#briana makes a text post
overgrown-ruins · 9 months
Book Sale
I’ll be moving shorty and will need to find homes for the following list of books (under the cut).
If you are interested in any of these titles, or anything else I am planning to rehome (board games, dvds, stationary, home goods, etc.), either reply to this post or send me a message.
All items will be shipped from the UK.
Name your price! Minimum is the cost of shipping. Payment can be made via paypal.
Fiction, Classics
Une Vie - Guy de Maupassant [text in French; 1988, J’ai Lu ed.]
The Mabinogion – trans. by Gwyn Jones & Thomas Jones [1974, Everyman’s Library ed.]
The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie [2001, Agatha Christie Signature ed.]
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand [Penguin Modern Classics ed.; NEW]
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte [2009, Oxford World’s Classics; annotated]
Gothic Tales – Arthur Conan Doyle [2018, Oxford World’s Classics]
Fiction, Modern
The Vampire Lestat (1986 paperback) Anne Rice
The Lady in the Tower (2003 paperback) Jean Plaidy
The Fallen Blade (2011 paperback) Jon Courtenay Grimwood
The North Water (2016 paperback) Ian McGuire
Now We Shall Be Entirely Free (2019 paperback) Andrew Miller [NEW]
The Midnight Library (2020 hardback) Matt Haig
Chemistry3 2nd ed.  (2013) Burrows et al. [annotated]
The Periodic Table (2017) Tom Jackson
What’s that Bird? (2016) Rob Hume [UK bird pocket id guide]
The Problem of Knowledge (1988 reprint) A.J. Ayer
Language, Truth and Logic (1990 reprint) A.J. Ayer
New Age
Horoscopes: Your Daily Fate and Fortune (1987)
The Witch’s Shield (2010) Christopher Penczak [NEW; with CD]
The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology (2011) April Elliott Kent
The Kitchen Witch (2011) Soraya
Making Magic (2019) Briana Saussy [NEW]
Paganism in Depth (2019) John Beckett [NEW]
And breathe… (2020) Sarah Rudell Beach [NEW]
Misc. Non-Fiction
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (2007) Kate L. Turabian
Mug Cakes (2014) Mima Sinclair [NEW]
Learn to knit block by block (2018) Che Lam [NEW]
Find out What Your Cat is Really Thinking (2018) Trevor Warner [NEW]
Speak Welsh (2019 reprint) John Jones [NEW]
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sadaveniren · 2 years
First off I love hearing your thoughts and I’m so happy you unearthed that pink dress photo! I did want to add a little of my perspective on how much Freddie might understand, as a person raising a child Freddie’s age in LA. I agree with you that 5 is about the age a republican white parent from Calabasas would let their kid stay with family friends in the UK. But I do think Freddie understands a lot about what’s going on around him. It always surprises me the depth of conversations my kid and I have even though they’re a bit younger than Freddie. I certainly wasn’t capable of understanding so many adult things when I was their age, and I was a precocious millennial oldest daughter.
Even if Freddie and his parents don’t have a lot of trust or respect between them, I’ve witnessed many kids his age already having basically figured out how to run circles around the adults in their life. These kids have been using voice to text to google things since they were toddlers without their parent’s knowledge while the world literally implodes around them. Some of them already have the type of existential angst that a lot of us didn’t get until our 20s.
My biggest concern as a parent is trying to protect my kid’s innocence for as long as possible, but there’s only so much I can do once they go to school. A lot of my work is accepting how different their world is from mine and focusing on what I can control. All of this to say, I can easily imagine that Freddie already understands a lot about the world he’s growing up in.
Thank you so much for your insight! I haven’t worked with 6 year olds since 2018 when I left teaching and now I’m only waist deep in a damn almost threenager so I’m not completely up on what it’s like for a 6 year old post covid (Well 7 now cause he either just turned 7 or is turning 7) I will say that in teaching kindergarten from about 5-8 you can find a very WIDE range of maturity and development (I’ve had 5 year olds who barely spoke and I’ve had 5 year olds who have sat me down and tried to give me lectures on why whatever activity is NOT for them)
I definitely understand what you’re saying about him probably understanding more than we might think, but we also don’t know what Brett and Tammi are telling him. It’s LA after all. Maybe they’ve told him he’s an actor. Fandom has always talked about the idea that Tammi wants to be famous desperately. She tried herself, failed. Tried with Briana. Failed. Tried with Austin. Failed. Trying with her third kid? It’s something to think about when people do. Maybe he’s being told that occasionally he has to go act. We don’t know. And ultimately… that’s not OUR problem as fandom to worry about. And high key it’s also not Louis’. Brett and Tammi are his parents. I wouldn’t be surprised if when Briana fucked up Brett and Tammi were told “you either do things our way or you get nothing” and they made the selfish choice to do things Louis’ way because they sure didn’t want to get nothing.
Louis is trying to protect his closet. I think in 2020 if Brett and Tammi had said “you know what we’re not gonna be shitty parents there’s a lot of talk now about exploiting kids on social media let’s call it even now that Briana fucked up” LTHQ would have made it work and found a way to make it end with minimal damage to Louis. It would have probably cost Brett and Tammi a chance to ever monetize anything involving Freddie again though. I don’t think from what we have seen and learned about them that they would make that choice. Again. That’s not on Louis. He’s working with what he’s got.
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fuckwinchester · 4 years
briana: kim we are funny we are FUNNY
i love them so much
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kieranculkingirl · 6 years
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anchorandrope · 2 years
This masterpost belongs to tellmethisisnotlove (@tellmethisisnottumblisnextfuckup) who authorized me to post it. All credits go to her.
The rest of the Masterposts
Masterposts in Docs
A quick recap before diving in:
On 14th July 2015 at week 11 a pregnancy has been announced, where the baby mama is an unknown person and the potential dad-to-be is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction and no official representative of the 1D or Louis’ team has made any comment.
The official story is that Louis is happy and can’t wait to be a dad.
On JULY 16 People magazine published an article quoting Simon Cowell.
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And while Tomlinson’s bandmates have yet to offer their congratulations publicly, behind the scenes Simon Cowell – who helped launch One Direction, and is working with Tomlinson on his new record label, which was launched earlier this year under Cowell’s company Syco – “is absolutely delighted for Louis,” according to a friend. “Simon has even offered to give Louis a ride on his private plane anytime he needs to fly between the U.K. and the U.S. to see their baby” the friend said.
The media ALWAYS mentions that no rep or Louis spoke up about the baby yet and they are very careful with their wording.
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It’s been another very eventful 24 hours in the world of Louis Tomlinson - and while the One Direction star still hasn’t confirmed the rumours that he’s expecting a child with friend Briana Jungwirth, everyone and their mother (literally) has been speaking out about it.
With Briana’s dad and stepmum talking to the press, as well as Louis’ estranged father, it seems the only people not talking about this pregnancy is, erm, Louis and Briana.
Speaking to the MailOnline, he <Briana’s dad Joe> explained how Briana is coping with everything, saying: “The publicity and everything, it can be overwhelming yes.
“Briana’s really shy, she’s strong but shy, she’s tough but shy and she’s having a tough time with it, it’s stressing her out right now, she’s texting me all the time.“Now that she’s out of her mother’s house she’s a little bit better but she really doesn’t like any of this stuff.”
Nice that you’re talking to the press then, pal.
Again, speaking to MailOnline, Karen <Briana’s stepmum> wasn’t quite as positive as husband Joe, and even went as far to say that she’s worried that having Louis’ baby will ‘ruin her life.She explained: “I’m distressed for all the crap I’ve read online in the middle of the night. “I just hope all this doesn’t ruin her life, I care about that, we are at the beginning of something and she’s a private person, she’s not a Facebook person or anything like that. "This is really scary for someone in her condition, especially when she’s only 23, I think it’s pretty overwhelming.”
Speaking to the Mirror, he <Troy Austin - Louis’ biological dad> told them: “I’d like to be involved in my grandchild’s life. I’ve missed out on Louis’ life and I’d like to make up for that.“It’s definitely time to heal the rift. Life is too short.”
Hmm.We’re sure Louis and Briana are just thrilled that their family members have come forward confirming things they don’t want confirmed.
But hopefully the pair aren’t paying much attention to any of this and are just concentrating on themselves and their potential new sprog.
July 19: Another People article with Simon Cowell:
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The music producer, 55, said he told Tomlinson, 23, to “man up” when he learned that he was expecting his first child with friend Briana Jungwirth. “I said to him, ’You man up. You’re fortunate because you’re in a position to be able to look after the baby and not worry too much about that,’ ” Cowell said. “But I also told him, ‘I’ve received bad calls in my life but this is not one of them. This is your business but I’m here for you.’ ”
“He didn’t kill anyone. He got someone pregnant. It happens every day all over the world. Again, Louis has got great family around him and, look, it’s a plus, not a negative.”
JULY 19: Digital Spy UK’s careful wording of the Simon article:
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The headline is a question, they are not stating it as fact.
“Simon Cowell has seemingly confirmed the rumours that …”
“The news … has gone unconfirmed since it broke earlier this week, with a spokesperson for Tomlinson telling Digital Spy that they had “no comment” on the speculation when asked.”
“However, in a new interview with The Sun, Cowell has apparently shared the advice he passed onto Tomlinson after the singer came to him with the news.“
“Tomlinson himself has yet to officially confirm the reports”
Daily Mail’s article suggesting Louis is visiting Briana in LA but the representative speaks up. Here’s the headline.
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When contacted by MailOnline, a spokesperson for Louis didn’t reveal the nature of Louis’ visit, simply saying, 'He is on tour with One Direction in the USA’.
Interesting wording, eh?
if you remember, this SAME article caused a Larry-wave in the Daily Mail official twitter when they started favoriting tweets saying that Louis is with Harry.
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And that Larry is real. It was wild. If you missed it, check out part 3 of this masterpost series.
Until this day (2016. APR 25) none of his band mates have congratulated Louis, nor the official representative has confirmed/congratulated. But the rep was still busy congratulating Jesy from Little Mix for her engagement.
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This happened FIVE days after the announcement. Simon Jones sure had time to congratulate the happy dad-to-be, right?
Well he did’t and he won’t. Before this question comes up, let’s clear that yes, HE IS the head of Simon Jones PR, he IS representing One Direction.
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He congratulated people for career success, for engagement, for wedding, for baby announcements, for baby arrivals but NEVER LOUIS TOMLINSON’S. That’s more than weird.
Look at him, he was a busy bee even up until the announcement.
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Here he is congratulating for Jesy and Jake’s engagement and praises Tom Fletcher’s baby announcement video: time frame: July 19 - Sept 3. Still no word about Louis Tomlinson.
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Another baby arrival tweet:
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You guessed right, not for Louis. In fact he is still congratulating for everything.
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And as the baby was BORN on Jan 21 2016 THERE’S STILL NOTHING ON HIS TWITTER.
We are going to make a short pitstop and talk about the public congratulations:
The band McFly had 2 babies: one from Harry Judd, one from Tom Fletcher and every single time the bandmates/family/media personalities/journalists DID CONGRATULATE PUBLICLY. It is not a question of wanting to stay private. Baby announcement is a happy occasions and people do congratulate publicly as well, regardless of how famous they are.
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Birth announced in a tweet by Harry:
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And all band members congratulated (on the same day):
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OK,now we can get back to this Tomlinson baby and our timeline:
On July 30th one of Louis’ friend Jimmy Bullard spoke up and his interpretation of the pregnancy is absolutely controversial, and his wording is one that we call *plausible deniability*. The article was published in the Irish Mirror. Let’s see.
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Louis Tomlinson’s close pal Jimmy Bullard says the One Direction star having a baby is a “nightmare”.
While other pals, including Simon Cowell, have rushed to congratulate the singer, Jimmy says: “I’m not sure we should be congratulating that. Yeah… a nightmare.”
Speaking about the 23-year-old becoming a dad for the first time, former Premier League footballer Jimmy, a father of two, adds:
“He’s going to have his hands full. I’m sure he’ll get it all sorted.“
“I can’t advise him, I struggle with my two as it is. He’ll be a great dad.”
That one Jimmy Bullard article was the lead up to a radio interview that bandmate Liam Payne had with Magic Radio on Aug 3rd. For the audio click here, but here are some quotes:
“Well obviously I was a bit shocked but he’s taken super well to it. And he’s very excited with what’s going on with him at the moment and I feel that stuff like that happens sometimes…he’s taking it very seriously.”
And what are his thoughts on Briana, eh? “Yeah she’s really nice, she’s a lovely girl,” he added.
Before this exclusive airs, Magic Radio sends a press release to outlets: credit: Stephanie Soteriou (yahoo celebrity uk):
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Now here comes the weirdness, because why not, right?
Tumblr user jewleeahhhh did some research because 1D normally goes to BBC Radio 1, Capital or literally any other outlet but Magic FM. Here’s what they found:
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That is, my dear friend, One Direction’s next single.
Let’s rewind back and check the promo - babygate alignments, because there is some….. Ready?
Action 1D’s Louis video released: July 13 Pregnancy announced: July 14. Drag Me Down released: July 31
Drag Me Down first official performance: Aug 4 Louis’ baby confirmation: Aug 4
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Drag Me Down music video: Aug 20
STW Glasgow Riverside baby question: Oct 7 Perfect release: Oct 16 Perfect music video: Oct 20
baby birth: Jan 21 Louis’ first baby tweet: Jan 23 History music video released: Jan 26 Louis’ instagram baby pic: Jan 28
I am going to now talk about that ominous GMA confirmation and instead of focusing on Louis and his body language (that’s going to be the second to next post), let’s still stay in the media reaction: if you LOOK at the media during babygate, or JUST on the media reaction to the GMA *confirmation interview*, you HAVE to admit that something is OFF. And the media knows it too. I am going to quote some publications:
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Weeks after it was confirmed that One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson is expecting his first child with Briana Jungwirth, the 1D member broke the silence on his impending fatherhood — carefully, and tersely — prior to the group’s performance on Good Morning America on Tuesday (Aug. 4).
This is from Billboard’s official tumblr using Harry Styles’ infamous sooo what’s the weather tweet after the confirmation on GMA Live.
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Defamer (a Gawker blog):
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One Direction performed on Good Morning America this morning and, once the band left the stage, GMA contributor (I guess) Michael Strahan congratulated Tomlinson on his supposed impregnation, about which not a single member of One Direction has spoken a public word.
Oh shit, Michael Strahan.
Was Strahan ignorant to the fact that no One Direction member had, until that moment, publicly confirmed Louis Tomlinson’s supposed impregnation? Was Strahan ignorant to the fact that everyone assumed they were all most likely waiting on some sort of blood test? Was Strahan ignorant to nothing, nothing at all—did he know full well that he was getting literally the scoop of a lifetime, oh my god, we’re SCREAMING?
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Louis hasn’t come out publicly with the baby news after it surfaced online in July, but on Tuesday morning (Aug. 4) on “Good Morning America,” the 1D singer finally addressed the rumors — thanks to some suave talking by “GMA” host Michael Strahan.
“From one father to another, I want to congratulate you,” Strahan said to an awkward Tomlinson. “How are you feeling?”
“Thank you,” Louis started. “Obviously, it’s a very exciting time, so I’m buzzing, thank you.”
There was an stomach-churning silence after that, and Lara Spencer tried to hand off the pressure on Harry Styles, who looked a little bewildered, but amused.
Entertainment Tonight:
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In an interview with Good Morning America on Tuesday, the 23-year-old British boy band member finally confirmed the news that he’s going to be a dad. GMA contributer Michael Strahan brings up the elephant in the room, congratulating him as “one father to another.” And though it gets a bit awkward, Louis smiles big, and thanks him.
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The 23-year-old made the admission during an interview on Good Morning America – a move which is likely to shock fans who have been in denial since the news broke.
When questioned if he was excited about having a baby with Briana Jungwirth, he said: “Obviously it’s a really exciting time, so I’m buzzing, thank you.”
CBS San Francisco:
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Louis said ” It’s A Very Exciting Time" but do you think it was mean for Michael to trap him like that?
One more example:
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One Direction sat down with Good Morning America at New York City’s Central Park today (August 4) to talk recent developments. This included Louis Tomlinson having a baby, which he hasn’t talked about until now.
The interview got awkward. “Well Louis, I gotta say,” said host Michael Strahan, “from one father to another, I want to congratulate you on your upcoming fatherhood. So, how are you feeling?”
Tomlinson forced a smile. “Thank you, yeah,” he said. “Obviously it’s a very exciting time, so I’m buzzing.” But he didn’t act excited, which had the other host, Lara Spencer, desperate to change the subject: “Harry, you seem very quiet today.”
