#breakfast meeting
intlforestday · 2 years
United Kingdom: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Forestry and Tree Planting meeting.
The UK parliament will hold a breakfast meeting on 21 March at 8:30 am (GMT) in the Churchill Room. Forestry Minister Trudy Harrison MP will set out how a new relationship between the government and UK forest-based industries can create a domestic partnership with international impact. Friends of the Earth, Confor and the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission will discuss how more domestic tree planting can support net zero objectives, stimulate rural economies and help protect forests overseas. Attendees will also hear about the upcoming launch of the National Wood Strategy for England.
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cheezy-whizz · 2 months
my fashion inspiration btw
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amelia-yap · 8 months
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GOSH I love her design so so much,,, the silly <3333
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keldabekush · 8 months
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Skimmer is the mom friend. He doesn’t even know
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Toki's hope in a dream. Its source yet unknown to him as a kid.
This idea came to me while I was listening to this awesomely creative and visually pleasing music video called "Fish in a Birdcage". Sure at first it left me feeling a bit...dreadful, but on the 15th listen it was already charming.
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bluemurray · 2 years
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He just hates her being there (and no sir he didn't eat yet he was waiting for you).
<I was trying to lowkey draw this at starbucks before my bus arrives bec I dun want ppl to find out I like blue people>
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look at the wittle fewal boy so annoyed *coo noises*
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My senpai and I are very different people lmao she just suggested we take the 100¥ bus to save us less than 15 minutes walking and I'm like GIRL I am NOT paying ANY amount of money if I can reasonably walk there
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emryyyyyss09 · 9 months
me, everyday, feeling like i should make myself get a hyper-fixation on one of those really popular fandoms, or on a really popular ship so that there is a heap of media to consume and im not just reading and watching the same things over and over: yes, this is smart.
me at 3 a.m, going back to a really small fandom with only 600 fics on ao3: fuck.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 39
Nicky screamed as he found himself yanked from his bed as he fell to the ground. The blanket that he had so perfectly burrito’d himself in had been pulled and he had gone with it pillows and all. He laid on the ground blinking up into the darkness wondering what the hell had just happened, he squints and thinks he sees blond hair. He racks his still loading brain to try and think of anything he had done recently to Aaron that would result in such a rude awakening.
The lamp clicks on.
“Nicky, are you- Andrew, what the hell.” He hears Aaron’s voice from the left and now Nicky can see the black armbands of his other cousin.
That tracks.
“Flight 8329 from Charleston International Airport to Seattle Tacoma International Airport took off 20 minutes ago.” Andrew says as if that means anything to Nicky.
“Cool?” Nicky squints at his cousin.
“There was an hour delay due to a staffing issue, but it is off the ground now.” Andrew continues and Nicky continues to not understand what is being said to him.
“Great?” Nicky hears Aaron.
There is silence in the room and Nicky finds himself starting to drift back to sleep. The floor really wasn’t that bad.
“So, Daniel’s not here anymore?” he hears Matt’s whispered question.
“Dude, why are you whispering?” Aaron asks.
“Smithsters still asleep.” Matt says voice still quiet.
“How the fuck did he sleep through Nicky’s banshee scream?” Aaron asks voice lowered down to a whisper.
“I think moving all his stuff wiped him out.” Matt offers.
“We moved everything he just said where he wanted it.” Aaron grouses quietly.
“You know Smithster isn’t much of a talker.” Matt reminds.
“Whatever.” Aaron huffs and Nicky is almost back asleep.
“Yes Matt,” Andrew says voice quieter than it had been when he had been rattling off facts about Daniel’s flight, “Daniel is not here anymore.” He says.
That is actually great news. Feels like a shame that FF didn’t wake up to hear it but Nicky knows that it wasn’t just the move that had wiped his friend out.
The last three days had been interesting.
First, Aras had flown back home. She had offered to stay longer with FF since Daniel was still around, but he had merely smiled and told her that he’d be okay. Nicky had almost cried when FF had said that he wasn’t alone anymore. Nicky’s heart twisted when the two decided that it was probably for the best that FF not come back to Washington for Winter Break.
