic Poster
I have been into Oceanliners for quite some time now, and lately I felt like doing some Oceanliner art. I got quite inspired by a poster for the SS Normandie by A. M. Cassandre, which makes the ship seem very mighty and imposing, and I wanted to recreate this feeling with a ship from my favorite class of Oceanliners: The Olympic class.
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knario47 · 2 years
Nación Canaria
🇮🇨🔥🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Batalla de Tamasite de 1740. Una desconocida gesta del pueblo canario.
El 13 de octubre la localidad de Tuineje commemora la épica victoria de los mahoreros frente a las tropas británicas que intentaron ocupar la isla en 1740. Como sus ancestros, frente a las armas de fuego, su defensa fueron piedras y palos. Recordamos a aquellos canarios que defendieron su tierra a pesar de su inferioridad armamentística.
A mediados del siglo XVIII la isla de Fuerteventura (o Erbane) no vivía sus mejores tiempos. Aunque en épocas anteriores fue el granero de Canarias exportando excedentes de grano a otras islas como Tenerife, eso ya no era posible. Eran habituales los años de malas cosechas que generaban terribles crisis y hambrunas obligando a la población mahorera a emigrar a otras islas para poder subsistir. A esto tenemos que añadir el régimen de señorío que padecía la isla desde la conquista europea, que sometía a la población a la tiranía del señor de la Isla. En 1739 Gran Bretaña declara la guerra a España, atacando sus enclaves coloniales mediante sus fuerzas navales con el apoyo de Portugal. Canarias comienza apadecer los ataques de corsarios que capturan botines y navíos isleños, que luego vendía en la isla de Madeira. La isla, además estaba totalmente desprovista de fortificaciones que la protegieran de ataques, y por supuesto no contaba con ningún ejército regular al igual que el resto del Archipiélago. Algo realmente grave para una isla de tanta llana extensión y gran numero de playas accesibles.
#tuineje #batalladetamasite #historiadecanarias #pueblocanario #canariedad
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alvin-j-flang · 9 months
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Britanic concept I’ve been in a ship (mainly pre world war ocean liners) phase lately and I wanted to try and draw my take on the Britanic. Yes I know her outfit isn’t ww1 actuate but this is a humanized boat I will probably draw her properly when I have the time.
I wanted to take the aspects of the Britanic like how she was made to be an elegant liner for the upper class but was then turned into a hospital ship and never saw any use of her original purpose.
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fake-name-fake-tits · 11 months
I have become somewhat fixated on shipwrecks
Can't stop absorbing any and all information about them
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personnotfound · 1 month
"I'm sick so you need to take the day off" is still the funniest shit to me
Jon why the hell was that what you came up with
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Just crying..atp
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It's been too long am sobbing Infront of my screen
My baby lewis finally won
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sereniphile-blog · 3 months
Titanic was a little bitch movie star who died tragically young in spectacular fashion. We know. Is nobody going to talk about her older sisters who both had incredibly successful careers? They fought in the war!
Britanic deserved a Medal of Honor, acting as a hospital vessel until a mine sank her in Greece. (Side note, sank in a tenth of the time Big T did, and 97% of the victims survived 🙄). She never got into the entertainment biz. She wanted to be a nurse, and she was a damn good one.
Olympic stepped on people and they liked it. She tore a U-boat in half (also a friendly boat but they had it coming), and served as troop transport until the war ended. They called her “Old Reliable”. Here that Unsinkable? They called her reliable. She was in service two years before the Titanic was born, and she was still serving two decades after the Titanic sank. The Olympic retired during the Great Depression, for which the Axis are eternally grateful.
And then the Nasties made The Titanic(1943) as anti-capitalist propaganda, But it ended up banned because of the uncomfortable parallels with a special kind of camping
Anyway, one of the titanic’s fuel depots was on fire for most of the trip, which resulted in the ship leaning slightly. Fortunately, the side with a hole in it was the opposite side, so it balanced back out for a while.
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umseb · 2 months
"Wir stellen vor: @.sebastianvettel , Arten-Schutzpatron 🌱🐞 Wandel und Biodiversität sind ihm besonders wichtig, wenn es um unsere Zukunft geht. Und gerade deshalb engagiert er sich leidenschaftlich für den Artenschutz und hat im vergangenen Jahr unter anderem viele Bienen- und Hummelhäuser gebaut. 🐝 „Um auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft vorbereitet zu sein, braucht es den Mut, neue Wege zu gehen. Die Initiative 'BeeWild' kann das Engagement und die Leidenschaft der jungen Menschen wecken, um unsere Welt nachhaltig zu verändern." - Sebastian Vettel" "Introducing: @.sebastianvettel, species protection cartridge 🌱 🐞 Change and biodiversity are particularly important to him when it comes to our future. And that's why he is passionate about species protection and has built many bee and bumblebees in the past year, among other things. 🐝 'To be prepared for the challenges of the future, it takes the courage to forge new paths. The 'BeeWild' initiative can spark the commitment and passion of young people to make a sustainable difference in our world.' - Sebastian Vettel" - july 19, 2024 📷 @.beewild_official / instagram
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francabroadcast · 2 months
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nightcrawlersimpblog · 5 months
Am I allowed to say that Meggan fumbled??? Like... Ngl, I fucking hate Captain Britain. He's a huge dick.
