Alpha Centauri
78 posts
"She thinks I'm a fascist? I don't control the railways or the flow of commerce!" — Barbie 
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lokilokilolki · 9 months ago
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happy pride
Tysm @to-the-starkcave for the request!! I’ve never done smthn like this before,, turned out better than I expected I’m ngl
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lokilokilolki · 9 months ago
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lokilokilolki · 10 months ago
Hob/Morpheus Fic Rec
With smut warnings (on a scale of low-high, none, or chapter warnings)
Hob Saves Dream
Jelouse/Possesive Morpheus
Hob and Endless family
Hob/Morphues + Aziriphale/Crowley Crossover Fics
Alternate Universe
Hob Whump
Take Me in Your Loving Ropes  23k 
Smut: Yes-High 
Hob invites Morpheus to attend his shibari performance, to show him what it is about. Morpheus finds it a little too much to his liking :D. 
: This one was so amazing, a nice slow burn with a sprinkle of jealous Dream and soft Hob 
If you would have me  19k  
Smut: None (Making out fanart at the end) 
“Hanging from a chain around my familiar’s neck is the key to my chambers.” 
In his cat form, Dream stretched out his body and yawned languidly. The key shimmered into existence, pulled from the dream of a young writer who fashioned stories of fae queens and mortal sailors, of treasure chests and friendship forged through hardship. 
“The person who first takes the key from him shall become my spouse.” 
: I LOVE this one, based on that one popular prompt post, and a good slow-burn with soft!dream. 
Hob saves Dream  
For Want of Caution 20k 
Smut: None 
Hob Gadling was not by nature a cautious man but even he knew the value of keeping track of those who would be too… intrigued by his condition. In 1926, a chance conversation in a bar alerts Hob to the fact that Roderick Burgess has captured another immortal, one that sounds eerily like his friend. 
This one is just pure feels with some Hob whump and besotted Dream thrown in. 
little by little, and in great leaps  21k  
she_who_loves_dreamling (all_fandoms_reader) 
In one world, Jessamy and Death depart for the Sunless lands, and it will be long years before Dream is free. 
This is not that world. 
 : Hob saves Dream and they both pine after each other like idiots I love them 
Hob is eating breakfast on Tuesday, August 10th, in the year of our Lord 1926, when Death comes knocking. 
Sing Me To Sleep  3k  
Smut: Light 
Dream’s hands were cold as they cupped Hob’s face, desperate to hold on to this reality. 
“I’m here, I’m real,” Hob said, wrapping the coat around Morpheus’ shoulders, drawing it around his thin frame. 
: Jessamy goating out and getting Hob 
Body and Soul, Always and Forever  50k  
Smut: None 
In 1916, Hob is summoned by Roderick Burgess. One hundred and six years later, he is rescued by Dream. Soon after that, he finds himself in love and engaged to the King of Dreams and Nightmares, and now it's just happy days for the rest of their Endless existence, right? 
Well, it turns out that when you get engaged to a king, it comes with baggage, such as being given titles, being knighted, and entertaining delegations from Faerie. And when the king is captured by a mysterious Order, suddenly you're standing there as Lord Protector of the Dreaming, having to balance saving a magical realm with saving your fiancé. Easy peasy. 
: BAMF regent Hob saving Dream, Desire being just a silly little brother, and very unorganized cults. 
Jealous/Possessive Morpheus  
What in wanting is freely given and in madness is taken away  7k 
Smut: None 
: I love this one! Hob saving Calliope, and Dream getting insanely jealous and possessive 
warning sign 8k 
Smut: None 
“He does not wish your friendship, Hob Gadling. He wishes to bed you." 
: Dream is emotionally constipated and gets jealous and possessive over Hob 
Turning Blue  3k 
Smut: None 
It had not occurred to Dream that Hob would not be at the first place he looked. It’s this feeling of a strange, thwarted serendipity that sets Dream on edge. 
: This one is just pure angst all the way through; Protective Dream and Hob whump 
Jealousy Does Not Become Him  3k  
Smut: Light 
Dream was not jealous. 
Dream did not get jealous. 
Yet he watched Hob Gadling laugh, his face lit up, the joy obvious in his heart, and felt the desperate, clawing creature within him snarl its fury. 
But he wasn't jealous. He couldn't be. 
: Dream not being sad and jealoue and Hob storming the realm cause he’s being an idiot. 
Trying to Recognize Myself (When I Feel I've Been Replaced)  13k  
Smut:  High (second chapter) 
"You'll regret saying no," they say suddenly, snapping Hob back onto the mortal plane, their glamor falling back into place as they scowl. "You could have helped me— and you refused." 
