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2023/04/30 La ciudad está atravesada por un río y hay muchos puentes que lo cruzan para comunicar las dos partes. En ambas orillas los edificios son muy bonitos, con las tradicionales fachadas de azulejos.
The city is crossed by a river and there are many bridges that cross it to communicate the two parts. On both banks the buildings are very beautiful, with traditional tiled facades.
Google Translation into French: La ville est traversée par une rivière et de nombreux ponts la traversent pour faire communiquer les deux parties. Sur les deux rives, les bâtiments sont très jolis, avec des façades en tuiles traditionnelles.
Google translation into Italian: La città è attraversata da un fiume e molti ponti la attraversano per mettere in comunicazione le due parti. Su entrambe le sponde, gli edifici sono molto belli, con le tradizionali facciate in piastrelle.
Google Translation into Portuguese: A cidade é atravessada por um rio e muitas pontes o atravessam para comunicar as duas partes. Em ambas as margens, os edifícios são muito bonitos, com fachadas de azulejos tradicionais.
Google Translation into German: Die Stadt wird von einem Fluss durchzogen und von vielen Brücken überquert, um die beiden Teile zu verbinden. An beiden Ufern sind die Gebäude mit traditionellen Ziegelfassaden sehr hübsch.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Qyteti përshkohet nga një lumë dhe përshkohet nga shumë ura për të lidhur të dy pjesët. Në të dy brigjet, ndërtesat me fasada tradicionale me tulla janë shumë të bukura.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քաղաքը անցնում է գետով և անցնում բազմաթիվ կամուրջներով՝ երկու մասերը միացնելու համար։ Երկու ափերին էլ ավանդական աղյուսե ճակատներով շենքերը շատ գեղեցիկ են։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Градът е пресечен от река и пресечен от много мостове, за да свържат двете части. И на двата бряга сградите с традиционни тухлени фасади са много красиви.
Google Translation into Czech: Městem protéká řeka a přes něj vede mnoho mostů, které obě části spojují. Na obou březích jsou velmi pěkné budovy s tradičními cihlovými fasádami.
Google Translation into Croatian: Grad presijeca rijeka i presijecaju ga mnogi mostovi koji povezuju dva dijela. S obje strane, zgrade s tradicionalnim fasadama od opeke vrlo su lijepe.
Google Translation into Danish Byen krydses af en flod og krydses af mange broer for at forbinde de to dele. På begge bredder er bygningerne med traditionelle murstensfacader meget smukke.
Google Translation into Slovak: Mestom preteká rieka a cez ňu vedie množstvo mostov, ktoré obe časti spájajú. Na oboch brehoch sú budovy s tradičnými tehlovými fasádami veľmi pekné.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Mesto prečka reka in prečkajo številni mostovi, ki povezujejo oba dela. Na obeh bregovih so stavbe s tradicionalnimi opečnimi fasadami zelo lepe.
Google Translation into Estonian: Linna läbib jõgi ja neid läbib palju sildu, mis ühendavad kahte osa. Mõlemal kaldal on traditsiooniliste telliskivifassaadidega hooned väga ilusad.
Google Translation into Suomi: Kaupungin halki kulkee joki, ja sen halki kulkee monia siltoja, jotka yhdistävät nämä kaksi osaa. Molemmilla rannoilla perinteiset tiilijulkisivut ovat erittäin kauniita.
Google Translation into Georgian: ქალაქს კვეთს მდინარე და კვეთს მრავალი ხიდი, რომლებიც აკავშირებს ორ ნაწილს. ორივე ნაპირზე, ტრადიციული აგურის ფასადებით შენობები ძალიან ლამაზია.
Google Translation into Greek: Η πόλη διασχίζεται από ένα ποτάμ�� και διασχίζεται από πολλές γέφυρες για να ενώσει τα δύο μέρη. Και στις δύο όχθες, τα κτίρια με τις παραδοσιακές προσόψεις από τούβλα είναι πολύ όμορφα.
Google Translation into Dutch: De stad wordt doorkruist door een rivier en doorkruist door vele bruggen om de twee delen met elkaar te verbinden. Aan beide oevers zijn de gebouwen met traditionele bakstenen gevels erg mooi.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Byen krysses av en elv og krysses av mange broer for å forbinde de to delene. På begge breddene er bygningene med tradisjonelle murfasader veldig pene.
Google Translation into Polish: Miasto przecina rzeka i wiele mostów łączących obie części. Na obu brzegach bardzo ładne są budynki z tradycyjnymi ceglanymi elewacjami.
Google Translation into Romanian: Orașul este străbătut de un râu și traversat de multe poduri pentru a lega cele două părți. Pe ambele maluri, clădirile cu fațade tradiționale din cărămidă sunt foarte frumoase.
Google Translation into Russian: Город пересекает река и множество мостов, соединяющих две части. На обоих берегах очень красивы здания с традиционными кирпичными фасадами.
Google Translation into Serbian: Град је пресечен реком и преко њега многи мостови који повезују два дела. На обе обале, зграде са традиционалним фасадама од цигле су веома лепе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Staden korsas av en flod och korsas av många broar för att förbinda de två delarna. På båda bankerna är byggnaderna med traditionella tegelfasader mycket vackra.
Google Translation into Turkish: Şehir bir nehir tarafından geçilir ve iki bölümü birbirine bağlayan birçok köprü ile geçilir. Her iki yakada da geleneksel tuğla cepheli binalar çok güzel.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Місто перетинає річка та перетинає багато мостів, які з’єднують дві частини. На обох берегах дуже гарні будівлі з традиційними цегляними фасадами.
Google Translation into Arabic: يعبر المدينة نهر ويقطعها العديد من الجسور لربط الجزأين. على كلا الضفتين ، المباني ذات الواجهات التقليدية المبنية من الطوب جميلة للغاية.
Google Translation into Bengali: শহরটি একটি নদী পেরিয়ে এবং দুটি অংশকে সংযোগ করার জন্য অনেকগুলি সেতু দিয়ে অতিক্��ম করেছে। উভয় তীরে, ঐতিহ্যবাহী ইটের সম্মুখভাগের ভবনগুলি খুব সুন্দর।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 这座城市被一条河流穿过,并有许多桥梁将两部分连接起来。 在两岸,传统砖砌外墙的建筑非常漂亮。
Google Translation into Korean: 도시는 강을 건너고 두 부분을 연결하는 많은 다리가 교차합니다. 양쪽 기슭 모두 전통적인 벽돌 외관을 가진 건물들이 매우 예쁘다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: את העיר חוצה נהר וחוצים אותה גשרים רבים כדי לחבר בין שני החלקים. בשתי הגדות, הבניינים עם חזיתות לבנים מסורתיות יפים מאוד.
Google Translation into Hindi: शहर को एक नदी द्वारा पार किया जाता है और दो भागों को जोड़ने के लिए कई पुलों को पार किया जाता है। दोनों किनारों पर, पारंपरिक ईंट के अग्रभाग वाली इमारतें बहुत सुंदर हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kota ini dilintasi sungai dan dilintasi banyak jembatan untuk menghubungkan kedua bagian tersebut. Di kedua tepian, bangunan dengan fasad bata tradisional sangat cantik.
Google Translation into Japanese: 市内には川が流れ、多くの橋がかかって二つの部分が結ばれています。 両岸には伝統的なレンガ造りの建物がとても美しいです。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Шаарды дарыя кесип өтөт жана эки бөлүктү бириктирүү үчүн көптөгөн көпүрөлөр аркылуу өтөт. Эки жээкте салттуу кирпичтен жасалган имараттар абдан кооз.
Google Translation into Malay: Bandar ini dilintasi oleh sungai dan dilalui oleh banyak jambatan untuk menghubungkan kedua-dua bahagian. Di kedua-dua tebing, bangunan dengan fasad bata tradisional sangat cantik.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Хотыг гол гаталж, олон гүүрээр гаталж хоёр хэсгийг холбодог. Хоёр эрэг дээр уламжлалт тоосгон фасадтай барилгууд маш үзэсгэлэнтэй юм.
Google Translation into Nepali: सहरलाई नदी पार गरिएको छ र दुई भागहरू जोड्न धेरै पुलहरू पार गरिएको छ। दुबै किनारमा, परम्परागत ईंटको अनुहारका भवनहरू धेरै राम्रा छन्।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਨਦੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਪਾਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਦੋ ਹਿੱਸਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਜੋੜਨ ਲਈ ਕਈ ਪੁਲਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਪਾਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਦੋਵਾਂ ਕਿਨਾਰਿਆਂ 'ਤੇ, ਰਵਾਇਤੀ ਇੱਟ ਦੇ ਚਿਹਰੇ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਇਮਾਰਤਾਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਹਨ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: ښار د سیند په واسطه تیریږي او د ډیری پلونو لخوا تیریږي ترڅو دوه برخې سره وصل کړي. په دواړو غاړو کې، د خښتو دودیزو مخونو ودانۍ خورا ښکلې دي.
Google Translation into Persian: رودخانه ای از شهر عبور می کند و پل های زیادی برای اتصال این دو قسمت از آن عبور می کند. در هر دو سو، ساختمان هایی با نمای آجری سنتی بسیار زیبا هستند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kota ieu diliwatan ku walungan jeung diliwatan ku loba sasak pikeun nyambungkeun dua bagian. Dina duanana bank, wangunan jeung facades bata tradisional geulis pisan.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ang lungsod ay tinatawid ng isang ilog at binabagtas ng maraming tulay upang pag-ugnayin ang dalawang bahagi. Sa magkabilang bangko, napakaganda ng mga gusaling may tradisyonal na brick facade.
