#bri and britt
cerealbishh · 6 months
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"This is so fun!"
"We're all a big, happy family!"
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
i didn't watch the collingwood game but i heard they played well, just didn't kick any goals. apparently you need goals to win games??????? odd approach but okay
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thehomebodydiaries · 3 months
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the last time  i posted regarding my “journaling,” i said that i wasn’t posting because i was focusing on writing my book.
i have written all of like an eighth of a chapter.
i’m certainly frustrated with myself, but i’m trying my best to not to be too… critical. working towards my goals - and i mean really putting in the work for something i want - is, sadly but honestly, kind of foreign to me. my parents never had any goals, and what they did reach for was done so in a half-assed attempt and then pardoned with the same excuse again and again: i don’t have time.
but that’s not true. my parents were not profusely engaged with our lives outside the home. they could be relied upon for a ride, usually, or otherwise working, and i’ll admit they made sure to come to a lot of performances. britt’s winter/colorguard, my middle school band, and vocal ensemble and musicals bri and/or myself were involved in. but asides from work, they didn’t busy themselves with anything else. i don’t know how many hours my mother accumulated over the years as she spent the majority of her freetime drinking and chain smoking while playing candy crush and farmville while dr. phil or some crime show plays on the tv.
no wonder i play video games while listening to game grumps.
anyway, my point is that i have always made excuses for myself. said that work was too much, that it made me too tired. but as i practice real productivity and diligence, i find that i like doing the work. and i positively love the reward.
the likes and follows make me feel validated. i am honest here, and my honesty is often more poetic than it needs to be. i’m not performing here, and when that is rewarded… well, it’s very encouraging. validating.
i have a long ways to go for all that i want for myself, but i feel confident for maybe the first time that i’m working towards a goal that feel entirely and wholly my own. what that goal really is, i couldn’t tell you. might be independence or empowerment, or something teetering between the two.
“that’s how you learn,” i keep hearing.
that’s how you learn.
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Destiné à Être: A Remus Lupin Story
Chapter 11: A Comforting Touch
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(Warnings: Smoking, drinking, language, sexual themes. 18+ only
... there is gore and mentions of blood in this chapter)
Word Count: 4.4K
"I wish I could take all this pain and sorrow from you, but for now I will offer my hand to hold and my shoulder to lean upon" -unknown
  Another week passes without any communication between the two. Brigitte awakens with the sun to write routine letters for her mother and Francesca before heading out, making sure to leave out her drama with Remus, and instead telling them that everything is 'fine and nothing new to share'. At this point, she's giving up on ever getting close to the older wizard ... so she thinks.
Brigitte sends off the mail in the drawing room fireplace and makes a stop in the kitchen, where she locks eyes with someone equally surprised to see her.
"Good morning, Britt", Remus says, nervously holding onto a coffee cup. He's leaning against the counter with hair messier than usual and heavy, dark eyes.
"Remus", Brigitte replies flatly, trying not to look at him. She grabs an apple from the fruit bowl and starts for the door when he reaches out for her hand. Bri jerks her head around, startled by the contact. His hand is warm, rough, and she's been missing his touch.
"I'm sorry", Remus blurts out. Regret is written all over his tired face. "Everything I said. It's just- I ... Can we please talk later?", he trails off, peering deeply into her eyes, desperation flooding his pupils. Its been some of the hardest couple weeks, distancing himself from her presence. Constantly imagine the heartbroken look on her face when he rejected jet.
Brigitte sighs and a tiny smile ghosts her lips, "I suppose we can do that". How can she say no to him and those puppy eyes? He lets out a relieved breath and grins at her.
"Great. I can't wait". Remus lifts her hand to his lips and places a lingering kiss on the side of her wrist.
Brigitte walks out the door with an elated smile. Remus sits down and picks up the paper, hoping some Rita Skeeter rubbish can distract him from their impending conversation, and the ache he feels from the approaching full moon.
Five minutes later, Brigitte meets Tonks outside of Auguste's flat. The plan is to meet Moody and Hestia Jones so that they can inspect a few Death Eater residences. They scurry into the narrow street beside his building, but before they can Disapparate, a strong hand grips both their arms. Their screams are cut off as they get sucked into the air.
"What the--"
They land in the middle of a wheat field. Moody is in front of them, leaning on his walking stick. "Constant Vigilance", he states, before pointing the staff at Brigitte. A ball of fire shoots straight at her head, but the elemental witch protects herself, destroying it with a larger flame. A two-on-one duel ensues, with Moody effortlessly blocking both witches attacks. Brigitte tries to weaponize her magic by sending strong gusts of wind, shards of ice, and even using the wheat to tangle up the veteran Wizard.
Tonks uses the skills she's acquired as an Auror, but to little avail. Moody taught her everything she knows and he's using it against her. It doesn't take long for him to outsmart them, sending spells as a distraction so that he can Levicorpus both women at the same time, making them land hard on their backs.
"Hmm. Y' doing alright, but there's always room for improvement", Moody assesses.
"We can go back to our old stomping grounds in the woods. I loved those practices", Tonks says, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
"We will after I determine no one else is using the area. It's a good hiding spot, that's the last place we want to encounter those retched dark Wizards. Or even Muggles".
"Oh, Mad-Eye, don't be so paranoid! And hell, I thought we did pretty damn good. That was impressive, Britt!".
"Thanks, Dora. I didn't know I could do that stuff". Brigitte smiles proudly at herself. She knew her magic could do great things, but she's never displayed it to that extent. It makes her feel more confident if she were to encounter an enemy.
"Now, come. Hestia Jones has already snooped around a couple properties. Still nothing. That's what we want, those Death Eaters cowering, hiding together and staying away from the general population", Moody says, mostly to himself. He takes Tonks' shoulder, who hastily grabs Brigitte's hand before Apparating.
Hestia Jones is standing on the street corner waiting for them. It's not London. They're in the country. The streets are lined with tall trees and ivy-covered brick privacy walls. Their goal is to get into the mansion on the other side. The property is an alleged hiding spot.
