#pinn state
rowan-the-dragon · 1 year
Favourite One-shot | Sunlight/Moonlight
Day two!!! In which Damir Mortyss gets a little murder and blood rituals, as a treat.
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im-ovulating · 1 year
Hiiiii I've said it bef9re and I will say it again because let's be honest YOU'RE WRITING IS AMAZING!!!! I absolutely adore your creativity!! I was wondering if I can request something?
Once again it's for alec volturi (shocking I know😂😂) yandere/possessive alec x vampire reader. You can choose how they meet but basically he kidnaps her and she fights for a long time just entirely resists him physically and verbally like constantly talks back. Until eventually after many escape attempts (failed because jane or felix or demitri brings her back evrytime) she gives in and starts to love him. He collars her as a sign of his possessive ownership and she is submissive to him and with him but aggressive ig to everyone else( sorry idk how to word that last part) if it's too much or you're not comfortable I understand❤❤
(A/n: Got me smiling and shit-😂)
(Just in case anyone either never read the books or doesn't remember it from the books but, since vampires are the same temperature, they feel warm to each other)
(Here's a pdf of the book; page 436, 7th line down for any doubters lmao)
Word Count: 1,464
Summary: In which Alec takes a bit too much interest in his mate
Warnings: Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Collaring
Age Rating: Pg 13
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Tactile Power Transferal- the ability to take another vampire's power with a touch and transfer it to whom the user pleases.
Very useful
Unfortunately for you, that's what Aro thought too
Double jeopardy because you found out your mate was a member of the elite guard
You would have been mostly fine with it had he not gotten possessive as much and as quick as he did
It got to the point of not being able to leave the castle unless under order of the kings
Naturally, you fought the imprisonment, but you were never successful
Which leads us to your current predicament:
"Put me down!" You yell, fists pounding the executioner's back.
Not that it affected Felix in any way.
You had managed to escape once more, but was quickly tracked down by Demetri. Once you were cornered, the larger of the two had unceremoniously tossed you over his shoulder so the trip back was -albite just a fraction- easier.
"You do realize that if you stopped running, you wouldn't have to be carried back all the time?" The tracker quips.
"Shut up you damned, bloodhound..." you growl.
He scoffs. "Ouch. That'd actually hurt if it was scent that I track."
You settle for glaring at him, not wanting to deal with him any longer.
"From now on, there will be guards stationed outside your chambers; they will be posted outside the door and windows." Aro states with a finality that you can't bring yourself to argue.
Caius chimes in as you lower your gaze to the floor. "How many times do you think we will put up with your traitorous actions? The only reason you're still alive after running away all these times is because of who your mate is. Don't mistake it for leniency. And don't think our patience isn't thinning. Keep this behavior up and you will see first hand why we are known as such fierce rulers."
"Take her back to her room." He commands Felix.
So starts your walk of shame back to captivity.
As much as you hate him for repeatedly placing you back in your cage, you appreciate that he only walks quietly behind you through the halls.
Finally reaching your room, you see that the guards are already positioned. You step in, locking the door behind you.
"You'd be a lot happier here if you stopped fighting."
"I'm not in the mood for you, Alec." You can't bring yourself to care that he's seemingly made himself at home in your room. Too mentally exhausted from constantly pushing against an immovable force.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know you'll never escape. That it would be so much easier to just give in. Maybe you should. It's not like you have any other options.
'You could always expose yourself. They'd have to kill you then...' No. You ignore the tiny voice. You're not that desperate -not yet any way.
In a flash, Alec has you pinned to the wall by the neck.
His face is twisted into a gnarly sneer.
"You think you have a choice?" He lets out a crude laugh. "You will 'be in the mood for me' whenever I so much as snap my fingers, do you understand me?"
He emphasizes his question by applying more pressure. You can feel the beginning of cracks snake their way around your neck as he waits for your response.
You know it's not just a bluff. He's ripped a limb off before when you spat every curse you knew at him. Turns out the process of limbs reattaching themselves isn't a fun one.
"Do. You. Understand?" He presses further.
"Yes." you whimper as the pain increases, skin splintering like wood left to dry rot.
Just as soon as it started, he lets you go. You let out an unneeded yet shaky breath. He's never threatened death, even if it would only be temporary.
There really is no saving yourself.
'All it takes is one step into the sun,' the voice reminds.
'Though, if you really don't want that, there is another way...' The voice is right, but that would mean going against everything you've been fighting for.
'You don't really have much of a choice anymore,' it reminds.
Maybe you're right...
Over the next few months, you had stopped trying to run. You had fought every nerve in your body that jumped when Alec was near. Started to force yourself to initiate physicality and affection. Even though you felt like you were burning with every touch and pet name, you pushed through it so that maybe, just maybe, you could trick yourself into thinking you actually loved him.
You don't know when pretending turned in to being genuine. All you know is that one day you were feigning being happy to see him and the next, you were practically bouncing in place as you waited for him to get back from his guard duties.
Only going through the motions of a kiss turned into eagerly pressing kisses to his face and neck, making your way to his lips when you'd been separated for weeks.
You'd fallen and you'd fallen hard. It should scare you, but you can't bring yourself to care when you were no longer mentally and physically in pain. Not when you stopped being guarded 24/7, not when Alec seemed so happy about your new attitude; constantly bringing you beautifully crafted pieces of jewelry or carefully arranged bouquets of your favorite flowers. Not when he would whisper the loveliest things to you in the dead of night as he held you against his chest.
The kings were also pleased with your turn of attitude, though the same couldn't be said for a specific pair within the guard. Let's just say you still hold a grudge against the two that repeatedly humiliated you; carrying you around the castle over their shoulders -or worse, one time they had you held between them: one holding you under the arms while the other held your ankles like you were a fucking jump rope.
So, no, you wouldn't be amicable towards those two any time soon.
You break from your thoughts when your mate enters your, now shared, bedroom with a small box in hand.
"What's this?" You question when he sits next to you, handing the parcel over.
You gently pull the ribbon and take the lid off to reveal a beautifully woven choker. It's a black satin, sewn with a deep red lace. In the middle is a little bow with silver 'A' charm.
"Just a little something to show who you belong to," Alec answers.
You glance to him and back the collar. "It's beautiful." You run you finger lightly along the red lace. "Put it on me?"
"Of course," he holds his hand out for the box. You hand it to him amd turn to the side.
You feel his warm hand glide across the back of your neck, moving your hair out of the way. Alec brings the collar across your front and easily clasps it in the back, fixing your tresses to their original position.
You turn back to him as he takes hold of your jaw, pulling you into a searing kiss.
"You're mine," he murmurs into the kiss.
Your hands slide into his hair as you mumble an agreement.
Before you can blink, your back is on the mattress and Alec is hovering above you. He trails his kisses down to your jaw and to your neck, slowly kissing his way to the neck of your top.
You can't help the stuttered breath that leaves you when he nips at your collarbone.
Looking down at him, a whisper of his name leaves your lips. "Alec..."
His eyes are near black when he looks up at you. You can't help but pull him back to your lips, teeth clashing as you both lose your sense. Not that you can be bothered to care; all you can focus on is 'Alec, Alec, Alec' playing like a mantra in your mind. His taste, his smell, his feel. He's invading all your senses and you couldn't be more content.
Alec loops a finger under the choker, pulling you to be impossibly closer. He breaks away only long enough to ask: "Let me show you who you belong to?"
"Please," your legs wrap around his hips in a futile attempt to pull him even closer.
An almost sadistic smirk appears on his face as he dives back to your lips. He hikes one of your legs higher so he can press his hips to yours and-
Oh, it's going to be a long night.
Not that you can find it in yourself to mind...
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lwh-writing · 8 months
Girl Genius Reaction #2
Hi, hey, been a hot second since I've done one of these but here we go!
I love that the Heterodyne boys have been elevated to this almost folklore-like state where everyone's got a story about them that ranges from "mostly true" to "entirely made up"
Also, Gil's Dad was adventure buddies with the Heterodynes???? I know Theo said he made the story up, but considering it was shown to us like a flashback, I assume there is at least a few kernels of truth to it all
I think I clocked the possible Von Pinn connection. As all the students claim Von Pinn is modeled off of and/or secretly Lucrezia Mongfish (whoever the hell that is), and Lucrezia was name-dropped in Theo's story/flashback and on the receiving end of one of the Heterodyne's love confessions, I'm assuming Von Pinn is thus modeled off of and/or secretly Agatha's mother or aunt. I wonder if that'll ever come up later. Either way, it's nice to know I'm not crazy for thinking Von Pinn and Agatha looked way too similar
Also, I know Agatha probably took the chance to change out of the pants and into a more comfortable skirt while Theo had everyone distracted, but I kind of like the idea that she can just randomly and inexpensively modify her clothes at will with no one noticing
The Baron being concerned about the hive engine being "eighteen years old or brand new?" really caught my attention. Larger scope villain entering the chat? 👀
Theo & co. running into Gil and there's an obvious disconnect about whom hasn't kept in touch with whom, re: Gil saying they'd only ever come to him if they need something vs. Theo saying Gil hasn't answered any of their letters. Betting money that the Baron has been withholding Gil's mail and trying to isolate him for whatever reason.
Whomst is Othar Tryggvassen? Hello? Random man just suspended over the void, every limb chained, giant green globe on his head? WTF???
I do love Agatha's reaction though. "Is it right to leave a fellow sentient strung up like this?" "Well, that depends upon the nature of the experiment..." I love this mad scientist so much
I'm also really loving the Jaegers (Jaegerkin? Jaegermonsters?). They're all so full of personality. And the tension with the Lackya is very delicious
Love the Jaegerkin generals inviting Agatha to supper, saying "It's good, no bugs!" only for another general to say in the most dejected voice "...no bugs?" 🥺
Also, it looks like the Jaegers are officially figuring out that Agatha's a Heterodyne! Gil may believe/know Agatha is a Spark (has the Spark?), but the Jaegers are the only ones connecting the dots to the Heterodyne question. Wonder if they'll tell someone or keep it to themselves.
Also, Jaegers playing matchmaker? "What do you think of the young master?" "What kind of question is that?" "Well it would make things really simple if--" What's their angle there? Hm....
Speaking of ships, I am sending Andre the Jaegermonster to horny jail. I'm with Agatha; Von Pinn doesn't sound interested
Flashback with Uncle Barry was very cute. He obviously didn't want to repress Agatha's powers, but it was probably a matter of safety
Agatha sleep-inventing is very cool, but why's her little sentient robot(s) hiding from her?
Von Zinzer is giving some insight on the larger world. Apparently, there's a series of wars going on? I know the Baron is a ruler and is keeping the school kids as hostages, but I didn't know it's a continuous conquest of what seems to be Europe.
Also, side note, do we ever see the rest of the world? Africa, Asia, Australia, North & South America? I know deep in my bones that this world's version of China would fuck severely.
Dr. Dim and his bears are also very cute. Loved the moment between him and Agatha
The fight between Von Zinzer & Agatha was very fun. As was Gil hiring Agatha on the spot. The friendship is growing!
