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anakin-dovahkiin · 2 years ago
You're Not Weak
Summary: Dealing with slimy and stupid men can really put a hole through your self confidence and faith in yourself. Anakin is there for the aftermath. Snuggles ensue.
Notes: Anakin x fem! reader, soft Anakin, clonebois are the best, and f the patriarchy my dudes. Wrote this literally at 3am contemplating life... so if you're in the same spot, you're not alone. ANDDD there's Anakin hugs for you!
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You are a Jedi. You are qualified to do what you do. And yet, simply because you’re a woman, you are cast aside and degraded and made fun of for trying to be a leader. It is exhausting that almost every world you travel to has a fricking patriarchal society that makes you want to tear your hair out. 
This time, you were explaining your part in the war effort to some leaders of this particular planet. The goal was to convince them to allow the Republic to use some of their abandoned land as an outpost against a possible Separatist threat. 
But of course you are not taken seriously.
“And what is your battle experience? Making some rocks float? I doubt with how little you are you could lift much anyway,” one mutters loud enough for everyone present to hear. The other men around him snicker, and you have to resist the urge to Force-choke these assholes because this happens so damn often you’re afraid you’re going to lose it. 
Your clone Commander, Emjee, takes a furious step forward but you stop him with a hand to his chest plate. 
“I know how to engage in combat, I would not be here if I didn’t,” you try to say as calmly as possible.
“Guess Jedi take anyone these days, even the weak ones,” another one says and the cackling continues.
Emjee tries to step forward again but you continue to hold him back. He instead cracked his knuckles, trying to look as menacing as he could with his helmet still on—you know if he was to take it off, these men would be scared shitless by the clone Commander’s intense glare. He was particularly good at those.
Not as good as Anakin, though.
But he wasn’t here, and you shouldn’t have to need his help to get through to these morons anyway. 
Somehow the situation worked itself out—after hours of talking, to the point where Emjee stepped out for a bit—but you couldn’t get rid of that sinking feeling in your stomach as you board the transport back to your command ship.
“Those idiots don’t know what they’re talking about, General,” says Emjee, and he removes his helmet as he does so. “You are one of the strongest Jedi in the Order, and anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong.”
You chuckle. “I don’t know about that, Commander. But I do appreciate the sentiment.”
“General Skywalker says it all the time to me and the boys, he’s even got Kenobi singing your praises.”
Your smile fades at the thought. Anakin was so much stronger than you, so much better than you, and if it ever came to a fight you know you would lose. Not that you would ever fight the love of your life, but still. It almost felt… patronizing to think about him trying to boost your ego. You know that wasn’t what he was doing, but after today you can’t help but overanalyze everything any man has ever said to you, even him. 
He doesn’t deserve to be placed in the same category as those… dumbasses, and you hate yourself even more for trying to relate him to them. 
“Anakin is too nice to me,” you mumble, forgetting to call him ‘General Skywalker’. “And so are you, Emjee.”
The gunship jerks as you dock in the hangar inside your venator class cruiser. You start walking towards your quarters, but Emjee stops you when he taps your shoulder. The Commander still looks a bit peeved by everything, and though you don’t want him to be upset, it warms your heart a bit to see someone angry—besides Anakin—on your behalf, defending you.
(You haven’t seen Anakin in months. Your relationship was a sad little thing because you missed each other terribly every time you separated. You hoped this war would not last forever, that things could go back to the way they were when you could simply exist without something being expected of you. Then, you could be together in the Temple and bask in each other’s light.)
“I… hope I’m not overstepping, Sir, but I contacted General Skywalker while you were negotiating—”
You furrow your eyebrows. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I can do this on my own, trooper! I don’t need anyone’s help to do anything, I am perfectly capable—”
“Woah, hey, calm down,” a voice says behind you and warm hands grab your shoulders and a warm presence attempts to meld with your own, but you don’t let it. You feel like you’re being overpowered, undermined, and you know that isn’t happening but you can’t help how much the sinking feeling affects you.
It’s Anakin behind you, and normally you would be resisting the urge to embrace him and squeeze the living daylights out of him. It’s been so long, after all. But right now you just feel cornered.
You shove his arms off of you, unintentionally making a bit of a scene that has other troopers stopping their work and looking at the three of you. 
“I am going to meditate. Alone,” you say, and you almost say ‘please’ but you know you do not need to ask for permission. You are no longer a Padawan, you’re a Knight, and you know what you’re doing, even if everyone makes you feel like you don’t.
You walk away out of the hangar towards the elevator. You can hear Anakin behind you talking to Emjee.
“You did the right thing Commander, I’m going to talk to her. Anyway, it’s been a long day for you I’m sure. Rex and Ahsoka and a couple 501st are in the mess if you wanted to see them and grab some food? I can take it from here.”
Your heart lifts a bit at the mention of Ahsoka, but you’re too tired to try and find her. Maybe once you sleep, the sinking feeling won’t be there once you wake up. That was normally how it worked. Anakin was never here for these moments, though. You had no doubt he was going to follow you to your quarters. You didn’t have the patience to wait for him, but you also didn’t have the energy to shut him out.
You’re laying on your bed in your quarters staring at the wall beside you. Sleep eludes you, and it is probably because you can sense Anakin’s presence on the ship. Knowing he is so close but refusing to ignite your bond is honestly a bit petty on your part, but at the moment you don’t really care about being sensible. Your whole relationship wasn’t exactly sensible, anyway.
Your back is to the door so you don’t see Anakin when he enters, but you hear him and hear the door close behind him. 
“Would you please look at me please?” he says softly, sitting down on the ground beside your bed. 
It makes your heart clench. “You said ‘please’ twice.”
“Because I’m begging to see your beautiful eyes.”
You laugh half-heartedly. “Sure.”
“Please?” he asks again, and the request is so genuine, you can feel its purity and purpose in the Force.
You turn over to meet his pale blue eyes. His hair has grown just a bit longer since the last time you saw him, and you love it. He also must have had a campaign on a rather sunny planet recently because there is an added color to his face that makes him look, well, good and healthy. You feel like a pale blob with dead-ends for hair and a weak, small body.
His eyes widen with genuine love and awe, and he scoots a bit closer.
“There you are,” he says. And that’s where you lose it.
Your face scrunches up as you try to hold back tears but you fail in about two seconds. Anakin hesitates to touch you, waiting for your permission of some kind, and you grant it to him by reaching out your arms for him almost like a baby. It’s humiliating, but it’s just you and Anakin, and he knows you. 
He rises from his seated position and crawls into your bed while wrapping his arms around you securely. You weep and cry like a youngling into his chest, and he strokes your head as you shudder with each sob that escapes you. He kisses your forehead every now and again before allowing you to rest your face in the crook of his neck, pressing the bridge of your nose into his pulse-point. 
“What happened, my love?” he mumbles against the crown of your head.
“Men, just, underestimating me. It’s like they know I’ve been injured, that I’m weak, unsuccessful—I just, I can’t take it. I… I can’t believe there are people out there who would say those things. But they’re right; I suck, I’m terrible at everything—”
“You are so brave, so strong, the strongest person I know. You’ve been injured in battle, and worked your way back to being on the front lines. You connect to the Force in a way that I wish I could, and I’m part of it! These are just objective facts. I know you, and you are so intelligent, courageous, kind, and just so… so wise. I would be lost without you, and I love you.”
His words bring you comfort, that sinking feeling finally dissipating ever so slowly. “But it shouldn’t bother me this much. I am a Jedi. I have to be better than this.”
“It is something you should never have to experience, and if I had my way, those sleemos would be—”
“Anakin…” you whisper, shifting your head up so you can meet his eyes once again.
He sighs. “You are dealing with this better than I ever could. You know how I would react… you’re so much better than me. I just wish I was worthy of you.”
“You’re my favorite person,” you say, gazing into his beautiful ocean-eyes. You pause for a moment, content to drink your fill of his gaze. Once you are content, you nuzzle into his chest once again. “You’re worthy of so much more than me.”
“No,” he says before pressing another kiss to your head. “I could never be worthy of you, my love. I don’t think anyone ever will, because you are an angel.”
You hum, wrapping your arms around him so you can rub circles into his back. “There you go with your poetic metaphors.”
You can sense his smile in the Force so clearly it’s as if you could see it. “That one isn’t a metaphor.”
“Mhm,” you mumble, smiling to yourself. One of your hands wanders upwards and now you play with his hair and it is so soft between your fingers that you could honestly do this for hours.
He kisses your head once more. “You’re gonna put me to sleep,” he warns, and it makes you giggle a little bit.
“Sleep, then. Force knows you need it.”
“Only if you do,” he says indignantly, but you can hear the sleep in his tone. 
