#brendon urie dabbing
jules-has-notes · 1 month
APAP 2019 — VoicePlay live performances
Every trip to the Association of Performing Arts Professionals annual conference in NYC included a showcase concert to show off the guys' talents for potential show bookers. The setlists they put together each year included a combination of established crowd pleasers and new material that demonstrated the breadth of their repertoire. These two recordings are great examples of their appeal.
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This medley was incredibly impressive when they released their videos with professional audio recording and mixing, and the ability to record as many takes as they wanted. Seeing the guys tackle it live might be even more astounding.
title: Panic! in 4 Minutes
original songs / performers: "Victorious"; "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"; "Emperor's New Clothes"; "Miss Jackson", feat. Lolo; "The Ballad of Mona Lisa"; "This Is Gospel"; "High Hopes"; "Say Amen (Saturday Night)"
written by: all songs by Brendon Urie in collaboration – "Victorious" with Mike Viola, Morgan "White Sea" Kibby, Jake Sinclair, Alexander DeLeon, Rivers Cuomo, & CJ Baran; "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" with Ryan Ross & Spencer Smith; "Emperor's New Clothes" with Jake Sinclair, Lauren "Lolo" Pritchard, Sam Hollander, & Dan Wilson; "Miss Jackson" with Dallon Weekes, Lauren "Lolo" Pritchard, Jake Sinclair, Amir Jerome Salem, & Alex Goose; "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" with Spencer Smith, Butch Walker, & John Feldmann; "This Is Gospel" with Dallon Weekes & Jake Sinclair; "High Hopes" with Jake Sinclair, Jenny Owen Youngs, Lauren "Lolo" Pritchard, Sam Hollander, William Lobban-Bean, Jonas Jeberg, Taylor Parks, & Ilsey Juber; "Say Amen (Saturday Night)" with Jake Sinclair, Sam Hollander, Lauren "Lolo" Pritchard, Imad Royal, Nathan Abshire, Suzy Shinn, Tom Peyton, Tobias Wincorn, & The Budos Band
arranged by: Layne Stein & Earl Elkins Jr.
performance date: 6 January 2019
My favorite bits:
Layne including the tape rip sound effect in his percussion
that gorgeous "Victorious" chord
Eli's fantastic grit on "Emperor's New Clothes"
the clean cut-offs during "Miss Jackson"
Geoff taking over the beatboxing during Layne's lead for "This Is Gospel"
the lowkey step-touch groove
sparing J.None's vocal chords by substituting a harmonized ♫ "we're gonna feel alriiight" ♫ for the squealingly high "Saturday"
such a well coordinated ending
This medley was originally released in two parts, with a week-long cliffhanger between "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" and "This Is Gospel". Clips from those videos play on the screen behind them as they perform it live.
This number was a longtime fan favorite at VoicePlay's live shows. The bandmates often refer to each other as brothers, and that comes with the occasional bickering. Luckily for us, this battle for the spotlight is entertaining as heck and (as far as I know) only pretend.
title: Elvira
original performers: The Oak Ridge Boys
written by: Dallas Frazier
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 6 January 2019
My favorite bits:
"Are there any country fans here?" / "Boo." / "This is gonna go great. Thanks." 😒
the trio in the corner hastily rearranging themselves
everyone cutting out for the first ♫ ⇓ "miiine" ⇓ ♫
Earl's strategic retreat after Geoff gives him the stink-eye
that extra low-end riff at the end of J.None's solo
and Eli's incredible vocal agility, sheesh
Geoff adding an extra deep dip at the end of the second chorus just to rub it in
the surprisingly lovely voice of the cameraperson
that impressive breath control from Earl
Geoff being unable to make eye contact as he strokes Earl's beard
the big ending that never disappoints
J.None dabbing on the way out
Their pals in Home Free enjoyed VoicePlay's version of the song so much that they used this arrangement as a starting point for their own recording with The Oak Ridge Boys.