This did not help.
Fortunately, Liam Payne and, yes, Harry Styles seemed happier to talk just about everything else: the surprise release of new single “Drag Me Down,” One Direction’supcoming fifth album and its new initiative action/1D, which builds awareness for issues like extreme poverty and global warming.
Other non-local outlets the Daily News, Mashable, Hollywood Life. There’s probably more.
OCT 7: Louis - Niall interview with STW Glasgow - Riverside. The second time Louis is asked about the baby. Here’s the media reaction to it.
Please note that the Louis’ analysis during babygate will come in a separate post, we are only focusing on the media.
Daily Mail:
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Despite us all seeing Briana Jungwirth’s baby bump, some Directioners were in denial about Louis Tomlinson becoming a dad.
Now the One Direction star has opened up about the stylist expecting his child and revealed he is “excited” to welcome the first 1D baby into the world.
Louis spoke about the amazing baby news with STV Glasgow when he dropped by for a chat with bandmate Niall Horan during the band’s tour and it was pretty awkward.
After being asked if he’s looking forward to being able to spend time with the new arrival, Louis replied: “I am, yeah. I’m very excited, yeah. Yeah, it’s gonna be really nice.
"We don’t know how nice he’ll find it when his hands are full of dirty nappies but babies are super cute!
But despite it being a huge responsibility he is still planning to spend some quality time with the boys during the band’s break next year, as he revealed they are going on a lads’ holiday.
Asked what they will be doing during their time off, he said: "I think we’re going to go on a lads’ holiday think, aren’t we lad? Yeah, so that’s about all I’ve got planned at this stage I think.
"We’re not sure what Briana will think about that.
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So, Louis Tomlinson is happy about having his first child. That’s a relief.
Still, it took a rather awkward interview before a Glasgow gig to elicit that information.
During a chat with Louis and bandmate Niall Horan, a Scottish interviewer asked if he’s excited about becoming a parent with Briana Jungwirth.
Louis replied: ‘I am, very excited, yeah.’
And that was that.
But the interviewer persisted in her questioning: will it be good to have a break from 1D so he could have free time with the sprog?
Louis said: ‘Yeah, it’s gonna be nice, yeah.’
Niall looked on awkwardly the whole time, waiting for a chance to showcase his Glaswegian accent.
Well, at least we got some info about their new album… oh no, we didn’t. D’oh.
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Louis Tomlinson has kept pretty quiet about his impending fatherhood since the news broke over the summer that Briana Jungwirth is having his baby.
But now the One Direction star has opened up about his feelings just months ahead of the little one’s arrival – though it’s all slightly awkward.
Louis, 23, was interviewed alongside bandmate Niall Horan for STV Glasgow as the boys prepared for a gig in the city on Wednesday night and in a video of the chat is seen being questioned about whether he’s excited to become a dad.
‘I am, yeah. I’m very excited,’ the singer replies whilst Niall, 22, sits awkwardly in the middle between Louis and the boundlessly cheerful presenter lady.
With 1D going on hiatus from March next year, Louis will obviously have time to spend with the baby but is giving very little away when asked about this.
‘Yeah, it’s gonna be really nice, yeah,’ Louis answers.
After being queried about the baby Louis appears to take a sigh before awkwardly looking at his fingernails. Cringe.
Watch the slightly uncomfortable interview with Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan below… <VIDEO LINKED>
It was revealed back in July that the Yorkshire-born star is set to become a father for the first time next year as LA-based stylist Briana is expecting his child.
Fans waited with bated breath for a comment from Louis about the news but he didn’t speak out about the bombshell until August during an appearance with 1D on Good Morning America.
After being asked how he was feeling about his impending fatherhood, Louis gave a short and sweet reply, saying: ‘Thank you. Obviously it’s a very exciting time, so I’m buzzing. Thank you.’
It was bandmate Liam Payne who broke 1D’s silence on the subject though. One day before Louis spoke out, Liam told Magic Radio: ‘Well, obviously I was a bit shocked but he’s taken super well to it.’
‘He’s very excited with what’s going on with him at the moment and I feel that stuff like that happens sometimes. He’s taking it very seriously.’
It even made the Most Shocking Celeb Moments 2015 list:
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And yet again Harry Styles is name-dropped in this whole big mess.
OCT 20: People Magazine: another Simon Cowell interview
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“I just said, ‘Enjoy it.’ If I had been his age and someone had said, ‘You’re going to have a baby,’ I’m not sure how I would have coped with it,” Cowell shares. “But he did call me and I said, ‘When you’ve embraced it, you’ll be amazed how much you are going to love it. It will change your life for the better.’ ”
We are almost at the end of this post now, because the post-partum media will be in another post, but I want to mention one post-partum Simon article before wrapping this up:
JAN 22: Daily Mail publishes yet another Simon Cowell article.
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Cowell confessed if Louis, 24, who welcomed a baby boy with his former flame Briana Jungwirth, were to ask him to take on the role as the newborn’s guardian, he would have no second thoughts.
When questioned by the Mirror about whether he’ll fulfill godfather duties, the 56-year-old music mogul said: 'We’ll have to wait and see. I’m godfather to a lot of kids now. I would if he asked.’
And that’s ALL we have.
Louis Tomlinson asked about it 2 times, both times awkward. His friend Jimmy Bullard and Liam Payne talked about the topic with very careful wording. Simon Cowell talked about it PLENTY.
Thank you for reading this!
This was Part 4 of the babygate masterpost.
18 notes · View notes
wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Life’s Lessons - Part 15
Title: Life’s Lessons - A Lesson in Finding the One
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 8,857 (texts, thoughts, song lyrics in italics)
Part Summary: Dean and Y/N find themselves so busy in the following weeks, that things blow out of proportion and they spend the night apart. Feeling awful about it the next day, they plan to apologise to each other but something unexpected stops them from that. Later, Dean and Y/N share a tearful apology, after the experience of nearly losing each other makes them realise what is truly important.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Fighting, Hurtful words, Doubts, Insecurities, Guilt, Tears, Hurt!Dean (don’t hate me, it’s not for long), Hospital, Tears, Fluff, Romance, Smut, Oral sex (Female receiving), Dirty talk, Vaginal Fingering, Brief handjob, Unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it, people), A whole bunch of fluff.
Music: Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks & Don Henley (Y/N driving home scene), Do I Move You by Briana Buckmaster (Dean and Y/N date night scene), Ramble On by Led Zeppelin (Dean and Y/N end scene)
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: Well, this is it. The last chapter. I can’t believe it. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all your love for this series. I’m so grateful for each of you; every single one. You’re all the best. Epilogue will post next week, but happy reading and enjoy the final chapter! :)
Life’s Lessons Masterlist
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics! Check her out for all your AU needs!!!
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Two more weeks passed that were incredibly busy for both Y/N and Dean.
Dean had been swamped between the old and new sites, trying to fix up people’s cars at the old and then working with Benny on the car that had come in for restoration at the old site, but they moved it to the new. They had gotten this big job a few months ago, and had started then but moving it over to the new site had been a good decision as everything was more open and had more room to move around. They had so many people calling in with every model of car Dean had ever heard of, in different states and different forms of restoration that needed to be done. There were only so many they could book, and had to eventually tell people they couldn’t take any more for the next few months.
He had been coming home later and later, and barely had time to even kiss Y/N let alone do anything else. He really couldn’t wait until they hired a few more people and he could finally go back to his regular hours. They were in the middle of the hiring process too; yet another reason they had been so busy.
Y/N had a lot going on at school as well. There had big tests she had given her students in both grades and had a lot of grading to do. While that was happening, she also had to plan lessons for the new content they had to cover, while also taking on a few tutoring duties after school for the kids that really needed help, in order to get to the high school level by September.
She had been coming home later than usual, but then she would cook and leave something for Dean to eat so that when he came back late, he wouldn’t come to bed absolutely starving. She had barely seen him, always falling asleep before he got home because she was so exhausted herself.
She really hoped things would slow down soon for both of them so that they could have more time together.
Y/N was in the middle of grading tests when she heard the front door open and close, and then Dean’s boots in the hallway. She usually did her work in her office at her own house but considering she had just made a quick and easy pasta for dinner over at Dean’s, she decided to sit at the dining table after eating and grade the papers there.
“Hey, sweetheart” Dean muttered as he saw her, sounding completely wrecked.
She looked up at him, offering a small smile. “Hey. Food’s still hot, so eat up.” She went back to her grading as she heard him wash up and then sat down with his food, across from her at the table.
“How was your day?” he asked, taking a bite and looking at her.
“Busy” she replied, not looking up from the tests in front of her. She pushed her glasses up as they slid down her nose but made no move to look up at him.
Dean frowned as he saw her so engrossed in her work that she didn’t even look at him. He really wanted to take a few minutes to just be with her, considering they had barely talked in the last two weeks.
“Y/N, can’t you put that away for a while?” he asked, trying not to sound too frustrated.
“No, I can’t, Dean. This is important; I’ve been so behind with grading, and the kids are really getting antsy about their scores” she replied, shaking her head as she continued to look down.
“Sweetheart… we’ve barely seen each other. You can finish that in the morning too” he countered.
“I’m almost done, Dean. Please, just… let me finish. You can keep talking, I’m listening, okay?” She was irritable and really hoped he wouldn’t push any further.
“Yeah. Okay” he mumbled as he continued to eat. “Maybe… maybe we can go out on Friday night. God knows we haven’t been out, just us, in a long time.”
“We really don’t have to” she said, quickly glancing at him before continuing her work.
“Oh, come on, Y/N. It’ll be good, we can finally relax” he said, smiling slightly, hoping she’d look up at him and actually agree.
She scoffed as she shook her head. “Yeah, and then you can leave me in the morning like you always do for your top-secret mission.”
An eerie silence fell in the house as Dean stopped eating. He put his fork down slowly as he looked at her. He kept calm as he thought about how to broach this.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, calmly even though he was a little annoyed.
She finally looked up at him with her glasses on, and if it was any other day, Dean would’ve found it incredibly hot rather than scary. “It means that there’s no point in us going out on Friday night if you’re just going to leave the next morning and then not tell me what you’re up to.”
“Y/N, I need you to trust me, okay? I’ll tell you soon, I promise” he tried to reassure her, hoping she’d understand. “It’s something for us, for our future and I just want things to be perfect.”
“But do you really have to be away every Saturday? I mean, what the fuck am I supposed to think is going on, Dean? You’ve been busy during the week, the least you could do is spend some time with me on the weekend, but no! You keep leaving at the earliest possible hour and you come back late at night!” she said, glaring at him as her voice raised slightly. She got up quickly, the chair scraping harshly against the floors.
“You’re not supposed to think anything, Y/N” he snapped. “You’re supposed to trust me, that’s it.”
“Well, it’s kind of hard to do that when you’re never here” she scoffed as she walked away from the table and into the kitchen. Dean shook his head, following behind her.
“I’m not the only one who hasn’t been here” he threw back at her.
She laughed bitterly, and Dean felt his stomach turn at the sound.
“Really? Then what is all of this?” she asked, gesturing to the food on the stove. “I’m here every day, making sure you have what you need when you get back at god knows what time of night!”
“That maybe so, sweetheart… but that” he said, gesturing to the table with the tests on it. “That’s when you’re not here! I try to talk to you and you’re always so lost in what you’re doing, you can’t even hear me!” Dean yelled.
“Fine, then let me make it easier for you” she hissed, as she walked to the table and gathered up all the tests. She shoved them into her handbag, picked up her coat and put it on over her oversized sweater, to keep her exposed legs warm.
“Y/N stop” Dean said, shaking his head. “Please, stop.”
That was not going well at all and he felt horrible for even bothering her while she had been working. She was working. It’s not like she was ignoring him on purpose.
“For the record, this is my job” she snapped at him as she turned around. “And you holding it against me is something I’m not going to stand for.”
“Y/N, wait-” he started but she walked out the door so quickly, slamming the door behind her, he barely had time to register it.
He had the first thought of following her, but the second thought of knowing she needed space, stopped him. That was the first time they had fought, and it was bad. He had blamed her work for the reason she was distant, but it was the fact that he was keeping something from her that caused her to be so upset. Plus, all these days apart hadn’t helped them in their relationship.
He knew he had to fix this and soon. He just hoped he hadn’t royally screwed up.
That night after Y/N finally finished grading the tests, she angrily washed her face before putting on her pyjamas and getting into bed. She glared up at the ceiling of her bedroom, shaking her head. He was the one who was hiding something and then blaming her for being distant because of her work. She had to distract herself from thoughts and insecurities about what might be happening, with her work. He had some nerve to blame her for this.
Though… she hadn’t exactly helped by saying that he was never there. Yes, it was sort of true, but she knew how hard he was working at the new garage, while also trying to keep things up and running at the old one. She knew he loved his work so much and she never wanted him to think she would be angry at him because of it. She really hoped he wasn’t thinking that.
She knew she needed to sleep on it and figure it out the next day. She just hoped she could.
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It had been a restless night for Dean. Not sleeping next to Y/N was definitely the biggest factor of that, but their fight had been playing on his mind all night too. He woke up to go to work and was yet to see her that day.
He hated that he brought her job into their argument. She was great at what she did, she was passionate, and she always supported him, so he had to support her too. He hated that for a minute back there he used it against her. He knew as soon as he got home, he had to speak to her. One night without her next him was enough to scare him. He never wanted to be without her, even for one night.
Dean: I hated not having you next to me last night. I’m clocking out early today, we have to talk, sweetheart. I’m so sorry about what I said. I love you.
He had sent her a message during the day and he just hoped that she would want to actually talk to him when she got home. He was going to make it a point to be home before her, so that she knew he was serious about this. He needed her to know that.
He was glad that work was a good distraction at that point. It was the middle of the day, he had a few hours left of work, and he had to tow someone’s car back to the garage. Hopefully he could continue to distract himself for the next few hours, until he returned home and dealt with the aftermath of the night before.
As he drove back to the garage, he stopped at a light and thought about what he was going to say to Y/N when she got home. He was scared and didn’t know if he would just end up ruining everything more than he already had. He couldn’t lose her. Not now, not ever. He really had to think carefully about what to say.
As the light turned green, Dean moved the tow truck forward, ready to head back to the garage. However, he didn’t have time to react as another car ran a red light and hit the tow truck on the passenger side, sending it screeching along the road a few feet away.
The last thing on Dean’s mind as he blacked out was Y/N.
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The night had not been restful for Y/N either.
She was embarrassed about how she had reacted. She shouldn’t have doubted Dean and what he was doing. She always said she would trust him and now she made him doubt whether she did or not. She did. She completely and unconditionally did, but she did have her fears about what he was doing. If he couldn’t tell her, then clearly something was wrong. Or maybe nothing was wrong, and she was just a bitch for overreacting.
She was glad when she got a message from him saying he’d be home early. She knew they needed to talk before things got worse.
Y/N: Okay. I’m so sorry too. I do trust you, Dean. You have to know that I do. We’ll talk when I get home. I love you, so much.
She had spent nearly the whole day at work with this at the back of her mind. She was so distracted at work and everyone could tell that something was wrong. Some of the teachers had asked her if she was okay when she was in the staff room, but she just played it off like she didn’t get a lot of sleep. However, when Charlie asked when they went to the staff bathroom before their next classes, Y/N told her everything.
“I made a mess of everything, Charlie” she said, shaking her head as she leaned her hands on the sink.
Charlie shook her head, as she rubbed her hand up and down Y/N’s back. “No, you didn’t. Do you guys need to talk about it? Yes, of course, but you haven’t made a mess.”
“But I’ve made him doubt my trust in him. I don’t want him to think I don’t trust him” Y/N choked out, trying to keep her emotions at bay.
“No, you haven’t made him doubt anything, Y/N. He loves you, and he knows you love him, trust him. You just have to talk it out. He’s going to be the one to tell you everything, but all I’m going to say is that it’s a good thing; what he’s waiting to tell you. I promise” Charlie reassured her, smiling at her, softly.
“It’s going to make me feel even worse, isn’t it?” Y/N asked, frowning.
Charlie wasn’t going to say anything, but when Y/N lifted an eyebrow, she sighed. “Yeah.”
“Great” Y/N shook her head, closing her eyes.
“But it’s also going to make you feel really good, really excited, and that’s it. That’s all I’m going to say” Charlie said, trying not to smile as she thought about it.
“Okay” Y/N nodded.