With Snape only present for certain Death Eater meetings, his knowledge is limited. He hears bits and pieces of information that is relayed to Dumbledore, who informs Kingsley and Moody. From there, they have to guess where Voldemort's loyalists are hiding and what they are plotting.
There's no one else around, which isn't uncommon in this elite area. People keep to themselves, but that also makes it easy for these villains to fly under the radar. Moody is able to get them passed the surrounding protection charms, and after muttered spells, the giant front door creaks open to allow them full access.
It's dark and abandoned looking. White sheets cover the furniture and the drapes block out the sunlight. Hestia Jones preforms Homenum Revelio, which shows there is no one else in the home. Moody and Tonks throw out counter-spells incase there are any traps, and once it's clear they take a step over the threshold.
Immediately, a shrieking comes from the top of the stairs in front of them. They all hold their wands up, watching as a large, blurring ball rolls down the stairs. It's an odd sight, with contorted faces, spider legs, and giant skeleton-like hands trying to form out of the mass.
"I hate these damn Boggarts. Too many of us, it can't decide what to turn into", Moody says, before destroying the unformed creature. They wait, but the commotion doesn't prompt any more surprises.
"Alright, you two go off that way. Jones and I will go upstairs first", Moody whispers. Brigitte and Tonks set off to the left wing, inspecting for any signs of life or clues as to where the homeowners may have fled to.
The first room they come into is the dining room. It's a typical residence for a Voldemort lover: Black floors, black walls, and snake accents on the crown molding and furniture. The table is still perfectly set, with intricately folded napkins and polished silver. The wine decanters are still full, so that could mean someone plans on returning.
As Brigitte and Tonks carefully prowl, it becomes more obvious that this is a hunting lodge. Along with the heads of the ancestral House Elves, "trophies" of stuffed dead animals are mounted on the walls with their murder weapon, and a polar bear rug is sprawled out in the middle of the smoking room. Brigitte stares at it queasily.  
"These people are barbaric", she sighs. "Wanna destroy this room?".
"Gotta let them know one way or another that we were here... and not to be messed with", Tonks snickers. Brigitte engulfs the rug into flames, to give it a proper cremation, while Tonks knocks down the gold plaques and awards.
"Oops! Can't make too much noise or Moody'll here us. He'll say this is childish", Tonks shrugs. They scamper across a large, barren ballroom and into the library. Brigitte can't help but gasp at the volumes of books and Old World artifacts.
"I hate these people, but this is a nice damn collection", she admits. With their illuminated wands they examine the room: more weapons and unusual souvenirs. Unique treasures that it would be unwise to touch.
Moody sends a patronus "Downstairs clear! Going up!". The girls scan the shelves, tapping the artifacts with their wands for any traces of dark magic. After finding nothing they move onto the next room, the main study. They can hear Hestia and Moody scuffling around above them, most likely forcing open a door or pushing away bookcases.
"Not very light on their feet", Brigitte jokes. Tonks snickers as she scans more shelves and Brigitte wanders over to the grand mahogany desk.
"Maybe there's something that'll at least tell us when they were last in her-", she's cut off by a loud metal clamping sound. Brigitte yelps and collapses hard onto the floor.
Tonks whips her head around and watches the events unfold in slow motion. A bear trap is suddenly clenched around Brigitte's leg, causing her to topple over. The pain immediately sets in and she lets out blood-curdling shriek.
"AHHHH! THE FUCK- MERDE!", she sits up in a panic and attempts to pry the teeth open. The hunting tool is huge, so big it's a challenge for Brigitte to sit up as it twists her leg.
Tonks runs over, screaming hysterically as well. "Merlin! Britt! Shit... MOODY! MOODY!", she shouts desperately. He and Hestia appear seconds later. They're taken aback to see Brigitte hyperventilating on the floor as she and Tonks aggressively try to release her leg from an iron bear trap that's soaked with her blood.
"Merlin", Hestia gasps before rushing over to the scene.
"Get it off me! Get if the fuck off me!", Brigitte groans miserably as her hands become soaked in her blood. Sparks flutter from her fingertips as she begins freaking out, and the metal gets hot. The thick blood is making it harder to grip the teeth off the contraption. Brigitte thrashes her leg, further injuring herself.
"How the hell did this happen?!", Moody growls while examining the trap. Tonks tries to catch her breath to explain,
"I-- I don't know! There was nothing on the ground and all of a sudden she was screaming!".
Hestia points her wand at the trap but nothing happens. "Could've had an invisibility charm. Whoever set it out wanted someone to step into it- someone like us. I... can't... unlock it!".  She taps her wand on the trap a few times, but the sparks just fizzle without success.
Brigitte keeps tearing at the trap while crying and hyperventilating. Then she jerks her head up and looks around at the other's faces. She looks at their mouths and starts stuttering incoherently.
"I can't- I can't hear anything!", she screams. "Why?! Why?!".
Tonks grips Brigitte's face and tries to hold eye contact to calm her down. Brigitte scans her face, tears streaming down both their cheeks. Her eyes dart back and forth when she reaches up to Tonks, "FUCK! Fuck I can't see!", and she starts sobbing uncontrollably, her face contorted in anger and pain. She tries to grab at the bear trap, but Tonks holds her still.
"We have to get her out of here", Moody urges. "Tonks, send a patronus to Bill Weasley and tell him to meet us at Headquarters. Hestia and I will carry her". Tonks nods her head and tries to wipe her cheeks dry and ends up smearing Brigitte's blood across her face. She mumbles into her wand and sends off her jack rabbit patronus before disapparating.
Brigitte is curled up on the floor still trying to pry open the trap and blubbering incoherently, her tears, sweat and blood all mixed together. Hestia attempts to pick her up but, Brigitte fights her.
"No honey, no, I'm helping". The two struggle; Brigitte swings her fits frantically, obviously panicking at the darkened silence she's now trapped in.
Moody points his wand to levitate her body, keeping her still so she doesn't create more damage. Brigitte weeps pitifully as they Disapparate to 12 Grimmauld Place....