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*sits up at 2am in a cold sweat*
d... dabbing's not a crime
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uernard-brine · 7 years
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When you hit 9,000 followers but u still trash.
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“Brendumb”, Day 6
Death of a Meme. Death of a year.
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I was watching concert videos and found this gem
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bilvy · 7 years
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this dude turns thirty today !
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heyhazza · 4 years
The Ceremony ~ Brazza
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Who:  Harry and Brendon
What:  The Wedding
When:  December 20, 2020
Where:  St Regis Resort, Aspen, Colorado
The music played softly, romantic melodies standard in weddings as the guests were seated.   Harry paced behind his team, but he was ready.  The separation was awful and he hadn't slept, but he wasn't tired.  This was the day he had waited for and dreamed of for so long, even during the worst months of his life and thought it wouldn't happen, there was that sliver of light.   They were five minutes away.  Five.
“Harry, slow down, stop,”  his mum was right there with tissues in her cream Gucci wedding dress.  She dabbed at her son’s eyes.  “They are just on the other side of the room.”
“I know.  Andy and KJ are keeping tabs.  They did all night.”   That had helped, even if the night was still long.
“They are good lads.  I’m so proud of you, you know.  You are strong, stronger than most.  You made it this far.  100 more feet and you get your happily ever after.”
He looked back at the door, trying to will it open with his mind.  He caught his own reflection.  Dressed in black and gold, he was a sight, no longer a boy, but a man.  One that was ready for not only the world of music, but everything that was thrown his way, and still he only wanted one thing.  He wanted to be happy and loved, tied up in a happy ending for the two of them.  He and Brendon had fought, found each other, lost each other, and made it back.  They made it here.  In five minutes they would arrive at forever.   His mum gave him a last kiss and went to take her place. The doors opened.  The ushers indicated that they were ready.  The flower girls and the ring bearer were on the aisle, throwing petals and carrying a pillow.   The wedding party came next, led by Andy on one side and KJ on the other, they ascended the steps to wait for the grooms.  As was the tradition, once the parties were on the platform, the doors closed again.
One minute.
The doors opened again after what Harry though were seconds going in reverse. He stepped out, watching with baited breath at the door directly across from his own.  He watched it open and exhaled.  They had rehearsed the scene.  They would meet in the middle at the base of the steps and walk together, arm in arm.  Except he stopped in the middle and reached for Brendon, pulling them close.  It had been a night away, he needed a minute.  They might only have one, but this was them, the thing that fused them right back.
‘When we see each other, no talking for the first five minutes.  Just feel.’  That was the best advice he had ever been given, and the crowd of spectators would have to wait a couple minutes more.
Brendon got his wish. Just before everyone was seated, he was able to snag the first three minutes in a song. With the help of Panic! and KJ, the guests were first greeted with his version of The Greatest Show as they arrived and just moments before they seated, just a brief preview of what was to come throughout the night and something that Brendon and KJ spent weeks working on. He was thrilled that he got the chance to do it without screwing up seeing how that whole morning he'd been nothing but a bundle of nerves. Once the song came to a close, he was quick to disappear behind the scenes where he was instantly greeted by his mother who wrapped her arms around him in her warm embrace, and his father that handed him a shot which he was quick to down. It was just a little something to help calm his nerves.
"You did so good, now let's get you changed and into the proper suit." His mothers soft voice rang in his ears as she was already starting to pull the jacket from his shoulders. He took a deep breath trying to keep himself together. He performed in front of millions of people and yet he was more nervous now than he could ever remember being.
Once he was changed, his mom adjusted his tie and took his hand which he was quick to grab onto them tightly. "My hands won't stop shaking.." His tone was soft as he looked at her, tears already in his eyes.  "Don't you start crying right now, you need to keep yourself together, son." She spoke and hugged him again.
He watched as everyone took their proper place where they needed to be. His dads hand resting on the handle to the door that would reveal his entire future in just a matter of moments. The door came open, and Brendon all but hit his knees the second his fiance came into his view. He took a few steps out, reaching his hands out for Harry's. He laced their fingers together as he stood there in silence just looking at him.