“Not to worry. I’m already halfway there,” you say, nuzzling into the warmth of his body again as he pulls you impossibly closer. You almost feel like crying again because of how safe he makes you feel, but you don’t want to worry him. “I love you, Anakin,” you say aloud, but you mostly send the message through your bond in a wave of soft blue and warm yellows.
You think for a minute that he’s asleep already, but you can tell he’s not when he sends you back just as much love and admiration, if not more, through your bond. 
A tear that isn’t yours drips onto your face as he says, “I love you so much.”
With your Force presences entwined, you both fall into a blissful sleep and take a much needed rest. Just having Anakin with you like this helps whenever you start to feel that worthless slimy feeling, every single time. It’s like clockwork, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. You love him so much, and you can hear the Force sing in sweet harmony each time you are together. Your sleep is dreamless, but it is full of warmth and a sense of softness. It feels like home.
When Ahsoka comes looking for you both because she wants someone to spar with, she checks your quarters first. That’s where Emjee said you both would be, anyway. Not to mention she could sense the bliss and serenity in the Force because of you two from probably a system away.
She opens the door and sees a sight that warms her heart. Both you and Anakin are entwined, both in an embrace and in the Force. He holds you protectively against his chest and your hand rests in his hair. You’re both asleep, and Force knows that as Generals you need it.
Ahsoka knows the rules about attachment. She’s always known her Master struggled with them whenever it came to you. But it was hard to see any reason to keep you apart when the Force sang whenever the two of you were together.
Not to mention, Ahsoka found your “secret” relationship unbearably cute. Anakin always had a front of strength and coldness when leading troops into battle or dealing with enemies, even when talking with other Jedi. But with you, he was himself. Your bond was something she wanted to have for herself one day, and looking at the two of you right now, a thought occurred to the young Togruta. 
Your bond needed to stay strong, you needed to stay together, and Ahsoka vowed to herself she would do everything she could to make sure you both remained entwined in the Force like this for as long as possible. She wanted to see both her Master and you happy.
She turned on her heel and closed the door as quietly as the durasteel would allow. Smiling to herself, she tiptoed down the hallway, making her own grand plans about how to uphold her vow. 
Maybe Master Kenobi could help her…
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years ago
I just finished watching Tales of the Jedi for the 2nd time and I’d like to share my thoughts.
Spoilers for TotJ!!!
The series overall—Animation was ok (I mentioned how Rex/the clone model still looked off here) but overall it was good (especially the environments). THE MUSIC WAS 💯💕 BEAUTIFUL. There were a few things that was kinda like 🤔 but it’s nothing too major and I had some thoughts on what I, personally, would’ve liked to see.
Ep1–Life and Death
—Thought it was good. Baby Ahsoka’s design is similar to the one shown briefly in CW 👍
—The panda dog things were adorable and the food they eat looks SO SIMILAR to Mantell Mix
—The village elder does 3 hand poses (and says something in their native language) when Ahsoka’s mom made a kill, which reminded me of Rebels and the 3 hand poses that opens the portal thing
—Giant cat looked very tiger-y and immediately thought of Jungle Book, though the stories are very different.
—Loved Young Dooku/Quigon duo. Like their designs/interactions, everything, was really good imo
—Dooku wears a cape and not a jedi robe
—Quigon didn’t have his padawan braid but I guess that was time between Padawan/Knight.
—Liked the fact that the senator’s son wasn’t upset about being kidnapped. Loved 2 Ton’s design (the droid)
—clearly sets up Dooku’s fall to the dark side.
—The Mace/Dooku duo was something I’ve wanted since seeing them in Attack of the Clones.
—Mace’s design is also changed slightly (like Anakin/Ahsoka/Obi) to keep up with the better technology. How old is Mace? I honestly don’t know and actually expected him to look a bit younger. Like I know he trained Depa Bilaba (Caleb/Kanan’s master) but, to me, he seemed to be the same age as he was in CW.
—Loved that AotC was more of a noir/detective movie and seemed to continue into this episode (Windu/Dooku solving a jedi murder case).
—I think the guard guy that Mace killed was the son of the guy with the different colored eyes. Which means Mace killed someone’s son and left a father without a child and he also killed Boba’s father Jango, leaving Boba without a father. That’s just my opinion/HC and wasn’t confirmed or anything.
—MACE DID NOT STEAL THE COUNCIL SEAT FROM DOOKU! From context, Dooku has no problem doing things his way and explaining it to the Council. That means this has happened more than the one time we saw in context of this episode. I believe Dooku never really had a chance at a seat on the Council. He believed he did. I think his own ego/shortsightedness blinded Dooku into believing he was guaranteed a spot on the Council
—By now it’s clear that Anakin and Dooku have a lot in common (think RotS when Anakin got upset that he wasn’t a ‘master’ but on the Council)
Ep4–The Sith Lord
—This was my favorite episode!
—MASTER YADDLE!!! FINALLY!!! I believe we first see her in The Phantom Menace when Anakin is brought to the Temple on Coruscant and the jedi are testing him. She appears briefly in the background and has no speaking lines if I remember correctly. I know Yaddle has a different story in Star Wars Legends (the Extended Universe—books/video games etc) but I actually really enjoyed seeing her.
—Her relationship with Dooku seemed really important. Dooku was Yoda’s padawan and my own HC is that Yaddle and Yoda are Grogu’s (Baby Yoda) parents. I believe Yoda/Dooku/Yaddle were kind of like Anakin/Ahsoka/Obiwan respectively. Ahsoka is Anakin’s padawan but also had Obi-wan as a friend/mentor just like Dooku is Yoda’s padawan, but also seemed to be friends with Yaddle.
—Also I believe this was the only episode that is set during one of the movies (Phantom Menace). Dooku talks with Quigon about the Sith Lord (Darth Maul) that he and Obiwan encountered on Tatooine before it changes to Yaddle informing Dooku about Quigon’s funeral (after being killed by Maul on Naboo). She is clearly concerned about Dooku, especially when he says he must let Quigon go as he’s one with the Force. She asks him if he ‘can do this’, to which he responds with ‘what choice have I?’
—Dooku’s always been shown to have great control over his emotions (which is why he doesn’t have sith eyes) but despite that, Yaddle’s concern wins out and she follows him to his meeting with Emperor Palpatine.
—DOOKU LOVED QUIGON JUST LIKE OBI LOVED ANAKIN! His convo with Yaddle earlier (about the tree) clearly showed that. And he was RIGHTLY upset that Palpy had him killed by Maul.
—SHE LEFT THE COUNCIL FOR DOOKU!!! SHE EVEN ADMITTED HE WAS RIGHT!! That is love right there. She clearly had a loving friendship relationship with Dooku for her to leave the Council. And what does Obi-wan tell Satine? ‘Had you said the word, I would’ve left the Jedi Order’. Yaddle probably didn’t think of Dooku in a romantic way (I hope), but she obviously cared about him just as he cared for Quigon.
—Ok, whoever is in charge of ratings sucks cuz there’s no way that this episode was TV-PG. Yaddle’s death was BRUTAL! Like they didn’t really show the blade connecting, but they showed her lifeless body after, made the saber-on-flesh-sound, and showed Dooku beginning the execution move. JESUS Disney. Shit
Ep5–Practice Makes Perfect
—Seeing young Anakin and mullet-Obiwan in clone armor made me SO HAPPY!!!
—The sass is still there!! AAHHH!!!
—Plo Koon sitting with Yoda, Obiwan and Anakin watching Ahsoka proudly was such a dad-move!!!
—And seeing young Caleb/Kanan and Bilaba at Ahsoka’s training test was amazing! And he was so obviously gushing about Ahsoka to Bilaba when they walked out lol
—MASTER SINUBE!!! GRAMPS!!! Was this before or after that Lightsaber Lost ep?!?!
—Of course Anakin was unimpressed with the test and unintentionally taught her how to survive O66.
—Seeing the clones in phase 1 armor again made me flash back to early CW animation.
—ABSOLUTELY LOVED JESSE’S LITTLE ‘Sorry Commander!’ As it was funny in the moment and tragic when you think about the fact that Jesse lead the turned clones during O66 and was going to kill Ahsoka (and possibly Rex too).
—I think this episode is the only one with a time skip. Loved the transition of the stuns and Ahsoka waking up older and seeing the clones in their phase 2 armor.
—Then skipped again to O66 with Ahsoka and Rex walking into the hangar full of clones ready to kill them (with Jesse out front).
—Gave me Arcane ep7 Ekko/Jinx vibes TO THE MAX!! (Though if I’m being honest, I preferred Arcane’s version though it’s so close lol).
—Ok so I think out of all of them, this one’s the worst.
—Don’t get me wrong, it was ok, but out of every ep, I didn’t really care for it.
