#bri n junk
amayzingmayzie · 4 days
We're taking over the hall!!
We've 𝓰𝔂𝓪𝓽𝓽 a taste for the high life now 😈
.... It's moments like these where I want to say dni but it's so funny that I want you to interact more-
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gutsofgold · 21 days
Guys what if he was called the freakyboose-
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
I never actually introduced myself. With my habit to be anonymous online and junk it kinda slipped my mind.
Hi, you can call me Bri, thats my real name.
She/Her They/Them And I don't care which you use.
I've been writing for 10? Years and am an adult, and therefore have adult responsibilities (ugh) Murder Drones is my current fixation, but I'm into other things, probably have ADHD (the bitch) and sometimes get sidetracked with other shit, forgive me.
Welcome to my blog, it's nice to have you here.
I'm also the mod for @ask-elliot-doorman-fam where you can ask Tera, Uzi, N and the rest of the cast from Oil is Thicker Then Blood whatever you want!
Here's a link to immediately go to the first chapter of Oil is Thicker Then Blood. ->
The AO3 link ->
Give me a Reason First Chapter Link ->
AO3 ->
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alter-soup · 4 months
hi! i have a variety of things and i wonder if you could fit into one alter pack? i would like one based on hime gyaru fashion, junk nails, rosy maple moths, and doves?
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Name(s) - Tara, Bri, Julie, Rosy, Lucy, Sky
Pronouns- She/her
Suggested Neopronouns- chirp/chirps, sugar/sugars, flight/flights, cloud/clouds, flutter/flutters, heart/heartbeat/heartbeats, file/files, dec/decor/decors
Gender(s)- Female
Suggested Xenogenders- Cutevampiregender, Rosymothic, Pinkcandygender
Orientation- Abromantic, Bisexual
Age- 20-23
Species- Human
Source- N/A
Role(s)- Diffuser
Kins- Rosy maple moth, Mourning dove
Personality traits/details- Sweet but can be somewhat blunt, somewhat quiet, always tries to act okay/happy even if she isn't even though it can sometimes be obvious she isn't okay
Likes- Fashion (hime gyaru especially), animals, junk nails, makeup, pink, music, smoothies, cute things, social media
Dislikes- Breaking her nails, bruises, gross food, stuck up people
Sign Off- 🏩🕊
Extra details- She wears a backpack with little white wings stitched onto the back. - she changes the appearance of her nails a little too often and is always looking for ideas for the next set. - sometimes she just sits with people and shares snacks and whatnot with them as they chat…she also gives them bows, she gives everyone bows…
Couldn't really capture the right aesthetic because of the limited options I'm so sorry!! /gen
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videostak · 1 year
actually cleaned a decent amount today yay :D well just typical bri cleaning of moving the mess to somewhere else rn theres tons of junk in the middle of my room but im slowly finding space for all of it yaya :D also my bunny outfit may come 2mrw so im like O_O so excited i probably wont be able to try it on til awhile i mean like try it on and take pics n everything but like its gonna be awesum. and those two maid outfits im so excited for :D theyre both different enough that itss gonna be cool both are real cute
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toxoiddiamond · 3 years
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T H E B A S I C S Given Name: Rafael Caleb Isserlis Nicknames: His family all call him Ray, but most people just call him Rafael. Age: 30 Birthday: June 6th Zodiac Sign: Gemini Birthplace: Sunnyvale, California Current Location: Barcelona, Spain Speaks: English, Spanish, some Castilian, a bit of Hebrew but not much. Dominant Hand: Right Education: He graduated from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts degree. His original focus was Computer Software Engineering, but he switched his focus to Drawing and Painting in his sophomore year. Occupation: Bouncer at a strip club, and he has been working on a comic book with a friend (Rafael is working on the art, and his friend is the writer/story creator) for about a year. They hope to publish and sell it at some point soon. Vehicle: 2003 Opel Zafira in silver. Not the most attractive car, but he got it for cheap and it has been very reliable for him. Worldly Possessions: Lots of art supplies, a bunch of comic books, tons of dog toys, a photo album full of family pictures (put together for him by his mother before he moved to Spain), and tons of blankets and pillows because he loves to be comfy~ Pet(s): A black and white Mucuchi named Oreo. Rafael loves taking Oreo pretty much anywhere that dogs are allowed, and Oreo is always very happy to go on adventures.
A P P E A R A N C E Height: Just under 6’ Hair: He generally keeps it trimmed short just because it is easier to take care of, though he occasionally grows it out a little longer so the curls really show. He’s never dyed it before, so it is his natural dark brown color. Facial Hair: He always has at least a little bit of facial hair, even if it’s just some light scruffiness. He does like to let it grow out more sometimes. Eye Colour: Brown with some flecks of hazel Skin Tone: Dark, though the tone varies depending on the time of year. He is quite a bit darker in the warmer months thanks to his love of the outdoors. Clothing: He dresses casually for the most part, lots of jeans and t-shirts (especially band tees). If he’s working, he might wear a nice jacket as well. He almost always wears combat boots, unless he’s going running or hiking, then he’ll wear comfy sneakers. He loves wearing beanies, especially in colder weather, and he has them in a bunch of different colors. Although he doesn’t have much reason to dress up, he does look great in a suit and has some nice clothes on hand just in case. Distinguishing Marks: He has a couple of large tattoos on his chest, and a half sleeve on his left arm. He plans on getting more tattoos at some point, but he hasn’t decided what he wants or where. Face Claim: Jordan Calloway
H E A L T H Physical Health: Rafael is in excellent health– he loves doing any sort of physical activity, especially if it involves being outdoors, so he's very fit. He works out on a regular basis and eats quite healthy (though he's not opposed to a little junk food now and then). He gets sick now and then, just minor things like a cold or a mild case of the flu, but he's never been seriously sick or anything. Basically, Rafael takes great care of himself. Physical Abilities/Limitations: He can lift very heavy things thanks to his weight training at the gym. He's got good endurance/stamina– he can hike or run for quite a long time before needing a break. He's a good artist with a very distinctive style; he is constantly drawing, doodling on napkins, just keeping his hands busy whenever he can. Addictions: No addictions to speak of. Allergies: Citrus in general makes his mouth hurt, but sometimes he eats it anyway because he just can't resist. Mental Health: Generally good. He had a very stable upbringing with lots of supportive friends and family around. He is lucky enough to never have experienced any sort of mental illness or any really traumatic events in his life.