The next class went on and on, as she taught the kids and distracted herself. She was incredibly glad when that bell rang at the end of the day and she could finally get home. She didn’t say her goodbyes to anyone, just picked up her bags and lunch that she couldn’t finish because she didn’t have the stomach for it and left the school.
As she drove home, she could feel her heart beating wildly as she thought about Dean coming home and what she was going to say to him. She had to fix this and promise him that she would never doubt him ever again. She loved him and she trusted him; she needed him to really know that.
As she drove, a soft melody started on the radio and she instantly knew what song it was.
Is love so fragile
And the heart so hollow
Shatter with words
Impossible to follow
You’re saying I’m fragile I try not to be
I search only for something that I can’t see
I have my own life and I am stronger
Than you know
But I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won’t be walking out the door
Still I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won’t be walking out the door
Y/N felt the tears in her eyes stream down her cheeks as she finally let out the emotions of what happened. All she could think about was how she did walk out the night before, and how she regretted it instantly but made no move to turn around and go back to him. How could she do that?
Lovers forever face to face
My city your mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give to me your leather
Take from me my lace
The song hit too close to what she was feeling, and she flicked the button, turning the radio off. She was almost home, anyway.
She wiped her eyes as she turned down their street, speeding up to reach the house quicker. She parked in her driveway but frowned when she didn’t see the Impala parked at Dean’s. Maybe he was still on his way home.
Suddenly, her phone rang and she picked it up, frowning when she saw ‘Sam’ instead of ‘Dean’. She thought maybe he would call and tell her he was on his way, but as she picked up the phone, that thought was quickly replaced with worry when she heard Sam’s frantic voice.
“Y/N! Where are you right now?” he asked, his breath short as he sounded like he was rushing around, and he sounded scared.
“I just got home… Sam, what’s wrong?” she asked in return, feeling her throat constricting as fear gripped her heart.
“The hospital just called me, they said Dean’s been in an accident. I’m on my way but if you can get there before me-” he replied, but she cut him off as she turned her car back on.
“I’m leaving now!” she yelled as she hung up and pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road towards the hospital.
She tried not to let the worst possible thoughts enter her mind, but that was hard to do when it was one thought after another, constantly. She felt like she couldn’t breathe; like her throat was closed and she couldn’t even gasp for breath. She frantically pulled into an empty spot in the hospital parking, grabbed her bag and rushed towards the entrance. She went to the desk and tried to find her voice as the nurse behind the desk looked at her.
“I’m here to see Dean Winchester, he was brought in” she said through short breaths, as she tried to calm herself down.
“Are you his emergency contact?” the nurse asked, as she started clicking the mouse and typing something on the computer in front of her.
“N-no, I-I’m not, but his brother is on his way-” Y/N started but the nurse shook her head, sternly.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I can’t tell you anything without Mr. Winchester’s next of kin here” she said, looking between Y/N and the screen.
“No, please, I have to know if he’s okay” Y/N shook her head, frantically, trying to reason with her. “Please, you have to tell me.”
“He’s with the doctors right now, but that’s all I can say. I’m sorry” the nurse said, giving her one bit of information she was allowed to give, which wasn’t very telling about Dean’s condition.
Y/N stepped back from the desk, letting out a sob she had been holding back as she drove over there. She cradled her head in her hands, letting the last several hours wash over her as she descended into silent tears, in the middle of the waiting area. Something could be seriously wrong, and she wasn’t allowed to know until Sam got there. She could lose Dean and the last thing that ever happened between them would’ve been that stupid fight. She felt the guilt settle in as she continued to cry quietly, trying to be positive but failing.
“Y/N!” she heard someone yell. She looked up and walked over to Sam as he rushed towards her, dressed in a suit. He had clearly rushed straight out from work.
“Sam!” she launched herself into him, hugging him tightly. “They won’t tell me anything, they said you had to be here.”
“Okay, it’s okay, come with me” Sam was being as calm as he could be, holding her hand in his as he walked over to the desk.
“I’m Sam, Dean Winchester’s brother” he told the nurse. “Please tell us what’s going on.”
“Dean was brought in after a car collided with his tow truck at an intersection. The doctors are with him but let me get an update for you” the nurse informed them and picked up the phone.
“Alright, thank you” Sam said, as he stepped away and sat down on a chair. Y/N sat next to him; their hands still clasped.
“Sam… what if he’s-” she started but stopped, unable to even say the words.
“He’s not” Sam shook his head, but he wasn’t sure whether it was out of conviction or denial. “He can’t be.”
“I fucked up, Sam” she whispered, as tears fell down her face.
He looked confused as he looked at her. “What do you mean?”
“W-we had a s-stupid fight yesterday, and I stormed out… and-and I-I slept at my house” she stuttered, not being able to say anything properly. “And now he… he’s here. If something happened-”
Sam turned to her, gripping her shoulders to make her look at him. “Nothing happened, Y/N. Dean’s going to be just fine, I feel it. And you didn’t fuck up. You and Dean will work it out. It’ll be okay, Y/N. I know it will” he reassured her, as he pulled her into a hug. She nodded against him, not trusting her voice anymore.
“Mr. Winchester” the nurse from before gestured to them, and they got up quickly.
“Yes?” Sam said, taking Y/N’s hand again. She felt like she was about throw up as she waited for the nurse to talk.
“Dean has a mild concussion, a cut on his forehead that the doctors sutured and bandaged. They’re going to keep him overnight for observation but he’s going to be okay” she explained, a soft smile on her face.
Y/N let out a harsh breath as she sobbed, hugging Sam tightly when he pulled her in.
“Can we see him?” Sam asked.
“Yes, he’s in room 302, 5th floor” she replied, checking the room and telling them.
“Thank you” Sam said, as Y/N picked up her bag from where she had been sitting and joined Sam at the elevator.
Y/N and Sam rode the elevator up to the floor and found the room, but Sam stood back as Y/N walked to the door. She frowned as he stood behind her, a small smile on his face.
“You should go in first” he said.
“Sam, he’s your brother-” she started but he stopped her as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I know how scared you were when they couldn’t tell you anything. You need this, Y/N” he smiled softly at her. “I’ll be in soon.”
“Okay. Thanks” she said, reaching up high on the toes of her shoes and kissing his cheek.
Y/N turned the door handle and opened the door, feeling like the wind was knocked out of her all over again. Dean was asleep on the hospital bed, looking small in the big, bare room sparse of any color. The monitors beeped at a normal pace as she walked in and stood near the bed. She took in his face, a white bandage on his forehead, some small cuts and scrapes on his cheeks and hands as her eyes travelled down his body. She felt tears roll down her cheeks as she sat down on the chair next to the bed. She curled her hand around his, sniffling as she watched him.
“Dean” she called out, softly. “It’s Y/N. I’m here.”
She saw his eyes moving under his lids, as he slowly started to blink them open, flinching at the stark light of the room. Dean’s head felt heavy as he looked around the room, his eyes finally landing on Y/N. She smiled at him through tears and he felt his heart soaring as he saw her there, in the room. She was there. He was there and he was alive.
“Y/N” he croaked, trying to smile at her.
“Shhh, don’t talk” she whispered as she took the plastic cup of water from his table and placed the straw to his mouth. “Here, slow sips.”
He took a few sips of water and gulped it down, looking at her as she put the cup down. He gripped her hand in his.
“You’re here” he whispered as he looked at her.
“Of course I am” she said, softly as she leaned down and kissed his hand. “Did you think… did you think I wouldn’t be?” she asked, scared of the answer.
“I… I would’ve deserved it” he said, coughing slightly. “For what I said to you-” he started but she gripped his hand, shaking her head.
“It’s okay, Dean” she whispered, not wanting to think about that anymore. It was stupid in comparison to what happened.
“No, I shouldn’t have brought your job into it, Y/N. I’m sorry” he said, groggily as he shook his head.
“I’m sorry, too. For doubting you… for thinking you were being dishonest about something” she apologized, kissing his hand again.
“I promise I’m going to tell you… I just… I wanted it to be a surprise. And… I promise I won’t ever say you’re never here. We’ve just been busy, but we’ll make time. And I promise I won’t ever bring your work into an argument” he said, shifting a little so he was sitting up a bit more. She tried to stop him, but he was adamant on being to look at her properly and apologize.
“I promise I won’t ever doubt you again, or be angry about you working late. I know you’re doing it for a reason” she said, gripping his hand tighter.
“Come here” he smiled softly, as he tugged on her hand. She smiled in return and got up, sitting on the bed next to him. She leaned over as he lifted his other hand, pulling her in for soft, slow kiss.
She sniffled as she pulled away, more tears rolling down her face. “I hate that the fight could’ve been the last thing you remembered of me. I could’ve lost you today. And… they wouldn’t tell me anything until Sam got here-”
“Damn” he mumbled, shaking his head. “We’ll fix that tomorrow.”
“I was so scared” she cried, as she leaned into him, her tears beginning to stain his hospital gown.
“Me too” he admitted, as he pulled her in tighter. “I saw you before it all went dark. I saw…” he trailed off, not being able to tell her as her sadness got to him, a few tears rolling down his cheeks, too.
“I love you” she choked out, as she looked at him. He leaned in, kissing her harder than before, their desperation to be close getting to them.
“I love you, too” he muttered against her lips as he kept kissing her. “And for the record… there’s plenty of things I’d remember about you before that fight.”
She smiled at him as she moved forward, kissing him again, not wanting to stop.
“Oh, sorry” they both turned to see Sam standing in the doorway, his timing way off as he walked in on the emotional moment.
“Hey, Sammy” Dean said, as he continued to hold Y/N close.
“Hey” Sam said, sighing in relief as he saw his older brother looking alright for the most part. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Yeah” Dean nodded, as he leaned his head against Y/N’s.
Sam and Y/N both stayed until visiting hours were over, as they weren’t allowed to stay overnight. She didn’t want to be apart from him for another night, but Dean told her it would be okay. Sam had already called Benny and told him what happened, telling him that Dean wouldn’t be at work tomorrow. Y/N had made the decision that she would take work off the next day and take care of Dean.
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Y/N picked Dean up the next morning, filling out his discharge forms, adding her name and contact information to his contact list, before driving him home. For the rest of the day, it was like she was still at school as she told Dean to relax and to give it a day before he started doing things again. By the end of the day, he was so tired that he was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow.
The following day, he was feeling much better and went to work for light duties, as Y/N also went back to work. When they got home, they relaxed and had a simple dinner, just spending time together that they hadn’t gotten to do in the weeks before.
Before they knew it, Friday rolled around. Dean was a hundred precent by then, and ready to take Y/N out that night. She had insisted they stay home but he had insisted harder that he was absolutely fine and ready to take her out for a much-needed date night.
Dressed in a gold, satin, strappy top and a black leather skirt that came to just at her knees, Y/N put on her black coat and black heels as Dean greeted her at the door. He was wearing a deep red, V-neck sweater and looks so gorgeous that she couldn’t think about anything other than ripping it off him.
Dean drove them into the city, feeling surprisingly okay about driving after the accident. He told her that had things been much worse, maybe he wouldn’t have bounced back to driving so quickly. He drove through the streets, parking in one of the side streets. They had a quick dinner at one of their favorite spots before Dean payed and then took her to where he really wanted to. They walked down the street, clinging to each other as the chill of the air blew around them. Dean led the way to where he was taking her.
Y/N smiled as she saw that he had brought her to a jazz club, walking through the velvet curtain and being brought to their booth table. The band was already on fire, a blonde woman singing her lungs out with a husky, whiskey touched voice that was electric. The lights were dimmed, a candle on each table adding to the glow. Y/N sipped her wine as Dean sipped his whiskey.
“This place is great” she said, smiling at him as she swayed to the music.
“I thought you’d like it” he smirked. “Think of it as an apology.”
“No, you don’t have anything to apologize for, not anymore” she shook her head, cupping his face. “It’s in the past.”
“Okay” he nodded. He looked into her eyes, smiling brighter. “God, you’re so damn beautiful.”
She felt the heat rise in her cheeks at his complement. “Dean.”
“Don’t ‘Dean’ me, sweetheart. It’s true. I know how lucky I am to have you. Especially after what happened. It… it could’ve ended so differently” he grimaced, as he remembered the day of the accident.
“I know” she nodded, but then shook her head. “Let’s not think about it.”
“You’re right” he agreed, as he leaned over and kissed her, quickly deepening the kiss.
“Alright, this next one’s for all the lovers in the house” the woman on stage announced. “Feel free to join the floor.”
A sexy, slow beat of the piano and bass started, as Y/N watched a few couples get up and move in close to each other. Suddenly, Dean stood up and smirked at her, offering his hand.
“Dean, no” she laughed, shaking her head.
“Come on, sweetheart” he said, wiggling his fingers. She bit her lip and stood up, taking his hand in hers. Dean led them over to the floor, and pulled her in close, his arms around her waist, close to her behind. She wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling at him.
Do I move you?
Are you willing?
Do I groove you?
Is it thrilling?
Do I soothe you?
Tell the truth now
Do I move you?
Are you loose now?
The answer better be
That pleases me
Dean swayed him and Y/N side to side to the beat, looking into her eyes. He leaned his forehead against hers, pulling her in closer.
Are you ready
For this action
Does it give you
Are you hip to what I’m saying?
If you are now
Then let’s start swaying
The answer better be
That pleases me
When I touch ya
Do you quiver?
From your head
Right down to your liver
Dean’s hand moved up her back, his fingers brushing against the exposed skin of her neck and shoulder blades, causing Y/N to shiver as she bit her lip and looked him in the eyes.
If you like it
Let me know it
Don’t be psychic
Or you’ll blow it
The answer better be
That pleases me
Dean leaned in, pressing his lips to hers in a searing kiss. She cupped his face, holding him there, before he pulled away and winked at her.
“Let’s get outta here” he whispered into her ear, taking her hand in his and quickly leading her out, after paying for their drinks.
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Dean and Y/N burst through the door of Dean’s house, lips pressed against each other’s as they pushed and pulled at each other’s clothes. It had been far too long since they had been together in this way, and they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.
“Get this off” she whispered against his lips as she tugged at his sweater. Dean pulled it up and his arms through it, tossing it somewhere on the floor. He reached around her and unzipped her skirt, watching her push it down and strip her top off too, leaving her in a black strapless bra and matching panties, thigh-high stockings and garter belt holding them up.
Dean picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her into the bedroom, dropping her gently on the bed. He smirked down at her as he breathed heavily, leaning down on top of her as he kissed her jaw, neck and travelled down her body. He kissed her breasts, licked a path down her torso and stomach, as he reached down and pulled her thong to one side, inserting two fingers into her already wet heat.
She moaned loudly, smiling as she felt the pads of his fingers rub along her walls. “Just like that, fuck. Dean.”
“I can’t wait to fuck you, sweetheart” he mumbled against her skin. “It’s been too fucking long.”
“I can’t wait, either” she gasped, as he thrust his fingers in and out of her, throwing her head back with a moan as he hit her g-spot with precision.
He moved his head down, his mouth finding her clit as his tongue swirled around the little bud. He moaned at the taste of her, not having done this in a while.
“Fuck, you taste so good, Y/N. Your pussy feels so great wrapped around my fingers” he groaned against her mound.
“Dean” she said, trying to reach for him impatiently. “Fuck me. Please.”
He chuckled as he moved away from her, looking down at her. “So desperate for my cock, huh?”
She whined frustratedly as she grabbed his hand gently and moved it away from her, his fingers covered in her slick. She sat up as he kneeled over her, unbuckling the belt and unzipping his dark wash jeans, pulling them down along with his boxers. She wrapped her hand around his cock, pumping it up and down along the hard shaft.
“Fuck” he grunted, feeling her hand against him. He leaned forward and kicked off his boots, taking off his jeans and boxers. Once he returned to the bed, he smirked as Y/N pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. She held his hard cock to her entrance and sunk down on him, letting out a long, loud moan as she felt him completely seated inside her.
“Fuck yeah” he muttered as he held onto her hips and looked up at her, looking so damn beautiful in that moment. Her eyes closed as she adjusted to him, her hair flowing down, her mouth hanging open. “Ride me, sweetheart.”
She planted her hands on his chest, using him as leverage to move her hips up and down, feeling his cock against every ridge inside her as she set a moderate pace.
“Dean… fuck! You feel so good” she moaned, wantonly as she looked down at him. She rolled her hips back and forth, as his lifted up to meet hers. On each thrust down, she circled her hips, causing Dean to throw his head back, his neck straining, veins popping against his skin.
“Fuck yes! Do that again, sweetheart. You know how much I love it when you do that” he told her. It was his favorite move of hers, that drove him wild every time.