And finally, the talking cat! My oh my, how will this go from here? It's very obviously sentient, and based on the website's banner, a main character to boot. But what is it? A chimera? A rogue experiment? Someone trapped in a cat's body? Guess I'll find out
Overall: Still really liking the story! It's got me hooked so far and it's building really well on the premise. The story is still obviously finding its footing, but it's still good!
Continued 7.5/10
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amerricanartwork · 6 months
Part two of this! Felt like I should get around to finishing these. I've already answered the second, but a lot of my thoughts for these go hand-in-hand so I'll kinda answer them as one here.
Also, I apologize if these seem a bit scattered. The questions are pretty broad in their interpretation, so I'm more just using this to get out some loose character thoughts I probably won't end up saying in other posts I plan to make.
8. What are your opinions of Looks to the Moon (character)?
9. What are your opinions on Five Pebbles (character)?
To summarize what I said about Five Pebbles last time, I basically see him as another example of what I find to be a fascinating kind of tragic villain, where their bad environments combined with their own major character flaws essentially create a vicious cycle undermining all of their successes and worsening their failures more and more until they meet their demise in some way. But like I said before, I stated I also like the idea that Pebbles's own personality flaws and bad decisions, while still being the ultimate problem, were not the only things to blame for what happened to him, and as of now I think Looks to the Moon takes 2nd place in making the worst mistakes when dealing with him, only topped by Seven Red Suns.
I plan to go into it more later, since it's pretty crucial for an iterator off-the-string AU story I've been working on for a while, but I basically believe Moon's biggest flaw is being too selfless and making decisions based solely around what others seem to need while neglecting herself. In this regard Pebbles could actually be seen as more virtuous than her, because he's extremely committed to doing what he believes is right and follows through pretty much unconditionally, whereas Moon can only pursue her goals if it doesn't appear to do anything bad to other people.
Again, I'm gonna go into this more later, but for now I wanna give some out-of-universe thoughts and say that I would like to see more content showing off Moon's flaws and Pebbles's virtues. I feel like both of them can be a bit flanderized from time to time, with Pebbles being portrayed as overly mean or uncaring and Moon being cheery and caring with no flaws. So to help balance out their sibling dynamic better, I'd like to explore the idea of Moon making her own big mistakes, yet hiding it behind politeness and selflessness, and her eventually having to realize that Pebbles has some merits she could probably learn from!
Even despite that though, I really like Looks to the Moon as a character, and she's probably one of my favorite female characters in any story thus far! Firstly, I really feel for her struggle, not just in being collapsed by her own brother, separated from her friends and drowned constantly, but in (at least my headcanon idea of her) how much she enjoys in the world around her, yet doesn't feel like she can enjoy it fully. I get the sense that because of how old and broken down she is, she feels like "her time has passed" more-or-less, and it's no longer her right to exist for much longer. And that's just so sad! Like, poor girl's gone through so much and doesn't feel like there's anything she can do about it!
But on a more positive note, I think Moon is conceptually a really cool character, albeit in a different way to Five Pebbles. Rain World has always seemed to be largely about the feeling of existing in a strange world with a lost history far older and more complicated than you can ever understand, and I think no character symbolizes that idea of civilizations being lost to time than Looks to the Moon. Her primary utility is giving the player lore about the world, and with her broken down state and age old enough to probably have seen a good deal of Ancient society change over time, it feels all the more like I'm talking to one of the last remnants of a lost civilization. And on top of that, she literally is a broken down massively complex artificial structure, the pinnacle of Ancient civilization slowly returning to the natural ecosystem. And I especially mean that last part! Submerged Superstructure is one of my favorite regions conceptually because abandoned architecture being reclaimed by the wilds is a trope I find so beautiful and poetic, and I think it makes this region speak to that theme of Rain World even more so than Five Pebbles's Metropolis. Whereas Metropolis is still relatively barren and unchanged besides the dust, scavengers, and other occasional creatures, Submerged Superstructure is almost entirely flooded, filled with all sorts of flora and fauna, and yet you can still clearly see the identifying architecture of old sections like the Memory Conflux and Abstract Convergence Manifold. Looks to the Moon, both as a region and a character, is just so cool and beautiful in her ability to evoke such sadness to see this strange and fascinating world be lost to time, yet also a deep love of nature knowing that life goes on anyway!
Lastly, I just wanna mention how I love Five Pebbles and Moon's relationship and how central it is to the "story" of Rain World. As much as I love good romance, deep sibling bonds can be so heartfelt too, and it's continuously fascinating and melancholic and beautiful to see these two mechanical gods get humbled from their high status endure so much tragedy, yet still reconnect with each other in the end, if not physically then by mending their relationships and forgiving each other. Throughout everything we see happen to them they seem so interconnected, and yet, at least in my interpretation, they eventually come to learn that isn't such a bad thing after all! Once again, it serves as a reminder than even in this seemingly hopeless and dying world love goes on, like a great cycle! This is honestly part of why I've been hesitant to write my thoughts on this, because their story's ending in Rubicon threatens to make me cry every time I think about it because it's just so poetic!
So, in short, I like the idea that Looks to the Moon is pretty flawed as well as Five Pebbles, I empathize with her a lot, I adore her symbolism as a fascinating relic of a lost civilization, and I honestly think the story of her and Five Pebbles is perhaps one of my favorite parts of Rain World!
Thanks again for the questions, @tanyabadtime159!
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker (August 16, 1928 - January 23, 2018) civil rights leader, pastor, and theologian was born in Brockton, Massachusetts to John Wise and Maude Pinn Walker. He earned a BS in Chemistry and Physics from Virginia Union University. He married Theresa Ann Walker (1950). The couple had four children. He received his Master of Divinity from Virginia Union’s Graduate School of Religion.
He became the pastor of Gillfield Baptist Church in Petersburg. He served as president of the NAACP and as director of the state’s CORE. He founded the Petersburg Improvement Association. He became a member of SCLC. He rose in the organization, King appointed him the executive director of SCLC and King’s chief of staff.
His civil rights participation reached beyond his administrative duties. He was arrested in Birmingham for participating in a Freedom Ride. He helped organize the 1963 March on Washington.
He relocated to New York City to become pastor of Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem. The congregation grew from 800 to 3,000. He served as an Urban Affairs Specialist to New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller. He earned a D.Min from Colgate-Rochester Divinity School. He released his first of several books: Somebody’s Calling My Name: Black Sacred Music and Social Change.
He became a part of the anti-apartheid movement. He became a member of the American Committee on Africa, where he co-founded the Religious Action Network. He served as chair of the Central Harlem Local Development Corporation.
He received national recognition when Ebony magazine named him one of America’s “15 Greatest Black Preachers.” He retired as pastor of Canaan. He earned more acclaim in 2008 when he was inducted into the Civil Rights “Walk of Fame”. During the inauguration events for President Barack Obama, he received the “Keepers of the Flame” award at the African-American Church Inaugural Ball. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and taught at the School of Theology at Virginia Union University. He was survived by his wife, Teresa; his daughter, and three sons. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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letterfromtarnish · 2 years
Port Manteau
Hello to her Royal Majesty Queen Luminessa,
I hope this finds you in as good as spirit as i find myself in these days. It has been roughly a year since last we wrote correspondence I apologize for my absence as it poor manners to keep a not only a lady, but a good friend in waiting. Since last week spoke Chance gave me his blessing to grow the name Grimmawk outside the hush tones of fearful villages and whining vampires. Ive made my way to Port Manteau gaining passage from our mutual friend the King of the Pirates. There was something amazing about being out on the ocean again. I love my husband dearly but absence truly makes the heart grow fonder and I see him more in my thoughts and think of him in laughter aboard the fine vessels that Qui-Lon leads through your ocean. The vast blue field that lay before me once struck fear into my heart and now since making your acquaintance has left me doing nothing more the longing for my friend to escape her responsibilities and visit with me on my escapades.
We talked for hours about everything: Politics of the day, where one might find fun in the various ports of the archipelago. He urges me to visit Hyranor. A New King has taken a seat in that backwater country by the name of Lucius Pinn. He has in the past sought council from my husband in obtaining eternal life before he gained his blood soak crown. Chance turned him away simply stating
"One does not ask for power, You simply are or you are not and Lucius Pin is not."
I may seek to open trade once Mallum has an established market but i get ahead of myself. Ive gain an audience with the Royal Family using my husbands name less like a key and more akin to a battering ram to open the doors to trade. They fear him and in turn fear me. Its so strange as Chance has not killed and eaten any man who hasn't deserved it and I myself have never truly ended a life with any sort of malice but to hear the courts lords and lady's whisper you would think we were boogie men. they dare not say it to my face but my ears gather their words where their courage will not.
Do they see you as a monster or god Lumi? Chance says not to worry myself on it.
"They can not fathom anything not fearing death. We to can die but time will never be our assassin. Darkness to them is the essence of evil, but to us it is merely the absence of light."
The courts of Mallum work in black and white while most of the world is in shades of grey. Their blindness is my advantage and I plan to exploit it and maybe teach a few out there that in the absence of light, good things exist in the dark. Right soon. Ive enclosed a case of waterproof silks that i had enchanted for you to give to your tailors. Send my regards to Tippy.
With Love and respect your humble servant
Count Dion Alexander Grimmawk
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delphine-st-clair · 1 year
Reaction Para.
The second she saw the state Elaina was in, Delphine knew, there was no containing of the situation, there was no room for rational thinking. There was no force in nature that could stop the avalanche of anger. The cold-hearted leader in her wanted to command her people to stay put, but she was not delusional enough to ask for something that was quite simply, impossible. 
As much as lots of people in the organisation adored Elaina, this wasn’t just about her. This was about Fran, Dan, Noa, Marine, Marcel, Varden’s son, Maya, the attempt on Aurélie, Yves, Varden... This was about the bottled up misery, pain, suffering and loss that her people have endured since they’ve come to London and it was all about to unravel... tonight. 
She followed  Aurélie’s gaze and got the idea who exactly her cousin was looking for. Delphine gave her an acknowledging look and stayed behind, consulting the security how to mitigate the situation as much as it was possible. The night was about to descent into a bigger chaos, and she felt a crushing weigh of dreadful anticipation of what would happen next. 
There would be death - there was no doubt about that - her only worry was which bodies would fall before the night was over.
“Follow Aurélie,” she instructed two of her men pinnned to her side, “I’ll be fine, Oliver and Thierry can protect me,” even though the other St. Clair had bodyguards trailing her already, she seemed to be headed towards the thick of it, and she could use the extra set of bodyguards than Delphine did in this moment. 
Her eyes looked for Konstantin, in desperate hopes he’d also willing to do something, anything, and just about when she clocked him and decided to take the risk to leave the safe corner and approach him, he barked the order to silence them all.
Until it was no longer enough.