H I S T O R Y Summary: Rafael was born in Sunnyvale, California to wealthy parents (his mother is an OB/GYN, and his father is a very successful software engineer). He was the fourth of five children. He grew up surrounded by a very loving family, including much of his extended family, and had a near idyllic childhood. Growing up, Rafael always showed an aptitude for art– he was quite a skilled artist from a young age, but he also had a deep interest in his father’s work and loved all things to do with technology. He taught himself to code when he was about twelve years old and even made a couple of very basic games just to practice. Rafael was always a great student, not exactly straight A’s since he had a bit of a hard time in his literature classes and some of the more complicated math classes, but he never got any grades lower than a B, and he always tried his hardest and studied a lot, did extra credit whenever he could, etc. He also always had a lot of friends and was a bit girl crazy in high school, so he was always dating a new girl. He was on his high school’s soccer team as well– the PE coach always wanted him to go out for the football team, but Rafael hated football and still does, so he never bothered, preferring to use the time to do various volunteer projects or just hang out with his friends. Thanks to his excellent GPA and a wealth of extracurriculars and volunteer experience, Rafael had an easy time getting accepted into UC Berkeley. He initially majored in Computer Software Engineering, as he’d always planned– but after a trip across Europe with some of his friends just before his Sophomore year of college, he had a shift in perspective and realized that he really wanted to focus on his art after all. He changed his major to focus on Drawing and Painting, which was a bit of a surprise to his family, but they were, as always, very supportive of his decision, especially since it turned out he wouldn’t lose any progress toward his degree. After graduating, Rafael decided to do what he’d always wanted to do and live abroad. He decided on living in Spain, since he had taken nearly eight years of Spanish between high school and college and was almost fluent at that point. He spent a few years just travelling around Spain, exploring, working odd jobs, meeting people, just having a good time. Eventually he ended up settling in Barcelona after meeting a particularly good group of people, finding himself a quaint little house in the heart of the city, and getting a job as a bouncer in a local strip club. He has been there ever since. Job History: He didn't have his first job until college– he worked as a barista at a Starbucks on campus for his entire college career, which he actually really enjoyed. Once he moved to Spain and started traveling around, he did tons of odd jobs helping out with manual labor, working in restaurants, helping out around people's houses, doing yard work, just anything he could find that didn't require a lot of commitment. Once he settled in Barcelona, he took a job as a bouncer in a strip club because it paid decently well and fit into his schedule very nicely– that is where he's been ever since. Fondest Memories: Lots of happy childhood memories, too many to list actually. One of his fondest memories is his trip across Europe with his college friends. Plus all his adventures across Spain and the various times his sister Eliana has come to visit him. Worst Experiences: His paternal grandparents both died in a car accident when Rafael was fourteen, and that was probably the single worst experience of his life. A couple of his breakups were particularly rough on him as well.
C O M M U N I C A T I O N Speech Pace/Style: Definitely not a smooth talker, but not super awkward either (unless he’s trying to flirt). He’s laid back when he speaks, not overly formal, always seems pretty relaxed (again, unless he is attempting to flirt). He doesn’t talk excessively, but he’s not quiet or shy either, always loves to jump into a conversation, especially if it’s about a subject he’s interested in. If someone gets him started on a subject he’s passionate about, he gets very animated and excited about it. Accent: American accent, which sometimes comes through in his Spanish– though his Spanish accent, for the most part, is pretty good. Favorite Phrases or Words: He says “oh snap!” a lot when speaking English, something that rubbed off on him thanks to his younger sister. Usual Curse Words: He doesn’t curse a whole lot– it’s not that he’s offended by cursing or anything, he just kind of doesn’t think to curse unless he’s angry or really passionate about something.