She smiled with a naughty wink, doing it again. “You like that, baby?”
“Yeah, fuck yeah. I love it so much, Y/N. Love it so much” he rambled, not being able to concentrate on anything but the feel of her.
She hummed as she bit her lip. “I love it, too. I love the way your cock feels inside me, fucking me so good, so deep. No one’s ever fucked me the way you do.”
Dean let out a strangled groan as she began to bounce on top of him, tossing her head back as she let out a string of loud moans.
“And no one else ever will, right sweetheart?” he asked, gripping her hips tighter, as her ass slapped against his thighs.
“No one, Dean. No one” she shook her head as she unclasped her bra, tossing it aside before grabbing her breasts and tweaking her nipples between her fingers.
“You’re mine, aren’t you, Y/N?” he smirked up at her. She looked down at him and nodded, frantically.
“Yeah, I’m yours” she replied, looking into his eyes. “Only yours. I love you. I love you, so much.”
“I love you, too” he said, taking her hands off her breasts and curling their fingers together. Her thrusts became faster, as she continued to grind against him. She was close and so was he.
“Dean, oh fuck, I’m gonna cum” she said, feeling the coil in her belly begin to tighten.
“Cum with me, Y/N. Fucking soak my cock” he growled, as he drove his hips up harder on the last few thrusts.
“Fuck! Oh fuck, Dean! I’m cumming!” she screamed, as her body shook and the coil snapped, her eyes closing tightly. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her and didn’t seem to stop at all as her juices flowed out of her and over his cock.
“Shit, Y/N! Oh fuck, yes!” he shouted into the privacy of the room, his cum shooting into her as his own climax hit.
Y/N breathed heavily as she rolled off him, landing on her back on the mattress. She moved her hands up and down her body, feeling it wet with her own sweat. Her hand moved down to her pussy, smiling as she felt his cum dripping out of her. She closed her legs, wanting to leave it there within her as she looked over at him, seeing him smirking at her.
“That was fucking incredible” he huffed, trying to catch his breath.
She nodded, feeling her eyelids grow heavy. He saw her and smiled, standing up on shaky legs and walking into the bathroom.
Dean came back with a wet washcloth and sat down next to Y/N. He parted her legs, swiping the cloth against her folds, the warm water cleaning her up. She looked up at him with a smile as her eyes continued to open and close. He cleaned himself as well and tossed the cloth in the hamper of dirty clothes, before returning. He smiled softly as he saw that she had fallen asleep, as he moved the covers over her and got in next to her, pulling her close.
Y/N looked up at Dean, smiling softly as she leaned in, pressing her lips to his. She looked at him, taking in his green eyes, sharp nose and freckles scattered across it and his cheeks.
“You okay?” he asked, softly.
“Yeah” she replied, nodding. “Just thinking.”
“About?” he wondered; his voice gravelly as he lowered it.
“About… the accident” she said, feeling tears prick at her eyes. “I…”
She shook her head, burying her face in his neck, her body shaking as she began to cry. Dean held her close, whispering soft words to her.
“Sweetheart, I’m okay. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere” he told her, reassuring her that everything was fine. He knew she had been keeping a brave face after the hospital, and she finally let it all out.
“I don’t want to be without you” she sobbed. “What would I do without you?”
“You won’t ever find out, Y/N. I swear it” he promised, cupping her face and making her look at him. “I’m not leaving you. Not now. Not ever.”
She nodded as she wiped her eyes, feeling emotionally exhausted. She leaned her head against his shoulder, breathing deeply as she tried to calm herself down. As her breathing slowed, she closed her eyes, letting sleep take over her.
Dean closed his eyes only once he knew she was safe and asleep, sleep quickly finding him, too.
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Light filtered through the window into the room, hitting the face of the woman sleeping, wrapped in the sheets. Y/N sighed softly, her eyelids blinking. She slowly opened them, smiling as she felt the warmth of the sun against her face. She frowned however, when the space next to her on the bed was empty, the sheets cold. As she sat up and held the sheet against her body, the smell of fresh coffee and bacon hit her nose, making her stomach growl from hunger.
Y/N dropped the sheet and picked up Dean’s t-shirt from the chair, slipping it over her body, covering her up to above her knees as it hung off her body. She walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway, the floors warm as Dean must’ve turned the thermostat up. She smiled as she saw him standing at the stove, in only his boxers as he flipped the bacon. His hair was sticking up in different directions and he looked absolutely adorable. She walked over and came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso as she leaned in, pressing her lips against his spine between his shoulder blades.
“Morning” she said, kissing him in that spot.
“Morning” he smirked, as he pulled her to stand in front of him. He leaned in, kissing her softly. “So… I have some plans for us today, if you’re not busy.”
“I’m free as a bird” she said, smiling up at him.
“Great” he smirked, as he took the bacon off the pan. “I’m taking you to see my secret Saturday mission.”
She looked up at him, a little shocked. “Really?”
“Yep” he said, popping the ‘p’. “It’s about time I told you what it was.”
“Okay” she said, a little nervous to know what it was.
“Hey” he said, getting her attention as he could see she was worrying. “I promise it’s a good thing.”
“I know, I just… you don’t have to just because I was worried. I’m not anymore, seriously” she rambled, but he stopped her by pecking her lips.
“I’m not, Y/N. I really want you to see what’s going on” he confirmed, smiling at her.
“Okay” she nodded, more excited this time.
“Good” he smirked. “Now let’s eat.”
After breakfast, Dean took her in the shower as he simply couldn’t resist her, and then they both got dressed. Y/N got dressed into a long sweater dress that had a split on the side, putting her long, black coat on over the top. They rugged up with their scarves, as Dean locked up the house. They got into the car and Dean drove through the streets of Lawrence, excited to finally show Y/N what he had been waiting to. He couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw what it was. Dean turned onto the street, moving forward down the road and cutting the engine as he stopped outside the house. Y/N looked around the street, a slight frown on her face.
“Where are we?” she asked.
“Well,” Dean started as he pointed up at the two-storey house, with a garden that was still yet to be made and a large porch. “That’s the Saturday secret.”
She looked up at the house, blinking a few times. “Meaning?”
“Meaning… it’s mine” he replied, with a small smile. “I’ve been renovating it for a few months. There’s still a lot of work to do, but it’s coming together.”
“That’s amazing!” she smiled, as she moved forward on the seat and hugged him. “You could’ve just told me.” She laughed as she pulled away, but frowned as she saw him looking at her with an expression she couldn’t quite place.
“I couldn’t because…” he trailed off, taking a deep breath. “Because it’s mine but… I want it to be ours. When we’re ready to move, I want us to move in here. Together.”
Her eyes widened as she was completely shocked. “But… but Dean it’s yours. If something happened-” He cut her off with a small chuckle.
“It’s ours. I’m going to call the office and get you added to the contract” he told her, smirking.
She smiled, feeling tears brimming her eyes. “Dean, that’s so sweet but… we’re not married. Anything could happen-” he cut her off again by shaking his head.
“Do you think something bad is gonna happen?” he asked, really wanting to know.
She thought about it for a second. She had no real reason to think that way, it was just a precaution they needed to take, wasn’t it? “Well, no… but it would be messy to change things to add me, wouldn’t it?” she wondered, shrugging.
“It’s nothing we can’t figure out, sweetheart” he said, simply. “And yeah, we’re not married but… we can get married. Some day.”
She stared at him, feeling faint. “Really?”
“Yeah” he nodded, not missing a beat. “It’s all on the table, sweetheart. Kids were already there, right?”
She nodded slowly as she looked at him, not trusting her voice.
“Then so is marriage” he said, taking her hand in his. “So… you wanna move in with me when it’s done?”
She laughed as she nodded, excitedly. “Yes!” she launched herself at him, hugging him tightly. He laughed as he buried his face in her neck, placing a small kiss there. He pulled away, smiling at her.
“Alright, let’s go in and I can show you what we’ve done so far” he said, tugging her hand to move out of the car.
“Wait” she stopped him. “I don’t want to see it.”
He frowned, not understanding her. “Why?”
“Because,” she started, smiling at him as a tear rolled down her cheek. “You wanted this to be a surprise for me. And I want that to still happen. No one… no one’s ever done anything like this for me. Everything you’ve done for me… it completely floors me, to this day. I like it when you surprise me because you keep doing that… so I don’t want to see it. Not yet.”
He smiled at her, nodding as he understood. “Okay. You still gotta help me though. I need to know what to do on the inside and I want your inspiration. Maybe you can use your home magazines that you keep, and you think I don’t know about.”
She looked sheepish, as she nodded. “Sounds good.”
He leaned in, kissing her passionately. She pulled away, leaning her forehead against his.
“I’m sorry I ever doubted you” she apologized. Seeing what he had been keeping from her made her feel so guilty, and she knew she needed to apologize again.
He shook his head, kissing her hand. “There’s no need for that, sweetheart. We’re good.”
Once they left, they drove into town. They felt like walking around, so they went to a few bookstores and record stores, picking up a couple that they liked or didn’t have yet. After, they had some lunch at one of their favorite diners before they came back home.
Y/N was so relieved that everything was out in the open, and nothing was as bad as what she had been thinking. In fact, it was all amazing. The house was incredible, and she couldn’t wait to see what Dean would do with it. She smiled as she walked into his house, thinking about their conversation in the car.
He had put marriage on the table. It probably always was considering kids were on the table, but this was the first time he’d said it out loud. In a flash of his words, she imagined herself as his wife, her heart beating wildly at that thought. She knew that he was the only person she could ever attach herself to in that way, and she was glad to know that he was thinking about it, too.
Dean smiled as she watched Y/N going about his house, making herself a cup of tea in the kitchen. He could so easily picture her in the new house, once it was done, the images of his dream returning to him. He couldn’t wait to spend his whole life with her. When he was younger, thinking on those terms was downright terrifying, but not anymore. Not when you have someone who loves you unconditionally and wants to spend every day making sure you’re cared for. That’s how she made him feel.
Later that night, they cooked dinner together. Dean’s lasanga that she loved so much that he made when she first came to his house for dinner. This time was much different, however. Now, she was helping him in the kitchen, playfully handing him things, as he stole kisses from her every now and then. One thing remained the same, however, both of them grooving to Zeppelin as they cooked.
Leaves are falling all around
It’s time I was on my way
Thanks to you I’m much obliged
For such a pleasant stay
But now it’s time for me to go
The autumn moon lights my way
For now I smell the rain
And with it pain
And it’s headed my way
Ah, sometimes I grow so tired
But I know I’ve got one thing I got to do
Ramble on
And now’s the time, the time is now
To sing my song
I’m goin’ round the world, I got to find my girl
On my way
I’ve been this way ten years to the day
Ramble on
Gotta find the queen of all my dreams
Dean stirred the sauce in the pot, reflecting on the words of one of his favorite songs. He had spent years, flirting and sleeping around with women. Years of rambling on, trying to find somewhere to settle, maybe even someone if he was lucky enough to ever find the one for him. He thought he had found a good thing until it went sour incredibly quickly.
Then Y/N came into his life. Shining like a beacon from across the street; something he immediately gravitated to. It became apparent to him very soon, that she was it. She was the one. The woman he had been looking for all his life, without really seeking her out.
She was the queen of all his dreams.
Dean walked up behind her as she chopped up some basil, kissing her head. She turned around, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him, softly. She looked up at him, her eyes gazing into his with the most loving expression. One he had seen several times now, but it suddenly felt like she was seeing him for the first time.
“What is it?” she asked, knowing he was thinking about something.
“I get it” he replied, knowing it wasn’t clear but also knowing she’d ask him again.
“Get what?” she asked, confused.
“Why you’re the one” he replied, not missing a beat. No pause. No hesitation. He leaned in, kissing her passionately.
Y/N smiled into the kiss as Dean pulled her in closer, resting her forehead against his. She knew he was the one for her too. After all the years of heartache and pain, years of wondering if she’d ever be good enough for someone, she finally found the man who would do absolutely anything to make her happy. She finally found the one she was always meant to be with.
They had learned a lot along the way, had spent months trying to fight their feelings for each other, before they finally realized they couldn’t deny it any longer.
They gazed into each other’s eyes, seeing nothing but love as they quietly acknowledged that moment as the start of something new.
Something new that they couldn’t wait to explore.
Tags: @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @katehuntington @akshi8278 @hobby27 @michellethetvaddict @spngirl05 @kyjey @halesandy @440mxs-wife @stoneyggirl @deanswaywardgirl @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl @redbarn1995 @marianita195 @babypink224221 @deans-baby-momma @parinarain @thoughts-and-funnies @mandalou29 @castiels-a-winchester @ellewritesfix05 @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @supraveng @roonyxx @supernatural-love14 @vicmc624 @prettyboyswow @lunarmoon8​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
Two Weeks (Miguel Galindo)
A/N: Tomorrow is my final and I think I’ve reached the point of a mental breakdown that you’re just numb to it. But no matter, positive thoughts all around and hoping my brain isn’t so mean anymore. But due to this, I needed a much needed distraction and finished part one of my Miguel mini series. He may be a little OOC, but I hope you all enjoy this lovely work of mine.
Everything is you, Snapshots, Misconstrued, and two requests will be posted within the next two weeks. 
Also may be adding Rio to my lovely writing list, we’ll see. 
This is my brain on procrastination, please forgive me. 
Love you all and I hope you lovelies are having an amazing week thus far!
Tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​ : @carlaangel86​ : @marvelmaree​ : @woahitslucyylu​ : @encounterthepast​ : @enamoured-x​ : @whyisgmora​ : @briana-mishell24​ : @bribri-82​ : @briannab1234​ : @chibsytelford​ : @agirllovespasta​ : @twistnet​ : @everyhowlmarksthedead​ : @trulysuccubus​ : @jadert15​ : @sammskellington​ : @cind-in-real-life​ : @claytoncardenasbabymama​ : @sadeyesgf​ : @thickemadame​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​ : @gemini0410​ : @elcococruz​ : @samcrobae​ : @sesamepancakes​ : @iambabyharry​ : @blackmissfrizzle​ : @soamayansfangirl​ : @1-800-imagines​ : @phoenixhalliwell​ : @lady-pswrld​ : @dazzledamazon​  : @getyourcrayoncas​ : @fvckthisbxtchup​ : @lukealvxz​ : @scuzmunkie​ : @nakusaych9​ : @danie1432​ : @cocotheclown​ : @soaronmywings​ : @my-rosegold-soul​ : @buttercup812​ : @itskiranbitch​ : @angelreyesgirl​ : @sheeshgivemeabreak​ : @vicmackeybullshxt​ : @strawberrywritings​ : @cherry-icetea​  : @losolvidad0s​ : @brownsugarcoffy​ : @courtrae89​​ : @blessedboo​​ : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind​​ : @fariesandwanderlust​​ : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ : @xserenax-13​ : @whatupitshuff​ : @aquamento​ : @justvnash​ : @maddie-georges​ : @itskiranbitch​
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You couldn’t do this, you were at wits end. You wanted nothing more than to throw your work phone away as it constantly rang, constantly interfered with your life, sanity, sleep, and did you already say sanity? Just in case, your sanity. 
“If I ignore it, it never happened.” You looked at the clock and it was three in the morning, you had to be up in three hours to get ready for work to see this despicable man once more. 
The ringing stopped, a sigh of relief overtaking your body. Your eyes closed and yet again, it fucking rang.
You took a deep breath, gathering what remained of your sanity.
“Hello Mr. Galindo, what can I do for you at three in the morning?”
His chuckle rang across the phone, aggravating you more. “Ooh, Mr. Galindo? I’m in trouble, rightfully so. I apologize for calling you so early in the morning, but I’m in a bit of a conundrum.”
“Miguel, I am not picking you up from Alejandra’s place.”
“I gave Nestor the night off.” He argued.
“I’m technically off too you asshole!” You were one of the few who didn’t fear Miguel. You knew of his capabilities, but you figured you were far too valuable.
“Yes, I am fully aware of that, your nights are sacred. But you know I rarely call you on nights.” He countered.
“Correct that statement.”
“Anymore.” He corrected himself. 
“Miguel, why do you continue to meet this girl if you’re not interested in her?” Ever since his divorce with Emily two years ago, Miguel has been single and kept it that way. Which in hindsight was for the best. With the cartel, real estate, which he still headed with Emily, and the rebels, he had plenty of things to occupy his time. But you knew why he liked the causality of his relationship with Alejandra. 
No strings attached.
No questions.
No commitments.
It fit his lifestyle.
“Because, I have needs and you know, she’s easy on the eyes.”