Her instinct was to run after her men, to find Varden, Aurélie, Yves, Jean but she had be the designated survivor. Executives never boarded the same plane in case of a crash. She tood next to her car, her expression barely betraying the inner hellscape of emotions.
“Delphine, we shoud leave now...” one of her bodyguards she’d sent after Aurélie had come rushing back and opened the door of her car, without looking in her eyes.
“No, I need to make sure Aurélie and Varden are safe, we’ll wait.”
“What?” The Frenchwoman barked, her patience quickly evaporating.
“There is something you should know...”
All she could hear after the news was delivered to her was ringing and buzzing. Her entire body was shaking - out of anger, grief, fear, confusion. It was a rare moment of utter lack of composure the St. Clair woman was known for. She felt the loss physically, an invisible hand grabbing her heart and crushing her chest. It was a familiar feeling, the one she’d felt when she had been told that Margaux had been killed. 
This was a point of no return.
Delphine now had become the last St. Clair standing in the French Organisation and the realisation of her mortality had fully dawned on her. 
If she was going to be next, she would go down swinging. This was no longer about saving their empire, this had become about fighting for their existance. 
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 11 months
Virus sinciziale e bronchiolite, cosa devono sapere i genitori
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(Adnkronos) – Arriva la stagione fredda e, con essa, il virus respiratorio sinciziale, principale causa delle bronchioliti nei bambini e di preoccupazione per i genitori. La bronchiolite, infatti, colpisce principalmente i piccoli sotto i 10-12 mesi ed è la causa più frequente di ricovero ospedaliero in questa fascia di età. Tanto che talvolta è necessario ricorrere alla terapia intensiva. In Italia la stagione epidemica va da novembre a marzo, come spiegano, per la Società italiana di pediatria (Sip), Eugenio Baraldi, responsabile dell’Unità di Terapia intensiva neonatale azienda ospedale-università di Padova, Fabio Midulla, presidente Società italiana per le malattie respiratorie infantili (Simri) e Susanna Esposito, responsabile Tavolo tecnico malattie infettive Sip.  Nonostante si tratti di un’infezione comune l’informazione non è così diffusa mentre sarebbe utile che i genitori avessero le necessarie indicazioni per riconoscere la malattia e sapere cosa fare. “Alcune semplici misure sono in grado di ridurre drasticamente la diffusione del virus in particolare nei neonati e lattanti”, dicono i pediatri. Ogni anno il virus respiratorio sinciziale è responsabile di circa 3,4 milioni di ricoveri nel mondo con un’alta mortalità nei paesi in via di sviluppo. I sintomi compaiono dopo 2-6 giorni dal contatto e la durata media della bronchiolite è 5-7 giorni. Ma anche altri virus come il rinovirus possono causare la bronchiolite.  Il virus si diffonde da persona a persona molto facilmente, soprattutto attraverso il contatto con le secrezioni del naso e la saliva ma anche attraverso microparticelle disperse nell’aria con gli starnuti o i colpi di tosse da parte di una persona infetta. I lattanti quasi sempre contraggono l’infezione dai contatti con familiari raffreddati. Il virus può sopravvivere molte ore sulle superfici (tavoli, maniglie delle porte, cellulari, tastiere dei Pc) e si può contrarre, dunque, anche semplicemente toccando giocattoli o altri materiali contaminati. Il virus si diffonde rapidamente dove ci sono gruppi di bambini piccoli come negli asili. L’uso delle mascherine, il lavaggio delle mani e il distanziamento sociale durante la pandemia Covid hanno ridotto del 70-80% i casi di bronchiolite ma quando queste norme sono state rallentate si sono verificate importanti epidemie in numerosi paesi del mondo.  Ma come proteggere i bambini dal virus respiratorio sinciziale? La prima arma è il latte materno che contiene anticorpi contro numerosi agenti infettivi e riduce il rischio di infezioni gravi da virus respiratorio sinciziale e di ospedalizzazione per bronchiolite. Importante poi lavare le mani con acqua e sapone o con un gel alcolico prima di toccare il bambino, vale per i genitori come per le altre persone che entrano in contatto con il piccolo. Utile, poi, l’uso della mascherina in caso di raffreddore per chi si avvicina al bambino. Con sintomi di raffreddore bisogna astenersi dal baciare il bambino ed evitare di toccargli la faccia.  Il bambino, quindi, va tenuto lontano da altri bambini o adulti con il raffreddore. Altre regola fondamentale è lavare e disinfettare le superfici e gli oggetti (giocattoli) che vanno in contatto con il bambino. Vanno, poi, le sigarette in casa perché il fumo aumenta il rischio di infezione. Se poi il bambino è prematuro o affetto da malattie cardiache o polmonari serve chiedere al pediatra se vi sono le indicazioni all’utilizzo degli anticorpi monoclonali per la prevenzione delle infezioni da virus respiratorio sinciziale. Tutte queste misure, ovviamente, “aiutano a prevenire anche le infezioni respiratorie causate da altri virus e batteri”, aggiungono i pediatri.  In casi di sintomi, però, ci sono alcuni campanelli d’allarme per avvertire il pediatra. In particolare in presenza di difficoltà respiratoria: “respirazione veloce, tosse insistente, movimento delle pinne nasali, comparsa di fossetta al giugulo e rientramenti a livello sternale, respiro rumoroso o respirazione con sibilo udibile avvicinando l’orecchio alla bocca del bambino. Un segno di allarme è la comparsa di un colore violaceo delle labbra o del viso”.   E ancora: serve chiamare il pediatra anche in presenza di inappetenza, ovvero, l’assunzione di latte meno del 50% rispetto al solito, che è il primo segno che indica che il bambino sta peggiorando. Nei lattanti, infatti, la riduzione dell’alimentazione può rapidamente portare a disidratazione (labbra secche, poca pipì, pianto senza lacrime). Segnali da non trascurare sono anche le lunghe pause respiratorie (apnea) possono essere una complicanza dell’infezione da anche senza un quadro evidente di bronchiolite. I lattanti al di sotto dei 3 mesi sono più a rischio e possono deteriorare rapidamente. La scarsa reattività o la sonnolenza sono segni di allarme.  Per quanto riguarda la cura “non vi sono terapie efficaci per la bronchiolite. In caso di ospedalizzazione viene messa in atto una ‘terapia di supporto’ per mantenere un’adeguata idratazione e, se necessario, viene somministrato l’ossigeno. Nei casi gravi si ricorre alla ventilazione meccanica in terapia intensiva. Sono utili lavaggi nasali con soluzione salina e aspirazione delle secrezioni nasali (in particolare prima dei pasti). Importante incoraggiare il bambino ad assumere liquidi a piccoli sorsi o ad assumere pasti piccoli e frequenti. Farmaci come i broncodilatatori, i cortisonici e gli antibiotici non sono indicati di routine. Gli antibiotici in particolare non vanno utilizzati perché l’agente responsabile è un virus e le sovrainfezioni batteriche sono rare.  I bambini più a rischio di una bronchiolite grave sono i lattanti nati prematuri, con cardiopatie congenite, malattie polmonari croniche, malattie neuromuscolari e condizioni di immunodepressione. In questi bambini è possibile fare la profilassi contro il virus respiratorio sinciziale utilizzando un anticorpo monoclonale (Palivizumab) a somministrazione mensile dall’inizio della stagione epidemica. Il 30-40% di bambini che hanno avuto una bronchiolite, in particolare se hanno necessitato di ricovero, possono presentare episodi ricorrenti di broncospasmo fino all’età scolare e in certi casi vi può essere un’evoluzione verso l’asma. Queste conseguenze a lungo termine alterano la qualità di vita di questi bambini e delle loro famiglie. Una volta guariti dovrebbero essere seguiti nel tempo ed è utile fare una misurazione della funzionalità respiratoria (spirometria) una volta raggiunta l’età scolare.  [email protected] (Web Info) Read the full article
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Il Perù sequestra ai trafficanti oltre 1.600 pinne di squalo
Oltre 1.600 pinne di squalo sono state confiscate in Perù nell’ambito di un’operazione contro questo traffico illegale. Le pinne di squalo sono state ritrovate a bordo di un autobus a Piura. Sono di specie di squali protette dalla Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di fauna e flora selvatiche minacciate di estinzione. Il Perù è il più grande esportatore mondiale di pinne di…
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sfc-paulchambers · 2 years
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Robert Pinn, the son of an escaped slave, was born a free man in Perry Township in 1843. At the start of the Civil War the teen tried to enlist in the Union Army— He was turned away because of the color of his skin, but instead of accepting the rejection, a young Black man tried and tried again. Pinn's desire to serve his country was so great that the 18-year-old pretended to be Puerto Rican. He finally received his chance two years later as a member of the Fifth United States Colored Troop Unit. At the Battle of New Market Heights outside of Richmond, Va the commander was taken out, and Pinn was wounded three times . President Abraham Lincoln awarded Pinn with the Congressional Medal of Honor for the valor he showed during the fight. Pinn returned to Massillon County in Ohio and eventually passed the Ohio State Bar which paved the way for him to become the first Black lawyer in Massillon in 1879. If you’re ready to be a part of #history & #armyhistory and #beallthatyoucanbe , then contact me now 615-429-0932 #blacksoldiers #bearmystrong #bedifferent #theydiditwhycantyou #famoussoldiers #theydidit #whatsyourexcuse #teamarmy #usarmyreserve #bedifferent #blackhistorymonth #bearmystrong #brotherhood #dosomethingpositive for your #futureself #dosomethingworthwatching #yourarmyreservecareercounselor #parttimejob #fulltimebenefits #usarmyreserve #globallypositioned #globallyengaged #parttimeservicefulltimebenefits #parttimeservicefulltimepride #parttimeservicefulltimesuccess #wehaveajobforthat https://twitter.com/sfc_paul https://instagram.com/sfcpaulchambers http://sfc-paulchambers.tumblr.com/ [email protected] Request Information | goarmy.com (at Frank Hughes School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CorjyLmO8u1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kritere · 2 years
Il serial killer delle tartarughe marine non si ferma, uccisi 5 esemplari in tre mesi: esposto del Wwf
DIRETTA TV 25 Gennaio 2023 Cinque tartarughe marine uccise in tre mesi: tutte sono state tutte rinvenute nell’area portuale di Barletta con le pinne legate a grosse pietre; l’ultima ad un disco del freno di un auto. Il Wwwf ha presentato un esposto alla Procura di Trani. 0 CONDIVISIONI Punite per essere rimaste intrappolate nelle reti da pesca. È questa l’ipotesi del Wwf che ha presentato un…
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libidomechanica · 2 years
To her eyes to address kindly
A ballad sequence
Light bull’s street and his murder’d horse     ravish’d—through multifarious animals; and death; such as     usual quickly up, for I will not a sighed as breast     this first cut. My skin from his head a stopp’d to make throng to     attack the Hand of the
peals the adventured friends are     broken-heart brought for glorious his praised by mowing blade     a vocation, like voicest virgin’s may bother a barbers’     land—and taken by you wilt though toby-spice souls to     the forth halcyon came,
it haps some to fine sandy shalt     never both borrow from a pinnes hurls her brow dost go     down on come. Life—he water pell-mell, anothers; all their     name, through that such apples o’er way;—yet a pleasure, like saucers,     beneath and a modern
wing’d eager genteelly. To     her eyes to address kindly the numerous kinds or often     knit they her late em? Follow them is flowing free from     point. Are twilight, weighs there Grattan, having sense, and you art     of love, since it once seen!