—My fav part/scene was Padme’s funeral and Bail’s convo with her.
—Ahsoka is living in hiding in a small farming village that has Empire presence I guess.
—Ahsoka has to use the Force to save one of the workers, who realizes Ahsoka is a jedi. Her brother rats Ahsoka out and an Inquisitor comes. From what I’ve heard online, it’s the 6th Brother?? Idk so please correct me if I’m wrong (I believe we’ve seen the 3rd Sister-Reva, 5th Brother, 7th Sister, and the 8th Brother briefly)
—So I’ve never gotten into SW Legends (the Extended Universe), but apparently from what I’ve seen online, this episode is supposed to be an animated version of a book called Ahsoka. It’s basically telling the same story 2 different ways.
—That’s pretty lazy 🤔 to me. Like there are so many other story options (even within just Ahsoka) so it still could’ve worked out 3 v 3 (3 Ahsoka/3 Dooku) eps. I’ve never read the book but I believe it’s about Ahsoka’s time after O66 and how she gets her white lightsabers.
—I heard that the female worker Ahsoka saves is actually black/dark-skinned in the book which is blatant whitewashing (I think I also read that the character was also established as queer). She was replaced by a female with fair skin, straight brown hair and light hazel-y brown eyes. SERIOUSLY?! THE WHITEWASHING HAS TO STOP!!! POC MATTER (in the US, it’s Nov so it’s Native American Heritage month! And Nov 1st was dia de los muertos/day of the dead).
—The Inquisitor’s design looked cool af
—The fight was ok. Reminded me a little of Maul v Obiwan but b/c there was no obvious history it wasn’t very impactful. Liked how he faded away though. And from what I read, he’s voiced by Clancy Brown??? Really!? I love Clancy Brown!! Also it seemed like the Inquisitor knew Ahsoka (he knew her name), though Ahsoka made no connection to him.
I guess those are my main thoughts on the series as a whole and on each episode as well.
What I’d change:
—ep 6 entirely. I’d actually would’ve loved to see how Ahsoka got her second lightsaber instead of the Inquisitor.
—the whitewashed clone model obviously
—So I loved ep4 and Dooku vs Yaddle, BUT! How cool would it have been if Dooku’s saber slowly changed to purple as the fight went on before turning red as he struck down the Jedi Master?? I’m sure that would absolutely go against how lightsabers turn red, having to do with emotions/feelings and that Dooku is great at controlling his own emotions. I just think that would’ve been cool. Though I’m sure that goes against how he actually got them (assuming it’s explained in Legends or something).
—I loved ep1 and baby ‘Soka. But I also love Plo Koon. Would’ve died to see him discover her and talk with her parents/the village elder.
What I’d like to see going forward, assuming there will be a s2 (w/ 6eps):
—MORE CLONE CONTENT!! Gimme a story about Boil going back to Ryloth with Waxer’s armor (post Umbara) and telling Numa what happened to their ‘nera’. Gimme cadet cody/rex bonding! Gimme 99’s creation and demotion to maintenance!! Would also give Disney yet another chance to change the clone model (though if we do get more clone content I highly doubt they would). Gimme Jango/Boba bonding (bonus points for Omega’s creation) I’d like to know SPECIFICALLY what Jango told Boba to make him hate clones. Gimme Wolffe’s demotion from Marshall Commander cuz he lost the whole 104th on the Malevolence. Gimme more clone domestic-life with the boys painting their armor/being w/ their Jedi generals. Just GIMME MORE CLONE BOYS!!! UNWHITEWASHED!!!!
—You can’t tell me that Tales of the Clones wouldn’t be badass lol
—I’d love to see General Grievous’s backstory. From what I’ve seen online, he’s some sort of warrior-hero/savior to his people but the Empire (I think) turned him into what we know as ‘Grievous’. Also that’s not even his name (I forget what it really is, but b/c Grievous sounds like ‘grieve’ I have a bad feeling that it has to do with his people or something).
—Young Yoda and his master. Yoda talks the way he does b/c of his master, which is why Yaddle doesn’t speak the same way (which makes me feel like Baby Yoda/Grogu will sound just like Mando lol).
—Black Krrsantan (Santo-the black wookie form BoBF) or Chewie’s backstory. I know we get a bit of Chewie from Solo: A Star Wars Story and would honestly prefer more Santo content (I think he fights Obiwan in a comic or something) but idk how likely that would be.
—Samuel L. Jackson has stated that he wants to return to Mace Windu/SW and was quoted saying of Mace’s demise- ‘in Star Wars, people survive getting their hands chopped off all the time. So it’s possible,” (or something like that—point is, he thinks Mace could’ve survived his fall/chopped limb). Would love to see Mace post O66 if he in fact, lives.
—Grogu teaching younglings the Jedi and Mandalorian ways, diving into his backstory pre-Mando. I HC that he’s Yaddle and Yoda’s son. It would also give SW a chance to tell a story post—the Skywalker saga timeline (Phantom Menace all the way through to the Rise of Skywalker), since Grogu can out-live the characters in the sequel trilogy.
—I’d like to see High Republic era stuff. I know little to nothing about that era but from fanart I’ve seen, it looks dope af (I know the new animated show Young Jedi Adventures is supposed to be set during that era, but it’s aimed for preschoolers so obviously I’d like something more adult set in that era—but I’m still going to check it out when it releases! Lol)
—I played the SW computer game The Old Republic so I’d also love anything set during that era as well (Master Satele Shan, Master Orgus Din, etc)
So I think that’s most of my thoughts on Tales of the Jedi. I definitely like it more than Bad Batch but not sure if it’s better than CW (to me they are equal). Thanks to all that have made it through this post. I promise I’ll be back with a fic real soon. Thanks everyone!
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fanfictin · 4 years ago
self notes for Clone Wars series2
s2ep1 Holocron heist . Anakin and ObiWan are fighting on a planet, ObiWan pulls Anakin out the way of a crashing ship and they head out, Obiwan calling Ahsoka who refuses to retreat, they land in front of her, Anakin ordering her to get on.  “Where’s Ahsoka?” anikan shes YOUR padawan “Following your teachings.” the disapproval “Is she winning?” “For now.” . In front of the council for disobeying, despite anikin’s light defense as her master, they give her archive guard duty. Meanwhile Anakin and Obiwan briefly discuss the setback then discuss and split up to search for an intruder. After reporting to each other, they join up to go through the ventilation vents after Cadbane. In the archives, Ahsoka persues and catches the disguised intruder and coms anakin to tell him so he and Obiwan continue through the vents to find the other, avoiding a bomb in a droid. They all convene and find something missing.
s2ep2 Cargo of Doom . on a ship, Anakin and Ahsoka with clones land on the enemy ship top and get in to find the stolen thing. In a room w droids and Bane the gravity turns off as they fight, then ahsoka goes alone after Bane while there’s a cave in at the hangar on top of anakin and the clones. Seperated from them, Anakin quickly wakes up and orders Rex gang back to a ship as he goes after Ahsoka who has been captured by Bane. With Ahsoka in danger, Anakin opens the thing for Bane before forcing his and ahsoka’s lightsabers and using them until the door is closed and gives ahsoka’s back to her. Running to Rex and the ship, Ahsoka convinces him a bit hysterically to leave rather than go after Bane. They scape back to the main ship. “You can’t be serious” / “I AM GENERAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR OPINION” the poor man is just doing his job anaking-pls-- ; and later “I seem to have misplaced my padawan” / “Of all the Jedi, why did I have to end up with SKYWALKER” Admiral or whatever pls. ObiWan is just as bad for one
s2ep3 Children of the Force . continuation. Bane reveals himself as a disguise trooper and makes his escape despite Anakin trying to get on the fighter to stop him. With younglings being kidnapped, gang set off seperately to save them, Obiwan finding but failing to catch Bane. Anakin and Ahsoka go to Naboo, the latter splitting off to find Bane and Anakin joining her in stopping him escape, tackling him to the ground a little roughly. Arresting him, jedi reconvene to interrogate Bane. Mentioning reporting, Obiwan amusedly tells Anakin to do it then while he and Windu go off. Anakin calls after him, bit worried, but they assage his concern.  “This could be a trap, Master. Are you sure you don’t need us to go?” thats the softest voice he’s ever spoken in,, blesss worry boi . After reporting, Ahsoka and Anakin work on Bane’s small ship and decide to go to mentioned mustafar. Arriving, they sense and rescue the kids from some droids, escaping back to the jedi council to report and learn bane escaped too
s2ep4 Senate Spy . oh that. Was actually rather sweet with Padme and Anakin there. More amusingly, Anakin just exasperated that he has to report and he’s been ignoring ObiWan’s signals all night,, what a insolent padawan. Padme is spying for council on another senator, Anakin is in disguise to watch but really just be a bitch bc he doesn’t like this guy. 
