#bringing back the comic style I used a couple asks back
gothic-mothic · 9 months
Silly question, how would your Narrator and Stanley react to domestic or zoo animals?
I can imagine The Narrator arguring with a parrot 🦜🤭
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“Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage !”
Regarding the parrot tho, he would absolutely talk to it until he realized it’s just repeating things it’s heard. “Talking” animals definitely freaked him out at first, especially if it happened to parrot his own words. Terrifying !
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akanemnon · 3 months
I'm finally putting an ask here, now that it's open.
Anyway, did people often told you that your artstyle was just candy for the eyes? Like, I always use it when I'm blown away by an artstyle, but yours, it's like a visual box of M&M's appeared right before me.
The colors, the facial expressions, the cartoony looks and feeling... I think it's the best comparison I can make. M&M's. And it's a big compliment, I really like it.
Also, Kris being an angry animal with rabies all the time is hilarious. In fact, I would struggle finding a favourite moment because it's just really difficult with everything that is going on.
I love this comic. You're probably among my fav artists, at the moment, I love it, I just reaaaaaaally do!
Ah, yes, people have compared my artstyle to food a couple of times before (or claimed that they wanted to "eat" my art.) Actually hasn't happened in a while. You're the first one to bring it up again.
I'm happy to hear you like the cartoony style a lot. My style wasn't as cartoony before, but I'm glad it evolved in that direction. Even though when drawing other stuff it tends to fall back into my regular style.
This Kris really has become a creature of their own that is almost nothing like the canon version. Which I'm happy about, since it makes it easier to tell that this story is doing it's own thing in some regards. It's gonna make more sense in the end, I promise lol
But yeeeee thank you so much for enjoying the comic!
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blacknedsoul-blog · 1 year
My bets on Nevermore's development
In the middle of the arc and with the White Raven divorce beginning, I think I feel comfortable betting on how all the story lines the comic has laid out so far will play out. A mixture of analysis and theories.
Duke and Montressor
I don't think Duke will die. For several reasons (one of which I'll explain below), but the main one is that Duke is a character who still has a lot to give: they've gone to the trouble of giving him a name, a past, a personality, and yet none of these things have been properly explored. The comic wouldn't really benefit from Duke dying because he still has a lot of interesting things to bring to the story.
Coupled with the fact that we're still learning how Spectres work, and with Duke unable to manifest, it's the perfect time to flesh out that part of the lore and give us a cool moment to show us his Spectre.
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That said, I have a hard time seeing a way for Montressor to stay in the game once this issue is over: he's proven himself to be a menace that won't stop and an unmitigated sadist. The guy is just evil, and frankly, he didn't seem to have much more backstory or anything new to bring to the table.
My bet on him is that he'll die, maybe Lenore will go with the group in psycho-killer mode, Duke will confront him with his spectre, Morella will go against him to save Ada, Annabel will try to make merit so Lenore won't be asked for a divorce, or the Deans themselves will see him as a problem they need to take care of. If the comic thinks murder is irredeemable for its characters, maybe he'll have a Frollo-style death where it's his own ego that kills him (what if he becomes one of the creatures roaming the school?).
I think this because, besides how satisfying it would be to see him die, I think it would be a good time for the comic to show you the consequences of death within Nevermore. We know that going to the Land of the Dead is a terrible thing, but we don't know exactly what it entails. And seeing it would make any future threat seem more terrifying.
The White Raven will reconcile. This is obvious: the comic is about their relationship, the publicity for the comic has them together, and much of the appeal of the work comes from their romance. It's not a question of whether it will happen or not, but how it will happen and what the consequences will be.
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Maybe some extraordinary event will happen to bring them back together, or we will have the equivalent of the Greenhouse 2.0 scene where they have a whole conversation about why, even if Lenore understands Annabel reasons, this is a situation that can never happen again.
One thing I want to point out here: I don't think Annabel did this out of jealousy. Maybe she feels it, but this story has made a consistent effort to show you that while Annabel is hypocritical, manipulative, and Machiavellian, she still has a moral compass: her reaction after when Montressor makes Ada bark and when Prospero is about to have a breakdown indicate that her limit is to hurt others gratuitously. She won't defend them if it puts her in a problematic situation, but this clearly pisses her; by that logic, it would even be out of character for her to try to hurt Duke because she's jealous, and more importantly, it would do irreparable damage to her relationship with Lenore (which is why I don't think our favorite Frenchman dies).
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Understanding that, there's one thing these two haven't really talked about: for Lenore, getting her friends out of here is not something optional, she's completely determined to do it, and given this moment, it's very likely that the next step will be for Annabel to join the "save everyone" team: she thinks Lenore is capable of anything, and so she's going to put all her faith in her being able to pull this off.
Coupled with the fact that the plan to keep Lenore as a harmless figure went to hell after the incident in the tower, she's going to have to adjust things. And my theory on this is that Annabel is going to expand her rivalry plan to the group level.
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I believe this because the logical conclusion after the banquet is that the Deans, for some reason, want the students to fight, to foster an atmosphere of competition among them. So far, giving them what they want has worked perfectly for them, so they would suggest that it would be helpful to pretend that things are going exactly as they think they are while they try to figure out how to get out of this place, at least until they can think of something better.
Yes, I assume Annabel will join the Misfits. She'll probably be like Zuko from Avatar, begging for forgiveness and winning them over one by one in individual arcs.
Another important development that will come out of this is that when Lenore is fed up enough with her bullshit, she will remind Annabel of her promise about how they both get their memories back: they are already right in the middle and it will be time to start putting the puzzle together.
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However, I have reason to believe that Annabel will manage not to talk about the exact way they both died for a very simple reason: whether Lenore was Annabel's executioner or not, they died together. Lenore was there, and she will most likely blame herself because "if I hadn't gone looking for her, Annabel would still be alive" and for "not protecting her".
But by the time they have this conversation (or she finds out otherwise), the comic may be starting to address one of Lenore's major conflicts as a character: because of her fear of abandonment and her feeling that she is undeserving of love, she has no qualms about putting herself in danger to protect others. This is a terribly damaging perspective in the context that the Deans have created: not only is it naive to think that she can always protect her friends or Annabel from getting hurt, but Lenore unwittingly carries the feelings of the people who love her by endangering herself.
My head canon
Everything I've said so far is based on things the comic has shown and storylines that may not be explored in this specific way, but are more or less on the comic. But there's a lot of nonsense out there that I'd really like to see, even if there's little or nothing in the artwork to indicate to me that any of those things will come to fruition.
Annabel vs. Montressor
I would love to see Annabel vs. Montressor precisely because Annabel has no chance against Montressor: she has no experience in a fight, even if her spectre is a powerful one, Montressor would wipe the floor with her. But I think it would be a nice way to put a point: Annabel and Montressor are not the same.
He enjoys torturing others, she will be a villain to protect what she loves.
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I can also think of two interesting things that could come out of this encounter: Lenore having her moment where she thinks Annabel is dead, parallel to the maze scene (for Lenore, Annabel is an unbeatable queen, so she could use a little reality check), and a conversation along those lines:
-L: Did you think that by putting yourself in danger like this I was going to forgive what you did?!
A: I didn't do this because I thought you would forgive me. Deep down, I know you already did, even though that doesn't mean I shouldn't face consequences for my actions.
-L: ...Then why?
-A: Because I promised you I would. I said I would distract our enemies, that I would protect you from my allies, and that's exactly what I did. I knew I couldn't handle him, but I was distracted and wounded enough to get the job done.
This would finally establish one thing that has been up in the air about Annabel: yes, she really behaves and acts like a villain. But after something like this, there would never be any doubt (for the readers or for Lenore) that she always keeps her promises.
Imagine the delicious drama that could come from establishing that so forcefully.
Eulalie is a Lennabel shipper
Come to think of it, the two of them haven't done a very good job of hiding it: we go from Lenore running all over school to take care of Annabel to watching them fight for no apparent reason.
I like to think that Eulalie seriously suspects something is going on between them, and when the Misfits inevitably find out about Annabel and Lenore's relationship, she'll be like, "Oh, you guys hadn't noticed?" while saying things like, "Oh, so you're the one who took us to the haunted mansion!"
Annabel and Berenice as unlikely friends
I love the image of Berenice physically threatening Annabel with the knife and saying something like "You're a posh bitch, but you've got style" after she doesn't react in fear. I also think Bernice would be the first to admit that while she won't easily forgive Annabel for putting Duke in danger, she wouldn't have hesitated to throw Annabel, Prospero, Ada, or Will under the bus to protect any of her group of friends if necessary.
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Also, the idea of Annabel saying, "She's a violent slur. I want her around" is oddly hilarious to me.
Prospero as the ultimate "tired friend"
If Annabel takes Prospero with her, I can imagine the guy banging his head against the wall all the time because he sees all these idiots who are strangely competent when you get right down to it, but choose to spend their energy doing stupid things when no one is dying.
A terrible deal between Duke and Annabel
Remember that wonderful scene in Avatar where Katara threatens to kill Zuko if she thinks he's going to hurt Aang? I like to think that Duke and Annabel will have a scene like that:
-D: They didn't see the look on your face when they put up the wall, but I did. And I can assure you that I won't hesitate to act if I think you're going to hurt my friend or any of them, cherie.
-A: Promise?
-D: ...
-A: That you will be there to protect her no matter what, even from me. I wouldn't mind you holding the sword of Damocles over my head if it proves to me that you can protect her from any threat.
-D: You have my word.
In conclusion
So that's my bingo on how things will go in the comic from here on out. There are some things (like Morella's development, what's going to happen with Ada, or when the hell we're going to get some backstory on Will) that I don't think I have enough information on to theorize. But here it is.
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pacthesis · 1 year
our vietnamese tea ceremony
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some may or may not know i just got engaged to a weird guy i met in college that (to put it lightly) i wasn’t too fond of but after like 2 years of snubbing him he somehow won my heart i guess
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i scribbled a comic about it cause whenever people ask how i met him they sometimes get invested haha
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some people also may have seen him on america’s got talent or cbs news or jimmy fallon or on tiktok doing his pizza man shenanigans lol
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people often ask if he pulled me with his dough skills and i have to clarify i didn’t even know about the dough spinning hobby until after we started dating and he didn’t do the tv/media appearances until like 6 years into our relationship 🤣
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my parents were both boat refugees from vietnam (they fled during the war when they were teenagers and met as adults) and i’m american- but we’re not really that “traditional” i guess
i think many viet people don’t get married or commit without having a tea ceremony haha
a hetero buddy asked who were my bridesmaids and when i told him i don’t have any he asked why and i just said “i like my friends” 🤣 (my childhood friends were there as guests though!)
i also didn’t want/ask pizza man’s family to bring the customary gifts cause i didn’t wanna cramp my style
basically the purpose of this event was for people to witness us getting engaged and be an opportunity for our families to meet one another!
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5/23/2015 is when we started dating
for our first anniversary i got our initials and anniversary date stamped onto a penny and pizza man still carries it around 🥺
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so 8 years later we got engaged on 8/5/2023
8 for august (8 years later)
5th of august (5 for the month we began dating)
year of 2023 (23 for the day we began dating)
i think people often go to a fortune teller or someone who knows what they’re doing to schedule important dates using the stars and other factors but my grandpa doesn’t believe in that and the rest of us aren’t really superstitious
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we wore áo dài- it’s a vietnamese ensemble consisting of a tunic with a long front and back panel that is worn over pants
áo means “shirt/clothes” and dài means "long"
a lot of the time the bride wears red and the groom wears blue i guess but i wanted my outfit to look bridal when i imagine an american bride or a vietnamese bride!
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i also wanted to wear a gold khăn đóng headpiece and to incorporate pearls to resemble what my mom wore when she got engaged to my dad
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sunflowers are also my fav
(after we started dating i thought pizza man was tall and sunny like a sunflower haha 😭)
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my makeshift shoebox altar- or as i like to call it: my “spirit pager” 😤
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the double happiness symbol is two copies of the chinese character 喜 (xǐ) which means joy/happiness and red symbolizes luck for the couple
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my mom asked if we should put up pictures of our deceased and i was like i don’t wanna make pizza man’s parents go out of their way to bring photos 😭
i think we were supposed to ask our ancestors for permission to get engaged or married or whatever but since my mom raised me to believe my life is mine to live i just announced it to em
as far as i know it’s not really a buddhist thing- ancestor worship is more of a vietnamese thing apparently
my mom said vietnam is a country with a lot of war and death in its history- so imo it makes sense how they incorporate the dead into their culture and traditions
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after introducing each of our family members and friends- we lit a couple of incense to (casually) announce the news to our deceased grandparents and relatives
apparently burning incense is an invitation to ancestral spirits and to deliver wishes to predecessors
smoke from the burning incense guides people to safety or safe passing when they die- it also guides em back home on days like these
the spirit(s) depart when all of the incense has burned
next month is my grandma’s "deathiversary” (giỗ) so we’ll be paging her again soon
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we used a tea set that was used to celebrate my 1st birthday to pour and serve (my pick) of vanilla caramel black tea to my grandpa and our parents
pizza man’s mom doesn’t like tea so i was happy i picked something she did enjoy!
but when my mom brought her family to america from vietnam- she asked them if they could bring a tea set specifically for me
my mom said it’s meant to be used to celebrate any of my special occasions
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then me and pizza man said some nice words to each other and exchanged rings
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my ring was pizza man’s grandma’s- his grandpa initially proposed with a smaller diamond but after he saved up enough he got her this bigger one
i don’t listen to any comments that suggest or imply this carbon rock is not humongous 🤣
pizza man paid to get it resized and to repair its prongs (it was well worn by grandma mercedes 🥺)
also found out my ring size is 3.25 (US) haha 😭
he also decided to get his grandpa’s ring resized and to wear it too!