"Hospitality doesn't beget I give up pieces of my body," Hob replies. "And you've officially worn out your welcome." 
: A wondering supernatural entity pulls a lover body swap on Hob not knowing his husband is a possessive eldritch horror. 
“Defiling the Sublime: emerging technologies and their methodological implications”, by Hob Gadling, PhD  2k  
notallsandmen (notallmaenads) 
Smut: Yes-High 
Dream surprises Hob during a Zoom conference and blows him under his desk. Exactly what it says on the tin. 
: Dream being a brat and Hob trying to hang onto the last thread of sanity 
Watching You Dance  347 words 
Smut: Suggestive Content 
Hob has a side job as a stripper. He invites Dream to come watch him, knowing that his boyfriend's possessive streak will be activated when he's surrounded by the lustful daydreams of the patrons. 
: Dream can sense daydreams, which is unfortunate when all anybody is thinking about is your boyfriend currently on a pole.
Hob & Endless Family 
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes  5k 
Smut: None 
Wanings: Drug Use 
Hob has always been the kind of person to try anything once. Unfortunately, that applies to literal anything and that is exactly the reason he finds himself in this situation. 
: Hobb and Deliriums interactions throughout the years + Protective Dream 
Misery Loves Company  5k 
Smut: None 
Warning: Depression 
Over the course of his life, Hob has been more than well acquainted with despair. Comes with the territory, a bit. Not even immortals have infinite strength. It took some centuries, though, before he became acquainted with Despair. In the flesh, as it were. Is it strange to find a degree of comfort in the personification of abject misery? Probably. But there've been times when she's been there, and that made all the difference. 
: Hobb's interactions with Despair over the years + Protective Dream 
Endless Family Values  1k 
Smut: None 
“Now, now,” Hob intercedes with a grin that’s only slightly forced. “Can we save the in-fighting for the actual dinner part of this family dinner?” 
: Hob finally meets the family. 
A Study in Impressing the In-Laws  2k 
Smut: None 
The next time that Hob meets one of Dream's siblings, he almost expects it. 
A Touch of Bitterness  2k 
Smut: Light-Suggestive 
Warning: Homophobia 
Hob has not been led to have high expectations regarding Morpheus' family. Somehow, they're worse than he expected. Poor Morpheus never stood a chance of being normal. 
: Hob meets the fam and there weird as shit, but it’s his weird of shit now 
Fuckboi Hob vs The Endless Family Dinner  41k 
Smut: Yes (Chapters 5 and 6 only) 
It was supposed to be a joke listing. Bring a line cook parolee covered in body art in active recovery as your plus one to a family dys-function as revenge, haha, very funny. Only the posh stranger who reaches out to take Hob up on the ludicrous offer turns out to be wound so tight over his upcoming New Year's Eve dinner that Hob decides to make himself everyone's fucking problem. Dream's family won't know what hit them. 
: Hob is a boyfriend for hire and then immediately falls in love. Love this fic, nails the family dynamic and has a lot of wholesome moments between everyone. 
Family Jewels 10k 
Smut: Light 
The Endless family is made up of seven siblings, no parents, just children. It's difficult between them, sometimes hostile, sometimes loving, but never boring / One Shot Collection, very Delirium and Dream centric 
: These are all one-shots and can be read independently, they focus on the the endless as humans and their family dynamics (centered more heavily on Dream and Delirium) Very well characterized and heart-warming. 
The worst family gathering in history  4k 
Smut: Light-Implied 
Basically, Dream is forced to spend time with his siblings every now and then. Just them in a room, with a lot of alcohol. 
How long does it take until they find out he’s been shagging? 
: A lot of endless family dinner crack  
Life Couldn't Get Much Sweeter  17k  
Smut: Yes (Chapters 4 and 5 centric) 
Dream and Hob finally have their wedding ten months after getting married (eleven months after meeting). Hob is determined to make the day perfect for Dream and if he has to fight both of Dream's parents to do it? So be it. 
: Hob and Dream get married (alt universe humans) and its Hob’s job to help with Dreams fucked up family. Fr I really love this fic especially how they integrated destruction into it.  
Whatever You Desire  9k 
Smut: None 
Messing with their older brother Dream is a perfectly entertaining past time for Desire, though after the incident with Unity Kincaid and Rose Walker they're looking for something a little more low-key. And then they stumble upon Hob Gadling. 
: Desire is a coniving little shit and Dream is possessive
Sandman & Good Omens Crossover Fics 
Heaven is a good book, or several hundred good books... 5k 
Smut: None 
Hob stumbles across a strange little bookshop wandering down the streets of Soho which seems to be as long-lived as he... 