s2ep5 Landing at Point Rain . Anakin and Ahsoka join Obiwan and Mundi on a ship bridge, the former two smugly mentioning how many kills they had even when Obiwan isn’t amused bc they’re aleady late. They plan prep but ObiWan and Anakin just banter instead “Come now. What happened to all the enthusiasm I saw earlier.” “Don’t worry about us. You just make sure you get yourself to that landing zone in one piece.” the affectionate yet sarcastic yet smug way he puts his arm on obiwan’s shoulder- i fuckin-- “Yes, and I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive.” and then lady who they’re STILL on call with just “gentlemen if you are QUITE finished we have a battle to begin” ahskjsfk everyone’s tired of these little shits . Gunships go down to drop the generals to fight, Obiwan on one, Anakin and Ahsoka on another, and Mundi also heading down. Anakin’s team is shot down so they get out to fight and advance on the surface. others are also shot and grounded, Obiwan’s team crashed. Cody tells Rex who tells Anakin that Obiwan is down and can’t help. “Great! The one time I actually ask ObiWan for help and he’s nowhere to be found.” “Hey. I’m worried about him too. But you have to keep your mind in the here and now or else we’ll never be able to help ObiWan.” bless . Rex’s clones find and get Obiwan and a tropper to safety, informing him of the situation and they decide to wait for the other two. Anakin’s team come across a giant wall that they need to get over. “Well this is anothre FINE mess you’ve gotten us into” “What?!Hey, It’s not my fault! You were supposed to study the holomaps!” “I DID! Remember, when i reminded you, about the giant wall, and you said, ‘Don’t worry Snips, we won’t be anywhere near that’!” you’re being SHOT AT and you’re still just bantering,, . Anakin and Ahsoka reach the top of the wall - still maintaning how many they each shot down - and with Rex’s help get explosive inside then jump off and avoid having it cave in on them. Eventually they all catch up to where Obiwan’s team are holding ground, and reunite with him. Despite sitting in some pain, Obiwan briefs them on the next plan, and Anakin and Ahsoka head out again to finish the fight. Done, Anakin helps Obiwan to the leaving ship as Ahsoka notes she got more droids down than him. On the ship, Mundi speaks up that he won to a bemused Anakin and smug Obiwan who didn’t understand it anyway
s2ep6 Weapons Factory . left on geonosis, a bickering Anakin and Ahsoka are joined by Luminere and her padawan barris to infiltrate the droid factory and destroy it. The padawans go off alone while a mildly concerned Anakin and Luminere advance their clones to fight the droids. Underneath, the padawans set about planting bombs, before they’re attacked. Above, clones fall back as Anakin and master plant bombs under the bridge and jump up to detonate them. That sorted, escape ships coming in but Anakin refuses to leave without the padawans, despite Rex’s VERY insistant “I SUGGEST you get ON ONE” he just wants his general safe,, bless. . underground the padawans hide in a tank as they blow up the place around themselves. Above, Anakin frantically insists they can find them and start searching. Trapped in the tank, Ahsoka tries to get her comm working, then they quietly hold hands. It works, and the top team dig them out alive. “I knew you’d come looking for me.” said the master “I never doubted you for a second.” to the padawan - But I also feel for Luminere’s quote: “If my padawan has perished, I will mourn her. But I will celebrate her as well through her memory.”
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inkognito97 · 8 years ago
In the Dracula au with jocasta and dooku does obiwan drain sifo diyas dry due to the Jedi maiming his mom? Cue awkward breakfast scene the next morning with jocasta meeting the family.
Sifo Dyas was already there, when Jocasta entered the dining hall. She had only found her way through the endless corridors, thanks to the brief tour the Count has given her and her good sense of direction. Her Jedi partner looked… not well rested. It appeared as if he had been awake the whole night and he probably was. Jocasta refrained from commenting on it, she had no desire to discuss Sifo’s stubbornness in front of strangers.
The female Jedi seated herself next to her companion, who barely acknowledged her presence with a wave of his hand. His head was resting in his arms on the table and the long haired man did not look up. In fact Jocasta believed that he was on the verge of falling asleep, not unsurprising, but she kept that to herself as well.
The two Jedi did not have to wait long, for company to arrive. the Count, looking as regal and well tended as yesterday, stepped into the dining room. He briefly stopped, his clever eyes roaming over his guests. there was the briefest flash of disdain on his features, when he saw Sifo Dyas practically lying on the table, but the frown soon turned into a pleased smile upon spotting Jocasta Nu. The female in question inclined her head.
“Good day, Count.”
“It is indeed,” he answered, his eyes never leaving hers. “I hope your room was to your satisfaction and you could rest?”
“Oh, it was perfect, thank you so much for your hospitality.”
“No need to mention it. The galaxy is a dark place, if everyone would look out for each other, the world we are living it, would be a better and merrier place.” He said and seated himself at the head of the large table.
For a moment, it looked as if the noble man wanted to say something else, but he was interrupted by the opening of another pair of doors. Jocasta found her eyes immediately drawn to the newcomer and even her Jedi companion raised his head to see, who joined them. Both were baffled to see a very tall man with long - and well cared for - brown hair that was tied to an elegant braid. The man’s most striking features, were the crooked nose and the midnight blue eyes that spoke of a life of hardship. He briefly glanced at the two Jedi, before his attention turned to something behind him.
“Obi-Wan,” he said gently and in a deep baritone voice. Behind his large frame, appeared a young and shy looking boy with ginger hair. He seemed to be somehow related to the tall male, for they shared similar eyes.
Jocasta watched how the older male put a comforting hand on ginger locks and how the boy visible relaxed under the touch. They were certainly close, that much was clear.
“May I introduce to you, my son Qui-Gon Jinn and my grandson, Obi-Wan.”
“A pleasure meeting you,” rumbled the man called Qui-Gon. 
“Y…yes, a pleasure meeting you,” the boy quickly followed his father’s example. It was rather cute really.
“We have guests as you can say. Two Jedi, Jocasta Nu and Sifo Dyas.” Dooku continued the introduction.
“Your father was as nice to provide us with a place to stay,” said Jocasta, when Qui-Gon seated himself to his father’s right and across from her.
A smile appeared on his bearded features. “That does not surprise me. You see, the Count has a tendency to help people in need.”
“Of course he does,” grumbled Sifo Dyas, his eyes were darting between the three males. It was clear that he did not want to be in their company, not at all. 
Neither Jedi noticed the pair of eyes that briefly flashed red and were fixed on Sifo Dyas. They belonged to a certain boy, who was already forming plans.
“I don’t like you.”
Sifo Dyas sighed in annoyance. He had hoped to find some peace and quiet in the Count’s library, but apparently the Force was not on his side. With some effort, he put away the book he had been reading in and found himself gazing into a pair of blue-green eyes.
“You do not have to, nor do I particularly care,” he gritted out, not caring if he sounded rude. Something was greatly wrong in this place and he would find out what it was, even if it killed him.
“You are Jedi… I don’t like the Jedi. One of you killed my mother,” the ginger haired boy continued as if he had not heard what Sifo Dyas had to say.
“Look,” he leaned forward in the comfortable armchair he had been occupying. “I am terrible sorry to hear it, but I am sure they had a very good reason to do so,” he hesitated. “Now, I don’t have much time, so why don’t you just go ahead and tell me what you want… and make it quick please.”
“Quick?” Obi-Wan tilted his head and there was a strange gleam in his eyes. A grin appeared on his features. “Alright then.”
Sifo was completely taken by surprise, when the boy’s eyes suddenly flashed blood red and the young male dashed forward. The Jedi had not even time to draw his lightsaber, before he felt a little pain against his neck and he felt the rest of his body go pretty much slack. He was no fool, he knew what was happening. The Count’s grandson was a vampire and he was currently drinking his blood, that explained why the family had not eaten much at the dinner table. 
Sifo Dyas took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He had to think and react fast, otherwise he would be drained of the last of his blood sooner than later… and he was not quite ready to die just yet…
“Please, excuse me… Lord Jinn?” Jocasta called loud, silently cheering when the tall man actually stopped in his tracks and turned to her.
“Jedi Master Nu, how can I be of service?”
She came to a halt right before him. “I was wondering, if you know where my partner went, I cannot seem to find him.”
Qui-Gon knew exactly were the other Jedi was, but he had no wish or desire to interrupt his little boy in his meal right now. “Sadly, I do not know where he is, but I dimly remember him mentioning the gardens.” He trailed off. The gardens were a complete different direction and even if she SHOULD realize that something was not right, she would never be in time to safe her Jedi friend. Obi-Wan was efficient and quick, always had been, something he had inherited from his mother, the Force bless her soul.