It was so hard to believe that they finally made it here. After everything the two of them went through, this was the moment they fought so hard to have. He was just moments away from making Harry his husband, moments away from having his happy ending, something he thought he was never going to have. His hand tightened it's hold on Harry's. His gaze never pulling away. There was no way they wouldn't use their first five minutes together.
Brendon let a smile pull at the corner of his lips, and pulling Harry closer to him, he let his hand rest on the small of his back and he just stared at him and it took everything in that moment not to kiss him right then and there. He lifted his hand, the knuckle of his pointer finger lightly brushing against Harry's nose. His way of telling him that he loved with him without speaking any words. He slowly pulled back, holding his arm out for Harry.
He was shaking, standing there with Brendon, letting all that stress and worry dissolve into happiness.  The tears were there, but there was also a smile that could light a room.  It wrinkled his nose, and lit his eyes.  Brendon tapped his nose, and his forehead brushed against the other’s, dark hair blended.   His heart pounded in his chest, alive and happy.  The butterflies that lay so quiet in the dark months were awake and displaying their colors as they circled in his chest, swooping and looping.
With great effort, he pulled away, but the smile stayed.   He looked up at the altar, and back at Brendon.  “Let’s do this.”  He had absolutely no doubts.  No turning back, not that he ever had any intention of doing so.  This man standing next to him, hand in hand, he was the only one, and Harry liked his choice.
Up the steps, minutes still - his heart was full of love and hope, and everything one could feel as the minister started in.  “Dearly beloved ~ .” He cast a look at Brendon, so handsome in his tux.  He was entirely too perfect for words, but today he was luminescent.  From his hair to his honey colored eyes, to his lips ~ he couldn’t stop staring.  He thought about their first meeting.  They’d just said Hi, nice to meet you, or something like that, shook hands, and those eyes had stuck in his memory.  Harry still had a long way to go, and really they both did.   Their journeys weren’t on the same path, but he remembered.
“We are gathered here today to join these two men, Harry Edward Styles, and Brendon Boyd Urie in holy matrimony.”  Fresh tears welled up and slid down his cheeks.   There was nothing he had ever wanted more than this.
Brendon followed Harry up the stairs and to the alter. The closer they got, the faster he could feel his heart racing in his chest. This was what he'd always wanted. The moment that he'd worked so hard to get to, and it was finally happening. The thought along brought tears to his eyes. He was really just minutes away from marrying his best friend and he couldn't be happier.
He took a deep breath, it was needed to keep himself from passing out. His heart was racing faster than ever before and for just a brief moment he felt lightheaded which caused him to squeeze Harry's hand even tighter. They were really doing this. Their vision was becoming a whole reality and he could feel it in every single bone.
When the minister started in, Brendon smiled as he looked at Harry, completely please at those words. He let a small smirk pull across his lips as his gaze met Harry's. Those eyes had captivated him the moment he saw them and he knew they would captivate him for the rest of his life and that was all he wanted. His gaze looked to the minister and then back to Harry as he took one more step closer to him, closing the distance between the two of them.
Harry couldn't be sure of what he was hearing.  It was all blending together, like it did in a dream.  His heart pounded, every nerve was alive and so ready for the final proclamation, and his eyes brimmed with tears of the purest joy.  They made it.  He had wanted his life back, and wished for only that on every occasion.  It was in his hands.  He held his head up high and smiled and mouthed a simple 'I love you'.