You begrudgingly got out of bed and made sure to sigh loudly. Miguel chuckled, and you just cussed his name in the three languages you knew. 
“Stop cussing me out in your head. Are you coming to get me?”
“I get the day off.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Better cuddle up then.”
“Fine, but we’re having breakfast then you can have your day off.”
“No work talk during breakfast or the ride home.”
Miguel groaned. “Deal.”
You sat across from Miguel at this diner in San Diego, your usual spot whenever you picked him up from Alejandra’s. Miguel rarely indulged himself or let his real self out due to his obligations as a cartel head. He had a reputation to maintain, his playful and joking nature was hardly in display. But whenever he let himself be free, it was easy to see why Emily fell for him. 
You didn’t, but you could acknowledge why your asshole of a boss could be charming.
You dedicated ten years to Miguel. He taught you the ins and outs of business along with his illegal activities. If he was ever indicted, you knew you would be a target as well. Miguel always tried to keep you out of the cartel side of things, but that proved to be difficult. 
Straight out of college, twenty-two years young with your English major in hand, you applied for Miguel’s assistant position. What was supposed to be an in between job before doing a Master’s program turned into ten years of unfulfillment. You learned much from Miguel. He forced you to learn how to become a business woman, to think like him. You were the brain that wasn’t attached to him. 
But you had to walk away.
You were thirty-two years old, with nothing to your name. You wanted to be something. You couldn’t be his assistant forever. As much as he was a pain, you enjoyed working with Miguel, but you could still enjoy his friendship without working with him.
“Do you think I should involve myself in a relationship again? It doesn’t look good for my image if I remain unattached.” Miguel broke you out of your thoughts.
“True, but if you remain single, less people to worry about. Personal relationships in your line of work is hardly ideal.” This constitutes as business talk, but you’ll let it slide. 
“You’re right, and this is why you’re my right hand.” Miguel knew that technically belonged to Marcus or even Nestor, but he never made a decision without your input. He was just used to it. 
“I wanted to speak to you about something.”
“Go for it.” Miguel gave his full attention to her. “Are you finally going to confess your undying love for me?”
You know she liked playful Miguel, but when he was being this obnoxious, she liked hardened, cartel boss Miguel.
“Right, should I stab you now or later?” You rolled your eyes making Miguel laugh. “I’m going to look for a new secretary.”
“Sure, you need help?” Miguel hardly argued with you. He trusted your judgment after all.
“No, I’m resigning.”
“She has to be in love with me.” Miguel paced back and forth in his office, a few hours after your breakfast.
Nestor watched his boss and closest friend, amused by his suggestion.
“Y/N?” It’s not that Nestor couldn’t see you falling for Miguel, but, that wasn’t it. “You’ve said it yourself that she’s far too bright to remain your assistant forever.”
“That was just insanity talk, of course I expect her to stay by my side.” Miguel stopped in front of Nestor. “She quit right after she picked me up from Alejandra’s. She hated picking me up from there and she never got along with Emily.”
“All circumstantial. You know she cherishes her sleep, most likely the reason she was annoyed. Second, Emily was always a bitch to her.” Emily never liked you since she thought you undermined her with Miguel, which was far from the truth. Nestor witnessed a majority of your fights and it was hardly pretty. “All circumstantial.”
“No, she’s jealous. I know it. No matter, I can get rid of Alejandra.”
Nestor shook his head. He knew this day would come, you spoke to him about it quite often recently. But he didn’t think it would be too soon. He also knew Miguel wouldn’t handle it well. It was hard for him to trust anyone and the fact the person he trusted most was going to leave? 
Miguel was at the first stage, denial. 
You drove up the driveway of Miguel’s home the next morning, Nestor greeting you by your car.
“You had to drop that bombshell and take the day off?” Nestor shook his head. He loved Miguel, he did, but yesterday was full of theories and bullshit he didn’t want to partake in.
“Well if you’re didn’t take the night off then I could have told him later that morning.” You retorted, glaring at your friend.
“You’re punishing me for taking a personal day?”
“I’m not punishing you, I didn’t think he was going to go overboard with the theories.” Nestor texted you every fucking thing that Miguel had said. It went from you having a secret family, secret boyfriend to being in love with him, which was what he settled with.
“To be fair, I said it was all circumstantial.”
“And it is.” You handed your purse to Nestor. “I’m posting the job later and see if we get any candidates that are,”
You paused. “We’ll see if we can find people that are trustworthy.” It wasn’t about skills. It wasn’t about degrees. It was about being trustworthy.
“How can you even determine that?”
“I have good intuition.”
“Right, forgot, you're psychic.” He teased her. 
“Fuck you,” you playfully pushed him.
Nestor opened the door for you and you walked in finding Marcus and Miguel sitting around in the living room.
“There she is,” Miguel greeted you, giving you a hug and kissing your cheek. “How are you?”
“Good,” you gave him an odd look. “You ready, we have a packed day today.”
All three men were looking at you and you gave them a questioning look.
“Am I missing something?” 
“I got you something.” Miguel smiled, taking your hand in his. He led you through the house to the garage and before entering he requested for you to close your eyes. “If you got me a car, I swear to god.”
“Wait, why, did you not want a new car?” Miguel frowned. Materialistic items usually appeased women, it definitely kept Emily’s temper at bay when it was directed at him. But he should know how you were by now. Materialistic items rarely impressed you. He found it odd that the little things he did for you was what left the most impression. He got you a rose gold bracelet for your birthday and while you were thankful, he could tell it didn’t impress you much. He brought you lunch from your favorite restaurant, and it was like he gave you the world. 
Why the fuck did he get you a damn car? 
“I’m not Emily, Miguel, you can’t just wave a shiny thing in front of me and I’ll change my mind.” You crossed your arms across your chest. “Did you get me a car?”
“No,” he closed the door. 
Nestor refrained from laughing while Marcus just chuckled.
“You already bought it, might as well let me see.” You nodded your head towards the door.
Miguel indulged you and opened the door. Your mouth dropped. “You got me a Range Rover?” It was your dream car, one that you were saving up for, and now you had it. But you weren’t staying. “As much as I want the car, it’s not going to work. I’ll be posting the job later on today.” You saw that Nestor closed the door as soon as you said that. 
“This is ridiculous, why do you want to quit? Am I not compensating you enough?” Miguel was frustrated. He didn’t want you to leave. How could you leave? He compensated you well. Always made sure you were well taken care of and to top it off, you were basically the closest confidant he had. He trusted you with his life, there was no way he could find anyone he trusted as much as you. 
“I told you, it’s for personal reasons.” You didn’t understand why you had to give him a reason. In any other job, personal reasons would suffice. 
But this was different.
You knew change was not something Miguel was a fan of, he was meticulous and hardly deviated from his normal. He had a schedule and strictly followed it. When the plans deviated, it greatly irritated him, but you always found a way to soften the blow so he wasn’t inconvenienced. 
“I think I warrant more than a generic answer.”
“Miguel, I’ve been your assistant for ten years now. It’s just time for me to move on professionally. I couldn’t possibly be your assistant forever.”
“Are you in love with me?”
He blurted it out so quickly that even he was surprised he did. Miguel hardly said anything without thinking of it, but you were an anomaly to him. He spoke before he thought of his words with you.
“No, absolutely not.” You laughed. “No offense, you’re a good looking guy, but I also know you, so no, I’m not interested.”
“Why not?” Miguel was slightly appalled by your rejection of the idea of being in love with him. Was he not worthy? He was a catch if he said so himself. 
“What? What do you mean why not? I’m not interested, simple as that.” You could tell your rejection affected Miguel. Not everyone fell to his feet, especially not you. “Look, now that we got that theory out of the way, want to try another? Why is it so hard to believe I just want a better career?”
“I can provide that for you.” 
“Miguel, what can I possibly do in your organization that would be a promotion? I swear to god, if you say executive assistant.”
“Come on querida, give me more credit than that.” Miguel chuckled. “You can handle the developmental projects around Santo Padre. You could be my development manager.”
“No, absolutely not, I would have to work with Emily. She already thinks we're sleeping together, the last thing I want to do is deal with Emily.” 
“Y/N, come on, I’m sure I can find something in my organization that can fulfill this desire you have.” Miguel was not comfortable with the thought of losing you. He wasn’t willing to accept it.
“Miguel, we have to move on some time, you’ll be fine. I will find the most eligible candidate for this job. I promise.” You gave him a hug. 
You needed to do this. You couldn’t stay in this job forever, you had to move on.
“Hand them over.”
You stuck your hand out. “You got me the car, it would be rude to not take it.”
“She’s in love with me, it's the only logical reason.” Miguel was sitting down on the couch by the pool, nursing the whiskey in his hand.
“Did she not say she wasn’t?” Nestor wasn’t sure why they were talking about this again when Miguel already spoke to you. 
“She’s hiding it.”
“Look, I’m going to ask this at the risk of being killed by you, but out of pure curiosity, are you hoping she’s in love with you so you can confess some deep secret you’ve kept from her?” 
“No, absolutely not, I’m not interested in her, but if it keeps her by my side, I can be with her.”
Nestor gave Miguel an incredulous look, chuckling at his friend’s terrible idea. Though, he couldn’t help, but play Devil’s Advocate.
“You know what, you should pursue her.”
“Now you see what I’m seeing. She wouldn’t be able to say no to me. I know her like the back of my palm.” 
Nestor had to refrain from chuckling. This was going to be a fun two weeks. 
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destieldailynews · 4 years
February 14-21 weekly wrap-up
DeanCas Wedding February 14, 2021 One Valentines day, the supernatural fandom created and celebrated a wedding for Dean Winchester and Castiel which spanned social media platforms. Originally inspired by tweets by Chad Lindberg and Samantha Ferris, the event soon took on a life of its own. Fans created art, stories, and other fanworks, shared headcanons, and took this opportunity to celebrate the love between Dean and Cas. The wedding highlighted the ways in which fandoms can come together to spread positivity.  Submit fanworks commemorating the DeanCas Wedding to DDN here
Valentine’s Day at the Roadhouse February 14-16, 2021 Actors Chad Linberg (Ash) and Samantha Ferris (Ellen) made tweets to role play a Valentine’s Day celebration at the Roadhouse. Several of their comments seemed to be suggesting that they would celebrate the wedding of Dean and Cas. Ferris and Lindberg did not roleplay a wedding, and both actors became defensive when the subject was brought up. Fans were hurt and frustrated by Ferris and Lingberg’s responses.as well as Lindberg’s liking of a post that claimed Destiel supporters have been “gaslighting the rest of the fandom for 10+ years.” link to our post  link to Chad Lindberg' twitter link to Samantha Ferris's twitter
Architectural Digest Ackles Article February 15, 2021 Architectural Digest has done a feature on the Ackles family. The article is titled “CW Star Jensen Ackles Invites AD Inside His Family Home in Austin” and contains pictures of Jensen and Danneel Ackles and a very nice house, although they have not lived there for some time. AD attempted to capitalize on the fan enthusiasm around #DeancasWedding by re-issuing this article with a tweet reading “Sad over Destiel? Self Medicate with Jensen Ackles’s real-world Austin home.” link to our post
Reactions for AD Destiel Tweet February 15, 2021 Fans, for cast members, and other members of the supernatural community including Danneel Ackles, Ruth Connell, Felicia Day, and the Stands twitter account, reacted to the Architectural Digest tweets. link to our post
Shoshannah Stern Valentine  February 14, 2021 On Valentine’s Day, actress Shoshannah Stern, who played Eileen Leahy on Supernatural, tweeted a Valentine’s Day card which had a picture of Eileen and the text “🤟 (I love you)” on it. The Valentine was created by @agg_red1 on twitter, whom Shoshannah tagged in her post.  link to tweet link to original valentine
Shoshanah Stern likes Fancam  February 15, 2021 On February 15th, Shoshannah Stern liked an Eileen fancam, made by Twitter user @lexiegender. The edit consisted of various clips of the character, with a she/they bisexual flag around them phrases such as “she/they bi rights” bordering them. link to original tweet tweets liked by Shoshannah link to our post about Shoshannah's twitter activity
The Ackles’ Celebrate Mardi Gras  February 16, 2021 On Tuesday, February 16th, Danneel Ackles posted a picture and video of her family celebrating Mardi Gras on Instagram, with the caption: “Although this year’s Mardi Gras may look a little different… Tonight we still say, Hail Bacchus! To My Valentine and My King! New Orleans we will see you in 2022!!! #BacchusLI.”  The posts shows Jensen enjoying a meal and a glass of wine, along with a video of him trying to eat while his daughter, Justice, jumps on his back. link to our post link to Daneel Ackles' Instagram 
Supernatural Virtual Weekend Announced February 19, 2021 Creation Entertainment announced an event of virtual panels, meet-and-greets, and one-on-one chats with actors Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster. Highlights will include a Q & A with Misha Collins and a Q & A with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki.  link to our post link to virtual weekend website 
Jensen Ackles makes Instagram Post about Texas February 19, 2021 Jensen Ackles posted a video to Instagram in order to raise awareness about the crisis in Texas. The video is a loop of him staring into the distance as snow falls in the background and features a message of support to his “fellow Texans” as well as links for how to donate to places organizing aid in Texas.  link to our post link to Jensen Ackles' Instagram 
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with Angel Reyes.
Request: Hi I know requests are closed but can you do something with angel x reader where the reader is on her period and she’s grumpy and just wants angel and angel is in the backyard with the guys just drinking and chilling and she kicks em all out and is just really sassy with the guys if you can? 💖
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1.1k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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One hour ago you wrote to Angel a text message, asking him about when he was coming home, but he hasn't replied to you yet. Letting a heavy snort escape from your lips, you decide to call him. But after six tones, you desist. Your stomach hurts a little and you are in a mix of your two moods: kill someone and need cuddling. There's no more ice cream in the freezer and you have already finished the warm mint tea. Rubbing your forehead with a hand, you get up from the sofa to walk towards your shared bed. Wearing a pair of shorts under Angel's shirt and grabbing the keys of your car, you leave the house in silence. Stopping cursing about him, determined to bring him back to home. Tonight is the peak of your period and you really need your boyfriend with you.
Driving through the main avenue of Santo Padre, you reach the scrapping, hearing the loud crowd yard with the windows of your car up. Frowning a little, you park it at the entrance, after turning it to the street, so this way will be easier to leave the clubhouse as soon as you find him. Having a quick look of the place, you don't see him outside, guessing that maybe he's inside playing pool or doing Mayans shit. Greeting others members on your way to it, you jump the three steps to open the door. You know him better than anyone. He's leaning over the pool table with a stick between his hands, about to hit a green ball. Cross-armed, you lead your step towards there, raising an eyebrow and waiting for him to notice your presence. Hitting the ball, he stands up to watch triumphant how it falls through the hole.
He jumps slightly with a soft shiver touring his body.
“Fuck! You're gonna kill me”. He complains.
“Yeah, I'm gonna fucking kill you”.
You can hear some Vicki's bitches chuckling behind you. The same that usually say that you boss ‘the poor Angel’ around.
“Yo! What's that aggressiveness, mi dulce?”
“I've been calling you, and texting you”.
“I was busy”. He just says with a little high-pitched voice.
“Playing pool with your friends like every fucking day?”
“Yea—I MEAN, no”.
The crew is really enjoying it.
“Querida, we were through club business. Why don't you sit, have a beer, have some f—?”
“Who the fuck told you to be the devil's advocate, Obispo?” Turning at him with a peaceful gesture on your face, you can see him almost shaking, laughing nervously.
The bitches stop their whispers, when they watch you facing El Presidente like that.
“Oh, she has the period…” Taza figures it out from the farthest corner of the clubhouse. The voice of wisdom.
“Why the fuck do you think I'm hiding?” Angel asks so naturally, until he realizes what he has just said.
A disgusting sensation squeezes your guts and your chest, biting your bottom lip as you nod twice in silence. You don't need to see the look on the others' faces to see how disappointed they are too, because of his comment.
“I'm sorry, Prez…” You mutter at the older, rubbing your nose with your forefinger about to cry, licking your upper lip about to cry.
“It's okay”.
“Baby, I didn't mean t—”.
“It's okay, Angel”. You mumble raising both hands to stop his steps. “Sorry to interrupt, guys”.
Keeping your hands in the pocket of the short jeans, you walk outside to your car. Are you this insufferable to make Angel hide himself from you? The only thing you want to do is lie down on your sofa, with him. Watch some movies, eat junk food. And you are starting to think that maybe those bitches are right, about that Angel is not someone for you, and you're not someone for him.