Google Translation into Thai: เมืองนี้ถูกข้ามด้วยแม่น้ำและมีสะพานมากมายเชื่อมระหว่างสองส่วน บนฝั่งทั้งสองฝั่ง อาคารที่ก่อด้วยอิฐแบบดั้งเดิมนั้นสวยงามมาก
Google Translation into Urdu: شہر کو ایک دریا سے عبور کیا جاتا ہے اور دونوں حصوں کو ملانے کے لیے کئی پلوں سے گزرتا ہے۔ دونوں کناروں پر، روایتی اینٹوں سے بنی عمارتیں بہت خوبصورت ہیں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Shaharni daryo kesib o'tadi va ikki qismni bog'lash uchun ko'plab ko'priklar o'tadi. Ikkala qirg'oqda ham an'anaviy g'ishtli jabhali binolar juda chiroyli.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Thành phố được bắc qua một con sông và bắc qua nhiều cây cầu để nối hai ph��n. Hai bên bờ, những tòa nhà với mặt tiền bằng gạch truyền thống rất đẹp.
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Off the cuff, but:
Klart glass fra vesterhavs bredder
Importert gjennom Macau:
Formet til linser store som mynter,
Som gir øynene dobbel ramme.
Jeg tar dem på - og se, det er klart!
Jeg kan se alle tings tupper!
Og lese finskrift ved et tussmørkt vindu
Slik som da jeg var ung.
Kong Shangren, the guy who became popular at the early Qing court for writing a play that was (in part) about how sad it was that the Qing had taken over, was alive at the time glasses came to Qing via the Portuguese. He wrote this poem:
White glass from across the Western Seas Is imported through Macao: Fashioned into lenses big as coins, They encompass the eyes in a double frame. I put them on—it suddenly becomes clear; I can see the very tips of things! And read fine print by the dim-lit window Just like in my youth.
ngl, I kind of teared up.
#poetry translation#chinese to english to norwegian#off the cuff#could likely do better if I took some time#also if I could read the original#this is a translation of a translation and likely suffers for it#at least there's no rhymes to preserve
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Jusen flyter over sine bredder Skynd deg og finn din skredder Reparer før natten setter inn Kom! Bli med meg inn og sitt ned
Vi skal kose oss med saften av nyttår Kvelden er enda ung, vi er unge, kose oss Vi skal se en god film, og spise god mat Det beste som vi spiser er ikke julemat
Det er viktig å sette sitt endelige standpunkt Å gå fremfor og være et eksemplar for andre å følge De følger deg uansett hvilken vei du tar, i medvind og motbakke Jeg håper du vet hva du prater om, gå og nyt Nyttår-Saften!
Michael Antonio Sjonbotn
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Läderbälten är ofta betraktade som de bästa av flera skäl:
Hållbarhet: Läder är extremt slitstarkt och kan hålla i många år med rätt skötsel.
Klassisk stil: Läderbälten har en tidlös och elegant estetik. De kan enkelt komplettera både formella och avslappnade kläder och ger ett sofistikerat utseende.
Naturlig komfort: Läder är ett naturligt material som formar sig efter kroppen och ger en bekväm passform över tid.
Reparation och underhåll: Om ett läderbälte skulle skadas kan det ofta repareras och underhållas. Läder kan poleras och behandlas för att hålla sig i bra skick.
Mångsidighet: Läderbälten finns i många olika stilar och bredder, vilket gör dem lämpliga för alla typer av kläder och tillfällen.
Kvalitetssignal: Ett läderbälte signalerar ofta hög kvalitet och kan vara ett tecken på god smak och stil.
Here are some premium collection of our BÄLTEN
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Beliebte Weihnachtsgeschenke für Surfer in Deutschland
Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit standest du noch barfuß auf deinem Surfboard mit deinen Freunden irgendwo am Meer. Jetzt bist du zurück im kalten Deutschland und stehst mit deinen Kuschelsocken am Glühweinstand. Was könntest du also dir selbst oder deinen Freunden zu Weihnachten schenken, um zuhause ein bisschen Surf-Feeling aufkommen zu lassen? Hier findest du 20 beliebte Weihnachtsgeschenke für Surfer in Deutschland, von denen du dich inspirieren lassen kannst.1. Schlüsselanhänger Ein Surfboard-Schlüsselanhänger ist das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk für alle Surf-Enthusiasten. Kompakt und stilvoll, verleiht er jedem Schlüsselbund eine Prise Surfer-Vibes. Mit dem kleinen Accessoire trägst du das Surfgefühl immer bei dir, erinnerst dich an sonnige Tage am Strand und freust dich auf deinen nächsten Surftrip.2. Pullover Obwohl du beim Surfen einen warmen Neoprenanzug trägst, kann es sein, dass dir im Anschluss dennoch kalt wird. Schließlich hast du einige Stunden im kühlen Wasser verbracht. Dann kann ein kuschlig-warmer Pullover helfen, in den du für den Rest des Tages schlüpfen kannst. Die findest du übrigens auch bei uns im Shop! 3. Boardsocke Für alle, die ihr eigenes Surfboard besitzen, ist eine Boardsocke das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk. Sie sorgt dafür, dass du dein Surfboard immer sicher transportieren kannst, sei es im Auto oder auf dem Weg zum Strand. Das Beste daran ist, dass es viele coole Designs zur Auswahl gibt! So ist deine Boardsocke nicht nur funktionell, sondern spiegelt auch deinen persönlichen Stil wider.4. Kalender mit Surffotos Selbstgestaltete Kalender für das nächste Jahr sind eine besondere Art, die Erinnerungen an deinen Surfurlaub lebendig zu halten. Bei Anbietern wie "Kartenmacherei" kannst du deine eigenen Bilder verwenden. Sie bekommen eine ganz besondere Bedeutung, wenn sie das ganze Jahr über an deiner Wand betrachtet werden können.5. Leash – eine neue geht immer! Eine Leash ist oft schneller abgenutzt als man denkt. Und ich glaube niemand von euch möchte nach einem Wipe-out sein Board im Line-up suchen, weil die Leash gerissen ist. So get a new one!6. Balance Board Ein Balance Board hilft dir dabei, eine niedrige Stehposition auf dem Surfboard zu trainieren. So verhinderst du einen der häufigsten Fehler beim Surfen lernen: dass das Board unter den Füßen nach vorne wegrutscht. Bei Bredder bekommst du 10 % Rabatt mit dem Code „Fresh10“. Hier gelangst du direkt zur Webseite.7. Surfponcho Wer keine Lust hat, seinen Hintern auf dem Präsentierteller in die Sonne zu halten, dürfte sich über diese mobile Umkleidekabine besonders freuen. Einfach reinschlüpfen, Neo an und los gehts. Das Umziehen an kalten Tagen war noch nie so easy wie mit einem Surfponcho. Wir können dir die Surfponchos von „Wiemeer“ sehr empfehlen, die kannst du auch bei uns im Shop kaufen! Du bekommst außerdem 5 % Rabatt mit dem Code „Fresh_wiemeer“.8. Flasche Eine Thermotrinkflasche, die dein Getränk sowohl kühlen als auch wärmen kann, ist immer ein praktisches Geschenk. Außerdem ist es gut für die Umwelt, denn du vermeidest Einweg Plastikflaschen. Denn jeder kann etwas zu einem nachhaltigeren Lebensstil beitragen !9. Golden Ride Magazin Das Golden Ride Magazine ist ein Actionsport Magazine, dass sich zwar speziell an Frauen richtet, aber wir finden, dass es Lesevergnügen für jeden bietet. Uns gefällt besonders das liebevoll gestaltete Design und die tolle Auswahl an Storys und Interviews. Das Magazin ist eine absolute Bereicherung für deine Überbrückung bis zum nächsten Surfurlaub. Übrigens gibt es von Golden Ride auch Magazine zum Thema Snowboarden, Mountainbike und Gravelbike und eine kleine Kollektion an liebevoll gestalteten T-Shirts mit Surf-Motiven. Hier kannst du das Magazin bestellen.10. Ohrenstöpsel gegen Surfers Ear Auf unsere Ohren zu achten, sollte selbstverständlich sein. Denn eine Mittelohrentzündung oder die typischen „Surfers Ear“ während des Urlaubs sind nicht nur nervig, sondern können auch richtig schmerzhaft sein. Und das Surfen kannst du dir dann erst recht abschminken… Also lieber die neuen Ohrenstöpsel mit in den Urlaub nehmen und kein Risiko eingehen!11. Schlüsselsafe Stell dir vor, du kommst aus dem Wasser und deine Sachen wurden geklaut, oder noch schlimmer, dein Auto ist weg! An vielen Surfspots ist es normal, dass der Schlüssel auf dem Reifen liegt, während man im Wasser ist, aber ein Risiko ist es immer. Also warum nicht eine Schlüsselbox unter den Baum legen, um eure Sachen beim nächsten Surftrip zu schützen.12. Surfer Schmuck Es gibt genügend Anbieter, bei denen du passenden Surfer-Schmuck finden solltest. Besonders beliebt sind Ketten oder Armbänder mit kleinen Muscheln, ein Wellen-Ring oder einfach ein zartes Armband, ohne Diamanten oder viel Glitzer! Viel Spaß beim Stöbern.13. Surfskateboard Dank besonders beweglicher Achsen kann man auf Surfskates fast genauso schön Cruisen wie im Wasser und gleichzeitig kannst du an deiner Technik feilen. Beliebt sind z.B. die Cruiser von Carver Skateboards im bunten Look, die von uns erprobt und für sehr gut befundenen wurden. Bei uns kannst du übrigens auch Surfskating in einem Kurs ausprobieren!14. Wachs / Zink Kann jeder Surfer und jede Surferin gebrauchen, denn Wachs benötigt jedes Surfboard. Ansonsten kann es ganz schön rutschig werden… Zink ist wichtig, um dein Gesicht vor der Sonne zu schützen, damit du mit 30 nicht die Falten eines 70-jährigen hast!15. Buch zum Thema Surfen Ein Klassiker, der immer gut ankommt! Du musst nur das passende Buch finden und zack, hast du das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk. Es gibt unzählige tolle