“When you are young, you follow your parents, but you grow and as you grow you drift into the men you will become.  Sometimes you take detours, but eventually you find yourself coming into your own.  Love blossoms, and sometimes fades with the season, and sometimes you are lucky enough to find the one that will last, and bloom over and over again, and that person is the one.  If they agree to share a journey, you become even bigger than you were on your own, and as you grow, you grow together.  Think of the trees that start as seedings, but as they grow, their trunks twist and turn, not like the other perfect trees.  Once they find each other, wrap each other up, and find themselves in the place they were always meant, they realize that they are stronger together, and even stronger than all those perfect trees.  That is what I hope for you, to realize your own strength, but to your greater strength together.  The bond you share is yours to care for.  You both live in a unique world of opportunity and temptation, but if you care for your bond, it will care for you in return.  You will become better and stronger over your lifetime.  Let your faith and love carry you through, and as you reach the obstacles, tackle them together and you will always come through.  Believe in yourselves as your friends and family believe in you and love fearlessly.”
The minister bowed his head and said a short prayer with the congregation, then his attention returned to the pair.  “I understand you have written your own vows.”
Harry’s eyes widened a little and his throat went dry.  He nodded, having committed them to memory over the last few days.  He’d done a million revisions, but now they were here.  He listed a hand to Brendon’s cheek and his bottom lip quivered.  “We’re here.”  The tears were already peeking out, and stopping them would be useless so he looked across so the soft brown eyes in front of him and smiled.  “Last year, I was barely hanging on.  There was a voice in my head that kept me going.  Some day, some way, it could change.”   The tears fell, like they were promised.  “I stayed for you and for us, because if there was a chance, i wasn’t going to miss it.  We’re here, and you are the one that I’m supposed to be with, and I’ve known it even before the first kiss.  There was always something, even when we fought, it was there, right on the edge, and in our own way we both held on.  I believe in forever, I believe in soulmates, and I promise that I will love you, and support you, and honor you with everything I am.  It doesn’t matter where we are or where we go, you are my home, and I am the luckiest man in the world, because I get to take this journey with you.  In our world we have money, careers, awards, screaming fans by the millions, and none of that could ever replace you.  You are my forever, my husband, my one.  The promises we make today are the easiest ones I’ve ever made.  I will love you forever.”
Brendon smiled softly, lifting his hand to touch Harry's the moment he touched his cheek. For a moment he closed his eyes and it was like he was being touched for the very first time. He opened his eyes when Harry started to speak and he could see the tears swelling in his eyes. When they dripped down his cheek, he moved his hand for his thumb to lightly wipe the tears, all while trying to fight back his own. He felt like he'd waited his whole life for this moment. And soon, it was his turn.
"I didn't write anything.. and I didn't write it, because I wanted it all to be in the moment. What I'm thinking, what I'm feeling right now in this moment. I remember when we first met, god, we couldn't stand to be in the same room together. Now, I can't stand to be in a room that you're not in. The first time I kissed you, I knew all that fighting, all the anger I held, it was because I love you and I have always loved you. When I fall down, you lift me up. You help me become a better man and there is no one in this world that I would rather share my life with. You're my heart, my soul, my everything. I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life keeping you happy, I promise to protect you, to cherish you, to always love you like no other. I promise that it will be you and me always from now until the end of time. We will make each other stronger, and because of you, I am the best version of myself that I could be. I love you and I will always love you. This is it for me. You're my future."
The eternal spring of tears did not disappoint.  If they weren't bad enough, they managed to boost to a new level, not quite ugly, but threatening.  He'd mark those words, listen to them in his head over and over.  "My sun, my moon, and all of my stars," he whispered, because Brendon was that.  He was the only one that Harry would ever want and he knew it.   From this world to the next, this was his choice.  Forever started right now.
All he could do was stare.  His husband was so many things, everything that he loved.  He'd taken it all, every single piece of the man.  He couldn't pick out a bad point.   He was simply captivated.   "Harry?" the minister asked, looking down from his top step.  Harry inhaled, trying to get some control of the voice that had cracked the entire way through.  "I, Harry Edward Styles, take you Brendon Boyd Urie, to be my husband for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all others.  I am completely yours as long as we both shall live.  I most definitely do."
This was probably the most Brendon had cried in his entire life. He couldn't seem to stop the tears from falling but he let them. Harry was his everything, and he was going to spend his entire life with him and he never felt happier than he did in this moment right here. His hands squeezed Harry's again, hoping that he wasn't holding onto him too tightly. "My world, my muse, my soul." He whispered in return, his gaze stay locked on the others.