: Hob and his interesting interactions with the strange man who never ages in a bookshop in Soho. With some Dream fluff of course.  
dreaming of a miracle 2k 
Smut: None 
Aziraphale has never been summoned before. He feels a bit honored. More put out, though. He’d been in the middle of organizing the shop, and he’d been planning to get dinner at a new little place by the Thames. Maybe if he hurries, he can still make his reservation. 
“Um, hello,” he says, following the words with a little wave. “May I help you?” 
: Rodrick Burgess accidentally summons Aziraphale after Dream and must face a not-so-happy demon. 
A Tavern Tale  19k 
Smut: None 
Dream is not the only encounter Hob has in a tavern (or around one). 
: Hob meets Agnus Nutter in the 1600’s and gives him three prophecies, some of which may include a certain angel, demon, duck, raven, and anthropomorphic personification of dreams.  
Park Morning Meeting  1k  
obaewankenope (rexthranduil) 
Smut: None 
“Anthony J Crowley,” Dream of the Endless intoned in that strangely deep, yet still somehow soft voice of his. The kind of voice that, written down, the dialogue would be bold and italicized for emphasis. 
“Uh, yep, that’s me!” Crowley, in a decidedly less imposing and cosmically empowered tone of voice, acknowledged the Endless in front of him. 
; Dream and Crowley have a little chat 
strange friends in strange places  11k 
Smut: None 
Hob makes a friend at the Classic Car Convention and stumbles upon a strange bookshop. When his Stranger asks him for help to find a certain grimoire, things get even more confusing. 
: Hob and Crowley are car besties whose husbands have a pension for misunderstandings. 
The Beating of Will Shaxberg  1k  
Smut: Implied 
Hob and Crowley are drinking buddies (insert we cry together about our unrequired *requiered* love life's) they both hate Shakespeare who has the entire intellectual attention of their beloveds. Wouldn't it be great to punch the bastard? Wait! Destiny is a cunning bitch. ENTER SHAKESPEARE. 
: Exactly what it sounds like just a lot of crack 
Alternate Universe 
Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?  2k 
Smut: Yes-High 
Lord Morpheus Burgess, tired of his cheating husband and his lonely existence, seeks out comfort in the form of a famous actor; Robert Gadling. 
: Dream is Princess Diana basically, short but sweet. I would totally recommend you read the second part of this two-part series first. 
It's Only Forever, Not Long At All  25k  
Smut: Yes-High 
Hob should know by now not to go along with Death’s schemes, but here he is at a masquerade ball for her baby brother. He’s never met him, but Death's told Hob that he was indeed that pale lord that left the White Horse in a stink just before Death sauntered up and gave Hob immortality. 
Surrounded by impossible creatures and otherworldly beings, one specific person catches his attention: an inhumanly beautiful dark-haired man in a raven mask. Hob loses track of him and the night spirals out in mayhem as Hob gets himself into trouble. Fey trouble to be exact. 
: Vampire!Dream meets his sister's immortal friend Hob Gadling who accidently got themselves in an ownership battle with the fae.  
'cause every Dreamlord's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man  4k  
Smut: Suggestive-Light 
Hob and Dream attend a university fundraising gala 
: Dream is probed into attending Professor Hob’s fundraising gala 
Impractical Design  1k  
Smut: None 
Hob reread the instructions carefully, read them again, and then checked that he had all the right parts for what felt like the thousandth time. He ignored the steadily rising tide of confusion, the sheer incomprehension he felt—Hob had lived for hundreds of years and he knew how to build things—projecting what he hoped was a convincing aura of calm. 
: just the fluffiest IKEA furniture struggle fic 
Summer Rain  4k  
Smut: None 
Hob is mourning the decline of scent marking as a habit in society, and Dream steps in to remind him that not everyone has forgotten it, and is willing to forgo it. 
: Best of mutual pining and adorable Dream 
Make My Lullaby a Fairytale  4k  
Smut: None 
Hob has a penchant for helping others, and when that means taking care of a baby, he isn't quite ready for the way his eldtritch partner reacts. (Much better than he expected) 
: Dream + Hob + Tiny baby, the fluffiest of fluffs Dream is so soft and parental here 
The Things Dreams and Lies Share in Common  4k  
Smut: Yes-Mild 
Recently heart broken, Dream finds his little sister, Delirium, at his door step wishing for him to come with her to find their brother. She even wrote a list - a list of people they must meet people who can help. On that list the name 'Hob Gadling' catches on the glints of stars that flicker and burn in Dream's eye. 