The house is quiet. Remus is sat in the drawing room reading The Picture of Dorian Gray while Sirius nurses a cup of tea and reads some nonsense article about himself, that quotes Cornelius Fudge about the whereabouts on the 'madman killer'.
"Say Moony, you hear that crazy Black made his way down to Mexico? According to Fudge... ha! I wish...", he says ruffling the paper.
"You mean you'd rather be on the beach with a margarita, instead of here?", Remus asks pointing around the room, "you are bloody mad".
"Ahhh, one day, I will be on a beach in Mexico with a margarita. Just wait, Moony", Sirius leans back and daydreams that reality. Remus smiles sadly at his friend before returning to his book...
The house is silent until the front door slams shut, and the men hear someone running up the stairs. The men jump up and stare at the doorway, wands in hand. A few seconds later Tonks appears with a dirty and disheveled appearance and out of breath.
"Is Britt's potion case still under her bed?!", she looks at them frantically before running off. Remus and Sirius look at each other before following after Tonks, who's stumbling out of Brigitte's room with a wooden box.
"Tonks, what's going on? What's wrong?!", Remus asks her desperately, examining her bloodied appearance. She looks at him painfully, hesitant to tell him about Brigitte. Before she can respond the door crashes open again, causing Mrs. Black to shriek profusely. The wicked witch is immediately drowned out by an ear-splitting cry.
Tonks races down the stairs, followed by a panicked Remus and Sirius. They follow a thin trail of blood down the hall, and open the kitchen door to see Hestia and Moody trying to place a wailing Brigitte down on the table.
"Come on Tonks, help me hold her! Apparating didn't do her well", Hestia huffs while Brigitte yanks on the bear trap. Tonks sets the potion box down and helps hold her still.
The horrific scene makes Remus' heart sink to his stomach and his throat go dry. Blood is steadily dripping from the bear trap that's hovering above the table. Brigitte's clothes and face are stained red and her hair is matted to her face.
"Wha-what happened to her?", he croaks out with watery eyes. He and Sirius step into the room as the other three continue to tend to the flailing woman and ignore his question. The candles flicker violently as Brigitte freaks out, and even a pitcher filled with water sitting on the counter shatters to bits.
She thrashes around uncontrollably, a chain of French curse words spilling from her mouth, while Tonks tries to hold her still so she doesn't hurt herself more. The weight of the trap pulling against her.
"Britt, love you've got to stop ripping at it, please", Tonks pleads despite her temporary deafness. Moody flicks his wand at the trap unsuccessfully while Hestia rummages through the potions box.
"How the fuck did this happen to her?!", Sirius demands.
Tonks looks up at him, her voice quivering, "bear trap... came out of nowhere... poisoned... she can't see or hear us", she starts sobbing while trying to grasp Brigitte's arm. She continues to scream incoherently in French.
"Aidez-moi! Aidez-moi! Maman! Quelqu'un! Merde! Fuck! AhhhHHH!".
"What's she saying?", Tonks shouts over her.
Sirius's lets out a pained sigh, "She's begging for her Mum, someone to get that thing the hell off her".
Remus is horror struck as he looks at Brigitte covered in her own blood. The usually delicate, yet powerful witch in the most heartbreaking scene. The sound of her gut-wrenching cries strains his ears and makes the pit in his stomach twist. He rushes to her side and takes Tonks' place.
"Brigitte, Britt stop! Darling it's okay," he pleads as she kicks around screaming. Remus gets ahold of her dainty hands; she desperately tries to fight him off but he's stronger. He places them on his cheeks so that she can feel the scruff and ridged scars. He lightly caresses her wrists as she feels his distinctive features.
Her breath hitches when she realizes it's him, "Re-Remus?", Brigitte mumbles shakily. She opens her terror- filled eyes and looks blankly at him. His heart breaks seeing the tears as she looks around hopelessly. The tension in Brigitte's muscles somewhat subsides as she moves her hands to the back of his neck, clinging to him to find some comfort.
Remus sits on the edge of the table and holds her close as she buries her face in his chest, his scent calming her down enough to stop the constant screaming.
He caresses her back as she hiccups and whimpers, and takes slow, deep breaths to encourage her breathing to mimic his. Hestia finally finds something to help counteract the poison and injury. Sirius comes back into the kitchen with a confused Bill Weasley,
"What's going on- oh my Godric, Britt...", he gasps .
Moody grunts at him and sits to take pressure of his leg. "Hope your curse-breaking training has prepared you for this, we can't get the trap off her leg".
"Britt!? Mon dieu, non, Sissy!", Fleur appears from behind Bill and runs over to her friend. Tonks grabs her arms, pulling her to the side to explain the situation and keep her out of the way. Bill approaches Brigitte's clamped leg and assesses it, Remus still holding her tightly and caressing the back of her head.
Hestia comes over with a handful of viles and sets them down by Remus. "Here. Give her one drop of this and then this", she instructs as she hands him two eyedroppers.
He gently pulls Brigitte back a little to expose her face and lightly puts the dropper on her lips. She initially jerks her head away but Remus rubs her back encouragingly with the arm still holding her. She parts her lips and allows the liquid to spread across her tongue. Remus hands the droppers back to Hestia and soothingly scratches up and down Brigitte's arm.
In a matter of seconds, she goes limp in his hold and he panics, "wha- what did you make me give her!?".
"The first potion was for the poison, the second was to let her pass out. It's not going to feel good when Bill finally gets this off", Hestia explains gently.
Remus continues holding Brigitte and strokes her hair, her arms limply wrapped around his neck. Sirius has a twinge in his heart looking at the distraught expression on his friend's face as he desperately clings onto the girl who he's fallen so hard for.
Tonks is in the corner trying to console a hyper Fleur. "Help her, Bill! But don't hurt her, please don't hurt her!", she cries.
"I'm not going to hurt her, my flower", Bill says calmly. He bites his lip in concentration as everyone watches him flick his wand at the bear trap. About five minutes later it finally creaks open. Sirius and Moody remove it from Brigittes's leg and Moody promptly leaves with the weapon, presumably to show Dumbledore.