Hearing Harry say those words only caused his tears to fall more. "God damn it." he laughed as he lifted his hand to wipe his own eyes. "Brendon?" It was now his turn and his gaze only went to the minister for less than a second before they were back on Harry. "I, Brendon Boyd Urie, take you Harry Edward Styles, to be my husband for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all others. I am completely yours as long as we both shall live. I most certainly do."
He reached over, grabbed the ring that at some point had been handed to KJ. Smiling softly, he took Harry's hand and slowly slid it onto his finger. Finally, his hand looked complete and he knew that in just a few moments he would get the chance to kiss him and that was what he wanted more than anything at this moment.
It was Harry's turn to wipe tears from those beautiful eyes.  His own leaked, but he didn't care anymore.  He thought of those months, and he'd say that the words, all of them were real.  He didn't just blow their relationship into something bigger than it was.  It WAS real, just as they were here now.  It wasn't in his head, but right in front of him.  He was a dreamer, and this was his greatest dream. The words he was dying to hear were seconds away and the minute the pastor started, he smiled.  This was it.  He took Brendon’s ring, careful not to drop it.  He slipped it on his left hand and just stared at it.  They had engagement rings, but these rings - he’d never take his off. 
"These two gentlemen can before me, spoke with me, confirmed that their future truly lies together as a whole, and that love will always win.  It is my absolute pleasure to pronounce you husbands.  By the state of Colorado, and under the eyes of God and these witnesses, what God had brought together, let no man put asunder.   You may kiss your groom."
That was all it took and Harry flung himself at his husband, kissing him for the first time since their separation which felt like a year.  His fingers slid through hair like they had a thousand times, but this one was special.  The families dabbed wet eyes as the audience looked on.  "I love you, forever," he whispered between kisses.   "You're mine.  We made it."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present Mr. and Mr. Urie."
That was it, that was all he needed to hear. The permission to kiss his now husband. His arms wrapped around him instantly, pulling him even closer to his chest as he kissed him roughly, his free hand moving to lightly grab the back of his neck as he kissed him like it was the first time he'd ever kissed him before. They were finally married, after everything they'd been through, they had finally made it. This was the moment they fought so hard to have and they were married. "I love you, always." He whispered against his lips as he kissed him over and over again. "We did it Haz, we actually fucking did it." He whispered again and it took everything in him to stop kissing him. Now that he got the chance to do it, he didn't want to stop. This was now his husband and every single dream was coming true.
He hadn't slept at all, but it didn't show.  Everything was alive today.  It was the peak of happiness.  He had went from an all time low to a high that might never be beat in the span of a year.  "I'm never letting you go.  I can't.  This is ours, and nobody can take it away."   His forehead dropped against Brendon's, back in that familiar position, absorbing the whole moment.  It was a dream.  His only dream.  Last Christmas he'd been asked what he wanted, and he'd give a random answer that wasn't important, because this was the one thing that he had truly wanted.  It was worth all of it, and he'd walk through hell all over again if he needed to, as long as they came out on the other side.  Whatever the years would bring, they would face them.  "I'm Harry Urie, and this is real, and I've never been happier in my life."
They turned slowly.  Harry had a grip on his husband's hand that was strong and sure.   They were the first out, followed by Andy and KJ, Ashley and Kristen, Dom and Sarah, Sam and Aaron, and Zayn and Nicole.  He caught the waves, offered huge smiles, and the minute they were out in the lobby, he wrapped around his husband again.
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reigens-flop-era · 8 years
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When “Northern Downpour” comes on
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destrkk · 8 years
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Panic! At The Disco // February 28 2017
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theandroidgirl-blog · 8 years
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I went to a Panic! At The Disco concert back on Saturday, so I figured I might as well do a theme for it lol. Launcher Wallpaper Icon pack Keyboard Keyboard image
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ao3feed-joshler · 5 years
Taken by sleep
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UQpa9J
by dunwitu
You may be wondering Tyler got into this situation, but even if you’re not, too bad! Because you’re gonna find out!