Bücher rund um das Thema Surfen, such dich einfach mal ein wenig durch die verschiedenen Empfehlungen die du online findest. Hier findest du einige Bücher für Surfer!16. Finnen Damit ist dein Surfboard im Nu noch schicker. Und auf einem längeren Surftrip lohnt es sich immer, ein Extra-Finnenset parat zu haben, falls deine im Wasser mal verloren gehen. Allerdings sollte vor dem Kauf klar sein, welches Finnensystem das zugehörige Surfbrett hat. Schau also bei der nächsten Surfsession einfach mal genauer hin, damit es kein Fehlkauf wird.17. Hut Egal ob du dich am Strand vor einem Sonnenstich schützen möchtest oder den Hut mit zum Surfen nimmst. Wichtig ist, sich nicht ungeschützt stundenlang der Sonne auszusetzen. Vor allem aufgrund der Spiegelung der Sonne im Wasser solltest du besonders aufpassen. So schützt du gleichzeitig dein Gesicht und wirst nicht geblendet.18. Bilder für Zuhause Kahle Wände findet keiner schön, und es gibt viele großartige Künstler, die dir den Surfer Vibe an deine Wand bringen! Das hebt direkt die Stimmung in den eigenen vier Wänden und lässt deine Wohnung aufblühen.19. Mütze An Orten an denen man Surfen kann, gibt es neben den Wellen meistens noch eine ordentliche kalte Brise! Und das kann bei nassen Haaren schnell zu einer Erkältung führen. Eine kuschlige Mütze kann dich davor bewahren und hält dich nach dem Surfen warm.20. Surfkurs Gutschein Wenn ihr schon wisst, wo der nächste Surftrip hingeht, dann ist ein Surfkursgutschein das perfekte Geschenk. Oder der Gutschein dient als Motivation für einen weiteren gemeinsamen Surfurlaub 😉 Die Gutscheine bekommst du selbstverständlich auch bei uns, wir freuen uns, euch bald hier zu treffen!Am Ende ist die Wahl des Geschenks natürlich deine Entscheidung. Wir möchten dich mit diesen beliebten Weihnachtsgeschenken für Surfer inspirieren, dass richtige Geschenk zu finden. Wir hoffen, dass dir die Ideen weiterhelfen und wünsche euch allen eine schöne Weihnachtszeit! Genießt die Zeit mit eurer Familie und euren Freunden, am Ende zählt doch vor allem die Liebe, die hinter dem Geschenk steckt. 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happiness is when your teammate wins and you celebrate together! 🎊🏆🎊 we ( holger, damodara and I from the @supsportclub ) made a spontanous trip to the slowenian kayak downwind/open ocean championships where a good pack of sup paddlers also took part in the 15km race down the coastline from koper to portoroz 🙌🏻 the start was in a bay, so I thought outside it will be a little wind and pumps to ride...my raceplan was to stay in the pack and relax... let the young gun @damodara_m899 on his brand new flatwater board go alone until we reach the downwind part. so I had nice first 5km with @rokpuvar and @domagojpaukovic leading the pack with a super strong @caterinastenta and andrej spelic going together in calm sea. when we came out of the bay I recognized that there was no wind... and the choppy water was not made to surf it 😅😱🙈 damodara was already 500m in the lead...so I started to push hard to catch him... at the end I came close enough to stress him out and make him reach a new heartrate records 🤪 but he was strong enough to stay in front of me and take the well deserved win! 🏆🎊🏆 THANK YOU @kajakkanuklubzusterna for the warm welcome and the perfect organisation! 🤩❤️🙏🏻 we will be back for sure! 💯 #slowenia #nodownwind #suptraining #bredder #supsportclubgraz #supgraz #vitaminwell #standuppaddlegraz #lb9brand #lb9 #supclubgraz #fanatic #fanaticsup #fanaticaustria #standoutsupwear #doyoustandout #standout #ionactionsports #ionaustria #austria #graz #sup #vitaminwellaustria #standuppaddling #standuppaddle #addictedtoride #asvösteiermark #iamsupracer #chrisdiver (at Koper, Slovenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8v_wgthSa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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When you heard your doctor explain what could happen, you didn't just ignorne him you took him home. You had him rail you in the moving van as they moved your 1000 pound body home. He twisted his own station to get you strongest fertility meds he could find, even though he described you as hyper fertile allready. To make shure you were knocked up he stayed as your at home doctor under observation for a week of debauchery him and his 5 friends from the selfe described "bredders club" the effects were so fast you have never been so hungry or horny.
(1) (3)
I am a mess! A man who was 1000 pounds couldn’t possibly get bigger, could he???
I am blinded with cocks and my own fat as the doctor invites his friends over to ��take care of me”. The signs of pregnancy were instant. The meds work out fabulously and my doctor claims that there were over 40 babies in my womb since my third party with him and the Breeder’s club.
But his state-of-the-art ultrasound machine only could of pick up to that number at maximum, so there was a high possibility that not all the babies that were counted.
Now, every second of the day, I would grow a couple inches bigger. The 1000 pounds took me years to achieve but in under a month with the hyperpregnancy, I gained a new 1000. My custom-made bed breaks in that time and I’m left to lay on the ground, no other beds were available to adapt to me. And I had the greatest orgasm when I fell.
But achieving the best orgasm was the regular for me now with how oversensitive my body became. The doctor could just touch one of my tits, which has since filled with more milk than any cow farm could supply, and fireworks would go off inside of me. Long before I got knocked up, I couldn’t get any clothes; nothing fitted me.
But as I progressed in my pregnancy, literally nothing could have fit me. The walls of my room started to get close in and I suspected that I might break through them soon.
But before that could happen, a team of scientists abduct me from my home after someone reports the abnormality of my behavior and saw a little peek of my inflating body through my windows. My whole neighborhood became aware of my pregnancy and rapid morbid weight gain as it happened, so I suspected it was a worried, nosy neighbor tipped this team off.
They transfer me to a special, remote medical facility to study of my advanced pregnancy and weight gain. My doctor (who managed to avoid any consequences of not notifying any medical boards about me) was still there. He monitored me with the rest of the team, fed me in the same routine we had already established and fucked me just the same, though, in secret this time.
My scale rose to record-breaking number to record-breaking number. I would hear my doctors count in horror, “19,000… 19,100… 19,120…”
I couldn’t see anything other than me. I had grown too monstrously gigantic that I couldn’t see over my yoga ball sized tits and my round, chubby cheeks would force my eyes to squint. This was me at 5 months.
In my daily schedule of growing my unhealthily large litter of babies, eating and fattening up, my doctors would have to ask if I’m okay. With the overabundance of fat that beset my system, they had to check on my mental state.
But to their surprise each time, I was beyond content with my life. And I’d say to them each day that I was just great! A big happy mess! 😊
#fat kink#obesity#immobility#pregnancy kink#hyperpregnancy#mpreg#feeling really kinky ~ 😈#answered 💕#anon answered#pregnant fantasy#wg fantasy#wg kink#🥵
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Lamb, Valdimar Jóhannsson, 2021
Dans une ferme isolé en Islande, un couple d’éleveurs voit naître une créature mi-brebis mi-humaine. Ils décident de l’élever comme leur enfant. J’adore l’atmosphère rude des paysages islandais et la bizarrerie de ce conte.
In a remote farm in Iceland, a couple of bredders is the witness of a strange newborn animal : half sheep and half human. But they decide to raise it like it was their child. I love the atmosphere of the rough landscapes of iceland and I love how weird this tale is.
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‘See you again’ / Newt Scamander x (fem!)Reader / pt.2
Hey guys i’m back! this following imagines is the sequence to the first part, check it out HERE.
words count: 1,161 words
warning(s): mentioned of pain
soulmate AUs: name appear on wirst when 17.
(y/n) = your name / (y/bf/n) your best-friend name
*english is not my mother-language please forgive any mistake i might have made*
‘happy birthday dear (y/n) happy birthday to you,’ with that (y/n) closed her eyes, her eyebrows twitched by making a wish. the fire was extinguished; vanished left a burning smoke behind. the room erupted with cheers and congratulations from your family and friends.
it is 7:36 the exact time you were born at st. mungo’s; what a time to be alive, you are finally 17 years old. which means your soulmate's name would appear at midnight soon tonight. you wouldn’t say you are not excited but you just can’t imagine who is going to be your soulmate, for the sake that you don’t even have a boyfriend/girlfriend. it could be anyone now, a friend at school, some stranger, or maybe a muggle. otherwise, you are rather excited for who it is.