The lack of pressure on the deep wound allows blood to flow freely onto the table and waterfall onto the floor. Hestia grabs another vile and sprinkles its contents around Brigittes's calf, effectively stopping the bleeding and sealing the gash.
"She's lucky it didn't go through her bone, only scrapped it. It'll be a few days before she feels like walking too much. With the potion she took though she won't even be awake again until tomorrow", she explains as she uses her wand to remove the pant fabric from around the wound. Hestia removes Brigitte's combat boot and conjures up a bandage for the healing injury.
Everyone takes a collective sigh knowing that the stressful moment has passed. "That was fucking awful", Sirius breathes out. Everyone nods exhaustedly, except for Remus who's staring blankly at the floor with a clenched jaw. Hestia gently pats his arm and bids everyone a goodbye before she slips out of the kitchen. Bill gives Fleur a tight hug to help calm her down.
"I think we should get her cleaned up. How about it, Fleur?", Tonks suggests.
Fleur wipes away the last of her tears and agrees. Remus stands up and carefully hooks one arm under her legs while the other supports her shoulders. "I'll take her upstairs", he mumbles.
Although the nearing full moon has him weakened, he cannot break the physical contact with Brigitte just yet. His protective instincts have kicked in and he's hesitant of anyone else touching her. Tonks nods and gives him a small knowing smile.
Remus holds Brigitte close against his chest, followed closely by the girls, and gently places her in the bathtub. He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and backs out of the room,
"I'll be right outside. Call me if you need any help", he tells the pair and closes the door behind him. With their heads hanging low they stare at Brigitte's bloodied figure as they assess a plan.
"So, I can Evanesco her clothes off and we'll get her cleaned up? I feel like she wouldn't mind that, yeah?", Tonks wonders. Fleur slowly nods with her face still masked with worry as she gazes down at her best friend.
"Uh, yes she won't care. I've seen her naked hundreds of times. You get the water started and I'll get her fresh outfit", and she hurries out.
She nearly bumps into Remus who's leaning against the wall next to the door with his face buried in his hands. Fleur gives him a gentle squeeze on the arm as she scurries past. Tonks fills up the tub and they carefully dab off the blood and wash Brigitte's hair.
Once she's clean, they drain the dark pink water, dry her with a spell, and slip clean clothing onto her slack body. Tonks dumps the red-stained towel to the sink.
She gasps at the sight of herself in the mirror, "Merlin! I've been too busy worrying about Brigitte, I didn't even think about what I look like", she says while rinsing off her hands and face. "I'll shower at Auguste's later. I need to let him know what happened... REMUS! You can come in now!", she shouts, making Fleur cover her ears.
Remus does not hesitate to come rushing back in. He easily scoops up Brigitte and takes her into the bedroom. He gently places her on the bed, and then Fleur covers her with the satin bedding and kisses her cheek.
Tonks walks in after them with the pile of ruined clothes to discard, "I'm going to head out to tell Auguste what happened. We'll come over tomorrow... she's going to be fine, Remus", she says, seeing the look in his eyes. "It gave her a real fright but she's okay. Damn tough little witch". He just stares down at Brigitte's motionless body.
Fleur smiles softly and nods in agreement, "She will be fine. Take good care of her, Remus". She takes a deep sigh and walks out the room with Tonks. 
Remus stands at the side of Brigitte's bed and takes her hands in his. It's so small in comparison and fits perfectly in his palm. He draws little circles on her soft skin with his thumb as he admires her delicate features. Her now peaceful expression; the freckles scattered across her ivory skin; and her pink velvety lips that he was lucky enough to once experience all make his heart palpitate.
Then suddenly he imagines her blood-soaked and his breath hitches in his throat. Remus doesn't fight the tears that start to blur his vision any longer, not worried about Brigitte or anyone else seeing him finally crumble.
"You really scared me down there, ya know? I... I don't think I could handle seeing you in pain like that. That's what I'm afraid of– hurting you ... but, god dammit Britt, I don't want to stay away from this. I can't. I want to protect you ... I haven't stopped thinking about our day together, and how we could have more moments like those ... ", he whispers to her, his voice cracking as he speaks.
He quickly composes himself when he hears Sirius coming up the stairs. He peeks his onyx head into the room to check on them both, but mostly Remus.
"How's the patient?", he asks, keeping his voice cheery.
"She's better, now... I saw her this morning, y'know? She actually agreed to talk to me tonight... I'm just terrified of causing her pain, Pads. What can she possibly see in me?".
Sirius sighs at Remus' self-criticism, having heard it before. He gazes at Brigitte before turning to his friend. 
"She probably sees the amazing guy that you are, mate. You're the only one who doesn't... how can you worry about hurting her when you were the only one who made her feel okay downstairs?".
Remus simply shrugs in response. Sirius squeezes his shoulder and walks backwards to the door,
"Come on, want a drink? I could use one after that".
"No... no, I think I'll just stay here for a while. Just in case the potion wears off sooner, ya know? I don't want her to wake up by herself", he says pitifully. Sirius slowly nods and goes back downstairs.
Remus takes the chair from the corner next to Brigitte's bed and slides it closer to her. He makes himself comfortable and lets his eyes wander around the room, admiring her personal touches. He catches the painted couple on the mantlepiece gazing down upon him and Brigitte as they swing back and forth.
Remus notices her copy of A Picture of Dorian Gray sitting on her bedside table. He picks it up and scans the pages printed with the French translation. He places it back down and accios his own from his bedroom. It zooms into his hand and Remus reads the book to pass the evening. Sirius comes back after some time with a sandwich, which Remus reluctantly accepts after Sirius scolds him for not taking care of himself.