Words: 907, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Twenty One Pilots, Panic! at the Disco
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tyler Joseph, jenna joseph, Debby Ryan, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Halsey| Ashley Fraginpans, Hayley Williams, OC - Character
Relationships: Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Jenna Black/Tyler Joseph, Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, Halsey| Ashley Fraginpane/Hayley Williams, Oc/Debby Ryan
Additional Tags: AU: Kidnapping, idk how to do tags, dab, joshler - Freeform, jyler, Ryden
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UQpa9J
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slimesleepart · 6 years
this is a list of funny things that happened in no particular order
* Dans naruto run
* Piano dab
* Dan undoing Phil’s apron
* Phil kept hitting dan in the crotch
* Phil sat on piano
* Lady door
* Brendon Urie is to beautiful he blinds people -phil 2018 (detailssss:
When Phil had to make things bad one of the things he got was Brendon Urie and he immediately went OK HAVE U EVER SEEN SOMEONE SO BEAUTIFUL WITH HIS AMAZING EYES AND SHINY FOREHEAD AND YOUR JUST BLINDED )
* Mcr whisk pride flag in the box
* Eat tide pods = natural selection -dan 2018
* G note
* We’re best friends, soulmates -dan 2018
* Dan getting off the wheel + undressing
* The pie chart took many pounds and dollars
* Dans face on the horse (ride me dad)
* Dan dies in the girls bathroom of a furry rave
* Collective name was Brenda
* Dan and phil scent: eau de lady door, sweet sweet smell of regret,
* Dans new channel theme: depressed and well dressed
* the chicks dressed as dnp (like actual baby chickens)
* Everyone in the audience: My name is [dan]
* Wholesome howell and X rated lester
* Phil has three balls -dan 2018
* Psychic connection: planets: dan: Uranus Phil: Jupiter dan: wHY JUPITER Phil: because it’s a bIG BOOOII
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badphotoshoop · 8 years
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enfj2017-blog · 8 years
AND THIS ALSO HAPPENED AT THE CONCERT. What a whack job. So glad I was there to capture these moments!
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acycias-archive · 6 years
dancing queens // b & a
it was just after midnight and the urie/debnam-carey household showed no signs of sleeping. each of them were off doing their own thing before getting ready for bed, and regardless of how sick alycia had felt throughout the day she was still doing her best to keep herself going so her body didn't have time to give out on her. she was currently in the kitchen making herself what one could argue was the best ice cream sunday on the planet. she had one of the larger bowls filled with an assortment of ice cream flavors, drizzled in chocolate syrup, all topped with a couple dabs of ready whip. as she licked a bit of whip from her fingertips, she shuffled the playlist on her phone that she had currently playing through one of the bluetooth speakers, her green eyes lighting up the minute footloose started to play. being the 80's buff that she was she of course started to dance around the kitchen, an excited milo quick to follow as he bounced around her feet in a circle. alycia reached for his paws and stood him up on his hind legs, holding gently onto his front paws as she started dancing with him. they eventually made it from the kitchen to the living room where brendon happened to be at the moment, twirling them both in a circle around the couch. "thinking of making him my ballroom partner. what do you think? he might not be very trusting to dip though."
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You’re My Bodyguard, Not My Owner. (Chapter 11) (Brendon Urie x Reader)
You bit your bottom lip and rubbed your arms as you paced the length of the glass office. Two hours had passed since you’d arrived back at HQ, and Brendon still wasn’t back yet. If you weren’t worried back in Germany when he told you that he was staying to fight, you definitely were now. Yeah, Brendon could handle himself – you knew this, but the dread in the pit of your stomach wouldn’t go away. As much as you despised him, and sometimes wished he would just disappear, you didn’t actually want him to die.
Because you still needed him there to protect you.
Just when you thought that you were going to pass out from worry, Brendon entered the room.