‘honey? would you mind feeding the hippogriffs for today? i’m sorry it was supposed to be a special day for you but my boss is calling me an-,’ your mum was cut off and words stop falling from her mouth.
‘it’s okay mum i can do it,’ you smiled lovingly to your mother. ‘thank you dear, i would grab sweets on the way back, i have to go now stay safe honey!’ mother grabbed her coat and ran through the door.
‘Oh! (y/n) dear! make sure to watch for your wrist!’ she apparated away.
‘hey guys,’ you entered the shed of the hippogriffs. (y/n) maneuvered around the shed and grabbed five buckets of fresh fish. ‘ugh! i don’t know how you guys eat this,’ (y/n) gave a disgusted look to the fishes. ‘i can do it, there’s no need to fear anything, just be calm with them,’ you took a deep breath and a long one out.
each step you walk to the gate your heart beats faster and faster, and you feel like it was about to explode itself. the memory of the day your brother fall off the hippogriff, played back each step. it happened right here at this place. but (sadly for dad) luckily that hippogriff was brought by your very own school, hogwarts, so you were learning with that very hippogriff that dropped your brother in the care for magical creatures. with your little strength, you have arrived at the gate of the famous hippogriff bredder farm.
one final push the gate is opened, several hippogriffs head snatched to your way. you gasped for breath like your life is going to end. step by step your legs brought you to the middle of the farm you dumped the five buckets in. luckily your dad taught the hippogriffs to have manners, they’ll always wait until the buckets are fully empty. then they’ll dig in.
‘oh! merlin’s beard!’ the hippogriffs came right into your face. (y/n) dashed away a few of them and ran to the gate. her legs don’t seem to be scared anymore, she felt like she is running very fast that she can do the olympics. a second later she had arrived, outside the gate. ‘phew, that was a close call,’ she walked back to the house and decided to call it a day.
‘night orion,’ (y/n) strolled past her brother’s bedroom. ‘night (y/n)! oh! be careful about your wrist my friends said it hurts like hell,’ orion poked his head out of the door his eyes were full of worry. ‘thanks ori, i’ll see you tomorrow then,’ you gave a weary smile and he was gone.
speaking of care for magical, you are assigned to write an essay about one creature that inspired you, and describe everything about it. wheater is about caring, habitats, behaviors, appearance, you named it.
‘i’ll guess i’ll just write the essay until my soulmate's name comes up then,’ that you grab your hogwarts trunk, unlock the password. for the first time, you opened your trunk this summer, you were in awe when she saw a gift from her friends with a note attached.
(y/n) put the stuff on the side, and she seized the ink bottle and some parchments, but she can’t start your work without the Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them book. ‘accio Fantastic Beast!’ for sure (y/n) would take the chance to use magic since she is finally not underaged. you scribbled your thought down the first sketch. each sketch you connected the paragraphs, making sure about your words and cut un-necessary pieces of information out.
after several hours (y/n) looked up at the clock to read the time, and the clock's little finger was pointing between number 11 and the number 12. same with the long finger. ‘it could be any minute soon,’ (y/n) let out a long sighed. many minutes had passed (y/n) is now sleeping on her table waiting for her soulmate’s name.
not long after her wrist felt like being dipped into a fire. her wrist is burning as the letter formed, (y/n) didn’t notice the name since her eyes were filled with tears. the pain was eating her bit by bit. (y/n) decided to run to her brother. ‘orion!’ she called out as she was crying in the hallway. ‘(y/n)!’ orion ran and hugged you, he was worried for this day the most the day his sister knows her soulmate.
(y/n) never failed to do the big sister job in his eyes, and he realized he was gifted with the best sister in the whole world. he would do anything to protect his big sister, when he saw her tears it hurts him so bad.
‘(y/n) please show me your wrist,’ orion slowly reached for your hand and examined the burn. ‘N E W T O N, hm newton doesn’t sound so bad isn’t it?’ orion tried to cheer you up. ‘huh? did you say newton?-,’ (y/n) tried to open her dried up eyes. ‘tell me the last name,’ (y/n) requested her brother for assistance in seeing. ‘it’s S C A M A N D E R, salamander? scamander?’
‘Newton- newton scamader?’
‘BLOODY HELL, you won’t believe it orion-’ (y/n) sprung herself up and ran to her room. ‘wha- what?’ leaving her confused brother behind. he saw (y/n) holding a piece of paper, looking as new as it was manufactured yesterday, and a thick book. ‘what’s that (y/n)?’ orion squinted his eyes to see the text. ‘i’ve met him at hogsmeade when i was getting the Fantastic Beast book, and guess what- he wrote the bloody book himself!’ (y/n) rant about her stupidity forced the book into her brother's face. ‘i should’ve known it was him!’ (y/n) sighed and collapsed on the floor.
‘ms. (l/n) did you forget something?’ orion scoffed at you. ‘what’s funny? i didn’t forget anything? oH! the laundry?’ you rushed to answer yourself. ‘no you idiot don’t you see his address? on the bloody paper?’ orion shoved the paper right in front of your eyes.
‘go find him.’
part three? :)
#newt scamander#Newton Artemis Fido Scamander#newt scamander imagines#newt scamander x reader#newt scamander x you#newt scamander fanfiction#fantastic beast#gryffindor#ravenclaw#hufflepuff#slytherin
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sardinian caves 🇮🇹😱 its pretty amazing how many caves are around the island... we see them every day when we train along the coast. most of them are not even on the map. 🙌🏻 📸 @dag_mar75 🙌🏻👏🏻 #sardinia #sardegna #caves #bredder #suptraining #supsportclubgraz #supgraz #vitaminwell #standuppaddlegraz #lb9brand #lb9 #supclubgraz #fanatic #fanaticsup #fanaticaustria #standoutsupwear #doyoustandout #standout #ionactionsports #ionaustria #sup #vitaminwellaustria #standuppaddling #standuppaddle #addictedtoride #asvösteiermark #asvoe #iamsupracer #chrisdiver (at Masua Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckae9D0NexQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Short Story: Gershom, part one of two
A short story about a memorable day in the life of the most famous folk-hero of Barbados, one Winston Hall. I played loose with the actual facts of Winston’s life, the way all folk tales do, but also because the story is less about the particulars of his life and more of the imaginary mind-state and desires of a person in solitude who wishes to connect with a country that is as scared and confused about him as he is of the country itself. Enjoy.
Gershom part one (the mid-day son)
By Christopher White
Run always. Run until it doesn't make sense, until it gets too thick and it makes more sense to stop. Do the patrol. First go up to Old Ledge and do some sight seeing from there. Look. Look at the brown on the rooftops. Look at that section there with the path by the side. You made that path, trample all over the grass. It makes the runs quicker. Sky is clear. No rain smell, good. Mrs. Graves must be cooking by now. She makes good veggies. Are you hungry? You aren't hungry, good. Anything out the ordinary from the sight-seeing? No. Children going school. Look at that little one. Cheez on bredders I know he mother back when she was a child, now look she got a lil' boy. What's her name? She was cute girl, she used to look at me and smile sweet. I thought she did love me, but I was seven, I ain't know what love was then. She was cute. What was she rassole name now? It's an 'M' name. Anyway, check the trespass traps. No one has been up here. Good. Look up again. Look at that sky. Now look at the green. Go over by that mango tree and tie your lacens. What was her name? Winston stood by the mango tree overlooking St. Joseph and tied his shoe-laces carefully. The wind was soft but enough to push the trees to swaying. Down the hill was a pasture, a display of overgrown grass with an arcing path carved into it, made by Winston four months earlier. The countryside was silent save for the cheering that the leaves made in the wind, the occasional high shout of the school-children going to the nearby Primary School. A wooden crate laid half buried and overcome by the dirt, and one of the primary school boys stopped to kick at it. His mother quickly came and slapped his hand and the boy cried and breathed in, cried and breathed in, breathed in, then breathed in again, and then let his cry carry over the sloping section of the country, through the primplers of the dunks trees, over the ribs of the stray dogs, under the stereo of Stephen ' Step-Hen' Roberts, and into the tightly knit and thatched corridors of the Hill-trees (sparkling from the sun light coming through), past the perpetually deciduous Breadfruit tree until the last bit of the cry met the mango tree, and made Winston Hall look up, causing him to pity the boy and his own childhood, the recollections of which were as faded as the child's bellow.