P E R S O N A L I T Y, M I N D S E T, A N D B E L I E F S Personality Type: ENFP-A Sense of Humor: Rafael loves to laugh and has a pretty open sense of humor. The only type of humor he doesn’t vibe with is super offensive or raunchy/sexual humor, that’s just not his thing. But anything silly, clever, wordplay or puns, non-sequitur/weird humor, all of that is totally his cup of tea. Habits: Rafael is a bit fidgety and always has to be doing something with his hands. He can be still if he actively focuses on not fidgeting, but it's a little difficult for him. He's constantly drawing on napkins or little pieces of paper, on himself, and on others if they'll let him. If he doesn't have a pen handy then he'll crack his knuckles or he'll kinda rock back and forth on the balls of his feet. He just really cannot hold still unless his mind is fully occupied with something. Fears/Phobias: The whole idea of ghosts or demons really freaks him out. He also sometimes has a touch of existential dread and wonders if he’s going to be alone forever, but that usually doesn’t last long, just a sleepless night or two and then he gets past it. Strengths: Rafael is a very caring, sweet person who is genuinely interested in other people and loves to help whenever he can. He is attentive to people’s needs and tends to anticipate those needs in advance, so he is quite a thoughtful person. In general, he’s an optimist who likes to look on the bright side of things no matter how bad the situation may get and tries not to let the little things get him down. He is also very protective of those he loves, and though he is friendly to people almost all of the time, if anyone is rude to or tries to hurt someone he cares about, he won’t hesitate to speak up on behalf of or physically protect his loved one. Flaws: While his optimism is often a positive trait, Rafael sometimes takes it too far and doesn’t allow himself to just be sad or angry now and then, even when it would be good for him. He tends to suppress any emotion he perceives as negative instead of actually processing his feelings. In relationships, he can be a bit possessive and jealous at times, but he knows that’s his own problem and he really tries not to take it out on his partners. Hopes/Desires: He really hopes to get his comics published at some point– he just really wants to get them out there, even if they don’t get super popular or anything, he’s just really proud of their work and wants people to see it. He also really wants to find someone he can settle down with (or go on adventures with), someone he can spoil with tons of love and affection. He would love to get married and maybe have kids someday, but if his partner didn’t want children he would be okay with that also. Self-Esteem: Super good, honestly. He has his moments of insecurity just like anyone else, but overall he is comfortable with himself and believes himself to be a good person. Religion: Kinda Jewish, kinda atheist. It’s complicated.
R A N D O M Sleeping Position: Curled up on his right side, usually. Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers Day or Night?: Night for sure, he is naturally a night owl. Top or Bottom?: Probably top more than anything, but if he was with a partner that wanted to switch it up, he would happily give it a try~ Partying or Relaxing?: This would be a really hard choice for him, but he would probably have to go with partying. He loves the atmosphere of a good party.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S Closest Friend: Besides his younger sister, Rafael's best friend is Isabel Maduro, a woman he met when he moved to Barcelona. They have been working together on a comic book series for a while now; she is a very talented writer who comes up with stories that blow Rafael's mind. They see each other fairly often not just to work on the comics, but to go on walks or out to lunch, or on the occasional hike. Relationship History: Rafael had a ton of relationships in high school, many of which lasted two weeks or less and obviously those relationships didn't get serious at all– Rafael was just kind of playing the field at that point. He didn't actually have sex, or a serious relationship, until his first year of college. He then dated his first serious girlfriend, and they lasted about six months before she broke things off because she felt he was more attached than she was and she didn't want to waste his time. That is actually how all of Rafael's relationships have gone since then– he always gets broken up with before a year has passed (often much sooner than that) because they're not as into him as he is into them, or he's just too much, being too intense, etc. As a result, he's now reluctant to express his feelings at all because he doesn't want to put pressure on anyone. Sexual Partners: Rafael doesn't exactly get around or anything, but he has had about a dozen sexual partners in his life, all of them women. Thoughts About Sex: Rafael loves sex within the confines of a relationship but doesn't have much interest in it other than that. One night stands, flings, anything like that is not for him. So far, Rafael has only been with women. He's been attracted to men before and he knows he's definitely not straight, but he's always been way too nervous to try and flirt with men. He has never come out to anyone but if he were to end up in a relationship with a man, he wouldn't hesitate to come out– his sister Eliana is a lesbian and currently engaged to another woman, and was readily accepted by their family, so he knows they would all support him if he ever told them.
P A R E N T S Name(s): Shira and Booker Isserlis Age(s): Both 64 years old. Social Standing: White collar for sure, and they are in very good social standing. Occupation(s): She is an OB/GYN who is set to retire in a couple of years, and he is a computer software engineer who doesn’t plan to retire anytime soon. Religion: She is Jewish and he is agnostic, but does observe/celebrate Jewish holidays and events. Quality of Relationship With Their Children: They love and support all of their children unconditionally. They do worry about Rafael sometimes just because he’s more of a wanderer than their other children, he’s a bit more aimless, but they know he can take care of himself. Living/Deceased: Both alive and in excellent health.
S I B L I N G (S) Name(s): Daniel Isserlis, Itai Isserlis, Tamar Huang, and Eliana Isserlis (soon to be Eliana Florakis). Age(s): 34, 32, 31, 29. Yes, their parents basically had all of their children back to back. Social Standing: They have all done very well for themselves, and are all in good social standing. Occupation(s): Daniel is a software engineer and works with their father. Itai is a forensic accountant and he has helped to arrest many white collar criminals. Tamar runs a non-profit organization that helps underprivileged children by providing housing, food, education/tutors, and after school activities. And Eliana is an event planner who specializes in weddings. Religion: Daniel and Tamar are still devoutly Jewish. Itai and Eliana are more like Rafael– they appreciate and enjoy aspects of Judaism but they don’t really believe in it. Quality of Relationship with Character: Rafael loves all of his siblings and would do just about anything for them, but he is definitely the closest with Eliana out of all of them. He really only sees/talks to his other siblings a few times a year, but he talks to Eliana all the time. Living/Deceased: All alive.