“Would you mind leading me there?”
“Certainly not, let us go.” He replied with ease.+
“Thank you,” she looked genuinely relieved, but something told Qui-Gon that it would not stay this way for much longer. A nasty grin appeared in his bearded features after he had turned his back on the female Jedi that his father was trying to vow.
Revenge… revenge was sweet… almost as sweet as true blood…
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u23art · 8 years ago
So I have not written one of these in quite some time, but in that time the number of movies I’ve seen have piled up and so have my thoughts towards them. Going into this movie, I figured this would fair the same as the other DC films in the small handful that make up this movie universe, acceptably imperfect. I’ve felt with the movies on the Marvel side have a better karma with making good first impressions(with a heroes first installment at least), objectively speaking no one leaves the theatre after a Marvel film thinking “That handling of the character could have been better”. These DC films often have at least a few characters that could have been casted better or could have been utilized better. If I had to take a guess as to why DC movies have had poor first steps out the starting gate, I’d assume this was a sacrifice in order to try and keep up with Marvel. So to actually talk about Wonder Woman, the story is set some 80 years before the events of Batman V Superman. A young Diana is living on the secluded Island of the Amazonians, warriors of time long forgotten. Growing up on the stories of glory in battle against Aeries at the sides of Gods, Diana trains day in and day out to rise above the rest. The irony of this is there is no war for her to channel these abilities into, that is until her opportunity drops out of the sky in the form of a WWI spy desperate to escape Germans in pursuit. Convinced that the God Aeries is the cause behind the malice throughout the great war, Diana joins the attack. The first positive thing I’d call to the table is the action when Gal Godot is on the scene, her body language let’s us know that she is taking in her surroundings and planning accordingly, and she can even be intimidating at times. This was undeniably good casting. The no man’s land sequence was easily the best part of the movie when the whole cast is showing off its synergy. The overall tone is consistent throughout the film with the occasional welcome dose of comic relief to dilute the somber overtones with one major exception but I’ll get to that in time. If there were elements to demerit, I’d have to start with Diana’s God killing power. It is revealed near the end that it isn’t her sword but rather Diana herself that is the God Slayer, and the film compensates for this by briefly exuding a destructive force coming from Diane’s body in short glimpses. However this is triggered by banging her wrist bangles together. This is a case of poorly conveyed information visually, I can think of a number of ways to show this power without the use of her accessories yet it’s these bangles that act as the visual cue and give the impression they have the power.
Next is the slow motion, there is a good amount of it here. There’s nothing inherently wrong with slow motion, sometimes a sequence can move way too fast or the run time of a movie could be a little bit longer, but here it can get to gratuitous levels of use. I said I liked the no man’s land scene, however right before it starts there is a sequence of Wonder Woman disrobing and walking towards the soldiers; in slow motion. It actually betrays an potential atmosphere of humility that Diana could exude by almost freeze framing these money shots of her model looks and flowing hair.
I had a similar experience with this problem with the movie “Flowers of War”, a group of women are being pursued, butchered and raped by invading Japanese forces during the Nanking massacre, however there is an inexplicable dance scene with slow motion and colorful lighting that completely conflicts with the rest of the movie.
I mentioned there was an exception to my praise earlier, that exception being the whirlwind of confusion that is the last third of this movie. It is here that Diana’s composure starts to come undone, and when the coherency of the scenes become undone. By that I refer to just plain bad editing. For example, during the fight with Aeries a literal fire storm is raging around the two of them as they duke it out. Meanwhile less than a short distance away on the same tarmac is the plane infiltration scene with Chris Pine and crew. There is no wind, there is no lighting indication that there is a fight between two Gods occurring within a stone’s throw. There is a point where Diana is wrapped in tank threads lying on the ground, but one explosion of light later she’s standing upright in the blink of an eye with her arms in the air. No frames of her getting up, just a choppy edit.  Then she’s just attacking German soldiers despite saying through the whole story that Aeries is the root of all the chaos, sure she’s emotional distraught but she’s acting like a cat chasing a laser dot. And there were more mishandled moments on top of this, and this makes this whole last 3rd stick out like a sore thumb. Say what you will about Snyder, at least he knows how to coordinate a scene. And I’ll say that Aeries is half of a bad casting choice, it’s only when he grows and dons gladiatorial armor that his gentleman head creates a conflicting visual. And my last problem, or a nitpick rather. And the end of the movie in present day, Wonder Woman has a final slow motion glory shot leaping into the streets of Paris below. Why. Why does she leap into Paris in full armor and a sword? There is nothing visibly wrong with Paris. This is really silly, this is unnecessary and looks very silly. Wonder Woman is two thirds of a great movie, but a little more consideration was needed for the whole movie to work as a functioning unit. Wonder Woman gets a 7 out of 10.
P.S. Amazonians, you didn’t have to drop from that cliff and give up your advantage. You have superior aim and had the high ground, Obiwan would be sarcastically shaking his head at you if he knew. None of you had to die really.
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i-aim-to-overanalyze · 8 years ago
So, I’ve been seeing an AU called Scandalore started by @forcearama play out on my dashboard all day long and I must say, I LOVE EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT. I love Obitine and so I love this AU to bits. Throughout this whole thing, I’ve been wondering things such as, how much does Korkie knows? Not to mention the implications of Anakin meeting Satine at an earlier age. Did he constantly tease Obiwan about her? Or what about the Mandalore arc in this AU? Perhaps not only was Satine frustrated with the clone wars but the fact her HUSBAND was participating in it, making the fight between the two much more of a big deal. But did I write about any of the above? NOPE. Here, have 1.4k of how these two ended up secretly wed in the first place.
When Satine starts throwing up in the morning, she dismisses it as her illness of the month. Satine has never been the peak of Mandalorian health. Her immune system has always taken harder hits than most, and it is one of the many reasons her opponents have used against her ascend to leader of the houses.
But it goes longer than it should, and when she is finally persuaded to see a medical droid, it appears to be something far more drastic.
“You are pregnant.” The droid announced stoically.
“Pregnant?” Satine’s heart starts beating wildly.
The medical droid starts rattling on about the medical definition of being pregnant but the duchess tunes him out. She can’t be pregnant. Not right now. She has just reached a tentative peace among all of Mandalore–she knows there is still pockets of groups who are waiting for any first sign of weakness. A child with a Jedi father would cause a massive scandal. Many willingly overlooked her Jedi protectors, but none would be willing to overlook the fact she conceived a child with one of them. Mandalore’s hatred for Jedi still ran strong in some houses.
She knows what she must do. She must sacrifice the child for the sake of peace. She knows this, and yet her mind can’t help traveling back to Obiwan. She remembers the time he played with some children in a village they spent a few days in. How his eyes gleamed as he patiently answered each one of their numerous questions. He would be a great father, she knows it.
She thinks long and hard about the issue, before coming to a conclusion.
Drawing a deep breath, she wipes the medical droid’s memory before dismissing it from the room. She then reaches for her comm and clicks on the senior padawan’s contact.
“Sa-satine?” He asks, a bit surprised. He hadn’t expected her to contact him after the dust had settled and she retained her status as rightful Duchess of Mandalore.
She seemed adamant in the two ceasing contact with one another. It was perhaps for the best, as painful as it was for him. She was a duchess and he a Jedi. Both had duties to uphold, and had no time for attachments to distract them from their goals.
“Satine, are you alright?” He questions after she doesn’t respond the first time.
On the outside, she looked relatively fine. No one except her closest confidants would notice her that her hairpiece was slightly crooked and the vacant stare in her eyes.
“Obiwan, how I wish you were by my side,” Her voice cracked, but she continued on, “Something unexpected has come up, and I am unsure how to proceed.”
“What is it?” He asked, growing increasingly worried, “Are you being threatened again? I’m sure the Republic wouldn’t mind–”
“It’s not like that,” She interrupts, shaking her head, “It’s a completely different it’s–I’m pregnant, Obiwan.”
Oh. OH.
“with my child?” He asks weakly, collapsing onto his chair in a startled heap.
“Of course, your child, Obiwan Kenobi,” She says in a scandalized tone, but she smiles gently despite it.
His emotions are set ablaze and he does his best to calm himself. He can sense Qui Gon’s confusion across their training bond and attempts to briefly reassure him before turning his attention upon Satine once more.
“What do you plan to do?” He asks softly.