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“Man, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Taza asks, leaning over the table, frowning confused.
“You have an amazing girl that loves you unconditionally, when you are a pendejo, and you treat her like that?” Tranq adds, pointing at the door you crossed seconds ago.
“Yeah, brother. I would do anything for a girl asking me to spoil her”. Gilly says, raising both eyebrows.
“She is too intense sometimes”. Angel tries to justify himself, not knowing that he is very wrong.
“We were wrong with (Y/N). You're a fucking asshole, Angel”. Daniela, one of Vicki's girls, is looking at him without can't believe his words. “We are for a damn week bleeding like if we were a fucking cascade, wrapped in pain. Sometimes we can't even sleep. We're tired the whole time, and that makes us feel sad, upset. What the fuck is wrong with you, Reyes?”
“Yeah, if I ask my boyfriend to spoil me a little while having my period and he acts like you… Damn, I would go to his house to pick up my things and send him to hell”. Mariela says then.
Angel looks at EZ, being the most intelligent person in the clubhouse.
“Don't look at me, I would stab you with the stick”.
“Several times. Until breaking it into splinters”.
“And then I would roll up your face over them”.
Everybody turns at Coco, who is having a smoke from his cig shrugging.
“I thi—think I gotta go…”
“Actually, you shouldn't have come”. Bishop nods, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips.
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You have been crying for almost thirty minutes, with your head resting on the steering wheel, not wanting to come home. Just parked in front of the building. You can't stop thinking about the faces around you, not knowing what to say about Angel's comment. It was an inopportune one. And maybe it is your fault to complain too much sometimes, but he hasn't the right to treat you like that.
A knuckle hits some times the window, enough to call your attention. Lifting up your head, to lie back on the pilot seat, you roll down the glass turning your face to Angel.
“Change your seat”. He just says, opening the door when you unlock it.
Your boyfriend sits in without saying a word, driving out of the neighborhood, without you knowing the destination. The next time you raise your eyes from your lap is because the car has stopped. In front of a big twenty-four-hour shop. You don't say anything either, stepping out of it. Taking off his kutte, on your way to the inside, he places it over your shoulders and under his arm, grabbing a shopping basket.
“Take everything you want”. He just says kissing your temple.
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✨ Tag list:
@starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @jadesamhart @mycupoffanfiction @thesandbeneathmytoes @phoenixhalliwell @thewarriorprincessxo @sugary-x-sweet @multiyfandomgirl40 @imanerdychubbyqueen @iambabyharry @firebenderwolf @itsanofrommesir @noz4a2 @peaches007 @edonaspanca @irenne-stans @skyofficialxx @that-chick212
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theymetinthetoihlet · 3 years
@/genuineconspiracy and @/28nachos both saying that the birth certificate is not a forgery while saying that neither Briana nor Louis are his parents, that he has a different name and is the child of Tammi and Brett which would make the birth certificate in fact a forgery as the child on the paper has an entirely different identity with different name and parents. How easy they manipulate suckers like you in fandom. Amy put a donation link to @/lthqofficial to milk the suckers dry is such a con.
First of all, how did you find me? I'm just a small blog standing in my lane trying to mind my own business. Second of all, why are you sending this message to several blogs and not to the people you mention in it? Or maybe you are and they are ignoring you (as they should, may I add).
Now, if you had taken some time to actually read what they are saying instead of coming to other people's askbox with your nonsense, you would have known what the gist of it is.
As for @genuineconspiracy's post "This means that in order for Louis to become Freddie’s legal father, all he had to do was sign a child support agreement with Briana. Unlike with a VDOP, it might be possible to nullify his parentage by a court ruling or by DNA testing."
His name in on the certificate because he has an agreement with Briana. He’s paying her. You call that child support. I call it monthly stunt expense.
Is it clear enough for you or should we go back to school to learn how to analyse a text?
Also, why are you wasting your time on “suckers like me”? If you have that much spare time on your hands, use it to explain why a multimillionaire is paying £60k per year in child support when he should pay that same amount per month.
As for the donation link, how dare you? They have raised so much money during these past years. Go fight for a good cause, instead of focusing on fandom chitchat.
I don’t know what you are trying to prove with your message. Do you think I now believe Louis has a child? Do you think I have seen the light?
I think what I think not because genuineconspiracy, 28nachos or whoever tell me to.
I think what I think about this entire situation because I have been here for years, I have read and seen stuff and I know how to come to my own conclusions yk.
I also tend to believe Louis is a good person who has been stuck in a horrible situation for years and not an absent father who sees his child once every four years and uses him as a tool during promo time. 
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and because im from socal i gotta say…. YO AN EARTHQUAKE
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nim-lock · 5 years
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Portrait of a Tyrant
I’ve been given the go-ahead to post the art I did this year for Amplify!!
Portrait of a Tyrant is an interactive text story about the on-the-ground events leading up to the American Revolution. It’s meant as a six-week teaching curriculum unit. Students play as Briana Little, an African-American teenager experiencing & affecting key events in six different locations, learning about the various grievances people had, their living conditions, and details that weren’t taught in textbooks. 
I was but one cog in this wheel, so here’s to Gabe Turow (the writer), Todd Rawson, and a lot of people I never interacted with personally!!! They did amazing work.
Harvard University Education articles [premise] [summary]
— Them: carefully researched as-historically-accurate-as-they-could-make-it educational game me (and Gabe): we put a frog into every scene in episode 5 and we think that’s beautiful :’)
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Human Nature
Part 2
Summary: The reader and Jensen have been keeping their relationship a secret for a while now, but that’s all about to change this convention weekend.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k+
Warnings: Language, Smut, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex (be safe ya’ll), slightly dom Jensen, fluff, anxiety, convention fun all around
Square Filled: Free Square
Authors Note: Written for @spngenrebingo , I call this genre Supernatural Convention, cause let’s be honest, that is a genre in this fandom. This really turned into more of “Imagine secretly dating Jensen and your relationship being revealed during a convention”. I hope you guys enjoy!
Part 1/ My Masterlist
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The hotel door bounces slightly as you shove it closed behind you. You and Jensen are a tangle of limbs, ripping off layers as you move towards the bed in your room. 
“On your knees.” Jensen pushes you down as he tugs open his buckle. You sink down to your knees immediately. You can’t help licking your lips as Jay tugs on the leather and pulls down his pants and boxers, his erection standing tall against his stomach. He lazily strokes himself a few times before bumping his swollen tip against you lips. You open up happily, dragging your tongue out along the vein on the underside of his cock. Jensen let’s you take over, sucking and licking and moaning around him.
“Jesus, you and that pretty mouth will be the death of me.” Jay groans out, his head lulling back in ecstasy. You run a hand up his stomach and dance you fingers over the muscle there, relishing in the way it flexes as he tries to hold back. With a pop, you let him slide from your mouth. 
“Please Jay?”
“Tell me what you want baby.”
“I want you to fuck me.” He nods at you and hauls you up like he did outside the bar. Hastily you pull off your bra and panties, turning around to bend over the bed. There is no time for pleasantries tonight. You are dripping from all the teasing at the bar and your mind fuzzy with alcohol. All you want was to be fucked and fucked hard. 
Jensen chuckles and smacks your ass before pushing inside you. You drop your head to your chest as your walls stretch to accommodate his size. 
“So wet for me baby. God you feel amazing.” All you can respond with is a grunt of agreement as he starts moving inside you. The quiet room fills with the sounds of skin slapping against skin as Jay pounds into you. The swollen head of his cock is hitting your g spot with every thrust. It is torture, sweet, sweet torture. The coil in your belly is white hot as it tightens, and you know you aren’t going to last at this rate. 
“Fuck Jay I’m close.” You whine.
“I know baby, come for me, I’m right behind you.” His fingers dig into the globes of your ass, his thrusts become erratic as the two of you chase your release. “Come for me Y/N/N.” He growls and slaps your ass again. White spots dance in your vision as your orgasm washes over you, and your legs struggle to keep you standing. Jay fucks into you slowly a few more times before grunting his own release and filling you with his seed.
Jay pulls himself from you and you can feel the mixture of your releases dripping down your thighs. “You look so hot all filled up with my cum.”
“Yeah well I should get you frustrated more often.” You giggle as you collapse onto the bed. Jensen is already pulling his pants back up. Watching him dress has reality seeping back into your post orgasm haze and you hate to ask your next question since you really already know the answer. “Do you have to go?”
“Yeah,” Jensen leans over you, his pants still hanging open, and he kisses you deeply. “I know it sucks baby, but-”
“But we agreed. No one knows.” You finished for him, both of you frowning as the regret of your joint decision bears down on you. It's moments like these that make you regret ever agreeing to lying to everyone about you and Jay. But when you decided, your relationship was so new and neither of you wanted to deal with the possible fallout from going public, at least not until you knew exactly what it was between the two of you. 
“Hey,” Jensen brings you out of your thoughts with a hand on your cheek. “I love you.”
“What?” His words had sobered you more than the cold night air. He hadn’t said that to you before and why he chose now of all times to say it was baffling to you. 
“I do. I can’t leave you tonight without telling you that. Singing with you up on that stage, it felt like it was just you and me out there, and I know that sounds cheesy,” You shake your head, knowing the exact feeling he was explaining to you. “But you and I have never felt more right. We can figure out what that means for us and our relationship tomorrow, but I really need to get back to my room before anyone else returns to the hotel.” He kisses you again before pulling his shirt back on. He’s almost out the door when your mind catches up. You sit up on the bed and call out to him. 
“Jay,” He halts with the door cracked open and glances back at you. “I love you, too.” It felt good to say out loud, especially when he smiled at your words. None of your past relationships has ever quite felt like this. Nothing ever felt so right. It’s hard to put into words what he means to you, other than to say that Jensen feels like home. You didn’t feel whole or as safe as you did when you were together. 
“Goodnight.” He slips out quietly as you fall back onto the bed, letting sleep take over your exhausted body. 
 The alarm on your phone has you jolting up in bed. Your limbs felt like jello but it only made you smile as you thought about the night before. You roll over and shut off the phone. You felt more rested than you thought you would on only three hours of sleep and a slight hangover, but you were still craving a shower and a big cup of coffee. So you start with the shower and follow it with hair and makeup. When you’re satisfied with how you look you grab your phone and head out of the room. You day at the con starts with solo ops before your solo panel. 
Your phone vibrates as you jump into the car creation sent for you. 
 Good morning beautiful, I love you
 I love you, good luck.
 “Extra shot.” You glance up at the driver as he speaks. The man points to an iced coffee sitting in the cup holder between the front seats. 
“Oh yes please.” You hum and pick it up knowing Jay sent it for you.
 And thanks for the coffee babe
 I figured you’d need it, you had a late night ;)
 He was always such a cocky bastard.. 
The trip to the convention center is quick and you are up in the green room before you know it. Sunday tended to be quieter since most of the quests were gone by now. This day is mostly dedicated to J2 as the boys are are called. 
“Morning boys.” You smile at the band and Rich chilling in the room. “Excited to wrap up the weekend?” You ask as you take a cup of fruit from the breakfast table. 
“Always. We’re getting too old for these late nights.” Rich rubs a hand over the stubbe on his chin. 
“Speak for yourself.” Rob frowns. “How about you Y/N/N?” 
“Uh, I have to go right back to set at five in the morning tomorrow, so I’d rather be basking in this bliss right now.” You close your eyes and take a dramatic whiff of your coffee. The group laughs with you as your handler comes to fetch you for your ops. “Toodaloo.” you wave as you abandon your breakfast and the boys to run off behind her. 
The music is already bumping in the small room and you can hear the fans lined up outside. Your handler takes a minute to fix your hair as the line is brought in.
“Hey! Ya’ll ready to get this party started?” You call out to them with two thumbs up. Their cheers and the bass of the music playing has the adrenaline from last night returning. The joy and genuine love from the fans was one of the reasons you started acting. Telling a story that can resonate with someone else gave you the fuel to do your work. 
You step up to the mark in front of the backdrop and the line starts moving. You try to take in each fan as they step up to you. You take an extra minute to hug those who look like they might cry and you hug the criers a little tighter. The line is moving fairly quickly but you notice a small group of girls huddled around a phone along the far line. One of them gasps and then looks up at you. Her furrowed brow sits uneasily with you though you can’t place why. You find it harder to pay attention as the group moves closer to you. The demeanor of each of them has shifted, they just seemed mostly confused. 
“Hey ladies, what’ll it be?” You try to talk over the music. 
“Uh, can we do the charlie’s angels pose?” One asks you. She isn’t really looking at you as she talks. 
“Of course babes.” You smile and let them move you into position. Chris snaps the photo and they run off without a thank you. The end of the line appears in the doorway and you try not to focus on the small group of girls. When you hug the last fan, you let out a breath. You can’t shake why the encounter had you so rattled and you just want to get back to the green room to see Jay before your panel. 
“This has been going off like crazy.” You handler hands over your phone. You unlock it to see hundreds of social media notifications, a missed call from your publicists and about a text from Briana that just says ‘call me’. Social can wait and your publicist probably just wants to talk about the press for next week, so you hit dial on Bri’s contact.
“What the actual fuck, I can’t believe you’ve been lying to me all this time. Oh girl, you deserve an academy award for your performance last night. You know you owe me all the juicy details now since you’ve been lying to me!” Briana doesn’t even bother with a greeting, her voice much higher than usual as she spits her words out in one breath.
“Whoa hold on a second there girl… what are you talking about?” 
“Have you been living under a cave? I’m talking about the pictures all over the internet of you and Jay.” She scoffs and your heart immediately sinks. 
“Pictures?” You whimper. 
“Yeah pictures! You need to check twitter girl. And don’t think this conversation is over, you can’t sleep with Jensen and not tell me all about it.”
“I’ll call you later.” You swiftly hang up and pull up your twitter. There are so many notifications you can’t decide where to start. So you search your name, which you should not have done. Every sleazy tabloid had posted or shared pictures of Jensen pinning you in the ally, his hands clearly pushing up your dress, his lips attached to your neck. But the real kicker was you on your knees in front of him. Some asshole was lurking outside and caught everything. One part of you wants to be mad at Jensen for losing his control too soon last night, but the other part is secretly happy that you don’t have to hide anymore. You are just less than thrilled with the method of reveal. Though mostly, you are disgusted with the invasion of privacy, however unfortunately, as an actress, it kind of comes with the territory. 
The comments are what you would expect to see. Some people were saying ‘finally’ and seemed supportive, but most are dragging you across the mud. Slut, whore, ugly, not good enough for him, are just a few of the things you were afraid of that had the two of you hiding your relationship in the first place. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” You don’t even wait for the handler before booking it back to the green room. The band is still around the table. Rob strums at his guitar as Jared and Misha chat by the food. Every head snaps up as you shove open the door and it bounces against the wall. 
“Uh, hey,” you are slightly out of breath as you shove your phone in your pocket. “You guys seen Jensen?” You try your hardest to play it cool, but you are too antsy to find him to care.
“I think he went to the bathroom.” Jared smirks at you. It’s his smug smirk and you just know that he saw the pictures. Misha is wearing the same stupid grin and you blush furiously before rushing back out to the hall bathrooms. You don’t even hesitate to burst into the mens room.
“Y/N? What the hell are you doing?” Jensen whips around from the mirror he was just fixing his hair in front of. 
“Uh,” you hesitate as you check under all the stalls to make sure you’re alone before locking the door.
“Babe, you’re freaking me out.” 
“Freaking you out?! I’m freaking out!” you finally let it out. “Have you not been online recently? Our little sexcapade outside the bar last night is all over twitter! They have you kissing my neck, your hands up my dress. Christ they even have me on my knees in front of you.” 
“They what?” He stiffens as he takes in what you are saying. 
“Oh god, we both have panels and autos still to do today. I can’t answer their questions I can’t do it.” You are spiralling, you know that, but you don’t care. Now is the time to spiral. 
“Honey, it’s going to be fine. All that matters it that I love you, and you love me.” Jensen wraps his fingers around your biceps and forces you to look at him. “Sure this is not what we had planned but we’ll figure it out. We both know how to professionally dodge a question.” 
“This is so different, I don’t think we can just dodge this one. I’ve had no time to prepare.” You sniffle. “Plus I had these girls in my ops today that I’m pretty sure saw those photos and they wouldn’t even look me in the eye. I just wish we could do this together.” You cast your gaze down as you fight the tears. There are just too many emotions swirling around in your mind right now. 
“So let’s do it. Lucky for you, I’m free during your panel, so I’ll chill backstage and if someone asks you, I’ll come out and we can answer them honestly. No more secrets.” Jensen brushes a stray tear from your cheek and you nod to him.