D A I L Y L I F E Living Arrangements: He lives in a cute little one bedroom house right in the heart of the city, on a very busy street. He loves being right in the middle of everything, so it’s ideal for him. The place was a bit rundown when he first bought it, but he has fixed it up quite a bit and although no one would say it’s luxurious or anything, it’s definitely nice and comfortable. He loves having guests over and has lots of seating and a large TV, plus a pull-out couch in the living room just in case anyone stays the night, not to mention a spacious king sized bed in his room.
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amayzingmayzie · 15 days
choose me, greaseballs, 𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝓮 👅!!
Live footage of me when I see Rory McCollum Greaseball-
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Queen of hearts.
Summary: Being tied to the mob was hard...loving someone who was on a side you were fighting against made it even harder.
Warnings: Drinking, lil bit of mature themes, swearing, mentions of drugs, blood, implied murder, violence.
A/N: Okay so a kinda modern day set fic- a mix of old and new. It's a mob!AU and I got the idea from @borhap-socials and I was totally in love with this concept!! Brian and reader are the very definition of star-crossed lovers in this mini-series I'm doing 😫 will they be together in the end??? Maybe! Maybe NOT! 😏😩 I hope y'all enjoy! 💖
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Part 1.
You were barely paying attention to what your father was saying and he noticed. He snapped his fingers in front of your face and you flinched, giving him all your attention. "Did you hear what I said?"
"Yes! What you always say! Be safe, be vigilant, be logical, blah, blah, blah, and all that jazz!" You made the motion with your hands "Can I go now? Only Mary will be wondering where I am and it is her birthday party after all."
He sighed and rolled his eyes "Fine, but if you feel like anything is off- come home."
"I will." You reassured him with a smile. He had been on edge for the past few weeks. "I'll try and be home before midnight." You gave him a hug and went to pull away but he held you and pat your back. He would never admit it but you knew he was scared. Scared that you'd end up like one of those people he trusted and had lost- that someone would find you in a ditch or floating in the Thames. "I'll be fine."
"I just worry..." he pulled back with a small smile. "As I've always done." He sighed "You're the only one I have left." Your eyes flickered down to your feet, you were supposed to be upbeat and excited about going to the party at Mary's, but now you felt deflated. He didn't mention your mother, but you knew he was talking about her. She was in a car accident years ago, it was the only time you had ever seen your father cry.
He was notorious, he had a reputation. He was one of London's most fiercest mob bosses. You hated that you were automatically tied to it because of him and being his only child, he expected you to eventually take over someday- there was a great weight resting on your shoulders. The past few weeks had been tough for him, a rival family had upped their threats, taking down people linked to your fathers businesses and that only made him retaliate much more forcefully- you were wondering if the city had run out of body bags yet.
You could cut the tension looming over London with a knife.
He said that he hoped you'd have a good night just before you left the house, the guards outside all gave you a small, friendly smile as you made your way to your car. You got in and irritatingly sighed seeing the time on your watch- you were already late. You sped to Mary's house and hoped that she would be too busy interacting with other guests to notice your lack of presence.
Brian sighed into his- much needed- whisky. It had been a long day for him. He had listen to his father drone on with how successful they were becoming. Brian didn't see killing people as something to celebrate but when you were in the business, it was something to pop a bottle of champagne open over. Growing up with a mob boss as a father meant Brian was already automatically in it- he didn't have a choice. In fact, he was sure the second his mother announced she was pregnant with him, he was inducted into the 'family business'.
"There's a drop tomorrow, Bri. We'll be at yours at seven." Roger spoke in a hushed tone. Brian sighed again and took a sip of his drink. There was better things he could be doing on a Thursday evening than waiting for Roger, Freddie and John to come over and then intercept a drugs drop on his fathers behalf. Brian halfhearted hummed and Roger narrowed his eyes "I thought you said that you wanted to come to this bloody party earlier this morning but your acting like someone has cut your balls off." Brian sent Roger a glare "What's the matter with you?"
'What's the matter with me?' Brian mentally replied. 'I've just watched a man get shot less than an hour ago, scrapped my hands with a nail brush until they were red-raw trying to get the dried blood out of my skin and then toss on clothes and come to a party. The mood to party had certainly disappeared after all that bullshit.' Brian shook his head "Nothing."
Roger looked completely unconvinced but decided not to press him. Brian barely knew the woman who's birthday it was, he just knew she meant a lot to Freddie and at this stage in his life, Brian was just happy to get out the house and focus on something else for a few hours. John was tearing up the dance floor and Freddie was chatting away with the birthday girl. Roger left to get them both another drink, leaving Brian with his thoughts again as he downed the last of his drink. When his eyes looked up, he choked slightly. His jaw dropped seeing the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on walk through the front door.
Mary gasped and tapped Freddie excitedly when she caught a glimpse of you. "Y/N! Oh Y/N!" She squeaked, running over to you and pressed a kiss on each cheek before you engulfed each other in a hug. You could smell rosé perfuming her lips. She pulled back and raised her eyebrows "You're late!"
You playfully rolled your eyes with a cheeky smile "It just took me so long to haul up this huge bag up the stairs!" You pretended to peek in it "It's a gift for some girl because it's her birthday...I think she's 84?" You joked and she playfully shoved your shoulder while giggling. "Happy birthday, lovely!" You handed her the bag.