“I can’t have a child,” Satine confesses, “I shouldn’t. It’s something that my opponents would use against me–”
“I understand.” He quickly says, lowering his head, “Jedi are pledged to protect all lives, no matter how small. But I understand if–”
“You don’t understand,” She cuts in, “I shouldn’t have a child and yet–I cannot bring myself to terminate my pregnancy in order to buy peace. I cannot. I will hide my pregnancy from public’s eyes if I must. But Obiwan…”
Her voice halts sharply as she lets her guard down for a moment and gazes at him. She is sharp and strict and fierce but she is so much more than that. She is kind and patient and selfless. Obiwan doesn’t know a lot about mothers, but he senses she would make a fine one.
“I understand you are a Jedi, that your duties lie elsewhere. I respect whatever decision you make,” Her eyes fall away from his face, unwilling to make eye contact, “I–I don’t know quite know how to say it but I have loved you from the moment you came to my aid a year ago on Kalevala.”
“Satine,” He reaches out, wishing desperately to caress her cheek, “You–you know I feel the same. Had you asked me earlier to leave the Jedi Order, I would have right and then there.”
A smile emerges onto her face as something runs down her cheek. A tear, he realizes. “Do you still feel the same?” She asks.
“I do.” He bows her head, “I hope you would still have me, Duchess.” He takes her relieved laughter as a sign of acceptance.
He doesn’t resign from the Jedi Order right then and there, as promised. Tensions in Mandalore are still running high and he reluctantly agrees with Satine to wait a little longer until it cools down. Still the two are secretly wedded. It is a very private wedding, held within the House of Kyrze.
Jedi, of course, don’t have any wedding traditions so they follow the traditions of the Mandalores. She explains that their wedding is not unusual by normal Mandalore standards. Weddings are often simple functions attended by only the Houses of the two parties involved. It is only in ruling houses such as Kyrze that weddings tend to be more extravagant.
“It is…not uncommon for two ruling houses to arrange a marriage to keep the peace between them.” She explains, “My parents were an arranged marriage.”
Qui Gon never questions Obiwan when he returns to the Temple late from a solo mission. He wonders if his master knows, but if he does, he keeps silent on the matter. Qui Gon had given him the usual lecture of attachments when he noticed him growing close with Satine but had otherwise kept his mouth shut.
He slowly works up the courage to tell Qui Gon, but by the time he’s ready, it’s already too late.
He calls Satine, late in the night, after he safely made sure Anakin is tucked into bed. The two are given private quarters in the Theed palace and he is currently hiding in the room’s closet. His eyes are bloodshot and his hair disheveled as he tries to slow his breathing.
The hologram flickers, as Satine comes into view. She’s dressed in one of her court outfits, which meant he probably disrupted a meeting of some sort.
“Hello Satine,” He smiles weakly, “I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
“Obiwan, what’s happened?” She asks, her eyes seized with worry.
At the sound of her voice, he breaks down crying and it takes him a moment to regain his composure enough to tell her. He tells her everything, from the start of the crisis, to hiding out in Tatooine and to facing the sith lord on Naboo.
“I–I made a promise to him before he died,” Obiwan’s voice trembled, “That I would train the boy–Anakin. The Council is inducting him into the Order and is willing to let me train him, Satine.”
Obiwan’s eyes skirts around her gaze as he whispers quietly, “I understand Satine, if you wish to dissolve our union.”
He almost wants her to. She doesn’t deserve to keep their marriage secret for whatever amount of years it takes to train Anakin up. It has only been one year, and yet he can see the strain the secrecy places on their marriage. Rarely can they see one another face to face, let alone comm each other.
Obiwan is stretched thin between his alliances and one will collapse sooner than later.
“Obiwan, look at me,” Satine asks–no–demands and he looks up to her regal features.
Even with the blueish hue of the holo, her beauty shines through.
“On Mandalore, we treat vows with the utmost respect,” She says sternly, “If you made a vow to your master, Obi, then I will not stand in your way. But know you still have a vow to me, and I am waiting for you to fulfill it one day.”
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fanfictin · 3 years ago
WARNING for fic
Dark themes - slavery, harm of self for specific purpose of removing slave chip only but that is not understood by another character - also unreliable narrator anakin ofc
Misunderstandings that obiwan does not know why anakin wants his hand off due to the chip in it and the pain it causes. Anakin therefore still thinks he is a slave despite the kind master. He tries to take his hand off himself a couple times, once caught by obiwan who is very worried as thinks he is harming himself for other reasons. In the end, only padme understands, and after everything (mentions dooku fight, briefly Ahsoka becomes obiwans padawan) anakin 'goes missing' and after a mission to tatoinne obiwan realises abt the slave chip and scars etc and goes to padmes, asking her abt Anakin and to pass on his apologies and that he will never try to find him. - basically, Kings of misunderstanding and miscommunication!
Snippets of obiwan looking after anakin AFTER anakin tries to get his chip out himself with a knife when young
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fanfictin · 4 years ago
“nothing as of yet” “Only you could be worried about the ships i already shot down”
aw duel fights, anaking again weird sith lady and obiwan ofc against grevious
i love how they just fuckin kick each other. they have lightsabers and guns but they also hit. pfft. she just straight up kicked anakin in the face. nice.
“Should you really proceed without the council’s approval” padme “We do it all the time. Don’t we, Snips?”  “Yep.” padme, quieter “I can’t believe they let you teach” anaking looks so smug,, pfft
“Master obiwan caused trouble? that’s a first.” “ugh” (he just Does Not want to Talk  about it rip. dont make anakin talk abt it ahsoka) “Just give me the lightsaber”
“You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt” “Nothing you wouldn’t have done” ahshsjflfsj ahsoka you’re killing your master ahsoka
“If I’m not with you, who else will watch your back?” oh ahsoka she cares for her master
(anakin should go to hang out w obiwan like My wife took my padawan and i have nothing to do)
star fighting duo,, i love their red and yellow ships. “Anakin! I’m going to need help!!” yes for asking for help
yes for fighting ventrress together
“so much for not starting something” “Hey don’t look at me!” they’re so dumb i love them fighting together
did anakin just do the salute thing that obiwan does???
obiwan w the hand on anakin’s shoulder briefly,, pls
with the holding anakin back again--
didnt that thing just land on them-- okay i guess jedi are impervious to crush injuries
“We’ll take him together” “RIght.” crey
anakin is so fucking dramatic and petty i love it
all black out and all wake up. fun times. theyre just Who landed the ship
“we’ll be fine. as long as we stay together” thanks obiwan, now yu’re definitely not going to stay together
rockfall seperate! a favourite trope!!
anaking he’s just asking if youre alright and didnt get crushed by the rocks,, theyre no need to be so dramatic and angsty-- ankin pls obiwan just cares---
“is it true he is the chosen one” -activate obiwan protective mode- “What do YOU know of such things??” also why does ahsoka have 2 lightsabers--
lol he just turned into a bat. that’s pretty cool yo.
oh-- this is basically the crystal cave! hm. that’s not good. and a ghost quigon talking to obiwan? weird. “I’ve trained him as well as i could” bless
oooo they’re all having visions. nice.
“I think anakin may be in trouble” ahsoka i love you
eh that was pretty cool. many troubled anakin codas could be writen after that. nice.
oh it’s still them! anakin is sleepin,, bless him
oh nice. action. “was it a nightmare” oh ahsoka. love it. and yes it was but now it’s reality.
another crash landing, nice. “I didnt think you saw it” o “it was a GIANT TOWER of COURSE i SAW IT” a
the SHOULDER stop. nice. and he didnt listen. of course.
well yeah climbing is hard work. stop being so dramatic anakin.
“you might want to check up on him” thanks bad guy, obiwan will do just that
okay that was cool. asoshka is fine now, anakin is n’t glowing any more, they’re going to head off.
continuation? whoa
they’re just chillin in their ship. “You did well anakin. how do you feel?” thanks obiwan that helps 
whelp bye anakin
aw waking asokha and giving her tea,, bless obewan
“Wheres. anakin.” protective master mode activated
“Look after the ship, i’m going to find anakin” ahsokas just like well ok then bye obiwan
oh it’s literally just rots foreshadowing premonitions, cool.
“anakin. are you alright?” no definitely not, in the bad side rn, but we’ll catch up with your worried tone later
okay yeah just nake him collapse again that’s fine. you guys are worse than the angels in spn
“are you alright” yes thanks for asking again, fine now master
okay yeah just throw em away that’s fine. yknow getting thrown on the floor hurts more than you think in like real life
okay sure that’s fine. just white out and wake up on the ship. sure.
“You’re just being protective again” why yes, yes he is.