; Dream having no concept of communicating feelings properly and having to fix it  
It's Raining, It's Pouring  2k  
Smut: None 
Dream has always loved the rain, just as much, if not more than the sunlight. He knows it's not a shared opinion amongst everyone, but when it starts affecting his creations, what Dream loves starts to become the problem rather than the solution. Enter: Hob Gadling. 
; Hob being a literal ray of sunshine 
Which Betokeneth Concorde 1k   
Dira Sudis (dsudis) 
Smut: None-Suggestive 
Dream had been dimly aware that one of the many things he would have to face, as the price of courting Hob Gadling, was his own refusal to dance. 
: Dream doesn’t dance but he likes to watch his idiot dance 
Minute Affections  2k  
Smut: None 
The simple joy of having a person you're fond of, who is also a cat. 
: Adorable fluffy Cat!Dream and Hob 
If we have each other, then we'll both be fine  3k   
Smut: Suggestive Content 
Hob relocates to the Appalachian Mountains and Dream meets him at a bar there. The two philosophize about change, death, the unknown, and companionship. They come to an understanding. 
: Hob and Dream philosophize about the world and there growing relationship 
The reason we have hands (holding) 
Smut: None 
Morpheus watches Hob casually touch the other humans in his life. He thinks that, just maybe, his friend will extend that same gesture to him. 
: Technically a two-shot but one-shot is more of an atmosphere than anything, very fluffy very cute features Dream having very serious conversations with kittens + Jealous Dream 
sometime of the night  2k  
Smut:  None 
He doesn’t realize that this is one of those times where Dream has decided they’ll be spending time together, no matter what Hob might have to say to the contrary, until a large black cat leaps onto his desk. 
: Dream being a bitchy cat and Hob loving it (sort of) 
Tropetember 2022 - Dreamling Edition  30 one shots 
Smut: None 
A series of Dream/Hob Gadling one shots, all focusing on the daily prompts of Tropetember 2022 
: Just a bunch of minds soothing Dreamling domestic one-shots for the soul 
In Sickness and In Health  7k 
littledreamling (k_crow) 
Smut: None 
“Will you help me?” 
“Of course,” Dream replied easily. Hob made a vague noise, deep in his throat, and let his forehead fall forward to bonk gently against Dream’s shoulder as if the mere whisper of effort was overwhelming. Dream had to admit, he had never succumbed to human illness—maybe it truly was overwhelming. The sight of his love, trembling and miserable, made his entire chest ache and he gave in to the impulse to press a gentle kiss into Hob’s hair. 
: The king of dreams and nightmares trying to make soup for his sick boyfriend 
A Different Kind of Hold  4k  
Smut: Mild-Implied  
"Though Hob Gadling was only human, he caught the attention of most everyone everywhere he went." 
A one-shot not only based other fanfics on here and posts elsewhere stating Dream is possessive of those he loves, but also on the Wiki stating, "Despite his cold exterior, Dream is often passionate and infatuated with his lovers." 
: Dream collars Hob, very cute and domestic 
Hob Whump 
A sweet dream  1k  
Smut: None 
Hob is captured instead of Dream. But when Dream finally finds him, he may be too late. 
: One of those Fics that make your heart physically clench a little 
My Stranger, My Dream  67k   
Smut: Yes (Chapter 24 only) 
Hob has been around death. Living in London throughout multiple plague outbreaks and fires, as well as making a living soldiering and dabbling in banditry, will do that to you. What he doesn't know is that Death has been around Hob as well. He has no idea that when his Stranger left him that night in 1389 after their first meeting, the woman who came up to him, laid a hand on his shoulder and said, “Good luck, friend,” was Death incarnate. 
Hob doesn’t know that he is one of few things in this world that has been Touched by Death and lived. Had he known this, he might not have been as confused as he is when his body slams into the floor of a dim, candle-lit cellar and he finds himself surrounded by hooded figures and a gold circle on the floor. That is all he manages to perceive before everything goes blurry and consciousness slips away from him again. 
Roderick Burgess' spell does not summon Death, but someone who has been touched by Death. Hob Gadling ends up in his cellar instead of Dream. 
: This one was a GREAT fic, a total slowburn between Hob and Dream, and nice plot and relationship progression featuring traumatized Hob and Smitten Dream. The author graciously made a SEQUEL, which is every bit as fantastic as this one 
SEQUEL TO “My Stranger, My Dream”  (Categorized under “Hob saves Dream” as well) 
Body and Soul, Always and Forever  50k  
Smut: None 
In 1916, Hob is summoned by Roderick Burgess. One hundred and six years later, he is rescued by Dream. Soon after that, he finds himself in love and engaged to the King of Dreams and Nightmares, and now it's just happy days for the rest of their Endless existence, right? 