"You've perked up a bit," Roger observed aloud as he handed Brian a glass and placed his empty one on the table beside them. "What's got you so smiley?"
Brian didn't even notice he was smiling, he had been doing so as soon as you walked in- grinning even wider seeing your interaction with Mary. "Look at that girl," he motioned towards you. "Fuck- she's stunning!"
Roger followed Brian's line of vision and lowly whistled "That ass!" Brian nudged Roger and sent him a disapproving look. Roger scoffed "Oh come on, Bri. I've known you for years- you're an ass man. I bet that's one of the first things you saw."
"I actually saw her gorgeous face first...then focused on her smile...then her eyes..." his voice was getting dreamier by the second before he sighed with realisation. "Then her ass." He uttered and Roger let out a bark of laughter, clapping his friends shoulder. They stiffened slightly hearing a scream coming from the direction you were standing in. The flat was small and all ten people that were in it looked around to you and Mary who was clutching a dress with tears in her eyes.
"Vintage Valentino! The dress! This..this is it!" She yelled and you widely grinned. She had pointed it out in a magazine ages ago when they did a piece on vintage fashion and she fell in love with it- banged on about it for what felt like decades. You found it about bought it for her. One of the limited perks of having your father do what he does. "This is too much!" She gasped.
"No! No!" You smiled and kissed her cheek "Worth it for you. I adore you, I love you, my best friend in the whole world- you're like a sister to me. Nothing would be ever too much for you. Happy birthday." You squeezed her arm and she almost burst into tears. "Try it on! Let me see it on you!" You stopped her before she left to go into her room "Actually, show me tomorrow. I'll come over and we can go shopping and afterwards we can have a fashion show and binge on wine and junk food while listening to cheesy songs!"
Mary smiled so wide that it almost hurt, her eyes all sparkly from tears. "I honestly think you're my soulmate!" She chuckled. "Thank you, thank you so much!" She pulled you in for another hug and then went to place the dress in her room.
You decided to get yourself a drink, you knew she'd spend at least another ten minutes in her room admiring the thing. You walked up to where the bar was and noticed a tall man with curly hair looking at you. You coyly grinned and took a small detour to talk to him. "Hi there," you greeted. It was only when you got closer that you noticed the man with blonde hair standing next to him.
"H-hi!" Brian managed to croak out before taking a large gulp of his drink.
"Hey," Roger nodded his head and outstretched his hand "Roger- or just Rog. This is Brian, or Bri if you can't be bothered saying his full name." Roger joked and you laughed. Brian couldn't help but smile at the sound...despite being annoyed by Roger's comment.
"Nice to meet you Roger, you too Brian." You shook their hands. "I'm Y/N and I'm about to get myself one of those," you pointed towards their glasses "If you'll excu-"
"Here." Brian cut you off, swiftly grabbing Roger's untouched glass out of his hands and pushing it into yours. He didn't want you to leave just yet. The blonde shot Brian a deadly glare and uttered a string of curses under his breath as he left to get himself another drink. Your eyes followed an annoyed Roger for a moment before looking back at Brian who's lips were curved into a smile that reached his mesmerising eyes.
"Thanks," you chuckled out, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. "How do you know Mary? You work with her?"
Brian swallowed hard "Uh, no...I'm here with Freddie. She was kind enough to let us come- Roger, our other friend John and myself." No, he didn't work with her because he worked mainly in disposal of bodies and not Biba.
"Sounds like Mary," you softly smiled to yourself. "She's very kind. I've been her friend since I've been born!" You smirked- she brought a sense of normality to your life. "The amount of trouble we've been in together, I tell you!"
Brian- finding a bit of confidence that was probably more Dutch courage from the drink- bit down on his lip and leaned in little so you could hear his low voice over the music. "You seem too good to be bad."
You blinked, an almost unknown tingling surge flowing through your veins hearing him say that in such a dark tone. You challenged back, a little bit of shameless flirting would do no harm. "You'll just have to hang around and see how troublesome I can be, Brian..." you purred his name and sipped away at the whisky in Roger's glass. Brian balled his fists a little seeing your tongue dart out ever so slightly before your lips touched the glass. His fingernails digging into his palm relieved barely any tension. You grinned while taking a better look of Brian, your head cocking to the side ever so slightly. "You have nice eyes." You could happily see yourself floating in them, somewhere in between the stars they held.
They looked like little galaxies- endless and infinite.
Brian felt his heart skip a beat and he melted a little at your sweet, sincere tone. "They aren't as half as nice as yours...your eyes are beautiful." He whispered and you felt your cheeks flush. "You're beautiful." You bashfully turned away but he turned you around to face him again, keeping one hand on your arm. "Even more so when you do that..." he gently bobbed your cheeks and nose with his finger. "It's cute seeing you blush and get all flustered."
"No!" You groaned with a grin "Surely not!"
Brian rested his head against the wall and looked at you like you were a field of sunflowers in summer. "It's true." You mirrored his moves slightly and leaned against the wall, a small- yet what felt like a canyon-like gaping- distance between you both.
You stayed in the same spot with him talking for hours about everything and anything that came to mind- and flirting when the chance cropped up. Between the sweet, subtle brushing of your hands together and the occasional gentle, playful nudge, you both felt yourself more naturally and effortlessly drawn to each other. You had a lot in common and what you didn't, you found the subjects you were both alien to, interesting. "Maybe you should take me to the museum and tell me all about it." You suggested after he was talking about a piece of art. Brian blinked in shock.