Eventually the combination of his adrenaline wearing off and the nearing full moon overwhelms Remus' body enough to let him drift off to sleep in the chair, and for the rest of the night long after he's fallen asleep, his grip on Brigitte's hand remains secure.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! plz and thank u 
Taglist: @dontjudgemyobsessionpls​
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brandiph0 · 10 months
Bri’s origin story 🐢
Once there’s was a little baby turtle who lived in the sea cave and survived the sea attack from the wilders , her name is Briana or Bree for short she has been suffering from autism and anxiety because of her lost of her parents death from the sea attack.
The next day Bree decided to get out of the sea and enjoy new things and explore more , a place to stay but she kept hearing things in her head that scared her but she persevered and jumped out of the water and hidden in fountain .
Bree: phew I guess they didn’t see me..hey this is so cool and wavy …* laughs and splashes *
Britt and Ali: * talking and getting splashed *
Ali: ack! Hey
Britt: aw man my outfit
Ali: what is that?
Bree: :0 ?
Britt: it that a little turtle? Aw I love little turtles
Ali: it’s already been gooy but cute, hey what’s your name ?
Bree: Briana but you can call me Bree …uhh
Ali: Ali, this is my girlfriend Britt
Britt: nice to meet you Bree
Bree: what a beautiful names you guys have
Both: thanks
Britt: hey why don’t you hang with us and have a chat with the heroes?
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Bree: * gasp * I would love to * jump out of the fountain * ta da!!
Britt: * squeals * such a cute baby turtle
Ali: wow you’re jumpy sea creature
Bree: is that bad?
Ali: no that’s just good thing to say it , is called compliment
Bree: oh :0
Britt: let’s go to the heroes
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* hours gone by and they when to the hideout and Britt introduces to Briana Tygor and August and they are surprised to see her *
Ali: * whispers * did you get him a white head bend?
August: is a long story I got kidnapped and Tygor save me and almost got a concussion from the attack
Bree: wait the bad guys?
August: yeah but it’s complicated
Ali: trust me we been there a lot
Bree: oh well can I you a story?
Tygor: sure why not kid
* after she explained what happened they fell bad about how she was able to survive on her own and her family wasn’t, she started to tearing down and Tygor gave her a hug for her lost*
* even the goo teens , they gonna take care of her no matter what and they give her a shelter, food , toys and bringing her to daycare to make some friends *
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Bengal : hey Bree whenever something happens just come to us whenever you’re ready to talk.
Bree: ok I will I guess you can say I’m a bit shaky
Bengal: you are?
Bree: that’s the way to say I’m nervous but I’ll be ok
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Bengal: aww come here ☺️
Bree: * comes over and hugs Bengal *
Bengal: let’s go get you ready for daycare
Bree: yeah :3
* at the mall*
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Liam: * on speaker * if anyone lay a hand on that turtle I’ll throw a chair at your head and pan!!
Misaki: Liam….
Ali: Thrash taught him this did he?
Britt: definitely
(( the end))
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bang-bang-gang · 2 years
quick dynamite watch rundown
im glad that mox hasnt forgotten about lee moriarty being on the BCC shortlist, even if seemingly everybody else has. he's been so busy being away for work and he's been stepping in to help out his son(s) (im not forgetting shooter here) wherever he can, but claudio's really stepped in for much of the parenting. regal's distracted playing hard to get towards mjf. we all know what bryan's been up to. despite this dysfunctional polycule, moxley STILL wants to expand the family desperately so he's baiting lee moriarty to prove himself.
the elite vignette HURTS and i think we should stop referring to AEW and start calling it AW instead. i have little hope for them returning before Full Gear.
i LOVE lee moriarty's green hair and his neon green shorts, but i would like it better if the colours matched. god i love watching him wrestle though.
the acclaimed birthday bash is absolutely 5/5, best thing in the world. i love max casters silly little outfit i love his shorts. i love that they give billy foam fingers so he can still scissor, even though they tear immediately. i love the love they have for the fans in the audience. i love the fucking ADOPTION PAPERS. i love the risky DX reunion shoutout. i love that they never give billy gunn the mic. i love that his sons-by-blood get offended. i am kinda sad there wasn't more body horror, or sneaky swerve doing more fucked up shit to daddy ass, but i guess halloween is over :/
forget my AW idea from a few bullet points back. keep AEW in the logo but change the wordmark to Acclaimed Every Wednesday already.
you cant pay me to care for FTR but i do enjoy that they come out in acclaimed-pink and stand across them in the same colours
ok so ive been slowly making my way through the AEW back catalog and watching april 2020 now, which is the point britt and tony schiavoni become besties. so britt's segment is extra special to me. i have to say i ADORE how britt neglects to show up with renee and saraya for a sitdown (two new hires, already famous from WWE) and instead insists on doing an interview with her bestie tony, who has been at AEW since day 1 - just like her! PERFECTLY mirrored by how saraya, in her segment, talks about how AEW seemed a cool rebel thing when it started but how it gained legitimacy in her eyes when all the ~big names~ joined. britt's here to say fuck you we're homegrown and proud of it! a recurring theme this episode(*)
the colt cabana thing is insane and extremely funny to me. excalibur called him "marcia cabana's baby boy".
the BCC vs JAS fight was great, ill never ever have enough of this feud. camera suspiciously pulling away from bryan "pussy delirious" danielson & daniel "dragon slayer" garcia at all times because you *know* the moment they laid eyes on each other they [redacted].
rey fenix being too much of a good boi to use the hammer. i love you catboy
keith lee is SO upset by the shit swerve's been pulling! he's laying it all out for swerve! ("ACCUSATIONS! FALSE ACCUSATIONS!") swerve just wants to make up, keith lee wants to know who's sick enough to abet in the mutilation of daddy ass.
i was paying a lil too much attention to twitter drama earlier this week, and jade and marina got a lot of heat because their fight would supposedly be bad or boring. im OBSESSED with the fact that we barely saw them exchange 3 strikes on screen. it was just nyla taunting jade the whole time. nyla's absolutely one of my faves at the moment holy FUCK i needneedneed to see her beat jade for the TBS title sooner rather than later! vicky guerrero's voice is my sleep paralysis demon, she should be on commentary every match mainly because it would make people angry.
house of black epic >:)
(*) to elaborate on the "fuck you we're homegrown and proud of it" statement: i'm seeing it in britt baker's promo, in the Elite vignette, colt cabana being the mystery ROH champion, even in the Acclaimed's sheer popularity to a degree. people online keep saying they should use the punk vs elite drama as an angle and i think that in this way they are??