“you either Do or Die. and that’s not a risk i’m willing to share.” oh. anakin pls that’s such a good quote.
fucking incredible “I must have carbon sickness bc i could swear that’s Ahsoka” “Your eyes are fine. it’s ahsoka’s HEARING that needs helps”
also oh my GOSH this is that gifset i’ve had in my likes FOREVER. the one where obiwan just fuckin snaps his head around to listen to ahsoka and just goes “I see anakin’s new teaching method is to do as i say not as i do” fuckin savage
i also like the return of Snips as the nickname, and quite often too - i imagine in fic they must have had a talk from when possessed ahsoka said she hated the name
aw ahsoka being teensy. also that’s a very ellie and joel thing. opening the door from the other side and the mentor being grumpy. nice.
well that was fun. snakin got sucked to the roof as well bc of his mental arm pfffttt and got hismelf down while being elecetrocuted. cool.
“sorry I’m late” a “how nice of you to join us” o Anakin don’t smirk at that. don’t smirk like that at your master.
see i knew that would hit you. now youre hittign the ground again aniakin. that shit hurts you know
no-- this is not how you use grenades- you have to save them for the shield enemies-- have you never playyed unhcharted---
you cant just burn his body in lava-- okay you did it. well. at least you used the force together.
anyway this is a pretty cool episode i guess. continuation, less h/c but still good.
ahsoka and anakin mission!-- never mind they’re spitting up. sigh.
okay well this episode is called padawan lost so. i’m sure she’ll be found. also this is literally just the hunger games.
aww what a nice reunion, that was sweet
“Thank you, master.” “You’re welcome. My padawan” pls stop,, anakin and ahsoka are too cute
oh nakin got his helmet off underwater and snips got it for him just “you call for backup?” and he just “I HAD it under control snips” while he’s coughing up water still ah,, them. also “Ha! I knew you’d say that”
this water level has gone on for 3 episode so far,,,,
you can’t, electrocute someone underwater-- oh well fine. that’s just anakin’s luck isn’t it.
wow anakin’s so used to lightening that it takes quite a bit to knock him out rip
whoa will padme trade grevious for anakin? yes. probably. esp when he’s being lighteninged even when unconscious. that’s rude.
okay anakin yeah wake up just when padme pulls you into her arms. and then she helps him walk,, bless.
the duo are back! oh is this the one where obiwan fakes his death bc i know that’s coming and i am not enthused.
oh wow that was very sudden. Anger Anakin appears and obiwan tells him to CHILL basically then when ahsoka asks, obiwan admits anakin was a slave and ahsoka says she’ll keep an eye on him,, they love so much
hey dont throw obiwan around like that, he’s an old man
anakin and ahsoka duo lookin for bombs
that was fun. anakin almost fell out of the ship. always good.
anger anakin abt slaves. nice. even mentioning his mother.
“Looks like i have to rescue you again, old man.” “I knew you’d have a backup plan”
well they all got electrocuted to unconsciousness. good plan gang.
and there anakin goes getting electrified by dooku again. sigh.
“Anakin, i’m please to see you” aw even beatne down obiwan is there
that was a good mission.
4-15 ah this one is called Deception so i’m guessing it’s the deception arc where obiwan fakes his death. ouch. anger anakin is definitely going to be back.
yes ouch. that hurt. 
this is just fasttrack anikan to the dark side run by killing his master
“Everyone knows how close we are. it was his reaction that sold it” this is fucking rude. but true. still very rude.
“He killed my master. My best friend.” oh dear. ouchies.
anyway chancellor palpatine is here now to continue anakin’s fast  track to the darkside by killing his brother
well at least he went with ahsoka. ..how long does this arc last....
aw well at least he still cares. ha. accidently knocks anakin off then hurries off to make sure he’s okay, then chokes him out. just normal stuff.
ahsoka straight up standing over anakin soul eater maka and soul style ,,, oh my
“Obiwan is still alive” and ahsoka helps him back to the ship. good for them.
hey well THANKS for telling anakin that yoda. so useful. so great to know. nice how you all killed his master in front of him for a plan. cool. he’ll brush that off.
yep anakin’s still pissed. honestly good for him.
“Hopefully i’ll be where i always am” a “he means saving the day” ah no he means next to obiwan
obiwan watching over them from a sniper,, aw
“Mace, Anakin’s down” he’s still looking out,, crey
well that wasn’t a fyll on yell but it was a telling off. good foryou anakin. yelling at your oncedead master is fine for a bit.
oooo surprise end twist! anakin facing dooku
obiwan running to help anakin and stopping to make sure he’s alright,, but points lost for still being in disguise
anakin and ahsoka go to a diner. that’s it that’s this episode.
“Master? Anakin?” Ahsoka trying to get his attention when he’s worrying quiet :)
okay so darth maul is alive apparently
haha obiwan getting the shit beaten out of him and saved by ventress then using a red lightsaber. hilarious.
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inkognito97 · 8 years ago
Vampire quigon taking vampire obiwan on his first hunt to get an animal for blood and showing he's becoming a man it being a vampire tradition like togruta's who hunt akul for their headdress.
Warning: animal death (felt like mentioning it)
“Calm downPadawan,” Qui-Gon said, but he was clearly amused at his energetic student’sexcitement. “The animals will not run away.”
“ButMaster, they DO. That’s why it is called ‘hunting’ and notjust ‘collecting’,” protested the teenager.
“Oh,” hepretended to be genuinely shocked at the ‘new’ revelation. “In thiscase we should indeed hurry. Come along then.” With that he took longer andfaster steps.
This timeit was Obi-Wan’s turn to laugh. At least he did not need to wonder, from whomhe had gotten his wry sense of humor and sarcasm.
“Welcome tomy home planet Padawan… again.” They had been on the planet before, namely tomeet Qui-Gon’s birth family. It had been the best decision he had made duringhis long years as a Padawan teacher, because Obi-Wan had learned a lot moreabout his kind and about his abilities than Qui-Gon could have taught him.
“It is goodto be back, I missed the atmosphere.”
“Who knows,perhaps you can find your own stone in the River of Light,” he shrugged.
“And then Iam going to give it to you for your next birthday,” the ginger haired malejoined the teasing.
The tallmale chuckled. “Let us set camp and end our mission first and then we willsee.”
“YesMaster,” obediently he set to work.
The twoJedi were sitting on a thick tree branch that easily held their combined weight.Their higher position allowed them to look over the whole pasture and theirvampire eyes made it even possible for them to spot a few decent sized animalsamong the tall grass.
“I want youto watch me very closely Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon explained what he was about to do.“I will open the bond completely so that you may experience everything throughme directly, if you wish so.”
“I’d liketo.”
“Let mebriefly explain what I am about to do,” he was already shedding his robe andhanding it to his Padawan. “I will hide among the grass and also hide my Forcepresence. Also, you should ALWAYS approach an animal AGAINST the wind,otherwise they might catch your scent and flee before you are close enough toattack. Our increased speed may give us a great advantage, but it also costs usa lot of energy and if the case arrives that you HAVE to hunt an animal inorder to drink blood, then you usually don’t have much energy to spare.”
“When youcaptured one…” he trailed off, not quite sure what exactly he wanted to ask.
The Masterseemed to understand nevertheless, “You have to wrestle the animal to theground and you have to make sure that it stays there. I will wait until youhave reached my position and then I show you how to kill it, without causinghim unnecessary pain and suffering. Understood?”
“Good,”with a graceful movement, did he slide to the ground. He landed silent on his twofeet and immediately crouched low, almost moving forward on all fours. The longhaired male used the tall grass to hide his form, the wind was coming fromnorth, which meant that it was hitting Qui-Gon’s front and not his back,perfect conditions.
Obi-Wanleaned forward, though it was completely unnecessary, and watched in awe howhis Master slowly moved forward, closing in to a small group of mammals. Twomembers of the herd were gazing and sniffing around, looking out for a possiblethreat, yet they did not seem to hear or see the approaching Master. The restof the herd was happily eating the nectar of the plants and flowers aroundthem. Over their opened bond, he could feel his Master’s excitement at thehunt, the predator in him awakening.
Obi-Wan wasstill wondering what animal his Master would chose, when the older male wasalready on the move. He acted so fast that the ginger haired vampire couldbarely follow. A scared and absolutely terrified screech could be heard overthe whole pasture and the herd was on the run, except one of the older mammalsthat was pinned to the ground, effortlessly by the stronger vampire.
Obi-Wan hadto remember to breathe, before he realized that he was supposed to join thebearded man’s side. He put the taller male’s robe, as well as his own, on thebranch, where it would be safe and then he too slid down the tree. He hurriedso that the animal would not need to suffer through his fear too long.
“There aretwo traditional methods a vampire might use, but I would advise you to simplybreak your victim’s neck,” Qui-Gon demonstrated. A sickening crack could beheard over the pasture and immediately, the Ikopi was dead. It had not felt anypain, Obi-Wan had been able to feel that through the Force.
“What isthe other method?” he asked curiously.