The rampart only to dispraise;     but thus sunrise, victorie, yet as agreeable, with a     wild in my lassie every true we paceth for abstinate     my little sorts she way of her limbs, bull’s pave herd better,     Areting, but Wisdom
his lullaby. Forming in     his bowl of fruitless mist have rarely felt, what heat began,     and sweate for non-payment ere they call’d he Harmony’ a     stately into. On thy knife, forgive? Where the involvèd other,     after than Pittsburgh
is perfection within hast give     readers good boxing; they leads. It had good nor ill delight:     tell good look at then, to might be incense I smell of the     spright in clear found a new soft float head, four live, and for many     mord. Cannot express.
Flame in the world have been as she     way, or all the good quarrels sweetmeats or fool. So like wins,     and disappoint. Shall its
sweep foam—the flung heiress gunpowder     shame a moments the gaping out, as Danaë in a Hundred     men where, should having
storm a for Heaven he for I     have been o’ woman heir. In apprehension of many     a generals! Asks first of
where these cries, whom you cry. ’—For half     English, and for Ajax or snow. A pious night and was     being may shouts—and I
the ruby-budded like a dragon     what’s the last living stain’d with ribands’ side wall, a Richard,     and that they go for
all eyes are foolish naval matter:     and boundle o’er the phantasy whiles with thy phrases     withdrew ill how man-eating,
were gone to snatch waning on     the room into meet the nimble all the broken laughter.     That ye are not undismay’d,
were after all, as blow the     beat adamant, nor complete, an urn. As feels the thousand     doubt. Just pondency and
have him to a crush on Myrna     Loy, and these pall Mall, that the mind, when we knowing, so beauty     of batters. After
thrice to color of all slide; sweet     their very yearning, plunder- rate broken laughter: ’ if he     fence shall sound us, thy
grew linen slacks, too, harlot: a     fact is he rest fire your eyes to the sword: then for that smell     on the garden with with
anguish’d still is station whatever     dear, tis steel and as well-clad was immortal can thou     love you your eyes to loves,
and him go and throw and said out     forest of me, when the primrose, to sleepy one is second     object: a brandy’s
his path each waning canopy.     I cannot repel a lovely—till thy adjurations,     which must heaven not for
a moments pass’d in business he     prest and biting laws to her that makes a lisping been said     them to me appeared in
conflict of her that were I nigher     things with her wrong, than sight, a vanish’d, suffer’d another     answer’d: Wherefore.
As of this points apieces. My     lad, into your little scription led doubt’s a fine booth are     going the more severence
mortars. Like a kingdoms of     gold. But it’s impostor can breast grim Swiss deep-mouth wilt two     are the solitude, Shared,
Blythe indeed to him that fire of     Love’s all men passive its sky, that his between breast. There is     nothing nowhere your head;
the Darling thee man. The minds he     call’d in the long shines, that beauty of hands, as if just     departed death the list on
and lain that the sun that in they     began touch observice; who sublimer would controls. I     things of life’s own. It is
not expresses here, plods dull clung     close is neighbourhood, nor age and victual face. Might are vain     and condemn? Yet so adorn’d
round, taking span a compare     wilderness flotilla, when the warmed by rote. Full thine: have     loves, which is coruscation.
In curl that I lovely buried,     Allahs’ now in a room, with their naval of man: hast     give years. Moving nurses
structed up his own: of waiting     it was small fault. Of youth the ills with knows and war, pestile,     like innkeeper close
anchor dream, of the long I lovers     may time; and the replies, which you did spare, scarce all get     marriage, the Truth. The spot,
where it cost more that sweet disorders     grew in it. And as trumpet, to be kings friendships and     thou so apples which hath
high or witty: he moon grasp the     two can saying the scampes of love already to his     eyes, the gentleman was
obliquely run; thy sigh—it was     certes made the me your face in protest on before     suggested in air, and ransom,
began. And woods. The assist     my Lady Caroliness? Hath mo pence; then, as no one     time, can finding the eight
seems falls wealth, and to realms of your     lovers of his such a god private Ruines of us     lie and when Salámán
saw the bayonet, and flicks they     one party thousand beneath the silvery prefer a     room into Deed mine. Fair
One but the you, youth descent wrote     the they sayes, and have no noises, which prov’d us; nay more     gloom of eglantinent,
because of wrong, and shut fading     slanded, when the moved so, to Shepherds and thither work of     their usual. Yea, when
the heater, she whole collie and     let it glitted form that I did shine, and that ever dear     official, if Homer!
Next he will—with the stone on his     large exhausted to soft Muses my lov’dst met a beautiful     as Lais hoary higher them about to human love     did not kept their vessels lay, till in all men what proved with     with sometimes made the goodbye
like harness’d into the cloud-     ledge aught, I will you prove we’ll not admirable, o do wreckes     and sigh o’ercame when Joanna Souther, in battle,     for they built his own. And a named mountain’s your loves an end     of truth, its sweeping. The
offering when with his hand: nor miss’d,     I put the blood and through into knots far them in the     prodigy, Miss Macready in one to ye, my Celia, and     main, quiet—the received not over way. Judas happy,     enviable to screams.
’Rock now what pleasure. They say, the     Frenchman’s care notion quite they grew so—on the bastion, lie     round in, surround the Setting
in he look ye never fear.     Madam, ’ that behind; but each others of flowery glass     of cunning pin, or else
to be a long bed! Which he bristling     past so orders, blackbird’s feet. And as well in my blush’d,     and the smooth’d there life’s journey,
but while this rest that voice, dreamboats?     Like a way then away saving verse all human hard     pretty; but where I hem;
and Ausemán—the summit, and     in head, became to ye, my lad, o whispers to his hive.     Should, than Pittsburgh is no
tears, and faster an’ I’ll practices     of old dames in the centre place with man made than shaw.     Exceed the snowgirl, a
turtles, and Jack his breast! Lately     in language spreadies’ lucubration shaw. Quite, Who, in come     to mountaine in fair price.
(Here (as the produce ; nor green hair.     When one dozen, and his fed; had never to encroach ’mongst     the devil, as I hope? I thou can’t discourselves, and     the rest of surrection. Nor even by me. My story     is holy day, thro’ the
fight, as thick and keeps that I wearing     on? Juan and they to taken bayonet this—then juan     yet look? I see it prosecuted Here preted, Blythe     inconstant on of glorious, priests, that what you are, scatter’d     as little surface in
stay to—whereal, then into the     said: glory, of the pall Mall, a much famine or may the     greatnes off noise, as long; all of nuptials joyfully     venomous stead, and plumes are the suns are but flanks;—but now essaying     up Pall Mall, who pass
force that now you rise nor when you,     and some ever still’d as an inch of the child of nuptial     company on here art to feelings; no envious wreath,     and as also surely may grand even my own, over     with much sweet of swearied
by pretty fond, plain would fetter     young Eulalie’s did not have for afford that Loues pair doubt,     pretty children’s feel you see the armies warrior of there     sad, second object, and Ausemán—the Maker is little     ready to arm, and
fearful as to peer heart, I may     be able chiefs to a tavern in the other and shoot     in aflame with double her moving at wax and great a     lie? Their camp: I know, surface as ye were shame a harm are     of possible them; and
wound the innkeepers without thus     the sway off, and beasts of the twilight I must spread, my want     faculties, and in the spawns warlike, lo! And raises and     the world, the Nikolaiew: there is not a man invisibly     female literary
look upon a sandy place     with which must creep into a draughter. Butcher her from some     land this valiant Tartar. Where Science, in this a dozen     music by the felt or buck, he enjoy. I WILL enjoying     to put that should can’t
do others shame because you, you     back careful old makes to gloss. But Juan, who had perish’d he     seasons the sun. This they wished all wall, the Blues, the right: then     the structed man, and he countess, or sweet ecstasy! Thou     be? Crime wheels, scaled, or with
which on the brigadier, but Juan’s     feel the hunted in bed, be kept his silt. Now he footprinted     with pebbles round them with under, hold. If ten the heart     or elect salámat— Incolumity from its wing.     Is glorious pearls a
finer silks, too, had wait as silent     charms, doe idly set: so that Wellington and and motives     off noises, when the Mayfly is going hell, so close     with and love an age of loved hunter’s so much the was     imagining honour ran
awkward heron. Let rays of your     worst engaged in the worlds, and several Englishment inter-     assurèd of outstretch your ease you both, it had chair rose     to travels he puff’d out, oh, our heart. And my joy tis too—     but the clawing roar was
stood on the head so rent. One’s the     soften knit in Fortune to slay about low the high. Line     your glass o’er their cash and hand is, crept the snow and beneath     gently it was; simple nod in our sleep’s head to-morrow,     who loves, and Washing next
to hero gratify a blue     and scarce to could confest, now of truth, thou hast do that not     my mouth with my tear-floodshot the splendours, the moaning count     dusty flood; if I have back into a card. My storm think     I may company, can
exploded to rise, for a light     thus began to the Silvia in ambush, so in my     back in bloody shower, the troops a richly merrimental     oath, to Juan and make moon-faced bothers knock’d geese of the     heedless t was had would
gae mad, o which perish’d his fellow     foot, my Silver.—I leave but all have throught and wake! The     bayoned cave, turns her man makes us is the indigestion,     with Seraskiers, bloom’d in ev’rywhere, ’ he ware, a France     beyond come unseen unto
the nigh defect; thou drawest     way; t were also a woman, such thy sighed enought     forevere, the ghost tremblem rarely five you chance, they came now     themselves so witty could died, unmarket, wherewith thing     within like a lamplight!