Second, there had been the whole debacle where Daniel had shown back up with the man who had married FF’s mom. They had burst into the practice and had gone straight towards where FF was sitting sipping his ‘New and Improved Day/Boyd Smoothie’. Wymack had gotten between them before anything happened physically, but Nicky could still see how FF froze at the sight of his mother’s husband.
There had been raised voices, threats of security, demands on why ‘John’ hadn’t answered his phone to come bail his ‘brother’ out, that he’d forced his dad to come all the way across the country to bail his ‘brother’ out. FF had been quiet looking bored and unbothered by the tirade of the man who married his mother.
Wymack had been in rare form.
“He didn’t pick up because that phone is in my desk.” Wymack had hissed standing utterly stalwart between FF and the two men. “Now get the hell out of my Court before your son gets reacquainted with the Campus Police.” He points towards the exit.
FF’s Mother’s husband had demanded FF’s new phone number but neither Wymack or Smith gave it.
It was only as Wymack lifted his own phone up to his ear after having dialed campus security that the two got the hint and ran off.
Following that there’d been the expedited emergency restraining order request that had been pushed through.
Nicky and Wymack had been the ones that went with FF for support during the request since everyone else had a prior engagement. The security footage was all that had been needed to grant it as far as the judge was concerned despite FF’s Mother’s husband’s pleas that it was merely a ‘fight between brothers’.
Nicky had almost wished he had given Andrew the Maserati back when the jackass had shown up to the hearing with his son wearing a T-shirt that said ‘I’m not the step-dad. I’m the dad that stepped up.’
He opens his eyes and tunes back into the conversation. It seems like Aaron had come to the realization that the only way that Andrew would be awake at this god forsaken hour of- Nicky looks at the alarm clock- 5 AM is because he’d been in the same bed as Neil who was a notorious early morning runner.
“You want the Maserati.” Nicky interrupts the whispered argument.
“No, I’m just here to comment on how Smith’s motorcycle helmet really ties the whole room together now that he’s moved in.” Andrew rolls his eyes so hard that even if Nicky hadn’t been looking at his cousin he would have heard the eyeroll. “Yes, I am here because it is now officially impossible for me to hit Daniel with my car. That was the deal.” Andrew says with a scowl, “So you are taking me to where you stored it.” He says.
“Andrew, it’s too early. They’re not open yet.” Nicky groans grabbing one of his pillows and trying to hide his face under it.
It was unsurprisingly ripped away before he could properly hide away from his cousin.
“We have to walk to wherever you hid my car.” Andrew hisses.
“Andrew you’re not seriously going to make me get up and walk the whole way there on the first morning that I can sleep in.” Nicky groans.
“This wouldn’t be happening if you hadn’t stolen my car Nicholas.” Andrew hisses.
“You guys can take my truck.” Matt says with a huge yawn as he settles back into bed. Morning practice for the rest of the week was not mandatory.
“See, we can take Matt’s truck. The place is only a 30 minute drive away and it doesn’t open until 7 AM anyways.” Nicky groans and tries to roll under the bed. If he can get to the far side then it will be difficult for Andrew, with his 5 foot nothing height to reach-
Andrew puts a foot between him and freedom.
“This room is buying Neil and I breakfast.” Andrew says, “And then we’ll go pick up my car.” He says.
“What? Why?!” Matt and Aaron demand as Nicky groans still trying to roll under the bed despite Andrew’s unyielding foot.
“You all either knew about Nicky’s plan or were part of Nicky’s plan.” Andrew says.
“Okay but Smithster is innocent.” Matt says.
“True, but we need him to come.” Andrew says.
“Why?” Nicky groans changing direction to try and roll under Aaron’s bed only to be stopped by the absolute barrier that was Katelyn’s suitcases of off-season clothes she kept under Aaron’s bed since her own room didn’t have space for it all.
“So we can get into the breakfast place now instead of the usual time for people our age. The owner loves him.” He says.
Ah, FF’s old lady magnetism.
Nicky gets it.
The boy has very pinchable cheeks.
There are very few things one can do when faced with an Andrew Minyard who has decided upon something. Eventually their whole room was up though Andrew at least was far more gentle with FF than he had been with Nicky. FF could sleep through almost any amount of noise but would wake up at the slightest touch and go still.
Nicky really wishes that Andrew had a less conspicuous car because he’s sure his cousin could have gotten away with running Daniel over if he had a Volvo or a Ford.