You sighed in relief as your bodyguard made his way closer to you. “You’re alive.”
He cocked an eyebrow at you. “Don’t sound so disappointed,” he scoffed.
“I-I’m not,” you frowned, “I’m actually…”
“Devastated?” he offered.
“Yes,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “I was so hoping you would come back in a body bag.”
“Well, I’m always happy to disappoint you,” he smiled sarcastically.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” you returned his smile, with ten times as much sarcasm.
Brendon ran his hand through his thick hair, and it was only then that you noticed the huge gash across his forehead. You let out a horror-filled gasp and he gave you a perplexed look.
“You’re hurt,” you grimaced, crossing over to him so that you could get a better look.
“I’m fine,” he brushed you off, “It’s just a little scratch.”
“It’s more than a ‘little scratch’,” you scoffed, “Let me see.”
Despite Brendon’s best efforts to keep you away from your face, you managed to coerce him into sitting down on the sofa, while you went to grab the first aid kit that was stashed in the cabinet in the opposite corner of the office.
“I don’t want you anywhere near my face,” Brendon snapped as he eyed you while you unpacked the necessary supplies.
“Well, that’s too bad,” you retorted, breaking off a piece of cotton wool from the roll and opening the bottle of anti-septic, “because I’m going to clean you up.”
“I already told you, it’s just a scratch. I’ve been through worse. A lot worse. I’ve been blown up; I’m sure I’ll be able to handle this,” he sneered, trying to swat away your hand, which was trying to touch the anti-septic soaked cotton wool to his wound.
“Will you stop being such a whiny bitch for one minute and let me fix you?” you groaned frustratedly.
“What,” he swallowed hard, narrowing his eyes at you, “did you just call me?”
“A whiny bitch,” you repeated, and with that, you placed the cotton wool over the gash in his forehead.
Brendon hissed, jolting a bit at the sudden surge of pain that was sent through him as a result of the medicine taking action and you smirked at the reaction you’d gotten out of him.
“Wow. You’d think that for someone who’s been blown up, you’d have a much higher pain tolerance. Do you cry like this during combat on missions too?”
“Shut up,” he growled through clenched teeth, eyes boring into yours. You simply shrugged and continued dabbing the wool against his head, and admittedly, doing so with a bit more pressure than was necessary, which didn’t go unnoticed by him. “You’re doing that on purpose.”
“Doing what?” you asked innocently, cocking your head to the side while your hand continued its movements.
“Just stop messing around and finish up already.”
Removing the wool, you wrapped it in a dry piece, for discarding later. Then you picked up the healing cream, screwing open the cap and squeezing a little bit out onto your finger before leaning in closer to Brendon.
“Keep still, please,” you requested, and you gently smeared the cream onto his cleaned-up cut. While you proceeded with slowly and carefully rubbing it in, you could feel his eyes on you, but you didn’t look at him. Once the cream was entirely rubbed in, you picked up a Band-Aid from the kit, opening it and tentatively placing it over the wound. “There you go,” you whispered, smoothing out the creases in the plaster, “All done.”
You pulled away from Brendon and turned your gaze to meet his. His face was obviously as hard as always, but his eyes looked slightly softer. Slightly.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, and you nodded in response, folding your arms.
“Sorry to interrupt this sickenly adorable love-fest,” Tony said as he strutted into the room, “but it’s bad manners to leave without a proper goodbye.”
“Oh my god,” you said in awe as you stared at the designer suit-wearing legend that stood in front of you, “you’re-“
“Tony Stark,” he cut you off, extending a hand for you to shake, which you nervously did, “Billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist. And you’re (Y/N),” he snapped his fingers. “Wow, you’re more beautiful than your SHIELD mug shot lets up.”
“Erm, thanks. I guess,” you chuckled weakly; he gave you a tight-lipped smile in response. “I have a mug shot?” you cocked your head at your bodyguard.
“You said you were coming to say goodbye?” Brendon stood up from where he had been sitting on the black leather sofa and approached Tony, ignoring your question.