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my mom put this necklace on me- she says it reads “happiness” (i can’t confirm lol) but she received it from her mother-in-law when she got engaged to my dad
my mom was too scared to wear it after their tea ceremony cause it’s 24 karat gold and she didn't wanna wreck it
she said 24 karat gold hasn't been combined with other metals so it’s soft
i guess couples at viet tea ceremonies often get 24 karat jewelry- the idea is they can quickly sell it/melt it down for hard times
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my mom also passed down her favorite jade bracelet and my grandma’s favorite diamond earrings to me 🥺
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and on my 1st birthday my mom got a special ring made to celebrate my birth- she put it on a chain so the person i marry can wear it close to their heart
my mom also got a special ring necklace made to celebrate my sibling’s birth and gave it to their fiancée during their tea ceremony
it’s just the two of us so no more shiny token trophies up for grabs! 😤
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i laughed when pizza man had to squat down so low so my mom could put the necklace on him 
after the ceremony i asked him if he wanted me to help him take it off (my sibling's fiancée keeps theirs in a safe cause she’s too scared to wear it daily) but pizza man was like "no i like it 😄" and wore it to sleep and showered with it and hasn’t taken it off since 😭🤣
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at the end of the ceremony we lit the candles on the altar to represent the union of our families!
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then we ate lots of food haha
my parents both cooked! egg rolls, fried rice, lo mein, bột chiên (fried taro rice cake)
my mom was excited because she knew many of our guests weren’t very familiar with vietnamese food and wanted to share that with them 🥺
and my dad was just so excited for me and pizza man and had so much fun getting the supplies and decorations 😭
my aunt and uncle and sister-in-law brought vịt quay (peking duck), heo quay (roast pork), gỏi tôm (shrimp salad), bánh hỏi (rice vermicelli), xôi gấc (sweet red sticky rice topped with coconut, peanuts and salt)
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and pizza man’s mom and family brought lots of desserts
we have always been so amazed with how good their sweets taste and look! 🥺
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we also got an ice cream cake
i wasn’t thinking and asked em to write “nicholas and amy lễ đính hôn” and they called me and were like wtf is this and i was like oh no it’s ok haha don’t worry about it! 😭🤣
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we had some photos displayed but my sibling took lots of nice pictures of the whole thing!
i was happy i actually got the chance to spend time with and talk to everyone who came!
it went so well and we had so much fun that we’re thinking of doing something similar for our wedding- probably a backyard wedding haha
i was telling pizza man apparently some tea ceremonies have the first half take place at the bride’s home and then the later half is at the groom’s home 🤔
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anyway reminder that leftover egg rolls can be reheated in the toaster
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brooklynisher · 3 months
Here's a bunch of old sketchbook doodles I made y'all
Stick around bc this includes my first SPG drawings!! (Before I joined Tumblr)
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Riveting start
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I'll start off with little drawings I made of myself. And my god do you see what I'm doing with the anatomy? Do you see how tiny those joints are? That's horrific. Why did I build everyone like that? But Yugo is where I began to find my art style. Will love them forever for that. I've got to go back to simple-shaped heads one of these days and blush/eyelashes on everything
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We've got some lovely Smile For Me-related doodles. First is a Flower Kid design. Second was not smile for me specifically, but Face Love (by the same devs). And the last two were my earlier attempts at making comics and scenes. Ft. lancer for some reason.
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Here are a couple of abandoned OCs. Pretty boy (Basil) is supposed to be yellow. We've all had that OC whose only trait was being a hot person and that's what he was all about. Didn't develop him much in terms of character which is sad because I kinda like his design. He was created when I was doodling random designs in FireAlpaca. I'll have to show the other doodles in a different post (If you are interested).
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THIS GUY I WOULD LIKE TO BRING BACK! Might be kinda basic in terms of like "Weird Core" designs but I still love him. His plot keeps changing though because his design is so strange yet so simple to the point where I could put him in just about any world I wanted to had I gotten bored of the old one. Which is silly bc he's just a depressed news anchor man.
Anyway bc of that, Basil used to be his bf, but isn't anymore. He got replaced with fat peppermint man who fun fact: was inspired by the song Brass Goggles BEFORE I even got into SPG and learned what it was about! How silly is that! Peppermint boy is technically my first SPG OC!
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She was a fun one, but I abandoned her too. I think she was too influenced by Frye's character from Splatoon. She was a warrior of sorts. Sort of tribal I suppose. She spoke fast, and in her tribe's language, so many people struggled to understand her. She was very bouncy too. Jumping all over the place. If you know Frye, you'll probably notice that they're a bit too similar to each other. That's usually why I abandon my OCs. When they're too similar to another.
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Critter I doodled. Not really an OC, but I still think she's cute
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Don't ask me about the first guy. The girl was a mii that was born in Tomodachi Life! Her name is Lily. She is the child of Kris (Deltarune) and Hatsune Miku. She looks silly which is why I love her.
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I'm Picasso. Kinda vibe with this ngl. Not sure if I could ever turn this into anything though
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Here are some low-effort doodles. Enjoyed the design of the big lady more than I thought. I was practicing drawing bigger bodies at the time. Joints are still KILLING ME but it's not bad considering I had the worst anatomy method imaginable
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Here are some higher-effort doodles. Aside from the abhorrent anatomy (WHY DOES THE PIG ZOMBIE HAVE TWO DIFFERENTLY SIZED SHOULDERSS????) I quite like these critters. That mermaid girl had lore too. She could control the dead of the sea. She was lowkey evil. Never turned her into anything though. Also, you can see by that guy at the bottom of the first one, that Bunny's art was starting to take an influence on me.
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I was inspired by Bunny to make these monster-ish-looking people
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More thingies! There's the goopy robot which I initially drew as a first attempt at drawing a robot, but then I made it black and goopy bc that's what it was giving. The star guy appears and disappears a few times. I think I wanted to keep them, but the design was very similar to LightLazer so I felt a bit weird about drawing them.
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More robot shenanigans. First time drawing Rabbit and The Spine! Cannot believe that my first Spine drawing was in a dress oh my god.
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More Bunny-inspired drawings and I'm REALLY kinda digging that weird tiny robot critter. Looking at it now, it's kinda like Spring in a few ways, but it's also completely different from Spring in so many other ways. The limbs are retractable. I kinda like this thing actually. I Oughtta do something with it.
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These ones are more SPG-specific. You'll have to forgive me, most of these are from memory. Don't ask me why Rabbit looks like David Bowie in the first one.
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And finally, some Rabbit and Spine doodles! Rabbit's doing the "Hey Andy Sweetie" meme. I could totally reattempt drawing that today actually.
Anyway, hope you had fun. I did. Ugh this is so sillyy
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snowbellewells · 2 months
Fandom Birthday Rec List for @jrob64
Happy Birthday, dear Joni! Happy Birthday to You!!!
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Okay, when I set out to make this list of my favorites of your works, I had a couple in mind right off the top of my head, and thought "This is a no-brainer! It'll be easy!" You would think I'd have known better after the massive list I created when Krystal asked for our favorite fics overall a couple years ago and I ended up making a Sweet 16 style bracket to even narrow mine down. Needless to say, I ended up with a solid dozen stories on my paper, instead of the five or six I needed, and discovered a few hidden gems from way back before I knew you that I hadn't even read!! However, my very, VERY favorite has never wavered and is still exactly the same - you'll see! ;)
Anyway, I am so glad I found your wonderful writings, have gotten to know you in person, text with you, travel with you, and become genuinely good friends. Your are a blessing in my life, and I hope this gift brings a bit of a smile to your face as I try to celebrate the joy you've shared with us all in creating further adventures for our pirate and princess. Happy Birthday!!!
**Top 6 Favorite @jrob64 Fics (in descending order)**
#6 - "One Thrill Ride Leads to Another" (my own birthday fic! ;p )
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This five part (six, with the epilogue) story is pure fun and chemistry and sweetness overload. I adore it more than I can really say, and am beyond flattered that a handsome sight and chance comment of mine helped to birth the original idea. And no, it isn't even just because this one include an alive and happy Graham as supporting character and a hilariously hot secondary Red Huntsman plot line -- though it certainly doesn't hurt!! ;) My rambling can't really do this one justice, so if anyone reading this has missed it, I beg of you: Check it out for yourself! It's a perfect summer treat!
#5 - "Silly Songs With Killian" (Modern AU one shot - adorable!)
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Okay, I realize that I am using a valuable spot on this list for a fluffy little one shot, but it's just that much fun and has that much heartwarming power. I dare you to get the image of Killian playing VeggieTales on the guitar for a wildly enthusiastic audience of one small boy who is madly excited by the effort out of your head! You won't be able to - it's gonna stick with you and make you smile every time it floats back in!! If you've had a bad day and need a pick me up, this is your fic right here!
#4 - "Taking on Mrs. Jones" (hilariously hot silver fox one shot)
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This is another more comic/lighthearted one shot, but I just can't resist it. In fact, I re-read it in making certain of my list, and I love it all the more. This one features a slightly older, professor Killian (one of my serious weaknesses) and a married version of CS. Plus, when he gets an overly flirtatious new co-worker who makes him uncomfortable - Emma comes perfectly to the defense of her man and teaches that girl a lesson.
#3 - "Ghosted" (a WIP supernatural modern AU MC for @cssns24)
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This story is still in progress, but it has very quickly jumped the list to become one of Joni's best, best offerings (in my humble opinion)! I love the unusual and intriguing plot and can't wait to see how it will turn out. The inclusion of Will and Belle as secondary characters (and a secondary love story) is wonderful👩🏻‍🍳 *chef's kiss!* And a ghostly version of Liam absolutely tugs on my heart. Definitely check this one out if you haven't yet.
#2 - "Always in my Heart" (5 Part Modern AU, so feelsy and angsty and deep)
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This one moved me to tears in the process, way more than once. I loved the long lost friends reunited aspect of this story, right from the start. I loved the sense of adopted family Emma has with David and MM, and most especially Ruth. (I always loved David's mom in canon, and the chance to see a lot more of her in this fic, and to see what this version of her means to Emma was priceless, even if heart wrenching too.)
#1 - "Sowing Seeds of Trust" (and its extra chapter "Marco's Legacy")
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This story was the first one of yours I discovered, Joni, and I was completely captured! It was wrapped around my heart from the very first chapter. I loved the vulnerability and need, but also strength and resilience, in this version of Emma. I loved Killian's support, understanding and love in how he reached out to her. I love the friendships with David, MM, Ruby, and of course MARCO!! (He steals the whole show here, honestly!) The faith and restoration and perfect "happy beginning" after trials in this story are original, unique, and unforgettable. It's always going to be my favorite, I think, as it lead me to your writing to begin with, and it touched me deeply.
*Honorable mentions - if anyone is curious - also not to be missed:
"Snowstorm Confessions"
"Lonely No More"
"Faultline"/"Seismic Waves" (Liam x Elsa)
"Where Her Heart Belongs"/"Her Heart's Home"
"For the Sake of Henry"
Hope you enjoy your little list - and an absolutely wonderful day!!! Very Best Birthday Wishes to You!!!
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
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Okay! I said I'd do a quick little tut for the chromatic aberration effect to the anon who asked, so here you go. Above is the raw panel, so from here, you'll be duplicating the canvas/panel by choosing "Copy Canvas" from the wrench button. Once copied, paste it into your folder and select the layer options to turn on Clipping Mask to your base panel. If doing the whole canvas, you can just paste as-is
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I prefer to duplicate it once in preparation and then again each time I make a change, that way the effect can be toggled on /off or have its opacity lowered to mix with a previous effect if needed. From there, select the magic wand/effects and adjustments menu and click on Add Noise. Important: Pretend I took a screenshot of the drop-down menu, because rats must keep up appearances.
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I prefer clouds with maximum octaves and low-no turbulence at a fine scale... however, play with the options and find one you like (or don't use it at all! I like the grain for a mild texture and for harmonizing the art's elements, especially on quick panels or rougher drawings.) I'm going at about 5% here. Just enough to give the desired effect, but not too much.
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Once it's to your liking, duplicate your canvas/layer and select your new layer to work off of. On the magic wand menu again, select Chromatic Aberration.
We're working with the displace method, so select that instead of Perspective.
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In procreate, the tool works by shifting your cursor in the direction you prefer at the distance you want. I never travel far, and I often use the warm/cold to play off of a reverse of my light source colors. I do that just to create a softened edge and a subtle color pop. Just like with the added noise, I keep the effect on a more subtle side often. Blurring at around 5 - 12 % will give your lines a soft glow and get rid of any (say, hideous pencil lines that you use as inks because you hate inking. Not that I do that. Not me.) Transparency can be bumped up or left alone, does what it says on the tin and strengthens the effect or subdues it.
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Now, you might find some important detail is now too hazy? Too blurry? Too CHROMBERRATED? If so, gently erase what you want to be crisp. For Maia here, I just erased the front hair curls and her eyelashes.
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Keep it or erase it, it's up to you. Play around and see what you like. Now, once all is said and done, and you like the effect, adding a few specular pops of light on a new layer can aid with bringing back in some focal points. Eye color, rim lighting, or just a couple of little metallic flecks. I use the light pen tool for this when feeling lazy, but you can use any brush you like, either on a raw Normal layer or on any of the light adjugement style layers. I chose a pale green to compliment the warm, red hues and balance the bluish shadow in her hair. Just a tiny little speck on her glasses, lips and on the rim light of her nose just to keep the anchor points of her face clear. Don't over do it (unless you want to, in that case, by all means, the light is yours to command.)
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And that's the final. Hidden in the darkest shadows of voidcraft, I applied a textured brush to my canvas on Overlay because I do that for every comic page. Except for those that I forget, may their tears one day dry.