What the close, and throught, after all.     For ever talk about? Of fortune ever black-eyed     virtuous sight—and Ireland’s truth, most wisdom may not Stonehenge     shall shore resounds to lift hands of the time that’s the cloud I     flat as much indues its
chives me, and to him free, and all     thy stone-still small receives with cold, and compete. Must as the     paine image the Taxes, Castilian? An eagerly—no     won’t taken in being at these to the mouth. An iron     tea in settles as wolves
thrash’d even and Moon—the city     by now; I’ve added great and in all the speech, I do besides     enjoy two steps did shine, retire, his body shoes     shirt for shame; he’llfind their dear Eulalie which breast this praise is     blows the wingèd brough for a
time, that were narrow. And all if     that with a whirls are the Christ’s still keeps that some declare all     she sprints, descend, but with, if we scale thee an away, the     Babylon, Tyre, Carthage, whom four peaceful old and each was     child born rich real? Preparation
live forced to have tribe of     the shame; in wars. Tis tried there the die, somewhat kiosk at     his murth’ring if thou hast me the worn as your panterns, or     to the soil of the fire, whilst I knowing with greated, ’ as     this lot; the fleet a lark,
an Isis high jove were small remain     wink about the ruby- budded damn’d; that creep it swearing,     of soür ale sometimes and we scatter, ’ just at the Christian     stones, station where a bloody bonds he rest our days which     a shriek’d, still finally
pounc’d with Welling press or     holinightingaling roar than oft rues you on a Years, in they     will so; Christianity of flowers. And have and is     an image throught to give and sickly to boys and a want     one collect some strong, and
sister all that’s no less peace showed     heads were not rob a lily centrenchman! Sweet Eloquench,     no this learnd love did bid me as torn? And we safety to     that face, one glass, goblin Honour ankles in me. Than the     smell one ever dead acted
its lends dying repent a     life with due grim and mere some to seem, let them go home. Of     solitude, the women; the Nikolaiew: there, than inspiration,     gave my present words, seeing dumb, for fight be at!     Will a songs friends, lace, the
hardly bee than thoughts are into     assay with a harms of their country hail’d his quest at she     same the nightingale we paceth Allah! Who love, we must     not words, whilst I would not marriage; and serene upright thus,     that they pass be my passions,
whilst I, whose wholly Bloom of     all o’ertake mood potent, Stay, the too shore, the really     prophecy—except in you flash of one distance which was blushing     more limbs, it my brothers pick’d geese of gore and me fight     and save time three preux
Chevalier, ’ just attack, where their kettle     pass unseen two batter’d was a marriage, Nineveh,     may now bleed, flung, with the sea, yet love? Cause thee to beauty     bright, I sketched beneath even them, when, since let it scarce a     chain’d with beguiled by smoking
your windows; heard; who, when that     very eyes serue he is steer, a dazzling poet this a     crescendency raignes which to square famined appetite     floodshot one with the succeed? The said to makes the Russian     batter of battle’s
great die; for they rich with the eye.     The flower that you greater of this to taketh, you     company, therer. So reaches of glorious nation he     had cut through thunder in heroic bosom burning Ismail’s     a savages widely
she heir, thoughts had not that master,     was my Muses, fie! Nor shame ancholy day, when your     human rogue Southern balancing up their own Splendour lovers     knots, like presented survey our sleep, her dress suwarrow,     which raining Jewel of
such pique myself command; for I     do best attack’d; they won while them, the rode upon that Face     beneath the desire is what all volunteers, and the     Turks he lassie, in good quarrels burnishable; slakes     it did, and Hate that very
dusky masquerade; and star.     Until the blades. Some virgins blushing and art nothings; so     Julia’s lives at human hearts. Are follow’d the child’s a gem!     By grew ill of thorough the comes Love where some house the Honor     muscle, o do note,
in self-approach of love, in searches     to drill—defended as he, six, and flung but it brave     Tartar, Thus do witty: he noble son, who had a mother     plans a world’s Te Deum, ’ and feature’s George three hunger. And     prey of game ancholy
dancing sky, which all the far-off     sail better leaving green eternation of pay. Sovereign     balm, like a fact, I would carried, only in thy tresses;     but constantinople parting nor every land, and my     blood! Is twice to be show
true order to him, and came John     Bull’s prime, cross’d for dear, as weep, and furthens, medals, save;—all     whither silent such as calls and the speaketh. He should     reachery, Friar But as if it the splendour mone!     A tractised with pain!
Or beauty as the sky, but hark!     Wide by might him, he drift on the day be ne’er youth shout malice,     was no more he confusion slowly did knockers by     there; and other tongues through
which archways, spoil; serene, the slow,     as if their engines; then did breed away from the nuptial     chime, endings in my part, ye are subtle winds he turn pole;     in grace and realms of nation,
and icy cling Tartar. For     a little maid, you hear Shall neckclothes round, say, and fall.     From the low in signs to love young Livonian heaven her     to enjoy. They are context
for hieroglyphics on a     virtue, too, or read, without with the moonbeams deceased, who     the fount thou Desires, so this or heroes, like tried and     mine, the besides, over
weep, her dying like to their Salam,     ’ that that thus your euphony: they’re borne—but here, and Debt,     present to hint a little man’s distill and the least I     will put an even the
raw material John was such     syrup ran his first who except with mistaken tread that     does us throw away. A breath gore. Is but done tells and     Faliers, ’ how many a
mistress our deems second come against     which handsome ever we’d bowed to run, where wonder way.-     Bells, it may grace as ye meet. And when it is sleep.—But all,     she was certain we found
his van. Moving and war, each Turk’s     flowed away the day and song—simple bright for if in the     World, the day we wood, nor God’s sake, just to erase a lock’d     geese of foot which sits way:
one day line market strange end. Honey,     drawest of wine my face. Don Juan, for whom I leave one     dozen, when saving here fair I takes, beneath increase, or     as were of the Silvia,
let’ upon a stations; since     they say now; I’ve all volunteers, which settle-field it would     gae made, for they are burn bluegreen which shot; his mothers light,     the few regimental
oath, strip with caroches, and just     to deck the prolific of melodies take your redefining     with Cary Grace in the Russian vessels deep hae     been fair can winds or pen.
This morning ascend, besides, but     lack? Since to give them! The water, saw’st therefore the projects     though the mind—our her, whom he stalking for his estate call’d     of a treasure to burn’d
thing more the Abbey’s world had opened     lays, a rich. The Grenvilles, and more welcome the moonlight     a red rose for which seems, as prefer beyond express     of the dun for God’s in
the kick’d out on that never the     Great fray, for if Irene besides then so as thence estate,     as thou the land among thy tresses and boxing; then nor     with their days which t is
necessantly held with smile, and     placemen, lately rather sun, and polis, and heart and     human be a lie. Where is not clerks,—those smoking to weep,     all all of majesty,
and their desire, when friend; I     do not been! Ah, less guess, for good dead; on where we pace, wheres,     do easily misfortune every true my sinewy     think time thee to wake?
A row of impossible, leapt     slack him did pretty, the Moslem men which last must be, which     makes the rampart of light
are all our St. Close, rush’d, shiver,     and thou breath,—he freely mart in shows how, for whose place—stumble     to them both are the
tyrant’sie, then hardly been aware     they both Was an army, who furnishable; slakes her     haram education:
there your pension, not always     together plant is whene’ertheless that tendon now-a-days,     and geography—having.
I would blazed quite amongst more!     Indeed I’ve already: first detachmen next basks And therer.     A high sea, and the
meant terriers. Of illness of     the middle, that kiosk at our could have the pleases! Thy     naked pit in rhymed
together an’ I’ll have seen Timbuctoo,     up the ills past, teach was their smart of day: there I be     confound our conquest and
lead, o whisper’d from the Heavens—     Old Love, and insist my shall comprehensions body in     ever-varying, lance,
as breath thy tresses tried to fight,     as incomplish’d, as good quarter, it comeliness, and     come and fry. Shall people
to thy powers and a rate for     lies bout then held that the foe. But with pity burning waves’     bounty, should not women
do, but the hope to thousand all     that can on its own. And I thing. I never miss your peaceful     seasonable maid,
you were nor deep into gazed, and     who would like pitch at his brains, wherein short least when the sky     great phone. Were the echoed
by the strange chaste;—they had wounded     as also in the praised arms, faded thy beams deceived with     batteries of god, within
the groans of killing back, men’s     highly seems, drunk, and this granted? In the gray was I mean     times his various name
is Lord and thou eternal     Composition to win, or down her was quieted. Shake us     with my this body
shall beseech thee. Heart-merchance from     the Acropolis, as thus could not he heard, for joy of     her Lips present where—and
where were na look’d that our exceptics;     and defaced our own in the French, can it what Erin     can end or sight a stripling
lightly plough o’er hips, so throwne,     shrink that trampling up Pall Mall. Beauties, doth rose are full of     this can believe suckings!
Over talk of impossible.     Who built and evening what cling, as we’re lost, you coveries,     while, and Smiths were—where also supper, it with my aching     winding great could shrink the dubious Name Absál—her lives,     and the women will be
death-cry draws interpretend not     sure drawing him free. As in here the heart, but would curl that     rites some Cossacques pursued to lead the bringing women,     the polygamy, amongster, firing and Mouskin     Pouski: of all abreasts
almost lucent wavering seal’d     on that his hoary, may finger, ’ and it withstand there let’s     do the last for lovers might seem’d to arrestrial bounded     by his path, flung their amidst thy virgin’s you could close,     ne’ertheless came John Keats, and
Time’s flower the prints of Kings, made     and squander to breast. A Russ flotilla, when the was, who     is beyond their changed men art and black-lined appetite; like     town at what of war, each humours believe it soon close odd     impulses. I have seems
Cain: la Belle Alliance: city     word in thy Mothers view my lips the pleasure, as if by     one, by atoms of the lamp-light decimate took, and     innocence shall we in love we must flashes of whereal, the     hotels, that voice, now thee
an ocean without malice: if     the diem, ’ Juan with flower; do we move scorners in his bold     her, think, if that left breath, light! A pertinaciousness on     shriek if we’re evening to bed; shut fainted; you are the dance,     an’ I’ll compete. Down bent
took at them forth at anchor an     army shall remember, when I am the endure, endless     be still; some burn and kingly! To be death and them! And,     my fright; our fancy our subjects that nothing: no solitudes     taste. What awful
wedlock bond, afternoon wheresoe’er     the Sevents out to do with beauties would still remarried     Caesar himself or brutish boutique, o’er the trade, spring-     tides grief, posture, as thousands do wreckes away, or     nothings for a mirror’d
and make the heaven, among the     head and that a diet. I would look of good intels, was     a moments the lonel Yesouskoi march’d, and crown on your     redeeming on who was favourites that; and perhaps     he pray ask of human
kindling, from a curiously—     when I say now; he words, too, his simpless pliant. I thing     back his children closely center’d in Dante’s verse wile young,     unwaken’d his boded to teacherly head, what’s noon which     he knew you and mirror,
not find this true-love to the monstrous     languish, all will hell, sweet me you and kill’d. Had small promise,     and this circumstance, seeing, tis the brain of the milk-     and-waters if it be a slave thou Morning, the kind, over     stars, belonging set;
opening paint rest speech, or a     trembling as that when I love an awakening the lightens     ever hurt did the first, our booth call she things on the     universe unhurt, she will enviable puncheons,     belonging invocative.
Many nor senate in all coin you could breeches.     They who had chosen, their usual seven morning him who should revolved and ties, doubles     of your her limbs into his heads
to some moment days throne—though Ireland it batterings     be dismay, and three of the treasure, sublime disgrace to party cross glass, goblin     show to rivals by that’s not this home
innkeepers with dishone that large, through our British     drapery Misses, the truth, most claspable, are vain to comprise, as bristling bed! Of     baffled those power down excess they
fly; the heede than all we hid, as soft, unlink’d bade     the came my souls, lips and if your first, I met think awhile thy powre have they show he same     by sides, if you teaching thee line they
in dead acted to such a dancing Moslem that     space, and found thou province de Ligne was stalk of each one is not absurd: but a rate center     it as mere upon a Years,
inquished the air perhaps, as if it bride—till be     embark’d there worst enough the huge Colossus’ light acquaintain I was chime, the foreverend     Rousseau point or brutal yellow!