The sun went on during the morning as Winston stayed mostly behind the large and thick line of trees, and carried his supplies as he made the trek to Chimborazo, where a sizable patch of farm land lay. On his walk along the ridges and down the dips along Joe's River and up through the slowly-swaying trees Winston remembered bits about his childhood. He thought about Primary School sports and how he was real good with the egg and spoon race. His little secret was to do the race on near tip-toes. A strange sort of balance, a strange sort of control occurred when he did this. The finals race was him up against Peter from down the gap, and Peter was the favourite because he had just won the 200m easily, but Winston had his technique. By this time of the day the sun was becoming soft around the Pasture of the school sports, and the sno-cone vendor had run out of evaporated milk, and Winston was ready. He got the lead early, trying to absorb all the shock of movement through his toes and knees. His eyes were on that egg, brown and wobbling, then he looked up at the yellow tape. He kept his nerve, trying to keep all his might and auspices on this one task. Mrs. Licorish was shouting "Go Winston! Lick down boy, lick down!" and he kept it all out while he warbled on. Winston stopped his thinking of his younger-Winston and looked up because he thought he saw someone. Down boy. keep low. Look for shadows that don't move like trees. Could be an animal. Could be nothing. It's not a person, you would have heard something by now. People is mek noise when they walking without minding their walking. Look the field over there. Good carrots and lettuce. The soil real dark. Gets turned over alot. He could grow some weed at the back there. Make himself some extra money. Remember Dizzy. Dizzy used to get a small boat and go over to Tobago every fortnight to get weed from he stash. Went with him sometimes. On the boat over he used to sing Sam Cooke tunes. Good voice. Barely used to hear him and was right across from him. It real hard to sing at a whisper and sing well. But you could do it if ya practice. I shoulda win that egg and spoon race. I lose concentration. I was thinking about the prize before I get it. Got complacent. Rest pun my laurels before I had de laurels. Peter just took advantage. He was safe tho. It was my fault. I wonder where that silver medal is? Mummy was proud or not? Mummy say once that she wish she had chinee eyes. I tell she I still proud of she eyes. She hug me. Okay stash de bags here. Come back later tonight. Get some carrots then. Sometime during the day you gine be hungry. Just hol off till you get to Robert. Robert got something for you. Remember. Later this evening. On his way back near Suriname, Winston heard a rap song. He wondered when was the time that rap got so popular in Barbados. He cared neither way for the music, it wasn't the music of his youth, and he really hadn't the time to learn new music. After getting free from prison during the late nineties he made it to the foot hills of his home-hamlet of Suriname, but on the way he remarked at all the antennae that were on top of roofs, all the fancy new cars on the road, and the even more churches that popped up during his imprisonment. By the time he reached Robert's house he was dirty, smelling of sweat, and tired, but the first thing he whispered to Robert was "wait Robert, Bajans sell dey ass to de Devil to get these new tings or wha?"
The sun had gone behind a sudden construction of clouds. Through the spaces in the clouds the sun came down in verdant lines. Winston was in a tree looking out at the country-side and nursing his right knee with a handkerchief in a way similar to this:
He had injured his knee on his latest escape from prison around four years ago. It was morning and the guards knocked on his door and said "Hall! Bath!" Winston got up off of his lumped bed and pushed against the wall. Silently he pushed against the inside of his cell, grimacing his futility only to himself, fingers clawing the faded paint, the thick stale air reminding him of his situation, of his choices. He did this same gesture to the walls everyday he remembered to do it. The young guard knocked on the door then the door opened. He stared at Winston. "Come 'long." he said.
Down the corridor he walked with the two guards flanking him, looking at the sorrowful structures of the century old prison. The feeding chain in the prison no longer surprised Winston. 'Big Criminal eat the little one' he mused. He noticed his feet chains were not the way he remembered them. He was walking with more freedom than the previous mornings. 'water goes to the path of least resistance' he thought. 'Geography teacher said that. But what was his name?' he thought. Then he pushed the guards fiercely aside and ran.
A large percentage of the Prison officials were in a meeting, and Winston ran like if he knew this beforehand - with reckless determination. Prison pants-legs rubbing swiftly against each other as Winston darted through some boxes then up near the play-court where Justin Maynard and Harold Peters stared in amazement at Winston's bursts. So concentrated, yet so risk-taking. Winston ran like freedom to the wall. The guards ran in pursuit and motioned others to tell the rest in the meeting. Gravel sparkled over his legs, then no gravel as he leaped up onto a shed and then onto the sharp-toothed wall. He looked back, at the galloping guards, at the stunned new-comer prisoners and the observant veterans who stopped the basketball game the moment they realised that this was an example that their fellow prisoners should view. They stood up, some cheering, most just beholding. Beholding Winston thirty feet up in the air on the precipice of a barbed wire wall that overlooked an over-run gully packed tight with all types of things discarded.
Winston jumped, not flailing, but not sure.
Don't squeeze it, just put you hands around you knee. Just let it know that you there for it. That jump was messy as blood. Uneven ground to land on. Thought it was broken. Thought it had snapped. Still bothers me to this day. Doesn't hurt when I bend down, only when I get up. This is good enough. Look at the sky. Sun coming back out. Look at the cloud shadow on the ground. That woman is coming back from dropping she son off from school. She doesn't work. Now I remember, she does, she just goes out 'round mid-day. She breasts look good. She do she hair pretty well up just to drop she son off. That's what I like. A woman that care what she look like. What is her name? I should run down there and ask her. Just ask her and kiss her and tell her I ain't got shite to give you but my heart and hope. I should tell she I want she to hope for me. Hope I work something out of this life. I is a good kisser I feel. Suck bubbies good. I would be a good father for de child. Child father aint around. I don't see any man ever with her. I would discipline the child good. I would love the child good. Tell he everything I know. Tell he everything to make sure he never end up like me.
Miriam Lowe walked down the cracked road to her home. She took her glasses off and started to clean them while walking by memory. She put them on again and stared at the trees and over-run grass behind the row of houses where she lived. Some of the children call that area the jungle and so she forbade her young one to go there without her. Her slippers flapped lazily as she walked up staring at this elaborate chaos back there. Fear truly resides in the unknown. Because fear implores you to assume, demands that you suppose the nature of the things that scare you. She day-dreamed a cabal of mad rastas in the hills, scorning the plaintive practicality of a remote control. Or she dreamt about drug dealers with huge weed trees reaping their harvest that would stick a knife through anyone who discovered their bounty, or any little boy. Maybe back there was a time warp, and pirates and runaway slaves and vampires and duppies and ravenous forest wolves all lived between the trees, all waiting to feast on the minds that fear them, the minds that are so scared of them, that they imagine them on morning walks while cleaning their glasses. Miriam walked up the unpainted steps and into her home. She put the boy's colouring books into a pile, and looked at the back of the newspaper. She then looked straight ahead at the picture of Kevin Lowe, staring straight ahead, policeman hat and visor sloping and shiny across his forehead, lips pursed, against a plain blue background. She stared at him and smiled at the dead man. On the nights that she would invite a man over for a night-time coupling, she would turn that framed picture down onto the glass cabinet that held assorted souvenir cups and decorativia. She put the kettle on the stove, sat down to gather herself before she left for work at a Christ Church hotel. She sat in her chair, bright from the sun coming through the ajar door, and thought about the duppies going to work in the bushes behind her house and up the hills. She thought about this until the kettle began to scree, unsure at first, then full throated as soon as enough of the water had boiled within it. Winston was down in a depression near Joe's River checking on stash B. He had a series of places where he stashed supplies, clothing and weapons. He walked further into the dense grass and further into the hills to Stash C. Stash C had dry foods and loose magazines he managed to get. He took out a green plastic bag filled with dry food and walked further down until the denseness stopped and the ground became softer. The ground gathered on his shoes but he walked on. The ground became sturdy again and a small pasture emerged; mostly dry grass and cracked earth. At the far end of the pasture was a tree with rope tied onto the base. Attached to the base was a dog, pacing silently back and forth, wagging all the while. There he is. He always lets me know he missed me. Give him a hug. Scratch his belly. Wrestle the bastard to the ground. There you go. He likes so much games. Is that lice there? No just dirt from the play-fall. Well, give the bag of dog food. Look at him nose through that. Sometimes you wait too long to feed him. Remember that. There was a boy in primary school who used to take children food from them. Used to call him Charles Bronson. Found out years later he was taking all that food home to feed his brothers. I would have given him the food if I had known that was the reason. He didn't have to hit me that one time. I cry but stop real quick. But I learn that sometimes you could reason with a man, but sometimes it doan matter. When a man hungry, all he know is letting go blows for food. Everybody like that. When dey back to the wall, they would beat they dog for food. Policemen is got to beat confessions out of people to get de case finish. Dem aint care, but when they job on the line dey beating up poor people. And if that poor person was a policeman he would do the same thing. Sometimes my back was to the wall. Sometimes I didn't have nuh big money for nothin. And sometimes I had to share out fuckin blows too.