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I hope that helps! The effect is subtle on this panel, but the desired effect to soften and marry the art, thus fooling the viewer's eye into thinking I super meticulously rendered this with careful prim and polish, is achieved! Hooray!
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Breaking down the comics: Soldiers (Punisher Annual #2: Knight Fall)
You guys. YOU GUYS. 
I am so excited to bring you this next one for SO MANY REASONS. 
The first reason is that this is the FIRST Moon Knight comic I ever read. 
And this comic os pure WTFer set off an obsession that has directed the course of my life for over ten years now. 
Marc Spector: Moon Knight
Punisher Annual #2: Knight Fall. 1989
Written by: Mike Baron
Art by: Bill Reinhold
Gerbil: Tom DeFalco
(Tom is the editor in chief for Marvel at the time) 
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We got ourselves a Punisher Annual with a Moon Knight guest appearance! 
Now I’ve talked about guest appearances again and again and again. It usually means that the guest star is going to show up HUGE on the cover with some dramatic depiction in an attempt to lure in more new readers to the title comic. 
But look at this comic cover. This isn’t Moon Knight showing up to save the day or in a little blurb bubble or box. He’s battling Frank! This looks more like a cross-over style comic! Those always depict the main character FIGHTING the other guest star! And damn if this cover isn’t amazing. Look at those two locked in close quarter combat! And that dagger! This might be a Punisher comic, but Moon Knight isn’t about to roll over! 
Now, as we all have come to expect, when you have a crossover for the first time, the two characters always spend the first couple pages fighting in some misunderstanding before they make up and team together to fight the real bad guys. But Punisher takes no quarter and Moon Knight is grumpy at best. 
Alright, so we open up on a Long Island Petshop where a Mr. Morton is purchasing Gerbils for their kids. 
For those that do not know, a Gerbil is about the size of a large mouse with a long tufted tail and kangaroo like hind feet. They're fast, bite hard, and are fun. (I used to own them as a kid for many years and loved them).
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 They actually aren’t that well known, even though you can always find them in pet shops next to the hamsters. I wonder why they chose gerbil over say, mice or rats or hamsters. I get the feeling there was some inside joke among the writers here. 
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Snake guy. Got it. 
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Marc… “That man just ate a gerbil! Why does it set off all my emergency alarm bells?” 
So... After that... Marc calls up Frenchie on his radio and tells him that he's tailing a car and gives him details on the vehicle. 
"Oui, Marc, what's up?" 
"I'm not sure... Maybe nothing." 
MARC SPECTOR. You just watched a man eat a gerbil in a pet shop....WHOLE. What do you mean 'Nothing'?!
He tails the car to an old run down mansion . 
"That's the old Borgwardt estate--It's been taken over by something called Save Our Society... Time to head home." 
Frenchie confirms the car info with Marc. It is registered to the SOS non-profit agency that is privately funded by physicians. 
"Sort of an east coast version of the Betty Ford Clinic. Why would a man eat a gerbil?" 
Marc… You have fought werewolves. You fought a literal rat king. We’ve seen you fight ghosts and get your ass handed to you by a snake. 
AND WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!? Does Steven know you’re wearing his clothes? 
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He asks Frenchie to dig into the petstore's files and get him a credit card for the guy that ate the gerbil and an address. 
Meanwhile, we meander on over to the star of our show: 
"Punisher's War Journal-- I've been on the trail of Ralph Newton, a junkie who makes a living ripping off old ladies' social security checks. Two weeks ago he pushed a seventy year old woman down a flight of stairs and she died. Newton seemed to have disappeared, butt now I have a lead--This shooting gallery in the Bronx." 
For those of you unaware of the Punisher, here's a brief howdy-do for you! 
The Punisher, AKA, Frank Castle. Originally a VietNam vet who came back with a little PTSD. His family (wife and child) were murdered by the mafia and Frank decided he'd had enough of evil in the world. He makes it his life's work to hunt down and kill anyone that makes it a living to hurt people. 
Historically, the other heroes (ESPECIALLY DareDevil and Captain America) despise Frank and often rally the other heroes to try to hunt him down and stop him from continuing his war on crime. 
He got his start in a Spider-Man comic of all places and branched out from there. 
Frank is a pretty gruff and serious man and depending on who is writing him and what series you are reading, he can be pretty violent. 
War Journal was a very popular series where he drives around in his Battle Van and writes about his missions. It works nicely because Frank isn’t much of a social man. So if you rely on the story conversations, like in all the other comics, you aren’t going to get much. But having him writing things down in his journal you get a beautiful narration that reads like a Noir film and you also get a fantastic way to get to know Frank and how he thinks. I appreciate it. 
Often when Frank meets up with other heroes, there is a fight with them telling him he's wrong for killing and them eventually trying to stop him. 
Now, we know he's going to meet up with Marc in this. And I am so excited for you guys to see this epic encounter. 
So we see Frank in his usual attire walk up to a safe house and knock on the door. 
He gets the guy to open the door posing as a seller. 
Yeah. By now, everyone knows what it means when they see that skull design. 
"Junkies. I swear they don't feel pain. You've got to break something before they stop coming at you." 
Frank shoots all but one. He tells the remaining guy he's looking for Newton. 
Lucky for the junkie he says he last saw Newton going into a rehab clinic saying he was going to get straight. 
So Frank heads up to the clinic. It's a Save Our Society clinic. 
"The place reeks of sweat and stale cigarettes, ashtrays filled to overflowing." 
Man that's good Noir. 
Frank walks up to the main desk (in his street clothes, which just means he put on a turtle neck and a coat). 
"Department of social services. I'm here to verify our use of federal funds." 
"I'm sorry, sir. There must be some mistake. This clinic is privately funded --we receive no federal funds." 
"*SIGH* Sounds like another department screw-up. Could I speak to your director?" 
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(What works about this is that no one actually knows what Frank Castle looks like! He doesn’t need a disguise. Everyone knows him by what he wears. They see the giant skull and the guns. It WORKS. And Frank is surprisingly good at acting. He knows the system.) 
He's told that the director isn't in. She's Leona Hiss. (Hiss? Really? We're going there?) 
Frank heads to get info from Microchip. Hey! Microchip! I missed him! 
Microchip was Frank's old tech guy. He was the man in the van that would give Frank info and hack into things for him. 
I'd say they were good friends...But Frank doesn't have friends. I'd give you spoilers on what eventually happens to Microchip but... It's kinda a BIG spoiler and maybe someone here wants to head on over into Punisher land. So I'll leave it at that. (I came to Moon Knight from Punisher land. It was all thanks to this crossover comic… so I guess their ploy really does work sometimes.) 
Anyways... Microchip looks up this Leona Hiss person. 
A widow of an anesthesiologist who started the clinics to help drug addicts. He goes on and on and tells Frank it "Smells like a smoke screen. All her life, the lady shuns publicity. Now all of a sudden she's a big philanthropist?" 
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Man, look at that light and shadow in the first panel. This art team is amazing. 
Frank sets up position on a roof across from the clinic. 
"Clock Street's eerily alive at two A.M. I see a knife fight, several drug deals...Lights are burning in the clinic but no one's entered or left. There are guards on the roof. Better move.
I take position a block away, behind the clinic. I can easily make my way back over the rooftops--Nobody's watching back here. Overhead, a faint Whoosh. Some kind of high-tech chopper." 
Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. 
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(This art. This art is SLAYING.) 
Oh man. Look at this meet up. Frank and his shotgun, Moon Knight facing him down. 
They know who each other are! Every time Moon Knight meets up with someone he has to introduce himself! No one knows who he is! But Frank knows him. And Moon Knight doesn’t call him Frank. He knows who he is dealing with. 
Oh man, that cover called for such an epic showdown. Both ex-marines. Both know how to handle themselves. 
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“I presume we’re both interested in Save Our Society.” 
“Right this afternoon I saw a man eat a gerbil. He came from here.” 
“What’s his name?” 
"Helmut Snead. He used a solen credit card. Six feet, brown eyes, scar above his left eye." 
"Ralph Newton--A Junkie Murderer. What's he doing on Long Island?" 
"I don't know--But he didn't look like a junkie. I want to know how he got out of the South Bronx and into a fancy clinic." 
"How would you take this guy out?"
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This is incredible. You have no idea. 
Frank doesn't have friends. Frank doesn't do team-ups. Frank is brutal and tells it like it is. 
And this isn't Frank being the victim to a new writer making nice in someone else's ball park. This is a PUNISHER comic. Moon Knight is the visitor. 
And on that note... MARC doesn't have friends. MARC doesn't play well with others. We literally just came off of him being a part of the West Coast Avengers and leaving because he doesn't team well! 
And here these two are, meeting for the first time and being BFF. 
In fact, the fact that they already know who one another is despite never meeting means that they have heard others talk about them. And when people talk about the Punisher or Moon Knight, they generally don't have good things to say! 
So these two heard "Yeah he's a brutal lunatic" they went "I gotta meet this chap." 
I can't stress enough how amazing this is. 
Frank is even asking Moon Knight to show how he'd take down a guy. He wants to see how Moon Knight works. And Moon Knight is letting Frank go first. 
THIS in itself is amazing. Why? Because we have two highly skilled specialists from a high combat militarized zone that were both known for ambush settings and traps. 
They know everything about this building isn't reading right, they have seen some guards and they don't know what's going on inside. So they are essentially walking into an unknown through a closed space doorway into a stairwell with numerous blind spots and possibilities for traps/ambushes. 
If it were anyone else, Marc would go first to clear the way and possibly take that first hit because he knows he can take it. 
BUT. If you REALLY look at it, Frank is older than Marc. Frank went to 'Nam. Frank has been at this longer and has turned New York into his own personal jungle. 
He offers Frank the lead out of respect AND because he knows and Frank knows that if anything is out of the ordinary, Frank will spot it FIRST and deal with it. 
This is grade A military tactics and my lord it’s beautiful. 
And you know what? 
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Frank’s history is that he was team leader. And when Marc gives him lead, Frank takes it and Marc RESPECTS him. They are both used to working in this sort of setting. 
And when you think about it, Marc was NEVER the leader. He followed other people. Bushman was his leader. Marc joined other groups and let other people tell him what to do. If he didn’t like it, he went off and joined a new group. 
So when Frank says “Hold it….!” he is treading Marc like an officer under him and he has now automatically accepted Marc as following him and thus putting him under his protection. This is beautiful. I could wax on about this all day you guys. 
Uh… Back to the comic. So… Frank spots a Black Mamba that’s sluggish from being in a cold setting. 
Marc makes light chatter (he’s kinda of a goof and light chatter is what he does.) Frank quiets him. He knows there’s trouble ahead. 
In the next room, we find a junky going through withdrawal and begging the doc to hurry up. 
The 'doctor' injects him with something just as Frank and Marc bust in. 
"Hello, Ralph. I didn't know you had a license to practice medicine... And only last week you were a lousy junkie..." 
"Drop the needle." 
"I don't think so.... SSSST!" 
And the 'Doctor' suddenly has a snake tongue and snake eyes. 
This bodes well. 
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Frank opens fire on his target and it hardly phases him. 
"What have we stumbled into? They move slowly but they don't feel any pain." Moon Knight calls out while pummeling one of the snake guys. 
"It's the cold. [....] Reptiles. The colder it gets, the slower they move. You saw Ralph eat a gerbil--Snakes eat gerbils. This place looks like a herpetology lab." 
Very astute Frank. 
They manage to take down all the snake guys and Moon Knight asks if he recognizes any of them. 
Frank recognizes a couple of them as crackheads and various junkies. 
They find Ralph to be a card carrier for S.O.S. 
"Last week he's a junkie with an armful of holes and this week he's front man for a fancy long island cure club." 
"I think we know where to go next. Why don't you come with me in the chopper?" 
"Thanks, I will." 
So... Frank takes a ride in Marc's chopper. 
"Nice set-up. How do you keep the engines so quiet?" 
"It's a new kind of fiberglass packing." 
And they arrive back at the mansion. 
"Come on in--I've got a war room. We'll do a little digging." 
"This place is a little ostentatious, don't you think?" 
"There are so many private choppers flying in and out of the neighborhood nobody notices mine--Especially at night. The surrounding mansions and trees also cover our entrances and exits from the concealed hangar." 
I don't think that's what he meant by ostentatious, Marc. 
Inside, Frank, Marc, and Frenchie stand around a table with some maps. 
Marc tells Frank about the Borwardt estate he initially tracked snake man to earlier. 
"I ran a check on cult leaders and you'll never guess who was released from a federal prison last month--Viper." 
Frenchie tells Frank who Viper is. 
"She used to head up zat facist group Hydra, zen she went solo. She was busted in connection with the so-called snake riot in washington last year...[....] A mass hallucination where people believed they turned into snakes. I also learned that Viper was recently sprung from prison by a Dr. Tyrone." 
We head on over to SOS where we see a green lady, "Madam Viper". 
She is in a room of snake men who are 'newly converted'. 
They say they are hungry and Viper tells them that they have "a rabbit, five hamsters and a gerbil. We'll have to make another run to the pet store soon." 
She has a bit of a thing for hitting people with a whip and demanding that they all call her 'Madame Viper'. 
She is then informed that the other clinic was hit and that Newton is dead. 
She sends the new snake men out to the yard for guard duty. She's pretty sure SHIELD is out to get her. Which makes sense since she worked for Hydra. 
Unfortunately for her, it's far from shield. 
Overhead, we find the Moon Copter flying by and Moon Knight drops in with his cape and Frank drops in on a glider. 
The guards immediately open fire on them and Frank returns fire. 
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….I don’t know if I should count this as a window dive or not. It’s tempting. I’m not going to count it. He decides to abstain from window entrance for once. 
Unfortunately for Frank, he runs in without checking around and Marc isn't there to watch his six. 
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Madam Viper jumps him and injects him with a serum. 