"L-like a date?" He quietly asked.
A small flicker of confusion and worry flashed over both your faces. Neither of you had ever held a steady relationship before and had only been on a date or two outside of being very briefly with other people. Being linked to the 'business' made it ridiculously difficult to find anyone and build a relationship with them. Maybe it was time to change that.
"Sure," any hint of brief panic had gone. "Yeah, a date. Why not?" You shrugged a shoulder with a half grin.
Brian flashed you a smile, showcasing his pearly whites "Then it's a date. I can meet you on Monday outside the Tate around two?" You happily agreed to that- it wouldn't be too hard to slip away from home on your own to the museum for a few hours in the middle of a Monday afternoon. He then noticed you mindlessly tapping your foot. "Do you want to dance?" He asked and you shyly nodded. Brian took your empty glass and placed it down with his. You walked into any space you could find in Mary's small living room that was now being used as a makeshift dance floor. The limited space meant you were extremely close to Brian- not like either of you were complaining. His hand found your waist while your hips swayed, you shuffled forward and-almost intentionally- swayed them against Brian's.
You felt his grip tighten on you a little and he bit back a small groan feeling you grind against him. Your hands went to the back of his neck and you hummed the song that was blaring through the speakers before leaning forward to speak in Brian's ear. "Your hair is so curly...I love it." You tugged it ever so slightly and heard him whine in delight. You devilishly smirked, his arms snaked completely around your waist and he was slowly dragging you off the 'dance floor' to the empty hall. "Do you like that?" You pulled it again and Brian couldn't help but groan.
He pinned you against the wall, his body pressed against yours and his hands roaming wherever they desired. You contently sighed feeling his hands brushing over your neck, he pulled you forward slightly and you both spent a few antagonising moments just looking at each other with half-hooded eyes, noses brushing against one another's. "You really are so beautiful," he whispered and placed an innocent, whisky laced kiss to your lips before pulling back barely an inch. You cupped his cheek and pulled his face forward to close the distance again. You both coaxed a moan from one another's throats as you began to deepen the kiss, Brian's tongue softly brushed over your bottom lip making you involuntary part your lips just enough for him to slip it into your mouth and clash with your tongue.
Your hands clutched at Brian's jacket and his tightened around your waist as the kiss became more passionate. You gasped feeling his lips leave yours and reposition themselves on your neck, gently kissing and sucking away before he sunk his teeth into your flesh, drawing a broken yelp from your mouth. That would need covering with concealer in the morning. Your fingers were twisting in his hair and he groaned against your skin feeling your fingernails softly rake his scalp before you both swiftly broke apart hearing a throat clearing.
"Was wondering where you went," Roger said with a shit-eating smirk on his face at the end of the hall.
You and Brian fixed yourselves a little, completely flustered while wiping away the saliva from your mouths and smoothing out the creases on your clothes. You then noticed the time and gasped a little. "Oh god, I have to get going. It's almost midnight."
Brian ignored Roger's presence for a moment "Thanks for a great night...Cinderella." He joked and you giggled. You asked him for his phone and you added your number with a little red heart emoji at the end of your name.
'Y/N ♥️'
He watched you doing it with a hazy smile on his face. He was completely and utterly enamoured with you.
He gave you another kiss "Goodnight, Brian." You leaned in and whispered in his ear "Text me or give me a call if you want to talk. Can't wait for our date." You pulled back and winked. Brian bit down on his lip and placed his hand to the small of your back, pulling you in again for yet another kiss before releasing you- he was already addicted to those lips of yours. He knew he'd have withdrawal over the next few days. With bright red cheeks, you pat Brian's chest and then also bid Roger goodnight as you passed him.
You headed off to wish Mary happy birthday again and to say goodbye. Roger slowly approached Brian who was giddily grinninglike an idiot. "Well don't mind me," Roger held up his hands. "You two seemed to have hit it off."
"God, she's everything I've ever wanted, Rog." Brian dreamily sighed "Smart, funny, and her kisses- Christ almighty." He bit his balled fist and screwed his eyes shut.
Roger raised a brow at Brian before moving his eyes down. "I can tell..." Brian lightly shoved him, muttering a string of curses as he turned his back tried to sort himself out to make it look like he didn't have a boner.
"Oh bugger off," Brian grumbled and they walked back through to the living area. "Got a date with her on Monday," a smile returned to his face. Roger was genuinely happy for him- he always wanted to see his friend find someone special. "We talked for ages. She's really amazing, Rog."
"So you keep saying, mate!" Roger chuckled "I hope it goes well between the two of you." They stayed another little while at the party, Brian's mind constantly occupied by you.
You quietly stepped though the front door a little passed midnight. "Y/N?" You walked into the living room and found your father looking over some paperwork "How was your night? Did Mary like her gift?"
"Yeah," you nodded "She loved it! I had a good night- a great one!" You sillily smiled at the thought of Brian. He was making you all giddy. You decided not to to tell your dad about him. "I'm going to get some sleep, night dad."
"Goodnight! I'm glad you had a nice time!" He called out as you hurried up the stairs with a stupidly large smile on your face.
'Unknown: It's Brian...is it Monday yet? X'
You smiled and text him back before saving his number. You were wanting the same thing he wanted.
'Y/N♥️: I'm afraid not. I wish it was though! I had a great time with you tonight...I can't wait to see you again. X'
Brian read you text over and over, eventually placing his phone to his chest and longingly sighing and wishing that the days would fly by. The two of you were rather smitten with each other.