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champagneprobllems · 29 days
Bri : full-names people she's not Close with
Also Bri : refuses to respond to anything other than 'Bri'. No Britt, no Brittany, god help you if you call her Brittany Alyssa and you ain't blood.
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treelightcitystory · 11 months
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Character Chart 
Character’s full name: Brittany Elle Ambers
Reason or meaning of name: Strong
Character’s nickname: Britt, Bri
Reason for nickname: short for Brittany
Birthdate: 4/21/96
Physical appearance
Age: 18
How old does he/she appear: 19
Weight: 108 lbs
Height: 5’7 ft
Body build: Slim
Shape of face: Diamond
Eye color: Cloudy Grey
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Porcelain
Distinguishing marks: Her hair color
Predominant features: Her grey eyes
Hair color: Platinum Blonde
Type of hair: Bangs swept to left side
Hairstyle: Short
Voice: Honeyed
Overall attractiveness: Her smirk
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Light pink shirt-skirt, blue compris, blue-gray shoes
Favorite outfit: Biege sweater, white undershirt, jeans, boots
Jewelry or accessories: None
Good personality traits: Intelligent, Passionate, Creative, Devoted, Integrity
Bad personality traits: Bossy, Defiant, Whiny
Mood character is most often in: Bright
Sense of humor: Yes
Character’s greatest joy in life: Being herself without her parents around
Character’s greatest fear: Her family discovering her secret
Why? They’re all kinds of phobic
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Treelight City getting discovered; her parents finding out her biggest secret
Character is most at ease when: Being herself; around the people who truly love her as she is
Most ill at ease when: Being around her parents; trapped under pressure
Enraged when: someone (mainly Michael) insults the people who had helped her when she least expected it
Depressed or sad when: her parents putting so much pressure on her to be the perfect daughter
Priorities: Her mental health; her friends’ safety
Life philosophy: 
“Focus on making yourself better, not on thinking that you are better.” 
― Bohdi Sanders, The Secrets of Worldly Wisdom: Your Key to Unlocking Success
If granted one wish, it would be: To get away from her home the moment she graduates high school
Why? Her parents had made her miserable under their roof
Character’s soft spot: For Ginger (months after story)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes; to her friends
Greatest strength: Her friends
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Pressure to be the perfect daughter
Biggest regret: Letting her parents ruin her childhood
Minor regret: Standing up to them when confronted
Biggest accomplishment: Winning her first science fair
Minor accomplishment: Gaining the Daleville Gang’s trust after standing up to Michael
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: None 
Why? She’s always pressured to impress her family
Character’s darkest secret: Has a lesbian sexuality
Does anyone else know? No
Drives and motivations: Be Acknowledged
Immediate goals: Prove her loyalty to the Daleville Gang (during story)
Long term goals: Excel in science/biology career
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Study as far away from her home and parents as possible
How other characters will be affected: Parents will not approve, but unable to stop her; friends will support her
Hometown: New York City, New York
Type of childhood: Full of pressure
Pets: None
First memory: Her parents’ faces
Most important childhood memory: watching Bill Nye's show
Why: Where her love for science and technology came from
Childhood hero: Bill Nye
Dream job: Biologist/technologist
Education: NYC Kindergarten
Religion: Christian
Finances: None
Current location: Daleville, Alabama
Currently living with: Her family
Pets: None
Religion: Christian (formerly)
Occupation: High School Student
Finances: College fund (building on her own)
Mother: Bryce Ambers
Relationship with her: Biological
Father: Adrien Ambers
Relationship with him: Biological
Siblings: Juliette Ambers
Relationship with them: Biological
Spouse: N/A
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: N/A
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members: strained relationship with both her father’s and mother’s sides
Color: Purple
Least favorite color: Black
Music: Pop
Food: Meringue
Literature: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Form of entertainment: Movies
Expressions: “What the WHAT?!” 
Mode of transportation: Mercedes
Most prized possession: Her chemistry and technology tools
Hobbies: Chemistry, Computer Tech
Plays a musical instrument? No
Plays a sport? No
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Practice computer tech
Spending habits: Mild
Smokes: No
Drinks: No
Other drugs: N/A
What does he/she do too much of? Trying to please people
What does he/she do too little of? Standing up for herself
Extremely skilled at: Chemisty, technology, science (all forms)
Extremely unskilled at: Gardening
Nervous tics: Tapping foot
Usual body posture: Back straight, head held high
Mannerisms: Her family’s wealthy lifestyle
Peculiarities: Her love for chemistry and tech science
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious
Logical or emotional? Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing? Prefers working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident of herself (although a bit unsure)
Animal lover? Yes
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Feels like she has a purpose to please everyone to keep her hobbies a secret
One word the character would use to describe self: Intelligent
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: With a hidden secret and a wealthy, yet suffocating life, Brittany is not the type of mean girl people would imagine. 