Now... Unfortunately for her... Frank has never responded well to drugs of any sort. He's got a history of this not going well for people that try to drug Frank Castle. 
He doesn't go down. 
In fact, it actually makes him go a little berserk. A berserk Frank Castle is NEVER something anyone wants to face. 
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He’s doing fine. 
She makes a run for it. 
Elsewhere, Moon Knight is fighting his own snake man army. 
"Lets of gunfire and then it stopped! The time to start worrying about Punisher is when the gunfire stops.
Viper injects one of her larger helpers turning him into a very large and strong snake man. 
Moon Knight faces off with the big snake guy. His usual methods of just 'hit it as hard as I can' doesn't work. They don't feel pain thanks to the drugs. 
He's wearing a heat pack to keep him moving so Moon Knight decides to take this outside and....WINDOW! WE GOT A WINDOW! 
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I mean… This one was legit. And he was exiting with a good reason… But I’m still counting it. 
Heat pack removed and out in the cold air, the lizard guy goes down easy. 
Moon Knight goes to find the Punisher now. 
He finds a room full of bodies and Frank in the middle having a lovely hallucination time. 
In the window outside, Marc watches a rocket thing take off with Viper escaping in it to fight another day. 
Marc manages to distract frank with his crescent darts, moving them around and letting the light reflect off of them in a hypnotic way. This lets him get close enough to take away Frank's gun. 
At this point, Frank calms down and the adrenalin that was coursing through his system and probably helping to stave off the toxic affects of the drugs wears off. 
Frank goes into convulsions and Moon Knight moves to get him out of there. Not to mention the cops are starting to show up and they need to leave. 
The cops have never been fans of Punisher (Despite what the right wing wants you to think when they put punisher logos on their giant trucks) and Frank has never liked the cops. Time to leave! 
Marc takes Frank back to his mansion and puts him to bed. 
I kid you not. 
This... This is a thing that happens a lot. He did the same thing to Jack Russel. Just... Take the drugged up guy home and let him sleep it off in his big bed in the mansion. 
Frank has a rough night, hallucinating and putting up a big of a fight but he sleeps it off. 
The next day, he wakes up feeling a bit better. 
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And it ends here. Frank heading off to his next mission and Marc casual as hell as he watches his new buddy leave. 
Again I’m going to say it. WHAT. 
You don’t understand just HOW bizarre this issue was. ON BOTH SIDES. Frank was so…NICE… Marc was so amendable! They acted like long lost friends! WHAT WAS WITH THE CONSTANT REFERENCES TO GERBILS?! Why does Marc keep putting drugged up men in his bed? Why was he wearing Steven’s clothes? I have so many questions.
And from this casual weird encounter… An obsession was born. 
ALRIGHT. Let’s talk about why this works. (This is gonna get long. You can stop here if you don't want to hear me ramble and are just here for the comics).
In the Marvel universe (616), we have a lot of veterans of different wars. 
WWII has Captain America, Bucky, and Nick Fury
Vietnam has Frank Castle. 
Wolverine....a lot of wars. All the wars. Every war. 
Apparently Charles Xavier was in the Korean war (I didn't know that) 
Ben Grimm was in the Marines before his space accident (Awww. Another thing for him to bond with Marc over.) 
Then of course you have Carol Danvers who worked for the CIA in the cold war.
Rhodes (War Machine) who was in Afghanistan and Vietnam. 
There are a LOT of veterans of different wars and different time periods (Marvel time is a soup). 
The initial problem was which war. And this is where we are going to once more step onto the Drifting Pieces History soap box. 
We all know the saying “There’s no good war”. But that’s not right. Not according to politics and public opinion. 
To be a veteran of WWII was a noble and good thing. You fought a clear cut enemy, (nothing worse than a Nazi) liberated suppressed people, and most important, you came home a winner. 
What’s that? There was another war? In Korea? Never heard of that one. We totally didn’t go to Korea and fail miserably and we certainly aren’t going to talk about what happened over there. 
Oh look, Vietnam! The first publicly broadcasted war. Not like “The Whole World is Watching”. Oh no, the average citizen is suddenly getting their first look at what happens in war. Oh no, it’s not as nice and pretty as it’s supposed to be. No one talked about the atrocities that were committed by the good guys in WWII! And the Korean War certainly didn’t happen. 
This was the first war where American soldiers came home and were shunned. They were booed. They lost their jobs, lost their homes, and lost their families. Disgraced and forgotten by their country and their people. 
So we have nice shiny Captain America. A literal representation of the good of America and ideal soldier, punching Nazi and saving people in WWII. 
Then we have Frank Castle, a dirty soldier from Vietnam. I’m sure people screamed “Baby killer” at him fresh off the plane. What’s that? Frank served THREE tours in Vietnam?! He was the sole survivor of a huge ambush? He was awarded the Medal of Honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Navy Cross, Silver and Bronze stars, and four Purple Hearts? That don’t mean shit to the average citizen that only cares about two things: 1. We lost. 2. We shouldn’t have been there in the first place. 
So he comes home, one of the best Marines in the business, and he’s got nothing. 
He gets married to a sweetheart, has two kids (a little girl and boy), and settles in living an ideal life. A quiet life. Too quiet. Frank’s got a little PTSD going on and he was very good at what he did. He didn’t want to leave. He was good over there. He was respected. He was needed. 
But he’s doing the best he can. Until that’s taken away from him in an event he’d seen over and over again in war. Blazing gun fire and his family is gone. 
He gets revenge. But there’s a problem. He isn’t seen as a loving family man that takes down the people that murdered his kids and wife. He’s seen as a violent ex-soldier from Vietnam that’s gone crazy and is shooting up the place. 
They say that for Frank, “the war never ended. It just changed missions.” 
And all these other Heroes that are also veterans? They came from good wars. Captain America spouts speeches of being a Good Soldier at Frank. He doesn’t know what it’s like to question if the bad guy really is the bad guy. 
If Frank hadn’t of been such a family man, he would have made an amazing mercenary. The best there was. 
But then you have Marc Spector. He went to war to escape trauma. He was good. He was VERY good at what he did. And dollars to donuts, he heard about another Marine that was also very good named Francis Castiglione. 
But Marc could only be good so long as it wasn’t obvious that his mental illness was a thing. Even if he lied signing up for the military, when he took the jobs working for SHIELD and the CIA, they HAD to know about his history in the mental hospital. But the second he starts to dissociate in public, he’s kicked out. Can’t have a mentally ill person hanging out around all those weapons, right? I’m sure that’s what they told themselves as they kicked him to the curb. 
Marc could have gone home here. He’d have been a disgraced hero, sitting on the side of the road on a Veteran hat asking for change. But Marc was still running. He didn’t have a childhood sweetheart waiting for him. He had trauma. 
So Marc carries on the mission and he’s GOOD. And he’s a follower. He likes being told what to do. It prevents him from thinking and taking responsibility. If people get hurt, it isn’t his fault. 
Now Frank is very thorough. There’s a chance that the first time he hears about a new Superhero showing up in Manhattan he immediately looks into it. He’s got access to SHIELD info. He finds out who Marc Spector is and he sees another soldier that was let down by his country. Another soldier that was looking to make a wrong right despite how the war went. 
And Marc? Frank’s a hero. He’s tough. He does what needs to be done to keep people safe. Frank’s a leader and he takes care of his soldiers. 
They look at one another and see soldiers struggling to find their place here in the normal life again because they never HAD normal lives to begin with. 
Moon Knight is the only one who can probably understand where Frank is coming from and not judge him. 
Much later on in the comics, when Moon Knight is desperately trying to fit in with the Avengers and be a better hero, we see him come up against Frank again. Frank understands what Moon Knight is trying to do and he asks him if he really thinks it’s going to work. 
And despite how everything else was going in that particular run (a lot. A lot was going), it was a very real moment. Frank saw through him. I’ll get more into it later when we eventually get there. But man… These two together both make me so happy and also break my heart. 
ANYWAY. Uh… Long extended explanation over! I love this issue with my whole everything. 
This writer? This artist? Why couldn’t THEY have been the ones to take over the Marc Spector run? They get it! Look how pretty they make him! Look at all that cape action! 
They even get the dichotomy of Marc in this time. We may not have STEVEN, but did you see the way Marc was dressed in the mansion? How very Steven -esque. Even the way he treats Frank at the end there. 
UGH I could go on about this all day. I’m going to stop here before I write a dissertation. I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT THIS OKAY.
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potato-jem · 2 years
hello nero my beloved soulmate,
look what just came in the mail!!!
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it took a lot of time but i’m so happy now!!! this is honestly the best thing ever 😭😭😭 seeing all my beloved babies still being happy and in love, all these drawings old and new and the journey of the story made me so emotional 🥺 they all mean so much to me and now i feel the urge to get another heartstopper tattoo
o mean all those pages and drawings about pride? just after we got the cast at pride recreating them just a few months ago??? and the new drawings?? THE NEW TARA AND DARCY COMIC??? i’d missed them all so much
and seeing nick and charlie as they were first drawn was so cute 🥺
i loved it all so much. once again i don’t know how i’m supposed to get back into the world tomorrow and pretend my life hasn’t just been fundamentally changed by this book. i just wanna stay home and stare at these pictures, possibly sitting by a window with the rain tapping on the glass.
anyway how are you, love?? how are you feeling?? i really miss talking to you every single day
and, as for our last letter i didn’t get the chance to reply to, i’m still picturing how soft it must have been to have a sweet kid pick you as their favourite and give you all their love 🥺 they really sound like the cutest and sweetest kid
i’m giving you a kiss on the forehead and a warm cup of biscoff latte, and asking you if you want to stay home with me under a blanket fort reading and listening to the sounds of a storm in the background <3
hello cece my beloved soulmate,
OH MY GOD YAY! i loved it so so much! just like you said, it was so nice to see the characters still so in love and happy together 🥺🥺 and i also loved to see alice’s journey in creating it, it was so fascinating to see how much is involved in creating heartstopper (and yes i totally understand about the tattoo, i want to see if i can come up with another idea)
YES YES THE PRIDE PAGES WERE MY FAVOURITE! i just remembered the cast at pride while i was looking at them and i was so filled with emotion. and the new tara and darcy comic made me so happy, i loved it!
nick and charlie as their first drawings were so cute 🥺🥺 but i also loved seeing how alice developed her art style!
i think i’m going to use “once again i don’t know how i’m supposed to get back into the world tomorrow and pretend my life hasn’t been fundamentally changed by this book,” everyday now. i only wish to just sit in my room and stare at it all day.
i’m good!! i just finished all my classes for uni this week, so that’s one year done! it’s gone by so fast… i mean i still have a couple of weeks to just do assignments, but that’s all good. (i also got a really good mark on the essay i uploaded late?? i don’t even know how) how are you my love? i miss talking to you everyday too, you have no idea 😭😭
it really is the best, and the best part is i get to see them again today! i’m excited :D
cece, there would be nothing better than staying home with you under a blanket fort while it’s raining. i wouldn’t do anything else. i’m giving you a kiss on the forehead and i’m bringing some snacks and pillows for our blanket fort <3
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OC Intro: Kieran
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Important Note: This character sprung from me thinking “y’know what, some villains seem to champion narratives that would be very convenient for Hollywood to demonize, don’t they?” and my subsequent clumsy attempts to reclaim that trope, centered around one of my own passions. Kieran is decidedly not meant to achieve that same goal of demonization, but it also goes without saying that I do not condone all the murder stuff. I am not a writer, I do not have experience or expertise at the deft handling of sensitive political topics, and at the end of the day Kieran is just a silly little guy I cooked up in my head!
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Name: Kieran (chosen/alias)
Age: 24
Genre: Comic-Book-Style Universe
Occupation: Kieran likes to call it “vigilante justice”. Some would call it murder. In Kieran’s opinion, those people would be misinformed.
Profile: Loading…
user_Kieran: override_key(REDACTED)
Profile: If you’d asked [_____] about her occupation a few years ago, she would’ve told you she’s a student in her university’s Department of Climate Science and Sustainability, and that she’s working for the team in charge of a weather satellite as a part-time job. Unfortunately, working for those “eyes in the sky” brings some extra eyes of your own on you, these days.
After a run-in with a power she doesn’t understand leaves her with some… unusual alterations to her biology, [_____] was “rescued” by the government-run Exobiology Division. Deemed a danger to society and a risk to her own safety, she was declared dead on any official documents and kept in a special hospital (for her own safety, of course. Purely for her own safety).
Mass chaos breaks out within the hospital a few years later when a gap in security is found by one of the “patients”. [_____] escapes along with most of the others.
She finds herself suddenly out on the streets with no real allies, no legal identity, and no way of continuing the life she once had without endangering their old friends and family. She has nowhere to turn, and no ordinary human would trust her and take her in with the way she looks. Except… there’s the people all those ordinary humans gave up on already. The ones who’ll take in almost any type of person willing to work. The villains.
[_____] doesn’t want to hurt people, but she doesn’t want to die either. She figure she’ll just join these guys for now until she gets on her own two feet. But a couple weeks turns into a couple months, and she’s in too deep now. She even finds a new name for herself: Kieran. She’s kind of getting used to this exhausting, but free, way of life. Still, even though she’s just doing small odd jobs — a small role in a heist here, a bit of hacking there — the guilt of working as a villain is starting to weigh on her. She needs to work towards something better, something big.
See, back when Kieran went off to university for environmental sciences, she had these grand aspirations of helping to save the world. She was hoping to do that in a more above-board manner, but those days of data sets and engineering solutions are laughably out of reach now. But the way she sees it, we’re all still hurtling Mother Earth flaming off of a cliff, pretty much. We’re all still dying.
Kieran’s sick of waiting around for the guys in charge to decide when she’ll die.