But little did you or Brian know was that your two families were violently feuding.
And now you were both standing in the middle of it.
•Part Two•
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stillnotfromcanada · 5 years
Craving Death (Brian/Kevin) part 7
“I really miss boxed mac n cheese. I miss pizza. Fuck, I miss junk food.”
“This is pretty much torture for you, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. But Miss Frost sends me stuff sometimes.”
“I feel like you forget how much people actually like you, Brian.”
“The voice is evil, man. Tells me I’m annoying, no one actually cares about me, or that I’d be better off not existing.”
“I know. You think they’d give me meds for that?”
“God, I hope so. You’re really scaring me.”
“Miss Frost keeps offering to take me somewhere I can talk to someone about this. But I’m not sure.”
“I think you should,” Kevin paused. “Do you want me to go with you. So you don’t have to do it alone?”
“Thanks, but- I really appreciate it though. I dunno. I feel like Miss Frost is enough. I’ll think about it.”
Kevin placed his hand on Brian’s.
“You know you deserve to be happy, right?”
“I know,” Brian sighed. “Just wish it was easier.”
“Me too.“
They were quiet for a bit before Kevin broke the silence.
“So what kind of stuff does Frost send you?”
“Chocolate mostly. Really expensive kind. I think the guilt’s eating her alive.”
“Because you died?”
“More than that. She abandoned Julian and everyone else when me and the others died. She really hurt Julian. Julian lost everything and she abandoned him when he needed her most. I don’t know if I can forgive her for that. But I get why. Still doesn’t make it right.”
“Frost was always super hard to read.”
“Yeah. I’m guessing since she can’t fix things with them, she’d try me. Surprised she hasn’t tried anything with you.”
“You were the best out of all of us, Bri. Of course she’d try to give you everything you wanted so you wouldn’t hate her.”
“I mostly feel bad for her.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
They stared at the multicolored sky and didn’t say anything more.
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tangirlisfangirl · 3 years
bri, i think i get your sense of humor pretty well
yea but youre smart n junk you have an unfair advantage 🥺
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jrubalcaba · 7 years
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Precious Cargo Ch. 2 - The Fight author: jrubalcaba featuring: OFC Guinevere “Gwen” Adams x Bucky Barnes word count: 1849 words rating: PG warnings: Bucky being a little shit. A/N: Thank you to everyone who read the first chapter! I want to give a ginormous shoutout to @avenger-nerd-mom for beta-ing this whole series! Without further ado, here’s chapter 2!
“I’ll do it.” Uh oh. Complete silence. Man I am on a roll today. Clint and Scott were the only ones who looked somewhat impressed with the idea. Everyone else however…
“No. Absolutely not. No way.” Barnes was beside himself in his anger, slamming his hands on the table. Steve and Sam were watching him with matching puzzled looks, while the rest of the team murmured their agreement with him. Tony waited for Bucky to stop fussing before speaking up.
“Uh, kiddo. You do realize that this is serious right? No one in their right mind would send you to watch over these kids.” He gave me a skeptical look that was shared by Natasha as she leaned in close to me.
“Gwen, you've never been on a mission like this. Hell, you've never been deep undercover like this. What makes you think you could do it?” She asked me, and I could tell that she was asking as both my trainer and as a confidant. I smiled back at her and then laid it all down.
“I've been undercover before. No, not like this, but I can manage. And, what makes me think I can do it? Besides Clint and Scott, who here has actual experience taking care of children?” I looked around the table to see everyone pause and think. “Vision isn't even human, so I'm certain he doesn't. Your line of work is more about adults than children, Tony’s too much like a child to actually raise one, Sam’s an only child and Wanda’s just a kid herself.” It's hard for me to stop when I'm on a roll, so I had to make myself stop to catch my breath before continuing, holding up my hand to indicate I had more to say, so no one would interrupt me.  The room held a charged energy but everyone held their peace.
“Barnes is still too scary for adults to be around, let alone kids, and Steve has been a damn ice cube for the past 70 years, and the last time the two of them dealt with children was probably back before World War II. So you tell me, who would you send to take care of two kids who have no idea where their parents are or if they will ever see them again?” I glanced around while the truth of my words sank in. I had this in the bag. No one had experience with kids the way I did. Clint and Scott were my only opposition, but I had a feeling that they would back me up.
“Gwen’s right. She's the most qualified member for this mission. I'm not leaving my family to take care of another. She's got my vote. Plus, she's a damn good cook and is kinda like a mom to us all here.” Clint is on my side and I'm so grateful for it. Nat will side with him too, I bet. “Gwen also has an advantage that we don't. She's an unknown agent. When Nat leaked HYDRA/SHIELD’s files, Gwen wasn't an agent then. Her face isn't connected to us. Harder to trace her than us.” He shot me a quick grin then turned to Scott. “What do you think Lang? Would you trust Cassie with her?”
Scott studied me, hand on his chin. After a while, he slapped the table.
“I vote yes for Gwen. Clint’s right. She's virtually unknown and she can handle herself in any situation, which is major when dealing with kids. I’d trust her with Cassie in a heartbeat.” He inclined his head toward me, which made me even happier. I had solid facts and two different parents behind me in this. I turned my attention to Steve, whose opinion mattered more than anyone else's.