Kurt loved her for who she is and that empath should have known that ✋🙄
She makes herself so pretty for Captain Bitch, but even when she shifted to make herself look how she felt (undesirable bc of Captain lil Bitch) Kurt still told her how beautiful she was.
Bc he's constantly been told it's what's on the inside that counts, he can see her light even when she doesn't.
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wizardpigeon · 11 months
Spy kids is fantastic,
From the parents perspective
You're old coworkers/friends are going missing, you come out of retirement to investigate,
You get kidnapped by the wiggles
They reveal they are plotting world domination, you're not quite sure what to do about it but you're just glad your children (oldest is at most 9) arent involved
Your husband gets turned into a wiggles side character
Your children show up to let you out of your cell, with them is the wiggles
"don't worry mum" your infant son reassures you, "they're not evil anymore, just sad"
Sure, whatever
The wiggles let you out of the cage, you're all rushing to get to the control room to stop the world domination
You are captured a second time
You're about to have to fight 500 small children, your two small children show up to help? You're still woefully outnumbered
Your estranged brother-in-law crashes through the window
The children just, sort of ignore your family and start playing? With the evil wiggles side characters who'd been running this show selling arms to the government or something idk
Your husband and his brother look vaguely like they're going to start fighting again?
Oh wait no the brother in law is crying, ok, alright, fair enough it's been an emotional few days
Days saved, as you turn to go home, your kids look up at you with imploring eyes, this fills you with dread, they are holding hands with the wiggles
"hey can they come with us? They're lonely out here all alone"
To be fair the wiggles do look vaguely muted in colour, not particularly sad, just, mildly depressed
Sure, fine, more the merrier, we're already taking uncle knives home because him and Greg are still clinging to each other crying
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bonefall · 1 year
ouhh..... what if the scientists like, also released more prey into the forests or something and the cats became suspicious.... what would the scientists do if one of the clan cats specifically came to them for help for whatever reason?
You have to remember they are researchers. They are interacting with wild animals, and aren't trying to ruin their data with interference like that.
They don't give food gifts, flood the forest with animals (except when other conservation efforts overlap), or attempt to acclimate Clan cats to humans. This fear of people is considered a good thing; it would be very bad for cats to rely on humans or interact with hikers regularly.
(Even SkyClan can end up on thin ice with their willingness to steal and beg.)
So it's unlikely the Clan cats come up to ask for help and that is a positive. If it did happen, they may do the bare minimum (like when a shark asks a human to remove a fishhook), and then write it down in their notes.
But hikers are given a LOT of warnings, and even fined, for bothering the wildlife. Clan cats WILL hurt you if you grab them. You're encouraged to only walk and camp in marked areas.
The cats aren't the only reason for that either!
Sanctuary Lake boasts a sizeable boar population, a red deer herd, over a dozen species of protected songbirds, badgers, otters, foxes, and beavers were (indirectly) re-introduced.
Motor boats are also banned in the lake, to protect water quality. The water is so pure that it's able to host the endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel, and probably has its own species of endemic fish.
So in a nutshell; no. The Clan cats are not messed with. Interaction is kept distant very purposefully.
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asexualcloud · 10 months
hi everyone. id like to make an awareness post here. someone you know could be suffering from british. british is a serious disease, and yet there is no cure. yet! our associates at 5218008 industries are working on a cure! click here to learn more about british, and click here to learn more about what we at 5218008 industries do as a "company family", as we like to call it. but now, lets take a moment of silence for those who are currently suffering from british.
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this young man has been suffering from british for a very long time. he also suffers from catboy. the fact that he has survived(nope lol) both british and catboy is a truly astounding act.
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this person whos gender is the bomb theyre planning to bomb you with has been suffering from british since age 14. the fact that they are smiling through theyre diagnosis is truly a heartwarming act.
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this man has been suffering from british since he was born. he also suffers from bisexuality, a disease i personally battle with everyday. despite everything that he has endured, he has yet to become a major antagonist in an anime. oh? whats that? uh, forget about that last bit.
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here he is pictured at a younger age. despite being a lifelong sufferer of british, he has managed to stay (somewhat) positive. always.
thank you for reading my post. (uh quick disclaimer this post is a joke i have nothing against british ppl yall are great love yall)
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