This new world Kieran lives in doesn’t have so many rules, now. She’s smart, she has applicable skills, and she has a little more emotional intelligence than some of her new “colleagues”. She knows she just needs to climb the social ladder of this loose network of self-proclaimed “villains” for long enough. Then, she can get connected to some people who have a bit of real power.
From there it’s info. Names of the ones in charge, the ones who hurt Kieran. Lists upon lists. Whose finances are held up by whom? Which organizations are subsidiaries of the other? Who’s really calling the shots? As her hunger for illicit knowledge drives them on, Kieran meets a couple old hats in the organization who aren’t so bad, actually. One takes her on as a protégé of sorts, teaches her the ropes.
Then it’s security — the targets’ and Kieran’s. How to cover your tracks. How to uncover someone else’s. How to buy secrets. How to take over that out-of-the-way warehouse without actually putting your name down on paper.
Hey, don’t look at Kieran like that. She needs a home base, and she was sick of staying in that compound with those insufferable supervillain wannabes. No one was using that old warehouse anyways.
From here, Kieran can really start planning. She’s beginning to get their head around it all now: who hurt her and why, and who’s in charge of running this sinking ship underneath the waves.
Kieran will teach them all why what they did was wrong.
And all of them will listen.
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vohtaro · 2 years
3, 8, 19, 21 for the ask game :-]
weirdly specific artist ask game !
(answers got long oops)
3. What ideas come from when you were little
in general, i don't know that i really use ideas from when i was little. but i do have one example that comes to mind: i remember when i was innnnnnn 3rd grade? i drew a tiger for some assignment. it was a tiger drinking from a lake, and i remember being so proud of myself for how i had drawn it. i mean, really, i'd basically stared at a reference and copied it. it wasn't divine ingenuity or anything KDJGHSK. but, it really made me love tigers. for some reason, drawing that tiger made me so appreciative of the animal and i became rather obsessed w them for a while. i genuinely wish i still had that drawing somewhere. i'd love to just how wonk that tiger i drew really was LMAO
the reason i bring that up is that this past year was the year of the tiger, and to celebrate tigers, i drew this . the idea was very fun for me and reminded me of a long-ago dream of mine which was to become some kind of animal caretaker.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
-glances nervously at my wip graveyard-
there are a couple stand-out ones in my head. there's a comic idea i've had since february (oh almost a year ago 🚶‍♂️) about the specific moments in which madara changed from the moment of izuna's death to the point he decides to investigate the tablet. it's born from the "you've changed" dialogue from VotE bc madara says it towards hashirama but i was thinking about how madara had changed too and particular/episodic moments that caused a shift in him. the idea exploded from maybe 3-4 pages to like 17 and i have never made a long-form comic before, so i got overwhelmed the more time went by. there are so many pieces i like but my utter inexperience has essentially killed the project for now. i'd like to come back to it one day, but it may be a long time from now. to say i've lost interest in it isn't quite true, but i haven't been pursuing it because i often open what i have and get frustrated and stop LMAO
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
c-can i say none KDSJHGJKS
i think it's obv that i'm very comfortable drawing figures… perhaps a little too comfortable. this is a feeling i've honestly been wrestling with the past few weeks. i do genuinely wish i liked drawing nature especially. i feel like i could really enjoy that, but i haven't given myself the opportunity to explore that, and every time i think about doing it, my discomfort becomes painfully clear to me to the point i scrub any evidence of it from things i do finish.
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
yoshitaka amano is an artist i really enjoy. i found him through a friend on twt and have enjoyed exploring what to me is such a vastly different approach artistic expression. his devaloka series is particularly fascinating to me and has inspired some personal work.
example from devaloka series (more can be found here)
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yayoi kusama is a traditional artist who really just has an insanely diverse portfolio. there is a great documentary called "yayoi kusama: infinity" which not only explores her life but also the concept of infinity through her artistic vision. (the documentary has some heavy subject matter, so please be advised)
i am personally fond of her infinity nets (image from this article)
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
In trying to find an old NaNo novel (the outlawed comics one--if you saved a copy, please let me know), I went to my lj to see if it was there, and I found my Aristocrats joke! It's 1500 words. I'm very proud of it.
Absolutely NSFW and utterly terrible. If you are not familiar, "The Aristrocrats" is a joke meant to be as awful and gross as possible. It's best just to send you to wikipedia for an explanation than try to do a better job than them.
This guy walks into a talent agent’s office. He’s in a top hat and tails. He stands in the middle of the office and taps his cane on the floor twice. “I have the show for you!”, he tells the talent agent.
The talent agent looks him up and down and decides to give him a chance. “What’s your act?” he asks the man.
“It’s a family act, sir,” says the man. “Let me bring my family in here.” He walks back over to the door and opens it. A woman, two children, an older couple, a dog, a cat, and a ferret walk into the office. The woman is wearing a beautiful beaded dress cut down to the bottom of her breasts. The children, a boy and a girl, are dressed in dark blue suits. The boy is in pants and the girl is in a skirt. They are both wearing black dress shoes. The elder couple are dressed in a fine tuxedo for the man and a long red dress for the woman. The dog, the cat, and the ferret are all wearing diamond studded collars. The man gestures to each of them in turn. “This is my wife”, he points to the woman in the beaded dress. She performs a perfect curtsey. “These are my children,” The boy and girl bow and curstey. “And these are my parents,” the older couple bow and curtsey. “And these are our pets. The dog is Majesty,” the dog jumps on his hind legs and takes three steps forward, then three steps back. “The cat is Tybalt,” the cat takes a step forward, performs a triple somersault, and lands on the dog’s back. “And the ferret is Prince Valient,” the ferret climbed up on the talent agent’s desk, balanced on its front feet, and flipped onto the back of the cat.
The talent agent was unimpressed. “Is that it?”
“No, sir. We’re just getting started.” The man walked up behind his wife, flipped up the back of her dress, and started fucking her doggy style. She, in turn, grabbed her father, ripped open his pants, and started sucking his dick. The older man grabbed his wife, spun her around, and started fucking her up the ass with a twelve-inch black dildo. The older woman grabbed her granddaughter lifted up her skirt, and shoved a fist into her cunt. The daughter grabbed her brother, ripped off his pants and started fucking him in the ass with the cane the father had used to walk into the room. The son grabbed the dog, lifted its tail and started fucking it. The dog started eating out the cat, and the cat started blowing the ferret. They are one long fuck-chain, starting with the father and ending with the ferret.
Suddenly, the father pulls out of the wife, smacks her into a wall, pulls the grandfather away from the grandfather and starts fucking the grandfather in the ass. The grandfather yanks the dildo out of the grandmother, slams it into his granddaughter’s mouth, and starts fucking the grandmother in the cunt.
The girl pulls herself off of her grandmother’s fist, takes the dildo out of her mouth, and walks over to the wall. She smacks her mother across the face with the dildo and starts eating her out.
The son keeps fucking the dog, grabs the cat but the tail, spins it around, and sends it flying across the room. The cat hits the mother and takes a huge dump in her mouth. The mother takes the shit, shoves her daughter away from her, walks across the room and smears the shit on her husband’s face. The husband pulls out of the grandfather, pulls out a pair of white gloves, slips them on and proceeds to perform a black face routine.
Meanwhile, the grandfather pulls out of the grandmother, cums all over her tits and face, and starts fucking his grandson. The grandmother walks over to the man, grabs him by the ears, and starts slamming his face against the talent agent’s desk. The mother takes the cane the daughter had been using on the son and shoves it up the cat’s ass. She then walks around the room proclaiming herself queen of the cats.
The son pulls out of the dog’s kicks it in the teeth, and shoves the ferret up his ass. The daughter straps on a sixteen-inch dildo and starts fucking the grandmother while the grandmother starts sucking off the father. The father wipes the blood off of his face from where he’s been beaten against the desk, and uses the blood to draw swastikas all over the grandmother’s face. The mother takes the cat on the cane and starts hitting people in the back of the head. She takes the other end of the cane, shoves it up the dog’s ass, and the dog and cat run around the room with the cane hanging between them. The grandfather grabs the cane and spins it above his head like a baton. It gets stuck in the ceiling fan.
The grandmother finishes sucking off the father and starts screaming racial slurs at the top of her voice while her daughter pulls an American flag out of a bag and takes a huge piss on it. She then grabs the son, shoves him onto the piss-soaked flag and starts fucking him while cutting him with a rusty razor. The daughter pulls the ferret out of the son’s ass and shoves it down the grandfather’s throat. The grandfather starts sucking the ferret like a dick while the granddaughter takes a huge shit on her grandmother’s chest. The grandmother takes the shit and builds a sand castle, which she tops with a Nazi flag.
The father takes a plant from the corner of the room, a large ficus, digs a hole in the dirt and shoves his dick into it. While he fucks the plant his wife pulls a cactus out of her bag and shoves it up his ass. She then goes to the daughter and starts beating her with a leather strap. The grandmother vomits into the son’s mouth and jerks him off. He cums all over her tits and face, and she smears it into a portrait of George Washington. The grandfather picks up the dog by its back legs and starts eating it out while the cat climbs onto the daughter’s back and starts ass-fucking her while her brother spits the vomit into her cunt.
The father yanks the cactus out of his ass and blood and shit spew everywhere. The mother takes an aloe plant out of her bag and shoves it up his ass to stop the blood and shit. The ferret jumps out of the grandfather’s mouth and slides around in the shit and blood. He lands on the flag and starts humping it. The son grabs the ferret by the balls and shoves it up his sister’s cunt. The sister smears her brother’s blood all over the walls and starts jerking off her father and grandfather while she sucks off her brother’s dick.
The ferret wiggles free of the girl’s cunt and shoves itself up the grandmother’s ass while she straps on a dildo and starts fucking the girl up the ass. The mother straps on a dildo and starts fucking the girl up the cunt. The brother, father, and grandfather all come at the same time and shower the mother, grandmother, and daughter in cum. They sing “It’s Rainin’ Men” in perfect pitch as they are covered in bukkai.
The father pulls the aloe plant from his ass, pisses in the pot, and throws it against the wall. The grandfather reaches into the mother’s bag and pulls out a small box with a lock. He grabs the grandmother, shoves a hand up her cunt, and pulls out a key. He uses the key to unlock the box and pulls out a ball gag and handcuffs. He shoves the ball gag in the granddaughter’s mouth and starts beating her with the handcuffs.
The granddaughter comes and squirts vomit and ejaculate from her cunt. The grandmother grabs her by the ball gag and uses it to throw her against the floor. The mother and grandmother start beating the shit out of her with a spare chair in the office.
The son pulls another chair across the room, sits down, and starts reciting Hitler’s greatest speeches while fucking the cat in the ass and getting fucked in the ear by his father. The father comes in the son’s ear and uses some of the cum to draw a Hitler mustache on his son’s face. The son jumps up, and keeps fucking the cat while he goosesteps across the room with one hand held up in a ‘heil’ position.
The daughter drags herself up off the floor from her beating and starts reciting the collected works of Edgar Allen Poe while she pulls a crucifix out of her mother’s bag and shoves it up her cunt. The mother pulls out the Bible and starts ripping out pages while reciting the twenty-third Psalm and taking it up the ass from the dog.
The grandfather starts fucking the son who fucks the father who fucks the ficus. He strips the leaves off one end of the ficus and shoves it up the grandmother’s ass. Then he puts the plant down on the floor and leaves the grandmother impaled on the top while he bends over, grabs his ankles, and does a somersault that makes the grandfather’s dick pop out of his ass.
The mother finishes ripping up the Bible and throws it against a wall. The daughter walks over to the Bible, takes a huge shit on it and uses the shit to draw Satanic symbols on the wall over the Bible. She then takes the tattered remains of the Bible, folds them in half, and sets them on fire. She throws the Bible onto the flag, and the flag, covered in piss, shit, vomit, and blood, goes up in flames. The whole family jumps on the fire, writhes around screaming, and jumps back out, covered in burns. They then smack each other on the burns while screaming obscenities in seven languages and taking turns fucking the animals. The ferret dies while the grandmother fist fucks it, and the grandmother uses it as a puppet and performs the second act, third scene of “Romeo and Juliet”.
The dog lifts his leg and takes a piss to put out the fire caused by the Bible and the flag. It eats the burned remnants of the Bible and the flag and shits them out so that they spell out the first book of the Book of Mormon [it was a huge shit]. The cat climbs on top of the ficus, knocks it over, and rearranges the dirt so that it is a likeness of the Marque De Said. The whole family pauses for a moment, bows to the portrait, and then starts fucking a trio of midgets that have dropped from the ceiling on rip cords. After the midgets have been fucked in the ass, they start performing a tumbling routine in the piss and shit and vomit and blood and end in a stack that is three-high. The grandmother pulls out a crowbar and knocks each of the midgets in the back of the knees. They go flying, and the grandmother shoves the crowbar up the end of the grandfather’s penis. The midgets pull themselves up off the floor and overpower the grandmother. They shove their dicks into her cunt and fuck her in perfect three beat time.
The grandfather yanks the crowbar out of his penis and slams it into the back of the granddaughter’s head. She falls on her face in the shit, stands back up, and performs her own version of the blackface routine. The rest of the family smears their faces with shit and jumps into the black face routine. They stand in a row, with the three midgets standing in front of them, and break into a rendition of “Mamee” as the midgets put on Ku Klux Klan hoods and piss in a triple arc. They piss in the shape of a cross, and the dog clamps a match in his teeth that he lights on the floor and places on the piss cross. As it burns, the cat jumps into the middle of the flames and goes up in a flare. The flames go out and the cat is laid out in a representation of Jesus. The father steps forward, places a crown of thorns on the cat’s head, and the whole family bows to the cat.