“So what do you think Captain? Am I approved for the mission?”  I tried to keep emotion from my voice, appealing to his pragmatic nature.
The blond, who had been silent this whole time, watched me. I could see that he was weighing every possible outcome in his head carefully before making his decision. Finally, after waiting what seemed like an eternity, Steve nodded his head.
“As much as I'm concerned about you not being able to handle this, you are the most qualified member. You've got it. Go pack your stuff.  I'll be by with your new name and everything you'll need while you're gone.” Steve was the boss, so what he says goes. I was about to give my thanks when Bucky started arguing with him.
“Are you kidding me?! Steve, she's just a rookie. There's no way she'll be able to handle this on her own.” He looked worried, almost terrified, at the thought of me going on this mission, which was strange. “She can't do this on her own.” Normally I would have given Barnes a piece of my mind, but when Steve held up his hand to stop Bucky’s rant, I held my tongue.
“Buck, stop. Guinevere is going on the mission, end of story. But if you're so concerned about her, then I'm assigning you as protection. Both of you will cooperate with each other and both of you will be undercover together. Go pack your bags. Now.” The authority in the Captain’s voice was unmistakable. I got up from my seat and all but ran from the room toward the elevator. I was trying to get in by myself, but the car didn't get there quick enough. Barnes was beside me as the doors opened, so I was trapped with him as we rode up to the living quarters.
I could not believe it; I was going to be stuck with the one person who could get under my skin for the foreseeable future. I was so angry I wanted to cry, but there was no way in hell I'd show that kind of weakness in front of Barnes. The elevator finally got to our floor and I was out the doors before they were fully opened. I got to my door and flung it open so forcefully that it bounced off the wall. I went to slam it shut when a metal hand stopped it.
“Gwen wait. I think we should talk about this so we're on the same page.” Bucky came into my room and shut the door behind him. I gave him my best Bitch Face but gestured for him to talk. “I swear I had no idea Steve would pair me with you. I know that we don't exactly get along but-”
“Really? Ya think?” Welp. I tried to let him talk. “What was your problem anyway? I would have been gone for who knows how long and you wouldn't have had to deal with me. Now we're going to be stuck with two kids out in God knows where with nothing to do but argue and fight with each other! Thank you for ruining my mission before it even started.” I stormed over to my closet and started looking for my suitcase. It wasn't in there, so I got down on my hands and knees and looked under my bed.
Apparently, that was something that Barnes enjoyed the sight of.
“Damn doll. I've never seen you from this angle before. You look pretty good from back here.” I paused.
Did that bastard just check out my ass? I got out from under the bed and glared at him. Nope, not gonna waste my breath. I set the suitcase on the bed and opened it, checking for spiders, before I went to my dresser and started pulling out clothes.
“What? I just gave you a compliment and you're not even going to say thanks? I'm trying to be nice here.” He watched me in amusement, sitting on my bed and reclining against the headboard.
I turned and glared at him again, my nostrils flaring. The nerve of this man is incredible.
“Are you kidding me right now? For the first time that I can remember, you gave me a compliment instead of insulting me, and we're supposed to be all buddy-buddy now?  And checking out my ass isn't really a compliment.  It doesn't count when you think with your dick instead of your brain.”  Slamming a  dresser drawer shut I yanked another one open, pulling out some pajamas.  “That's not how this works. You have to earn my respect and saying that I have a nice ass isn't the way to do it.”
I opened my intimates drawer and started to pull out what I felt that I would need. I packed them in my suitcase and went back to the closet. When I came out, Bucky was holding up a pair of my underwear with a surprised look on his face. “Why do you have that? Put it back!” I made to grab them when he held them above his head, out of my reach. “Barnes give them back!” I yelled, jumping in place to try and get them. He laughed and held them higher, clearly enjoying my irritation.
“You know, for such a goodie two-shoes, you've got some naughty little panties. Are these seriously what you wear all the time?” He teased me, lowering them down then yanking them away when I would reach for them. “Will I get to see them on you while we're playing house? OOF!” I punched him in the stomach and snatched my panties back when he recoiled. Hitting him was like throwing a feather at him though, so he recovered quickly.
He made to grab them but in his haste, he knocked us over onto the floor. I've never had 200+ pounds of super soldier on top of me before, but I don't want it on me again. Bucky must have realized that his entire weight was on me, because he rolled to his side. He had ahold of my panties, as did I, so we were on the floor facing each other, trying to pull them out of the other’s hands.
“Barnes, give me my underwear. Now,” I demanded. He wasn't letting up so I swung my leg over his, straddling him and leaned all of my weight back as far as I could. I looked down and saw that I was sitting on his junk, so I raised up just a bit then dropped my weight on him- not all of it, but enough that he groaned and his grip loosened. It worked like a charm, because I was finally able to pull my panties from his grasp. “YES!” I cheered. Barnes wasn't giving up though, cause the next thing I knew, he had flipped us over and I was back on the floor, his arms caging me in. He was close enough that I could count the freckles dusted across his cheeks and nose and he had the biggest smirk I've ever seen and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.
Chapter 3
@avenger-nerd-mom, @papi-chulo-bucky, @sketchbookthingz, @suz-123, @melodyhiddleston, @buckywithegoodhair, @imsecretlyromanburki, @liz-pbnz, @disappointedwithchrisevans-post, @kimistry27, @brighterlights, @magellan-88, @just-call-me-mrs-captain, @donnaintx
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