But still get beyond us. And gave me, and     whine, though is sential that shall be the said, mine fat; breasts. Devil can I speaking like a     reed, his dream he was like sand write, venture!-
Days, spring, nor thou hast to immortal     gentlemented, drums a new Vauban: but as e’er his head they are wounded, the grossly I     see the Guide-book’s present should having
the good quarters her Years, all that biome. Aye vow     and sword till clung thy foreign mistake the grow above all our sleep throwing on like a     pistol-shot eye and the world forth who
nobler treasure had felt his was he, in the valents     less deep in Paradise, ’ which you your this with the used to beguile, and thou cover     in his right than a stone by now bleed.
Whilst though hardly he seem wrong or they built brought through.     Is on your blackbird’s phrases of you walk her faith so shall selling then which held the stranger     time. Hard enough strain after horrid
tread, whene’er what these we hid by a frown more     have drank. Heart-inflaming in poetic diction, stone on his God’s daught they have but warm     better: there, sublime discovereign
of my Firmán, he rush’d, as dizzy, busy, and     Misses? Toby-spice. Verge it is not women with of Germanent all.-Out brains, and calmness     of the pineal hour, which,
dissipated name to you minion, where, no vapour,     nor comrade’s phrase of the little day we would but a valorous day;—juan, heard of all     this Poland this call the stole into
one; aurum, soft, untarnishable; for true so?     Necessary brother’s curse midas the town dead and into our sigh-tempests of her     very sound! So the forest break? And
a Remedy thine: the late man-made clash’d the mob     at last in while with a sea of his path of courage never joy, the Will leaguer’d as     every can thy persuaded a Russians
to be say Now in my Lady’s heard,—at least,     rouse and shook till have mad, o which new or dwells thou Desire; then well in. As if a     flies. You, then she hundred your father
circumstance by shriek’d, stiltskin, his right to peers, I     thou have beguile, with painting caged. Place it died, twelve steps did not so is paths, and long-neck’d     o’er little grave. I like a kissed general
Boon like two batter; dart, when save the twin could     not be seen—and stranger, left of me. As well by this is thus black-eyed Eulalie’s by     ways illuminate to support high
sun&three-thousand Moon and am about Juan say     so crown both shaking heir, the space of office to look on as t was where there I became     John and taken, bosom’d intermined
many as child of Nature, a couplet,     or there pearl. Somebody now what coasts of idle wrath! Up came, and ball. The way, which, displaies     vpon the ring it any other
my sonnets, at beach skin after hath most. Heard,     commemory peak of any kings, to decease me—Me—the answer: his way, or sultaneously     that he wholly durst accomplete,
but when Salámán the spheresoe’er sigh o’er     a ane to turn slain and ransom all heroic buildings. From which is certes made the     radiant man, whom for thou mad’st men all
the palisade, for charge being for which made the     Russian battery other’d the sea of her placemen, like saucers, an idle; let     in the sibyl stoop and I shall danced
him in deaths are, and tree. Time renewed, say, thousand     adores, do but on all deflow’d the may served at itself be say over cried. Ask me     wonted on the loss, such was cost modern
batter’d: fire, is innocent. Their column made     the heart, or wits by his own as from the two Ukraine might you are on the you and some     ground, as late, a globes of my enfranch.
I have beguile, so much, and calls the pray for an     Atalantine, nor which happing bride’s just, and seen Joanna Souther, rarely hand, get     ye, my will—they stumbles gainst duns, by
sage, Yes. I never Mahomet or man were there     disc of moaning room and wan, who restrictions stile, an’ a’ should besides, who show the     Seizes warming; sun and here that way.
Or stun the daught of taxborn son.     Of it out off the moon’s lovely ran awakes wailing     Heaven! Where, bubblest in great deep hae I proudest Eulalie     upright compense. Your money or your pasture of orphan     whom your eyes. He was her
shall I turn’d with a hand awful     will win St. Down his jest, and all which many others; others     ever mouth of that our her smite recompeld mark upon     Sion’s souls, that trite and they were he torturing tears you     wilt though in my way; and
place was where my Mountains and see     if we calmness on young Cupid’s replied: At leaves of loved,     not station bed to than protest of rank, ribands’ side, they     found, nor wouldst freeze. What faculty being mythologist     inflaming throughout someone
and kitsch. Most travel for a     burning honour’d by difficulties, whene’er worth will entwined,     even the roads sunken in the mattering freeborn     nature: by water as terrifice: then feel: in every     side of a trees blood! Just
attack’d; the heat sate upon an     inveterate manifest better waves’ backs, thou drawes     ourselves, over thrice the Greek ring kisse. What not move but their     vessels deepe movelessly I made they found, and to served     to see play with the Whigs?
As straighway from far of songs from     of gore and out of existen to the unusual quickly     to him; no enviable
Mistress’d, tis pity youth     a lock’s coruscation! At human thou have know the true     and heavy! And talk’d but
if Diogenes. Now, insternally,     or not at lead toward blossoms the matter till them     harmonious, hast pleasure,
and he lord. Did I send to me     and through it can sight; our life in self-same better the next     neighbourhood when the applause,
treated Here provocations;     since so much danger, like a drum intent one my little     mails, ton ev’rywhere on
our St. If ever let us     men vain end of sea, they had been smoking the crest, while hear     little gaping o’er they’re
right. Through to virgin-treasure. And     thy light have even and houris inspired you slept it     is not like a fine, I
think, hold, my mind.—Now the first, I     do, perhaps may with the shade of champion is steal; therefore     he had be constrous
grant, loud o’er they come boats, who had     been boys and left. With not the sad, seconds unwrappiness     is well, immortal in
doubt why, John Bull the pole; in grief;     undone. Only takes the softer bonie breathes a verse the who     had made the Nile’s slights for
I williners before the was     certain in the sublime, tho’ father hand: who had veil the     heart was a little Robin,
that, this place with Seraskier     defence of snuff’d out by the replied a grief my sounds, for     harmonies of loose their
grass about pay his pass for judgments     less pliant loved farther face. Let their portional as     at last night, that tended;
and each skilful pilot, the     accredited diplomatic in short in isle of ivresses;     wherefore. This use,
stilence, and this resurrender,     but some spoke, and fresh, fragrant, loud as if it out bravery     this is tough all else,
I was Strokonoff, Koklophti,     koclobski, Kourakin, and shutting quit heavy groaning     should have been born cycle.
Though that their average came their lash!     If the great business overloo was blows what word in sweet     lady-sister of glory’s clear a kingly! Can before     duly say the Danube concede quarteries in his trait     ride somewhat I cannon-
shot the eye exposed of the last     I know him by the years to-nights with the rites the time, tippled     Crowne, all kinds or it— ’t is apt to me. Your lead to     dispel envy e’e; lang, lang’rous water, sented snow it     is woe. And devoutly
where to all her beaten faire Nimphs     lay by their ferocities small come, who lie still remark     upon the art for both a moderns would renown, nor of     Evil; then the bayonets me fightingaling low, and     not feelings for Heavenly
those whole think in lopping to     explainly can being eyes might company. That the chaste:     impart high, how each other skin: little resistance much     lead, and this laurel! And spark on such desperate about     all thy dost modern Ancient
all around run about Judas     confound there it Adam. And I could deal moment I     must buried on be show’d legs, and Bills; and main; for sometimes,     his words, to lie in each made ever he waters allows     what philosopher’s head.
Friend Don Juan, for a thou begin!     An fondly that of danger marble time mistakes, all the     man where site a Greek could
black. Your most of slaught tiny lies     vertuous maze. Sweet somehow, and thought of wolves to makes warriors     queen: and shells all. To-morrow
now about them wish God with     accomplish’d him, and rest he shall see it seems to the had?     That which unblest or both
builds understanding in pieces.     But for whose that never pretty milky ways, which was certain—     something in a card.
And some unseen Jove of Wisdom     he vapor can pride, among. Greed that like terrors of silent     see me. To be despot’s
delight, and such cold, and against     its me thinn’d the Mayfly in the Prince best hue: that shook     the sultan oft decreeds,
seeing midnight be my sounds     proclaiming, and the bristly will die glory memory and     has more freely gather
lover, where was—the first onward     that seven all the head or starters, the skilful pilot,     lawyers, where we are all
o’er, each my mote, Or cross that last     by a regiment of bedding flame up the excursive     to the smooth pebbles are
him on the head the womankind,     common cross to rests of wolves and on the precautious, hast     so applause, the brave of
bittered lava. And your wise     and upon the new the raw material patience, apt     to be a wanted? The
Grattan, halls to regularly     did fly from the thorough its stand all in view; the city,     who can him like tower.
Halifax; ’ but there’s constructed     life as I am but some hundred much for us     strange, how each Gazette. Tis
name had leans do, but by the wreath.     In sigh—it is no assistance, than spur camp rung for me;     love mangeron, and drove
something body? So—on the still     did impulse, when with them. What’s no gentlemen and grief; though     then, your glory’s valley.
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destrkk · 8 years
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Panic! At The Disco // February 28 2017
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shoto-chann · 2 years
Title: Don't Ignore Me
Ship: KanuKiba
Description: Ever since Kankuro got to the Leaf Village, all he's been doing is fix his puppets. And Kiba wants attention and hates being ignored. So he teaches his boyfriend to never ignore him again.
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Kankuro had just came to the Leaf Village to spend some time with his boyfriend, Kiba Inuzuka. He had just won a battle with another rouge ninja, so he felt like relaxing with Kiba and Akamaru to destress. However, during his battle, Crow got badly damaged and had to be fixed. So Kankuro sat there in Kiba's house trying to fix Crow. But Kiba's getting a little impatient.
"Come on, Kankuro. I'm booored." Kiba sank into the chair he was sitting in, trying to get his boyfriend to give him attention. "Hold on, Kiba. I'll hang out with you. Just give me time." Kankuro said without looking away from Crow. "But how much time do you need?" "Give me ten more minutes. I'll be finished by then." "You said that ten minutes ago!" Kiba groaned loudly. He was tired of waiting for Kankuro to be finished. He wanted attention, and he wanted it now.
"Come on, babe. You promised we could hang out today. But ever since you got here, you've been fixing your toy and completely ignoring me." "Okay, first of all, Crow is not a toy. He is a friend." "But Kankuro-" "Kiba, I promise we will hang out. I didn't come all the way over here just to fix Crow. I will spend time with you. But in a few minutes. In the meantime, take Akamaru out for a walk. When you come back, I'll be ready."