“Really? You’d do that?” Jensen nods. “Okay, no more secrets.” You agree before letting him kiss you softly. 
 The cheers are louder for you than you expected as Rich and Rob introduce you for your solo panel. Jay kisses your forehead and encourages you onto the stage. 
“Chicago baby how are you!” You pump your free fist as you run onto the stage. You have never been more thankful to be an actor than at this minute. Years of acting experience is now making it easier to play it cool than you had expected. “It’s the day you have all been waiting for, we got the boys in the house and let me tell you Jared is rowdy back there. It ought to make for a great panel later.” you walk over and pull a chair center stage for yourself and sit in it. 
“How about we let him get it out today so he doesn’t torture me on set tomorrow eh?” The crowd laughs with you and it lets you relax a little. “Now how about some questions?” You turn to your left to see a line almost halfway to the back of the room. 
“Hi, so my question is actually about set. Every guest star just raves about being on the Supernatural set, so I was wondering about your experience?” the girl is dressed in what you assume is Castiel cosplay since you can only see the outline of a trench coat. 
“Didn’t you just hear me? It’s torture. The moose nevers lets us get any work done. You’d think that maybe he takes it easy on the women but really the only thing you get relief from is being groped. He keeps that all for Misha.” You laugh and let the tension roll from your shoulders. 
The panel continues with laughs and easy questions. Not one fan mentions the pictures. You sigh with relief when Rob appears to announce its time for your last question. 
“Ooh one last one guys, make it count.” You joke and turn towards the opposite side of the stage of the last question. The relief is short lived as you recognize the girls from your photo ops earlier. You try to shake the queasy feeling from your gut and tell yourself that maybe they won’t ask.
“We just wanted to know if you could shed some light on the pictures that surfaced of you and Jensen this morning. We don’t want to assume anything and just want the facts from you.” You nod and bite your lip as you take a minute to contemplate your response.
“It’s only human to make assumptions. We are always telling ourselves stories about every moment of our life, we can’t help it. But I think Jensen and I would like to clear the air too, right Jay?” You turn your head back to where Jensen was waiting. He hops up the stairs to surprised and excited cheers from the crowd. The roar is deafening and you can’t help to feel safe now that he is by your side. Rob hands him his own microphone and Jensen waves out to the crowd.
“I think that would be an accurate statement.” He laughs as he comes to stand on your right. Jensen rests his hand on the back of your chair, his thumb rubbing your back. It was grounding and you are more than grateful that he wasn’t making you answer this question yourself.
“So, you may or may not have seen some pictures online this morning, and I won’t get into them specifically but the answer to the question you actually want to ask is yes.”
“Yes, that’s all you’re gonna say?” Jensen looks down at you. The crowd laughs and you have to fight an eye roll.
“You want me to spell it out for them, all the details?” 
“Well, maybe not all the details.” He winks and you hear someone in the front gasp. “How about how head over heels in love you are with me?” Your jaw drops and its takes you longer than you wanted to come up with a retort. This time the whole room is gasping and you have to shake your head at his boldness. He never fails to surprise you, even after all this time. 
“That’s a bold statement considering the one time you-” Jensen plants his hand over your mouth and the fans absolutely lose their minds. He tilts your chin to him so he can kiss you and you place a hand against his chest to push him away.
“Alright enough Ackles.” You lean around him to the girls, “Does that answer your question?” 
“Yes but it gives me at least ten more.” The other girl by the microphone talks this time and you nod. 
“Next time ladies, ‘cause that was the last question and I’m running away with this one.” Jensen takes your hand and you hop off the chair to let him drag you off the stage as the band plays the song they wrote for you. Jensen is pulling you along quickly, your shorter legs struggling to keep up with his long stride.
“Jay, slow down.” You giggle as you find yourselves in the hallway outside the green room. It’s filled with the usual security that follows the boys around. 
“I can’t baby, cause you’re all mine, and now the whole world knows.” He pulls you into him, his hands enveloping your face as he forces you to look up at him. “Which means that I get to do this,” Jensen kisses you slowly, his tongue dragging over your lower lip and you open up to him. He pulls away when you both need a little air. “Whenever I want.” 
“Yeah you do!” Jared, Misha, and the rest of the convention cast have their heads popping out of the green room. They are all cheering. You can’t help the laughter bubbling up inside of you. Come hell or high water, nothing will ever ruin this moment right now. All of the fears seem so stupid now, because you and Ackles, you are gonna be just fine.
Tags: @samsgirl93
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spnreactionblogging · 4 years
SPOILERS BELOW / tw suicide sort of
ah the title really does sum this up. I am filled with such dread going in. I know cas gets sent to super hell, I know the destiel shippers are declaring it canon (but then, when haven't they), and I've heard from a reliable source that the show officially as of just now is queerbaiting for real by making it vague and easy to ignore it instead of actually confirming anything. plus nobody seems to give a fuck about jack, as usual, and sam didn't get to say goodbye? god how can this get better???? I hope buckleming got to fucking murder castiel! that would really improve this for me!!! the cherry on the shit sundae for real so okay here goes. ugh. I have this angel's envy bourbon at 1PM, oops. I feel like I will need it for this one more than the others I also am ensconced in my castiel trenchcoat + "be super good" shirt, and cas, crowley, and sam the q-pals are joining me. dean is banished to remain in the tote bag they live in. god I want to scream. this fucking synopsis "With the plan in full motion, Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack fight for the good for the common goal." oh the plan to use Jack as a suicide bomb???? great idea. lol I hate this. whose "common good"????????? ah but yes dean runs a dictatorship right. no wonder chuck butts heads with him dean looks so fucking smug in the amazon prime video app, hovering over the episode where cas will die horribly. fuck. there is nothing that can emotionally prepare me for this episode the show is going to end with sam and dean because it started with sam and dean and chuck/the IRL writers are bitter about it I guess??? delete fucking everything god, very fucking cute of dean to be like WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!! you fucking piece of shit you forcememed this to go as quickly as possible because you want Jack fucking dead, don't pretend you care god. fuck. jack apologizing for dying, to the empty. I hate everything so much ah, so that's why the opening title screen has been that. gross. horrible. a jack singularity is that it? really? jack's dead? just like that. okay. awful. oh he's MAYBE dead. reassuring. I see that briana buckmaster and jim beaver will be joining us my cat is sitting in front of the TV trying to prevent me from watching this, trying to save me from myself oh and felicia day oh this one's written by robert berens, I mostly trust him I think sam should've photocopied the book first oh hey RSJ directed this one I'm glad to have rachel miner back in any capacity that's... alpha/omega on the side there? makes sense I hope it's a fake book god I love sam sitting on the like. what is that, weird equipment panels? more confirmation sam is queer, you heard it here what leverage does dean even think he has cool jack's just getting tortured now "the boy is still useful" at least billie isn't pretending to care about him. oh she left the book thank fuck cas goes to him right away, please hug this child alcohol is not gonna help you guys sleep oh here's dean's half-assed apology. "sorry not sorry that I just couldn't stop, I couldn't help it, I just wanted to get what I wanted, and now that I didn't get what I wanted, sowwy uwu I guess" "you've snapped me out of worse" yeah don't minimize this, sam oh yeah michael exists. I notice dean refers to him as michael and not including adam. way to go I notice that sam does not drink right away "to somehow" those eggs look great "no guns at the table" is a solid rule not only for how miserable that is, but because everything surrounding firearms is a carcinogen and doesn't need to be near food please love yourself charlie please eat good eggs am I supposed to know stevie, was she part of the alternate universe, I still like never watched most of 10-13 oh we're gonna kill MULTIPLE queer characters in this episode, awesome. we gonna kill charlie AGAIN??????? we brought her back just to kill her off, AGAIN? LIKE KEVIN? and bobby I guess?? can I just say how much I hate the concept of a "final boss fight" like why is it always ending in a fight, why is violence always the answer, and why do we feel like one final violent action will solve all the problems huh charlie's shirt looks like a tycho album cover okay so I didn't forget stevie, she was brand new? maybe? I love cas and jack :( feels strange because this all sucks there's no such thing as destiny, jack don't fucking die for sam and dean and 'the world' damn right, cas, he doesn't need "absolution" well that's true for you, cas, you care because he's him. dean just wants to use him cas and jack are good. charlie this was so not your fault. as usual this is the winchesters' fault. tell 'em charlie!!! get 'em!!! you're not sorry, dean. "What now?" is a huge fucking mood, dean oh, greg! our old friend! greg was a real one (but not anymore) yeah eileen's screwed. this includes sam too. and dean i guess. sam is a good person who cares about people despite dean's best efforts to stop him I can't see who he's texting. are cas and jack in the back? poor eileen :( god poor sam having to basically get eileen in front of eyewitnesses who can attest that she disappeared cas and jack are in the backseat yeah I wish he'd tell her she's never gonna reply now yeah she's gone. interesting use of technology that they couldn't've done earlier in the series, to show she was typing but then stopped god that's awful. fuck. "If I let myself go then I'll lose my mind. I can't, right now." that's a huge fucking mood sam let's just postpone all that grief for later. gotta shove it down. huge fucking mood. god I'm so sorry somewhere central... the... bunker? don't split everyone up dean, fuck yes revenge is definitely the answer. killing things is the answer. "not having a choice" is obviously the answer. you fucker we get a sam and dean hug but where's the one for cas. you can like... see it in sam and jack's eyes that they are worried they're never gonna see them again. I'm horrified that cas isn't getting to say goodbye to jack nor sam. I can't handle this. I guess this scene is where they took that last group photo that misha posted back in march? RIP :( oh hey donna jack, that feeling is TheDepression oh gas-n-sip sam's sweet to try to give jack some autonomy here instead of having him just... being shuffled around like baggage. is that eileen's car then this music is intense don't burn the fucking library also wow dean with the reaper blade again is oof. wow. yikes. dean is become death, destroyer of worlds for real. jesus that is fucking horrifying to see. aren't you, dean? aren't you a bringer of death. remember when you hated doing that back in season... 4? 5? later? dean has learned nothing. sam's been trapped in a silo before hasn't he. or that panic room or something. donna is sweet. jack is good. jack deserves better. sam :( donna is very kind I like hearing jody and garth mentioned even if they're not in this episode (?) oh hey charlie sam at least knows how you feel, charlie I like this set god I've missed jim beaver is jack going around with spraypaint? I'm like oh god there's no ventilation. I guess it's a paint bucket but still the fumes are bad. better than being evaporated though I guess big man on campus. RIP stanford sam at least there's a bucket. praeses magna. "president large"? thinking about how it would be impossible to have extras for episodes 19 and 20 I like watching jack paint RIP that plant. apparently he has his powers dean walks around way too comfortably with the reaper scythe. oh but the plan has changed. did billie leave that book and nobody read it?????? dean you don't have friends, bud. yeah how did you tink you would even stand a chance, dean. this is the worst plan ever I'm so tired of seeing cas get tortured. I don't want to see billie get hurt either. is "billie" actually the empty or something "Has virtutes conliga. Eas integra. Eas firma. Nos omnes serva." = "These virtues bind. Those infected. These are strong. We keep them all." idk google translate, I feel like that may not be "infected" but more like integrity I like the effects they did on the wardings there yeah pretty much you can't stop god oh I'm real sad about that couple who vanished together :( bye charlie bye bobby. :( bye donna??? oh that like gold paint gossamer looking shit going on with billie's arm is cool god I'm glad billie smacked him in the face, dean deserves it. I just rewound it to see dean get clocked again, it's so worth it so they went back to the bunker... for what? billie can just go there. sam and jack are gonna have such a rough fucking day. all those double cheeseburgers are back for revenge on dean billie's right actually. dean always thinks the rules don't apply to him because he thinks he should be making the rules. castiel should be with jack, not with dean. fuck. can't cas still heal people the scythe on the wall is a good visual. I really like lisa berry, she does an amazing job is this the same room with the ma'lak box always happy to bleed for the winchesters. christ. fuck. even with dean's pocketknife. cas I'm so sorry. sweetheart you don't deserve this. 7B? so Jack was trapped in 5B, this is a different room but probably the same actual setpiece just rearranged do you just... have to wait her out yeah yeah dean you suck. correct, you never should've left sam and jack. wow I feel zero sympathy for dean at all. you do it to yourselllllf you do, that's what really hurts. oh baby don't summon the empty please :( I'm so glad to know that cas never told them about how he saved jack, it's none of their business yeah it would be with jack, cas. you should be with him man this is shitty. this is like a bad fanfic for real. wow these shots are like, when it cuts between them it's so obvious these were not the same camera lmao fuck. how many takes was this god i hate dean. he has not done this for love. dean is a spiteful person. "you're the most caring man on earth" literally kill me. I want to die. jesus fuck. i want to be dead this is awful this sucks this actually really hurts. this sucks so much. dean you squandered this angel's life. now jack has no father. i hate you dean winchester. i hate you. you don't deserve cas loving you jack knows, jack can feel it. I hate hate hate hate hate hate that jack is left alone with the winchesters. i hate this. jesus fuck i hate this so much i hate this jack sweetheart I'm so sorry dean you fucking ass please pick up the fucking phone. please answer sam. i hate you god dean i hate you fuck dean you are the worst. fuck my life. fuck all this. fuck this show. i'm so angry castiel deserves so much better than this. fuck i'm so mad. why wasn't his moment of happiness knowing that JACK WASN'T GOING TO DIE. i hate this. I'm so upset. fucking shit-ass writing. and it's still not fucking canon you morons at least uh they don't have to have extras for the last two episodes? did they add that footage after? is that what got changed up? everyone's gone huh. god just. dump the show right into the trash. bye. also for fuck's sake nobody gives a fuck about jack like I didn't even know he survived. nobody cares. "sam didn't get to say goodbye" FUCKING JACK DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE fuck this so much. fuck, is dean just chuck's OC? made in his image and furious that his mini-me isn't acting the way he wants? is that why he gets exonerated at every turn? "all the evil shit you did is fine dean you're the MOST LOVING AND THE BESTEST EVER!!!" fuuuuuck
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
Body Art (Angel Reyes)
A/N: Good morning everyone! This was done last night, but work was insane and I didn’t have a chance to post it. Hope you all enjoy this one. It was one of my requests that I have not had the chance to do. But I finally got to do it! I’m making my way through my request list right now, so hopefully I’ll get everyone’s request done soon. 
The request list link is below, please check if your request is there, if it is now, let me know so I can put it in! Still currently taking requests if you all would like to make one. 
Art smut with angel Reyes! He asks you to let him do body art on you. All front and you’re wearing panties right and he asks you to take your bralette/ bra off and he’s like woah and yea lol - @cherry-icetea​
Sorry it took so long love! Hope you enjoy! <3
Request List tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @ifoundmyhappythought : @iambabyharry : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @briannab1234 : @carlaangel86 : @twistnet : @marvelmaree : @blackmissfrizzle : @thickemadame : @woahitslucyylu : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespasta : @sesamepancakes : @enamoured-x : @encounterthepast : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @elcococruz : @gemini0410 : @cherry-icetea : @claytoncardenasbabymama : @sadeyesgf : @xserenax-13 : @whyisgmora : @samcrobae : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @lady-pswrld
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You and Angel have been quarantined together for a month. 
While you two enjoyed the other’s company, the movies and television shows to binge on was slimming down. You both loved nature and craved to be outside. You missed being able to just walk outside without a worry.
But you also knew not to be selfish. 
This was for the better and it was going to save lives. 
But you both were surprised that you haven’t wanted to kill one another. Surprisingly enough, you two enjoyed one another’s company and gave the other space when needed. You two shared a two bedroom apartment. It was nice to share your apartment with a friend, especially one you met through your ex-schoolmate Ezekiel. You and Ezekiel had become close during your first semester at Stanford and when you found out of his fate, you visited him weekly. He didn’t close you off and you were thankful for that. One time you came and his family was there, you met his big brother, Angel and his father Felipe. 
The attraction to Angel was immediate, but you kept everything at bay since you both were in different places.
But somehow, four years after meeting, you found yourself in Santo Padre. While you two texted often, you didn’t hang out with Angel much. When he offered to room with you when you immediately moved to Santo Padre, you were hesitant at first, but you realized that there was no other person you would want to room with besides Angel. 
Work brought you to Santo Padre. Currently, you were a teacher at the high school. It was nerve wrecking since teenagers could be little shits, but somehow, they enjoyed your world history facts that you always taught them.