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her intelligence
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her insecurity
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her blonde hair
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her grey eyes
How does the character think others perceive him/her: As a rich daughter of an influential tycoon
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Her tendency to please her parents
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: No matter how much wealth they have, the purity of their soul is what matters
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Only from her parents
Person character most hates: Michael James
Best friend(s): Daleville Gang (progressing later on in story)
Love interest(s): Ginger (months after story ends)
Person character goes to for advice: School counselor (has free passes because of family’s class status)
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Juliette, her younger sister
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Ginger (during first time in Treelight City)
Person character openly admires: Ginger (upon first meeting)
Person character secretly admires: Ginger (only Daleville Gang and Treelightains know)
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Juliette
After story starts: Juliette, Daleville Gang, and Treelight City
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wweallresultspage · 1 year
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2K Raw results 9/4/23 Tribute to Bob Baker show
8 man Tag team match Mickie James Trish Stratus Lita Alexa Bliss vs Candice Lerae Asuka Liv Morgan Mandy Rose
Mickie james trish lita and alexa won
20 Women's Battle Royal
Charlotte, Nia Jax , Sasha Banks, Rosemary, Scarlett, Rhea Ripley, Liv Morgan, Asuka , Mandy Rose, queen roxan , Becky Lynch, Trish Stratus, Nikki Bella, shoti , Bri Bella, Britt Baker, Io Sky, Bayley, Dakota Kai, Dana Brooke
Bayley won
6 man Tag Team match Imprum vs Sheamus buch Drew
Sheamus buch and drew won
Fatal 4-Way Match for Intercontinental championship
Kevin Owens, Austin Theory, Dolph Ziggler, Ricochet
Austin theory won and new intercontinental champ
Triple threat match
Roman reigns vs John Cena vs Randy orton for Universal Championship
John cena won and new universal champ
Edge vs Goldberg
Edge won
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Undertaker Hell In A Cell Match
Stone cold won
20 men battle Royal main event
Joker , Kane, Dexter, Rellik the CLOWN, Sting , The Rock , Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Braun Strowman, Brock Lesnar, gunther, Erick Rowan, Jeff Jarett, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Christian, Edge , Bubba Ray and Devon Hillbilly Bob Joe
Strowman won
Rip bob baker
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Sticky Situation
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Summary: You’ve been roommates and friends with Ashton and Luke for a number of years now. It was time to let fantasy come to life.
A/N: In collaboration with @cxddlyash​. Setup was me, smut was her.
Content: Lashton smut
Word Count: 1.6k
And away, and away we go!
Both sets of eyes were heavy on you as you all stepped into the elevator. Your grin was full of trouble as you stared them down, your mind running through everything that had led you to this moment.
“So you really wanna live with two dudes?” the blonde questioned skeptically.
“Afraid living with a girl is gonna ruin your chances of getting laid?”
The brunette chuckled as he crossed one of his legs over the other, the black fabric straining around his thighs. “C’mon, mate. We need a third roommate. She seems harmless enough,” he told the blonde.
“Oh, I’m anything but harmless,” you winked.
That had been five years ago. Five years worth of listening to the ridiculously over the top moans from the string of girls they brought home, and providing ridiculously over the top moans of your own with the string of guys you brought home. It all ended the same, the three of you bleary-eyed on the couch the next morning while the unnamed and ever-changing 4th member of the household tiptoed out of the house. Having guys for roommates meant that you could easily utilize them for douchebag repellent, and you provided your own service of being crazy chick repellent. It was a nice set up. But you’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t been curious about what all the girls they brought home were moaning obnoxiously about. And it looked like tonight you were finally gonna get your chance.
“I’m gonna ask you politely to leave,” a male’s voice warned from beside you, his gaze fierce on the guy you had been dancing with until he turned into a capital A Asshole.
“Lu, back down,” you hissed, not needing to look to know who the voice belonged to.
“Aw, you got a boyfriend? Fuckin’ tease!” the man continued to berate you. Then, to Luke, “Keep a tighter leash on your slut.”
You gasped in outrage, throwing your drink in his face, “Like you stood a chance with me anyway, you sleazy fuck!”
“Fuckin’ bitch!”
You felt Luke tense up beside you and someone else’s presence tower threateningly on your other side. You knew who it was before the growl of “Leave. Now!” even left Ashton’s lips.
The man opened his mouth to hurl another insult, but Ashton was quick to cut him off with a harsh, “Option 1: Walk away. Option 2: I make you walk away. Either way, you’re leaving and I won’t tell you again.”
The guy, smartly enough, realized he was no match for two giant, angry Aussies who were more than ready to kick his ass, and finally slunk off. Both men then turned to you, all previous hostility replaced with concern for you. “You alright?” Luke asked.
You crossed your arms and glared up at your roommates. “I had that handled! I don’t need your protection!”
Ashton scoffed, “Oh yeah, you had that handled real well, darling.”
“If he had laid so much as a hand on you…” Luke muttered, his hands clenching into fists.
“Fuck you both!” you said, shoving each of their chests with either of your hands. “I don’t! Need! Protection!”
Two hands wrapped tightly around your wrists as the men shared a look. “Keep shoving us like this,” Luke started in a tone that made a wetness pool in your panties.
“And it’s us you’re going to need protection from,” Ashton finished and you went weak in the knees.
The elevator doors slid shut and after a quick configuration with the buttons, both men turned towards you. “So…” you stated with a smirk as your eyes traveled downward. “What’s a woman gotta do around here to get laid?”
“Survive the ride up,” Ashton whispered in your ear as Luke’s hand traveled up your thigh, pushing your legs open.
You shuddered at his words as your hands gripped his arm. A moan left your lips when Luke's hand pressed against your clothed clit and started to rub circles. Ashton's lips peppered kisses along your neck, biting every so often as Luke pushed your panties to the side.
"You're so wet already, love," the blonde muttered into your ear, his lips dragged along the shell of it. He slipped two fingers into your folds, collecting your arousal before he pushed his fingers into you.
"How's she feel, Luke?" Ashton asked, one of his hands wrapped around your neck.
"Fuck, she's tight, dude," he groaned and picked up his pace. You hit your head against the elevator wall, high-pitched moans coming from your lips.
Ashton pushed your blouse up and pulled down your bra, exposing your breasts. A ragged breath left your lips as Ashton wraps his lips around your hardened nipple and grazed his teeth against it.
"Fuck, Ash… Luke," you moaned out as your hand ran through Luke's curls. The blonde knelt on the metal floor, pushing your skirt up before attaching his lips to your clit.
Your body shuddered against the wall and gripped the railing inside the elevator to help keep you from falling to the floor. Ashton moved his head to your other breast, giving it the same attention as Luke pumped his fingers in and out of you rapidly.
"Gonna cum on my fingers, love?" Luke asked and you nodded your head, more moans leaving your lips.
