#brian fuller
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dustydilf · 1 month ago
Nbc Hannibal is great because no matter how much you hate a character or their actions, you will always hate Mason Verger more. Which makes every character relatively less unhinged and more justified in their actions.
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lets-steal-an-archive · 1 month ago
Hannibal scripts are now on TV Writing!
Season 1
Hannibal 1x01 - Aperitif
Hannibal 1x02 - Amuse-Bouche
Hannibal 1x03 - Potage
Hannibal 1x04 - Ceuf
Hannibal 1x05 - Coquilles
Hannibal 1x06 - Entree
Hannibal 1x07 - Sorbet
Hannibal 1x08 - Fromage
Hannibal 1x09 - Trou-Normand
Hannibal 1x10 - Buffet-Froid
Hannibal 1x11 - Roti
Hannibal 1x12 - Releves
Hannibal 1x13 - Savoureux
Season 2
Hannibal 2x02 - Sakizuke
Hannibal 2x03 - Hassun
Hannibal 2x04 - Takiawase
Hannibal 2x05 - Mukozuke
Hannibal 2x06 - Futamono
Hannibal 2x07 - Yakimono
Hannibal 2x08 - Su-zakana
Hannibal 2x09 - Shiizakana
Hannibal 2x10 - Naka-choko
Hannibal 2x11 - Ko-No-Mono
Hannibal 2x12 - Tome-wan
Hannibal 2x13 - Mizumono
Season 3
Hannibal 3x01 - Antipasto
Hannibal 3x02 - Primavera
Hannibal 3x03 - Secondo
Hannibal 3x04 - Aperitivo
Hannibal 3x05 - Contorno
Hannibal 3x06 - Dolce
Hannibal 3x07 - Digestivo
Hannibal 3x08 - The Great Red Dragon
Hannibal 3x09 - …and the Woman Clothed with the Sun
Hannibal 3x10 - …and the Woman Clothed in Sun
Hannibal 3x11 - …and the Beast from the Sea
Hannibal 3x12 - The Number of the Beast Is 666
Hannibal 3x13 - The Wrath of the Lamb
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/tvwriting/us-drama/us-drama-collections/hannibal
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cryingadenium · 2 months ago
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"All of the Itallian men kept calling her Bella, Bella, Bella. Well, I wanted her to be my Bella."
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sulietsexual · 3 months ago
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Gilmore Girls + Godfather References
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jessmalia · 1 year ago
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Mal's Gilmore Girls rewatch: Keg! Max! 3.19
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lokilokilolki · 2 years ago
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The tragic homosexual love trope: a cross-examination
I personally don't think Hannibal is the same kind of emotionally stunted because to be fair (spoiler) he does say exactly what he means every time via cleverly and symbolically splayed corpses.
And John I feel, definitely was abandoned by Sherlock after Reichenbein for three years, but they did get back together after in a satisfying conclusion (raising a child together omg besties) so like hopefully all the gays just adopt in the next seasons
BBC Merlin (I'm just realizing) has so many parallels too fml might update
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Part two of ~that one show with a lot of tragic gay subtext that isn't really subtext but the studio is homophobic (not you Neil and Brian, love u guys <3) so we just say it's subtext~: A Cross-Reference
Sherlock and Will def have the most in common and are just on opposite ends of the moral spectrum which is basically the only thing keeping Sherlock away from being the scariest serial killer ever.
BONUS: SHERLOCK AND HANNIBAL: both keep decapitated heads in their fridges ayoooo
Everyone: "My boyfriend would kill/severely maim for me"
I also feel like Arthur from BBC Merlin would also fit really well here. His character especially identifies with Aziriphale:
I love him, but the belief system that was drilled into my head all my life prevents me from fully accepting him as he is
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folieadeuxredrose · 8 months ago
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talkingaboutwhatiwant · 2 months ago
Y'all know that scene in Hannibal (TV) where Mad's does his cutesie little "God kills people" bit? I noticed when I was reading The Red Dragon that it uses direct quotes HOWEVER. it's a little different and I want to talk about it.
Naturally the tones are different as in the show the two are talking face to face in a therapy session, and in the book it's just a letter Graham receives.