Nicky went with FF on the back of his motorcycle. One of Aras’ parting gifts to him had been an orange helmet with ‘Foxy’ written on it. Nicky had loved it immediately and unironically. Nicky held onto FF and hoped that his friend was awake enough to actually be driving on the damn thing, but FF had seemed at least 90% conscious.
Either way they arrived at the breakfast place FF was pushed to the front to speak with the owner of the fancy breakfast spot and within 10 minutes they were at a table surrounded by the elderly early bird patrons.
The all-you-can-eat brunch was always both a challenge and a danger when you are a group of college athletes. A challenge because it always felt a bit like a race against the chefs who were churning out chicken, waffles, hams to slice, eggs of all varieties, bacon, sausages, French toast, cinnamon rolls, hashbrowns, quiche, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, and lox bagels. The danger was what Matt was currently finding himself in since the man had failed to pace himself. “I think I’m gonna die.” Matt groaned.
“Smith, where did you get that smoothie?” Aaron asks looking as FF was sipping a delightful looking smoothie.
“The owner gave it to me while you guys were filling your plates.” FF says. “I’m supposed to let her know if I need another one.” He says.
“When are you going to be off that liquid diet?” Aaron asks as he digs into some bacon.
“Well, next week I can just start essentially putting things in the blender and I shouldn’t suffer the consequences like with the borscht.” FF shrugs. “Gran said she’d send along a pie to celebrate when I can eat solids again.” He adds and FF’s face is as blank and as unemotional as it usually was but there was a general air of sadness.
“You know, I don’t think it’d bother Allison or any of the girls if you joined us for winter break.” Matt says from where he was staring up at the ceiling still overfull from going too hard too fast on the egg options.
“I don’t want to intr-“
“It’s not an intrusion.” Andrew says looking at his phone, “We’re inviting you.” He adds before getting up and grabbing his backpack, “Do not let them take my plate.” He says looking at the table. Andrew’s plate was laden with the sweeter side of things for breakfast and he had made up a plate for Neil who was supposed to meet them at the breakfast spot.
Andrew left and nicky figured he was going to go grab Neil outside. “Isn’t it for the original Foxes?” FF asks.
“Yeah, but you’re our friend so it’s fine if you come. I know Dan wants to really get to know the guy who took her place on the line.” Matt says with a laugh that has him looking queasy afterwards.
“You and me can room together.” Nicky says.
“Isn’t Erik coming?” Aaron asks incredulously.
“Yeah? So?” Nicky questions.
Aaron looked at Nicky like he was an idiot and opened his mouth likely to say why, “I don’t want to intrude. I can probably just sleep on a couch out in the main area, if your friends are okay with me coming.” FF sips at his drink. “You and Erik have a lot to catch up on.” He says voice giving that slight indication that he felt awkward.
Catch-up on-
Yeah, he and Erik are going to christen that bed if it hasn’t already been christened.
“We’ll figure something out.” Aaron says easily enough.
Eventually Andrew returned with Neil in tow. He was a little sweaty looking but definitely look like someone who had been running for about two hours at this point. He figures that Andrew must have brought spare clothes for Neil to change into so that he’d be acceptable in the breakfast joint.
“Smith has agreed to join us for Christmas Break.” Nicky announces to the couple as they took their seats.
“Quite brave of Smiths considering how the last holiday break went when he came with us.” Aaron says wrly.
“Yeah Andrew, make a deal not to stab Smithy again.” Nicky holds out a pinky for a pinky promise with his cousin.
Andrew rolled his eyes as FF piped in, “Romero stabbed me.” He says loyally.
Eventually they got to talking about their plans for the Winter Banquet on Friday. Nicky was going with FF as his date and had already gone out and gotten him an appropriately bespoke suit with Aras the week before.
Eventually they wrap up breakfast. Nicky, Aaron, and Matt all pay and they make their way out to the parking lot.
The parking lot where the Maserati was.
“Andrew, how in the world-“
“Like a locked gate would even slow Neil down. Got the opening time and the driving distance from you this morning and narrowed it down to the only long-term parking lot in the area.” Andrew says idly as Neil hands over the spare Maserati keys to him.