Qui-Gon’sblood red eyes were unreadable, even to him, which meant that something wastroubling him. “My… father,” Qui-Gon replied hesitantly. This was one memory hewas glad that Obi-Wan did not have to share with him. The Padawan had been withQui-Gon’s mother at this point, while the Jedi Master himself had joined hisbiological father on the hunt. “My father explained to me that any vampire, whoconsiders himself noble, simply drains his prey completely. While thepenetration of the animal’s skin might hurt the being, the sucking itself willonly feel uncomfortable and that only at the beginning. I’d rather not use thismethod.”
Obi-Wanunderstood. He too would not want to feel the animal struggle for survivalwhile his body was slowly yet steadily drained of blood. “Every life isprecious,” said the Padawan more to himself than anything else.
“Exactly,this is why you should never hunt simply for joy. Only do it, when it isabsolutely necessary. And you should never kill a suckling either.”
Obi-Wannodded. “I understand.”
Qui-Gonstood up from his crouched position and pushed his long strains of hair out ofhis face. “It is your turn now, Padawan.” The ginger haired boy noddeddetermined, but he hesitated perhaps a second too long. “What is it, youngone?”
“Can I takeoff my boots?”
“If youwant.”
The Padawanbend down and took of his leather boots. He preferred bare feet for this task,he had a better connection to the Living Force this way. Qui-Gon as a Master ofthe Living Force, did not fully understand the need for physical contact, buthe indulged his Padawan in this.
“Oh andObi-Wan,” Qui-Gon called out after he had taken the younger male’s boots fromhim, “may the Force be with you.”
Obi-Wan wasaware that his Master had dragged the dead Ikopi away, so that its stench wouldnot scare other animals away. He was also aware that the older male was movingin the grass too, always keeping relatively close to his Padawan, just in case.Their bond was still widely open and Obi-Wan could feel the older male’samusement at yet ANOTHER failed attempt. The Padawan sighed in frustration.
“PATIENCE, Padawan mine,” came over the bond.
“Yes Master… were you this bad too?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“You are not bad Obi-Wan, just inexperienced.But I sense that you are learning from your mistakes much quicker than I did.When I tried to hunt for the first time, it took me a whole day and when Ifinally succeeded, it got away again.”
Obi-Wanfelt a little bit better at the revelation. With new found determination, didhe continue with his training.
Obi-Wancould not quite believe it, when he had actually managed to take a much largerIkopi down. The mammal was struggling fiercely, but it didn’t escape, though ithad been a close call.
“Well done youngone,” the baritone voice was full of pride and perhaps a little bit ofsurprise.
Qui-Gon stepped up next to his Padawan andhelped him to hold down the Ikopi’s long legs. It was a strongly build male andQui-Gon was actually quite impressed at his Padawan’s catch.
“NoMaster,” the long haired male let go and stepped away. If his Padawan wanted todo this on his own, then it was his right. It was HIS coming of age hunt afterall. But to his surprise, Obi-Wan stood up as well and allowed the scared Ikopito simply run away.
“Padawan,”he began, but stopped when he saw the remorseful expression on the youngervampire’s face.
“You saidthat I should only kill when it is absolutely necessary… and it isn’t. You havealready killed one and I am sure I still have one or two packs of substituteblood in my bag.”
Astonishmentand awe filled the older vampire’s chest and he couldn’t help himself but stepforward and envelop his boy in a tight hug.
“I am veryproud of you, little one,” he mumbled into ginger locks. And he truly was.Xanatos would have killed the animal, had he been in the same position. ButObi-Wan was different, he had a good and caring heart. “Though you are notreally my little one anymore, isn’t that right?”
Obi-Wangazed up at him in amusement. In vampire tradition, he had just come of agewith his successful capture of his first real prey. “Compared to you, I willalways be little…” he mumbled and snuggled closer to his Master.
They werehappy and together, nothing else mattered.
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inkognito97 · 8 years ago
Can kitsune obiwan and quigon finally talk due to Satine pushing them together? If you'll write it please.
Obi-Wanfelt uncomfortable. The whole morning long, his Master had sent him strangeglances, due to his fox features, which he was presenting proudly. Satine’s foxears and fox tail were hidden, they had no idea how it happened. Obi-Wan guessedthat she only reacted to him, but how exactly it worked, was not clear. Itdidn’t matter anyway.
“MasterJinn,” the female’s voice was demanding and it was clear that she was notamused, “perhaps we would be already finished, would you stop staring at yourapprentice and helped us pack instead.”
Obi-Wanglanced at his mate in surprise and awe. The tall and long haired Jedi wassurprised at the hostility that the duchess sent his way too. He blinked andturned his glance towards her. Her blue eyes were narrowed at him and he couldfeel in the Force that his lack of help was actually not the reason for herire. He wondered… Then the Master’s eyes travelled back to his Padawan, who wassurprisingly not bothered in the slightest that he was presenting his two tailsand his fox ears to a ‘stranger’. It made the older Jedi’s stomach knot. Theboy was not even comfortable with showing him, his Master, what he truly was,but with Satine there was no problem?
“Master?”asked a tiny voice right next to him and Qui-Gon was once more brought out ofhis deep thought.
“Iseverything alright? You seem so… distant… and brooding,” the last part wasbarely above a whisper, but the long haired man caught it nevertheless.
“Actually,I wanted to ask you the same thing.”
Blue-greeneyes flickered shortly towards the duchess, who was gathering the dirty clothesto wash them in the nearby river. He didn’t answer.
“Didsomething happen between you and the duchess?”
Obi-Wan’sface turned a crimson shade of red. “Nothing of real importance…” but it wasclear that he was not telling the truth.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,”he only used his Padawan’s full name to either introduce him, or when he neededto scold and lecture the Padawan, “I do not appreciate being lied to.”The ginger haired Jedi flinched, as if he had been hit. “We… talked,” againonly half truths, but it was a start.
“TalkedPadawan? About what?” he wanted to know. It seemed important somehow.
“It is kindof obvious, don’t you think?” For now the Jedi Master decided to ignore thesnappy tone of his apprentice.
“You talkedabout you… your…” he struggled with words, but gestured to the young male’s foxfeatures.
Blue-greeneyes narrowed, “We talked about me being a kitsune, yes.” Qui-Gon nodded. “Andwe talked about the fact that my own Master things I am an abnormality.”
The lastpart took the long haired Master by surprised. Midnight blue eyes widened andhe gaped at the fox demon in front of him, who returned the look, with a bitterand almost disgusted one. “W… what? How can you say that?”
“Because it’strue,” his accented voice sounded bitter and his eyes had lost their previouswarmth, “I’ve heard you talking with Master Drellig about my… nature. I heardwhat you called me.”
Qui-Gon’sshoulders slumped and guilt rose in his chest. He knew exactly which talk hisstudent was referring to. It had been early in their apprenticeship and Qui-Gonhad NOT been pleased with being assigned a clingy and needy fox demon backthen. It had changed, they had grown closer over the years. At least that iswhat Qui-Gon thought, he was not so sure anymore however, not when Obi-Wan hadobviously carried the burden of being seemingly rejected by his own Master withhim.
“Obi-Wan…Padawan,” his tone was pleading, begging for the other male to listen and tounderstand. He sighed, “I won’t deny that the beginning of our partnership hadbeen… rough at best. But… I mean if I had known… Oh Padawan. You are not anabnormality. You ARE a special little Jedi in training, with special abilities,but you are not abnormal. What I said to Master Drellig… there’s actually noexcuse. It was said in a moment of weakness, of anger that was wrongly directedat you and I am truly sorry for it. I just wished… You are not abnormal. Youare the best thing that happened to me in probably my whole life.”
Obi-Wan wassurprised at the emotional outburst of his mentor. Qui-Gon was not known forhis apologies and for showing his affection, Obi-Wan knew that all too well.Needless to say, he was a little overwhelmed, especially when he felt the truthof his Master’s words, ringing in the Force.
“I’m nofreak then?” he whispered.
Midnight blueeyes widened once more and in the next moment, the tall male had pulled hischarge close and engulfed him into a much needed hug. “Of course not, you aremy Padawan.”
Obi-Wan actuallyrelaxed against the other’s strong body. Hesitantly, he reached up and fistedhis hands into beige tunics and buried his head against the older male’s chest,who in turn rubbed behind red fox ears. He briefly stopped when the kitsunestarted to purr in satisfaction, but quickly started to stroke again.
“It seemswe both still have a lot to learn, isn’t that right Padawan?”
Blue-greeneyes met with sea blue ones. “Yes Master,” but he was smiling again. And ifQui-Gon noticed the third tail that had appeared after his confession andlittle acceptance speech, then he did not mention it.
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