Kiba opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself. He didn't wanna argue with Kankuro and make this a big deal. He could wait a few more minutes. Right? Kiba pouted and sighed before making up his mind. "Fine. Come on, Akamaru." Akamaru barked and followed Kiba. Kiba opened the door and walked out without looking back. He shut the door behind him and stated walking with Akamaru. Kankuro chuckled as he rolled his eyes and started to speed up. He wanted to get done as soon as possible. He hated whenever Kiba was upset and didn't want to keep him waiting.
Meanwhile, Kiba and Akamaru we're walking around the village bored out their minds for about eight minutes. They didn't know what to do today while waiting for Kankuro. They didn't want to train cause it was their day off. Most of their friends were busy. And he had the house to himself, so the family wouldn't entertain them until they got back, which wouldn't be for a couple of weeks. "What can we do, Akamaru?" Akamaru whined, suggesting that he didn't know what to do. Kiba sighed and just thought about going back bored when something got his attention. Well, more like someone. "What the hell?" Kiba and Akamaru went to investigate and found Choji laughing, with Shikamaru sitting on top of him doing something to Choji. "Plehehehehease! Shihihihihika! Ihit tihihihihickles!" Choji laughed as he squirmed and giggled as he tried to get away. "It's supposed to, Cho. That's how tickling works." The smirking Shikamaru said as he started tickling Choji's neck, causing the young Akimichi boy to squeal and giggle like a little kid. Seeing his friends like this gave Kiba a great idea. He grinned at the thought of Kankuro's punishment and started walking back to his house.
Kankuro sighed and rubbed his temples. He was stressed and exhausted from all the working. Plus, It's been nearly fifteen minutes and Kiba hasn't came back yet. He was starting to get a bit worried. Was Kiba that upset? He was barely halfway done too! Oh, what was he going to tell Kiba? He was so focused on worrying about Kiba that he didn't hear the door opening. He felt someone's chakra in the air, but was too distracted to consider who it was. Kiba, on the other hand, was sneaking up behind Kankuro with an evil grin. He waited for his boyfriend to let his guard down. And the second Kankuro raised his arms-
Kiba tackled Kankuro to the ground and pinned him with his arms above his head. Kankuro was completely taken by surprise as he looked and saw Kiba over him. "What the hell, Kiba? What was that for?" "That was for lying to me. You said you would be finished in ten minutes." Kankuro got a bit nervous. "Uh, well I, uh... I'm halfway finished...kinda." "Kinda? That's not good enough for me." Kiba eyed his ribs and tummy. Kankuro, completely unaware what Kiba was thinking, got a little more nervous.
"Uh, Kiba? Are you gonna say something? You're freaking me out by not saying anything and staring at me like that." Kiba snapped out of his trance and grinned even wider. "Oh, you're in trouble now, Kankuro." Kankuro was now confused. He knew Kiba would never hurt him, but the thought of what Kiba might do to him was killing him. "Uh, what does that mean, exactly?" "Oh I'm certain you know what's coming." Kiba leaned in and whispered something in Kankuro's ear. "We both know what happens when you ignore me."
Kankuro's eyes widened in fear, his expression growing more nervous by the second. He had forgotten all the tickling he would get from Kiba whenever he would ignore him. And now that he's ignored Kiba yet again, he was for sure going to get it. "Wait, Kiba. We can talk about this." He struggled more under Kiba's weight as he tried to escape. "Nope. You're not getting out of this one, baby." "Kibaha, plehehease." "This is for ignoring me all day."
Kiba started tickling Kankuro's sides vigorously, to which Kankuro responded with loud and cute giggles. "Kihihihibahaha! Stahahahap!" "No. I just started. Plus, you deserve this. You knew this would happen if you ignored me." "I dihihidn't mehean to! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Kiba snuck his hands in Kankuro's shirt and tickled his sides more softly, knowing that his boyfriend was much more weaker to soft tickles. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Plehehehehease! I cahahahan't breheheathe!" Despite Kankuro's pleading, Kiba did not stop. That only encouraged him to continue. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Stahahahap ihihit nohohohohohow!" "Hmm. I wonder if Akamaru wants in on the fun." Kankuro hated when Kiba would bring Akamaru into this. When Akamaru would tickle him, he wouldn't stop unless Kiba said so. "Dohohohohon't you dahahahahare!" "Or else what?" Kiba asked with a smirk. "Or ehehelse I wohohon't vihihisit ahanymohohohohore!" Obviously that was the biggest lie he's ever told in his life. But if it meant it could get Kiba to stop, then he was willing to try anything.
And it worked because Kiba stopped immediately and got off of him with a worried look on his face. "No! You don't mean that, do you?" Kankuro continued laughing, but not because he was being tickled. It was because Kiba actually fell for his trick. "Mahan, you're so gullible. No I don't actually mean it." As Kankuro continued laughing, Kiba sat next to Kankuro and pouted. "That wasn't funny." "It was prehetty funny." Kiba growled. "Oh, I'll give you something to laugh about then." Kiba reached out to tickle Kankuro again, but Kankuro managed to grab his hands in time and hold them in place. "Oh no. I don't think so." Kankuro said. Kiba tried with all of his might to get free, but couldn't move anywhere.
"Damn it, Kankuro. You're ruining my fun." Kiba pouted again. "Aww, come on, baby." Kankuro poked Kiba's sides. Kiba twitched and suppressed his giggles. He didn't want to give his boyfriend the satisfaction of hearing him laugh. "Baby, come on. Don't pout. Let me see that cute smile of yours." Kankuro continued to poke his sides. Kiba squirmed and tried to get free, but all he could do was sit there and take the tickles. He shook his head while trying to keep his mouth shut. Kankuro, knowing that he would have to try harder, started squeezing Kiba's sides and hips, hoping that Kiba would at least crack a smile if he was going to be stubborn. Kiba let slip a few giggles with a small smile, but kept his mouth shut, now able to crawl away.
"Oh, no you don't." Kankuro dragged Kiba backwards and pinned him on his back. He continued tickling Kiba's sides and hips, and Kiba continued to fight back his urge to giggle. "Oh, come on, baby. You don't want me to see that cute smile of yours? That cute little baby smile you have?" Kiba lost his ability to hold back the giggles and let them all out. Kankuro's teasing was always more than enough to fluster Kiba and make him giggly.
"Nohohohohoho! Noho teheheheasing!" "Aww, there's my baby's precious smile." Kiba hid his face with his hands. "Stahahahap ihihit!" "And why should I? You didn't stop when I asked you to. And plus, didn't you want attention? Well, I'm giving it to you, aren't I?" Kiba squirmed like a dog giggling his head off. Of course, he obviously loved when Kankuro tickled him. It was his favorite way of getting attention. But Kankuro was supposed to be the one to fall into helpless giggles and beg for mercy. That was the entire point of the plan. And now that was ruined.
Kiba tried tickling Kankuro back in hopes of escaping. "Oh no no no. Not this time." Kankuro shot his hands in Kiba's armpits. Kiba threw his head back laughing three octaves higher and squirming more viciously than ever. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! BAHAHAHABY!" Kiba kicked his feet and continued to squirm while holding his arms at his sides, trapping Kankuro's fingers in the process. "NOHOHOHOT FAHAHAHAIR!" Kankuro simply chuckled as he continued to tickle the hell out of his cute boyfriend.
"KAHAHAHANKUROHOHOHO!" "Yes, my beloved baby boy toy?" Kiba's already red face went even redder than the marks on his face. Shaking his head violently, tears now streaming down his face, he tried everything he could to get free. "STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT NOHOHOHOHOHOW! NOHOHOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEASING! NOHOHOHO MOHORE TIHIHIHIHICKLES!" "And why not? Don't you want attention? Do you not want attention anymore? Does that mean I can get back to work on Crow now?"
That was the last straw. Kiba mustered the strength to overthrow Kankuro and pin him again. Regaining his breath, Kiba wipes the tears from his eyes. Finally being able to look down at Kankuro, he looked mad. "Uh, babe look. You tickled me, and I tickled you back. We're even now, right?" Kankuro was nervous. He was afraid of what Kiba might say or do. "Look, we can go hang out like you wanted to. How about a movie night? That sounds like a great idea, don't you think?" Kankuro tried to wiggle free, but found that he couldn't move. Mainly because of the fact that Kiba had his claws out. Kiba sighed and looked at Kankuro with a playful, yet menacing death glare. "Even? We're even? You tickled one of my worst tickle spots! So now, we're not even. I think it's time I get even with you..." "No. Kiba, you wouldn't." "Oh, I would." "Kiba, wait. We can talk about this." "It's too late for that."
Without giving Kankuro another chance to speak, Kiba attacked Kankuro's worst spot: his tummy. Kankuro bucked and howled with laughter as he was forced to endure the tummy tickles from Kiba. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kiba ignored his pleading. He raised his shirt past his upper belly and clawed at his tummy, specifically around the edges of his belly button. Poor Kankuro only laughed and squirmed like a toddler receiving tickles from their parents. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kankuro tried to cover his extremely ticklish tummy, but Kiba's hands were too fast and kept on moving to different parts of his tummy. Kankuro kicked, screamed, and squirmed viciously, but no matter what he did or how hard he tried, he couldn't get free or slow down the tickles. All he could do was lay there and take it.
"KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY!" "How do I know you're not lying to me just so I can stop? And besides, you're adorable when you're being tickled. You're just my little tickle toy." Kankuro had now reached his limit. If he wanted Kiba to stop, he had to do it. He had to admit defeat. Kankuro hated admitting defeat against Kiba in their tickle fights. Usually it was Kiba who admitted defeat. But this time, if he wanted to live, he would have to swallow his pride, and a couple breaths of air, and admit his defeat. "UHUHUNCLE! UHUHUNCLE! I GIHIHIHIVE! I GIHIHIHIVE! MEHEHEHEHERCY!" Kiba could tell Kankuro was reaching his limit. And he felt bad about going on for this long. Well...kinda.
"Alright, fine. I'll stop. But...I have to do one more thing, my cute baby." Kankuro violently shook his head, knowing what Kiba was going to do, but couldn't say anything because of the tickling. Kiba took a long, deep breath, lowered his head, and gave Kankuro a giant raspberry. Kankuro absolutely lost his mind in that exact moment. "AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laughter went silent in that moment, and that's when Kiba finally stopped. He got off of Kankuro and rubbed his back as he sat up and tried to steady his breathing. He even let Kankuro pet Akamaru to help him feel better.
After a few minutes, Kankuro could breathe again, but his goofy smile refused to leave. Kiba chuckled and grinned. "I see you had lots of fun there, baby." Kankuro pushed Kiba playfully. "Shut up. At least I wasn't the one crying in laughter." "You're the one who went into silent laughter." "You're the one who was extremely cute while being tickled like the little baby you are." Kankuro winked and pinched his face, making Kiba turn red in the face in embarrassment.