Living with Angel was a delight. He always brought you home food when he could and helped you cook when he could. He did your laundry for you when he was doing his. Always made sure your oil was changed for your car and everything. And it was always a plus to see Angel walking around shirtless. That man was a god and if you just had some guts, you would jump him, but there was always this unspoken thing between you two. EZ was his younger brother and you were EZ’s best friend, you two were just not allowed to be together, for EZ’s sake.
Regardless, that didn’t mean your attraction was nonexistent. Angel was very attracted to you, and he has been for years, but his promise to his brother always trumped his desire for you.
However, with this quarantine in place and the time he spent with you, Angel found it harder to resist you. Walking in those booty shorts of yours that showed off your assets. He was a strong man, but there was just so much he could take.
One of the best things about living with Angel was the artwork. He painted your room, the artwork suited you so well. You loved watching Angel paint. Your favorite thing to do was reading a book while Angel painted on the ground, concentrating on his next masterpiece. If this outlaw biker thing didn’t work, he could totally open up a gallery. 
Currently, you both were on the couch, finishing up the Punisher. Angel had his head on your lap, as you watched the show intently, digging the storyline and enjoying the eye candy.
“This show is amazing.” You praised it as the ending credits came on.
Angel clicked his tongue. “Or you mean the guys are hot?”
“Don’t be jealous Ignacio, you’re still the apple of my eye.” You pinched his cheek, causing Angel to push your hand away, but he chuckled, loving the feel of your skin on his. It was pathetic really, but he promised EZ he would never fall for you. He thought that maybe EZ was in love with you, but that didn’t seem to be the case.
“Want to take a break from watching?”
“Sure, what you got in mind? If you say let’s fuck, I’m going to slit your throat.”
“I love it when you threaten me.” Angel chuckled, sitting up. “Want to help me paint?”
“You know I don’t have an ounce of talent for art in my body.” You’ve painted with Angel a few times and he always told you how you were getting better, but you somehow doubted that. Angel was a great teacher, really nice too. Maybe if he didn’t want to do the art gallery, he could definitely be a teacher. 
“No, let me paint you.” Angel really enjoyed your presence whenever he was painting, he felt inspired and encouraged whenever you were around. 
Angel has never requested to paint you before. Wait, that’s a lie, he has numerous times but you always shut him down and made an excuse to leave. He knew that you wouldn’t be able to make an excuse today. You were stuck at home after all.
“Me? No way.” You shook your head. “I feel like we can FaceTime someone and you can paint them instead.” 
“Come on mi dulce, I’ve always wanted to paint you.” He took your hand in his, trying to ignore the butterflies and the spark that just coarse through your body.
“Angel, let me FaceTime Kristin, remember how hot you thought she was?” You were really trying to get out of this as best as you can. You couldn’t keep still and there was no point in painting you.
He recalled making that comment, but he only said it to get a reaction out of you, which obviously didn’t work. “Nope, I want you.” The way he said it, it made the butterflies in your stomach move around even more wildly than before. 
“Can you just not paint me and say you did?” You offered.
“You don’t trust me?”
“No, I’m just shy.” 
Angel smirked. “Shy? You don’t have to be shy with me.” He stood up, taking your hand and taking you to his room. “Do me a favor mama, strip to your bra and panty.”
“What?!” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Come on baby girl, you won’t be fully naked.” He tried to ease your shyness.
“Alright fine, but I expect to be compensated for this.” You were comfortable with your body, but this was also Angel who most likely has seen so many beautiful girls naked. And he may have also slept with you before, it was a drunken night which you remembered well however, you weren’t sure if he did. He’s never mentioned it and you didn’t want to be the one to do so.
As you took off your clothing, Angel immediately regretted asking you to be his model. He’s always imagined how you would look in your unmentionables and he was beginning to forget about his promise to EZ and well, he was fucking forgetting EZ. 
He’s seen it all before. He was buzzed that night, but he definitely wasn’t drunk. At times, you haunted his dreams, seeing you naked could make any man go crazy and it fucked up Angel. He didn’t even know how to approach the subject and quite frankly, since you didn’t mention it, he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to embarrass you or himself.
That one night three months, two weeks, and five days ago was embedded in his mind. He never told EZ about it knowing it would upset his younger brother. But seeing you before him now, Ezekiel could go fuck himself.
“Angel?” You broke him away from his thoughts, biting your lip nervously.
“Sorry, fuck.” He chuckled. “You look fucking gorgeous, querida.”
God when this man spoke Spanish? Used a term of endearment for you in Spanish? It made your thighs clench together because all you wanted to do since that night maybe 3-4 months ago, was fuck Angel again. But with his relationship with EZ just being repaired again, you didn’t want to have them fighting over this. You understood why EZ was protective of you, you technically just had him, but it was also quite annoying.
“Thanks.” You smiled shyly. “How do you want me?”
“You want to lay down? Just so it’ll be more comfortable.”
Laying down on the floor, Angel looked at your bralette which was burgundy at the area of the cups with flowers branching up from the sides, the bottom of the bralette was black lace. Angel bit his bottom lip, thinking of how he could connect your bra to your panties. Your panties were burgundy, matching your bralette, with lace at the top of your underwear.
You watched as Angel’s eyes roamed up and down your body. It was comfortable, oddly, not creepy whatsoever, but then again, this was Angel. Even though he had this intimidating presence, he was a fucking teddy bear that loved affection and being spoiled.
“Can you at least give me a pillow?” You requested.
Angel chuckled, handing you a pillow. “Don’t know if I told you yet, but you look absolutely stunning.” He began to feel nervous, unsure if he could actually do this. But he reasoned that of course he could, why wouldn’t he be able to do so? He was an artist, he could push his desire for you to the side while he was touching your body. 
Fuck. He was screwed.
Taking out the paint for him to use, he picked burgundy, white, green and a light shade of blue. He had this picture in his mind that he wanted to portray on your body, but all he could picture was having you naked, your sweaty body against his, you breathily moaning, gasping out his name. He shook his head, trying to concentrate. He could paint on you, this was going to be easy. 
Angel began to paint on the black lace of your bralette, a giggle escaping your lips. He chuckled, forgetting how ticklish you were. This whole quarantine has been ridiculous, but he never knew how much he would enjoy life just being at home, but that had a lot to do with you. At first you had offered EZ to stay with you two, but EZ insisted on staying with Felipe. Angel didn’t mind, he wanted you all to himself. Even though you two have been roommates, he didn’t know much about you. He barely found out that you were afraid of heights even though you went hiking with him whenever you two had the chance to do so. He also didn’t know you could handle your liquor better than any of the fucking guys, which thoroughly impressed him. He also didn’t know that you have four tattoos, all on your back, that represented major events in your life. 
He also didn’t know how much he’s been avoiding his feelings for you till he was stuck at the apartment with you with nowhere to go.
“Is this the set I got you for Christmas?” You asked him as he began his work on you.
“Yeah, it was. I’ve used a majority of the set except for this.” Christmas, it was three days after that you two slept together. Angel woke up and you weren’t in his bed anymore. He was going to bring it up, but it seemed every time he tried, it just never happened. “Do you remember what happened a few days later?”
“When we got plastered and played a prank on EZ?”
It was a few hours before you two slept together. EZ was sleeping so you and Angel had the idea of using a feather and shaving cream, tickling EZ on certain spots on his face till he was fully covered. EZ didn’t wake up till Gilly and Coco busted out in laughter when they walked into EZ covered with shaving cream.
“Oh yeah, good times.” Angel chuckled. You felt his fingers moving across your stomach, spreading the paint. “Why are you so tense?”
“Cause I’m trying not to be ticklish.”
“Or maybe I make you nervous?” You could hear the smugness in his voice.
“Nervous? For what?”
Fuck it.
“I don’t know, you tell me mi dulce.” He moved on your other side, to paint that side. It wasn’t his best work, but he just wanted to touch you. “So do you remember that night?”
“I remember bits and pieces of it.” You were being truthful, but it seemed that Angel was trying to have that long awaited talk. It’s not like you didn’t want to discuss it, you just didn’t know where to start. 
‘Hey, remember the time we fucked? Just wanted to let you know that you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.’
Yeah, that would go over well.
“Do you remember when we had sex?” Angel was playing it nonchalant, painting random patterns on your skin. He wasn’t even sure what he was doing anymore, but he just needed something to distract him, in case you rejected him. 
“Yes, I do.”
“Why’d you leave me alone on my bed?”
“Come on Angel, you don’t want to have this conversation.” You didn’t. Angel always seemed forbidden and they were so right that forbidden fruit tasted so much fucking better. You were certain that you and Angel had sex at least four times that night. 
“I do, you don’t? I promised Ezekiel that I would never make a move on you, but to be fucking honest, I don’t really give a fuck anymore.” Angel noticed then that he had painted angel wings below the lace of your bralette. He bit his lip, just thinking of how beautiful you would look with something he created tattooed on you. 
“What are you talking about?” You slightly sat up, looking over at Angel. He softly pushed you back down so he could continue painting, or whatever the fuck he was doing.
“I like you, I’ve liked you for quite some time but I haven't made a move cause Ezekiel asked me not to.”
You were speechless, unsure of what to reply. You like Angel too, but you were wondering if he just liked you now cause there was no one else to sleep with. But he wouldn’t say those words to you just to get in your pants, it would ruin everything. 
“You're kind of making me nervous here.” Saying his feelings aloud made Angel feel vulnerable, made him feel terrified of what the outcome could be.
“I’ve liked you for some time too, but I just figured you didn’t want to cross the line and I could respect that. I left you in bed that morning because I’m not good with rejection. We were both intoxicated and needed some release, I was cool with that.” You truthfully told him. “I think you’re an idiot for listening to Ezekiel.”
The brush strokes stopped and before you knew it, Angel was hovering over you, his lips on yours. His lips were warm, just as you remembered, parting slightly along with yours, his tongue slipping in your mouth. Your hands were on his neck, scratching the back of it. He groaned into your mouth before he pulled away. His eyes roamed down your body, biting his lips as he did.
“Fuck baby, can I take off your clothes?” His voice was so intoxicating, it became deeper. You remembered his voice the most that night. Angel was very vocal, which didn’t surprise you. His mouth made you fucking go insane.
You nodded your head. Angel removed your bralette, licking his lips as his thumb played with your nipple, grazing it softly before rolling it in between two fingers. You bit back a moan, arching into his touch. You’ve slept with a few people after Angel and you were upset how he ruined other men for you. Angel knew your body so well, that one night fucking ruined you and you honestly weren’t even mad about it.
“Are you wet baby girl?” His hand drifted down to your underwear, his art work was slowly being lost with every movement of his fingertips against your skin, but he didn’t care. Your body was art for him, the way you were taking a breathy gasp was music to his ear. He couldn’t wait to hear your moans again. He’s fucked other women after you and he would call out your name, even though the moans, the scent, the feel wasn’t the same.
“Yes,” you answered. 
Angel’s fingers slipped underneath your underwear, running a finger up and down your slit. Circling your clit a few times, you moaned out his name, feeling yourself become wetter with every touch. He slipped a finger inside you, pulling it out and adding another when he slipped it back in. Your legs voluntarily widened, accommodating him as he kneeled in front of you. He slipped your underwear down your legs, you were bare in front of him now and he felt his cock twitched as he watched your pussy swallow his fingers. 
“Are my fingers stretching you enough baby? Preparing you for my cock?” He kissed your lips, moving down your neck, nibbling, marking you as his. Looking down at his artwork that was smeared by his own fingertips, he had to say that it didn’t look terrible whatsoever, your skin was glistening with sweat. “Can I take a picture of you baby, take on my runs?”
All you could feel was Angel’s fingers working their magic on you. His words registered, but as much as you wanted to fight him about having your nakedness on his phone, it was kind of hot. 
“Yeah baby? Fuck.” Angel got his phone that was on the coffee table, smirking as he opened up the camera app. Your face was covered by your arm, which he didn’t mind. He already had so many pictures of your face, but this was different. He took some pictures before putting his phone away. He felt your pussy clenching as he continued to go in and out, stroking your clit every once in a while. “Oh baby, I feel that. Querida, you cumming?”
“Fuck, yes Angel, holy fuck.” You cried out, back arching as you came.
“For months, I’ve been waiting to see you in this state again, to hear you moaning out my name in a blissful state. Hearing it again, seeing it again, I won’t ever be able to have my fill of you.” He continued to move his finger in and out of you as he said that, helping you through your orgasm. 
“I’m feeling it again,” the feeling was building in your stomach, again. You heard Angel chuckle as he took his fingers away, causing you to whine. 
He took off his shorts and his shirt, sitting against the couch. He pumped himself as you licked your lips, remembering just how good his cock felt inside of you.
“Like what you see?” Angel held his hand out to you.
You nodded your head, crawling over to him. 
“No time for you to suck my dick baby, I need to be inside of you.” He watched as you stood up and slowly squatted in front of him, making him groan. Slowly, you sink down on his cock, stopping every once in a while to adjust to him. He threw his head back, the sensation was incredible. “Look at that pussy stretching to fit my dick.” He rubbed his thumb around your slit, using the wetness to wet it so he could rub your clit. 
Throwing your head back, Angel watched the look of pure pleasure on your face, memorizing it. He knew this wouldn’t be the last time he would have you, like he said, he didn’t care what Ezekiel thought. They were adults, you’re a grown ass woman, EZ could suck it up.
You had your hands on Angel’s shoulder, using it as leverage as you moved up and down his cock. The burn, the stretch, everything about it felt amazing. If there was one thing you remembered vividly about that night all those months ago, it was how well you fit with Angel. Maybe it was cliche to say, but you didn’t care, his cock just felt so damn good.
“You feeling good mi dulce, you missed my dick?”
“Do you ever shut up?” You groaned as you felt your movements speeding up, trying to chase that euphoric feeling. 
“I could, but I know how much you like my filthy mouth.” Angel pulled you against him, your chest against one another. He wrapped his arms around you, trapping you against him. His hips thrusted upward, hard and fast, and you just took in the onslaught, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your orgasm hit not a few minutes later. He continued to fuck into you, causing you to scratch his sides, moaning out his name over and over again. He slowed down, letting go of you. 
Your head landed on his shoulder, your hand on his stomach. “Give me a minute.”
Angel chuckled. “My dick too much for you baby? Don’t worry, we’re gonna be fucking so much, you’ll learn how to keep up with me.” He kissed your shoulder. “This pussy is mine now, hell, it’s been mine since that night.” He pulled you away from him so that he could kiss you, his tongue entering your mouth. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, helping you move up and down as his lips touched yours, his breath just hot against your lips. “We sleeping in the same room now baby.”
It wasn’t even a question, it was a statement.
“My room, I don’t like your bed.” You kissed him again. Pulling away, you ran your fingers through your hair.
“Don’t care which room, as long as you’re in my arms.” Angel laid you on your back, bending your knees and holding them at the back. Looking down at where you two were joined, he smirked. “Can’t believe I listened to EZ.”
“Such a good older brother.” You teased Angel. “Shit Angel, go faster.”
“You don’t like this pace baby? You don’t like it when I go slow, taking my time on you?” Angel ran his hands up and down your thighs, moving it down to your stomach as his art was smeared all around. “I wanna design a tattoo for you querida.”
“No, we have time for that later. Fuck me.” Angel chuckled. “If you fuck me good enough then you can design whatever you want for me.”
You saw how Angel’s eyes darkened, he had your legs hanging on his shoulders. He pounded into you, in and out at a fast pace. You slightly regretted challenging Angel, but this felt so fucking good. 
“This hard enough for you baby?” He taunted. 
You nodded your head. “It feels so good.”
“Yeah you do, you feel fucking amazing querida.” Angel groaned. “You look so beautiful underneath me baby, you’re just gripping my dick baby. This is my pussy, ain’t no one else ever going to see you this way from now on. Fuck those puto’s you took home.”
Taking one of his hands that was beside your head, you took his thumb into your mouth, sucking on it before you directed it towards your clit. Angel immediately followed your order and rubbed it.
“You look so good like this.” Your eyes were closed, toes curled, and lips bitten. You hold onto one of his arms, nails digging into his skin and he fucking loved it.
“Angel!” You cried out as your orgasm finally came. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He followed right after you, moaning out your name as well. He pulled out, the emptiness making you whimper. Angel helped you up, his cum dripping down your leg. He smirked as he watched it go down and you rolled your eyes.
“Such a guy.” You playfully pushed him. 
He wrapped his arms around you from behind, his cock was already semi-hard. 
“You ready for round two, cause we ain’t fucking leaving our bed till at least Monday.”
It was only Thursday.
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