Well, it turns out that when you get engaged to a king, it comes with baggage, such as being given titles, being knighted, and entertaining delegations from Faerie. And when the king is captured by a mysterious Order, suddenly you're standing there as Lord Protector of the Dreaming, having to balance saving a magical realm with saving your fiancé. Easy peasy. 
: BAMF regent Hob saving Dream, Desire being just a silly little brother, and very unorganized cults. 
Limbo  (ART comic, VERY well done; check out the artist they are AMAZING) 
Smut: None 
AU, in which Robert sacrifices himself for Morpheus, does not die in the usual sense, but falls into Limbo. A place where people's consciousness is in a coma. The dream wants to return its knight but does not expect to find him. 
: I adore this interpretation of how Hob might meet his demise. 
When the end of the world came, I sat there and sipped my Early Grey  1k  
Smut: None 
He looks back down at the book he is reading. Only twenty words left. He wants to know how the story finishes and it won’t do to wait to read it before he goes to sleep, because he doesn’t plan to go to sleep again. 
His eyes glide off the last sentences and he smiles at it. A happy ending. At the bottom of the page, the last word. Fin. 
: Death puts up the chairs to the universe and brings Hob Gadling with her at last.  
Who will save you when you fall?  1k 
Smut: None 
Dream has escaped his prison and recovered his tools. The Dreaming is recovering. All that is left for him to do is settle things with Hob Gadling, the way he should have done in 1889. 
: Pure angst and absolutely no comfort 
Prometheus, Bound.  18k  
Smut: None 
In the year 1916, Roderick Burgess attempts to summon and capture Death. He misses his mark in quite a way, but he’s never been one to waste an opportunity. 
: Hob gets violently tortured, and the Corinthian is the Corinthian 
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lokilokilolki · 10 months ago
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Here we are, soooo back again!!!! Link: https://www.instagram.com/thesandmanofficial/
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
excuse me while I cry forever because
the Mobius that Loki went back and visited
in the time theater
did not know why he hesitated to prune the little boy who was swimming
but he couldn’t do it
because the little boys reminded him of sean and kevin
the boy he needed to prune was like his troublemaker youngest child
even after a mind wipe
even after Protocol 42
maybe after multiple memory wipes
he remembered his sons
because no metter what, he was a father
and now he goes back to look at where he came from
and sees his prime playing happily with sean and kevin
and it all makes sense to him
he knows that it was not weakness that made him hesitate that day
it was love
and loki shouldered that burden for him forever
for sylvie forever
for the entire TVA for all time always
do you get why i am so insane for this show
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
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The throne Loki thought was his purpose VS the one that was
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
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Loki becoming the God of Stories - 02x06
I'm in shock. This was STUNNING! I'll need at least 2 months to wrap my head around it, I love it so much!
[Part 2][Part 3]
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
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THOR (2011) / LOKI 2x06 (2023)
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
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I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. LOKI — 02x06 “Glorious Purpose”
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
Loki's arc starting off as the tragic side character whos trauma made them crave a greater purpose besides themselves, then realizing that it was to fill a hole in his heart created from a sense of never belonging anywhere, actually FINDING--not only a purpose--but a family inside the TVA, and then realizing that the only way to keep them safe was to doom yourself too your own prophecy of an enternity of glorius burden and lonliness✋🏼 DYING
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
I don’t think you all grasp the depth of the finale and the show as whole: Loki used to be a side chracter who was killed off several times and often used only as a comic relief, and now he’s one of the most important character in the whole mcu… His character arc is incredible, one of the best in the whole mcu.
And all some of you seems to care about is that your ship didn’t become canon. Are you kidding me?!
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
Finally, the knowledge I've accumulated from fics has led to too understanding exactly what was going on
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im abt to go insane
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
The absolute tragic irony of Loki convincing himself his one true purpose was too sit on a throne, going through SO much and finally coming to terms with the fact that all he wanted was to love and be loved in return, only to be shoved into an empty throne-- doomed to grasp the lives of everyone you care about alone for eternity
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
Loki is now the core of Yggdrasil, the first real integration of the tree in the MCU and I'm real excited to see it's implications in Phase 5/6, Secret Wars is the only project I see that would overlap but holy shit I'm so ready for it
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lokilokilolki · 1 year ago
The way Loki went through every possible variation to come up with a solution for the time loom and never even TRIED to ACTUALLY kill Sylvie, Instead he goes and asks her for advice and consent cause even when he's a powerful time god he still respects her desire for free will
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