And so Winston went through the day, hiding between one spot and the other, travelling with his dog, scouting out movement in the areas of St. Joseph, and thinking an assembly line of thoughts to stop himself from going mad. Winston's torment was not only his choices of his youth ( a naive 20 year old creeping up to a plantation house looking for quick money), but also the realisations that these choices were simultaneously making him more popular and more apart from this country he took for granted in his youth, as we all have. By the time of his second escape from prison (third from police custody), Winston Hall had managed to become the most well known male in Barbados while at the same time being the one person who had the least knowledge of what was occurring in his country for a man his age. He could tell you the best escape route from the gully near Richmond's house, and the best unguarded breadfruits in the parish, and how to separate normal flashlights from more expressive police flashlights, but at the same time Winston had no idea of the movie theatres that were cropping up, the dynasties of night-clubs that rose and fell over the decades, the spread of the internet, the drugs, the government, the rise of women in schools, the travel accounts for black managers at insurance companies, the carve of a rally-car tire into the asphalt, the smell of the west coast after it flooded and killed a few people, the look of a signature on an invoice slip of a DVD player bought at a department store, the progresses, the illusions, the pursed lipped rage of this country, all these things were apparitions - stories he might hear about but never care about because his country was not our country, his anthem was not the same we sing at events half-heartedly, his motto was of no high-minded Pride and Industry, but of only one word embedded into his thoughts, permeated into his action. His only motto was Survival. The sun was beginning it's slope downward now. Mid-day had come and Miriam was in a Transport Board bus rocking slightly, hopping up whenever the huge busses went down into a hole in the road. The grass and boundless grass that went by the window went into her eyes, left the memory that this road had grass on the sides of it, and then the rest of the images left her mind. The distinctions were only picked up by her under-mind, her subconscious, and her under-mind seldomly reminded her of how the world truly looked, of how the world truly operated. While the Bus stopped at a traffic light, and in the background, Grantley Adams Memorial School loomed sprawled by against the pastures. It was then that her under-mind began to remind her of the way her life truly was. The images of her late husband slapping her into the wall of their house came up. Miriam closed her eyes. She countered by reminding herself that he truly loved her, and she was not a door-mat for her man because she could get any man she wanted in Surinam or most places. She knew of the constitution of her breasts. But she stayed because she realised that things get complicated when you get older. "When you are a teenager or a girl like that of course you coul' leav ya boyfriend like that, because the only obligation is to the relationship. There is that thing telling you that you could get a better man. "But when you get married to a man, have a child with a man, get a house with a man, appliances, garden supplies, new bed sheets with a man, ya is become more entrenched. It's harder to leave. All of a sudden you start weighing everything. You is say to yaself 'yeah he hit me las night, but he change de child diaper real good and fix de back door'. The practicality of him over-weighs the emotional shite he might get on with. All of a sudden you get stresses when he get stressed, and vice-versa. We hurt each other differently when we in bad moods that is all. He shoved me into a wall when he was angry, and I tell he that he need to clean he ass better or I ain't gine suck he balls no more. People get hurt in different ways I guess." she thought to herself. The bus went along through the country. Past the mini-marts and the wooden churches and the rum-shops, and into the roads filled with hotels and night-clubs and well-designed restaurants. She rang the bell and got out, and went into her hotel. In the back room Janice Callender had her hand up her skirt pulling her shirt tail down so that it was all flat against her. The younger girl looked at Miriam as a bigger sister, an aunt, a guiding hand of some sort. "Miriam," Janice said while they got prepared for their work of work and smiling. "Yeah what happen Janice?" "Um, wha you would do is you man cheat on you? You woul' cut off he doggie?" "Nah, I wouldn't do that." Miriam said, "Men gine do tings like that sooner or later. I wouldn't even leave he." "Fuh trut? Why you wouldn't leave he?" Janice asked. "Because if you want to be in a relationship you is realise that ya aint in just a relationship, you in a life together. You have to learn patience, and hope, and most o' all, forgiveness. Love is mess up we head, and make us put up wid a lotta shite from de people we love. But to tell ya de truth, I wouldn't have it any other way." Miriam said. The two stood in the back room fixing up, and then Janice said, "but what if he was pun de down low with a man?" "Then I woul' throw he bullin ass out de house and cut off he doggie." Miriam said as they both laughed themselves into the hallway.
All was calm during the afternoon. The grass was knotted up amongst each other and the clouds moved softly. Years ago, there would be Reddifusion boxes wheezing out the hymns and solemn-spoken events of the day, but now those radios were gone and now a home stereo would vibrate bass-lines from a house where an unemployed man might live, or a woman at home with her child, or a middle-aged man going through a youth resurgence, listening to young-people stations while taking a day home from work. The community was at rest, as it usually is, as it usually expects itself to be. Winston sat behind a clutch of dunks trees mostly bare from being picked by Winston all the time. He was sharpening a piece of wood by planing down the edges to a point. Maybe he'd use it as a weapon, maybe he could stick it in the ground, tie rope to it and use it as an anchor for a make-shift tent if he suddenly had to run. Mostly he was doing it so see the soft, tender slices of wood peel off from over the knife and flick off playfully to the ground. Thin bends of wood, making not a sound as they were cleft from the wood that they were part of. No reason that they were now separated from their wood except from pure boredom now, or maybe pure usefullness. In any event, the wood shavings probably understood that these things were a course of life, and it didn't have to be fair, or expected, or planned, or even holy, in order for it to be a part of life. Winston took up the shavings from the ground lest anyone find them and suspect that he was living nearby. He was chewing some tamarind leaves slowly. "Tastes just like de tamarinds" he always told himself, and even as a little boy, it always calmed him down whenever he remembered that tamarind leaves calmed him down, because sometimes he didn't remember. He sat in the shade, his stomach not grumbling, and just stared at the countryside. Most would not believe this but he was not overly concerned with his legacy. He was so pre-occupied with survivng for no other reason than to survive that he seldom really thought about the impact of his survival on people who didn't have to. He once read an article when he was in Trinidad about the situation of the ghettoes around and the near Port-Of-Spain. The reporter asked a question, "How do you think your condition here in this squalour reflects on Trinidad and Tobago on a whole?" and then the reporter reported that the ghetto citizen had nothing to report on the question initially. He wrote that the man just stared at him as if he had never thought of anything related to this. The citizen then said " Ah cahn really say what other people should tink, ah only know what I tink. Maybe it reflect bad bad bad, but maybe nobody else really tek this ghetto into dey mind. In fact ah doan tink they do tink about the ghetto enough to feel ashamed or anyting about it." He heard shouting, but did not startle himself because he immediately recognised it as children's shouts. He slowly looked out and down the road from behind the trees and stared. He counted the money and objects in his pockets as he stared. Bajan women legs either small or big. They either skinny or meaty. no inbetween. They hips move like if only the hips dancing. Mrs. Fenty hand is getting better. Moving it better. One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve I feel her husband broke it thirteen fourteen fifteen she looks like the type that would get beaten sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty and that's where ya is usually grab a woman when ya hold she rough twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four - twenty four dunks in de right pocket. There's the little boy. The neighbour is carrying him home along with her son one two three four five his face is round just like his mothers six seven eight nine what is her name? ten Maureen? eleven Mary twelve wait Mary? thirteen Mary-Ann? fourteen fifteen Maybe Mary-Ann is she name. That is the closest I could get. I still feel I wrong, but less wrong than before sixteen seventeen. Seventeen bills I got, de same as yesterday so I know is de same amount. I is think about that girl too much one two three I getting feelings for she but I need to still concentrate on tings four five six seven eight she is treat people so good tho nine she so sweet to de other people ten when she laugh I is could hear it eleven and it is a laugh that so sweet twelve I want to mek she laugh like that bad bad bad thirteen rassole I love she? fourteen love who? I only love myself and mummy fifteen I have to talk to she, introduce myself to she, mek she laugh for me eleven, shite I think I lost count. Miriam tugged on the left side of the bed to make sure both sides of the sheet tails draped evenly off the bed. She looked outside the window at the sand, at the waves. She thought about drowning and then moved away from the window. She walked down the corridor, light thumps on the carpet when she walked. She sat down in the break room where the lockers were and unfolded the foil over her lunch. The smell of the beef chunks rose up and made her scramble for her fork. She speared one and shoved it in her mouth, biting down forcefully. She pushed the other chunks to the side to keep for later and scooped up the rice with her thumb on top of the place where the fork bent downwards. She enjoyed the meal but didn't smile about it. Smiling usually comes from enjoying the thing itself only for the entertainment in it. Food that you ate when you were hungry served the purpose of keeping you alive more, so there was little entertainment to enjoy about hunger-eating as opposed to say, eating ice cream. Miriam thought about when she was a child hiding from her father. Balled up inside a suitcase, she watched through the open zipper teeth as her father looked under the bed, sweetly growling her name, with his penis dripping. Yolanda came into the break room. Miriam looked up at her. Yolanda smiled back. "Doan be so sad Miriam. Jesus helps us all." "yeah...you right." she said, then took the beef into the fork and carefully bit the meat from the solid bone, using her tongue to rotate the piece, while she thought about dark rooms.
The sun was on it's stage to rest by the time Winston got underway to see the dog again. He thought about the future for the first time in a long time. He usually only thought about the future in terms of where things should be, where things are expected to be tomorrow: the sun comes up over there in the future, the school children sound this way in the future, the crickets will go like this in the future, the wind is expected to blow like this, and then like that, and then it would relent. But he never usually thought about that other future - the future that you can change. He wasn't one to think about five years into the future, because in his mind that was absurd. Other than the days, or maybe hours before a jail break he didn't think about his involvement in the future. Even in Trinidad during the calm nights, rain outside and the woman warm against him cooing herself to him saying, "Tony you is mek me feel safe, ya is a strong man ya hear me?", he never thought long about marriage, or where the little children would be in ten years or anything large like that. He just went on in his mind about what the rain was expected to sound when it slowed down to a drizzle, where the only big sounds would be the fat-as-cunt rain drops that fall from leaves, or dribble down the galvanize roof notching into the ground. He would think about that, then about the next day, and only after tomorrow came would he start to think seriously about the day after that, and what the accoutrements of then should look like. End of Part one.
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Plisserede gardiner med læg
Giv vinduerne stil og tekstur samt et fantasifuldt udseende med plisserede gardiner. Denne gardintype samler stoffet øverst, typisk ved hjælp af kroge, for at give et lækkert look.
Plisségardiner tilføjer en følelse af luksus til toppen af vinduerne, men samtidig opretholdes et styret fald af gardinet, med struktur og fylde i bunden.