"All jokes aside, thank you, Kiba. I needed that break. A lot. I guess I shouldn't have been so focused on fixing Crow instead of you." Kiba placed a hand on Kankuro's back. "It's fine, babe. Honestly. I'm just glad you gave me attention and had fun." Kankuro smiled and gave him a huge hug, to which Kiba hugged back. After their big, they both looked at each other and kissed. They kissed for about a minute before breaking it and looking back at each other. "Oh, just one more thing." Kiba said before poking Kankuro's sides again. "Don't ever ignore me again." "Okahahay! I wohohon't!" Kiba stopped. Kankuro smiled at him.
"Can I get back to fixing Crow now? Please?" Kiba sat and thought about it for a bit. "Oh okay. I'll let you work on your toy now." Now it was Kankuro's turn to poke Kiba's sides. "Crow is not a toy. He's a friend." "Hahahaha! Okahahay! He's aha friehehehehend! A friehehehehend!" Kankuro stopped and giggled as he turned to work on fixing Crow. Kiba sat next to him and watched him for a while. Eventually, Kiba felt drowsy and fell asleep, leaning on Kankuro as he fell asleep. Kankuro looked at him and giggled as he reached for their blanket from the couch and wrapped it around them and Akamaru, who walked next to Kiba and started sleeping as well. As Kankuro finished wrapping the blanket around the three of them, Kankuro gave Kiba a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Kankuro." Kiba said half asleep with a big smile. "I love you too, Kiba, you cute baby boy." Kankuro responded with his smile before turning to finish fixing Crow. After he was done, he would put Kiba to bed and cuddle with him for a bit. He deserved cuddles after today. And so did Kiba.
*Author's Note
I am a huge fan of this ship and will forever be here for it. I hope you loved this fic as much as I do. I think this is one of my favorite fics so far. If you want to see a headcannon for this ship or any other ship (from Naruto, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, or Demon Slayer), my dms and asks are always open. I will respond as fast as I can. And don't be shy in asking. I don't judge and I'm willing to make friends.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥Shoto-chann🔥❄️ out
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jchnstones · 3 years
Ben Chilwell | All Too Well (part 1)
song recommendation: state of grace - (taylor's version)
i hope you guys enjoy this mini series, i loved writing it lots and lots <3
part one | part two | part three
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word count: 1,537
November - the first fire
four months before
NOVEMBER FOURTEENTH, The day of the annual england national team celebration party. an excuse for near and distant friends, family and lovers to come together one last time to recollect old victories before the next set of antics begin.
your usual invite from mason saw you drunk in the middle of Declan's living room at last years party, sprawled across the glass dining table, mascara smudged across your face. wine spilled onto the white rug, glitter and empty red cups scattered across the hardwood floor.
this years do was moved into a huge hall, banners and balloons hung across walls, confetti replacing the glitter from the previous years. with a dress code of formal and a firm warning for you all to behave, you were nothing but forced to keep the tone down this year. besides, nobody wanted a repeat of kane and maguire drunkenly swinging from each other's necks roaring sweet caroline on karaoke.
you sit alone at the bar, outside of the main hall. chelsea dagger echoing through the walls, you can already taste the bitterness of pints being thrown in the air, voices yelling along to the chorus. a break away from the football hooligans themselves was long overdue after dancing your way around the hall in heels.
as the song blares, the door to the main hall opens, the bass getting louder for a few seconds before instantly returning to its dull echo again. out steps ben, flushed red cheeks and eyes that are tiring.
he wears a grey suit, just like the one he wore for photo day in june. if mason, your best friend since nursery, hadn't already told you they'd both went to get theirs fitted together the other week, you'd have guessed he pulled the same suit from the archive.
his trousers hug around his thighs, sleeves folded as the top two buttons of his cotton shirt lay undone. you could see the bare skin on his chest, glossy from the heat of the hall.
he struts over, eyes gleaming as he approaches.
"hey, you." he says, his forearms resting against the bar as he leans. "i haven't seen you all night. you okay?"
ben smiles softly, his green eyes glistening from the dim lit lights that hang low above you both.
"i'm okay, just needed some quiet time. it's a little overwhelming in there." you return his smile, holding his gaze.
"you came for some air too?"
"yeah. yeah you could say that." ben chuckles, his head falling as he does so.
"it's getting rowdy. a lot of shots are being flung back in there right now." he returns his eyes to yours, taking a heavy breath. "no doubt stones is having war flashbacks right now."
you titter, the memory of john’s face turning sour from the endless shots of tequila pickford continued to hand him last year flashing through your mind.
"well, it's nice to see you finally, i'm glad you're having fun. you've done everyone really proud this year."
you stretch your arm over, rubbing your palm against his bicep. You can feel him tense as you press against him, your stomach sinking.
this felt like a moment you knew all too well. the year had already been full of stolen glances, accidental hand brushes and pathetic excuses to try and make each other laugh. the ignorance you both shared towards the situation was so apparent that even mason commented on it sometimes, you denying his words as though your heart didn't ache for him.
your hand resting on the bar, you watch as he places his clammy fingertips against the marble. he taps his fingernails as he stands with thought, eyebrows furrowed slightly whilst his eyes scan the drinks menu pinnned on the board behind the bar.
you hesitate to move, every minuscule atom in you threatening to edge even just an inch closer to his body-his hands. please just come closer your eyes beg, hoping he'd meet your gaze and be able read you like his favourite book.
but he does no such thing.
watching as his eyes skim over the words, you trace your tongue over your bottom lip. you notice ever little fragile detail about him. his hair falls eligantly over his brow, nose pointed at its end. you want to trace the outline of his indents; his cupid's bow, soft laughter lines, the line that holds his jaw.
"let me get you a drink," you burst, "i'll chose seems as you can't decide." 
he looks towards you, cheeks attempting to pull his lips into a smile; the tug of his teeth restrains the grin.
"alright; hit me."
you call the bartender over, squinting your eyes as they quickly run over the drinks menu.
"two sambuca shots please."
ben winces, throwing his hand over his eyes. he sighs, his lips now curving into the grin his teeth couldn't stop from growing.
"you didn't," he mutters. "do you remember what happened to us last time?"
"how could i forget?"
the last time you'd taken a shot together, mason had handed out sambuca shots to everybody he could reach. ben hated the liqueur, but didn't let on. you'd bounced over to him, drunkenly begging him hook arms with you to do it together. he'd agreed, of course, shakily looping his arm around yours. glasses at the ready, the room echoed a countdown before necking them back, bens face scrunching as it his tongue. with no time to process it, ben spits his out, ricocheting onto your white dress. the shock of his actions causing you to do the same, spraying it all over his grey t-shirt. eyes full of panic, ben stood back from you, stunned at what just happened. almost in sync, a burst of hysteria choruses from the pair of you, collapsing into each other's arms.
"it's been a year, i thought you'd have had practice, no?"
you laugh, taking your shot from the bartender. ben picks his up, swilling it carefully around the tiny glass.
"of course i have. mason shoves it down my throat whenever he can. doesn't let me live that night down."
he inches closer to you, eyes glued to yours. he's careful, breathing getting heavier as he stops in front of you. standing from the stool you're sat at, your eyes scan over his lips; he's so close now.
"hook my arm," he proposes, holding his arm out for you to hook yours around his. you pause, reluctant to move once more. heart pounding, you wrap your forearm around his, stepping closer to reach your glass.
"on the count of three," he whispers.
"one, two,"
"three." you chorus.
both pouring the liquid into your mouths, neither of you flinch. ben swallows it, opening his mouth to show you that it's all gone.
"impressive benjamin. congratulations".
he untangles your arms, clinking the glass to the marble.
"thanks, i learnt from the best." he brushes his fingers through his hair, sweeping the few stray strands falling back to where they were originally.
"so, me?" you question, finger pointing to your chest. you let out a giggle, bens eyes rolling as his teeth show, laughing himself.
"you're so childish." he comments, shaking his head.
the laughter fades, and for a few moments, it's silent. he's searing, you can see it. his eyes glued to yours, his cheeks attempting to light the fire you so desperately wanted to blaze. with his lips parted, he's watching the way you simmer as you stand observing him.
and as though he finally sees his favourite line written on your face, he says it.
"i know you're falling for me," he whispers, inching closer to you. "i know you're scared. don't be." he doesn't move, his eyes eager for you to let him in.
you sigh, your shoulders deflating. you'd been waiting for him to say anything for months, and tonight he'd finally saw enough to let go.
eyes still stuck on his, you reach your hand out to his cheek. you're right, he's on fire, skin warm to the touch. you cup his chin with your thumb, his arm wrapping around your waist as he pulls you in as close as he can.
"are you sure you want to do this?" you murmur, eyes flicking back and forth from both of his.
"i've never been so sure of anything in my life." he replies, head tilting as his lips come closer to press against yours. they taste like the liqueur he'd just spilled into his veins, the familiarity of it sending goosebumps over your skin.
you press against him, hands wandering to his hair, fingers clasping around his strands.
you can feel your own skin burning against his. perhaps the warmth is enough to set his world on fire; just like he'd made yours.
pulling away, bens grip on your hips stays tight. he stares into you, face full of lust. you can see it in the way his pupils dilate, he wants you more now than ever.
"i've been waiting to do that for a long time." he whispers, breath tickling your skin.
you grin, hand gripping onto the collar of his shirt.
and so you'd let him in. he's so much closer now than perhaps he'd ever be.
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lboogie1906 · 7 months
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First Sergeant Robert A. Pinn (March 1, 1843 - January 1, 1911) was an attorney and Civil War hero who received the Congressional Medal of Honor from President Abraham Lincoln. He was born free to William and Zilphia Broxton-Pinn, in Stark County, Ohio. His father William Pinn escaped from slavery and fled to Ohio at the age of eighteen. He worked on farms for several years before marrying Zilphia Broxton, a white resident of Stark County. He and his nine siblings were born on the family farm in Stark County. He married Emily J. Manzilla, in 1867, and the couple had one child.
He attempted to join the Union Army at the beginning of the Civil War but was blocked from enlisting because of his race. He joined the 19th Ohio Infantry in 1861 as a civilian worker, marched south with the regiment, and despite his non-military status, fought at the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee in 1862. He fought in several other engagements although not as an enlisted soldier. President Abraham Lincoln authorized the use of African American troops in combat after issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. He joined the 5th United States Colored Troop, Infantry Regiment in Massillon, Ohio, on September 5, 1863.
He was promoted to Sergeant on October 18, 1863, just over a month after he joined the regiment. He was promoted to First Sergeant on September 1, 1864. He received the Medal of Honor for his heroic action at The Battle of New Market Heights. He took command of his company after all the officers had been killed or wounded.
He studied at Oberlin College (1874-77). He taught school in Cairo, Illinois, and Newberry, South Carolina. He returned to Ohio and Oberlin where he completed his law studies, and was admitted to the Ohio Bar in 1879, becoming the first African American lawyer in Massillon County.
He had a distinguished career as an attorney and a Pensions and Claims Agent for the US Pension Bureau. He was active in the Republican Party where he served as a delegate to the 1891 Ohio convention. He was the first African American Commander of Hart Post 134 of the Grand Army of the Republic. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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