#glad you like the design hhhh i most certainly did not know what i was doing
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johannstutt413 · 4 years ago
(requested by anonymous)
“Hhhh.” Bibeak gritted her teeth as the Doctor carefully removed a piece of spider-shrapnel from her leg. “Those creatures...I’ll have to mend my legging before my next mission.”
“It must be tiring, having to mend your outfits after battles like that one.” Their voice was barely more than whisper.
She nodded. “It can be, yes, but at times it’s...comforting, making a broken seam whole again.”
“I feel the same way about this,” they agreed. “Healing others, even if the only reason they were hurt was because of my orders.”
“Hmm? But Doctor, your orders didn’t place the spider in my path, did they? That was the work of Reunion, not you.”
The Doctor sighed. “Perhaps. Still, it shouldn’t have been able to break through the Sniper fire...”
“Doctor.” The Liberi winced as the last shard was removed. “Is that the last one?”
“Mmhmm.” If they were quiet before, meditating on the previous battle rendered them nearly mute.
Bibeak watched her physician as they retrieved a vial of medi-gel. “Hmm...Yes, something white and red would be best.”
“Hmm?” They cocked their head, face hidden behind a standard RI visor. “White and red?”
“A healer’s colors. I think they would suit you better than your current attire.”
They smiled beneath their mask. “You think so?”
“Certainly.” The Liberi sighed. “I can already see the design in my mind...If it’s no trouble, I’d like to start work on it when we’re finished here.”
“This may sting.” The Doctor had poured some of the medi-gel into their glove and was preparing to apply it.
She nodded. “Yes, I remember. Would you be free for me to take your measurements after this?”
“I should be,” they nodded. “Hmm.”
“What is it?”
They looked up at her face. “It doesn’t sting?”
“A little,” she admitted, “but your hands are so gentle that I barely feel it...”
“Ah.” Had someone turned on the heat? They were starting to sweat under their jacket.
The Liberi smiled. “Did I say something strange?”
“N-no, not...” The Doctor cleared their throat. “Not particularly.”
“Are you sure? Fu fu fu.” Bibeak set a hand to her lips as she softly chuckled.
The application done, they removed the gloves and threw them away, only to put on another pair. “Halfway done. Your arm wasn’t hit?”
“No, my arm was not.” She gestured to her side. “However, some of it went through my dress.”
“Y-yes, I see.” Truth be told, they’d tried to stall for time before handling that; it’s why their first focus had been her leg.
She could sense their hesitation. “Is something wrong, Doctor?”
“Nothing at all.” They tried to recover, with debatable success. “Are you comfortable with removing your dress?”
“Certainly.” Bibeak took her time, partially to avoid damaging her garment further than it already was...but partially to savor the reaction she was eliciting from the Doctor. She’d been injured after battles before, but this was the first time they were seeing to her personally; perhaps this was why? Regardless, it was rather endearing.
For their part, the Doctor was trying to keep from looking anywhere too intently, even if the Liberi wouldn’t be able to tell where their eyes were directed thanks to the mask. “I see, I see.” They retrieved their forceps, rinsed them under the faucet, dried them with a microfiber cloth, and returned to the excruciatingly intimate operation ahead of them.
“I have to wonder,” Bibeak said as the extraction resumed, “if you’re always so gentle with your patients. Are you scared of breaking me, Doctor?”
“Not in the slightest.” That was true - they knew how resilient she was, physically and emotionally.
She smiled. “I’m glad to hear it. Nnnngh, that was deeper than I expected.”
“Agreed.” That was likely a leg fragment, if the Doctor knew their Originum spider anatomy. “Luckily your crystallization prevented it from going further.”
“Ah, yes, the crystals...It’s surprisingly geometric, isn’t it?”
They glanced up at her. “I suppose so? Crystal structures tend to be, due to the molecular structure of Originum.”
“Fascinating.” The Liberi pondered this for a moment. “Before I began taking on Infected clients, I’d only seen my own pattern as a reminder of my disease, but after working with other Infected, I can admit to a certain beauty in the chaotic order of the crystals.”
“There is a kind of beauty in it,” the Doctor admitted, feeling a sudden temptation to trace the pattern they’d found on Bibeak’s abdomen…
She gasped - not loudly, but enough to be heard. “Doctor?”
“S-sorry.” They cursed themselves for their lapse in self-control. “My hand slipped.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. Even if it slips again.”
That was enough for the Doctor to realize what was happening. “Are you...enjoying this?”
“The treatment itself? Not especially.” The Liberi smiled. “Having you pay this much attention to me and my body, though, is a pleasant experience.”
“I-I see.” Where had they seen this before? Not recently, they knew that much.
Bibeak knew they couldn’t miss that hint. “As I said before, your hands are very gentle~”
“Let’s talk about this later.” The most words the Doctor had ever said to her in one day, and she was trying to seduce them all the while. Somewhere, the Hippocratic Oath was hyperventilating at the implications this had. “That’s the last of the shards, which means...the medi-gel...”
“Yes, the medi-gel.” The note of triumph was unmistakable.
They sighed, setting the forceps in the sink and changing gloves again. “I hadn’t expected this behavior from you.”
“Oh?” She cocked her head. “I’m simply expressing my appreciation for you and your attention to detail.”
“Bibeak, I know what you’re doing.”
The Liberi chuckled again. “Fu fu fu. Isn’t that the point, Doctor?”
“I suppose it is.” The Doctor ladled the vial of gel into their gloves and rubbed them lightly together. “Again, this will sting...but I expect you won’t have a problem with that.”
“Likewi- ahh~” Problem? No. Reaction? Oh, definitely.
They stopped, albeit without moving their hands away. “Um...”
“Don’t stop, Doctor.” Her eyes shone. “Don’t stop~”
“...” Well, it’s not like they could stop; the medi-gel had to be properly activated and applied, after all. Besides, they were both enjoying it...
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