Plisségardiner syet med læg i toppen fra en systue i Lyngby med erfaring er dekorative gardiner, der passer til alle typer gardinstænger. Plisségardiner med læg er samlet øverst, og har syninger, der giver et mere luksuriøst, skræddersyet udseende.
Uanset om man blot ønsker at blokere sollyset eller måske filtrere indtaget gennem vinduerne, giver disse gardiner en unik stil til ethvert rum.
Hvad er plisségardiner syet med læg?
Plisségardiner med læg kan let identificeres på den måde hvorpå gardinmaterialet i toppen af gardinet er pænt fastgjort til gardinstangen.
Nogle typer af disse gardiner fås med et kantbånd, eller en bagside der holder dem rene, og blokerer for det udefra kommende lys. Andre er lavet af lette stoffer som linned eller bomuld.
Tekstilerne kan variere. Glatte og halvt gennemsigtige gardiner gør det muligt for mere sollys at trænge ind, end med mørklægningsgardiner eller sammensatte tekstiler, så sørg for at vælge den rigtige slags til behovet.
Hvordan tager man mål til plisségardiner med læg?
Plisségardiner med læg fås typisk som færdigsyede gardiner, hvilket betyder, at man ikke er i stand til at ændre bredden af disse gardiner.
For at finde den rigtige størrelse, skal man måle den samlede længde af gardinstangen, og sørge for, at gardinerne dækker denne bredde, ellers kan de nemlig ikke mødes på midten.
Hvis vinduestørrelsen falder mellem to standard bredder, skal man investere i den største bredde, for at få fuldstændig vinduedækning.
Plisségardiner er normalt ophængt ved hjælp af kroge eller små gardinringe. Afhængig af hvilken slags gardinstang man har, skal man sørge for at opsætte gardinerne korrekt. Ophænget kan variere fra en stanglomme til kroge eller små metalringe.
Kan plisségardiner med kroge skiftes til ringe?
Man kan skaffe et gardinrings bånd. Man syer båndet på og bruger en almindelig stofsaks til at skære hullerne ud , og klemmer herefter gardinringene på.
Der kræver ikke special værktøj at lave gardinrings huller med dette bånd. Båndet er velegnet til lette/ lettere gardiner, og ikke til tunge eller tykke stoffer.
Mål ca. 1 cm. ned fra toppen af gardinet, og sy toppen af båndet på toppen af gardinet, og klip derefter hullerne ud.
Klem ringene på plads med fingrene, det vil samtidig skjule de afklippede kanter i stoffet. Herefter laves den nederste række af syninger.
Man kan hægte båndet sammen på bagsiden, for at skabe plisséringerne, og det giver det rette plisserede look.
Plisségardiner med læg har en klassisk udseende, hvilket gør dem ideelle til stuer og spisestuer. Med et pænt stramt skræddersyet udseende tager gardinerne sig også godt ud i relativt små rum, hvilket gør dem til det perfekte valg til døre eller vinduer med begrænset vægplads i siderne.
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Sort Multideck - 954 l, -1 til +5 °C
Tefcold Sort Multideck - Design i topklasse - Sort design - Interiør af rustfrit stål - Temperaturklasse 3M1 - Justerbare hylder - kan stilles skråt - Hyldestopper til skråtstilling af hylder er tilbehør - Indvendigt LED-lys med kontakt - Digital kontrol og temperatur-display - Natafdækning / -gardin med fjedertræk Multideck køler med åben front og sort eksteriør og interiør MD-B serien af sorte multidecks med åben front fra TEFCOLD er et optimalt valg for butikker, cafeer, nærbutikker, slagtere og købmænd. Serien fås med forskellige bredder fra 685 mm til 1885 mm og dækker dermed de fleste behov. Enheden er kun 680 mm dyb og er derfor ideel, hvis gulvpladsen er begrænset og der er behov for at maksimere display arealet. Med en basehylde og 4 justérbare hylder, er der masser af plads til produkteksponering. Spejlblanke, indvendige endevægge i rustfrit stål øger rumfornemmelsen samtidig med at klart, hvidt LED lys oplyser varerne vertikalt og dermed fremmer produktpræsentationen. (MD1902B her endvidere horisontalt LED lys i toppen) Temperaturintervallet kan justeres efter behov og dermed kan du opbevare frisk kød, mælkeprodukter, læskedrikke eller øl. Hylderne kan skrånes fra 2 til 20 grader for at give flere displaymuligheder (hyldestoppere er nødvendige, hvis hylderne skråtstilles). Enhederne leveres med ruller for at muliggøre flytning i forbindelse med rengøring. Der kan tilkøbes hjul. Enheden kan også fås i rustfrit stål. Læs mere om Tefcold Read the full article
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Flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning
En flad træningsbænk eller en justerbar træningsbænk er et must-have i sit homegym. Generelt set så har flade træningsbænke ry for at være lidt mere stabile end justerbare bænke. Og de holder i længere tid, fordi de aldrig rigtig bliver slidt ned med undtagelse af betrækket. En justerbar træningsbænk har også en lang levetid, men der kan opstå problemer med tiden i forhold til de justerbare positioner. En flad bænk er derimod bare en flad bænk, der altid ligger i samme position. I denne artikel kigger vi på følgende flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning (ved klik kommer du til butikken): TOORX FLAD TRÆNINGSBÆNK (999,- inkl. moms) TOORX WBX 100 FLAD BÆNK (1.499,- inkl. moms) ProForm Flat Bench (1.595,- inkl. moms) Abilica Premium Weight Bench (1.695,- inkl. moms) Træningsprogram der passer til en flad træningsbænk Klik her (åbner i pdf) for at åbne et gratis træningsprogram i pdf. De fleste øvelser kræver et par håndvægte og en flad træningsbænk. Der er dog også lagt nogle øvelser ind, som man kan træne med en justerbar bænk. I programmet er der en beskrivelse til hver øvelse, så du ved, hvordan du træner den. Og du kan også klikke på billedet for at få en video afspillet. Og så er der forslag til antal gentagelser (reps) og sæt. Hvis du har brug for en guide i hvilke håndvægte, du skal vælge til din flade træningsbænk, så kan du evt. læse artiklen: "Hvilke håndvægte skal jeg vælge?" Gennemgang af de udvalgte flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning De udvalgte flade træningsbænke er udvalgt, fordi de er stabile, og fordi de holder til en høj personvægt. Og så er de polstret i et slidstærkt materiale, som kan holde i mange år frem. Vi har også udvalgt de flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning i denne guide, fordi de giver en god komfort og ergonomi under brug. Polstringen i alle træningsbænkene er tyk, så de er mere behagelige at ligge på end billigere træningsbænke. Også højde og bredde er taget i betragtning, og vi har taget udgangspunkt i, at de træningsbænke man finder i fitnesscentre har de bedste højder og bredder. Derfor har vi forsøgt at finde flade træningsbænke med nogenlunde samme højde og bredde. TOORX FLAD TRÆNINGSBÆNK 999,- inkl. moms
Specifikationer Maksimal brugervægt + belastning: 320 kg Polstring: 50 mm tyk Ramme: Firkantet rør af forstærket stål 70x50 mm 2 mm tykkelse. Dobbelt kraftigt pulverlakmaling, ridsefast Vægt: 12 kg Dimensioner: 123 x 52 x 40 cm Derfor er Toorx Flad træningsbænk udvalgt Vi har udvalgt Toorx Flad træningsbænk på grund af flere ting. Det første er, at den kan holde til hele 320 kg, som er nok for de fleste. De 320 kg er inklusiv personvægt og vægte, som du træner med, når du ligger på bænken. Så skulle du blive rigtig stærk i fx bænkpres, så kan træningsbænken klare belastningen, medmindre du selvfølgelig kommer til at bænkpresse over 250-300 kg! En anden fordel ved denne flade træningsbænk til hjemmetræning er, at den kun vejer 12 kg. Så selvom den ikke har transporthjul, så kan man nemt flytte rundt med den. Komforten er også i top på Toorx Flad træningsbænk, i det at polstringen er 50 mm tyk. Slutteligt kan nævnes stabilitet. Her er den helt stabil. Den har en stærk ramme af firkantet rør, som er forstærket med stål. Pulverlakeringen er ridsefast. Gå til butikken TOORX WBC Flad træningsbænk (1.499,- inkl. moms)
Specifikationer Maksimal brugervægt + belastning: 320 kg Polstring: 60 mm tyk Ramme: Firkantet rør af forstærket stål 75x75 mm 2 mm tykkelse. Dobbelt kraftigt pulverlakmaling, ridsefast. Vægt: 22 kg Dimensioner: 145,5 x 59 x 43,8 cm Grunde til at vælge denne flade træningsbænk til hjemmetræning TOORX WBX 100 flad bænk minder meget om den forrige flade træningsbænk. Men der er alligevel lidt forskelle, som gør, at den er lidt dyrere. For det første så har den transporthjul og et håndtag, så du ikke behøver at løfte den, når du vil flytte med den. Vip bare op i håndtaget og rul den hen, hvor du vil. Som det andet så er den lidt større og kraftigere opbygget end den forrige flade træningsbænk til hjemmetræning. Den vejer 22 kg, og den anden vejede blot 12 kg. Alligevel så kan de holde til samme personvægt + vægte (320 kg). TOORX WBX 100 flad bænk har en polstring, der er 60 mm tyk. Den forrige træningsbænk har 50 mm polstringstykkelse. Gå til butikken Proform Flat Bench (1.595,- inkl. moms)
Specifikationer Maksimal brugervægt + belastning: 208 kg Polstring: 50 mm tyk Vægt: 18 kg Proform Flat Bench er en stilren flad træningsbænk til hjemmetræning Det er begrænset, hvor meget de flade træningsbænke er forskellige fra hinanden. Fx har Proform Flat Bench også transporthjul (lidt større end ved forrige træningsbænk). Den har også et håndtag, så du kan rulle den hen, hvor du vil. Polstringstykkelsen 50 mm som den første bænk vi kiggede på. Og den vejer 18 kg. Man kan sige, at Proform Flat Bench skiller sig ud fra de andre ved at være lidt kønnere at kigge på. Den er ikke så klodset at se på, som den forrige kompakte træningsbænk. Ved Proform Flat Bench er stellet tyndere, og det gør, at den er lidt finere at have stående end nogle af de andre flade træningsbænke i denne artikel. Ulempen ved et tyndt stel på en flad træningsbænk Men det har også sin ulempe, at stellet et tyndere, i det at den så ikke holder til så meget personvægt + belastning, som de andre. Proform Flat Bench kan holde til 208 kg i alt (belastning + personvægt). Det skal man lige have med i sine overvejelser, i det at man måske hurtigt kan komme op og presse 100-110 kg i bænkpres. Og hvis man så vejer 100 kg selv, så er man allerede på det maksimale af, hvad denne flade træningsbænk kan holde til. Gå til butikken Abilica Premium Weight Bench (1.695,- inkl. moms)
Specifikationer Personvægt + belastning: 750 kg Polstring: 60 mm tyk Vægt: 28 kg En massiv flad træningsbænk der holder til hele 750 kg Abilica Premium Weight Bench er i modsætning til forrige flade træningsbænk en meget kraftigt konstrueret bænk. Her er ikke taget højde for, om den er pæn at kigge på. Man ser fx, hvordan de store bolte tydeligt kan ses, og den er generelt en klodset svend at kigge på. Men den er perfekt til de stærke drenge, fordi den kan holde til massive 750 kg. Så selvom man måtte veje et pænt stykke over 100 kg, så er der ingen chance for, at man når til træningsbænkens makskapacitet for belastning. Så denne flade træningsbænk til hjemmetræning er afgjort til dig, der er stærk eller træner målrettet mod at blive det. Den har hverken håndtag eller transporthjul, så man skal løfte den for at flytte den et andet sted hen. Det skal også med i købsovervejelsen, i det den vejer 28 kg. Gå til butikken
Så hvilken flad træningsbænk til hjemmetræning skal du vælge?