Nicky spends a bit more time bitching about the fact that Andrew woke them all up mostly out of spite and as a cover for getting his car back without Nicky’s assistance. However eventually the time for class swiftly approached.
“This isn’t over!” he says pulling on his Foxy Helmet and pointing at Andrew.
“I think it is.” Andrew replies with a shrug as he and Neil climbed into the front of the car.
Nicky rolled his eyes but climbed onto the back of FF’s motorcycle.
Winter Banquet was in 2 days.
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cowboy-kidd · 3 months
Caregiver!Bruce Wayne (The Batman; 2007)
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
#moodboard tag#bearbabbles#bearbarks#hi guys meet my papa I love him very much#he doesn't let Alfred dress you cuz he likes to dress you himself#you n him share a closet cuz he likes to be close to you#you guys also sleep in the same bed - he’d try to make you breakfast (causes him to have father-son bonding time w/ Alfred)#you call Alfred Mr. pennyworf even though he urges you to call him something else#not grandpa cuz he’s not THAT old!!#bruce likes to sleep with the windows open cuz he likes the smell of the outside therefore it is usually extremely cold in his room#he ties your tie loosely on purpose to which Alfred tightens it after seeing what a “sloppy job master Bruce has done hasn't-#he little one?”#you guys frequently bounce on parties and get togethers cuz you both hate them with a burning passion#a lot of the women dote on you n feed you chocolate n call you things like “sugar” n “cutiepie”#they ask a lot for you n brucie to which Alfred pulls excuses from under a rug#you hide alfreds shoes as an incentive to play hide n seek with him#(bold of you to assume he doesn't have multiple pair)#bruce isn't a coffee drinker!!#he drinks tea.#he likes to clip your paci’s vv gently to your sweater vests or button ups#so does Alfred#alfred plays violin Bruce plays piano n they record you a little lullaby to lull you to sleep#dc agere#batman agere#agere batman#boyre#sfw boyre#They take you to museums n hold your hands so you don't get lost#alfred smells like cinnamon sticks and something vaguely sweet#like vanilla mixed with strawberries
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overrgrown · 2 months
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danieyells · 19 days
Some pinned posts in wh/sinostra include:
posted by maidofdice 7 months ago
tagged: 🚨REMINDER🚨
posted by romeoscorpiuslucci 6 months ago
tagged: 🚨REMINDER🚨
posted by maxbetdeal 2 years ago
tagged: ghouls, info
New List of Sinostra's Current and Former Ghouls (updated September 15th - welcome Ritsu Shinjo!)
posted by ficofangirl 2 years ago
tagged: ghouls, info
Fico's Acronym Glossary(don't abbreviate that lol) (updated October 27th)
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tswwwit · 8 months
[About the ask where you said that dipper blurted out "I'm pregnant" To bill and his immediate response is panic]
Does this mean that bill has impregnated someone??? Or the other way around??
Bill's never sired or sprouted any offspring, and has no intention of doing so!
Dipper was pulling a prank, and it worked very well - because Bill's been around the block enough to not dismiss the supposedly 'impossible'.
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spartanexperience · 6 days
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thinking about a modern human AU....
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betterbooksandthings · 5 months
Romance Anime Recommendations
Listen there is nothing I like better than a satisfying romance in any genre. So, maybe it's no surprise that I am practically feral for any new romance that comes on the sense in anime. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but if you like romance anime and you see something you haven't watched yet you will at least have a new show. (be warned these are not ranked in any particular order). With that let's get started.
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
Tomo-chan Is a Girl!
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
Kamisama Hajimemashita
Yona of the Dawn
Kakuriyo -Bed & Breakfast for Spirits-
I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss
Skip and Loafer
Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
My Happy Marriage
Romantic Killer
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
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traceyc-uk · 1 month
The New Fifth Year feels a gentle and shaky tap on his shoulder.
When he turns, he sees a Hufflepuff student, burying her face in her scarf while fidgeting with her sleeves.
Her gaze shifting around the floor.
She tries saying hi but her scarf muffles her voice.
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“Mmmbl” seems he’s mumbling as well with his mouth full of toast 😅 ohmygoshsheis so cute!! What is her name? Would she like some toast? Sorry I’m rambling, I adore how you draw faces and the eyes especially 💛 thank you for introducing her to us
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