Ashton peppered his lips up your chest before he connected them to yours. You moaned into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. You bucked your hips against Luke and gasped against Ashton's lips as your orgasm approached.
Just before you came unglued, Luke pulled his fingers from you and you clenched your pussy on nothing. You groaned and pulled away from Ashton to look down into those pools of sparkling blue. Luke smirked up at you and licked his fingers clean. "You can cum in a bit. We need to get to our room," he mentioned and pressed a button before the elevator began moving again.
You were stripped of your clothes as we're both men.  You looked up, admiring the two men who stood in front of you as you knelt on the floor. Damn, they were sexy. And those moans all their previous dates had given them were nothing compared to the moans you were making. Your hand was wrapped around Luke working him, while Ashton's cock worked down your throat. The older man's hand was placed on the back of your head, guiding it slowly as you work your way to get him completely in your mouth.
Ashton pulled you off his cock and you took a deep breath before you switched to Luke. You glanced up at the blue-eyed beauty and watched as his lips parted, his head tilted back. "Fuck, her mouth is magical," he moaned.
Ashton nodded in agreement as your hand started to pump him quickly.
Luke grabbed your head and started to fuck your face. You gagged a bit and breathed through your nose as the blonde groaned. 
Your hand dropped from Ashton’s cock as he moved to stand behind you. The hazel-eyed man worked his way under you, having you spread your legs apart before he laid on his back underneath you.
Your hands gripped into Luke's thighs when Ashton's tongue pressed against your clit. You moaned on the blonde's cock, shifting your hips as Ashton wrapped his arms around your thighs to keep you in place. The two men ravaged you and you rolled your eyes back as your orgasm crept up.
Luke pulled himself from your lips and you fell over, gripping the carpet under your hands as Ashton tongue-fucked you. "A-Ash, I'm gonna cum!" You moaned while your legs shook from pleasure. The older man slapped your ass and a shriek left your lips as your orgasm took over. You bucked your hips against his face, cumming on his tongue as he stroked his tongue over your clit, prolonging your orgasm.
Ashton slid himself out from underneath you after you came down from your high, moving again so the two of them stood in front of you. You breathed heavily and straightened your back out, looking up at them. "Can we cum on your face, pretty girl?" Ashton asked you and your breath hitched in your throat. Your pussy throbbed at his words as nodded your head yes.
Both men shared a wicked grin before taking themselves into their hands to pump furiously. Grunts and moans left both of their lips as you stuck your tongue out. "Fuck," they both groaned. Luke tilted his head back as he came first, the thick ropes landing on your tongue and cheeks. The blonde sat on the edge of the bed after emptying his balls, his chest heaving.
"You look so good covered in cum, baby," Ashton grunted and began to finish all over your face. You closed your eyes when some of it landed near your eyes. You moaned when Ashton placed the head of his cock on your tongue and you closed your lips over it, sucking him clean.
You felt Ashton wipe his thumb near your eyes and you opened them to see him smirking down at you. "Here, sweetheart," Luke mumbled and you took Ashton out of your mouth before grabbing the warm washcloth from the blonde's hands.
You swallowed the cum you had in your mouth before cleaning up your face. "That was… fucking incredible. Definitely need to do it again," you told them and the two men helped you off the floor. "If that's okay with you guys."
The men scoffed impressively at your blunt statement, looking at each other before their eyes met yours. "Oh, absolutely. Wanna fuck that pussy of yours," Ashton commented and Luke hummed in agreement.
You giggled and shot them a wink, walking past them to get to the bathroom. "Maybe a round two is in order?" you asked over your shoulder.
Tag List
@goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @baldcalum​ @sparkling-chaos​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @philthepegacorn​ @kikixfandoms​
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bxcketbarnes · 5 years
@galcalirwin and I are officially making Bratty Behavior into a series. We'll bring the smut, the fluff, and maybe... some angst? Who knows. Stay tuned.
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krisstatarchive · 3 years
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coleowenscole-moved · 4 years
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Sorry ‘bout your table...
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alexandriakosoma · 7 years
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kenetijamesupdates · 5 years
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It looks like these two actresses won the Christian Mingle #Minglemovienight tickets. 
We think it’s so cool how accessible this premiere was for differently-abled people, and we can’t imagine how Reuben must have felt meeting a fellow differently-abled actor. 
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champagneprobllems · 7 months
oh my god bri is so cute
Brittany Alyssa Gautier. Always Bri, never Britt. Her Daddy's Cajun and her Mama's from Oklahoma, with family scattered all around the Southern US. Parents were never married, and her Daddy being Black was always a sticking point with her Mama's parents. They never took it out on Bri, though, were at least very conscious of that. Bri grew up on her Granddaddy's farm, starting work young. She spent winters and school breaks with her Daddy in New Orleans, learning the ins and outs of that culture too. Weren't a brass instrument she couldn't play, and once she became a teen, she joined her Daddy's band when she's with him, playing backup of whatever they needed and soon enough getting spotlighted for solos. Got a voice of an angel, too, but the trumpet's where her heart's at.
She's a saint with animals and a starlet on stage, but actually interacting with people is more miss than hit. She thinks in music, expects the gentle loyalty of her cows or the unruffled haughtiness of her chickens and is always confused when people don't react the way she expects.
Auntie Tee, her Daddy's sister, decided to do up her birth chart and genealogy as a coming of age present. It took a little digging, and her Granddaddy weren't too pleased at that damn Cajun woman stickin her nose in family business, but Auntie Tee traced the family back to a Wild West saloon girl and the rumors of the man, the myth, the legend himself, Doc Holliday. It sure did explain why Bri took to guns so easy, why her Grandmama called her Annie Oakley sometimes.
She took two years off between high school and college, one to make sure the farm was running smoothly so she could take the second to just explore. The world held so much, and she had to see some of it before deciding what to do with the rest of her life. The farm would always be home, though, and she went back after her year of wandering to study agricultural science and animal husbandry at the state university. She flirted with a minor in music, but her trumpet never did take kindly to rules, and she dropped it before she got more than a class in.
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