Let's compare
Script: Hannibal: I am. It wasn’t the act of killing Hobbs that got you down, was it? Did you really feel so bad because killing him felt so good?
Will: I liked killing Hobbs.
Hannibal: Killing must feel good to God too. He does it all the time. And are we not created in his image?
Will: That depends who you ask.
Hannibal: God’s terrific. He dropped a church roof on 34 of his worshippers last Wednesday night in Texas, while they sang a hymn.
Will: And did God feel good about that?
Hannibal: He felt powerful.
Book: (skipping the beginning of the letter bc irrelevant) I want to help you, Will, and I'd like to start by asking you this: when you were so depressed after you shot Mr. Garret Jacob Hobbs to death, it wasn't the act that got you down, was it? Really, didn't you feel so bad because killing him felt so good? Think about it, but don't worry about it. Why shouldn't it feel good? It must feel good to God- He does it all the time, and are we not made in His image? You may have noticed in the paper yesterday, God dropped a church roof on thirty-four of His worshippers in Texas Wednesday night- just as they were grovelling through a hymn. Don't you think that felt good? Thirty-four. He'd let you have Hobbs. He got 160 Filipinos in one plane crash last week- He'll let you have measly Hobbs. He won't begrudge you one measly murder. Two now. That's all right. Watch the papers. God always stays ahead. Best, Hannibal Lecter, M.D.
I like the letter version better, partially because it's longer, but also because Lecter doesn't have any persona on, he's already in prison after all, so he speaks his mind. He also has no need to let Will come to his own conclusions or be gentle with him. Honestly if I could choose one thing to show people to convince them to read The Red Dragon, it'd be that letter. It's so YUMMY. omg.
I'd also like to note that someone on tiktok once referred to Fuller's Hannibal as fanfic of the books and now I can't stop thinking about it. Down to direct quotes being used. "It smells like something with a ship on the bottle" BRIAN COME ON MAN
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valerius-the-lavish · 3 months ago
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kbaker1431 · 1 year ago
Do you think that Will ever got that messed up in the brain and stared just singing random songs with his own lyrics to them about wanting to end it all or Hannibal is a cannibal or something.
Only saying this because I've had ABBA songs stuck in my head for a couple of days now, especially 'The Winner Takes It All' and I've just been singing my own lyrics, and I can definitely see Will Graham doing this while moping around his house doing whatever he's doing.
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purplehalnw · 2 years ago
Ok so I'm watching Hannibal right now (just finished ep8 so no spoilers please).
I've heard quite a bit abt Will Graham being autistic and... I know there's a lot of drama around that with the actor and creator SAYING that he isn't despite him clearly acting that way and the show literally implying/mentioning that he's autistic and the book that this show is based off of ALSO implying that he's autistic.
Anyway, the general consensus I've gotten from the fandom is that Will is 100% autistic and that Brian Fuller and Hugh Dancy should just be ignored which fair enough that's definitely what I'm gonna be doing.
They literally have a whole scene to tell you that he hates eye contact, constantly show how socially awkward he is, depict him as hyperempathetic, and show that he seems to have special interests in fishing and animals. Htf could this man not be autistic?.
Hell I've even seen small moments where he seems to allow himself to stim a little (Will definitely reads as someone who masks a lot). Like when he sees those first two blood eagled ppl in ep5 and his hand starts to shake/flap. Also when he was talking to Tobias in ep8 and his voice was starting to get a bit emotional again you could see his hand starting to shake/flap.
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flowers4matti · 6 months ago
What are some headcanons you have about any of the Hannibal NBC characters? I wanna know what people headcanon for them. xP
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abs0luteb4stard · 11 months ago
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W 🩸 T C H I N G
I finished season 1 way back 10 years ago, but I never had the chance to watch all of season 2 or any of season 3.
It's such an artistic crime thriller that's really different to anything else. It's also a very pretty adaptation of the source material that even outshines Anthony Hopkins' portrayal.
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hairymoths · 2 years ago
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william 3milligrams
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vertigoartgore · 1 year ago
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Brian Fuller's Wonderfalls tv show started airing 20 years ago today. Fell old yet ?
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universalidiiot · 1 year ago
happy 11th anniversary to my favorite form of brainrot
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