The family stands back up, circles around the dog, and starts stabbing the dog with rusty knives. The grandfather starts beating the dog with the crowbar before picking up the cross that the daughter had used to fuck herself, and using it to brain the dog. The dog falls over dead, and the family cuts it into pieces and eats it raw. They then grab the midgets, spin them around by the their heads, and slam them into the walls. All the midgets die.
The family lines up again, performs a triple backflip in unison, and ends with the grandmother fucking the grandfather with a dildo, the grandfather fucking the mother, the mother fucking the father with a dildo, the father fucking the daughter, and the daughter fucking the son with a dildo. The son fucked the cactus. Everyone came, spewed cum everywhere and ended in a split.
The talent agent raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair. “What do you call this act?”
The family, one after the other, stepped with one foot out and spread their arms. The father spoke, “The Aristocrats.”
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parkers-gal · 4 years
requests | closed to complete current requests <3
last updated | aug 5th, 2021
do not repost my work anywhere !! respect this please. | fics are not ordered in any particular way. these headers are mine so pls don’t use/take them
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tom holland
insomnia - reader can’t get to sleep; tom finds out why
driving in the rain - fluffy dinner date and rainy drive back home
workouts and warmth - when all tom wants is some after-workout cuddles
from across the living room - announcing your engagement to your families
the one - you want to move out and get your own place as a couple, but tom doesn’t. nikki talks to him. 
anything for the twins - tom massages reader’s boobies during her period
moms, makeouts, and mishaps - nikki walks in during your makeout sesh
simple acts of intimacy - a fluffy 3.1k words worth of blurbs
silver surprises - the reader surprises tom at a premiere
twenty questions - questions ensue after tom & reader get stuck in an elevator
my gut - spinoff of twenty questions with claustrophobic!reader (tw/ anxiety + attacks)
stealth mode - tom & reader scaring each other
unicorns vs pegasuses - tom shuts the reader up by kissing them
a good story - tom meets reader at a meet & greet — friendships blossom to lovers
deal breaker - tom wants kids, but the reader does not
his lap - reader asks for help in overcoming an insecurity; tom misreads the situation
pool day - pool day w/ tom + the boys
hot - the reader picks a certain song that reminds her of tom - the boys go wild
grounded by rocks - tom talks about you in an interview for cherry
your hands - when all he wants is a simple head massage
late flights - in which tom takes too much time with the fans
nobody wanted to - where only one person makes it out alive
way more than 50 - the hollands trick the reader into thinking they did something they weren’t supposed to 
why [ pt ii ] - sweet cupcakes, and a not so sweet breakup
what looks suspicious - nikki doesn’t exactly approve of tom dating the reader
something sweet - reader drops off small gifts while tom’s on set
he remembers - when tom finds the letter
missed you - reuniting w/tom after four long months
soft gangsta - tom tries to dress edgy; the reader is unconvinced
the shoe game - reader & tom play the shoe game at their wedding
too much - when the reader has a rough time with work, tom comforts them
losing grip [ pt ii ] - a losing battle between the reader and a hereditary disease causes heartbreak
your captain america - protective!tom holland of young reader (age gap)
sexy genius - reader is a fan of (and meets) jake gyllenhaal
teddy bear cuddles - tom wears an oversized hoodie
nonsense - the boys think the reader is meddling with tom’s work
circles before yourself - rule #2 - osterfield!reader gets caught with tom
seventeen times - when the reader is having a hard time in lock down, tom tries to help (TW // depression)
pixie dust hair - tom assures insecure!reader that the pixie haircut looks good <3
a few more months - reader passes out during a run; tw // excessive exercising
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tiktok au’s
body ody ody - tom gets a little jealous over a few social media comments 
sweats in the supermarket - getting tom hard when he wears sweats
put your records on - trying not to kiss each other first
mood killer - saying dirty things into tom’s ear
say it back - pranking tom by not saying ily back to him
two different ways - tom choking the reader to get two different reactions 
brutal - doing the “did you mean to post this?” trend on tom 
worst thirty minutes of my life - playing a drinking game with tom to see who gives into cuddles first
my girl’s cuddles - crawling into tom’s lap 
even - buying hot leggings & taping tom’s reaction 
goofball - a silly way to reveal reader’s pregnancy to tom 
end the debate - “i found out why my boobs are small” trend
slam the car door - doing the car door prank on tom 
water bottle wars - the boys ask you and tom questions about each other. wrong answers result in sprayed water 
get you back real good - you & the boys prank tom after watching a scary movie 
peachy - sighing / moaning in front of tom playing video games to get his reaction
my princess - tom does a tiktok where he guesses all your answers to everyday questions
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needles and needs - when scarlet has to get shots, you realize she may not be the only one that needs comforting
all my girls - scarlet meets her baby sister for the first time (dad!tom)
everything i love about u - tom is afraid baby red might hate him for leaving home too much
a little extra help - stepdad!tom being the best dad to your daughter
through the tears - pregnant!reader goes into labour, and baby holland meets the family
first feed - tom watches you breastfeed for the first time
warmth from the love - baby holland’s first Christmas
first words - baby holland speaks for the first time
breaking the internet - when your pregnancy announcement crashes multiple apps/websites (pregnant!reader)
breaking the internet... again - when baby holland breaks the internet
boyfriends and brunch - when jade brings home her boyfriend (aged!up)
big sister + how are babies made - telling scarlet about the baby on the way (pregnant!reader)
too many kids - the reader’s dad has some commentary about the twins
mumma’s girl - tom gets jealous when scarlet isn’t a daddy’s girl
angels - a little skin to skin time with his best girl
family man - after a nasty breakup, tom finds out you had his child
cheesy uncles - telling paddy he’s going to be an uncle
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ag!reader (more to come !!)
y’all really get nasty - tom and the fans discuss ag!reader’s songs
my favorite things - ag!reader performs in front of the mcu cast at the grammy’s
34 + 35 - the boys react to reader’s new song(s)
34 + 35 remix - the boys reacting to the remix
his remedy - the boys react to positions deluxe
neglected - AG!reader breaks up w tom because of their job; tom searches for answers
low-key wants him - reader talks about how much nonna (+ her fam) loves tom
see u soon - reader interacts with tom while on stage for the swt
a few spilled secrets - AG!reader performs on jimmy fallon’s show.. tom and her confess a few secrets
for the first time - when the reader breaks down crying while singing about her ex, tom is there to comfort her
dance with me, rain on me - reader has a hard time on set, tom to the rescue
every tomorrow - the first album release night after your breakup
here we go again - introducing tom (+ the boys) to your celebrity friends
condoms or safety nets - the boys react to AG!reader’s song “safety net”
we’re not engaged - AG!reader announcing to the world why they no longer have a fiance... (fluffy)
the late late show - AG!reader & tom do spill your guts or fill your guts
pain from pleasure - dad!tom goes through a birth simulator — controlled by the reader
never have i ever - tom & the reader play a game on the late late show
fluffy hair - ag!reader has a zoom interview with zach sang. tom makes an appearance
fighting off the haters - ag!reader and older!tom holland (age gap) attend an award show after going public
run your hands thru my hair - tom reacts to ag!reader’s song “my hair”
stick to acting - tom tries to make a beat for ag!reader
practically twins - reader meets sebastian & anthony at comic con
damn lucky - black!reader wears her hair naturally during an interview
what a piece - reader talks about tom related songs & tattoos
flip it - tom talks about reader in an interview
at the door - older!reader & tom fight off haters
a headcannon of ag!reader being a marvel cast member
a headcannon of tom & the reader attending the avengers endgame premiere
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styles!reader (more to come !!)
bathroom kisses - makeout sessions with tom and styles!reader in the bathroom
yeah, he is - tom holland x styles!reader meet the styles family; protective older brother harry makes an appearance
unparalleled love - older brother harry styles makes a speech at reader’s wedding
grilled - date night for tom & styles!reader is a bit difficult with two kids; older brother!harry to the rescue
baby showers and brothers - dad!tom & styles!reader are going to be parents
potential boyfriend - tom has a crush on the reader when they first meet
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ts!reader (more to come!!)
trust me - tom & the reader defend her after nikki doesn’t approve
your london boy - tom & co. + the world reacts to “london boy”
boy of my dreams - tom being proud of the reader for winning a grammy
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tom records your sounds during sex for his music (hc)
tom talks about you in an interview
concepts: one , two , three
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my pretty girl - tom gets jealous when reader gets many valentines
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other reader tropes
cherry - reader is a screenwriter for tom’s upcoming movie
no shouting - singer!reader needs some help after paparazzis are too much (based on a video of tom)
pregnancy belly - actress!reader has to wear a pregnancy belly for her role, and the boys tease tom about when it’ll be real
we march - actress!reader being a huge feminist
passions & pediatricians - pediatrician-to-be!reader meets tom
politics - reader’s granpa is joe biden (requested) and tom meets him
extra support - psychiatrist!reader helps tom on the set of cherry
you made it big - tom holland x actress!reader at the after party
partition - the boys react to famous!reader singing partition
senorita - singer!reader makes a music video with shawn, who’s tom’s new best friend
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boomerang: one , two , three , four [completed]
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peter parker
making amends
➢ enemies to lovers ; college!peter x super soldier!reader ; 30k words ; sorta slow burn
cheeky guy, favorite thighs - college!peter doing a tik tok challenge — between the reader’s thighs [tik tok au]
a little nicer - doing the prank on peter (”you could’ve been a little nicer to me today”)
start searching - first make out sessions with our best boy :)
hidden hickeys - the avengers think innocence of peter, until they’re proven wrong
the team - part two of hidden hickeys; reader meets the avengers
all of you - late night talks about your future with peter :’)
like you wouldn’t believe - reader tells mj about her & peter’s awesome sex
slip from my hands - roommate!peter comforts the reader after a nightmare
i’d wait for her - college!peter parker needs to come to terms with you and your boyfriend
shut up and kiss me - soft make out sessions with peter :)
all the good things in the world, and i get you - insecure!reader needs a little reassuring 
modern chivalry - peter being a gentleman on the subway
eggnog and mistletoe - peter helps you love the holidays
the force awakens? it sleeps - a little extra comfort & care from our favorite baby boyfriend 
a prince - wonder woman!reader meets spider-man (& avengers) in a mission
steve rogers fics - peter finds you reading fanfiction abt steve rogers
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fanboys and bracelets - fanboy!peter parker goes to famous!singer!reader’s meet and greet
fanboys and phone numbers - fanboy!peter parker continuation 
showing around - fanboy!peter gets VIP access; some dancing ensues
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stark!reader + avengers!reader
if you knew feelings - the avengers want you & peter to break up
sleeping - peter misinterprets a few important questions
the may to your ben - college!best friend!peter parker x stark!reader fluff
race ya - peter confesses his feelings for rogers!reader after a mission — on comms
frat bathrooms - stark!reader joins the avengers where she sees college!peter, the boy she slept with at a frat party
rainy days - reader doesn’t like rainy days, a certain wall-climber changes their mind
already got her - jealous!peter makes a public confession
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a nervous one - flustered!peter parker sees cheerleader!reader in her uniform
one day soon - flustered!peter parker x affectionate!reader
all better - flustered!peter parker does some lab flirting with reader
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dad!peter + pregnant!reader
unplanned  [ part ii ] - reader gets pregnant... breaks up with peter to avoid it all
burrito wraps - reader worries that baby parker might be cold
a name to remember - latine!reader & peter give their girl a special name
you’re magic - a certain wall crawler hears two heartbeats
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sgt. bucky barnes
first cuddles - bucky asks to cuddle for the first time
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harry holland
golden light, the love of my life - the boys tease harry —on a live video— for being whipped
it won’t f^cking open - harry lends a helping hand
how much i - those three magical words are exchanged for the first time
cuddly koala moments - time the reader just needed harry’s warmth
anything for hands - the reader cuts harry’s hair on instagram live
your other best friend - the reader is sam’s new friend, but harry thinks they like tom instead
you’re my anchor - harry has an anxiety attack, but the reader knows what to do
what’s his [ pt ii ] - when everything thinks the reader should date tom instead, harry snaps
whipped fries - harry brags about the reader winning the pub quiz for them
tell me, show me - the reader makes harry flustered by playing w/the strings from his sweatpants
keep your cool - tom setting u up with his brother // nikki being wary
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you’re such a dream to me — ag!reader writes r.e.m. about harry
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harry styles
intoxicating - soft bubbles baths with long haired!harry 
frayed braids - reader braids long haired!harry’s hair
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harrison osterfield
not anymore - when harrison comes back from filming, he’s determed to win the reader’s heart
irreversible - when relationships fall apart, people fall apart. (infidelity)
circles before yourselves - rule #1  - harrison x osterfield!reader (sister) when brothers talk, bad things begin
think of her - harrison asks your family for their blessing [holland!sister]
steve harrington
together not never - steve discovers the reader is pregnant
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soh-da-meatball · 3 years
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When did dad grow old?
I approached this comic with a much more simplistic lineart style, it's my first time attempting something like this (I think HAHA) and it was fun! it was really out of my comfort zone but I really liked it, I might try to approach more comics like this in the future!
Below the cut is a little open letter about why I drew this comic (cw: fear of losing parents, hospitals and general cheesiness!)
2 weeks ago, my dad was admitted into the hospital for chest pain. He had 2 clogged arteries in his heart and had to undergo surgery for it. 3 days later he was discharged and he’s now back to work. Just to not worry anyone, My dad is fine now, in fact it was almost like he never went to the hospital. He’s still lively and cracking jokes about his hospital stay, and we actually had a fight a week later over something silly, so he’s still got that spirit haha. I’m fine as well! I just needed to process some things through my art.
That morning when I received that slight frantic call from my mother regarding my father’s health, I had to stonewall my own emotions for the sake of my family to help each other pass this tough time with some stability. I didn’t want to admit to them that I was afraid, my father had undergo a similar surgery a couple years ago due to a heart attack, and this time the blockage was more severe.