I denne artikel har vi kigget på 4 flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning fra forskellige butikker landet over. Vi har været lidt inde på ting at kigge efter, når man skal vælge en flad træningsbænk. Altså ting der tilsammen skal danne fundament for din købsbeslutning. Der er sådan noget som personvægt + belastning, som afgjort er vigtigt at kigge på Det ville jo være ærgerligt, hvis du på et tidspunkt når et niveau, hvor du pludseligt begrænses i din træning, fordi din træningsbænk ikke kan klare belastningen, du træner med! Det er også derfor, at vi i denne artikel har udvalgt nogle flade træningsbænke, som netop tåler en relativ høj belastning. Særligt sidstnævnte flade træningsbænk Abilica Premium Flat Bench, som holder til 750 kg. Man kan hurtigt vende blikket på andre ting end, hvad træningsbænken kan holde til. For man går jo tit ud fra, at den selvfølgelig kan holde til den træning, man laver. Men det er ikke altid tilfældet. For som vi var inde på, så kan endda Proform træningsbænken måske endda blive et problem, selvom den trods alt kan klare 208 kg. Og hvis du derfor kigger efter billigere træningsbænke end i denne artikel, så skal du være særligt opmærksom på, hvad den kan holde til. Transport af den flade træningsbænk - er det nemt? Og som vi har kigget på, så er der mange flade træningsbænke, som har transporthjul og et håndtag, så man lige kan vippe bænken op og flytte med den. Men det er ikke alle flade træningsbænke til hjemmet, som har det. Skal din næste flade træningsbænk til hjemmetræning have håndtag og transporthjul? Stilen på træningsbænken - skal den være flot at kigge på? Nogle går op i, at deres træningsudstyr ser flot ud. For andre er det ligegyldigt. Så det er også en overvejelse, du kan tage med, inden du evt. køber en flad træningsbænk til hjemmet. For som vi så, så er der stor forskel på, hvor pæn en træningsbænk kan se ud. Vi så fx Proform, som er en spinkel og stilren træningsbænk. Og vi så det modsatte med den kompakte og klodsede Abilica Premium Weight Bench med tydelige bolte. Men det er selvfølgelig op til en selv at vurdere, hvad der er pænt at kigge på, og hvad der ikke er.
Oftest stillede spørgsmål til flade træningsbænke
Hvad koster en flad træningsbænk? Generelt set så koster en god flad træningsbænk til hjemmetræning ca. 1.000 til 2.000 kroner. Hvis man kommer under 1.000 kr. så skal man være meget opmærksom på, hvad man får for pengene Der kan være stor risiko for, at den er dårligt polstret, og at den ikke rigtig kan klare belastning. Det er også derfor, at det er en god ide at købe en træningsbænk hos fitnessforhandlere, i det de har et rimeligt bredt udvalg at flade træningsbænke. Og så har træningsbænkene også en vis kvalitet i forhold til træningsbænke, man evt. køber andre steder. Flade træningsbænke til over 2.000 kr. Hvis man vil betale mere end 2.000 kr. for en flad træningsbænk, så kan man selvfølgelig få en bedre bænk, men det er ikke sikkert. For det er jo begrænset, hvor god man kan lave en flad træningsbænk. Den er ret simpel. Omvendt kan det forholde sig ved de justerbare træningsbænke. Her kan der være stor forskel imellem en til 1.500 kr. og en til 3.000 kr. Dels på grund af evt. flere justeringspositioner og bedre komfort under positionerne. Men med en flad træningsbænk er der ikke så meget andet end det, som vi har gennemgået. Og det der i mange tilfælde udgør prisforskelle er den maksimale personvægt + belastning og om den er nem at transportere rundt. Og så selvfølgelig komfort-delen og holdbarheden. Som mest kan findes under polstringens tykkelse. Hvilke øvelser kan man træne på en flad træningsbænk? I programmet (åbner i pdf) kan du se mange øvelser, som du kan træne på en flad træningsbænk. Bare klik på øvelsen så afspilles der en video af den. Eksempler på øvelser Brystøvelser Dumbbell Bench Press (afspil video) Dumbbell Flyes (afspil video) Tricepsøvelser Dumbbell Kickbacks (afspil video) French Press (afspil video) Seated Triceps Extension (afspil video) Bicepsøvelser Dumbbell Concentration Curl (afspil video) Seated Curls (afspil video) Rygøvelser Dumbbell Rear Delt Row (afspil video) Dumbbell Rear Laterals (afspil video) Øvelserne vist ovenfor kan fint trænes på en flad træningsbænk. Hvis du så vil træne mavemusklerne, så kan du evt. lave sit-ups på træningsbænken. Du kan også supplere med stabilitetsøvelser som fx planken og sideplanken. Kan man træne hele kroppen med en flad bænk og et par håndvægte? Ja. Hvis du også vil træne benene, så kan du lave squats, hvor du fx placerer din håndvægt på brystet. Du kan også lave Lunges, hvor du så har en håndvægt i hver hånd. Dine Lunges kan fx være, at du træder op på den flade bænk og ned igen. Dette aktiverer i særlig grad baldemusklen (m. Gluteus Maximus) og den store lårmuskel fortil (M. Quadriceps). Man kan sige, at man sådan set kan træne hele kroppen med blot et par håndvægte. Men det er bare mest bekvemt, hvis man også har en træningsbænk - særligt, når man vil træne brystmusklerne. Flade træningsbænke vs justerbare træningsbænke - hvad er bedst? Der er fordele ved både flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning og justerbare bænke. Stabilitet og maksimal belastning Som vi har været inde på, så er flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning oftest mere stabile. De plejer også at være kraftigere konstrueret, så de kan holde til mere personvægt + belastning. Hvis man generaliserer. Du kan sikkert også finde justerbare træningsbænke, som fint kan holde til det, du træner med. Overordnet set, så giver justerbare træningsbænke selvfølgelig mulighed for flere øvelser end flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning. Netop fordi at man kan justere på den, så man får en anden hældning. Hvis man fx træner bryst, så kan man bedre isolere fx den øvre del af brystet ved at indstille bænken til Incline. Og hvis man gerne vil træne skuldre, så kan man indstille en justerbar træningsbænk til at give optimal rygstøtte, når man presser håndvægtene eller vægtstangen over hovedet. Med en flad træningsbænk kan man ikke rigtig få rygstøtten, fordi den ikke kan justeres.
Relateret indhold
I denne artikel: "Flade træningsbænke til hjemmetræning" har vi kigget på 4 flade træningsbænke, som absolut er et kig værd. Du kan evt. også tage et kig hos Apuls - de sælger også mange flade træningsbænke. Andet indhold her på Iformsupport som måske vil interessere dig er: - Gratis træningsprogrammer - Styrketræningsøvelser – komplet øvelsesbibliotek Read the full article
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