“As sad as it will be for all of you, yes,” Tony bowed his head. “I’d love to stay and help you with your complications, but there’s some urgent business that I need to tend to in New York. I need to speak to a man about a, uh, spider problem.”
“Well,” Brendon said, extending his hand toward the older man, “thanks for all your help.”
“Don’t mention it, kid. If there’s anything else you need, just call,” Tony shook his hand and the two men exchanged a nod before Tony turned to his left, pointing a finger at you and frowning. “When all this is over, I’m throwing a party at my place, and you’re the guest of honour. You look like you know how to have a good time.” And with a wink, he walked out the door, backtracking after about two seconds. “(Y/N)?”
“Your father was a great man.”
“Has he said anything?” The Director asked, taking a stand next to Agent Hill, joining her in looking through the glass window at the assassin, restrained to a chair and incubated in a steel-glass case.
“Not a word,” she answered, a frown on her face. “And it’s very unlikely that he will. He’s trained not to speak unless he’s previously received direct orders to do so.”
“We need him on our side. Is there any chance of getting through to him?”
Hill shook her head solemnly. “He’s totally loyal to Hydra; we’ll never be able to get him to crack by tossing random things from his past at him.”
“Not just random things, Agent,” The Director spoke, hands clasped behind his back as he kept his eyes on the assassin.
Romanoff turned to her superior with a disapproving look. “Sir, I don’t think that bringing up his past is a good idea. We have no idea how he will react.”
“Well, I guess we’re about to find out.”
With those words, The Director entered the security code into the system next to the door, allowing it to slide open. He took short, meaningful strides towards the cage, stopping just short of the door. The assassin raised his head, and the two men stared intensely at each other.
“Do you know who I am?” The Director broke the haunting silence after a few seconds.
No response.
“Do you know who you are?”
No response.
“No?” The Director took another step closer. “I can tell you, if you want.”
No response.
“My name is Nicholas Fury. I’m The Director of Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division – SHIELD – but you knew that already.” The assassin remained quiet, but never once broke eye contact with The Director. “Yes, of course you did. You know all about SHIELD, don’t you? You know everything, since Hydra made you their bitch.”
The Asset’s jaw seemed to clench just a little bit, catching the attention of The Director, who took it as a cue to continue.
“Your name is Grant Douglas Ward. You were abused as a child by your family, and as you teenager, you tried to burn down your family home,” The Director paused, searching for any sign of some type of reaction, but he found none, “You were imprison and until you were freed by John Garret, who trained you to become a cold-blooded killer. You became extremely loyal to him. Then – Hydra found you. They found you, and they turned you into a weapon. One of the most dangerous weapons they’ve ever had. You’ve been on SHIELD’s hit list for years, among the world’s most wanted. Of course, we haven’t been able to find you. Until now,” The Director pressed a finger to the glass, pointing at the silent, statuesque assassin, “You practically handed yourself over to us. You’re a smart kid. You should’ve known that this wouldn’t end well for you. We’d have caught you eventually. We always do,” The Director nodded, more to himself than to anyone else, “But if you co-operate and give us what we need, we may be able to come to some sort of arrangement. We know that Snowflake powers your weapon, and we know that Hydra is planning on using it to produce an abundance of much more dangerous weapons. So here’s the deal: you help me take them down and I won’t kill you.”
The assassin finally broke the eye contact, looking down and frowning at the ground before returning his gaze to The Director, eyes darker and hardened immensely. Leaning forward as much as he could, he spoke two words, loud and clearly.
“Hail Hydra.”
The Director held his gaze for a few more moments, before turning and walking towards the exit; the sound of the assassin speaking again stopped him in his tracks.
“You’ve made a grave mistake, Director.”
“I have? How so?”
“You shouldn’t have lied to her.” The Director’s entire body tensed. “Once she opens that book, it’s all over.”
Thank you for reading x
@attractiveugly @gypsy-storm-15 @vinyloider
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