In Chinese families, or at least in the traditional way that I was raised, emotions were shown through actions and not through words. My dad is very much like that, he’s a strong man that works hard behind the scenes for the sake putting food on the table, providing the clothes on our backs and making sure we received the best education we wanted. We didn’t have to worry about anything else but our studies and work, cause my pops took all the worry and stress and held it to himself, so that he could keep us safe and happy. Sometimes he would tell us that he cared, but it wasn’t often and it was only said during arguments.
My dad, to me is like the unwavering big tree in my life. He’s stable, he’s fun to play around, and you know he’s always there to provide shade whenever the sun got too hot or if you needed a place to rest, but he’ll never tell you how much his leaves could be wilting or what he could be going through. He’ll never tell me about all the health issues he has and he’ll always brush It off jokingly whenever I brought it up. And I always, naively assumed that my big tree will always be with me.
I was confronted with the mortality of my dad after that hospital admittance. Though it was always in the back of my head, it was brought to the forefront of my consciousness and I haven’t been able to stop viewing the days passing as one day less with my dad. I’m growing up, and my dad is growing old. I don’t want to imagine a time where I’d wake up and my big tree won’t be there anymore.
I wonder how does he feel when he sees me now, that I’m a working adult. It’s going to be 22 years he’s raised me, worked hard to make sure I never had to worry about anything I didn’t need to, and now I’m all grown up. I wonder what does he feel? Is he happy? Fulfilled? Proud?
I then continue to think, where has the time gone? Now I’m not saying I’m considered old by any means, but 22 years is a long time! I watch how my father interacts with my grandpa, how their dynamic certainly has shifted with age. My father would now be the one to take my grandpa to his doctors appointments, ask him about his health, or he’d bring up the idea of having my him move in with us so that he’d have someone to take care of him. I start to feel scared that one day this will be the dynamic my parents and I share as well. Of course, if and when that happens, I’ll gladly take care of them, but it’s just hard to think about, and watch your parents grow old.
I certainly feel powerless in the face of time, seeing it wear away at my parents and my old gramps, life is pretty uncertain and you never know what’s going to happen, and I don’t want them to know I’m already thinking about things like this, (it isn’t very auspicious!) but I can’t help it sometimes. Though there are times where I wish time wasn’t so slow, there are also times that I wished it could stay still all together, so I don’t have to say goodbye too soon.
This feeling is definitely not foreign to most of us, I drew this comic and projected my emotions onto our favourite Jellicles as a way to process these very upsetting thoughts, though it is difficult to think about, I also feel like it helps us shift things into perspective and see things in a bigger picture. It helps me appreciate all the memories, no matter big or small, that I share with the people I love.
Talking about this topic is difficult, I can’t get the words out without breaking down (embarrassingly, I almost did it on stream, thank you @mearchuimhne for putting up with me 💙), but hey if this topic makes you cry too, don’t worry, we can cry together, no one will know haha! Just like how no one will really know if I cried writing this or not ;’)
Thanks for staying till the end, the next post will be happier, I promise!
❤️ Soh
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blackbat05 · 3 years
Jason Todd x Reader
A/N: Finally doing another Jason Todd fic! I really love him ok he’s like one of the few I got into when I started to learn about comics. Hope you enjoy! Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
Genre: PG-13
Warnings: Self-doubt, cursing, trauma.
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(Gif may be unrelated but I love this style y’all so just let it slide)
Jason closes the door carefully, removing the necktie that was restricting him for the past five hours. He hated parties. He was the type to lounge around in his boxers, eating takeout food and watching serial dramas after a hard day’s work.
But under Alfred’s gaze, he could no longer squirm out again of Bruce’s many galas. So of he went, forcing a smile on his face as he pretended to be interested in how much they donated to his adoptive father’s charity or worse - being swarmed by air headed women who thought that he would be engaged in the conversation of their daily manicure sessions.
‘Hey Jay, saved some for you.’ Jason sees you in your pajamas, slurping on fried noodles and his heart feels like it’s about to burst with affection. For a guy like him that was trying to run from his complicated past, you provided a sense of clarity for him. Jason was a lucky bastard. He flops onto the sofa, adding a dumpling into the opened box of noodles.
‘You’re a lifesaver babe.’
‘Hard day at the manor?’ Your eyes were still on the screen, watching your favorite drama.
‘You have no idea. I wanted to choke Dickhead at one point.’ He tosses another dumpling into his mouth, like a basketball player making his dunk shot. Groaning in satisfaction, Jason thinks about how the rich people back at the manor were missing out the true joys in life - Greasy noodles with superb meat dumplings.
He didn’t know where the tiny portion of caviar or escargot could be parked in his stomach, probably because it had vanished as it went down his throat.
As the male lead was finally reunited with his lover, Jason notices that it was a bit too quiet, minus the slurping of your noodles and the noise from the television. He knew he had a hard time, but defending an onslaught of insensitive and rude rich people was an easy task for him. Now, Jason wants to focus on you.
‘How’s your day?’
‘It’s fine.’ As he suspected, the answer came back curtly. Jason waits patiently for a few seconds before asking again.
‘That’s good. Anything you wanna share? You’re wrapped like a burrito and holding your favorite mushroom plush toy whenever you’re feeling something. And your watching this drama for the eighth time.’ Jason rattles of his observations, figuring that if you blew up at him, he would improvise on the spot. But as he predicted, you didn’t.
‘You counted?’
‘That’s not the point here (y/n).’ Jason brings you back to the conversation. ‘You know you can always tell me anything.’
The truth? Your parents had called you yesterday as you finished your last assignment before semester break. A huge fight had broke out between your mother and older sister who had been acting strange lately. Somewhere along the lines where your sister felt that your parents were constantly breathing down her throat and accused them of being “helicopter parents” at the age of 24.
‘You’ve seen my parents Jay. Sure, they ask questions but never crossed the line. They gave us everything we could have but they made us work for it.’ Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. If you could unscrew your sibling’s head and find what was going on in her brain, you would.
Jason nods, having met your parents during the yearly Chinese New Year gatherings. Your father had taken on the role of a concerned parent to make sure some boy wasn’t screwing with his baby girl for fun. As a tennis coach, he commanded respect despite Jason packing a couple more pounds compared to his lean figure.
Your mother on the other hand, gave him the maternal love and warmth he never had. Hell, he could never forget the taste of her prawn noodles - you had to drag Jason out to not intrude any longer. Overall, they were easy going and the fact that they had raised a wonderful daughter despite their humble backgrounds made him admire them even more.
Your sister was a different story…
‘She wasn’t like this. Not until she went to university and decided that family was uncool for her.’ Rolling your eyes, you stabbed the remaining dumpling. You were never one to talk bad about a person even if they were really a jerk by Jason’s standards. You even managed to tolerate the demon brat when you visited the manor for dinner.
So how did a relationship that used to be so loving turn so sour?
Jason was the perfect listener. He never interrupted, nodded at the right time and spoke at the right moment. However, there were times that he had to cut in. Smoothly of course.
‘…my parents are devastated. She had always been stubborn but that fight… she was literally screaming her head off, not letting anyone get a word in. I know she broke up with her ex and they had a lot of memories and with the pandemic she’s restricted at home while working but it doesn’t give her any right to treat my parents as a punching bag!’ You had let out everything at one shot, taking a deep breath afterwards to regain your breath before continuing again.
‘The thing is, she’s attributing part of her stress because she sees me attending online school and “chilling” everyday.’ You quoted with your two fingers. ‘I don’t wish to be mean but she can’t see people being happy.’ The sound from the television could no longer be heard as Jason switches it off.
‘Doesn’t she know how hard I worked my ass to get into the school I wanted? Or how about when she was respected by our middle school teammates and I was treated like trash and she didn’t do anything about it? She didn’t even want anything to do with me!’ You scoffed. The memories had started to resurface, making you more emotional.
‘Jason I know I’m supposed to be her sister but I hate it that I’m selfishly thinking that she deserved all these. I mean we had good times as well but lately I feel like I don’t know her anymore.’ You blow into a tissue loudly, throwing it into the empty container as you took a new one.
Jason hated to see you crying. He expected himself to be emotional as your sibling issues had reminded him of a familiar little boy, craving to get the recognition from his adoptive father. So it came as a surprise as he approached this calmly and not guns blazing.
‘I know you want to be close to your sister again. But we all grow up one day. Maybe she has different ideals from you that you can’t agree with and that’s ok. Take it from me. Although lashing out at your parents was pretty low.’ Jason sees a reaction from you and decides to continue.
‘It’s nice to hope that one day she’ll be the same big sister who defended you from playground bullies and made sure to get you your favorite ice cream again, but if she doesn’t… at least you’ll have these memories to hold on to.’
Jason thanks the gods that he didn’t go for patrol today and wasn’t as sweaty as usual. He lifts your blanket, joining you under the man made burrito.
What country did you save in your previous life to deserve this man?
Calming down from your raging emotions, you wrapped your arms around Jason, leaning against his chest. ‘Thanks Jay, I wouldn’t know what I would have done without you.’
‘Hey, you support me and I support you. We’re in this together.’ And Jason had meant every single word. He was afraid that he was taking too much in the relationship, constantly unloading his problems onto you - nightmares as Robin, clashing with Bruce’s ideology… and countless more of troubles he could count forever.
But not once did you complained. In fact, you took it with stride, encouraging him to share more.
‘Feel better?’ You ask one day after a patrol went wrong in trying to track down Black Mask.
‘Much. I mean it won’t change anything but at least I don’t feel like killing my brothers as much now.’ Jason grins, squishing you into a hug.
It was rare that you were deeply affected by the problems you faced. You were a go getter, taking each day with grit and strength. So Jason knew that it was his time to be your pillar of support, just like how you were always there for him.
‘I really wish I could be there with my parents but the situation isn’t exactly ideal for me to travel. My parents don’t want me to risk contracting the illness while being 18 hours up in the air with a bunch of other strangers.’ You frowned, twiddling with the end of the blanket. ‘I haven’t seen them for two years and this just had to happen thanks to my emotionally volatile sister.’
The two of you fall into silence. Jason gently pries himself away from you, excusing himself for a few minutes. You hear a few muffles coming from your shared room with Jason exiting shortly after, looking very satisfied with himself.
‘Called in a few favors. Got Bruce’s private jet for the whole week. Time to give ourselves a break babe.’
You blink, trying to register what he was telling you. ‘But Jay, don’t you have patrol? And-’
‘Eh,’ he shrugs nonchalantly. ‘Dick agreed to cover for me. Otherwise I would tell Bruce who was the one who crashed his car. Yup, I have a lot of leverage against him,’ Jason chuckles. ‘I’m just being smart about using it.’
‘I should be flattered huh? That you’re using one of these leverages for me.’ You laughed.
‘If it’s for you, I would do anything in a heartbeat.’ Jason kisses the side of your cheek. ‘Besides, I need could try out that mean Chicken Rice you were always telling me about.’
You punched Jason in his beefy shoulders, barely making a dent. ‘Thanks Jay, for everything. I really mean it.’ You couldn’t help but to feel envious of Jason’s relationship with his brothers. Although they had their moments, but they looked out for each other, without expecting anything back.
The same couldn’t be said for you. Honestly, you felt that you had a huge mountain to climb when you got back home. Jason brings you back from your thoughts, hand in yours. He was your anchor, your pillar.
‘I’ll be there for you, every step of the way.’
Note: This is really just a comfort fic especially what’s going on in my life. I would think that although Jason has a lot of angst but he would have a lot of insight among the batboys? Lastly, I just want to say that although we’re living in very strange times, I hope by reading this, you realize that you’re never alone.
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sweetsbfreex · 3 years
a styles snow day
Summary: In Boston, with your family. You and H have a snow day with your daughter. After a hectic morning that is
Warnings: none!
Pairing: Dad, Husband!Harry x reader
The shuffling of soft feet against the sheets had shaken you awake, causing you to open your eyes. You ignore it, but before sleep could take you away again. A sharp strike, from a very soft foot, landed between your shoulders
You open your eyes wide, emitting a raspy whine into the morning air. Reaching your hand back to stop the tiny foot from landing another strike. In result you hear cute giggles causing you to turn, her foot still in your clutch, to see your eighteen month old.
You closed eyes for a second, letting out a low sigh before you scooped her up. Both of you laying on your sides, facing each other, one of her legs laid against your hip. 
You reached your hand out to fix the catastrophe that was her hair. 
“Not nice Ava...Why is it always me hm...Why don’t you ever wake dad like this?” you ask. 
She stared at you, smiling. Only elevator music playing in her morning mind right now. Her small body encased with one of Harry’s very old shirts at her knees. One that his mother had saved for when he had his first child.
“Go wake up dad” you whispered in her ear, your hand cupping the back of her tiny ear.
She looked up at you, her face now amused at your special request. Without any questions, she shuffled her bum to her dad. Who was on his side, his back away from the two of you. Draping her upper body over his torso, her teeny legs pointed out to stabilize herself. Taking an arn that wasn't holding herself up. She reached her chubby fingers to her father’s eye, pulling his eye lid up. 
Giggling to herself when Harry’s eye began to move around, then upward at her face which was upside down to him. Then she laughed a bit more when both his eyes startled open in shock.
“Daddy!” she squealed.
Harry groaned, a light pout on his face before he pulled Ava’s finger from his eye. “Hi baby” he smiled, pulling his girl over so she became cocooned in his arms against his chest.
“Mum set you up to this right?” he asked, turning his head around to see a “sleeping” y/n. 
“For someone who’s supposed to love me...you are such a menace”. He told his other girl. Watching as she laughed, blowing the cover she thought she had. “Caught ya’” he mumbled, turning back to his baby’s giggles. 
You got up, reaching your body over your end of the bed to place a kiss on his shoulder. Making your way over to the three window walls beside your bed. When you rolled up the first blind. A small comical gasp got your attention, looking behind you to see her shocked gaze on the snow.
“Snow!” She gleamed, removing herself from Harry and sprinting to the window. Her nose and palms all up in the glass. Watching the thick layer of snow that buried your spacious backyard. 
All three of you had landed in your home in Boston, coming back from visiting your parents, late last night. And with the moving around she had to do a long with the flight. she didn’t get a chance to see the snowfall in the middle of the night. 
“I know” you told her, matching her energy. “You wanna play in it later?” You asked, bringing your hand down to pull her away from the glass.
She jumped up and down nodding her head in reply. 
“Let’s eat first then we can later”
Now you were all in the kitchen/dining (since they shared the same space). After Harry took out Milo, the family’s Australian shepherd, from his cage to the front yard. Now he was chasing? Or Ava was chasing him?. The loud dog pants, the sound of feet/paws against the wood, Ava’s giggles, the music Harry decided to play, and your whines, were all mixed.  Because Harry would. not. Let you go.  
“Do you want to starve? I need to make breakfast” you lean your head back on his shoulder. Being currently enveloped by both his arms, closing you between his chest and the counter. 
“You’re popping a couple of eggos in the toaster, chill out” he snickered.
You smiled at his teasing, kissing his cheek before turning your way back to the eggs you were mixing first. He stayed behind you placing kiss after kiss to your shoulder, then your neck, then to the cut of your jaw. 
You giggled, reeling him in a bit as you brandished your butt against him. Eyes averting to Harry's fingers which were clenching the counter a bit.
And ever so quickly you tilted your head, so your mouth was to his ear whispering...
“Go fill Milo’s bowl” you tell him, turning your head to kiss one of his shoulders. Before they deflated and Harry sported a dejected look on his face. 
“I’ll remember this the next time the roles reverse hm?” he tells you, pinching your butt and then strolling away to the pantry. 
And it was peaceful for a little until frill cries interrupted it; and Harry’s voice cooing Ava was what you heard. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, leaving the eggs and turning off the warming pan. 
“Sad because Milo’s not playing anymore” he chuckles, rubbing his hand.
“You ready for your pancakes?” You ask her. 
At that the instant crocodile tears ended, as expected, while she nodded her head yes. You and Harry shared a laugh before he brought to the table, sitting in her booster seat. While you popped some eggos in the toaster. 
“Har! Are you eating pancakes too?” You yell out to him. 
“No thank you, ‘m gonna eat the eggs” he replied to you, leaving Ava with her coloring sheet.  
You were all roughly done. Milo finished his breakfast a while ago, now he laid next to Ava’s chair looking with hope at everyone eating.
And when her parents were no longer paying attention to her, instead to each other. Ava used her nimble fingers to break a piece of her bacon. Bringing it to her mouth before “accidentally” dropping it on the floor. Smiling down at her best friend who ate it with pleasure. 
‘Poor mimi’ she thought
Taking a bit of her pancakes between her fingers, she tried it one more time. Instead a different method; as she hid the piece of her syrup-less pancake in her closed fist. Yawning slyly, bringing her arms above her hands after she looked down at the puppy eyes Milo gave her. And bringing them to lay against her side; dropping the pancake onto the mixed fur beneath her.
“Ey!” Harry voiced, catching her in the act. 
You turned around confused, watching as she jumped in her seat, looking up at her father in a stunned manner. 
“What were you doing Ava?” You asked. 
She looked at both her parents, pushing her bottom lip out. 
“Milo is hungry!” She defended 
“Are we supposed to be feeding Milo anything that isn’t dog food?” He tests her. 
“No” she murmurs. Eyebrows wrinkled together and lips pouted causing her cheeks to fill out more than usual. Her small face was in perfect view to get a glance of her expression. Then in a haste she tucked her chin into her body, so all you both saw was the top of her bed head.  
The couple wasn’t against giving Milo “human food”, he’d get some from time to time, not too much. But with a child it was a bit different. Ava didn’t know what a dog could and couldn’t eat, so the two of them had to be stricter when it came to her giving Milo food. They’d also been training Milo to not accept food Ava get him, but the two of them were like peas in a pod. 
You and Harry looked at each other. You raised your eyebrows to him, wondering how the pair of you should go about this. He shrugs backs at you, a smile etched on his face as he eyes his child again. 
She sat still in her chair, keeping the heartbroken visage on her face. Ava decided to add a dash of spice into her act by crossing her arms over her chest . Without context you would think you told her she would never be able to watch Disney movies ever again! 
You decided to take the reigns.
“Babe do you want Milo to have to go to the doctor?” You asked her. 
“No.” She responded short.
“Talk appropriately, Ava” Harry told her. 
“No, mommy” she repeated herself, looking up this time, her arms uncrossed and instead sat in her lap. 
“If you keep giving her human food he’ll get sick, then he’ll have to go to the doctor...then you could be arrested” you pout at her pinching her cheeks.
“Y/N!” Harry hissed, his foot breezing past your shin.
“What? It worked on me”
“Okay Okay, you won’t go to jail, mommy’s fibbing. I’m
“You’re fibbing?” She murmurs, using her palm to clear her bangs from her forehead. Looking at Harry for confirmation as you both nod.
“But you can’t feed Milo human food, it’s not good for him” you remind her. 
“Okay. I won’t feed Milo anymore. Promise!” she answers in a hushed tone, reaching her hands up so you could pull her into your lap.
You did so kissing the top of her head
“Mumma?” Tilting her head back. 
“You eat the pancakes, I don’t want them,” she remarked, tossing her head side-to-side and patting her plump stomach. Sticking her tongue out in an icky manner, meaning she was full. 
You and Harry shared a quick laugh at her chaotic antics.
“Ready to go out and play?” Which resulted in a large hoot led by Harry.
Everyone showered by two, the sun brighter than when you woke up, and the snow falling down softer, in a flurry. 
Before you all left the London home, you had ordered the three of you matching garments and gloves for the pictures you knew you and Harry would take.
Currently,  you and Harry were clad in thick turquoise jackets. Only struggling with the task of getting Ava dressed up. 
She was like a wiggling worm, wouldn’t stay still, even when you and Harry offered her some candy. Her infectious belly laughs only grew as she thought this was some kind of funny game. But it wasn't and you made that clear when you told her she wouldn't be playing in the snow until she dressed up. Did she sit down like a good girl. 
“Oh! Look at my baby!” you thrilled, holding her cheeks between your palms. Pulling her in for an eskimo kiss. Those have been her favorite for the longest. Ever since she got herself hooked on Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. “You look so cute, beautiful” you tell her.  
She smiles at the compliments, such a narcissist she was. Always asking you if she looked pretty in this or that at least once a day. Along with checking herself out in the mirror for an extended amount of time. Such a narcissist. Yet, you also loved the way she tilted her chin down, head lolled to the side bashfully. 
Harry, like lightning,  put her beanie over her braided pigtails while you put on her black snow boots. He picked her up once she finished dressing up,setting her on his  blowing a raspberry on her chubby cheeks.
“Aren’t you guys the cutest” you hummed, pulling your phone out to take a picture. You chuckled when you watched the way her giggles disappeared at the sight of your phone. Instead a beaming smile, pressing her cheek to her father’s scruffy one. Snapping a few live photos of the two. 
“I wanna see” her palm out towards you for the phone. 
You shuffled yourself beside her, tilting the phone so they both could see the photos. 
“Look so beautiful. Hm?” Harry marveled, placing a gentle kiss to her cheek.
She grinned at his acclaim, “Yes” she dragged out the s. Nodding her head in a gentle manner before placing a kiss on his cheek.
“You look so good too, H” you tell him. Your hand rubbing the cheek that wasn’t occupied by Ava.
He, without a doubt, did. He decided to stop shaving the last two weeks and gosh did he look good. The turquoise color brought out the green of his eyes. Instead of letting his hair down, he decided he’d clip it back with one of your clips.
He kissed you on the lips then on your cheek in result, Also exchanging a string of compliments your way, by whispering some not safe for kid ears into yours.. Your stomach did a bit of a flip at his husky voice, before you slapped his chest in a truce like manner.
“Milo! Let’s go outside!” Harry shouted out, clutching your hand as he led the three of you downstairs. 
The four of you were outside in the white blanket. Milo was doing his zoomies, astounded with this new found discovery. Before his non-stop running. The first thing Milo did, when he came in contact with the snow, was freeze (ears up in curiosity), then he stuck his nose into the snow, ate some snow. Now he was running in circles. 
Ava loved this, perched up on Harry’s shoulder as she giggled, her nimble finger following Milo’s body.
You had Harry’s phone pointed at the two of them, videoing the whole family. 
And Harry was feeling gratified. His baby was on his shoulder happy as a lark. His other baby had a radiating smile on her beautiful face while recording these moments. as always. And his pup was having the time of his life
“Baby!” you lose it when Harry also looks away from Milo to face you in no time. “Ava...Can you catch a snowflake like this?”
Harry blows a huff. He hates when you do that (half the time on purpose). Watching you tilt your head back, eyes closed, and your tongue out as you catch snow in your mouth. 
Ava catches on, her eyes go a bit crossed when she tries to see the snow landing on her tongue. 
“Here, baby, hold her for a bit” he tells you, bringing her down into your open arms (so she’s now on your hip). He leans down a bit to gather a bit of snow in his hands to make a snowball. Then once he’s done, he has a mischievous smile when he targets it to your chest. 
It startles you, “Harry!” 
And you halt, again, when the kid on your hip starts to wail. Her head thrown back and her eyes closed, sealed tight.
"Aww. Don't cry baby. Look at what you did Harry" you reprimand him in a jest. His eyebrows raise in surprise, not expecting for this to end in her tears. "Daddy's mean right? Watch this" you shush her, watching her until she opens her eyes, only in small hiccups. 
You crouch down carefully pulling some snow into your fist.
“Watch baby, gotta get revenge” you tell her smiling. Raising yourself up to then fling the snow into Harry’s chest. Ever the dramatic man. He clutched his heart over his jacket before falling back into the sea of snow groaning out. Opening one eye, when he hears the laugh of his precious girl. 
“Here” you tell Ava, giving her own ball of snow. She eyes it for a little before she tries to shove the snow into her mouth like crazy. Very likely you shouldn’t have shown her how to catch the snowflakes beforehand. You roll your eyes at Harry when you hear his chuckles at the exchange. 
When you tell her no and to throw it you watch her laugh as she flings it on top of her father. Who then groans again and lays with his tongue out and body spread out like the chalk outlines. You set her down to the ground and she zips to the “dead” body. She pokes his eye like earlier today because it always works, but when it doesn’t she relents to other forces.  
“Mimi!” she calls the shepheard over, pointing down at Harry. Who is slowly breaking his facade (but she doesn’t notice). Milo bounded forward to his owner with zeal. Sniffing around Harry for a bit before licking his face, inducing Harry to shout. Jump scaring the three of you, especially poor Milo who dashed away and Ava who fell on her butt. 
Ava didn’t appreciate it. Taking snow between her mittens and crushing it into H’s chest causing a laugh out of all you. 
The sun was about to set and Harry and Ava were rolling up the last ball for the snowman’s head. You were smoothing the parts that were a bit rough. Milo was back in the house. Too tired from all the running he was doing, but you were able to get some family shots with him too. 
“Be careful, babe” Ava tells Harry (unnecessarily loud), when his foot gets caught in an icy patch.
“Thank you babe” he tells her, leaning down to kiss her chin. “Wonder where she gets that from. Hm?” he teases you, winking at you and puckering his lips to blow you a kiss. As you smile shyly looking away from him. 
They were on either side of you.  Ava nestled into your side, her arms around one of yours. All while Harry begins to lift the final snowball onto the other two. 
“There you go baby. Olaf!” he tells her one she’s finished. 
She isn’t excited and looks at the figure confused for a minute. You look up at Harry, eye brows pinched, he looks at you the same way, his hands on his hip when he shrugs at you. 
A little gasp makes you both turn your head to see her eyes light up and finger pointed upward, like in the movies.
“Forget his buttons, eyes, and nose” she tells you, trying to point at where each thing went. 
“You’re so right, smart girl, let me go get them, find some sticks too.”
You shuffle through the backdoor. Gaining ompant when Milo decides to come out of the living room. Rubbing his head on the way there. Going into the fridge you get the shortest carrot in the bag before moving into the fireplace for some coal.
When you walk back out, Ava is sitting on Harry's shoulders again. Her arms wrapped around his forehead with an iron grip. You hand her the carrot.
“Thank you mommy” she cheered, the tip of her cheeks getting firmer with her grin. 
You pinch her cheeks a little bit, in response. Turning around to place the coals in a shape of a smile, using the last five as his buttons and eyes. While doing this you notice the skinny branches as his arms.  
“Okay Miss Styles time for you to do the honor. Go ahead and give him his nose”
Harry squats down until Ava's leveled with the snowman's head. She decides, among herself, to twirl the carrot around so the pointed part of the carrot gets buried in the snow. You truly don't have the heart to correct her when you see how proud of herself she is. 
Once she finishes, Harry picks her up and off his shoulder so she's settled on his hip instead. He jostles her around, shouting an array of  "Yay! Ava!" The three of you clapping your hands together to celebrate. All while Ava revels in the abundance of praise, yet she huddles her into the comforts of her dad's shoulder. 
Her first snow day had gone way better than either of you would have imagined. You personally assumed that she would have hated it. Especially since it was a very cold substance. Or she would have cried the whole time, wanting to go back in instantly.
If anything, it was more perfect than anything. You loved your little family and there was quite possibly nothing that could replace the rush of emotions you felt when you were with them. Making these treasured moments. You think this all while Harry pulls you in for a kiss.
read a little continuation of this family here!
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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